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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 4, 2017 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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a lifestyle web site. >> tucker: i was there this morning. my favorite. anna kooiman. >> i miss you, tucker. >> for us. happy fourth of july, "the five" is next. >> greg: hi, we are the only people that did not take tonight off. i'm greg gutfeld with kimberly guilfoyle, jesse watters, dana perino and richard fowler. sunday, president trump retreated a video, this is his head being replaced by the cnn logo. i bet you haven't seen it yet. it was silly, harmless nonsense. yet people lost their minds. sorry, did i say people? i meant humorless libs who take issue with this.
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oh, i'm getting the vapors. cnn actually issued a statement about this saying it incites violence. as if it were a's sakes and adaptation where the president is being murdered. even sadder, brian stelter asked if trump violated twitter policy. he said this. >> even if some people think it was stunning, i didn't take it very seriously. we will ask twitter that question. whether it violates their terms of service. >> greg: he's like the student who reminds the teacher that you forgot to assign homework. where the dorm ra who called security because you are having too much fun and he wasn't invited. lighten up. the worst part of this is how
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cnn got taken in again. don't they know that pro wrestling is fake? it's not a real fight. they were play fighting. what is it with cnn? it's as phony as the russian collision story. so they tried to get trump banned from the twitter express. cnn can't stand the competition. meanwhile, do you know what i did when i first saw the tweet? i laughed. i showed it to my brother-in-law who laughed. he showed it to his wife, who laughed. then we had breakfast. that's what normal people do. the media pretends it's the end of the world, the world knows better. kimberly, cnn doesn't realize that this is fake. this really did not happen. >> kimberly: news flash, the best part is cnn gets played again. right into the president's hands. he can take a joke.
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he puts this out there. it's a meme. it's not real. but they were like one oh, incg violence. but they don't do anything when they see the cathing griffin video. they have to be pressed to be able to fire her, remove her from the job. the fake news story that they had to retract and fired three reporters. the list goes on and on. they are in a downward spiral. >> greg: they are nine inch nails. they issued a statement on this, lisa. did they ever release a statement when reza aslan ate a human being on their show on cnn? >> lisa: we think they would be very aware of fake news because this is what they have been operating in over the past
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few months. look, we have seen so much attention as you pointed out. this fictitious russian narrative. there is no evidence of it. yet they continue to run it. they have had to fire three different people. basically saying it's a nothing burger. the problem with the media as they continue to overreact and overreach and now it's gotten to the point that so many americans just don't trust them anymore. the pullout where 65% of voters believe there is a significant amount of fake news in the mainstream media. trump is just fishing and throwing it out there. bait, hook, line and sinker. getting them to react and print fake news articles in an effort to diminish the president and hurt him. >> greg: jesse, is the real comedy and overreaction the ov?
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the shrillness. it's so nice to see the left be the humorless ones. a complete role reversal. >> jesse: it's before they can a joke. this time, they are the butt of the joke. they are just not used to getting made fun of. they can't understand the rest of the country laughing at them. trump has this innate gift. he makes enemies seem deranged. he made rosie o'donnell turn into a laughingstock. marco rubio and ted cruz were sweating liars and now hillary clinton is roaming around in the woods. trump has made cnn look fakery and professional wrestling. what cnn does is they overreact. they look like fools. it reminds you of the older brother, i'll turn this way. it's more appropriate. >> kimberly: and you are older. >> jesse: he goes like that. then the younger brother freaks out, whines, cries, hits his head on the couch and says mommy come of the older brother hit
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me. and meanwhile he didn't do anything and that is what's happening with cnn right now. cnn has spent years attacking wall street traders, coal miners, everybody they can get their hands on. at the minute someone criticizes a journalist, it's like world war iii. they are total hypocrites too. you can behead him and assassinate him but that's an artist. >> kimberly: a masterpiece. >> jesse: trump doesn't and everyone is clutching their pearls. >> greg: i know you've got a lot to defend here, i'm going to ask a question. [laughter] >> greg: the big criticism is that this is not a presidential. do you think it's not presidential? >> richard: i thought this tweak was a joke. i laughed. it was funny. let's make it very clear. he is not whoopi goldberg, dave chapelle, he's not adam sandler.
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he is the president of the united states. it to some extent, maybe i'm the only one at this table that has has -- it's just a tad bit problematic. it's problematic. >> greg: let me respond to that. is it possible that he is operating under a new set of rules? and the media cannot understand it yet they condemn it? >> richard: i get that. for president before him, even republicans that make me want to vomit -- >> lisa: root. >> richard: here's one thing that all of them got. prior to 45. there is me as a man and me at the office of the president of the united states. >> greg: bill clinton? >> richard: i would even argue that bill clinton did. >> greg: i making a point. >> richard: that was a low blow.
