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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 6, 2017 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's called next. it launched its online wine market in 2012, but it's credit its own label. you are a wine connoisseur a little bit, would you try? >> leland: only if it comes by drone. that would be pretty cool. >> shannon: until it happens, speech when he won >> jon: fox news alert. president trump just landed in germany ahead of the g20 summit. thus, while there is no fallout from comments he made in poland during a wide-ranging news conference. welcome to sp 21, i'm jon scott. >> molly: i molly line. the president going on the attack. all head of his first public speech in europe. folks in poland, giving her president and the first lady rock star treatment. take a look. "crowd chanting "usa >> molly: he said we stand
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firmly against article five. kristin fisher is live in warsa warsaw. >> president trump is on the ground in germany, just an hour away from these meetings with chancellor angela merkel. they differ on several key issues, trade, immigration, his decision to pull out of the cap paris climate accord, but in his speech, president trump said something that chancellor merkel is going to light, something that he noticeably left out from his speech at the nato summit about a month ago. here it is. >> we urge russia to cease its destabilizing activities in ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including syria and iran. and to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself.
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>> that commitment to article five is exactly what germany and poland want to hear, but it's the exact opposite of what russia wants. we are not just one day away from president trump's first face-to-face meeting with vladimir putin. we still don't know if mr. trump intends to bring up russian interference in the 26 in election, but in a press conference today, he said that he did think russia was involved, possibly other countries as well, and he urged the kremlin to reverse course and both ukraine and syria, listen. >> to those who would criticize our tough stance, i would point out that the united states has demonstrated not merely with words, but with its actions that we stand firmly behind article five, a mutual defense commitment. >> all right, that was clearly the sound bite that was supposed to play earlier, president trump's commitment to
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article five. in regards to russia, president trump said we should urge russia to stabilize activities in ukraine and elsewhere and support for hostile regimes in syria and iran. the other issue that is sure to take center stage at the g20 is north korea and its latest missile launch. in addition to his meetings with merkel and putin, president trump is said to meet with many of north korea's nervous neighbors, south korea, japan, and of course, it's biggest ally, china. a full day of meetings today and tomorrow for president trump in germany. >> molly: kristin fisher giving us a full slate of a look ahead at the very strategic and important talks to come. >> jon: the president making his first public comments since north korea tested and intercontinental missile for the first time, warning that he is weighing a severe response. >> we just take a look at what
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happens over the coming weeks and months with respect to north korea. it's a shame that they are behaving this way, but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner, and something will have to be done about it. >> jon: ahead of his first face-to-face meeting tomorrow with russian president, vladimir putin. mr. trump addressed the russian meddling controversy while taking aim at the intelligence community about past mistakes it's made. >> i remember when i was sitting back, listening about a rack, weapons of mass destruction, how everybody was 100% sure that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. guess what? that led to one big mess. they were wrong and it led to a mess. it was russia and it was probably others also and that's been going on for a long period of time.
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>> jon: joining us now, emily goodwin and also, eric blake. emily, what a trip. talk about mixing every hot-button issue in the world right now. the president addressed a lot of things this morning, what's the goal of that speech? >> the goal is to make president trump look like a leader on the world stage. and also to reset his relationship with these european leaders, several of whom who have been skeptical about his presidency. you see a lot of grand themes, grand vision of europe and united states working together. he emphasized the past relationship with had in the fight against communism. >> jon: he really teed up quite a challenge to the russians.
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he wanted to stop supporting regimes like syria and iran, that's going to make for an interesting meeting ahead. >> it certainly is. it was a nurse in contrast to his comments at the press conference with the polish leader just a few hours before or he vacillated on whether russia was behind the hacking in the 26 election. he settled. he said they would focus on destabilizing the ukraine and et cetera. i think that's what the white house has chosen to look tough on russia with, the hacking and all the other stuff, they haven't really pressed forward on a whole lot. >> jon: a lot of european leaders have been skeptical of president trump thus far, has he assured them with what he had to say this morning? >> you saw him make three points that were really designed to appeal to european leaders and
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to assuage some of these concerns. you saw him emphasize the historical alliance between united states and europe. you saw him emphasize the commitment to nato which is something these leaders really want to do and you saw him chastised russia for overreaching and thus acknowledging their concerns about russia. these are three things these leaders that he's meeting with really looking to hear from him. >> jon: the polls especially are of the same mind of this president when it comes to nationalism and defensive borders and perhaps, unchecked immigration. >> that was a big reason beside proximity that president trump chose to go to poland. it's very pro-u.s. there was a poll a few weeks back that show 73% of polls have a favorable view of the u.s., that's not necessarily a given and other european countries. very nationalistic, trumpet a
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lot of their tones in the speech and got a favorable response. it was perhaps the best place in europe for him to go and deliver this speech. >> jon: he said the fundamental question of our time is whether the west has a will to survive, is that overstating? >> i think it was part of this plan to make him look like a world leader on the world stage. he wanted to give a grand speec speech. this is going to lay out his vision for europe and america. it would also start to lay the foundation for a trump doctrine. >> jon: how do you see a trump doctrine emerging? >> he is emphasizing with europe and they're really emphasizing on the war on terror and how he wants europe to be on his side with this. he's also building these alliances with european leaders.
