tv Watters World FOX News June 3, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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commissioner told us that three male suspects were shot and killed and the best they were caring that appeared to be suicide vests were, in fact, a hoax. trace: brand-new information as we continue coverage of the two terror attacks in london. good evening, everyone. i'm trace gallagher at that looking at and breaking news desk in los angeles. we just moments ago heard from the london police in their first
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press briefing, just a short time ago, police said that six civilians have been killed and that three male attackers have been shot and killed, as well. there are 20 people who were injured. they did not go over the severity of their injuries. we know they were taken to some six local hospitals and we do not know what nationalities they are. we also just received a photo of what appeared to be a suspect in the attack being held on the ground by police. it's very unclear at this time if the person in the video is one of the three that were killed by police but remember police did say they believe there were three attackers and they got all three of them. if you are just now joining us tonight the timeline as we know it right now is as follows: just after 10:00 p.m. london time when is say a white van traveling around 50 miles an hour swerved up on the sidewalk and a plowed into a group of pedestrians. we do not know how many. some said 20, some say between
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four-seven. the london ambulance service has told us there were 20 people who were taken into six hospitals across london for treatment. the breakdown of those on the bridge and those in the market was not given. you can see images from the scene showing people who were running and police blocking the way to the bridge. they were also fearing people who had jumped into the water. the bridge, as you might imagine, is closed in both directions and the court in or perimeter as we say in this country is vast. were talking about several blocks. witnesses later reported seeing suspects jump out of that white van, curing 12-inch knife and moments later police responded to an unknown number of the stabbing at the borough market which is against the south side of the london bridge. saturday night in london, warm night, bars and restaurants that run along that area are packed with people, as you might imagine. as you've ever been there, that is a huge tourist attraction. these attacks come in less than two weeks after the bombing at the manchester arena which killed 22 people and left more than 100 others hurt. this marks the third attack in the uk in as many months as back
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in march for people were killed and attack on the westminster bridge. the suspect then stabbed and killed a nearby police officer. secretary of homeland security, john kelly has now been briefed on this incident and he has telling us that there is no specific and credible threat to the united states. at least, at this time there is no raised threat level in the uk. they raised it after the manchester attack, they lowered it but we do not know it's been raised. we do know to resume his meeting with her quote cobra unit, national security alliance to figure out what the next steps are. london please briefed the media just a moment ago. i want to listen to the whole thing in its entirety because it made big news. watch. >> good morning. since late evening on saturday the third of june the police have been responding to incidents on london bridge and the borough market of london. we are treating this as a terrorist incident and are called a full investigation is underway. this is led by london
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counterterrorism commands. you will understand that the incident is still growing and at the moment what we understand is as follows: eight minutes past 10:00 p.m. last night we began to receive reports that a vehicle had struck pedestrians on london bridge. the vehicle continue to drive from london bridge to borough market. the suspects left the vehicle, attempted to stab a number of people including an on-duty british constable police officer who was responding to the incident and he received serious injuries, virtually not life-threatening. his family has been informed. armed response officers responded quickly and bravely and confronted the three male suspects who were shot and killed in borough market. the suspects have been confronted and shot by police within eight minutes of the first call. the suspects were wearing what looked like explosive that's but these were later established to be hoaxes.
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the ongoing operation is led by the mets working closely with british transport police, city of london police in london ambulance and fire services. at this stage, we believe, that sadly, six people have died in addition to the three attackers shot by police. they are at least 20 casualties taken 26 hospitals across london and the numbers are still rising. i'd like to repeat our request for londoners to avoid the areas of london bridge and borough market to enable the emergent services to continue this operation. this investigation, as i said, is led by the counterterrorism commands and we ask for help from the public in the following ways: anyone who has images or film from the incident tonight, perhaps people in the area, upload it to w ww .-dot uk police image .-dot uk and you'll find that on various newsfeeds. of course, our thoughts are with
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those who are involved and mostly concerned about love ones in the area. they should be contacted at concert bureau which is open on 080-96-1233 so again if you're worried about someone in the area 080-96-1233. looking forward we are of course interviewing our plans and fixing across london and we in the forthcoming days you can expect to see more police resources across the capital. finally, it is the police. contact the police if you have any concerns. >> can you tell us. trace: a couple major headlines out of there. the death toll of course is now seen six civilians were killed and that three attackers believe are dead and they believe those are those who were for the time being, they do not believe they are looking for anyone else was involved in the initial attack.
