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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  June 14, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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>> life look at a stormy new york city on this wednesday morning. coming up on 5:00, you are watching "fox and friends" first. >> thank you for starting your day with us. let's get right to that fox news alert. another busy day. fire ripping through a london high-rise overnight. 7 people are dead as concerns grow that the building may collapse. >> foreign affairs correspondent benjamin hall live on the scene with the latest this morning. >> reporter: a devastating fire in the heart of london. many people in the us, it started in the early hours of
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the morning and the building is 120 units and 500 residents. hundreds of escaped but it is unknown how many are left trapped inside. 50 patients were taken to five hospitals in the area but speaking to people who live inside, many people still unaccounted for and smoke still pouring from this building as firefighters are trying to extinguish those flames which you can see burning from various windows, 45 fire engines here last night, devon trying to rescue those, speaking of people who were inside they talked about people shining lights and talked about distantly trying to get the attention of security services below, people screaming throughout the building, using sheets tried to climb out and save themselves, the top floors still a great danger and people wondering who is left up there. the building was built in 1974. last year it had a $12 million cosmetic development but they
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only to the outskirts of people have been saying for the last year there were serious fire hazard inside. people wondering if more should be done but people here absolutely shocked, the whole area has been cordoned off and the death toll is unknown. they are going through this building to try to discover who is there. people start to pick up the pieces and ascertain the level of damage but a huge fire in the heart of london and people concerned that this building could come down later. >> incredible something like that can happen in this day and age in london. fire like that. >> reports of people screaming for help. couldn't get to them. meantime back at home another big story, jeff sessions coming
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out swinging in a fiery showdown slamming the russian collusion claims is a, quote, detestable lie. >> the attorney general taking on critics refusing to spill any secrets of his conversations with the president standing by the firing of james comey. how sessions is striking back. >> reporter: if there was any question whether the attorney general was grilled in the hot seat, jeff sessions faced a barrage of questions for more than 21/2 hours over his contact with russian officials in front of the senate intelligence committee and vehemently denied any suggestion of collusion. in his opening statement calling it a detestable lie. >> the suggestion that i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years or to undermine the integrity of our democratic processes an appalling and detestable lie. >> sessions sought to explain
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his decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation but refused at times to answer some questions. things got quite fiery. >> mister comey said there were matters with respect to the recusal that were problematic and he couldn't talk about them. what are they? >> why don't you tell me. there are none. there are none. i can tell you that for certainty. this is a secret innuendo being leaked out and i don't appreciate it. >> sessions refused to disclose private conversations with the president pushing back on charges he was stonewalling. chuck schumer blasted him in a statement after the hearing calling a, quote, an impediment from trump administration officials who clam up and refuse to answer questions about the russia investigation.
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what did white house think? press secretary sarah huckabee sanders said he did a very good job. heather: you can see why he wanted to have it in open forum. thank you. kenneth starr, former special counsel in the whitewater investigation led to the eventual impeachment of former president bill clinton said attorney general jeff sessions successfully cleared his own name during yesterday's testimony unlike james comey. >> i don't think a lot was revealed today, much farther down the road but the american people saw this attorney general is just a great human being with an enormous amount of passion and determination to try his best to do the right thing. i like the sense of moral indignation. we have seen a very honorable person defend himself. i thought he acquitted himself
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beautifully. he was very plausible. i have stated previously that i have serious problems with the way director comey conducted himself and those were explored again today by virtue of senators going through the rosenstein memorandum which is enumerated various areas, and policy time and time again. >> brit hume says without a shred of evidence against the trump administration the investigation into collusion truly becomes a witchhunt. >> the people raising these accusations don't think anybody committed treason. they are looking for ways to bring down donald trump and get at the people around him. that is what this is about. to them this election is an thinkable, a catastrophe for our
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nation. this cannot be allowed to proceed and they are trying everything they can add this idea that the russians colluded and even to arrange the election of donald trump has been a piece of it for a long time. the problem has been from the beginning no evidence. >> donald trump squashing the rumor saying there is no intention of fire special prosecutor robert mueller. donald trump and first daughter ivanka returned to washington from wisconsin. the white house economic and health care agenda. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein silencing lawmakers questions telling the mueller's role in the russia investigation is not in jeopardy. >> chain of command for the special counsel is only directly to the attorney general, the acting attorney general. if there were good cause if it were not good cause it wouldn't be anybody's since. >> questions whether mueller can
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be unbiased stemming from his elation ship with james comey. heather: college student in prison for more than 17 months in north korea is now back on american soil. we are learning 22-year-old otto warmbier has been in a coma for months. >> reporter: otto warmbier's jet landing last night at 10:30, he is in a hospital in cincinnati, airlifted from north korea. the release is a major victory for the trump administration. >> let me say how pleased we are to have otto warmbier back in the united states. we had difficulty as you all are very well aware in reaching him. we had to go to the government to get any kind of information and even then it was extremely rare. heather: he was arrested in
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pyongyang in january last year for a political poster at a hotel. in 2016 shortly after the communist regime claims he contracted botulism and went into a coma after he was given sleeping pills. the white house is putting pressure on north korea to release otto warmbier was a big priority for donald trump. >> could not allow an american to die in detention. and american dies in north korea the question becomes is this a murder and that is not a conversation north korea wanted to hear. >> dennis rodman at fifth visit to north korea to see his friend dictator kim jung un, maybe he helped in getting otto warmbier home but he had nothing to do with it. he reacted an exclusive primetime interview for tucker carlson.
