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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  June 11, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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go to our home page and download our podcast. great to see you. we are back here next sunday. we'll see you then with the more stuff on trump and the media coverage. we'll be there with the latest buzz. [♪] eric: attorney general jeff sessions is set to appear before the senate intelligence committee tuesday. it will be his turn in the spotlight coming on the heels of testimony from former f.b.i. director james comey. we know what he will be asked about. russia, kislyak and everything else. arthel: attorney general sessions set to go under oath to answer questions about russian meddling into the elections. eric: garrett tenney has the
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latest on this. reporter: you can bet jeff sessions will be asked a lot about the russian investigation. but don't expect him to be able to say a lot about it. not only is this an ongoing investigation, but it is one sessions recused himself from before it was turned over to counsel robert mueller. yesterday sessions said that portions of comey's testimony are what prompted him to offer to testify tuesday. his statement to the senate and house appropriations states in part in light of reports regarding mr. comey's testimony it's important that i have an opportunity to address these matters in the appropriate forum. the senate intelligence committee is the most appropriate for actual for such matters as it has been conduct an investigation and has access to relevant classified information. a number.
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members on the committee have been planning to ask sessions about the russian investigation. senator leahy said agent sessions canceled an appropriations hearing where i can question him. my message to attorney general sessions, you need to testify before both in public. you can't run forever. on "face the nation," senator lindsey graham who sits on the senate intelligence committee shared what he hopes to hear. >> i want to know what comey said did you create an atmosphere where people believed you couldn't render fair judgment on the president's interactions with comey. reporter: several senators on the intelligence committee said
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they hope it will be a little bit of both in public and behind closed doors. arthel: more on this with kelly jane. good to see you. so although we won't know the end result immediately, what are the key questions the senate intel committee will ask attorney general sessions? >> people thought one of the big things that came out of james comey's testimony, and this was part of the closed door testimony, there appears to be a possible third meeting between attorney general jeff sessions last year and the russian ambassador. but this wasn't news. a couple democratic senators, i believe including patrick leahy wrote at the end of may, james comey said they heard there might be a third such meeting that had not been disclosed.
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they are going to ask him about this possible meeting. this happened in april. it's the event in which donald trump gave his first major foreign policy speech at if the may flower hotel in washington. the russian ambassador was in attendance pass was jeff sessions. people think they may have met at that time and he did not mention that earlier. the reason jeff sessions is under' such scrutiny is he brought this upon himself. he testified in his confirmation hearing that he did not have any contact with russian officials during the campaign. now it turned out he did. two times. once during the republican national convention and another time here in washington. he said those weren't meetings as campaign officials. arthel: their suspicion of a third meeting with the russian ambassador. same person. >> exactly. if there was a third meeting it probably was the briefest of
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meetings in public. maybe they shook hands, exchanged a few words at this reception before trump's speech. but this isn't big news. the reason attorney general sessions is facing this is because he wasn't completely honest beforehand. arthel: since mr. sessions' meeting will be behind closed doors, do you think his goal will be to clear his name, clear any sufficient suspicions of collaboration, cooperation with a trump campaign member with the russian meddling into the election or a bit of both? >> we don't know for sure it's going to be closed door. people are speculating it's likely to be. but i have to wonder even if it is, i think it possibilities of us finds out what's said in that meeting are great. the fact comey mentioned this meeting was also made in a closed door session.
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and that came out pretty quickly. this is the leakiest washington. this is the leakiest washington they have ever seen. it's note a sieve, it's a funnel. arthel: do you think the questions direct at in comey will be at all politically charged or compromised? >> one thing that's important to remember, the way liberals and democrats are spinning the story is a little bit inaccurate and misleading. the headline was amid growing controversy, sessions abruptly canceled public testimony. arthel: specifically the senate intel committee. >> the testimony he canceled, he's sending his deputies. they are supposed to be look at the budget.
