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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 1, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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so they signed up as many people as possible without caring who is ella . bigger government means never having to apologize. have a great weekend. see >> jesse: hello everybody, this is "the five" ." the news media is one of the least popular institutions in america. and now it seems to get even worse this week. three journalists resigned monday with the trump story involving russia. and also there was a meltdown yesterday regarding two hosts.
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watch this dramatic turn of events. >> he is an equal opportunity employer and insulted her. he can't have something unless everything is on the table. he's physically disgusting to look at. >> that's what's ironic about how we attacks people's physical attributes. >> jesse: and if things couldn't get any worse, it's suggested that jared kushner should be killed who is his son-in-law. >> this is the romanoff's, is it not? is it a family running the government? is it jared and the president
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sitting upstairs ruling the world? he should execute his son-in-law. >> jesse: kellyanne conway spoke to the media this morning. >> it's incredible to watch people play armchair psychologist. evaluating his mental state, calling him names that children will call other children the playground. and also people are in shock when he wants to fight back and defend himself. the conversation right now is a one-way conversation of toxicity. >> jesse: i think the media is used to destroying republican politicians and all trump won't play that game and now their failing. >> greg: i want to test her memory. do you remember when trump
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threatened to hit someone with his backhand? do you remember when donald trump asked if jerry works the pole? that wasn't 2007. do you remember when donald trump asked a group of people that they should vote on if miss california was good looking? so who is sexist? can we please stop turning this pretentious pair into victims. the entire staff of morning joe is a bunch of hypocritical drama queens. they cultivated this relationship with trump, kissed his, ripped him when it felts it benefits them. then they try and reel him back in so it might do a show.
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they are the media swamp. >> juan: i would agree with you, they are pretentious. they are self-serving. his swamp means we care about success? i would say, even if you were arguing they were guilty, i don't think you can get away from, look at that face on that woman. a look at hillary clinton. >> jesse: bill clinton has no standing to talk about anyone else in the white house. >> dana: it's really easy to forget that these same hosts
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came after my show, for the way we look and what we wear on television. that's the very definition of misogyny. all the women that come on fox news, especially outnumbered, are very strong. but it was said that we were just legs, dresses and short skirts. as i get media attention? >> juan: are you telling me that they are the president and on that level? >> dana: i don't condone what the president tweeted because it's not good to talk about women's cosmetic surgery. i think they are martyrs of this media, and its absolute hypocrisy. they're using these tweets to go
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after president trump right now and weapon eyes these things against him. i think the media need to stop acting so hysterical over tweet tweets. i grew up and learned about certain sexual things i can't stand television when president clinton was president. so let's not compare what happens in the oval office. >> juan: the presidents tweets about his enemies should make his supporters ashamed. it not only distracts from the agenda, but republicans and people that defend him. hannity and others say that's a good thing to do. >> dana: the idea that this is
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somehow the tenants of feminism. >> jesse: morning joe has it been a platform for a lot of misogyny. attacking sarah palin, the way she speaks and her family life. they don't have a solid ground to stand on the call donald trump, do they? >> dana: the whole thing was before president trump will go on a show. i think it's part of their whole desire to hopefully acceptable and cool, and releases the vide video. they love this. they're laughing and now they feel like we are the stars here.
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we are getting the sympathy and before he was supposed to be a conservative. >> greg: donald trump is the best thing to happen to me since he stole that haircut. >> dana: for anything that lives outside the beltway, they never heard of joe. i have people who asked me, who are these people? the fact that the president has given them attention is unfortunate. >> jesse: they don't even know who this person is. and it's trump hitting back at this week msnbc anchor. he's going to fight back that much harder when america is
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attacked by our enemy. >> juan: it's like he's just jumping at a little-known cable talk show, and he is in there, arguably misogynistic comments about women. >> jesse: it was a surgery. >> greg: your saying to my a better doctor. >> juan: today, the president said the national inquirer needs to stop and embarrassing story. >> kimberly: he's asked to reveal his sources, and he saying he won't.
