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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  June 8, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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carley: no politics but a lot of talk of the predators last night. rob: "fox & friends" should be there. it starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> fired fbi director james comey is set to testify on capitol. >> what the president asked for was loyalty to the american people. >> north korea launched ballistic missiles. >> everything we are upset in washington, all totally irrelevant tomorrow. >> international crisis explodes. >> yes, it's time finally to put america first and that's what i've been doing if you haven't noticed. >> the president was exactly on track talking about infrastructure. >> this is the ceremony office of the vice president.
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i think the tradition is that you sign at the end of the tenure, so i expect i will be signing this. [laughter] >> it is time for the cmt music awards. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ainsley: does that remind you of an ex? i still think rabbit you. steve: i've been married 30 years. there's a lot of territory between me and an ex.
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ainsley: i never dated a brian. i didn't. did you ever date an ainsley? brian: i never went to school with an ainsley. did you? steve: she's my first. ainsley: let's talk about the news of the day. james comey will be in front of committee today. can we put up the statement? steve: here is exactly what he said. the president says vindicated, eager to continue to move forward with the agenda. so what is he talking about? take a look at the cover of the new york post today because it's all about the comey show. fbi director told the president that he wasn't under investigation and did that three times. that's what president trump said. he said james comey told me three times i was not being personally investigated although
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there were some other news reports out over the last 48 hours or so that he would refute that, not true. the president was right and that's why he feels vindicated. brien: the other stuff was accurate that leaked out prior to comey surrogates where obviously let those memos out. he did take notes after their meeting. they are going to be obviously front and center. he has coordinated with mueller who is doing the overall probe to make sure he's not going to say things that'll mess up the investigation. what's good for president trump, three times he asked for and verbally got, there's no investigation, he said, yeah. there's no investigation here. i would like you to tell people that and to me knowing president trump as well as you can as not being a member of the family, that's totally trumpian. he's trying to say, i'm trying to get my agenda forward. behind the scenes in washington it's not moving because of this russian probe.
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since you're not investigating me -- people like paul manafort, carter, i can't remember his last name, carter page. mike flynn is no longer here. can you push this to the side and exonerate me so i can do health care. ainsley: that's why in the phone calls, i have the dates written down. on one of the phone calls that he had with comey it was on march 30th he said can we -- what can we do to lift the cloud, the russia investigation because he wants the cloud lift sod that republicans can go on and do the job that they were elected to do. steve: headline all over the place is that the president asked mr. comey, are you going to be a loyal guy. keep in mind mr. comey had been appointed fbi director by barack obama and barack obama had a bunch of people who were trying to blow up mr. trump as he came into the presidency. also if you're a ceo or leader, that's what you want your team to be, a bunch of people who are loyal to the team and, in fact, we have heard he asked many
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other members of the cabinet, that cory lewandowsky who is campaign manager explained loyalty this way. >> what the president asked for was loyalty to the country and loyalty to make sure that the american people had the justice system that they want. that's not unheard of. that's not uncalled for and what the president asked for is a president elect was to develop a rapport with the incoming fbi director. you read the statement that the fbi director made what he said in entire tenure he had two conversations with barack obama when he was the president of the united states, one to simply say good-bye and in the time that president trump has taken office from the time he was president elect till the time jim comey was fired for not performing his job well, he had nine separate conversations with the president and multiple meetings. the difference is this president is hands on and wants to make sure we had the best justice department available and relieve a person from duty who is no longer capable of running the fbi.
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brian: he puts things out there and backs off. he didn't say he felt pressure but did say the president on one to one interview said i want loyalty and i would like loyalty and i would like you to leave mike flynn alone. there's a problem with one thing. steve: mike flynn just got fired. he wasn't asking him to stop the investigation. that would have been obstruction of justice. brian: so what he did say that did not make and if you did feel the pressure, if you did feel it was overline you tell the attorney general. i didn't tell the attorney general because he was going to recuse himself and the acting director was acting director. that does not add up. it was two weeks down the line after he had this one-on-one with the president where it turned out that sergey kislyak meeting. that doesn't add up. nobody had any idea that --
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ainsley: here is the thing about the loyalty thing. we can all interpret it differently. they were the only people in the room. we are going to hear testimony today. we would like to her from the president what he meant by loyalty but i could have taken as they are talking about the leakers and, of course, the president wants leakers. we want people within our administration to be loyal. steve: right, exactly. the intel director and nsa boss were on the hot seat essentially because you had republicans an democrats trying to get to the bottom, did the president try to exert influence over you to get you to stop anything and they made it very clear, they were never pressured to intervene in the russia investigation which throws water, cold water on the report that is donald trump was trying to squeeze these guys to stop it. here we have an interchange. look, donald trump didn't do anything wrong. the other voice is senator mark
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warner of virginia. >> to the best of my recollection, i have never been directed to do anything i believed to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate and to the best of my recollection, during that same period of service, i do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so. >> i have never been pressured. i have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in anyway with shaping intelligence in a political way. >> you may not have felt pressure but if he's even asking, to me that's a relevant piece of information. brian: that's it. he didn't feel pressure but when it came to asking coats, rogers who i never heard rogers was ever asked or even rumored but when it came to coats and when it came to deputy attorney general, the question was did you -- did he ever come up to you and say, can you telecomy to back off here, they would not say -- they would not say that
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those conversations did not take place. and in coats case he said i will tell you behind closed doors. that was the issue. you could tell me tomorrow, you could say, do me a favor, come in early and i need you to come in early and do do it from now. if he pulled you to the side and come in early and do the team, the answer would be yes, they don't want to say yes. steve: mr. coats and i get this, look, i just don't want to talk about private conversations i had with the president of the united states in public. i will tell you in private but not in public. we never felt pressured, case close. brian: no, the question is did he ask you and they would not answer the question and that brought the whole thing out and allows something going on that we don't know. i think they have a better answer to that? ainsley: do all the details have to really mattered? brian: yes or no, did he pull
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you aside and even marco rubio -- ainsley: what's wrong with them pulling them aside? >> they wouldn't answer, i don't know. ainsley: he's very hands on. brian: they wouldn't admit that the president pulled them aside behind closed doors and do me a favor and put pressure or not put pressure, talk to comey about exonerating. ainsley: even if they did pull them aside, i guess the president did pull them aside but they didn't feel pressured no matter what they talked about they didn't feel pressure. brian: did he or not pull you aside? they chose not to answer the question. ainsley: even if it said yes or no, would that change anything? brian: the president pulls out the nsa director, do me a favor, pressure somebody else in justice, that's what democrats and some republicans were getting at.
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ainsley: let us know what you think. steve: 6:11 in new york city and jillian joins us with the news. jillian: that's right, i don't want you ever questioning me ever. good morning to you guys. to you at home as well. we do begin with fox news alert, terror attack outside the u.s. embassy in ukraine while you were sleeping attacker throwing explosive device over compound fence in keiv, suspect not caught. we just got hands on dramatic new video terrorist in london stabbing man. it's pretty graphic, the three terrorists seem stabbing an innocent man walking down the street within second armed cops storm in and open fire killing the extremists, eight people killed, 48 others injured in the massacre. security taking center stage as voters in britain take to the polls.
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prime minister theresa may fighting a closer battle than expected against front runner jeremy corbyn. tensions boiling point with north korea as the rogue nation launches four new test missiles. u.s. officials say the rockets do not pose a threat to americans. the launch comes a day after south korea's new president suspended installment of u.s. antimissile system. >> the south korean regime caving in to china and we realize that america is no longer the protector it was. this is a big shift. >> fourth missile test in a month and comes less than a week after the un security council imposed new sanctions. a look at your headlines this morning, guys, we will keep you updated on the stories. ainsley: thank you. steve: straight ahead on this
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thursday, president trump talking tough on obamacare. >> obamacare is dead. steve: do americans agree that it's dead. brand-new dials you will only see here in lee carter. brian: illegals are going to be let loose because the system is unfair to the poor, seriously? ainsley: here is luke bryant and jason durelo. steve: jason durelo. ♪ ♪ ♪
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and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with mom's changing needs. (woman) because dad made us promise we'd keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide. steve: president trump touting new plans for infrastructure and health care. how did his message resinate with the folks, lee carter is president with maslansky + partners. welcome to the living room. lee: great to be here. amazing. steve: the president was in cincinnati, you poll tested the first sound bite. here is how the president is talking about obamacare, folks, is dead. >> obamacare is in a total death spiral and the problems will only get worse if congress fails
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to act. obamacare is dead, the house of representatives has done its job. it sent a plan to the senate and the senate is working it over because we are having no help, it's only obstruction from the democrats. the democrats are destroying health care in this country. steve: all right, lee, republicans gave an a plus, independence a c an democrats an f. what i find most interesting about this that the health care debate, independent are more favorable towards obamacare, 20 points higher than they were when the president took office. steve: why is that? lee: part of the reason the republicans haven't said what's in it and democrats are saying 24 million will lose health care. steve: one of the other things the president said yesterday, look, we are a nation of
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builders, let's build something. watch. >> it's time to recapture our legacy as nation of builders, commerce, an discovery and we are going to see all the way into the future and the future is going to be beautiful and the future is going to be bright. steve: independent like that. lee: they sure did, even democrats gave it a c. this is the message where donald trump shines, he was elected on messages like this. america first, we are going to make america great again. this is a great message. steve: another sound bite from the president in cincinnati, folks, let's get busy. >> it's time that we now start looking for our interest in the united states. [applause] >> no longer will we sacrifice american jobs, factories and wealth. the theft of american prosperity
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has come to a screeching halt, folks. and a new era of american greatness is about to begin and you see it, it's already beginning. steve: look at that. lee: a my news with republicans, b plus with independent and c minus with democrats. candidate trump, the one that went to ohio, exactly what he was like, that president trump is so popular and even democrats are willing to listen to him and he needs to be out with the people spreading his message.ger that had way. you pretty much think they are backing a moving van in the white house. lee: pretty much. great to be here. steve: coming up on the thursday james comey confirms president trump is not under investigation three times but that's not what you're going to hear from the mainstream media. >> there's a lot of smoke and there are a lot of alarm bells. steve: so what's the reality, we
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ainsley: quick headlines for you. lawyers for gitmo detainees are sueing and they want doctors to provide information to polish officials who are investigating a former cia in that country, the torture, a facilitator for al-qaeda. and two senators want a major media festival moved out of texas to protest the state's sanctuary city's ban.
