tv Hannity FOX News June 12, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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moment caught on tape, president carter on a plane, taking time to shake hands with everyone on the plane. and this is not the first time. he does this all the time. and we know that he is surviving cancer. >> greg: what a great guy. hannity is up next. >> things were our friends on "the five," president trump and his family hit back hard against the former fbi director, comey. the president weeding out today i believe james comey and his leaks will be far more problems than anyone thought possible, totally illegal? and totally illegal. >> ivanka said that her father feels vindicated. let's take a look. >> where did you watch it? >> well, my father felt very vindicated in all of the statements that he's been making, he feels incredibly optimistic. >> will have a lot more on that later in the show.
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geraldo rivera, dr. ben carson, also sarah carter, she has a major breaking news story about a loretta lynch and james coming, but first, the special counsel, robert mueller's investigation is not turning into a witch hunt, it needs to be shut down immediately. we will explain in tonight's opening monologue. ♪ >> all right, we have been telling you something that very few in the mainstream media will, how comey is nothing more than a hacker, who has thrived in the d.c.'s one. tonight we will expose his relationship that he leaked to the to "the new york times," that is with robert mueller, and we will explain why this investigation is nothing more than a witch hunt that is aimed to take down the president of the united states. there is also a massive double standard that is being completely ignored here. it is something that the mainstream media won't tell you
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about, we will do their job. during his testimony last night, the former fbi director, comey, he revealed that president trump was never under investigation, that there was no obstruction of justice, and that the media was lying to you about the russian collusion conspiracy theories, that they have been pushing out for almost ten months. comey also admitted that he is kind of a coward. take a look. >> maybe if i were stronger, i would have -- i was so stunned by the conversation that i just took it in. again, maybe other people would be stronger in that circumstance, but that is how i conducted myself, it was kind of a slightly cowardly way of trying to avoid telling him we are not going to do that. >> hannity: cowardly? maybe if i was stronger? so comey's excuse for not standing up to the present during this alleged conversation was that he is basically the
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cowardly lion from "the wizard of oz" into scared? now if comey said that he thought what happened was wrong, then guess what? he had a moral and more importantly a legal obligation to come forward and report this, by not doing so, we will put the law up on the side of the scree screen, he may have broken the law. now that is just the beginning of comey's potential legal problems. this part is stunning. he admitted that he intentionally gave his memo to his friend that works at colombia university to be leaked to the press, hoping it would lead to his special counsel, his friend, watch this. >> did you show copies of your memos to anyone outside of the department of justice? >> yes. >> and it to whom did you show copies? >> i asked a friend of mine to share the copy of the memo with reporters. i didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, i thought that that might prompt the
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appointment of a special counselor. >> who was that? >> a good friend of mine who is a professor at columbia law school. >> hannity: whether it is there were not there, a brilliant move by president trump. what he is admitting to under oath cannot be overlooked here or understated. his end goal was the appointment of the special counsel, which just so happens to turn out to be his longtime friend, robert mueller. now we are going to dive into that mess of conflict of interest in just a second, but let's continue with comey, having his friend leak information in the near times by doing that, comey could be putting himself again and serious legal trouble, we are putting the pertinent parts of this code 641 on the side of your screen, if those memos were classified, which by the way we believe they are, and several legal experts arguing that they are, he comey may have broken the law, violating government property, it is also likely that
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comey created those on a government computer, making it property of the u.s. government, not james comey. in addition to that, there are nondisclosures, agreements that the fbi rules that exist that comey also could have violated. also tonight, his relationship with the special counsel, robert mueller, is a massive conflict of interest. it is why it is time to now shut down this political witch hunt that is really aimed at stopping the president, delegitimizing him, and hopefully in the minds of some, making sure that he is thrown out of office, it is that serious. now let's look at the facts here for a second. james comey, who told congress that he wanted to get a special counsel, and guess what, when it happened, it was his longtime friend, robert mueller, he was named to leave the investigatio investigation. fox news reported last week that he was closely coordinated with robert mueller, in the special counsel. so you have the guy, comey, who
