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tv   Fox and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 8, 2017 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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[national anthem] ♪ >> it is easily the most anticipated moment of the summit in hamburg, germany. >> the two leaders shaking hands ahead of their official meeting. history not lost on president trump. >> i had a tremendous meeting yesterday with president putin. we have had really great meetings with a lot of people: >> the biggest headline is that president trump reportedly brought up russian meddling in the u.s. election right off the bat. >> the president pressed president putin on more than one occasion involving russian involvement. president putin denied such involvement. as i think he has in the past. >> this will be astonishing to
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be said, i know. but i think maybe today we witnessed president trump emerging as an american statesman. ♪ ♪ ♪ at the hamburger stand now ♪ think he forgot about the library like she told her old man now' ♪ and with the radio blasting go as fast as she can now ♪ and we'll have fun, fun, fun ♪ until daddy takes the t bird away. abby: this is your all-american show this morning. beach boys, of course. classic old cars out on the plaza. new ones, too. the updated version of some of our old classics that our parents drove that we grew up with. it's going to be great show. food trucks. dipping dotes. ice cream. who doesn't love that and we have todd on the couch. pete: four hours.
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todd: four hours of collusion. pete: dipping dots ice cream of the future. when is the future going to be here. todd: like 50 years. abby: favorite was the mint chocolate dipping dots did. have you a favorite flavor? pete: always going with the flavor of the past. todd: mine was not the flavor of the past. abby: probably why they assigned me to the dipping dots truck today. pete: he president not hold back talks with talks with president of china. todd: kristin fisher joins us from hamburg, germany with the very latest. kristin? >> good morning. the putin meeting is sucking a lot of the oxygen out of the room at the g-20. overnight for you all and this morning for us president trump has held several more significant meetings and more to come. as you mentioned, first up this morning president trump
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met with british prime minister theresa may where he says they had tremendous talks about trade. keep in mind, whatever deals that they come up with, they will have to wait to implement that deal until the u.k. officially leaves the eu and that could take a few years' time. >> we are working on a trade deal big deal, very powerful deal, great for both countries. i think we will have that done very, very quickly. we have all of our trade people. we have wilbur ross with us. we have all of the trade people. >> well, from there, president trump attended a women's entrepreneurship finance event and he was joined by his daughter ivanka who was actually invited there by the german chancellor angela merkel. this is a very big moment for the first daughter and senior advisor. and at that event president trump announced a 50-million-dollar commitment for women entrepreneurs in developing countries. but the big news today, and the biggest meeting by far is
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going to be a meeting in a few hours with the president of china. remember they had a meeting in march at mar-a-lago. the relationship has sorrowed over china's inability to crack down on north korea. the focus is north korea and trade. senior official told thus morning that president trump is expected to be very direct. we have already seen him use much more direct and aggressive language towards china. did he so in a tweet before he left d.c. the white house said is he expected to now use that kind of more aggressive language in person. is he also considering more sanctions as a way to perhaps pressure north korea. sanctions that china is not going to like. and is also going to be talking to them about trade. leveling the playing field. certainly the possibility for a very contentious meeting this afternoon with the president of china. and we will bring you the latest every hour from hamburg. back to you.
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todd: thanks, kristin. abby: thank you so much. todd: big meeting today. tried the carrot with north korea. now in light the fact they haven't really changed their tune we have to press harder. abby: with north korea and on trade. he is a deal guy. he likes to go into these meetings and bring something to the table afterwards. he has a lot of tough talk but when you get one-on-one hopefully, hopefully these two can make some progress. because we need china. the question is how do you deal with them. todd: speaking of tough talk obviously yesterday about the meeting right here, with president trump and president putin obviously confronting the russian president face to face on meddling in the u.s. election. but if you listen to the democrats talk about it, oh, this never happened. abby: well, because he wasn't supposed to bring up the meddling. the democrats said is he not going to talk about it. he not only touched it, it was the first thing he brought up in this meeting. so now you have the russians
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saying what happened in this conversation. have you tillerson saying what happened in this conversation. democrats have nowhere to go because that was going to be their attack line. pete: fantasy land of collusion. they have been co-including the whole time. no way he could bring it up. like any president would who loves his country. how about you don't mess with our election. he doesn't let it be the whole focus of the entire meeting because there is really big things like syria. maybe they will share shred of common ground. john bolton was on this network earlier and he had this to say about the meeting. >> i think the fact that president trump opened the meeting by talking about russian interference in our election and, according to secretary of state tillerson, pressed it several times, should be the end of the allegations about collusion with the trump campaign. of course, it won't be. just for reality sake that was important. even more important, i think,
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for the president was that vladimir putin denied any russian interference in american elections. now, everybody who has looked at the classified information says there is no doubt the russians tried effect the election. and that is something, i think, should be unacceptable to all americans. >> absolutely. >> forget it vladimir putin looked donald trump directly in the eye and lied to him. i think that's the single most important take away coming out of this meeting. here is my take away in light of what bolton said. one there is no collusion can we move on. two, these are friends. we need to work with them. at the end of the day we need to have a firm and diplomatic stance with them. extract what we need to get from them. compromise in certain areas and move on and still be the number one power in the world. abby: that's what he did. we realize we are not going to agree in your midwest ling in the election. let's move on to cease-fire in
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syria and ukraine. this meeting went on for two hours and 16 minutes from what we're told. people tried interrupt it including his wife melania trump and rex tillerson even she failed at doing that she came in an hour in. ended up going and hour and 16 minutes longer than that. pete: so much collusion, so little time. how could you do it in 30 minutes. you need 2 hours and 15 anyone's. todd: we need four. if. pete: news flash the russians lie. they lie through state television and lie their propaganda. it's amazing to watch the democrats do whatever they can to discredit this president. first he is wrong because he won't bring it up. when he brings it up is he wrong because the russians are giving a different story. spin whatever they want to make themselves look good. if anything they are expert propagandist. are they stupid? they will not take trump no matter what. abby: they needed an attack
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line. where do we go here in the russians has something that contradicts what the president's administration is saying. shear is what chuck schumer is saying, president trump has the obligation to take the word of our intelligence community rather than that of the russian president. for secretary tillerson say this issue remains unresolved is disgraceful. a grave dereliction of duty and only encourage russia to further interfere in our election he is in the further. pete: when president obama said cut it out, that was going to prevent them from further interference in our election. an honest straightforward conversation for two hours with somebody he knows is going to be strong. president putin knows his word matters. you have a chance to turn the tide. if do you this, there will be retribution for it i think to your point, todd, it's a fantasy land the democrats live. in they want to hate him. they want to discredit him. they will find anything. including reading aloud russian talking points to do
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so. abby: he had spent the two hours and 15 minutes on simply the russian meddling well he didn't talk about all the other important things. so you can't win. that's one thing we have learned with the democrats today. but there is a new poll out. todd: yeah, listen to this. a fox news poll unfavorable opinion shows melania trump at 51%. oh, and there is the guy that oh, nobody likes him in america. well, he is at 47%. he is the president of the united states donald trump. mike pence also at 47%. pete, i will let you take. pete: nancy pelosi and fake tears chuck schumer at 33 and 26%. they barely add up to melania. they have a massive credibility problem. ill served by house and the senate. don't have somebody that can push back in a i think that is meaningful to americans. think about all the fake news this president deals with. the on slot of hate frankly he gets in the news media. he is at 47%.
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it is amazing what he has been able to do, as you pointed out all the time, he can cut straight to the american people with his own message. he doesn't have to rely on fake must. abby: shows the american people are smarter than the mainstream media gives them credit for. pete: we see it at the dinners all the time. abby: start with a fox news alert. overnight show of force, a pair of us b-1 bombers. dropping dummy bombs on a target with south korean and japanese fighter jets following them. follows the successful launch of intercontinental missile. the u.s. plans to test the thad missile defense system in alaska. keep a close eye on that. more violent riots overnight at the site of the g-20 summit. protesters hurling rods and molotov cocktails at a building.
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loot ago supermarket. nearly 200 police officers have also been injured. and another legal set back in the fight against the president's travel ban. u.s.a. appeals court denying hawaii's request to put emergency block on the order partially put back into effect by the supreme court. currently the ban restricts travel from six middle east countries for 90 days unless peel people have certain family ties to u.s. citizens. and some good news this morning for little charlie gard the british hospital where the terminally ill baby remains on life support says it has new evidence about possible treatment options from doctors in rome and the u.s. now officials want the court to reconsider their ruling that charlie's extremely rare genetic condition is untreatable and he should be taken off life support. take a listen. >> we are quite happy with today's outcome. and we're hopeful and confident that charlie may get a chance now. abby: one new york hospital has agreed to admit him and president trump has also vowed his support. the hearing is set for monday.
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we will see what happens then. todd: in our prayers. coming up, president trump returning home from second overseas trip to a booming economy. we will break down what's behind the economic search next. pete: vice president pence something called intergo also ic protocol. someone dared him to do it. ♪ can't touch this ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ why are you standing, there man ♪ can't touch this ♪ where are we?
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about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys."
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it's home insurance made easy. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer pete: president trump will return from second overseas trip to a booming economy at home. todd: economy continuing to grow with 220,000 jobs added in june.
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and more americans rejoining the labor force. abby: joining us to break it down is financial advisor and president of diversified financial consultant dominic cabella. good to there you have morning. these are great numbers. >> these are investigated are vs and terrific rebound. abby: why are we seeing that? >> if you average it out over a three month period the numbers are kind of where they should be. we had a really horrific number last month. we initially came out at 138,000 jobs. we have been growing somewhere around 175 to 200,000 jobs a month. last month was really horrific. took everybody by surprise. this is kind of a bounce back. i think these numbers on a month-to-month basis can be skewed. they can be really high, really low. when you average them out over three months, we are growing 135 to 200,000 jobs a month. todd: what do we a attribute the june growth to? >> averaged 150 to 175.
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now it's 175 to 200. big jump aberration for the last month. todd: also adjustments to the three month. again, this is all positive news. they actually adjusted last month's number and the month before that up. >> that's not unusual, right? these things do get adjusted. people like to think of them as a science i think it's more art than science. pete: president trump ran on i want to bring jobs back. what are we seeing there? >> increase in that. actual employment rate is down to 4.4. but, one number i really want to look at is people still looking for work. people that are under employed and part timers that are -- would like to be a full-time job. pete: you feel like that number has been deceptive for quite some time. >> unemployment rate is really deceptive. we don't have the number of people working today that were working 10 years ago. abby: people making a living wage.
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>> this is a glass half full story. unemployment rate lower. total jobs higher. but if you actually look at wages year over year, they have only gone up 2.5%. even the last 8 years, the medium income household that the average family earns in this country has barely gone up. todd: what changes that? what gets wages to rise? >> this is really confuses the fed. looking at the number. unemployment rate is really low. number of jobs why aren't wages going up? and there is a multitude of reasons. high costs of healthcare. our own firm the cost of healthcare has doubled. doubled in the last 8 years. cost of pensions, other factors. pete: employer sponsored plans get more expensive therefore they don't want to pay their workers more. >> employers are trying to live on margins. look at the retail sector jobs are going out the door. things are tightening up in the economy. the economy is good.
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not great, it's good. pete: if congress doesn't get off keister and pass healthcare and tax reform. >> growth has been good. earnings has been good. a lot of the businesses are counting on tax cuts. talking about finally reforming healthcare, getting the whole system to operate more efficiently, none of that basically has happened so far, right? so we have seen earnings and the s&p go up which is why the market suspect. but these things that the economy is counting on none of it has happened. abby: great to have you. todd: coming up she met with he bre bill clinton for 45 minutes. told james comey to call the clinton investigation a matter e she says she didn't do anything wrong. abby: president sits down with veant. live up to all of the hype? our panel is weighing in on
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todd: welcome bake. a couple of quick headlines for you. a nebraska man is behind bars after making threats against republican senator joni ernst. police say 64-year-old robert claimed ernst was part of isis and even said he could kill her while at a harley-davidson dealership where the senator was scheduled to make an appearance. this after mark prichesd was pritchard was arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot jeff flake.