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>> jesse: speaking of fake news, only 27% of americans this year have a lot of confidence in newspapers. as much as you would like to talk about how donald trump is this or that, no one is believing you. i'm talking about the poll. >> juan: they don't believe cable, and this has been going on for years. this is trust in american institutions. you're right about that. donald trump approval ratings are in the mid 30s. >> jesse: the democrats ratings are lower than trump's. so don't talk about that. donald trump doesn't print
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stomach stomach pretend to be a. the media doesn't understand or accept the fact that donald trump israel. they're constantly surprised. we are talking about several presidential candidates. >> kimberly: if they actually pay attention to the accomplishments in the agenda that they want to put forward, i don't think anybody would be able to deny the accomplishment accomplishments. i don't think he's going to transform into somebody he's no not. he's not your average politicia
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politician, and the working class and women across the country actually related to him, believed him, trusted him to go in there and do something radically different. that's why he won. and hillary clinton was a rejection of that establishment. and she didn't prevail. >> juan: i don't think people have bought into this behavior. let me finish this point. i want to say, i listen to republicans, last night on special report say this guy reminds me of filipinos dictators name, but this is not normal. this is crazy by this president. i listen to republicans and the
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senate. >> greg: you need to reframe this. i will take the little stuff. if somebody is right on the big stuff. if you believe that isis must be destroyed, and you destroy it, i can live with a few misguided tweets. i can live with a bit of obnoxiousness and rudeness. probably some of the worst people right now are being incinerated in the desert. >> jesse: in san francisco, you won't believe what the you won't believe what the sanctuary city did this♪ we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator
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with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ♪
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that's why at comcast we're continuing to make4/7. our services more reliable than ever. like technology that can update itself. an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. >> kimberly: welcome back. a whopping shocking story out of san francisco.
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a immigrant got a huge settlement because police officers turned him over because of the policy. the settlement now on the same day that the house passed case law. which gets tougher on people that come back after deportatio deportation. that law is named after kate, who was murdered by illegal immigrants stomach stomach. >> a shot rang out, kate felt, and she looked at me and said, look at me dad. >> kimberly: it's very disturbing. i saw this policy at work and is
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appalling. it's so preventable. >> jesse: i want to thank bill o'reilly for pushing this long. he was a driving force behind this legislation. i think we should honor kate's family tonight. this was a preventable death. when you come back over and over again, five times after being convicted of a felony and allowed to live freely in san francisco is appalling. cates law is just one step. we have to build a wall. we have to put these people behind bars. it's not good enough to give lip service to this situation. to have americans die at the
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hands of illegal immigrants that are already convicted and don't belong in the country is just wrong. and is out of control. and you get paid to be arrested as a illegal and immigrant. it's almost better to be a conservative than an illegal immigrant. they ban plastic bags, you can be there with a permanent. it's disgusting. this place is out of control. it's no wonder these things happen in san francisco. i know you have a personal connection there so i don't want to drive the point home. the city is not a good city.
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>> greg: can we point out the absurdity of this. an illegal sued the city because the city violated a law that's being enforced. it's like a fun house mere of cities. everything is reversed and upside down. >> kimberly: i think it's a culture war, part of the problem is people who commit felonies, you can come in and out of the country and do whatever you wan want. and we have a whole section of a state where you can do what you want. i don't care how you feel about immigration, you need to be more moderate on those lines. this makes people like me even more extreme. i think the left needs to understand that when you think
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like this, it makes people like me join the other side. it can be really dangerous. i'm hoping to hear something wonderful. >> juan: the man was not arrested, they found a stolen car, and asked him to come into the office for a stolen car, and then -- i'm not hopscotch in the truth. >> jesse: i researched the sanctuary city policy, phoenix got rid of their sanctuary city
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policy. in crime went down 25%. property crime went on 25%. >> dana: the part about this as you defend an illegal immigrant was a felon, but you wouldn't defend a felon here. the left says it all the time. >> juan: the guy was not arrested, he came in for a stolen car violation. i'm saying a minute ago, when you come into this country illegally with no penalty.
