tv FOX Friends FOX News June 16, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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summesummertime is here. rob: that will do it for us. get ready for "fox & friends" coming up and some music. we will see you later. heather: happy friday. thanks for joining us. >> steve in his own way, may have brought some unity to our long divided country. >> everyone watched as the democratic team and the republican team all headed out to second base to take a knee and pray on the spot where congressman steve scalise would have been standing tonight. one of the men who helped stopped the gunman david bailey. >> i think everybody, republican or democratic can appreciate those moments that bind us together as americans. >> congressman steve scalise remains in critical condition in the hospital. doctors say he is improving. >> he is a great fighter, he is going to be okay, i hope. >> otto has been terrorized and brutalized for 18 months by pariah ar regime in north
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korea. >> north koreas are fundamentally the most moral corrupt dangerous regime in the world. >> in just a few hours, the president expected unveil a new policy in miami, rolling back obama era policies with cuba. >> i leave you with three great american words that he for generations have torn down barriers, built bridges of unity, and defied those who have sought to pull us apart. ladies and gentlemen, let's play ball. ♪ the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ rying sun ♪ ainsley: never thought you would play that song played on sixth avenue until today. steve: the devil went down to georgia. charlie daniels is the feature band. we finish up the second week in our new studio home. studio f. >> brian picks the wrong days to be gone. fridays? i mean, come on, concert series? ainsley: everyone is in a good mood. pete: jump in here enjoy concert and barbecue. ainsley: if you in the new york city area sixth avenue between 47 and 48 streets and charlie daniels. see the big stage. seat big crowd.
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come on in for a big concert. steve: come on in to see pete. he is in for brian today. everybody was watching tv. ainsley: record turnout for congressional baseball game as lawmakers were stepping up to the plate one day after g.o.p. shooting at practice. steve: gave the treef to give to steve scalise. pete: kristin fish certain at the white house. >> good morning. for these members of congress to play ball just one day after one of their own was shot in practice, i mean, it was an incredibly emotional night in washington. this game has been played every year since 190. every year it's been about building bipartisan. this year it took on a whole new meaning. almost 25,000 tickets sold. it was a record. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle and their staff filled their seats. president trump had wanted to attend but the white house
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says he wasn't able to because there wasn't sufficient time to fully secure nat park. so he made this video message. >> playing tonight, you are showing the world we will not be intimidated by threats, acts of violence, or assaults on our democracy. on this special night, i leave you with three great american words that for generations have torn down barriers, built bridges of unity, and defied those who have sought to pull us apart. ladies and gentlemen, let's play ball. >> in fact, one of the capitol police officers that was injured in the shooting threw out the opening pitch, which you can see there. at this event they also raised money more than a million-dollar for charity. that's more than double that was raised last year. ivanka trump also presented a $50,000 check from the friends in the trump administration. in the end, democrats won 11-2. after they were presented the
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winning trophy, they gave it back to the republicans who are going to put it back in congressman scalise's office who remains in critical condition at the hospital. back to you. steve: kristin fisher live at the white house. it was so inspiring to see hero special agent david bailey out there. ainsley: wasn't that great? steve: he walked out to the mound on crutches because he had been shot. and then he put down one crutch. kept one and then he made it to home plate. ainsley: it was nice to see the items and th dems and the rs come together. whether it will last, we will see. democrats and republicans were out there on the field praying together. steve: they were at second base that's steve schees' steve. pete: dems are better baseball players. not even close. steve: republicans won last year.
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pete: did they really? ainsley: they needed scalise. steve: you had a really rotten week. pete: you look at what happened at second base and look at the prayer and all of us say that's what america should look like. you want that. the hope is that can continue. the track record of this congress and the rhetoric you have seen lead to us believe maybe it's a one night only. steve: sure. ainsley you mentioned nancy pelosi wearing lsu cap. he he. ainsley: and a t-shirt. steve: yesterday she was complaining about the republicans. we have got the stage with the hateful rhetoric in america but the republicans started it laura ingraham was on last night and seth the record straight about that. >> my spirit that's all great. but, you know and i know and i think most people watching fox and most people who are
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sentient human beings know what game they have been playing for a long, long time. this has been going on long before donald trump. remember condoleezza rice what they said about her? she was a house slave? remember what they said about collin powell? he is in the house of the master? they were doing assassinations plays about ronald reagan years ago. this has been going on now amplified by a deranged left wing media that is completely off the rails. and enjoying somewhat of a renaissance during this period. they are making money off of it. they are certainly not condemning the type of speech that maxine waters and the dnc chair and respected celebrities are engaging in. pete: so well said. steve: the rhetoric has got to change. everybody agreeing to that yesterday. the dave unity. the question going forward is will the rhetoric change in hollywood and in the media and on campus and on the public
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square in social media. of course in washington ted nugent was on wabc radio yesterday. ted nugent has said strong things about democrats in the past. pete: you think? steve: you know what? we have hit the stage, it's time for him to change. the big question is will the other side follow. listen. >> i think we have reached critical mass. i tend to agree, you and i had a bit of a confrontation because of some of the language i have used. i just can't use those harsh terms. i cannot and i will not and i encourage even my friend/enemy on the left in the democrat, liberal world that we have got to be civil to each other. that the whole world is watching america, where you have the god given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and we have got to be more respectful to the other side. ainsley: good for him. pete: have you to be willing
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to clean your own house to make sure you are not stepping over a line. the problem generally speaking, it hasn't been a problem on the right the way it has been on the left. that's the right's sentiment. i think all of us can acknowledge that make sure we're responsible about what we say. this is where the left police their own. will they go to the comedians. steve: will they call them out? will they call out comedy central. pete: depicting violence and assassination not okay. ainsley: shakespeare in the park, kathy griffin, need to stop. steve: let us know what you think or facebook or tweet us. on the president's birth day. it's hey look the president is under investigation by the special counsel for obstruct of justice. cited unnamed sources that's always the case, yesterday they followed it up with jared kushner the president's son-in-law his business dealings are under scrutiny as
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well by robert mueller. ainsley: special counsel robert mueller is investigating the finances of jared kushner. federal prosecutors are examining mike flynn, paul manafort and carter page as well. pete: anonymous, officials, anonymous sources. ainsley: according to these articles. pete: find me one name in these articles. steve: robert mueller, a massive integrity. is it leaks from the fbi? not so fast. actually, robert mueller's boss, the deputy. pete: deputy attorney general. steve: deputy attorney general rod rosenstein put this out saying americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories attributed to anonymous sources, particularly when they do not identify the country, let alone the branch or agency of government with which the alleged sources supposedly are affiliated. malcolm jenkins should be
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skeptical about anonymous allegations. the department of justice has a long established policy to neither confirm nor deny such allegations. pete: think about that, the country a government official. ainsley: he is suggesting maybe russia is coming up with headlines or leaks information. we don't know the sources. steve: wait, are you saying russia is colluding with the "the washington post"? [laughter] not so fast, you should question. if you saw a name you could believe it. pete: could be fake news. steve: it's 6:11 now in new york city. jillian: happy friday to you guys. to you at home as well. let's begin with breaking news as well. abu al baghdadi and 30 isis commanders died in air strike in the syrian city of raqqa late last month. the top military spokesman in baghdad tells fox news they have no evidence to support russia's claims.
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a state of unresponsive wakefulness. that's what doctors say about the condition of otto warmbier, the american student just freed from north korea. that update coming as otto's father thanks the trump administration and takes a shot at the obama administration for not securing his release sooner. take a look. >> the past administration could have done more. i think the results speak for themselves. we're also thankful to rex tillerson and president trump. they wanted otto home and i believe -- cindy and i believe they made this happen. we are thankful for that. jillian: doctors still don't know the cause of the 22-year-old's condition or if he he will recover. in just a few hours, the president will head to miami expected to announce changes to obama era policies with cuba. flights and crews t cruises mayl be allied but travel restrictions tightened. trying to block business deals
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with havana's military in hopes of cutting off money to the oppressive cuban regime. send it back to you. see you in a little bit. steve: if there are changes regarding travel u. will still be able to bring back cigars. ainsley: thank goodness, i need those. pete: what people really care about. steve: thank you very much, jillian. two days ago he was crying for help during baseball practice last night com chuck fleischmann was on the field in unity. county bipartisan spirit baseball. pete: this american hero ran the length of the football zone in the kill zone to save 10 lives despite being injured himself in vietnam. the first medal of honor from president trump will share his incredible story here on "fox & friends." you're not going to want to miss it.
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in another moving moment, democrats and republicans huddled up for a prayer at second base. steve scalise's position before the start of the game. big question on this friday morning, can that spirit of unity go beyond baseball? here to discuss is tennessee congressman and baseball team member chuck fleischmann. chuck, good morning to you. how did you do last night? >> i did pretty well. i scored a run. my manager told me i'm still the fastest man on the team, so at almost 55 i will take that before we start i want to say hi to my dear friend steve scalise. steve, i love you, i miss you. we were thinking about you last night. all of america was with you and the other folks who were injured and shot america began its healing process last night and you led the way. steve: indeed. well put, congressman, thank you very much. you know what? as people look in on this friday morning they are going okay, that was a great night in national park and great to see nancy pelosi and speaker
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ryan and pich an and mitch and k together last night. where do we go from here? is anything going to change? >> i hope. so let's face it, america is the greatest nation in the world because of our diversity. i'm a conservative republican. and i represent a wonderful district in east tennessee with people with good, strong conservative values i realize other parts of the nation have dinner views on the role of government. in fact, where america's role is in the world. i do think. this once we have elects, we have elected a president donald trump and vice president mike pence. we have elected a senate and a congress, we do need to work together on the big issues. let me give you some specifics. steve: okay. >> i believe eted last administration really messed up healthcare. obamacare called the affordable care act is falling apart. it was flawed from the inception. we need truth from both sides.
