tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News July 10, 2017 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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>> real quick. don't miss this. the top u.s. commander congratulations on taking back mosul. now shep. >> shepard: it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 in d.c. where the meeting with the russians to get dirt on hillary clinton is owning the washington news cycle. team trump running damage control over a get-together last year. the president's oldest son, his son-in-law, campaign manager meeting with a russian lawyer with kremlin connections who was said to have information on clinton to help the campaign. donald trump jr. admits it happened and offered an explanation. does it show collusion or is it, as the white house puts it, a nothing burger? and president trump is backing away from the idea of working with russian on cyber security after some of his fellow republicans said the idea was preposterous. the fate of healthcare with
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coverage from millions hanging in the balance. the president putting pressure to pass the bill. some republican senators say they're skeptical. amazon gets ready for its biggest sale of the year. one of the best deals, the 30-hour prime sale. we'll list them. let's get to it. good monday afternoon from the deck. donald trump jr. is admitting that he did indeed meet with a russian lawyer who offered him dirt on hillary clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. "the new york times" broke the story and calls this the first public indication that the trump team was willing to accept help from the russians. "the new york times" reported donald trump jr. arranged a meeting with a russian lawyer who had connections to the kremlin two weeks after donald trump clinched the gop nomination last summer. the newspaper reported that the president's son held the meeting at trump tower in manhattan and
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that president trump's campaign chairman at the time, paul manafort and jared kushner were there. manafort stepped down in august following ties to pro russian politicians in the ukraine. donald trump jr. in a statement admitted saturday that the meeting took place. he wrote "it was a short introductory meeting. i asked jared and paul manafort to stop by. we talked about the adoption of russian children that was active and popular with american families years ago and was since ended by the russian government. it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up. the president's son said an acquaintance asked him to have that meeting. he said nobody told him even the name of the person he would be seeing in the trump tower. then yesterday the times reported donald trump jr. had agreed to the meeting after being promised damaging information about hillary
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clinton. that is when the president's son gave another set of details about what happened. donald trump junior in a statement yesterday said he was told before the meeting that the individual might have information that would be helpful to the trump campaign. he also wrote "after pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to russian were funding the democratic national committee and supporting mrs. clinton. her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense." no details were provided. it became meaningful that she had no information. she changed subjects and began discussing the adoption of children. donald trump jr. revealed the acquaintance who asked him to have the meeting with the 2013 miss universe pageant. donald trump jr. is defending the two statements he gave about the meeting with the russian lawyer. today he tweeted "no
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inconsistency in statements. meeting was primarily about adoptions." in response, "to further questions i provided more details." donald trump jr. months ago denied having any campaign-related meetings with people from russia. according to "the new york times," president trump's son told the paper in march "did i meet with people that were russian? i'm sure. i'm sure i did. but none that were set up. none that i can think of at the moment and certainly none that i was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form." this comes as the house and senate intelligence committees and a special counsel, robert mueller are investigating the team trump ties to russia. the president and his aides have denied colluding with russia. president trump was not aware of his son's meeting and did not attend it. peter doocy is live at the white
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house. peter? >> shepard, to that end about those senate investigations, one of the republican members of the senate intel committee, senator susan collins from maine, said she wants the president's son, donald trump jr. to testify about this meeting. just a few minutes ago, donald trump jr. went on twitter, linked to an article and said happy to pass on what i know. shep, he would be the first person named trump to testify before the senate intel committee about their election meddling investigation. >> peter, have administration officials offered any kind of defense for the president's son? >> yes, shep, they are. the defense is basically that they don't think there's anything done wrong here. because don jr. never ended up using or even getting any dirt about alleged russian dnc money connections. listen to this.