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is beyond disgruntled and angry after being fired by the president, and now one of his closest friends is leading the investigation of the special counsel. now, i don't care if you are left, right, republican, democrat, does that sound fair, honest, objective to you? of course not. and at this point, by the way, it is the president's comey's. so who do you think mueller is going to side with? that is why our colleague and friend will be joining us in just a moment, he will explain a lot more about what is an obvious co interest. their relationship may violate in fact, to federalize. here is the first one, and you can just read it there on the inside of your screen. disqualification, arising from personal or political relationship, that seems to perfectly define what is going on here with comey and mueller. you can see it as the conduct and accountability park, which basically says that the attorney general can fire a special counsel if he has a conflict of interest. and if that is not bad enough,
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then there is this all members of miller's teams have democrat into democrat. imagine if conservatives tried to do this, barack obama or hillary clinton, this is beyond ridiculous, and another reason why this is special counsel mueller needs to be shut down immediately. on top of the fact that we know that there is no collision. you and the american people should be averaged a night that your hard earned tax dollars are funding this political witch hunt. and finally tonight, there is a massive double standard when it comes to how james comey handling in his handling of what he literally said happened with president trump and how he handled, you compare and contrast hillary clinton's investigation, you cannot investigate this, look at this in a bubble. you've got to look at this entire controversial matter. if you start with comey testifying that the former obama attorney general, loretta lynch tried to influence the fbi's clinton email investigation,
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while mecca, what an admission. look at this. >> the clinton campaign at the time was using all kinds of euphemisms, security review matters, things like that for woes going on, we were getting to a place where we were both going to have to testify and talk publicly about it, and i wanted to know what she going to authorize us to confirm that we had an investigation? she said yes, but don't it a matter. i said why would i do that? and she said just call it a matter. >> not an investigation? no? and he listened to her. that is the big scandal and all of this, you have is former attorney general, herself now needs to be investigated for potential obstruction of justice. the special counsel should be focusing squarely on that, and perhaps, hillary clinton's felonies that she committed and not be conducting this whole witch hunt to go after the president. not to mention, why didn't james comey wait until his hearing last week to actually mention
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the fact that loretta lynch, the attorney general, try to interfere with an fbi investigation? and also, did lynch encourage comey to use language similar to what the clinton campaign was using? well, isn't that collision? that's the real story here, the democrats, the media apparently not going to be willing to talk to you about. the real collusion going on is not with president trump and the russians, it appears to be between the clinton campaign, the obama administration, loretta lynch, and a james comey. oh, by the way, what about that meeting that they had? the only laws that we know were broken were from hillary clinton, we'll put them up on the side of your screen. comey made the case that she had top-secret classified information on her server on a mom and pop shop bathroom closet, and inexplicably, he let her off the hook. now why did comey do that? was it because he was pressured by lynch and the obama administration and we also can't
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forget that he ignored the alleged conspiracy, hillary clinton, signs a waiver approving 20% of america's uranium, going to vladimir putin and the russians, and everybody involved in that deal kicking back money to the clinton foundation, and bill clinton doubles his speaking fees in moscow. sounds like a rushing conspiracy. joining is now, from the american center for law and justice, also now working with the president, jay sekulow, let me throw it to you, i have two columns with you, and they are spectacular. the latest one from today are mueller and comey now acting in concert as cospecial counsel? >> jay: you have to wonder. i mean first of all, the specifically says that you may not serve a special counsel if you have a close personal relationship with a key pivotal
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witness. comey is obviously that witness. they are close friends, close allies, close partners, they were joined at the head, at the fbi and the doj, so it is incomprehensible that he was chosen because if there is a case against the president for obstruction of justice, who is he going to believe? his protege or the man who fired him? 18, u.s. code of four. now you are talking about working in concert. we brought up some other laws here. do you believe all of them warrant an independent investigation, and who should do it, and should mueller now because we know there is no collusion, be out? >> gregg: he should fire him because he has a glaring conflict of interest. >> hannity: he should. >> gregg: he should never have
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accepted the position to begin with. but i would not expect that he would not fire the guy that he just hired a short time ago. but an independent investigation is really what is needed, and open hearing, for everything. that is the only way that the american public can be assured that the impartial administration of justice. >> hannity: let me go to jay. r all of those laws in your view relevant, and what about mueller and comey being best friends and casually licking this because he wanted a special counsel appointed? >> jay: any applicable law has to be looked at. it is very tricky. when you have a witness that you have a close relationship with and not being impartial, so what happens then? does that really mean that comey is not a witness, because that
