tv The Five FOX News July 18, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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republics only survive when elections are acknowledged as real. if every person picks their own president, there is no president at all. good night from washington. on"the five" is to next. see you tomorrow. >> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeld. with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, jesse watters and she runs laps on a close and play. dana perino. you're watching "the five." how come health care is a disaster?? this is a remote. it has a hundred buttons but i only use the power and the channel arrow. i don't know what the other buttonss do. if i hit another one, it's all over. i'mea helpless. that's health care. it's really designed and overly complicated. so convoluted. it's manual meets the manual.
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which needs a call center, which needs a help desk. why is that? like this remote, it's badly designed. if it were a car, obamacare would have been recalled in hours. a steering wheel made of marshmallows. remember that web site launch? it made alestra look good and that causes diarrhea. it says that bureaucracy fails because it is designed for therh product and not for you. the product fails because no human can figure out how to use it. president obama took something as vital as health, cordoned it off like a crime scene and left it to a bunch of chuckle heads. the wrong people are handling it. it's time to get it out of their hands and into those who understand humans. every single day, doctors and business types email us with solutions. they understand functionalityd and simplicity so people can use this service minus all the
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anxiety. the cell phone is way more complex than a financial product. a 10-year-old can master it. because a successful product fitzhugh, not the reverse. if president trump truly wants to change things, here is his chance. wrestle this problem away from politicians and ideologues and let someone else have a shot. could it possibly be any worse? so, dana, i was talking about this with you last night over cocktails. [laughter] >> dana: in separate apartments! >> greg: yes. >> jesse: okay. >> kimberly: thank you for the clarification. >> greg: getting the public involved in terms of balancing the budget. how does that work out? >> dana: it was in thehe 1990s, republicans ran on it.ho the balanced budget amendment was a big thing. bill clinton was even like oh, i'm kind of for that. it's really hard. one of the things -- to go out into the community, several different cities, you can sign
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up. my dad actually did one of these inom denver. basically, let's say there were ten tables of five people. you were given a number saying this is the number we need to get to. how would you balance this budget? the five of them would try to work it out. they would try to come up with solutions. basically -- they were confirmed citizens and wanted to participate. >> greg: now with the internet, you can essentially crowd sourced data and find an algorithm to create financial product which is what health insurance companies want. my problem is, we no longer have small government versus big government. the dems create a program and the republicans stir the pot until the dems are back in power. we don't have a small government party anymore. we need a third way. >> juan: it seems to me that there is a division within the republican party.u people like paul ryan to believa
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in small government doing away with safety net programs or at least reducing social security, medicare, medicaid, and the like. it's not very popular -- guess what, they are the people that elected donald trump. rank and file republicans. republicans. if they have a program serving their needs, they don't want to do away with it. oh, no, not at all. when you have seen here -- it'sr evidence, greg, of people who say all kinds of things on the s campaign trail.ev they make all kinds of promisesa now they will never have to live up to them but the minute you have republicans in control of the house, senate, and white house, oh, seven years you've beenn saying to do away with it? let's see your plan. today we learned, greg, it's been a scam. this is a scam of the highest caliber. perpetrated on the republican party. >> greg: do you agree, kimberly? >> kimberly: well... perhaps, i don't. what i think is, the
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republicans -- you talked about this. they really need to get it together. health care is very important but right now, this isn't like driving the train. so, yes, they need -- they made a big deal about it and raised a lot of money with people across the country promising them. but what have you done for me lately? to me, you've got to be honest, with respect to the party and a reckoning is going to come in 2018. the other things they need to do is the tax cuts. i do agree with you, it needs to be retroactive to january 1st. if they do not -- i've said this many times on the show -- if they do not have economic growth, they are in huge trouble. for these midterm elections. they can lose the house. if you think the collusion psycho stuff is crazy now, wait until they have the house back and are able to afford all the craziness.
