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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 30, 2017 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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you two are on vacation, this week and we have corey lewandowski come up mike huckabee, and i am going to take place in a hot dog eating contest. >> i've a question, what you put on your hotdog? >> mustard and a little catch-up. >> bill: fox news alert, and others were coming that former national security advisor susan rice had to testify under oath about allegations of unmasking of names and intel reports. rice has been under fire for her alleged role in revealing the name to trump associates during the election. for her part, she's done nothing wrong. more on this in a few moments inside a "america's newsroom." another alert now on a friday morning, the breaking development over president trump's top priorities, number one the travel ban limiting trade to the u.s. from six muslim majorities is no effect. how will that affect us?
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meanwhile, health care reform facing an uncertain fate on capitol hill. senate republican trying to find a -- i am bill hemmer, split broadcast prefrontal trip this week, i am bill comer live in washington and shannon, how are you doing? >> shannon: i am doing great as we go into this holiday we can live from new york. president trump applying new pressure to senate republicans to get something done on health care. this morning, if republican senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately repeal and then replace at a later date. health and human services secretary tom price weighed in on this just a short time ago. >> the status quo it's status quo is unacceptable. the sun understands that. the president is certain we make move forward in a positive way to be able to make medical decisions and not d.c. >> shannon: he pointed out. john roberts joined us now. >> this is a big change with the
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president saying this morning compared to what he said during the campaign earlier this year when he insisted that obamacare repeal had to be followed immediately or at least a few days with a replacement bill. this was the formula for the house where they were going to repeal and replace literally simultaneously, but now, the president seems to be implying a intentionally different formula. in the senate, this could be a not to senator rand paul who told the president wednesday on an idea of splitting the bill in two parts. look what he said on "fox & friends" yesterday. >> what i've come up with and talk to the president yesterday about this, what about dividing the bill into go? to the repeal, which no democrat will vote for, repeal the tax is repeal of regulations and to a o pay for anything before medicaid. take the spending and put it in a bill that the democrats will vote for. there's about 20 different bills the democrats vote for every year, stick it on one of those
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bills and now you have to go bills and to get it done in 5 minutes. the president seemed open and interested in the idea. another senator who is open to the idea is in sass, another republican who is not necessarily sing at our night with the president on many issues but did find common ground with him on this. look what he said a short time ago on foxy and friends this morning. speak up if we don't get this resolved by the monday of next week, july 10th, if there isn't a combined repeal and replace plan, i'm writing a letter to the president this morning urging him to call on us to separate them. every republican in the u.s. senate except for one has already voted for repeal in the past. let's do that first. >> some people at the white house i talk to a few days ago that this new plan of spending the bill into two parts doing the repeal and the replacement at a future date may not get them to 50 votes, it may in fact, shannon, scare off some of the moderates who are already on board. >> shannon: on another topic, the president tweeting again
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this morning. this time about violence in chicago. >> at the level of the murders in chicago is something the president has been talking about literally since the day he got into this race. this morning tweeting "the crimes and killings in chicago have reached epidemic proportions, such epidemic proportions rather that i am sending in federal health, 1,700 shootings in chicago this year." what he is doing is sending in 20 federal agents from -- he is sending them to chicago to create a chicago gun crime task force alongside chicago police. as a joint operation. they will have at their disposal a mobile unit that is capable of quickly processing ballistic evidence and then linking up with the national database to search firearms so they can try and narrow the time window of the process down and hopefully trace these firearms to the perpetrators and get them arrested. here's what jeff sessions said about this a short time ago. >> we will have an impact in
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reducing shootings in chicago, but we are really, the police might have been demoralized and every way. they are not feeling good. the policies and chicago have not been working. vertices cap are way, way too high. other cities like chicago are far better to back off in chicago. it is critical, critical for the people of chicago, public safety, that we begin to work together here. >> the president has been talking to chicago's mayor about this white house official saying that the manual has resisted any notion of federal health sing the president had this on century city's first. the president clearly doesn't want to do that but the sanctuary cities still pass the house yesterday and he is talking about that and now sitting the federal agents. another little piece of business that we learned about yesterday, the president next week when he goes for the g20 summit will have a bilateral meeting of sorts with the russian president vladimir putin. it looks like it will be an official sitdown sort of thing,
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which is what is being called a bilateral poll site, a little more informal, no agenda set for that. the president taking up the fight with msnbc again today. tweeting just a short-term ago. surely there will be more to say on that. >> shannon: the news keeps you busy. john roberts, thank you very much. >> bill: thank you, shannon. chris stirewalt, charlie hurt here in studio. good day to you. charlie has run out of seersucker jackets. [laughter] you look great. travel ban 2.0, it has worked so far. the redo has been effective. >> interestingly, it is so much less controversial than anybody expected. part of the reason that the first go around was poorly crafted, version 2.0, much more considerably time. part of the reason that there was such a freak out the first time because people couldn't even handle the fact that donald trump was president and this was the first action he took and it was -- there has exploded. now they're putting it in play.
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>> bill: let's see how it goes goes. >> a big reason the people freaked out so much was because -- there were problems with the particulars of the way it went was put in place the first time. there's also this freak out, this mental freak out that all these people are saying the president doesn't have the right to do this. that has been settled by the supreme court. that's a huge victory for the president, and of those people have been shut up, which also contributes to the fact. >> bill: topic number two on health care, i don't expect much from the senate today. he sat natural assets that you make it a little bit more that goes to cbl to tell what it will cost but don't expect major headlines today. jeff anything different on that? >> i don't expect to see major headlines today, what you saw with the president basically embracing the then sasse plan where you split the bill and you do the repeal first and then you do the plan later. that's what we started.
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that was march, that was paul ryan's original idea and donald trump said no we can't do that, we have to have for placement. we can't repeal without a replacement or we will never get around to it. they said okay, back to the drawing board and glue everything up. it's been three months and we are back to where we began in march. >> bill: do you think republicans come back from this break and hammer away at health care day after day and week after week? that would make a long hot summer in order to get it done because that's what democrats had to do eight years ago. >> i absolutely think that's what they will do, but the problem of course with separating it is politicians don't like to take big risks. the idea of taking something away that obamacare gave people and then not replacing it with something terrifies them, but apparently so does replacing it with something that doesn't give them as much. they are in a tough bind, and again i said this a hundred times, the fact that they didn't have a plan in place all the times that they have been voting
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over the years -- >> you don't want to rush into anything. >> bill: susan rice is in the news as of last night. she will testify under oath. what is our hunch as to how much he reveals and have her she goes? >> the deal here isn't really the unmasking, it's the unlinking of the identities. it would be perfectly normal for a national security advisors to seek identities of americans who were swept up as part of surveillance. the issue is following the links to the leaks. how did the identities of michael flynn and others, how did their names get out into the public when they were initially identified as potential targets of this collision investigation? that's the key. will she said my on sort of the evidence custody chain, who did she tell him where to go from there? >> bill: unmasking is significant, but obviously, its dissemination of it because that's what has been used to hurt people, her political
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opponents, and that has been feet major crime all along. something about russia so much, we believe there are legitimate accusations that you had a president who administration was spying on political opponents and releasing the contents of that spying in order to -- that serious stuff. susan rice from the beginning has at least publicly, sort of said, things that are not -- appears to have said things that are not true. first she said she knew nothing about and then she later said i linked nothing to nobody, which is -- very crafty. again, it appears we may not know what she said in the short term because either reports -- >> it will leak. >> bill: trump-putin will talking about a week's time. i imagine that will be awkward.