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>> greg: it's "the five" ." >> juan: it's illegal to come into the country and you done it and committed a crime. >> dana: if the police officer did a job that he was sworn to do, you have to take him into custody. you're supposed to follow the law. this is what's going on with this country. and people end up dead because people make apologies for this kind of behavior. some more strong words from president trump today about north korea. will the u.s. take action? they will. so please stay t
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>> juan: president trump discussed north korea and had some harsh words for the hermit kingdom. >> today we are seeing the brutal regime of north korea. the ballistic missiles of that regime require a determined response. the era of strategic patients with north korea has failed. and that patience is over. >> juan: what do you think this means? >> greg: hermit kingdom sounds more fun than it is. it is an amusement park with little riots. we should have let north korea
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shoot dennis rodman. i can't believe i'm going to do this, i'm going to defend something about north korea. it's a terrible place and in the world's largest prison. i understand their logic with nuclear weapons. they're saying, you can have them, why can't i? they're applying the second amendment to nukes. they have the right to self defend, they're saying. so we have to put ourselves in that logic, and though she was. so we have to talk him and say, you can have your defense, but somehow, you have to join the world. if you don't join the world, then we are taking the stuff away. >> kimberly: they don't follow the rules so that's the problem. don't worry, because
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president trump is here. it's really true. wait and see. >> greg: you're on a show, you can't say i'm not going to tell you. >> kimberly: what i know and everybody else knows is we have the absolute 18. if i could manifest in my tennessee who would keep america safe, these would be the people. we are dealing with an irrational actor. going forward, i think we have a president who is proven time and time again that he will protect us. i've never felt more secure
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about the future of this country under the leadership right now. especially the president and our secretary of defense. >> juan: that said, if we have to get involved militarily, millions will die. and we have troops and the south korean people right there. today the good news is this, trump took steps against china for not helping to rein in against north korean. on a shipping company, and it will sell weapons to taiwan which the chinese go crazy when you mention taiwan.
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>> jesse: i think he gave china a chance, and china failed to deliver. and now he's going to impose sanctions and we will see what the aftereffects are. north korea is a evil and a cancer. the way they treated otto is so disgusting. everybody with a beating heart want to offend his death. the only way to solve the north korea crisis is a uprising. it has to be a uprising. china has to help with this. i think trump is running out of patience. >> juan: i want to talk about
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what you just said with china. so when there is that great chocolate cake server china, and said china will help us. >> greg: i've had chocolate cake for breakfast. >> juan: and now the president is a taken a egg take revoltinga saying they are acting like a bully. >> jesse: we are using india out to off of china, and japan and south korea. we are circling china. >> dana: this is what president trump is really good at parity he had a chance, got
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their word. in this situation spiraled out of control. when trump says something, he will do it. >> juan: and the gop's effort to end obamacare once and for all. that story next. ♪ you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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♪ >> dana: president trump is pushing the senate to get rid of obamacare. even if they don't have anything to replace it. you think that's a smart plan to replace it at a later date? >> kimberly: i would get it all done at once.
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i think you should try and support something that's comprehensive, makes sense, and actually going to be workable. what's the excuse not to? you tell me. >> dana: i was on an interview last night, it doesn't look like it's going to be hedged. >> jesse: i don't trust republicans in the senate or house. i do trust mitch o'connell. he's a smooth operator. is it going to be better than obamacare, definitely. are we going to reduce the deficit, yes. are we going to save medicare, yes. do we need help from democrats? no.
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they botched the bill. we don't need any help from democrats whatsoever. stop playing games right now. this should be a free market system. i talked to spicer yesterday. we are looking to get to buy insurance across state lines. >> juan: before we go on, this is going to be the greatest. this is going to be huge. this is going to be better than obamacare. 22 million people fewer will have health insurance. >> jesse: is going to be less people buying insurance, so premiums will go up.
