tv Fox and Friends First FOX News June 5, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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take a listen. >> we do believe we know who they are. we have made a number of arrests. we are trying to find out whether anybody was helping them and to understand the background to this attack as best we possibly can. the investigation must come first. and i will be focusing entirely on that. reporter: now, there are already recriminations coming about one of the attackers said to have been known to police for at least low level recruiting to the islamist extremist cause. isis, as expected, claiming responsibility. the tailtales of horror continue they used white rental van to plow into preds on london bridge and three attackers got out of van and stabbed patrons in area bars and patrons not far from here. seven were killed. 48 remain in the hospital, injured.
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and 21 of them, we are told are still in critical condition. the first of those dead have been identified, sadly, 31-year-old canadian woman christine archibald. she died when she was hit by the van, along with a british. there are other nationalities who were victims. no word that any americans were involved in this attack. along with the tales of horror though, tales of bravery as well. people standing up to these guys, fighting them and, unfortunately, getting hurt in the process. government fighting back too, threatening to tighten anti-terror laws. it is election week. thursday national elections campaigning, resuming today with-a tougher edge. jack jacjackie: grawnd returns to perform for her fans. >> i think the kind of love
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and unity is the medicine of the world we need right now. jackie: justin beenter cold play and miley cyrus to perform at the one love concert. rendition of over the rainbow. listen. ♪ somewhere over the rainbow jackie: gives you chills must be so emotional. all proceeds go to the victims of the bombing. rob: leaders are trying to stand in president trump's way. policies which he says are meant to protect the united states. griff jenkins is live in washington with more on that. hey, griff. >> hey rob and jackie, good morning. president trump responding to the terror attacks last night with a fundraiser in washington at ford's theater
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vowing to do what is necessary to protect the american people. >> this blood shed must end. this blood shed will end. [ applause ] as president, i will do what is necessary to prevent this threat from spreading to our shores and work every single day to protect the safety and security of our country. our communities, and our people. >> it was his first public comment since the terror on london bridge. he offered support to londoners and renewed call for travel ban he said, quote, we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights and travel ban as an extra level of safety. that tweet just hours after the attack drew criticism and sparked a debate on the sunday talk shows. former national security advisor susan rice says there is no evidence the travel ban would keep us safe.
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>> there is really no evidence to suggest that by banning muslims or banning muslims from a particular set of six countries that we would make ourselves here in the united states safer and that's, i believe, one of the major reasons why the courts, thus far, have been very skeptical of the travel ban. >> to recap, the ban would halt new visas have been iran, some mall la, sudan and libya. push last week thursday in court filings, where the administration asked the supreme court to immediately reinstate this travel ban. rob and jackie i'm guessing we will hear more about in this week. rob: never ends. jackie: immediately following a the attack, president trump took to twitter criticizing that chron. rob: president of the securities study group and
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led counter terrorism operations in the army special forces. jim, thanks so much for being on today. >> good morning. rob: let's start off by president trump wrote out that tweet saying giving the mayor -- giving him a bad time by saying you shouldn't be alarmed. that might have been taken out of context. this is a mayor who said terror attacks are part of living in a major city. what do you have to say about the way he is handling this so far. >> i think it was probably a mistake to make the tweet about being alarmed statement. however, mayor khan has had very sketchy connections in the past. muslim council in britain. supported use of a muslim brother leader said something about suicide bombings, oppression of women and any other things. supporting a guy who said those awful things and being a member of an organization like that, in addition, he also said that the july 7th, 2007 bombings where 52
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londoners died were caused by british foreign policy. i think if the president sticks to legitimate criticisms of mayor khan, perhaps he could push him in the right direction. jackie: speaking of things that chan had said that has gotten people heated if you will. this was a tweet sent out saturday or friday before the massacre. this is a tweet it says climate change remains one of the biggest risks to humidity. now more than ever world leaders must recognize and act on this threat. really? >> yeah. no i don't think so. i think climate change is obviously an issue. it is hardly the national security issue of the day. and i think if mayor chan would spend more time looking at the i didn't juwaadists in the midst of london rather than doing that he might be doing his citizens better service. rob: there has been a little chatter and one question on msnbc asked with regards to the thinking that president trump may want terrorist attacks to happen because it works towards his agenda. i think you could also say that many on the left are