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they haven't said anything about cells or offshoots or others who may have been involved in the planning stages et cetera. they said 20 people were taken to local hospitals and to update that the ambulance services saying 30 people were injured and taken to local hospitals. they did not talk about the injuries or about the breakdown and there is no word at all about where these people are from, what countries, if there from the uk, no information on that at all. he talked a little bit about those hoax bombs. we saw that in the concert, manchester attack where they exploded a couple of backpacks that were filled with old clothes. in this case, they had hoax bombs and there were explosions heard earlier and people were wondering if explosives were involved and now we know that was not a factor at all. this was, as witnesses say, over and over again witness testimony
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is sometimes unreliable and tonight it was right on the mark. this man went in across the london bridge, up on the sidewalk, hit a number of people and then a three attackers carrying it nice got out of that band, according to london police, went to the borough market market next-door and started stabbing people. witnesses say that various people inside the restaurants or in these bars and restaurants and they were throwing bottles at the attackers, putting chairs up to defend themselves, shots were fired and now we know the shots fired came from the police because all three of the attackers are now dead. us government official says intel showed that the threats targeting europe have been among the worst they have seen in a decade. for more on that list bring in garrett with live in the nation's capital. >> is important to emphasize that we've heard from the london please that it is still very early in the investigation. i can tell you while there has been not a claim of responsibility for these attac attacks, the method used in both driving a van into a crowd of
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people as well as stabbing with a knife bear the hallmarks of isis. over the last year we've seen the terrorist group repeatedly encourages followers to carry out attacks using vehicles and knives as weapons. it's in a propaganda magazine that isis has published detailed instructions of how to achieve maximum carnage with each method. we've seen it in these france, brussels, here in the us the knife attack last fall at ohio state university. while the terror group has not claimed responsibility for the attacks in london, earlier today, it did issue a call for muslims to kill christians. the isis monitoring group, memory, reports that call was circulated on dozens of semi- official isis channels on the telegram messaging app. it featured a poster written in english and arabic with pictures of a gun, knife and a large truck along with the statement: kill the civilians of the crusaders, run over them by
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vehicles, gain the benefit of ramadan. memory also points out that pretty hearty terrorist ramadan is considered the month of islamic conquest. that is also why a us government official tells us that they have been expecting to see a spike in violence during ramadan. critically, in europe where intelligence showed the threat are among the worst they've seen in a decade. back here at home, you mentioned, the department of homeland security has seen it's no information to indicate a credible threat but when i spoke to dhs secretary john kelly last week, he told me that we were still under constant threat of a terrorist attack. he mentioned, after aviation, the biggest threat comes from lone wolf attacks from individuals in the us have been radicalized. he said that what is still keeps them up at night. trace five live in dc, garrett mentioned ramadan is going on right now and he talked about
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these two other timing things where investigators will look at and one of them, of course, the concert, benefit concert being planned for the victims of the manchester attacks a couple weeks ago. that is going on on the cricket ground about 4 miles from the manchester arena for the attack happened. that will feature ariana grundy along with coldplay, justin bieber and a number of other performers. security on that will be extraordinarily tight. then you have the general elections in the uk, they are also coming up this week. you put the puzzle together, talking to investigators about what that means and will get more insight and analysis as we the hour goes on for more on how to see the trump administration is acting, let's bring in marianne lafferty and she joins us live in las vegas. marianne, what is the president saying about these attacks was
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that the president and the white house reacting simply on most social media. the president tweeting out a message of support saying whatever the united states can do to help out in london and the uk we will be there and we are with you, god bless. president trump going on to say we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need to travel ban as an extra level of safety. we also heard from sean spicer also treating national security team has briefed potus on the london bridge and will continue to provide updates. trace: what about the state department what advice are they giving to citizens in london or uk at this time? >> their urging vigilance. they're keeping a close eye on the events in london. we are closely monitoring the incident in london and our thoughts are lunch with the family and friends of those affected by the terrible situation. he goes on to say emergency services are currently responding, us citizens should he died at from local authorities and maintain
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security awareness and also view updates from london's metropolitan police, they say they stand ready to provide all possible assistance should they become aware of any effective us citizens. urging citizens to please monitor media and local information sources and to also factor in updated to their personal travel plans and two activities going on to say they strongly encourage us citizens to directly contact concerned family members back here in the us to advise them of their safety. trace. trace: , security is high now in the uk. we tend to see police departments here up their game whenever these things happen overseas.
