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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 18, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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to repeal obamacare and come up with a replacement over the next two years? that's the question today. >> heather: then what happens during those two years if there's nothing to replace it? >> jon: there are big concerns about that on washington. we'll talk about it and our second hour. "outnumbered" starts now. >> sandra: fox news like my president trump are to republicans to repeal obamacare now and deal with replacing it later. this after senator mitch mcconnell pulled the plug on the revised senate bill, following two key defections. this is "outnumbered," i'm sandra smith. here today, harris faulkner, host of kennedy on fox business, kennedy, also from fb on, cohost of after the bell, melissa francis is here and today's #oneluckyguy, former republican presidential candidate, fox news contributor, and radio talk show host, herman cain and we are so glad to have him back. you are outnumbered. >> herman: happy to be here, happy to be outnumbered. >> sandra: are you though?
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>> harris: so much confidence. you should run for president. oh wait. >> herman: i've thought about it. >> sandra: there is so much going on, so let's get right to it. republicans cannot afford to lose one more republican vote to repeal in a place obamacare, but last night, they lost the support of two more senators, mike lee and jerry moran. effectively sinking the legislation. they brought a sharp response from president trump late last night. he tweeted "republicans should just repeal failing obamacare now and work on a new health care plan that will start from a clean slate. democrats will join in. despite the setbacks, senator majority leader mitch mcconnell says they need to keep working on getting the job done. >> this task would not be easy. we understood it would not come easily, but we know is the right thing to do, so we push forward anyway.
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i believe we must continue to push forward now. i regret that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failures of obamacare will not be successful. that doesn't mean we should give up. a >> sandra: leader of the senate democrat, chuck schumer accuses mcconnell of shutting them out and since the democrats have been willing to work, the g.o.p. on fixing obamacare. >> jon: early on, the majority leader told democrats, we don't need you. we don't want you. respectfully, i take issue with the idea that democrats didn't want to engage on health care. the majority leader admitted that he decided the matter for us when he locked democrats out of the process at the outset. >> sandra: chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill with the very latest. >> good afternoon. there's tremendous little
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copressure over this health care reform. with president trump tweeting we were left out by all the democrats and a few republicans, most republicans were loyal, terrific, and worked really hard. we will return. vice president mike pence talked about the next steps a short time ago. >> to be clear, the senate should vote to repeal now and replace later or return to the legislation carefully crafted and the house and senate, but either way, inaction is not an option. congress needs to step up, congress needs to do their job, and congress needs to do their job now. >> last night, mike lee of utah and jerry moran of kansas joined with rand paul kentucky and moderate susan collins of maine in opposing the revised health care reform. that killed that effort. this morning, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell talked about essentially going forward with a repeal plan and giving two years for a smooth transition.
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collins said she will oppose that too. >> i did not vote for repeal back in 2015. at this point, the affordable care act is so interwoven, the inner health care system, that to repeal it completely with no idea what it's going to be replaced with it is not right approach. >> this new plan may have a serious moderate publican problem. rob portman and shelley moore cap and no i have expressed about repealing without replacement and crating uncertainty in the health care markets. to be clear, they did vote for the health care repeal bill in 2015 which was vetoed by then president obama. a moderate democrat is offering the suggestion. >> why don't you start with the repair first? they tried everything else. i'm saying i'm willing to sit down.
