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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  June 17, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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remember, i'm watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: right now on "justice." >> i am canceling the last administration's completely one-sided deal with cuba. the secretary of state rex tillerson and i were able to get otto warmbier back with his parents. judge jeanine: while the establishment bands together to take him down. who's in on it? tough talk from the speaker. >> now we know the degree to which joe is a prostitute.
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judge jeanine: newt gingrich offers some critical advice for the president. >> it's first amendment. it's freedom of speech. jenna: i talk to people waiting in line for shakespeare in the park. i ask them why they want to see a play where a president trump look alike is murdered on stage. judge jeanine: fit was hillary would you be offended? >> yes. judge jeanine: oh, those liberals double standards. "justice with judge jeanine" starts now. thanks for being with us tonight. speaker of the house youth gingrich and congressman ron desantis but this street justice
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in shakespeare in the park. there is something that's not being talked about, and right now it's the biggest danger to our country. a subtle plot by the gop to help bring down the president of the united states and bring the establishment back into power. the belief if done quickly enough they will still be in power and there will be sufficient time to promote their favorite son as candidate for president in 2020. and the democrats whether you like them or not are doing their job, they are fighting, they are resisting, and they are all on one page. other than newt gingrich, few if any republican politicians are vociferously supporting their president. can you think who in the republican establishment is
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outraged with what is going on with their president. and whether republicans agree with donald trump or not, that's their job. now, i'm not convinced all democrats necessarily believe the hogwash they are spouting. but they are doing whatever is necessary to destroy donald trump. and they are in unison as the republicans simply watch the democrats railroad their president. so i ask myself, why, why would republicans lie down when they have the right house, the senate, and the house? curiously it's the same question i asked during the runup to the presidential election. so i say to myself, self, why would republicans try to sabotage their own frontrunner and risk a democrat winning the white house? and i keep coming up with the same answer.
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the republicans establishment, elected officials and party leaders are in bed with the democrats. if hillary wins, nothing lost for them. it's business as usual. how sweet it is. the republican establishment not fighting for the commander-in-chief as day after day necessity watch him being savaged, forcing him to defend himself and run the country. think about it. if he's knocked out, the succession is clear and things go back to the way they were. no? then where was the outrage when kathy griffin proudly holds the bloody decapitated head of the president. where is the outrage where shakespeare in the park a donald trump look alike is stabbed to death.
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where is the outrage when the left savaged the right whether it be in berkeley or a ballpark in virginia. instead establishment politicians agree to play ball. a metaphor for factly what's -- exactly what's going on in warn. where is the outrage when the left clouds with the press. or james comey leaks information to the press to get a literal comrade in arms during the bush administration to do the deed. special counsel is supposed to assess comey's credibility versus the president's credibility. would you say the conflict, would you say that's an automatic disqualification given their personal and political relationship? and mueller, you think he's supporting people who also
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support democrats, but dig deep into their pockets to give to the democrats. one actually worked for the clinton foundation. you don't think these people have an agenda. listen up, republicans. you are the ones in power. where is the investigation of bill clinton meeting with the attorney general loretta lynch days before her scheduled meeting with the f.b.i.? and days after that, the target hillary comes out and says, i'll keep loretta lynch as attorney general. talk about in your face, pay-to-play. put loretta lynch under oath and find out why no grand jury was even empanelled regarding our classified document? possible diversion of our democracy. there is evidence bill clinton wanted to quash hillary clinton's investigation. certainly more than the pathetic
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we are going to find collusion between donald trump and the russians. where is the investigation of the clinton foundation, a criminal end prize. a hell of a lot more than the hope of finding collusion between donald trump and the russians. you want to talk russia? let's talk about russia. let's talk about the sale of 20% of our uranium to russia and hillary clinton signing off on the deal. the clinton foundation with that slush fund and hillary clinton receiving $140 million and bill clinton getting twice and triple is normal speech fee. you are empowered. do something, pass something, cut this kumbaya wrap, put on your big boy pants and act like you are in power and give a damn. more importantly convince us that you are not in on the