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>> totes awkward. we are fighting a proxy war against syria and rushing now. >> bill: maybe it's a necessary discussion. >> this is the most important adversary that the united states has the most significant adversary they have had in a while. the threat that russia represents in the front of russia is just as real as possible and one of the good things that has come out of this process over the last anguishing six months is this. everyone agrees, everybody now agrees with clear eyes, russia is a bad actor, they tried to hurt us, and they tried to interfere with our election, they tried to new no good. now we can at least agree on that. >> it will be interesting to see how much the media focuses on the important things, the proxy war in syria versus he's meeting with the russians, the russians are everywhere. because that freak out, i believe, helps donald trump your >> bill: have a great holiday.
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chris starlet, charlie hurt. eat a hot dog. speak to u.s. military pull out of afghanistan to quickly? is that decision hamper the ongoing war on terror itself house foreign affairs community member adam kinzinger joins us. plus this... because the bottom line is that the paris accord is very unfair at the highest level to the united states. >> the bottom line is that the >> bill: president trump point the u.s. out of that paris accord, a key ally promises tough talk for the u.s. ahead of next week summit in europe. what does the white house think about all of that? scott pruitt will join us live to answer that question. shannon. >> shannon: you've seen him. president trump tweets, are they helping or hurting his agenda? will have a fair and balanced debate on that. >> this is how hugo chavez would talk about it. >> last time i checked, president trump is not shutting down the press.
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last time i checked, he is not spending military guards to go shut down cnn or msnbc. he is at the right to state his opinion, we might hate it, i don't like it. ♪
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nothing happened and we hope that nothing does. >> bill: that was sarah huckabee sanders on our program after talking about the situation in syria. they believe that a messenger sent to a sod presented another chemical weapons attack there. this on the heels of her report confirming the use of sarin gas on eight town back in april that killed more than 90 people. adam kinzinger. sir, good morning to you. on the eve of holiday weekend. did this administration prevent asada from acting again? >> i think so. over the pictures of the children gasped being from the last breath and you think about what's in essence, the amount of life that were saved and here's the thing. americans are getting used to it again america its muscle. we have the ability to destroy any aircraft the regime puts up. we have the ability to destroy any target anywhere in syria and we are use to eight years right president sets down redlines but doesn't act.
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i think right now saying administration that comes out tough and says, look if you do this, there will be a massive cost to you. i think definitely figured into the calculus in the regime and probably the russians and a saying, don't use chemical weapons because you will lose another fit of air force or more. >> bill: if that is true in syria, you wonder if that is true with a carry on effect for al qaeda or isis et cetera. the reason i asked you is because james mattis is talking yesterday. there is a push right now and all likelihood that more u.s. forces will be deployed to afghanistan. he said the following about that. >> we may have pulled our troops out too rapidly, reduced the numbers a little too rapidly, but the difference today is the afghan army is actually able to carry the fight. >> bill: he set a lot just that short sentence there. first of all, we pulled our troops out too rapidly. >> 100% true. when you are building relationships in afghanistan and building relationships on the
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ground, you are trying to bring the locals into the fight. the biggest concern in afghanistan is, are you going to be here for us? they have an 80% popularity in that country. when president obama announced a surge but then said 18 months later we are going to be coming home, first off was nonsensical, that actually, you saw on the ground a lot of attempts to build relationships just ended. the senior elders from the villages would walk away and say you are not staying. that announcement, pulling the troops that had a devastating effect. it's not your reversible, but the american people need to understand. the administration is and has to make this case, which as we are fighting a generational war, not just in afghanistan but against a radical ideology. it's going to take rejection from within, but that takes time. >> bill: appears that nato will get 3,000 more troops to this effort. for nato, that substantial. the u.s. may give additional troops as well. what you think the number is?
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>> i've heard from anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 on our site, 3,000 on nato. the number to me is irrelevant. we need the capacity to do with the mission calls for. if you remember under president obama, it was about 9,800 troops, 200 chai of 10,000 because it was four figures of set of five. we need to say whatever is necessary, taking out al qaeda where they exist, strikes against the taliban in ensuring that isis cannot get a stronger foothold in afghanistan while we build a national governments. it's going to take a while. >> bill: just that whole thought about matta saying the afghan army is able to carry out the fight, that is not been the case before. >> hasn't and they are getting better. the american strengthens the spine of indigenous forces like that. the afghans are losing 150 shoulders a month in the fight and i think that something we need to remember. >> bill: thank you for your time.
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>> shannon: firefighters battling thousands of wildfires all across the west, thousands forced from their homes in extreme heat offering no relief. plus, the trump administrations calling on all 50 states to hand over voter data going back to 2006. the white house says it stopping voter fraud, so why are some states refusing to go along with the white house request? >> my question to mr. president, what are you afraid the commission will find? if you're right in voter fraud doesn't exist, then we will find nothing and we will present that fact. but if we find that there's a lot of that, we'll present that to. they don't want to see the problems.
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>> bill: this were now from
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iraq that the country's military saying isis is all but defeated in that country. second-largest city of mosul prompting iraq's prime minister to announce that the islamic state caliphate is no more. however, remaining pockets of jihadi fighters are not retreating. heavy fighting continues in small neighborhoods still under isis control. the push to retake most sold to began last october and continue continues. >> shannon: they were fighter fighters an end now battling more than a dozen major firefighters for the south was pretty extreme heat only making conditions worse as more fires continue to spark. thousands of acres have already burned, forcing evacuations across utah, california, and arizona. good morning, claudia. what can you tell us about the latest on the evacuation orders? >> shannon, the good news is they are being lifted. the two major wildfires we been keeping an eye on all week, first start in arizona with a good wind fire. there the residents and mayor were forced to evacuate it every night they have gathered to get
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updates on this wildfire that has spread to 45 square miles. that's it. almost as large as san francisc san francisco. last night, some of these folks got the news they wanted. they have homes to go back to. >> i feel like it's been a long three days. >> much more positive. we are going to have a home to go to. >> just talking to everybody and that they can come back safe. no one loses their homes. >> went on the minds of everyone in the central arizona community is the memory of 19 firefighters who were killed four years ago today in a spot very close to this week's fire. meantime in utah where the brian had fire has consume 60,000 acres of last week's folks are expected to return today. one of the main resource is set to open but another will have to stay close of the owner puts for losses about a hundred thousand dollars.
