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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 15, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> thank you to brian for your presence today. >> it was my honor to be here. >> keep it right here for "outnumbered" over time and we will be back at noon tomorrow. "happening now" starts right now. >> we start with a fox news alert from pennsylvania. voters in the bill cosby assault trial cannot reach up verdict. speak to the jury has been trying to reach a verdict for four days now on charges that could put the once beloved comedian in prison for the restf his life. we are covering all the news, "happening now" ." >> an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. >> jon: lawmakers on both sides of the aisle call for unity after the horrific shooting of steve scalise and for others on a baseball field.
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will those words translate to bipartisanship on capitol hill? plus, president trump reacting to reports that robert mueller is pursuing an obstruction of justice investigation. and -- this is seen of protesters beaten in our nation's capital sparked shock and outrage. now charges for some, it is all "happening now" ." we begin with this fox news alert, republicans and democrats appealing for unity after yesterday's horrifying shooting at a ballpark. after so many partisan battles, how long might it last? welcome to the second hour of "happening now," i am jon scott. >> heather: i'm heather childers. u.s. congressman steve scalise is hospitalized in critical condition. a gunman opened fire on
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republican lawmakers practicing for tonight's charity baseball game, that is all they were doing. president trump, the first lady and vice president pence have all visited congressman scalise in the hospital as well as the police officer who was also shocked. all of this happening as mr. trump reacts to a political bombshell. >> jon: we have live the fox coverage from the white house, but we begin live at nationals park in washington where the charity baseball game will go on tonight as scheduled. >> a few miles away from here at medstar hospital, congressman steve scalise is still being treated in critical condition and we are told the doctors there are starting to evaluate his condition in 12 hour increments. they say right now, the situation with his health is complicated because surgeries to fix bone damage from this bullet
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can't be scheduled until damage to internal organs is addressed first. another critically injured victim from yesterday's ambush, lobbyist remains at george washington in adversity at this hour. the police officer who was shot in the ankle is at the medstar hospital today, the same as congressman scalise, but he is expected to recover. a staffer for roger williamson name zack barth has been released and he is detailing the thoughts that went through his head as he ran for his life. >> there is a 20-foot gate, i didn't know i could get over that with my leg, i didn't feel much, my adrenaline was pumping and instinct took over. >> where you were you hit?
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>> i was hit in the left calf. it was a burning sensation, i looked down and saw blood flowing, it tore through the meaty part of my calf, it was in and out and i was able to run on it, thank goodness. >> the fbi now says they are looking at the gunman's phone and laptop to figure out where he had been going and who he had been talking to while he was living in his van near that practice baseball field between when he arrived on yesterday when he attacked. the congressional baseball game is going to go on six hours from right now, we are told that security is going to be very heavy, we have seen some security officials in the area around the park and beyond the gates, the chief of staff for congressman scalise tells us the entire office is going to be here because that is what the congressman would want and we
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are also told that another member of the team has organized for everybody playing for the republicans tonight where an lsu hat in honor of scalise who will still be in the hospital during the game. >> jon: thank you, peter. >> heather: meanwhile, president trump reacting again to the shooting, offering support and prayers to congressman steve scalise and his family during a workforce initiative event where he signed an executive order. all that amongst new reports of the special counsel is now investigating the president for obstruction of justice. our live coverage continues from the white house. >> good after noon to you. the president hoping for a full recovery to the louisiana congressman who was hit by a bullet yesterday. >> president trump: it's been much more difficult than people even thought of the time, he is a great fighter and he is going
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to be okay. i visited steve and his family at the hospital last night and i reassured them that the entire country is pulling for them, praying for them and that we are here for them every step of the way. >> the president making those comments on a day that saw him sign an executive order doubling the amount of taxpayer money spent on apprenticeships and learn to earn programs, a big initiative at the white house. even with those assignees, the president couldn't tamp down those stories. this leak claims of the president is now under investigation for possible obstruction of justice. let me say what the president had to say about that by way of twitter. now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. he added the street --
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as you can well imagine, the white house is quick to point out that after nearly seven months of investigation, still not a single ounce of proof of meddling between the trump campaign and the russians. they would also tell you that sometimes you get this on camera, sometimes off. they see this as an orchestrated effort to keep him off message, by trying to sully the white house itself. to maybe give the democrats an edge in 28 team, that is really the feeling here by many officials. sometimes they will tell you off the record, sometimes on. we expect to hear from sarah huckabee sanders, she will be having a briefing, it will be off-camera but on the record, will tell you about that later. >> heather: thank you, kevin.