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republicans and democrats to say this thing is flawed. it's broken, it's got to go away. having said that we have got a duty to replace it with something that's going to benefit the vast majority of americans. as we go through that debate, i'm a fervent believer in the first amendment and all of our amendments, the second amendment, the bill of rights. we have to remember that there will be charged rhetoric and there will be strong opinions. once we come to a resolution. once we we involve these issues. we have got to keep our mind on the big picture. and that is keeping america moving forward. keeping america truly great. keeping americans safe, and keeping our place in the world as it is number one. steve: well put. all right, congressman. thank you very much for joining us today. the day after you got 50% of the republican runs last night at that the park. >> i wish we had won. i tip my hat to the democrats that played a good game. but america won last night. steve: they did, indeed. we did. chuck fleischmann, republican
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why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ pete: welcome back. quick headlines for you here on the staircase. cnn's parent come time warner standing behind the play that shows the bloody seadges of what donald trump looked like. called julius caesar a master piece. the play's final show is sunday. starbucks is apologizing to a president trump supporter in north korea. a woman says she was ridiculed
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by baristas and handed a cup written on it build a wall instead of her name. she claims it was because she was wearing a trump campaign shirt. starbucks says it's working to make it right. we will see about that. steve, over to you. ♪ i'm proud to be an american ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ god bless the u.s.a. steve: what a voice that hometown hero and proud american former army medic jim mclieuen is set to be the first veto receive the medal of honor from president trump on the last day of next month. ainsley: he found himself deep in the kill zone in 196 of a very bloody two day battle in vietnam wounded by a rocket powered grenade he was trying to save the lives of two of his fellow soldiers stuck without weapons. despite his injuries, he pulled them to safe, running four more times into the kill
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zone saving a total of 10 american brothers. >> former army specialist and vietnam vet jim mclulen joins us from grand rapids. thank you for joining us. >> good morning and thank you for having me. steve: it's great to have you. we're glad the president of the united states will be able to honor you for your valor in vietnam. take us back to that day in 1969. >> first of all our lieutenant ahead the company said this was a flawed mission because we didn't have any forward observation. so, therefore, did not know how many enemy soldiers were in the area. but we were combat assaulted into a hot lz which means the helicopters couldn't land. we jumped out of the helicopters, formed a perimeter. and for the next two days found ourselves greatly outnumbered in a bloody battle for just our survival. steve: you did not mention this part.
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but at certain points you put down your gun and you ran into the kill zone and in some cases you ran the length of a football field where there was crossfire and you could have been shot and killed nine different times. you went into the kill zone nine different times and you saved 10 different men. >> yes, sir. that's the biggest reward that i have. i would never demean the medal of honor. but having saved those 10 thrives that's the biggest reward i have. they enjoyed a full life and have taken up all kinds of services in the civilian world. and i am so proud that i was able to do that. ainsley: have you kept in touch with the men that you saved, those 10? >> i have -- we walked out with 32 men. we went in with 89. we had 12 killed. one missing in action. and 44 were either injured
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and/or wounded in that action. so, actually i worked on more than just the 10 men that i went out after, too. and many of them, who made it back in themselves, too. were in bad shape. but yes, i have reconnected with 20 of those men. and then reconnected them with eve other. so the old medic is still doing his job of taking care of his men. ainsley: will they be at the ceremony on july 31st? >> oh, absolutely. i wouldn't be there without them. as a matter of fact, they are more excited than i am, i think. steve: that is wonderful. after you came back from vietnam you went on to -- you were a teacher for many, many years. you are now retired. we are so proud that the president will recognize you, jim mccloughan for what you are an american hero. >> my wife hates it when i say this. i'm not a hero.
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any veteran will tell you the heroes are no longer with us. ainsley: god bless you, jim. thank you for serving our country. steve: meanwhile, an espn host under fire for saying the nsl injects politics in sports by playing the national anthem. that's not even the worst part. ainsley: todd is having breakfast with friends this morning. he is in miami springs, florida. hey, todd. >> hey, guys, we just heard from one vietnam veteran. why will hear from two more here at the cozy corner in advance of president trump's visit to miami. guys, are we ready to have some fun today? >> oh, come on. we can do better than that one more. [cheers] ed toed ted][mother "fox & friee other side of this break.
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ainsley: president trump headed down to miami, florida today unveiling a speech involving cuban's policy. steve: new policy rolls back the stuff that the obama administration tried to do. meanwhile the newest member of the "fox & friends" family todd prior row itodd piro is th. todd, looks like a cozy corner. todd: we are in the cozy corner. we ar have aing a great time. they is not a republican district. in fact, hillary clinton won this miami-dade county area by almost 30 points. the last time a republican won the vote here, was george bush when he defeated michael do dukakis. so not a very republican friendly area. but that said, we do have some very republican friendly viewers, including two vietnam
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vets. i'm going to start with ben. first of all, ben, thank you for your service to our country. >> thank you very much for having me here. >> and as a veteran, you are concerned about safety, talk to me more about that. >> i think that we have a beautiful president that's going to step up and when the military would be needed, he will make it happen. terrorism has to be stopped and has to be stopped now. we got the man in there that can do it, mr. donald j. trump will stop terrorism from coming in to america. and if he needs old vets like me, we'll stand up, we'll lock and load, and we will take care of business. pete: you say you want to see investigating of everybody that comes into our country. why? >> if they want to come into this country, they need to be vetted. because, of the unknown will kill you. i don't care for that. i don't want our women and children placed in a position to be shot for an idea that
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they think they're right. todd: understood. >> this is a country where we protect our people. todd: we will go to your lovely wife linda. she is a business owner. you are used to having to be efficient in your job. you say d.c., not very fixture. >> no. i think too much congress, they should redistribute and not have so many people there. but i feel bad on what's happened recently. maybe they should do some training and some self-carry of concealed weapons. that's up to them. but i hate to see all the expense. i love that donald trump is trying to be more efficient. and i think that hopefully the people will work together work together in the united states. we have some beautiful people in the united states. todd: what is the one issue you want them to solve first. >> safety. todd: a lot of safety here at this table. >> yes.
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todd: head over to steve. thank you for your service to this country. >> thanks for coming. todd: thanks for having us. you look through it through the prism of the courts. why are the courts an issue for you? >> because obama lowered the vetting for simple majority. what they did is packed the courts with judges with liberal policies. so the law is not being interpreted by the law and what the law is. it's being interpreted by, you know, political means. todd: what do you want to see happen? >> they need to put a lot more conservative judges in for one. and trump needs to step up to the plate. i love his tweets but i'm tired of the whining about crooked hillary. if he real really think she is crooked and the clintons and all those things, he needs to go to the distance. todd: you mentioned to me earlier you leave the president but tirstd tweets. tell me about that.
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>> i love the informative tweets about business, about meeting with people. i think that's wonderful. but the recent one about crooked hillary, get off of it you are the man now. i mean, this is not an election. if you think she is crooked, do something about it quit whining. todd: we have got to talk to ben for a second. ben is not only the owner of this diner you are uncle sam. what do you do? >> uncle sam loves this country a to z. it's fun to represent the country of miami springs. i ride down and have my flags up. the pow flag and american flag on the back of the harley and we throw candy at the kid. at the end of the day we get to pay respect for those that serve. todd: we want to pay respect to you all that served and everybody here at the cozy corner that served this great land. we will throw it back to you. just inspiring group here. a lot of fun so far and we'll toss it back to new york.
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ainsley: todd, you did so well. first diner on "fox & friends." todd: diner inauguration. how did it feel? todd: i'm no pancake pete. pete: start eating, todd. steve: good luck. pete: anybody's plate. anybody's food. doesn't matter. ainsley: you trained him well. pete: well done, todd. steve: jillian joins us with news. jillian: got here about a week after did i. fun to watch. pete: you are buddies. jillian: new fears in the death toll could rise above 100 as dozens remain unaccounted for. at least 17 people confirmed dead at this point. this as we learned of one quick thinking mother who saved family by flooding parliament with water, keeping the area damp until help arrived. experts say the high rise was a disaster waiting to happen. and the building prioritized
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green energy over safety. keep you posted there wells fargo under fire again. the bank now accused of modifying its customers' mortgages without authorization. some borrow years claim wells fargo reused their monthly payment but in doing so they extended loans sometimes by decades. that greatly increases the amount of interest borrowers have to pay. wells fargo denied the allegations saying the modification were clear to customers. starting next month, you won't need to pick a gender to apply for an organ drivers license. the state becoming the first to include a not specified option on dmv. instead of f or an m there will be an x. host says the nfl has made sports political by mailing the national an item. >> colin kaepernick, also, did not go looking for a protest it came to him. evidence was asked to stand for the national anthem.
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do you not have to stand for the national anthem and even if it was a rule that you did, is that collin kaepernick injecting politics into the nfl? no. that's the nfl injecting politics by playing the national anthem and putting pressure on you to stand for it in the first place. jillian: inten's was comparing the season long protest to muhammed ali refusing to go to the vietnam war. a look at your headlines on this friday, guys. send it back to you. ainsley: how do you feel about that? you served our country. pete: how does this not drive everyone nuts that standing for the national anthem is a political statement? losing it. outrageous. ainsley: one thing we do have in common. are you kidding? we are all-american. pete: when the flag becomes a political statement, have you a very serious problem in your culture. steve: no kidding. 20 minutes before the top of the hour.