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new surveillance video shows she illegally entered intersection bev being cut off by another car just before the crash. passenger in a third car that hit williams car unfortunately died two weeks later. abby down to you. abby: horrible story. thank you, pete. meeting with president trump and vladimir putin met face to face yesterday at the g-20 summit. key issues. what should we make of their sit down? joining me now to weigh any is morgan or takin and indicated ln huey-burns. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. abby: let's start with your reaction on this. morgan, start with you there was a lot of hype of what was going to be talked about this morning. democrats saying he wasn't going to bring up meddling in the election. that was the first thing he brought up. >> i wasn't surprised it was two and a half hours long and what's going on around the world and where russia is
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meddling. russia is providing to our enemies in afghanistan. you see ongoing issues in ukraine. they could be potentially involved what's going on in the asian region as relates to north korea. none of this surprises me it was that long. listening to you and the team talk this morning, i agree one the biggest take aways for me is this the fact that the russian president came out and lied right away. lavrov lied about the meeting with trump. have to deal with russia. they are a player. you can't ignore them they are a player in the middle east. we have to be very careful in trusting them. they came out of meeting and lied about what happened between the president and the secretary of state tillerson had to deny what lavrov said to the media. abby: as our own john bolton said that was a big deal from that meeting. >> absolutely. abby: another big deal is cease-fire. a lot got done from this meeting. >> you think a lot got done. a lot of talk. abby: you hope it leads to some positive change. >> even getting back to the russian meddling, you know,
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what's the consequence for it? can you chastise. abby: is that the time and place? you only have this amount of time. >> right. abby: to actually meet face to face. >> right. abby: there was a lot to get to on the table. >> a lot. abby: if you haven't you wouldn't have gotten to north korea and syria. >> putin meddling. there is no consequence for it somebody breaks into your home and steals something. what's the consequence? abby: we don't know that yet. they go home and president trump and secretary tillerson. >> president trumps who has denied there was any significant meddling by russia and then decides going to confront him. seriously think something is goings to come from this seriously? >> if you think what the administration wanted from this meeting, they are considering this a success. you can also argue that they did a good job setting expectations, right in the white house said that they weren't going to talk about meddling and then they did. to karen's point, there are a lot of questions though about
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what does come next, particularly when you have members of congress who have passed a bill in the senate to wage sanctions against russia there are a lot of questions about what the president wants to do here as it pertains to holding russia accountable in the future. because as we have heard from these hearings, as tillerson mentioned, too they didn't spend a lot of time talking about the past, but there is concern, of course, about what happens in the future. but i think in terms of this meeting, i think that widely broadly, i think that the administration came away from this thinking that they had a success but, again, lots of questions about what happened. abby: surely, morgan they walked away how to move forward from here when they did have progress on things like syria. karen does make a good point, regardless of what side you affiliate with we should all be concerned about russia meddling in any elections. what do they need to do. >> putin hasn't been accountable for the last 8 years. i lived in saudi arabia in the middle east whenever the air
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arab spring started. the reason we have the problems with putin today is squarely to put on the blame of the obama administration. they did nothing to hold them accountable for 8 years. at the end of the 8 years they lobbed sanctions over at him. the reason he is in syria and the reason he went into you cranial and reason russians in afghanistan they were able to get away for the past 8 years. now president trump has to deal with the situation that he has been hanged to him. it's the very first meeting. as i said, there is clearly a lot that had to happen for the first two and a half hours. important to note that every president comes in and has to deal with the situation they were given. unfortunately president trump has to come in embolden putin thanks to 8 years of obama doing knot nothing with russia. abby: i know this debate will continue, morgan: person waged jihad on the trump administration, watch. >> a word of truth, truth, in
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front of at tyrant ruler or leader. that is the best form of jihad. abby: well now she says if you are angry about that it's because you don't know what the word jawr jihad really mean. abby: giant gift for the internet. they are loving it. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ going down the only road i've ever known ♪ like a hipster ♪ i was born to walk alone ♪ every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. liz assumed all dressingsrust were made equal. assume nothing. just like the leading brands, these kraft dressings are made with high quality ingredients, at a price you can feel good about.
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♪ pete: muslim activist who urged people to wage jihad against the trump administration. listen. >> i hope that we, when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that from us as a form of jihad that we are struggling against tyrants and rulers, not only abroad and middle east on the other side of the world but here in these united states of america where you have fascists and white supremists and islamophobes reigning in the white house. pete: that's pretty clear and ridiculous statement. she suggested pepper trump is a form of jihad. she claims she is misinterpreted if you are angry you don't know what jihad means. she said we will define our
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religion on the terms of the majority of missiles. learn from the excerpts reading is fund mental. abby: isn't that the danger of this people have different interpretations of what jihad means. all the good, meaningful muslims out there who don't talk like this. pete: i'm a conservative i have read the everywhere quran and hadith i t. means struggle violent and nonviolent. she also knows what it means. when you use this term in this countrifully that context it's going to be taken and interpreted that way. she has a lot of other extreme ties to the muslim brotherhood and others who claims nonviolent political advocates who have a different agenda. the other thing that was so disturbing muslims in this country should not have an obligation to assimilate to. me, that's shocking. everyone of any culture of any religion of any background coming to america should be here to be party of this american experiment and made it special. don't assimilate means i'm
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above that beyond that and my religion is ultimately. abby: people should have known before she started her remarks she was praise hog she called one of her mentors, someone who wasn't charged but a coconspirator talked about from the 9/11, the world trade attacks, so i don't have all the information about that. that alone going there and praising someone which you going b. to talk about something like that. todd: both of those points what you said and what you said underscores this is a very charged word here in the u.s.a. jihad is not something you throw around lightly there are other charged words we can't say on tv because they have a huge connotation and thrust behind them that we don't say. this another word. pete: she knows it just like the word of islam. is it a religion of peace or violence or submission. submission to the text. can you get into interpretation all you want. if you understand it, let's have conversation. don't conflate. that's going to set people off. abby: words matter. mother on that later.
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we want to get to other headlines we are following this morning illegal immigrant accused of stabbing her husband and four children to death is seen smiling in court. take a look at that isabel martinez gives the thumbs up and waives her arms as she faces years in prison or multiple murder charges. found by police brutally stabbed. a fifth child did survive. horrible story that s loretta lynch denying agencies that she never told hillary clinton's campaign the fbi probe could not go too far. her lawyer says those communications did not take place. everywhere testified that lynch instructed him to refer to the email probe as a matter. lynch is still expected to testify before congress. and toby keith's daughter is lucky to be alive after getting into a terrible car crash with a drunk driver. crystal keith posting two images to social media showing extensive damage to her car. take a look at that her baby's
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car seat what's left on the hood. 31-year-old says family was on the way to watch fireworks on the fourths of july when the drunk driver nearly took their lives. lublegly everyone is okay. thank goodness. nsa is coming to the vice president's defense with the internet going nuts over him touching a piece of equipment marked do not touch. vice president pence tweeted this senator marco rubio dared me to do it who was along for the event. in fairness i warned the vp that you break it, you own it well nsa says those signs are just daily reminders and that the equipment needed cleaning anyway. of course social media went nuts. todd: let's find the smallest most insignificant. abby: no one needs the full story anymore. pete: rick reichmuth does. if he is going to give u.s. the most complicated whether weather with those maps. rick: if you ever want to know what a suit smells like every week have you a deep fryer.
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pete know what is i'm talking about. you can't dry clean them every week. food truck day today. a lot of food to show you later on. talk weather. take a look at the weather map and show you what is going on. 100 degrees right now in phoenix. that gives you an idea. what are we about 3:30 a.m., 100-degree he is? the heat is on across much of the west. going to be a hot day today. across the northeast, mid-atlantic, ohio valley, pick your city. put this in motion. you get the idea. scattered showers move through the area. nobody is going to get a wash out but you will see scattered showers starting as well this morning up across parts of vermont. down in the southeast kind of that same thing, hot, humid, muggy. up and get garden variety thunderstorms throughout the afternoon. and towards the northern plains, watch things begin to heat up. getting all the way up into the 90's in towards rapid city and finally out across areas of the west. big story with the heat. we broke all kinds of records yesterday and across parts of the southwest another one today. all right, guys. back to you.
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pete: doing weather is not easy but you make it look easy. abby: sounds like we need custard today. rick: i have fries behind me. you want some? pete: you are a great man. nypd swearing in new recruits while mourning a fallen officer. where is the mayor? is he joining the g-20 protests in germany. all the leftists and him. next guest nypd lieutenant fired up about that. abby: chris christie still has six months left he's governor of new jersey. he could already have his next job lined up? todd: trust me, i know where that's going. he is really good at that next job. classic cars on the road but we have a whole lot of them on our plaza. check that out. you want to check all of them out when we come back ♪
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abby: we are back with quick headlines from governor of new jersey to sports radio host? well, rumors are circulating that chris christie could ghb line this replace mike francesca here in new york. the station says they are considering christie's appearances to be an audition. christie's term as governor will officially end in six months. kendall and kylie gender are headejenner aretupac on t-shirt. briefly sold them for $125 each with their own faces and logo over the rapper. the photographer is now suing for copyright infringement. and over to you pete and todd. >> thanks, abby. violent protests breaking out at the g-20 summit in germany and new york city mayor bill de blasio, well, he did not
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want to miss out. he skipped an nypd swearing in ceremony while the force is grieving a fallen officer as you remember so he could protest president trump and other world leaders at the summit. todd: should the mayor really ditch new yorkers to push his aggressive agenda in germany? here to weigh in is retired nypd lieutenant and watch guard 24/7 john rafferty. this one gets me so fired up i can literally not contain myself. this is an abomination that is over there when this city is suffering and his people, his police force is suffering. >> i think he has his personal agenda. i don't think new york is his main agenda. obviously what we have seen him doing in office the last few years we don't believe is he pro-cop. if anything he ran a campaign as anti-cop campaign that got him elected. honestly i think the police department knowing what they know and the troops even though it would be a great beast in morale, they are better off that he wasn't
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there. pete: interesting. you are saying the swearing in ceremony which i'm sure mayors regularly attend want to show leadership to the force that protect your city city. you say most of the cops would say the narrow is not here no big deal. >> just what's hapg happened the last few years with him trashing the cops. it's not a surprise by any means. i don't think anybody should be surprised that he wasn't there that he has his own personal agenda. i believe that if you understand what he is all about, i think you are probably better off that he wasn't there i think half the stuff that comes out of his mouth is absolutely false. would it be a great morale boost for the cops if he was there to back the police department? absolutely. it would be great. but knowing what you know about de blasio. i think you are better off that he wasn't there. pete: let's review what he is going to protest and speak at over there in germany. this is not a civil rights march that we will all look back 50 years from now and say that was an important historic event in society. this is a group of unorganized of people that if you heard dan bongino talk about it on
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our air he doesn't know what they're fighting for. he doesn't know what they are there for. they are there to create chaos. is he going there and supporting them when here in new york city since he has been in office this city has seen its share of problems and before he got here, quite frankly, it was a city that was tough to mess up. >> you had two great medicine says sores on crime. two mayor's that wouldn't allow people to take over the streets. wouldn't allow people to shut down the streets there is a difference between protesters and anarchists this is what is going on, when you are allowing people to shut down streets and destroy things and having mayor's saying i understand people and their distrust in the police department and who are you siding with? you are embolde embolding the criminals and not the police department. pete: great point. let's let the mayor speak for himself. this is what the mayor said about his choice on a radio interview. >> i think it was incumbent upon me as the leader of the biggest city in the country to set a tone and to say we are
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not going to be intimidated by president trump and we're not going to turn away from our values. and that i said many times this is not someone you get something done by compromising with or yielding to. you only understand strength and we have to show strength. pete: set a proper tone as the mayor by siding with anarchists who are fighting police? >> my thing is, this he is the mayor of new york city. that should be his main priority. look at new york and manhattan, every other block have you a homeless person and somebody begging on the street corner. the city was rebuilt on the principles of the broken windows theory. address the smaller issues that turn into larger issues. >> jay walking? >> stop and frisk. now going to turn stifle jumping. you know what? two decades ago had you over 2,000 murders. that was all reduced because everything was addressed. it wasn't allowed to get to the next level. going back and prosecutors failing to prosecute certain crimes. decriminalizing marijuana. marijuana turns into more than
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a small crime. so many other crimes attributed to marijuana. pete: watt left doesn't understand. provide vehicle to anyone of any economic background give an opportunity to succeed. when you don't you set those that are most troubled back even further. >> he doesn't have new york city as his primary agenda. that's the sad thing. i think he is more of an activist than a narrow. anybody who knows know him sees that. and it's unfortunate for new york city. everybody in new york city. >> still the greatest city in the world. john rafferty, thanks a lot. we appreciate it. all right. the democrats side egg with the russians in the wake of president trump's meeting with vladimir putin. that's right. now, we're suppose today just trust them. well, mike huckabee here to react to their latest distraction and whether or not anyone is actually going to buy it. todd: pete, did you know in 1970, well before you and i were both born you could buy a dodge for less than 4,000 bucks. pete: i don't know that i. d
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i knew you could get a -- for a nickel but i didn't know that. how much will it colmes you? we have both on our plaza in the classic car show. that's coming up next. ♪ wouldn't it be nice ♪ if we could wake up ♪ her daughter, shopping for groceries, unclogging the sink, setting up dentist appointments and planning birthday parties, nobody does it better. she's also in a rock band. look at her shred. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for maria, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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abby: we are excited for this drive-ins to road trips. iconic cars for the summer. we brought some to the plaza along with modern models. here to show them off is car expert. 1970 challenger. >> man, let me tell you.
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all about throw backs. get this vehicle here it was trucked in from detroit. now, you said, it's a 1970 dodge challenger. this is the inspiration for the new challenger that's on the road today. 285-horsepower. the starting price in 1970 take one guess. abby: i'm going to get it way off. >> 3700 bucks. abby: are you serious. >> 3700 bucks. beautiful vehicle. but that was inspiration. abby: unbelievable. >> peter. >> 3700 bucks? >> this is not 3700 bucks. this starts at $71,000. this is the srt hell cat. now, peter, let's talk about horsepower. over there sub300. this one right here 707-horsepower for this vehicle right here. 707, buddy. packed with technology. blue tooth connectivity. everything you have want in a vehicle you will get with it. this thing is a fire breathing dragon. >> makes you feel cool. >> makes you feel super cool. >> hit it hard. that's horsepower.