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democrats bob me nend es and cortez, they don't even represent the lone star state. rules, the new rules against immigrant sanctuary goes into effect in september, the ceo by south by southwest festival has no plans to move. brain -- >> he just doesn't listen. >> i'm going the tell you, there's a lot of smoke and a lot of alarm bells. >> this is a code red situation for the trump presidency and emergency situation that's not going to go away and therefore it's a code red situation in the country. brian: i guess it's a code red situation. why the disconnect, here to debate former strategic for hillary clinton and gop strategists lisa boothe and fox news contributor.
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[laughter] brian: adrienne what do you take from media coverage yesterday? >> mike flynn is still under investigation, officials from his campaign are still under investigation and robert mueller, special counsel robert mueller is still very much looking into donald trump and what kind of collusion he may have had with russia. i hope we will get more answers today with mr. comey's testimony. brian: right, but with president trump wants to get stuff done and feels that inside washington, you guys will know better, there's a cloud holding back his agenda. he said release me and continue the investigation. is that what you walked away with? >> well, yeah. and the former fbi director james comey also stated in his written testimony both three times that the president himself is not under investigation and also that this is a counterintelligence investigation as opposed to a
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criminal investigation. that being said, i don't think the president has helped himself in a lot of conversations, he probably he shouldn't have had in the beginning although liberal law professor like jonathan had said that it does not amount to obstruction of justice but i do think there's a danger here for the media as well as democrats who are really overplaying their hand. you look at the harvard harris poll and the majority of americans believe there are fake news out there. there was buzzfeed article not too long ago about democrats on background talking to this reporter about concerns that they are overplaying their hand regarding the russia investigation. do i think there's a danger for the democratic party to really overreach particularly when you have senator dianne feinstein and even representative like maxine waters who has pushed conspiracy theories saying on record that there's no evidence of collusion. brien: having said that to bring, we don't indict on people
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for foolish, you shouldn't have been doing that. what do you expect to hear today, if i was to give you an opportunity to ask a couple of questions after reading what comey said? >> well, first of all, i would want to know what sort of pressure mr. comey felt that donald trump was giving him and all the meetings that they had. donald trump met with mr. comey nine times and several conversations were one-on-one with mr. comey which is something that i would certainly not want to put myself in if i was the president of the united states. so what we want to know from mr. comey what sort of pressure did he feel from the pressure, did he feel any pressured tactics that made him feel that he had to do any sort of -- how to do anything to influence the investigation. brian: i can tell you by your tone, you're look a lot of democrats i'm not too pleased with him either. real quick, what would you ask? >> i would like to get clarity over written testimony and third testimony when he never felt politically pressured to not investigate or felt political pressure in this investigation.
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so i would like to get clarity around those comments and i would like to hear about the leak that is we have been seeing that undermine national security as well. brian: somebody was calling the new york times, man, it's unbelievable. it's like the intelligence agencies have turned on this white house. adrián, lisa, thanks so much. >> thank you. brian: apesly takes a behind the scenes of the vice president's office and she brought her camera. >> how did you get from indiana to now here? brian: his answer about his american dream will make you proud to be an mesh one day after his birthday and remember the texas democrat who went on a hunger strike for three days to support illegals, now she's in trouble with the law. but first on a different note, happy birthday to first lady laura bush, she's 92 year's old today, everyone if you see her, give her a hug.
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now you can own america's tractor for just 99 dollars a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. ♪ ♪ brian: i've never really screwed up a birthday before -- [laughter] ainsley: you almost got it right. brian: i said laura bush, sorry, first lady, that was november 4th. i should have said barbara bush's birthday is today -- steve: and she is 92. laura bush is 70. brian: i will make one mistake a show, so i got that out of the way. ainsley: happy birthday, mrs. barbara bush. brian: meanwhile, last week ainsley got a sit-down with vice president pence.
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she says they discussed current events as well as what it means to be vice president. for example -- >> president donald trump is a man of his word. literally, he gets up every day and turns his face like flint against the wind -- [laughter] and says what are we going to do today to make america safe again, to make america prosperous again, to make america great again. and it's the greatest honor of my life to be vice president to president donald trump. brian: when you look at that, it looks like a different room. it's not in the white house, it's next door in the eisenhower executive office right next door to the white house, and that's where the interview was. ainsley: huge building, it's a french-style building. the vice president was so kind to show me around what has been the vice president's ceremonial office since the 1960s. take a look. >> this is the ceremonial office of the vice president.
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in the executive office building. i have an office here, i have an office in the west wing where i spend a considerable amount of time. but i also have an office in the senate and an office off the house of representatives. ainsley: so where do you do most of your work? >> in between floors. [laughter] ainsley: this desk, very special. >> it's one of four desks that spent time in the oval office. gives it great distinction. but what's special about it, the tradition started many years ago of vice presidents signing the inside of the desk. and so you have everyone from harry truman to joe biden to al gore to dick cheney be, walter mondale. ainsley: dick cheney wrote with a sharpie, but joe biden, it's engraved in there. when do you sign it, do you sign it now or wait? >> i think the tradition is that you sign it at the end of your
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tenure. i expect i'll be signing this drawer in seven and a half years. ainsley: your son is a marine. what does freedom, the flag, our country, what does it mean to you? >> well, i never fail to remember that whatever the challenges of being in public life, we all have the second hardest job. we're only able to serve here because men and women at this very hour are wearing the uniform of the united states and defending our freedom and making it possible. i add to that list the brave men and women of law enforcement, first responders across this country. what i try and do every single day is live up to the courage and the standard that they've demonstrated in their lives. ainsley: wow. what a view. washington monument. the white house. >> you know, it's amazing when you think about it that every president since our second president has lived in that home. ainsley: i know. the history.
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>> remarkable. ainsley: presidents who are no longer with us walked these halls. it's unbelievable. how did you get from indiana to now you're here? >> well, that's america, isn't it? small town kid, grew up with a cornfield in my backyard. president john f. kennedy was a hero of my youth as was dr. martin luther king jr. i just got it in my head early on that maybe someday i could come to washington washington, d.c. and serve like they did. studied hard, i prayed hard and here, i say with great humility, here i stand the vice president of the united states. it's, to be the grandson of an immigrant, my grandfather grew up in ireland and immigrated to this country when he was about my son's age. i was just reflecting this week on the inauguration.
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i couldn't help but think on that day grandpa was looking down from glory and thinking he was right. not right about me, he was right about america. america is the place where anybody can be anybody, even a small town kid from southern indiana who grew up with a dream. ainsley: the sacrifices a parent make. his grandfather came here, doesn't know a soul, came here from ireland, and now his grand grandson is vice president of the united states of america. brian: the american dream. ainsley: it is. our first lady speaks five languages. brian: and it's so cool to see that building on the inside, because it is so much more -- the white house is fantastic, but that building is so ornate on the inside.n: and like dick , he's playing a major role. i think vice presidents used to not do much, now they're doing a lot. ainsley: i agree. steve: really interesting. ames aibs thank you so much,
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mr. haven't. steve steve all right, let's go upstairs, and gillian's got the headlines. >> an armed robber is dead after spark a police shootout in 3wr0d dating. [gunfire] >> you can see the suspect firing at baltimore cops who returned fire as bystanders run for cover. this all started when police say he robbed two people, then jumped on a public bus to try to get away. police later pulling the bus over, the man immediately opening fire. a police officer and bystander were shot and are in critical condition. in yet another about-face, the newly-released leader of a terror group responsible for more than 100 deadly bombings across the u.s. will be honored at the puerto rican parade. oscar lopez rivera will still be given the national freedom hero
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award. he's already said he won't accept it. he spent more than 35 years behind bars before president obama communitied his sentence. prisoners enjoying a get out of jail free system in houston. the u.s. supreme court ruling already allowed dozens of inmates to walk free, and the county jail is expected to release another 100 inmates this week. county officials plan to appeal the ruling next month. and remember the texas democrat who starved hearse to protest a -- herself to protest a sanctuary cities ban? she just got busted for dui. she posted an apology online. take a look. >> i disappointed my family, my constituent, my supporters, i disappointed myself. i'm deeply sorry. >> a dallas police officer arresting the lawmaker after she crashed her bmw into a tree.
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the cop says she was uncooperative but told him, quote, i love you and i will fight for you. that's a look for your headlines on this thursday. steve steve thank you very much, gillian. brian: it's one of the campaign promises that got him elected. president trump's new plan to build the wall, that's even got democrats, well, they're going to have a hard time refusing his idea. ainsley: and the president meeting face to face losing their health care insurance because of obamacare. how can republicans pass a health care plan that works for every american? brian brenberg, who is a professor and a guest on our show, is walking towards us. he has an idea. we're going to talk to him coming up. >> how are you? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ steve: president trump meeting with families facing what he calls the catastrophic effects of obamacare in ohio and blaming democrats for the fallout. >> ray and dan are just two of the victims of the obamacare catastrophe created by congressional democrats. across america premiums are skyrocketing, insurers are fleeing and the american people are paying much more for much worse coverage. and the problems will only get worse if congress fails to act. the democrats are destroying health care in this country. ainsley: so what will it take for congress to come together and pass real change in health care for all of these families and the millions of others that are facing the same fate? brian: especially in the middle of this turbulence.
