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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 26, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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♪ >> greg: hello, i am greg gutfeld with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, jesse watters, and she bought her beach house from barbie in malibu, dana perino at "the five." ♪ the supreme court, those of the people on the left there, just okayed a version of the travel ban. if you are from 1 of 6 countries with no connection to someone here, you can't come. to start, i am okay with it. what i am not okay with are the knee-jerk to call any part of this band negative. this is somehow hateful, that is an emotional and not an intellectual response. because on paper, it's merely a pause that allows a review of visa applicants from lawless
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plans. although the aclu calls it a muslim ban, which is kind of weird considering that many muslim majority countries that are not on the list. why conflate radicals with all ormuslims? that bigotry, aclu, plain and simple. what's just as bad, those who criticize this without offering a single alternative but hugs and hashtags. it's my only question, do you have anything better, or do you just like to complain? those are two questions. it must be great to be an immediate and shoot everything down because no one is driving vans into your protected buildings. maybe you should ask why now it's a reaction to an action in the result of one party being a more upset with selflessness than isis. until this decision, just one pool and a set that's needed by terror. we must be thinking about the next bad thing. there's always a next bad thing, a dirty bomb, a power grid attack, stuff that can make 9/11
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look small. it's no small thing to think about but it is maybe when only one side thinks about it. kimberly, you are the former prosecutor here. basically the supreme court slapped on the lower court and said you guys suck! >> kimberly: they said, you guys went totally awol and off the law. which is what i think they should have done. now if they have to hear it in their faces when they come in october, but nevertheless, this bodes very well for the president's executive order able to do this with the constitutional authority which we assess anisette from the beginning about this about all the other legal scholars that in fact the courts had overstepped their bounds, they were considering things that were in proper in of campaign statemente and trying to use that to weave it into the reasoning and say this is why it needs to be struck down but they were trying to get into the mindset of a president. that's not what their job is toy do.
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they should not be an activist force the fourth or the ninth. i believe the supreme court did their by actually being passionate about it, reviewing historically based on legal principles and they came up with this, which if you look at it in terms of what's happening in the fall,wh they will uphold this. >> greg: juan, i thinkpe this reconfirms the president has the ability to control our borders. >> juan: when he was struck to change immigration laws -- >> greg: i can't, i don't know him! >> juan: to me, i think this is a big win for president trump. clearly people, especially on the left, they do let it that f the courts were stopping it and now you can't say that, although it's not as complete because he knows partial. people who are relatives or are hired by american companies can still come in the country, but i think the big thing here is that
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they acted as a group it's called an curium or whatever. the court as a whole is right, that's their position. i find it surprising because i think there's a huge constitutional issue about religious right and about discriminating against any group of people based on religious rights. they brought it to the idea that this is a national security issue and that's what president trump should have been arguing from the beginning, butt now the court is saying, okay, the national security issue, you and your review, you got it. i don't think he ever anticipatu having to revise its case in the fall. >> greg: interesting. jesse. we keep saying it's a victory for trump, but what trump said is it's a victory for national security which is the way we should look at it. we should look at it it's about our country. >> jesse: it's about national purity. it's not about religious. i think they called bill clinton the comeback kid. they have to give trump's nickname to because this guy always looked like he is down,
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whether it was after the convention, whether it was after the access hollywood tape, the comey memos come out, the first couple travel ban's get knocked down. obamacare repeal vote gets pulled. he's like muhammad ali and he comes back with a big election win and he comes back with a great state of the union address of the successful obamacare repeal and now the travel ban vote. i think this is probably one of the most significant victories of trump's young presidency and it will carry a lot of momentum into the summer. we all know how it got there. they judge shopped to get into a circuit where it would repeal up to the ninth or the fourth. then they would rule on a tweet instead of a merit. they can get the extreme vetting procedures in place and i think that if they were viewed in september, and i would expect that the court rules that it
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stands. w the president in the 1952 immigration and nationality act broad authority to the discretion to regulate our immigration. >> juan: but you can't discriminate against people based onon the nationality. >> jesse: they will have to argue that in front of the is based on travel and chaos and bad people from a bad place. >> juan: let's let dana and greg get in. the reason i think this is problematic from your distinction, you have president trump issuing this act in january and then he reviseshi it in march. he tries to change it, still can't get past it. i don't think it's political. you think that the fourth and the ninth did that in confidence, i think people have igitimate -- >> jesse: i think it was political because it was all decided based on partisan ideologies. >> kimberly: improper facts. >> jesse: it was all based on it. >> juan: in the fourth circuit. >> jesse: if you look at the breakdown, it was all party ideology.