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>> jon: politics has been rough and tumble, but the battle has intensified over the past decade. with opposition on the right to president obama and on the left to president trump. all mixing together into an angry and potentially deadly stew. we talked about it in our first hour of "happening now." >> we are heading into dangerous waters here. we are hoping all the way through the obama presidency, there would be no assassination attempts and when it was over, we breathe a sigh of relief that we had gotten through that. now the same sort of emotions are in play with the attempted political assassination, that's what it was, of congressman scalise. under those circumstances, people should understand that emotions are getting dangerous on the left and on the right. it is time to pull that level of psychological unhinged men back.
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>> jon: it's always been a country where politics mixed with violence once in a while, go back to john wilkes booth, is it as bad now as you have seen? >> it's as bad now on an everyday level as i have ever seen it. when you hear what john adams and thomas jefferson said about each other, that was pretty brutal as well. you now have 24-hour news cycles, social media, and it just is a kind of steady drum beat. a demonization of the other sid side. it's not new, it was not invented with donald trump. clinton derangement syndrome, bush, obama, the opposition just hating the president and hating that side of the aisle.
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it's a kind of toxic mix because on the one hand, you've got this level of invective and then you have deranged individuals. i suppose, i have been thinking about this a lot today, it puts a greater responsibility on all of us in the public eye, whether we are politicians or in the news media to kind of be careful about our language, we need to talk about issues, it is part of our vibrant democracy, we need to have a frank and honest debate over some issues. there is no need for the level of invective and we need to dial it back. >> jon: you've got some agreement there from the wyoming senator. here's what he had to say. >> it is deranged thinking. if there is a lot of history in the united states of people debating vigorously.
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we are going to continue to do that, hearing about the pain that obamacare is causing people in wyoming, hearing about the jobs and economy, it is important to get back here to work together to find solutions that are in the best interest of the american people. >> jon: he spoke about jobs, the gunman in this case was somebody who felt that the rich were getting richer and the poor were not, he had been unemployed for some period of time. i wonder if the trump administration can get the economy going, get more jobs created and some of this might go away. >> there are always going to be people, whether it is personal or professional issues, mental or emotional issues who are going to be very unhappy and deranged and that's a fact of life. the vast majority don't do what
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hodgkinson did yesterday, but there will always be people. on the one hand, i need to be more responsible but i don't think it's fair to say that anybody is responsible on the outside for what this deranged person did, i don't think you can sit there and blame bernie sanders or rachel maddow for what he did any more than if it were a conservative who did this to democrats. you could blame fox news and i'm sure there will be people who would say that. i do think all we can do as all we can do and that is to try to be more responsible, be more levelheaded, and this question of bipartisan action, it would be so wonderful were it to happen. let's take a perfect example in terms of health care. there are a lot of conservatives who feel that obamacare was jammed down there throats, not as good a bill, there is a majority opposition to it, and
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now you've got the possibility of repeal and replace happening the same way under the same circumstances, same party line vote and it won't be as good as it would be again if you had both sides working together. i would like to think that this could be what some people are calling a circuit breaker, where it could break the cycle. frankly, i am not hopeful about it. look at the gabby giffords case, the speech barack obama made, it lasted about a week. >> jon: another lightning rod potentially coming up, robert mueller is widening the brush out probe and investigating president trump for possible obstruction of justice. a lot of unnamed sources, but clearly that could rock the foundation of the executive branch if this comes forward.