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>> you just heard garrett talking about the fact that there's a constant threat here. the resounding message is vigilance. the department of homeland security also closely monitoring the ongoing situation in the uk, spokesman saying they are working with our interagency partners and foreign counterparts to gain further insight into the report attacks against civilian on london bridge and the surrounding area. also, us citizens in the area should, again, he direction from local security and maintain security awareness and encourage citizens who need assistance to contact the us embassy in london and also fall department state guidance where that concern. secretary has been fully briefed on the incident and the ongoing response and at this time, there is no information to indicate a specific, credible terrorist threat that is in the united states. we are again we are covered there and end by saying our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by these incidences. trace. trace: again, there are of course no threats, no credible,
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no specific dress in this country but you can bet, if you go to the airport tomorrow to see a stepped-up presence. marianne lafferty, standby for us. if you will. thank you for that. we go back a couple of weeks to the attack on the arena in manchester that killed 22 and the information the case was blowing out before police ever gave us a specifics. we knew in this country a lot of what was going on including very close numbers to the vet death toll in those were injured. tonight the information had been held very close to the best. we will update you coming up on what the police told us. it was fascinating. it was also devastating for a lot of people. death toll higher than what we thought. injury pulled higher than we we will talk with a counterterrorism analyst about the information london police gave us means for the uk and for this country. breaking is continuing on the london attacks here on fox newsu
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trace: breaking news continues here on fox news channel. the death toll is now at nine. six civilians and three attackers. the police believe they got all three of the attackers. the injury is now the injury toll is now at 30 and the ambulance service is now saying they took 30 people to six area hospitals in and around london. i want to bring in rom and is a counterterrorism analyst at the heritage foundation and i'm not sure, robin if you heard the news conference that we just heard moments ago from london police but it was very specific. they came out the information, they said this white man went on the london bridge, went on the sidewalk, hit an unknown number of people and then you had three attackers get out with knives, go to the market next door and start attacking people there. are you surprised we got that much specific detail this early
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in the game? >> yes, the police are very confident that the threat is somewhat contained. they seem to believe and what i've picked up on, what was implied, these were the three main attackers. the police had neutralized the threat and now, there beginning the process of trying to find out who were these people, how was that they slipped the security radar, were they on the radar before hand, and any potential copycat attacks in the days to come? trace: if you look at that perimeter, it's still very wide. in your estimation, what are they looking for, what else are they looking for in these blocks and blocks that have been court aren't off smart. >> look at what's happening with the manchester investigation at the moment. you still have arrests taking place that happened last week. arrests have been let go. police tend to have a whit wide
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dragnet because they want to scoop up any potential associates, any potential terrorist in the area and so they can get them in and question them and if there isn't any connection, they release them. they're very much taking a safety first approach at the moment and that means a wide perimeter. it will mean a wid series of ars in the day to come in i'll try to figure out who exactly was involved operationally with the rest of the network, if it is a larger network five just a reminder, 17 people were arrested in the manchester attack a couple weeks ago. were talking about a big white van that went down on the london bridge and then nice. what you make of those choices? >> terrace operating in europe, the use of these particular attacks have got such high yields for terrace. they're so hard to stop. trying to stop hiring a van or truck, buying a car, it's so hard for the security services,
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please to know which of those people to track the people doing that, which one will carry out an attack, knives are a lot easier to acquire. then to buy guns or construct suicide vest. this is very high reward, low risk for terrace. we saw it in westminster in march and were seeing it today again in london. trace: this is a pattern. what you make of it? >> i'm worried for the uk and i'm worried for them more broadly. over the past two years or so, past three years has really increased. we side begin with charlie in january 2015 and ever since then there's been a steady tempo of the tax and the best efforts of the government seems to be limited amounts do to stop them. it's ominous for the years in europe ahead. trace: that's a very
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frightening. thank you for joining us. we look at the video here and you talk about the people walking up the base. they had their hands up, reminiscent of columbine and since then we have seen this. standard operating procedure across the world where if you are not involved, the first thing you do is you put your hands up and you start walking off the bridge. you can try to help police deviate, differentiate between the good guys and bad guys, for lack of a better term. we come up next, got information about some tourists who were on the bridge, in the area, witness what they went through and what it was like when that band came careening across the london bridge at 50 plus miles an hour. continuing coverage of breaking news, the two attacks on london on fox news channel