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>> don has said very clearly that the meeting was taken. he didn't know the name of the person that was coming. he knew the person that set it up. he said it was vague, ambiguous, very obvious almost immediately there was no help for a meaningful information and the meeting quickly turned over to the matter of russian adoption, which is the pretext of the meeting from the beginning. no information was gained, no action was taken, no follow up whatsoever. >> and further administration response is coming from the white house chief of staff, reince priebus. he said the sit-down may have been a set up by the same people that put together that dossier that turned out to be a fake alleging a lot of very salacious things about the president and some people on his campaign that came out in the transition, shep. nobody is saying yesterday that the president was at the meeting or knew that it happened. >> what more do you know about the russian lawyer who has ties to the kremlin? >> it's unclear what a direct connection she had to the
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kremlin. but the russian singer that helped set it up has ties to the government. they don't know the lawyer, natalia veselnitskaya and they say that's because they don't keep track of every russian leader's meeting every where in the world, shep. >> shepard: thanks, peter. let's turn to john bussey now. the journal and fox news channel have common ownership. from the george g.h. bush white house, one of the ethics attorneys in that white house of bush 43, said this is something akin to treason. listen. >> this was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an american political campaign from the russians who are known to be engaged in spying inside the united states. we don't get our opposition research from spies. we don't collaborate with russian spies unless we want to
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be accused from treason. >> he said if this story is true, we have one of them and both of them in custody and be asking them questions. he said this is unacceptable. this borders on treason if not inself treason. one man's opinion. >> he's a lawyer. worked for george bush, the ethics council. one man's opinion that is fairly informed. it's one guy's. at the end of the day for donald trump, this is an issue of legitimacy. was he elected fairly and through normal practices. he is worried that somehow all of this controversy impinges on the la jit -- legitimacy for him getting elected. you wonder why when his own party is not that way. by firing the guy investigating whether or not there was collusion between his campaign and the russians.
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by diminishing the new guy, who is the special council and by activities of his own campaign. whether or not they got information from this woman, who knows. donald trump has changed his story throughout this. we don't know exactly what happened in that meeting. presumably the intelligence committee and the new special counsel will determine what happened. it's not good that he keeps having to change his story. it's not good that kushner fails to disclose russian contacts when he initially applies for his security clearance. there's a lack of transparency as well as a strange affinity for russian by the president of the united states that the pieces just don't add up. >> the series of misstatements by the president's men. >> yes. that's right. or, you know, exclusions and well, i didn't realize and i probably should have put it on the forum and doing it after ward. flynn, you wonder where the former nsa, the former national
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security adviser is in all of this. how much the special counsel, the fbi are talking to him, how much information they're getting from him. the congress is now saying look, we not only want to talk to don but as the fbi is doing, look to see whether russian money found its way to the republican campaign, whether there was laundered money involved. it gets more and more complex. this is problematic for trump. it does question that legitimacy issue. that's the sore spot with him. >> shepard: on just the matner which donald trump jr. has said in his own words happened, he says that it was presented to him that this person with whom he would be meeting had information on hillary clinton that would be helpful to donald trump's campaign. on that matter, there's no disputing he has admitted that and a at times reported that. so that we can say definitively is a true thing.
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that in and of itself has been widely questioned as what one should not do. get information from russians. >> he said that after "the new york times" broke the story, that this is what -- >> shepard: he now says it. >> yes. but campaigns go after opposition research on each other all the time. the question here is whether or not russia through this cut-out figure, whether or not he knew her or didn't know her -- >> shepard: he will help us with cyber security later. it will be fine. >> she tried to get the u.s. to go easy on high level russian officials. you know, that's what the issue was here. the problem is, the russian angle. the foreign involvement in u.s. election. it crosses a certain line. you know, kellyanne conway said, well, he didn't get any information from her. who knows. who knows what happened in that meeting, what information was
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gotten. we'll find that out eventually. beyond that, you know, going into a session where you know that there's a russian connection with the possibility of getting help from somebody that is or is not in a direct or indirect way representing the russian government that would help your campaign, this gets sticky really fast is. >> yeah, i'm sure now he wishes he had taken notes and had a note taker there. glad he didn't. one or the other. >> the head of the campaign was in the room. the son-in-law of the president of the united states was in the room. >> shepard: donald trump didn't know. happened in trump tower. >> we'll find out. >> shepard: good to see you. president trump said it's time to get past the rush controversies and instead work with that country. his suggestion was to team up with putin to stop stacking. a cyber security get together.