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i think there are savings within all the expansions that we did by showing people how to use it more effectively. we haven't tried anything else. >> senate republicans are about to go into their working luncheon. we'll be listening very carefully for their tone once they come out. >> sandra: mike emanuel, thank you. herman cain is on the couch and there was a moment when we were setting this all up, i saw you shaking your head. that was the moment you heard chuck schumer saying, democrats have been trying to work with republicans, we wanted to work with three pelicans on this. >> herman: because that's disingenuous and is not true. i do a daily radio show. that is in a true statement. it is totally misleading. and with all due respect to the president when he said democrats will work with us when we get ready to do the second phase of this, no they will not. they have demonstrated over and
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over and over that they will say that, but then they won't do it. here's what democrats want to do, they want to be able to try and fix obamacare and demand the obamacare features in the process. that's what they ultimately want to do. they know it has failed, they've said that in effect, but they are interested in a market driven, competitive solution, which is what the administration wants and it's what most republicans want. >> harris: there are some republicans who want to do that and rand paul and others have called it obamacare lite. there should be actually some consensus about those republicans who want to fix and go forward and those democrats were willing to go forward. >> herman: exactly. the problem is, everybody has a little piece of pie that they want to incorporate -- politics is -- everybody wants to protect
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the supporter or an industry. we never hear them talking about how the insurance companies are supporting both sides of the aisle. they're supporting democrats, they are, and they are not being honest. >> sandra: you're bringing some democrats to fault group albums are to blame as well. newt gingrich went on hannity last night and he said, this is the fold of congress, something just needs to get done. mac. watch. >> first of all, you've had six months to look at what happens. it's like a football team at halftime. just like a military option. you have to take steps coming up to learn lessons. i think they've got to figure out how to do things faster, more simply. you can't pass the gigantic bill, to me what you can pass, but get something done that starts to move us away from obamacare. >> kennedy: i think he's right. if they want success, then to invert the process and start with figuring out what they can
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actually pass. i think he's right about that and he also shows that there is growing frustration within the republican party because the party is fractured. i would argue that that is one of the better things about it because you have desperate voices coming out different ideas. that's not the worst thing in a democracy, but herman cain is absolutely right. the insurance companies and the government have been so inextricably linked for so long that the free market and its natural forces cannot exist in this environment and that's the only thing that will lower costs and improve care in this countr country. >> melissa: it's so frustrating when you watch those sound bites and this is what makes the make and people so mad. you say just ingenuous. almost everyone -- people like susan collins is saying we can't possibly do this if we don't know ugly place, we just try that and you didn't do that either. use of the replace him it was no good.
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someone like senator portman who says he won't do that. >> kennedy: that's a really important point. >> melissa: when it comes to actual action, they say no and you have someone like jill mansion who says why don't we work on trying to replace this? that's a blessed thing was, you don't want to go anywhere near this. that's the anger out there in america, when you hear what feels like doubletalk and lies and then they all want to go home for recess. if they go home without doing this, they should stay there and come back. >> herman: joe is normally trying to work very constructively, but when he says, let's try and fix obamacare, announcement, you can't fix obamacare. they didn't just blow a hole in the roof.
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you cannot fix it. you have to restart it with market driven principle. that's what has to happen. >> sandra: what happens now, you just are the vice president agree with the president, i'm going and moving in that direction. is that something you can get behind? >> herman: this is not rocket science. repeal all of it. they keep talking about all the features that will be left out in the cold. most of the people that can qualify for obamacare were first into medicaid. leave medicaid alone for right now. that's a 16 million people right there. then you have another nearly 8 million people who decided they didn't want obamacare. they chose not to buy obamacare. what democrats want to do is force people to buy insurance
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and that's a big rub as to why you can get all of them together. >> harris: i would just ask this, where you think we are with republicans in terms of their not having the ability to repeal. back in january 2016, they handed president obama the repeal legislation. why could they do it then but not now? what has changed? >> kennedy: that's the big question. that's such a good question. this is legislated and they voted for it to repeal obamacare. it's pretty basic. why is it so different two years later and it goes to melissa's point about the disingenuousnes disingenuousness -- >> harris: because the president would veto it. if they knew the president at the time would veto it, ed was an incumbent upon them to come up with all replace it.
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i had to say that because a sound so pessimistic. >> kennedy: it's politically safe. what would you do if you are president right now and you had the senate majority leader who essentially lost control of his own party, because this is not just one group of ideological senators spinning together. these are moderates and these are conservatives, these are libertarians that have all left the fold. how would you bring them back i in? >> herman: i would have a closed-door session with all of them. there is one thing they understand, money. the difference between president trump and members of congress is that he's independent-minded. he's dependent on contributions from organizations and make it clear to them, if you don't relax some of your ridiculous demands and we get something, then president trump has the
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bully pulpit in order to be able to negatively impact them when they run for reelection. that's what this is all about. running for reelection. >> harris: the reports of the white house taking a look at who else might be able to run again, he didn't support then candidate trump. >> herman: exactly when the house passed its version, republican senate vote for it and they all had flimsy, disingenuous excuses as to why. there were 20 of them. if they had voted with the rest of the republicans and shown solidarity, maybe the senate wouldn't have been so stupid to say, we want to read write our own. i hate to be right. i predicted that when the senate announced, people like susan collins and oz they want to write their own because we are going to start over, i predicted a mess and that's all we have.