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trying to deny that they occur. what are your thoughts there? >> that's kind of obscene thing but it's unsurprising from the fever swamps of msnbc. the president is trying to keep the world safe and is he trying to implement policies that would keep us all safe. so when you have got liberal activist judges substituting their judgment for his about national security, they've subverted the proper role of the separation of powers in the constitution. hopefully as griff jenkins report said the supreme court is taking up the travel ban and subvert the halts to the travel ban and stop people coming here who don't share our values. jackie: i imagine that travel ban is going to be big especially in the next week talking about how it could save us from potential terrorist attack. thanks, jim, we will you have in the next half hour. the time is now 7 after the hour. russian president vladimir putin sending a strong message about the coverage
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and creation of fake news. listen. >> created sensation out of nothing. you people are so creative over there. good job. your lives must be boring. jackie: what he had to say about the accusations of his country meddling in the u.s. election. rob: also immigrant outrage. the stated now helping immigrants to get their drivers license -- illegal immigrants by offering them free translators jackie: london police have a three step solution to fight terror, run, hide and remix? >> ♪ oh, something bad ♪ now me and that girl that i met on the street ♪ were rolling down the street ♪
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terror attacks. gohmert saying liberals are too soft on terror and that helped lead to president trump's election. >> we have seen these things coming. we've been trying to talk about them and let people know. the heartland knew these things were coming and that's why they elected donald trump. so thank god that he understands the seriousness of this issue and he is not being distracted by people who want to scream about political correctness because we're talking about people's lives. rob: gohmert also blasting the judges who els holding up te president's travel ban. even calling for some of them to be impeached and thrown out. jackie: out-of-control violence sparking arrests as protesters try to shut down a pro-trump rally in portland. put in handcuffs as protesters hurled bricks at portland police there. some describing the chaos as a war zone. [chanting] >> came here for two reasons, i came here two two reasons only. i'm here for freedom and i'm
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here for god. positive. no hate and no violence. jackie: officers con if i indicating weapons knives and brass neck culls. portland's mayor came under scrutiny for trying to shut down the rally. secretary of state rex tillerson speaking out overnight after four arab nations cut ties with cut tar. ba iran and uae severing diplomatic relations over accusations qatar supports firsts. if there is any role we can play in terms of helping address those, i do not expect that this will have any significant impact, if any impact at all. on the unified, the unified fight against terrorism in the region or globally. jackie: as for ca qatar it
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plays a major role. there is no justification for the diplomatic changes. rob? rob: days before fbi director james comey testifies on capitol hill, the top democrat on the senate intelligence committee admits there is no proof of russian collusion with the trump campaign. >> there is a lot of smoke. we had no smoking gun at this point but there is a lot of smoke. rob: comey heads to the hill on thursday one month after being fired. the president is not expected to use executive privilege to block comey's testimony. although we have seen a lot of that kind of talk in the mainstream media. meantime, russian president vladimir putin is shutting down claims that moscow interfered in the presidential election. putin telling nbc megyn kelly last night what president trump has said all along that this is fake news. >> i haven't seen even once any direct proof of russian interference in the presidential election in the united states. you created a sensation out
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of nothing. and out of the sensation, you turned it into a weapon of war against the current president. well this is, you know, you're just -- you people are so creative over there. good job. your lives must be boring. rob: it is, i guess. jackie: right? rob: putin called russian reports russia has damaging information on the president a load of nonsense. jackie: -- here in the studio looks like it's going to be another wet one. at least the lawns are green, right? here in the northeast. we have seen our share of wet weather and it's cool outside. it's going to be like this much of the workweek, 59 right now in new york. 69 in cleveland. 63 in minneapolis. cooler temperatures across the great lakes and eastern seaboard and we're just dealing with a mess of wet weather all of this gulf moisture working its way in towards the southeast, the mid-atlantic and the northeast.