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h then he tweeted again. all of that is a whole new something or other different thing. apparently we're not going to stop cyber attacking with the help of the russians apparently. that's not it. coming up. having moderate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it's a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
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august, if they haven't dealt with repeal and replace of obamacare. if congress does the unimaginable and goes home, is the president prepared to ensure there are consequences for those vacationing lawmakers in 2018? >> i don't know that he's going to lay out a list of consequences. i think he's focused on the positive component of this. that's to hope that all of the members of congress will come together to repeal and replace obamacare. that's his focus, making sure that it gets done. not on what happens if it doesn't. >> one more tweet. the president also tweeted this morning about hillary clinton, chelsea clinton said that she was giving away the country, i believe. at what point is the president going to put hillary clinton and chelsea clinton and bill clinton in the rear view mirror? he won the election, won it fair
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and square. when does he let them go and look forward? >> i believe the tweet was a response to the attacks on his daughter taking his seat, if i'm correct. is that the one you're referring to, frank? look, this wasn't about putting them in the front. this is about responding to an outrageous attack against a white house senior adviser. it's pretty standard protocol that when the leader gets up, someone takes their seat, as chancellor merkel pointed out. said this was perfectly standard protocol. in fact, we should be proud to have ivanka sitting in that seat, particularly since the topic was part of her portfolio. if she didn't have the last name she has, she would be celebrated instead of constantly attacked. it's sad that they chose to go after her in that moment. jonathan? >> first, a quick clarification
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from the meeting with putin in germany. did the president say that he accepted putin's denial of any involvement in the election interference as putin said in his press conference? did you have a chance to ask the president about that? >> the president was multiple times, if putin was involved. it took up a great deal of the conversation they had on the front end of their meeting. the president heard putin's denial. also realized that they had some very important topics they needed to cover. ukraine, north korea, syria. decided to move on from that point of the conversation and focus on those issues. that was the purpose. >> did he -- >> he heard putin's denial. he knew that at the end of the day, the important part was them being able to have that conversation, him to directly
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ask him, he heard his answer. he moved forward with places that they thought they could work together. the president has been clear from his statements in january and even in his tweets the last couple days, his opinion on that matter. >> and the question i'm going to ask, the meeting at trump tower last june, donald trump jr., paul manafort, jared kushner, when did the president learn that that meeting had taken place? >> in the last couple days. >> is he concerned about that? the top leadership of the campaign would take a meeting with a russian lawyer promising to give -- >> i've been on several campaigns. people call offering information. as i know many of you received similar calls of people offering information. don jr. took a very short meeting from which there was absolutely no follow up. frankly i think something that may make sense looking at the
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democrat national committee had contact with the ukrainian embassy. so if you're looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the dnc who actually coordinated opposition research with the ukrainian embassy. nobody in this room had a problem with that. the only thing that i see inappropriate of the meeting is those that leaked the information. at this point, i'd like to add donald trump jr. has made a statement on this. president's outside has made a statement on this. now i have as well. i'm not going to add anything further. bill? >> just a follow up on that. if this sort of meeting is normal and standard practice in the campaign, do you know if there were any other meetings that donald trump jr. or other representatives of the trump campaign had with other russian officials or any other foreign agents? >> i don't know -- i don't know of any other meetings with don
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jr. i also haven't had an extensive conversation with him. >> do you know if there were any others? >> i don't know. matthew? >> i have a question about the cyber attacks with russian. the president tweeted about the security and 12 hours later said it wouldn't happen. what went down that changed that situation? >> this was part of a discussion in that meeting. look, we recognize that russia is a cyber threat. we also recognized the need to have conversations with our adversaries. when our adversaries see strength like they did with the president in the meeting, they can look for other ways to work on shared interests. look for positive places where they can move the ball forward, particularly on things like the cease fire. that became a greater focus and something the president chose to