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even if they had passed something, it would have been a train wreck all the way back to the house. i'm not mad, i'm just passionate. >> sandra: and then note, president obama's former national security advisor susan rice expected shake the hot seat on capitol hill this week after a probe into alleged unmasking by the obama administration appears to be growing. plus, the potential fallout for next year's midterms over the collapse of the health care bill. will the g.o.p. pay a price if they can't repeal obamacare? or will dems take the blame for refusing to work with republicans? we debate. after the show, he can join our live chat by clicking the overtime tab at a bright or to of course, you can also tweet us during the show, see you there.
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♪ >> harris: president obama's former national security advisor, susan rice is scheduled to appear before the senate intelligence committee this week behind closed doors as part of's the investigation. the timing comes as questions are growing a mud unmasking. some former obama team members are also making the hot seat this week. denis mcdonough, expected today and former director of
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national intel, james clapper appeared yesterday before both the house and senate intelligence committee. all of this, as a source close to the house intel's review says the numbers of people involved in unmasking of names could grow to more than a half dozen former obama administration officials. here is joe manchin, a democrat. >> it doesn't matter who the person is and is on a witch hunt. the facts are what they are. our intel committee is working diligently to see if they get all of that presented to us. >> harris: while he did not confirm that more obama officials were being looked at, he said he would need to keep anyone in the loop of that intelligence. what's going on, what you think and? >> herman: i didn't know tap dancing had become an art form in the united states congress. that's what i expect from these hearings. susan rice, bless her heart, as my grandmother would say, she
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has two choices. take the fifth, or tap dance. that's what klapper has been doing all along. backtracking and tap dancing. that's what i expect. i hope they ask hard enough questions that they do get to the truth. >> harris: we've seen her in interesting positions. to remember her and when violence broke out and our guys were killed and benghazi, she said it was because of a video that did not tip everything off when in many sunday shows saying those talking points. given her history, which do you think? would she come out of door number one, pleading the fifth, or number two, tap dancing? >> herman: tap dancing. she will be tap dancing. here's the other interesting thing about this whole thing. benghazi, it was clear that that video had nothing to do with it. >> kennedy: amen. >> herman: did the liberal media go back and put a camera
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and her face and have her defend that? no. they gave her a pass. she is going to be doing a lot of tap dancing on this committee, if she doesn't take the fifth. >> sandra: to actually learn anything? as this going to not go anywhere questioning >> herman: right. we will learn a thing. >> harris: but would you ask your first? >> melissa: i would ask her why she said in march on pbs that she knew nothing about the unmasking and then she came back later and april and she admitted that she had asked for the u.s. identities citizens and these intelligence reports that she did, and fact do it. how is it that she is always changing her story, why did she change her story? i agree, i don't think anything comes of it. people say things, it sounds like -- it looks like a smoking gun to some, to others, they see nothing and then nothing comes out of it. another thing is incredibly frustrating, i think i'm frustrated today. >> harris: i must feel like we
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need to revisit for everybody why this is so important and some of the names that were scooped up. >> kennedy: it's important and civil liberties should know no party. there should not be a party affiliation when it comes to protecting the freedom of citizens in this country and that's part of the problem that you're seeing here, unmasking happens when we are essentially a spying on foreign targets and they talk to u.s. citizens. those names are supposed to remain secret, but because president obama signed an executive order allowing intelligence sharing across 16 different agencies, now it's much easier for people to unmask, more people have that power and more eyeballs are on the names that are unmasked. susan rice said she is not the one who leaked the information that she unmasked to the press, but a conveniently made its way to "the washington post." if republicans are so upset and so enraged at this point that our liberties can be so easily
