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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 29, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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mike huckabee. you are outnumbered. >> mike: i usually am. great to be back in my thank you for having me. >> sandra: the senate g.o.p. working out their differences. mitch mcconnell is hoping to send a revised version of the bell to the congressional budget office by tomorrow. whether there should be fewer restrictions on plans and can be offered. pat toomey helped write the original bill and well everyone in his caucus may not agree on everything, he thinks they can reach an agreement. the speak on the think about it is we've got a few people who are not comfortable with the various provisions and we are trying to tweak it so we can hold on to some of our more moderate colleagues and more
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conservative colleagues. and it's easy, it would have already been done, but it is possible we get that agreement. >> sandra: president trump romance optimistic that his fellow republicans will get the job done. >> health care working along very well. we could have a big surprise with great health care packages. >> sandra: first of all, let's get to that big surprise. >> mike: the big surprise as if they did it before the fourth of july break. i think they've imposed upon themselves an artificial deadline but doesn't mean anything. why are they in such a hurry? they need to get it right, knocking it quick. the other piece of this as they are still missing the point of this is not a health care bill, this is a health insurance bill. it's all about insurance comments on about health. when pat toomey said we are going to do two weeks, i've got a big idea for this.
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turn us over to the individual states, block medicaid, take some of the other components and say to the individual states, live up a tent the moment for once. say we don't have a federal solution. one size does not fit all. medicaid in mississippi looks really different than a dozen massachusetts. let's recognize that and let's not try to fix it because we are that smart. >> sandra: why stick with these deadlines? >> meghan: i've been talking about it all week that i don't understand the arbitrary deadline. if you know a thing about congress, they are excited to leave for recess. the idea to give this up was absolutely ridiculous and i think it's playing up to the cameras. i am losing faith every day. i don't understand how you get someone like rand paul in the same page with this. you only need two deflectors. if we end up blowing this, it could be cataclysmic and midterm elections. you know the president well,
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what do you think the odds are that he can get everyone on the same page? >> mike: i don't know that he can under the current structure because there are really strong philosophical disagreements about what can be done. they think medicaid out to get bigger and it has others thinking it out to be cut. medicaid is on a bad idea, it works for people, it's a lifesaver for people. it's a helpful program. the problem is there are no restrictions. anything you get under the health insurance here, it's a far better plan and there is no co-pay, no deductible, no premium paid. no skin in the game. there is no way to controlled the utilization. you can fix a lot of this, but you have to let the eye stomach >> kennedy: when rick perry was asked about health care, he said i love talking about federalism. i don't know if he wanted to address health care.
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perhaps the federal one-size-fits-all have really bureaucratic system is what's going to wait on the economy. we should be talking about black grants, and other ways that allow people to make individual decisions, allow states to make better decisions. you are right. we've been talking about this on the couch. constituents have vastly different needs. rob portman has been saying the same thing. instead of loading medicare so every state looks like maine, that's going to bankrupt. this before they is a difference between health insurance and health care. and you can expect to devote to the doctor and pay nothing and have some sort of platinum plan. that's not feasible for anyone. and it's wrong to offer that unless we say will become a socialized medical system.