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speak of cool and manly i get a clown bike. you explain. this this is not a clown bike. this is called a herbie. showed them this in detroit. solve all the. 20 miles on single charge. called eurb-e. smallest car at the car show. todd: you sold me on this. we have 60 s. >> beautiful vehicle. no restoration done with it. don't start that. it's a manual. he was trying to start it now, what makes it super cool is they have been building these cars for so many years and this was the inspiration. >> i was mad at you for not giving me a more manly car. it's probably for the best. i made that decision. >> the inspiration is. this. >> take out the urb-e in the city you just about did. >> that's rookie move right there. he just turned it on. modern version of the mini cooper over there this is a
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track basted edition. they won last week with a stock version of the mini cooper. this is their john cooper works edition. packed with technology. beautiful creature comfort. en. rick: great horsepower for this size of a car. abby? >> i left bronchos because i own one at home. i have a 1975. this is a 1972 ford broncho. the owner is this gentleman in the green shirt right here. abby: he said it's okay. i give you permission. 302 windsor under the hood. here is what is great about this one it hasn't been touched since it was bought in 1972 i love the look of this thing. real off road vehicle. stunning all the way around. abby: finally, pete? pete: we have 20 seconds to tell me about. this ford raptor. there is nothing else to say. super fast. 3.5 ecoboost moater. this will go on the baja train in mexico and race.
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pete: you are the man. this is a beautiful truck right here. abby: back after this ♪ head games ♪ it's you and me baby ♪ head games ♪ i can't take it anymore ♪ head games ♪ to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you take the zantac it challenge! pill works fast? zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. when heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. take the zantac it challenge. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century.
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>> it is easily the most anticipated moment of the summit in hamburg, germany. >> the two leaders shaking hands for the first time ahead of their official meeting. a history-making moment not lost on president trump. >> we had a tremendous meeting yesterday with president putin. we have really great meetings with a lot of people. >> the biggest headline is that president trump reportedly brought up russian meddling in the u.s. election right off the bat. >> the president pressed president putin on more than one occasion involving russian involvement. president putin denied such involvement. as i think he has he in the past. >> this will be astonishing to be said. i know. but i think maybe today we
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witnessed president trump as an american statesman. ♪ i've been taking care of business every day ♪ taking care of business ♪ every day. todd: those are food trucks. in case you are wondering, pete hegseth has he acquired items from the food truck. even though we are not going to do the food trucks for another hour he brought friday pickles in from us now. pete: i would expect him not pouring his own fry sauce. abby: pete walked up with a basket of friday pickles. do you like friday pickles? abby: i'm pregnant. anything better than pickles is friday pickles in fry sauce. pete: this is just saturday. pete: why not have food trucks and enjoy it go visit a food truck in your hometown.
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abby: fries in your old classic cars. that's what this show is all about. big news this morning. the g-20 summit is still going on. big meetings have already happened. most importantly probably that everyone is talking about one-on-one yesterday face to face with vladimir putin. everyone is talking about that. first thing brought up in that meeting president trump meeting and elections. a lot of trump's critics democrats hoping that wasn't going to be their main talking point and criticism of him from this meeting now. where do they have to go. pete: meeting scheduled to last a half hour it lasted two hours and 16 minutes. here to break it down is former governor of arkansas and fox news contributory mike huckabee from arkansas. you watched all the coverage the meeting itself and reaction to the meeting and the way the secretary of state came out and framed it as well as the russians. what is your main take away. >> the main take away is that donald trump is incredibly effective president.
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every time he goes overseas, people realize this is not only a president into stage craft but true state craft. that's what he showed. he went into that meeting with putin. everyone thought he he was going to roll over and have a little chitchat. he went in and repetaedly brought up the russian meddling. did putin break down and start weeping and saying i'm sorry. i repent. i have sinned. no he didn't. we didn't expect him to. he is going to lie about it of course is he. the fact that donald trump not once but repeatedly challenged him on that is far better than what we had when apparently barack obama back in september said cut that out. his harshest critics and i saw some from another network who had to acknowledge that they were surprised that he brought it up, repeatedly. and he really nailed it to the wall. abby: you know democrats had their talking points already prepared before this meeting even happened. assuming that he wasn't going to bring up the meddling and he did. and so they had nowhere to go.
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now they are side offing with the russians because the russians are saying that president trump basically just accepted the fact that vladimir putin said if there was no meddling in the election which isn't what happened. rex tillerson said there were a number of issues we had to get to so we had to move on. something we had to deal with what do you make of the democrats? they have to go somewhere, governor. they have to find some reason to attack him. >> well, chuck schumer is like one of those wind-up dolls that you pull the string and there is about seven different stay sayings builted into the doll. you are not sure which one he is going to say but one of the seven. that's chuck schumer. you pull the string. abby: we have a statement from senator chuck schumer, actually. he says president trump has an obligation to take the word of our intelligence community rather than that of the russian president for secretary tillerson to say this issue will remain unresolved is disgraceful. a grave dereliction of duty and will only encourage russia to further interfere in our elections in the future. just furthering your pointe there, governor.
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>> we pulled the string. >> one down, circumstance to go. that's chuck schumer e the man has no ability to do anything other than just the reline critic. that's not conducive to being able to govern the country or conducive for his party to have an active role in shake the discussion. he marginalizes himself so predict dibbably anti-trump and anti-republican. the opposition party they have their role. we all get that at some point you ought to be able to say i disagree with this president on a 99 things, but on this, i want to say good job, mr. president. chuck schumer can't do that and he won't do that. todd: governor huckabee i have to ask. distraction collusion, is collusion officially done or do you see some way that the democrats and the liberal media can continue this narrative over and over and over, even longer?
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>> well, you know. you repeated yourself when you said democrats and liberal media. kind of one in the same. i don't think they have anything else. this is what they have -- this is a horse they have written ridden. the horse is dead. they don't realize it opposite where the man was dead and riding a live heroes. this is a dead horse and have a live person trying to ride it what have they got? hillary lost. they can't get over it all they can do is to try to bring up something that has been repeatedly disproved, discredited and i kind of feel sorry for them because they truly have become an embarrassment to themselves for that. pete: governor, i want to add to your pity here if i can for the democrats and the perception of them. a new fox news poll just came out gauging the favorability of different political leaders. take a look oat that melania trump at 51% of a favorable americans have see her favorably, 47% for the president and vice president.
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and then there is nancy pelosi at 33% and fake news chuck schumer 26%. dead horse of russian collusion they have ridden it. it hasn't been successful for them. what could do you make of those anybody's? >> it's evidence people aren't paying attention to were schumer and pelosi. what i wonder who is in that 26% for schumer and 31% for pelosi. honestly listen to the entire statement and say yeah, boy that really makes sense. from of my personal perspective he's a republican, awful i can do is hope they continue the same tract. they are 0 for 5 on elections this year. lost virtually every state legislators, governorships. they lose election after election. only party in america in another decade. abby: this meeting with vladimir putin went on for two hours and 16 minutes.
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at one point tried to lend end the meeting because it was going on so long. after the meeting took place, they actually sat the first lady next to president vladimir putin. do i have the two of them sitting over dinner. there is a lot of stuff that goes into every one of these decisions? >> well, one of the things that we have seen in both of the trips and this one especially is that melania trump is an amazing asset to the president. i thought it was very just limb emotional the fact that here is a person, melania trump, who grew up under a communist regime in europe and now she goes back as the first lady and married to the leader of the free world. i think it's a great testament to what freedom is all about. what an amazing platform for her to be able to say to the world, freedom works. free dome and liberty are wonderful. todd: speak six languages,
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maybe russia is one of them. there is language of your past. language you experience and she speaks that so well. while going forward. president trump is going to have a meeting with the chinese president going to be happening during the 9:00 a.m. hour of the program today a lot at stake there as we have seen in the north korean peninsula not backing down and push being the envelope even further. that meeting can't be platitudes. we need deliverables. what do you expect to come out of that? >> donald trump comes out of a meeting drocket. the last time these two met down in florida excused himself during desert and said we put 15 tomahawks on the ground in syria. he understands he is dealing with a sear use player. donald trump understands he is dealing with a serious player. i think this conversation is going to be very forth right and the president will make clear county north korea
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problem is not a problem with asia. it's a problem for china being a help in chaiing to resolve it. mr. xi accepts that, i don't know. i have have no now. okay e. china better player of ball or help us contain north korea. gro. pete: is this meeting more important than the russian beating? >> i think both are important. i don't think it's a matter of which one. and both cases the president has shown real leadership and something that the world has not seen' fo seen for the past l years. decisive and frankly blunt leadership. that's what leadership is. abby: that's a great point. governor, always great to have you with us. have a great saturday. >> great to be with you by guys. come enjoy your food truck. pete: if you were here you could enjoy it, too. come enjoy it with us. abby: come to see us soon.
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>> i will. abby: overnight show of force a pair of us b 1- 1 bombers. well the move follows north korea's successful launch of intercontinental ballistic missile. the pentagon now telling fox news that within the coming days the u.s. plans to test the thad missile defense system in alaska. and another legal set back in the fight against the president's travel ban. a u.s. appeals court denying hawaii's request to put an emergency block on the order partially put back in effect by the supreme court. currently the ban restricts travel from six middle east countries for 90 days unless people have certain family ties to u.s. citizens and president trump taking a moment overnight to break script and apologize to his daughter ivanka. >> she if she weren't my daughter it would be so much easier for her. might be the only bad thing she has going if you want to know the truth.
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abby: a very human real moment as we often see with entrepreneurship. is he awlts sur rowrchedded by family members. someone who has been through this with my own family, there is no one that you trust and feel mother comfortable around especially on these all important meetings than your family members. pete: they can probably give you honest feedback. president trump addressing. including the heart breaking case of charlie gard. next guest had to fight for his own daughter's life. ned ryun will join us life. ted. todd: they have been waiting for months. hillary clinton's biggest supporters. finally. get ready for it yet to see that infamous confetti that never fell ♪
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♪ we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ♪
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former presidential writer for george w. bush ned ryun joins us now. good to have you here. >> thank you. abby: i know it hits home to you and personal story. give people a sense of what we're talking about because it's received anational attention. this 11-month-old boy over in the u.k. has a terminal disease was put on life support. the courts in the u.k. have now given permission for the hospital to take this boy off life support but as you can imagine the parents are fighting for his life. they want to do everything they can to save their child. now you have the pope chiming
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in, president trump with his support saying we want to help. bring him back to the united states. and this is something, as i said, hits close to home for you, ned. >> it does. the thing that's scary when you look at what is taking place over there is parental rights are not absolute. it has gone to the courts. they have failed at the appeal level. they have failed at the supreme court. then it went to the european court of human rights which sounds very or wellian to me. the european court of human rights decided it was decided that the baby should not -- they couldn't fight for the baby but more importantly it couldn't be removed from that hospital because the parents want to bring it to the u.s. new york presbyterian and columbia's irving medical center said we would agree get over all the hurdles we would agree to take the child and do some of the experimental. abby: had you a scare of your own. >> . we do our daughter was born four weeks premature. some of her primary nurses think she was born before the age of 24 weeks which is the
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age of viability. abby: how old is she. >> she is 8. 9 in november. 1 pound, 7 ounces. we were given pretty grim odds on just her long-term health that there could be brain damage that shield have long-term health. three times the doctors were doing their job. i give them credit. they were doing their job. they wanted to give us all the angles, three times do you want to end this pregnancy and my wife and i firmly believe in the value and dignity of all life we said absolutely not we want to fight for charlotte but it was our decision. pete: exactly. why does that come about? where does the u.k. get to appoint a board and the government. >> this is the socialized medicine. this does tie in a little bit to the debate we are having here in the united states. what do we want to seat future of our healthcare system look like? do we want a single pair or do we want where we still have the ability and right to make our open health decisions including parents making those decisions for their children?
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and, you know, i actually shared with a friend couple months after charity was born and at the point we knew charity is going to b chair lot. this might not be my wife and i in the future. it might be decided by a board. this does not make sense. it is not cost effective. cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars. abby: we are talk about a life. >> how do you put a dollar value on a human life. there is no way to do that. but, you know, the end goal at some point is if we go down that path, you will have boards, you will have commissions saying it's not in our best interest. the costs don't make sense. we're not going to agree that the doctors and the hospital can care for these children. the prospect is not a good one. abby: if charlie were to come here to the united states to get help. how would his situation be different than the u.k.? >> it gives the parents the ability to say we will pursue this experimental treatment.