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>> greg: you are making a generalization and i have to call you on it. >> richard: here's the thing, he was impeached -- my point is, you have richard nixon, you can have that too. every person got it. this office, disposition, that the resolute desk comes before my twitter handle and people attacking me. >> greg: didn't harry truman go after a critic and threatened to beat up a critic? >> richard: president obama said it best. they attacked me all the time. i will protect their right to attack me. >> jesse: he said it wasn't presidential, when president obama bowed to the saudi king. what else was on presidential was when president obama went golfing -- that wasn't very presidential. honestly. look at his actions. he's tweeting something and you are looking at him under a pris
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prism -- the presidential face of america. he broke the mold, dude. >> kimberly: oh, my god. >> greg: no over talking. cross talk. take a break. breathe. >> kimberly: amazing points i have to make. so amazing i can barely speak them. how about the crybabies that want twitter to suspend president trump? they want to silence the president and they complained that he doesn't talk the to the press enough. he's talking directly to everyone. making it equal opportunity but now they want the twitter. no, that's got to be suspended. also we would like the 25th amendment for christmas and to go ahead and impeach the president because he tweets too much and it is too transparent and tells you what's on his
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mind. you don't have to sit there and figure it out like an international mystery. he would tell you. >> richard: go ahead, lisa. >> lisa: i think americans get the hypocrisy here. you have cnn, who had long criticized the president and his supporters. president trump is inciting violence, we continue to see a litany of violence committed by the left that has been ignored by outlets like cnn. i remember look looking at peal protest and you have riots and police cars being set on fire. police officers in riot gear. i think americans are in on the hypocrisy. they get the joke and this is how these outlets have discredited themselves. >> richard: i think you are conflating two different things. if you look at the republicans like the senators, i could go on and on, the litanies that say
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this is problematic. these are the leaders that president trump needs to get his policy and intend that installed. >> jesse: the country has been listening and now we are $20 trillion in debt. >> greg: i think those senators are playing a role. they realize he's not going to stop doing it and it's not so bad because he is still getting stuff done. last time i checked, isis is almost gone. they are on the ropes. he promised that. that's the most important promise he made. bad on the small things, great on the big things. >> richard: he promised infrastructure, nothing done on it. he promised tax reform, nothing done on it.
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repeal and replace, we are still waiting. there's nothing else in his agenda. >> jesse: except beating hillary? i think people would be happy with that. >> richard: the rest of us are looking for real achievements. >> greg: he won, supreme court justice, isis. >> kimberly: the united states supreme court agreed with the president and his executive authority. to make america safe. he's doing all this. the immigration numbers are far better than they have ever been in terms of people trying to come into this country. i'm sorry, he's eradicating ms-13. the job numbers are way better. the 401(k) numbers are better but nobody wants to talk about this. also manufacturing on the rise in america. we are making goods here. >> greg: we've got to go. no, you don't have to have talking points.
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we've got to move on. we will continue our analysis of president trump's battle with the media and we will tell you who is winning. stay with us.
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♪ >> kimberly: welcome back. president trump's critics want him to stay off with her but mr. trump says that is not happening anytime soon. tweeting... take a listen to what the president said over the weekend. >> the fake media is trying to silence us. but we will not let them. because the people know the truth. the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house.
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but i am president, and they are not. >> kimberly: greg? >> greg: he is redefining discourse. it has been very hard for a lot of people, including myself, during the campaign to keep up our understanding. >> kimberly: you came around. >> greg: but it took me a while. when he think about how much of the culture has been redefined by the left by the last four decades, we have pronouns, different bathrooms and campus speech. language in general has been redefined by liberals. it's about time that maybe somebody like this redefined popular political discourse. we also have to admit the media and donald trump love each other. this is a codependent relationship. they are like the couple who screams in public at walmart but you know they scream in the bedroom too. because the passion is fair. they love it. he would be bored without them and they would be bored without him. they can't turn back.