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if senators want to ask jeff sessions questions about director comey, and the intel committee, that's the way to do it. patrick leahy is upset he doesn't get to ask jeff sessions about this. but the intel committee will be asking him tough questions on this. arthel: do you think it questions will be politically motivated or compromised? >> i think they will be politically motivated in that the democrats are anxious to get as many people in the trump administration tarred with the idea of possible russian collusion as possible. republicans have mixed feeling about this. they think there has been some wrongdoing and that's the reason jeff sessions reduced himself from this. they don't want it to look like this investigation is not going to be fair.
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because they want the truth to come out if there was no collusion, and they want the american people to be confident the investigation was done fairly. >> thanks so as much for joining us. take care. >> there are new details coming to light about the london bridge attackers. british police say the three terrorists wore the fake suicide belts because they were possibly planning to take hostages. but police were able to shoot and kill them first. >> we continue to get a look at the evidence and learn more about the attacks. we have to look at that fake bomb belt as police release the images not sophisticated at all. these are disposable water bottles wrapped in duct tape. police suspect the motivation would be to cause someone to
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pause before shooting the attackers. we are hearing from one of the first metropolitan police officers who responded to the scene. inspector jim cole said the first thing he did was send a medic down into the basement of a pub to set up triage. >> a gentleman had been stabbed in the stomach. he was taken downstairs to see the medic. at that point there were shots ringing out. a stream of people came out in the market running and screaming. we literally pushed him into the basement of the pub it seemed like the safest place to put a large volume of people to get them out of harm's way. reporter: we have video of a man who attacked a police officer at
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notre dame cathedral with a hammer. the student was self-radicalized. he was charged with a terrorist conspiracy. arthel: the pentagon investigating what officials say is yet another insider attack. the so-called green and blue shooting in afghanistan. the latest killed. three u.s. soldiers. they were army rangers. it happened in eastern afghanistan and the taliban is claiming one of its own is able to infiltrate the afghan army to carry out the attack. connor? reporter: these so-called insider attacks have long played the u.s. mission in afghanistan. since 2008 there have been 19 or so green on blue attacks where
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afghan soldiers turn weapons on their ally partners. while this attack was claimed by the taliban, it isn't always the case. often the attacks are carried out by disgroundled and angry afghan soldiers. it's something u.s. investigators are trying to figure out what the nature of this attack was. it took place in an area where the u.s. is battling isis. considering that taliban a claiming responsibility for this attack, and the u.s. in fact is on a training mission still in afghanistan. and these afghan troops that were with these u.s. special forces are supposed to be some of the best trained afghan soldiers in the afghan army. it's concerning it's a group of afghan soldiers who are suppose to be the best trained where
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these attackers came from. this was clearly a combat mission where it was u.s. and afghan troops on the ground battling isis. one of the things that concerns u.s. troops and officials is this undermines the u.s. operation there. they are trying to train the afghan troops to get them up to speed to take on the fight alone by themselves. but if they can't train them, they can't go out with them. and that hurts the overall mission there. arthel: conor powell, thank you for that update. eric: secretary of state rex tillerson making a late-night phone call trying to fend off a humanitarian crisis over the arab blockade. that's next. plus, a fox news exclusive. a mafia boss talks terrorism.
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i sit down with former mob boss ralph tha natali. he says he knows what to do to stop that. >> i would kill them all. yes, i would. eric: you would kill the terrorists. >> i would kill them immediately. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference.
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arthel: an airstrike in somalia hitting al-shabaab, one of al qaeda's biggest affiliates hitting a training base. reports of 8 militants killed. the airstrike appears to be the first one conducted under a new trump administration policy allowing the u.s. military to target al-shabaab with airstrikes. eric: secretary of state rex tillerson making a late-night phone call to his turkish counter part. qatar has been entirely cut off by its arab neighbors for allegedly supporting terror.