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>> yes, it certainly collated. the argument of some on the left that donald trump is not a legitimate president, we have to remember that donald trump was among people on the right who said barack obama was perhaps not a legitimate president because he may not have been born in this country. this vicious cycle has gone back and back and back. let me say one more thing to folks out there. i get awful emails from people, things people would never say to your face but with the courage of a keyboard they are willing to say. you have a responsibility as well to clean up your act. if you want to say what is wrong, feel free to do it but you don't cheat don't need to a dehumanizing way. we all need to take responsibility for our language and our actions and our rhetori rhetoric. >> jon: great point,
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chris wallace, thank you. >> heather: coming up, new developments in an ugly brawl outside of the turkish embassy in washington. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just because of a claim. i totally could've - no! switching to allstate is worth it. ♪ to err is human. to anticipate is lexus. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. [ bell rings ] come close, come close. [ moans ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. awww. try this. for minor arthritis pain, only aleve can stop pain for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. thank you. [ upbeat music playing ]
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>> jon: a fox news alert, scary moments within sight of the u.s. open being played in wisconsin at a golf club, a blimp carrying advertising deflated, burst into flames and crashed late this morning. we are now getting our first images from the scene, the blimp was flying over the u.s. open when this took place. it started deflating, reports are that the pilot was able to parachute out and was put on a stretcher and loaded into a helicopter. this went down near highway 83
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and highway 167 in wisconsin. we'll keep our eye on this very strange and unusual story. >> heather: a fox news alert, we are taking you to vice president pence who is speaking at a conference on prosperity but referencing the shooting in virginia. >> president trump: >> vice pree loved this country and his service does credit to the people of his estate and the people of this nation. karen and i join millions and across america in praying for steve. for all the injured and families in this difficult time. we are especially grateful to the brave police officers who ran into danger without regard to their personal safety. as i told her and her family this morning at the hospital,
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the courageous actions of the officers, saved lives. and prevented an even greater tragedy. the american people are grateful for these courageous police officers. [applause] while there will always be those who seem to divide, who choose to insult insight, tonight on a baseball field in our nation's capital, the world will see that america is better than that. as president trump said yesterday, we are strongest when we are unified. when we work together for the common good. and when a neighbor is hurting or under attack, the american people always come together. with generosity, compassion, and prayer and we always will.
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it's in that spirit that i am honored to stand here with all of you today, our neighbors as well. from across south america, central america, north america, the president hernandez, vice president ortiz, members of the cabinet, honored guests, it is my privilege as vice president of the united states to welcome you to this conference on the prosperity and security of central america. [applause] i bring greetings today from my friend and a champion of the strong partnership between the united states and central america. the 45th president of the united states, donald trump. allow me also to thank secretary of state rex tillerson and secretary john kelly and the departments of state and
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homeland security for their extraordinary efforts -- coat >> heather: obviously vice president mike pence speaking at a conference on prosperity and central america, talking about a shooting that happened in virginia and praising the police officers that responded and were there at the scene and help saved many lives. we are finding more about the sub specked himself, james hodgkinson, 66 years old. the reason he did this, let's now talk to steve rogers, a little insight on what you have heard today, we were talking at 5:00 this morning, anything you have heard differently throughout the day that lends itself to anything other than the fact that it was politically motivated? >> not at all. as the vice president of others have conveyed, the american people must understand that we address our problems through balance and not bullets. this is what the fbi is looking
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at. did something going on in the last two weeks trigger him to cause this terrible tragedy? >> heather: that's what i don't understand, why can they not make that determination already when the suspect himself walked up and asked if they were democrats or republicans, had all these posts on his facebook page, wrote letters to his local congressman. >> they in the process of eliminating every other motive possible. obviously at this point, it does not look like he was part of a bigger team. what it does look like is what you just said. we have had celebrities, role models count, when you have celebrities hanging the presidents had with blood on it, this has great influence on people's actions. they are going to look at all this and come to a determination. >> heather: we have a statement from the mayor of alexandria, let's listen to that. >> we've never gotten into
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political conversations other than the fact that there is a tv on when you walk into the main entrance. other folks, including myself were having conversations about whether the president, whatever he wasn't doing, the right thing to be doing and others commenting, congress getting their act together. he never chimed in other than to just simply say "i agree." >> heather: not read flakes to him. >> it goes back to what i said, how many people out there are watching what you and i say on national television, will it trigger something? let's hope that we are saying now is going to trigger more civility than more violent actions. >> heather: thank you so much for joining us today, i appreciate it. >> this is what happens when you have an over proliferation of
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guns and it is to be expected to a certain extent. >> is there a sinister intent behind the anger? >> we saw people talk about things like "lock her up," the most crude political language. >> heather: that's just some of the coverage in the aftermath of the shooting that critically injured house majority whip steve scalise and for others. howard kurtz joins us now with more. the piece that you are writing, we are discussing the reaction of the media. how you can blame that on this type of event. >> i am sick and tired and downright depressed, even amid these calls of unity, there are
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still some on both sides playing the partisan blame game in the media and in politics. they will separate what happens in media coverage and commentary from a guy, it doesn't mean that it's bernie sanders or rachel maddow's fault, or political commentators who may go too far in the tone of their criticism but we have to separate that from somebody that takes a gun to a baseball field. >> heather: speaking of political leaders, you were going to tell us about something from house minority leader nancy pelosi yesterday. >> paul ryan gave such an uplifting talk, and then this morning, she was talking about the role of fox news in a case where somebody was threatening her. do we have that?
