tv Americas News HQ FOX News June 6, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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speed when you're looking at the white house briefing room there, where we expect sean spicer to return to the podium at any moment take a lot of questions today. >> always fun. feel it is always eventful. speak up will you be here tomorrow? speak of course. >> thank you for joining us. >> "america's news headquarters" starts up. >> harris: fax alert. we are waiting sean spicer and the start of the white house has briefing on a busy news day. i am harris faulkner thank you for being with us. for secondary sean spicer said to step up to that lecter less than an hour from now the president will be meeting with republican congressional leaders at the white house as we look for a legislature went on health care and tech firm. you the power ranger popped up on screen appeared cheap white house correspondents john roberts tourney is now. john, what is the plan to move these type correspondence party for? >> they have been stop for the last few weeks after the houseboat on the american health care act. the president this afternoon is going to jump-start his legislative agenda meeting at 3:00 in the roosevelt room with
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the g.o.p. leadership. paul ryan will be there as well as the majority leader, kevin mccarthy. the majority whip, mitch my mith mcconnell. there and try to get the president to get the obamacare repeal and replace into step. mark whose the director said they get all button up by august recess, but just the other day, richard berger of north carolina went on record to say they don't think they can get it done this year. the second legislative priority of course will be tax reform. telling us they will have a bill ready to introduce for markup after the labor day weekend. a lot of republicans think that tax reform would be a much easier lift and health care reform, and they would like to do that first or it health care form does get done before the august recess, drop that, and pick up tax reform in the fall. at the same time, though, a lot of republicans are worried that the president is stepping all
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over his legislative agenda by tweeting off message. he did it again today. i have to remind you that he has got to stop. the present trading today, the big mainstream medium is working so hard trying to give me not to use social media. they hate that i can get the honest and unfiltered message out. the sorry folks, but if i relied on the fake news, cnn, abc, cbs, "new york times," i would have zero chance at winning the white house. the present today also surprise the pentagon and blindside them, really, by tweeting out information about cutter. siding with saudi arabia even though the present public scope meeting with the mayor of qatar, saying that they've a a long relationship with qatar and looking for further cooperation. remote recent trip, i stayed that there can no longer be funding of radical ideology.
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the problem is, the united states has a huge air base qatar. the airbase is needed to launch air strikes against syria, isis, and afghanistan. depending on today they're looking to clean up with the spokesman's income of the united states and the coalition are grateful to qatar for long-standing presence and commitment to regional security. we have no plans to change our posture in qatar. the white house has to walk a fine line here between siding with our saudi arabian allies and also not alienating qatar. it is in qatar's interests to have that airbase there, but when you push too hard, thanks sometimes have a way of changing. that's something at the pentagon would like to see happen. >> harris: already, john roberts, thank you very much. sean spicer is also anticipating to talk about the arrest of a suspected government leader. she is a 25-year-old named reality winner.
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she's intelligent correspondence, katherine harris does not live from washington. catherine, who is this woman? >> will thank you. quite an effort the 25-year-old works in augustine georgia, and removed the holocaust fight is a document about hacking given it to reporters. physical review led directly to reality winner. six individuals printed this recording forward documented. "america's news reality winner e individuals. reality winner had email contact with the news outlet. practice today, the chairman of the house oversight committee said that reality winner had concerns, there were better options. >> if you want to be a quote unquote with whistleblower. you can approach congress or go to a committee at the oversight committee. that's the appropriate way to do it. to have legal rights you can protect yourself, but to connect
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you unilaterally as 25-year-old that it's the best interest for the united states to releases information, because you think so. >> we may contact fronted by the fbi that she had owned up to what she had done. we are waiting for a response from attorney, but in the meantime, he has told another news organization that she is a good person with no criminal history. >> harris: its interesting pair will get into it later with how the news got involved with this. and the responsibility. we move on. how important is this new russia document? >> it's important in the sense that russian military intelligence was behind a cyber attack on u.s. voting software supplier in august of 2016. based on that information, they gathered during a breach, days before the election, russian attackers attacked local government organizations. and today on capitol hill a senior democrat said the innocent reports show that russia wanted to do more than
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just do emails. >> while i condemn the leak and the person who leaked it, we now have the public domain verified information that the russian made in aggression to axis vendor of voter software, but also a number of states. the voter file databases in the months prior to our election. >> visited new nsa information doesn't change the assessment in january, the russian never altered any votes, but the important thing here is that this information that russian military intelligence was involved, and that directly conflicts with what the russian president by mapleton said last week. joint catherine, thank you so much. fact is what will move on. to find moments at the iconic notre dame cathedral. several hundred people were
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locked down inside the cathedral while others outside were running to safety. a man used a hammer to attack police officers patrolling nearby. eyewitnesses report hearing gunshots before seeing that attacker collapsed on the ground. kenny logan is following the story from london. kenny, we're learning more about the suspect and what he said during all this. >> yes, that's right. we understand that the suspect is a 40-year-old algerian man. he was carrying the i.d. of this algerian man, and he shouted, this is for syria, as he carried out that attacked on the officer. this all happened this afternoon outside notre dame cathedral. according to the interior ministry, the attacker was shot and injured by other police officers nearby the suspect is now treated in the hospital. he has reported to claim it is forced before, but we cannot verify that this time.