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would mean that the case against the president, which doesn't exist in the first place, and by the way, it was james comey that said it, let's not forget, that the president was never investigation, has not been under investigation, that he testified in writing and under oath, both of those are part of the record, that in fact, there was no obstruction of justice, in regard to the russian investigation, and now you have got the situation with the special counsel and a friend of his who is the witness, and you wonder well of course, there is no witness because there is no obstruction of justice. i think this goes back to the main point, what are we investigating here? what are the taxpayer spending money on here? this is that james comey is the direct server of the fbi, taking notes on the government computer, his government vehicle, and then after he is terminated, he decides to go to a friend of his, who is a law professor at columbia, leak into "the new york times," who happens to publish it, and he admits under oath that he did
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that because he wanted to see if that would draw a special counsel, and it did. so you know, this is not a separate court case, which is what i am usually do. you ask yourself what is the basis of this investigation, and as i have set from the beginning, i don't see it. let's not say that this hasn't been going on forever. this is being reviewed for nine months, and so far, no one that has testified has seen and to be evidence of any wrongdoing. >> hannity: let me go to your breaking news story tonight, sarah, which i think his blockbuster, and in it, you talk about james comey, on thursday alluding to another exchange with loretta lynch, where she ordered him not to refer to it as an investigation, but as a matter, and he said that it was a political spin, take us to the next step. >> sara: the next step is that what we know is that for months now, lawmakers have been reached
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privately by comey, sometimes in a classified situation, and then those lawmakers when then brief other lawmakers on what was discussed. we know that they agreed in a meeting that director comey had with the loretta lynch, where he confronted her, not just about the tarmac, but about a sensitive piece of communication, it was a piece of communication between two political figures that basically alluded to the fact that loretta lynch was going to put the kibosh on any type of investigation against hillary clinton. and when he confronted her with that piece of evidence, she basically stared at him, and there was a long period back, a long period of steely silence, i thought that was interested, steely silence. and then she looked up at him, and she asked him if there was nothing more he needed to say, then he should turn around and leave the office.
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>> hannity: so she is basically saying that she is covering for hillary clinton, in spite of james comey, by the way, being very honest in terms of the standard, he even admitted that hillary's handling was extremely careless, the legal standard is gross negligence. >> sara: asked, what is really interesting is that she chose to say nothing, and the reason why she told lawmakers who spoke with, the reason that he told lawmakers that he hasn't talked about it in a classified setting is because of the evidence itself, how that evidence is verified and how -- >> hannity: when they went into a closed session? >> sara: how was verified and how was obtained. so apparently, this is verifiable information, it's just that the document itself is actually classified. >> hannity: this is huge. we will get a reaction from gregg when we come back, and also tonight, the media has been pushing for this bizarre conspiracy theory about trump
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and his administration, black helicopter tv 24/7, we will get reaction from governor mike huckabee on the elitist lowlifes from these so-called journalists from over in mbc, and also tonight, >> there is a level of viciousness that i was not expecting, i was not expecting the intensity of this experience. >> hannity: on the "fox & friends," ivanka calls out to the sheer viciousness, geraldo will be here, dr. ben carson joins us in the studio. ♪ zy so we got our new he washing machine but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean. now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in 1/2 the time
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1 we are here with jay sekulow, sarah carter, jay i will go with you first. you just heard what sarah sarar just said, i am amazed. >> jay: think about this for a moment, this whole russian probe situation, that is going on. and we now have evidence, and we have had evidence that he was supposed to call something a matter in this particular situation, that sara was just
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talking about. it is not what she is saying? >> hannity: she is covering? sara, is that an accurate description? >> sara: yes. >> jay: they don't do matters, they investigate. >> sara: i want to say this is evidence between two political figures, that basically said lynch had agreed it to put the kibosh, basically end to any investigation or any indictment of hillary, that she was going to be safe, and when she presented that, she said nothing but asked him to leave. and that was the piece of evidence. now how they obtained and verified that evidence is classified, because there was a long sequence of how that evidence is verified, and the reason why it was classified. >> hannity: go ahead, finish. >> sara: no, that is the only reason, that piece of evidence remains classified and what we discussed publicly.