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trace: if you are just now joining us on fox news channel, the death toll is now at six civilians and the number of injured is at 30. those are the number of people that were taken by ambulance to six local hospitals in and around the london area. what we don't know is we do not know, sorry bismarck president trump with breaking news president trump has called prime minister offering your support and, of course, the conversation we do not know the specifics but earlier the president sent out treats saying that he, in fact, was praying for the people in london and thought and prayers are with them and that we, of course, stand with them. teresa and the president speaking just moments ago. when we go back to the interview we have of them for us in the area remember that the people walking up the bridge, those were killed, those who were injured in this we do not know
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where they were from. listen to our sister network sky news and one of the tourists they talk to who was in the area at the time. >> describe to me what the situation was with you? >> , we were in front of the borough market in an air b&b on the third floor. we heard gunshots, crashes and as we looked outside the first thing we saw was confusion in the streets and then, you know, please, people were running in different directions, police were able to come. >> people were telling to evacuate and we were looking out her windows and see what was going on we just heard gunshots and they crashes. then they told us to evacuate. >> how many please set the stage? >> in the beginning there were many but very quickly within five minutes an insurmountable
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amount of police officers, firefighters, ambulances, kept running through and kept going by the minute. which is great. the level of confusion and stress that was going on beforehand. >> then you were you directed in a certain way? >> they told us to get away as far as possible. >> did explain what was happening? >> yeah, gunshots and loud noises. >> they didn't tell us what was occurring, all they told us was that for our safety we needed to get as far away from the location. we were staying inside with our stuff but they said to leave the stuff in our room and run away as far as we can. >> did they go into the air b&b? >> know we were peeking out of the window and they told us to come down. it was up to us. >> five floors up you are not safe and there? >> you got to get out and get out now. we saw people getting out of their apartments and they didn't even have shoes on in their pajamas. it was pretty genetic experien
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experience. >> did you see anything else? you honestly didn't see the attackers. >> we didn't see the attackers. all we saw was the aftermath. everything that happened after that pretty much, it was a lot of thankfully, we were able to take control the situation and able to direct the traffic of people coming because they were people -- >> anyone injured? >> ambulance coming in and saw a few coming out but we've heard there's been a decent amount of injuries and some casualties. >> i understand you're flying home tomorrow. >> were from canada and they told us to leave. we left all of our luggage back there and we have a flight to catch tomorrow. i'm trying to figure out how we'll get back. >> we came up with the nbc-tv show. >> your answers.
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yeah, right. we came to help that out and we have a flight back tomorrow for our premier were not. >> i understand that you been on facebook and people have offered new places to stay tonight? >> people are so nice. strangers have been offering out of nowhere and asking us if we needed a place to sleep. >> they been asking in general. for us, we had a following who have followed us throughout our journey here and as we posted what was going on and they responded and again, a friend of ours who spent following us through facebook told us they have a place to for us to stay. >> someone is on their way down to pick you up. >> thankfully. it's been a stressful few hours without our stuff or anything. >> were not from here so we been wondering trying to figure out where we can go. >> i'm glad you have somewhere to stay. thank you very much. thank you for your time. trace: this is a fox news alerts, continuing coverage.
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two terror attacks in london, i'm trace gallagher at the breaking news desk in los angeles. president trump calling the british prime minister offering support after the two terror attacks. three attackers by london police were shot and killed. police say they were wearing a fake bomb vest. six civilians were also killed. one officer was staffed and we are told his injuries are serious but not life-threatening. police say it all started when a van plowed into a group of pedestrians on the london bridge. it happened just after 10:00 p.m. local time in london. you can see the pictures now from the scene showing the people who are running. police were blocking their way trying to get them off the bridge and escorting them in various directions, some of them had their hands up. the bridge has been closed for hours now in both directions and
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they have quartered off a vast portion of the area around the bridge. blocks and blocks. the van, suspect man, continued on to borough market where witnesses say that suspects jumped out of the car, carrying 12-inch nice. the attacks coming less than two weeks after the bombing of the manchester arena which killed 22 people and left more than 100 others injured. i want to bring back in former michigan congressman pete hoekstra is a former member of the, shared the house to tell the committee and congressman, we talked earlier about the weapon choice. the van and the nights. they were wearing these fake suicide bomb vest. what you make of that? >> clearly, this is what isis has been encouraging their devotees to use. in some places, these are the only weapons that are available to them or easily available to them. weapons that are not very easily tracked. yet, can do significant damages as were seen tonight.
