tv Americas News HQ FOX News June 7, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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we've got to go. >> jon: we do, we are going. we'll have more here. >> going to be a fascinating day tomorrow. testimony from a former fbi director. >> melissa: thank you for joining us. >> jon: "america's news headquarters" starts >> we begin with president trump in ohio making a personal push for health care reform. our commander in chief >> premiums have exploded by an average of 86% in ohio and 75% in kentucky just yesterday we learned that one of the largest insurers is pulling out of ohio. in kentucky, seven carriers have exited the state since obamacare was implemented.
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>> earlier the president named his choice to replace james comey at the fbi. christopher ray is a career attorney. now we're just getting a look at what james comey may say tomorrow as his testimony. chief white house correspondent john roberts joins me now. we want to know about christopher ray. we also want to know about what may be on the bill during the hearing tomorrow. >> reporter: where would you like to start, harris? i have been going over the testimony. here really is the kruk of it. he talks about the february 14 meeting in the oval office when the president was there along with the attorney general, the vice president, the fbi director, many others. he asked james comey to stay around because he wanted to talk to him privately afterwards. this is comey's testimony. when the door by the grandfather clock closed and we were alone, the president began by saying i want to talk about mike flynn. the president began by saying flynn hadn't done anything wrong in speaking with the russians but he had to let him go because he pht led the vice president.
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he also added he had other concerns about flynn which he did not specify. he goes on to talk about something else. then says the president then returned to the topic of mike flynn saying, quote, he's a good guy and he's been through a lot. he repeated that flynn hadn't done anything wrong but had misled the vice president. he then said, and this is the meat of it. this is what we've been waiting for. quote, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. he is a good guy. i hope you can let this go. i replied that, quote, he is a good guy. i did not say that i would let this go. he then goes on to say a couple paragraphs down. i immediately prepared an unclassified memo of the conversation about flynn and discussed the matter with fbi senior leadership. i had understood the president to be requesting that we drop any investigation of flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the russian ambassador in december. i did not understand the president to be talking about the broader investigation of
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russia or possible links to the campaign. i could be wrong, but i took him to be focusing on what had just happened with flynn's departure and the controversy around his account of his phone calls. that really, that is the key section of this testimony, harris, because what has been floated around, when we got piece meal sections of james comey's written sources, seemed like the sources were now inside the fbi report, was that president trump was asking him to drop the russia investigation of mike flynn. comey says in his testimony that he thought that it was only about the phone calls and not about the entire russia investigation. so that changes the direction of this, i think, harris, quite dramatically. >> harris: i want to talk about the senate intelligence hearing that is right now as we speak and is private, but not public,
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private behind the closed door meeting. one of things that came out was about that "washington post" article that pointed to the intel, the top chief intel all perhaps having had some conversations with the president regarding michael flynn. i'm wondering from the testimony that you have there. i know, john, you're still making your way through it, how that might play a role, too. because whether james comey comes online and says any more detail about his conversation with the president, now you have something else cooking out there. >> reporter: you do. definitely. looking ahead to tomorrow's testimony, this is just his opening statement. it's eight or so pages long. could be wrong about that. believe it's eight pages long. seven pages. sorry. obviously he'll be asked a lot of questions about this as well. the opening statement tells one story, but under probing from the senators we may start to get some more of the finer parts of the story. it is possible though that comey will say i can get into that because it might conflict with
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robert mueller's investigation. the two of them have had talks with each other, deconflict shun talks making sure comey doesn't stray to areas of the investigation that could make it difficult for mueller. we heard a couple things that were very interesting. the first was that, to a person, all of the members of the intelligence committee community who were there say that they didn't feel any pressure to shape any investigations. but they also refuse to disclose the contents of private conversations they had with the president in the open session. so we don't know what they're going to say in the closed session. we may get an indication of that from leaks that occur afterwards. that's the big question. what were the conversations in private between the leaders of the intelligence community and the president? harris: yeah. it does matter with regard to what's coming up tomorrow because that would again be a whole other set of conversations that happened separately from james comey. perhaps when senator mccain pressed the intel chief to lean
