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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 22, 2017 2:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ eric: and new details this afternoon on that major white house staff shake-up. sarah huckabee sanders, as you know, taking over as white house press secretary after sean spicer quit, and former hedge fund executive anthony scaramucci has become the new white house communications director, as we know. we have a lot more details about what it means for the trump administration. hello, everyone, i'm eric shawn, and this is a brand new hour of "america's news headquarters." arthel: and i'm arthel neville. shortly after the news, sean spicer announcing he was stepping down from his high profile position. a decision that stunned
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washington yesterday and now spicer giving his first interview to fox news. president trump also weighing in on twitter today saying, quote: sean spicer is a wonderful person who took tremendous abuse from the fake news media, but his future is bright. since becoming the new white house communications director, scaramucci tells siriusxm's breitbart news today, that's happening today called saturday, the white house team will be stepping up its strategy to take the president's message directly to the people. let's take a listen. >> we have enough outlets, whether it's breitbart, the president's twitter feed, all the different apparatus that people will allow us to deliver our message to the american people unfiltered. if we can tighten up that message and we can expand the throughput of that message -- because the president's message is a very compelling one -- i think we continue to win. arthel: and we're going to get
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analysis of this. david hawkings is senior editor for roll call, and the name of the show is breitbart news saturday, david. that's it. >> okay. arthel: let's pick up on the conversation. anthony scaramucci telling breitbart news this morning he's looking to deliver the american people the president's, quote, unfiltered messaging. so does this mean that the public will get more insight into how president trump is running the country, david, or will the unfiltered message be more of a distilled versioning of trump administration's spin? >> well, unfiltered means that, i think that is codeword for not giving stories to the so-called mainstream media. so that's a disappointment to me, because i am the mainstream media, i guess, the personification of that. what scare knew is talking about is what all white house communications directors talk about. remember here that it's a little bit confusing in this white house staff shake-up, because at the end, sean spicer was both the communications director and
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the press secretary. what scaramucci is doing as communications director, this is his job, he's trying to figure out how to get the president's message out whatever way he can. not only through press conferences and news releases and press briefings, but directly to the country through social media, through friendly outlets, through speech-making, through appearances. that's what the communications director does. so the only concern here is if mr. scaramucci is also going to be at the podium, as you see there, more often. then the role is different, and it's not about unfiltered, it's about, you know, answering our questions and being candid and being straight and allowing us to decide how to write the stories. arthel: so it remains to be seen, i think, is what the boil-down is to your answer. >> right. the boil-down is it remains to be seen. sarah sanders, you know, is supposed to be at the podium, she's supposed to be the press secretary. that is a different job than the communications job, you know? i think, obviously, what
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mr. scaramucci's biggest challenge for any, for the entire communications challenge -- arthel: the tweets. >> that's it. that's about as unfiltered as it gets. we don't, you know, we assume that many people, if anybody in that white house, does not see the tweet between when the president types it and when we see it. arthel: scaramucci already said he considers president trump a mass, i'd say, an expert at marketing. he includes his twitter field as part of that marketing -- feed as part of that marketing. >> i think that is a nontraditional view by mr. scaramucci. that is not what i think most people think. i think the conventional wisdom is that the president's tweeting has too off changed the subject away from the things that the white house is trying to accomplish from the legislative program he's trying to advance, from the lobbying he is trying to get with congress. the made in america week, for example -- arthel: right.
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kind of came and went. >> it kind of came and went, and very few people knew what was going on this because the president's decision to become his own spokesman, his own communications director -- delightful for those of us, i'm not complaining as a reporter, and i'm thrilled for my colleagues at the new york times that they got an hour with the president. arthel: right. >> but that's probably, that's not the traditional way of marketing yourself when you're the president. arthel: speaking of talking to the press, we're going to go back to that conversation that scaramucci had with breitbart, in fact, praising breitbart for its coverage. let's take a listen. >> one of the things that breitbart has done is you've captured the spirit of what is actually going on in the country where a large group of people that for whatever reason -- we can go over all of them -- have been disaffected from the economic franchise. arthel: there you have it, praising, scaramucci's praising breitbart for capturing the spirit of what's actually going on in the country. so i ask you, david, as senior editor of a news outlet, how do
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you interpret that? >> well, i think breitbart has an audience that is relatively well understood to be people who feel economically disenfranchised. that's one way of putting it. but breitbart's a appealing to the alt-right movement, to some pretty angry nationalist tendencies in this country, economic nationalism but also sort of nationalism generally. i guess that's the codeword for what mr. scaramucci is saying, that's certainly the way i heard it. and i'm not sure that is capturing the spirit of the entire cup. i certainly hope it's not. arthel: well, speaking of breitbart, we all know that steve bannon left breitbart to join the trump campaign, and we also know he is now the president's chief strategist. so it's been widely reported, david, that bannon as well as white house chief of staff reince priebus were furious over president trump making scaramucci the communications director. what is scaramucci's personal messaging behind giving his
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first interview to breitbart where bannon was once editor at large? >> i think you answered it, arthel. i think he's -- it does -- i think it's pretty simple the think that scaramucci's a smart guy. he's got a new job, new bosses, and he is trying to curry favor with one of his big bosses by giving his first interview to that big boss' former place of employment. arthel: and finally, what would you say is scaramucci's strongest skill set aha he's bringing to washington, and will he be able to fix the plumbing at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and stop the leaks? >> no, he will not be able to stop the leaks. i think the leaking is a bigger phenomenon than any one individual at the white house can do. i think the president -- i think, as we said a minute ago, his biggest, his biggest calling card, it seems, is that he seems to really like the president personally. the president seems to like him personally. maybe he can get through to the president in ways that
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mr. spicer perhaps could not and solve the big communications problem that the president has, which is of his own making, which is that he, the president, does not do message, his own message discipline very well at all. arthel: okay. that's the main thing that mr. scaramucci brings. he brings other experiences, of course -- >> sure. arthel: -- as it per tapes to this particular -- pertains to this particular job. david hawking, thank you so much. nice to see you. >> thank you. arthel: of course, you can watch anthony scaramucci when the new white house communications director will be interviewed by our own chris wallace on "fox news sunday." check your local listings or, of course, also watch right here on the fox news channel. that's happening at 2 p.m. and again at 10 p.m. eastern time tomorrow. eric: and that should be very interesting. meanwhile, attorney general jeff sessions, well, he may be in some more hot water over the russia issue. "the washington post" reporting that mr. sessions did discuss the trump campaign and its
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intentions with moscow. doing that supposedly with russian ambassador sergey kislyak, the man on the left, during the presidential campaign in 2016. that, of course, despite the attorney general's denials. the post cites anonymous intelligence sources who claim to have knowledge of the intercepted communications between mr. kislyak and his bosses in moscow where he supposedly boasts about his talks with mr. sessions. president trump though today blasting the leaks on twitter this morning, again, calling such revelations illegal. ellison barber with more details in washington. >> reporter: the russian ambassador to washington with told his bosses he talked about campaign-related matters with the now-attorney general of the united states. that according to a new washington post report. the conversations allegedly took place during the 2016 campaign. sources reportedly told the post ambassador sergey kislyak's conversations with his bosses were intercepted by u.s. spy agencies.
