tv The Five FOX News June 20, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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haven't already. but more than anything, stay tuned for "the five," they are live in new york next. >> hello everyone, i am kimberly, we begin with some very upsetting news tonight. otto warmbier, the american who was just released by north korea after nearly a year and a half, has died. he passed away earlier after he was sent home in a vegetative state by the regime last week. otto was only 22 years old. our prayers are with his family and to all who loved him and prayed that he would return safely. holding a news conference on his son's release. he didn't hold back his anger at north korea, however, for terrorizing his son. >> he was so brutally treated, for so long. there is no excuse for any
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civilized nation to have kept his condition secret and denied him top-notch medical care. there is no excuse for the way that the north koreans treated our son. >> kimberly: that is really heartbreaking and outrageous. president trump addressed this this afternoon. >> i just wanted to pass on the word that otto warmbier has just passed away. he spends of the year and a half in north korea, a lot of bad things happened, but at least we got him home to be with his parents, where they were so happy to see him, even though he was in very tough condition, but he just passed away a little while ago. it is a brutal regime, and we will be able to handle it. >> kimberly: secretary of state, rex and tillerson helped bring him home, and he issued a statement saying that's the
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holds north korea liable, it demands to release the three other americans who are being illegally detained. when this news broke yesterday, obviously incredibly heartbreaking, so imagine what his family has gone through, they were not able to receive word of their son for over a year's period of time, then to learn that his fate has fallen into the direct hands of this brutal regime, i don't think there can be any peace for them for what has happened here to their son, and there really shouldn't be for any of us, as americans because of what transpired. >> greg: it was a year and a half, execution, it was a cruel prank to play on grieving parents, and the only reason why they return to him, i would imagine, is because they didn't want to hold him in custody, you may think that that was out of compassion or fear, they just didn't want to pay the bills. i think that's they dumped him like garbage, and there has to be a way to make them pay, and i have been thinking about this for a long time, you know we
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have this executive order, banning assassinations, rewrite it, i mean that is the first step. kill him so it makes him look like natural causes, removes confrontation, and perhaps open talks, or you do the other thing, which may be the only solution, which is you just kind of let it go, treat north korea like that weird house in your neighborhood, that your parents they don't go by that house, whatever you do, don't go in that house, it's a strange family, they do weird things, steer clear across the street, don't go near it, it is the weird haunted house on planet earth, and you don't go near it, you just wait and wait and wait until time -- may be the guy's heart goes out, natural causes, who knows? >> kimberly: so obviously, kim jong-un, a brutal dictator, the blood of otto warmbier is on his hands. this is a regime that i think something needs to be done.
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i think he is too dangerous, i don't think that we can just wait for him to expire from natural causes, but i think if you talk to people and ask them about security, our biggest concern is north korea and their nuclear proliferation and their ability to make things happen. >> dana: unlike when we were kids, the house on the corner that nobody wants to go by, they now have nuclear weapons. so it has to be dealt with in some way, the email do guys earlier about chiron wanting the nuclear weapons, there is a plot of chiron trying to get it, how long are we willing to put up with it before we stop it. i don't think that was working, and now we have a situation which i think is more dire and more sinister, one of the things that secretary tillerson said is that it was unjust president, he did go as far as to say at the koreans are responsible for the
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murder of mr. warmbier. now marco rubio who was on the committee, he said make no mistake, warmbier was murdered by the north korean regime, so that clock on our end, there will be pressure to try to even it up, i think that president trump is well guided by mcmasters, tillerson, and lots of other people. but we also get to the question of what do we do with china, and the question of how long are we willing to be patient with china before they start doing something? there was an article in "the new york times" over the weekend that said basically they are just slow walking the pressure that president trump asked them to put on north korea, that they are just sort of waiting, and so i think that is where you will see the next step is where tillerson is pressing through china. >> kimberly: we have leverage in china, these sony things, it things they deserve justice for, an american was murdered at the hands of north korea. >> greg: we need to accelerate on china to make anything