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that's not what is it was intended to do. i think a lot of people like to see this. we are going to make sure we cover you if something happens, but when you have a cold, you'll have to figure that one out on your own. >> kennedy: and people are forced into central health benefits. >> meghan: we are getting really wonky with this. the public wants to know, do you think mitch mcconnell can pull this off? i'm from arizona, people are very concerned this will get repealed and replaced. if we blow this, which again, at this point, i'm 50/50 on it. what happens? >> mike: the republican plan lays a lot of people out there uncovered and i think that's one of the concerns that some of the republicans have is that if you do a rollback on the medicaid expansion with some of the republican governments had put medicaid expansion their states, you're going to leave some people out there screaming and
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yelling and go get kicked in the teeth and the midterm elections. you can almost never give something and take it unless you're willing to pay the consequences. the only way to restructure it is to say, health care is not in the constitution. there is no federal responsibility for health care. what is the real answer? it's to say to 50 people, this is a committee of 50 in this country, they run the largest like insurance pool, and they also run the largest private insurance pool and their states. in every state, state employees outnumber any industry in that state by far. in every state, the medicaid program is the largest insurance program and that state by far. they have both experience in running a public and a private health insurance entity and they understand what will and won't work. why are we having a bunch of senators and congressmen do this, most of whom have never
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administered these programs when you have 50 people out and the individual states who have, give it to them. >> sandra: have to move on. chuck schumer, calling on president trump and senate republicans to back off current plans to repealed obamacare. and instead start over by working with democrats and fix the health care system. watch this. >> president trump, i challenge you to invite us, all 100 of us come out and democrat, to blair house to discuss a new, bipartisan way forward. we had met the care act is in perfect. there are ways we can improve on that law and on our entire health care system. let's talk together on how we
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can achieve that in a bipartisan way. >> sandra: president trump says schumer has been serious about finding solutions calling obamacare a disaster. a growing number of republican senators, including ron johnson, say they are willing to sit down with democrats. watch. >> i have to do something. anything we pass will not be perfect, so maybe we'll have to have democrats parse layers on a partisan basis. hopefully we can take their offer and work together to get a health care system fixed. >> sandra: mitch mcconnell is also saying democrats have refused to work with the g.o.p. in a serious way to address obamacare his failures. let's go back to chuck schumer because of it on the couch was clearly having a reaction. do you take him seriously? >> mike: no. and biting chuck schumer over to discuss how to work with republicans is like inviting jeffrey dahmer over to share
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recipes. this is absurd. my point being chuck schumer has never been interested in working with republicans. i wish he would be. i think that would be delightful and there are some democrats in the senate, who do want to find solutions. joe manchin is one. heidi heitkamp is one. >> kennedy: and schumer is sitting there, we want to work -- it's been all about obstruction and resistance. the other thing, i'm worried that these two parties get together because it's going to be even worse than obamacare, but democrats are starting to see that obamacare is officially in its death spiral.
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if this fails, then it means we are left with obamacare. that is a democratic problem. the only thing i can do is reach out and get some ideas. >> meghan: it's also kabuki theater for the cameras. these people shoved obamacare down everyone's throat. nancy pelosi said we are going to pass that evidence he was inside. they had no interest in working with republicans, no interest in working with conservatives. now and it could be repeal and replace, now they want to play ball? it's grandstanding for the cameras and it's ridiculous and it's why people hate chuck schumer. >> trish: why should they want to see it succeed? they couldn't get squat done. your health care is in worse shape. they are innate good spot. from their angle, they are
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saying will pretend like we want to help, but not actually help. >> kennedy: each party pins the failure on the other and then who loses? >> mike: the real losers of the american people. working together would make sense if both sides would approach this differently. they are looking at this as an issue of political. they need to look look at thise debate vertically. they need to ask is it better or worse, does it take us up or down? health care is ultimately a pragmatic issue, it's on a philosophical issue. if they take the philosophical bend out of it and say this is
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more conservative before it cuts costs, the question is what is our endgame? was the ultimate ultimate purpose for this? that's where republicans can take the lead and say this is how we want to end up. >> meghan: when he put the leadership? to put this at the feet of mitch mcconnell? >> mike: it's a combination of mcconnell and paul ryan. we shouldn't be scrabbling around for it. he's going to have an increasing level of responsibility, but he's been president six months barely. you can't expect them to have it all figured out just yet. i'm going to say once again, i don't think washington can or will fix this. punt the ball. >> trish: if we don't get this done, what happens to tax reform? what happens so that infrastructure bill? there are consequences to not
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getting this done. >> mike: they should have done those things first. those are less contemplated comd controversial. >> sandra: a firestorm our president trump's tweets lashing out at msnbc's morning joe anchors after more negative coverage. some say it's beneath the dignity of the office. the others defending the president saying he has a right to fight back. we will debate that.