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violated, then they should let section 702 completely expire so we are protected because right now, whether it's republicans or democrats, we cannot always trust our intelligence agencies and those who have that information. >> herman: the other reason is important is to send a message to others who might try the same thing. >> harris: that's why it's important to know, why would susan rice need that information question rick let's look at the other names were on the list were qualified to get it. if you or i talk with a foreign national and they release our name and we didn't do anything, nefarious, untoward, or whatever, the reason we're unprotected is because they are drilling down on investigations that we may not have anything to do with. then we -- >> kennedy: james clapper lied through his teeth. >> harris: we have breaking news right now and i'm waiting for our team to tell us exactly what's going on. we are keeping an eye on
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capitol hill, obviously were we expect lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle to step up to the microphones after their weekly policy luncheon. here's what's breaking. as soon as they come out of that meeting, we fully anticipate that we may hear something at those microphones. reaction to the latest on replacing obamacare. this is a new poll that's revealing how important health care is to voters. i think we have an idea, now we have some interesting numbers to look at. and an admission from a top democrat who says his party has no clear message. what this means for the democrats going forward and whether they can just be the anti-trump party stay with us. ♪ that's why there's trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens,
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>> sandra: fox news can now confirm the eighth person in that june 26 meeting in trump tower with donald trump, jr., john roberts is live at the white house right now with all the breaking
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details. >> couldn't afternoon. this name makes perfect sense, the name of the eighth person in that meeting with donald trump, jr., and a number of others is like have allowed say. it makes sense because he is a vice president of the corpus corporation which is owned by -- men who are acquaintances of donald trump, sr., and donald trump, jr.. and fact, he was responsible for bringing his son to moscow some years ago. this man who is an employee and a friend in a meeting that was offered up makes perfect sense. we do know that the special prosecutor, robert mueller has
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contacted scott barber, the attorney of this man and you asked me to ask for any information that he might have that is pertinent to the russian investigation. he has now become, if not a person of interest, the special prosecutor's office is looking for information from him. let's run down the people that we know who were in that meeting. first of all, we have donald trump, jr., and jared kushner, paul manafort, as well as natalia veselnitskaya, who is the russian attorney, rob goldstone who is the promoter, a russian-american lobbyist from washington, d.c., now ike. that leaves one name to fill in the blank. this person was an interpreter. we don't know for sure the name of the interpreter. i'm being told by several people that a fellow who used to be a contract worker for the state department quite frequently served as an interpreter for natalia veselnitskaya. we've got almost all of the pieces of the puzzle from
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june 9th, 2016 put together. there is no reason to believe and the attorney for donald trump, jr., told me this last week when we were in paris, no reason to believe that there is any connection between this new person and the russian government. he says he is not working. he is not working for the russian government, he is not working for russian intelligence and he is a u.s. citizen. two of the russian americans who were in that meeting have dual citizenship between the united states and russia, we should also point out that we believe he is from georgia, he is a member of the georgian association of the united states, certainly is a georgia name and he got his mba back in 2002 from the university of new haven. we are starting to put together all the peace of the puzzle are just one left, but it is interesting note that robert mueller not want to talk to this man about what went on in that
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meeting and what the premise of the meeting was. >> sandra: john roberts, thank you for not reporting. the eighth person to have attended that june 2015 dominic done academic he's a global business man and involved in commercial and residential real estate. >> herman: and want to make predictions, but nothing is going to come of this. so what they have these names i can't pronounce? so what if they have the acquaintances here and there? donald trump, jr., donald trump senior, their business people. they did a lot of things before president trump was president. you don't forget about those relationships. >> sandra: those meetings took place when donald trump, jr., had an active role in the campaign. >> herman: agreed, he went to that meeting according to the reports thinking he was going to get some opposition research. it didn't turn out to be