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>> kimberly: a little bit like true romance. kristin slater if you are into that kind of thing. just ask greg. experience there? i don't know. >> greg: settle down. >> kimberly: the president really has redefined discourse and he did this during the campaign. canada trump. in terms of use of social media. he's got a powerful weapon to go over, around, through the media who is held in such low regard by the american people. take a look at all of the polls. the man has a right to be irritated. 92% of cnn's coverage and msnbc is negative about the president. >> lisa: the biggest knock against the president using twitter is the concept that he is preventing the media from covering things he is doing. i would make the argument that they are not going to cover positive things the president is doing anyways. look at what i mentioned before.
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the broadcast network it spent on this russia story, no evidence of collusion. 20 times more than the health care bill. dan infrastructure. 450 times more than tax reform. the second is climate change. only 5 minutes on jobs and the economy. the number one issue. i don't think they're going to be covering anything positive he's doing anyway. this is an opportunity for him to bypass the media and actually get some of this messaging out. >> kimberly: jesse, do you agree? their political ideology, their social agenda, the environmental agenda? >> jesse: lisa made a great point. there is a guy, charlie gard, he's in great britain on life support. president trump tweeted today that we would like to help this young baby because rig easy.
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>> richard: i have always looked up to the president of the united states. the question i've always had is what i want my children -- i
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don't have any now -- what i want them to model donald trump where he makes fun of women, which he did to mika, no one can deny that. >> greg: he's an equal opportunity offender. that's not sexist. >> richard: is the job of the president to be above the fray a lot. not to mention, jimmy carter is a humanitarian and a legend for that matter. but, and he is fighting for world peace right now -- -- >> greg: how's that working out? >> jesse: fight a little harder. >> richard: the larger point is every president who has come in, george bush is the best example, when they come in, they need to try to expand their base. and talk to all americans. what we have seen from this president and the polls pointed out, he is not expanding his base at all. >> jesse: he won core blue states. >> richard: he's got to expand
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his base. >> jesse: he expanded during the election. into hillary's territory. >> kimberly: he talks -- >> richard: he talks to the same people that voted for him. that's problematic. if you need to speak to all americans and this language and the overuse of twitter and this acting like a 10-year-old on a playground is wrong. and it's not presidential. >> jesse: if it's hurting him, e democrats stopping him? >> richard: they would have gotten suspended for cyberbullying, if these were students. >> greg: he is no different than anybody else when he is on twitter and the media complaining about this, it's like a drunk who blames his problems on booze. you guzzled them down anyway. i'm noticing a change in how people address trump. going after his state of mind, it used to be with evil, he's in
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corrupt and incompetent. now they are saying it's crazy. what's going to happen when the media wakes up and sees that he did some really good things? like when isis is gone, are you still going to call him crazy? will you be mad about his tweets? >> kimberly: you made a good point, you are fine with this, incinerating isis. >> lisa: the media ignored it, he would probably stop doing it too. >> greg: like the drinking problem. >> lisa: you wanted him, this is who he is. honestly, don't hold your breath. >> kimberly: a "washington post" writer just back from syria said president trump's strategy to defeat isis is working. you will hear from him
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>> jesse: a "washington post" columnist recently traveled to syria and has some good news for president trump to report. >> as i traveled across syria, meeting with syrian fighters who were trying to take down the regime of bashar al assad. the big attacks that have taken place around rocco, syria, a surprise landing by helicopter. i was told that it wouldn't have taken place if it wasn't for president trump's decision to delegate military authorities down to the level of command. >> jesse: we are hearing breaking news reports that south korea is saying the north fired a ballistic missile into the waters east of the korean peninsula and we are going to keep a close watch on that and report any new developments. got felt -- greg gutfeld, why du
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think we are only hearing about this on "the five"? >> greg: it's interesting, isn't it. the lessening of 2016 for a new yorker, somebody like me, i never met a cabdriver who didn't like trump. no matter the race. could have been from syria, iraq, jamaican, indian, iranian. there was an understanding of what he was. real. the other point is, he made the war and warriors in charge of the war and not bureaucrats. like it or not, it's about killing efficiently, quickly, the longer things last, he gave power to the people that understand killing. >> jesse: it's been an interesting thing going on since the campaign. the experts say one thing about trump but the people on the