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trace: as we go back to the manchester tack a couple of weeks ago, that was a bomb, one of the first thing they did was they got on scene and picking up the shrapnel that was in those that were injured trying to figure out who made the bomb. we talk about the nexus between that attack and this attack rate doesn't tell you that they didn't have access to the same network because they couldn't get explosive devices? or again, is it reading too much into the tvs? >> number one they are connected in terms of inspirational he. they are connected. he probably didn't have a physical communications. they probably weren't directed by a central organization. one individual had the opportunity to travel back to libya, to meet with a bomb maker in libya was affiliated with isis. he came back and have that capability. he acted on it. these individuals, you know, they're saying where it there earlier.
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election, benefit concert, the beginning of ramadan and they're saying, hey, we will strike. isis has encouraged us to strike and this is what's available to us right now. will use it and will go. trace: i'm fascinated by the fact that a couple days ago we had what looked like a terror attack in manila in the philippines. it ended up killing a couple dozen people because of a fire in the police there say it wasn't a terror attack but just some disgruntled man. immediately, on these terror websites isis took responsibility and if my assumption that there will be some claim of responsibility for this. is isis really really taking responsibility? or are we believing that they are really responsibility for these attacks just because of the inspiration? >> i think, number one, they'll take credit where they believe they can get credit.
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where law enforcement may not be able to ascribe the motivation anywhere else. i think, in these kind of cases isis is responsible but again it's motivational. it's not that they directed these people to do it other than through indirect means of social media and their propaganda. trace: does it diminish their capacity, at all, congressman, when they take credit for something that clearly was not done on behalf of isis? >> it diminishes their credibility in terms of saying they're spouting propaganda and you have to discern their message and be discerning when you read and listen to what they have to say. their credibility clearly is established. like i said earlier, the threat from radical islam, 30000 people dying every year as in 2015, that number was 3000 every year from 2001-2007.
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spreading into europe and spreading into asia, northern africa, middle east, they have all the credibility that they need right now. they are on the move. they are striking at the heart of the west, in london, in paris, brussels, germany. they have all the credibility they need. trace: is interesting because i know you have been these type of intel meetings and tomorrow teresa mae will meet with her cobra team, her national security team to talk about the next steps. what do they talk about? three attacks in three months. what's top of the agenda perspective do they raise the threat level and what happened next in the uk? >> number one they'll be concerned about what we know about other impending threats that are out there thomas was on our radar screen, what individuals, what groups and organizations. will do everything they can to prevent a repeat of this in the
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next week, two-three weeks. after number one focus. the longer term focus is how do we minimize this threat long-term perspective what do we do with the united states and nato strike while we do with our friends in the middle east? how do we eliminate and diminish the start long-term and they will have to do a very hard assessment because people in the uk are not going to be satisfied with the government that is putting more police on the streets and soldiers on the streets to react to these events and responding in eight minutes i think is, wow, impressive but it's not good enough. the citizens of europe and the uk are going to want to see this threat diminished and these attacks stopped and it will be very, very difficult just because of the magnitude of the threat environment in the uk today.