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context here say that the notre dame is a very popular tourist spot. millions of tourists go there every year, and around a thousand visitors were trapped inside while the police hunted for possible accomplices. they were showing up at cathedral for the safety of the public. that operation lasted about an hour, and later they were allowed to lead. all think we are not harmed. a number of terrorist attacks over the past two years. the country is still under a state of emergency, and that is why there is always a large presence of police and armed forces out on the streets of paris, but those security services i've also found themselves to be targeted on attacks. the police in paris now say that the situation is under control, but french authorities say they will launch a counterterrorism investigation. >> harris: kitty logan think very much. again, we are waiting for the white house briefing with sean spicer is expected to step
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up to a lector when it happens, we'll bring to light. let's talk about, though, the things are going on headed out. matt, former director for georgia b bush. former surrogate for hillary clinton's campaign and former deputy staff secretary to president bill clinton, great to have you as well. all right, let's jump right in here with what we might call a turning of the wheel for the white house. his medical back to legislative duties if you well. folks in that narrative that the american said wanted some change. obamacare, tax reform, a meeting with lawmakers coming up at the white house. your thoughts? >> i think that the states for the republican majority are very, very high. they have to show that they can govern. they only need republican votes right now to have a more free market reform plan and a tax cu
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cut, tax reform plan for the only need republican votes, and if they hit 50 send it to make the next senate members. they can approach a very hard to get it on. not getting it done is simply not acceptable. >> harris: so david, you have some experience being a democrat having a president of one party and leadership of that same party. it is always easy. >> no, it isn't. in fact, the present that i was for, bill clinton, had to deal with congress i was led the other party, and yet you and gauge in a lot of horsetrading and compromising. i do think that there's a larger picture here. matt said, this is a really important moment for republicans, because they have to show that they can produce. not just to the base, but between voters, independence, and others. and as matt and i were discussing before he came in the show, this is a special election in georgia outside of atlanta. the first debate between the democrat and republican is tonight. it's interesting to see that how
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in an actual bony scenario, where the president and his party are succeeding in winning over the hearts and minds will see how it plays out in a red state. i think this is a make or break for the publicans. they have to produce. so far, a major legislation, they have not. >> harris: is interesting that there's a lot being made from the tweets of the present. matt, i came across that the donors do not mind it so much. one longtime trump fundraiser said, i get it. we have a real war going on, and we are moving in a dangerous time. people are over the political correctness. when people are having their throat slashed, it is not fine in talking greatly to what present said about the mayor london said about the recent tech. another donor said that he contributed to tom's presidential campaign. he said the public comments are refreshing. this isn't as much of a problem within those course of reporters and donors as may be democrats hoped it would be.
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>> i think that's right. i think there is a refreshing nature to president that wants to speak right to the american voter, right to the american people. going through the biased news coverage that he has to deal with on a minute by minute, hourly basis. he gets right to people. the palm with twitter and have experience with my own wife chastising me. comment sometimes twitter hits a right on the bull's-eye, and sometimes it is off. once it since, you don't get a modifier. it's nice to see that he wants to take his message directly to the people. i do think it is refreshing. i think sometimes, it does not hit the target. >> harris: the stakes are high critically, you said, for republicans but also for democrats right now, because things continue not to get done in any year from now, it will be kicked out pretty quickly. we are waiting for sean spicer to step up to that elector, and we fully anticipate all the think that we are talking about will be asked about, but also the messaging from the white house. the role that he is playing.