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opposition research. the report i heard it said that the lady wanted to lobby him about adoption rules. they got up and left. who else was in the meeting at this point that he got up and left? to me, it doesn't mean anything. >> harris: the only thing i would say in all of this as we could have known this information from the beginning. there is nothing we have learned now that wasn't available two weeks ago. two questions, who is in the room -- alan dershowitz, a well-known liberal attorney has said constitutionally nothing has been wrong here except for how it's been handled now. he says that's unconstitutional because then candidate, mr. trump, whether he knew about it or not had every right to find out whatever opposition he wanted. the drip drip and all of this has turned out to be unfortunate. if we fast-forward two weeks from now, people still want to
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be talking about it. >> melissa: when you say people still want to be talking about it. i don't run into people on the street. there are people happy to tell you they are sick of hearing about russia. a lot of our audience feels that way. these things come out and we have reported. for the macon people, they're frustrated, they want to see health care. >> kennedy: if they had been straightforward -- first of all, i'm sorry to be the lone skeptic on the couch, but i'm skeptical of politicians. i'm skeptical and the fact that this story has changed. and went from four and now there is been cell division and there were eight people in the room, how do we know there weren't more? how do we know they didn't get
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dirt on hillary clinton? because something is not constitutional doesn't mean it's right. i'm sorry if i think it's wrong for either side to be getting dirt on an opponent from foreign governments like russia and ukraine. >> melissa: we've said that before. it is not right for either side. both sides were without question doing it and that doesn't make it right. we are getting an education and what goes on in these various campaigns. you have to also remember that this was a point in time when people are looking for the emails that have been deleted and smashed and whatever else. that probably was what they thought they were getting. you are right, there is nothing right or good. >> kennedy: i'm sorry, but i don't believe flat denials when the first denial was no one on the campaign worked with anyone from russia and any time and that it's being proven. then you have nothing to fear
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because the truth shall set you free. >> harris: eve run for president and you know how down and dirty you can get. is this the end bounce stuff that you are dealing with? as a says nancy as it gets? >> herman: it's worse. my office received a phone call when i was running for president that claimed that a big, negative story about me was going to break the next day. my assistant said, go ahead and let it break. it was a threat that they didn't live up to. there are so many moving parts in a campaign, you don't always think, remember how many people were in the room. you didn't think about that a year ago and that's what happens. it is drip drip and that's because people keep asking, probing questions and it continues to be drip drip drip and people start to speculate as to what's not being told. it can get awfully worse than
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either this. >> sandra: we are keeping an eye on capitol hill. we have witnessed the collapse of the health care bill in the senate. we will bring that to you, their reaction to you come alive when it begins. we'll be right back. no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just because of a claim. i totally could've - no! switching to allstate is worth it.
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beyond. a new bloomberg poll shows health care is the most important issue facing the nation. 35% say it's their top issue, more than twice as many as any other option. meanwhile, potential dangers for republicans. the reaction from their base, "the daily beast" reporting. we are watching for that situation to unfold on capitol hill as they step up to the lectern, will bring into your life. the vice president, expected to show up shortly for that lunch as well. as soon as it happens, we'll put
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it on the screen. herman cain, you can say it's complicated and you can say it's simple. they simply need to get something done, complicated doing so. >> herman: you're talking about one-sixth of the economy and it is difficult because as i said earlier, they didn't just try to fix the hole in the roof, which is what could have been done with obamacare. they blew up the building into splinters. you cannot retrofit splinters with super glue and that's why it's so difficult. secondly, i respect people and congress who want to try and take care of the people who might be left out in the cold. those of the people who have no insurance right now. the people on medicaid, they are going to be kicked off medicaid. the people who have insurance through their employers, they're going to have insurance, and may go up a few bucks. and the people who are trying to buy health insurance on the individual market, that those are the most vulnerable. that's what i mean by they need that safety net.