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janice dean takes a look at the day weatherwise. so far in new york city it's beautiful. janice: we have charlie daniels coming up. line all the way down the block. supporting charlie daniels. take a look at the maps real quick. cooler temperatures across the east coast. i want to make sure folks know, especially you fathers out there could see showers this weekend. it's not going to be a washout but see the potential for rain in the forecast really from the midwest to the northeast back into the southeast. all right. i'm going to make sure the rain stays away. we will have our counsel hats on here for the american concert series on "fox & friends." back inside. steve: if it rains let's have a 10-gallon hat. janice: sounds good. pete: huge show still ahead. congressman ron desantis. larry the cable guy and kellyanne conway all here live. steve: republican baseball practice shooter posted on social media about destroying president trump. ainsley: kurt the cyberguy says it was facebook failure. come on, in curt.
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don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. ainsley: the social media posts of the gunman though shot congressman scalise and four others revealing anti-trump bias like this one on facebook. trump is a traitor. trump has destroyed our democracy. it's time to destroy trump and company. pete: ohio did that threatening facebook post slip through the cracks? kurt the cyberguy is here with us. >> fired up on this one. we are talking about on facebook they have community standards. in those standards they talk about how they handle certain threatening language on the service. the world's largest social network has utterly failed at
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this moment in time. my question this morning, knowing that facebook has a policy that says we will remove any sort of kind of threatening language, and certainly we know as of may 21est, the guardian reported a leaked document that is the guidelines for 4500 of the facebook moderators and what we learned from that is that especially when it comes to a head of state, they will take action. let me read the line sitting there again. is this a threatening line? it's time destroy trump and company. pete: i would think so. >> if i said it's time to destroy an aircraft. it's time to destroy an animal. wouldn't you think that should take action against that? how come this sat there weeks upon weeks upon weeks? so here's my question. had facebook done what they said they would do, in protecting us online, and had they seen, this removed it,
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and notified proper authorities, in this case the secret service would any of the incidents that happened nearly almost 48 hours ago to this moment have happened? pete: kurt, do you think this is a volume problem? is there so much rhetoric out there and so much of it crosses the line facebook just can't keep up? >> no. i think what we have a money machine and a social network that owns the world in terms of social media and has captivated the world. they don't own the fact that they're the dominant force of voices in americans and the world. and in doing so, this is a peppering, a little teeny tiny thing that they could be doing. but even to have software that i'm sure they have and by the way, they won't reveal their methodology. their software can pick up a word that says a negative word or dangerous action word and another name such as the president's name and that would bring it to somebody's attention you would think, or
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you and i can go there and flag that did no one really flag that? and then i will leave you with this. i have sat here for almost three years and i have said and i have been critical of facebook. i have pinted out the good. i have pointed out the bad. i will tell you something to the people at facebook, you are on notice. i will tell you right now, i'm aware, my social media team has brought to my attention that my own views, the algorithm that facebook uses is now showing my content a lot less. they are putting it down. so it won't change me reporting here, facebook. you will still hear it on "fox & friends." ainsley: what would be the response if it said it's time to destroy hillary clinton and company? would they have taken it down? >> i don't know. good question. pete: we shouldn't even have a worry of that double standard. kurt, thanks a lot. we appreciate it president trump set to make a major policy announcement today. and kellyanne conway here live and she is going to maybe give us a sense of what we can expect. ainsley: just for time for
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father's day on sunday. ace hardware is here. you will love this segment that will keep dad busy all summer long n ♪ it's ok that everybody ignoit's fine.n i drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose.
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ainsley: father's day is only two days away. if you are still looking for perfect gift ace has you covered. steve: ace is the perfect place have you heard. matt mazoni. >> good morning. great to be here and show you great gifts that ace has for father's day. steve: start there dads love tools. >> dads love their power tools. we have this great dewalt driver set on sale at ace. comes with free drill bit set. ace exclusive. super rugged and durable.
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159 at ace. great tool. ainsley: what do we have here? >> this is an amazing deal right now. craftsman 5 fees screwdriver set $2.99. with a lifetime warranty. i thought it was a mistake when they first told me. 2.99. lifetime warranty. who couldn't use more screwdrivers. steve: i forgot to reading glasses. dads like beer and cold beer. yeti is the top of the line. >> they will hold ice for weeks. same technology that they put into these yeti coolers they put into awesome stainless steel tumblers 24.99 at ace. and 1.9 for the cooler at ace right now. steve: yeti the standard for coolers. weber. >> weber is great. been around for every. the weber spirit grill right
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now. best thing now at ace, we have free delivery and assembly until this sunday, father's day. for any grill over 3.99. so you can get this delivered and assembled for free to dads right now. ainsley: that is worth every penny. christmas time when you are putting the kids' toys together. what about this one? steve: smoky one. >> this is a treger grill. wood pellet fired grills. they are really awesome. very easy to use. load up the hopper with wood pellets. steve: right here. >> nice, indirect very even heat with these. ainsley: put wood chips in here and light them? >> you put wood chips and set the dial and it does all the work for you. super easy. steve: little smokestack, you will drive the neighbors crazy. oh, yes, the doocys are grilling again. ainsley: wood chips different flair. >> i do a lot of smoking at
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home, you will make a lot of friends with your neighbors. steve: meanwhile astro turn out here. it's never too soon to start mowing. and this looks like a fantastic dust blocker mower. >> this a great craftsman lawn mower we have on sale right now 179 on ace. great upgrade for dad. get rid of the old rusty lawn mower. 179 right now. ainsley: steve, take a rest, you deserve it, you are a dad. steve: we don't know that this has been properly assembled. >> just for the record, i didn't put this one together. when dad is done grilling and mowing the lawn he can take a nice rest on ha hammock; matt, o we have anything in that yeti cooler? steve: fantastic. matt, thank you very much for joining us from ace. >> pleasure being here. looking forward to having everyone come to ace.
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ainsley: i'm sure they will. steve: democrats and republicans united bipartisan in last night's congressional baseball game. how long bev it's business as usual? congressman ron desantis here live next. ainsley: legendary singer charlie daniels is about to rock our all-american summer series. we will see him live next hour. steve: good morning, charlie. ♪ you never did think that it never would happen again ♪ i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq.
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the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. that airline credit card yout? have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet?
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for all kinds of things... like walking.ewarded hey, honey. dad, where's the car? thought we'd walk. he's counting steps. walk, move and earn money... goal! dad... hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. look at this dad, he's got some moves! money you can use on out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok, yeah! unitedhealthcare
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congressman steve scalise would have been standing tonight. >> steve, i love you, we miss you. we were thinking about you last night. all of america was with you. america began its healing process last night, and you led the way. >> he is a great fighter and he is going to be okay, we hope. >> russia taking the credit for killing the leader of isis. >> terrorized and brutalized by 18 months by a pariah regime in north korea. >> the north koreans are fundamentally the most moral, corrupt, dangerous regime in the world. >> in just a few hours, the president expected to unveil a new policy in miami rolling back obama era policies with cuba. >> i leave you with three great american words let's play ball. ♪ the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave
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♪ ♪ ♪ right on time ♪ tucker boys took it down in caroline ♪ people down in florida can't be ♪ len. steve: we're going to do it again today. it's a friday in the summer. that's why famous dave is here. charlie daniels is going to be performing. brought to you by your friends at car keurig. the crowd gets big. prer everyone hears it and they all come over.
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pete: there is ribs. if there are ribs, there will be people. ainsley: never too early for ribs. pete: never. diners, plazas, whatever it, it's good. ainsley: it's friday. steve: it is a friday. of course last night was a big night. we had two hours of coverage of the baseball game here on fox. ainsley: record turnout for that congressional baseball game as lawmakers were stepping up to the plate one day after the shooting at the g.o.p. team practice. steve: the democrats won and then immediately handed their controversy over to the republicans to present to congressman steve scalise who is still recovering in critical condition at the hospital. pete: that's right. our own kristin fisher is at the white house with the latest. good morning, kristin. >> good morning, steve, ainsley and pete. president trump wanted to attend last night's game but the white house says that he wasn't able to because there wasn't enough time for the secret service to fully secure thagnat park. snat park.
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he made this message that played before the opening pitch. >> tonight you are showing the world you will not be intimidated by threats, acts of violence or assaults on our democracy e on this special night, i need you with three great american words that for generations have torn down barriers, built bridges of unity, and defied those who have sought to pull us apart. ladies and gentlemen, let's play ball. >> the game started with one the most moving moments of the night. one of the capitol police officers wounded in the shooting used crutches to step to the pitcher's mound and throw the ceremonial first pitch. for these members of congress to play ball just one day after one of their own was shot in practice it, really was an incredibly emotional night here in washington. almost 25,000 people attended a record. more than a million dollars was raised for charity, also a record. ivanka trump also presented a $50,000 check from the friends
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in the trump administration. in the end, democrats won 11-2. after they were presented the winning trophy, they gave it back to the republican team to put in congressman scalise's office who remains in critical condition at the hospital. and you know, every year since 190, this game has been all about building bipartisan. this year that really took on a whole new level of meaning. steve, ainsley, and pete. steve: in a lot of ways. kristin, thank you very much. it all started on wednesday morning. it was shortly after 7:00 when this man walked up to congressman from florida ron desantis and said hey, are those republicans or democrats? pete: at the moment he wasn't quite sure what he was referring to. the congressman later on said hey, that's the person who actually did the shooting unfortunately. congressman ron desantis joins us this morning on "fox & friends." congressman, thank you very much. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. pete: all of us watched the baseball game last night. fixed on it loved the sort of america coming together.