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this fire has believed to have started when a man using a torch to clear weeds around his tavern. >> shannon: happened so quickly. what about fires elsewhere? other spots. >> they do seem to be a daily occurrence here in southern california but thankfully nothing has gotten very much out of control. in colorado, take a look. a subdivision was evacuated when a fire came upon their neighborhood and one house was destroyed. the state's governor has declared a disaster emergency allowing the national guard to help if needed. the state also sent in an aircraft to help out ground crews. in many cases, the red flag warnings are being lifted as firefighters gain containment, cooler temperatures and letter winds are always a help to. >> shannon: claudia, keeping us updated on that situation now. thank you. >> bill: meanwhile back here in washington about 30 minutes from now we are expecting the president of south korea to arrive at the white house for talks with president trump just throwing a dinner there at the white house last night.
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north korea is the likely topic. we will have that for you as soon as that takes place. plus there is this. >> we are united! >> bill: pro-choice grading the president's first travel ban so how are things going the second time around. we will take you out to the airport to check in on that. that's coming up next. >> i think it was a great victory for the president. we will focus on the six countries alone who have really failed states with terrorist makers in them. snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress.
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generally how is it going? >> really well. no signs of protest or chaos that we saw with the first travel ban rollout. i was here all day yesterday afternoon until about 6:00 p.m. in advance of the official travel ban taking effect. it was a very, very calm. our colleague, henry, was here through the actual implementation of the travel ban until about 10:00 p.m. last night. i just got off the phone with them a little while ago and he said it was also very, very quiet but crowded here last night. two factors made contributed to them. the 72 hour policy which the administration used at this time, a tremendous contrast to the first roll out where there was all that sloppiness and confusion. there clearly help. the other factor is then pointed out to me that if there are going to be problems, it all likelihood, it will happen at the point of order come at the airport of origin because under the present circumstances,
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nobody could get on a flight if they don't have the proper documentation, the proper visas. that said, there are already legal challenges brewing. at the state of hawaii under its attorney general doug chin filed another challenge late yesterday asking a judge to barker travel ban. they argue that the way the administration had implemented the supreme court direction and applicant to travel to the united states must have a bona fide relationship was very narrowly interpreted by the government, by the trump administration. here's what the state department says about that criteria. that those who have a parent, a spouse, a child, son or daughter in law or sibling already in the u.s. can come here. hawaii maintains that grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousin should be considered as a bona fide relationship.
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jeff sessions spoke on fox and friends this morning is confident that that hawaii challenge will go nowhere. >> they were slapped down by the supreme court. they had an initial victory before a judge in hawaii that issued an order that bound the whole united states. which is really an overreach in my opinion, except in the most extreme circumstances. i believe that this argument will be heard. i don't think it will be sustained either. >> a number of civil rights and immigrant activist groups are also going to be challenging the band, a tremendous anchor above those groups still. >> bill: what about them relaxants of the standards? is that happening? >> in fact, they arty have a relax at least one standard. they now included fiance among those family members who are qualified as a bona fide relationship. chances are included.
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grandparents not yet included. >> bill: we will watch that from here. thank you, doug. >> shannon: president trump said the state's new push back on climate changes as he travels to the g20 summit next week. german chancellor ongoing merkel will be filing a charge following the trump's decision to pull u.s. out of paris accords. we can't and won't wait until the last person of the scientific evidence for climate change. i enjoy now by scott pruitt. would you make of that? they are going to see each other face-to-face. she's made a secret of how she feels and she needs to push the u.s. on the support. >> when you go back to exit kyoto back in 2001 and read accounts then by the german chancellor, they are identical to today. europe wants the united states to stay in agreement with the paris accords. he puts them in an economic disadvantage. when you look at what we've done already in this country to reduce our co2 footprint, we are
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at pre1994 level say. after we exited kyoto, we had reduce the carbon footprint by 18%. we let their action, not worth, not just simply those labels that are used. at the paris agreement with simply a bad deal for this country. the present has that we will continue engagement, continue weeding out reduction of co2, but we are not going to agree to situations like the paris accords that put us in an economic disadvantage as compared to the rest of the world. people forget that india conditioned all of their obligations under the paris accords upon receiving two and a half trillion dollars will take any steps until he receives them. china didn't have to take any steps until 2,030. when you look at that, if we are really serious about reducing co2, look at what america has done and follow our lead. >> shannon: the administration sent down two or agree to a different type of paris agreement? is there room for renegotiation? >> i think the president said engagement is going to continue. we are going to continue leading
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through action. as far as international discussions, if they reflect in america for strategy and actually do something positive to the environment, people forget, if you go back to when the paris accord was signed, there was tremendous criticism on the left with respect to what occurred there because they felt like that china and india and other nations skated. we were the country that took steps to put billions of dollars into the green climate. try to put zero. brush up at zero india put zero. that accord really isn't what people are thinking it is today. the initial memory. >> shannon: you also had taken the first step towards rolling back a regulation, a regulation that was very widespread and wide-ranging and it was increase the reach of under the obama administration dealing with regulations of waters of the united states. called wotus for short. i covered cases and you at the state level are very familiar with this as well. we are talking about standing rain puddles on people's property or streams that result
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in storms. there was an argument over whether the government could come and regulate your property based on that kind of standing water. >> what is the impact this will? private property owners using their land to build subdivisions, farming or ranching because i don't know whether epa jurisdiction, federal jurisdiction extensive activity. they are facing tens of thousands of dollars in fines just by using their own property because the epa got the definition wrong. the six circuit said so. we are in the process of doing is getting it right. it's part of energy week this week, i signed a proposed rule to withdraw the wotus definition from 2015 and we were going to focus this fall and getting the definition right. >> shannon: you have critics and them is the natural resources present. the proposal strikes to -- it was strict out feet of production for the streams and drinking water sources from one in every three americans. she called a reckless attack on our waters and our health.
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>> dry creek beds, puddles, and ditches don't apply under the clean water act. the only authority we have of the clean water act is the authority congress gives us. historically as you know, interstate commerce, the thought that the epa has jurisdiction over dry creek beds and puddles across this country is what's wrong with the previous administration. we're going to get it right going forward in which we regulate water, regulate the waters has told us we should regulate and we will partner with states to ensure safe drinking water. >> shannon: as part of a big process and you won't leave waters completely unregulated. >> incorporated created uncertainty. >> shannon: a different lot a lot of landowners and farmers for sure. thank you for seeing it. thanks for coming. >> bill: thank you, shannon. another fox news work, former national security advisor susan rice will testify before the house intel committee. she will certainly be asked about the unmasking of trump associates during the campaign.
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until then, what are lawmakers hoping to settle? that is the question on the table. fox polling and how you feel about the presidents tweeting. helping or hurting? we will debate that next. >> the conversation right now is a one-way conversation of toxicity. a lot of these people on tv do not criticize his policies, they do not criticize his actions and his beliefs, they criticize him.