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this kind of weather is going to be sort of what we're going to be dealing with throughout the workweek. i have a picture to show you guys. the internet was taken by storm by this image. i saw this yesterday. this is out of alberto, canada. when i saw it i was like is this for real or not? i hope you can take the lower third off. you can see a guy right there his backyard still mowing the lawn with a tornado in back of him. his wife took the picture and he said he had some chores to do and he had to get them done. this fellow out in alberto, canada said he was keeping an eye on the weather situation. jackie: what? janice: i didn't believe it when i saw it but it's real. jackie: who does that. janice: they said it looked closer than it really was. that's tool close for comfort. rob: gutsy move. janice: those canadians are gutsy folks. jackie: well a fox news alert for you. coming up, the second terror
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attack in days. will finally combat the threat of radical islam. rob: plus, some in the mainstream media floating a narrative that president trump is trying to provoke terror attacks. >> the president doesn't want us to be politically correct, right? so let's not be pc about this. is the president trying to provoke a domestic terrorist attack? corrosion at our refine. high-tech military camerasefine. that see through walls, can inspect our pipelines to prevent leaks. remote-controlled aircraft, can help us identify potential problems and stop them in their tracks. at bp, safety is never being satisfied.
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former advisor to u.s. and nato commanders in afghanistan and former u.s. army intelligence officer andrew pique. andrew, thanks so much for coming on. what really breaks my heart is when we keep seeing over and over that the individuals involved in these attacks are known to officials. and you know that some investigator saw this coming but couldn't do something about it. is that the biggest lesson we need to learn is how do we change that? >> yeah. i think. so i mean, there are thousands of people in the u.k. who are under surveillance at any moment. 3,000, i think, is the current number and 500 open investigations. intelligence is clearly the key to this battle. and the most important kind of intelligence to determine which of those 3,000 leads in the u.k. are threats is human intelligence. local community leaders, muslims and imams who are tell us who has been acting bizarrely and who has been acting strangely and who is an imminent threat to their fellow citizens. jackie: president trump tweeted this. we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights.
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we need the travel ban as extra level of safety. that's the something would are going to hear a lot about. we heard a lot about it on saturday. what do you think about getting this travel ban back. >> i think the president is absolutely right in moving the conversation beyond the usual pc platitudes. we don't know yet if the travel ban would have prevented this attack. we don't know -- we don't know a lot about the attack. we don't know the names of the attackers. what he does do is cut through the pc nonsense and identity politics that prevent any common sense measures towards surveillance of these communities that are at risk tore terrorism in the u.k. or u.s. rob: the travel ban i think is a tough one for a lot of people because there are really two strong opinions on either side of this. critics why is a this travel ban is going to offend good muslims that are in these communities that are in mosques with the bad muslims and make them less likely to cooperate with investigations or maybe call the police when they think something is up. how do you respond to that? >> well, look. i think mike flynn's point,
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when the travel ban came up last year is quite right still. there is a lot of ways to slice this problem. there is a lot of facets of it. one of it is clearly as i just talked about the human intelligence problem at the local level. secondly, there is a genuine danger from many of these countries like syria that we just don't know who is coming into the u.s. we don't know how good our vetting procedures are. i think it's a tactical ban. it's a tactical assessment of certain of our procedures. i think it's totally acceptable in that framework. jackie: where does the u.s. go from here now? >> well, gosh, i think for one thing we have got to improve our intelligence collection with the united kingdom and other eu states. the europeans are very, very protective on the privacy data on european citizens. i think domestically we have got to have a hard conversation with our communities at risk and local leaders and local imams about the need to report suspicious behavior to the public. and i think lastly, frankly, we have got to move -- we
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have got to have tough conversationconversations with i arabia and other gulf states that sponsor radicalism in our own movings and prisons and schools which have turned a blind eye for too long. rob: complex problem probably the most pressing we have right now. andrew, thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks so much. rob: soon be easier for immigrants to get a drivers license. kansas offering free translate tores when taking exams here in the united states. they will all be volunteers, seven different languages will be available starting june 21st. meat packing plants, the largest employers in western kansas are drying a diverse population as they employ a number of immigrants. jackie: the pc police at it again changing a hollywood classic of one word listen to this. >> on the night that i go back in time, you will be shot by terrorists.