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brian brenberg is the chair of business and finance at kings college in new york city. you know the situation, it's now in the senate's lap. they're not happy with the republicans' plan that they gave them, so politically what has to happen? >> look, house and senate republicans have to come together. it doesn't work anymore to blame democrats. it's true, obamacare was passed by democrats, but voters are saying, republicans, you came into office promising to fix this, you have the power, you need to agree on a fix. there are a lot of contentiousish i shoes. republicans have to tell their story about innovation, about expanded possibilities and about lower costs. they haven't done that. they're just in-fighting, and that's the problem that voters are seeing. ainsley: there's so much talk about russia, we have the fbi investigations, all of this going on when people in middle america or who are losing their health care, that's what they really care about. >> that's why it's so important for the president to be out in ohio, in places where insurers
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are dropping out and saying this is a flesh and blood issue. this affects real people. we're talking about tens of thousands of republicans, you have to come together and find a way to put this together. we've got a plan out there, maybe it needs tweaks, but we've got a plan out there. brian: i hear they might have a shot of ramming it through the republican senate and redo the whole thing in conference. do you think that the word is they can get that done by the end of july? >> i don't think they can get it done by the end of july. to me -- brian: [inaudible] >> yeah. right now maybe with the senate with conference, i think that's going to to be very hard to do. they're far apart on this. now, if the president is out there making this pitch and people are saying we want change -- brian: but it's just a negative pitch. all it is is what's wrong with obamacare. he didn't talk about what this new plan will be, because he doesn't have it. >> yeah. but he is putting pressure on republicans. he's pointing to the fact that there are problems, and he's saying, republicans, your going to pay a price next year if you don't get something done. voters respect going to give you
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a pass, so i think that is helpful. the senate republicans, the house republicans have to make the positive case here. they have to let people know we want a more innovative system, a system that's going to provide choice and lower cost. ainsley: do you know he should just let obamacare die on its own? >> no. ainsley: yesterday we heard from, i think it was corey lewandowski who was saying, no, i agree with you, we shouldn't let it die because we care about the people. >> exactly. voters didn't put republicans in office for it to die, they put them in there to fix it. brian: since there's no mandate to buy insurance, of course, less people are going to be covered. whatever the senate puts out, the cbo's going to make it look back. >> yeah. look, the cbo has been massively wrong, and this is not a knock on them -- bruin brian oh, it's a knock on them. [laughter] >> is it's very hard to model. they don't have a way to model
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that. so republicans have to say that's not the end of the story, the cbo analysis. let me tell you how we're going to create choice that fits your needs. the president is out there, he's on the trail making the case, now senate republicans have the sam same thing. ainsley: i'm between two brians. brian: lucky girl. came up earlier, you never dated a brian. former fbi director james comey hours away from testifying on capitol hill, so what should we all be looking for? judge andrew napolitano has not slept in four weeks. he's coming here the top of the hour. [laughter] ainsley: and the cmt awards. carly shimkus is here with what's new. brian: nice to see you. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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steve: some of the trends today, the biggest stars in country music descending on nashville for one of their biggest nights of the year. there it is. ♪ ♪ ainsley: here with what's trending from the cmt awards is fox news headlines reporter carly shimkus. >> hello. the night kicked off with a tribute to the late gregg allman who passed away in may. let's just jump right into it and get a little bit of that
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sound. steve: excellent. ♪ i got one more silver dollar, but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no -- ♪ i'm not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider. >> amazing, amazing start to the show. that was jason aldine, darius rucker, they performed midnight rider. all the brothers were known as a rock band, so many people, in the current country music scene including jason aldean who posted a touching tribute. brian: they always have fun on the cmts. >> they sure did. we can't talk about an awards show without talking about fashion. we're looking at the romphim, it's a male rom per, i don't think he looks that bad. i think i could get down with this. brian: really?
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so that's a one city? >> yeah. maybe it would be a little bit more masculine. brian: if you were single and a a showed up in a romper -- >> it depends where we are, if we're at the beach, maybe. kayla on twitter says charles looked good in that romper. he says, y'all, i don't even care. ro says, dear lord, please don't ever do that again. ainsley, what do you think? ainsley: you know what? it looks like he's wearing a black shirt or longjohns or something. >> all right. there were some winners that we have to to get to. keith urban won video of the year, carey underwood made history -- carrie underwood made history, she has won the most cmt awards, with 17. and my favorite moment of the night was when laura elena won breakthrough video. she was so emotional.
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she felt it was such a special moment, she sang to everybody under the sun and then god, and after she thanked everybody, she said, i'm so sorry, god, it was a cute, special moment. >> let's see if she's that emotional when she comes to fox and friends about a month from now. >> exactly. july 7th. must-see tv. ainsley: you like the comper? >> i'm excited for her performance. steve: i'm going to get you tickets. >> really? front row? steve steve the romphim? not a fan yet. going to have to grow on me. ainsley: e-mail us pictures of you if you are in a romphim. steve: i don't want to see any pictures. sometimes people send weird stuff. [laughter] carly, thank you very much. iowans auction coming up, an act of kindness. a young woman helping a blind man catch a cab when she thought no one was looking. brian: former fbi director james comey hours away from testifying
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on capitol hill. what should we be looking for? andrew napolitano -- steve: all rise. ainsley: hey! ♪ ♪ ray's always been different. last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. at&t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. remote moisture sensors use a reliable network to tell them when and where to water. so that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. china. oh ... he got there. that's the power of and. there's nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. and with their price match, i know i'm getting the best price every time. now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins.
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maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ ♪ ainsley: james comey is going to be grilled today in front to have senate committee. >> look, what the president asked for was loyalty to the country and loyalty to make sure the american people have the justice system they want. ryan brian james comey is backing the president's claims he was never under investigation. ainsley: while you were sleeping, an attacker throwing an explosive device in kiev -- >> and, yes, it's time finally to put america first, and that's what i've been doing, if you haven't noticed. >> the president was exactly on track talking about infrastructure. >> birthday boy and vice president to have united states is now on air force two. [applause]
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>> yea! >> i feel 58 years young. it is time for the cmt music awards! ♪ i've got one more silver dollar -- ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: carrie underwood last night at the cmts, all glittery and great. ainsley: with keith urban, best concert. if you ever get a chance to go, he's amazing.
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i love carrie underwood, my gosh. her voice, unbelievable. brian: sometimes these guys when they sing live, it doesn't sound anything like the record, but it sounds exactly like -- ainsley: well, they act like they're having fun too. steve: so you believe they like each other? ainsley: they support one another. steve: thing of -- thinking of support, folks, i know the word is in the news a lot today, loyalty. thanks to your loyalty to "fox & friends." ainsley: do not change that channel. brian: i ask for your honesty. write us and say something that you know is true. that's all i ask. [laughter] ainsley: we know gillian has some headlines for us. >> good morning. we do have some serious news that we want the get to, we begin with a terror or attack outside the u.s. embassy in ukraine. while you were sleeping, an attacker thousandingen an -- throwing an explosion irv
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device. -- explosive device. no one was hurt. the suspect's not caught. we will bring more information as soon as we get it. tensions nearing a boiling point with north korea as the rogue nation launches four new test missiles. u.s. officials say these rockets do not pose a threat to americans. the launch comes a day after south korea's new president suspended the installment of a u.s. anti-missile system. >> i think this is the new south korean regime caving in to chinese hegemony in the region and realizing america no longer the protector it was. this is a big shift. >> this is north korea's fourth missile test in a month. it comes less than a week after the u.n. security council imposed new sanctions. all eyes on the market as republican lawmaker es are on track to undo obama-era rules claiming they've harmed economic growth. the house gop headed toward a vote this morning to dismantle the dodd-frank act.
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they argue it makes it harder to get credit and cripples the job market. banks are for the move saying it keeps them from lending to small businesses. and an act of kindness is going viral. someone snapping these pictures of a young woman helping a blind cubs' fan after a ball game. casey says she asked if he needed help and he accepted. a man took pictures and posted it online to give her a shout-out, and that is certainly the type of thing we like to see going viral. nice act of kindness. steve: gillian, thank you very much. brian: we are pro-kindness. steve: we absolutely are. ainsley: kindness, loyalty and honesty. steve: judge napolitano's here. judge, three hours from right now james comey's going to be in the center square over at the senate intel committee. yesterday he released a seven-page explanation of his interactions with president
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trump who, according to his personal attorney, feels vindicated because mr. comey, in his document said, yes, indeed, three times i told donald trump he was not under investigation which donald trump said as president and people pooh-poohed it. >> i know mark has what's well, and i respect him, he is a great lawyer, but i disagree this is a total vindication. i think the way this is worded, there's something in there for everybody. there's enough for republicans to attack former director comey and defend the president, there's enough in there for democrats to defend former director comey and attack the president. and there's a lot of parsing of words. what was the president not being investigated over the incident in russia or over the connection between the campaign and the russians? steve: i would assume it's the collusion. however, do you have a fundamental problem or do you think it's ripe for the democratic picking for him to
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say i'd like your loyalty when you could say he's asked that from everybody in the cabinet. >> you know, it depends on what he means by loyalty. again, i don't want to sound like bill clinton, it depends on what the meaning of "is" is. you and i are -- steve: doesn't mean he agree. >> right. and when we disagree, we'll talk to each other. i thought director comey's transnothinglyification was very interesting. that's what we have. we are friends, we have loyalty to each other, we're loyal to our employer. but we're honest. if we have a disagreement or discover something that has to be -- ainsley: now, judge, how do we know he was asking him to be loyal when it comes to mike flynn? they spoke about leaking. what if he was talking about leaking? i expect you to be loyal and not leak -- >> well, that's why we have this interrogation today, which i originally thought was gown to be a dud. now i think it's going to be absolutely incendiary -- steve: why?