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we will give it a shot. the odds are grim. at least give him a shot to say we're going to fight. it's your right. you can try this experimental treatment. comes down to parental rights. the thing that scares me a little bit, pete, about the future if we go down this path if you have these boards or commissions people making decisions who controls the controls. what if they have a different world view. just a number and statistic instead of human life of just unfathomable value. pete: so true. in this life when the chips are down all you want is a fighting chance. you take that away and board tells you know. into, who else do you have? >> the thing me wife and i discussed is if there are those listening to the odds we were given. even the night before charlotte was given with emergency c section those odds were grim. we would at least give charlotte a chance to live. she is going to be 9 in november. she is perfectly healthy. she is amazing.
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abby: so glad she is doing well. she beautiful. >> she is beautiful. pete: keep it up. ned ryun, thank you very much. we appreciate it. break down the vladimir putin, president trump body language. abby: that will be interesting. pete: we have an expert coming up next. abby: stay with us. ent bleeding. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪
4:22 am
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4:23 am
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handshake, it's a regular handshake. didn't do anything other than tap underneath putin's arm. normally what he will do is grab you and pull you in. what that does is takes you off your footing, psychologically makes him more powerful. he didn't attempt to do that. what i liked about this handshake not only did it come across as respectful. in order to maintain the power did he a double pat. that pat is hey i still have the authority. i'm still the more dominant force. todd: how did putin physically respond there is a height difference. height is equivalent to power. normally once again trump would pull in so can he demonstrate that height. putin pulled back. he stood up straight. he has very good posture he made sure he shook hands and with this part he doesn't do anything except stand up straight. accept the handshake. following this putin points. once trump taps you now he definitely has the you were hand touched on top of shaking. putin needs to pay back and
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this is what he dose. todd: i feel like john madden. get to the sit down. different situation there. >> this was actually a really interesting dynamic because watch these two, now the height difference isn't as noticeable but it's still there trump is sitting in this position. see his fingers incorporate tangled like that. that's not normal for him. well, he normally sits in that lowered steeple. that's his position of power so to speak. his body language is terrible here. see how is he all hunched over. i would say that's negative but that's his normal baseline posture. that's fine. when we look at putin, however. he looks a little more releaks interested in this situation. so, now, this is cool. he gives him what's known as a submissive palm. if i go like this to you what i'm say something hey,able my friend, right? if i grab your hand. then what i now have the luxury of doing is either pulling it and making you mine or tap you again. kind of like no matter what, putin got pulled into a handshake that he knew was
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going to be detrimental. hey, i'm your friend and then was able to take it and make it more powerful. the difference was putin maintained his composure. he doesn't lose it easy. he has a very good poker face. todd: let's get to merkel. last time together there was no handshake. >> very awkward. >> neither one of them know to what to do with their hands. she initiates the handshake. who is going to do. so normally everyone who has been coming out to meet her shakes hand. she'll extends her hand first. very powerful moment. he, however, has that hand which can you see and when you see the outside of the hand you become the more dominant person as well. once again he has the height difference and the pat. todd: merkel part 2 now. greeting every head of state personally and then this. >> much different. see what happens? the person who extends their
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hand first is typically seen as dominating force so not only does trump make sure this time he puts his hand out there, once again you see him giving the pat. that pat just lends to a fuller authority figure says hey, i'm definitely in control if you think of the lesser of two. the lesser will never touch the higher. todd: almost like he had you in his ear on the next one you need to do this one. >> he didn't pull in, which was nice. he needed to make sure he had the you were hand. that secondary touch brings out the authority. todd: from the adults to what could be called a childish response. let's watch french president macron. got him weaving, bobbing and weaving. where is he? >> he is coming through. where is waldo. he comes through. he weaves, he bobs, i'm sure people are getting annoyed at this. the reason is he pushing through was most likely because that was where he was supposed to be standing as opposed to where he was sanding. i have a feeling they renegotiated his spot.
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however, he does make sure that immediately following they has the opportunity to spend as much time as can he with trump. interestingly, when obama was there, he stood right in the center. so this becomes, yes, it is definitely time in office, but i'm sure it wasn't begrudging. todd: it is seniority. you would agree he looked like a little kid. put you at the end of the table and give you a baby fork. todd: fantastic topic. i want to have you on in a little bit. people might think this is bs if you will. why it's not and what it all means. >> i would love to do that. todd: thank you, tonya. coming up on the mainstream media, they said it would never happen. >> donald trump should be going in there saying we know have you been meddling in the election. we are going to continue to squeeze you. >> there is nothing to suggest that he was going to go in and do that. todd: except it was the first thing they discussed. will the media admit they were wrong? corey lewandowski here to react next. and wipe away those tears
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abby: we are new yorking it back down. a huge show still to go this morning. we will bring it n a few minutes former campaign manager corey lewandowski. i want to bring you other headlines we are following starting with illegal immigrant that is accused of stabbing her husband and four children to death is seen right here. we will show the photo. smiling in court. that is isabel martinez, even gives a thumbs up and waves her arms as she faces years in prison on multiple murder charges. her family was found by police brutally stabbed in georgia home. a fifth child did survive but now has serious injuries. it's a horrible story. and protesters are causing chaos at the g-20 summit. new york city mayor defending his decision to leave town the day after assassination of nypd officer so he could protest president trump and other world leaders at that summit. >> it was incouple pentagon upon me as the leader of the biggest country to set a tone
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and to say we are not going to be intimidated by president trump. abby: retired nypd lieutenant john rafferty joins us earlier in the show saying the mayor's priorities are out of order. take a listen. >> think he has his personal agenda. i don't think new york is the main agenda. he is the mayor of new york city. that should be his main priority. abby: de blasio main speaker at a protest in lambburg later today. >> wonderful. abby: teenager punished for buying a cop a brownie while. buying a snack while working at great american cookies in texas. the family next in line were outraged that they weren't getting free food, too. well, the teen's employer wrote him up and reviewed the case company issuing a statement apologizing. the company proudly supports law enforcement and reversing zach's suspension. that's so nice of him. >> if i want free stuff -- >> i bet is he a bernie supporter. abby: remember the confetti
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that never fell at hillary's now at art. use using the confetti missouri art exhibit into a massive snow globe titled and still i rise. designed to turn clinton's defeat into inspiration. plans to sell a thousand small. giving all proceeds to planned parenthood. >> inspiration to fail? pete: can we quit the show right now that should be the last hillary story. abby: rick where are you? rick: if you bring a sign you will get on. oh, great, nice song. ohio state. got to turn it around to get the whole thing. know got a fight going on out here. take a look at the weather. show you what's going on. hot across much of the best. breaking records again today. 118 in phoenix and palm springs right at your highest temperature ever. so very, very hot. across the northeast today we will see scattered showers. knot going to be a washout for anybody.
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down to the southeast. hot and humid. that happens in the summertime pop up. drier but very warm, 84 in minneapolis. 97 in bismarck, north dakota. you get the idea threes really where the heat is, 99 today in missoula, montana. pete: still waiting on corey lunged. abby: must not know we are doing food on the show. pete: running a little late. a bunch of meetings we have been talking about. russian meeting with vladimir putin. with the chinese leader also the leader of mexico. todd: obviously the big issue that people want to talk about is a little how can we call it, little wall reference. i believe we have that sound. let's play it right now. >> want mexico to pay for the wall. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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todd: search focused now on the wall. i would like to focus on something else. in that discussion, president trump did discuss with the mexican president nafta and they discussed how continue the way it is. it there is going to be a renegation or we will be out. the reason i bring up nafta specifically. last week i was in the diner, soutsouth carolina rock hill, specifically individuals in that town nafta literally destroyed the textile industry in that town. and now they're hoping for jobs. they want that area to come back. it really is coming back in many ways. but, they need sort of a renegation of nafta in order to bring more jobs back. abby: what's interesting in that moment, bringing up the wall. we haven't talked about the wall in a little while. this is something that president trump promised one of his biggest promises on the campaign trail and one testimony that of his supporters are still hoping gets done. i think in that moment it gave him a little bit of hope that is he going to follow through on this. whether or not this goes
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anywhere, i don't know. but people are wanting it to, pete. pete: why do reporters keep asking the same questions and get a different answer. do you think president trump wants mexico to pay for the wall? yes he said it a thousand times. he has a spine and backbone oh now i won't because he is right here. todd: wouldn't it be great if they talked about nafta and things that matter to the american people. todd: i'm sure they did in the meeting but not i mainstream media. todd: she is the muslim activist urged people to wage jihad on the trump administration. >> a word of truth, truth in front of a tyrant ruler or leader, that is the best former of jihad. todd: get, this she says if you are angry about that it's because you don't know what the word jihad really means. huh? abby: plus, someone say food.
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it is a food truck frenzy on our plaza this morning. we have already been chowing down on friday pickles and fries, dipping dots. no grease on his hands. ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf. can we at least analyze customer traffic?
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♪ ♪ abby: and we are back with quick headlines. construction company's advertisement promising to give customers free assault rifles if they buy a new roof. that is going viral. >> donald trump says make america great again. i say make america gun again. my roofing company is not a gimmick and this baby is not here either. here to protect you and your family. abby: that guy will get your
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attention. owner of digital roofing innovations in alabama. also a navy veteran. created the video to boost sales ahead of fourth of july and it did just that. woman air lirsted to the hospital after 80-foot belly flop try apparently goes very wrong. [screams] abby: that looks. the woman suffered a bloody nose. immediately taken to the hospital for evaluations, that looks and sounds like it hurts like the dickens. todd: just a bloody nose from that? lucky her. missouri lawmakers pushing through a bill that would force st. louis to roll back minimum wage from $10 an hour to 7.70 an hour. the governor is allowing the bill to pass. feeling the high wage would be a job kill next at 5:30 city. here now to react about the of the independent women's forum kerry lucas.
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first, let's answer that question. was this the right move. >> absolutely. higher minute mum wage is those solutions or policy ideas sounds like a win for workers but often ends up back firing. we have seen this in seattle. seattle raised their minute mum wage recently and a study just came out from the university of washington and they found that actually the average worker was earning $125 less a month. that's because businesses couldn't afford the higher minimum wage and cutting back workers' hours. this is really good news. todd: critics are going to say that is just small businesses trying to keep more money and keep the people down. what did you say? you need the small businesses in order to have the wages and the jobs in the first place. >> absolutely. i think a lot of people throughout wish they he could be hiring mother. the problem is it's become really expensive with all the mandates including the high cost of labor. and i think that people out there, you know, i'm a mom. i know there is a lot of moms
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out there saying boy, i really wish my teenager could get a first job, earn a little money and more importantly get their foot in the door and earn some job experience on the job experience. and that's really valuable. but right now we have our youth unemployment rate is still in double digits and part of the problem is too high minimum wage that prevents people from taking a chance on teenagers. todd: shouldn't market forces dictate the wage as opposed to some art official number set by the government? >> absolutely. this is exactly what we need to make it so businesses have the chance to take a chance on people with fewer skills so they can get those first jobs. you know, it's kind of civilly when you say a living wage is $12, $10. we really need businesses to decide and workers to decide whether it's worth their time to accept jobs. you know, people do this all the time among, you know, wealthy kids take internships where they don't get paid anything because they want that job experience. todd: last question, carey.
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we sat on the couch an hour ago wages do need to group. i don't understand us to appear like we are being hypocritical. that said, isn't it true wages should go up a little more incrementally as opposed to one big lush which causes everything to come back down? >> yes. absolutely. we want wages to go up and workers to be earning mother. best way to do that is to have a growing economy and to get workers, have them them gain more skills. that's wife we need more people -- we need businesses to have the opportunity to hire more people. not force them or really to have the government come in and make decisions like this which lead to -- which often lead to job loss. todd: we are seeing what's happening in st. louis. we will see what what what happens in seattle and cities across the country. carey, thank you for being here. >> thank you. todd: coming up. officer murdered in her patrol car. many are calling for bullet
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previouglass on all police cars. one big touch for vice president mike pence -- ♪ what's the word ♪ word up ♪ go, go! [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. run away! [ grunts ] leave him! leave him! [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. that's what you get for bundling home and auto! jamie! you get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we're gonna live forever!
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abby: we are back with quick headlines from governor of new jersey to sports radio host. rumors are circulating that chrichristie could be in line to replace francesca. christie's he term as governor will officially nend six months. kendall and kylie jenner
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heading to court over. tried to use the image of the late rapper tupac. sold them for $125 each with own faces and logo over the rapper's face. the photographer is suing for copy rights infringement. i know you are on the edge of your seat. pete: i was really in to that story or not. following the assassination of nypd officer in her a patrol car many are calling for increased safety measures for the men and women in the line of duty. one is bullet proof glass. todd: not a fun topic but important topic need to protect our officers. >> let me tell why this is important topic. not just here in new york city where the nypd has actually stepped up their game, remember in 2014, there were two police officers in brooklyn shot here and it really spawned this idea of hey, should would he be putting armor protection in police vehicles, including the glass?
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well, the answer is yes because what used to be about $50,000 per car and weigh anywhere from 500 to 800 pounds added weight to a police cruiser, now is much less expensive and it's also lighter. the first though option is that custom airman you think of. you think of that when you think of the beast, the president's vehicle. you think of that when you see a big giant money truck going down the road. that's the first option that's available. that's what we're most familiar with. but a lot of technology has gone in to understanding how to stop bullets as they go through glass. and we're looking at another option now that might be suitable not just here in new york city but your own municipality. for you to take a look at what your own police department is doing. just put these things to the test and look at a gun being fired into a window that would have been almost an inch think in the past. now they are able to get that down to about a third of an inch.