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change the way you wifi. xfinity. the future of awesome. >> sandra: president trump facing questions after he fired back at two of his most vocal critics on cable news. msnbc's joe scarborough and mika brezinski. trump tweeting this morning i heard poorly rated morning joe speak badly of me. don't watch anymore. then how come low iq crazy mika along with a cycle joe came tomorrow lago three nights in a row around new year's eve and insisted on joining me? she was bleeding badly from a facelift. i said no. sarah huckabee sanders was defending her bosses right to respond to his critics. >> i don't think the president has ever been someone who gets attacked and doesn't push back.
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there have been an outrageous number of people attacking everyone around him. he will not be bullied by liberal media and liberal leaks within the media. >> sandra: this morning, she said the president is destroying the country, calling him a liar and making fun of his hand size. joe scarborough responding with retweets. governor, do you defend this move by the president? >> mike: everybody knows donald trump, certainly those of us made it clear that if you hit me, i'll hit you back ten times harder. anyone who didn't get that message loud and clear and in living color was not paying attention. what i have said what he said? no, but let's be a little fair.
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he was called on television by morning joe a smoke, a goon, a thug, deranged, incapable of holding the office, those are some of the nicer things that he was called. you don't say those things about the president of the united states, especially when that president happens to be named donald j. trump and expect he is going to say no big deal. >> sandra: if you are advising him how would you advise them to take the he dead? >> mike: i would be happy to advise him. he's in the oval office and i'm sitting on a couch. what i'm saying is a -- >> meghan: morning joe has personally attacked this show and i was very offended by what they set about the show. that being said, i woke up this morning and i kind of miss read it to begin with and i was grossed out because i've been
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talking about women in cosmetic surgery and general, stay away from it, don't do it. this is beneath the dignity of the white house and the presidency. we have so much going on with health care, with russia, with north korea, these are the issues i want to focus on. i'm 32 years old. i've been working in politics my entire adult life. i have concern about the next generation of women coming to my party and seeing beyond gender policy. i don't want just be seen as a party that is a respectful towards women. women can get cosmetic surgery if they want. bringing it up in a way that tries to diminish her and humiliate her publicly, it makes everybody across the world, country look bad. it makes my job talking to millennial women about politics much more difficult. >> sandra: many republic and their speaking out saying they didn't think it was the right
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way for the president to respon respond. please just stop, this is a normal and it's beneath the dignity of your home office. >> trish: it is. absolutely. i will give you that they haven't been so nice to him, but you're president of the united states. you signed up for that. you have to be able to take the hits and do so and a dignified fashion. for him to come out and say that, as soon as i saw the word bleeding, i flinched. he took it too far. there are ways to get your message across where you do not stoop to that level and that was wrong. >> sandra: lindsey graham took on a similar approach. >> kennedy: at the collective sentiment is come on. seriously. he's already had enough problems talking about bleeding with blonde female news anchors.
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he doesn't need to continue this narrative and it's a giant distraction. i love getting back at people on twitter, it's one of the finest things ever. but i'm not president of the united states. if you accept the presidency, sometimes people will say the meanest things about you. >> meghan: we have a first lady who is platform is cyberbullying. it's a very real thing. every president who is doing that any first lady, it's hypocritical that he's still doing this. the idea of sick burns can be quite more serious. >> kennedy: a come back every once in a while when someone attacks you is appropriate. this is like george w. bush burning down libraries. >> mike: >> mike: she didn't ded
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what he said, just as right to fight back which is what he did. i wouldn't recommend that he would do it that way. >> sandra: president trump's travel ban set to go into effect tonight, just days after the supreme court allowed key portions of it to stay temporarily. how big of a victory is this where mr. trump and will it hold up on the high court hears the full case this fall? when it comes to the president's crackdown on illegal immigration, several obama appointed judges now pushing back and are taking a tougher stance on century cities. are they acting outside their authority and how should the administration respond?