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effort to take down the president of the united states. and that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter at #judgejeanine. the congressman, am i wrong? >> well, i have got to tell you, if you look at what's been going on in the congress with this russia investigation, if you want to look at what russia is up to, fine. but as you point out, this has been going on for months and months and there is no evidence of any type of quote unnote collusion. there is no reason why there would have been any collusion, and there has been more subpoenas issued by the republican congress for that investigation than there was for the benghazi and clinton foundation matters combined. so i think we have to either put
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up or shut up. if the committees don't have any evidence of this, i think we can probably find better use of our time. judge jeanine: you can impanel a grand jury on a moment's in the. i used to do it all the time. the statute of limitations hasn't passed on a lot of the stuff the clintons did. i don't understand why republican elected officials are not fighting harder, not dragging loretta lynch in before a committee. and i know trey gowdy, trey will be in charge of oversight and government reform. he's a former prosecutor. he's the best. >> even dianne feinstein, a liberal democrat from california said this is very troubling. it's frustrating because there was no special counsel appointed for the clinton email case when bill clinton meeting with
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loretta lynch. talking about keeping her on as attorney general. yet we have a special counsel for the russia matter where there wasn't even a crime identified in the special counsel regulations require that. judge jeanine: collusion is not a crime. but i want to move on. you had a rough week. you were at that ballgame. you spoke to the shooter. >> this is a guy that came up to me and jeff on duncan. the shooter had a list and jeff duncan was on that list. he wanted to know if there were republicans or democrats out there and jeff told him it was the republican team. he walked toward the field and five minute later began to shoot. this guy appreciated what he was asking us. he responded. i think he was unhinged in a
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mitt cal sense and filled with range -- in a political sense. and unhinged politically, but he was at that ballpark to kill as many republicans as he could. judge jeanine: i tried enough murder cases that crazy based on what you are telling me, the guy was focused, he had an agenda, he connected it to reality. would you say that? >> yeah, look. he had a left-wing ideology, and that in some way is politically crazy. but in a legal sense that ideology was driving him to attempt a mass murder. it's not that this is just some nut. he was on facebook on that terminate republicans facebook group. after the shooting one of the members of that group posted a
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photographic that said 1, 2, 3 thought you are out at the old ballgame and there were people liking that on facebook. there were members of that group that approved of what he did. judge jeanine: you believe a list of the other congressmen the shooter had was a kill list? >> to me that's the most reasonable inference given everything else we know by the, and given this guy's views. given he was interested in confirming they were republicans on that field. i talked to congressman duncan about it. if the shooter had his pistol on him when he walked up to our vehicle, he could have taken out jeff in the front seat. he could have taken out jeff's staffer thomas who was driving and taken out me in the back seat. it would have take and few seconds to do that. judge jeanine: do you at least
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want the ability to carry? >> this is a situation where you had so many congressmen in one spot. i think those situations we may have to look different at. but at the end of the day, i don't want congressmen to be in a bubble. we have to beer act with people. and i hope in a society people like hodgkinson and their lawny- their loony behavior, that we are identifying them. judge jeanine: i doubt we'll be able to and we have to realize where the case stems from, the left-wing ideology. earlier i spoke with former speaker of the house and fox news contributor newt gingrich about the mueller investigation and why he agrees with president trump that it's clearly a witch hunt. take a look.
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so the post thursday morning says trump's actions are now the focus of the special counsel mueller. based on anonymous resources they say our president is under investigation. what's interesting is late that same day thursday rod rosenstein says we have to exercise caution in assessing the veracity of some of these stories. and the f.b.i. and the justice department doesn't confirm or deny the truthfulness of stories like this. that tells me that maybe rosenstein is saying don't be so sure he's under investigation. what does it tell you? >> it doesn't tell me anything. you know, if he's not under investigation, why can't rosenstein say it? here we are back to where comey was. apparently over and over again trump was told privately you are not under investigation. but nobody will officially admit
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it. so "the washington post" and the "new york times," cnn can all go about smearing the president and using anonymous sources who are ostensibly government officials. judge jeanine: ways amazing to me, i'm not really sure whether the president is under investigation. we have among us in sources, then the head of the justice department for all intents and purposes. and then the president comes out and he says friday morning, he says, i'm being investigated for firing the f.b.i. director by the man who told me to fire the f.b.i. director. so if you are reading the tea leaves, he says he's under investigation. but then we have a report saying he wasn't confirming or denying he's under investigation. why is this going on in washington? >> because they hate trump. this is not a complicated story.