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happen. this was an act of war, and i think president trump needs to respond accordingly. it was premeditated, it was savage, it was humiliating, and it was depraved, it was disgusting. and what happens in a hostage situation? the guys start killing the hostages, that's when the team goes in and takes action. i don't know if you have to do it overtly or covertly or what, but it's not just this, when they are test firing missiles, when they are training, and you know, causing chaos with their neighbors, something has to be done here because right now, i guess a coup is potentially on the table, they have these war games, we see the detect dumb i could decapitation squad, they will also go after the leadership that is very targeted and ineffective way, there were reports that a special operator was doing the war games with the
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south koreans, uss michigan, off the coast of their that helps transport these field teams, you know, that is on the table, and i think it came needs to understand that it is on the table because i think president trump, and i haven't ever seen him that a disturbed or emotional in a very long time during those remarks were there. i am sure he takes this personally. and you know, he had a huge hand in bringing otto back, and so now that success is really tarnished, so i really want to see a very stern response. >> dana: moore should have been done earlier, so the wait-and-see approach ends up in deadly results like this, and that is unacceptable in every way. >> greg: will come that just brings us to a really important point, we still have 20 prisoners being held. so you know, we set it and kind
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of an explicit way, they dumped him. they were getting rid of him. >> juan: it wasn't the result of something that hadn't been done previously, i think that trump has put more pressure, he tried to get the president of china to agree to something, he thought that meeting in april, that he had bought into the idea that you know it, this is a dangerous situation for the globe, for the world, and that the president would take action, well, he hasn't taken any action, despite the fact that trump held off on claims of current manipulation, he really thought that he had an ally, and so far, that ally has not acted. even people who are on the border with north korea and china say there has been nothing done in terms of stopping the trade that continues to feed money into this dictatorship. >> jesse: they did stop the coal shipments, that was a big success by the trump administration. >> juan: will, i don't see
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making any difference, and it to me, let me just stop here and it stopped with the politics for a second. about how when they brought his son home, the child could not seek or here, apparently, but just in terms of his countenance, the father said, he could see that that boy was more at peace, knowing he was back at home in ohio. >> kimberly: he had arrived, he had been in anguish. >> juan: it just hurt my heart to think of a data in that situation. >> kimberly: can you imagine going through that and thinking this is the last time that his beautiful son who had so much promise and was so well loved and regarded by so many, he will be greatly missed, he had a bright incredible future to provide for this country, and to be murdered like that by north korea, it is so grotesque and so upsetting. >> juan: they kept it secret from the family. >> kimberly: yes, i know.
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>> juan: his condition, they are trying to reach out to find out about their son, and they couldn't. they had no idea he was in the state. >> kimberly: there is no access or information, and the information now that we have is that he fell into this, and eventually he was in an unresponsive wakefulness, after sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. >> dana: i was going to ask that one of the things that kim jong il and said that he wants us to be receded to my stomach treated with respect by the world. they were all ignored in this case. there was no response to any of the request, there was no responsiveness to the treaties that are signed in terms of how do you deal with people around the world, and remember, they treated our citizen like this, they do it to their own, as well. there is like complete disregard for innocent life there. >> greg: is just after reagan
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thing that he sends those f-14's, intercepted during the the -- i don't know what the equivalent is there, i do know that growing up with the cold war, russia knew that we could kill them, and we knew that they could kill us. and the difference is that with north korea, we can kill them, but there is a 50/50 shot with them, and generally, it's more about the people around north korea that you worry about, so we are hamstrung in the sense of what do you do in a retaliation with brute force? so what is left, and that is covert or strategic maneuvers -- seems like the only way to go. >> jesse: and one of the last things i'd like to say, i think in syria what got president trump to act were those images of the children and the mothers that were gassed up by assad, those might be one of these same emotional moments that causes a reaction.
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hey you've gotta see this. c'mon. no. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote.