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>> meghan: fox news alert. parts are president trump's travel ban set to take effect tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. visa applicants from the mostly
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muslim nations and all refugees will now have to prove that they have a close family or business tie in order to come to the united states. president trump is call this a victory for our nation security, but immigrant rights groups are not sharing his enthusiasm. >> the supreme court did not make a decision. the decision that they did make was agreed to hear donald trump's discriminatory muslim ban. in that process, they had created an other sense of confusion within the muslim community. >> meghan: what is your reaction to that? >> mike: it amazes me that people think you have a fundamental right to come to america if you're not an american and that you should be absently guaranteed the right to come in and determine your own criteria for doing so. that's ridiculous. i can go to any country in the world like that. exiting my passport, i get
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cleared, i get visas for a lot of places i go means i have to be approved months in advance before i can even show up at the door. i don't understand why people get so frothed up about the idea that america has every right to stand in its door and say tell me why you're coming. >> kennedy: what does it say to you about the unanimous decision about the supreme court? >> mike: i think they were looking at the constitution and the statutory law that gave the president the power to make that decision. you may not like his policy, you may think it's cruel. doesn't matter. the decision of the court is not to like the policy of the politics of the rhetoric. to respect the law as it is written? >> sandra: does this achieve the ultimate goal, does it make the american people safer? >> mike: probably more so than tsa makes us safer. you feel safer because they ran your shoes to the x-ray machine?
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probably not. >> kennedy: of the lady next make us -- gotta security >> trish: we need to be more preemptive. the tsa didn't start checking people's she was until richard read. we need to be smarter and we are a country, we do have borders. maybe if you are from certain places in the world that do a really bad job tracking terrorists, you won't get one so easily. >> mike: this is not a band as it is a bump. it says there are speed bumps. speed bumps are there for a reason, slows things down and causes people to make sure everything is okay. that's all in the world it is.
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very few people come to united states with such urgency that they can't be invited. >> kennedy: what about the justices dissenting from the part of the executive order that the supreme court essentially rewrote a saying that if you have a blood relative in this country, if you have a spouse, a mother, father, brother, sister, and you can come and meet them, but that spouse or parent or child is already a terrorist. >> mike: i would side with the president. he has the right to determine what the criteria are. i think the three injustices were right and the others were wrong. >> meghan: this won't go anywhere, but we have to move o on. meantime, the supreme court held that parts of the travel ban, he is continuing to meet resistance at the lower court level, several obama appointed judges
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have issued rulings stopping him from deporting illegal immigrants including some criminals. these lower courts are also limiting his crackdown on century cities. this is the house is set to vote today on two bills including "kate's law" which toughens penalties for criminals to reenter the united states after being deported and a bill that cuts some federal grant money. >> the bird sanctuary calls to mind someplace safe. too often for families and victims affected by illegal immigrant time, it's anything but safe. president trump has made it clear that our borders not open to immigration, that we are a nation of laws and we will no longer look the other way. >> meghan: i'm not as hard line on immigration as president trump is, but when i hear them talking about the right to sanctuary cities, when i hear stories like kate stanley's, ed moved me more to the right, much more hard-core. why do so many liberals in so
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many cities believe they have a right and they're steady to have different laws that they abide by the new and i do here? >> mike: because many of them have grown up living in that mythical la la land. they don't understand the realities. most people who say that are probably surrounded by people who were in gated communities. some have armed guards and they're not worried about it. a five time loser who had been deported five times kept coming back, catch and release type program. he ends up murdering a young woman for the old with promise and hope on the streets of one of our sanctuary cities. that ought to be enough to turn everybody stomach. i pray that "kate's law" gets past. we will have bill o'reilly to thank for it because he kept giving voice to it when no one else was. i have to give him some credit for this. the president ought to give him one of the pens he signs with.
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that's why we have it. >> trish: why would any city want to protect a criminal like that that has been deported repeatedly? i was looking through some data from a nice recently you went down the column and all these people, ed said basically that the local county sheriff's wouldn't turn them over to ice because they were protected. there's something pretty fundamentally wrong when federal law or state or municipal law is at odds with each other. in the interest of protecting the entire country, the united states of america, federal law should win out. we should be able to deport people that are criminals. i don't even understand why this is so challenging. i'm with you on immigration. if people are hard-working people, they want to earn a living and make this country better, bring the men. welcome them. we should make it easier for those people. but for the criminals and the bad ones, why are we defending
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them in any way, shape, or form? >> kennedy: if you've got someone who has committed five violent felonies and there's a difference between some of his coming here to work and someone who wants to live the american dream and the only way they know how which at this point is illegally immigrating into this country. we need to reduce the entitlement statements, not expand it. the impetus for people to come here, the magnet is hard work and making country a better place. most people are not the guy who murdered kate steinle in cold blood. he was a horrible, evil person. the mechanism that allowed him to be released and allowed reentry, it is an awful one. my worry is that we don't have these unintended consequences that make us less free. whether you like it or not, and has a lot to do with our immigration source.