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ground -- the voters, people in the factories, even the people on the battlefield say something completely different. >> lisa: if you remember back to the election, that was the biggest knocks against trump. he would be able to delegate or listen to his commanders in chief. it's the opposite of what he is doing. he has actually delegating the commanders in chief, more effective on the ground. secretary mattis said we are no longer moving around isis. we are annihilating them. that's the goal. they can't go back elsewhere and infiltrate places. that's one of the biggest significant differences. that was something president obama was heavily criticized for. secretary mattis even criticized the president back in the day for taking options off the table. i think this is a place where president trump has certainly proved his critics wrong. >> jesse: not only did he not listen to the commanders on the
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ground, he tried to micromanage them, richard. do you think now delegating a little bit -- left [laughter] >> jesse: now he has these guys surrounded in raqqa. are you going to make a larger point? >> richard: i was going to say i agree with trump's strategy in syria. don't move too fast. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we have other problems. e.g. 20 meeting -- ag 20 meeting. i think that's problematic. we already know that assad is our best bud. number two, i think we need to figure out not only how we deal with isis but how we also deal with the syrians in the war. those are completely two different things. that's when you create problems when you put them together. when you arm rebels, every
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single time, they have used those weapons against us years later. >> lisa: the reason why russia has such a significant role in syria is because president obama leaned on them and allowed them to have a role after drawing the redline. he deferred to russia and allowed russia to have a bigger presence. >> richard: that's not true. putin has always been and with assad especially after turkey fell. the weapons of assad are russian weapons. >> jesse: once you analyze the current situation -- >> kimberly: first of all, i want to say, i thought that was excellent supporting reporting. he told the truth on a story that was favorable and honest and accurate about what is going
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on over there. it's true, rocca raqqa is surrd now. trump is actually honoring his word. president obama did turn his back on them. he was afraid the iranian mullahs would not sign the agreement. he turned his back and anyone who operates in the intelligence community or special operatives will tell you how shameful that was. they were slaughtered because they weren't given -- now they have the air cover and weapons. all of this has been part of president trump and his outstanding foreign policy and national security policies that he has put forth and implemented in quick short order. >> jesse: it's amazing what happens when you have a
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strategy. democrats are still in complete disarray. more about this incompetence, when we come back.oooo. you're searching for something. like the perfect deal... ...on the perfect hotel. so wouldn't it be perfect if there was a single site where you could find the right hotel for you at the best price? there is. because tripadvisor now compares prices from over 200 booking sites... save you up to 30%... ...on the hotel you want. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices.
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♪ >> lisa: the democrats love to show their disgust for president trump. when it comes to everything else, they're having some trouble. >> the democrats don't have any sign of a competent, effective leader going into 2020. i think donald trump stands a pretty good chance of being reelected. >> celebration of diversity, genuinely praiseworthy. there's a great distance between itself and a broad swath of america. they need to talk about national identity in a way that stresses the common elements.
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>> lisa: kimberly, what you just heard it's short of this conversation, this leftward shift in social and cultural views. minority leader chuck schumer said it's the economy. what is driving this dissonance? >> richard: this has been going on for a while now. it's beyond that's why president trump was able to connect with middle class and working men and women. the democrats are taking us for granted. they are even thinking and connecting for things that really matter to us. we've got you on the bad, we don't need to do anything to try to make your life that are, to listen to your concerns and actually hear. president trump went all over the country when he was campaigning, he met the people across the country. he talked to them and actually listened. which is so interesting for a
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politician to be able to do. so unique. that's why he was able to make this connection and that's why they still support him. if you look at the polls, 90% of the people that originally voted for him would vote again. the democrats and liberals -- come >> lisa: you said the democrats should sit back and watched the republican party explode, richard. do you still think that's what they should do? >> richard: it's hard to judge a party during a special election. if you remembered 2008, when barack obama won. we ended up losing -- there is a huge defeat in the midterm election. there's no question that the republicans are going to lose seats in the midterm election. what i hope my party can do is come up with a concrete message on what is affecting people and how we can create a plan to fix
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it. the raw material is there. i think people are talking about the right thing but how do we bring it all together in some contract with america? what will be helpful for democrats, in the next couple days, one, the president's agenda is installed in the senate. this health care fight is -- it shows the problem. what conservatives are having a debate is between to be help people or ideology? ted cruz, susan collins, i think democrats need to read through their problems. >> kimberly: they can't ignore these voters who are voting for them. >> jesse: >> greg: i thought whe said made a lot of sense. it may be problematic, but that is his word. you can't be anti-trump the whole time.
