tv Watters World FOX News June 3, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> a fox news alert. another terror attack striking great britain killing at least six people as they enjoyed saturday night out. >> the nightmare began when a van carrying three suspects suddenly plowed into a group of pedestrians on the london bridge. this was after 10:00 o'clock on saturday night. police close the bridge but the van broke through heading to borough market where a bunch of restaurants are located. three suspects jumped out
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carrying 12-inch knives. eyewitnesses say there were tense moments. >> to people behind him. in three shots. [inaudible] >> dozens of people were injured in the attacks including a police officer. the suspects were killed by police. these attacks come after a bombing at a concert in manchester. twenty people died and more than 100 were injured. two more attacks in the u.k., tonight's attack coming less than two weeks after that london bombing. we are joined with the latest information.
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>> the attack situation seems to be under control according to please. the details are emerging literally by the minute. let's go through those casualty tolls which are building by the minute as well. at least six have been killed in this attack. the new figure were getting on the internet is 48. we're told they're being treated at five different hospitals one of those people being treated is a police officer. eighty medics were at the scene of the attack and treating more of the walking wounded. many more than 48 on the injured side. the three attackers are shot and killed as well. were getting information about the movement of the attacker that they were in a white van on the north side of that london bridge which crosses the river.
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they spend around 50 miles per hour across the bridge swerving onto the sidewalk than the road, hitting pedestrians then they smashed into some balusters at the end of the bridge. they didn't stop, they hopped out and ran about five or six blocks to the borough market area on the south side of the river. for people who know new york the best comparison i can make the south street seaport. it has shops and restaurants and markets. that is when they went on their stabbing spree there. people said they were wearing what look like suicide vest. they been destroyed described as fake by some accounts but maybe just malfunctioning by other accounts. eyewitnesses say they were screaming out, god is great. no confirmation of that but it
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is feeding into the narrative coming from the prime minister's office and the police officer that this is being treated as a terror attack. one with a few differences. we've seen vehicles hitting pedestrians and bridges before. the end of march we've seen that a few bridges down the river from where this occurred. we haven't seen the numbers of three different people involved in the attack. it is being scrutinized now, very shortly in emergency session with prime minister may who alerted president trump about this. president trump tweeted and offered help. another note on the political side, there are parliamentary elections on thursday to decide the makeup of the new parliament. to decide who will be the prime minister in the next five years.
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they just voted on brexit breaking away from the european union that campaigning is now suspended. all focus on this attack. >> live in london, thank you. >> the department of homeland security in the united states says it's closely monitoring the events. rick joins us from the washington bureau. what arm americans in london being told to do? >> all alerts of the state department and anything out there if they need help to contact the u.s. it embassy. the secretary has been briefed on the incidences. we have no information to look at a credible threat of the united states. but people should heed direction
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from local authorities. and seek the u.s. embassy for any help they need. no indication that the six killed and wounded were u.s. citizens. john kelly told fox news earlier that he worries we are right around the corner from having an attack but for the tireless work of dhs. after aviation the biggest threat is a logo for tax similar to what we saw tonight. president trump has been briefed and spoke with prime minister tresa me expressing his condolences praising the first responders. the president tweeted quote whatever the united states can do to help out in london in the u.k., we will be there. we are with you, god bless. he tweeted his sentiment saying
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that we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need level of safety. in the aftermath of manchester. they're stepping up security and said there no specific credible threats in new york city, go about your saturday night. nypd cops are protecting you. our prayers are with all of london. while isis is not claimed responsibility yet but it's hallmarks of an isis attack. >> it takes a day or two sometimes before isis comes out and issues communication taking credit for a terrorist attack. >> with more insight into last night's terror attack, andrew a former u.s. intelligence officer. so isis is not taking responsibility but they
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encourage attacks during ramadan the from an intel standpoint is there a way to predict or prevent something? the best way is through human intelligence including recruiting agents of those who might have some knowledge of who is behaving strangely or more extreme and radical. the trouble is you have to balance that human intelligence which comes through engagement with the need for technical intelligence. surveillance and wiretapping conflicts with building goodwill in the local population. >> with the attack itself they're going more for the soft targets. certain areas are heavily fortified. but then there places where people gather and there's not really protection. >> in the u.k. there's an additional hurdle which is very
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few cops carry weapons. in london more than 90% of the place to not carry a firearm. unfortunately that's a tradition that dates back to the early 1800s. what it means is almost every target is a soft target. compare that to new york city we see armed cops everywhere. particularly in places where people gather. >> back to the root of the problem, how do we cut off the head of the snake and stop isis from spreading? >> first you smash it at its source in syria and iraq. the core of the problem is the radical jihadists ideology that is exported out of the middle east. it comes down to an extremely intolerant form of islam that others support around the world that is not necessarily itself