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>> shannon: the coast guard resting five people including a four euro captured on tape. it happened off the coast of north carolina after their boat capsized. all five returned safely to shore in under 40 minutes. officials say they were all wearing life jackets and clinging to the boat when rescuers arrived. the great news, no injuries. >> that's the real tragedy of today's trees. they are diversion. when the president talks about the people who elected him, he wins. when talked about himself, the
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left does. the president was not elected to pick friends with tv host, he was elected because he promised an agenda that comes but nobody else but him was offering. >> bill: talkers take from last night argued that that isa way of getting things done. a new controversy arises over tweets from the white house from the president just yesterday and throughout the week. juan williams cohost of "the five" and mercedes schlapp, good data both of you. you should've seen mercedes last night. she was like russell crowe in the ring. she was ready to do battle. in a bigger sense to both of you, mercedes, if you look at the president's history, he is always taking others on. should we be surprised? or shall be used to it by now? >> i don't think we could ever get used to some of his tweets, quite frankly, but i am not surprised because there has been
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this messy relationship, especially between these two host from morning joe and the president. they were buddy buddy at one point. that moved into what would be personal tax on both sides from mika and joe making personal assaults of the president and the present we are not surprised went after them. i think what happened with this white house is that they feel like they are in constant, personal attack, not only on the president but also on the staff. even when you look at this cn mac "snl" skits which are yes very funny, a lot of them are personal attacks on these individuals and it's a very frustrating for this white house that's trying to push an agenda for the american people where they are focusing on and want to focus on how we deal with the health care situation, how we push forward on tax reform. it's incredibly frustrating. with that being said, these tweets are distractions, and to some of these are inappropriate, it is a waste of time for the president even to focus on
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these. >> bill: take a bigger picture point there. used to cover the white house. comment on the media's reaction to this administration for the past five months. at times, it's been pretty brutal, and if this is a president who time and again shows that he's up for that challenge of fighting back. just start there. >> i don't think there's any question the president has been fairly antagonistic. i don't think anybody left or right would disagree with that. i think they view him, often times, as the guy he was impetuous, and i think the tweets really is about that. the contrary point would be that given his difficult relationship with the press that think they are holding power to account because he is the president of the united states, he thinks that he can go around the press what he wants and establish himself as of the soul source of
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news calling them fake news and the enemy of the american people. >> bill: clearly a strategy. >> i think it is a strategy in a week in which they had some trouble with the health care bill and other issues, what you see is the president has clearly moved the dial. we are not talking about what was going on with the health care after seven years of promises, we are talking about this. mercedes says that they are pursuing an agenda, but we are not hearing them talk about that agenda so much as we are of this tweet. >> bill: you had to immigration bills passed from the house. kate's law and sanctuary city's. that's nothing to scoff at. they try to do so they got it done. >> they try to do that years ago too, bill. >> bill: and the energy speech that was given yesterday that scott pruitt was addressing shannon there. our poll finds this, do to help or hurt? 71% believe it hurts and that was taken prior to the storm of yesterday. i just want to make mercedes blood boil a little bit here.
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in a friendly collegial way. here was dr. krauthammer last night and then mercedes can respond to it again. >> this is how the that dictatn the philippines we talk about is the grading and it sort of reduces the united states from a grant republic 28 banana republic. >> bill: you can imagine what mercedes and after that. >> i have to just tell you, just to make the comparison of a dictator or the philippine dictator to president obama, that is exactly the narrative that so many of these mainstream outlets push. >> mercedes! want to say -- >> to nationalize, industries, hugo chavez nationalized industries and crippled the private sector. he took over the media. president trump is making these
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comments and being critical of the media but in no way is he taking steps to remove the freedom of the press. i find that just to beat -- i think that dr. krauthammer went way too far when he first made these comparisons to a dictator. >> i was just telling mercedes that she said president obama what she meant president trump. that's all. >> my blood was boiling. >> i appreciate it. i don't want to get run over by the gladiator. i do think that given the fact that the white house press corps feel so under siege, there is some reality to the question of the president's relationship with the press. you may see it as going around them, but at some point, reporters do have a real job and they have to be held accountable. people can watch and listen and read, but that's the lifeblood a democracy. >> bill: 98.6, right? [laughter] thank you to both of you. >> shannon: just minutes from
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now, president trump set to meet with the president of south korea. north korea, of course, on the agenda. we will bring in that meeting when we find out as soon as it happens. going above and beyond this holiday weekend to help wounded veterans. the story of one man in his john deere tractor coming up next. don't miss it. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance.
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>> bill: dramatic high-speed cliche starting just after 5:00 yesterday and kentucky where officers try to stop a man suspected of robbery. he was not interested in surrender. he sped off sparking a 30 minute chase into southern indiana. it ends in that field with dust
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and dirt flying when a police cruiser rammed into his pickup truck as he tried to cut across an open field. at that point, he was caught. >> shannon: it is fourth of july weekend. one man is showing his patriotism in a very special wa way. by driving his tractor across the country and at raising money for our wounded warriors. beth and his live to tell us more. >> good morning. many of us have driven us on a long road trip in a cushy car for a couple hours might get tired or irritable. imagine the dedication of this guy putting across the country in a 1948 john deere tractor. meet ivan stoltzfus. a dream is like an engine. it just needs a spark. 70 year old ivan stoltzfus got that spark from his father. >> he said one day out of the blue, if you have a dream, don't wait till you are too old and
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physically can't do it, just do it. >> stoltzfus, a farmer for nearly 30 years near lancaster pennsylvania always wanted to drive across the u.s. he felt a calling to somehow support u.s. veterans. then he took freedom for granted. >> i got to the point where i couldn't even sleep at night. >> stoltzfus decided to combine dreams and drive across the country and his modified tractor, raising money and awareness for wounded heroes. running into people like mike, whose 23-year-old son died in the iraq war. >> somebody from above decided my route needed to come through oregon and here i am. >> we spent about 30 minutes with him in a nearby town at a gas station. some of stuff to pay for his gas and another man as you just saw came to tears because his son had died in a war. if he is affecting people in a 30 minute period, imagine how many lives he's touching across the country. >> shannon: that is such a
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great story and what a great man and all he is doing for our families of our wounded warriors out there and our veterans and those who have been lost. matt, thank you for covering it. >> bill: we expect the south korean president to be greeted by president trump and any minute. we will see that when it happens. also, we are watching the senate today. can republicans get a new deal on health care? congress goes on vacation today, the clock is running come up with the white house apply enough pressure? we are live from everywhere on that in moments. details on another breaking story. what will susan rice do now as she agrees to testify before the house intelligence committee? >> this is a person, susan rice, who went before the world on national television about five times and wide to the world about benghazi. room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it, with great summer deals up to 40% off. visit booking.yeah!