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and impeachment. it will be a big disaster and they won't bee able to accomplih anything. if the economy, tax cuts, all of that and you have a progrowth economy, that will resonate with people. even people who are undecided that may not have been super happy with president trump at first, they will like this kind of positive economic affirmation and it will win the day for him. >> greg: what needs to be done now, jesse? focus your laser-like intelligence on this problem. >> jesse: okay, this is going to take a long time. i don't think you can drain the swamp with members of your own party or drain a hole. you have three senators from maine, alaska, they come from core states. they got hooked on the medicaid money. they needed that medicaid money, i understand they aren't robots. they have concerns to look after. but mcconnell couldn't close a deal with them. mcconnell is not a closer. he couldn't get it done. i don't know why they came out of the gate with obamacare repeal, especially knowing they
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had no plan in place. anyone could have coalesced around it. that doesn't make sense to me. the republican party couldn't even stay on message. they were talking about increasing competition or reducing premiums. they were running away from headlines about coverage. when you are worried about coverage, you are fighting on the democrats turf. if you want to go bold, go bold. fight on your principles. unfree market reform, on choice. they didn't do it. they tried to slip the baby and that they failed. i agree with k.g. t should've gone with tax relief or even infrastructure. that would have really peeled off blue state democrats. union guys. they didn't do that. i will make a point that will offend a lot of people. congressmen and senators aren'tt smart. they are not smart people. they are good at winning elections but they don't know anything about policy. their staff know more about policy than they do. ilobbyists run circles around
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them. this is why we need term limits. they get in there and don't do anything, they are not result oriented. they are just about headlines. and they run scared. >> juan: i was saying go, go. and you blame them, not donald trump? >> jesse: donald trump did not target health care. i will admit that. at the same time, he allowed ryan and mcconnell free reign and what we have for it? nothing. >> juan: donald trump said it right at the start, i'm going to repeal obamacare and then talk about replace. repeal, replace obamacare. he said he wasn't going to do anything with the entitlement program. nothing was social security, medicare, medicaid. but then, guess what? cbo said this will costre 32 million coverage. and you say don't worry about coverage. these dumb politicians you're picking on, guess what? they represent real people who need real help. >> jesse: those real people aren't going to have coverage because you're forcing them to
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buy a plan.ou they're going to say we will give you a choice and cheaper plans you can choose from and we aren't going to slap a tax on you so you have to buy a plan to cover stuff you don't need. that's an argument to me. they did make that argument and now look what they have. they have nothing. >> kimberly: that's a problem. m >> greg: dana, the point of the monologue -- is there a third way? there are a lot of public intellectuals out there that are always thinking about this stuff. i always bring up scott adams. he brings up innovative ways with dealing with this stuff. one is actually trying health products out on silicon valley. because they can actually deal with the risk. instead of trying it out on the poor, try it out on the rich. interesting idea. how do people who write to us every day, how did their ideas get to the people that matter? i tend to agree with jesse. i don't think these -- >> kimberly: a call center. >> greg: i think the
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politicians don't have the good ideas. >> jesse: they don't. >> dana: thing is, it's extremely easy to give money away and a program away and almost impossible to pull it back. that's what you have in these states. we do have a problem, there are many low income people in the country that worry every day when they wake up that if they get ill or hurt on the job, they are basically going to go bankrupt and their kids will forgo college. all of that financial anxiety is tied up in our health care debate. clearly these members of congress have listened. at least the three that you mentioned. and they are three women. they are listening to their constituents and responding to that. more communication is better. i think the president is smart. the republican senators are coming to him. they also know that they are going to have to vote -- mcconnell said early next week. probably tuesday. they will have to put up or shut up on the repeal part of it. to your point on how you get to the replacement, that gap, i'm not exactly sure how they do it --ep they are so far apart. when rand paul initially said he
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couldn't support it at all, mike lee says i can't support it with the tax cuts, and then everybody is against it.ev i don't know how you actually try to get all of those people sein a room. >> kimberly: so true. >> greg: you have to create products that compete and then you end up with trivago or h tripadvisor, kayak, that the sift through the choices. it's easier to fly to tibet and than it is to fix an ankle. in two hours you can book an entire trip. >> kimberly: you are so obsessed with the trivago guy. >> greg: he needs to change up his wardrobe. >> kimberly: some of the people that have conscientious objections, that it should be based on free market, grounded in capitalism, having that healthy competition and also being able to purchase across state lines, it makes it betteri