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finally but it harbors such intolerance that it's easy for someone who wants to commit violence to committed against christians, jews or whoever. >> it's very difficult to stop anything on the internet. >> it's a tough nut to crack. the tech companies don't want to look like they're surveilling anything in there under tremendous political pressure on their own pressure to crackdown against hate speech and radical speech including non- terrorist social media. here, london's mayor is speaking now. will listen and.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> this is the set up apparently. the mayor is waiting for the camera and the reporters in position. we should point out the assistant commissioner of the metropolitan police has made it clear that this is an act of terrorism. no question about that. we would expect the mayor to reiterate that. he will also be asking questions by reporters about the safety of londoners and about the wisdom of holding a concert tomorrow were many people will be gathered and their safety could be called into question because
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it is a classic soft target as we said manchester. >> it is a difficult call. he feels like while we don't want it cancel the concert given housetrained the police resources are dealing with the other attacks including this one it might not be the worst thing to postpone the concert. >> let's listen and before the mayor speaks to her sister network in london. >> it's a statement from the conservative party. in the early hours there is a party agreement to suspend national campaigning on this occasion for now from the they will not continue with national campaigning. there's only four days of campaigning left before the general election. it is difficult but that is what we've heard from a spokesperson
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to the prime minister. i probably expect the other parties to follow suit. >> thank you. we hear now from the mayor of london. >> there are not words to describe the grief and anger that we are feeling today. i'm appalled imperious that these cowardly terrorists would target innocent bystanders enjoying their saturday night. there can be no justification for the acts of these terrorist and i'm clear that we will never let them win. >> i've been in close contact with the officers throughout the night, six people have been killed, more than 40 have been
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injured and taken to hospitals across london. some of them are afraid are critical. the emergency services were heroically as a result of their swift actions few people have died than otherwise would be the case. injuries are less bad than they could have been. >> in terms of police reaction was very quick to apprehend the individuals involved. you confident that the threat is over and they've caught all involve. >> i've been in for 13 months in we have the best services of the world. they plan, prepare and rehearse for these we saw that response last night. we saw the speed at which they shot the terrorist and how they help the injured as well. there's some things i cannot
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talk about you but after the government kober meeting which i'll be attending will be able to tell the public what's going on. people should remain, vigilant and carry on with their business. the threat will remain severe that means an attack across the country is still highly likely and so if we see anything suspicious please report it. >> and will you be discussing? >> there's that various bodies around the table, will be looking at the investigation that unfolds. this normally happens after these horrific attacks. and after cobra i'm sure the police will make a statement. >> of this is the second time of
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this attack we have someone using the vehicle on then using knives, how do you stop this from happening? >> just like terrorists are involved in finding new ways to attack us, the police and experts are finding new ways to keep us safe. london will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. no reason to be alarmed. we need to make sure that we are safe as we can be. i'm reassured that are one of the safest global cities in the world. >> there will be many people out there who think that it's too dangerous to go out, what would you say. >> one of these things they want to do is stop us from enjoying the freedoms that we have in the
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mingling and mixing, they want to stop us voting on thursday for the general election. we cannot allow that. we cannot let them win. and as seen in previous years and decades will see that again in the next few days and weeks. >> the terror threat was brought back down, with what happened overnight is that fake? >> no those who have analyzed the threat level has been severe. across the country it means an attack is highly likely. in the days following the attack it was raised to critical because the police and experts were pursuing and they weren't sure if other people involved in
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critical means an attack is intimate. set a very high level. all of us have responsibility to be vigilant. you need to report anything to the authorities and the experts. over the next few days you'll be seeing increased police presen presence, all working hard to keep us safe. >> in this happened just days before a general election. the attack again on westminster an attack on our democracy, is britain's democracy under attack? >> though be responding to the attack the last night but the general election taking place this thursday one of the great things about our way of life is elections are wonderful things. that's something that terrorists
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hate. one of things that we can do is show that we're not be cowards. in we have right. >> the conservatives have suspended campaigning to thinks that's the right thing to do before the general election? >> i can understand why people do not want to be campesina knocking on doors. but the election is going to be in thursday, it's important that we do it we can to make sure we are safe and those things will be stored they do today. >> is there an argument for postponing the election? >> no. i believe in democracy. the making sure that we recognize that one of the things the terrorists hates is elections in the public choosing
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they killed six and wounded dozens of others in a series of attacks before being killed by police. greg has the latest. >> hello. in the past 20 minutes we've heard from the mayor for of london. he did not mix words. he called it horrific and deliberate. he called a cowardly the most are partly, he called it a terror attack. this is with her more details of the toll of this attack. six are dead, 48 injured, among the injured is a police officer at the base of the london bridge where it occurred. french citizens were injured in the attack as well. eighty medics were at the scene treating other wounded. that injured figures much higher than 48. it looked like there were walking wounded as well.