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now that they will not have a communication director and at the double his duties. questions we anticipate may come about his very role in the white house as they are making changes. when asked our panel to stick around. where to stay right here and wait for that white house press briefing to start. it's expected any moment now. we will take in their life when it does so you stay for it as well. otal your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. it's good to be in (good hands). i was always "tpeople don't stare anymore. i never joined in.
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>> harris: 326, we are waiting the white house press briefing. let's bring in out and met chairman of the american conservative union and former white house director for george w. bush. we can bring him and also cared surrogate for hillary's campaign, integrity to the client. have a a couple questions before the start. no, david, i'll start with you
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with this idea between deposit immigration. the present sometimes has tweeted travel ban, but some of those bank countries where they don't have formed governments now. they are at war or whatever's going on in the grandpa went out with our ability with that. that is happening, it is a big meeting that scheduled in less than an hour, so lot happening in the next 45 minutes with house and senate leadership on this very issue. deck with the presence. your thoughts? >> my first thought is that the american constitution has ever stronger. we have independent judiciary and courts, and they take an independent look at whatever the president or congress does. is not to the present to side with the law is. the court decides in so far, the ninth circuit and other circuits have said that the way president has crafted his ban is unconstitutional. they'll probably go to the supreme court, but what is interesting for me. you talked about the present tweeting before the break. something in the lot known as an admission between self-interest.
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and everything he said it can become evidence in these very cases, i think, as kellyanne conway, her husband who is a lawyer, the tweets are almost self-destructive in that matter. maybe the president is trying. maybe he's trying and he may fail. it all adds up to one thing in my view. he is playing to his base. as matt pointed up to before the break, there plenty of people who like to hear these tweets. i think, though that is channeling to those voters who like him. >> harris: would you say that his base is growing wider as we look -- >> no. >> harris: look what's happening now. in all forms how people feel about their own national security. the president with regard to the constitution a lot lot of what the president has, i would push back and say, we look to our own national security, he has that latitude. matt? >> here's the thing. i disagree completely with david.
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the constitution has been under attack during the obama years. what the president is trying to do with his executive order is completely constitutional. matter fact, i'm not the lawyer, david is, but look at all these opinions. the fact is that what the judge is doing. they use all the language from the campaign to determine that donald trump had animus towards muslims, which is why this is unconstitutional. see, that is not what our constitution is all about, harris could. it's all about the letters in the words and the meaning in the constitution. it matters what the executive order says. not tweets, not all the smoke, not all this matter. that's why our country is going through so much trauma. individual judges come in a whimsical matter, other things and other statements that are not about the law. let's talk about the law. the president is doing what is lawful, and if the supreme court looks at the custard can laptop holder.
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>> i love your spine, man. they will respond to what the constitution says. let me eliminate you why his name is matter. the constitution states against racial determination. how do i prove intent? i use your words, statements, that is fair game. that is what it's always been. >> i'm sorry, david, this is an executive order. their words onto paper. look at a piece of paper to determine whether or not is legal. we look at pizza paper, it means that the president of the united states has the authority to set these types of rules and think at four. >> i'm gonna disagree with you. >> harris: i'm gonna step in here. i know one of you is gonna pay for coffee. >> i will buy it. >> harris: because we're waiting a white house press meeting, we want to be in position.
