tv Americas News HQ FOX News July 23, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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arthel: thanks for joining us. that does it for us. it for us. we'll be back at 4:00 eastern. eric: and back again at 6:00 p.m. eastern about five hours from now. they witnessed here in the fox news channel as the news continues. tranter welcome to "america's news hq" from washington. elizabeth prann. leland: great to be back with you. great to be with you at home. i am leland vittert. a lot to get to. the trump administration and director run and media list today. on the messaging might change under mr. scarry michie. elizabeth: plus major players in the white house. having a capital week this week, set to testify in the russia investigation. that include donald trump junior and paul manafort.
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we will be previewing a very busy week ahead. >> welcome to the flight deck of the uss gerald ford. the newest aircraft carrier $12.9 billion. a new catapult system. will it work? elizabeth: incoming director anthony scaramucci looks to hit the reset button. the wall street titan was replacing sean spicer says first and first. the white house has got to plug the leaks. kristin fisher reports from the white house with the very latest. >> hey, liz. jason chaffetz and fox news contributor said it asked. unlike sean spicer, and scarry michie speaks native tribe. they're both confident, successful businessmen from new york city who know how to take a punch.
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they are also both political outsiders. for those reasons, a lot of people in washington are wondering if this staff shakeup is a sign that president trump is putting together his wartime staff to take on the russia investigation. scary but she was asked that very question by chris wallace on "fox news sunday" this morning. here were his dots. >> i work intensely on that campaign and i think that the russian situation is completely overblown. i was falsely accused of things related to russia. i know other people are being falsely accused of being related to russia. i am confident that tomorrow when jared kushner speaks enough keep my fingers crossed, the last time yet to talk about russia. for me, i would like to get this behind us. leland: as for what are they for what are they to do first, three things first. reset the culture inside the white house communications department. second, stop the leaks.
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scaramucci says is going to take dramatic action to do just that. third, he wants to focus and refine the messaging coming out of the white house. if you read between the lines on point number two, you get the sense that this staff shakeups might not be over yet when he says he is willing to take dramatic action to stop the leak, that could include firing. from white house staffers are listening. >> at the links don't doubt i'm going to pare down the staff because it's just not right for us. it is not fair to the president. it's not fair to america or the people in the government. the dance going on inside the white house that the president does not like and we are going to fix it. reporter: scaramucci says he will be traveling with president trump here they will be going to west virginia to attend the annual boy scouts jamboree and on tuesday a big rally in ohio. throughout those trips, scaramucci says he really wants
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to work with president trump to focus and refine the message coming out of the white house. as for whether or not he's going to ask president trump to stop treating, liz, don't expect that to happen anytime soon. scaramucci said today want the president to be the president. elizabeth: kind of voluntarily left that out. kristin fisher live. thank you very much. leland: a little more in the russian investigation. three-time trump campaign manager, kushner, and john junior and paul manafort to testify before congressional committees on russian election. they will have to wait to hear what they say is all three meetings will happen behind closed doors. garrett tenney joining us with more. there was a thought that all three could have been this week. what is the schedule looking like now? >> it looks like two of the hearings are no longer expected to take place this week. he still testified in the house intelligence committee and monday tuesday.
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friday the senate judiciary committee announced it was not issuing subpoenas for donald trump junior and paul manafort to testify in public during wednesday's hearing. the pair has agreed to negotiate to provide documents in the interview behind closed doors. we are told no date has been set for that meeting, but the committee has left the door open to holding a public hearing in the future. don junior and paul manafort recently reported with the russian lawyer during the campaign who promised damaging information on hillary clinton. today, centered on rank in who centered on ranking is that senate judiciary committee cited the pair agrees to come in, needs to be under oath. >> no, it's not good enough. they should be underwrote. they need to release all the documents. he didn't say he would testify publicly, but underwrote he said he should definitely do that.
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reporter: the house and senate passing a round of sanctions against russia. the bill will block a president for rolling back any sanctions about congress through the expressed approval. the white house lobbying to have that part removed are doing to limit their ability to negotiate. today on "fox news sunday" there is a chain of tune from sarah huckabee sanders. >> the administration is supportive of being tough on russia, particularly in putting sanctions in place. the original legislation was poorly written, but we were able to work with the house and senate and the administration is happy with the ability to do that and make the changes necessary and we support for the legislation is now. >> bella sara huckabee sanders this week. there was concern with this bill that could become president trump first administration having passed both the house and senate with the approved majority it now looks like that will not be the case.