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>> hannity: that sounds like cover up to me. >> gregg: if that is true, you have to worry about hearsay, doubly hearsay, and so forth, my question would be -- >> hannity: sara, don't we have a smoking gun with that, before greg finishes? >> sara: just like he said, this is coming from senior lawmakers, if that evidence is there, it needs to be followed up on. >> gregg: we will have to wait to see where that emerges from, james comey has a duty under the law, o little lynch the attorney general, obviously, the law says, you go to congress. was this the first time, on thursday that he went to congress with this evidence and information? evidence, loretta lynch may have violated the law, and coming as
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well. >> hannity: you know, when you think of comey going up to extreme carelessness versus gross negligence, we know that she mishandled this, she destroyed special access program information, both of those things are felonies. so now based on sarah's new information, where does this go, especially if that smoking gun exists? >> jay: even the address of the issue before loretta lynch said this about the matter to him, this is serious. i think that look, a new round of investigations should take place, and again, now bringing i like to finish with this, you talk about obstruction of justice, in the middle of the irs targeting scale, where the department the department of justice allegedly had a criminal investigation going on to determine what we violated and whether there was a violation, i
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would call it a full investigation also, but let me make this point. while that investigation was pending, he said there is not a smidgen of corruption, the investigation wasn't even complete. and no one was screaming from the left that i was obstruction of justice. >> hannity: there is just way too much ground to cover here. your job, gregg, jay, sara, i will put you on links to my web site. tonight, monday night on hannity. more news breaks. >> what came apart this morning, the president set according to the written testimony, of mr. comey, go ahead and give that to my operation, and nail them. they love to push the trump collusion narrative, even chris matthews, he is talking about his colleagues. up next, a brand-new segment that we called the liberal conspiracy theorists, will get reaction from former governor mike huckabee, and then later
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tonight -- >> there is a level of viciousness that i was not expecting. i was not expecting the intensity of this experience. >> hannity: the first daughter, ivanka trump, reacting to the viciousness of the attacks against her and her family and what they are battling against, geraldo joins us, straight ahead. ♪ termites, feasting on homes 24/7. we're on the move.
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♪ here's what's happening, a suburban philadelphia home, the 79-year-old actor was accused of drugging and molesting a woman more than a decade ago, dozens of women have accused cosby of similar results, but this is the only case to result in a criminal charge. if convicted, cosby could fund the rest of his life in prison. a friend of the president saying
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terminating a special counsel robert muller. cbs news our, saying i think he is winning that option. a white house official says that he was speaking for himself, not for the president. muller is leaving the investigation and the 2016 election, that is a look at news this hour. i am kelly wright, let's get back to hannity. ♪ >> hannity: welcome back to hannity, welcome back to hannity, will come back to a brand-new segment where we call out to these conspiracy theorists, week after y, one of the most egregious offenders has been from propaganda press, right here on hannity, we will continue to shine a bright light on just how deranged the media has become. this is especially true over at nbc. tonight we start in the minutes following, comey is much-anticipated testimony, even
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chris matthews made this shocking conclusion. take a look. >> the assumption of the critics, of these pursuers, you might say is that somewhere along the line in the last year, the president colluded with the russians, a helping hand, encouraging them, feeding their desire to effect the election in some way. some conversation that he had with michael flynn or someone, but yet it came apart this morning was that theory because the president said according to the written testimony of mr. comey, go ahead and nail them. and then he also came across and said that basically flynn wasn't central to the russian investigation. >> hannity: now while he admits that the theories have fallen apart, he also references -- pay close attention to the pursuers who have been pushing all of these black helicopter conspiracy theories, who are the so-called
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pursuers? matthews needed to look no further than his colleague, rachel maddow, on the same network, as one of the top conspiracy theories. remember when maddow speculated that venezuelans were protesting in the streets because of trump's fcc filing? watch this quote. >> venezuelans are enraged anew by this brand-new fcc filing from the white house. this is a country that should be a rich country, but people have literally been starving in venezuela, somehow in the midst of this incredible crisis in venezuela, somewhere they found a half million dollars to donate to the very, very, very inexplicably overfunded trump inauguration. >> hannity: i get it, if the dog bites, if a bee stings, it's got to be donald trump's fault. there was also the time that maddow theorized that she could be a gateway drug for the kkk.