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abby: still stops the bullet. >> nine millimeter this is going to stop. won't stop necessarily an ak 47 right into the window. but, it's gonna do the job for most of the kind of common crimes that we're seeing that end up being really just a whack job human being against a good standing law enforcement officer who is minding their own business who is now under attack. pete: kurt one of the challenges oftentimes is weight. when i was in iraq in 2005 and 2006. we had old humvees that needed armor but it would crush them. are they going to retrofit or buy new cars. >> retrofit. i want to put pressure on my own police department and say why don't we have this? why aren't we protecting our own law enforcement officers in the fact is now it's a much quicker installation as a retrofit. it weighs a lot less. you are not bottoming out the
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car. you are able to put 360-degree protection around the car which includes the armor on the side panels as well as what is another layer to the existing glass on the car. circumstantially making a cage on the inside. there is some pros and cons to. this pros cost effective and going to save police officers' lives. the cons, what if you need to get a police officer out of a car that's been retrofitted in an emergency it makes it loot tougher. if i was a police officer, i'm out in the field and we have the climate that we have in this country right now, i would want this kind of protection. in new york city, on this horrible recent event where officer familia was just shot down in cold blood here, the very next day the mayor of new york city said okay, we're not just going to do police cruisers we're going to do police vehicles, the command post type of vehicles that almost look at food truck or ice cream truck. those were the ones also vulnerable. 72 in new york are going to now also be armored.
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wherever you live, i would be barking up a storm saying why aren't we protecting our police when it doesn't cost so much. the cost was around 50 grand a car. now it's getting down to 12 grand. todd: talking human lives. >> look at the pothole budget in your community and compare what this would cost and it's minuscule. abby: thank you so much. pete: coming up, what did corey lewandowski think of the meeting between president trump and vladimir putin? well, we're going to ask him next. did he hit his snooze. abby: ed henry is up early this morning. also geraldo rivera. both joining us live in just a few moments. ♪ swing, swing ♪
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reportedly brought up russian meddling in the u.s. election right off the bat. even his critics and i saw some from another network who had to acknowledge that they were surprised that he brought it up repeatedly and he really nailed it to the wall. ♪ ♪ ♪ talking about some hot stuff baby this evening ♪ i need some hot stuff baby tonight abby: this is how we roll here at "fox & friends." we have got a food truck frenzy out on our plaza. i'm so excited because pete brought us up a plate of
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friday pickles with a side of fry sauce. i'm from utah and people say what on earth is fry sauce. if you are from out west you know what fry sauce is it's a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup and mustard dip anything in fry sauce. todd: special sauce. we didn't call it fry sauce. you knew what it was and you love it you know you make fry sauce. special sauce. anything with mayo is better, right? i get passionate about mayonnaise because it's almost the best thing that god ever invented. abby: we will be celebrating food and cars out on the plaza. todd: a lot more to get to. pete: for no particular reason than this is "fox & friends weekend" we love food and we love america and we love to talk about them both all the time. first we are going to go though to a fox news alert. president trump staying busy overnight meeting with the u.k. prime minister theresa may. abby: in less than an hour, another highly anticipated meeting with chinese
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president. todd: kristin fisher live in hamburg, germany where the g-20 summit is taking place. >> good morning the putin meeting is still getting most of the attention. this next president with president xi is important. north korea of course test launching a ballistic missile capable of intercontinental range according to the united states and the pentagon. so president trump had been hoping that china would be able to pressure north korea. they had some very friendly talks back in april at the mar-a-lago summit but so far since then, that hasn't happened. and shortly before president trump left d.c. he tweeted out trade between foam u.s. and china up. so much for china working with us. so that is the background heading into this meeting. a meeting that senior administration officials say are going to be very frank and direct. president trump has already increased sanctions against north korea that targeted chinese entities and white
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house says that he is prepared to impose even more sanctions if china is not able to get north korea to the negotiating take to either roll back or freeze its nuclear program. that could be a fairly tense meeting. earlier this morning, president trump had a much friendier meeting with the british prime minister theresa may, president trump said that they had tremendous talks about trade and hoping to announce a very powerful trade deal. some time very quickly. though the issues with britain exiting the eu may delay that a little bit. something else that's already happened today, president trump has already met with the leaders of indonesia and singapore. he less attended a women's entrepreneurship event. answered was joined by his daughter ivanka. she was invited there by the german chancellor angela merkel. so this is a big moment for her and big announcement out of that is that the u.s. has announced that it will be
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contributing $50 million to help women entrepreneurs in developing countries. of course, all of this is happening as protests continue in the streets of hamburg. we're told about 50 to 100,000 protesters, the largest protest that we have seen thus far. back to you guys. todd: kristin fisher live in hamburg, germany. abby: meeting combs as we deal with north korea and trade is going to be a huge one on the table. we will watch that closely. pete: is it homburg or hamburg? todd: person break this tie corey lewandowski. we will not ask you about that. abby: please is it hamburg or homburg. >> whatever can you get from the food truck. as long as we don't call it friday pickles, i love it. todd: the president confronting vladimir putin face to face on meddling in the u.s. election. i will ask you the same
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question. we said on fox news that the collusion narrative has been gone for months now. will it be officially gone in the mainstream media or are they going to keep it alive? >> well, you guys know this better than anybody. but the media and the liberal left wants to continue to perpetuate a false narrative which was there was -- they say there was collusion, coordination and keeps between candidate trump, president trump and somehow the russians. what we now know is that barack obama was the one who was informed in august of last year e before the election that russia was trying to interfere in the elections and did nothing about it what we saw yesterday and what's been reported yesterday is that the president took this issue directly to vladimir putin, questioned him if they were involved in meddling in the elections any way, shape, or form, and from what we are hearing, the russians have denied this. but this is the type of president that takes a problem, delivers it directly to the person who has the solution for it, and pressed him very tough to find out if
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russia had anything to do with the outcome of the u.s. election. from what vladimir putin said the answer is no. i don't know what else the mainstream media can talk about other than the fact that there was no collusion. there was no coordination. now, the president is taking this issue directly to the president of russia and raised it so now i think the issue is officially dead. pete: corey, everyone is going to i do tridissect what was or was not said in those two hours and 16 minutes. you have been in those kind of meetings as a candidate and in the white house. what is it like in those meetings when the pressure is on and there is a lot at stake? what would his demeanor be like? >> well, the president is a great negotiator as you know and probably the greatest negotiator that has ever occupied the oval office. i'm sure what he had a conversation with vladimir putin about was things where the united states and russia can work together on. in particular syria, places where we can have mutual respect and coordination of defeating isis in their home territory and not in our particular soil.
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but, also, the problems that are faced between oour two countries and if russia did try to impact the u.s. elections, what were they doing and what steps can we take to make sure that that doesn't take place in the future? so i think have you a lengthy meeting with the president of two very powerful countries that said, look, number one, we need to have -- we could have a good working relationship to the benefit of both countries for destroying isis, number two, if you interfere with the u.s. elections, we're going to make sure this never happens again. did you do this? i'm sure the president was very firm, very direct. but also, wants to find a way that weekend potentially work together to defeat a common enemy. abby: no matter what is said in this meeting or what is discussed or come to fruition from, this you will have critics and many members of the mainstream media, they will find some fault with this. take a look at the mainstream media, talk about this meeting before it even happened. watch. >> attention is being focused on whether or not president trump is going to raise the issue of election interference during his meeting with
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president putin. some earlier reports that he doesn't intend. >> to president trump has been going in there saying we know have you been meddling in the election. we are going to continue to squeeze you. we have a loft head room to keep on squeezing you. >> there was nothing to suggest he was going to do that. >> what about the key issue which is what if the president of the united states did not even mention the russian hacking of the election to vladimir putin? >> it's just another indicator of, you know, the fact that he was probably never going to press this too hard in this meeting. abby: you know, corey, maybe one of the frustrations media has with president trump they can never predict anything. he loaves to keep the media on his their toes. not going to talk about meddling and election he is. not only did he bring it up in this meeting, it was the first thing he talked about. he talked about it for a good period of time. as you said, had to get to a number of issues during that over 2 hour meeting. >> but this is the important thing. this is why the american people are so smart and they have no respect for the mainstream media anymore.
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because every single time the mainstream media has a false narrative, they are not on television today saying you know what? thank you, mr. president, for bringing up this issue. all they want to do is go after the president with a false story that he is not going to bring up something. then he does the opposite of what the mainstream media says he is going to okay no story today saying thank you, mr. presidents, thank you for bringing this up. where is the rest of the liberals that say something is wrong? todd: we got it right here. do you want to know where the democrats are? listen to this. maxine waters. >> we are getting played by our president and certainly getting played by putin. i don't like the idea that our president again go into a room without any note takers, any staff, without others who should be in the room who really understand foreign policy and who really understand putin and come out of it, you know, saying how honored he is, you know, to meet with him and how, in fact, they are going to start working together.
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todd: tillerson doesn't understand anything. is he an idiot. he has never talked to putin before. come on, tillerson knows more about russia than most people in government. most people except for maybe like 10 people, maybe like be ay's dad who is soon to be, you know what. you know what i mean. >> you have to remember what rex's job was before he was a secretary of state. he was the ceo of one of the lancasterest companies in the world. he had more employees than the state department did. did he business all over the world. he knows russia. he knows vladimir putin. he has had a relationship with him. for maxine waters make such egregious statement shows her ignorance and how she has no understanding of what actually takes place. it goes back to the specific narrative that democrats never want to give the president credit for doing exact opposite of what they think he is going to do, which is to stand up for the american people, which is what he pledged to do when he was on the campaign trail. todd: any other big take aways you eon this trip? china is a grow problem.
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carrot approach. are they ready to turn the corner and pin china down to do something? >> i think they have to. and i think the president has been steadfast in his resolve to try to get china to help weigh in on the north korea issue. i know that meeting is going to take place today. it's my understanding that the initial meeting between the president of china and the president of the united states was very good when it took place in florida. but, look, we have got a mad man in north korea. we need to have as many friends as possible putting political and economic pressure on north korea to prevent them from launching a nuclear weapon against somebody. we saw what their last missile test did. it clearly has the capability to travel very significant distance. and if economic sanctions don't work, we need the full support of everybody to make sure that we can continue to put pressure on north korea. we don't know what kim jong un is capable of doing. abby: that's a great point. see how that meeting plays out in the next hour. a new scandal has broken. i don't know if you have heard about this.
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so the internet has gone crazy. vice president mike pence was doing a visit at nasa. is he touching this piece evidence quismt. there you seeth sign that says do not touch. obviously people's reaction was how dare the vice president touch sthog. ho he then tweeted out senator marco rubio dared me to do it but nation is a tweet he had back this is just to mind people to be careful with equipment. let's calm down here. >> oh my god i don't believe mike pence touched something. is he probably privy to classified information. this is the vice president of the united states. this is amazing. i am certain that mike pence used his most delegat delicate h when he touched something somebody told him not to touch. this is the craziness of the internet. vice president of the united states touring nsa that touched something that said please do not touch. is he probably exempt that
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says don't go through a red light in the screefts service motorcade. todd: maxine waters has called for impeachment proceedings against mike pence for touching the nsa thing. >> of course she has. 25 members support her on that. abby: a lot more about be watching on g-20 summit. wish you were here to try all this food. pete: we will mail you some. >> i could use some. pete: what would a war with north korea look like. our next guest breaks it down. todd: investigated wife's emails and told comey to call the clinton investigation a matter but this morning she says she did nothing wrong ♪ no, no, no ♪ no place i would rather be ♪ no, no, no
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♪ no place i would rather be ♪ i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well fitting dentures let in food particles just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made even the kiwi an enjoyable experience try super poligrip free. ♪ afi sure had a lot on my mind. my 30-year marriage... 3-month old business... plus...what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i made a point to talk to my doctor. he told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding
5:15 am
than the standard treatment. eliquis had both... ...and that turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you.