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>> glad he is back home getting to medical care. happening right now a desperate nationwide manhunt for an inmate who killed two prison guards. overpowered the guards at a prison outside atlanta shooting them with their own guns. >> two brutally murdered police officers. the blood on my shoes. >> they are on the run, a green honda civic, 6601, that they carjacked. they have long histories of violent crime, a $70,000 reward to find them. >> scary video of a passenger's bag started smoking in los angeles international airport. witnesses reported hearing after
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smoke started to pour out of the bag and lithium batteries sparks claims inside the bag. certain lithium batteries on carry-ons but not checked bags. getting those carry-ons through security could be done faster than ever. passenger identification cut down on wait times. it can also be used as your boarding pass. the program is only available to people who enroll in the pre-check program at the atlanta and -- heather: still the cut down. >> donald trump, commander-in-chief, celebrating his first birthday in the white house today. >> the president turning 71
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years old. 5:11 on the east coast, defiant jeff sessions determined to clear his name. did the attorney general shut down the left's collusion conspiracy. constitutional attorney chris gohmert coming up. >> 98% was positive. >> mainstream media bias, will keep's claim about donald trump's relationship with the media. >> justin bieber know the words to his own song? heather: that will surprise you. ♪
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>> democrats accusing jeff sessions of stonewalling on allegations of russian collusion but our next guest is strong testimony from yesterday will shoot that theory down. >> the suggestion that i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process is an appalling and detestable lie. this is secret innuendo being leaked out about me and i don't appreciate it, and i tried to give a truthful answer to any committee i appeared before. >> government affairs public policy and constitutional attorney, thanks for coming on
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this morning. democrats will try to cherry pick what they want to hear from this testimony. they don't want to hear soundbites like that, what questions the attorney general didn't answer. >> there was nothing earth shattering that came out of yesterday's hearing but overall, a net loss for democrats. the american people, not just red-blooded trump supporters, affect the democrats keep moving the goal posts. first this was about collusion. the comey revealed there is no evidence of collusion so they alleged obstruction of justice with the same presumptuous indignation, what they were looking for, it is about sessions stonewalling, show on and so on to the point -- >> going into that stonewalling and what to make of that.
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>> yesterday attorney general sessions, in deliberative process, not necessarily well known to the public, a number of privileges, attorney-client privilege, executive privilege, deliberative process privilege, this is not anything new, not something the team concocted prior to these hearings. eric holder, and the obama administration, the deliberative process privilege on many occasions, one was when president obama appointed richard corker to director of the financial protection bureau, questionable recess appointment. >> we can't get into all the stuff from the past but why would the attorney general use that privilege if he didn't have anything to hide? >> the president's and the administration's to assert.
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bottom line is you saw this back and forth, has the president asserted it yet? the bottom line is if i am an attorney and you ask me a question to review my attorney-client privilege or some kind of privilege i have to get my client the opportunity to assert that privilege and if they wanted jeff sessions to respond to everything on the spot they should have given the questions in advance. >> let's talk about assume for a second there is no collusion, attorney general jeff sessions, very bold and defiant in saying it is a detestable lie. and a play game to smear the administration what does that do to the credibility of the democrats? >> they are losing credibility more and more.