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>> want to go on the issues that may come out. authorities were able to track down pretty quickly a government contractor accused of leaking secret nsa document. she was elected less than a week after authorities were tipped off your list bring in morgan wright, cyber security analysis at the center for digital government. why were they able to pick up reality winner so quickly? >> she wasn't the smartest spy on the black. she put a document that only six people dead. on that document, harris, was a
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watermark. it allowed them to treat my trace back to the printer to a date time any intercept with a co-conspirator and captured by publishing the document. they saw the document. they able to enhance the document. see the watermark on it. then they search the computer and so they she was in an email from there. this was an easy case. unfortunately, it was an easy case. it's good that they nailed it. >> harris: i we can see more these of these? i may say that the wii producer, michael moore is going to come out with something called trumpiliki. members of congress are going to say that if you can be a whistleblower does classify information, deciding to do. this i read that article. look, 73 years ago, was the invasion of normandy. we depended on absolute secrecy of operation overlord, so that people did not die as a result. now from 2010-2012, we have lost
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20 spies and china. they have been executed. these have a debilitating effect. they may not happen today, harris, but they happen over time. in fact in a document, there is a designation there. the united kingdom, australia, new zealand, who are our partners in that. it may have come from one of our partners, and if this is getting leaked, and their neck to be sharing the information that we may rely on one day to stop an attack on our own soil. >> harris: you talk what history in world war ii. i mean, that is certainly a lesson to be learned from all this. i would have to guess that most americans, when they think about this administration, the trump administration, trying to make it example about leaker. most people are concerned about the actual leaks that are classified information in and around the white house. >> look, i can tell you from when i served a law enforcement, military, and had to security
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clearance, it didn't matter who took the role seriously. we didn't care. you're all that do to the constitution, not to a particular party. i think we are losing some of that. whether it is ideological or people saying, i am releasing this because i don't believe in time. it is irrelevant what trump is doing. you took an oath, you have to do, and if you don't, you are a traitor. it is simple. >> harris: doesn't matter so much with the document is in this case? i do want to talk about the contact there. or is it that someone is leaking and they got caught. what happens to this person? >> hopefully, they will be a good investigation. the door to been won. i confession has been reported. probably, there will be a plea, is because you know on it disclose national security, the content in the paper could be held. it would go back to the beginning, and said the fact that the document was leaked, regardless of the content, it should never have happened. we put in all these controls. we're just talking during the
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break. we now have more and more controls over who people are supposed to trust, and because he can't trust everybody, i can only trust one, now i have to put these controls in place to stop something. it did not prevent it. it allowed them to minimize the damage and find out the person who leaked this information very quickly. >> harris: there seems to be some sort of glorification of leaking these days. it's political. we know that. we saw previously in the campaign leading up to november 8th. how do we take the temperature down on either i'll. you can't be in favor of wikileaks one day in this leak of mr. snowden. no i'm not a fan of mr. snowden. we are all over the map when it comes this. what should be the unifying message and how do we get back there? >> politicians use have to do -- drink the liquid that sues the end of the day. we have to stop this whiskey
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stuff. what we have to do, yet start prosecuting people yep start creating a significant deterrent, and you have to stop making these people folk years. in my opinion, and what snowden is folk hero. riley winter is not a folk hero. these people have committed crimes against the united states, regardless of what side of the spectrum they are on. look at the actions. look what they did. not to your ideological prism, but to the prism of the safety and security of the night states. >> harris: and from the law enforcement perspective as you said today. we are getting better at catching them. hopefully we can catch some of them better leaking classified information around the white house too, because i could jeopardize us as well. morgan wright, thank you so much. >> welcome. >> harris: let's get deeper into the politics. have a journalism question too. a political reporter from "the daily beast" is here, and a sever from the writer from the federalist. there's a silver lining issue for me at least four okay, you had the leakers.
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we know they are wrong. we know it is illegal. then they leaked the information to journalist. we ought to know better too. we have relationships with sources that enforces us and what we say and can i say. your thoughts? >> i think journalists have an ethical obligation to weigh the cost and benefits of disseminating and sharing classified information. i think of this case, even an intercept their own article. the not sure sure at all whether or not to what extent these hacks and these attempts at hacking really, truly were. especially the electoral system. they do make it clear. they don't think it really had any impact on the election. i think i'm the reporter, with that information, i would really have to think about it carefull carefully. it's quite clear that they were very careless. >> harris: you know, betsy, we have a local news these discussions about. you don't let out a rape victim
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name. maybe we need to do that with national. >> but remember, under the obama administration have there also a significant number of sensitive leaks. many members said that they put americans in danger, and obama pressed more of the leakers that all combined. in context, generally, there are many folks in the national security word that say, what she did was not whistleblowing. there's a difference between just leaking in general, and whistleblowing in particular. if you're exposing waste, fraud, government government misconduct, most part in the media activity, we can see that is worthwhile to publish information even when people in the government say not to. in this case, reality winner had trouble getting sympathy, because the folks that have been talking to, it is does not meet the definition of whistleblowing peer when she released didn't show that the nsa did anything wrong.