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jackie: shot by tastes. that's the original theme of back to the future. over the weekend tbs edited out the word by terrorists and even digitally erased them from the letter in the shot. the edited version was created after 9/11. outrage filling over to twitter. one movie fan tweeted this. this is the world today. don't ever hurt anyone's feelings and we must edit culture to sto not upset terrorists? maybe stop terrorizing. rob: prime minister theresa may saying there has been far too much tolerance of extremism as she vows to crack down on radical ideology that is plaguing the united kingdom. jackie: could she actually be part of the problem? we discuss that next on "fox & friends first." ♪
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for 10 years my tempur-pedic has adapted to my weight and shape. so i sleep deeply and wake up ready to perform. now through june 11th, save $600 when you buy select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. find your exclusive retailer at jackie: it is monday, june ath. a fox news alert for you. terror in london breaking overnight. police conducting more raids and arresting two more
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suspect in this weekend's deadly assault. rob: attackers identified as isis claims response good morning to you. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this monday morning. i'm rob schmidt. jackie: i'm jacki jackie ibanez. president trump vowing to do whatever it takes to protect america. >> this blood shed must end. this blood shed will end. rob: here is a live look at london where those raids are still happening at this hour. jackie: we have live fox news team coverage for you. griff jenkins with the president's response. rob: we begin with greg palkot on the ground live in central london. greg? >> hey, rob, jacque, we are just outside the very tight police cordon. they say they continue their intense forensic search of the area. they are coming up with evidence behind the horrendous terror attack over the weekend. there were no raids today away from this location and two different locations as well as raids yesterday. all tolled, police say they
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have 12 in custody. they also say they know who the killers are. take a listen. >> we do believe we know who they are. we've made a number of arrests. we are trying to find out whether anybody was helping them and to understand the background to this attack as west we possibly can. the investigation must come first and i will be focusing entirely on that. rob: already criticism though concerning one of the attackers. he is said to have been known to police for at least low level recruiting in the extremist direction. isis, as you noted, as could be expected, claiming responsibility for all. this as the tales of horror continue, remember the three attackers used a white van to smash into pedestrians on the london bridge saturday night. and then they hopped out of that van and stabbed their way through a nearby night spot area. seven killed. 36 now said to be hospitalized. 21 of them said to be in critical condition. the first of the dead have
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been identified. she is 31-year-old canadian christine archibald said to be here to be with her fiance. she was hit by that van. along with the british, the other nationalities were targeted. it doesn't seem like any americans were involved. there are tales of bravery, too, guys. people standing up to these terrorists including one off duty police officer now in critical condition. he tried to get all three of them to stop what they were doing. and government fighting back through theresa may saying she wants to tighten terror laws and restrict the terror space. back to you folks. jackie: thanks, greg. rob: in the wake of those terrorist attacks president trump vowing to keep america safe in the wake of terrorism. rob: greff jenkins with more on that. >> speaking out for the first time since those attacks president trump vowing to do what is necessary to protect the american people.
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>> this blood shed must end. this blood shed will end. [ applause ] as president, i will do what is necessary to prevent this threat from spreading to our shores and work every single day to protect the safety and security of our country, our communities and our people. >> those comments followed a series of tweets in the immediate aftermath of the blood shed where he offered support to the people of london and the u.k. and renewed a call for his travel ban where he said, quoted: we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need the travel ban as an extra level of safety. that tweet drawing criticism and sparking debate on the sunday talk shows. former vice president al gore weighed in on "fox news sunday" saying the courts will do what's right. >> most of the attacks, both neck gland and here in the united states, have been by
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homegrown terrorists. and, of course, the courts will deal with the travel ban. they have already been struck down. we will see what the supreme court does. >> to recap, that van would halt new visas from being issued in places like iran, libya, somalia, sudan, syria and yemen. last thursday in court filings asking the supreme court to immediately reinstate the travel ban as vice president gore said. the supreme court may tell us although there is no time line on when the court could or even if they will hear arguments. guys? rob: all right, griff. thanks so much. immediately after the london terror attack president trump tweeted we must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. if we don't get smart, it will only get worse. msnbc host thomas roberts is sparking outrage for then asking this question. >> the president doesn't