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for the consumer. if you are in one state, you are now at a disadvantage compared to someone -- you have multiple options to be able to do it. unless you have somebody competing for your slice of the pie, they are going to set the standard and have a monopoly on that will essentially drive up prices and only benefit the health care what about a little bit more patient centered and focused? what can i do for the average joe sitting across from me? don't take it personally. >> greg: i am average. >> kimberly: so that he has the same advantages and opportunities for his family, for his dollars to move forward? how do you do that? level the playing field. >> juan: speaking for thehe majority of americans -- it's called obamacare. guess what? >> jesse: what are you talking about? >> juan: 64% of americans now
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say that what is going on with thean health care system is the responsibility of republicans. and as we saw today, they are not doing a good job. >> greg: thank you, media.t a brand-new tweet from president trump slamming a story the media is blowing up tonight. we are 48 hours from o.j. simpson's parole hearing. if he's set free, he could be walking into a whole new set of legal trouble. our own lawyer, kimberly guilfoyle, walks us through. ♪ ♪ expedia. i wanted to know where i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪
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>> dana: breaking news alerts, breaking fox news alert. that's what we call it here. president trump responded to a news story that broke earlier today, in which there is a scenario that happened at the g20 that we didn't know about, apparently. so, the report is that president trump met with president putin privately. a sidebar meeting with president putin's interpreter, nobody else. there was no media in attendance and president trump has just tweeted about it. ed henry is here, what is the breaking news and what is the president saying about it? >> dana, good to see you. you know better than anyone. there are side by beatings at the g20 summit and any meeting
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all the time. was it really a private meeting between president trump and president putin or was it just as you suggested, a sideline conversation at a dinner. we already knew there was a 2.5 hour meeting a couple months back between these two presidents. it went on a long time. they talked about election meddling, stereo, all kinds of other topics. there was a secret meeting that lasted about an hour on the sidelines. of this g20 dinner. the white house is pushing back saying this is a gross distortion of the facts. it didn't last an hour. it was a brief encounter and not really a second meeting. and it wasn't secret. the president jumping in, just breaking, the president tweeting... all g20 leaders and spouses were invited by the chancellor of germany, he goes on to say... the fake news is becoming more and more dishonest, even a
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dinner arranged for top 20 leaders in germany is made to look sinister. by the way, the president retweets that the stock market has done very well under his tutelage. you get the idea that that's what the president wants to focus on tonight. not these continuing questions about russia. >> dana: who with the source of this be? presumably somebody that was at the dinner was talking to the press about it. >> yeah, he said he had a source that earlier today, this second "secret meeting" had taken place on the sidelines of this dinner. the point being so our viewers understand, there was a dinner at the g20. the press knew about. the public knew about. the question from this senator and others, at least their allegation is that on the sidelines of that dinner, maybe the tv cameras would be allowed
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in. as you know, here's a quick spray, here are the leaders shaking hands, the others are suggesting wait a second, after the cameras left, there was some sort of "secret meeting" where president trump went over to president putin and went on for some time and didn't bring an american translator or an american official of any kind for this conversation with vladimir putin. why would that be significant? that would suggest there was no public record within the u.s. government of this "meeting." as you can tell from the president, he is saying it wasn't a meeting. he was saying on the sidelines, let's talk about syria and other subjects. you remember when you are working with president bush, there would be the bilateral meetings that would last 1-2 hours and then on the sideline of a dinner, you might have a conversation with tony blair or another world leader to continue the conversation. that could have been what this is. but the president's critics are suggesting it was something more
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sinister here and may be the president was trying to follow-up on all of these russian investigations. >> dana: we will take it around a table. jesse is next. >> jesse: let's talk about sinister. he said the enemies of president trump are accusing him of what, exactly? putting a little ribbon and bow around the election hacking? it is that what they are you alleging? >> they are suggesting there was just a soviet -- russian interpreter, i should say. that perhaps the president wanted to hide something here. the suggestion in some corners of the media tonight is that they wanted to keep it on the sidelines when the tv cameras weren't there and he wanted to continue his conversation with president putin. again, there is either an insinuation that something sinister was going on here. some cover up or something else.