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>> mike: some who immigrated here may not have been great and, but they came here desperate because they don't have food for their families. one of the reforms we have to do is to reform so people who do want to come here to search for the american dream don't have to wait 18 years through legal red tape. we've made it harder for them. >> trish: it when you come here, you won't benefit anything. your and your own. you will not live off of taxpayer dollars. there are many ways you could go about this and he is trying to with this five-year plan. we should not be a welfare state that people want to come to. >> mike: when judges start doing ledges native work company to redesign their bench and many
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to run for legislator because that's what they do. you've got a lot of judges who are making the law. >> meghan: chuck grassley is tearing into chuck schumer calling him reckless. one of the obama administration folks being looked at for possible unmasking of those names, susan rice, now asking why me and then smack you living on the answer. what she says and if she is right next. (dog) mmm. this new
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you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> kennedy: top senate democrat chuck schumer using the senate rules to unmask members of the trump presidential campaign. it could be part of the democrats efforts to halt senate business over the gop's
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obamacare appeal efforts, but charles grassley blasting the decision saying it's disturbing and reckless for the minority leader to block the briefing. we've seen too many recent reminders of how unsafe the world is today. this is no time to play politics with our national security. this has president obama's former national security advisor, susan rice, now suggesting she may be the victim of racism and sexism when it comes to scrutiny over her alleged involvement in the unmasking of the new york magazine reporter asked her if she believes race and gender have played a role, she said, i don't know. i do not leap to the simple explanation that it's only about race and gender. i'm trying to keep my theories to myself until i'm ready to come out with them. let's not because i don't have any. it sounds like she is disseminating her theory. what is going on here? of the democrats giving former
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obama admits ration officials political cover? >> mike: of course they are. we knew the russians were trying to hack, they knew all these issues where they are, but obama said in the middle of october, there is nothing on here. he told putin that he better cut this out. that really worked him over. for all this talk about the worry that trump had some collusion, the real fact was we had administration that knew there was an attempt being done, that apparently there was nothing in effect of the election, that they absolutely took no steps whatsoever to notify the secretaries of state and electing officials to be on the lookout because him and he might be trying to affect the elections. i think there's a whole lot of things the democrats have to answer for. >> meghan: i think that hillary clinton would win and they wouldn't have to deal with any of this. the unmasking that you're talking about is a real issue.
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the situation that's being presented as the fbi and cia on mass individuals is highly unusual and expose their names. that's very illegal. this chaotic time where we are living in where people do not trust the intelligence officials are keeping us safe. susan rice using gender and race, there are some instances in life when you have gender and race play a role, this is not one of those moments. >> sandra: this is the same man we lead the show with asking for more bipartisanship, chuck schumer, whether you're taking them seriously. it is as further move to disrupt and distract from things getting done washington? >> mike: this is all they got is to be obstructionists. they don't own the house, the senate, the white house, the legislatures, they have a small
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minority of statehouses and the governorships. politically, they've lost a 5 out of 5 special elections this year. this is a terrible time for them. what also they got? they have no policies to put forward, no great ideas, so all they can do is point their fingers and get on top. >> kennedy: it's the leaking. susan rice has admitted that she did unmask when she said that she hadn't. it is a big deal because this is supposed to protect american citizens from foreign operatives who wish to do us harm. if there talking to americans and their names are revealed, it ultimately does them harm. >> trish: it feels very banana republic to me. this feels like something a government and south america would be pulling. this is not something that the united states government should be doing, not the kind of behavior you would expect of our leaders to be engaging in. this unmasking is very scary
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because this is all about them trying to influence who is actually running the country and a way that i think is very detrimental to our foundation and who we are. this is not right and this could turn out to be a very scary situation. >> kennedy: how many agencies can share information, it doesn't matter who your party is, what your gender is. it's wrong, it's a violation of civil liberties and we have to keep an eye on it. they are not offering tips on spicing things up in the boudoir, "cosmopolitan" magazine takes the time to inform us of who might be our first female president. notice anything missing? we'll bring it down for you. lady style. ♪ ♪
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when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night... so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?!? with liberty mutual's 24-hour roadside assistance, get a jump, tow, and more - any time of day. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> sandra: let's get to jon scott what was happening the second hour of "happening now" " >> jon: immigration reform taking center stage in the afternoon with the house voting on legislation that would crack down on criminal illegal
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immigrants as well as sanctuary cities. this comes as president trump's travel ban rolls out tonight. we will talk to addiction experts on potential cuts to medicaid and what that might mean for the opioid crisis in this country. and a story that tug on your heartstrings. a former u.s. special forces operative is live with us to share the story of his heroic rescue of a little girl under fire in mosul. >> meghan: "cosmopolitan" magazine coming under fire for a recent article highlighting seven women who could be america's first female president. the problem, no republicans were included on the list. instead they named the following. none of whom who have been in the senate longer than six year years. national review responded with a blistering editorial.