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if you just went on the ideology, ruth bader ginsburg if she has the right thing, it may have to recuse herself from hearing this because of all the hyperpartisan thing she said rout the president over the last year.ti >> greg: dana, we can call this a big victory, but if you only do this, that's not a good thing. my feeling is that this is not enough. it's a false sense of security if you just stop here and say he yay! you got to do more. >> dana: they said it's a victory for the national security and i think it's a victory for integrity. the supreme court makes a decision and everyone goes, oh, okay. thank you for the clarity, this is what we needed and i would hope that they would say, "back to the drawing board." they put very little trust in all of our decisions anymore with the supreme court being one of them. the other thing i thought was you have a signal from the newest supreme court justice, neil gorsuch, and what he is
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saying, he basically would've thrown the whole thing out and said the president has thehe authority to do it and will stand. that could be a significant precedent, not just for president trump up for future presidents to say that i believe that i have that significance. the other thing on whether ruth bader ginsburg recuses, i had to be reminded, only supreme courth justices can recuse themselves. i would say that the way this look, i wouldn't make a big deal about ruth bader ginsburg because if she goes there wake, even ruth bader ginsburg did it. if she doesn't, it doesn't matter because the majority of opinion will be for thede president. and it will also be mute. at this point the president claimed a victory and finished extreme vetting proposal and got out all these and the supreme court has artful job here. they will never have to deal with this, so let's give the president a win and put this baby away and not worry about it. >> kimberly: based on the law.
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exactly. >> greg: everybody is trying to split a baby. play off the baby. wouldn't it be great though if all five competed for solutions? this is what drives me crazy about this whole topic is that you put forth this idea and the other side says it's terrible. where is your idea? you see these debates, nobody from the other side, and i meet democrats or even progressives and liberals in general, to not have any real ideas in national security except that they don't like your idea. >> juan: that's not true. what do you mean? we had a two year review for the refugees. that's not a little thing. >> greg: well, it may be. to me it is. >> juan: i am interested to see it be more strict, but the fact is the united states and our intelligence agencies are not thankless. >> greg: i'm just saying, let's don't forget the throbbing convulsion in the media and among liberals.