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>> shannon: we are minutes away from president trump hosting a meeting with south korean president, moon jae-in. he's making his first official trip to the u.s. since he took
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office in may. the two leaders coming together and made a looming tensions with north korea. president trump and a president moon expected to issue a joint statement in about an hour. we will take you live in the happens. meanwhile, on capitol hill, republican senators now up against the clock, as they try to reach a deal on health care before leaving town for the fourth of july recess. president trump putting the pressure on the new senate to come to an agreement. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." from new york, i am shannon bream. hello, bill. >> bill: nice to see you. i am bill hemmer live in washington yet again today. president trump suggested today that wanamaker simply repeal obamacare and figure out how to replace it later. that's an idea that has been floated before. majority mitch mcconnell now hatching back trying to hammer out ideas today but senate republicans say it's an issue to republic after the break. >> i think it will be various
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proposals, pieces to submitted to the cbo to get their feedback and what their impacts are going to be with respect to coverages and costs and that sort of thing. that will be an iterative process. that will mean it all happens overnight. got a week now where the senate is out of session. we can back week after next, i think it's going to be time for us to move forward to build. >> bill: senator john thune there last night from special report. mike, good morning to you. what is the feeling from republicans on the hill, frustration or not so much? >> there are signs of frustration and nebraska senator ben sasse is are you talking about plan b if mitch mcconnell cannot get a deal by july 10th. he sent a letter to president trump talking about a two-step plan. step one being a passing a repeal obamacare the reconciliation, immediately upon congress' return, that would include a one-year implementation delay. step two, congress should cancel
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the august break and spent all day, every day crafting a replacement bill for a vote on labor day. sasse played out this morning on "fox & friends." what i am recommending is that we give comfort to the american people by repealing the maximum amount of obamacare that we can but at a one-year delay delay before that would be effective, so there is an action forcing event so that we get to work so that we are actually working to do the replacement plan. we need repeal, we need replaced, trying to do that together hasn't work. >> the concern for his conservatives like sasse is if other options fail, g.o.p. moderates and democrats will sit down and fix obamacare. >> bill: what about sitting down in negotiating with democrats? how far is an idea? >> that if something senate democrat leader chuck schumer has been urging all this week in addition to ripping the g.o.p. proposal. >> the idea is so backwards, so
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out of step with what america wants and what actually works. it can never succeed, no matter how it sweeps. the one thing my republican friends are latching onto, that their bill will bring down average premium several years down the line is really a debate and a switch. >> bill: cpac >> republican leaders say sitting there with democrats will produce the results that they and their constituents want. >> if we have to negotiate with chuck schumer and the democrats, we are going to be looking down the barrel of a single-payer system because that's what they want to see happen. >> discussions continue, even though most of the senators have departed for the independence day holiday. >> bill: seem a bit later. mike emanuel live on capitol hill. >> shannon: for more than this, will bring in firing work team! byron york. we have a seat from the president saying that republican senators are unable to tack what they are working on now, they should immediately repeal and
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then replace at a later date. what do you make of these conversations we are having now whether it's a two-pronged plan that senator 12 sent out for other members on the hill saying we just repeal it and figured out later. >> that is just evidence of the frustration on capitol hill about this. it's an old idea, that's what republicans were thinking about doing in january before the president came into office. they said we will repeal it now and work on replacement. then everyone came to believe that you can't just repeal it and have nothing. you have to repeal and replace at the same time. so now it's been so difficult to do that, they are going back to the old idea thinking maybe we should just repeal. we've been looking -- we've been covering congress for a long time. what could happen was, he would repeal it now, set a deadline year from now, congress would talk and do nothing for most of that time, and then as that deadline approached, it will become the most urgent thing in the world and everybody's hair would be on fire and who knows what would happen at that point
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gets me to you actively have seen that story before. continuing resolutions. >> shannon: here is what congressman for one more day today jason chaffetz have to say about this idea. >> over in the house, more than 50 times we have voted to repeal it. i would put them both up and dare republicans almost to vote against it. you have to do this and repeal it and you can put the enactment date a year down the road or to pick a specific date. >> shannon: you have no confidence that would actually work. you are laughing! >> first of all, republicans voted a number of times as congress and chafe is said to repeal obamacare. but now is some of them say, they are shooting with the back before they could depend on president obama to veto this if you happen to get to his death, most of the times it didn't. they could depend on him to veto it. now that that a republican president who will sign it and a lot of them are terrified of
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making huge changes to obamacare. >> shannon: i want to make sure we get to a couple key points. one of them is not repealing, one of the really big taxes that the senate side seems to agree it would benefit high income earners. they say if we keep that tax in place, then we will have more money for subsidies, opioid assistance, all kind of other things. let's do it at the expense of people who are doing fine to benefit those who aren't in maybe that's a better sell. there are others in their saying, no, we are going to get rid of every tax and obamacare including that one. >> politically, this is a really double edge sword for republicans. obamacare has a 3.8% tax on investment income for couples who make more than $250,000 a year. that brings in a fair amount of money. the question is among republicans, our current bill the current proposal would repeal that entirely along with obamacare's other taxes. some people are saying we need to spend more on opioids or perhaps on medicaid, maybe we
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don't have to repeal that, or maybe we don't have to repeal all of it. on the other hand, that's going to cause trouble with those republicans who one to oppose those taxes generally and have found to their voters to repeal everything that's obamacare. >> shannon: i know you make a point that once we start getting people subsidies years ago, it's really hard to them tell them you will not have any more to help you. >> absolutely. go back to 2013 when ted cruz is trying to defund obamacare. it hadn't kicked in yet. he said if we wait until the subsidies start going out and people start receiving them, we will never get rid of this thing. well, people have been receiving billions of dollars in subsidies and what republicans are learning is once you get, it's hard to take it back. >> shannon: that's always the case of any kind of government program. byron york, always good to see you. >> bill: meanwhile, significant testimonies now in the works. former national security advisor susan rice will answer questions
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under oath before the house intelligence committee. this amid allegations that the obama administration improperly unmask the names of americans included in classified reports. washington was the hearing takes place, what our lawmakers are hoping to learn from this question and answer. >> susan rice is someone congressional investigators from a number of committees have been trying to get to testify for months now. fox news has learned that the former national security advisor has now agreed to appear before the house intelligence committee. that hearing is likely to take place before the end of the month. she sure to face a lot of questions from a co-op offense on handling classified intelligence reports, particularly over allegations that she unmask or reveal the names of trump associates picked up in those reports during the presidential campaign and that she did that for political purposes. rice has denied doing anything wrong, but this morning, former
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house chairman jason chait is that she needs to answer exactly what she did and when she did i. >> there's a lot of explaining to do because if you are unmasking and releasing those names out, that is against the wall. that's the one place we actually know what a law has been broken. there needs to be some people held accountable and she's right in the epicenter of vent. >> the house intelligence committee has indicated its cure will be open to the public are behind closed doors but so far these hearings have been private as we saw earlier this week with john podesta. >> bill: what have we heard from susan rice about the hearing? >> it's important to note that her story has evolved. back in march, she initially told pbs she knew nothing about the unmasking of trump associates and then a few weeks later, she admitted on msnbc that she sometimes had requested to have those names unmask. lastly her spokesperson said this "ambassador rice is cooperating with the bipartisan rushing investigation being conducted by the intelligence committee as she said she
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would." we should also note so again that the house intelligence committee is just one of several that has requested to hear from susan rice in their investigation to russia as well. >> bill: thank you garrett. setting the table for us this morning. thank you, sir. >> shannon: as you know, president trump meeting with south korea's president this morning and as they get ready to issue a joint statement from the white house, the threat from north korea is issue number one. we'll have a statement for you as soon as it happens. plus this... because this goes to everybody -- all of the coworkers are scared. >> bill: some frank at moment at a medical center after a manchus to workers and himself. investigators say what his motive was today. also there is this. >> we never be defeated! 's be to the supreme court
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president trump's travel restrictions are going into effect, at least in part. at that a sparking protest. some u.s. airports, jay sekulow is next on the new policies and what they actually mean for travelers. >> we will suspend the syrian refugee program and we will keep radical islamic terrorists the hill out of our country. ne meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress.