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praying at second base. it's all important. it's what we ought do and need to do. as our minds turn this morning it's okay how and when does that actually translate into republicans and democrats in washington actually getting something done. do you have any sense that there is a pivot point here? >> not necessarily. i think it's going to be tough because a lot of things that animated this individual i think are still out in society. and that's just the reality. and as i was sitting out there for the national anthem, you know, we had had the capitol police officer throw the first pitch. we're doing -- saluting the flag. i looked down the line, half those guys wouldn't have been there if it weren't for the capitol police. we woul wouldn't have been age o field a team it hit home for a lot of us. this was a guy really consumed with rage and very hateful individual. and so the idea that somehow we're going to be able to control people like that. i think there is a loft hate threatt tread out there unfortunately. i think it can be driven by
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social media and the other media particularly with respect to how the president is always denigrated. but, it is just something that i think still hitting home for us after we played last night. and then this morning. ainsley: congressman it, starts with our leaders. you know, they are all looking to you guys to see how you are reacting and rhetoric and ted nugent now saying is he going to change his tone. is he listening to his wife and is he going to listen to his wife and tone it down a little bit. you set the tone last night on the baseball field. will that last at least among the republicans and democrats that are there in washington? >> i hope. so i have always taken it as have you these tough debates, be strong and principled but don't use to to assassinate somebody's character. one because that's not the way you should do this stuff and two, whatever debate we are having now, we may have a different debate six months from now. someone you are attacking you may want to work with on some issue. why would you want to burn bridges from a congressional perspective having a healthy relationships i think benefits
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you and your ability to serve the district. it doesn't mean we have to agree on anything. we are not going to agree on anything. i'm not going to agree with nancy pelosi. she is a san francisco liberal. i'm not. that's relates. we request do it in the field of intellectual combat where we are going back and forth about ideas rather than character assassination and dehumanizing our opponents. steve: it sounds like congressman, you are saying on capitol hill maybe you get back to okay, we can disagree about issues. but you are not going to go back to the, you know, the tactics of personal destruction. the politics of personal destruction. >> i hope not. that's not the way i have ever operated. i'm going to basically stand for conservative principles, limited government. that's just what i believe. in and we'll voluntarily back and forth with folks who may have different views and whatever can carry the day on the house floor. that's going to be the policy. and i think that's the way it should be. i mean, the founding fathers had very big, tough, robust debates. i think they respected each
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other and understood that they had different perspectives. and that wasn't a cause to kind of view someone as somehow not part of the american family. steve: all right. congressman desantis, thank you very much for joining us. by the way, how did you do last night in the game. >> i got a couple hit but a lap is not enough. pete: i heard two of the five hits for the republicans. ainsley: what happened though because last year the republicans won? >> well, the sun don't shine on the same dog's patute every day. steve: that's the quote of the day. >> thank you. steve: if you were watching last night on tucker's program, you saw that half the time they talked about what was going on with the baseball game but then they were talking about the case of otto warmbier, who just a couple days ago was rereleased by north korea. and i there it's safe to say there he was when he -- before he was released, in appalling medical condition where is he currently in a religion is taivel state.
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he has been flown back to his family. there was a press conference yesterday. essential liver his father fred wearing the same jacket that his son was wearing in that image right there talking about how president trump got his son released. and you know, president obama, that administration really did not have great record when it came to hostage release. ainsley: when we interviewed the mom and dad, right here on "fox & friends," they told me that the president told them to lay low. president obama told them to lay low, not get involved. we are handling it. 18 months later, president trump is in office and then their son comes home. pete: total contrast in ways of engaging in the world. president obama -- it's almost a met for for the entire policy. lay back, apologize, sit back, hope our adversaries do well by us. instead president trump and his administration is proactive in saying listen, this needs to happen. it need to happen now. we're going to be aggressive about it that's the kind of
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contrast that the father of otto warmbier brought out and this is what he had to sanchtsd when otto was first taken we were advised by the last administration to take a low profile. cindy and i designed the time for strategic was over. we made a few media appearances and traveled to he washington to meet with joe eun at the state department. it's my understanding the ambassador and his team at the direction of the president aggressively pursued resolution of the situation. the question is do i think the past administration could have done more? i think the results speak for themselves. pete: imagine being the father and hearing strategic patience. and hearing the trump administration saying it's over. what a breath of fresh air when you feel like have you a leader fighting. ainsley: your child in another country and the president is telling to you lay low? how as a parent do you that. >> 15 years hard labor? steve: nekens are saying the reason is he in this
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vegetative state is because of botulism. the doctors in the united states have examined him and say we don't know where they are coming up with that we have absolutely zero trace of that in his blood. he. pete: a horrible story. best part about it is he free because someone took initiative as you this is an american we care about and we're going to get him back. steve: trump angle and how president trump was instrumental in that played down on the other networks. shocking. shocking. ainsley: child held captive and come back in a religion is taivel state. if something had been done sooner. if he had come home sooner, would he be in this stated? pete: would they care if you were in that. is he back. hope all is well. jillian: start with breaking news right now. this is breaking overnight. russia taking credit for killing the leader of isis. the country's defense ministry
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claiming that abu bakr al baghdadi and 30 isis commanders died in an air strikes in the syria city of raqqa late last night. tell fox news they have no evidence to support russia's claim. judicial watch threatening a lawsuit against the fbi is now centered around james comey. watchdog group claims the bureau has a legal responsibility to hand over records they claim comey unlawfully removed from the fbi. now, that includes a memo about a meeting with president trump that comey admits to leaking to the media. and speaking of james comey. he is getting support from unlikely source. russian president vladimir putin making him an offer. if he finds himself in trouble with the election hacking probably. >> he faces certain consequences after this. and so on. we will be ready to provide him with the political asylum in russia. he should know this. ainsley: putin went on to
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compare james comey to nsa leaker james snowden. that's a look at your headlines on this friday morning. those are your headlines. headl. steve: can't live in the he. pete: good news for illegals living out west. they are getting more protection, funded by you the taxpayer. ainsley: todd piro is having breakfast with friends. todd: the president is going to be talking cuban policy. we are talking cuban tostada. a civil debate between a trump supporter and detractor. remember that word civility? you are going to see it coming up on "fox & friends." ♪
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it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it.
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i'm here with maria. president trump is coming here today to talk about america's cuban policy. you came here when you were 2 from cuba. >> i was 2 years old and that was 54 years ago. >> what do you think about what the president is projected to say or what we're anticipating the president to say. >> my parents brought my brothers, myself and then my brothers were born here and we came to this country because we wanted to have a better life. that's exactly what they gave us i always called myself cuban born, american raised. and i do believe that trump needs to revisit everything that obama did. i'm all for it. and quite frankly i trust him because i really think that his interest is really to make our country great again. make it a better country than what it is today. pete: marie a thank you very much for your time. now we are going to head over here where the cuban tostadas what do you do?
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because i love how it ties in to what we are talking about. >> i'm in the cordage business. you tie things up you are sick and tired of what's tying up washington. >> no question about that. todd: tell me about that. >> both sides need to get together and open up the channels of communication. stop the rhetoric and stop ruining our country instead of what's only good for their party. todd: why raw trump supporter? >> i think we are more likely to get where i'm trying to put us with trump. that's why. todd: now, gary? >> there is another reason. todd: please sir, zachery. >> i think one of the main things i like about trump from the get-go is you can't buy him. todd: okay. >> i don't think he can be bought. todd: go to go to gary. because, gary, you are not a trump supporter. >> no. todd: why? >> regarding his comment he can be bought. i think he has proven that my concern is his roll back of oversight. the paris accords.
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my concern is lack of leadership, leadership he seems to be not providing at this point because you don't know from one day to the next where is he going or what is he going to do. and that does nothing to help us. todd: all right. how do you respond, quickly? >> i don't agree with any of that. todd: what i love is that even though you don't agree, you guys are breakfast friends. we are having breakfast with friends right now. you guys are friends. you come to cozy corner often and you talk. you know what? it's civil, they are not beating each other up. >> not yet. todd: not yet. >> wait until the camera leaves. todd: the joke is this is serious business but you guys are having fun. you are good friends. thank you for your time. thank you, marie for your time. send it back to new york. civil discourse. steve: yes, at this point. pete: like in the commercial breaks here. ainsley: make surety cameras roll here. i love a hockey game because i love a good fight.
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steve: they are still civil. kellyanne conway is going to join us live from the white house in moments. ainsley: first, larry the cable guy is making his return in the newest installment of cars. pete: median is here to talk about his role next. there he is. ♪ i joined the army in july of '98. i did active duty 11 years. and two in the reserves. our 18 year old was in an accident. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. it actually helped to know that somebody else cared and wanted make sure that i was okay. that was really great. we're the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. call today to talk about your insurance needs. [radi♪ alarm]
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okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. >> you can be smarter. >> good luck out there. you're going to need it. >> i decide when i'm done. >> you are not winning this. >> i'm coming for you, storm. pete: oh yeah, i have seen cars one and stars 2 the star of cars three larry the cable guy. ainsley: good morning. >> hi. steve: just like the movie you are animated.
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>> exactly. that looked good, didn't it. >> fantastic. ainsley: tell us what your role is in cars three. >> i will. i good to tell you i'm torn off. i just got a text from anthony weiner and i'm kind of scared to open the thing. i don't know if i should open it. wait until after i'm done. steve: i will put that there. >> kind of freaked me out there. every time i come to town, he sends me something. steve: your shirt says tow mater. >> it does say tow mater. here's the good news for you. i have been wearing this shirt now three days in a row so woo. steve: that's your character, isn't it? >> this is my character the lovable little tow truck. i love playing that part. the cool thing about it, i didn't have to john lassiter heard my voice 2002, 2003. he said that's my tow truck. they sent me a fax. something about do you want to
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be our tow truck in this movie. pixar movie? really? when do i got to audition? no, they are going to give you the part. i said get out of here, already? how awesome is that? ainsley: i see the commercials of people doing animations. it's like you are in a studio. you are wearing the ear phone. microphone in front of you. how long does it take to do the whole movie. >> the first one, you know, i never done it before, so 10 trips to emeryville, four hour sessions. pete: really? >> no, you don't see anything. you just see john. john lassiter. it was really funny. first time i ever did it i went over there and he says, tells me the scene and i'm thinking boy, i don't know -- i'm thinking should i play this kind of no, no, be you. i want you to do what you do. so i -- so my first line i go like, this okay. my name is mate like tow mater without the ta he says that's
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it. in my head i'm going i didn't do anything. steve: you nailed the character and in fact we got a clip from your movie. here is larry the cable guy in cars 3. >> i love mater. >> that's the way it's done. it's a lot of fun. bump bump. making stuff out of junk. ha ha. what's that? there we go, somebody is interrupting genius. well, hey there, buddy. >> mater here i was just thinking of you and you are looking right at me. you see me okay? hold on, let me sit here. that better? steve: it's god to be cool that finally your kids think what you did is really cool. >> they really do. they love it. ainsley: how old are your kids? >> 29 and 30. ainsley: i was expecting 5 and 7. >> they are about to get out of the house though. there is nothing odd about that is there?