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they took to the street over the travel ban.ul none of them have an alternative is what i am saying other than yelling and screaming at you. soiling themselves, anyway. >> kimberly: greg, just real quick. the headline was today the high court needed more troubled by this display of intervention by the lower court then they were by the president using his constitutional authority here. it was such an overreach and improper in terms of it, so that should be a real mess lesson to the lower courts to discourage shopping and tasted all the way they want to the west left coast, but the law is a law it will prevail. i'm glad that they are all there. ruth get her ginsburg too. if she joined in with us today, no need to single her out at all. let it ride, take a win, the classy. >> greg: there's a rumor that one of the justices may be retiring. you don't think so? g >> jesse: when that happens,
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there will be right in the streets. because the left, on behalf of the court. if they don't have the court, trouble. >> greg: when you retire from court, what do you wear?r? >> kimberly: i would be job for. you. >> dana: get some new clothes. >> greg: sorry, they're yelling at up next, democrats are upset over russia meddling but this time they are directing their ire at president obama. that ahead. ♪ ♪
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>> the american people needed to know and i don't think it was enough to tell them after the election. rather given the series of this, this administration needs to call out russia earlier and needed to act to deter andth punish russia earlier, and i think that was a very serious mistake. >> i do think they think they that hillary would win. i don't think they wanted to look like they're putting a thumb on the scale and that's why they didn't do more, which they had, obviously. >> jesse: here's a flashback to what president obama said back in october when he was left for then candidate trump to stop complaining about the possibility of the election being rigged and to not go public about the russian meddling. >> there is no serious person out there would suggest somehowe that you could even rig america's elections. in part because they are so centralized in the numbers, there is no evidence that it has happened in the past or that
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they are incidents that that will happen in the future. i would advise for mr. trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes. >> jesse: juan, i'll start with you. there is no intentional rigging to try to do anything, but apparently "the washington post" says it comes to interfering in the election all along. >> juan: he didn't know, but let's be clear about what heon said there. i think he saying there has been no rigging in the past and he didn't see evidence that there would be rigging this time. in fact, we only recently learned about the intent -- rigging means you actually control the machine and how the count is done.he there's no evidence of that was done in the past and i think o that's what he is saying. no, we are not. we are just saying it very clear. the second thing to say here is, it's not just al franken and adam schiff, there are lots of
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democrats going way back saying he should have gone on tv, he should have made a presidential statement to talk about thein effects, according to "the washington post" and intelligence agencies told him in august that vladimir putinfe was not only trying to interfere in the election but interfere to cause chaos, distrust in then election and to help donald trump. why the president didn't go on tv and make this, i don't know. a former communications director said something very interesting, we didn't take into account the propaganda value. in other words, when you put aly these phony stories, when you say things aren't true, and all of a sudden you are thinking the fake stories go all the way what people are like, yes, that impacted the election. >> jesse: at the the same question and that the dnc was rigging the election against it. it wasn't that what was being exposed?
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>> juan: this is an example right here then because you guys will take something that was leaked by the russians -- yes,ri you guys and take that and make it into a big deal at apparently it's ridiculous. >> jesse: why did she resign? >> kimberly: a couple things need to be addressed here, that statement was from president obama in october and by your own statement and admission there, he was aware of the sincere best efforts of the russians to interfere in a major u.s. election for the president of the united states. nevertheless, when he took the podium and many times when he took the podium, he never mentioned anything about it. it was such an important and significant that we now hear the fact that it wasn't. he should have said something about it, and i think that'sct where the democrats are having a hard time with him as well. the argument is, well, listen, this looks like it was a done deal for hillary clinton, so why
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throw a flag on the play, make w big problem, and then perhaps upset the basket that was tilting in hillary clinton's favor. that's what one argument is. >> juan: i disagree with what it was, trump is saying the election is going to be riggedis and we don't want to play into that and it could be because he thought -- >> kimberly: but he was saying it for the other side.he >> jesse: you bought that argument from president obama that he didn't want to say anything publicly with the trump rigging narrative and it would look like we were putting on the scales. >> dana: i asked the democrat yesterday about president obama or someone speaking on his behalf to come forward in the next day or so to try to clarify a little bit. they said yes he should but he won't. they are in lock down mode, partly because they are not saying anything.
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also, president obama has a book coming out in the fall. i hope not, but you can imagine that will be a chapter that everyone will want to see. i don't think they can actually wait that long. imagine if you put yourself in their shoes, the president is saying, the current president, is saying that the election is being rigged against me in favor against hillary clinton. if president obama has had actually no, donald trump, president putin is trying to put you -- what would trump supporters have done then? we would have gone ballistic. i think one of the things -- i did say we. i think perhaps he didn't say anything after because president obama was trying to be presidential and wanted to except the election results. he said that in the first pressd conference when the democrats are all mad. look, fair and square, the guy won, let's support him.