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>> because there's so much in here to ask questions. brian brooke for example, if you're a democrat senator, where to you go with comey? >> did you feel the president was trying to influence your decision as to whether or not to investigate general flynn. well, yeah, of course he was trying to influence it. he didn't succeed, but he was trying to. that's plate and potatoes -- meat and potatoes for the democrats. brian: and for the republicans? you try and hurt his credibility >> you either try to hurt his credibility or did the president say anything to try to get you to do your job differently? no, i was stunned when i was fired. ainsley: doesn't the fact that the president is not under investigation and the fbi director told him that three times, doesn't that mean that he didn't do anything wrong? >> no. you have to finish the sentence. the president was not under investigation for, fill in the blank, for his concerns about those absurd allegations in russia, for his involvement with
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the transition, for any communication with russian intelligence. you have to fill in the blank. but i want to say this, i do not believe that a strong case of obstruction of justice comes from this document. it's just not there. but this is not a courtroom in which you have to prove all the elements of the crime, because this is politics. and if you create the impression, if the democrats can succeed today in creating the impression that donald trump inappropriately used the power of the presidency to protect his friends, then the president loses. if the republicans can create the impression that donald trump was the chief executive officer of the federal government, the person who runs and is responsible for and accountable to the people for what happens in the executive branch and is entitled to tell the people who work for him how he'd like them to do it, then the president will prevail. steve: sure. and the mainstream media have tried to present the impression that donald trump tried to stop
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the investigation. yesterday on capitol hill, 24 hours before james comey sits down, we had the top intel chief, and they made it very clear, judge, we're going to play a sound bite, they never felt the president pressured them to intervene in the russia investigation. listen to this. >> to the best of my recollection, i have never been directed to do anything i believe to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate. and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service, i do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so. >> i have never been pressured, i have never felt pressure to to intervene or interfere in any way with shaping intelligence in a political way -- >> you may not have felt pressure, but if he was even asking, to me, that is a very relevant piece of information. steve: and they did say that they would say certain things behind closed doors -- >> now, you just saw both sides of the argument.
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did he ask you to talk to jim comey about mike flynn. i'm not going to tell you what the president asked me. were you ever pressured to do anything unlawful, inappropriate or immoral? no, i never was. follow-up question, would it have been improper, immoral for him to say flynn's a great guy. no, it wouldn't have been. so there's a lot of parsing of words. we're going to see more of it today. brian: absolutely. we're going to see that, and we saw some of the anger. the decision for coats and rogers and the deputy attorney general to not chance question, if there were legal grounds for them not to say, yeah, the president pulled me aside but i didn't feel pressure -- >> no. very unsettling and disheartening -- brian: because rubio was as exasperated -- >> i think senator rubio was correct, i think angus king was correct. you have to give a recognizable, legal reason for not answering the question, and they couldn't
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do it. brian: can we watch a little of that? let's take a look at that sparring. steve: here's angus king. >> is there an invocation of of the president of the united states, is there -- >> not that i'm aware of. >> why are you not answering the questions? is it an invocation of executive privilege? if there is, then let's know about it. if there isn't, answer the questions. >> i stand by the comments i've made. i don't mean that in a, in a contentious way. >> well, i do mean it in a contentious way. i don't understand why you're not answering our questions. mr. coats, what's the basis for your refusal to answer these questions today? >> i do not believe it is appropriate for me to -- >> what's the basis -- i'm not satisfied with i do not believe it's appropriate or i do not feel i should answer. you swore that oath to tell us the truth, and today you are refusing to do so. what is the legal basis for your refusal to testify to to this committee?
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>> i'm not sure i have a legal basis. steve: he was honest. >> senator king was, in my view, 100% correct, and the witnesses just didn't want to give an answer, and they do not have the liberty to do that without stating a legal basis. i commend director coats for saying i don't have a legal basis, i just don't want to talk about it. guess what? you're a witness, you took an oath, you don't get to decide what to talk about, the questioners do. i think it probably -- my guess is the answer would have implicated some national security matter, and they didn't want to discuss it in public, so there's something called the national security privilege. that's what their answer should have been. why they didn't say that? i don't know. i also suspect there are some pieces of the puzzle that we don't know about yet, and we may learn about it from -- brian: robert mueller's coordinated with comey. what does that mean? >> absolutely rational to do. think of this. comey's the -- excuse me, mueller's the prosecutor. comey is a potential star witness in some forum, a grand
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jury, a trial jury, a house investigation committee. you really going to let your star witness go out there and blab under oath and not regulate what he said, or are you going to go over with him ahead of time what you want him to say and what you don't want him to say. think of mueller as comey's lawyer, perfectly appropriate -- >> he's going to pass on some questions. >> correct. if they didn't collaborate, they'd be bad lawyers -- it'll be an exciting day! [laughter] i brought a change of clothes. brian: i'm going to change ties. [laughter] thanks a lot. there's a shower right behind. moments ago, polls in the u.k. opening under the shadow of terror. how will the security crisis affect the results? we are live in london next. ainsley: and welcome to washington. first lady melania trump pack up at trump tower. brian: but first, more from the cmt music awards. here's chris lane with fix. it's in quotes. steve: love that guy. ♪
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♪ ♪ brian: we just got our hands on
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some dramatic new video that shows the terrorists in london over the weekend wildly stabbing a man and then police shooting him dead can. i've got to warn you, this is graphic. steve: it begins with the three cold-blooded killers armed with knives hunting for victims. one seen in this heart-stopping moment lungeing and stabbing an innocent man. the two other terrorists join in, the victim falls to the ground. auction iowans but within seconds armed officers, as you can see, they pull up, they jump out so fast, their car keeps rolling. the copsen then killing the extremists with a hail of bullets, putting an end to the horrific rampage. eight people were killed, 48 others massacred. steve: you mean terrorists, islamic terrorists. brian: security taking center stage as voters in britain hold to the polls, and joining us now live in london, benjamin hall. >> reporter: the conservatives
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called this election because they believed they were going to win by a mile, but a number of things have happened in the last couple of months that mean the chance of a far-left government here in the u.k. is far closer than before. theresa a may effectively inherited power from david cameron when he lost the brexit vote last year, and she has said she wants political capital, her own momentum. but she has been accused of failing to inspire the people here, numerous political u-turns, and she has been called the u.k.'s right-wing hillary clinton. front-runner is labor leader jeremy corbyn. he's a left-wing socialist verging or maxist. he's been called the bernie sanders of the u.k. he said he would never press the nuclear button, he wants to nationalize rail and water sectors, dramatically raise taxes anden increase benefits. his own party held a vote of no confidence against him, but in a matter of weeks he has managed to close the gap. recent terror attacks in london
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and manchester have taken center stage. jeremy corbyn has blamed the u.k.'s foreign policy for attacks like this and supports dialogue with terrorists like the ira and hamas. but this election is at least today being touted as a triarism of democracy over terrorism. what does this mean for the relationship between the u.k. and the u.s.? well, under may, the relationship would stay very much the same, but under jeremy corbyn you can expect a 180 in foreign policy. he has spoken out against u.s. foreign policy, in fact, even about the trump administration, and that would mean a vastly changed partnership with the u.s. in the fight against terrorism as other things. of it is so much closer than before, and polls have been wrong. look at brexit, look at president trump's own election. for today at least here in the u.k., people really holding their breath. back to you guys. steve: all right, benjamin, thank you very much. here in new york city, president trump giving the obamacare crisis a face and a name, meeting with the victims of the
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health care debacle. you're going to meet the couple who just met the president coming up next. brian: and first lady melania trump packing up at trump tower. a lot of bubble wrap needed. we're going down south. ♪ ♪ ♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal.
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i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it.
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♪ ♪ brian: quick headlines now. the government contractor accused of leaking top secret nsa documents to the media tells her mom she is scared. that's what she looked like when she was arrested. reality winner is hoping to be released on bond today, she will plead not guilty for providing a report about russian interference in the presidential election to an online news outlet. and the lawyers for gitmo detainee are suing psychologists who created the cia interrogation techniques used in
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the war on terror. they want the doctors who provided the information to officials for investigating a former cia jail in that country, the lawsuit describes a torture of an al-qaeda facilitator. stay tuned. that involves dr. james mitch 'em, one of our -- mitchell, one of our guests. ainsley: president trump making a stop in ohio yesterday to meet with two families face what he calls the disastrous effects of obamacare. >> we want millions of americans like rae and dan to finally have the quality and affordable health care that they deserve. they've been unfairly penalized for too long a period of time. we're working very hard to fix this big problem. ainsley: well, our next guest, one of those families that met with the president, dan withrow, he is the president of cfs distribution group, and his wife, mindy, they're joining us now with their story.
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thank you so much for being with us, mindy and dan. >> thank you. thanks for having us. >> it's a pleasure to be here. ainsley: what was your meeting like with the president yesterday? >> oh, it was fantastic. he is extremely genuine, extremely concerned about the country and what's happened with health care, listened to my concerns, and i feel like he is going to get something done. ainsley: mindy, what'd you think? >> he was so warm and friendly, just very, very kind with the kids. you could tell that he was a family man. ainsley: dan, you mentioned your concerns, that he heard your concerns. tell the folks at home what you've been through after the aca was implemented. >> oh, it's been a mess. prior to the aca i could count on premium increases of 6, 8, 10%. i could budget that. in fact, it was really just easy to absorb it. afterward we had increases of 30, 40, 50%.
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and in order to keep good employees, i would absorb most of those increases, and it got to the point where i probably absorbed about $100,000 worth of increases. and that really puts a constraint on the p and l. it's more important to have happy employees and employees that stick around, the continuity of keeping employees with the company is much more important than passing on increases that would cause them to leave. awps iowans everyone wants to work for a boss that's loyal to them, so i'm sure they appreciate hearing you say that. miniday, how did it affect -- mindy, how did it affect you, you have three children? >> no, we have four children. ainsley: gosh, so how did that affect when you're trying to put food on the table, send the kids to college like every family out there? how did this affect the bottom line for you guys? >> well, i mean, just like dan said, we have to look at alternative ways. ainsley: which were? >> well, dan? [laughter]
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>> well, it caused me to work a lot more. i've put in a lot of 100-hour weeks. i didn't see the kids that much the first three to four years, so you absorb it by working more and trying to make more money and go out and get more customers and make more money and absorb those costs. ainsley: what changes do you want to see implemented going forward with health care? >> i'd like to see across-the-board competition. competition always lowers costs. i'd like to see the democrats just stop with the obstruction and just finally step up and say it's time to help americans, because we're suffering. small business is hurting bigtime. and if small business is hurting, that means we have less money that we can spend, and when we spend money, big business benefits from it. so it's time to do something about this bill and get it passed and make changes for
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americans, not worry about who's going to get elected and protect themselves. they need to step up and do something. ainsley: miniday and dan -- mindy and dan from the great state of ohio, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having us. we love your show. ainsley: god bless you both and those beautiful children. we wish you all the best. all right, the video is insane, a dramatic shootout between police and a man trying to take over a city bus. [gunfire] we're going to show you what happens nefntle. and foreman fbi director james comey expected to admit president trump did not pressure him to end the russia investigation, but will the mainstream media see it that way? andrew wilco is here to react to that next. come on in, andrew. ♪
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when you enter promo code tv. that's blinds dot com, promo code tv. ♪ ♪ brian: a bar in d.c. is opening at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow for comey's hearing. [cheers and applause] >> did you hear about this? it's turning into a big thing. so the bar is opening up at 9:30 a.m. and will give everyone a free round of drinks each time trump tweets about it. [cheers and applause] which means everyone will be blacked out around 9:31 a.m -- [laughter] one minute of -- steve: there is some suggestion the president could actually be live tweeting as mr. comey is speaking. joining us right now here on the curvy couch, we've got andrew wilco -- brian: the extremely successful show.