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it take a look. >> a lot of people who i think are like this, they wonder if he is a gateway drug, if there is something beyond donald trump himself, that means a much greater transformation of the republican party into something that is going to be new to mainstream politics. >> hannity: and a maddow, fully paranoid, also push the conspiracy theory that the trump administration has turned america into a saddam hussein style dictatorship. really? is he killing people like saddam did? watch this. >> we have never thought of ourselves as a country where they get to be whatever they want, as a ruling family kind of place, but now that is what we are. >> hannity: of course, she has also pushed some pretty bizarre theories about some members of the trump administration, you don't like people like
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vice president pence, listen to this totally false accusation. nbc. watch. >> when the vice president-elect first ran for congress, he ran on a platform that the government should take back all the money that they were using to combat hiv and aids and spend spend the money on curing people from being. mike pence ran for congress saying let's not try to cure aids. >> hannity: joining me now, the governor of the great state of arkansas, mike huckabee. welcome back. i didn't even touch on in this case because that could be a whole show, all of the russia- russia-trump collusion theories that were debunked. and i honestly don't know what to think, if this is cnn, nbc news, what do you make of what is happening here? >> mike: well, sean, if this is all that they have got, than they've got nothing. and i think the one thing that we have learned out of the comey hearing is that there is no connection between donald trump
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and russia, and we have even been hearing that from some democrats who all said we see no evidence of it. and comey affirmed that, and made sure that trump was not under any investigation. but there are people who cannot let it go. they hate donald trump, and frankly, sean, if donald trump ran into a building burning and grab two children and save them, "the new york times" headline would read "donald trump runs from a historic structure as it burns to the ground," that is how they would report the whole story. they are ignoring everything this president is doing, which is a lot, and all they are doing is focusing on the completely fake news, phony stories, because they have gone from being really a biased media to a corrupt media, and that is dangerous. >> hannity: american people are now beginning to see a more than they ever have, it doesn't matter that he wasn't under investigation, it doesn't matter that there is no evidence of collusion, doesn't matter, but
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for ten months, they have advanced a life, show me evidence, i will open my heart and my ears. but it doesn't exist, as of now, and they have spent night after night after night pushing a theory to what? delegitimize the present, stop his agenda, maybe ultimately get him removed from office? is this the power of the hillary clinton colluding media? >> mike: well, it's obvious that that is all that they have got, there are questions that they could be raising if they were serious about it. why did loretta lynch tell james call me not to call the investigation and investigation? call it a matter? what more are they talking about on the tarmac, bill clinton and loretta lynch, why didn't hillary have any consequences for that unsecured server in her bathroom? and why for the 33,000 emails? i mean there is a laundry list of things. prosecution for lois lerner for
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heaven sakes and the irs, there are so many pieces of government power, and this has nothing to do with normal chum, he wasn't president, barack obama was, there are some things to investigate that have nothing to do with donald trump. >> hannity: good to see you. it tonight on this busy breaking his night. >> there is a level of viciousness that i was not expecting, i was not expecting the intensity of this experience. >> hannity: the first daughter, ivanka ivanka trump a democrat, says that she was shocked by the viciousness of this. donald trump holds his first full cabinet meeting today, dr. ben carson was in the room, he will join us as we continue right here in the studio. ♪ destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident.
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>> there is a level of viciousness that i was not expecting. i was not expecting the intensity of this experience, but this isn't supposed to be easy. my father and his administration intends to be transformative, and we want to do big, bold things. >> hannity: already, that was the first daughter, ivanka trump on fox and friends this morning, talking about sheer viciousness in terms of her father's administration and the left-wing hatred has once again reac new low.
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they had a production, shakespeare and the parka, julius caesar, and it features a trump like a character. in response to the violence, they have announced that they are pulling their sponsorship, a statement was released, defending this, "this in no way advocates violence towards anyone." joining us now, fox news correspondent, geraldo rivera. b5 what a bunch of baloney. this production was built around the concept that it would be donald trump who gets assassinated as the roman dictator, julius caesar, the shakespeare classic, and while you want artists to have grades license, this is a lot like the theatrical version of kathy griffin, the comedian holding up
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the bloodied head of donald trump, this is the same thing, only it is even worse because they acted out, you actually seem the homicide. and they have a melania character in this too. it is so clear with the intent was here. >> hannity: what would the reaction be if it were done to the obama's? >> geraldo: can you imagine? if he had been holding barack obama's head, this also would generate an enormously negative response. you and i are against boycotts, we are against that kind of censorship, but really, i think that if people take a chance and they feel, they have to take a price, and the price should be that people will avoid this production. >> hannity: let's go to cnn. "new york times," time warner, they are all standing by this. because they hate the president. >> geraldo: ivanka is up slightly. this is beyond -- barack obama generated a lot of intense