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all he did was give more information about investigation that is ongoing, and that is why it is generating so much controversy. >> harris: and it is complicated. when you have members of the media, as it seems some of the issues that have swarmed the white house in terms of classified information, leaking, it is always because i journalists made that judgment about, what you are talking about with what needs to be in the public sphere. it is a continuation of what we have been seen against this president and what he treats and talks about. let's move on. what's coming up. we are going to see information from the white house the exxon spicer, stepping up to the lecter moment from now. it was an interesting with huckabee sanders with reporters in the white house packed in there, saying, well, where is sean. he is back today. the continuation, if you will, information from the white hous white house. what are we anticipating to learn today that is top of mind. >> i think we are going to get a
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lot of questions about russia. that is always at the forefront of every press briefing. >> harris: and what would they deal with, you think? james call me coming up? there is no evidence? we still don't have any evidence. democrats are saying that. >> i think you are right that is rather frustrating that reporters and many members of the media do need to share and obsess over this winter hasn't been any solid truth or solid information that rested did hack the election. they weren't involved with members of the trauma team. i think all those are really frustrating, and would like to see really hard evidence if that is there. if it isn't there, i think reporters should change their tone. the way they have been asking question of the white house. >> harris: also, betsy, about 26 minutes on the president is expected to meet with g.o.p. leaders to talk about health care and tax reform. we have gotten far from afoot of
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those issues. he was out of the country for a while, and then coming back, again, really talking about the drumbeat about russia. no evidence, but we will keep talking about it. health care is something that people care most about. >> right. health care is also one of the most complicated, political issues. republicans have the whole brand about this topic over the last eight years or so, and as of now, there have had a lot of trouble getting it to congress. one thing we can expect from the congressional side is that mitch mcconnell, republican senate majority leader, is hoping that the senate will be able to vote on a health care repeal and replace legislation before the fourth of july recess. of course, that doesn't mean that bill will pass, but senate republicans will want to have a vote, to say that we checked our backs. a big question for sean spicer today is good to be, what happens if the senate votes on a health care replacement package, and it does not cast. what is the president going to be doing to try to build edges between moderate republicans in
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the house? >> harris: let's watch the white house press briefing. >> let's take a moment to recognize on this day in 1944 land on the beaches of normandy. thousands more were moot wounded during the fight to save for nazi germany. all condemn an enormous amount of gratitude from the freedom we enjoy today. last night, the president was truly honored with the vice president to host reception with first lady here the white house to pledge our love, support, and undying gratitude to the gold star families who have experienced a similar sacrifice for sand. the story of every brave, woman that if paid the ultimate price from opening battled from a revolutionary war, the ever-changing battles we have today. it's forever a part of our nation's proud history.
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i hope everybody take some time today to recognize the sacrifice that so many have made. now, with respect to the schedule today, later this afternoon come the present will be hosting house and senate leaders for my cabinet beating to talk about his agenda, specifically tax and health reform. later this evening, he will have a dinner of her public and members to discuss his recent overseas trip, and any foreign policies that he wants to tackle. the present time, as you know, has already signed 36 bills into law. 14 under the congressional review act. he passed the repeal and replace it through the house, and the president has embarked on a historic first trip overseas, showing how quickly and decisively he is acting to rebuild america's standing in the world. we become the first administration since 1881 to confirm a supreme court justice within the first 100 days.