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on that for a second ab the validity of "the washington post" story. let him weigh in on that. director of national intelligence coats didn't weigh in on that. he said that in his experience there have been some things that haven't always turned out to be true. but it is interesting. i want you to get through those seven or eight pages. i thank you for getting through as much as you can. we may come back to you as the news warrants. john roberts, we appreciate it. we have an opportunity now to talk with south dakota senator john thunu. he joins me now. senator, thanks for being with us. we will get to health care in a moment because i do want to focus on that, as is the president in ohio on the ground meeting with victims of obamacare. that in a second. i first though want to get your initial thoughts. we're learning some of the testimony potentially from james comey tomorrow. i don't know if you've been able to watch and listen, but we're
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getting a flavor of what will come forth. your thoughts? >> right. well, i think that's why it's important to get director comey up here, harris. the intelligence committee is working on a bipartisan basis to get as much information, to follow the facts wherever they lead. director comey's testimony is critical to that. now that we have a copy of his written testimony and your folks are analyzing, as are i think a lot of people right now, we'll be better positioned probably tomorrow to ask questions and to get some of the answers people are looking for. that's why this process needs to move forward. it's unfolding, as it should be, with the intelligence committee. first with an open session now a classified session this afternoon trying to get the facts. >> harriharris: how important i for the president not to have tried to block director comey's testimony? >> i give him credit for that. it was important for members of congress to get as much information as they can.
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it will lend to a more complete investigation. frankly, the more information the better off it is. seems to me at least that the president would want to have those facts out there and that's what this process ultimately leads to. >> harris: james comey has come out. you were watching and listening. is there anything in particular that leads you to want to ask a first question or give you pause? >> first off, what's important is what you're reporting as they started to analyze the testimony is concluding and that there wasn't a specific etch for the at least, according to director comey an what we see and know so far to try and influence the russia investigation. or attempt by the president to impede that. i think that's important factoid that a lot of people are going to be looking at, trying to drill down on tomorrow. i think the main thing right now for a lot of people is just what did the conversations with the
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president and how the director characterizes those, what the context was. i think it gives us a fuller picture of what happened. >> harris: when the door by the grandfather clock closed the president said he wanted to talk about general flynn. those were the comments today as our john roberts is working through. he's a good guy, the president, according to comey said. didn't do anything wrong. i hope you can let this go. i want to give you a last word on this as we get ready to watch what they're calling the hottest ticket in town inside the belt way. >> it really is. it's amazing the amount of attention that's focused on this right now. again, i think until he actually comes up and can respond to questions tomorrow from members of the intelligence committee, it's important that we not jump to any conclusions about what was said. and what the conversation, the private conversations between the president and director comey were. as you begin to analyze the written testimony and he appears
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tomorrow, again, we'll get a better sense of that. i think it's important that he be there, that he talk openly about this. i think that's good for the president and administration. it's important that the president told the director to proceed and to allow this process to go forward. >> harris: let's move forward you and me. health care. the president today met with families and business owners in ohio, particular opportunity he said to talk with victims of obamacare which is imploding. he all said something and i want you to watch it with me now about needing democrats. >> we're having no help, it's only obstruction from the democrats. the democrats are destroying healthcare in this country. we have had no help. we will get no votes. no matter what we do. if we gave you the greatest plan in the history of the world, you would have no democratic vote. it's all gonna be republicans or
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bust. >> harris: i'm curious as to why democrats are even part of the conversation then. you have it. you've got it. you've got the majority on the hill. many americans though expressing, why do you need democrats? >> welsh it would be nice to have democrats involved to try and fix a problem and a mess that they created. this is really, we're on the job now. we have to try and fix the mess that was created by the democrats. it would be nice if they would recognize that this is a failed system and that we need to rescue the american people from a failed system. status quo is unsustainable. you have sky rocketing premiums. information that came out last week from the health and human services department. premiums over the last four years have more than doubled on average, more than doubled everywhere in this country. this has got to be fixed. i think the president is making an observation that i review to be very accurate. that is there is no interest from democrats trying to participate in an exercise that