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i don't want to speak on his behalf and somebody should probably get on speaker him. >> jesse: behind the scenes allegedly, he made a phone call to china and said find out. can we listen? >> greg: i haven't seen it. i haven't seen this much russian meddling since the '80 olympics. here's the reason why obama didn't say anything. he didn't want to look like a fool for dismissing the russians when he mocked romney over it.hy this is the same thing he did with isis and the j.d. thing. obama is really good on the small things. he's sophisticated, elegant, but he's wrong on the big things. he doesn't understand our adversaries or russia. he should be about what he did for romney. with isis, he did the same thing. he may be a president that will
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be remembered for leading the varmints overtake the yard. >> dana: the democrats are thera ones mad at him now. i think you should try to -- he's in bali, so maybe he can't comment on it. >> juan: somebody wrote today that the the opponents asked if he anguish is, i thought for my democratic point of view, i agree. why would he anguish and why would he not get out there and say these guys are putting thee fingers on the scale? o >> dana: imagine, juan. >> juan: i know. let me just say, he still won't acknowledge that russia interfered in the campaign. >> kimberly: everybody would have screamed like the democrats did about comey if he made that statement because we all thought hillary clinton was going to win. >> greg: wait, wait, wait. can i respond to this? he did in a tweet this weekend that you missed, juan. the media spin this weekend wasi very clear.
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lead on every network, trump admits russian meddling. that was their lead rather thanp the obama knew about meddling and hid it. >> juan: he said obama choked. he said it let obama choked because he didn't want to put his finger on the scale or whatever. he acknowledged finally that there was some meddling. but he never -- >> jesse: that's what he just had! >> dana: he said that in january when he was asked about it. >> juan: i want trump to come out and say yes, guess what, russia help me get elected. >> kimberly: why would he make that statement and try to delegitimize his own presidency without any specific -- no, no, admitting there was meddling or interference was not saying there was an outcome specific achieved. why would he do that? try to undermine his own
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presidency? we won a lot of things. >> juan: we wanted trump to win, these people. >> jesse: coming up, news about the g.o.p. plans to repeal and replace obamacare. that's straight ahead. t
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>> dana: trump administration is in the midst of a full-court press to get the senate to repeal and replace obamacare, but democrats are universal in their opposition to -- answerl- were some republicans. >> these cuts are blood money. people will die. >> what i find so disappointing is that these bills will not fix the problem. it will not address the root cause. they were doing the same old washington thing, throwing more money at the problem and of course we have all been blamed with rhetoric. >> dana: today's nonpartisan
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congressional budget office shook things out when it announced that the current senate bill, which found come in to cut premiums by about 30% for single individuals by 2020 compared to obamacare. it would also cause 22 million more people to be without health insurance by 2026. reacting to the cbo scores, the six republicans who announced opposition to the bill. over the weekend, president trump said he's confident that he will eventually get the votes he needs. >> i don't think they are that far off. i don't think they are that far off. famous last words, but i think we are going to get there. can't promise, i think we're i going to get there. health care is a very, very tough thing to p get. but i think we are going to get it. we don't have too much of a choice, because the alternativeo is the dead carcass of obamacare. m >> dana: that's some good language. >> greg: who are the 22 million people, by the way, we will not be compared to stalin killing 20 million
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people. >> dana: their people said that they are not to do because is no longer mandated.. >> greg: the people losing coverage of those who had coverage before and the people that are going to walk away or people that might be young,e might be healthy, are people that finally can do what they want to do. you don't have to leave! you don't have to leave! we are arguing, no one is dying because of this. they are finally having a choice that they deserve. once you have choice, guess what? to borrow a phrase from juan, you have competition. you may have different productsp you do with the smaller things, but the point is people leaving these are because they candu leave. if you don't want to leave, you don't have to leave. that's the point of this. the 22 million, totally exaggerated, we know the cbo