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this is all things that will be discussed with some of these members of congress today. now that they are backed from memorial day recess, we really look forward to carrying out the agenda. on health care, as was mentioned yesterday, we do not have time to waste. obamacare continues to collapse. i mentioned before, a third of the counties have only one provider in obamacare. the average individual premium have increased 105% on average from 2013-2017. i just today, anthem, the only statewide insurers left in ohio, and now said it will be pulling out of every county for obama exchange. leaving thousands of ohio's without interest. the american people has been settled with the bill to get this disaster taken care of, and it simply not right for them to have to pay it any longer. it's time for us to buy them with the choice and control that all americans want over their own health care. the american people and the american economy have been suffering under a burdensome, over capitated tech system, that
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stifles growth and takes too much money out of the pockets of working families. we are looking forward to working with congress by dramatically simple find a system developing release to middle-income earners. his team is working with a wide range of stakeholders. legislators to business leaders to long-time tax policy experts. to ensure that his plan, that congress takes on, will make sure that he gets to his desk, so we can finally fix the system. later this afternoon, director will have a session from the transportation sector. this is one of many that we will hold the next couple months with job creators in different parts of the economy to hear about the reforms that will best allow them to thrive, invest, and create well-paying jobs for american workers. the vice president also is meeting with legislator and held today to discuss these next apps
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and all the above policies. also, the president's cabinet is working on his kit. the department of labor will strengthen its focus on preventing visa program abuse and take every available legal action to stop abuse of the programs. this includes reporting cases of criminal fraud to the office of inspector general. according their reinforcement activities to maximize efficiency, using all tools and conducting civil investigations to enforce protection for the american worker provided by the visa program, and providing changes to better i defy violations and fraud and greater transparency. the president, i was a comet was elected on a promise to privatize the american worker, an entire team and throughout our government is working hard in their areas to fulfill that. with that, we are glad to take a few questions. >> reporter: suspects, a moment ago mitch mcconnell
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will be here in a few minutes, reiterated that he is not a fan of the present streets. you have explained that he likes to talk directly to the american people. the sometimes cross the line, wearing his tweets become the news? the agenda? >> in the context of your question, i think you helped answer that. the present is the most effective messenger on his agenda, and i think his use of social media, he now has a collective total of close two two10 million that gets him to the american people which is a very, very effective tool. >> but it's two different things? >> i think the people who are critiquing him now or. >> reporter: let me ask about health care. senator lindsey graham said the other day that he that she was
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asked if he was able to get it and he said he won't. others said it will be unlikely that we'll get health care deal. are they just misinformed? what's the difference between republican leadership in the white house is putting out what some republican senators are saying that a deal is not good happen? 's ego the active x become their gonna work the well, by the way every member of the republicans campaign on this, and it will come together to achieve the goals of lowering costs and providing better access. i noted there is a commitment by the leadership, and the committee chairs, and we still remain very hopeful that it will get done. >> reporter: chuck schumer just a while ago called the infrastructure and investment bank as a goldman sachs plan. he said is is a sure loser.
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are you guys willing to commit more than the $200 billion to from that government to meet democrats whenever bill comes forward to try to get that across the finish line? >> i think the american worker in our infrastructure are the presidents priority. it allows our economy to thrive and grow. the president has talked about the impact about broken bridges and bad roads and how they have an impact on the economy and people delivering goods to market. he's going to create that public, private partnership that ensures that we maximize dollars. we put people back to work and get things in. you saw that yesterday in the air traffic control proposal, where he had union support. you had bipartisan support, because the presents a post of
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this is a businessman. how to use that public, private partnership and how to have state dollars in that you have a economic impact as private. >> reporter: the urgency for tax reform cannot be overstated. here we are in the early phases of june, again, nothing concrete at this point. where's the urgency from the administration? >> this is a subject that will be discussed today with the leadership. some that the president talked about. as i just imagine. secretary munition and jim's call may have been talking to industry groups. women haven't had any work since 2006. it is a great editing. we talk about the magnitude on a corporate and individual side, any impact on our economy and job creation. we are going to get this right. we have of stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds to make sure we get it right, and as with the president and his team
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is doing. i want to talk to someone at the other day, it david from 529 in philadelphia. >> sean, thank you so much for taking the time. we appreciated here here in philadelphia in the greater delaware area. when a question the president's budget proposal, specifically the proposal to eliminate the deductions for local and state taxes, property taxes, in new jersey. folks reportedly paid the highest property tax in the country. 57% surveyed do not support about getting rid of those deduction share what you say to the folks that are worried? >> well, david, thank you for asking. we talked about the prince will that line by director cohen and when they talk about his tax agenda. one of the agendas was
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increasing the deduction paid for middle income families, you're talking about doubling that to $24,000. we estimate that 95% of the folks that file now would not take individual deductions, because there is an increase, the large increase that would happen. most middle income americans would actually save more under the president's plan, because of the large increase that would exist in regards to the standard deduction. >> just a moment ago, my coalition said that they had pro assad regime. has he been briefed? in a quick follow-up on the president street. presence trump to eat had official weight house statement? >> he is the president united states, so they are considered official statements. >> a follow-up, is present trump at all concerned that his tweets could be used against him at the level of the supreme court, when
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they take on the travel ban case? >> i think we made it clear that. the court should follow the law, and i think the danger is real. the law is clear, and there's no question that we should prevail this in court. >> reporter: thank you, sean. can you tell us where the president is going to be and what he's gonna be doing thursday at 10:00 a.m.? it's gonna watch former director james comey? >> he is a full day thursday. with mayors and governors. they will be talking about what we just that some of the projects with the private and public partnership. he is giving a speech midday to the freedom face coalition downtown. it can be a busy day as all of his days are. as i said, the president of a very busy, busy day. as he does all the time. you can be working on pursuing the agenda and the priorities that he was elected to do. i'm going to get to our second guy here. scott hendon at kf yr.