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no, they are 9 and 10. i got to check their facebook. i think it's. they do. it's pretty cool. i will tell you what's cooler. this is the reason i love doing it because i love kids, you know. and people. it's cool because i will be going somewhere and you will see the parents go-eye kids and they will go hey, that's larry the cable guy. larry the cable guy? and they kind of look and i walk up and i will go hey, how are you doing, buddy, my name is mater they go. and they freak out. it's the coolest thing ever. i love playing mater. it's great. pete: you say your kids on obamacare plan you recently had a trip to the doctor. >> why you got to ruin everything? well, i got to say, had that golf tournament with doocy. steve: down in oklahoma for the folds of honor tournament. >> great charity event. steve: raise a lot of money. >> throw stuff out. i don't know what i throw out.
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go to the doctor always see something different. i walk in there and see a 6or 7 month old kid with glasses on. i'm thinking how do they know that a 7 month old kid needs glasses? you know what go to breast feed and wind up on the nose? do you know what i mean? i don't get it. so then this lady comes in there and she had to be 410, 300. and she walks in there my stomach, my stomach. ugh. i'm thinking what is wrong. turns out she is pregnant and don't even know it i mean, how big you got to be to not know you got a human being living in your belly? i go to taco bill i feel like i'm fit to have triplitt's an hour and a half after guy in there. did you know this? i went breech on a chalupa two years ago. the doctor finally told me she walks in there and said it's colitis. said i don't care what you name it but it's a boy. [laughter] it can be very rough.
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pete: very revealing. steve: but you're okay now? >> i'm doing good now. i'm doing fantastic. the premier -- well, we did the premier last week. the whole thing about the premier is you never see anybody. so, you don't know anybody else -- except for owen and i are buddies now. we have done three of these. i see him all the time and john. i got to see it i'm a big time movie star. you see them for the first time. those things are always fun. ainsley: public, those guys watching at home. comes out tonight. >> comes out tonight. cars 3. it's going to be fantastic. ainsley: comes out today. >> make you happier than a tornado in a trailer park. it's a good family movie. you can take your kids to it. do you know what i mean? you can take the whole family. pete: i have no doubt i will be taking my three boys. >> do you want me to do the
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joke again about the chalupa. pete: roll the tape. no more obamacare questions for you. >> yeah. what was that all about? steve: larry the cable guy. thank you. >> thank you for having me. steve: straight ahead on this friday, the pentagon vowing to fix the war in afghanistan. larry. >> we are not winning in afghanistan right now. and we will correct this as soon as possible. steve: general stanley mcchrystal. here to talk about winning again overseas. [laughter] pete: a touching bipartisan moment like i'm having right now. a prayer at second base on last night's congressional baseball game. but will the unity last. counselor to the president kellyanne conway weighs in next. do not come up to this shot. ♪ american woman ♪ momma let me be ♪ with unitedhealthcare, you can get rewarded for walking.
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to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. steve: let's go down to the white house, we just saw the animation. and joining us right now is kellyanne conway special counselor to president donald trump. she is on the north lawn where i'm sure that vacuum cleaner is going to go by in a little while: well, kellyanne conway. the special baseball game last night sold 20,000. so inspiring when everybody was together and everybody wendt out to second base where steve scalise plays, of course he is still in the hospital. in critical condition. what's your reaction to what happened last night? >> i was there at the game last night, at the beginning, and there was a feeling of unity and healing. i think that was brought about by our leader, president
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donald trump. he is being a healer in chief. he is being remarkably wonderful to the entire country, calling for unity, praying for those who have been injured for their full recovery. people reverting to their hateful rhetoric already again yesterday. the unity last add hot minute for some leader. we will continue to disagree on policy and on issues. but i really would ask people to think about the hateful rhetoric. this man, the shooter the other day, didn't hate baseball. he hated republicans. and his social media feed was a complete anti-trump, anti-republican screed. for those in the media upset by the president's social media postings. why isn't everybody looking inside a little bit at what they're posting and what they're saying. nobody is responsible for this shooting except the shooter. there is no question about that. at the same time, you can
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oppose policies, but such hateful charged rhetoric that active resistance becomes armed resistance in the case of this lone gunman. pete: sure kellyanne conway. do you feel among leader in this country. enough is being done to tone it down, stop it, we can't bring this to the brink, no, sir that they are encouraging violence, no one is saying they are necessarily. the rhetoric is so hot can they do more, should they do more? >> i heard the republican leaders say last night in an interview on a different network. you had leader mcconnell and speaker ryan saying exactly that and they work together every day with the democratic colleagues. they often disagree. we can't seem to get democratic votes. we certainly welcome them for all of our policies, at the same time at the same time yesterday, pointing the finger already. two days ago she said she quote prays for her. she hopes for the success of donald trump's presidency.
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and yesterday she was pointing fingers again. so i do think some people are unloading their shame and their guilt in a call for ponying down the toxicity and the rhetoric. did i a clever thing and i went back and looked at exactly what is being discussed on all the tv show he is except yoirs at 7:09 a.m. on wednesday when this happened and it's a really curious exercise because as steve scalise was fighting for his life and crawling into right field, in a trail of blood, you should go back and see what people were saying about the president and the republicans at that very moment. of course, they had a great -- news and the tragedy and since then there has been some intraspeculation, quieter voice toning down the let i can. look at twitter, if i were shot and killed tomorrow, half of twit we're explode in applause and excitement. this is the world we live in right now. it's terrible. one thing to say i disagree with you on healthcare repeal or on taxes or on your plan
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for national security, but, you can't attack people personally in a way and think that tragedies like this won't happen. by the way, look at the response from some in the public. you have martha, congressman woman from arizona. claudia congresswoman from new york. two women i know well and work with closely they have been directly threatened since this happened and as have others. that's very concerning to everyone. we don't want to live in a police state because we can't get control of people's rhetoric. but this is a call for leaders to do more and to speak directly to those. look, this is also the natural by product you have images of the president being shot in rapper's video he is, being senassassinated in a production there in new york city. a picture of a severed head. all of that is a toxicity. there is no one to blame but the shooter here but the calls for tamping down also should be very-ly to should be some intraspeculation there. ainsley: we will to watch and
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see how they cover things going forward that was all before the shooting happened. it would will be interesting to see how the mainstream media covers president trump's trip to miami today. what is he doing down in miami today, kelly ann? >> the president is doing exciting things for the cuban people. not the oppressive: obama administration policies that helped the military, the security, and the intelligence entities there benefit from u.s. derived funds. that has to stop and that will stop. the president also as he has done with every single deal that he has rescinded or questioned, or taken us out of. he is welcoming the people to make basic requirements, free and fair society. that treats its people well and gives him basic freedoms and human rights. and welcoming them to the table to get a better deal. but this, of course, to cut off that money supply, is important, what happened
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really benefited the cuban regime did not benefit the cuban people. steve: kelley anne president trump did something the obama administration wasn't able to do get otto warmbier released. he was convicted for taking a poster down his father had a press conference wearing the same jacket his son wore in the images we just saw. evidence does give president trump credit. during the obama administration they didn't do much to help that family. >> we are so thrilled here at the white house to know that otto is home with his family in ohio and we wish him all the best a full recovery and a full life. we're very happy that his father has gone public with his son's story to the extent that he feels comfortable without divulging family matters, and you are right, our state department and this president work very hard for this american's release from the oppressive north korea.
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and i noticed yesterday when means pelosi was asked did she think the obama administration had done enough to get otto's release. she dodged that question. she had an awful lot to say about other people's rhetoric. she had zero to say about whether the obama administration had done enough. but we know that the trump administration and our state department through secretary tillerson did plenty. in very short order we have been here less than five months. we are so happy this young man is home. steve: we wish it were better circumstances given the fact that he is currently is essentially in a vegetative state. it's heart breaking. ainsley: we pray for him. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. ainsley: the pentagon vowing to fix afghanistan. >> we are not winning in afghanistan right now. and we will correct this as soon as possible. ainsley: general stanley mcchrystal and former navy seal are here to talk about winning again. steve: good morning.
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peter peter charlie daniels is hanging out with larry the cable guy. we will talk with charlie next on the plaza. ♪ when itrust the brandtburn, doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. and all day, all night protection. when it comes to heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's complete with key nutrients we may need. plus heart-health support with b vitamins. one a day men's in gummies and tablets. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century.