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exaggerates. >> dana: they are doing a medicaid -- the medicaid thing is a little bit trickier but they are telling that if you didn't choose the obamacare way you can choose a different option if you want to and expand it. kimberly, i think mitch mcconnell who is so steady and has figured out a way to get wiggle room that they will actually pass it maybe not by the fourth of july but by august 1st. >> kimberly: you are absolutely right and that's what i'm hearing too. they try to legitimately work and listen to people's request, some of their concerns, to try to get them to cooperate on this.ou what's going to make you happy? what would you like? what is really troubling you hear? we address this, we address that, we expand medicaid, does that work for you? bottom line, why wouldn't we want choice? these are the same people that are always marching for a choice, and now that they have a choice, you are bad, you gave us a choice. a it really makes no sense, and it's so hypocritical and it's completely inconsistent with what they are supposed of viewpoints are of wanting choice and wanting independence and not being forced, mandated,
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penalized, or punished into purchasing something. so they have the power of points with their dollars to do something else with it. >> dana: the republicans not changing their mind, are the democrats counting on them? >> juan: i don't know if these five specifically, but i think a lot of the posturing you have seen from people who are even more concerned, they want this bill to be tougher. >> greg: good point. >> juan: what you are really talking about our people more iw the middle selling more capital in west virginia or johnson in wisconsin saying people will be hurt.. they are not usually considered. >> greg: that means the democrats -- the conservatives don't like it and that means the democrats would like the bill. >> juan: this brings me to the other point, which you have the american medical presence, the doctors, the catholic health association, you have aarp -- >> jesse: they endorsed obamacare and obamacare was
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destroyed. they said obamacare was a good bill. look what happened to it. >> juan: republicans sabotaged it. i just want to -- let me just finish this point. what you have here is a situation where republicans are putting politics above what isoi best for the country. nobody think this is a good bill. look at the polls, even republican voters don't think it is. >> greg: the poll is what the media tells them. >> dana: there are third-party supports, adds, that will be run against people who don't want to run for or vote for it. you have all of the list of it, ama and all those folks. on the other side, you do have pressure coming from people who support president obama saying that the republicans better be with us because they arepp threatening to punish them if they don't vote. >> jesse: it will be a really tight boat it will come down to the last second, but i think while the rogue democrats have
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been crying for about russia last week, mitch mcconnell has slowly and methodically and methodically pieced together and obamacare repeal bill and the senate that has a very, very good chance of passing with 50 votes because you need a a tiebreaker to afford to lose ong or two, but it's going to lower premiums of 30%. based off of what the cbo said, lower than obamacare. >> juan: it would rise up between -- no! >> jesse: and it keeps pre-existing conditions and nondiscrimination. you can stay on your parents health care plan. it saves medicaid from bankruptcy. they put a cap on it. >> juan: they will throw people out of the nursing homes. >> jesse: are you saying that again? >> juan: i'm saying that because i don't want to aggravate greg, but this is true. >> greg: you know what the cbo is, this is what happens when i checked my armpits --
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>> dana: we are going to move on! president trump is pushing back against a resist movement, we will tell you what the commander-in-chief is saying about his opponent after this very quick break. ♪
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>> kimberly: democrats are determined to resist president trump and at the g.o.p. at every turn. >> democrats, we are doing everything we can to fight this bill. >> we are going fight for the lives of many people in our country because we must defeat what is going on in the senate. >> they better be ready for a fight because now the shameful bill is out of the oven, that's exactly what they will get.