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>> i host a radio show here in north and south dakota, minnesota, and have the ability to talk to people every day that are frustrated with how washington works. i like the present, and they're not fond of the swamp. i'm curious if the infrastructure debate, our governor will be a part of the governors and mayors are coming thursday, does the present believe that the infrastructure is more than bridges and roads? drones, dams? it would ever structured will be deceived here better than the base there? maybe the chance now to drain the swamp? >> thank you. your governor will be here with a variety of other governors and mayors to talk about infrastructure, and i'll be an opportunity for your governor to talk about the challenges that
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you face in the dakotas. i know that in north dakota alone, there are many critical projects with roads and bridges that need to get get a dress pd how the governor prioritizing. one of the issues that has been discussed in respect to the president if a structure plan is creating different pools of projects allowed for innovation, allow for prior prioritization and that is in regards to localities and their priorities. what they can do to help raise the necessary funds, inducing a business way. we have a ways to go. >> reporter: in saudi arabia, do the president signed to have saudi arabia by buy weapons? has he signed anything? >> there were two sides with a hundred and $10 billion that was sent for procurement admins their military sales.
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with saudi arabia initially up to $250 billion of the next couple years. the immediate 110 million i believe, were signed right then. i believe that something you should follow with the department of defense. the totality could lead to $350 billion in next few years, and there is another almost $350 million on the commercial side that the department of commerce can provide would that lists separate. >> reporter: are actual contracts right now? >> there were no agreements. i don't know what was actually signed. i know that there were two pieces. i mentioned the dip fence and the commercial side. i think most of the defense had the initial 110 million of the 310. it was upfront and done, i believe. >> reporter: . i mentioned the defense and the
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i wanted to ask if the present was taking credit and his relationship is being. did anyone in that white house talk to anyone in saudi arabia before? >> there's been tension between saudi arabia and their neighbors for some time. the united states continues to be in close communication with all the parties to resolve the issues, demand and restore corporation which is so crucial to regional security there. there is a message of toughest and extremism is being heated by countries in the region, but the u.s. still wants to see this issue the escalated and resolved immediately. keeping with the principles that the president has laid out in proceeding terrorism financing and extremism. >> reporter: does a lot
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concerns and qatar by removing the leader of power. in them financing terrorist groups. will be beneficial detrimental? >> he had a very good conversation with the leader of qatar. he was happy with his commitment to joining the terrorist financing center and there issu issue. >> reporter: you mentioned tax reform at the top. the trouble on the white house it administration position. the reason i raise this last week he was quoted as saying, several quotes from the
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white house are said they are interested in pushing a larger tax bill that would add to the deficit. that's ms. mulvaney talk about. keep for the text of internet. can you assist? >> that part of that is because that is a discussion going on in congress. director mull mulvaney. they're talking with congress about the plan moving forward. that's conversation, as i talked about. the present will have a conversation in the next several minutes with the senate and house leadership, and i'm sure they'll be a topic to discuss. >> reporter: and increase to the deficit is something that the administration would find acceptable? >> i would put them one like this. if there is a conversation that is going along with congress on how to proceed and if not at this time, i am not getting in front of that discussion. >> reporter: sarah said yesterday in response to
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question who it was they change the president nato speech. she said she would check on that. i know you do not make that commitment but she did. can you comment? >> i don't have that. i don't know. i will ask her to follow-up with you. >> reporter: and you and confirmed that is what happened. there was one speech, and a different one was prepared, late in the process, and that speech indeed take those who are aware the first beach by surprise. >> him we talk with a speech at title five, attic commemoration, the idea that we can recommit ourselves with something that is silly, but i don't about the context of the speech, family, it is a silly discussion, because as we adjusted the time, the president friends at commencement and discussion