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would rescue this failing system. i think they view it as a political opportunity and right now they have no interest in being part of the solution. >> harris: any friends among them on this issue? >> i don't see that. i always hope there are some that you can talk to that are reasonable and that look for opportunities to do things in a bipartisan basis, but i think on healthcare their leadership has laid down the law and basically said we benefit politically by not being part of this process. that's precisely where we rat the moment. >> harris: i'm giving my team a signal that i have one last question before i know you have to get back to work. and that is how much does it help to have the president's personal touch on the ground talking about health care and driving the narrative about this issue? >> i think it's really important for the president to be out there, to be as engaged as he can be and to be personalizing this issue. there are people, victims all across this country of this failed healthcare system. we need a system more patient centered, more affordable for
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the people of this country. that's what we intend to do. the fact that the president is out there engaging with the american public and highlighting why we have to fix this system is great for us because it continues to build momentum for us to get to a solution. harris: all right. i want to draw everybody's attention to a live picture of air force one taking off. the president leaving cincinnati, ohio, after having talked about healthcare, which senator thune was gracious enough to talk with me about. thank you very much. the president also on the ground talking about infrastructure. lot of news happening right at the top of the hour. we appreciate the senator's time. a contentious senate intelligence hearing today. it did get chippy. president trump's national security team grilled by lawmakers as former fbi director james comey prepares to face them all tomorrow. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪
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>> harris: fox news alert. we are learning more because we're looking at our phones and wherever we can read about it. the written comments james comey is expected to make at the very start of that hearing tomorrow in front of the senate. and what he may say about his conversations with president trump about all sorts of things. general flynn, russia. this comes to mind. we have our whole journalism team working on this. the first section which jumps out is that comey said he met alone with president trump, then candidate, or incoming president, january 6th to, quote, brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled on russian interference. he goes on to say comey was added to tell the incoming
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president the intel community thought, quote, there were some effort to compromise an incoming president, but we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing, end quote. a lot to get through. let's bring in john roberts. john, i know you're looking through this. thune thought you might be doing this work, too. everybody is watching to see what is in this document. seven or eight pages. what you finding? >> reporter: seven pages. i made it thrul the way through. he talks about the oval office february 14th when the president brought up mike flynn. again, james comey said i did not understand that the president to be talking about the broader investigation into russia or possible links to his campaign. he asked him to let the flynn matter go. i could be wrong, but i took him to be focused on what just happened with flynn's departure and the conversation about his phone calls which would seem to shoot down the reporting or speculation that the president was asking comey to drop the entire investigation into flynn
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and russia. comey does go on to say though, quote, regardless it was very concerning given the fbi's role as an independent investigative agency. he said the fbi leadership team agreed that it was important not to infect the team with the president's request which we did not intend to abide. he said they did not bring it to the attention of the attorney general because they knew that he was going to be recusing himself in connection with the russian investigation. comey said after discussing the matter, we decided to keep it very closely held resulting to figure out what to do. then he gets into the march 30th phone call. the president said he was told three times by james comey, once at dinner and twice in phone calls, that he was not under investigation. here's what comey says about that march 30th phone call. the morning of march 30th the president called me at the fbi. he described the russia investigation as a, quote, cloud, that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country. he said he had nothing to do with russia, had not been involved with hookers in russia and had always assumed he was
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being recorded in russia. he asked what we could do to, quote, lift the cloud. i responded that we were investigating the matter as quickly as we could and that there would be great benefit if we didn't find anything, our having done the work well. he goes on to say further down, i explained that we had briefed the leadership of congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and we had told those congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating president trump. i reminded him that i had previously told him that. he repeatedly told me we need to get that fact out. so there, corroboration from the former fbi director as to what the president said about being told at least now twice by the fbi director that he was not under investigation. >> harris: i want to step in real quickly. we have to go to a break. what you said to me was so significant. what comey is saying seems to shoot down the idea that the president was pressuring him to back off of general flynn. did i get that right from what you said?