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as you mention, they're going to talk about north korea, there's a situation boiling in the middle east with qatar, there's certainly a lot going on, not just in europe, but around the world where he's going to need support of these european allie allies. >> jon: he's also been knocking some heads regarding defense spending, is he winning the battle? >> he says he is, i don't know that there's a whole lot of evidence that anything has really changed significantly there. i do think an interest in part of this speech is someone picked up on is the reaffirm end of article five of nato, which president trump didn't really affirm that he was at nato last month. he reaffirm that the united states would stand with countries like poland who are really on the front lines of some of these issues and so this is something the united states would stand by despite his comments about the countries having to pony up for that defense. >> jon: there is talk of the
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united states supplying liquefied natural gas to sort of wean them off russian supplies, that had to be good news to their ears. >> yeah, and the white house has pushed the idea that will be exporting things to countries like poland. trump is a businessman, he'll always be selling something overseas and i think that was a really interesting part of the speech. >> jon: it will also be interesting when he meets with vladimir putin and the story line could change. we'll see. thanks very much to both of you. >> a plan to get health care completed this summer and we move for tax reform in the fall, we look to complete it before the end of the year. >> molly: the white house ledge a slate of director sunday laying out an ambitious agenda for congress, but republican's are facing a major battle over health care when lawmakers return to washington next week and i could throw a wrench and the legislative works. adam shapiro joins us live from
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the white house newsroom. >> that's correct, molly. what we are watching here in washington is the cbo because we are waiting for scoring on senator ted cruz's amendment which could actually save the reconciliation act. senator cruz was in texas last night. he was attending a town hall with u.s. veterans talking about health care. he has proposed an amendment to the senate bill which would allow insurance companies to essentially allow insurance to be sold at lower premiums as long as a way of selling insurance under the obamacare guidelines. they would in effect be able to offer one plan which could be cheaper, but also offer a plan to people with pre-existing conditions. will this win approval from other republicans? that has had to be seen, but here's with us senator said about it last night. >> obamacare, the last ten years, has proven to be a
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manifest disaster. the most important focus is on lowering premiums. the single most biggest reason people are unhappy with obamacare is i can't afford health insurance premiums. i hear that every single day. when i am pressing senate republicans come out let's focus on lowering premiums and that's a win-win for everyone. >> the win-win is what he's going for, he is hopeful he said in an interview with a texas news outlet that this actually will occur, but they're not at yes yet. i spoke with a source close to senate republic and leadership who said nothing has been finalized so the mmn has not been added to the bill just yet, but this is one thing that could save, for instance, mike lee from utah who said that this might be something he could support. >> molly: a multitude of strategy at work. thank you very much.
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>> jon: fascinating times ahead. a manhunt underway in south carolina for an inmate who escaped from prison for the second time and a dozen years. recognize that guy? plus president from coming out russia for his actions in eastern europe and a rear review of the country. what today's comments could mean for tomorrow's sit vladimir putin.