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♪ >> greg: is so well steve scalise the, offered her a hot take on how he got there, she offered scalise was a shot by a white man, and it saved by a black police officer, and yet -- she blamed the race of the shooter, didn't break up his beliefs, talk about racism, why would she do that? to avoid the shooter's beliefs? he was her network's biggest fan, but it is all a result of the left making politics personal, if you don't believe that the person is wrong, but evil, like i said before, then you can say or do anything. i'd say she dug a hole for herself with a tweet, but then she dug and entire plots. >> it is a delicate thing because you know, obviously, we are wishing him well and that he recovers, but steve scalise he
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has a history that we have all been sort of force to ignore on race. >> greg: you saw that but coming, right after the fake compassion, she kept going. >> he did have some controversy over attending a white nationalist event, which he said that he didn't know what it was. he also cosponsored a bill to amend the constitution to define marriage between a man and a woman, he voted for the house health care bills, which would get health care for millions of people, he cosponsored a bill to repeal automatic weapons, because he is in jeopardy and everyone is pulling for him, we are required in a moral sense to put that aside for a moment. >> greg: yet you are, joy, not that you are pulling for him. let me ask you this. a woman is raped. do you feel compelled to dredge? >> george tokai copied her. during baseball practice was a
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black lesbian so who was he -- he seemed surprised that the officer did her job. it is creepy. now maybe it is rude to point out how repugnant it is, but at least i am not doing it well joy or george are medical crisis. scalise may have been in a medically induced coma, but these people are the immoral ones. what is the need -- like on twitter -- but what is the need to register a hot take right afterwards? >> dana: that is what i was going to ask you, can we been -- to be word hot take? that is a punk band from the 70s. >> dana: he was playing it for joy ann reid. this is what is interesting, everybody seems to think that
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they can speak on behalf of of the officer, and she has been very quiet, right? so why don't we let her recover and speak when she wants to? law enforcement always does his job. they do their job, regardless of politics of any sort, and believe me, you can actually work and do your job, even if you disagree with someone who is sitting with you. here we are, all doing it every night. it is not impossible to do. >> greg: i'm sure, juan, if i fell over, you would give me mouth to mouth resuscitation. >> juan: that's true. >> juan: i can tell by dana's laugh -- >> dana: i don't like that. >> kimberly: everyone always says that. >> greg: i thought it was weird that he pointed out the race of the shooter, and not his beliefs, why does he have to be a white shooter? >> juan: well, i think we live in such a racial country, that
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if the shooter had been black or an immigrant or hispanic or something, then everyone would say oh, my god, so from the left, we have joy ann reid to saying this is our reaction, quite different, and we are going to point out that the two cops involved were black people, who saves the way person. >> greg: i set out of the ordinary? >> juan: i appreciate your point because in the middle of the campaign last year with donald trump, one trumpet brought of the hispanic heritage of a judge, guess what? all of a sudden, you saw paul ryan safe you know what? when you say that someone can't do their job because of their race, that is the definition of racism. this is when you say a cop can do his job because he's black or she is black, or she is of a different racial or sexual orientation, that's crazy. >> greg: she is calling this copy black lesbian. how demeaning is that? oh, the black lesbian shot the
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white congressman. that is not how people speak. i don't think the police officer would like to hear herself described on national television as the black lesbian. to msnbc to turn a partisan political assassination into democratic identity politics. >> jesse: it's like when there is a surgeon, they bring someone into the e.r. room, it doesn't matter if the guy is a racist, if the guy is a republican, if he's canadian, it doesn't matter. >> greg: canadian? >> jesse: they are there to save their life. justice should be blind here. >> dana: the emts on the scene they tried to save the shooter's life. >> greg: exactly. i have a problem with that, but go ahead, kimberly. >> kimberly: her patriotism, her dedication, it has nothing to do with her gender or sexual identity. it is demeaning that joy did that. she is actually an example of the problem that exists in this
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country. when you see something like this where the left always -- they don't want to identify anybody by you know, sexual or gender identity, but here it is like oh, no, they want to call people out. they want to label them, they want to box them, they want to confine them because it is politically expedient for their argument. >> greg: you know, you can adjust sense what joy and it took and what everyone else, how excited were they when they found out that the police officer was a black lesbian? >> dana: you know what was kind of annoying about it was that that whole thing was going around on twitter for two days, that is not something that we are going to say, you give them two days before she was the first one to do it. >> greg: i don't know why they are treating scalise like this. >> dana: the good news is that he is improving. >> greg: they had him in a medically induced, and they brought him out. he is getting there. >> dana: they said he has a
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chance of an excellent recovery. >> kimberly: the doctors and the nurses are doing a good job. >> greg: we should find out what their identity as before complementing them. that is what msnbc would want. we need to determine the gender. >> dana: charming, nonetheless. >> greg: is the rest of the investigation becoming too political? that is next. ♪
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♪ >> jesse: president trump has made no secret, he finds this investigation into the collision with russia, calling its a witch hunt again on twitter over the weekend. no incriminating evidence has emerged, but that has not stopped some in the mainstream media from speculating that trump's job is in danger. >> trump has been in office for
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less than five months, and it is fair to say that his presidency is now in some peril. >> jesse: legal scholar is raising questions about the politics of this. >> this is becoming very political, when you have the justice department on both sides, prosecuting the president, also serving as defense witnesses. we have to stop criminalizing political differences. >> jesse: and here is newt gingrich on what's we might be doing with all these leaks. >> now they are not talking about the russians, obstruction, now finances, if you really believe this, and i said yesterday, we have two more leaks like this, they're going to have to investigate a special counsel to investigate the special counsel. >> jesse: so one of the things that has been going around in the circles, there is a difference between obstructing justice, and then there is donald trump saying hey guys, no evidence of collusion, never talk to the russians, i don't know anything about anything,
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everybody says not guilty of collusion, there is no evidence anywhere, what is going on with this? can you stop what is going on? isn't it just kind of someone trying to basically tell everyone to back off? >> kimberly: i don't know about that transcript he just gave, i don't know what you mean by that, the bottom line is that he is trying to -- that they are desperate to try to nail him with something, to delegitimize the presidency, to slow him down, to make him ineffective, the whole thing. it's quite obvious. when you hear people talking about it this far, no evidence of collusion, no evidence of obstruction of justice, they are just trying to find something to pin him within his administration, and the problem is the people that are suffering and losing the most out of the scum of the american taxpayers because on and on, you have these investigations, you have this money spent, and what are we going to have -- a special counsel to investigate the special counsel, it just seems like it is never-ending.