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>> dana: kimberly guilfoyle. >> kimberly: the problem i'm having with this is what is wrong with the president doing something like this? if you are at an event when everyone is there, what's so nefarious about it if he's not able to have a normal conversation with other people that are attending this? this is what people do. >> good question. having covered a lot of these summits, there are all kinds of sideline conversations. you are absolutely right. it doesn't necessarily mean that anything bad or sinister happened. on the other hand, given all these investigations back here stateside, there are questions being raised as to why the president would have a "side conversation" without a u.s. official with him. typically, even if you have a side conversation, you would want to have your interpreter or national security advisor or somebody because even if it's an informal chat, with someone like the president of russia,
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particularly with everything going on, you want to make sure you have your own interpreter and people there so that everything that is said back-and-forth is interpreted right. and number two, nothing is misunderstood about a serious issue getting beyond the election meddling. syria, the middle east, all these big, big issues. iran. all these on the table, without a u.s. official, maybe the national security interests of the u.s. are not being taken care of. >> dana: maybe they are talking about their grandchildren. >> juan: ed, people don't know what's going on and of course, the democrats have long charged that there's a bromance between the president and a vladimir putin. there were questions about whether his wife had to be used to get him out of that two and a half hour meeting and now you have this side meeting and i remember when republicans were highly critical of president obama for saying to
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the russian president oh, let's have a little flexibility. that was caught off mike and people went nuts. now you have in our meeting on the side that no one knew about? that seems... >> if it lasted for an hour, certainly questions were going to be raised about it. i can tell you that some are suggesting it lasted for an hour is a gross interpretation of the facts and this was a much more brief encounter and as kimberly was suggesting, his brief encounters happen at summits all the time. bottom line is, juan, you are right. given everything happening back here with robert mueller, every contact the president has with the russian president will be scrutinized big time. what people are missing in terms of context, when you mention the word "bromance," people tend to forget is then candidate donald trump talked about how we should have better relations with the russians so they can
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help in syria and what happened? people don't seem be reporting this. coming out of the g20 summit, there was an agreement to have at least a partial cease-fire in syria. not a lot of people are mentioning that. >> dana: less question from greg. >> greg: is it true that what they had for dinner with nothing burger? >> i am being told that there is a restaurant in the d.c. area that is serving nothing burgers and i am absolutely convinced they are doing this just to make greg gutfeld happy. >> greg: no, you make me happy. >> jesse: oh, there's a bromance. >> dana: we turn to o.j. simpson's parole hearing on thursday. that's next. ♪
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♪ >> kimberly: you can tell i'm hanging out with dana. o.j. simpson has been behind bars for more than eight years but he can taste freedom soon. he might have a whole new set of legal troubles because his does owes the estates of his mud murdered ex-wife and her friend are owed tens of millions of dollars after the civil suit. plenty of the money the family wouldn't be able to touch. >> $19,000 a month, a retirement account that is $2.7 million. none of those can be touched by that judgment against him and by the families of nicole brown simpson and rob goldman. it's also protected. that judgment has escalated to more than $50 million because of the interest and unfortunately, the families will probably never see a dime of it. >> kimberly: dana, we were emailing back and forth about
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this. there has been some concern in the public arena as well about the fact that he would be able to keep his nfl pension and the property in florida as well. >> dana: reading it today, i was curious, i was contact my lawyer kimberly guilfoyle. i didn't understand your pension is protected even if you are -- convicted is not the right word. even if you are found guilty in that civil trial. you get to keep all of your pension money.ou i was curious about the principle of that. it seems to me, that's pretty nice money. he could live quite a long time. he's only 70 years old and looks in fairly good health. >> kimberly: for victims seeking compensation, especially when you have the criminal prosecution and civil, he was found liable in the issue against him.