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if true, it seemingly contradicts a number of statements sessions made. >> i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump campaign. >> to the best of your memory, you had no conversation with ambassador kislyak at that meeting? >> i don't recall it, senator warner. >> reporter: a spokesperson with the department of justice told fox news she could not comment on the reliability of what anonymous sources described in the post article but, quote: the attorney general stands by his testimony from just last month. this morning president trump criticized the leak, tweeting: a new intelligence leak from the amazon washington post. this time against a.g. jeff sessions. these illegal leaks, like comey's, must stop. it's at least the second time the president has publicly mentioned sessions in almost as many days. in an interview with "the new york times," president trump spoke about the attorney general and his decision to recuse himself from the investigations related to russia and the election saying, quote: he
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should have told me before he took the job, and i would have picked somebody else. >> clearly, he has confidence in him, or he would not be the attorney general. >> reporter: trump's oldest son, donald trump jr., and former campaign manager paul manafort are set to face questions from the senate judiciary committee this week about that june 2016 meeting with a russian lawyer. that is expected to take place behind closed doors. eric? is. eric: all right, ellison, thanks so much. meanwhile, lawmakers in both the house and the senate have reached a deal to move forward with the bill that would slap russia with new sanctions amid the ongoing fallout of russia's meddling in our election. a vote is scheduled for tuesday. the bill also combines new sanctions against iran and north korea, but it's primarily intended to make it harder for president trump to change or scuttle any sanctions against russia on his own, say some of the supporters. arthel? arthel: president trump in norfolk, virginia, today for the commissioning of the newest ship
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in the u.s. navy. the uss gerald r. ford is state of the art, the first in a new generation of aircraft carriers. the ship took six years to build and two years of sea trials with more testing to go before it joins the front lines. kristin fisher has more from norfolk. kristin? >> reporter: well, this speech really focused on two things. first, it was a salute to the sailors that will man this ship and to the nearly 9,000 shipbuilders who built it, many of whom were here today. and then second, this was also a salute to the ship itself and what it means to the u.s. navy and our country. >> this ship is the deterrent that keeps us from having to the fight in the first place. but this ship also insures that if a fight does come, it will are always end the same way -- it a will always win the same way. we will win, win, win. we will never lose, we will win. >> reporter: now, this was made in america week for the white house, and what better way
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to end it than with the commissioning of the largest and most sophisticated warship ever built, made entirely right here in virginia. so there's a lot about this carrier that president trump loves, but there's also a lot that he doesn't like. it was billions of dollars over budget, several years behind schedule, and it's still not finished. in fact, it won't actually be able to be deployed for a few more years, likely until 2021. during the speech president trump also put pressure on congress to pass a budget that would include his proposal to increase defense spending by an additional $54 billion next year. >> thousand we need congress -- now we need congress to do its job and pass the budget that provides for higher, stable and predictable funding levels for our military needs. so call that congressman and call that senator and make sure you get it. you can also call those senators to make sure you get health care. >> reporter: so president trump not missing an opportunity
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to continue to push for health care reform despite the senate bill's demise earlier this week, though he made no mention of the big shake-up that just took place back in washington. onboard the uss ford, i'm kristin fisher, fox news. eric: well, neither sleet, nor snow, nor gloom of night. you know they talk about that with the post office? apparently, three postal workers were found guilty after they got caught delivering a lot more than just the mail. we'll with explain. arthel: also protests continue in minneapolis after a police officer shoots and kills a woman who had called in to report a possible assault. the police chief stepping down, but now protesters are calling on the mayor to do the same thing. >> there's more to be done, there's more to come, but there isn't one thing that's going to change overnight. there is no, you know -- there are people who are going to be happy about this, there are people who are going to be up happy. but i hope people appreciate
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♪ ♪ ♪ arthel: time for a quick check of the headlines. three u.s. postal workers found guilty of operating a drug ring out of a washington, d.c. post office.
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they allegedly moved as much as half a ton of marijuana through the building over the course of a year. an airplane heavily damaged at henderson executive airport just outside las vegas. actually, right there by the strip. the plane was being serviced in a maintenance area where it rolled down an embankment and crashed into a fence. no injuries reported, and airport operations were not affected. in fact, helper soften is outside of las vegas -- henderson is outside of las vegas. and actor john heard has passed away, found dead in a hotel room in palo alto, california, where he was recovering from back surgery. he was best known for his role as peter mcallister, the father of mccauley culkin's character kevin in "home alone." the emmy award-winning actor, john heard, was 71 years old. eric: meanwhile, there's turmoil, anger and sadness today in one of the twin cities, that
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after this unarmed 40-year-old australian visitor, justine damond, was shot and killed by a police officer. she phoned in a report of a possible sexual assault that was going on behind the house where she was at. the police chief of minneapolis now has been forced out, announcing her resignation yesterday, and last night there were protests and vigils, many now calling on the mayor to step down because of this. bryan llenas has the latest from our newsroom. >> reporter: eric, all this began a week ago in minneapolis when mohamed noor shot and killed justine damond, a 40-year-old unarmed australian woman. she called 911 twice to report a possible assault of a woman or girl in an alley behind her home. the officer and his partner arrived and were startled by a loud noise. that's when damo to nd approached the driver's side window of the squad car, noor shot her from inside the vehicle. now, the shooting led to --
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>> we only ask that the light of justice shine down on the circumstances of her death. thank you. >> reporter: now, the shooting led to a protest of about 200 people downtown yesterday, a few dozen even interrupting a press conference by mayor betsy hodges. >> we do not want you at as the mayor of minneapolis! >> i will not be resigning. and like i said, it is understandable to me that, you know, people's frustration is high. i share that frustration. >> reporter: now, the city's police chief, janee harteau, resigned friday at the request of the mayor. neither noor or his partner that night had their body cameras turned on which sparked a lot of criticism, and the mayor says the chief had lost the confidence of the people. now, in a statement harteau said, quote: i've decided i'm willing to step aside to let a fresh set of leadership eyes see what more can be done for the mpd to be the best it can be. the state continues its
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investigation into the shooting death of the bride-to-be and a life coach. they've interviewed a new witness who was bicycling by, saw the encounter and may reportedly have recorded some of it. eric? eric: that is so tragic and so seemingly unnecessary. bryan, thanks so much. arthel? arthel: well, the good book is now getting its own museum. the museum of the bible reaching the final stages of construction in our nation's capital scheduled to open in november. it will house one of the largest collections of bibles and biblical artifacts in the world. lauren green has more. >> reporter: the there is no book in history that has been more vilified and influential than the bible. fall a washington, d.c. museum devoted to it will look like this. but now it looks and sounds more like this. the museum of the bible will be the largest dedicated to the judeo-christian holy book. >> these are 40 foot tall, combined weigh 16 tons.
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and they are the first edition guttenberg bible genesis chapter one. >> reporter: kerry summers is shepherding the museum's construction in washington d.c. he gave fox a hard hat tour of the 430,000-square-foot, billion dollar project. from the brass doors at its entrance to the vines etched throughout the glass railing symbolizing the bible's ubiquitous imagery of vineyards and the garden, summers explains why in an age of fewer people holding to faith doctrines, a museum for the bible is even necessary. >> it's the most banned book in the world, the most debated book in the world, the most burnt book in the world, and today it's still the best selling book in the world. >> reporter: one section is devoted to the bible in america, its influence on president ands the founding fathers. its words etched in stone on the supreme court building, the library of congress, but also
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its influence on world history, science, art, culture and literature. >> one of the goals is to put the bible back into the center of conversation and leave it up to you to give it its attributes. >> reporter: one curious anecdote, unintentional, the museum of the bible overlooks the capitol build, almost as if it's symbolically sitting in judgment over the halls of government. the museum opens to the public november 17th. lauren green, fox news. arthel: thank you very much, lauren. eric? eric: a short time from now vice president mike pence will be giving remarks at a dinner for ohio's republican party. we'll take you there live when that happens. you know, the republican party in ohio came bigging time for the president -- bigtime for the president but not the governor of that state. so we'll see how the sewer actions with the party -- interactions with the party faithful are when they take that live. >> how do you take a job and then recuse yourself? if he would have recused himself before the job, i would have said, thanks, jeff, but i can't, you know, i'm not going to take
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you. it's extremely unfair, and that's a mild word, to the president. so he recuses himself. eric: that, of course, is president trump criticizing his attorney general, jeff sessions. and now there are new questions this weekend about the attorney general's former supposed contacts with sergey kislyak. you know him? well, that's what the reports say. are they true? what do they mean? what did they say? and what could it mean to the attorney general? we'll take a look at that and his future next. [applause] wise man, i'm nervous about things i can't control... affecting my good credit score. i see you've planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek... lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it's completely free for everyone. it's free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don't know. aw, i thought you did. i don't know either. either way it's free for everyone. cool.