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stay focused on, is that front. major? >> just to clarify. that idea is dead? >> look, i would say that discussions may still take place. but that's as far as it is right now. >> and i know you just said a minute ago, you're not going to make an additional statement. there's a history. we've been asked by you and others to respect statements you made there. there's a long history of blanket denials about nobody from the campaign having any meetings under any circumstances at all with russian officials. now one was disclosed this weekend. the original characterization of that meeting was amended within 24 hours when new praises were given before don jr. how are we to take these blanket denials when it's been proven and recognized by the president's attorney and don jr. that those blanket denials were
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not factual? >> the point is that we've tried to make every single time today and then and will continue to make in those statements, that there was no collusion that they keep trying to create that there was. >> that's a different question that was asked at the time and different in the statements that were found. the question was originally, as you know and i know were about contacts. those were blanket denials. when the contacts became confirmed, they were infrequent. we have a pattern of lots of meanings that have to be confirmed later and those questions were not about collusion. they were just about contacts. >> they were originally about that. that's the whole premise of what you're asking the question. is whether or not the campaign colluded with russia. that's the premise of the entire scope of your questioning. the point that we tried to make over and over again and we will continue to make. there wasn't. beyond that, i really can't
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offer you anything. >> can you tell us what was or what is or what was going to be a cyber security unit and how this was going to work? >> i'm not sure there were specific details discussed. it was just a discussion on super security threats and potential options. not necessarily a formal structure in place. >> after this 2 1/2 hour meeting with the president in germany, how would you describe the state of u.s. relations with russia? do you view russia as a partner, an ally, do you view them as an adversary? >> i would want to have further conversations with members of the secretary of state and national security council. i think we saw there are places
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of shared interest that we can work together, like the syrian cease fire. that we both can agree on that in order to move forward in some places. i don't think that will be the case on everything. there's certainly certain instances where we can work together with russian to make every part of the world a little bit safer. >> does the president trust president putin? >> i haven't asked him that question. >> would you ask him question? >> yeah. >> i have two questions. we know there was no note taker in the meeting. did you make an audio reporting of the meeting? >> not that i'm aware of. i have to ask. >> second question. director comey was under oath when he said the memo did not include classified information. is the president accusing comey of perjury? >> there are a lot of questions a lot of reports where it
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indicates that director comey may have leaked classified information. that certainly is a threat to the national security and violates policy and law. i think it's something that should be investigated thoroughly. >> did the president know classified information? >> he has more classified clearances. he may know something i don't. april? >> when you talk about the issue of don jr., you said leaks. what do you think about the world "whistle-blower?" >> i'm sorry. what about the issue of whistle blowing? >> this is a voluntary disclosure. it's appropriate for that to be shared outside the scope of people that have that information. john? >> just one more question. on the issue of collusion, are
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you saying there's no collusion when it comes to the overall arch of the campaign but what about the individual? the individual that could be suspect of collusion? are you asking just for everyone in total or individuals or what? >> i'm saying that the president's campaign did not collude in any way. >> different people, what do you say about that? >> the names that are coming -- >> i'd say that don jr. did not collude with anybody to influence the campaign. again, i think i've been very clear. our position is that no one within the trump campaign colluded in order to influence the election. i think the bottom line is that the democrats had a weak candidate. president trump had a stronger message. they're constantly looking for
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ways to undermine the president and delegitimize his election victory. john? >> thank you. two brief questions. when the president arrived for the g-20 summit, it was reported that the putin regime was cracking down on the opposition candidate at the time, this is the latest in a series of events in which human rights and dissent have been crushed in russia. was human rights raised at all in the conversation with the president? >> i'm not sure. i'll have to ask and get back to you. i knew there was a second one. >> the president did talk privately with chancellor merkel, we know, days before he arrived there. her party, the christian democratic union, made a much publicized change in its platform and dropped its