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leland. leland: gary tenney, lot to break down. liz will do just that. elizabeth: let's bring in tom broken or the "washtington examiner." thank you for joining us. i do want to dig into russia, but i want to talk about shakeups very briefly. was there blame placed on sean spicer for the trail of this russian investigation looming over the president he and on top of that, the reason i ask you not is is it going to change the week ahead? we are talking about previews in the senate in hearings that could take place. >> yes and the second question now. and for his inability and i was frankly unfair and to change the narrative away from russia. the president watching the press conference has become increasingly frustrated. with this investigation continuing, with the testimony coming on capitol hill, which will inevitably necessarily
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create coverage. it isn't going away. one positive for the president is with mr. scaramucci coming in and been quite critical that this is damaging for us, there will at least be some efficient in terms of how the white house goes on message on topic instead of simply bloviating the russian investigation. >> this week we've all been talking about "the new york times" piece for the president was critical of no attorney general jeff sessions. that story not going away anytime soon. senate judiciary chairman chuck grassley said after the "washington post," why didn't you come out and just have it all out there because now we are all speculating whether or not the content of the conversation between then would be president as someone who's now the attorney general. that is very speculative.
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>> it is. you can understand from the administration's point of view that they find it to be unfair. on the flip side, the nature of the kind of intelligence being taught about their is such that the intelligence community would be understandably relocked in to release that information not simply for the content, but the way it matters. the suggestion was that was recorded in the kremlin, who was there, that gets into stuff in terms the community needs to keep right otherwise the russians shut it down. elizabeth: there were links between the president perhaps taking on special counselor robert mueller of the fbi. is there anything to that story? you hear that there could be tension and i wonder if that's something we should focus on? is that even a possibility? >> the president is very
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obviously deeply upset by that. beyond the president though, republicans on capitol hill quite avert me and significantly as well as behind the scenes say this could be dangerous. i think it is practically a very bad move. elizabeth: not only is an fireable, but the scope of the investigation, he can do whatever he wants to put it lightly. am i right? >> again, comes back to the white house that at this point when tax reform, the best thing the president can do is focus on issues. he has his popularity and an expectation dictation in congress that we need to get in the republican spot. if he pushes that come in to some degree he might become more satisfied than let the russians to go where it goes because -- elizabeth: quickly, what is your
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sense of optimism? this isn't your first rodeo. you carried a lot of different names. what is your expectation? >> i think in the short term, it will bring some sense of either comfort to the white house that matters greatly very well. as a secondary point, there are agreements of potential resignation at the cabinet level and below. if that happens at the narrative in the white house? competence. elizabeth: all right, tom, we appreciate it. thank you so much. leland. leland: speaking of those issues in getting something done in congress, president trump is looking for outside help to pressure congress on his high priority, high ticket options and the newest aircraft during virginia. he has an overwhelmingly friendly audience to make their opinions known not only about the pentagon budget, but health
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care reform as well. >> i will tell you, you will get it. don't worry about it. but i don't mind getting a little hand, so-called the congressman and senator and make sure you get it. and by the way, you can also call the senators to make sure you get health care. leland: ellison barber here with more now. there is this looming deadline of the escape for the august recess. they recess. already talked about the senate pushing that escape back a little bit. realistically how much can they get done before? >> there's a lot to do in there really isn't a whole lot of time. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell pushed back the august recess and the delay is largely because of health care in republicans failed attempts to pass any sort of repealing repays legislation. saturday, president trump treated to republican senators must step up to the plate and
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after seven years, vote to repeal and replace next tax reform in infrastructure when health care is top of the administration want to do list, send or start acting to vote on a proposal earlier this week. we don't know if the legislation is going to be something that repeals and replaces obamacare or just repeals. >> the leader will make that decision at some point about whether that's repeal and replace. which camp you are in come you can't a debate about either unless it's on the bill. we need a yes vote. the only waited change status quo. tranter rand paul still not a fan of the repeal bill. >> i need to think this through. passé, pass it is not a great strategy, particularly when you wind up with something that poor people got less health during which people got more of your money. >> the white house wants something done for the vice president to president trump,
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they are making sure congress knows that. >> president trump said it plainly the other day when he had ever senator were to the white house. he's ready to act. the senate health care bill we believe is the right bill at the right time to begin to repeal and replace obamacare. >> you can also call the senators to make sure you get health care. >> the last time a senate majority leader delayed the august recess as long it was 1994 then majority leader said a three weeks to work on health care reform and a crime bill. that failed. leland. leland: will history repeat itself were nearly rhymed. for the answer to that question, we bring in congressman desantis of the great state. nice to see you, thank you. >> good afternoon.