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like he said, potentially three months from now, we are going to put a rest to this, i am not confident at all that that is going to satiate their appetite for trying to destroy the 45th president of the united states. i mean, it is quite apparent to me. they will say or do anything, when you see the papers, very loose with their standards. and then they have to say that this isn't actually true, come forward with a another story, now they are going with obstruction of justice, even though the head of the fbi said that he didn't think that the president was trying to do this or throw them off course or obstruct justice. now we don't want to take him for his word under oath or whatever. >> greg: you have to admit that she has a good point about these leaks, the post comes out with a another leak about this bombshell saying that he is under investigation, his lawyer says that that is not true, the abc report says that that is also not sure, is this a another case of these leaks turning out to be wrong?
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>> juan: came on and said oh, no, you misinterpreted, the president didn't say this. he was reacting to the post story, but the president saying that this investigation, then chris wallace says wait a second, the president is under investigation, he went back and forth back and forth, and to the fact is that is not what he said and he should not say whether the present is under. what we know is as we point down the on the show as dana did last week, people who are involved are being asked to testify, and their lawyers and everybody else, so that is what is going on. the reality is, though, it is very difficult reality, this investigation is just getting started. he set about 20% and, and adam schiff, the congressman from california, said basically there is evidence, but not sufficient to present to anybody. there is just evidence to
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justify continuing the investigation. >> jesse: awaits, he says he doesn't believe there is any proof, he says that they haven't seen proof, and he says there is a little bit of a difference there, they just hired him on molars team, taking on the mob, some crime families, and merrill lynch, he is a pretty tenacious guy, he kind of operates, you know people say he has abused his prosecutorial -- he think the white house is getting a little nervous? >> dana: i hope not, i think everybody can focus on the fact that there is no evidence of collusion yes, let it go forward, we are turning on this, give this to a democrat five years ago, if it matters at all, one thing i would say, if you think you want to be in
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washington for a long time, while the first amendment protects political speech, and you are allowed to donate, even though you work for the government, i would suggest maybe not because then you will be called upon and you may be criticized like this. i don't know if they expected him to hire mr. magoo. remember, president trump says he hired the best people, maybe mueller is saying that he wants to do the same thing. >> jesse: gregor, anything? >> greg: well, it's interesting, mueller is hiring a lot of these guys because he doesn't think that there is anything there and he wants to make sure that everything is on the up and up, so it doesn't look like he hired a bunch of ringers or biased people. it wasn't my idea. the media keeps saying everything is a smoking gun, except when there is an actual smoking gun, like when there is a problem that you can actually assign blame to, like a real evil, whether it is gang crime or whatever.
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but they are so quick to call every conversation obstruction, when it is almost always objection and not obstruction, i think we need to get to the media in an auditorium and exercise their donald demons. i was thinking about this. in 1992, when bill clinton was elected, i spent a year on an irrational tear, i thought he was satan. i thought the world was going to end, and -- no i really thought this way. i hated him so much. i was 28, i was young and dumb and full of rage. and kind of like over time i realized he was president. i understand why people are so angry, but you've got to let it go. there is a great headline about mr. trump, "when trump is silent on twitter, it says a lot." so when he tweets, that is a bad thing, but when he doesn't, it's even worse.