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on election night at 8:00 everybody on the left thought they were about to elect hillary. she was going to finish the job obama started. they were going to use the power of the government to finish radicalizing america. at 11:00 they realized she lost to donald j. trump, and donald j. trump represents the end of their world. 97% of the people at justice who donated, donated to hillary clinton. 97-3. guess what that culture is like. judge jeanine: i get that. but as you look at this, you say jim comey testified when he left the f.b.i., the president was not under investigation. that we get from him under oath. then he says he leaks information so we can get the special counsel. now there are leaks that the president is under investigation. that tells me mueller's
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operation is no better than comey's and there are leaks, assuming they are even true. and what's even worse is mueller and jim comey are like this. they always have been. how can we have a special counsel assisting the -- assessing the credibility of two major witnesses who is pals with jim comey? >> to the degree comey is involved, mulier in theory should -- mueller in theory should recuse himself. you cannot investigate somebody you are a personal friend of. that's why this whole thing is so absurd. comey's past experience under bush. when comey appointed the godfather to his children as a special investigator in the valerie plame case, knowing there was no crime and knew who leaked, and they did so for the
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purpose of going after dick cheney. this whole thing is sick and we ought to understand how sick it is. if you look at who mueller is hiring, it gets even sicker. judge jeanine: the speaker gets tough on his critics. hear who he likened to a prostitute coming up a little later. next amy holmes is here live. we'll talk more about the people trying to take down the president. later, street justice asked why a president trump look alike being stabbed to death is appropriate for shakespeare in the park. justice rolls on in a moment. >> i think they always try to push the envelope a little bit. that's what they are doing. i never miss an early morning market.
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expressed his anger towards partisan politics. amy, good to have you on "justice." the rise in the violence on the left. is this something that is exaser waited in recent times or is this something we have been watching? >> i think we have been watching it grow. the wall street -- occupy wall street protesters were engaged in violence. but they toll rated it because they thought it was leading to the same ideological end. but occupy in many parts of the country was a very violent movement. that was an attack on property. now we are seeing an attack on life and liberty. judge jeanine: with occupy wall street and now as we move towards more violence on the
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left, the left always criticized the tea party. they were violent, and they were rerednecks and rebels. i can't think of one thing a tea partymen member did. once they called someone a name. >> in the campaign there was so much rhetoric that donald trump is using rhetoric that could lead to. the violence we are experiencing is on the left. i think a part of that is because of this entrenched mindset that the november election was illegitimate. there was an idea on the left from the day donald trump was elected that they want to get him out of office by every means possible. those people on the fringes, they hear this constant drum beat that donald trump is not a legitimate president. that he's a mortal danger. if you want to get rid of evil. judge jeanine: they think you
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will be an american hero if you take him down. >> when you think your opposition is not only wrong, but evil, wouldn't that inspire you to eradicate that evil? jean * they come out and say even though this guy hated donald trump. we know he did. he had an agenda. he used to march against donald trump. >> he had a hit list. judge jeanine: i call it a kill list. people on the left are saying maybe he wanted to have a meeting with these congressmen. >> he hoped the body counted would be higher, and i don't know if he knew there would be capitol hill this fighting back. he might have those would survive this massacre and go on to commit more. judge jeanine: jared lawer in wa -- jaredloughner was a parand
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schizophrenic. >> we saw there was premeditated planning. he knew there would be baseball practice at 7:00 in the morning. this is not someone with voices in his head telling him to do that. he committed political assassination. his neighbor called him some harsh language calling him an angry little [bleep]. judge jeanine: all those congress people there have seen the face of death i'm sure closer than ever before in their lives. i wonder in spite of this kumbaya role coming together, i wonder if they will be even less vocal in their support of what they believe in for fear they will be victims.
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as the left becomes more empowered, the right becomes more silent. >> i hope not. i hope there are people in political office and public life and private life that are willing to stands up. my cousin is going to evergreen state college and regards herself as a liberal. but she signed an open letter against all this bullying and viciousness she seize happening on campus and i'm proud of her. judge jeanine: i want to thank you, amy for being with us. and stretch justice is still ahead. plus part two of my interview with newt gingrich. hear his advice for president trump about tweeting. donald trump, shakespeare, liberal takedown. we'll get into all of it with our panel. "justice with judge jeanine" rolls on.
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reporter: house majority whip steve scalise continues to improve after a shooting left him critically injured. his condition has been upgrade to serious. he's more responsive and is speak with loved ones. the area around the baseball field where scalise and others were injured tuesday is back open. the filed self will stay closed until -- the field itself will remain closed until tomorrow. british prime minister theresa may is trying to quell criticism of her handling of the apartment building disaster. she set up a $6 million emergency fund for families affected. i'm robert gray, now back to the judge.