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want us to be politically correct, all right? so let's not be pc about this. is the president trying it provoke a domestic terrorist attack? it seems like the president is trying to provoke something that he can politicize more for his own gain in america. do you feel that way? rob: thomas roberts later doubling down on twitter writing potus tweets after the london terror attack it is a fair question considering established track record. there you have it. jackie: u.k. prime minister theresa may admitting there has been far so too much tolerance in our country. this as she vows to reveal tougher punishments and crackdown on radical ideology. is she part of the problem? rob: here so weigh in is jim hanson the president of the securities study group. led operations in the u.s. army. i guess to start off. how do you feel about how theresa may has handled this so far? >> she has a reputation for having cut some of the
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police budgets and been a little soft on immigration. i have got to be honest, i was very pleased with some of the things in her statement yesterday. she first admitted that they had been too tolerant of extremism. she said she was going to stop safe spaces for extremists in the u.k. that is a direct call to the muslim community to make sure they are not tolerating these guys in their own midst. shes is said they are going to do increased custodial detention. they have a massive terrorism watch list. got to be honest, i don't want them watching the terrorists i want them scarfing them up, putting them in a dark hole and putting the screws to them so they can find out before these attacks happen that they are coming and stop them. jackie: so far they have already arrested 12 people in connection with with what happened on saturday night. that's a step in the right direction. >> oh, absolutely. i think, you know, if you have got that terror watch list, let's round up as many as you can. let me know when you get a thousand of them scarfed up
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and start comparing their stories and find out who they are talking to. look at their social media. find out who are the ones behind the larger radicalization and get them out of play. jackie: she talked about sfmed as well and addressing that what do you think about going online and dealing with some of these networks? they have a huge network they are able to reach to some of these lone wolves if you will sitting in their homes in a dark room. >> you know, i think it's a good idea to look for bad things happening on the internet. i'm a little concerned about the british government deciding what content should be seen by who. i believe georgeorwell had a little bit to say about that and it didn't go well. i'm not a big fan of censorship but big fan of surveillance and scrutiny of people we already know have bad tendencies. let's look at them and stop the next attack rather than cleaning up after it. rob: i think as we see more and more of these attacks and people get more and more frustrated and scared, you will see people move a little bit more in that direction where we are more comfortable with more
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surveillance, with rounding people up when they're just, you know, suspected of maybe wanting to do something whereas i think when we feel safe, people start to think why do we have to be so strict. we start talking about things like unnecessary surveillance. i don't think anybody, if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't worry about being surveilled, should you? >> there is a fine line between privacy and security that we don't want to cross. the united states has very strict rules. the brits do, too. about what you can do. in the new york city, the police have actually had to stop surveillance of mosques because of lawsuits and threats from the council on american islamic relations and other islamist groups because they don't want to offend them. i'm sorry, your right to be offended does not trump the american and british people's right to be free from the radicals who are hanging out in those mosques. rob: to survive. jackie: should we have surveillance on those mosques here in the u.s.? >> i think we need to. there are places where if you actually heard what they are saying inside the
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mosques you would be horrified. after the orlando attacks where terrorists hit a gay nightclub, he had been in places where they were saying the penalty under islam for homosexuality is death. that was being preached in mosques in the united states. that's unacceptable. we need to be looking there and telling them that that can't happen. rob: that is absolutely the problem. thanks so much for coming on, jim. jackie: always a pleasure, thank you. rob: 38 minutes after the hour. the mainstream media pushing their own narrative. some outlets look like they are choosing to cover things like climate change and russia more than terror attacks. are they missing the big picture? we have a fair and balanced debate coming up. je'kel jeak plus a police officer who stole the hearts of millions as he danced hand in hand with the young girls in the crowd of the arianna grande concert. we have that next on "fox & friends first." and two in the reserves. our 18 year old was in an accident. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me,
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narrative, focusing more on things like climate change and russian's alleged involvement in the 2016 elections instead of covering the terror attacks. so are they missing the big picture here or are they deliberately changing the focus to president trump instead of talking about what happened in london. here to debate that democratic strategist and attorney evangeline gomez and also ashley hayek. republican strategist and ceo of golden state consultants. we are going to start with you evangeline. i want to ask you a quick question. what do you think -- do you think there is a narrative being pushed there or how do you feel? >> i don't think that a certain narrative something pushed. i actually think you do see on all the networks fair and balanced coverage regarding the london terrorist attacks. now, if you expect every network to come out and support trump's travel ban, that's a whole different story. as you know, this travel ban is going to be scrutinized by the supreme court if they are to take the case. and one of the big issues as an attorney i expect the justices at least one to ask what has prevented you and your government from reviewing these measures?