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the families have been very frustrated. they have been trying to get some monetary compensation back but it has proved to be elusive. public policy, in terms of -- the law supports this, with retirement and pensions that protect the holder of those pensions from having someone seize them as part of their asset portfolio. it's frustrating when you think about the victims and the families, really so horribly and emotionally damaged and then not have any kind of financial compensation. jesse, for example, he is still popular. apparently a model prisoner. the celebrity inmate. there will be another iteration for oj to be able to make some money. >> jesse: oj has a next chapter. he grew up in a really rough
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neighborhood. he has always been a survivor. he grew up poor. he went to the pros. he navigated corporate america very effectively. he was in movies. he had a lot of endorsement deals and crossover appeals. l.a. socialite. ran with a really high-end crowd. it all came crashing down. that's the tragedy for the country but he comes out of this with $19,000 a month. it may seem like a lot of moneyo for most of america but for oj, not that much. hein still going to be embracedo a large extent by black america. there will always be people inviting oj for rounds of golf, buying him drinks, prompting him -- comping his dinner. will he be rolling in it? no. will oj survive? absolutely. >> kimberly: juan, your thoughts? >> juan: let me respond on black folks are going to love o.j. simpson. i don't see it. what you have to do, if you go
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back to the case, realize we are talking about every day, black lives matter. anger at police. questions about whether he was handled fairly. i've got to tell you something. i don't hear people -- the most radical communities saying anything positive about o.j. simpson. >> kimberly: are they going to go -- >> jesse: i think he'll be just fine. >> juan: no, i don't think so. let me ask you guys. seriously. here's a new book by o.j. simpson. would you buy that? not me.w o.j. simpson, do you want him ou "the five"? not me.. how about an o.j. simpson speech? oh, i think i've got something to do. i just don't see it. you know what? this is the burden o.j. simpson will bear for the rest of his life. america thinks he's guilty. black and white. >> greg: we are all talking about the same thing. he's famous. and can the average person
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resist paying attention to him when he's out? you perpetuate his infamy by acknowledging his fame. we used to shame people but they are too many people on the planet that are willing to indulge him. think about how different the world is now. he was incarcerated. we have instagram, smartphones, twitter. every single moment of his life will be documented. he will be posing for selfies the moment if he was smart, he would create he goes outside. a tracking app. oj?"e's you download it. at any moment you goo oh, my go, he's in my neighborhood. i can go get a selfie with him. or he's over here. the fact is, his whole life -- >> jesse: tmz is working on that right now. >>or greg: putting his arm around somebody and somebody taking a picture. this is my girlfriend, take a picture with her. and he will do this little thing. "hey, i'm stabbing her." no, he will. he doesn't care.