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will it cause qatar to change its ways? ambassador dennis ross joins us. he's author of the book "doomed to succeed." can you tell us how bad is qatar. they say it gives shelter to the muslim brotherhood, hamas leaders and as the president said qatar backs terrorism on a quote very high level. >> qatar has tried to play a double game. they allow us to use a large base and they make major contributions to that. that base is the place from which we conduct all air operations throughout the whole theater from basically as far as afghanistan, into syria and so forth. so on the one hand qatar provide a level of support to what we
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are doing in terms of carrying on the fight against al qaeda and isis. on the other hand they are supportive of the muslim brotherhood, and hamas. they welcome the taliban. there is no question historically they have provide funding for terrorist groups. in the last year we have seen them quietly go after the entities the u.s. treasury department has singled out. but they provide a huge platform for al jazeera to create a legitimacy for radical islamist views. when i was in the obama administration during the conflict in libya, they were providing money and arms to the islamist groups in libya, the very ones we did not want to see develop any kind of support. so you are seeing an effort on qatar's part to have it both ways.
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what you see the saudis and the egyptians doing is saying that has to stop. it seems the administration is sending mixed messages. the president is tough in singling out qatar and supporting what the saudis are doing. we see the secretary of state saying we need to deescalate, the boycott is causing problems from a humanitarian standpoint and the standpoint of our military operations. we need to bring this under control. i understand the need to do this. but it can't be done in a way that allows qatar to continue doing what it's doing. eric: what you just said was astounding. not just support for hamas and al qaeda. but for the taliban. do we risk the threat of having
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our air base, the largest in the region kicked out of there that we need to use in our fight against isis in iraq and syria? >> they won't kick us out. the reason they allow us to use the base because they see it as a not so subtle indication that the united states is providing a security guarantee to them. that gives them an assurance and license to do what they are doing on the other hand. the key is we need to be the ones communicating to them that we won't continue to use this base. we'll be prepared to develop alternatives. they want this as a source of their security. they need to understand, unless they change their ways they are putting that at risk. you ask the question, will they change their ways? only if they see the real cost with us is the one that begins to raise questions about their security as they dee fine it.
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eric: the qatar foreign minister said this. we do not support hamas. we support the palestinian people. qatar confirmed a number of top hamas officials using the company as their base had left amid pressure on the oil-rich gulf nation. what do they need to do to get the message fully? >> that would and start. but they can't aloud al jazeera as a platform to spread a message that basically legitimizes and makes okay radical islamist thought. another point as i said. they put out the welcome mat for the taliban within qatar. that, too, has to stop. it can't be they wing at these
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groups or provide them tacit support and our part of the broader coalition to be fighting these very forces. you can't have it both ways. eric: do you think that will happen? that they get the message from the president? >> i worry about counter veiling that. it's not just the secretary of state. in a sense they put out a position where they were louding the country -- lauding the contribution qatar was making. our message has to be a consistent one and the chance of getting them to transform themselves and change their position, that goes up dramatically. eric: how would that make the message consistent? >> there has to be in fact i
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think one song sheet. everybody has to be singing off the same sheet of music when we speak to at qataris. we have to understand the american position is going to be -- you can be a partner of the united states, but you can't continue to be a partner to hamas and the muslim brotherhood and you can't be putting out an al jazeera network that they subsidize with a counter veiling message. i think it's to make it clear they can't count on us preserving the base in qatar. they have to understand they are putting that at risk. unless we communicate that, not just having everybody singing off the same sheet of music. but make it clear, they are putting at risk what they themselves see as a source of their security. that i think is the best way to impress upon them they are running a risk and the price is unacceptable as they define it.
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eric: we certainly hope they get that message. ambassador thank you as always for joining us. arthel: president trump turning up the rhetoric against james comey. his latest twitter blast amid the fallout from the former f.b.i. directors testimony. >> my judgment was i need to get that outf into the public square. sow i asked a friend of mine to share the con fence of the memo with a reporter because i thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.