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eric: guess who's last day on the job is today? russian ambassador to the united states sergey kislyak. that according to the russians. they say he's packed up and he's heading back to moscow. there's been reports speculating he could be in line for a top job at the united nations. but today he's in the news again for reports in "the washington
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post" that he and now-attorney general jeff sessions did talk extensively about russia and president trump during the presidential campaign. the post reports all those discussions were intercepted by u.s. intelligence agencies as kislyak talked with his russian bosses. when he testified back in june. >> let me state this clearly, colleagues. i have never met with or had any conversation with any russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the united states. further, i have no knowledge of any such conversations by anyone connected to the trump campaign. eric: so what happens now in light of the new information? we have a former justice department official who served as deputy assistant attorney general. mr. driscoll, welcome, and what could this mean? if, indeed, the a.g. and
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mr. kislyak were talking about substantive discussions as the post reports with mr. sessions during the campaign? >> i mean, first of all, i think factually this is a fairly attenuated claim. we've got "the washington post" summarizing what someone told them. they haven't seen the intercept. someone read the intercept and summarized it to "the washington post" who summarizes it to us. the intercept was of kislyak talking to his bosses. i think as anyone who's been in washington knows, no one really comes out of many meetings in washington and tells their boss, oh, it was pointless, we exchanged pleasantries -- [laughter] eric: maybe they should start doing that after some of those meetings. >> people tend to blow up what happens. so i think it's a far cry to even say that any substantive conversations happened. but, i mean, even if there were foreign policy discussions, i'm not sure that contradicts what jeff sessions testified to before congress.
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eric: as you said, the post is saying they were substantive discussions, they discussed mr. trump's position on russian issues and prospects of u.s./russia relations. that he was exactly talking about what would happen if donald trump was elected president of the united states. >> right. and i guess the question is whether you consider that to be part of the campaign. i mean, my reaction was kind of knock me over with a feather. i mean, i can't imagine what else the russian ambassador would want to talk to a government official in the u.s. about other than russia policy. i mean, i suppose they could have been talking about box scores or something. but i think that attorney general sessions' denials were that there was any discussion of the campaign, and the post story doesn't necessarily undercut that. eric: that's interesting -- >> particularly interference. eric: exactly. he uses the word in the clip we just showed you interference, that they did not discuss interference. and that as opposed to, as you just pointed out, russia and america relations. you're a former top government official.
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would it be proper for the senator to be discussing, you know, positions or having discussions about what would happen if donald trump was elected? is that appropriate, or does that go into the meddling, interference, colluding type of department? >> i mean, first of all, it's complicated by the fact that attorney general sessions was senator sessions, a member of the foreign relations committee or armed services -- eric: he was armed services. he met with kislyak in his office. >> the point of an ambassador, one of the things kislyak does is meet with half of washington to press the russian point of view. again, on a substantive level legally, none of those things present a problem. the problem is whether or not someone testified untruthfully, and to me, there's no contradiction between what attorney general sessions testified to before the senate and the post story seems to stretch to to imply the contradiction. but i think it's layers upon
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layers upon layers. and finally, you've got the ultimate problem of we've got this issue in washington now where people just seem to take the law into their own hands. to leak an intercept is one of the highest levels of classification you would have, the contents of an intercept. and to just decide a given issue is important enough that i'm going to break the law, commit a felony and leak this to the washington post, i think people really need to rethink that because those tools respect going to be available forever if the public loses faith that the contents aren't going to be kept secret particularly about american citizens. eric: yeah. i mean, this has been going on for months, of course. despite the fact questioning the legality of the leaks, and the president tweeted this morning that they are illegal and must stop. the main point for you that attorney general sessions did the not break the law is what? the word interference versus general public affairs discussions about international relations? >> i think even general public affairs discussions, if he had
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them, wouldn't contradict his earlier statement about the campaign. i mean, i think the real question -- to have a perjury charge you have to have something that's flatly false. i think in the context of which he was being asked which was the hillary e-mails, the wikileaks, those kind of things, none of that came up. and the general policy discussions, i don't necessarily view that as a campaign discussion. i'm not sure he would either. but again, even the premise of the question assumes those discussions were had -- which i think no one knows, because all we've got is kislyak's word for it. and i'm not sure when he became st. francis in terms of credibility when he's caught on an intercept talking to his boss. eric: and how do we find those out, or do you think the intelligence hearings, this evidence will eventually come out and we'll be able to read this? >> i think somebody will see it in a classified setting or, you know, who knows, given the way things are going, maybe someone will leak the entire contents of the intercept and we will see for ourself to. in a classified setting, these things could go to, you know,
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the relevant committees of jurisdiction. eric: and then what? how do they find out, and what do they refer to and what happens next if, indeed, there is this stuff? >> well, i mean, they would write a report, and if they felt there was a violation of law, they would make some kind of referral to the justice department or independent counsel. we're so far from that. this really right now is just a political problem for attorney general sessions, and i think we're so far from there being a significant legal problem that's, you know, months or years off, if ever -- eric: yeah, because -- >> right now there's just not evidence for it. eric: and despite the president's criticism, the white house is expressing confidence in the attorney general. "the wall street journal" says mr. sessions might have resign after the presidential outburst, but we're glad he didn't. no doubt he is a man of integrity who will defend the justice department against improper political interference. president trump has shown he
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needs advisers like from session -- like mr. sessions to say when one of his impulses would be a mistake. what's your prediction on the attorney general's future? >> oh, i think he'll stay. i have personally very high regard for the attorney general. i think he's a man of honor. and i think the people in the senate know that as well. it's kind of disappointing to hear him criticized. i didn't like to see president criticize him, because i think he was doing the right thing and following the law which is what you want when he made his recusal decision. the president had an outburst, and i think he's frustrated with the whole russia investigation, and he traces it back to sessions recusing himself which led to an independent counsel. or a special counsel. sorry. but i think that senator sessions, it seems like, is in good shape now and will go forward enforcing the law and calling balls and strikes apolitically, as he should. eric: robert driscoll, thank you for joining us on saturday afternoon. >> thanks for having me. eric: arthel? arthel: more israeli troops
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headed to the troubled west bank. techs are mounting there -- tensions are mounting this again after three members of an israeli family were stabbed to death in their home by a palestinian yesterday. protests continue at a shrine in jerusalem holy to both the jews and muslims after israel put up metal detectors around it. john huddy has more from jerusalem. >> reporter: arthel, israeli officials are calling last night's deadly attacking a massacre. there are crime scene photos, but their just too graphic to show. in one the kitchen floor of the home where an israeli family was eating is covered in blood. the attack happened in the west bank settlement where police say a 20-year-old palestinian man snuck into a home through an open back door and stabbed to death a father and his two grown children. the mother, who was also stabbed, was rushed to the hospital. she survived. the son's wife managed to hide her children in a room. they were unharmed. a neighbor who heard the
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screaming rushed to the family's home and shot the attacker who also survived. before his assault, he posted on facebook what he called a last will writing, quote: i'm going to die. he's referring to the mosque in the temple mount compound where israeli police installed metal detectors at the entrances following a deadly attack there last friday in which two police officers were killed. since then rioters have clashed with police in jerusalem and parts of the west bank. three palestinians have been killed in the violence and more than 400 others injured. and since last night's attack, israel has poured more troop into the west bank while israeli security forces remain on high alert outside the old city walls. and the question now is whether or not israel will stand firm on keeping metal detectors outside the they temple mount. arthel: john huddy, thank you very much. eric: vice president mike pence
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is set to the speak to the ohio republican state party dinner. you know, the white house is looking forward to its first week with that revamped communications staff. republicans in the senate want to bring obamacare repeal to a vote, so there's a lot ahead in the coming week. we'll take the vice president's remarks in ohio as soon as he steps up to that podium. john mccain, an icon, an american hero now facing a tough battle, an aggressive form of cancer. coming up, we'll talk about the type of cancer he has, the diagnosis for this great american. >> hi, everybody. we demand a lot from our eyes every day. i should know. i have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. so i use restasis multidose. it helps me make more of my own tears,
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at aarp advantages dot com. ♪ ♪ finish. ♪ arthel: senator john mccain diagnosed with brain cancer this past week following a procedure at a mayo clinic in phoenix. so what is the diagnosis for the senator going forward as he hopes to return to capitol hill? dr. kay sing is medical directer
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of neuroscience at the sarah cannon cancer institute at hca health care's johnston willis hospital. doctor, thank you so much for joining us. we're very concerned about senator mccain. and before we start, i want to let you know that we are waiting for vice president pence to speak at the ohio state university. if that happens, i will have to dip into the vice president, is thanks for your patience in advance. >> thank you very much. arthel: sure. if you could start, doctor, by explaining to us what is, is it glioblastoma? what causes it to form? is everyone susceptible? can anyone get it? >> glioblastoma is a malignant brain tumor. actually it's only about 10-15% of the brain tumors. majority of the other brain tumors are much better treatable. and glioblastoma is called from the cells called astracyte.