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>> we love having you on. brian: that's part of your success. [laughter] steve: on today's show, democrats putting all their eggs in the comey basket. >> they have been searching for that thing, right? that thing that's going to bring down trump, and it's been going on and on and on since he actually got the nomination. and it's just not there. and i think the democrat leadership lost control of some of its wackier voices --pipe brian is that why we're not hearing senator schumer? >> they said people need to calm this talk down. the washington times, she went on "the view" and said it also. they know they kind of threw this out there, they threw the tofu to their wacky members, and now they kind of can't pull it back. they know there's nothing there, absolutely nothing. steve: certainly not yet. ainsley: so what are the american people going to think if there's no "there" there? >> i think they're going to continue with the polling and saying, you know, this percentage of americans think
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there's something there. but until there's high crimes and misdemeanor, there's no articles of impeachment to file. ainsley: they're already talking about it. brian: we're talking about obstruction. instead of talking about russia, collusion and what they did through the cyber attack and maybe with the trump ancillary people might have contacted, yes or no, now we're looking at what was he doing, why was he talking like this, why was comey taking notes. so we're already off on the other fork in the road. >> first of all, i'd like to see loretta lynch's notes from the meeting with bill clinton. and just because he wrote notes, again, no high crimes and misdemeanors. the president making you feel uncomfortable, none of this rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors no matter how many times people try to say it. steve: nothing that mr. comey wrote yesterday in that seven-page document which he's going to present today at 10:00 proves a crime. but people are talking, andrew, and you rook at the front page of the new "the new york post" ,
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the president of the united states reportedly told mr. comey i expect loyalty. you got a problem with that? >> no. i mean, again, not a crime. might be uncomfortable, might not be the thing a president should say to the fbi director in that exact language, not a crime, not obstruction. not a high crime or misdemeanor -- awps a.n.s.w.e.r. senator al green and senator sherman already saying they have filed articles of impeachment. listen to this. >> i have engaged in the process of drafting articles of impeachment. my articles of impeachment are being reviewed, if at some point -- and at some point if no one else does, i will file articles of impeachment to impeach president donald j. trump. for obstruction of justice. [inaudible conversations] steve: the average person looking in when they hear the democrats less than six months into a new term trying to
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impeach a president on loyalty and maybe only on to instruction of justice, and if that's true, that would be a bad thing, but there's no provable evidence that ever happened. but for the average person to hear that talk, isn't that crazy? >> yeah. and good for him if he wants to file hid little articles of impeachment. the democrats don't control the house of representatives. again, no high crimes and misdemeanor. what would you convict in the senate on? whatwhat would be the reason for senators to convict him and remove him? brian: i think jonathan turley said to do something like that you need, his term, a lead pipe cinch in order to do something like that, and this is not that. this is donald trump acting like donald trump. in fact, chris christie says these are the words donald trump uses in new york. this is what the people, they elected an outsider as president. they didn't elect someone who had been inside government and, quite frankly, hasn't spent a lot of time interacting with government except at a local level. that's what he does. he sees no difference.
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>> well, look, it's obvious that some of these member, again, some of the wackier voices in the democratic party are playing to the extreme base that wants more of this. it's one thing if people do this on television or radio as host or bloggers, it's another thing when sitting members, republicans didn't even want to use the i-word under obama. now they're throwing this out there. ainsley: well, then the president has a meeting with republican congressional leaders talking about the wall, that he's going to build the border wall. his latest idea is to cover it with solar panels saying the electricity generated will pay for the wall. >> i lo this. [laughter] -- i love this. because i'm trying to picture the reaction inside the city year rah club or one of these environmental groups. steve: he's singing their song. >> that and think about the kind of competition you can have breaking out different sections of the wall for different, competing companies, and we could pint out -- brian: but, andrew, this was an entry into the contest to get
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the contract to build the wall. they know how to do it. it's a design that's out there. you can see this online. >> why not? why not utilize the power of the sun where it's the most hot in our country, at the border? brian: i would have sold it, i would have said like you can buy a portion of the wall and, therefore, pay. indiana ames he wants a big, beautiful wall, so will the solar panels be on the american side or the mexican side? brian: we can share the energy with them, that's fine. look forward to hearing your show, when can we hear it? >> noon to three. i promise i'm going to be on time. ainsley: you'll have a lot to talk about today. let's hand it over to jill grab who has some headlines. >> is modell's still a thing 234? >> got that go to mo's. brian: you till go to sports authority, you'll see an empty store. >> good morning at home. an armed robber is dead after
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sparking a police shootout in broad daylight. [gunfire] >> you can see the suspect firing at baltimore cops who returned fire as bystanders run for cover. this all started when police say he robbed two people, then jumped on a public bus to try and get away. police later pulling the bus over, the man immediately opening fire. the a police officer and a bystander were shot, they are in critical condition. an illegal immigrant who was deported and then reentered the u.s. pleads guilty after killing a teenager. he says he was playing with a gun when he accidentally shot darius plumber inside his home in baton rouge, louisiana. it was the 6-year-old's -- 16-year-old's birthday. he faceses more than a decade in jail and deportation back to mexico. he was first deported in 2012. the white house will no
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longer be a bachelor pad, melania frump and barron -- melania trump and barron will move next wednesday, june 4th. the trumps had been waiting for their 11-year-old son to finish the school year. and the biggest stars in country music coming together for the cmt awards all in the heart of nashville. muck but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no, i'm not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider ♪ >> the show kicking off with an all-star tribute to the late gregg allman. carrie underwood has a total of 17 making her the most celebrated performer in the show's history. she's awesome. [laughter] keith urban took home top honors with video of the year and three other awards, and newcomer lauren alaina going home with the breakthrough video award and, guys, we're going to meet her in just a few weeks. she is joining the "fox & friends" all american concert series on july 7th.
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brian: we've met her before, haven't we? >> no. i've never met her. [laughter] brian: you sure? john, do you think i've met her? >> i don't know. steve: you may have. we don't know what you do when you leave the couch. brian: i kept florida georgia line together. [laughter] meanwhile, coming up, what do lawmakers have in heat for james comey? senator jim lankford is going to talk to us next. brian: and bobby flay is going to be cooking with friends. barbecue and ice tea. it's all going into one dish. i'm not kidding. steve: hot cold. brian: i am not kidding. ♪ ♪ [ america by simon and garfunkel ] ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪
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♪ ♪ steve: well, just about two hourses and 15 minutes right now, james comey will appear before the senate intel committee to discuss his private conversations with president trump. there were nine of them. brian: so what can we expect? let's ask oklahoma senator james lankford, he'll be asking questions. senator, watch your appearance with bret baier, i know roughly where you stand. comey said, quote, the president said i need loyalty, i expect loyalty, i didn't move, speak or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. it's hike he's writing a script -- like he's writing a script. paul ryan says it's obviously not appropriate for president trump to ask comey that question. what about you? >> it's a big difference between not appropriate and criminal in any way. that sounds exactly like the president spoke to every other cabinet official in the process.
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remember what comey's detailing there is the first week that the president is the president. he's been sitting down with all the cabinet officials, he's in the process of hiring people, and with each of them we already know he said i need your loyalty, i need you on this team. so it actually sounds like he's not saying anything different to jim comey than everyone else that he sat on his team. steve: sure. you know what was curious is before he released the statement yesterday, a number of anonymous sources, colleagues of his came out and said he is going to dispute what donald trump said. donald trump said in his you're fired letter that i spoke to him three times and you're not under investigation. mr. comey says i told him three times, you're not under investigation, mr. trump. >> that's right. he did more to confirm what the president has said rather than all the other people outside there that are saying there's no way comey would ever say that. comey said, yes, three times i told the president you're never under investigation, same thing the president's said. hey, if there's other people
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that need to be investigated in our campaign, then they need to be investigated. comey reiterates that the president told him directly it's not me, right? he said, that's correct. but he said if there are other people that need to be investigated, do it. in fact, comey again affirms even after the michael flynn statement that it felt awkward, uncomfortable, but he didn't tell me to stop. that's not criminal activity, that's just him wishing he was different. brian: lindsey graham said, listen, he got fired, he's going to be angry. do you sense james comey's going to come out with an agenda of revenge? >> i don't. comey's been in front of our committee many times, i've met with him often. i don't expect him to come out that way. but i do expect him to come out and lay out the details. what i hope we get past is the palace intrigue of what were you eating while you were talking and all these different can things and to move actually 40 how did russia try to interfere with our election and our democracy, what happened on classified information which even comey in his written
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statement said he's very uncomfortable with all the classified information coming out and was there any american trying to cooperation with the russians. those are the key questions that still have to be settled in fact. comey has a lot of those facts in his head, and we want to press that out tad. brian: have you coordinate nailed with other republicans about a line of questioning in a team concept? >> each of us is developing our own line of questioning, but we all listen to each other. i have a lot of questions, i'm going to hear the other members and what they talk about, the areas they've already discussed, i'm going to puck up new lines. there are 15 total of us, both republican and democrat, so i'll be very attentive to be able to track what's happening and the theme of it, and i'll pick up other details so we can get the details out. steve: we'll all be watching later today on the fox news channel, senator, thank you for joining us. brian: and we'll have you back to talk about your trip to iraq and syria. straight ahead, coming up he was in, then he was out.