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it is more important that this is about obstruction and diversion in order to keep donald trump and the republicans from pursuing their agenda. mueller is going to conduct their investigation on the side and that needs to be carried out and done so to where the american people trust that it was done fully but at the end of the day what we are seeing, the american people want congress to stop focusing on these hearings and get back to the business of the american people elected donald trump and the republicans carry out, tax reform etc.. >> thanks for coming on this morning. heather: it is 20 minutes after the top of the, fake news strikes again. that wes that said the media into overdrive about the golden state warriors supposed to boycott of the white house. one high end designer is asking
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haters not to wear their clothes. coming to the first lady's defense. ♪ nticipate is lexus. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. so she only earns double miles on purchasesit card. she makes from that airline. what'd you earn double miles on, please? ugh. that's unfortunate. there's a better option. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day.
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him. ah. oh hello- that lady. these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh. sure. still yes! you can get it too. welcome to the party. introducing gig-speed internet from xfinity. finally, gig for your neighborhood too. >> welcome back to "fox and friends," whoopi goldberg making an absurd claim about donald trump's relationship with the mainstream media, the host of the view saying 100% of the coverage that he received during the campaign was positive. >> it was all positive until people started asking questions. it wasn't all positive. >> i am sorry -- live coverage -- >> it was noisy but wasn't all positive. >> 98% of it was positive.
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i know what i saw. >> do you? newt gingrich joining the lady -- pointing out a recent harvard study found donald trump's perceived 93% negative coverage. >> bill shea taking on the melania haters, the italian designer launching a fashion campaign mocking critics who continue to demand the designer stop dressing the first lady, hinting at the new line, where one of her dresses to meet the pope in rome. this picture on instagram writing love haters, remember boycott -- you can preorder the new line of shirts, a white
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t-shirt. heather: new york state dealing another blow to a business order. >> should be considered employees entitling them to benefits through the company. with other states follow suit? the sister network here with what we need to know. >> a big win for huber drivers, drivers should legally be considered employees of the company and entitled to all the benefits that come with that. the decision means huber would be on the hook for benefits, healthcare contributions, payroll taxes and state and federal government. they are not employees partly because they are allowed to set their own hours and don't work full-time, the senate plans to approve the rolling. >> american airlines backtracking on more legroom. >> they recently unveiled plans to get economy class passengers
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less legroom with a new waiver and as you can imagine they are not happy about this. they have another row of seats hunt with boeing
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collusion with russia ridiculous. >> basically uncovered or exposed the absurdity of this whole exercise. >> one of the smartest people in the building, mike charles says his testimony clears his name. point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business.
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more people are choosing nissan. ♪ ♪ it's america's best sales event at nissan the fastest-growing auto brand in the u.s.a. take on every day get 0% for up to 72 months on 13 models. ♪ >> good morning. you are watching "fox and friends" first. >> 31 minutes after the hour,
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jeff sessions coming out swinging, claiming the russian collusion claims are a detestable lie. >> taking on -- standing by firing of james comey, live in washington dc how sessions is striking back. >> for two hours jeff sessions defended his actions under a barrage of questions, his recusal from the investigation and conversations with the president and firing of james comey, pushing back at what he called innuendo being leaked about him. >> mister comey said there were matters with respect to the recusal that were problematic and he couldn't talk about them. what are they. >> why don't you tell me? there are none.