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>> kimberly: it is not a goodt' strategy according to the president, it's not working. >> i have never seen anything like this resist. let's get together and get together. but the thing is resist.r its obstruction, it's a terrible thing in terms of getting elected and more importantly, i think it's a terrible thing for the people of this country, resist, obstruction, that's not what they want. >> kimberly: hollywood, of course, doing what it can to help fuel the resistance movement. actor and director rob reiner best known as meathead from alle in the family is encouraging his fellow resisters on twitter to fight an all out war to save democracy. dana, what you make of this? >> dana: i think president trump said some really good messaging there. why wouldn't you want these two things? i can understand the health bill may be a bit more of the difficulty.. once they get health care passed and i think it will get passed, they are going to tax reform an
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it's going to do a lot of democrats that will say they have big elections coming up in 2018, but also have companies saying they absolutely need this to be competitive and i think that they should want to work with him on that, and i also believe that president trump iso willing to do comprehensive immigration reform. he's going to be able to show that he's done border improvement because -- let's just say that he's been able to a number of people crossing over has decreased. kate's law will probably pass. sanctuary cities will probably past because of the supreme court. why don't we go about doing the bill and immigration reform? i think juan is agreeing with me. i think that democrats should fill out the playbook. resisting is not going to work. it will set them up for more failure and it should be a ban on hollywood help. >> kimberly: just a hollywood stay away and we will lose.
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juan, we saw some nonverbal communication on your part with dana perino. >> juan: i am all about solutions that make america better. that was my objection to what is going on right now. i just don't see people puttingg america and americans first on this health care bill. it's probably just going to claim a win even though it's a bad bill. but when it comes to this resistance movement, then hypocrisy drives me nuts. mitch mcconnell has put a justice on the supreme court by resisting and obstructing president obama who had a legitimate right. h mitch mcconnell is a genius. he really did a great job. now that democrats say, we are going to resist and obstruct because you are a bad guy. >> kimberly: apples and oranges. >> jesse: the american people voted for the party to say let's slam the brakes on president obama's far left,
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out of control of agenda. when the democrats posted achievements to say this vehicle is going too fast, slow this down. if i think that's different because you have the tea party movement that was primarily made up of the middle-class workers that were concerned about pollen and they went out and peacefully assembled and they worked the phones and the achieved successs at the ballot box.nd another resistance are burning things, hanging nasty signs, they are out of the mainstream. people are going to reject that. >> kimberly: stabbing horses. >> jesse: donald trump won independence, won blue-collar voters, won the states in the rust belt. there's a lot of reason for the democrats in the house andne senate to compromise on these things where there is common ground. >> kimberly: the democrats don't realize the bride left the church. the working men and women are
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wondering where this guy was. >> greg: all that sound we played at the beginning and you took out trump or republican party that you replaced with isis, it would make perfect sense. however, none of those peoplee have never said that about the number one threat in our existence. what exactly is an all out war from rob reiner? he's in a load of his previous with water balloons and right really skating piece to the hudson and get all the crust and beard? here's the problem with the left that the right has never had. you can't force people to care about something. you can only persuade it. the problem with the heart of p the left is that you must bend to my belief or you are damned. you are evil and not wrong. you have to agree with me or you are damned. or you have this calling a trump character, president trump is a character who came on the scene with one goal in mind, to persuade.r, he shows up to persuade.
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he gets people involved. he's a salesman. he persuades. the left says you are going to die. everyone, these people are all murders are's. they are trying to force you to believe something that is flawed because they cannot persuade., >> kimberly: we will leave it right there. ahead, bernie sanders is a lawyering up and we will tell you why he's implicated in a federal investigation. we will be right back, stay with us.. ♪
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>> juan: welcome back, the white house has just put out a statement indicating the united states has identified preparations taking place in syria for another chemical weapons attack, similar to the attack that took place april 4th, 2017. the trump white house also says the u.s. is now aware of thisce and will have a heavy price to put on president assad and the military if another chemical attack still occurs. jesse. >> jesse: he is drawing a red line and we know he enforces his redlines because we saw with those tomahawk missiles that the last time they did to their own civilians. great intelligence by the intelligence agencies to be able to catch this and put a warning out so that he doesn't do this
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as a humanitarian statement. also from the same date the travel ban was upheld too, one of those countries that note, syria. i think it underscores the complexity of the region and we are there to fight isis. we have this guy empowers us trying trying to catch his own people and rubbed his little pet and looked like we are doing the right thing by issuing this statement. >> juan: what jesse said about russia is very important here. >> dana: partly, i think thiss is basically goading russia and saying, you are on notice. we are telling the world that we know about this, so you can't dd that funny business you did a wily go where you said you had no idea. now what the g president is saying, we know, so now you know, even if you pretend that you didn't, and if it happens, you are responsible. this is getting a little bit dicey because we have congress saying what are we doing here? it's a proxy war that we are fighting.