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a brand new update on the parade honoring the leader of a terror group straight ahead. steve: and bobby flay is cooking with friends, and he's combining two summer favorites. what are they? find out next live from the plaza. hey, bobby. when boy meets grill. ♪ ♪
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i'm leaving you, wesley. but why? you haven't noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can't remember that. stop this madness. if it's appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. it's a miracle. i can walk again. go back to your room, susan lucci.
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♪ ♪ steve: june is national iced tea month, and to celebrate, bobby flay and lipton have teamed up to make delicious dishes all a made with iced tea. indiana ames with him, anything's possible, with you that's a different story. chef and host of food network
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star, bobby flay. you have some great recipes. >> today's the perfect day to kick off summer camp. obviously, i'm thinking about iced tea, so we're going to make some, a slushy first, and then i'm going to make a grilled chicken. steve, you ready to do this? steve: yep. >> it's uningredient. those have to go in the freezer. i already have them in here. and then some more iced tea right in here. steve: all right. >> all right? and then let's just do this. and it goes really quickly. a little more iced tea. steve: all right. how could you tell? >> come on, baby, you can do it. steve: what is this on everready batteries? it's a slushy. >> all right. i'll let steve deal with that. we come down here, and we have the grilled chicken. we're going to -- yeah, there you go. we need to feel the power. >> okay, i'm done. [laughter]
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ainsley: i think he ran the motor on that. you get the idea. come on, man. there you go. so then we're going to, we're going to make a marinade. you know, people always ask me what do you cook in the summertime. i usually kick it off with some kind of bulgerrers, dogs -- buggers, dogs, grilled chicken. we're going to marinate it in the iced tea. steve: excellent. we have the lemon flavor and then we have some fresh rosemary and some garlic and onions, and this is going to be the marinade for the chicken. you want to let that marinate for just a couple hour, anden then we're going to come over to the grill, all right? we're going to put the chicken on the skin side down. steve: oh, you use a brick. >> i use a brick because what happens is you want to, you know, this is actually an old school italian recipe called brick chicken. and you put the brick on the chicken, on the skin side down,
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it makes it really nice and crispy. that's the key. steve: something like the romans used to do. >> they're still doing it. we're going to make it really nice and crispy. steve: can i do it? >> just like that. you're going to pick up all these flavors from the lemon iced tea, from the rosemary, from the onions and the garlic, lots of savory flavors. and then let's give it a try. you guys go. ainsley: can you taste the lemon? >> definitely. absolutely, absolutely. and it creates a really good balance. and if you want to get these recipes, go to lipton -- yeah. steve: that's great. >> and we're having a summer camp in harold square from 11-3. i'm going to do some demos, we're going to have some games, exactly, we're going to drink a lot of iced tea. steve: round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, mr. bobby flay! ainsley: that's delicious. it's amazing. steve: coming up, just two hours from now lawmaker are going to
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start firing questions an former fbi director james colmmy. ainsley: and we got the behind the scenes look at the vice president's office. what he told us about the american dream that will make you proud to be an american. ♪y ♪ year after year. for being able to choose exactly the kind of grill you want. for 2,3,4 and 6 burner grills that fit any and every lifestyle. the all new genesis ii series featuring gs4, weber4s brand new high performance grilling engine. go to for more information.
4:58 am
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5:00 am
it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it.
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♪ ♪
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steve: yep, the party continues. we're hour three now of fox and friends for this the 7th day of june. thank you very much. or is it the 8th day of june? it's a thursday. ainsley: it's a thursday, downhill to the weekend, that's all we care about. steve: exactly. brian: i figured out the game show it reminds me of. do you remember concentration where you would have to get it right and take off a piece of the puzzle off each time. do you remember that? who hosted? steve: flemings? brian: yeah. oh, my goodness. steve: what's flemings first name? ainsley: i have no idea. i don't think i ever saw it. brian: you're going to love it. steve: back in the olden days. ainsley: i have to watch it on channel 1,028. brian: it's on the game show network. steve: well, today it's wheel of comey because today james comey is going to be on starting two hours from right now. you'll see it all right here
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on the fox news channel. it's interesting because yesterday president trump's personal lawyer said that he felt that the president was totally vindicated because james comey in a seven-page, 3100 word document essentially laid out what he's going to be seeing today, and he said he did tell trump -- president trump three times that he was not under investigation. and, you know, when you frame it that way, suddenly a lot of stuff makes sense where at one point mr. comey writes the president said there was a cloud impairing his ability to act, so he wanted mr. comey to go out and say you know what? the president is not under investigation, so there's no show there. let's move on to something else, but he would not do that. ainsley: we read the opening statement. it's in our hands right now. we read it this morning or last nigh night. and it does say that trump is not under investigation three times. it also says that president trump asks for loyalty and
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that mike flynn, the president said is a good guy and hopes he can let this go and james comey agreed he is a good guy. brian: right and then they went back and forth in a way that it sounds like a bad script. the details james comey remembers this as if he's writing a script, he describes the scene, he describe his feelings, he describes the blank look on his face. yeah, but it also -- he also acknowledges what we've been discussing. it's still his version. first's version and nobody else is in the room. steve: but what's interesting is the interactions with the president and he does write that during the barack obama administration, he met with the president twice. and the second time was to say goodbye when the president was leaving. meanwhile, donald trump in just a few months, he had actually had nine different interactions with him. and when you look at the interactions that he has details, there's no information that proves a crime, and that is what andrew
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willcow, the host of the program said earlier. >> might not be comfortable, mate not be the thing the president should say to the fbi director in that exact language. not a crime. not a obstruction. ainsley: he was talking about the loyalty question. i hope you'll be loyal to me. will you be loyal? will you be honest? you're right. met three times in person, six times on a phone conversation and cory lewandowski said this is what the president does. he's hands on. he met with president obama twice, he met with our president, he's only been in office a few months now, and he has already met with him nine times. brian: so the president say he's going to be live tweeting. but if you look at his schedule, he's going to be too busy to even watch. i'm very curious to see if he's going to watch. steve: there is a bar in washington. every time the president live tweets, everybody gets a free drink. brian: it's amazing too because in the past, if you think about it over last two
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weeks, he has really understand touched russia. and in his past tweets, the russia collusion story a total hoax. he said the real story is the leaks and the intel community that go right to the washington post and new york times. he said comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversation. so his legal team says, hey, mr. president, you probably don't want to do this and now they have to feel good what is and is not in the seven-page primer for what we're going to hear today. now, the big request he is how are lawmakers going to handle it on the right and the left? that's why we have senator james, a republican out of okay. >> it's a big difference between not appropriate and incriminal in any way. it sounds like the president spoke to every other cabinet official in the process. remember, what comey is detailing there is the first week that the president is the president. he has been sitting don't even with all the cabinet officials, in the process of hiring people, and with each of them we already know. he said i need your loyalty. i need you on this team. so it doesn't sound like he's saying anything different to
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james comey than anyone else on the team. ainsley: i need your loyalty. that might have been meant i need your loyalty. don't go out and leak information that i tell you. steve: keep in mind, was appointed fbi director by barack obama. and we know that at certain times members of the obama administration were doing the best they can to sandbag donald trump. so trump meeting with the new guy saying you're going to be loyal; right? think about it in washington, d.c. and new york city things are done a little bit differently. if you're the ceo of a big company, and you have 25 different candidates, and you're wondering which of the people i'm going to interview and hire? ultimately you're going to hire somebody for your team who you can trust and would be loyal. clearly i think it was chris christie and brian talking about this earlier. chris christie said he saw a normal new york city conversation. that's just the way people work in business. brian: the fact that we're debating this in legal minds that do this for a living,
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means that it's no hard and fast of obstruction of justice. if it ends right now, there's no obstruction of justice. we go back to finding russia collusion that may or may not have happened, which it doesn't look like it has happened because if you look at maxine waters over to senator warner, they haven't seen it yet. so if there's even a gray area as history says, we're not going to go forward with it. in fact, jonathan turley who layoff people have respect for says we don't endite or impeach people for being borish or simply being donald trump. steve: here's the thing. all of the stuff we have heard that mr. comba is going to say has been vetted. the special investigator in this. if there is a smoking gun and there's no suggestion that there is, it's not going to be there because that would screw up the case. so this is the stuff that has been okayed by the department of justice to present today. is there other stuff? we don't know.
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but -- ainsley: lindseyy graham said that's why he doesn't think there's obstruction of justice. other leaders of the intel community were grilled on capitol hill yesterday. you had the intel director mike rodgers and nsa boss dan. they said they have never been asked by the president to do anything fishy or wrong. listen. >> to the best of my recollection i have never done anything to be illegal, immoral. and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service, i do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so. >> i have never been pressured. i have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in any way to shape intelligence in a political way. >> may not have felt pressure. but if he's even asking, to me, that's a very relevant piece of information. steve: never pressured. brian: right and that's key.