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>> shannon: president trump's temporary travel ban now and the
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fact. the goal of fighting terrorism. the days after the supreme court approved a key provisions of the band. a handful of demonstrators showing up at airports, so far no major disruptions for travelers but activists are bound to challenge the numeral. >> how could you deny that someone's grandparent has a close bona fide relationship with the family? how could you deny a fiance doesn't have the relationship? >> shannon: jay sekulow part of the president's legal team and chief counsel of the american wanton center for justice. the ban, it's been seamless good but not for hawaii because they immediately filed an emergency request challenging this because apparently what is going to count as a relationship, parents, spouse, son and daughter, sibling already in the u.s. why doesn't think that's good enough. part of the filing says is "the government does not have discretion to ignore the course and judging the supreme court as it sees fit. in total to the enforcement of the injection is successfully dented in large part up to the
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supreme court, one that protects the state's residents and their loved ones from an illegal and unconstitutional executive order." >> the supreme court completely disagreed with the state of hawaii. i agree they are not happy with the supreme court's ruling, but guess what, that's the ruling. the president and his team put forward an executive order that was 95% of which was sustained by the supreme court. the president have the power under his provisions of the constitution to govern the ability of the president to protect our country. what happens next? years where you have a whole issue that's going on. hawaii starts a new proceeding because they don't like the interpretation that the administration is going to put in place and has been in place with relationships. the supreme court gave that latitude to the administration. the constitution requires. i think this is sour grapes at this point. at the conclusion of this, all nine justices, there's not a
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dissent on this point, recognize the power of the president to do what he did to the executive order. there's one carve out that they are trying to change into some kind of new supreme court case was already in the order. people forget that there was a case by case analysis already in the executive order. it was already there. one of the plaintiffs was requesting access for a family member received access under the existing order for that family member. with this state of hawaii is doing as they are except with the loss and are not doing this. they know where this is going in october and are not comfortable with it. >> shannon: as you said, there was a flurry of paperwork back before the supreme court decision because they were so many of these people challenging the challenging the speaker and able to get a relative. and a case was moved at this point. i also want to turn to this and asked about "the new york times" a bit of a correction on something that has been a talking point for a long time on the left sink 17 different intelligence agencies have said russia absolutely interfered in the u.s. election and it turned
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out only four of them had agree agreed. do you give credit to the times are making this correction? >> i don't give much credit to "the new york times." period. they make this correction because the damages are redone politically so to speak. you have a talking point that's been going on for months. 17, all the intelligence agencies have said about the russia -- you know what i find so ironic here, you all were covering it, but most of the media does not. the fact is the obama administration has full information on what russia was doing and they failed to act. why did they fail to act? because it would be political consequences and they thought hillary clinton would be the president. donald trump becomes a president so now we have a special counsel investigating russia, that's the whole thing going on. why isn't there a special counsel investing why the obama administration didn't do anything while this was all going on? that to me is the irony. >> shannon: do think that goes in your? we know with the special counsel that i can go any number of directions and often ends up
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somewhere very different from where it started. you think it possible where the members of the obama administration or the president himself will have to answer questions on that? >> i think so. the mandate of the special counsel, he talked about the leaking of information and the unmasking, that becomes very relevant to this inquiry. if there really are investigating the russian probe, how do you not ask former president obama what he knew and what he did when he knew it and find the information out? i think in a normal context, that's where this would go. but i will also say there is nothing normal about the way things are anymore. >> shannon: that is true. >> normal is not a keyword. >> shannon: susan rice, she turned down a request in the senate to come and testify, but we hear now she is going to testify for the house intelligence committee. we believe privately behind closed doors. you think they get to the bottom about the questions of unmasking and other potential leak issues? >> she's going to announce and say she will testify under oath and susan rice previously said she was not involved in this at all and said it was something
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like i didn't do anything about anybody or didn't know anything about anything. now it came out differently. this unmasking situation and of these intercepts are very serious. the leaking of this information is criminal. there's another when we know. when you have a leak information that should be investigated right now, but i think susan rice -- look, i think susan rice, loretta lynch, all of those will have to answer questions because they set up themselves to have to answer those questions. >> shannon: we will see what they get. we understand that it's supposed to happen before the august recess. we will see you many times between now and then. jay sekulow, thank you. >> bill: breaking news from the white house, moments ago the south korean president arriving there at the west wing. president donald trump out there to greet him. there is the executive office building behind. clearly, topic a is what to do about north korea. this on the heels of otto
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warmbier and his return to the u.s. in a comatose state who died a few days after arriving back in cincinnati, ohio. there you see the president greeting the south korean president there. north korea is topic number one. we will see what these two men can come up with in terms of the strategy and it dealing with the rogue regime. as that meaning happens now, we will get what they call a tool sprite in the moment. there will likely be comments then. we will play that out for you. it later today, there will be statements from both. we will see what they have to say about the meeting together and about the questions that will be taken there. stay tuned, we are watching all of that from the white house happening right now. meanwhile, a debate over sanctuary sittings heating up yet again. >> sanctuary cities are putting lives at risk and we cannot tolerate that. >> bill: the other side claimed their cities are safer because illegals are not afraid to report crimes, but is that really the case? we will investigate.
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the president takes the criticism with his tweets, but are his critics going over the top? bernie goldberg will take that on, minutes away.