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i can tell you that for absolute certain. this is the secret innuendo being leaked about me and i don't appreciate it. >> in the opening statement, vehemently denying any suggestion with the russian government calling it a detestable lie. >> suggestion that i participated in any collusion, that i was aware of any collusion with the russian government to hurt this country which i have served with honor for 35 years, or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process is an appalling and detestable lie. >> sessions refuse to answer questions related to his conversations with the president and cause chuck schumer to blast him and a statement calling it a repeated and troubling pattern
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from trump administration officials who clam up and refuse to answer questions about the russia investigation was what the president think? sarah huckabee sanders says donald trump watched it and thought he did a very good job. >> fox news contributor charles krauthammer sounding off saying the latest hearing shows how far off course the investigation into russian meddling has gone. >> he helped himself about. he basically uncovered or exposed the absurdity of this exercise. this is supposed to be about russian meddling in our election. that wasn't even an issue. then there was supposed to be about the collusion. there is not an ounce of evidence. i used to be a doctor. you show me the facts and i'm willing to change my opinion. this had been investigated for 7
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months. there are leaks like the titanic and has there been any leak of anything, the president or the collusion with the russians? know. trying to tag it on sessions is even more absurd. heather: donald trump accusing democrats of obstruction saying they are clinging to obamacare just to resist him. >> republicans in congress as hard as they are working you have the democrats on the other side who truly have become obstructionists. even there new motto, resist. it is a pretty accurate motto. >> reporter: donald trump hosting republican senators at the white house for lunch to discuss repealing and replacing the affordable care act. a recent report shows 2 million
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americans have dropped coverage. >> donald trump may follow through on one promised sooner than some thought. the border patrol chief telling congress the construction of a border wall starts as soon as march, the proposed budget will fund 60 miles of brand-new wall on the southern border, just a small part of it. the script just changed before our eyes. heather: janice dean standing by in hoboken, new jersey with a way to celebrate the stars and stripes. >> in the pouring rain. >> reporter: it just started to rain in hoboken, new jersey. we are going to launch the world's biggest american flag balloon, rain or shine. we are getting rain on and off
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in hoboken, new jersey, temperatures in the mid-70s, a cold front will drop those hot temperatures over the last couple days. let's look at radar, a potential for severe weather over reports of tornadoes yesterday, that will be ongoing again today with potential large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes in the western great lakes. and temperatures, across the northeast and mid-atlantic with a chance of showers and thunderstorms and it will remain warm across the southwest in california where we have high heat advisory not only today but throughout the weekend. it is flag day, 240th anniversary of the beautiful american flag, the stars and stripes forever, celebrating all morning long "fox and friends," we will build this balloon but
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fire it up. i love fire, playing with fire in hoboken, new jersey. heather: stop raining right now, she is a meteorologist. donald trump will change the military highest honor for the first time. and army medic will be recognized with the medal of honor for his incredible bravery. >> saved ten wounded soldiers carrying each of them out of a heavy firefight and getting injured by shrapnel in the process. >> doing my job. i want you to know that. that was the job that was given me. my father told me at a young age of your given job, don't do it halfway. i love those guys and i know
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they love me. >> the ceremony is set for july 31st. they always say that, just doing my job. the time, 38 minutes after the top of the hour, the attorney general defending his honor shooting down accusations that he colluded with the russians but that is not what the mainstream media heard. >> attorney general sessions virtually refused to answer virtually all questions about his interactions with the president. >> the liberal bias that you have to here. >> hollywood's hatred for the white house to another level why one show is bleeping out donald trump's name. ♪
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>> one tweet sending the media into overdrive claiming the golden state warriors are boycotting their visits the white house. >> here with what this is about. >> reporter: a little misinformation circulating around the internet, this time it has to do with this year's nba champions the golden state warriors. report circulated online yesterday, warriors have decided to skip the white house visit. look at this tweet from josh brown, skipping the white house visit us the unanimous team decision. tweet went viral and got the attention of nancy pelosi who said this on twitter, the warriors leadership is inspiring. i would be honored to welcome the team to the us capital. nancy pelosi hitting with dove nation. that report was completely
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false. the warriors released a statement saying we have not received an invitation to the white house but will make those decisions when and if, they might go to the white house i might not go to the white house. >> the carolina panthers got that wrong. are you kidding me? you are a big carolina panthers fan. up next to take a look at this. what you are seeing on the screen is a petition for msnbc to stop hiring, quote, conservative white people. the person who created this position is upset, all fired up about msnbc hiring someone who served under george w. bush and this even has over 176,000 signatures and that might be because actor mark ruffalo promoted it on twitter saying sign the petition, tell msnbc and nbc news to stop the white
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conservatives hiring spree. looks like he might have to eat his words because look at what twitter user nancy says, why don't we sign the petition to stop hollywood from hiring white middle-aged men? you argue for equal rights but only if people agree with you. even msnbc is too conservative for some people, go figure. >> one guy calling for stopping hiring white conservative people, what is the next one? heather: usually when you hear a bleep on tv is because of a curse word but not on comedy central's show broad city. when you hear a bleep this coming season is because one of the carriers said the word trump. that is how they are promoting and a lot of people are talking about it on social media. this person says one more of those dumb shows i will not be watching. make is a fan, a huge fan of
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donald trump and broad city, this is extremely troubling. they might lose some fans. it is a strange way to promote the show. it is on comedy central talking politics. >> south park the only thing i can watch. heather: even they are political sometimes. >> let's see what is coming up in 15 minutes. >> i might mention the president's last name. coming up on "fox and friends" first newt gingrich is lives talking about jeff sessions and the texas attorney general, law professor jonathan turley, and comedian jeff dunham is cooking for friends. a huge announcement from a member of our "fox and friends"
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>> attorney general jeff sessions comes out swinging in an open session before the senate intel committee. how does the mainstream media react to his testimony? here to discuss radio talk show host and fox news contributor tammy bruce. we don't have a lot of time. sessions must reestablish his own credibility. >> i think jeff sessions has a couple different challenges and they may be in competition with each other was on the one hand he has to reestablish his own
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credibility, the justice department has been badly damaged politically, badly damaged by the testimony from james comey and the actions the attorney general did inadvertently or not when it comes to those lack of reporting those meetings on russia. heather: amazing the different responses yesterday. >> a classic situation you are preparing the viewer with a predetermined attitudes. this is before the hearing itself, trying to set the attitude as a predetermined are but everything he said was either false or positive. there were no unreported meetings with the russians. the fbi is not damaged, jeff sessions is fine. it was all rumor and gossip. >> sessions hiding behind a statue of his own invention.