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they're the best friends forever for the neurons. they sometimes can go rogue. and in brain usually the tissue, cells die and the body -- arthel: do they regenerate? no? or the body -- >> the body makes new cells, but there's a proportional rate of cell formation and getting rid of the debris. when the debris doesn't get away and keeps piling up and these new cells start coming up and growing at a rapid rate, you have a brain tumor. now, not all of them are ma big in a minute, but when cancer cells go in them, it's a cancerous tumor, that's called a glioblastoma. arthel: i appreciate you breaking it down for us so we can understand it. as it specifically relates to senator mccain, how did the tumor form, and tell us about treatment and its success rate. >> so senator mccain's
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glioblastoma was right above his left eye as we heard. initially they said -- i have a little model here, i was going to show you this -- right around this part of the brain called the orbital frontal area. that's why they made an incision right above his eye. and that initially did not bleed, but i think as he bled and hemorrhaged, he became more symptomatic, and the doctor in arizona, indeed, did an excellent job. and from the news we heard, they did have a complete reception. but unfortunately,ingly yo blastomas, you cannot completely dissect them because they have these tentacles in the normal brain, and even if you have a complete surgical resection, there are still cells that are sitting there. but then you treat them with radiation and chemotherapy, and nowadays we have additional treatment, targeted treatment. and i think in senator mccain's case, he had a very good surgical resection. so although the prognosis is
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slim, in general if the you talk in generality, you talk about two years or so for survival. but there are people who are living ten years, about five years depending on some very specific markers. and so his location was a good location to get a long-term good prognosis. arthel: well, that's encouraging regarding senator mccain. finally, doctor, are there certain symptoms, you know? how would one's doctor mow how the find this or discover it? what do you say to the doctor, i've got a headache? what is it? >> so a lot of time you might find something is subtle that family might pick it up; behavioral changes, speech problem, vision problem, balance problem. so anything that is neurologically changed. for example, we did see some of those subtle deficits and kind of speech impediment with senator mccain that kind of gave you a clue that something in the left frontal lobe is
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causing some problem -- arthel: how do you know it's not a stroke? >> well, you don't. that's why you do imaging. now stroke, one thing can happen immediately. but the gliomas and other tumors, you have a very slow progression. and there are patients who might no completely unrecognized, you might see they have a brain tumor if they're being imaged for another reason. arthel: well, doctor, i appreciate your time and your expertise this afternoon. we have to go now, but thank you very much for explaining -- >> thank you very much. arthel: we'll have you back again. thank you, sir. >> i appreciate it. thank you very much. eric: and our thoughts, prayers and best wishes, of course, are with the senator. arthel: absolutely. eric: aftershocks continuing on the island of kos as residents comb through the rubble of centuries-old buildings damaged by yesterday 's earthquake. meanwhile, severe weather in illinois. more storms on the way. we'll head to the fox extreme
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♪ ♪ arthel: well, aftershocks send shock waves across a greek island after residents comb through rubble from an earthquake yesterday that knocked down 100--year-old buildings.
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a 4.4 magnitude quake around 8:00 local time, then another one of equal size just two minutes later. two tourists died and about 500 were injured in friday's magnitude 6.7 quake. eric: well, meanwhile, back here at home intense is storms in illinois caught on camera. look at those winds. they blew over trees and tore roofs off of buildings. other storms did cause some flash flooding elsewhere in the midwest, and people across the country are dealing with dangerously high heat. adam klotz, more with the extreme weather here in the aptly-named fox extreme weather center today, adam. >> reporter: yeah, plenty of it, eric. the original line of storms pushing off into portions of the eastern midwest and now running up along the mid atlantic, so cities like philadelphia, stretching up to new york city about to get some very heavy rain. maybe not as severe as they were seeing yesterday, but still areas with very heavy rain on one.
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all of it gives us at least a potential for seeing some severe weather here. this is kind of that line it was taking, everything highlighted in the yellow stretching across philadelphia, up i through the new york area. damaging winds, heavy rain and maybe an an isolated tornado through evening hours. the other story is that incredible heat. these are the temperatures outside right now, and you're looking at spots, yes, getting up into triple digits. you add the humidity, and that's just the moisture in the air, it begins to feel even warmer. feels like 111 in memphis, 110 in tulsa, 112 in kansas city. incredibly hot. you step outside, you really feel that air. you call it air you can wear. this is what we're looking at, heat advisories, stretching into the middle of the country and actually up along the east coast as well. good news is, this is going to back down a little bit in the next couple of days. still really hot for saturday, sunday these numbers given to
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retreat a bit. sunday still really warm, monday still really warm, but we're not talking about those levels getting up to triple digits is maybe some relief just around the corner. eric: i love that term, air you can wear. >> reporter: hits you in the face. eric: adam, thank you. [laughter] arthel: adam and eric, it's been far from a quiet weekend in washington. new fallout after the white house's communications team shake-up. press secretary sean spicer out as a new official moves in. what does this mean for the president's messaging strategy?