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>> juan: deductibles will go up. let me respond, ms. mccain said that now they are considering just doing away, repealed without replace. even more people would lose insurance. >> greg: i'm thinking about mitch mcconnell dancing to smooth operator. the biggest obstacle for this bill is the previous bill. you can't pull a reverse sand. you can't take away the presenc presence. so all you can do is to make the
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presence better. so you allow for plans that allow for more risks. you have a low cost plan with more risk, the government handles the big stuff. and we handle the little things. the poor get help with both. you have to have these low cost plans, and then the bigs stuff. catastrophic health insurance is the way to go. republican reaction to this bill is like cats on ritalin. it's like the media prefers the lockstep of the left. >> kimberly: all right stay right right there, facebook friday is upoooo. you're searching for something. like the perfect deal... ...on the perfect hotel.
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>> greg: facebook friday. if you could star in any movie, what movie would it be and what
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character would you play? >> kimberly: i love goldie han and everything except the new amy schumer movie she was in. >> jesse: i would be chunk in goonies. >> greg: that's fantastic. >> juan: wow. i have not seen goonies. what is that tom cruise movie, "risky business."
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>> greg: i was going to say another movie. >> juan: in my underwear sliding across the floor, i don't think i look like tom cruise. >> kimberly: angelina jolie installed. >> greg: godzilla, and i would like to be godzilla to kill meka godzilla. >> greg: if a genie gave you only one political wish, what would you want? >> kimberly: didn't it already happened? >> juan: is that true?
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you can't go back in time. it's a wish. i won't overthink it. i would hope that america could get the best out of donald trump. >> greg: that's a good wish. i wish anthony weiner could've one mayor. >> kimberly: i was going to say put the appropriate amount of truth in afghanistan and ira iraq. that's a great one. >> greg: i would say legalize certain substances and certain
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acts. i don't think consenting acts, people should go to the jail. consensual acts. who were you in your previous life and what did you do for a living? c6 nothing to do >> jesse: nothh prostitution. >> juan: i could imagine being one of those people in india going to junkyards looking for food. >> kimberly: maybe somebody like cleopatra. it's my choice.
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do you have something else? >> megan: i really like this life, and i abstain from this question. >> greg: this show is falling apart. no is not, it's falling togethe together. when "the five" returns, make sure to catch her 10:00 p.m. one more thing coming up next. ♪
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>> greg: tomorrow it will be an amazing show. we are going to have a lot of fun with morning joe. i have some good takes. we dug deep. and i was time for this. i understand kids get excited for the first time they see fireworks. fireworks have not changed in decades. when you are an adult and looking up at the sky, i don't want to see your fireworks phas
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phase. you've seen it before. and it's all fake. i like fireworks. we want better fireworks. no more fireworks face. >> jesse: end of june, graduations, weddings and retirement. and we celebrate a big retirement tonight, betsy burkart, a leading hand in building fox's washington bureau. betsy came along and held us ou out. with studios, office space, and finances. and tonight, betsy, we really appreciate all you've done to make fox one the best news
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bureaus in the nation's capital. we wish her the best as she retires in virginia. >> jesse: saturday and sunday, we have some great guests. this weekend, fireworks, heavy hitters, meghan mccain. >> i really hate liberals. he shocked a military family when he turned up to present them with a college scholarship for her daughter. the actor was spotted driving in
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pennsylvania. she was starting to become a nurse and her father was injured before desert storm. so wonderful he's giving scholarships to a family. he's a veteran and he can stay. >> greg: it's a odd thing to see. when you hear about this, it's refreshing. and this guy is a background in history. >> jesse: apparently you love barbecue. >> greg: that's all i do is eating barbecue. >> juan: i can't believe what you said about fireworks.
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>> greg: that's it. watch. >> this is a fox news alert. i am hemmer and in for bret baier. the fourth of july weekend is off to a blood he start in this weekend, a doctor fired a gun in a hospital in the bronx. police said he killed one person before taking his life. let's go out to david lee >> the doctor has been identified as henry bello,. he entered the hospital. he was wearing a doctor style white lab coat and he was carrying with him, authorities


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