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>> do you agree that we are not winning in afghanistan? >> sir, i understand the urgency. i understand it's my responsibility. we're not winning in afghanistan right now. and we will correct this as soon as possible. pete: that's a very candid assessment from our secretary of defense. how do we change that? joining me now is former commander of us. retired stanley mcchrystal and navy seal author of the book one mission how leaders build. gentlemen, thank you both for joining us this morning. gentlemen, start with you. very candid assessment as i said from secretary mattis we are not winning. do you agree with him and if
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so what do we do to turn the tied? >> i agree with jim mattis his assessment. huge respect for him. i disagree when he says this is his responsibility. there is national decision we must make. it belongs to the president. we have to decide if we are going to send more troops there, what our desired outcome is and what price we are willing to pay overtime. we have been there 15 years. i'm a believer in afghanistan. but the american people need to understand and believe whatever objective we set. pete: sir, all three of us have spent time there both of you more than i. but being there and having vested there doesn't mean staying there is the right decision. at point do we make a call hey we either go in to win or cut bait on something that doesn't have a return? >> that's exactly the point. we need to have the conversation. the reality is tough there. the way ahead won't be easy. i believe it's doable but i have one opinion. the american people need to be informed. we need to discuss it. and we make a decision where we have resolve. pete: rumor is a couple thousand more advisors.
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we had 120,000 there, likely when you were commanding it was that high. today it's much lower than. that is a few thousand going to turn the tied? >> that's the question. if we put a few thousand in and that doesn't work, what then? that's a question we need to ask ourselves. pete: you wrote auto book how leaders build. what's been done to give more latitude to leaders on the ground which is welcome. one of the principles in the book. tell us about the book your experience as a navy seal and the message you are trying to bring. >> that's right. what we found in the early days of this fight under then general mcchrystal's guidance when he was running the counter terrorism global task force was that problems were changing so quickly on the ground decision-making needed to be decentralized down to those teams. we have seen this grow over the years. more critical now than ever on the battlefield as we face these interconnected net worked problems. but now it's also happening in other parts of the world. it's happening in any big system. it's happening in industry and politics where problems are connect. and system leaders inside of
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the systems need to be comfortable pushing problems closer to the issues. can move. pete: can you get this book to all members of congress for me. >> if you give me their address i would be happy to. pete: powers given to bureaucracies and systems that never change. your you have to empower at the local level. >> strength we get from bureaucracies. bureaucracies are built for a reason. lot in the pentagon that works very well. a lot in the our country that runs very well. you have to institute the comfort inside of your leadership team to push more and more authority down so the the two can live in parallel. pete: there is a lot of trust there for sure. general, you wrote a book with chris previous usely "team of teams." tell me why this partnership has persisted. >> we go back to the counter terrorism force. and we developed a deep personal relationship, but also a fascination with the fact that the way we were doing things didn't work. we changed during that fight and we became believers that
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this was actually a universal problem that apply toes industry, government, whatnot. so as we formed an organization, mostly cloudy crystal group that we operate in now to bring that to the civilian world, we found that's true. pete: absolutely. the civilian world has a lot to learn from general stanley mcchrystal and chris fussel. thank you for your service at the top of the battlefield and on the ground. we appreciate it? >> thank you. pete pete book is called "one mission how leaders build." get it checked out. coming up next we have geraldo rivera, judge jeanine, ben watson, charlie damages on the plaza. damages -- charlie daniels on the plaza. evd to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function,
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georgia ♪ and the devil deals it hard ♪ if you win ♪ you get this shiny medal made of gold. ainsley: so cool to be standing next to this famous celebrity. we have been listening to your music for years. charlie daniels is here on "fox & friends" this morning. steve: how about it, folks? [cheers] >> thank you. ainsley: welcome back. >> we are so glad to be. we had a great time with you folks last time. we had to come back and do it again. i get to stand by you this time, ainsley. pete: was standing here and said no over by ainsley. steve: have you been one of the best friends in the music business to "fox & friends." it's great you would join us. one of the thing about charlie daniels in addition to being a legend in the music world, i love your website charlie have you this thing called soapbox. you talk about stuff going on in the world. >> some people like it. some people don't. you can always tell the ones that don't they have the most magnificent vocabulary of four words.
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i haven't written one this week yet i talk about politics, current events. sometimes i talk about going shopping with my wife which i two cuts above getting a root canal done. pete: charlie, it's been a tough week. you are a patriot. you love this country. what message would you have for people across the country? >> keep believing in america. [cheers] >> don't let all the adverse press and bad things that are going on. bad things have always gone on. it seems like they have reached exponential point now. just believe in perk. america is alive. want to make something for yourself go, to work and get it done. make it happen. steve: words in music. so many hateful words whether it's on the internet or social media or on television or in politics or in academia these days. how do we go back to some place more civil? >> i live my -- tried to make my part of the world the best i can. that's all any of us can do.
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if you think you can't do nothing, just be kind to all the people around you, take care of the people around you. take care of your family. love your family. spend time with your family. let the good lord take care of the rest of it he can handle it. ainsley: that's a great message. how did you end up. you are from wilmington, north carolina? >> yes i am. ainsley: how did you end up going from north carolina to the big stage writing songs and being a big celebrity. >> it's a long, long story, darling. i left in 1958. so 59 years this month i have been making my living doing. this it's what i love. i love what i do. i keep on doing it i'm 80 years old. i can still get out there and rock. i will show you in few minutes. eat pete we're going to rock. where can i get a belt buckle like that? >> i will take this off and give it to you. i have these made, usually. i have them made out in colorado. outstanding. steve: charlie daniels is going to stake the teenage in two minutes. are we ready for that, folks? [cheers and applause]
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killing the leader of isis. >> has been terrorized and brutalized for 18 month by a pariah regime in north korea. >> do i think the past administration could have done more? i think results speak for themselves. >> president expected to unveil a new policy in miami, rolling back obama era policies with cuba. >> i leave you with three great american words, let's play ball. ♪ ♪ forethe landthe land of the fd the home of the brave ♪ [cheers and applause]
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steve: 59 years he has been in the singing business. charlie daniels is our all american summer concert series performer with "southern boy" on the plaza. pete: may god grant us all that energy. ainsley: he is southern boy. he likes rowdiness. southern boys are the best. my dad is a southern boy. pete: i'm a northern boy. ainsley: you wan watch charlie daniels and watch him perform online. steve: fox and see the whole show stream live. our roaming correspondent at large, geraldo rivera is in the windy city appropriately. >> i understand. ainsley: i understand, geraldo, you are a big charlie daniels fan? >> terrific. charlie daniels and his band and my friend recently departed greg al man and allman brothers
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bandied a benefit for willow brock to help disabled children. old nassau coliseum. they jammed the base. they made a quarter of a million dollars back in 1975 which was he is always a good-hearted man when he comes on the stage at "fox & friends." he is a wonderful, wonderful, charitable person. look at him we're both still rockin'. ainsley: he says he is 80 years old. >> i'm not that old. but i love him. he still looks good. he still play as mean fiddle. steve: sure, speaking of charity events, congressional baseball game historically raised money for a lot of charities. he raised north of a million dollars last night. geraldo, for one day it seemed washington, d.c., came together after the awful shooting in lax leaks. it started with a very -- alexandria. started with emotional prayer
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where steve scalise would be the second baseman. of course he is still in the hospital. what is the observation where you we go from here. >> this was a bitter sweet moment. bitter because of grievous injuries suffered about congressman scalise. we're praying for him as he completes the third surgery. bitter, that the tone, rhetoric, could lead to such horrific violence. sweet that everybody came together and talked of you know, more civility in public life. i hate to say it though, but it just seems to me once this moment is passed, with the, with mueller, with the special counsel's continuing probe, with all the sniping going on, with all of the crossfire, i'm not quite sure this moment, this beautiful moment will come to characterize the foreseeable future. pete: geraldo, is the left being
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intro executive enough? no nobody is blaming the vitriol. is everyone saying, let's be civil? >> that is great question, pete. nancy pelosi's tone certainly surrounding the shooting and ballgame and so forth, that was good but i wished it happened earlier. now i know that people point to the shakespeare in the park, "julius caesar," donald trump as julius caesar being knifed to death and kathy griffin holding up decapitated head of donald trump, that causing these things, rather artistic expressions are a symptom of great divide in this country. never in my public life, half a century now, have i seen the nation quite as divided. maybe congressman's scalise's
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trauma and tragedy can heal the grand chasm that exists between right and left now. i fear as the probe goes forward and as it expands, and metastasizes, brings in more and more people, more and more issues. now it will be the tax returns of the president. jared kushner's dealings, you know, the did the cia director talk to the president about? what did the national security administrator talk to the president about? i think what we have now going forward is going to be a lot of noise, a lot of spinning of wheels, a lot of accusations, a lot of bitterness that doesn't, i feel, or fear imbue to the good of the nation, let me put it that way. ainsley: let's talk about the special counsel and what is going on with that investigation. there are two headlines in the "washington post" today, first
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one says, special counsel investigating trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say. section one, special counsel investigating jared kushner's business dealings and his finances and business dealings. michael flynn, paul manna for the. -- manafort, carter page. why are these leaks going on? we're not supposed to know this. steve: leaks. >> this is lamentable. even though i'm a journalist, there has to be some sanctity for private dealings of president of the united states. he has to have reasonable confidence what he discusses with the top aides about the direction of the nation and is confidential. what happens in the room, stays in the room. it is exactly opposite now. almost every word out of president trump's mouth will end up on the newsroom floor of "the washington post" the next day or sometimes within hours or even within minutes.