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because even if you look at allen dershowitz, i am not commanded, i am not directed to drop the prosecution against flynn. the president has a right to suggest what he wants to suggest. else he also, by the way, could have barred mike flynn right there and put this whole thing to bed. steve: what's going to be interesting when we had james langford on -- they're all putting their own questions together. something i would like to know and mr. comey detailed this in his letter yesterday. he said that after his first interaction with president trump, he decided -- then he was protect trump, he decided he was going to memorialize things. although he met with president trump twice. why did he take notes with trump and not anybody else? and also regarding the cloud thing where mr. trump says i can't get anything done because i'm under a cloud and then he says what can you do about lifting the cloud? and then mr. comey says you need to talk to the department
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of justice through your white house counsel and then apparently mr. comey then sent some letters to the attorney general and acting attorney general and never heard back from him. so that's curious. ainsley: everyone has been talking about russia, russia, russia, and there's no evidence. brian: yeah, and he said about flynn loyalty about him, i can't do anything with everyone thinking that i'm hobbled. but i will say this. the one problem that i have that i think you can drive a truck through his statement was when james comey said he knows he should have went to the attorney general if he felt any pressure at all. and he said, well, here's the story. i didn't go to the attorney general because it was clear he was going to have to recuse himself for the russia segment. that doesn't line up with the timeline of when he talked to president trump. because it was two weeks after that when they find out about kislack and then the controversy, and that's when senator sessions said all right. i'm going to recuse myself. so the timeline doesn't add up to his reasoning. ainsley: he did say he thought the ag would recuse himself. two weeks later. brian: yeah, but how did he
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know that? we had no idea that the kislack revelation until he had to come forward. ainsley: we decided it was my word against his word. we had a one-on-one conversation, and that's what everyone's going to say. he saw it one way, the president saw it another way. who's right? brian: right. steve: you're going to want to want to watch it. it starts an hour and 48 minutes right here on this channel. >> we will all be tuned in, i know that much. good morning to you at home. we want to begin with a terror attack outside the u.s. embassy in ukraine. while you were sleeping, an attacker throwing a explosive device over the compound. you can see police investigating a burned, grassy area right there. that's where it went off. no one was hurt and everything is back to normal. the suspect was not caught. the terrorists in london stabbing a man and police shooting him dead.
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we want to warn you this video is graphic. one seen in this heart-stopping moment lunging and stabbing an innocent man just walking down the street. the other two terrorists join in. the victim falling to the ground and then right here within seconds, you can see the armed officers pulling up, they jump out so fast, take a look. their car is still rolling down the street without them in it. the cops hail a bullet putting an end to a horrific rampage, 48 people killed and others injured in the massacre. as voters in britain head to the polls in the general election. that's a look at your headlines, guys, and you look at that video, it's so frightening to see that. but you can see how fast they were able to respond. steve: seven or eight minutes from the start to the finish. ainsley: coming up, the commander-in-chief putting policy in action. trump: it's time finally to put america first, and that's what i've been doing, if you haven't noticed.
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ainsley: trump voters still onboard. the dials that you won't see anywhere else. next. brian: and accused of leaking classified information this morning. reality winner saying she's scared. th-grade teacher. when it comes to molding young minds, nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for sarah, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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brian: all right. president trump touting big plans for health care and infrastructure over the next few days. and how did it resonate with voters? lee carter, and she just put together the president's dial test. we never r welcome, lee. >> great to be here. brian: you went to ohio yesterday. let's take a look at the question. watch the dials. the reds are republicans and then there's independents and then the blue are democrats. >> obamacare is the in a total death spiral. and the problems will only get worse if congress fails to act. obamacare is dead. the house of representatives has done its job. it sent a plan to the senate, and the senate is working it over. having no help. it's only obstruction from the democrats. the democrats are destroying health care in this country.
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brian: the grade. >> so you can see the republicans gave this an a-plus. they were off the charts, independents a c, and democrats an f. now, what i am hearing from voters is that this message that obamacare is not working doesn't resonate. they want to hear what the republicans are going to do to make it better. enough with the bashing the democrats. let's move forward and tell us what we're going to get on the republican side. >> the approval generating for obamacare went up because they panic they're going to lose everything. next, he talks about building the country. this is infrastructure. listen. trump: we build in foreign countries. we spend trillions and trillions of dollars outside our nation, but we can't build a road, a highway, a tunnel, a bridge in our own nation, and we watch everything falling into despair. it's time to rebuild our country to bring back our jobs to restore our dreams and, yes, it's time finally to put america first, and that's what i've been doing, if you
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haven't noticed. >> and the crowd roars. >> they went crazy. republicans off the chart as you can see them, independents gave this a b plus, even democrats gave this a c. when he talks about putting america first, making america great again, talking about jobs, the economy, that is when people support him. and even still despite all of the media coverage that everyone is turning on donald trump, they're still willing to give a shot. i mean, you saw even democrats gave him a c. brian: his base is pretty secure, but you have to get the independents back onboard if you're president trump. thanks, lee. >> great. brian: we're going to watch today and do some dial tests later. meanwhile, it's dangerous to drink on a empty stomach; right? coming up the woman who went on a protest strike to protest the president, well, she was arrested. turned jillian into a human bowling ball. why? there's a very good cause. we'll tell you about it
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steve: what are we doing outside? you'll find out in a second. but first, we have headlines for you. your illegal immigrants are applying for food stamps apparently worried they're going to be deported. undocumented residence are not entitled to federal government benefits, but they must reveal their immigration status if they apply on behalf of their children who are eligible. the united states department
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of agriculture says they will not deport somebody because they receive food stamps. and do you remember the texas democrat who starved herself a few days to protest a ban? well, she just got busted for dui. house representative victoria arrested after she crashed her bmw into a tree in dallas. a police officer says she was uncooperative but told him i love you quote. and i will fight for you. she apologized to her constituents as well. all right. now, why are we outside? ainsley: take a look at the larger than life lane. we are not just bowling on the plaza today. we are human bowling where you get inside the ball. you are the ball. >> i am the ball. brian: this is courtesy of ball moore, and they're here to tell us about a special relationship. and that is raising awareness about autism. autism awareness. steve: that's right.
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colleen is the vice president and angela is the ceo of autism speak. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having us. steve: so we teamed up. you've got human bowling here. in reality, you're going to have regular bowling; right? >> that's right. we're really happy to celebrate our bowl summer game program. this allows you to bowl every day for one low price, and we teamed up for autism speaks today. so every pass you purchase, we'll donate to autism speaks. steve: how much is the pass? >> the pass starts at 9.99 for kids and 7.95 for adults. you can bowl at any of our over 300 centers. brian: how important is this? >> oh, it's so important. autism speaks is about accelerating a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow. and censure friendly activities like this make such a difference for this for people on the sector. brian: does it affect too many families? >> it does. if you're worried to get an early diagnosis, to get treatment, and really, autism
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affects so many people throughout the life span. ainsley: well, thank you for what you do. your organization is amazing. thank you for teaming up with them. >> we're super excited about it. jillian, are you ready? steve: we're going to zip her up. ainsley: she's going to be the ball. you are the ball. ainsley: do you feel more comfortable if you walk? steve: three, two, one, go. brian: look at that movement. ainsley: all right. steve: one more time. brian: one more time, jillian. >> wait. you guys have to let me walk it. steve: push her back. i have to do this myself.
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brian: this is like 1940s bowling. brian: get it right this time. don't let the showdown. >> i'm come on. brian: there you go. i'll save you. steve: that's good. all right. ainsley: all right. very good. brian: good job. >> did i get a c plus? ainsley: you get an a. brian: an a for effort. ainsley: go to bowl summer, and we look forward to bowling with you all summer long. >> go to fox and friends for all the information. ainsley: and thank you, jillian. you are a good support. we are hearing from former fbi director james comey in less than two hours.
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and predicts a big ol' nothing burger. steve: and criminals about to be let loose because the system is unfair to the poor. we'll tell you more about that live from new york city comfortable you are in it. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors.
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it's ok that everybody ignoit's fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six
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months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. ainsley: well, lindsey graham. brian: 10:00 it starts. ainsley: we're going to hear james comey speak on capitol hill. we are joined now by lindsey graham, the senator of the great state of south carolina. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning. brian: after reading the seven pages, what do you now know about the situation that could tee something up for today. >> here's what i know. that the president of the united states is not under investigation for colluding
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with the russians. either counterintelligence lies, comey tells us that. i've always believed that. secondly, the fact he's appearing before the committee tells me that special counsel muller has determined there's no obstruction case here because if he had determined that, he wouldn't let the chief and only witness testify like this. so from the president's point of view, it's a good day. no obstruction of justice, no collusion with the russians, the investigation will go on. steve: yeah. so what do you make of the fact that the president of the united states came out and, for instance, that letter where he fired mr. comey he said remember, remember how you and i were not under investigation three times. and it sounds like how he was talking about there was a cloud over his administration, and is there anything you can list the cloud. he was saying, the way i interpret it, can't you do something to get the word out?
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i'm not under investigation, so i can get on with my agenda. is that how you see it? >> yeah. totally. he's not colluding with his own government, much less the russians. so he's frustrated. i didn't do anything wrong, and this thing hangs over my head. steve: yeah. >> well, there's a process here, mr. president. comey is telling the country there's no evidence you colluded with the russians. but we've got a special counsel now, and he has to do his job. so he's frustrated. i think he's frustrated that general flynn, who got fired, they're going too far with him. so if you got somebody you like, you kind of weigh in on their behalf. the other side of the story that you shouldn't pull the fbi director out by himself. you shouldn't be talking about loyalty. you know, if being rude and crude and sometimes a bull in a china shop is a crime, he's convicted. but it's not. donald trump got elected to be the bull in the china shop for the american people. break up washington to get it to work for them.