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>> jon: right now, some new information on crime stories we're watching. world bride calls for clemency. attorneys argue more suffered from a mental illness. an illinois judge denied bail for brent christiansen suspected of kidnapping chinese scholar after prosecutors revealed they had audio of christiansen describing his ideal victim while attending a vigil who was
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last seen june 9th and is now presumed dead. north carolina is searching for an inmate who has escaped a maximum security prison for a second time. he held a family at gunpoint and their home. >> molly: president from criticizing russian president during a speech in poland this morning and all of russia has -- the president taking moscow to task for its position in eastern europe. >> america is committed to maintaining piece in eastern europe. we will work in response to russia's actions in destabilizing behavior. >> molly: rebecca heinrich helped launch -- thanks for being here. undoubtedly, this is the big,
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anticipated meeting of the g20, the face-off between our president and his russian counterpart. very strong language in this speech talking about russia destabilizing particularly in the ukraine. he called on russia to drop their support for hostile regimes like syria and iran. why the strong tone just before this very important meeting? >> i think he is laying out the parameters of the context for this meeting and that is that russia has been pushing back on the united states, undermining the united states for the past decade and really gone unanswered. president obama was very soft on russia. this was the reset that he tried to do, so he gave them to rush every time russia tried to push back. what present trump is trying to do, he doesn't want to antagonize russia necessarily, but he is letting the president of russia no, vladimir putin, the united states will not be pushed around, we will not be bullied. we'll pursue our interest and of russia wants to get along with
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that and help us, that's great. if not, then they have to figure out how to handle it. i think he really set up the meeting quite nicely. >> molly: perhaps the most serious discussion to have is the different approaches to the crisis in syria. rex tillerson said on wednesday that the united states is prepared to explore the possibility of expanding cooperation with moscow. will this be the number one topic between these two men? >> i don't know about the number one topic, but it's going to be up there. there are so many important topics. the solution in syria, either the united states and russia will continue this proxy conflict with one another or they're going to get on the same side and handle what's left of isis, was left of other islamic militant is a blitz there they shut down another pro-assad warplane because it was pushing getting close to coalition forces they are.
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this is something that president obama was unwilling to do because he was so afraid that it would kick off a war between the united states and russia, but the trump administration is being very clear about our efforts and that's something that women are put in respects. some clarity, but the united states want to do, what is our interest from running to pursue that and he will respond accordingly and that is much more stabilizing. if you want a stabilizing force, the united states has to be strong and clear and thus the trump administration. >> molly: the president also said america will be your strongest ally and your steadfast partner. and he talked about how we have the energy. it might be something that russia is looking at and saying that europe has been so dependent on russia and here is president trump implying that we are ready to step in and fill any gaps that there might be. >> sure, he said that no country should have a monopoly and he speaking and directly about
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russia. the united states has the other great economic relationships with these nato countries, russia will have to understand that they'll have to play ball better than it has been. everything i've seen with the trump administration and its relationship with russia is trying to de-escalate the situation, look for opportunities and cooperation and it's really hitting russia, it's being very clever in these. we don't want war, we don't conflict with you, see need to cooperate and understand that you have to play fair. >> molly: we appreciate your insight, thank you. >> jon: police that he kidnapped a little boy, then his truck wouldn't start. how the family finally rescued their son. plus president trump calling for an honest media. our fox news media analyst howard kurtz will weigh in on the president's assessment. >> they have been fake news for a long time. they've been covering me in a very dishonest way.
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>> jon: is a frightening story, a guy in california facing charges for kidnapping a 6-year-old boy on the fourth of july. michael taught him or her and said to be arraigned tomorrow. they say he grabbed the boy who was walking ahead of his family and put him in his truck. when he tried to drive away, his truck would not start, so the boy's family, looking for him actually asked him for help, that's when one of them noticed the boy inside the truck. the boys uncle said it was terrifying. >> very scared. we asked if he if there was any chance he saw the lowboy he said no. he was trying to take off, but my dad pulled the jumper cables
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out of the truck so he couldn't go. that's when my uncle pulled and we went to the driver side to go stop him. >> jon: family members held him until police got there. luckily, the little boy was not injured. >> molly: president trump holding a news conference in poland ahead of his speech to a very supportive crowd and once again, criticizing the media. >> what we want to see in the united states is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press. it's a very important thing. we don't want fake news. by the way, not everybody is fake news. but we don't want fake news. bad thing, very bad for our country. >> molly: let's bring in howard kurtz, fox news media analyst and of course the host of many of those. kicking things off, this was a hallmark of president trump's campaign.