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judge jeanine: we have a lot to talk about with my panel. joining me the american union chairman matt schlapp and chris hahn. i want to stay with the topic a little bit. i'm concerned about the acceptance of the violent rhetoric on the left. chris, please tell me you are as well. >> i don't like violent rhetoric at all, judge. i didn't like it when it was aimed at president obama, and i don't like it with it many aimed at president trump. we can be opposed to each other in a civil way. i have been arguing with you for 8 years, judge, but i love ya, the same to you, matt. judge jeanine: you love matt? >> sure. maybe it's because i'm with the
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aclu. judge jeanine: here is my concern. my concern is everybody is talking a big game. i'm not going to say they are going to laugh. but my concern is this. as the right is being silenced in ways that we are unfamiliar with from the burning of a building to an attempt from the police standdown and no arrests made there to the kathy griffin to all this craziness. where do you think this ends? >> i think the culture is in a bad spot. i think we lots ability to have respectful discourse. i'm going to say something that won't surprise a lot of people it's a bigger problem on the left. i think they think donald trump is an illegitimate president. i think they think there are no boundaries. one rodeo clown had an obama reference in his costume and
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there was a nationwide outpouring for it to stop. that wasn't even about murdering or death. any democrat should immediately stop this. chris, you need to call them out. chris: matt, i know matt was alive and debate on this show the last 8 years. there was a lot of vitriol on the right. matt: not from me. judge jeanine: give me an example of the right being as outrageous as the left holding a decap ited head of the president and stephen colbert saying the president is a [bleep] southeast. >> it's motor city madness and you want to take a gun to the united states when he was visiting this president of the
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united states in the white house. what about ted nugent. matt: he apologized. chris: so have a lot of other people. as for this shakespeare thing. judge jeanine: i don't want to forget what happened the last 8 years. that's why donald trump is president. matt: kathy givein did not apologize. she says she is a victim. the country should not be having this type of rhetoric where we can't respect each other. judge jeanine: all want is for the violence to stop. all i want is for people not to think they will be a hero if they kill a congressman or a president. >> you will get no argument from me. it's horrible that anyone would think violence solves anything.
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to the point of that play you'll was caesar. that's the point of the play. in 1789 they performed that play. it's the way that play gets performed. it goes to the point violence doesn't stop hazing. judge jeanine: george washington was modernized in julius caesar? so to get to trump they skipped over everybody else? chris: what i'm trying to say is almost every president, including obama has been portrayed as julius caesar in a production of julius caesar. there was a obama impersonator in minnesota doing this during his term in office. judge jeanine: go ahead, matt. matt: we have to call out when the rhetoric is too hot. judge jeanine: we do call out
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and they say free speech. matt: i'm okay with free speech but you have to have responsibility for what you say. you have to take responsibility. and these left-wing hothead encouraging people across the country to take violent steps, it has a bad consequence. judge jeanine: it doesn't have any consequence. chris: i get attacked on twitter in ways that would turn your stomach by people on the right. so let's cool it. judge jeanine: i get trashed, too, all the time. chris: it's wrong for it to happen. i agree with you. we should stop with this violent rhetoric. matt: there is nothing like this we have seen in the age of trump. a complete disrespect and disregard and the laughter about
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the disgusting violent acts and it has to stop. there should be respect for our government officials. people were almost killed because people's rhetoric is out of control. judge jeanine: ron desantis talked about how they are saying one down, x number to go, and people like it on facebook and websites. chris: there are idiots everywhere. there are trolls on the internet that say thing they would never say to your face. matt: i think we can do better than this. i am hoping that all of our elected officials can be responsible and all of us on tv can make sure we are talking about -- judge jeanine: chris, should congressmen be able to carry guns? and women? chris: i think if they are
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properly licenses and insured, yes. judge jeanine: the three of us agree. thanks for being with us tonight. newt gingrich with tough talk for his critics and interesting advice for the president. part two of my interview next. radio: scorching heat today, stay cool out there! [ barks ] walter! stop suffering with hot ac. cool it yourself with a/c pro. in just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro.