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>> the new head of the white house communications department giving a lay of the land a day after being named to the position amid a rough relationship between the president and the media. hello everyone. i'm arthel neville. >> i'm eric shawn. hello everyone. welcome back to america's news headquarters for this saturday evening. anthony scaramucci is taking over for sean spicer. mr. spicer often had a testy relationship with the press but scaramucci this morning talking to breitbart radio about what he considers the trump administration with the messaging. >> i'm hoping with the right communication strategy we can get the message out there to
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what i would call the heartland and to the people themselves and then create a ground swell where those people who are disaffect from the kopg -- from the congress. we have got to get the message out there and get the message to list the congressmen and the senators to do the right things for the country. >> he went to harvard, now in that job, garrett tenney live in washington with more. what have you learned? more about what caused spicer to call it quits? >> he says he wasn't forced out, the president wanted him to stay, and this was his choice to step down. it is also no secret, though, that the president has not been pleased with particularly how sean spicer interacted with the reporters in the daily briefings. the president is a fighter and that's what he likes about anthony scaramucci. scaramucci was heavily involved in the communications during the transition and he's been a fierce defender of the president on tv. not everyone at the white house has been on board with this decision, though. we're told that spicer along
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with chief of staff reines priebus and chief strategist steve bannon strongly objected to bringing scaramucci on board as communications director. last night spicer told sean hannity that once the president made up his mind, he felt it would be best to step aside. >> he wanted to bring some new folks in to help rev up the communications operation and after reflection, my decision was to recommend to the president that i give anthony and sarah a clean slate to start from, so that they can talk about the president's agenda and help move it forward. and he after some back and forth, understood that the offer that i was making was something that was in the best interest of this administration. >> for now, sean spicer said he doesn't know what his plans are, other than spending a lot of time with his family, whom he hasn't seen much of for the last seven months >> that those jobs can consume at times. what type of changes can we expect now that scaramucci will be running the shop? >> it's interesting to see how comfortable he was interacting
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with reporters at yesterday's briefings. he said not to expect any drastic changes for the next few months because he thinks for the most part things are going pretty well. he does want to take some time to get to know his team and see how things work before making any minor changes. one change he did lay out is his plan to work with reporters to help them cover the administration more fairly. >> i think there's been at times a disconnect between the way we see the president and how much we love the president and the way some of you perhaps see the president. i certainly see the american people probably see the president the way i do, but we want to get that message out there and to use a wall street expression, there maybe an arbitrage spread between how well we are doing and how well some of you think we are doing and we will work hard to close that spread. >> one other thing that he's open to is having the daily briefings be back on camera. we will see if that happens when he starts his new position a few weeks from now. eric: a lot of people are calling for the daily briefings
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to help inform the american public. thank you. meanwhile today there are some new questions about attorney general jeff sessions over the russia issue. the washington post is reporting that mr. sessions did discuss the trump campaign and its intentions with moscow with russian ambassador sergey kislyak during the presidential campaign. that of course despite the attorney general's apparent denials. the post cites intercepted communications between mr. kislyak and his bosses in moscow. apparently boasting about his talks with mr. sessions. president trump this morning blasted that claim. he tweeted that in his view, it is another illegal intelligence leak. ellison barber has more on all of this from washington. >> the russian ambassador to washington told his bosses he talked about campaign related matters with the now attorney general of the united states. that according to a new washington post report. the conversations allegedly took place during the 2016 campaign. sources reportedly told the post
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ambassador sergey kislyak conversations with his bosses were intercepted by u.s. spy agencies. if true, it seemingly contradicts a number of statements sessions made. >> i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediary about the trump campaign. >> to the best of your memory, you had no conversation with ambassador kislyak at that meeting? >> i don't recall it, sent mo more -- senator >> a spokesperson told fox news she could not comment on the reliability of what anonymous sources describe in the post article but quote the attorney general stands by his testimony from just last month. this morning president trump criticized the leak tweeting a new intelligence leak from the washington post this time against ag jeff sessions, these illegal leaks like comey's must stop. it's the second time the president has publicly mentioned sessions in almost as many days. in an interview with the new york times president trump spoke about the attorney general and
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his decision to recuse himself from the investigation related to russia and the election, saying, quote, he should have told me before he took the job and i would have picked somebody else. >> clearly he has confidence in him or he would not be the attorney general. >> trump's oldest son donald trump jr. and former campaign manager paul manafort are set to face questions from the senate judiciary committee this week about that june 2016 meeting with the russian lawyer. that is expected to take place behind closed doors. eric? eric: we will have more on that coming up in in hour. ellison, thank you. job production alone over 800,000 since he got there, so he's doing many things outside of congress. we like the congress now, the senate to go ahead and do its job and pass healthcare reform. as the president said the other day at the lunch, i was right there, he looked at them very politely and said i have been here six months. you have been promising this for seven years. i'm ready. pen in hand. then he reviewed all the -- when
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it comes to obama care, the fleeing insurers, the exchanges. >> that's kellyann conway on fox and friends scolding congress -- congress for not passing a healthcare bill. majority leader mitch mcconnell plans a vote next week on a measure to repeal obama care without replacing it. joining us now is arizona congressman. he's a member of the house judiciary committee and congressman, first i would like to get your reaction to kelly and conway's remarks. >> well, i think she's speaking for a lot of americans and the president who are frustrated. i think there are people in congress like myself that are frustrated. we campaigned on this. we said we're going to repeal obama care. here we sit after all this time and we have kind of nibbled around the edges. and wefr got some of this -- and
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we have got some of this and that done on obama care but haven't taken the big home run swing. >> do you feel, congressman, that the president, president trump has been helpful to you guys on the healthcare front? are there ways in which the president may have been a little more helpful? >> well, i think he's trying to be helpful and encouraging and i think there's kind of a carrot and a stick approach here, yes, i think he's trying. it is difficult when we're finding out a lot of people really didn't mean it when they wanted to repeal obama care. >> what do you mean by that? maybe it is just too hard they are finding? >> well, i think they campaigned on it, but when push comes to shove, now you have some people backing off saying well, maybe, maybe we really don't want to repeal it after all. and that's what i mean when i say that. i think that leads to frustration with the american people, and i think the president is frustrated. i think that's what ms. conway was indicating there. >> you mentioned kellyanne again.
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she also went on to say that congress is just too distracted by the russia investigation. do you agree or disagree? >> well, you know, we should be able to do more than a couple of things at once, yeah, the russian stuff is a distraction, but that should not hinder in any way our ability to go forward and deliver on the agenda that we promised the american people. and we've been doing some things. you know, dodd frank repeal, va reform, that type of thing, but this should not deter us from doing the obama care repeal. arthel: what would you say, congressman, right now as it stands, what are the main challenges of repealing obama care and replacing it with trump care? >> i'd say the biggest challenge that we have is you have some people that are a little bit wobbly. they don't want to pull the trigger on absolute repeal of obama care. i think what mitch mcconnell has said what he's going to do and i hope he will do it, put up a
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repeal bill with a delayed repeal so there's plenty of time to put whatever reforms are necessary to go forward, but we would all know obama care would be repealed effective, 18 months, two years, whatever he has in mind, that's what i think should happen. arthel: do you think your constituents, the people who you have been campaigning throughout the years, your party, saying we are going to get in there -- the president said great i'm going to get in there pretty much on day one and repeal and replace obama care. would it become a bait and switch if you repeal it and don't automatically replace it? >> no, i don't think so at all. i think my constituents understand that because if you do -- the type of bill that's out there, you are not getting a full repeal anyway. you are getting an overlay over the underlying obama care. you still have a problem and won't have the total effectiveness that you would have with a repeal and still have time to reform it. i'm not saying we wouldn't reform it, wouldn't replace. i think reform is a better word
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than replace. we would be able to do this over time and a more thoughtful way, i think. arthel: you know, there are people saying listen, there have been a lot of time that has passed and for democrats and republicans, alike, to try to fix obama care or get rid of it, you know, completely, and replace it. you know, but it's still not happening, and here you have, as you well know, your colleague there in the senate, hoping to find a way forward with their bill, next week. do you feel confident that even that's going to happen to get something back into your court? >> well, i feel hopeful that if majority leader mcconnell really does put the delayed repeal, the bill that was passed in 2015, if he really puts that up, i'm hopeful that that would pass. i really am. but that's their house. i don't really know what's going -- i talked to some senators now and then, and they kind of let me know, but i do think it's got some road blocks.