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we don't care. right now, we as a public -- we put fame before everything. we can sit here and pass judgment but when he is out on the street at a bar, everybody there is going to want to be there. >> kimberly: and full respect toto. some of the other charges, there's only one surviving living victim of the robbery attempt. again, he is up for the parole hearing for the robbery. not for the murder. >> greg: he had a prank show called "juice." the whole point was he was surprisingng people in disguise. hey, you are the double murderer. that was the whole point. >> jesse: that was rock-bottom. >> kimberly: more rock-bottom on "the five"... ♪ starts a chain reaction... ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business,
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some in the liberal media seem to be connecting race to the various russian investigations. take a listen to this strange link between attorney general jeff sessions, russia, and race. >> jeff sessions did another one of his tough on crime speeches. he wants to bring back the warn on drugs and stop and frisk and all these policies that target young black men. when you compare that to the way that republicans respond to donald trump and that this investigation, where frankly all of them are rich white dudes, they don't see the problem with that.e bob mueller shouldn't go by that double standard. >> jesse: as a pundit, i just have to applaud this guy. playing the race card and a russiaav card. in the same commentary. >> dana: it was a full house. [laughter]
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>> jesse: if omarosa and ben carson were tied up, i think the republicans would be exactly the same. wouldn't you agree? >> dana: i was reading it earlier today, it's a real stretch. if you separate them, i do think when he's talking about actions by the justice department that black america, as i understandd it, i heard cory booker talk about it, they do feel that there are policies in the united states that existed before president trump was ever in office. and they have been unfairly targeting young black men for so long and there was bipartisan agreement to try to do criminal justice reform. and while there is bipartisan agreement, attorney general sessions is pursuing the policy thaty the president wants to pursue and it's getting tougher on crime. there's a disconnect there. he's got a strong point, at as a pendant.
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as soon as he is brings in the russian piece, he lost me. >> jesse: he lost me too. can you be tough on crime and notug be a racist? if you're tough on crime, you don't like black people, that's what he thinks. >> juan: that's not what he's saying. >> jesse: that's exactly what het' said. >> juan: he is saying that sessions is picking specific crimes to focus on. >> jesse: is the war on drugs just racist? if trump wants to go after this opioid crisis, that goes after a lot of white people. >> juan: that hurts your case, jesse. >> jesse: to go after opioids because it affects more white>> americans. >> juan:bl remember what happened with crack in black america? they raised the penalty for crack as opposed to powdered cocaine. that there's much more of an
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emphasis on dealing sympathetically andev rehabilitating people that are being so severely damaged. an epidemic proportion in our country.y the way they look at drugs and by people. >> kimberly: do you agree with the approach of not criminalizing and trying to work towards rehabilitation? >> juan: yeah. i am asking you. i would agree with that. a >> kimberly: you think that's a better approach? you applaud what they are doing? >> juan: of course. i think it's important to rehabilitate. >> kimberly: do you like my cross-examination? >> jesse: that was pretty brilliantly executed. case closed. greg gutfeld. >> greg: i see this as another example of identity politics. it'sry full on to a hammer, everything is a ideology and cults. nail. to a social justice warrior, everyone is a racist. you hear people wishing happy birthday to joanne chesimard. the fugitive. a cop killer. they don't do that with a white
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killers. because she is a black woman. on twitter, therefore considered oppressed, because she's a black woman, therefore she's innocent. she shot and killed a police officer. she they wish her happy birthday. is a a fugitive. my point is, that's racist. sooner or later, you've got a let go of this identity politics because it will lead to failure, you will devour each other over this divisiveness. every great success is due to cooperation. the opposite of division. that's why the left keeps losing. >> kimberly: you're absolutely right. that's why we this is a move in the right came to agree on this. direction. it will produce more effective outcomes.ghovt it will be more beneficial to families and also lower the rates of incarceration. but this other guy, totally out of his mind saying that. that was nonsensical. it's not helpful. it's divisive for the very purpose of being that way.
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it's not moving >> juan: if you call attention the ball. to racial divide -- >> kimberly: where's the racial's divide? >> juan: to treat black people one way and white people another? >> jesse: they play the race card when there's nothing left. a new poll that might give president trump some satisfaction. when "the five" returns. ♪ edible arrangements for summer. order in store or online. the opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain backed me up-big time. before movantik, i tried to treat it myself. spent time, money. no go. but i didn't back down. i talked to my doctor. she said: one, movantik was specifically designed for opioid-induced constipation-oic- and can help you go more often. number two? with my savings card,
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♪ >> juan: president trump's approval ratings aren't anything to brag about. very but he may find solace in a new national poll by there are some less popular than president trump. hillary clinton. what do you say, gregory? >> greg: hillary keeps coming back. political heartburn. never goes away. she serves as a reminder of two important things.ev why trump won. her. and why they her. >> dana: president trump should take some comfort in the fact that he was able to win the presidency. with an approval rating about the same as he has now. despite all of these attacks, it hasn't gone down. if hillary clinton is interested in how to increase her approval rating, after your politicalca career is over look at president bush's numbers , you stay quiet. now. they are higher than president obama's.