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>> one of the people that went to jail eventually when they finally found him, when he -- he watches too much fox tv, that's what his mother said. >> the mother of this guy who was convicted and said he watches too much fox, he got his ideas from fox. that is guilt by association, exactly what we are trying to fight against now in the wake of this latest tragedy. people watch all kind of shows, they read all kind of web sites in newspapers. that's different from threatening somebody's life or taking a gun to a baseball field. i said the same thing when gabby giffords was shot. "the new york times" editorial page revise this discredited
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argument. it wasn't sarah palin's fault, it's not rachel maddow's fault fault, not bernie sanders paul. we need to tone down the rhetoric, it has gotten out of hand on both sides. the finger-pointing, a lot of americans are sick of it. >> heather: how do you manage to do that but still protect our freedom at the same time? >> i'm all for a robust debate over policies that divide us, this country is based on the idea that we should go to war politically. nobody is talking about infringing free speech or anything. these shootings and other kind of attacks remind us after each one, there's always a moment where the calmer voices say that we need to watch our tone and not demonize the other side. >> heather: we have to take personal responsibility for what you say, also what you say on
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social media because that allows these comments and ideas to spread so much more quickly. republican congressman gary palmer, he says that the media needs to help bring down the rhetoric as well. >> i think you will see it from leadership on both sides of the aisle, we've got to see it in the entire community, it's got to come from the media, got to come from the pundits who work social media. it's not just the rhetoric from the politicians, it's across the board. >> heather: it's a different world when you bring social media into it. >> i agree, the mainstream media need to watch it, not -- so much toxicity and hatred on social media, it can be a great thing but also be a very ugly thing and that can contribute to this climate. again, i make a distinction between the horrible thing that kathy griffin did, that should
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be condemned but even there, it's not her fault that somebody opened up and fired 50 shots at republican congressmen practicing baseball for charity. that's where i draw the line. >> heather: on second base and out fighting for his life in critical condition. thank you so much, thank you. >> jon: at capitol hill takes action against vladimir putin and russia. a bill just overwhelmingly passed in the u.s. senate, we are live with that. plus, this. the chaotic scene you might remember outside the turkish embassy in the u.s. investigators are now looking beyond our boat demand borders to track suspects in the case this is the new new york. we are building new airports all across the state. new roads and bridges. new mass transit.
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>> jon: fox news alert, will take you live to capitol hill where the senate approved a bipartisan amendment codifying russian sanctions into law. the senate voted overwhelmingly to strip the president of the power to unilaterally strip those sanctions. mike emanuel is live there now. >> good afternoon, the boys vos 98-2, the politics on this one were interesting. rand paul and bernie sanders were the only senators to vote against this legislation.
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earlier, the senate majority leader made the case for this bill. >> this piece of legislation represents good bipartisan work on both sides of the aisle, i want to think senators are coming together to strengthen existing sanctions. let's come together again and pass the sanctions. >> the measure includes new sanctions targeting around missile development, weapons transfer, and human rights violations. this will be a significant check on the trump administration's foreign policy which is aimed at adjusting or lifting sanctions against moscow. >> not only did we pass new sanctions for russia's meddling in our election, we codified existing sanctions into law, making them hard to lift and we moved to make congress, not the president, the final operative
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in those sanctions. >> this is about lawmakers playing their role. >> this is a great moment for the united states senate, this is a way the senate is supposed to function and this is the way the senate is supposed to exercise its prerogative as it relates to foreign policy, a great moment for everybody. >> the bill now goes to the house for its consideration. >> jon: mike emanuel in washington, thank you mike. >> heather: new information outside the turkish embassy in washington, d.c. police say that they have issued more than a dozen warrants in connection with the case. we see that there have already been a couple of arrests. it >> washington, d.c., police y they have now issued a total of 18 arrest warrants in connection with that brawl in front of the turkish embassy last month. we are now waiting to hear what the state department response is going to be. the semiweekly briefing is
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scheduled to begin in about an hour. d.c. police say security personnel and others assaulted peaceful protesters outside the turkish ambassador's resident during the turkish president's visit to washington. d.c. police say they arrested two suspects that day, then yesterday they arrested two more, both of them are american citizens. 12 of the outstanding arrest warrants are for turkish citizens, 3r turkish police officers. two warrants are for canadian citizens. it is unclear how many of the outstanding 14 warrants are in the country, though d.c. police say authorities will arrest any of the suspects if they try to enter the united states. d.c. police say they have entered had the majority of the suspects in this assault using visa photos, though they say others are still unidentified. it is the time of the brawl, the state department said it had communicated its concerns to the turkish government and the strongest possible terms. the u.s. and turkey when it
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comes to their relationship sometimes had a rocky relationship, turkey is a nato ally, one of the united states top partners in the fight against isis, helping to fight against the refugee crisis in that region. turkey views the fighters as terrorists. there are also human rights concerns the united states has with turkey, state department officials say they have a referendum that helped the turkish president consolidate power and his country, the government has also jailed journalists and political pundits. >> heather: thank you. >> jon: fox news alert, more now on that blimp that deflated, burst into flames and then crashed late this morning near the u.s. open being played in wisconsin, we are getting images of the fire that resulted after the blimp went down. it was flying over the u.s.