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and if so, wouldn't that be the point in all of this? this actually then would substantiate and help the president in what he's been saying all along. >> reporter: again, that i think is the main point here. the fact that james comey, though he was troubled by what the president was saying to him at that dinner, did not take to it mean that the president was asking him to back off from the entire flynn investigation and the entire russia, either connection to the trump campaign or russia influencing the election. it was specifically the details surrounding his firing, mike flynn's firing, and phone calls and whether or not he had been truthful about those phone calls. he does detail the results of the april 11th phone call that the two of them had in which he again said that he is not personally under investigation. that is the president. james comey said the president is not personally under investigation. so the president was told once at dinner and twice in phone calls according to comey that he was not under investigation. that completely corroborates what the president said. >> harris: john robert, thank
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you very much. the headline there though, comey seeming to shoot down this idea that the president was pressuring him to back off of the investigation into his former national security adviser. we will get into this more. stay with us. new bike? yeah, 'cause i got allstate. if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. it's good to be in (good hands). ykeep you that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. abdominal pain... ...and diarrhea. but it's my anniversary. aw. sorry. we've got other plans. your recurring, unpredictable abdominal pain and diarrhea... ...may be irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. you've tried over-the-counter treatments
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the zone. he was talking ab obamacare. we showed you air force one. he's now left ohio. he announced his choice to take over head of the fbi as well. yesterday he met with republican leaders to talk about health care. all on the list of getting things done, flooding that narrative, that zone, if you will, he announced a speech later this week at the faith and freedom coalition. chris plante is the syndicated radio talk show of the chris plante show. leslie marshall is the radio talk show host of the leslie marshall show and a fox news contributor. chris, leslie, good to see you. this is a very busy hump day. lot of sizzle to go along with it. the president flooding the zone, getting out his narrative, chris, with some strong domestic issues and agenda and policy. your thoughts. >> he's doing what he should be doing rather than allowing the democrats to wag the dog on this and the news media. but i repeat myself, he's doing
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what a president would do. the idea that he's being criticized for going to ohio to talk about the failings of obamacare is re ridiculous. he names his pick to the fbi director. somehow destroys the media narrative and the democratic party narrative. it would be funny if it weren't so absurd. >> harris: but an of the list, i could go on to add the list. he talked ab infrastructure, that $1 trillion plan. he was in ohio. he's met with gop leadership talking about healthcare yesterday. there are a lot of things going on, yet i still hear the drum beat that nothing is happening except for russia and james comey. >> well, i don't think that it's just democrats saying that. the focus this week is on i think you said harris earlier the big act, if you will, in august. all eyes are on this testimony tomorrow. i will agree somewhat with what chris said which is this is what
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the president is supposed to do and should have been doing all along. as president, it shouldn't be anybody or any party that stops or distracts him from doing that. however, i think the timing is to be a bit of a distraction. i also think it's amusing that he was in ohio regarding obamacare and that he's pushing that to repeal and replace yet. in republican districts in ohio and throughout the united states as we're seeing at town hall meetings, more and more republicans, more and more trump supporters are now liking obamacare the longer it stays in place. i'm not sure it was a good choice for him. >> harris: so, you know, their last insurance company pulled out of the obamacare exchange in ohio this week. right? anthem. there are businesses and families on the ground with whom the president met right there on the tarmac and talked about healthcare. there are some, if you will, juicy examples of what is imploding about that healthcare plan from the last president, if
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you will, to get him to go to ohio and put his personal touch on this issue. chris? >> this is a real issue affecting millions of americans including myself. in ohio there are 20 counties that have no options, zero options because of the structure of obamacare. in my house hold personally we went from $550 a month for two of us to more than $1750 a month for premiums alone. now, if that's a success story, then i'd hate to see what a disaster would be. that's a disaster. this is what the president should be talking about. he needs to name an fbi director. the idea this is taking the democratic party off their message with this, what are we coming up on a year now of russia conspiracy theories based on anonymous sources where there's no smoking gun as democrat after democrat has admitted including senators that are show boating. leslie, what did you kaeult, the big act? it is. >> harris: i called it the hottest ticket in town. that's what many inside the belt
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way are calling it. i don't normally focus on the president's tweeting unless it's becoming to be news. democrats may be making a little ground with this mantra because now behind the scenes some of the staff are saying please don't, you're not helping things in terms of tweeting so much. it talks to the base directly. it also donors like it as well. we lost leslie's live shot. chris, are you still there? >> i am. i have plenty to say. sure. look, the president should obviously i think be more judicious in his use of tweeting. i appreciate the fact that he can circumvent the new york times and cnn and get his message directly to the american people. but when it comes to terrorist attacks in london and some other issues, it would be helpful i think if there were something of a filter on the president's twitter account. >> harris: that's very interesting. again, donors say they like it.