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he carried it on into his presidency, it seemed to help him win, but at this point, is it still working for the president? >> this a highly unusual setting, to say the least. he was later to give a very thoughtful, well received speech about the polish people back in nato, calling for the defense of civilization against radical islamic terrorism, but he muddies the waters when he includes the attack on the media and for a president who has complained with some justification that the media often don't devote enough attention to the accomplishments of his administration, he, himself created this distraction which gives the press something to focus on besides the speech. >> molly: he's about to have these incredibly important meetings, strategic meetings with economic leaders all over the world and this topic is still there. to be fair, at a later press
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conference, one of the reporters actually asked about the back and forth, the reaction, the meme that was posted that the president retweeted with him bashing a wrestler with a face superimposed with cnn. people are asking about it. whose responsibility is it to rain that in? is at the press? >> the president chose to call on david of the daily mail who has been filing to the white house. presidents are very good at deflecting questions that they don't want to answer. he didn't have to seize the opportunity to say that he thought cnn took that wrestling video way too seriously, but that's the way cnn can also slide into sounding like the voice of the opposition. jim acosta said later he thought this was a fake news conference because the president had called him a family reporter who asked a question about cnn.
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he also called on nbc's hallie jackson. just because the president the president of the united states calls on somebody who doesn't approve of, that's not a fake news conference. >> molly: hears of the present respondent. >> what cnn did was unfortunate for them. as you know, they have some pretty serious problems. with cnn and others, nbc is equally as bad, despite the fact that i made them a fortune with the apprentice, but they forgot that. >> molly: a fairly long response the second question about north korea, but he did not try to steer away. he answer the question. >> the criticism is often so personal with donald trump, he threw in the apprentice because he felt like he made nbc a lot of money with that show and he believes that they have been very unfair. this has been showing up in the polls, saying that 74% and that
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particular survey believe that his tweeting is demeaning the presidency. i think balanced tweeting is what helps, but one reason that number might be so high right now is because there are so many anti-media tweets lately including the one of mika of nbc, those are harder to defend and again, they provide the distraction that gives the media, who love to talk about themselves and defend their first among the rights and all of that, i think that stops on his message, whether he is giving a speech in poland, whether he is meeting putin, trying to push health care and other initiatives. >> molly: thank you for the insight. >> jon: president trump also had some harsh words were north korea as he met with the president of poland this morning, just days after the rogue regime's first intercontinental ballistic missile test. what we can expect from the
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commander in chief and why our next guest says pyongyang poses a serious threat to our allies in the region in the u.s. mainland. >> there are some pretty severe things that we are thinking about, doesn't mean that we are going to do them. i don't draw redlines.
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>> jon: president trump issuing some tough words in poland today are north korea. >> not only must we secure our
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nation's from the of terrorism, but we must also confront the threat from north korea and that's what it is. as a threat. and we will confront it very strongly. we call on all nations to confront this global threat and publicly demonstrated north korea that there are consequences for their very, very bad behavior. >> jon: the president also sang the rogue regime has behaved in a nefarious manner and so they must be done with i it. joining us now, robert nadler, former seven fleet commander. how concerned are you about this icbm test? what does it show but the progress of north korea's launch capabilities? >> i'm very concerned. north korea has been after this and a nuclear capability for a
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couple of decades now. recently, and the last few years, it's come to a head where they had been able to develop an icbm, as we saw just the other day and they were close to nuclear weapon capability. we should be very concerned. >> jon: for a long time, it was seen at their militarization was almost laughable. all of a sudden, they seem to be at a very serious threat. >> they are. certainly close to being able to strike alaska and if they continue on this road, they're going to be able to strike the west coast of the continental united states. not only importing and acquiring technology and military capability, but they are doing it at a pace faster than what we've seen in the last 20 years. >> jon: importing how?
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are they supposed to be sanctioned? >> let's face it, the sanctions have been started and stopped over the last couple of decades. here recently, they've been able to acquire the technology that's enabled them to feel these kinds of systems. we can see it in their parades, they don't grow rubber and north korea. they have to import this from their friends who should be supporting us in these sanction sanctions. >> jon: friends like china, iran? >> iran, china, russia. we need to be able to put very forceful sanctions on nations and shipping firms and technology that are violating the sanctions that we need to have in place and need to be a forcefully enabled with our friends and allies around the world. >> jon: you're saying there are more sanctions, more pressure that can be applied to north korea without using some kind of military option?