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ian * welcome back to "justice." part two of my interview with former house speaker newt gingrich. we talked about all the holes in the so-called investigation into the white house. i don't know if this is reflective of the left before it remind me of benghazi where hillary clinton and the state department said we want these two individual to run the
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investigation. we know they are clinton pals and they never even talk to hillary because they are conflicted. >> one of the people mueller has hired actually worked for the clinton foundation fighting freedom of information act requests. why don't you have the person defending the clinton foundation. judge jeanine: the whole thing is not making sense. do you think the president is overreacting. do you think he should just stop getting in the middle of this stuff? >> if the president set a goal of spending the next 30 days tweeting about positive things, the great reforms in the veterans administration. the great thing he want to do for infrastructure. and for 30 days sayy not going to send out a single negative tweet he would be 100% better
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off than continuing down the road he's on. judge jeanine: who tells him not to tweet anymore. >> you and i just did. judge jeanine: when you come out and speak on his behalf,ed the world from speaker gingrich's view, then you have got a jill scarborough saying what is the price of an ambassadorship because your wife is being nominated to be ambassador to the vatican, this is payback because your wife is getting this. >> now we know to what degree joe is a prostitute that he would do that. i wouldn't. my record of being for trump is clear. i just wrote a booed called "understanding trump," i'm deeply committed to his presidency because i think we need to shake up washington.
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there is a long continuum for my support for reagan to the contract with america to donald trump. i would challenge dzhokhar borrow who knows me pretty well to be honest about this. judge jeanine: if i want to understand donald trump why do i buy this book? >> as somebody who knows him pretty well, i studied him. i advised him through the first six months of his presidency and this is a real effort to be tough minded but fair and try to understand, this is the most i think unusual president since andrew jackson. he's a very disruptive figure which is good, but he's very different because he's not just a businessman, he's an entrepreneur. he gets up in the morning, he wants to do something big. he wants to do something exciting. if you watch him, what they just did at the veterans administration is extraordinary. thing people have been trying tore 15 years couldn't get done.
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donald trump is getting them done. judge jeanine: if you can help him and you are being criticized for helping him. aside from the book. the media and the press are not going to let up. >> i learned when i was speaker if they couldn't defeat the argument they would try to destroy the debater. so the goal was to destroy me personally because they couldn't bites on the issues. i fully expect trump to triumph, get re-elected and change the country. judge jeanine: thanks so much for joining us. trees "justice" from shakespeaee in the park next.
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judge jeanine: high drama on the shakespeare in the park stage. a woman stored the stage and started yelling at the actors. they depict caesar as a president trump look-alike who is stabbed to death object stage. before that show i headed to central park asking people waiting in line to see wait they thought about the controversy. i'm here in central park where
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shakespeare in the park is airing julius caesar with a donald trump look alike who is stabbed to death in front of an applauding audience. let's find out what people thi think. >> it's controversial and it's always good. judge jeanine: you don't have a problem with them depicting a donald trump look alike? >> they always try to push the envelope a little and that's what they are doing. >> these are volatile times in the country. but as far as freedom of speech or satire and so many different layers of self expression for a artistic endeavor, it depends on your perspective. judge jeanine: you don't have a problem with this? >> no, not at all. it may be very provocative. but for some it's a form of entertainment and self-expression.
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>> do you think it's appropriate they have a double of donald trump being stabbed to death. >> it doesn't matter. i just want to see my play. judge jeanine: if they did that to hillary would you be offended? >> yes. >> hillary is the bomb. judge jeanine: are you going to see shakespeare in the park? they have that play julius caesar shakespeare in the park and they take a look alike of donald trump and stab him to death. do you think that's appropriate? >> of course not. judge jeanine: when we went to central park people were so in favor of this. are they from another planet? >> no, they are from new york. judge jeanine: but you came back from central park, they have a look alike donald trump, they stab to death, people cheer. what do you think of that? >> terrible. i think he's a great president. >> with all the crazy stuff
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going on in the world, that's not a good look. regardless of whether you like him, that's not a good look. >> that's a little morbid. i respect the roll of the -- the role of the presidency and it doesn't fly for me. it's tragic that that's what our country is becoming in many ways. judge jeanine: why do people want to see that? >> i guess they have nothing better else to do. it's ridiculous. and we want me to pay for the arts? i'm sorry. >> it's sick. it's encouraging violence against republicans. shootings. there will be more of that. it's scary. >> people have dank the kool-aid and they don't even read the paper and know what's going on. i take the train for 0 years, you used to see people reading. now nobody is reading. judge jeanine: do you think if
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that was done the obama they would cheer? >> absolutely no. judge jeanine: we'll be right back. [man] you know how every neighborhood has
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see you next week same time same place. ♪ ♪ >> i don't personally know, i don't have a relationship with any of the senators on the intelligence committee. if you do, send them health food and vitamins. some of those creepy green juices or something. >> what is going on over there. [applause] [applause] the shock of wednesday's shooting had barely worn off before the fingers started


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