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it has some road blocks. arthel: it would be unfair for me to ask you personally, specifically to give me one or two items that would make this obama care go away and pave the way for trump care. can you do that? quickly? >> well, i think the best thing you could do is do a straight repeal with a delayed effect, and then -- >> -- what i was looking for. listen congressman, i know it is difficult and, you know, i have to leave it there. but i do appreciate your time on this saturday afternoon. >> thanks. arthel: congressman, thank you very much, we will talk to you again, sir. >> okay, bye bye. arthel: we will have more coverage of the future of the senate healthcare bill throughout the weekend. so be sure to stay tuned to sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo. maria will be joined by senators rand paul and james lankford, probably some answers there. that is tomorrow morning at 10:00 eastern here on the fox news channel.
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president trump today commissioning the uss gerald ford, did it this morning. the gerald ford is now the most advanced carrier in the world. the president saying the state of the art carrier will send a 100,000 ton message to world. its construction has been a bit controversial but that ceremony just spectacular. we have more from norfolk, virginia. >> this is now officially the uss gerald ford, 12.9 billion dollars, just about 1100 feet. do the math. that's 118 million dollars a foot on board this crew will now have new ways of launching aircraft off with an electromagnetic catapult. new ways of retrieving aircraft when they land, and new radar, new weapons systems, all that president trump says is one piece of making america's military mightier than ever. >> your skill and your grit
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build the instruments of war that preserve peace. this ship is the deterrent that keeps us from having to fight in the first place. but this ship also ensures that if a fight does come, it will always end the same way. we will win, win, win. we will never lose. we will win. >> the president paying honor to the namesake of this ship, president gerald ford, 38th president of the united states, himself, a navy man during world war ii. he was a physical fitness coach for navy pilots getting ready to go to flight school. and the seal of this ship has 38 stars, to represent his time in the oval office. the motto of the ship, integrity at the helm, paying tribute to president ford's legendary integrity. this is the commissioning, but it will be a long time before the gerald ford actually goes
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out on deployment. the ship begins its shakedown. i talked to the captain who will take her to sea next week. they will begin testing a number of those systems, that new catapult, trying to land aircraft on this aircraft carrier and then send them back off, a number of the new systems here, before it could set sail actually in a war-fighting capacity a couple of years from now. from norfolk, back to you. eric: leland, thank you very much. awesome magnificent tribute to the former president. arthel: absolutely. a major scare for a historic town still recovering from a catastrophic earthquake a year ago. the toll the latest quake has taken. plus anger in minneapolis after police kill an unarmed woman. now a shakeup in the police department's leadership. >> transformational change is difficult. it is uncomfortable. it takes time, and it is worth doing because there's a better city and a better world on the other side of it.
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the attorney general, secretary of state -- [applause] >> your auditors and members of the great ohio general assembly and your own governor john kasich who joined us here tonight. [applause]
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>> you know, i have known your governor for a long time, and john and i occasionally have differences of opinion. [laughter] >> you know, there's one thing we can all agree on, ohio is a great state, and john kasich has done a great job as governor of the state of ohio. [applause] >> well, you know, it is the greatest privilege of my life to serve as vice president to a president who is relentlessly delivering on the promises he made to ohio and to the american people. since day one of our administration, president trump has been fighting to get the american economy moving again. as you just heard from senator portman, president trump has signed more than 40 bills and more than 40 executive orders on everything from healthcare to energy to infrastructure and more. in fact, the last administration issued red tape in record numbers, but this president has signed more laws, cutting through federal red tape than
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any president in american history, and we've already saved american businesses up to 18 billion dollars a year. [applause] >> while the last administration stifled america's energy resources, this president's been busy unleashing american energy. he approved the keystone and dakota pipelines. he's rolling back the disastrous clean power plan and under president donald trump, the war on coal is over. [applause] and president trump put the world on notice and put america first when he announced just a few short weeks ago that the united states of america was withdrawing from the paris climate accord. [applause] >> this past week was made in america week at the white house,
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and president trump has been taking decisive action to strengthen manufacturers, farmers in ohio and all across america because he knows you are the beating heart of this country. this president knows that the more we have made in america is how we make america great again. [applause] under president trump's leadership, businesses in this country have already created more than 800,000 new jobs, including 41,000 good paying manufacturing jobs. [applause] >> company after company. [applause] >> are responding to the president's agenda with optimism and investment, bringing jobs back to this country and building factories in america, not overseas. manufacturers, small businesses and consumers all across this country haven't been this confident in a decade or more. and they should be, because i can tell you, president trump is a man of his word.
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he's a man of action, and thanks to president donald trump, america is back and the world knows it. [applause] >> but our president knows that security is the foundation of our prosperity. and serving with him every day, i can assure you, president trump has no higher priority than the safety and security of the american people. our president has travelled across the wider world reaffirming our historic alliances and challenging all who cherish freedom, to step up, to do more, to confront the threats that we face the our way of life. -- to our way of life. and it is clear that president trump stands today once again without apology with america as the leader of the free world. [applause] >> and i have to tell you on a personal level as the proud
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father of a united states marine, i couldn't be more grateful to serve as vice president to a president who cares so deeply about the men and women of our armed forces, their families and our veterans. i'm going to say with conviction, watching him work every day, watching him welcome elderly survivors of the uss arizona and pearl harbor, just a few short hours ago, president donald trump is the best friend the armed forces of the united states will ever have. [applause] >> after years of budget cuts the last administration, for our men and women in uniform, this president has already signed the biggest increase in defense spending in nearly ten years. [applause] >> the president's also submitted a budget that will make the largest increase in defense spending since the days of ronald reagan, and i will
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make you a promise, under president trump's leadership, we will rebuild our military. we will restore the arsenal of democracy. and we will once again give our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard the resources and training they need to accomplish their mission and come home safe. [applause] >> and with the leadership of their commander-in-chief, i'm proud to report to you, our armed forces at this hour are taking the fight to isis on our terms, on their soil, and with the support of this commander-in-chief, our armed forces are hunting down isis, and we will destroy them at their source so they can no longer threaten our people or our allies anywhere in the world. [applause] >> i watched the president today
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at the dedication of the uss gerald r. ford, now the largest ship ever built in the history of the world, tribute to a great president and a great military. you know, the truth is, as i have traveled around this country and around the world, it's more evident to me than ever that we have the finest military in the history of the world. would everyone who has worn the uniform of the united states, our veterans and active duty military, would you just stand up and allow us to express our appreciation one more time for your service to america. [cheers and applause] >> when it comes to security at home, our president has been standing with the men and women of law enforcement at every
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level in this country, without apology. working with law enforcement at every level, the state and local level, we have been securing our borders, enforcing our laws. we have been removing dangerous gang members and drug dealers off the streets of ohio and off the streets of this country in record numbers. violent criminal gangs like ms-13 are coming off our streets and illegal crossings at the southern border of this country are down by more than 60% since january of this year. [applause] >> in mentioning law enforcement, we have got an awful lot of men and women who wear the uniform of law enforcement who are with us today. would you all mind standing up and showing these great -- great law enforcement officers just how much we appreciate the job they do to protect our families each and every day. [applause]