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you have now had since january 27th when the executive order was signed and there is nothing that has prevented you from reviewing the measures and the vetting process that you say you need to review. the travel ban is something completely different it doesn't prevent you or preclude from you taking an audit of what's going on. rob: ashley, let's ask you real quick. obviously the london story was covered. everybody covered this story. it was a major breaking story and we saw a lot of coverage of it some networks did appear to maybe choose to lead with, you know, stories that night be older and not as pressing as what happened in london this weekend. what do you think? >> i think it's really what they are talking about and how they are talking about it when was the last time you heard about somebody in this past year in london being killed by climate change? when you have terrorist attacks taking place, innocent people being murdered and the left has told us we are overreacting. that we should be focusing on climate change and theser issues. it's wrong. listen, you have madonna who
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said she wanted to blow up the white house. have you snoop dogg who kills the president in his music video. then you have cathy griffin decapitate the president this past week and this extreme rhetoric is being used by the left the same way that they're using extreme rhetoric to talk about climate change. i want to know is how long until somebody listens and invokes some level of violence in this country. rob: yep. evangeline you want to jump in for sure. >> yeah, exactly. comments celebrities or comedians make are totally irrelevant. that doesn't define the left. >> they are not irrelevant. they are given so much attention. >> issue here is that no one -- climate change, who has died from climate change? look i'm asthmatic. i suffer from severe allergies. i know that without some type of climate change measure, that my situation is going to get worse. i have a child who says what type of environment he is going to grow up in. >> you should actually be disappointed in this plan as
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well. when this plan has actually no impact on our environment on the long run. rob: both serious issues. i understand that. let's back back to the top if i can. we saw roberts over on msnbc asking if somebody thought the president might be trying to inspire an attack that he wanted to provoke an attack happening which, you know, a lot of people is an unfair question. evangeline i want to ask you, would you say there is also an argument that the left maybe wants to deny that these attacks are happening, that they don't really like covering these stories because it doesn't fit a liberal narrative? >> look, there are lots of issues how america is going to cover this and have a have a right opinions. that's what you are seeing many toims. people are being controversial because viewers want somebody that is going to push the envelope that attracts penal. the issues i have seen with all the networks i have looked at people have been trying to cover these thai attacks in a responsible way, to provide facts as
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opposed to providing extreme opinions and saying we need to ban muslims and go after certain faiths and be responsible as people and as journalists as to the type of information we are providing. we want debates in this country to advance, to be civil. we don't want a situation where we are retreating from the national state and creating fear and stereotypes amongst population of people it doesn't get us anywhere. >> yeah. meanwhile. >> certainly doesn't. abby: ashley, go ahead. >> meanwhile a major network over the weekend said the london police fired over 50 rounds and killed the three terrorists. i mean, why are they trying to make the police officers in london the villain. that's the rhetoric that you are getting from the liberal media. it's unacceptable. this is what the american people are sick and tired of. they are seeing overreacting over a terrorist attack. meanwhile you drive an suv, then you are going to wipe out the entire planet. the rhetoric is absolutely ridiculous. rob: we are going to have to
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leave it there i'm not sure they wanted to make the police officers look like they were the bad guys in this clip but understood. ladies, thanks so much for coming on this morning. we appreciate it? >> thank you. jackie: confronted on global warming predictions as he slams donald trump for leaving the paris accord. >> you said unless we took, quote, drastic measures the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years and you called it a true planetary emergency. we're 11 years later. weren't you wrong? jackie: how did he respond? like this. >> unfortunately, and regrettably, a lot of serious damage has been done. we are going to suffer some of these consequences. but we can limit and avoid the most catastrophic consequences if we accelerator the pace of change that's now beginning. jackie: a new segment is being added to gore's ski we'll film to account for president trump's withdrawal
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from the paris accord agreement: goal toll jump start modernization in america's air traffic control system from dated radar technology to satellite navigation. the move is part of the president's 1 trillion-dollar infrastructure re form proposal. and the time is about 12 minutes till the top of the hour. coming up, london police offering three step solution to fight terror. one, ride, and tell. and america just responded. and carlie shimkus here with what's next with a lot more. don't go away. hey, carlie. ♪ did you know slow internet