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nikki haley, a former governor i have written for "cosmo" magazine before and i can't say that they are completely anti-conservative but when you put a list together like that and don't include one conservative, what happened to the young republican women through the country who may be reading this magazine? >> mike: i posed for cosmo. liberal publications tend to think we don't exist, the conservative people in this case, conservative women don't exist so they're not going to list them and it's unfair to their readers, it's unfair to america, but it doesn't bother me because cosmopolitan will have very little to do with a female president. >> meghan: i don't know what
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their political influences. are you surprised, kennedy question asked me no, no, good lord no. this has been happening since the early '90s. throw potentially having our readers a bone, because believe it or not, maybe some of the young women who read her magazine rubbing conservative families. maybe throw in a pro-liberty name. or maybe peggy noonan. she's a fantastic writer. >> trish: of they could have thrown someone a bone in there. they could have some from republican. >> sandra: excellent they had a deep bench of candidates. they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel. >> meghan: the inclusion of oprah shows that.
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you really are scraping at a certain segment of the population. you're talking about a woman who was a feminist icon to a certain segment of women in this country and those are conservative woma woman. it's engine that cosmo would completely leave out the nonpolitician women that you have to -- >> sandra: the politicians who were named were pretty inexperienced. two of them are just selected last november. >> mike: you have to remember that the people who write for cosmo live in the bubble, the bubble of new york, washington, or hollywood. the people live in those bubbles don't know people outside those bubbles in the middle of the country. they don't know the values, the views, and they still are confused as to how donald trump
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won. they haven't gotten over that because they're disconnected from a whole bunch of america. >> kennedy: they can all agree on hillary clinton not being president. the >> mike: fire. >> trish: i think many members of the media have one view of the world and they don't even want to entertain the other vie view. >> meghan: i can't tell you how many situations i've been in. one happened on monday on the radio when someone starts talking to me about women's rights and i tell them, i'm pro-life and what you're talking about with planned parenthood and abortion, i'm completely against and it has nothing to do with my platform and it blows their mind that modern working
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unmarried women are pro-life. more "outnumbered" in just a minute. ♪
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>> many thanks to governor mike huckabee for joining us today, always good to have you. tune in at 2:00 p.m., somebody you know? >> being at that desk is like
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wearing a lady gaga address at the zoo and a lion cage. >> they are talking about sarah huckabee sanders providing that briefing at 2:00 p.m. "happening now" starts right no now. >> heather: we begin with a fox news alert, major developments on capitol hill right now by vice president mike pence, making the rounds to seek support for a new republican health care bill. >> jon: the house is set to vote an hour from now on two immigration bills and there is that on camera at white house briefing an hour from now. we are covering all the news, "happening now" ." that sentiment comes as senate republicans have been told to strike a health care deal by tomorrow as g.o.p. fears mount, it's window for repealing and replacing obamacare might soon close. also, just hours from now, elements of president trump's travel ban go into


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