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it is clear that the president is existing in a very hostile environment. i mean just imagine if you're donald trump today, outside of the white house, you have the offices of "the washington post," you have some of the best investigative journalistings in the world looking to kill you, looking to get whatever dirt they can on you. what makes it worse is, inside of the white house, you look around and irwonderring who will be snitching out? who will take what i say, exaggerate it, feed it to journalist they know will help hurt the president? that is very, very distressing. steve: the big question is whether or not it is even true? because deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, sent out the message, in regards to the "washington post" things, americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any sources attributed to anonymous officials particularly when they don't identify the country, let alone the branch or agency of government which the
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alleged sources are supposedly affiliated. americans should be skeptical about anonymous allegations, as these are, the department of justice has long established policy to neither confirm or deny such allegations. the president of the united states just tweeted this. pete: he said after seven months, this is the president, after investigations and committee hearings my quote, collusion with the russians, nobody has been able to show any proof and trademark sad at the end of it. to your point, geraldo, they're having to point out that you can't just list government officials without listing what country it is coming from. these leaks are everywhere. he is pointing out the fact if it is anonymous, how can you trust it? >> the problem with that, pat is, in many ways, the media is preaching to their own requires. in other words, rosenstein cautions skepticism. i gain youty you, the people who will be skeptical of these stories or these leaks will be the people who are in favor of
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the president, and on his side. people opposed to the president, they will -- pete: take it as gospel. >> take every allegation however reckless, take it as gospel truth t will keep the president off balance. keep him fighting on various fronts. rather than working for good of all americans than going forward. he will be swatting these backstabbers in many ways. i think he is really going to have a very embattled, i don't see where this ends. you have mueller, who is is a fine, reputable person, highly competent but he surrounded him is i understand it with people who send to be more on the progressive side of idealogical spectrum. their political philosophies may differ with the president and trump administration. you have this entity, funded entity. no one can touch it, to mess with the special counsel is to interfere with the process of justice.
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so, he is going to do what he does and it will spin these wheels and he will find a weakness someplace, he will find a vulnerability someplace, whether jared kushner, somebody happened in china or moscow, i don't know what it is, scooter libby never thought he would be target in iran-contra, around he had nothing to do with iran-contra and one guy that went to jail. steve: geraldo, thank you for joining from the windy city. >> i'm sorry. such a bummer. my daughter is graduating today. ainsley: good for her. what school? >> northwestern with honors. ainsley: awesome, great. steve: geraldo, congratulations. coming up on this friday, despite this week's shooting that play depicting a president trump look-alike being assassinated still being performed in new york but should it. pete: right around the corner in central park. an espn host says the nfl injects politics in sports by
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get this, playing the national anthem. really? we've got more on this. the ♪ z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪
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♪ steve: well the show will go on of the a play that shows the assassination after president trump look-a-like will still be performed here in new york city this weekend despite the target shootings of republicans in the baseball practice in alexandria, virginia. our next guest is calling for the show to be canceled. dan henninger, deputy editor of "the wall street journal" editorial page and joins us right now. why should they cancel it? >> steve, the show, happens at inopportune time. we had a attempted political assassination in virginia, on piece with the kathy griffin's severed blood at this head of donald trump. there is something i call political disorder syndrome. what it suggests not just politics has become infinance. the emotions beneath politics have become very intense.
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steve: for instance, the shooter, who tried to kill as many republicans as he possibly could before the hero cops came in, do you think he was insane, crazy or just so motivated by the harsh rhetoric out there he took action into his own hand? >> i think there is combination of things going on there. i mean, we live in a world with social media, which a lot is driven by emotion, a lot of it has become political. people in politics understand you can drive emotion on both the left and the right. so individuals get wrapped up in their world of social media, facebook, twitter, they're online all the time. they're brainwashing themselves. same thing happens to people from islamic state, the terrorists. they go online and whip themselves into a frenzy and i think what happened to hodgkinson he was full of anger, and what we know political violence can become very attractive and mystical. people can trigger and snap.
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i think that is what has happened with hodgkinson. everybody in the political community has to understand what is going on here. that people are getting up on the emotional edge, in a place that is very dangerous. steve: absolutely. so when you see things like kathy griffin in the head, and this here in new york with shakespeare and the donald trump look-a-like, you called on them to quit the show, you know the show will end sunday any way. >> they say it is allegory on democracy. let's be clear, this is not an allegory about a historical figure. the character in their play is the current sitting president of the united states. steve: correct. it looks just like him. >> i have to say one more thing, steve, all of us lived through the obama years, eight years of the obama presidency worried about the possibility of an assassination and an attempt because emotions were tense back then. we were so thankful to get through it without that happening. now you have this event in virginia, now you have a play
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depicting a presidential assassination, surely time for people, putting on stuff like that to pull back and say we don't want to participate in an atmosphere like this. steve: yeah. they will not pull the show because the show will go on until the end of its run on sunday. >> i'm afraid some it is unfortunate. steve: daniel henninger from the "wall street journal" thanks very much. on the run-down, incredible show of unity at last night's congressional baseball game in washington, d.c., but will it be back to politics as usual shortly? you know judge janine has a lot to say about that coming up next. here is the charlie daniels band, performing live in the summer concert series. ♪
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" on this friday. we start with headlines now, russia taking credit for killing the leader of isis of the country's defense ministry claim abubakar al-baghdadi and 30 commanders died in an airstrike in the city of raqqa last month. top military spokesman in baghdad tells fox news they have no evidence to support russia's claim. fox news confirming that the pentagon not yet decided whether to send more troops to
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afghanistan. defense secretary jim mattis considering sending up to 5000 soldiers to train and advise afghan forces fighting terror. there are nearly 10,000 stationed there right now. earlier general stanley mcchrystal weighed in. take a look. >> the reality is tough there. the way ahead won't be easy. i believe it is doable. i have one opinion. the american people need to be informed. we need to discuss it. make a decision when we very resolve. >> the rumor is -- >> mcconsider crystal says he isn't sure increasing troops will turn the tide in afghanistan. president trump will be heading to miami about the policies in cuba. cruises could be allowed but travel restrictions would be tightened. kellyanne conway was here to explain. >> regime benefited from the changes in the obama administration policies that
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helped military, security, intelligence entities there benefit from u.s. derived fund of the that has to stop and that will stop. >> the president is trying to block business deals with havanna's military in hopes of cutting off money to the oppressive cuban regime. back to you guys. pete: thank you. democrats and republicans uniting in a moment prayer at last night's congressional baseball game but how long will the bipartisanship last? >> we have judge jeanine pirro. she joins us live. good morning, judge. >> good morning. steve: it was great to see what happened as both sides came together. people say it would be great if it lasted but can it? >> you know, i like nothing more than seeing americans come together and we rarely see that. we see it in times of war. we see it when something horrible like this happens, but you know, cynical side of me says, nah, i'm not so sure this is going to last but i differ from my friend geraldo who said
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earlier maybe it has to do with the investigations and all that. i think its stems from the top. i think when elected leaders, congresspeople, people we look up to, people we vote for, say this president is not legitimate, he and his cabinet, they're scumbags -- steve: traitor. >> traitor, everything, but the resistance is something we all have to do. what does it mean when you resist? it means you fight. conjures of image rather violent. i don't even need to bring in kathy griffin, shakespeare in the park, we'll talk about that in a few minutes but, make no mistake, this is, i prosecuted murder cases my whole career, this is a guy who was responsible but it is not just the lunatic, this is a guy who was very focused on republicans, very focused on trump, very
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hateful, and his rhetoric was accessible, until the leaders come out and say you know what, what i said was wrong, what i said was not appropriate, we respect the president. until that happens, i don't suspect there will be change. pete: this morning we mentioned ted nugent on the conservative side, i'm going to tone down my rhetoric. important with all do that. you mentioned violence, portrayal thereof, shakespeare in the park here in new york city, violent portrayal of the killing effectively of our president. you hit the street to ask some people about that. >> you know, i was curious whether or not in light of what happened, whether or not people were still going to see shakespeare in the park, whether or not they like the idea of a julius caesar shakespeare play, look-alike donald trump is stamped to death, red liquid comes out of him, he is repeatedly stabbed. so i went to central park and i saw people waiting in line, lines of people waiting, and i talked to them.
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what do you think about the play itself? >> i think they always try to push the envelope a little bit. that is what they're doing. >> the donald trump look-alike being stabbed to death, what do you think of that in light of what is going on today? >> i know it can be very controversial. there are two sides to every story. it depends on your perspective. >> you don't have a problem with this? >> not at all. >> do you think it is appropriate they have a basic double of donald trump being stabbed to death. >> doesn't matter. trump is the president, i respect that. >> if they did that to hillary, would you be offended? >> yes. >> hillary is the bomb. >> i came back from central park. they're playing shakespeare in the park, "julius caesar" they have a donald trump look-alike, this stab him to death. what do you feel about that. >> i think it is tragic. >> what has gone on in political history. trying to assassinate this guy. everything they're doing to impeach him.
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>> complete hypocrisy. encouraging violence against republicans. shootings. there will be more of that. >> will you wait in line to see shakespeare in the park. >> no, no chance. steve: two sides to every story. >> i it was amazing. i went back at him. two sides to every story. he said republicans are just responsible. it will me when have we held a president's head, killed him, stab him, he couldn't come up with anything. this is idealogical split that is going to be very difficult to mend. and my concern is that the people who were not grounded, lunatics out there, who just want to kill somebody, are going to use this as an schools, say, i'm justified in killing this person. he is not, you know is not my president. elijah cummings, comes out sauce he is not a legitimate president. what constitution are you reading? at the end of the day, hopefully
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something good will happen and steve scalise will get better, we'll move on. based on shakespeare in the park, after the shooting -- pete: you asked that in the break. it was after the shooting. >> yes. it was yesterday. i said to them, in light of this shooting, you still think it is appropriate? they waited in line -- i couldn't walk -- unless it was hillary. shows you idealogical rift. ainsley: we'll see more of that on your show this weekend tomorrow night. thanks, judgment. he is the tight end for the baltimore ravens but benjamin watson says his best job is being a father of five. look at his beautiful family. he says he has the playbook everybody needs to follow. steve: first charlie daniels performing, "in america." ♪
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[applause] >> thank you, thank you so much. , and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. mmmm. mmmm. mmmm... ugh. nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. try new alka-seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. it's fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alka-seltzer. enjoy the relief.