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about nato invoking article five for the first time ever after 9/11 pretty much speaks for itself. nato and all 13 articles that make up being part of that treaty. >> reporter: 's are excised to find out exactly what happened? >> there's a lot of things that happen with reporting. another version was delivered. >> there's a lot of things that go on behind the scenes, behind every speech meeting at the president has with preparation until the president gets a version that he feels is appropriate on a number of subjects. it's not appropriate to go out there and share. i will follow-up with a sarah that, i think the broader point, the president can't remain entirely committed to nato and all of the articles. report make how would you expand the president's covered with that attorney justice. >> i cannot comment. i am answering a question, which
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is i have not had that discussion with him. report make he does not have confidence in his attorney general? >> if i haven't had a discussion about a subject, i tend not to speak about it. >> reporter: the chinese government rejects or calls that these three activists were detained in a chinese shoe company. does the white white house have any comment? does prison trump one santa? >> the u.s. position that will continue to observe the appropriate diplomatic pressure on that. it is a. -- report make the london mary saying that the president should no longer call on his city. this he been invited? >> he appreciates the queen's request. >> senior officials were telling us that you would ask my the
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results of the afghan review. do you have a timeline for us? when can we expect this? >> i do the present will continue to discuss that with a tremendous cover with the plan. when that happens, we'll let you know. what is a situation look like a afghan say? >> i think a stable government. also, free from threat. i think i've commented on that before we went to make sure that we root out all forms of terrorism and provide stability in region. >> >> it seems pretty clear from reading reality winner's social media. she is an opponent of the present. does he have a response to the arrest? >> i i don't appeared with ongg investigations, we do not comment. with that being said, i think
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that you have heard the president is very clearly concerned with unauthorized disclosures of classified information and position they can have against national security. i don't be specific, but it's important to note that any disclosure of classified or sensitive information can clearly threaten our national security. >> reporter: you said on many occasions from the podium that the president's tweet speaks for itself. yesterday, a series of tweets bolted then department of justice under stance on his executive order on immigration. given that he has faulted the doj. has he also faulted the attorney general? >> i think i have answered that question. >> reporter: despite what you've said today --
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sorry john. it's clear that the president is taking sides in the gulf coast. why? >> in what way? >> he said on twitter that all reference to qatar come up ill probably be the end of terrorism. >> i commented on this. he's noting that message of toughness. that's not what i said. i was supposed to do, and he was supposed to have a conversation with qatar and the other gulf nations in their support of the tariff terror instance. i would say, he is very concerned with terror financing and stamping out isis. >> reporter: first, is the president comfortable with robert as a special prosecutor, and does he believe that the president has the right to
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replace the special prosecutor if he or she exceeds his mandate? >> i literally have not had that conversation. i'm not discuss that with the president. >> reporter: mother question. the president put out a very forceful commemoration of the battle of midway 70 years ago. he did not know anything about the anniversary of tiananmen square in china. the uprising, building of the century. as he can be summed about the brave uprising in china a quarter-century ago? >> alas. they you guys very much. >> harris: shawn spicer just wrapping up 30 seconds before the top of the hour, taking questions. many of them about tweets. our own john roberts was there. you can imagine, it sean have to talk about the present with
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tweets. whether or not they were officially present or white house. he said they were official statements on twitter by the president. no doubt, more to come, but we have other things to talk about reform, obama here. i am harris, >> shepard: it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 at the white house. president trump is meeting with republicans and congress. trying to figure out how to get healthcare and tax reform back on track. we'll look at their plan action coming up. we mark 73 years since d-day. allied forces launching another key operation. ahead, the battle for the islamic state's so-called capitol, raqqa. not only did the russians hack the dnc computers, now they tried to hack america's voting software days before the presidential election. we know because the government confirmed published documents are real when
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