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>> harris: melissa, i am confused by this. these are the people who are working for 29 our jobs, just short of obamacare coverage by their employer. they're working two and three jobs to make up what they lost in the recession and paying an exorbitant amount of money that may go away if they repealed. this is so complicated. >> melissa: it is and i'm very frustrated when i hear democrats say how all of a sudden, people like obamacare and they have these polls and they are in favor. you have to drill down on the details in the poll. if you look at how michael said they were democrats and republican, there are a lot more democrats and republicans in that bill as well. i take all of that with a grain of salt. i know a lot of people personally who didn't have insurance before and are very excited about obamacare who finally had insurance for the first time, those of the folks
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we're talking about. they haven't been able to use i it. the doctor they were seeing before doesn't take their insurance. it doesn't achieve anything. we talk about people who are going to lose their insurance, i don't think they thought it was worth anything anyway and people out there know the truth. you know what you're feeling at home. all these talking points are flying past. they need to do something. >> harris: i would push back with this idea, kennedy. they may not know it's coming down the pike or use it with their favorite doctor, but it's something there that then gets pulled away. how do republicans sell the repeal if they in fact end up doing this? what happens in the interim of that two years? >> kennedy: insurance companies are prompted by the federal government. it is the biggest corporate welfare system in this country and herman cain is absolutely right. we spent so much money on health care in this country already and someone made a really good point on twitter the
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other day. we either need to grow the economy, which we all agree we have to do, and there are good numbers out there that people are more optimistic than they've been, or you grow the government. unfortunately, we have two bodies who are allergic to taking on any real government reform and cost-cutting. that's when it gets really dangerous. you wind up having all of these obligations, this nondiscretionary spending and you also have debt service because we've borrowed so much money and will have to pay it. >> harris: in two years when we problem the credit card to pay the difference where we need to until they come up with another plan, how do you take that money back? >> sandra: if you don't think there's concern about this, i was telling you guys at the commercial break, the markets today, paul ryan steps up to the microphone, he talks about the stall and where they are at, and investors are nervous, markets are nervous, things aren't getting done. we're still at the record high.
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you do hit some nerves which is an indicator of how people feel. >> harris: a cnn political commentator is refusing to call president trump her president. does that cross the line? and whether it proves some of the media are trying to delegitimize the commander in chief by that. >> there are a lot of things that you are president has done to defy logic. speak out your president too, angelara. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance.
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>> harris: fox news alert, we have just gotten to know that the president has had a meeting and then open the floor for questions and he talked at length about health care. we are waiting for that video player. it will be fresh video to fox news channel is a coming out. this happened during having lunch with for afghanistan war veterans, the vice president was there. he took several questions, the president on health care. he said he is very disappointed with the health care bill's failure and said "we need to elect more republicans in 2018." the president, just moments away from all the comments that he made on the record. let's bring it to the couch.
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this is interesting. there was talk that the president would make some comments after something might have been done, what do you make of him getting involved in taking these questions? >> herman: he's setting the stage for this will not be tolerated. that's leadership. he's already saying, we have to elect more republicans. at least he is saying this is unacceptable. >> harris: in the last few minutes, you've seen leadership on the hill get on the record of where they are on the bill or repealed. the president, also on the record very strongly with how he feels about where we are in changing health care legislation in this country. my from the white house just moments ago, we now have that fresh tape, let's watch. >> are you angry at the republicans? >> disappointed. very disappointed.
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i'm certainly disappointed. for 7 years, i've been hearing repeal and replace from congress and i've been hearing it loud and strong. when we finally get a chance to repeal and replace, they don't take advantage of it. so that's disappointing. i would say i'm disappointed in what took place. ed will go on and will win in taxes, we'll win in infrastructure and lots of other things that we're doing. we've won and are winning the war, as you know, the border, we are very much decimating isis. you see it more than anyone come of the soldiers were with us today. we have not had a victory in health care, we are disappointed, i'm very disappointed because again, even as a civilian for 7 years, i've been hearing about health care. and i've been hearing about repeal and replace an obamacare is a total disaster. some states and over 200%
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increase. 200% increase in their premiums. in their deductibles or through the roof. it's an absolute disaster. i think you'll also agree that i've been saying for a long time, let obamacare fail and everybody will have to come together and fix it and come up with a new plan and a plan that's good for the people with much lower premiums, much lower cost, and much better protection. i've been saying that for a long time. let obamacare fail, it will be a lot easier. i think we are finally in a position where we let obamacare fail. we won't own it. i'm not going to own it. i'll tell you republicans won't own it. it will let obamacare fail and the democrats will come to us and they'll say, how do we fix that? or how do we come up with a new plan? we'll see what happens. there are some other things going on right now as we speak, but i am disappointed because for so many years, i've been hearing repeal and replace.