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weekend at his golf club. hi kristin. >> hello arthel. still no response from the white house about the attorney general jeff sessions testimony next week on capitol hill. but president trump this morning is continuing to personally attack the former fbi director. he said on twitter just hours ago quote - i believe james comey week will be former prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. totally illegal and very cowardly. the new chairwoman of the rnc says that she also came to the president's defense. she was very critical of james comey's own admission that he was one that first leaked the memos to the press. >> i think it shows how questionable his character is that he would take conversations that he had with the president of the us which should be protected under executive privilege and then he gave into a friend to leak to
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"the new york times". i think it proves that the president made the right choice and firing the director. >> now james comey testified on thursday under oath that the president had said i hope you can let this go. i hope you can let the flynn investigation go. the president insists that he never said that but last night on fox in an interview that was taped on thursday, before the rose garden press conference with the president.donald trump jr. seemed to directly contradict his father. by saying this, when he tells you to do something, guess what? there is no ambiguity. there is no hey, i'm hoping. you and i are friends, i hope this happens but you have to do your job. that's what he told james comey. >> despite washington's fixation on all of the investigations, the white house is continuing to push forward with several new policy initiatives. last week was infrastructure with.
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next week is all about jobs. the president will be traveling to milwaukee on tuesday to talk about jobs and apprenticeships. he will be headed to the department of labor on was a to deliver a major policy speech about jobs. and then he will be heading to miami on friday. to unveil the administration policy with cuba and he is affected to move back many changes that were put in place by the former president barack obama. as much as washington continues to remain fixated on james comey, the leak's, collusion or potential collusion with russia during the 2016 election. the white house is continuing to move forward and get things done. >> thank you kristin fisher. now to the country's fight against terrorism. in a seemingly new unlikely ally a former mob boss is now 82 years old. he ran them off in philadelphia in the late 90s. his is the greatest threat facing our country now is terrorism. when it comes to dealing with the terrorists he knows exactly what to do.
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he told me he is more than willing to do it himself. we sat down with him for an exclusive fox news interview. >> any man that did not want to be a boss of a family had no manhood in him. >> he was the first american mafia boss to testify for the government. another former mobster has written a story of his life and life in the mob called last don standing. >> i never heard a man that was innocent hard worker, i never touched a woman. never touched a child. never. chrissy came out of the philadelphia market in the late 1990s. brought in by the legendary mob boss angelo bruno. ended up getting shot to death in his car in 1980. naphtali has been lucky.
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defense finally caught up with him and he was sentenced to time in prison a racketeering, drug and bribery charges. today he worries about another threat. terrorism. and feels the nation has not done enough to defeat it. >> you think we've been too easy? >> chrissy katz on terrorism. >> pussycats? what should we do? quest kill them. >> he was astounded that the manchester bombing was two authorities and says that just in back in the mob, he would take care of the problem himself. >> i wish i could get four more enemy. the government would have to pay they would be glad soon as they were able to point out a clue. their own kind, white, black, they will kill anybody. give me their names. i will take care of the business. >> you would -
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>> i would kill them all! yes! >> you would kill the terrorists? >> i would kill immediately and then i would hang them in front of their houses. and then call the newspaper. listen, come see what happened to those people. that's how you stop. you cannot come if you cannot stop them and that is what i would do.boy, i can make a nice living and i can enjoy it. i would be able to do it. my wife - you know that is crazy!it's not crazy. >> 's offer is one that the government would likely refuse and natale worries that terrorism will remain with us. >> i have 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. so long as i am in the dirt, they are going to have to put up with this. it has to be done. it has got to be done now. there is an old italian saying,
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if you don't listen to the first note, you'll never hear the rest of the song. that is what happening today. they call me coldhearted killer. i never hurt anybody that didn't deserve to die. i never did. when it comes my time, i just want to get a shot to find something with me. >> well, he is blunt. and he is chapter of his book -- he says quote - the wise guys like to say defense should spend their time and resources tracking terrorists, not mobsters. he says with guys like natale around they better keep an eye on both. natale insists he is retired but as you heard, he told me if need be he is ready to protect our country. his way.