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reference to the united states as a friend and changed that to important ally. is this something that came up in the meeting and did the president ask why she did that? >> again, i haven't heard that that was specifically discussed. i'll be happy to ask and circle back. >> did president trump discuss sanctions with the russian president at the g-20 summit? >> i do know that it was mentioned specifically. when you ask about sanctions, i know there's a question there. and there were sanctions specific to election meddling that i believe were discussed but not beyond that. >> did the president's views on the sanctions against the russians change at all after the meeting with president putin? >> not that i'm aware of. hunter? >> thank you. this latest thing with the russian lawyer, we have three instances including with the
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russian bank with jared kushner has seemed to met with the russians and not disclosed it. is the white house concerned about that and do you think it raises any questions about kushner's confidence or honesty? >> i believe it was disclosed on his security clearance with an updated -- >> updated paperwork. not initially. >> right. with all of his contacts during the transition and prior to that. they were all included in the update. not the original submission. >> his omission in the original of all these meeting with the russians, is there any concern about that? >> no. it was just an incomplete form. all of his foreign contacts were listed in the updated version, not in the original. steve? >> is the president willing to negotiate his position on the paris climate accord? >> i certainly think he likes to keep all things on the negotiating table. at the end of the day, the president is focused on making
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sure he gets the best deal for the american people. he certainly wants to do things to protect the environment as we have a history of doing in the united states. he's going to continue that practice and continue to encourage it. also, make sure that he's making the deal that is best for the american people. thanks so much, guys. >> that's the end of the press briefing today. there's some scripted parts at the beginning, another person that came up and made some remarks. that was a q&a. playing only the audio. the white house for today at least does not allow us to have live coverage, does not allow us to show picture defending the white house positions. so instead, we're playing audio tape play-back of sarah huckabee sanders. congress is back in session. senate republicans are no closer to passing a healthcare bill. now. trump is adding new pressure to get something done. we're live on capitol hill with what appears to be progress. first 40,000 tons of steal
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a cockroach can survive submergede guy. underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah, wow. not getting in today. not on my watch. pests never stop trying to get in. we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. >> i'm lea gabrielle. a u.s. army soldier facing murder investigations. the trooper said he was responding to a domestic dispute last night near the border of canada.
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a judge held the suspect without bail. cops say they found the soldier's wife dead at the home. new video shows a truck plowing through the front doors of a tv station. police in wichita, kansas, said the driver had a medical emergency. the crash was not intentional. he's expected to be okay. nobody else was hurt. and crews rescued a lion cub that was treading water in india. crews lifted her to the ground. while life workers said she had minor injuries. news continues with shep after this. ♪
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visit today and register for a chance to win a free treatment. yeah, 'cause i got allstate. if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. switching to allstate is worth it. >> shepard: sarah huckabee sanders answered questions this afternoon and brought back from the dead of working with the russians on cyber security. she said conversations could
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take place. that's a quote. and president trump said he and vladimir putin talked about it. he backtracked after lawmakers on both sides blasted as ridiculous this idea is. the president tweeted yesterday morning, putin and i discussed forming a cyber security unit so that election hacking and many other negative things will be guarded. then came the sunday shows. his treasury secretary, steve mnuchin went out to defend that concept of the leaker -- i should say of the leader of the hackers working with the leader of the hacked and then others weighed in. >> if that's our best election defense, we might as well mail our ballot boxes to moscow. >> it's not the dumbest idea i've ever heard but it's close. when it comes to russia, he has a blind spot. to forgive and to forget when it comes to putin regarding cyber attacks is to empower putin. that's what he's doing. >> both of those lawmakers are on committees investigating
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russian election and collusion with team trump. senator graham not the only republican who said he had a problem with putin working to fight hacking. senator marco rubio of florida a republican, tweeted partnering with putin on a cyber security unit is akin to partners assad on a chemical weapons unit. last night president trump seemed to change his mind or something writing "the fact that president putin and i discussed a cyber security unit doesn't mean it happen. it can't." he referring to the truce that we reached in syria. lawmakers are back from their july fourth break. a senate healthcare bill is in more trouble. just as the republicans predicted it would be. ten republicans have now come out against the current draft. republicans can afford to lose