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the democratic party has a tumor. identity politics. they've got to remove it. find a leader who is positive, not angry, america is always about being the melting pot. identity politics is about separating the ingredients of the recipe. if you don't have the meal anymore. somebody has to come in and unite the party, an american party. not a competing set of factions who are angry. politics, defining someone who has energy and vision. not necessarily a governor or a senator. i would say something like kathy griffin or johnny depp. >> lisa: jesse, what you make of this tumor? >> jesse: they should nominate griffin and johnny depp. on the policy side, its open
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borders and socialized medicine. on the sales side, it's riding into russia. i think what the person said on msnbc is right. they need a talented high energy politician that can straddle the appeal to hard-working families in middle america. but also relate to that underdog aspect of people on the coast. barack obama was able to do that. he was able to appeal because he seemed reasonable, fresh. when you treat america like that, you know you are in trouble. >> kimberly: or how to talk to the middle class and talk to working-class men and women.
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wow, the disconnect. >> lisa: are you proud of your country this fourth of july? varied responses from americans and a new who are these people?
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the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous.
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a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing.
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>> richard: fox news is out with a brand-new poll. only half of registered voters are proud of the united states right now. 39% of democrats -- i for one think republican number is low. kimberly, what is your take? >> kimberly: i think in terms of what's going on in the party right now, the republicans, there are some people that are upset. maybe the use of twitter, et cetera. right now, the president isn't winning with the american people. in terms of having something that they actually stand four, leadership -- it's good -- the republicans are the ones who are winning in every step right now. your party is cuckoo for cocoa
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puffs. radical left. being pushed all the way to the left, alienating the rest of the country with the pocahontas and bernie sanders. >> richard: jesse, same custom. 64%, you think it's 89% or more. that's a relatively low number. after the big win you guys had in november. >> jesse: may be the republican party is changing. i don't want to bash democrats on the eve of independence day but i think the fundamental issue is democrats believing the country is fundamentally flawed and they need to use government in order to fix it. republicans believe the country is fundamentally noble and want to limit government to restore the country. >> richard: that's a twisted
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ideology. >> jesse: that's constitutional. >> lisa: apologizing for the strength of america, democrats use the country this way because they always perceive themselves as a victim. there's always sexism, racism, xenophobia, whatever. >> kimberly: and afraid to embrace patriotism. that goes back to vietnam. >> greg: back to what i said before, i think the dems are always going to have a problem but is not the party's fault. it's a subset of leftists that believe america as a country is damaged. you can't be proud of the country of sinners. whether it's slavery, sexism, whatever it is, the academic left will always say we are at fault, eternally damned. until you expunge this pernicious belief, you will always have this problem and it will never go away.
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>> kimberly: that's the problem. >> richard: one ioooo. you're searching for something. like the perfect deal... ...on the perfect hotel. so wouldn't it be perfect if there was a single site where you could find the right hotel for you at the best price? there is. because tripadvisor now compares prices from over 200 booking sites... save you up to 30%... ...on the hotel you want. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices.
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♪ >> greg: time for "one more thing." >> kimberly: i have an all-star lineup almost exceeding the amazing sensationalism of "the five." i am in for sean hannity in a matter of minutes with
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mike huckabee, dr. gene allowed, marc siegel. kristin tate, fantastic show. >> greg: it is time for this. before we roll the tape, i want to show you where i got this from. i was watching cnn, they were doing a segment on a rare zebra. let's roll this tape. i was checking it out. i realized cnn had been taken again. more fake news from cnn. this is not a real zebra. this is like the russian collusion story. that's a poodle. >> greg: in honor of july 4th, i never get an animation.
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i don't want anybody to get sunburned. it's not a good look. i learned something. the spray, not just good enough just by yourself. you have to rub it in after you spray it. a doctor told me that, and that's why you knuckleheads are out there getting sunburned. you are not rubbing it in. when you're on the beach tomorrow, spray and rub it in. you're welcome. >> lisa: speaking of tanning, i'm sure you've seen this photo of governor chris christie and his family and friends at the island beach state park. it looks pretty empty. the reason why it was shut down due to a government shutdown. chris christie is clearly getting a lot of heat for this. pun intended. the funniest thing about this is chris christie urgently said he didn't get any son sun and a spokesperson said it was because he was wearing a hat.
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he's wearing a hat, he has covered up. >> greg: that is in front of his house, we should point that out. >> jesse: , if you look closely, ee is reading greg gutfeld's book. >> richard: it's my turn. this is a heartfelt story. my mother is a single mother. she emailed her professor to apologize for missing class at her professor said bring the kid to class. if you're having trouble finding someone to watch her, feel free to bring her to class. they are studying therapeutic recreation for children. she gets to come to class. so many working mothers out there is fourth of july. >> greg: have a happy fourth of july. turn in -- today and tomorrow for our special.
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"hannity" is up next. kimberly is in for sean. good night, everyone, .


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