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trace: that's great analysis right there, congressman. i want to take you back to back when they had the aviation threat like a decade ago in the uk, they foiled the stress of blowing up airliners over the atlantic and everyone said man, man, they had intel, they are good at this, they been doing it a long time, now you have three attacks in three months and all of a sudden the confidence level of the people over there, it really does, go down a bit. >> it goes down because there's no way you can have enough law enforcement. you can't have enough people in mi five, mi six to deal with the scope of practice. someone earlier tonight that it takes 60 people to track one potential jihadist attacker. they had identified something like 23000 potential jihadist in the uk. they don't have 1 million people to watch 23000 people. trace: they're good. you just can't be meticulous. >> the numbers are working against you. trace: yeah, they are pretty
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former michigan congressman, pete hoekstra. thank you. we are the benefit, of course, we have a sitter on transistor network, sky news, they been on point and they been extraordinarily good. let's dip back into their coverage and find out any updates they've got. >> very popular bar, of course, this is a saturday night out in london, about 10:00 p.m. at night and that area would have been bustling. i got here on the scene at 11:3e nightclubs and bars in this area and people were shocked about the police president here. when i first got here the street was full with police officers and ambulances, fire and there was a degree of panic. throughout the night more security came here and even now, members of the army are on the
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street to make sure people feel safe. the cord on his particularly large and people are stranded and and people are unable to leave the sport and off area and there's a sense of shock that a terror attack has happened in london and six people have sadly lost their lives. just want to show you, this area of london is completely deserted. on a saturday night, this would've been quite busy, lot of restaurants and bars and a very large but nobody is going anywhere near london bridge on sunday. >> let's talk to liverpool street where some of the injured are being treated.
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we heard about the 20 people who been taken six hospitals around london but what are we talking about in terms of those people who are walking wounded after what happened last night? >> yes, i'm outside this hotel in liverpool street which is an informal triage center, really. it's 15-20 minute walk from london bridge. those that were able to then came to this hotel. you can see behind me there is armed police presence here and there have been queues of taxis lined up outside the hotel and there seems what has been happening is that there's to get there and immediately needed didn't need that urgent care that those people were brought to this hotel and we were unable to go inside but talking to
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people who have been coming out it sounds like they have been given a statement, they have medical conditions assessed and then they had been brought back out side. they been wearing armbands that indicate they have been gone through that process. we assume they been taken home. twenty people have been taken to hospitals, six hospitals across the capital and we don't know the severity of the injuries of these people that have gone to the hospitals but we've also been speaking to people who have gathered outside this hotel because they've heard that it is a center for people who have been gathering this mike i spoke to a group of young men were looking for their friends who was in the london bridge area and they been trying to reach him by telephone but have been unable to do so. they came to this hotel to see if they could find him and find out his condition and to try to find out any information about him that they could. although, metropolitan police have given an emergency phone
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number for people to call if they are trying to find a family member, loved ones who may have been caught up in the events of saturday night. >> katerina, thank you. will make sure that we've got that number for you on screen when we can. let's put this in the context of what happened. we have this video which was taken from the building overlooking the scene of the attack. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> these pictures of the borough market where the secondary attacks to place. this is a scene at the wright brothers oysters where the report of the two men armed with knives and things around their waists, we've been hearing about, they were taken to the seller and this is what when please help them. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible]
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to you again in a couple minutes but the view from the upper part of the building of borough market marketplace gives you an idea what was going on in that area and how close it was to the london bridge. that was the first time it was on the air there and will show it in a few minutes. i want to bring a terrorism analyst and the author of isis, exposed and you look at these weapons, the van, the knives, the phony suicide vests and is this the hallmark of isis? >> absolutely. this with the isis blueprint. smaller scale this is in a 911 magnitude but still lethal and horrific. low-tech, inexpensive, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to get in a van and mow people down on a bridge and jump out with knives. this is absolutely, traits, the blueprint of isis and jihadist today. they're quite accurate here that the smaller scale attacks are
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effective. trace, what they want to do basically is turned western cities into many guerrilla war zones where you're having these kinds of attacks on a regular basis and they're having great success with it. look at the track record manchester, london, paris, brussels, nice. list goes on. trace: you go back to the manchester arena you have the ariana got a concert and a bunch of children there, you have this where you have tourist and you go back to-three months to the westminster bridge attacks and you have tourist so you clearly they're going after a psychological advantage here. >> they are.