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let's not forget, assad alsoyi killed innocent people and children a lot of different ways. we are on the right side of this, but we have to make a commitment to see all the way through. >> kimberly: we are on the w right side of it, we got on the right side of very late in the game unfortunately. i say that because now we are put in his position that is very difficult but it is also going to strain and further our relations with russia and the complexion and that is a big problem.m. now it's important what danae said that the president is putting russia on notice, the world on notice, syria on notice because one of the other things that putin said was this was a total hoax, this was not something that assad did, he did not in fact gets its own people. >> dana: they blamed on the rebels. >> kimberly: that's why it's important that we are calling it out ahead of time to take away that line of defense and reasoning that tries to absolvee russia from any kind of being
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complicit with assad. >> juan: greg, the thing that strikes me from the white house, they state very clearly, a heavy price will be paid by assad if there's another chemical attack. what does that heavy price mean to you? >> greg: the great thing about what he did in the beginning with the first retaliation was that it was small. you have plenty of room to choose different options. you can do something twice as damaging or you can go ahead and do something more. what this is about is basically sending a message that we are here to eliminate isis, don't mess that up. i know what you guys want to do, you want to chop up all the stuff and you want to -- just wait a minute, let it eliminate this, and with then we willp figure this stuff out. hold your horses right now and stop being such jerks or we will kill you. t >> juan: or we will kill you, did you hear that assad? up next, "one more thing." ♪
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>> greg: time for "one more thing" let's go here. >> real slow news day... >> greg: all right, let's go to tennessee. tennessee wildlife resources, what you are seeing here is a, slow-motion fight between dear.
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>> juan: looked like they are boxing. >> dana: they look like kangaroos. >> greg: they're actual deer. one is deeply ashamed of thehe last relationship. [laughter] >> kimberly: is that britney spears and justin timberlake in a dance off? >> juan: i attended a beautiful wedding in monterey, california, this the bride and the daughter of my college roommate. i wish there was a all the bestw 41 years ago, he married his lovely bride diane and i want you to guess who was the best man at their wedding. >> dana: you! >> juan: you are right! [laughter] >> greg: look at that hair! looking good. >> dana: you can find out more of this one on my facebook page.
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just quickly, it's a "washington post" column today about the upcoming humanitarian crisis. this is one that we know about, the united states has pledged money to deal with the famine in four major countries. other countries like saudi arabia have not fulfilled their commitment to president trump. they are in a perfect position to do so. >> kimberly: a very emotional moment, a grieving father united with his child's bill conner lost a 20 year old daughter abbey in an accident in january and abbey was ar registered organ donor. her generosity stabilize the four men. one of them, loumounth jack jr., in desperate need of a new heart, and this past father's day to meet this man who now has, abbey's organ. it was a powerful reunion as you can see right here. one organ donor can save many lives.un >> greg: set your dvrs. never miss an episode of
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"the five." you will be sorry. "hannity" is up next. "the five." you will be sorry. "hannity" is up next. ♪ >> sean: many thanks to our friends on "the five" ." happy monday and welcome to "hannity." this is a massive win tonight for president trump. the supreme court has reinstated very key parts of his extreme vetting travel ban and announced that it will hear arguments in this ongoing legal battle straight ahead. president trump on twitter writing "very grateful for the 9-0 no decision from the u.s. supreme court. we must keep america's safe." jay sekulow will be here tonight with reaction and newt gingrich, and the great one mark lubin will also join us. but first, democrats, the destroyed trump media have been telling you about russia election


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