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♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> bill: the house passed the sanctuary cities bill yesterday, to immigration bills affect one with kate's law and the other on sanctuary cities. there was a hot debate on the law and a hot debate on the safety of those. some argues they are saved or in hard are they not? live in l.a. what is the case here? >> one of the bills we referred to is meant to deter criminal aliens who come back by giving them to jail. the other withholds federal money from sanctuary city's refuse --dash our centuries it
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is actually safer? to city mayors insist they are that as immigrants do not. they fear that if they are low catch more criminals and everyone will be safer. >> we depend on our communities, particularly our immigrant communities to cooperate with us, not only to keep them safe, but to keep all of you safe. >> but some studies do not support that. there was analysis by uc riverside that found that violent crime is higher in criminal to mack center but there is no statistical discernible statistics in the rate, or property crime. 30% of criminal in his commit new crimes after the release that are four times higher than even suggested by i.c.e. >> bill: that debate continues. live in los angeles today, nice to see. >> shannon: the feds are on their way to chicago.
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>> we will have an impact in reducing shootings in chicago. we've got to say this works much better. it's just not acceptable what is happening now. >> shannon: up next, how the trump administration is cracking down on the city's deadly crime way. plus, president trump taking heat for his twitter attacks, but are his critics going overboard? >> he shows the every day and that the decisions that he's making, the focus and priorities he's laid out in his agenda, but he's not going to sit back and be attacked by the liberal media, hollywood elites, and when they hit him, he's going to hit back.
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>> bill: from the white house now, you saw the arrival of a short time ago the south korean president, moon jae-in. we show that u.s. president donald trump met him at the entrance of the west wing. they are, they sat down, they brought the pool reporters an end a photographer and as well and you will see that video momentarily here. as we await on that, apparently there's a request to my question
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chatted about the tweets this week and the president answer that. how we answer that, we don't know but we will play word when it comes out. the backdrop of this meeting is so critical because of what is happening in the korean peninsula. kim jong-un has not stopped in his pursuit of a nuclear program. when you look at the rocket test in the ballistic testing that will take place in the north, clearly a concern to the u.s. military, south of the dmz. that is big topic a right now for these two to discuss. trade manager are important economically. at the same time now, you will have a meeting in about a week's time between president trump and vladimir putin at the g20 summit in hamburg germany. we know that henry kissinger, former secretary of state, is in moscow had of this meeting with vladimir putin. today, as our understanding, he was received by the u.s. secretary of state at the kremlin. that is what we have heard from
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moscow. we have all this moving right now. the geopolitical forces of what is happening between russia and syria and iran and also in asia between north and south korea. korea it was said to be, if you remember on inauguration day, when president obama then and president-elect trump were on the way to the capital for the swearing in, it has been said that president obama told president-elect trump at the time was his biggest issue would be the korean matter. that was on the radar of the previous administration. clearly it has been on the minds of the current administration. we will see what they have to say in a moment here. you'll see the video, the tape play out, and you will also see a joint statement about 30 minutes from now between the two. all that's coming up and we just want to share that with you and catch up to date there. 10:32 now in washington. speak of the has been attacked
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mercilessly on personal accounts by members on the program. i think he has been very clear that when he gets attached, he's going to hit back. i think the american people elected somebody who is tough, who is smart, and who is a fighter. that's donald trump. i don't think it's a surprise to anybody that he fight fire with fire. >> bill: some verbal combat yesterday, white house deputy press secretary sarah huckabee sanders responding to criticism of the president. bernie goldberg says the present has a rare town. he writes "donald trump has another special neck, he also makes his most passionate enemies look foolish. he induces in these people that trumped arrangements in them which makes them look worse than him close to him." goldberg with me now. nice to see you on a friday. what is trump derangement syndrome? >> it is when they rolled her eyes and they foam at the mouth.
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when he says anything they don't like. this is a president who has a special knack for making both of his most passionate supporters and his most passionate enemies look like jerks. his supporters, whether they are in the administration or in conservative media, they will support just about anything he doesn't. he says things that aren't true, they support it. he has a position that he changes 10 minutes later, they support both decisions. to me it stimulating but that is up to them. he also has a special knack making his most ardent antagonist look foolish. he induces in them trumped arrangements syndrome. some believe that he is as bad as adolf hitler. mika and joe have a touch of trump derangement syndrome. it's one thing to be tough on this president. that's absolutely legitimate. it's another to call the president of the united states as joe scarborough did a smoke.
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that is disrespectful and that crosses line. mika brzezinski says he doesn't love his country and i crosses the line but this is the most important thing i will say toda today. they are tv people. he is the president of the united states of america. the bigger sin is donald trump. >> bill: back on your piece, you are right, but there something i'm setting to dislike more than all that is his enemies. not just the unhinged variety like madonna who wants to blow up the white house or kathy griffin would like to be had, but also the more mainstream liberals in congress who won't stop resisting until they terminate his presidency. they want him out. at far left does. that's not going to happen. >> that's not going to happen. it's a statement of how bad things have gotten. i'm starting to like donald trump because his detractors are so unhinged.
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that's not a good thing. there is a solution to all of this, and that is that the congress of the united states where republicans hold the majority in both houses passed the law that bans cable-tv from going into the white house. that would solve a whole bunch of problems right there. because this president watches too much cable tv. too thin-skinned, he literally cannot help himself in responding. when his press spokesman, sarah huckabee sanders, says he's going to fight fire with fire, this isn't the third grade anymore. this isn't, while they started it, so we are going to finish i. he is the president of the united states. >> bill: come back to your original point though. let me play clip from rush limbaugh's program from yesterday. he's making a larger point about how far everyone can go which i think is where you are headed just a moment ago.
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>> you know what bowling is to them? if you disagree with them. that is it. all you have to do is it disagreed with the leftists and you automatically become a bull bully. >> bill: the larger point here he is making -- >> that is true. years and years ago, somebody asked henry kissinger what he thought of the iran-iraq war. he says it's a pity both of them can't lose. i am starting to feel that way about this. i don't want the president to lose, but i am sick and tired of his thin skin and his needless vindictiveness. and i am sick and tired of the left, not just the unhinged left, but the resistance left in congress opposing everything this president does. i'm just sick of both sides. they both have to start to act like grown-ups. the president does, and joe
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scarborough and a mika, who are being portrayed as somehow innocent victims of all of this, you don't call the president of the united states a shmuck on national television and get away with that. the president doesn't tweet what he tweeted and get away with that either. >> bill: and now just there from bernie. good to have you on our program today. bernie goldberg there live with us and we will see you next friday. >> shannon: right now, president trump hosting the president of south korea at the white house. as the media walked in to cover these two in this meeting just moments ago, we understand the president was asked about those tweets from yesterday more than once by a reporter. we will have the video of that going down. we will play it out for you in just minutes. the president election -- once motor information from all 50 states to look into voter fraud. some states say no way, no how. can they refuse? >> one person's vote should count the same as the next and any attempt to undermined that
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really undermines anyone else's vote. right now that's the problem. we need to make sure that when somebody votes it needs to be the highest degree of integrity. recommended dry mouth brand. it's the only leading brand clinically proven to soothe, moisturize, and freshen breath. try biotène®. theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle.