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in this case, i'm convinced that the president did not obstruct justice or comey wouldn't be testifying and there's no evidence of collusion yet, and you just have to be patient and let this thing go forward and get back to governing the country. ainsley: all right. so you say it's not illegal for him to ask for loyalty and that he's a good guy and hopes he can let things go. isn't this why the american people elected him, though, because he does things differently? >> well, i don't think the american people elected him to talk -- you know, to pull the fbi director aside and put him in an uncomfortable position. i think the american people elected him to cut their taxes, rebuild infrastructure, and put changes in place and fix immigration. and you know what? he can a hell of a president if he chooses to be. he wants to rebuild the military after eight years of obama. i'm glad we have a commander-in-chief who sees the military differently. i want to help him cut taxes, replace obamacare if we can. that's what he got elected to do. and here's where he's failing
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in my view. he doesn't get that the reason he's in trouble is because of putin. i don't believe the president colluded with the russians. i really don't. but time will tell that that proves to be the case or not. but if putin got all of us in this mess, he is not our friend, he is providing arms to the taliban, he colluded with assad, and you need to go after putin because putin's your biggest problem right now. >> senator, i know you're frustrated that this is not in front of the senate judiciary committee. but you're a greater prosecutor. what are the questions you want to hear today? because a lot of gopers and democrats might be watching right now. >> well, number one, is it true there's no collusion evidence with the president and the russians. is that what you're telling us today? secondly, when it comes to obstruction of justice, you
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said to the whole world that clinton doesn't mishandle classified information. why can you let clinton go, but you can't speak directly about trump? and, oh, by the way, may 3rd under oath, didn't you say nobody was interfering in the investigation putting pressure on you? i'm not here to beat up on mr. comey. he served his country well. both parties thought he had to lead. it's not about comey, it's about russia. the one thing i can tell you about our president as of this moment, he is not under investigation for cluing with the russians, and i don't believe anybody with a legal background could prosecute this case for obstruction of justice. and i wouldn't beat on comey. i would just make those two facts, and i would move on. steve: sure. what do you make of the rumors there's trouble over the department of justice between the attorney general and the president of the united states? the president has been steamed
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that he recused himself when he felt he did not have to over russia and there's some discussion that he was forced to resign. what do you make of all of this? >> i think if jeff sessions resigned from this administration, it would be a great loss for the country and the president. and i want to be as direct as i know how to be. i've been a lawyer all of my adult life. if you think somebody involved in a campaign can investigate the campaign, the american people won't let that happen because it doesn't pass the smell test. at the end of the day, there's no evidence of trump campaign colluding with the russians yet. but the suggest that jeff sessions, who was an integral part of the campaign, can ride hurt over this investigation was never going to happen, it should happen. jeff sessions has to step down under the canons of ethics and recuse the rules of the department of justice and just common sense. so if you're mad at jeff sessions, then you're mad. jeff sessions did the right
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thing, mr. president. he had no choice. get back to governing this country and take putin on. he's the one creating all of this mess. not jeff sessions. brian: but he told the secretary of state to repair the relationship. that's been reported. now, you know what it's like -- >> and he's not going to repair this relationship until you hold russia accountable of trying to help kill our kids in afghanistan and interfering with our democracy. putin's a thug, a murderer, i'm not interested in repairing this relationship. don't be like obama and clinton. brian: senator, you know what it's like to run these hearings. do you believe that these republicans have teamed up at all and have a strategy being that they get seven minutes each over the course of hours? you know democrats are great at that. do you think republicans have a lot of these people? >> they're great people. all talented. we don't do strategy well. yeah, i'm sure they talk with each other, when i said a nothing burger.
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you can have him on for 15 days every day and here's what it comes down to. he tells us that the president -- no evidence of colluding with the russians and nobody in the right mind would let this guy go forward as a witness if you believe there was an obstruction of justice case against the president because he's your only witness. you can take everything he said, believe every word of it, it is not a crime. you can say president trump was inappropriate at times, and you would be right. so there is no, there there. president trump needs to up his game and get back to governing this country. so at the end of the day, this is cable chatter. should everybody pulled out and talked to by himself? maybe he shouldn't have been. but he was. but if he thought a crime was committed, he would he would have done something about it. he didn't do a dam thing. he didn't call the department of justice, he didn't quit. and may 3rd, he said nobody bothered him. that was before he was fired. ics hold on a second,
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senator. are you suggesting what we do is cable chatter? >> no. this is high level stuff here. other places it's just chatter. ainsley: good answer. >> clearly, this is the last show of the morning for me. ics thank you very much. lindsey gram, senator of south carolina. ainsley: go gamecocks. brian: all teams you want to go; right? you want to be fair and balanced. ainsley: the one i graduated one is the is probably -- brian: i guess you can't be partisan when it comes to teams? ainsley: although, he went to law school there. brian: coming up ainsley earhardt who know personally went behind the scenes to look at vice president's office. >> every president since our second president has lived in the home. brian: his answer about the american dream will make you proud to be an american, according to ainsley. [radio alarm]
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. >> good thursday morning. we're back with fox and friends. and headlines right now. the leader of a terror group connected to more than 100 deadly bombings across the u.s. will be honored at the puerto ricoian parade. vowing oscar lopez will still be given the national freedom hero award. he said he won't accept it. rivera spent more than 35 years behind bars before president obama commuted his sentence. prisoners enjoy a get out of jail free card in houston after the port rules their bail system is unfair to the poor. more than 100 inmates now walking free. in order to leave, they had to be charged with misdemeanor crimes and prove they could not pay. county officials plan to
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appeal the ruling next month. the government contractor accused of leaking top secret documents tells her mom she's scared. 25-year-old reality winner is hoping to be released on bond after a detention hearing today. she's expected to plead not guilty by providing a report about russian interfiancé in the election to intercept online news outlets. back to you guys. brian: all right. thanks, jillian. last week ainsley had a chance to sit down with the vice president of the united states mike pence. steve: but what you didn't see was the rest of the room. where is the rest of that room? it's in the eisenhower executive office building right next door to the white house. ainsley: that's right. the vice president was kind enough to show us around. >> this is the executive building. i have an office hire, i have an office in the west wing where i spent a considerable amount of time, and i also
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have a office in the senate and an office in the house of representatives. ainsley: so where do you do most of your work? >> in between. ainsley: this desk is special; right? >> it's one of four desks that spent time in the oval office. and it's a great distinction. and but what's special about it, a traditional started many years ago. vice president signed the inside of the desk. so you have everyone from harry truman to joe biden to al gore to dick cheney. ainsley: dick cheney wrote it with a sharpie but joe biden, it's engraved, etched in there. when do you sign it? could you sign it now, or do you wait? >> i think the tradition is that you sign it at the end of your tenure. so i expect i'll be signing this drawer in seven and a half years. ainsley: your son is a marine. what does freedom, what does the flag, what does our
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country mean to you? >> well, i never fail to remember that whatever the challenge is of being in public life, we all have the second hardest job. we're only able to serve here. and because men and women at this very hour are in euphemism of the united states defending our freedom and making it possible. i added that list of brave men and women of law enforcement and first responders across this country. and what i try to do every single day is live up to the courage that they demonstrate in a democracy. ainsley: wow. what a view. washington monument, the white house. >> you know, it's amazing when you think about it. every president since our second president has lived in that home. it's remarkable. presidents who are no longer with us walked these halls. it's unbelievable. how did you get from where you
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were to now you're here. >> well, that's america, isn't it? small town kid. grew up with a cornfield in my backyard. president john f kennedy was a hero of my youth. as was dr. martin luther king jr. i just thought one day i could come to washington, d.c. and serve like i did. i studied hard. i prayed hard. and i say with great humility, here i stand as vice president of the united states. it's -- the grandson of an immigrant. my grandfather emigrated to this country from ireland when he was about my son's age. i was just reflecting this week of the inauguration. i couldn't help but think on that day, grandpa was looking down from glory and thinking he was right. not right about me. he was right about america.
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america is a place where anybody can be anybody. even a small town kid from southern indiana who grew up with a dream. steve: that is so cool to see where his office is in relation to the white house. brian: i couldn't do it. two offices. i would forget everything in the wrong office. even if truman was there. truman did sign the desk too. he was vice president. steve: let's talk about this man. james comey his hearing about an hour away. up next, two senators will tell us what they think they would ask him. ainsley: and then shannon will pick up the coverage from there. right, shannon? >> we will. guys, today could be historic. we are going to have special coverage. take you there live as former fbi director james comey testifies before the senate intelligence committee about his private conversations with the president about michael flynn, russia, and much more. we also have senators from both sides of the aisle there on that committee stopping in live with us before they take
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their seats. then we have extended special coverage. judge napolitano all kicks off at the top of the hour. we'll take you through every twist and turn of the hearing. so keep it here on fox news
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steve: well, we have a fox news alert just in. in one hour and ten minutes, james comey is going to sit down in that chair in the center of that senate intel committee hearing room, and he's going to answer questions. but before that, he's going to read from a prepared statement that was released yesterday. usually the day before we have no idea what somebody's going to say. today, we know exactly what mr. comey is going to say during the prepare remarks. essentially, he says i told donald trump three times that
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i told him he was not under investigation, which is what the president told us ask a lot of people said that never happened. ainsley: january 6th, january 27th, and march 30th. brian: the republicans who are going to have a chance to speak is senator ruby, colin, cotton, blunt, and senator james of okay. we asked him what you picked up from the fact that the president has been asked reportedly said to james comey. i'm hoping for your loyalty. listen. >> it's a big difference. it sounds like the president spoke to every other cabinet official in the process. the first week that the president is the president, he's been sitting down with all the cabinet officials, he's in the process of hiring people. and with each of them, we know i need your loyalty. i need you on this team. so actually it sounds like he's not saying anything different to jim comey than he is to everyone else on his
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team. ainsley: and lindsey graham was on with us earlier and said you might not like that verbiage. but it's not illegal. steve: absolutely and when you take a look at what mr. comey said yesterday in his prepared statement, donald trump's own personal attorney came out yesterday and said that he felt totally vindicated by the fact that comey said that he was not under investigation personally. brian: the heavy hitter on the democrats, they think going to score the heaviest is senator kamala harris of california. look for her. they say she's batting cleanup for the democrats. ainsley: we're going to have it live for you all right here on fox news in about an hour. we have more fox and friends straight ahead. stay with us. steve: we do. it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving.
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even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it.
5:58 am
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>> fox news alert. james comey just got in the suburban. he better hurry.
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he will be appearing on capitol hill in one hour. the d.c. traffic is terrible from mcclain, virginia. it's just over the river but it's a long way between there. just maybe five or six miles. >> he is used to big moments. this will be another. >> bill: good morning. the big moment is almost here. fired f.b.i. director james comey will be in that room screen left before the senate intelligence committee one hour from now. the testimony before the testimony already rocking washington, d.c. seven pages of sometimes vivid details in the trump/comey saga that tees up that could be an afternoon of fireworks on a critical day ahead in washington, d.c. as we say good morning in new york city. this is special coverage of the james comey testimony here in "america's newsroom." good to have you with us. we'll find out together what we get today. >> shannon: it will be a great. today's hearing caps off a long drama. it will be former f.b.i.


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