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>> president trump is keeping his promise to make america safe again and i couldn't be more grateful and honored to serve with him. frankly i'm also most proud to stand with a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. [applause] >> you know, in one of his very first acts in office, president trump reinstated what's called the mexico city policy to make sure that taxpayer funding stays out of the hands of organizations that perform and promote abortions around the world, and our president has even expanded that policy to cover nearly 9 billion dollars in foreign aid. this president is also empowered states to withhold funding from abortion providers and i'm humbled to say that at this president's direction, i had the privilege to break the tie vote on that bill -- that bill in the united states senate. [applause]
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>> this president has been standing for the sanctity of life and for all the god given liberties enshrined in our constitution, and he's been doing it also by appointing men and women to our federal courts who will uphold those liberties, like our newest justice on the supreme court of the united states of america, justice neil gorsuch. [applause] >> it's prosperity. it is security. it is the rule of law and our liberties. it is strengthening america at home and abroad. that's what we've done in just six months and a couple of days. but as the president likes to say, at this white house, that's just what we call a good start. the truth is, we've got a lot more work to do. my fellow republicans, let me start out by telling you what's job one right now in washington, d.c., president donald trump and
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i are going to keep fighting every single day until this puts on his desk a bill to repeal and replace obama care. [applause] >> got to happen. as the president said this morning, obama care is dead. democrats are obstructionists, and it's solely up to republican senators to rescue -- rescue the american people from that disastrous policy. you know, every day obama care survives is another day that ohio and america struggles. we all remember the broken promises they made to get obama care passed. you remember all of them? i was actually in the congress when they were saying it. they said if you like your doctor, you can keep him. not true. they said if you liked your health insurance, you could keep it. not true. we were told the cost of health insurance would go down. remember that one? not true. now we know the facts. here in ohio, obama care has
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spiked premiums on the individual market by nearly 90%, in just the past few years. president obama actually promised that you would save up to $2500 a year on your premiums, but the average premium costs nearly $2500 more than it did in 2013. and while costs are skyrocketing, choices are plummeting. next year at least 40% of the counties in this country, including nine whole states will have only one choice of health insurance provider, meaning they essentially have no choice at all. last month the only remaining statewide health insurer announced it would pull out of the obama care exchange here in the buckeye state before 2018. at least 18 ohio counties, 12,000 ohio citizens or more won't have any obama care insurance options at all. you know, obama -- excuse me, ohio is a case study in obama care's collapse. and this failed policy has taken working families into a place of great struggle and great
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hardship. and folks, remember, as we recite these statistics and those of us who work in the realm of public policy have to look at the big picture, we never want to forget that we're talking about real people, real families, facing a real crisis in healthcare. behind every number is a name. behind every name is a story. i've heard those stories as i've traveled across the country, like the story of connie mays, a great great woman here in the state of ohio. she came to visit us at the white house just a few short weeks ago. and she told me her story, with tears in her eyes. you know, connie is a great woman. she lived her whole life in the same small town here in ohio, where she grew up. a few years ago, she became disabled and now she can't work. she was counting on her obama care coverage to get her through this difficult time. but it hasn't worked out. connie told me that she lost her health insurance plan at the end of last year. she got a new plan on the exchange, and after a few months
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of paying expensive premiums, connie actually learned that her new obama care plan didn't cover any of her doctors. it didn't cover any healthcare providers in the county in which she lived. so she lost her plan. she lost her doctor. and now no healthcare provider in her county will take her plan. she has that health insurance card, but she doesn't have any healthcare. and every time you hear the liberals in washington, d.c. talking about how many people have insurance, i want you to think of connie. because they count her as having insurance, and i guess she does, but the reality is that what she's paying for isn't providing her with any coverage at all. her obama care plan is all but useless. and connie is not alone. connie represents hundreds of thousands, if not millions of
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americans who find themselves in the same position. the truth is, obama care has failed. and obama care must go. [applause] >> now the house of representatives, these great congressmen here have already done their work. let me thank all the congressmen who did that, who labored through, a lot of long hours, in producing a bill from the house of representatives. it is important to note in this moment, though, that republicans have faced opposition from every single democrat in the house and senate, including ohio's own senator brown. you know, i served with senator brown when i was in the house of representatives and he was a congressman. i heard that he is actually going to be on the ballot next year. so could you do america a favor, let's retire senator brown in 2018 and give ohio two great republican senators. [applause]
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>> the opposition has been universal. it's been incredible when you think about it. the democrats who gave us the failed policies of obama care won't any one of them lift a finger to help the american people out of the burden. but republicans have soldiered on to keep their promise to the american people. we've been making some progress. but a few days ago, you all read about it, we learned that a few republicans in the senate weren't quite ready to move forward on legislation to repeal and replace obama care. some people around the country harbor the belief the democrats would help us clean up the mess they made, but as i said and the president said this morning, republican senators must step up to the plate after seven years and vote to repeal and replace obama care. [applause] >> and we believe they will. as we speak, our administration
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is working closely with every republican in the senate to build on the legislation passed by the house of representatives. president trump said it plainly the other day when he had every senator over to the white house, he said he had pen in hand. he's ready to act. and the senate healthcare bill, we believe, is the right bill at the right time to begin to repeal and replace obama care. let me tell you about it. the bill being considered in the senate today, the senate healthcare bill puts america back on a path to better more affordable healthcare for all americans. it repeals obama care's individual and businessman dates. we no longer be ordering americans and businesses to buy health insurance. [applause] >> the senate healthcare bill cuts taxes on working families and job creators all across america. [applause] >> it doubles the contribution limits for health savings accounts and allows health savings accounts to cover insurance premiums for the first
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time in our nation's history. there's tax credits to help americans buy coverage at the price they can afford and the senate healthcare bill also ensures that every american with preexisting conditions has access to the coverage and the care they need, no exceptions. [applause] >> and the senate healthcare bill gives states like ohio unprecedented freedom and flexibility to reform medicaid and bring even better coverage and better care and better outcomes to your most vulnerable. because president trump believes as republicans believe in state-based solutions, not one size fits all mandates from washington, d.c. [applause] >> let me also say the people in ohio should be proud in the senate healthcare bill, thanks to the leadership of senator rob portman, the legislation that will be considered next week, addresses an issue that hits so
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close to home in this state, in my home state, and so many other states, and that is the opioid abuse and addiction. thanks to senator portman the bill that will be taken up next week provides unprecedented resources to combat the opioid crisis that's ravaging our towns and families. and when this bill passes, we will put ohio communities and the country back on a road to healing. [applause] >> this week the senate will vote to begin the debate to repeal and replace obama care once and for all. the president and i are calling on every member of the senate to support, support that measure. they will either return to the legislation carefully crafted in the house and senate, of which i speak, or they will vote to repeal now and replace later. but either way, republicans know inaction is not an option.