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>> attorney general sessions virtually refused to answer virtually all questions about his interactions with the president. he did so without formally citing executive privilege, referring to some confidentiality of his own invention. heather: not of his own invention. >> long-standing fbi department of justice for the entire cabinet. in order for any president to have free and open conversation, you have to know those conversations are privileged. whether it is work material, the hillary clinton situation things are considered confidential when you are speaking with the president or developing more material. this is about executive privilege, sessions can't assert that. it is for the executive but this is a typical attitude that not only wrong but also that is the
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new line of attack. >> acting like it never happened before after fast and furious for example, the washington post reported spent time focusing on the -- jeff sessions's remarks, take a look at this. what they have to see. what was that about? >> reporters marking his accent, the pettiness. this is what is great about twitter, you do get a sense of people in the moment. like knocking on the door when you walk in, unfiltered if you will and that is the washington post reporter somebody you think it is the post, you're getting news, you're getting someone fixating in a petty way on something like that is a typical thing to do, when you are speaking large fonts the top of the page so it is easy to read when making a speech. >> not like knocking on the door, they can walk right in. you can't lock the door.
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harris interrupted by male colleagues during the senate hearing. >> the huffington post headline after what happened. she was trying to get in as many questions as possible, she kept interrupting him. would let him finish. >> a set amount of time and senators, i like the sound of my own voice too but they want to be heard more. it wasn't about hearing either from mister rosenstein or mister sessions. it was about spin. she wasn't being shut down by male colleagues but bullying the witnesses and her colleagues were trying to maintain order. she is one of 100 people in the senate, but the kitchen is hot and if you are bullying a witness your associates will say stop it and that is what was happening. >> important to hear a thorough and full answer. if you want to know the truth give them an opportunity to say it. >> that is the other dynamic not only, not only russian meddling, they want to hear his answers, they knew what they were moving
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forward in the first place was effectively false. >> appreciate it as always. >> coming up, the biter caused a major car crash a woman slamming her car into a concrete light pole. justin bieber busted. the pop singer doesn't know the words to one of his own songs. [screaming] ♪ excuse me, are you aware of what's happening right now? we're facing 20 billion security events every day. ddos campaigns, ransomware, malware attacks... actually, we just handled all the priority threats. you did that? we did that. really.
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2 amazing rescue caught on camera. the pup enjoying a drink, chicago falling into the water. the police officer rushing over. saving that dog's life. rob: that's something else. we love that justin bieber narrowly escaping a water bottle thrown by angry fan after he refused to sing a very popular song. rob: fans started to boo the pop star after he claimed to not know the words to his
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song in spanish. rob: finally the ugly. look at this nasty. heather: lost control, slammed into a pole and landed on her leg. rob: gives you the creeps. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> the president's attorney general vigorously denies expiring with the russians for last fall's election. >> i to suggest that i participated in any collusion is an appalling lie. >> are you like james bourn or james bond movie. >> yes, i do. >> basically uncovered or sort of exposed the absurdity of this whole exercise. >> and massive fire in a high rise out of london. >> help me, help me. >> an american college student detained in north korea for 14 months is back in cincinnati, ohio. >> you have the democrats on the other s


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