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>> dana: will come back to "the five," shortly after midnight, a van plowed into a group of muslim worshipers in london. one group died, the others were injured. 47-year-old darren osborne, a white man from wales, motivated by revenge, authorities are investigating the attacks as an act of terrorism, and then a another terrorism investigation is ongoing in france. rammed his car into a police vehicle, only the attacker died, thankfully. in london, this is kind of an interesting thing, so remember
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the terrorist, he's to worship at the small skit, the government actually shut down this musket, and after a period of time, they reopen it, was really considered a model of assimilation, it was very sad that this mosque was the target, and was this possibly the beginning of what we might see as more backlash? >> greg: i don't think so. i think we can all agree that attacking innocent people is wrong, so we don't want to look at this as a ping-pong of this happens, okay, this terror attack happens, and then this response happens, because that's not how it works. it's kind of almost like a straight a vector, like an agen agent, it is a bad idea that spreads to the vulnerable, because the acts are so similar, you look at it that way, then you can figure out how to stop it, because who is doing it's the most, and where is this idea coming from? and is a coming because people aren't responding to the initial
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one correctly? i don't know, but it is interesting to me that when you talk about terror, people will tell you that this is rare. but one backlash happens, they will tell you it is common. i would like to say that -- i think it is very rare. >> dana: i think france in particular, they have seen a series of attacks as well, the amount of preparation into the money that has to go towards the resources, it could actually be quite exhausting for city and s resources, so we have to be in a position where we are fully funding any of the resources that we need over there. over there come over here, wherever it is. >> kimberly: there can't be any financial hesitation. and that is what the terrorists are counting on. they want to feed into the chaos, the destruction, the fear, financial instability that they will change our way of life, and that means that they
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win. it is incredibly difficult problem to deal with, we have seen over and over again that there were suggestions that certain people should have been more closely monitored, they were presented as those who may commit acts of, but then we have too few resources, and then you have the issue of balancing people's privacy, we want to maintain liberty and freedom, what do we want to lose at the expense of public safety and the loss of human life, and this is not a problem that is unique to the united states, it is all across europe, and the middle east, i don't think it is getting better in terms of what they are doing. you see some of these countries in europe that have been submissive in terms of multi-culture, not wanting to offend, assimilation, you bring up a great point. this was a mosque that was really trying to assimilate and be integrative into the community. it is awful that this happened.
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they tried to prevent them from harming the man who was committing this act of terror against them. i am telling you, people in europe should be really frustrated with this, london and in france particularly because they are getting hit over and over again, like a terror pinata, and it is so outrageous, they have to be doing a better job. >> dana: jesse, there were some people wondering why president trump didn't tweet about this because he had tweeted about other terrorist attacks, but not this one. any insight as to why? >> jesse: i don't have any insight into president trump's tweeting. i am very sorry. >> dana: i thought that was in your world. >> jesse: it is. he actually retweeted me recently, but you know it, obviously he's got a lot on his plate. and it would be wise for him to tweet something about that, maybe he is watching this show two nights. how are you doing, mr. president? i want to let greg talk about
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this, it's about motivation. i want to say first, obviously, the guy who perpetrated this attack is a sicko, and he deserves to rot in hell. when a muslim terrorist commits a heinous act like this, and everyone says he was motivated by radical islam, the left and never wants to say that. oh, no, we don't know what his motivation is. religion has nothing to do with it, but then one some christian guy from england perpetrates an act of terror against muslims, immediately, the left says it is islam a phobia, they are so quick to say that. i wish they would use that as their standard, this is actual islam a phobia. we actually found a concrete example of it. >> dana: and acting on it. >> juan: i appreciate this, there is no answer as to why trump wouldn't pick up on this because this is terror, and it is suggested that he is
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interested in one type of terror, and that is when we get into the back and forth, and this discussion takes us nowhere. it is a loser. the idea that innocent people worshiping should be attached, and if the guy is not only saved by a muslim, but then as he is leaving, screaming that he wished that he had killed more. >> dana: will this was a hate crime. we know that. >> kimberly: operators and classification, i will tell you this is a hate crime that was committed, and yes an act of domestic terror, but i would not say that the president doesn't care or think that this is a heinous crime that was committed, i would not try to go with that and say that. >> juan: you see other cases where he sees something that happens it doesn't fit to fit the right-wing of what terror is described to be, kimberly, and there is no response two or three dates later, apparently out of embarrassment. let me just say this, this is
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what happens with isis, they want this kind of thing because then it feeds into the idea that we should be recruiting. alienated muslims should be angry at the sky, and they should do something. that back-and-forth is self-destruction. >> dana: a new york theater put on a play, it took several into custody, but it w
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♪ put on a presentation of julius caesar that put on the assassination of a trump like character. there were protests and at least three arrests. >> he will be proud! >> he would be proud! >> juan: one of those taken into custody it was a pro-chum journalist. she tells her story tonight on hannity. >> you are going to delight in the assassination of our president? it is going to have a violent end. and why are they never trump are supporting me? well what do we have in common with the liberals?