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this is the definition of terror. psychological terror hitting you when you least expect it. you're in a situation now where you're always looking over your shoulder. that the definition of terror and that is a tactic we are up against a. it's similar to what israel has faced over the past several decades, whether it's a stabbing, shooting, car amines, shopping malls, right now, we are experiencing here in the west what israel has been experiencing for decades. now it has come to our shores. trace: it's very hard though, i've been in israel a number of times in the security over there is quite good but it is extensive. you give up a lot of your rights to have that security. people in the west, eric, are not willing to give up their freedoms that easily. >> that's true. if these contacts continue we will have difficult questions to ask and different measures to take. to that point, many times these attackers in the last, they are known to authorities before hand. that's one of the most frustrating things here. you wonder about how many lives could be saved many times. look at manchester. they are on intelligence radars in several of these attacks and unfortunately, after they carry out mass carnage and jihadist terror then authorities say yeah we knew about them and they were on our radar screen.
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it would be wise of us to move in before it gets to that point where these jihadists are actually carrying out attacks. trace: these guys are good. like pete hoekstra, former congressman of michigan said less likely, they're outnumbered. they have good intelligence but they're outnumbered, they just don't have the resources to do what you say and go and arrest everybody who flies on their radar. >> right, political correctness plays a part there. that is a great point. in london, in the uk for instance, reportedly thousands of radical islam it, isis sympathizers and a key point here, trace, we don't know about the attackers tonight about whether they had direct links to
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isis or whether they fought overseas but were seen the returnees and their trickling back home. we've had thousands of western europeans, brits, friends, swedes, leave their comfortable lies in the west, go to syria to train with isis and now they are returning home, battle hardened, battle tested. yet the returnees which is a major threat and the soft starters who are radicalized online. trace: eric, good information, good insights.y og thank you you talk about a warm london night and the tourist areas were packed. it was supposed to be a weekend it was supposed to be a weekend of healing. it didn't turn out that way. much more on that, next the all new genesis ii series featuring gs4, weber4s brand new high performance grilling engine. go to for more information. more "doing chores for dad" per roll more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer...
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our current belief is there were three attackers that early on as we have some inquiries to work through have complete confidence. trace: he believes they have the three attackers involved in tonight attack but there could be other cells, other people who help them or were involved in this. you go back to the manchester attack a couple weeks ago there were 17 people arrested in that. they were certainly being
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arrested coming in the hours and days to come as daylight comes up in london nearing 5:00 a.m. in the morning there. keep in mind that what they didn't tell you and that soundbite was this just went up as the witnesses laid it out for us. it was the white van coming across the london bridge, going up on the sidewalk, hitting a number of pedestrians, seven, eight, 20, no one had the exact number and we do know 30 people in all were injured and taken to local hospitals. the breakdown of the six were killed was not given, we do not know how many were actually from the stabbing or how many were from the van running down the people. we do know that when the van did the pedestrians the back doors of the van opened up and three attackers came out and they were wearing what looked like that. they look like suicide vest with canisters and some witnesses describe 12-inch nice. they went just 50 yards to
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borough market on the south side of london bridge where it's just a group of restaurants and bars they are that on a warm, london, saturday night were packed with people having a good time. they went in there and started stabbing people. witnesses say people started fighting back, throwing bottles at them, throwing were finally shot and killed by police. final preparations are now underway for sunday's one love manchester benefit concert. remember, of course, security was expected to be high and proceeds will go to an emergency fund set up by the city of manchester and the british red cross. music fans say they are better for a celebration of love and unity. we have dinner ariana grandes headlining in that event and she's already tweeted about these latest attacks trained for london, the singer made up
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surprise visit to fans that were still in the hospital after a bomber attacked her concert in manchester. the popstar going from room to room talking to patients and posing for photos in addition to ariana grande, justin bieber, coldplay, miley cyrus and others are scheduled to perform last month a bomber killed 22 people and injured many more as fans were leaving her concert. the attacker died in 17 people had been arrested. did you know f couples disagree on mattress firmness? fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store... oh, and right now, save $200 on our queen c2 mattresses now only $699. ends sunday. go to for a store near you. new carrabba's trios starting at only $14.99. choose one of three pastas...
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bring 'em on. dawn ultra has 3 times more grease-cleaning power. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. >> breaking tonight, a search for answers in london after multiple terror attacks in two separate locations kill at least six people only more than 30 injured. good evening, i am trace gallagher in los angeles. we have been following developments in the u.k. for the past seven hours since somebody drove a speeding white van into a crowd of pedestrians on the london bridge, mowing down several people. anywhere from 7 - 20. around the same time at least three men armed with large knives got out of the van. they open the back doors and went
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