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todd: for anybody that still doubts the threat posed by north korea. first look at this map. first where scud missiles can reach. medium range missiles. look at the prominent countries there. including asia. the possible icbm capability reaching the united states in a best case scenario. a worse case sen area heio for us. here to talk about that and what it would look like. military analyst and hill contributor. >> good to be with you, pete. pete: take a look at those maps. it's a pretty damning picture of what north korea could be capable of doing right now. before we get into every
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single option, do you still think diplomatic means could resolve this? >> i don't think so. i mean, i think that the diplomatic pressure needs to be consistent. the president has opportunity to try to put that pressure. in the end i don't know we will get a mass concession from that keep trying but they keep moving in the wrong direction. pete: talk to any general or anyone at the pentagon we don't want a ground war in north korea. it would be the type of fighting we have not seen in decades. what would that look like? >> i think there is no doubt we could annihilate north korea militarily no. doubt about that. real dilemma what defense policies refer to a symmetric retaliation. they would be able to get a punch off. with short range missiles that could be hidden in hidden areas. prefuel and track launchers. there is a chance they could land one missile and we don't want to see any loss of life at all. pete: seoul is one of the most densely populated cities in the world in north korea. we have a chart shows the amount of north korean ground forces. almost 1 million. 950,000. i don't know the exact number
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of u.s. troops on the peninsula, but it's only tens of thousands. some have described our defenses there, if north korea really wanted to press the offensive, as a speed bump, only a delay mechanism for their force, a ground war is even more dangerous than people think. >> absolutely. and the work that we have done, pete with veterans, we have obviously seen the world sides of war. this is global chess with consequences. we don't want to see that there is going to be several steps. meantime defense excerpts we think work down. working in that direction. get pressure and regional allies especially china can try to push this guy back. more than a guy with a really bad hair cut is he dangerous and we need to do something about it. pete: preelm tialy react. take out some of their intercontinental ballistic systems we better get it all right all they need is one to respond that's meaningful to us. >> absolutely correct. trying to get advanced missile defense systems into south korea to work in that direction. stop doing our testing and hope they do the same and have
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sort of a mutual step back. pete: worked well elsewhere. >> gone wrong, absolutely. pete: this has gone on so long it's gotten worse. in your mind, should the u.s. act now or is there still time to try to get to a solution other than taking out their nuclear capability? >> i still there is more time for solution. flu administration the president is having conversations i'm sure to be able to try to get more leverage in a region. i know it's tenuous with china. we have a little more room to maneuver, still. pete: in addition to president trump being thoughtful about this, you have h.r. mcmaster and general mattis at the helm who certainly understand the consequences of war but certainly the enemies need to be defeated if you are going to keep yourself safe as well. >> absolutely. again, we understanding we have the strongest military in the world. weave can do this. we want to keep our folks safe. many who serve in south korea reality for them. leverage all those things and, you know, see if we can get some grounds here. pete: chris, thanks a lot for
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being here this morning. john podesta lashing out at president trump after being called out over his hacked emails. shouldn't op-ed just accept responsibility for what happened? he probably won't but we will he probably won't but we will debate it nextzing thi ♪ ♪ or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy.
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one laugh, and hello so i tried always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks.
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todd: quick headlines now starting with a fox news alert. in a show of force. planes dropping dummy bomb once a target with south korea and japanese fighter jets escorting them. successful launch of intercontinental ballistic missile. pentagon telling fox news within the coming days the u.s. plans to test the thad missile defense system in alaska. and another legal set back in a fight against the
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president's travel ban. the u.s. appeals court denying hawaii's request to put emergency block on the order partially put back into effect by the supreme court. currently the ban restricts travel from six middle east countries for 90 days unless people have certain ties to u.s. citizens. the court recognizes it needs to stay in legal lean prescribed by that legal document called the constitution. abby: some members of the democratic party expressing outrage over meeting with vladimir putin from maxine waters to chuck schumer and john podesta. interrupting a road trip to tweet this. pulled in for a pit stop in east fairmont, pennsylvania, to see that whack job potus is tweeting about me at the g-20. get a grip, man. the russians committed a crime when they stole my emails to help get you elected president. so are they still bitter about losing the election or do they have a point? adrian elrod the former director of strategic communications for hillary clinton and kelsey harkness is
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the senior news producer for the daily signal. good morning, ladies. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> good morning. abby: everyone is talking about one-on-one meeting with president trump and vladimir putin. you have to admit, president trump all of his nay sayers and critics say he is not going to bring it up. not only bring it up but first thing he talked about with vladimir putin. >> yes. president trump has really proven that he is at his best when he is on the world stage. he delivered a speech in poland. in putin's front yard no less. that was very critical of russia where he not only sounded presidential but he sounded like the leader of the free world. and for those democrats who are concerned that trump has not been critical and hard enough on putin, i think all of his actions, what he has followed through on his rhetoric and really proven that he has taken a hard line approach to president putin. abby: adrian, threats are not letting this go. they are still convinced that president trump was in on all of this.
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he was colluding with russia to help get elected but yet still no proof of anything. >> right. that's why there is ongoing investigation. multiple ongoing investigations actually looking into this. john podesta is right. why in the world is donald trump in the most important meeting on the world stage that he has had so far as president, why is he tweeting about john podesta and hillary clinton's server? there are so many more pressing issues going on, i highly doubt that people are talking about this over at the g-20 when there are so many other pressing issues on the world stage. i think john podesta made a series of very valid points yesterday across his road trip across the country. abby: kelsey, one thing we know about president trump he does multiple things at one time. democrats say he can only tweet and can't get his job done but clearly the man likes to do it all. >> president trump raised an interesting question. why hasn't the dnc handed over its server. always seems to come down to servers when it comes to democrats. but it is the democrats who
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are obsessed with getting to the bottom of this russian meddling in the election. so you think they would be begging to cooperate with federal officials in this investigation. abby: good point, adrian. is that hypocritical though? you are talking about the importance of this russian investigation. why not the importance of the investigation that went on with hillary clinton's emails? isn't that fair? >> well, first of all, that has been litigated and investigated. the fbi closed that investigation months ago. but, look, actually, like close to a year ago. but, look, again, i will go back to what john podesta the point that he made yesterday, why is donald trump focusing on this right now? we have so many pressing issues. this is his chance to really show to really shine as president with some leaders across the globe why is he focusing on the dnc investigation and hillary clinton's server? abby: we have to lee it there. i have think there is a lot being focused on g-20. thanks for being with us. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. abby: she met with bill clinton on a private plane for 45 minutes while the fbi investigated his wife's emails and told james comey to call the investigation a, quote, matter. but this morning loretta lynch says she did nothing wrong. plus, a major scare for country music icon toby keith and his family. and it is a food truck frenzy on the plaza. we have got wings. we have got steak burg ires. we have got custard and dipping dots. what more do you need to know? ♪ i need home ♪ home cooking ♪ for 10 years, my tempur-pedic has adapted to my weight and shape, so i sleep deeply, and wake up
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ready to perform. right now, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic mattress sets at our july 4th event. find your exclusive retailer at
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pete: tried to cover every angle of every story we could. you can't cover every angle until you talk to ed henry. we will bring in chief national correspondent that man right there. abby: he is in miami, florida. what are you doing in miami? ed: major league baseball is kind enough to invite me to be part of fan fest. they 42 faith its. the jackie robinson. the bottom line is today 1:00 miami beach convention center i will be signing adults poor books. giving out baseballs to kids. fun time. all-star game is on fox on
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tuesday. todd: only place can you catch it. abby: we are all waiting for big meeting with president trump and the chinese president xi. obviously so much on the table. president trump has been tough on north korea tweeting about that. as we know with president trump. he loves to leave these meetings getting things done. finding some sort of compromise, something he can go back and tell the american people he has gotten done. how do you think that is going to go. ed: fact check for corey lewandowski he put oa lot on the table at the top of the hour. he said greatest negotiator ever in office. fair point in terms of the big picture and what the president likes to tout. now he actually has to follow up with president xi. remember, we heard this kind of talk about negotiating skills at mar-a-lago when he sat down with president xi a couple of montgomery ago and they were talking about north korea then. frankly even the president admits himself that the chinese have not followed through. so this is game day for the president. he has got to pressure the
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chinese to have much more crippling economic sanctions against north korea, white house aides are signaling that he is ready to do that. let's see if he follows through. and by the way, i think in fairness to the president, there was all the same skepticism have you been pointing out about his meeting with putin. what did he do? he actually delivered. he didn't just push back about russian meddling and raise that with putin. but beyond that, let's not forget the president came out of that with a cease-fire. in the campaign for syria. last year, that's what the president was talking about. and democrats mocked him. the president as a candidate said i want to get closer to putin. not just buddy buddy up to him. i want to work with russia so, in places like syria, we can get cooperation, unlike we -- what we saw in the obama days. so, in fact, this president delivered from that russian meeting with the syrian cease-fire. so, if he can do the same with the chinese, he is going to step up with this trip. pete: ed, like you i woke up
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this morning and checked out the failing "new york times." there an actual headline in the newspaper. trump asks putin about meddling in the election. do you think they really expected they would write that headline. did the left really believe he was going to bring this up? >> no. they have been mocking him, talking about collusion for months and months and months. the evidence hasn't emerged for collusion with the russians number one, as you have been saying this morning. and number two, they thought is he not going to stand up to putin. well, wait a seconds, did he bring up russian meddling in this meeting. but let's rewind the tape a day earlier. the president gave this big speech in poland. what did he do? he had some tough rhetoric, again, we have got to be skeptical as reporters. i want to point out, hey, is the president going to follow up with action against russia? in that speech in poland the president was going on and and on the presidents has to get out of ukraine and pushing back and standing up for nato allies like poland. that's something the critics in the media say he wasn't going to do.
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if you string all this together. think about the skepticism before the president's foreign trip, sash i. saudi arabia and all the rest. he ended up doing pretty darn good on that trip. doing well on this trip. two foreign trips back to back have gone well. on friday the new jobs numbers a lot better than expected. so back here at home he has got some good things to tout. when he gets back, he has obviously got a mountain to climb on both healthcare and tax reform. so it's not all good for this president. is he doing a whole lot better than the people in the media predicted. pete: first time shame on you or first time shame on me. what do we get out of china and what pressure they put on north korea. really where the rubber hits the road. watching the days that follow this meeting will be critical. , i want to make another point you are right, pete. because when i was covering president obama ben rhodes and other aides used to tell us covering g-20 summit or g-8 summit the relationship between u.s. and china was so strong, the president obama
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had worked hard on it he had more one-on-one meetings with. he had done so much to build that relationship. what did president obama do with the chinese in terms of getting them toe crack down on north korea? i started by sayings a reporter i want to make clear that president trump has to back this up with action with the chinese. what did president obama do for 8 years with the chinese? now all of a sudden the left is going to say. pete: they built islands. >> the obama administration. meanwhile, exactly, abby. look where we are with north korea. what did president obama do in 8 years? todd: hopefully 22 minutes we will have guidance what president trump is going to be doing on the table with china. abby: great to see you. loretta lynch is now denying allegations that she told hillary clinton's campaign that the fbi's email probe would not go too far. her lawyer claiming, quote, those communications did not take place. well, former fbi director james comey testified last month that lynch instructed him to refer to the fbi's
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email investigation as a, quote, matter. flinclynch is still expected to testify in front of congress. toby keith wants daughter lucky to be alive after getting in a car crash with a drunk driver. showing extensive damage to her car. take a look at that baby's car seat seen on what's left of the hood there 31-year-old says her family was on their way to watch fireworks on the fourth of july when a drunk driver nearly took their lives. thankfully, everyone is okay. goofed news for little charlie guard, the british hospital where the terminally i will baby we mains on life support says it has new evidence about possible treatment options with doctors from rome and the u.s. consider rule that charlie's condition is untreatable and he should be taken off life support. >> we are quite happy with today's outcome and we're hopeful and confident that charlie may get a chance now.
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abby: one new york hospital has agreed to admit him and president trump has vowed to support as well. the hearing is set for monday. such an emotional story. we will follow it closely. those your headlines. out to rick for food. you are eating already, rick. rick: i am so full already. today we are bringing most iconic summer eats into town for food truck frenzy. here with me is quaker steak and lube. i said it wrong already. you guys have been you have that spice i saw already. this is legit. have you won the best buffalo. >> festival favorite award three times at the buffalo wing festival. that's what we're famous for is our best wings in the u.s.a. rick: you guys have been around since when. >> 1974. rick: 14 states? >> 14 states and 50 locations. also in many arenas across the country. rick: i had one of your ribs earlier. it was outstanding.
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you are known mostly for your wings? >> right. it's ribs that make it. have you seen these? take a look at this i know you have the burger arend i have roings and onion rings. here with scott of ready's. >> freddies. >> i asked you is there freddie. >> world war ii veteran. purple heart recipient.ed to. pete: you are the one of the owners as well. >> based in wichita kansas. pete: i have been chowing down. what makes freddie's special. >> cravable food. we cook everything to order. when you in the food truck, i think you were in three times already. i won't tell on you though. we cook everything to order so our burgers are fresh and hot. our fries are fresh and hot and incredible fry sauce that we dip fries. pete: nothing sitting under lamps? >> absolutely not.
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we all love burgers and fries. fresh hot french fry and fries steaming. and fry sauce. this is our turtle sunday. pete: turettled sunday. >> we can just eat here all day. pete: 30 states. >> 66 locations. 32 pete: i like though thank you veterans founded by world war ii veteran. >> thank you. todd: i'm with the sausage king of chicago. brian of. [cheers] >> we can cheer brian. who doesn't love sausages and brats. nation's hottest concept for a restaurant in -- 2017. all kinds of great stuff. macaroni and cheese with a beer cheese. italian prove lone with peppers and 3-pound giant petraeus sells.