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they haven't accepted it, the only way that that would be resolved if he was eradicated or taken out. >> juan: full interview, at 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight on hannity. watch it. greg, what do you make of this? is it fair to say from the liberal perspective, is this a son? speak to you of course. no one ever looks good when they are heckling or interrupting. if you don't like the art, make some of your own. i can't stand petition gatherers, people who are upset by speech, someone coming to make a speech, any effort to stop something, i find kind of upsetting. but the left has been doing this for decades, let them only look, but in this case, it is a win-win because the play is designed it to create this kind of disruption, and it is fulfilled so that the person gets to be on a tv show, and the play gets more notoriety, so it is a win-win. everybody wins. >> juan: is it hypocrisy when the rights of hey, we don't like people interrupting a conservative speak on campus, and then this happens?
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>> dana: we ran back-to-back segments on that last week, when there was something about this, something about free speech on college campuses, i am for free speech, but i would say that violent speech is not violence. in the more that you try to equate to violent speech with violence, the sooner you will get to actual violence on violence, which i'm not for. no one is for. >> juan: what you think, jesse? >> jesse: it was a misdemeanor, maybe not my style, maybe i would go around the outside and try to talk to people inside, but at the same time, an opportunity to protesting like this, because the left has been firebombing things, damaging property, holding up streets for the last decade, , and the media never covers it. a conservative yells at someone during a play, and it is like international news. >> juan: you had a film producer though who was filming this who has been cited to things like the pizza gates thing like in washington, does that bother you, kimberly?
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>> kimberly: i don't know about that, but i think it is very important to have and protect our first amendment freedoms, let them go and do this, if people want to go watch it and see and feel that it's portrayed the character as president trump and a sympathetic way, almost, in the end, so i guess it is ours. it is open to interpretation, i understand -- my objection to the play was just when the assassination attempt on the lead, that is just a such awful timing, and so that bothers me personally. so that i didn't like. >> jua once upon a time hansel and gretel came upon a house made out of gingerbread. being quite hungry, they started eating the roof. the homeowner was outraged. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped her with homeowners insurance. she got all her shingles replaced. hansel and gretel were last seen eating their way through the candy cane forest.
12:56 am
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>> it is time now for one more thing. >> greg: can you just do me a favor and show a picture of this? right? they never look like that when i put them on my bed, fitted sheets, it took me a half-hour to put on one sheet, they need to put an l for length and a w-4 with on the fitted sheets because i keep going around, and the other one pops of it gets loose on the other corner of the bed, i try to put that one on that one, and then the other one pops up. lays it on the bed, and my
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window is open, and all of my neighbors are looking at me, and i am immediately a superstar, i can't be humiliated. >> kimberly: one, did you have something to tell us? >> juan: to american music legends honored this week, one of them known for purple haze, the other for purple rain. the city honoring his native son who died in 1970, still one of the greatest guitars and rock guitar as ever, features a purple walkway, meanwhile, in minneapolis, the minnesota twins celebrated their own rock legend, prince. they handed out beautiful purple rain umbrellas, purple rain cover art during the seven inning stretch, it became a sea of purple rain. >> dana: , you go, kimberly. >> kimberly: i will save mine for tomorrow. >> dana: i think this
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accomplishment is important to identify "the new york post" published an editorial about an early success, close to 40 accused gang bangers in the city of long island last week. since january, long island have been linked to ms-13, great progress for this an notorious criminal enterprise. >> jesse: i just want to wish my dad had a belated happy father's day. i just want to let everyone know, dad, you some sunscreen. oh, my god, . >> kimberly: he looks like hannah dad. is that you? >> greg: he's a liberal, right right? no wonder he is red. >> kimberly: i don't have enough time to do mine, but it
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is about a dog that served in afghanistan, met up with his handler, i will show tomorrow. >> kimberly: never miss an >> i am james rubin. bret baier is on assignment and will join us shortly. the american student who fell into a coma in north korean custody and returned home last week has died. kristin fisher brings us the story, including allegations of physical abuse by the regime in pyongyang. >> this awful announcement came from warmbier's family. they say he died surrounded by his family. he invented in the state of unresponsive wakefulness ever since he was brought back from north korea last week. family says: "when otto returned to cincinnati late on june 13th he
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