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but two votes. some gop senators are questioning whether they can get it done. >> my view is it's probably going to be dead. but i'm -- i've been wrong. i thought i'd be president of the united states. i fear that it's going to fail. >> the draft bill is dead to hear from republicans. last week the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said republicans may have to settle for fixing the affordable healthcare previously called unfixable instead of repealing it all together. he said he was working on a new version and now -- this is new -- new today, there's word that we could see a new bill by the end of this week. a new healthcare bill from the republicans by the end of the week. in just three weeks, congress has said to take a month long break. today the president treated i cannot dare to think that
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congress would leave washington without a new healthcare bill and ready to go. let your imagination run wild. senator mccain seems to think the draft bill is dead. now we have a new things. tell us about it. >> gop sources say the plan at this stage is to get revised bill text to senators by thursday with the goal of a vote in the senate by late next week. john cornyn is a member of the republican leadership team. he's been talking about the time line. cornyn says he favors voting on this soon, getting it done as soon as possible saying he does not think stringing it out will make the product any better. another key republican talked about the press to get this done. >> it's huge. we've been promising this for seven years for good reason. premiums are up 120% in a few years. >> we'll see if that vote goal of next week holds. it's clear republican leaders don't want to string this out
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the rest of the month, shep. >> what are democrats saying? there was some talk at one point about possibly both sides working together on something here. what are they saying? >> democrats are talking about what they want next in terms of healthcare reform. you had a bunch of senate leaders sending letters to leader mcconnell saying let's sit down, talk about coverage better and make it more affordable. you had bernie sanders go to kentucky to go on the attack against the senate healthcare reform effort. >> as soon as we defeat this disastrous bill,ly be introducing a medicare for all single payer program. >> so sanders having a much more liberal view in terms of healthcare. he's trying to make it harder for reluctant republicans to get on board with the revised bill text, shep. >> mike emanuel on the hill. thank you.
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let's turn to rachel bade recorder for political. where is this new idea of a bill to be submitted by the end of the week and voted on before the end of the recess? hard to hear you. uh-oh! wow! i believe the technicians are telling me that a mouse aid the cable there at politico and your mouth move without us hearing anything, which makes television more complicated. great to see you. we'll work that out and get back to you. the teenager that woke up in the worst ways imaginable. awakened, shaked and rattled? a bear bit his head. >> the bear came behind me and grabbed my head with his paw and pulled it like this and grabbed the back of my head. the crunching noise was the teeth scraping against the skull. >> crunching noise of teeth versus skull.
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for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> shepard: wild fire alert. more than a dozen wild fires raging across california now. 5,000 firefighters working to fight those flames for the locals. investigators in santa barbara county say a fire destroyed most of a boy scout's camp yesterday. killed all of the animals at its nature center there. at a separate camp, flames left dozens trapped for hours before crews came to get them out of there. >> those crews were quickly outflanked by the flames. they also quickly discovered that there are a lot of people back in the camp. had fire personnel, sheriff's personnel. and national forest personnel, keeping the kids safe. they rode it out with them. >> north of sacramento, 11,000
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people under orders. officials say 5,000 homes and buildings are threatened, a teen in colorado says he woke up to a bear gnawing on his head and dragging him ten feet. he gave his first name, dillon. he said around 4:00 a.m. local time, he heard what sounded like the bear's teeth scraping against his skull. >> i woke up to a crunching sound and me being drugged. it was a dream. i could hear the bear's breath. it was scary. i was laying like this. the bare came up behind me and grabbed my head with his paw and pulled it like this. >> shepard: there's pictures of this that we're not showing because you don't want to see them. happened at camp west of denver where dylan works as a wilderness survival teacher. he told media other staff members helped scare the bear away. it's unusual for black bears to attack people without something
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provoking them. they said they didn't find any food in the area. trace gallagher has more. he's a lucky guy. >> he is. his wilderness survival skills is what he said saved his life. he poked at its eyes. the other staffers were yelling at the bear and swatting it after being dragged out of a sleeping bag and along the ground for several people. the victim said the bear let him go and ran off. he needed nine staples in the back of his head to close the wound. we have now been told the bear has been captured and euthanized and here's why. listen. >> he started pulling him like that. that is a dangerous bear. the bear that's gotten too comfortable with people. that was a threat to humans. >> the department of parks and wildlife says they'll perform a necropsy on the bear to see if it had some type of illness that prompted the unprovoked attack.