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that's been because he's been gracious and has moved on and as other great things like public service. >> juan: obama is at 61%. biden is at 60%. and trump... it is in the high 30s? >> jesse: want to talk about that. can you nominate hillary again? this poll is not fake news. i believe everything about this poll. oj has better poll numbers than hillary clinton. it'spo not a good scene. >> juan: really? is that true? >> jesse: no, that's fake news. if she had been more of a states woman coming off of that loss, her numbers would have been much higher.y: >> kimberly: remember the whole thing "i'm with her?" guess not. she will probably try to hog itb again and destroy it for the democratic party. yay.
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>> dana: if she runs for mayor of new york... >> greg: i would vote for a sack of cat hair instead of de blasio. >> jesse: what kind of cat? >> greg: any kind of cat. cat stevens. >> juan: for trump, the republican base is probably -- there's some flip among white evangelicalssc and white men who have no conscience -- >> dana: we have to do "one more thing." >> kimberly: also, he's appointing a slew of judges. that's going to be very good for him as well. by the way, no chance for reelection? look at the numbers. that's how he won. >> dana: we have to do "one more thing"! w >> juan: okay, "one more thing," up next. ♪ buy one get one 30% off. ♪ taking care of business
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so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide >> time for one more thing. jesse, dana thought she was so cute with the little dog video. i have something more ferocious. this is a bobcat attack on a german shepherd and the owner gets involved. >> let go. let go. oh, my god. now the bobcat has got ahold of him. >> look at that bobcat. he's swinging the bobcat from his forearm to save the german
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shepherd. >> tomorrow, i will not be here but you go to the paris resort and i will be speaking at the open ceremony and freedom and have now it is time for this. >> omg, omg. this is incredible footage of the world's largest wine cork rolling down the hill and a man trying to stop it. >> oh. >> i would like to say he was fine but he never recovered. no, i am sure he's fine and he's even laughing. >> who does this? that is too long. dana? >> we promote books on the five but never a 12-year-old author.
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i want to shout out to mckensey jones. i didn't get the joke, gregg. she won a contest to get her book published. it is 28 page it is long and my mom loved it and it is a mystery and she got it published. congratulations and keep it up. >> is it dana or is it kimber lever or juan. >> i am proud of you. gop failure to repeal and replace obamacare is seen assee broken promise. and remember he vowed to call the iran deal. and three months ago. >> i think it is one of the worst deals we have seen. we are looking. >> oopsy.
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>> guess what, folks, you will get the bottom line. trump administration will resoftball the deal. they agree that iran is complying with its terms. what happened? unbelievable. "fake news". >> and boohoo juan. >> no time to respond. >> buy the voochlt lol on that. 90-year-old grandmother made over 2000 hats for new bofrnlt knitting them by hand. all of the babies in mayfield heights, ohio since 2009 received one of the amazing hats. she delivered 252 hats. she loves it and they come pale,
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blue, pale pink or pail yellow or combo. >> and never miss a epicode. hannity is next. set your dvr. never miss an episode of "the five." "hannity" is up next. >> sean: thanks to our friends on "the five." at this a fox news alert. welcome to "hannity." president trump is responding to the senate republicans failure to deliver on a key promise. need to you, the american people. it's to repeal and replace obamacare. herman cain, jay sekulow, tom fitton, jim jordan, mark meadows, they are all here tonight with reaction. but first, enough is enough when it comes to congressional republicans breaking their word and failing to deliver. no more excuses. it's time, the g.o.p., you either step up and get the job done or get out of washington. that is tonight opening
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