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i'm sitting in the oval office right next door, pen in hand, waiting to sign something and i'll be waiting and eventually, we'll get something done and it's going to be very good. obamacare is a big failure and it has to be changed. we have to go to a plan that works. we have to go to a much less expensive plan in terms of premiums and something will happen and it will be very good. it may not be as quick as we have helped, but it will happen. they were not disloyal, they have their own reasons. i was very surprised when two folks came out last night because we thought they were good, but they did. everybody has their own reason, but if you really think about it, you look at it and we have 52 people, we had no democrats support, which is really something that should be said. we should have had democrats
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vote. it was a great plan for a lot of people. we had four nose and we might have had another one somewhere. essentially the vote would have been close. 48-4. that's a pretty impressive vote by new standard. and yet, you have a vote of 48-4 or something like that and you need more, that's pretty tough. the way i look at it, an '18, we'll have to get more people elected. we have to go out and get more people elected who are republican and we have to pull in those people that voted against it, i don't know, they'll have to explain to you why they did and i'm sure they'll have very good reasons. we have to get more republicans elected because we have to get this done. have to pass it in the house, we would have gotten it very much. you can use his head as a stand, we don't want that to happen. you're messing with the wrong guy here.
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i think we are going to do very well. i would not be surprised if something weren't done long before that. in any event because the margin is so small, will have to go out and get more republicans elected in '18 and i'll be working very hard for that to happen. it would be nice to have democrats support, but they are obstructionists. they have no ideas, they have no thought process, all they want to do is obstruct a government and obstruct period. in this case, think of it. their plan has failed. obamacare isn't failing, it's failed, it's gone. we'll find out, stay tuned. i think all very much. >> harris: some very strong words there from the president on democrats and not anticipating any of them to come on board and help out. obstructionists, he's calling
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them. you saw the u.s. national security master, general h.r. mcmaster, you saw vice president pence there as well. herman cain coming up on this leadership why? the >> herman: because he's not going to give up, number two, he's calling republicans on the caucus. notice what he said, we've got to elect more republicans, not rhinos, republicans in name only because even if you didn't have the two defections, you are going to have some who might have gone the other way. you have a lot of people who call themselves republicans, but they really are not. that's leadership. we are not going to give up. >> kennedy: i think he is right, the party is a certainly fractured and republicans need to ask himself, what does it mean to be republican in this day and age? they have vastly different answers. he is also taking a different tack and turning toward the 2018 midterms. that's signaling something that they don't have another crack at this pinata. >> harris: and how important this is to the economy. i want to go to sandra, i'm
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watching the down now and you say, not a huge fall. >> sandra: that's still a pretty muted reaction. we're noting it did move today as we are hearing, skim off the senate floor from chuck schumer, as well as paul ryan. just hearing the president just now saying we haven't had a victory on health care, going back to the markets and tax reform and what's next for the president's agenda, it does lead to some fears out there. what happens when they move on down the line to the next agenda item? will there be success there? >> herman: they could do two things at once. they can work on something like newt gingrich said, pass on the nonhealth care that's significant and be working on tax symbol vacation and tax cuts. that's going to be critical. >> harris: what you're calling for those on the hill to multitask. >> herman: yes. what a novel idea! >> harris: we'll see if the house now joins the senate and delaying its august recess so they can multitask and the summer. thank you for being here, melissa, kennedy, thank you for
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being here. it will stay right here for numbered over time. we also live on facebook live as well. right >> heather: we begin with a fox news alert, on the identity of the eighth person in that meeting with donald trump, jr.. spill on our own john roberts has confirmed that the name of that person in the trump tower meeting, ike kaveladze. he worked for a russian billionaire real estate development developer with ties to both president trump and vladimir putin. >> the level of credibility from the senior levels of this administration is suspect. >> jon: president trump calling the russian meeting politics as investigators are raising more questions. >> i think it is one of the worst deals i have ever seen. we are looking at it very strongly. to make that deal is insane. >> jon: the u.s. re-certifies


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