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jackie: minutes to the top of the hour. good morning. on the defense after theresa may accuse the websites of providing a safe space for terrorists following the london terror attacks. rob: carlie shimkus here with how these social media sites are responding to this. >> all these major tech companies have responded following the latest london terror attack. they're doing so because the u.k. prime minister theresa may actually blamed silicon valley for allowing terrorists content to spread online. now, twitter released a statement saying we continue to expand the use of technology as part of a systematic approach to removing this type of content. now, google also commented saying we are committed to working in partnership with the government and ngos to challenges and complex problems and share the government's commitment to ensure terrorists do not have a voice onlion. now, of course, facebook also responded to this, guys. facebook execs said he wants
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facebook to be a hostile environment to terrorists as well. so strong words coming from facebook. rob: as it should be. jackie: social media people just hide in their basements. >> absolutely. jackie: mind boggling three step plan to fight terror. >> they sure did. in the midst of saturday's attack the london police sent out this tweet it's a three part plan of what people could do if they are in danger. they say run. if you can't do that, hide. and then when it is safe to do so, call the police. very important life saving advice. some americans responded reminding everybody of the importance of the right to bear arms. take a look at this tweet from kurt. he says draw and shoot. the second amendment because defending our people is every american's job. and lock at this tweet coming in from troy who says people were not disarmed supposed it be protecting government this ridiculous
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suggestion would not be allowed to follow. this person tweeted this is why americans fight second amendment fight not run. you english cannot even carry pepper spray. he finished off with #sitting ducks. it is rare to see police in london carrying a gun. rob: if people had guns would we be safer? arianna grande concert right after this. >> less than 24 hours later arianna grande returned to manchester. she brought the house down with some pretty emotional performances as well as a message of love and unity. take a listen. >> i love you guys so much. and i think the kind of love and unity that are playing is the medicine of the world that we need right now. i want to thank you for coming tonight. i love you so much. >> one moment going viral happened off stage. take a look at this very sweet photo of a couple
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police officers dancing with a group of children. speaking of kids. this photo that you are about to see is 8-year-old lily harrison. she was injured in the manchester bombing. she actually convinced police to -- her doctors to allow her to leave the hospital to go to that concert and then, of course, she got the surprise of her life when arianna grande even visited her personally. what a scweet moment there. >> there were a lot of people there and a lot of money raised over $13 million all going to the victims. rob: all right. carlie thanks so much. jackie: don't go anywhere. we want you to come right back with us. we have about five minutes in the show ♪ i think there should be something i don't want to hold back ♪ maybe you should know that ♪ my momma don't like you ♪ and she likes everyone ♪ and i never like to admit that i was wrong. ♪ and i've been so
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hey dad, come meet the new guy. the new guy? what new guy? i hired some help. he really knows his wine. this is the new guy? hello, my name is watson. you know wine, huh? i know that you should check vineyard block 12. block 12? my analysis of satellite imagery shows it would benefit from decreased irrigation. i was wondering about that. easy boy. nice doggy. what do you think? not bad.
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♪ >> this blood shed must end. this blood shed will end. rob: we are back with a fox news alert. as you were sleeping police in london conducting more raids, arresting two more suspects after this weekend's deadly attack. jackie: president trump now vowing to do whatever necessary to protect us from the terrorists. rob: let's keep talking about this. what do you think about the president wants message over the weekend? log on to facebook first facebook page right after the show for a live debate. use the #keep talking.
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tough way to start off the week talking about a story like this. jackie: this is. we would love to here what you guys have to say. "fox & friends" starts right now live from their brand new studio. don't go away. rob: we will see you later. jackie: bye. [sirens] ♪ >> this blood shed must end. this blood shed will end. >> he understands the seriousness of this issue and he's not being distracted by people that want to scream about political correctness. >> how is the time to come together to defeat terrorist organizations and extremist ideology. >> my view is the president certainly has the right to put in place extreme vetting. >> to many of these communities, what we think of as extremism is actually mainstreamism. >> we should crush that sense of urgency and be packets that the about it?
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