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the three attackers were shot and killed. more details and imagery on the grid. this happened on the london bridge, one of the most famous in london. a white van was traveling from the north to the south. it appears he went onto the sidewalk with his van around 50 miles per hour. halfway across the bridge and we have seen grisly imagery, body on the sidewalk and on the street hit by this van before it smashed into a building at the end of the bridge. the terror was not over. then the back of the van opened up in three guys jumped out wielding foot-long hunting knives area cry now, this is for all of, all it is the muslim word for god. then stabbing their way through the borough market on the south
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side of the river. if you know the seaport its former restaurants, bars and pubs going in and out of several stabbing one person three times and at one point after this terror spree was going on the police closed in, shot and killed them. again, being treated as a terror attack evidence being gathered at the scene one of the busiest areas of the city of london. the prime minister meeting shortly with her antiterrorist emergency meeting on deciding whether to raise the level to the most severe. it had been dropped to a secondary level about a week ago. less than two weeks ago we saw the horror in manchester at the
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concert venue were 22 were killed. ten weeks ago we saw a similar attack happening on the westminster bridge down the river. unfortunately for the metropolitan police and scotland yard this is beginning to look like the new normal, horrible normal. >> let's hope not. thank you. >> joining us from the washington news borough is from the senate for security policy. fred, it is good to see. i want to get your reaction from john kelly who is the secretary of homeland security. he said we are around the corner from having the same thing happen in the united states. but for the excellent women in the law-enforcement. is he right about
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>> what would you say to americans who are thinking about going over there? the list goes on and on. >> personally i would not hesitate to visit london. i think british security is excellent. they will look at what happened. my position is that we cannot let the terrorists went but i think london is a safe city. >> in the last 18 months, nine
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soft target terrorist attacks and in four of them vehicles were used. what you make of that? >> isis has adapted to new security environment. and knows it's difficult to attack these targets like airliners and airports. they are now attacking outside of security perimeters. soft targets. they know that it's impossible to garden safeguard every inch of a major city. we have to come at this from another angle and look at the audiology and stop policies like in the u.k. that is making it harder to assimilate muslim populations. >> thank you for being with us. >> coming up, more on the deadly terror attacks in the heart of london. stay with fox news for continuing live coverage.
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were in the u.s. about similar attacks? joining us is steve rogers. thanks for being with us. does the u.s. have to worry? >> the fbi and the national security agencies are the best in the world. i believe their preventative tax here. we always have to be vigilant and make sure people in the streets, if you see something say something, the citizens of this country are part of the team that will protect this country. worried, yes but keep in mind we are safe in this country. >> also if you see something, say something. you saw the london mayor city comments now what did you think of that? >> it takes me back to when a spoke a few weeks ago and their words were, we are losing our country. the mayor said what he had to say. he's a politician. he's not going to say it's a dangerous city. i believe london is a dangerous place to be.
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>> thank you for being with us today. more ahead an extended coverage on saturday nights terrorist attack on london. >> stay with us. the latest death toll is six, 48 are injured, three of the terrorists are dead. we will update you with more, after this. these days families want to be connected 24/7.
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this is the third time great britain has been targeted in the past few months. bill gavin, former fbi assistant directors joining us. you think we need to chec change dynamic in paradigm, what you mean by that? >> we look at immigrants and coming into the countries, countries have accepted them in they come in, some of these radical muslim extremists come in as well. the young men who should be vetted better. they refuse to be assimilated. they set up their own mini caliphate. in many cases please will not go to help get them assimilated. the politicians i called them powder puff politicians. they look at the individual soul
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is voters. look at what is happened in the u.k., they are doing and next line job defensively following up on the incidence. the bottom line is we have to go on the offense. that's where the terrorists are, they are on the offense. we look at the u.k. right now but in our own country we have to be careful. there are little pockets here as well. when you have sanctuary cities where you don't want to look at immigrants as people to toss out if they don't belong here were going to be in the same circumstances. >> it is much less prevalent here than say for example, in a place like london, right? there muslim population is
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i'm sorry, nobody likes the word profiling but you have to look at the situation. what are they coming here for and where have they been? if you can't tell that you have to protect your country. the united states doesn't excellent job at that but sooner or later things could happen. >> to what extent should we still be worried about influence by terrorist organizations including isis through the internet? the type of propaganda they put a either directly or indirectly inspire attacks in the united states. >> the problem is we can look at one direction. we have to be in a 360 scan all of the time. that is our big problem. you have individuals leading a decent life and become radicalized based on a
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propensity and recruitment of isis over the internet. it happens. it's not an easy task for law enforcement or intelligent agencies. it's one way been good at. it's not if, it's when. we have to be right 100% of the time. >> do we need to devote more money to internet websites that we need to look at a monitor? i only have 30 seconds left. >> the problem is there so much out there so few law-enforcement folks to monitor that. we do need to get more monitoring in that. but, can we do it with the amount of people, the answer is no. >> they don't called the world wide web for nothing.
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five fox news alert, terror striking in the heart of labor i'm greg jarrett and i'm. >> dozens other injured. one police officer was stabbed and were told's injuries are serious but not life-threatening. three attackers were shot and killed shortly after the attack and the mayor of london spoke out moments ago and condemned the attacks and effort this message to londoners. >> i'm appalled and furious that these cowardly terrorists who deliberately tag your target bystanders and join their saturday night. there can be no justification for the acts of these terrorists and i'm quite clear we will never let the
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