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>> bill: we will play out momentarily the south korean president with president donald trump. we understand that should be available in a matter of moments. if we have to break in or interrupt something, we will bring it to you. we just wanted to share that with you. we will watch the white house. moments away. shannon, what is going on? speech to the special election commission is formally requesting full voter roll data from all 50 states. some states are saying they will not comply and hinting at some of the information is simply too personal. let's bring in foxes contributor rachel campos-duffy and julie roginsky. welcome to you both. rachel, one of the credits of this is simply growing the
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groundwork for voters. what is the white house needs this information? >> they are not worried about the information, democrats are worried about what it's going to apply. we know right now but in virginia, they just convicted a young man of registering 18 dead people, using democrat computers to do it. by the way, he's only going to be sentence for a maximum of 100 days. we need much tighter rules and laws. he should get at least five years for something like that. we need voter i.d. laws, we need stiffer penalties for voter fraud. i think this commission is onto something. >> shannon: the virginia governor said i have no intention of honoring this request. virginia has fair, honest a democratic election and there's no evidence of significant voter fraud in virginia. julie, this just happened this month. >> that's just it. we'll put out there. >> shannon: julie, paid its
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own research and said one in eight voter registrations are significant and accurate. 1.8 million deceased voters are still on the role and 2.75 million people were registered in more than one state. why wouldn't we want to clean it up? >> of those people voting illegally or just registered to vote after they died and their vote -- state election laws or whoever is in charge haven't taken them off the book to? what concerns me so much about people, for the party that is causally talking about states rights they're coming in and trying to mandate their own election. >> shannon: it seemed like they're just requesting information with they can see what may or may not have happened. >> chris novak, the former secretary of state of kansas, who has dedicated his life to voters suppression was to back, who has dedicated his life to white supremacist, everybody can look it up, coming in to try and validate donald trump's imaginary mantra of the fact
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that he would have won a popular vote of millions of people had about it illegally. there is no evidence of that. >> shannon: we got to leave this year. we have breaking information coming. >> bill: sorry for the interruption, but here is the player not for the white house. >> >> president trump: you guys are getting worse. they knocked the table there. it's actually a very friendly press. don't let that get you, although we just lost a table. i want to thank the president of south korea, president moon, for being here. we had a great afternoon yesterday. we had a fantastic dinner at the white house, accomplished a lot having to do with our thoughts on north korea.
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and it very much our thoughts on trade. we are renegotiating a trade deal right now as we speak with south korea. hopefully it will be at equitable deal, a fair deal to both parties. it's been a rough deal for the united states, but i think that it will be much different and it will be good for both parties. we are in the process of doing that. we are also in the process of discussing our, frankly, many options. we have many options with respect to north korea. thank you very much. [indistinct] >> thank you.
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thank you. speak of the will speak >> speak out the will speak >> i would like to thank president trump once again for inviting me to the white house and for his warm welcome. [speaking for micros] >> when i was dashed when i won the election last month, president trump was among the first of all foreign leaders to call me and congratulate me. i believe that was to reconfirm the strength of the great u.s. alliance and also president trump's warm message to the korean people who have been suffering through political
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turmoil. [speaking korean] >> last night at the dinner with president trump, we discussed various issues of diverse scope and very honest discussion on issues to include the nuclear issue and other issues of useful interest. [speaking korean] >> it was a great opportunity for us to further the trust and friendship between me and president trump. it was also an opportunity for us to reconfirm the fact that the united states and korea are walking together on the same
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path towards a great alliance. i hope that through this meeting today, i hope that our relationship can further develop into a more meaningful and fruitful relationship. thank you very much. >> president trump: what many people don't know is that south korea is a major trading partner with the united states. we want something that's going to be good for the american worker, and i think will be able to do that today, and i think will be able to do many other things. the relationship is very, very strong and our personal relationship with president moon, our personal relationship is very, very good. thank you very much, everybody. thank you.
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[indistinct] >> bill: that's an idea of how the sausage is made there in the oval office. short time ago there. we were given guidance on numerous questions. we just want to know if he took the chance to answer those. what he laid out there with regard to the relationship of south korea is very significant. we talk a lot about north korea and the tensions with pyongyang. but the point he makes about it being a major trading partner and saying that he want something good for the american worker, that goes back to the campaign yet again. with president moon last night, they had a good dinner based on the read up from the white house and they will have a meeting today that will get underway now.
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in about 20 minutes, you will see both men come out and make a statement. there might be a possibility again for questions. we will see how they characterized just not more on the relationship and also the rising tensions in that y regio. in a moment with all that coming up. plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember -
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>> bill: a new report just in, there's been an alarming spike in government hostility to religion the past eight years. fox news radio correspondent todd starnes, he's also got a brand-new nationally syndicated radio show that starts on wednesday of next week, july 5th, and joins me now. hey, todd. >> it really is one of those disturbing reports where it's been a 76% increase in attacks on religious liberties since
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2014. this is documented a 66 page report by a family research council outlining these attacks, predominantly against people of the christian faith. one of the most disturbing reports in there involved some high school kids from tennessee, these kids wanted to pray at high school graduation and the principal said, if any student praise, they will be escorted out by the police and will be arrested. this is the united states of america this is happening in. >> bill: family research council president tony perkins says this, religious hostility is sad but describes it as not surprising especially considering the obama administration attacked towards biblical christianity. is there proof of that? >> there is absolutely that this former president fundamentally transformed america. that's what he promised to do and that's what he did. this is why i wrote the book of the "deplorable scott to making america great again." this documents the foundations
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of america our nation was founded on judeo-christian values and principles. and yet under president obama and his administration, people of faith, people of the christian faith were marginalized, and as we are seeing even now, people of faith are being pushed aside in all public images of christianity are being shoved out of view. >> bill: it's an interesting thing to consider, todd. i know you will be talking more about it over the weekend and on your radio show. thank you for previewing all of that with us today. thank you very much. shannon, what's next? >> shannon: we are waiting that joint statement from president trump and south korean president moon. we think it will be just minutes from now. we will have that for you when we get it. oan offers for free! free? yeah. could save thousands. you should probably buy me dinner. no. go to for a
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>> bill: should be about 15 minutes away and we'll bring in the statement between president mont and president trump at the white house. i'll see you in about a week's time. i'm doing a little turning to
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the carolina shore. >> shannon: i understand the clubs will get a workout. >> bill: a little here and there, have a great week. >> shannon: youtube, "happening now" "happening now" starts right now. >> jon: a fox news alert from capitol hill where lawmakers are about to head home for the july 4th recess as a republican scrambled to reach some consensus on health care. what do you think? >> heather: i don't know, maybe 50/50. >> jon: conservatives and moderates are still miles apart. welcome to speech me one on this friday. i'm jon scott. >> heather: i'm heather childers. conservatives are working hard and they insist that the republican bill doesn't go far enough then repealing obamacare. that's where they still are. moderates worry about their voters, especially after the congressional budget office estimated that the plan would cost 22 mi


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