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we talked about it this hour yesterday. we shall see if the president will be unfettered going forward or if he will put in some gates in his comments. james comey will be testifying tomorrow at the same time the president will be at events as well. we'll move on. chris, good to see you. also, thanks to leslie. we lost her because of our satellite. sometimes technology works out that way. intelligence is the news of the day. the former fbi director just released prepared works. you know we're covering it here as it break. but three of the trump administration's top intel officials testified on capitol hill for hours today. now they're in private session. that was public this morning. they were talking about surveillance, russian election meddling and leaks. katherine herridge was there for it. she joins me next. >> i have never been directed to do anything. in my three plus years as the director that i felt to be inappropriate nor have i felt pressure to do so. >> have you ever been asked to
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>> harris: intelligence the news of the day as top officials are grilled on capitol hill about russian efforts to interfere with the u.s. election. and now the fired fbi director just released comments a day before he testifies on capitol hill. just about 30 minutes ago we got them and we've been going through them. but their testimony earlier today seemed to leave lawmakers at least on the left side of the
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aisle a bit frustrated. chief intel correspondent catherine herridge is in washington. first let's start with that. then we'll get to the comey statement. it seems like there was pressure, particularly from the democratic side of the political aisle on our intel chief to talk about information that they had classified as things that they couldn't talk about. it got really testy, catherine. >> reporter: it did. bottom line for folks at home is we had 3.5 hours of public testimony before the senate intelligence committee with key leaders from the community, from the director of national intelligence who over sees the 17 intelligence agencies, as well as the director of the national security agency. they're in charge of signal collection, as well as the acting fbi director mr. mccabe and all the deputy attorney general ron rosenstein. what we did not hear in 3.5 hours is that they had personally been pressured by
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president trump to in any way interfere with the russia case or to blunt any avenue of investigation. it got really contentious though, harris, because democrats kept pressing the director of national intelligence, as well as the nsa director to talk about whether they had conversations with president trump about this issue or whether they had been contacted by individuals in the white house about ways to influence the russia probe. this was really in response to media reports that were to that effect. and the men said we simply cannot get into that detail, but we stand by our public statements that we were not, as admiral pro-skwrers said, pressured to do anything they felt was illegal, immoral or inappropriate in this case. >> harris: as we were watching this, it was unfolding during the noon hour, there was a big question about whether they had used executive privilege. they're in private session. so they very well could be
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answering some of these sessions. democrats putting on a little bit of a show you might argue since they knew at 2 p.m. eastern they were going to get another bite at the apple. let's move on. we've got james comey's written statement and the comments he is prepared to open with tomorrow. one of the things that jumped out from the reporting so far, john roberts going through it. comey seems to shoot down the idea that the president was pressuring him to back off an investigation of his former national security adviser. his exact words were that they did have a conversation where he understood the president to ask him to do what, catherine? >> reporter: well, if you go through the seven pages of prepared testimony, several things jump out. what jumped out at me on the first go around is the former fbi director documented virtually every interaction with the incoming president from phone calls to meetings. he described at one point sitting in the fbi limousine outside trump tower and getting onto his laptop to document the
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nature of the conversation. this was simply not something he did with president obama. when you look at the testimony that will be delivered here in the room behind me tomorrow, the fired fbi director says really without verification that when they had that conversation about former national security adviser mike flynn, the president said to him, i want you to let go of an investigation that looks at whether mr. flynn lied to the fbi about his contacts with the russian ambassador. and james comey said very clearly he did not in any way take that to mean that he wanted him to drop the entire counter intelligence investigation. but the one element of flynn and this is the first time that i have seen testimony that alleges that flynn lied to the fbi about his contacts with the russian