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ralph natale, 82 years old. >> something else. >> still going strong.>> with about will get back to bombshell testimony from the former fbi director james comey. calling into question the independence of his former boss, then attorney general loretta lynch. questioning was she looking out for the clinton campaign? [vo] what made secretariat the greatest racehorse who ever lived? of course he was strong... ...intelligent. ...explosive. but the true secret to his perfection...
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or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me to know... ...clear skin can last. don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. >> protesters are filling the streets in the nation's capital this afternoon. it is the equality marks for unity and pride. it is stretching from lafayette park to the national mall. organizers say the market aims to raise awareness about the challenges facing the lgbt community.the rally will feature various speakers and also have a voter registration truck.>> you concerns about the integrity and independence of former attorney general loretta lynch. as former fbi director james
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comey testimony thursday in which he said, she asked him to call the hillary clinton email probe" matter and not an investigation trent frank sits on the house judiciary committee and going to snuff your congressman thank you for being here.>> thank you for inviting me. >> absolutely. let's start here sir. you think the former attorney general suggestion was criminal or an effort to avoid prosecution before the full scope of the inquiry was completed? as you know the investigation automatically takes on the assumption of guilt to many. so i ask you, illegal or inappropriate? >> if you look at what director comey testified he did not testify that she asked him suggested he said that she directed him to change the work from investigations to "matter". and so i understand why she did that. if you look at the controlling statute there it is statute 18
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1924. if you put that up in your screen sometime for the people you understand that there is no question in this world that mrs. clinton broke the law and it was an impregnable offense. and the only question was whether or not they were going to enforce the law. so she knew that there was a serious situation facing mrs. clinton and she wanted to try and do this the best she could. yes, i think was absolutely something that was not only inappropriate but bordered on the illegal for the attorney general to tell the chief investigator do not call this what it is because it is clear in her mind the law was broken. i just that we are missing a huge story here and yet, we've been talking about the russian story for six months almost. and you know what is happening with that story. >> it will deftly continue of
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course but meanwhile back is to mrs. lynch according to reported by the new york times by way of the source missed lynch of the term was intended to neither confirm nor deny that the investigation existed as it was a standard justice department and fbi practice. you are sticking with an appropriate, right?>> the truth is i had the opportunity to question mrs. lynch when i was on the judiciary committee. i've never seen any more gifted than simulation in my life. this particular person was totally sold out to the obama administration in ways that completely undermines your credibility of attorney general. >> those are very strong words congressman. >> yes they are. and they have the disadvantage of being accurate. the reality is that the left has been very good at using words. they -- nobody really understands what the real truth is.
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they are gifted at that and it is - if we do not as a country begin to come back and have honest dialogue and principal persuasion among ourselves the future generations will suffer for it. >> well, some might say her comments about mrs. lynch would be considered perhaps not completely honest. but let's move on. >> if they read the statute they might come up with a different conclusion. read the statute 18 usc 1924. will know what happened. tell me at that statute was enforced accurately or not. >> the former fbi director james comey also testified that after clearing the room, president trump press mr. comey to drop an investigation into former national security advisor michael flynn. you consider that suggestion made by the president to be illegal or inappropriate? >> i think it was illegal. i think that it was poorly done. this president does not speak diplomat.