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>> the military option is our last resort. everything else is on the table as president trump as indicated and we should pursue every other option as a military option. this is not a political issue in the united states. if we have to fight in korea, there'll be democrats, republicans, libertarians, and dependents, you name it, dying. we need to resort to every other option. >> jon: what about china? of a place no china? >> i don't know the answer to that. all i can do is rely on what the current administration and past administrations have said they've done. china is part of the solution to this problem. there is no doubt about it. >> dominic >> jon: as they
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continue to do this, they may be able to launch a nuclear warhead that could reach the united states. >> there is no doubt about it. >> jon: was the timeline? any ideas? >> the best indications that i have seen will indicate that as possible with the next 4-5 year years. >> scary stuff. we appreciate your expertise. things very much for being on with us. >> molly: growing concerns about a fast-growing wildfire and a western state already forcing hundreds of folks out of their homes and my cruise fear the flames will get even worse this afternoon. plus a major moment fast approaching on capitol hill as the g.o.p. battled to reform health care heats up with a new plan gaining traction, just as one leading republican is wondering about the dangers of repealing, but not replacing obamacare. >> what they're trying to do is
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not fix obamacare in one piece -- that's never going to happen. it's going to take years.
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>> molly: new information on the senate shall pay his efforts to reform health care as the amendment from senators ted cruz and mike lee seemed to be getting traction. >> at the moment, it's all about the politics and trying to get the 50 votes in the senate and how do you hold the conservatives together and not lose susan collins one of the other moderates to pull it down below 50 votes? at the moment, this looks like the piece of legislation, the ted cruz proposal that is going to get it done. >> molly: this as senator john mccain raises some serious concerns about the g.o.p. health reform plan which says i fear he may fall under the trap of repealing and replacing that may be bad for america. joining us now, brad blakeman
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and pablo henriquez. thank you both for being here. kicking things off, we'll talk about the new option which has been dubbed the consumer freedom option which would allow insurers to adopt a plan. essentially, a cheaper version going forward. brad, what do you think about that? is at a solution that some of the g.o.p. might be able to get behind? >> i do. it mirrors the kind of insurance that we have in our personal lives were guarding personal insurance and houses and cars. you pick the coverage that best suits your needs. i think that's the best fit for americans as they go through their life and their health challenges. they can change their insurance year-to-year, they can pick insurance companies. the most valuable part of this reform is is yet to be placed. when we talk about marketability, the ability to sell across state lines, that's going to be the key as well.
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republicans have no choice. we on this. democrats broke it, but we must fix it. 2017 must be the year of action because 2018 will be the year of reflection by the american people as they head back the polls. >> molly: there's no doubt that the need to be a fix. pablo, is a something the democrats would even consider? >> i'm not sure the democrats will consider anything that they come pleat repealing the placement of obamacare. when president trump was elected, if you come up with a better plan than obamacare, he would be the first to support it. i think both people on both sides of the aisle are more than willing to accept that obamacare has faced a lot of challenges, but right now, we are seeing a lot of growing pains on the republican side of the aisle. eight years ago, the democrats had to compromise away from universal health care. toward what a lot of people from the progressive left but was a corporate bill. they have to go away from repeal
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and replace campaign slogan if you will towards something that's more valuable on capitol hill. >> molly: ship and concern that senator mccain raise, if there's repeal, there may not be replaced on the road, how valuable is i concern? is the real fear that the easy part is getting done wrapping republicans and their pushing up the hard work? >> there is no easy solution. the democrats destroyed health care for the macon people, now it's up to us to fix it. we can't fix it in stages, we are to fix it right and i have one shot to do it and that's this year. repeal and replace must be done, the question is, how do you satisfy valid concerns? republicans were turning a lot of health care back to the states where it belongs, those people closest to the people that they served in every state is different. new york is different than arizona. each state has got to be able to live within the mandates of this new bill. we have no choice.