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open, underway in the erin hills golf course in hartford wisconsin. the pilot was bailed out just before the blimp crashed, the pilot of the crashed craft is okay, but is being taken to a hospital. the blimp went down near highwal ahead, house majority whip steve scalise still hospitalized in critical condition. he was shot in the hip yesterday at a ballfield in virginia. we will talk about the difficult recovery that the congressman faces. >> he is lucky in the sense that their representative was there on the scene and was quickwitted and knew that the most important
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danger was loss of blood
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>> president trump: steve scalise and his great family as he continues his very brave fight. it has been much more difficult than people thought at the time, he is in some trouble. he's a great fighter and he is going to be okay, we hope. >> heather: president trump speaking again today about the condition of congressman steve scalise. the president visiting the house majority whip at the hospital last night. congressman scalise is in critical condition, facing more surgery and a difficult recovery. he was shot in the hip yesterday, the bullet also caused some internal injuries. let's bring in a professor of medicine at nyu. we did receive an official update, we are told that his medical situation is complicated
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and they are evaluating him in 12 hour increments. >> the key here is bleeding. putting on a tourniquet, pressure on the wound, rapid resuscitation of fluids was don done, flying him to a top-level trauma center, getting him into surgery right away. fragments of the pelvis splintered, lacerated major organs. major organs were lacerated, they can sew them up depending on which organs we are talking about. the bladder, possibly the kidney. those of the things you think about. there are also major arteries down there. they go in surgically and then they come back, and then they have to follow blood paths for the next day or two to see if they can keep the blood counts stable. he is in critical condition because his vital signs were not stable initially, meaning he was
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going into shock. >> heather: there was a point yesterday were received a statement saying he was in stable condition. i left here yesterday afternoon hopeful that he was going to be okay. by yesterday evening, we were hearing he was in critical condition. >> the hospital released a statement yesterday afternoon and last night they released some details that were extremely helpful. all the details helped us understand the situation. his vital signs were unstable because of the bleeding here, but if you can control the bleeding, i know our viewers want to know what they can expect. i think if you can control the bleeding over the next 24 hours and his counts stay stable, it will look about that a lot better for him. that is the key. the hemoglobin count. also, what president trump said is important here. he is a fighter, courage and never giving up helps enormously in the situation and that also
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includes the possible outcome. >> heather: we heard from one of the congressman on the scene when this happened, we are looking for the entry point of the bullet and the exit point as well. if the bullet is still inside, will it remain there? >> they are not going to repair the bones right now. that's not crucial to recovery. what is is repairing the organs in the bleeding. the bullet only matters if it is near vital organ or near a major artery. otherwise, they may never take the bullet out. >> heather: timing was of the essence. at the scene and also at the hospital. >> it's been great ever since. he is not out of the woods, that is for sure. monitor hate him closely over the next 24 hours, they will have some answers. can they keep bleeding from occurring? >> heather: some additional information here, a host of
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internal issues, not the least of which was the bleeding. he is looking at another procedure today. >> those procedures are usually to make sure the bleeding has not recurred or that the sutures are holding, it also depends which organs are involved. something like the colon, the bladder is a huge problem, they can sell the bladder. >> heather: knowing that some of the witnesses there, the colleagues say that when he was shot he was at second base and was leaving a trail of blood behind him when he was trying to drag himself to the outfield to safety, does that tell you anything? >> i feel like the fact that he was awake and was awake all the way through the time he was in surgery is a very good sign. he hadn't lost that much blood at that point. i think the rapidity with which
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he was transported, the pressure put on the wound and the fact that surgery was so quick also makes it more optimistic. a lot depends on the next 24 hours. everyone's hopes and prayers are with him, i think it has been the best possible care so far. i'm optimistic. >> heather: we will all pray for him, as you said. great to see you. >> jon: congressman scalise was shot while practicing for tonight's congressional baseball game. we just got word that that game has exceeded $1 million in ticket sales. last year they sold about a half a million and the money goes to charity. the organization has released a 20,000 additional seats. if you are in the d.c. area and want to catch that game and support your congressman and support a good cause, their might still be seats available. $1 million in ticket sales thus