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♪ steve: man, we've had a real busy friday morning. >> we're only 25 minutes away from the weekend. steve: for you. for you. ainsley: don't go anywhere yet, you have to still walk the shows. charlie daniels singing his moss famous song at the end of the show. has to do with the devil going down to georgia. pete: you're burying the lead. >> i don't know if i compare to him really. good morning, guys, for that flattery. good morning to you. new fears the death toll in the london apartment inferno could rise to 100 as dozens are unaccounted for. 30 people are dead. as one quick-thinking mother who
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saved her family, flooding their apartment with water, keeping the area damp until help arrive. the high-rise was a disaster waiting to happen. the building prioritized green energy over safety. state of unresponseful wakefulness, that is what doctors say about the condition of otto warmbier the student freed from north korea. his father thanks the trump administration and takes a shot at obama for not securing his release sooner. >> do i think the past administration could have done more? i think the results speak for themselves. we're also thankful to racks rex and to president trump. they wanted otto home, and i believe, i believe they made this happen. so we're thankful for that. >> doctors still don't know the cause of 22-year-old's condition or if he will recover. politicizing patriotism. get this, espn host says the nfl
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made sports political by playing the national anthem. >> colin kaepernick also, did not go looking for a protest. it came to him. he was asked to stand for the national anthem. you do not have to stand for the national anthem. even if it was rule, that you did, is that colin kaepernick injecting politics into the nfl? no. that is the nfl injecting politics by playing the national anthem and putting pressure on you to stand for it in the first place. >> espn's max kellermann comparing colin kaepernick's season-long protest to muhammad ali refusing to go to the vietnam war. we have someone on the couch who can give a pretty good opinion on that. steve: that's right. author of the new dads playbook, nfl player, from baltimore, benjamin watson. good morning. what did you make of the story that the nfl is injecting politics playing national anthem
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in? >> i don't know, national anthem were there, playing were not there. we were in the locker room. then some things happened overseas. nfl wanted to do this and brought players out. politics, i don't think so. i think being a citizen of this country, the national anthem is something we all stand for, we all recite. we learn that as kids. i wouldn't say it is politics, but you have to you don't have to stand but being an american i think we all should want to if possible. pete: inside the locker room, has there been any controversy about the national anthem, plays say, this is my country, i want to stand for it? >> players he respect the right not to stand. this consideration has gone on and on since last year. players respect the right no matter if you agree with everything that kaepernick agrees with, we respect his right not to do this as players we understand this is our country. if possible we want to be proud of it. the reason why he is not standing not bass he is
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anti-american i don't believe. i think he wants to improve things happening in this count youtry. ainsley: you're not just a football player. you're a husband and father to five beautiful children. you just wrote this book. i think you can give a lot of god advice after five kids, right? >> yeah. ainsley: why did you write the book? it is called "the new dad's playbook." pete: good man. >> my wife said you need to write a handbook for dads because they enter fatherhood. some things you don't know until you actual have a child. ainsley: such as when hormones start flying, stay cool. >> this is time stressful for everybody. stressful for your wife, because her body is changing, hormones are changing, she has a baby. stressful for you, you want to get her out of the pain she sometimes in. the whole point is to equip men and parent and father their children around help their women empower. steve: what is biggest mistake when it comes to the mom and kids?
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>> the biggest thing thinking i could make a mistake. i'm someone that doesn't want to make a mistake. i want to fix things. sometimes when there is morning sickness, i do talk how to curb some of morning sickness, coming up behind her, holding her, empathizing in that way. sometimes men got to listen and try to fix everything. steve: where did you learn this? >> my wife. we're going on 12 years. i learned a lot by trial and error. so i'm at a point now -- steve: you made a lot of mistakes. >> of course i did. the great thing opening a conversation. being in the locker room, being around guys, talking to men entering childhood first or second time, they read the book. men do read sometimes. what to expect when you're expecting for guys and women who are bearing our children will benefit from the knowledge we have. pete: big season coming up, how are you feeling on your recovery? >> i many am doing well. made it on the field for
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mini-camp. 14th mini-camp. i tore my achilles, if you don't know. it has been a long road. my family praying for me. being on the field is victory for all of us being able to participate. ainsley: because your wife, better get out there on the field. >> she had to take, when you have achilles you're incapacitated. you can't do much for a good month. taking care of five kids and grown husband acting like a baby. so she's, we're all happy. i mean, it is fun. i still have a long way to bo. hopefully when training camp comes around i'm ready to compete and contribute to our team winning games. ainsley: thank you so much. steve: the new dad's playbook. thank you. ainsley: we're having breakfast in mime spinks florida where the president is heading for today. we'll talk with todd piro next.
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it's not how fast you mow...'s how well you mow fast! they're not just words to mow by, they're words to live by. the john deere ztrak z345r. we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don't want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10 to 25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that's not a chance we're willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we're getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. bexsero may not protect all individuals. tell your healthcare professional if you're pregnant or if you have received
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any other meningitis b vaccines. ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can't wait. steve: well this morning the president has been tweet tweeting. ainsley: the fake news media hates when i use what turned out to be my very powerful social media, over 100 million. i can go around them. pete: speaking going around them, we go around them going to the diners asking them what their opinion is. we have todd piro there down in miami talking to the people. what have you got for us, todd? reporter: pete, so well usaid. president comes down to miami later on today, before he gets here i talk to the people. we start with francisco the accountant. what do you do? >> i help people save money on their taxes.
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reporter: shocking because you're accountant. even though you're a accountant you want to see simpler tax code. >> absolutely. simpler tax code and reduction in tax rate. putting money in people's pocket help the economy, spending more money with some savings. reporter: president just tweeted. are you a fan of the president's tweets. should he chill out on the tweets. what do you think? >> i think sometimes he overdoes it but bypasses mainstream media. reporter: francisco the accountant, we go over to rick. he does marine supply. when the president saw in office, he saw a bump in his business. now he doesn't see that anymore. why you do you think that it is? >> he doesn't have, doesn't have the respect in office. he has so much defense, that he is not getting done what he set out to do. reporter: specifically you said when we were talking earlier you blame the d.c. establishment for obstructing what he is trying to do. >> it is embarrassing. reporter: talk to me about that.
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>> look what is going on. some people didn't like obama took office but we didn't riot in the streets. we have groups forming. somebody is paying the groups to put these on. it is embarrassing to see what is happening. reporter: rick, thank you for insight. finnish with sandy, retired teacher. health care is the big issue. why? >> because it is unaffordable. they haven't done what they should. it is two-tire system, wealthy get really good health care and we don't. i will go on obamacare when obama did. reporter: do you think the president will change that. >> yes i do. reporter: why? >> i believe he is gonna he is putting things in there. he will allow preexisting conditions. i think people are trashing what they said before they really know what it is going to be. reporter: thank you very much. thank you all here at cozy corner. cozy corner, can we get a shoutout? [cheering] what a great time we had. toss it back to new york. enjoy charlie daniels, guys.
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steve: we'll do that. todd, thank you very much. >> coming up next, the moment we've been waiting for. charlie daniels will perform the devil went down to georgia. pete: oh, yeah. ♪ hi. when you clock out, i'll clock in... sensing and automatically adjusting to your every move. there. i can even warm these. does your bed do that? i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. ♪ to err is human. to anticipate is lexus. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. will you be rey when the moment turns romantic? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines,
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ainsley: powerful moments from washington as lawmakers from both sides of the aisle come together to honor those wounded in wednesday's shooting. vow things will be different moving forward. we have update on victims. will anyone be held responsible this time. join me and kelly wright at the top of the hour.
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steve: all right, folks, he has a new book coming out in october. it is called, "never look at the empty seats." not having that problem. all american summer concert series brought to you by keurig. [cheers and applause] ainsley: having all of you here. thank you. charlie daniels. ♪ . ♪ well the devil went down to georgia, looking for a sole to steal, he was in a behind, he was way behind willing to make a deal, he came across this young man, with a fiddle playing hot and devil jumped on hickory stomach be, boy tell you what. i'm a fiddle player, you care to take a dare i make a bet with you, you play a pretty good citied dill, give the devil his due, i bet this fiddle of gold
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that i'm better than you ♪ >> i will take that bet because i'm the best there ever has been. ♪ ♪ but if you lose the deaf develop gets your soul. ♪ devil gets your soul ♪. >> devil opened up the cage, i will start this show with fire, and rosined up his bow and pulled bow across the strings and made a evil his. band of demons joined, made something sound like this ♪ ♪
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he said he knew he had been beat, he laid the golden fiddle down on ground at johnny's feet, johnny said, devil, just come on back, i done told you again, you son of a gun, i'm the best there's ever been ♪ ♪ chicken in the bred pan picking out dough, granny will your dog bite, no child, no ♪. ♪ [cheering] what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community
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>> well, it feels like it's supposed to rain but it hasn't. who is having a great time? [cheers and applause] >> do you the song the devil went down to georgia, what made you write that far? what is the answer? speak up had everything but a song that just went great. >> what is it me the devil went down to georgia? >> is just one of those poetic sort of things. you can't say the devil went down to new hampshire. i don't have girlfriends like that. >> tell us about your book that comes out in october? >> comes out december 24th: "never look at the empty seats." >> we have a lot of acts that come here and they take a break when we are not on tv, this guy has played for over an hour. we love you! >> what is your secret? you are 80 years old.
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>> i am doing what i love. pick something what you want to do. >> you know how you can all say thank you to charlie daniels today, download some of his music. >> martha: congressman steve scalise still in critical condition after this hour. the lawmakers came together cancel at unity at last that's congressional baseball game in honor of the majority whip. democrats and republicans coming together and pray for those who perished in wednesday's attack. listen to that beautiful rendition of a national anthem as well. good morning. >> good to be with you as always i am kelly wright in for bill hemmer. a crowd nearly 25,000 gathered to watch the game, which raised more than $1 million for charity. many people holding up strong size as lawmakers morel is you have to honor his home state. the
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