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gotta fix it, gotta do it now. >> molly: brad's point that it isn't adding up, these carriers are bailing out, pretty soon there will be other options. democrats way for us to come from eyes to some extent. a lot of this is people trying to avoid blame going forward. right now, obamacare has major problems. >> right, i think a great in-depth discussion of this happened on dana perino and chris tyler wilds podcast just the other day about health care. they both discussed the idea that the painful parts of this senate bill are being kicked on the road toward a future congresses and future administrations amounts a huge problem. at some point, we have to face the fact that our health care is incredible complicated, it's becoming more and more expensive and there is no real fix to the solution that's going to benefit the americans in the long term. none of this bill and not so much and obamacare. utopian vision of health care for all that's an expensive, and
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also inadequate just isn't happening. after democrats or republicans. at some point, somebody needs to realistically look and see where the cost of this coming from from and where we are going with this essential public policy. >> molly: brad, you touch on the g.o.p. trends. are they listening to their constituents? they've been on this break this week, they hope to get things done by july 4th, it didn't happen and now they're hearing from their constituents. should they be listening to their constituents who also have pretty different views as to how this should all work out? >> absolutely. i'm a victim of obamacare and i dread when i get my envelope which tells me what my new premium and deductible is going to be. the cost has been going up. i have catastrophic insurance. i have to pay a huge bill every month and then i pay a huge deductible before i get health care. they better be listening to their constituents. most importantly, not even listening to them, heed them. get this done, get it right and
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you can always tweak the bill as you go along, but it must be done. there's no choice. >> molly: pablo? >> i couldn't agree more. we look at what senator collins assange from maine, she went home over the fourth of july weekend and this was literally the only topic that her constituents wanted to talk to her about. i think moving forward, this is going to be more and more the case. it's going to be a toxic conversation is of a proactive one. that's dangerous. >> molly: thanks so much, very constructive discussion, we appreciate it. >> jon: several arab nations are cutting ties with qatar, but efforts to restore relations are not going so well, why the government will not cooperate. plus a massive wildfire and one western state forcing hundreds from their homes. >> i said, oh, my god, this is something i've never seen and 33 years of living in summit count summit county.
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>> molly: one day before he meets with president vladimir putin, president trump says he thinks the kremlin did in fact metal in the u.s. election, but also said it may have been other countries. reaction to that and what we can expect from tomorrow's big face-to-face. >> melissa: and democrats may finally have an actual message that's not just running against president trump, whether it will work if it's too little too late. >> meghan: all that plus plus r #oneluckyguy, "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. >> jon: fire officials nearing breckenridge, colorado, expect a wildfire to ramp up again this afternoon. the flames broke out yesterday morning forcing hundreds from their homes. since then, air and ground crews have been working nonstop to battle the flames. >> it's a dangerous job. >> i heard there is a smoke jumpers out there. it's tough work. it's hard work. they're tired at the end of the
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day. >> jon: firefighters still investing the cause of the fire. officials say the flames could ask late this afternoon because of high winds and the hot, dry conditions. >> molly: the devil medic crisis in qatar stalling with leaders from four gulf air countries cutting ties with qatar saying that i'm not made any progress. this is the foreign minister pushes back against accusations that he's helping to fund terrorism. >> we believe that if we are going to allow anyone come up this would represent threats for qatar more than any one else. >> molly: rich edson joins us from the state apartment. >> rex tillerson, while he is traveling in europe, has been and will continue to consult with gulf countries to try to figure a way out of this crisis. the secretary spoke yesterday with a new crown prince of saudi arabia.
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the saudis, along with three other arab nations with cairo, they met after qatar rejected their list of more than a dozen demands to end their blockade of qatar. the four countries stay as a result of the violation and its continued interference in the affairs of the arab states and its support of extremism and terrorism and the consequent threats and security of the region. these were arab countries announced no new sanctions, they have been blockading qatar for a month and they say that's from extremism. the country say they will meet again, though they've given no date. qatar has long denied the charges that it supports extremism. the foreign minister was speaking in london and said read between the lines, the bucketing countries were demanding that we must surrender our sovereignty is, the price for ending the siege. something they knew qatar would never do. qatar claims the other gulf countries are labeling their
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political opponents as terrorists, to silence them and convince western democracies like the u.s. to oppose qatar. the u.s. has said that qatar has improved his confrontation and trying to combat terrorism financing. they say qatar does have a ways to go. >> molly: rich edson, thanks. >> molly: and xterra "happening now," a health scare fort house majority whip steve scalise as he fights to recover from that shooting targeting g.o.p. lawmakers. we have an update on his condition. and we're expecting new statistics on the opioid crisis including how many are being prescribed nationwide and why doctors in some parts of the country prescribe as many as six times more than other doctors. ♪ when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage.
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>> jon: one of those problems those firefighters are dealing with about pine needle infestation that killed so many pines. a lot of standing dead timber, it's drive. >> molly: dangerous situation. "outnumbered" starts now. >> meghan: fox news alert, right now, president trump is in germany for the g20. he is about to meet with german chancellor uncle merkel a day ahead of his high-stakes showdown with weimar put in. this is the president slamming his predecessor. this is "outnumbered," i meghan mccain. here today, megan francis, host of the intelligence report, trish regan, fox news legal analyst and host of justice with with judge dineen, judge jeanine pirro, and today's #oneluckyguy, we welcome tvs superman, dean cain and they were outnumbered. >> dean: i'm happy to be outnumbered, thank you.


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