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far. still on "happening now," a long-awaited review on problem in the navy. talking to the vice chief of naval operations next. minds, nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for sarah, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. ykeep you that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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>> comes with training with four jet pilots in the u.s. navy atoms stand on. as fox news reported in april, pilots and the navy's jet trainer refused to fly due to safety concerns. and the navy ordered a pause in training while conducted a review of those problems. forming navy f-18 pilot and leah gabriel was the first to obtain the results of that review and focus exclusively on the number
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two officer about them. what is a take away here? 's been going on the bottom line is that the navy still cannot say when the t45, the navy only jet trainer will start flying again. a six to five page review said finding a solution to the problem has pthere is not one y. the issue with was systems with the trainer and the f-18 hornets. the systems are supposed to provide clean breathable air to air crew and when they don't, pilots may become dizzy, euphoric, or even pass out off-line. reports of these kinds of incidents have been on the rise. it's is the navy has been taking a quote unrestrained resource approach print listen. >> we are putting everything we've gotten to this. we've got a lot of people converging and swarming on a problem. were going to find ways to mitigate that risk and ultimately fix it. >> the f-18 is still flying while the navy works on on the
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problem and as for the t45, he tells me that if they are not able to get training flights going again by the summer, it will impact operational readiness. so the navy's close. >> what are the changes expected from this review? >> the navy plans to establish a dedicated new organization to lead the effort while continuing to investigate the problem and also redesigning some key systems. admiral moran tells me that finding a clear fix will not be easy because it's a complex problem. what you think it's going to take to actually figure out what's happening and create a situation where pilots don't have to recognize that they are impaired and manually go through procedures to save their own lives. speak to you flonase airplanes. you understand there are a lot of things you've got to to monitor these situations and respond to them. things like breathing air and pressurization systems should be happening automatically without any requirement by the pilot to make adjustments.
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>> his is an automatic system is the goal and right now, pilots have to manually activate their emergency oxygen even if they are impaired. because no bottom line yet it sounds like. >> still waiting. because thank. heather. >> president trout making his first visit to the supreme court where he will attend the official investiture of justice gorsuch to the high court. allowing the president's travel ban to take effect. will be right back. but when family members forget,
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♪ depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪ that's why there's trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and young adults. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. ask your healthcare professional about trintellix.
10:58 am
>> a fox news alert. in another scary situation on the street, the new york city and suv has jumped the curb here in manhattan. there are injuries recalled. in fact, the fdny is saying nine people have been hurt. this suv jumped the curb, plowed onto a sidewalk in midtown manhattan as you know is always crowded. happened on west 37th street by ninth avenue near the lincoln tunnel entrance just about
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25 minutes ago according to the fire department of new york. the suv has georgia license plates on it, somehow became wedged between a broken tree and the windows of a luxury apartment building. store owner across the street said he saw the black suv hit a car, then lost control, hitting two more cars before bolting onto the sidewalk. will keep an eye on and get you more information as it becomes available. >> goodness. in the meantime, a fox news alert, president trump and the first lady have arrived at the supreme court to participate in the investiture of justice neil gorges. those coming at the same time that the supreme court is deciding on a travel ban. >> the president points to the appointment of justice gorsuch to the supreme court as one of the highlights and hallmarks of his administration thus far. so you know this president is very proud to attend this investiture ceremony. in >> for people at home that don't know what that is, that is actually an official ceremony where you would invest a person with honors or rank.
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>> we wish the just as well. >> we sure do. >> thank you very much for joining us on this thursday. america's news headquarters starts right now. >> fox news alert, president trump in attendance at the supreme court as the chamber formally welcomes associate justice neil gorsuch. i melissa friends and welcome to america's news headquarters. the nation's highest court was holding an investiture ceremony its newest member. it will place behind closed doors and once it's over, we will see judge gorsuch and chief justice john roberts take the traditional walk down the courthouse steps. and new details emerging today about the man who opened fire at the congressional baseball practice yesterday, wounding five people including house majority whip steve scalise.


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