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but if you look at what he was really do not have got that there was an augustus and --'s entire discussion we are having today. the one senator put it best. one other cannot be imprisoned for hoping or somehow castigated for hoping. there is a lot of difference in the terminology here but i'm convinced that the basic bottom-line of this testimony from james comey was that mr. comey exonerated the president and implicated himself as a leaker. >> speaking of leak this morning the president tweeted i believe that the james comey leak will be four more prevalent than anyone ever
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thought possible. totally illegal. very cowardly. of course in reference to his sharing one of the memos with the columbia law school professor and friend who in turn gave it to the new york times. so i ask you, illegal or inappropriate? >> this was privileged information. i use that word privileged deliberately. the there are legal consequences that i think that as the discussion moves forward that mr. james comey may have incriminated himself here. i'm not sure about that but it is what it looks like to me. >> let's get back to the former attorney general loretta lynch. you believe that she operated independently and loyal to the letter of the law or do you believe that mrs. lynch showed deference to president obama? >> i absolutely do not believe that mrs. lynch operated in different to the line agreement she operated in very strong clear political deference to mr. obama. i see that in this clarity. >> congressman frank, that is the way you see it. unfortunately we do not have
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mrs. lynch or to speak for herself or someone representing her. we will have to let your words stand at this time. we appreciate talking to you. >> we hope you will have her read the statute and its plan herself. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> meanwhile tens of thousands of people are flooding the streets. here in new york city right now the annual puerto rican day parade. the celebration you see there comes a made a backlash against the parade organizers. and plans on a convicted terrorist. we will have a live report from the parade and controversy, next. y 3-month old business... plus...what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i made a point to talk to my doctor. he told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again.
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parade is taking place right here in new york city right now. it is the 60th edition but this time a very controversial parade. organizers were set to honor ace debt terrorist group leader. we are live with brian. >> a controversial image for all. rivera riding in a float in the parade. this has mayor bill de blasio
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as well despite pressure to boycott. rivera was the leader of the armed forces of national liberation. a terrorist group accused of planting 120 bomb attacks in the 70s and 80s. their goal was to gain independence for puerto rico and establish a socialist government. in 1981 he was convicted of conspiracy against the us government transporting firearms and explosives. he was sentenced to 70 years in prison but 36 years were served. the president lifted a sentence in january. lopez rivera was never charged with any specific violent crimes as a leader he was accused of being a bomb maker. the deadliest attack was in 1975 in new york city which killed four people. we spoke with a man who lost his father in the attack in 1975.
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>> to think that oscar lopez would be considered a hero of freedom, it is just so insane. you cannot even get your head around it. >> the puerto rican day parade has lost a ton of corporate a result of the decision to allow him to participate, coca-cola, jetblue the governor of new york andrew cuomo decided not to participate as well. and mayor bill de blasio has decided to stay in. the parade organizers say they stand by and honoring oscar lopez rivera with the national freedom award. the freedom here award.the first award they've ever given. and ultimately, they said quote - some people call me tervis while others think of him as a freedom fighter. as was the case with nelson mandela.
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nevertheless, oscars participation is not an endorsement of the history that led to his arrest nor any form of violence. but rather a recognition of a man and a nations struggle for sovereignty. also, organizers were criticized as well for allowing him to participate given the fact that it was going to take with the crises happening on the island today. they are in a big recession and today they are voting for the fifth time as to whether or not they want to make the stated territory or independent. >> thank you. let me know that joe connor has long for in the name of his father frank. he was only 33 years old when he was killed by that bomb in 1975. thank you brian. >> ml man in florida going above and beyond. risking his own life to help save another. we have this story coming up, next. [ toilet flushes ] so when you need a plumber, you can count on us
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mailman spring into action to save an elderly man from his burning home. this mailman was overcome with smoke and forced to retreat eventually police arrived helping him save the man and his dog. >> they went to the window and we grabbed him to get him out of there. >> you can't just walk away. >> the officers and the mailman
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were treated for smoke inhalation and later released. >> that is wonderful. neither rain, sleet, snow, gloom of night. >> even fire. that does it for us. we'll see you get a four stick around now because leland and elizabeth prann are up next. >> attorney general jeff sessions agrees to appear today before the senate intelligence committee about russian meddling. we have reacted from capitol hill and the white house. >> plus, president trump this morning calling fbi director james comey's leak cowardly. reaction from the presidents golf retreat where he is spending the weekend. >> will take a closer look at the presidents choice to replace james


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