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shep? >> not the first bear attack of the summer, sadly. >> no. as you said, park rangers say bear attacks are rare and there's been three attacks in the past four weeks. last tuesday in the idaho panhandle, a woman and her dogs were attacked after they surprised an adult there and her cub in a huckleberry patch. the woman and the dog survived. last month in alaska, there were two deadly attacks in two days including one that took the life of a 16-year-old boy. the teen was running a mountain race when he veered off the trail. the boy texted his family who was being chased. by the time help arrived he had been mauled. two mine workers were collecting geological surveys when they were also attacked. one was injured. the other was killed. as we know, bears are most active in the spring and the summer months. shep? >> thank you, trace. trace gallagher in los angeles. ahead, the first real test of president trump trying to work
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with russia. the cease fire in the southwest ohio syria in effect and holding. that's next. when i look in the mirror everyday. when i look in the mirror everyday. everyday, i think how fortunate i am. i think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure? i think how much i can do to help change people's lives. i may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but i'm sure going to... i'm bringing forward a treatment for alzheimer's disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure.
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>> shepard: iraqi forces have taken the city of mosul or what is left of it back from isis control. that's the official word according to the u.s.-led coalition in iraq, which called it a historic victory. new video from a drone shows all the damage to mosul's old city after recent fighting. it is extraordinary what has happened there. largely levelled the place. u.s. officials say isis fighters may still be hiding out in that neighborhood. they say mosul is firmly under iraqi control. isis terrorists captured the city in 2014. named it the defactor capitol in iraq.
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u.s. and iraqi forces began operations to take it back in october. the top u.s. commander says the loss of mosul is a decisive blow to isis. it's a full day of a cease fire in syria. that affects three provinces in the southwest. there's been minor violations here and there including light shelling overnight. the region is mostly quiet. the united states and russian agreed to the cease fire as president trump had his first face-to-face meeting with vladimir putin at the g-20 in germany. the united states and russian are on opposite sides of syria's war. make no mistake. putin has supported bashar al-assad. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. this southwestern part of syria, that's not where everything was
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going on anyway, was it? >> there was certain fighting doing on there. certainly where the civil war began. today, the u.n. special envoy for syrian peace talks spoke this morning from geneva less than a day after the cease fire took hold in the southwest corner of syria. he said the cease fire is broadly holding despite some teething problems. >> we can still say and we believe that he has fairly good chances of working out. >> u.s. and russian military officers met for weeks and months to hammer out the cease fire. this is where the uprising began. the area had become a vacuum for al-quaida linked groups and iranian back eed fighters. >> has al-quaida and the
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iranians agree to the cease fire? >> no. they didn't. this is a cease fire for the u.s. and russia. there's no u.s. backed troops there and there's no flying by the russians. there's other examples that iranian led forces have not listened to the russians. when the iranians got close to u.s. positions, they were bombed. >> shepard: jennifer griffin, thank you. top of the hour headlines moments away. stay with us. ♪
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new coke fell flat 32 years ago today. should news break out, we'll break in. breaking news changes everything on fox news channel. the news begins anew on "your world" right now. >> they're back and now republicans backs may be up against the wall on healthcare. today president trump putting the pressure -- welcome. i'm trish regan in for neil cavuto in "your world." republicans have three weeks to go before they can pass healthcare. republicans say they shouldn't leave washington again without a bill. john cornyn will be with us in just a moment. first, let's go to fbn's gerri willis with the latest. hey, gerri? >> hi
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