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ambassador. and lying to the fbi is an automatic five years if convicted. that's another little piece of news there if that is, in fact, the case, harris. >> harris: real quick, yes or no if you read the seven pages and had a chance to take it all in. is there anything that is a, i'm just going to quote senator warner, that might be a smoking gun since democrats say they don't have any evidence and don't have a smoking gun? >> reporter: what i would caution people is this is prepared testimony. director comey will be taking questions on it tomorrow. what we don't know right now is whether he has been asked by the special counsel, robert mueller, not to go beyond what's in the black and white of the prepared testimony because these other issues remain of investigative interest to the special counsel. so we have to see whether he takes questions on these matters or whether he deflects questions because of the request of robert mueller. but when you read the seven pages what you come away with is
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that the fbi director, james comey, never felt that the president was pressuring him to drop the entire fbi investigation. he was focused on flynn. and that is director comey who offered to the president that he was not under investigation. >> harris: okay. >> reporter: he said he did that willingly and that he spoke with others within the fbi as to whether that might be appropriate during one of their first meetings. >> harris: catherine, thank you very much. you mentioned robert mueller. puts us right on to the next thing. we'll bring you back. the former director of the national intelligence claims clapper has been making some pretty bold statements concerning allegations that the president colluded with russians. watch a bit. >> i have to say though that i think you compare the two that watergate pales really in my
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view compared to what we're confronting now. >> harris: and yet we are confronting no evidence to date. the nation's top intel officials today, as catherine was just telling us about, testified before that senate panel. they never felt pressured by the president regarding the russia investigation. there seems to be a theme today with that. joining us now attorney jonna philborn. i mentioned robert mueller. because now he's in charge of this investigation. and i know that he, what, would be talking with the white house counsel, hoping to gain some information. >> yes. >> harris: is that protected information? >> so, this is interesting. in terms of who is the white house counsel's client? the white house counsel's client is the office of the white house i, e, the president. a lot of what this investigation will include happened before donald trump, the man, became the president of the united states. so insofar as any statements donald trump would want to discuss with white house counsel
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that happened before he got into the white house may not be privileged information under the attorney/client privilege. >> harris: that's interesting. you've been watching all of this unfold. if you could, tell me if there is any bombshell in this. the testimony seems to be from james comey's own statement that there was no pressuring. i want to get to the heart of it. >> i think the bombshell is that there is no bombshell. everybody wants there to be a bombshell. there's four different investigations going on as we speak. and so far nothing. there's no evidence of collusion. there's no evidence of anything. so if you want a bombshell, there it is. >> harris: we appreciate it. dropping it right here. thank you very much. all right. iran is blaming the united states for two deadly terror attacks in tehran today. what this could mean for the already strained relationship. stay with us.
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>> harris: the special election in georgia's 6th congressional district is officially the most in american history. latest polls showing the race is neck and neck and democrat john osoff and karen handle squared off for their very first head to head debate last night. jonathan siri joins us for a recap. jonathan, i really want to start with why this race is so key, so important? >> reporter: yeah. you know, this race is generating a lot of national interest because of the balance of power in congress. while most of last night's debate focused on national issue, the candidates themselves did not bring up donald trump and only discussed the president indirectly when prompted by members of the panel. the major issues they discussed, syria, iran, tax reform and religious freedom. for karen handle, the republican who's well known in this affluent district that favors establishment conservatism, her
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strategy was to try and tie her democratic opponent to nancy pelosi. take a listen. >> you might live just five minutes outside of the district, but your values are nearly 3,000 miles away in san francisco. >> secretary handle has a lot of partisan attacks that she's launching. she hasn't provided any explanation for how she'll serve the people of this community. >> reporter: with recent polls showing this race neck and neck, both candidates are trying to win over independent and moderate voters while not alienating their core constituents. harris? >> harris: we will keep watching it. jonathan, thank you very much. terror in tehran, iran. isis claims responsibility for a terror attack inside tehran's borders. so why is iran blaming the united states? it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving.