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pete: we will talk about these individually. first you have one set aside what is that? >> calling your name ready to go. pete: explain the hell fire one what's in there. >> ghost pepper, hab bernero peppers and red chili peppers and kick with beer that kicks it up a little bit. todd: how do you make the beer brauts. >> 500 pounds of shoulder cuts. severe nitrates and artificial flavors and one keg of beer in it. todd: explain. >> giant pretzels made by hand. hand dipped in lye and dipped in mustard made from beer brine. amazing. pete: tell us dipping dots. >> located in all 50 states. 50 countries. floats here throwing it back to the 50's. banana splits.
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we are working fairs and festivals, 2400 of them. thinking dipping dots. pete: it is nice and cool. i like how it goes down. >> nice and patriotic. abby, over to you. abby: if they have chocolate chip mint dippin' dots bring them in to me. abby: beginning to back fire as party ties russian pop-up john podesta. sarah carter here to blow the lid off of that and much more. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel.
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pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys."
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the toothpaste that helps easy. new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ ♪ todd: the months of harping on president trump's alleged ties to russia, they may end up back firing on democrats as their own ties to russia begin to surface.
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here more with investigative reporter for circa news sarah carter. thanks for joining us this morning. we have seen the russian collusion narrative fall apart because there has been no there there. you have been tracking that from the beginning. sort of a whiplash on this story look like against democrats. >> well, i think it's already back firing. you know, there has been continuous hearings, testimony that's been provided by clapper, by brennan, by comey himself has shown that there is no evidence to prove any collusion between president trump himself and russia. and even further there has been no evidence provided that there is any collusion betweenfully of trump's associates or immediate administrative circle. so, one of the things that they're going to see, i mean, we have had months and months of this. one of the things that we are going to see is a back fire on them like we have seen now with john podesta where his ties to russian ola gark ole ol.
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pushed hard on him. backtracking and didn't want to talk about it because they have their own ties to russia. and we have seen it with hillary clinton and the uranium one deal as well. pete: that tape is a tricky thing. we have that interview with maria bartiromo and john podesta. take a listen. >> when you got makd and the dnc was hacked why wasn't the dnc passed over why wasn't it given to law enforcement and the law enforcement agencies. did you not want law enforcement agencies to investigate this? >> look, hillary clinton servers were turned over to the agency. with respect to dnc, i wasn't involved with that i was the chair of hillary's campaign. that was a matter for the dnc. pete: president trump mentioned this week that a lot of people are talking about this via tweet. why wouldn't he have handed them over? >> well, there is a lot of reasons. obviously, they didn't want their emails exposed. they didn't want law enforcement to have them. there has been a big battle within the fbi. remember, not all fbi agents were about what comey had decided to do. when former director comey
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shut down the case on the email probe, i mean, there were fbi agents across the board and actually there were five different fbi field offices investigating this that were furious and angry about that decision. so, this was, if you are just looking at op-ed's statements themselves, you have to question and maria was very straightforward on this. why wouldn't you want law enforcement to look into the dnc server? that's still a major question that needs to be answered. pete: unless have you got things that you don't want people to see. sarah carter teaching reporters who to do real reporting there at circa news. >> thanks, pete. pete: why isn't the new york city police department looking at this technology to protect officers. next guest is the ceo of a company. is he next. w side effects. oh, like what? ♪ you're gonna have dizziness,
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♪ nausea, and sweaty eyelids. ♪ and in certain cases chronic flatulence. ♪ no. ♪ sooooo gassy girl. ♪ so gassy. if you're boyz ii men, you make anything sound good. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. next! ♪ next! oscwe went back toing bithe drawing board...s. and the cutting board. we removed the added nitrates and nitrites, by-products, and artificial preservatives in all of our meat. every. single. one. why? for the love of hot dogs. fixodent plus adhesives. there's a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth.
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abby: do you remember the viral video. the ceo putting his life on the line to prove the reliability of his company's bullet proof cars and he joined us on "fox & friends" two years ago to tell us about this technology. >> are you nervous? >> a little. but i have seen thousands of these tests over the years. pete: how thick is that glass? >> it's two inches thick. it's going to stop ak 47. 38 weapons. todd: after the assassination of another cop in a patrol car. trent kimble the ceo of texas armoring corporation.
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good to see you, sir. >> good morning. todd: let's break it down. what is your technology first and get to the nitty gritty why it isn't in these cars yet? >> our technology is the curved armor vehicle glass and not just glass but also the whole whole vehicle is completely protected against high powered assault rifles. abby: so the question, you were on our show two years ago. you have mayor bill de blasio saying we don't have this technology yet. not only do you have it, sir, you introduced it two years ago. so why do we not have it now? >> it all boils down to costs. i'm sure they did a risk analysis on what parts of the vehicle they wanted to armor and they -- somebody -- somebody that analyzes that kind of stuff basically told them that we can install flat glass in the doors and some panels in the doors and that's probably about it. they are probably spending
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about 3,000 to $5,000 on these vehicles. abby: so they do have the technology you have it the reason we are not seeing it yet with our police officers is because they don't want to pay for it; is that right? >> that's basically it. in my opinion, that's what it boils down to. curved armored glass is not -- it's not cheap. it comes with a high cost. so any time you want to install that type of protection in a vehicle, you're going to spend just on that glass alone probably about $5,000 just on that glass. todd: what is a life worth? it's not like we are talking billions upon billions of dollars. this is manageable the size of new york with the tax base of new york. >> yeah. but that's been, historically that's been how it's been for police departments all over the world not just in new york. they just don't -- when it comes down to protecting the officers, they don't want to spend the money on it. abby: trent kimball, thanks for being with us this morning. and for keeping your eye on the most important technology we can use today. appreciate that.
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>> thank you. abby: president trump sending a reminder to mexico's president. >> you still want mexico to pay for the what you will? >> thank you. abby: absolutely. geraldo rivera is here next to react. that's straight ahead. but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i made a point to talk to my doctor. he told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis had both... ...and that turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis is..
5:58 am
like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. ..
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>> it is the most anticipated summit in hamburg, germany. >> a history making moment not lost on donald trump. >> tremendous meeting with vladimir putin and great meetings with a lot of people. >> the biggest headline is donald trump bought up russian meddling right off the bat. they are surprised and nailed it to the wall. he is a great negotiator.
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and the question if they were involved in meddling. geraldo rivera. >> we have the old school classics in the plasma, new updated what we grow been. >> any cheeseburgers talking in new bohemia, it is from minnesota. he owns the freight house.
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>> at freddy's. >> we really didn't we are horrible. >> i love when you come back from this and come into the next segment. and i tried to interview sarah carter, and the hashtag. it is a burden we carry. we go to a fox news alert. and face-to-face the chinese president. >> this comes following a busy overnight meeting with the uk prime minister, teresa may. >> good morning. 45 minutes away from the this big meeting with the president of china, xi jinping. we are learning new information
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what donald trump is going to see, say and who else is in the room. in addition to donald trump, secretary of state rex tillerson is going to be in the room with the national security advisor hr mcmaster, gary cohen and the national council asia director. a much larger meeting and the bilateral meeting since vladimir putin. and frank and direct talks at the top of the agenda. donald trump has been hoping china will put pressure on its trading partner north korea. it hasn't done so on its way here. donald trump said the trade between those countries increased 40% over the first quarter. the chinese president -- if we don't do something about this, we likely will, likely in the form of more sanctions or something else donald trump doesn't like, to exercise what
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that will be. this morning donald trump had a friendlier meeting, teresa may. and a trade deal. and and we are headed to france next friday. >> you can hear the choppers going on here. >> you can see the protesters over there. >> when the uk had bilateral trade agreement at the eu,
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pretty important. as far as china is concerned the first go around donald trump gave a shot, we want to work, put pressure on north korea, hasn't worked so far. it is more -- and under obama how that wasn't as strong as it could be. and donald trump, a lot of tough talk, he likes to come out of these meetings, a dealmaker looks face-to-face. >> he understands the interest, he is not getting things, building artificial islands and weapon i think them and letting them do it, if you listen to
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mainstream media, and within the first 2 seconds of your meeting, donald trump, b and discussed this, and -- meeting is going on for so long, it goes to show there's a lot on the table, a lot they wanted to discuss the first and foremost, meddling in the election. you have to move on to other things, you can talk about the same thing the entire time. >> so much collusion, so little time. how do you get it done in 30 minutes? you need two hours. that was always a joke, always a ruse so the mainstream media was in there with the frenzy, of
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course he was going to end it up front and directly. and the secretary of state far more, are we going to -- >> we should be done with collusion but we are not in with the big issues. a man who actually at this point respects the word of our president in a way he didn't. >> with meddling of the election that is something everyone should be passionate about, care about and something donald from will come home and figure out how to navigate. i mentioned melania trump, who was a huge part of this trip. she tried to interrupt that meeting but later in the day they had a dinner together and they set melania trump next to vladimir putin. think about the optics. we had mike huckabee on earlier in the show, what it takes to be there in this moment. >> an amazing asset to the president, i thought it was
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almost -- just emotional, the fact that here's a person, melania trump who grew up under a communist museum -- regime in europe and goes back of the first lady, married to the leader of the free world, i think it is a great testament to what freedom is all about and what an amazing platform for her to say to the world freedom works. freedom and liberty are wonderful virtues. >> that gives you children governor huckabee was talking about that, put it in perspective, you can still live the american dream, and since donald trump is tough on immigration you realize the heart that he has. these important meetings and the role she plays. >> you have more heart, the shared values of western celebration. you believe in the west and stand up and fight for the
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things that made it great. much of europe has forgotten that in russia, the former soviet union has never had that. to put someone like her next to him is a powerful imagery i didn't even of. >> this was a positive day for donald trump, right? >> not according to maxine waters. >> we are getting played by our president and certainly played by vladimir putin. i don't like the idea that our president, again would go into a room without any staff or others who should be in the room, who really understands foreign policy and vladimir putin and come out of it saying how honored he is to meet with him and how, in fact, people start working together. >> these are not our friends, donald trump understands that.
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in syria, a cease-fire. >> democrats walked into this is the talking point authority plant, the donald trump was my going to bring it into the election. what do they do? they turn to the russian talking point, the russians have come out and said they talked about the meddling and donald trump acknowledged they accepted the fact that this happened. that is not what rex tillerson said. if you listen to our leaders in a meeting, here is what he said. >> for maxine waters to make such an egregious statement shows her ignorance and how she has no understanding of what takes place and it goes back to the specific narrative democrats never want to give the president credit for doing the opposite of what they think he is going to do which is to stand up to the
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american people which he pledged to do on the campaign trail. >> the democrats are committed to their approach of resistance. how is that working out for them to a fox news poll came out after the favorability of certain political leaders putting melania off the charts and look at nancy pelosi and chuck schumer at the present, 26%. if those are your leaders and your messages resist and those are your poll numbers, and what point do you say you were out of step with the average american? >> you take a step back and realize after you lost four elections in a row you realize we need to make some changes, our platform exists basically of nothing, resistance. what do we stand for? how do we get voters to come to the polls? get them excited about our message, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, you see their poll numbers, that is your problem. >> donald trump is at 40 -- just getting warmed up. 49 minutes left in the show. donald trump at 47%, think about the head wounds he has faced and where he still is, that is remarkable, show the american people respect a lot of things.