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reactions, that i was on the real french, people who were not motivated by hate, it seems to me that the percentage of respectable folks on the left really do have an intense hostile a hatred for donald trump that allows them to permit this kind of thing. >> hannity: were you surprised, a conservative comes under fire, and recently me, or any of us, there is never one single liberal whoever comes to a conservative defense. there are a few exceptions. you are a republican, so i am calling you my friend and brother. since b-2 i am your brother. >> hannity: i watched bellmawr apologize, it seems sincere to me. >> geraldo: i thought he was rattled. i don't like his politics, and ice cube but i think, they gave him a hard time. and he seemed to get it, which
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would not have happened, and it seemed to change him profoundly. >> geraldo: i think he was beaten down, he clawed his way back in, but it was not easy. the racial line, the racist line is a tough one to come back from. it's like michael richards, the guy who played kramer in seinfeld -- >> geraldo: there was no one after him. >> geraldo: it wasn't nearly as intense. if you had done it, forget about it. they would be picking this apart. >> hannity: geraldo, nice to see you. breaking news, next. >> never has there been a president, with few exceptions, fdr, major depression, who has passed more legislation, who has done more things. >> hannity: president trump, he held his first full cabinet meeting today, where he talked
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>> i will sample never has there been a president, with few exceptions, in the case of fdr, who has passed more legislation, who has done more things than what we have done. we have the greatest bill in the history of the world. we won't get help from the democrats because they are obstructionist, that's what they want to do, that's the game, they think that is their best political gain, it's sad. >> hannity: all right, that was the president earlier today, doing his first full cabinet meeting, talking about his agenda, calling out the democrats for being the obstructionist they are, the secretary of housing and urban development, our friend, dr. ben carson, and by the way he is in new york to kick off an academic form, by the way, a 51 year low, which bothers me. >> ben: it is bothersome because home ownership is the basis for wealth creation in this country. the average network worth of the home owner is $200,000 the
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average of a renter is $5,000. so we have got some major work to do. >> hannity: it stops him from the agenda he ran on. get people off of food stamps, out of poverty, back in the labor force, 51 year low home ownership. it drives me nuts. >> ben: that's what we were talking about in the cabinet movie today, the labor force, where we can get a lot more people working, i think that solves a lot of the problem, people don't like change. they like the comfort zone in which they fit, and when somebody starts talking about changing it, they become very anxious, so i expect that there will be people who are anxious about some of these things, but they won't be anxious. >> hannity: they won't all back you anyway. and i know you have done a good job. knowing you as well as i do, you
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think out of the box. this is going to be different. whatever you do, i expect something very innovative. what are you thinking about, get us a little glimpse. >> ben: just for one small thing, the centers where we can give people a vision become vision centers are opportunity centers, they will be privately sponsored, but they will be put into areas of low income, and you know, most of the kids there, you say what you want to do? you get about five or ten things. there's 1,000 things. this will show them what the other 990 things are. >> hannity: i was at the original housing project in atlanta, i'm sure you are aware of it, one of the worst most horrific stories i have recovered in my life at a housing project, and i went there, a kid died, a cockroach lodged in this kid's brain. i walked into one of the homes,
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infested doesn't even describe how horrific it is. >> ben: i remember as a child, you walk in and turn the lights on, there would be so many roaches screen, it looks like an earthquake. >> hannity: is horrible. >> ben: yeah. but we are working on those things. we have new programs with our inspectors to make sure that people are getting the right kind of inspection and event managers are doing the right thing. >> hannity: and his people need help, i'm a christian, i believe we have a role, but i like the idea of owning the place. >> ben: that is the real ideal. the real ideal is to get people to move up the ladder of opportunity, not to be complacent, we are going to help people, we are not cross going to say you've got to do, you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, we are going to help people. >> hannity: absolutely. >> ben: that is going to help us as a nation. >> hannity: you are a good man. you've got to come see me, you don't take my calls anymore. >> ben: talked to my people.
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♪ >> sean: time for the "question of the day." should the special counsel now be shut down? yes, shut it down. we know there is no collusion. we know the president wasn't under investigation. we want to go to let me know what you think. @seanhannity on twitter. time to bring back the "hannity hotline." i hear that some of it can be mean, from liberals were not kind. >> i am calling to say thank you for your excellent reporting. you make it very easy for us to stay informed amy's crazy times. >> hannity, we love you. you are the best. after donald trump is done with his two terms, we want you to run for president. and we got your back. we love you and we love fox. >> sean: i am so humbled. all of you people that hate me, you didn't get through tonight. want to say something? nice, mean, we don't care.
8:00 pm
a 877-225-8587 way that is all the time we have left this evening. hope you set your dvr, never miss an episode. we will see you back here tomorrow night. ♪ he ♪ >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." attorney general jeff sessions is scheduled to testify tomorrow before the senate intelligence committee. of the subject, needless to say, as russia. that's pretty much the only thing that i wash and contact tk about or respond to at the moment. sessions may not strike you as a likely putin conspirator living in alabama, an awfully long way from moscow in every sense. it doesn't matter. everyone affiliated with the administration is a suspect these days. sessions says as a member of the armed services committee, he talked on two occasions with the russian ambassador to the united states.
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