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>> harris: iran is lashing out at us in saudi arabia after a pair of terror attacks in tehran. the islamic state is claiming responsibility. it would be their first successful attack inside iran. the state department has condemned the attack, even as tehran issued a statement blaming the united states. it reads, quote, the public opinion of the world especially iran recognizes this terrorist attack which took place a week after a joint meeting of the united states president and the head of one of the region's backward governments which constantly supports fundamentalist terrorists as very significant, end quote. virginia congressman scott -- congressman, thanks for joining us. >> great to be with you. >> harris: what do you make of iran blaming us? >> well, iran, they have their own domestic political needs and
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need to shore up their base. i think it's a mistake. the fact that the islamic state. you have to have thoughts and prayers to any innocent victims of terror around the world. you have the iranian government, they probably don't want to admit that they've been penetrated by the islamic state right in their capital. at the same time, they should be cautious and careful because that rhetoric against saudi arabia, as we know, is one of the rivals in the region. that's an act of war. they have to be careful about that rhetoric. that could lead to some unintended consequences and potential violence. >> harris: that's a good point. i said saudi arabia in my leading comments, but they call them a backwards government, saudi arabia. >> well, there's no question that the iranians and the saudis, they fight for sort of regional dominance and they're constantly issuing, you know, insults like that against each other all the time. this is much more harsh and has much more potential again for escalation. so they should be cautious about
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it. i understand they're dealing with their own domestic politics in trying to show that they wrrpb penetrated by the islamic state. but that's dangerous tharb kind of rhetoric. >> harris: you pointed out the irony, too, of iran actually talking about supporting terror groups. let's pop up on the screen while their hands are not clean. hezbollah, hamas, hezbollah in iraq, shia fighters, brutal crackdown inside syria. the list goes on and on. we'll leave it up on the screen and get your thoughts. >> well, there is no question about it that iran, via their proxies that you just named, many of them, are trying to increase their influence and trying to be regional groups in the middle east. quite frankly, they have. they have increased their power certainly in the past decade or so. but their hands are not clean, of course, in financing and influencing terrorism around the region to advance their own political interests. >> harris: well, we brokered a
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deal that put some more money in their hands, congressman. >> well, in my opinion, obviously, very overtly against the deal. i believe in the short term we have helped them finance these proxies. they have gained regional influence in the short term and the long term i think we put them on a path to be able to get nuclear weapons. i think it's the wrong deal and is bad and we should do something about it. >> harris: part of your resume is as a navy seal. you have been in that area. isis, 30 countries plus now. generals are telling me they are, even though we're hitting them inside syria and other places, they're still grow. what is the latest on the islamic state terror group which i call the savages? >> you have -- i like your strength in that statement. you have a network group, right? so this is unlike anything previous to ten years ago in terms of them having the ability to grow via the internet, of
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course. being able to influence folks from some countries into other ones. we have to have increased communication between not just states, but even cities as well, between each other as well. there are certainly fiscal things we have to do. we have to kill folks in certain areas and not let them have safe harbor. we need partnerships around the world to be able to do that. >> harris: representative scott taylor, always great to talk to you. >> you, as well. >> harris: we'll be right back.
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wild turkey. the liquor store. give me a break. i'm harris faulkner. tomorrow, the big hearing. james comey takes the stand. we'll have special live coverage all day long. here's shep. >> shepard: the comey statement released. it's noon on the west coast. 3:00 in washington. now we know what the former fbi director james comey plans to say tomorrow under oath on capitol hill. the president of the united states demanded his loyalty, he will testify. he re-assured the president the feds were not investigating him personally at the time. we'll go through the prepared remarks ahead. also, extraordinary moments today on capitol hill as senators quiz the intelligence officials about how president trump handled the russia investigation. >> would it be in any way typical for a president to ask questions or bring up an ongoing fbi inve
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