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america needs to be delivered from obama care and congress needs to act to repeal and replace obama care, and they need to do it now. [applause] >> i want to promise you president trump and i are going to continue to work with all of the leaders in washington, d.c. i truly believe that with the leadership of president trump, with the help of this great ohio delegation to congress, with the continued leadership of your senator rob portman, we will rescue the american people from the disastrous consequences of obama care, and we will restore a healthcare system based on personal responsibility, free market competition, and state-based reform. that's the american way to meet the healthcare needs of the american people in the 21st century. [applause]
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>> and after that, get ready. we're going the roll our sleeves up, and we're going to pass the largest tax cut in american history. [applause] >> you know there's an old joke that says the tax code is ten times the size of the bible with none of the good news. [laughter] >> here's some good news for you. working with this great republican majority in the house and senate, we're going to cut taxes across the board for working families, small businesses and family farms. we're going to simplify the tax code, cutting seven brackets down to three. we're going to make the code flatter and fairer for everyone, cutting out the loopholes for special interests and under president donald trump we're going to repeal death taxes once and for all. [applause] >> this president is going to put america first one more time, when we cut the business taxes
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in america so companies in ohio can compete with companies anywhere in the world and create good paying jobs right here in the buckeye state. [applause] >> we 'going to end the broken system that penalizes companies for calling america home. we're going to cut taxes on trillions of dollars locked away overseas, so american businesses can invest in america's future. president trump's tax cut plan is going to empower american companies to compete on a level playing field with businesses anywhere in the world, and as you all know here in ohio, when the field is level, and i got to tell you, as a hoosier, being on the ohio state campus, it's a little bit painful in the fall with you people to be quite honest with [laughter] [applause]
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>> the buckeyes know when the field is level, we always win, every single time, and we will in the economy as well. all over the world. my fellow republicans, i know your dinner is waiting. [laughter] >> so let me close with just a couple more thoughts. i think we've reached a pivotal moment, not just in the life of our party, but in the life of our nation. you know, when president trump took office, he inherited an economy that was struggling, a healthcare system that was breaking down, and a world that seemed to be spinning apart in the absence of american leadership. but under this president, in six short months, america's turning around because this president's putting into practice republican principles and republican policies. our president's already made a remarkable difference, but as you know well, the harder work
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still lies ahead. democrats have decided on their agenda. it is pretty easy to sum up. one word, resist. my fellow republicans, i believe -- i believe we have -- we have the right response to that. and that is simply respond to deliver, to respond with action and with results and have the courage of our convictions that have always defined the party of abraham lincoln, ronald reagan and donald trump. we're going to deliver for america on the promises that we made in 2016. [applause] >> i don't have to tell you -- [applause] >> democrats are already working their hearts out to win back the senate and the house next year. we have midterms right around the corner. you know, you really don't have to wonder what would happen if democrats retook the congress. i was there the last time it happened. the last time nancy pelosi and the democrats ran the congress.
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they nearly ran america into the ground. and they tried to pass cap and trade. they gave us dodd frank. the obama care nightmare. they really thought we could borrow and spend and tax and bail our way back to prosperity. i mean we're still fighting every single day to undo the damage democrats did the last time they controlled the congress. they took the country back wards. but president donald trump and every republican in this room is going to fight every day to keep america moving forward. and we're going to fight our way all the way through 2018, 2020, and beyond. [applause] >> but here's where you come in, the republican party of ohio already helped our president win a historic victory last november, but now my fellow republicans, we need you to fight even harder, to support this president's effort to restore in america freedom, security and prosperity and to
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usher in a boundless american future that's our nation's birthright. to advance the principles of this party that have always made america great and strong -- strong. and this i know we will do. because i have faith. i have faith in the president. i have the privilege of serving with each and every day. i can tell you his optimism and his energy is boundless. and i have faith in this party and in the values that underpin the republican party since its very inception. and i have that other kind of faith too. that summed up so well in the motto of this great state. that with god all things are possible. [applause]
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>> it is a very challenging time in the life of our nation, a time of too much division in america, of widening unknowable threats abroad, of problems at home that seem stubborn in the face of solutions. but i truly do believe there may be no better time in our lifetime if of the mind to bow the head and bend the knee to do just that, the old book tell us the effective and fervent prayer of the righteous people avail us much. in these challenging times i encourage you to pray for our country. i don't really mean pray for one political party or another. i rather like what our 16th president said when he was asked in his time if he thought that god was on his side and abraham
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lincoln said i rather concern myself more with whether we're on god's side than whether god is on our side. so i encourage you to pray for america. [applause] >> pray for this country. because america matters, far beyond our shores. the last best hope of earth and a beacon of freedom. and if you do that, and if you do your part as ohio republicans have always done, to stand by our president, to stand by our republican leaders at every level, from the statehouse to the united states capital, i know with all of my heart that together we will make america safe again. together we will make america prosperous again. and together to borrow a phrase -- [laughter]
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>> -- we will make america great again. thank you. god bless you. [applause] >> god bless the great state of ohio and god bless the united states of america. [applause] eric: we've been listening to a speech by vice president mike pence for the republicans in ohio tonight. obviously trying to light a fire under the republican senators to do something to repeal and replace obama care. arthel: clearly in ohio, but definitely speaking to his colleagues in washington getting something done to repeal and replace obama care. and as you noted, one of the things that stood out to me was that thunderous applause for the law enforcement personnel there in the room. eric: absolutely, a tribute to law enforcement and also to the military on the day that the president commissioned the uss gerald ford and some kind words for john kasich who they have never -- always seen eye-to-eye. we will have much more coming up. ahead a look at the sanction
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bill against russia that could likely be passed in the coming weeks by congress. what does this mean to the investigation and with u.s. relations with russia in? we will be right back. about things i can't control... affecting my good credit score. i see you've planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek... lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it's completely free for everyone. it's free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don't know. aw, i thought you did. i don't know either. either way it's free for everyone. cool. what's in your wallet? (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? (grunts of effort) can we do this tomorrow? if you have heart failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. but entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest heart failure study ever, to help more people stay alive
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eric: the senate and house have struck a deal to impose new sanctions on russia that also includes iran and north korea. both chambers still need to vote
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on the bill but it could end up on president trump's desk by the end of the month. it is unclear how president trump will react to tougher russia sanctions after his conversations and meeting with russian president vladimir putin. so what could happen? dr. eric cohen joins us senior fellow at the atlantic counsel. thank you. do you think the president will sign on to the new russia sanction ifs the bill is passed as expected or could he veto the bill? >> i don't believe the president can veto because congress is aiming at passing it with a veto secure margins, in other words there will be so many votes for this bill as we saw in the senate voting in favor of the bill that the president will not be able to overcome the veto. >> do you think that's a message to the president in light of the russia investigations? >> very much so, it is boxing of the president. it is a trend that was caused by the perceived softness of the
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presidency on russia, and it is a grab of power by the congress to pull foreign policy authority to itself which is basically against what the constitution says that the president as commander-in-chief, but in this particular case, the congress is really putting its foot down. eric: what do you think about that? >> well, i think that russia is -- was expecting from president trump to improve their relationship. i was in russia a couple of weeks ago, talked to senior politicians there and to experts, and they had high expectations. at the same time, we see what russia is doing. russia now is saying -- not russia, but russia in ukraine are saying that the country of ukraine, the nation of ukraine should be destroyed and a new country called small russia should come in its stead.
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the top kremlin official in charge of ukraine policy has endorsed that position. so russia is escalating in ukraine. the ukrainian soldiers are being killed day in and day out. russia also still is denying as president putin did in conversations with donald trump that they had the dnc -- hacked the dnc and rnc -- >> i'm sorry, we're out of time because we had the speech from the vice president. clearly the russian meddling around the world continues. we will certainly stay on top of that. thank you for joining us. arthel: that does it for us we are back tomorrow at noon, 4:00 and 6:00 eastern time. have a good evening. at invisalign®, we use the most advanced teeth straightening technology to help you find the next amazing version of yourself. it's time to unleash your secret weapon. it's there, right under your nose. get to your best smile up to 50% faster. visit to get started today.
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>> the white house communications department undergoing a major makeover as former press secretary sean spicer announces his exit. spicer now speaking about his resignation for the first time with fox news. i'm rob schmidt in for julie banderas. this is the fox report. sean spicer abrupt departure coming on the heels of the hiring of new york financer anthony scaramucci as white house communications director a decision that spicer reportedly did not approve of. sarah huckabee sanders will now take over as white house press secretary. spicer telling sean hannity last night he wants to give sanders and scaramucci a clean slate to start from.


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