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we are going to keep it going. >> pregnant woman going nuts over here. >> a serious story we are following closely internally, served our country for ten years earning a purple heart but this veteran was told to stop coming to work because he brought his service dog and posttraumatic stress, that veteran will join us live straight ahead. donald trump says mexico will absolutely positively pay for the border wall. geraldo rivera here to react. ♪
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isn't this fun, living like the pioneers of olden times? i hate the outside. well, i hate it wherever you are. burn. "burn." is that what the kids are saying now? i'm so bored, i'm dead. you can always compare rates on oh, that's nice, dear. but could you compare camping trips? because this one would win. all i want to do is enjoy nature and peace and quiet! it's not about winning. it's about helping people find a great rate even if it's not with progressive. -ugh. insurance. -when i said "peace and quiet," did you hear, "talk more and disappoint me"? ♪ do do do do ♪ skiddly do do ♪ camping with the family ♪ [ flame whooshes ]
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>> it was incumbent on me as the leader of the biggest country to
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set a tone and say we are not going to be intimidated by donald trump and we are not going to turn away from our values. >> that is bill diblasio doubling down on his admission to skip and nypd ceremony to protest donald trump and other world leaders at the g 20 summit. >> with ditching new yorkers to push his progressive agenda the right move? correspondent at large geraldo rivera. it is serious when geraldo during a commercial break that you were too fired up about this topic. then i said save it for the air. a situation where new york city has gone downhill, who is going overseas, a bunch of idiots doing violence. >> one thing that led to rudy giuliani's success as mayor, he was mayor in a tough time to 9/11 was the squeegee man and panhandlers, the visible expect of a dysfunctional city
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disappeared under giuliani and mayor bloomberg. they have come back. broken windows are back. the biggest our traffic and trash. it is impossible. the city and its success and robust and flourishing is becoming so clogged up nobody can get around. >> the wholeness problem. >> those are the panhandlers but for him to go there to hamburg to address a crowd, this progressive self-declared progressive crowd, the anti-g 20 symbolized by protesters, and nobody cares about -- a paragon of virtue on the left and not succeeding, has no audience to
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leave the city, still breathing over the assassination of the nypd cop mother of 3 uncovered by many of the news channels, thankfully fox stepped up to the plate and gave appropriate attention to the assassination, and for bill diblasio to run off any circumstance is bigger. >> he will likely win, heavily democratic town, by remember bo deitl running as an independent. >> there is still time. >> everything we want, chime in on vladimir putin with exchange for the mexican president, doubling down saying not only build that wall but mexico will pay for it. >> i think the meeting with vladimir putin as i said on this couch could indicate whether the
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meeting as a success, did vladimir putin show up on time? how long did the meeting last? was there a statement after brian kill lead asked what they could agree on. the fact that melania trump, governor huckabee, you were talking about, extolling all her virtues as a sophisticated symbol of someone who broke out on oppressive regime to come to freedom, marrying a man who became president, as an old politically incorrect -- a fabulous -- can't stop a meeting, nobody can. the fact the president was very forceful in terms of russian collusion allegations. >> he ran for president as a dealmaker, businessman, he seems very much in his comfort zone in
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these meetings even though they don't have a lot in common. he realizes i got to find common ground. >> going back to pete's question about the mexican president, the real headline in a meeting was in negotiations, renegotiating the nafta treaty in terms of trade, the northern border with canada. they are making real progress in that regard. >> in terms of the wall for the president to answer that question absolutely in terms of mexico paying for the wall, hot air but i will say i think this -- if you take anything from my appearance this morning, donald trump's policies in the last we 6 months have cut undocumented immigration, from 55 to 70%, it is down measurably. the border guard is reenergized, 3 quarters of the problem solved. america, the question whether you want to spend $25 billion to
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$50 billion to build a wall when his tough talk alone has done three quarters of the job already. >> thank you very much. "fox and friends" after this. dig if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ g new cars. you're smart. you already knew that. but it's also great for finding the perfect used car. you'll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you're even smarter. this is truecar.
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new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. >> he served the country for ten years for counterintelligence, iraq and afghanistan, those are pictures of him. like many of our brave soldiers in this era and others he suffers the state from posttraumatic stress disorder. why would his civilian job not allow him to come to work just for having a service dog? joining us is us marine veteran, for joining us.
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for our viewers, i met you monday, a great organization provides canines to wounded warriors, your recipient of when it after you receive your service dog you are diagnosed with posttraumatic stress you went back to the job you had at cincinnati bell and tried to bring the dog and say i am here for work but what happened? >> when i applied for reasonable accommodation for the service dog, i don't think they understand how to accommodation. there is no back and forth with the company. i was told by my supervisor if i showed up with the dog i would be fired. i knew that was illegal so i showed up with the dog and when i showed up they sent me home with the dog and paid. throughout the rest of the week i signed in every morning just
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to make sure i was doing my part to let them know i was there and ready to work and was sent home every day that week. >> how long have you worked at cincinnati bell? >> i was there for a year and a half. >> diagnosed with posttraumatic stress doing your job. take a bucket of pills, find alternative copies, you find a service dog is helpful for you, and who has been a loyal employee of the company showing up like that. >> that is the issue the entire time. i pleaded with the company, have gone through all the necessary paperwork, provided everything they asked for. i even followed up to make sure i had everything in proper order because whenever i showed up with it they said the dog was not approved and i would be sent home. they basically treated the dog as if it was an option. i have to be on medication and do other things to mitigate your
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symptoms, my dog is helping me with symptoms. last week i went grocery shopping myself for the first time because of the dog. >> one of the coolest names i ever do the dog's name is c4. they responded with this, a portion of it. despite repeated efforts we have yet to receive any information regarding the current status of his condition and effect on his ability to perform his job. we encouraged and continue to encourage him to report for work and perform his job duty was which and tail on-site telecommunications and installation. you say you shut up, given them the paperwork and have proof they acknowledged they have the paperwork. your viewers might be saying have you been doing went on the job? any other problems? or company stonewalling? >> it is a stonewall.
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i'm not sure i showed up to work till a difficult time, i not called in to work unless i was in the hospital. i forwarded emails to fox from cincinnati health and says we have everything we need to process his accommodation. i have no correspondence saying they require more information. i submitted the application in november of last year so if they did any more information, i would love to have received that in the past year. >> he reached out to the ceo. >> i wrote letters, had them written on my behalf, i wrote us personal letter to the mayor cincinnati bell of -- revealing my injuries in combat, the struggles i have been going through and haven't had response from anyone in hr that satisfactorily explained why i wasn't going to accommodate this or maybe a job i could get. 's response was extremely unsatisfactory and said thank you for your note to refer to hr even though i explained i was not getting a response that i
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could look for. no good response from him. >> when i first talked about the story it strikes me as too bizarre to be true. have we heard from you or the company? we are reaching out to cincinnati bell can ask for you to come on the program tomorrow and a lot would love to hire a hard-working employee like you. we are going to stay on the story and more on "fox and friends" on behalf of the entire show, if we are service very much. donald trump and vladimir putin face-to-face shaking hands but one body language expert says vladimir putin did something that surprised her, that is next and the moment they thought would never happen, the wait is over for those hillary fans, you see the confetti never fell. something else. ♪ another one bites the dust
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>> the handshake world was waiting for, donald trump and vladimir putin have their first
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face-to-face meeting but what do handshakes mean? here to break, bodily was of the most powerful leaders and the g 20 summit, body lang which expert, this is fascinating stuff. all eyes were glued to tv for that handshake. what did we see? >> you see automatically trump pulls people into him. and the situation he did not pull anyone into him. instead he gave some space and vladimir putin appreciated that because of the height difference, height equals superiority, he doesn't bring them in but he does tap him under the arm and that is to say i am the authority figure and that shows i am a dominant individual. letter putin points, that is a symbol of aggression. when he does that it is trying to neutralize the fact that he just got patted on the arm. >> let's go to the second meeting, the sitdown meeting. what do you see different? >> when they are sitting down
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when you look at donald trump he is always sitting in that same position. he leans forward, his fingers are in stables position, he is feeling confident but if he were feeling very confident the staple would be higher but this is a baseline move for him. it doesn't take away from anything he is doing here. when we look at vladimir putin he is more relaxed because he does not give off emotion. see his arms? they are in this widened position, that is to compensate for the fact that he is not as tall. their legs are open meeting they both feel strong and assertive. vladimir putin doesn't give away anything. he has a poker-faced where donald trump is trying a little bit more to be friendly. >> decades of kgb training. this is obviously the vladimir putin donald trump meeting, donald trump and german chancellor angela merkel, frost enis between the two, no handshake the first time they met. what do we see in the first
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handshake yesterday? >> when we look at the handshake initially they are not looking at each other so they don't know what to do with their hands. mise, handshake, walk away. they are looking, the hand movements, neither one knows what to do. she went up shaking hands, that is the dominating force, he who shakes first is the more powerful of the two and the second one, he initiates the handshake. >> here is the second one, slow walk up to the screen. >> professional, he extends and to make sure he becomes more dominant he also taps her hand and has the upper hand because you can see the back of his hand as opposed to the upper palm. when you do something like that it becomes unconsciously to those who are watching more
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powerful. >> i'm sure somebody at home is watching this who cares about the handshake. what does this mean? what does this body language mean? breakdown why this is so important and what it shows about our leaders. >> words convey information, nonverbals convey emotion. we feel something which our limbic system goes into action. we feel some kind of emotion and our neocortex is used to lying. when we feel it we show it and neocortex lies. your hair looks great, automatically there is an incongruity because my shoulders went up which we know is a signal of uncertainty as i told you something positive. if i said i'm not sure what time i am going home there is congruency and that is the difference. >> i will ask about my sitting, abby is perfect in every single way. >> amazing how much body language, so interesting, thank you. other headlines we are following following the fox news alert, in an overnight show of force a pair of usc one bonners knew the
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korean demilitarized zone drop dummy bombs, fighter jets escorting. the move follows north korea have successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. the pentagon telling fox news with the coming days the us plans to test the missile defense system in alaska. another legal setback in the fight against the president's traveled and a us appeals court denying hawaii's request to put an emergency block on the order partially put back into effect by the supreme court, the van restricts travel from six middle east countries for 90 days. tied to us citizens. and remember the confetti the never fell at hillary clinton as victory party? it is being recycled as art. money is using it to turn a window in a missouri art exhibit into a massive snow globe titled and still i rise, to turn clinton's to feed into inspiration for women and girls. she plans to send 1000 snow
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globes with leftover committee given all proceeds to planned parenthood. those are some headlines we are following this morning. donald trump that to meet with the chinese president in minutes, a live report from john roberts. did you know in 1978 you could buy a dodge for $4500. a classic car show, you don't want to miss that, that is next. . in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. (woman) there's a moment of truth.etes, and now with victoza®, a better moment of proof. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didn't get me to my goal. lowers my a1c better than
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which is away from here. we are going to here in person from donald trump, the preliminary warm up to the summit, the bilateral meeting, remember not long ago in mara lago they seemed to have a good rapport, they began a friendship doing what it could to help with north korea, us officials since then they did take unusual steps they hadn't taken before but the president tweeting it looks like china was saying one thing and doing another because trade between china and north korea increased 40% leaving the president to say so much for them helping us but we had to try, and this meeting the president will talk to xi jinping about two things, talk about trade between the united states and china and $347 billion trade deficit on the us
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side, in terms of trade we see how far he gets down that road and the other we talk about is north korea, the president being increasingly aggressive is pointed the out in the tweet, new sanctions on chinese entities, and individuals doing business with north korea and by senior administration officials, when they sit down together the president will basically tell xi jinping this is what i'm going to do. if you don't help more with north korea. the fact they tested an intercontinental ballistic missile the other day really ramped up the urgency to get kim jong il to rein in his program. there is a difference between china and russia, they want to free the nuclear program, the united states wants to freeze it and dramatically roll it back. we will see what happens in this bilateral coming up. >> thank a lot, we appreciate it. abby: we will bring you life pictures of that meeting any moment. we will bring that to you as soon as we get them.
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you to react is former press officer morgan ortega, to date hillary campaign advisor, national report of real clear politics. good morning, thanks for being here. this meeting will happen any moment and everyone is wondering what will come out of this meeting, couldn't come at a more important time. he will bring up north korea, trade, when it comes to north korea i think it has become more complicated than donald trump realized initially. >> a lot of people in the community knew the relationship with china as it pertains to north korea could be difficult. the president is new to the stage. this is coming at a critical time, we are halfway through the president's first year in office and everything going on in north korea make this important. the president developing a relationship with the chinese president takes a tougher stance on north korea but china and us
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interests are different when it comes to what they want to do in north korea. this relationship as it pertains to trade, a lot of eyes on this meeting as the president had taken a tougher stance on trade. other world leaders looking at pulling away from the climate deal, looking at globalization in that context. >> politics, we like to pick thing this apart, when you think about these issues, trade, north korea, you name it, that is so much bigger than our politics. you would think both parties would want the best coming out of this meeting today. >> for the safety of us all but as americans, i hope our president and diplomats would be playing chess instead of checkers. the chinese have realized the president that he could wine and
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dine them, service state dinner and everything so complex could be fixed with a relationship and they kept their eye on the ball when it came to trade. the tweets from the president don't help. for all of us clarity coming out of this meeting is the most important but i'm afraid learning on the job the way donald trump has done is not a good position as far as leadership. >> you worked under barack obama and members of his party praised him for being close to xi jinping but look at where we are today, there is a difference between meeting face-to-face but holding them accountable and getting somewhere at the end of the day. >> i worked under the bush and obama administrations, since the clinton administration we want to keep the status quo in north
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korea because there are no good options. hillary clinton if she had won or trump, you have to deal with the situation in north korea. >> a second war with korea, everyone knows that would be a disaster for china, the us, that is why the options are so limited. >> it is important to beyond that. difficult for the chinese president, he never met kim jung un, had a relationship with the father. trying to leverage china in a way that may be difficult. they do have economic leverage but not the leverage of a leader they used to have. the chinese, the north koreans, even the russians underestimate, as it relates to north korea, the same passive study actions. they are miscalculating him if they think the status quo will stay the same in both republics
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to criticize both 5, republican and democrat administrations, they have a nuclear weapon and they have icbm capability. china and the us -- >> not happen on his watch, what exactly he said, the opposite. >> there are a lot of decisions, no one takes military action in north korea lightly but you choose between regional stability in asia or homeland security? >> thanks for being with us, appreciate that was a classic car show, behind the wheel and looking good. you don't want to miss this. ♪ bible ride it all night long ♪ but why? you haven't noticed me in two years. i was in a coma. well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia?
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>> first vladimir putin, now donald trump meeting 1-on-1 with chinese president xi jinping. the present expect china to do more to rollback its nuclear program following launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. the us responding with its own show of force, b-1 bombers near the border with north korea. welcome everybody, i am david as his man, this is a special edition of cause of freedom, we will be monitoring that meeting overseas and if the white house makes any comments we will bring them to you immediately. in


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