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tranter the threat of escaping washington heat for the florida heat may not exactly be so much motivation to you for being in florida. important question. whatever the senate passes, the house will likely have to take up once again. is there even time really realistically before august to get this done? >> i don't know before august, but there's nothing written in the constitution says congress needs to take a five-week recess. i've been one calling for the house, the senate not due to the recess and make sure we get things like health care, get the spending bills done and start moving on tax reform. it is frustrating when you hear people say we are running out of time when we are giving up five weeks of time we could be putting in to get this stuff done. we are really at an inflection point. if you look at the obamacare repeal and replace, tax reform, spending bills, the president's
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border wall, if you're able to succeed in doing all that and combine with the regulatory reform we've already done and the supreme court justice, you have nine months of success. if you don't succeed on any spending matters, a lot of voters will be frustrated and they wired shoe doing what you said you were going to do? when you give up five weeks, it makes it that much harder to get those things done. >> will take a poll later some of your congressmen if they are like you, giving away their vacation. you had an interesting point in the "washtington examiner" quoted you as saying about the health care bill, k street fingerprints were on it. lobbyist knew what was in the bill before members of the house and senate did. speaking of the promises not only republicans made that president trump made to drain the swamp. it sounds like the swamp is festering just the same. >> well, it's frustrating.
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when we did the house though, guys like me were given access to what was being but. i had to read it out of things like "politico." he saw the same thing repeated health in the senate that the senate bill and they can work through that in the house we eventually worked very. it is frustrating to see the legislative process go in that direction when we have complained rightfully for years that we want a more transparent process. they are learning the hard way. the senate is working through these issues finally and hopefully they'll get a finished product that keeps promises to the american people. >> so many americans i talk to, whether in michigan are done in virginia as i've traveled, the wood is business as usual. jim jordan talking about the next issue you brought up. tax reform said this is everyone talks about it being revenue neutral. >> washington always gets a good deal, but middle-class families get a bad deal.
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more specificity on the tax code. we are for tax reform and lowering the tax burden on families and economic growth. we don't want this border adjustment tax, which is a whole new tax cut on the american economy. trade do a lot of that may have gone over people's heads, the republicans themselves are not yet united when it comes to what to do for tax reform, much less able to take on the democrat. back to the issue of time, you said sort of a nine-month deadline gives you another three months to get things done. how do you get republicans together on health care, tax reform, spend and, on the debt ceiling when you guys seem so divided already amongst yourselves? >> on tax reform, you will see pretty broad agreement on 85% of it. i agree with my friend, jim jordan. when you talk about instituting new taxes such as the border
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adjustment tax, that as, that is, that is a divisive and apis you can come up with. let's put aside the border adjustment tax. i don't think it can pass the house. i don't think it's good policy. it definitely can't pass the senate and hurts our ability to do tax reform. there is broad agreement we have to make our business tax system more competitive and involves lowering rates. leland: i don't mean to interrupt you, but you say there was broad agreement on repeal of obamacare. that's what you've been running on for seven years. >> i think is a different pair. you are right we all ran on it, we all voted for repeal, but now that you are playing with kind of actual legislation that can be signed, you saw a lot of members were committed to repeal the whole time. taxes a little bit different. the one thing we can do still is cut taxes. there is more agreement on the business and individual tax cut. >> we shall see one to mark ups
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begin in the house. congressman, we appreciate it, sir. do it today. elizabeth: coming up, a gruesome discovery in a wal-mart parking lot at texas. human traffic operation. we will tell you about it. plus as the military commission carrier, we are going to take a deep dive into the record setting up the defense budget. and they're fair and balanced political panel will weigh in on the president and how the incoming communications or plans to run things now. >> i am just focused on the communications team. as far as i'm concerned, it's a new start for everybody in that team and everybody in that team can stay as long as they follow the protocol of not leaving. going beyond expectations...
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that's why at comcast we're continuing to make4/7. our services more reliable than ever. like technology that can update itself. an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. elizabeth: immigration authorities and homicide investigators on the scene in san antonio, texas. a pupil reportedly dead. two of them are children what appears to be a human trafficking operation. will carr joins us live with all the details. hi, will. >> hey there, liz.
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san antonio police chief said if they discovered the semi trailer that had the people inside 24 hours later, they would've found 38 bodies instead of eight. calling this an horrific case of human trafficking. the trailer was parked in a wal-mart parking lot is a man got out and make an employee for water. the employee helped them and called for a welfare check. that led to the terrifying discovery can achieve calling it a mass casualty situation in hundred degree heat noting the trailer did not have a working air conditioner. 17 people are in critical condition today. 13 in serious condition and two was the injured are school-age children. >> we utilize hospitals to transport these people out. our paramedics and firefighters found each of them hide 130 beats per minute, which was very hot to the touch. they were without any type of
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water. reporter: the driver of the trailer was arrested, but authorities say it was a much larger criminal element in just one man. the acting there releasing a statement that by hand or standard perfect crime is a stark reminder why human smuggling must be pursued, caught and punished. they had a license plate from iowa. there are many details on where it came from. >> thank you so much. train to the father of the home alone family died saturday. s. known as the frazzled dad in the home alone movies, or john hurt and sunblock buster movies in the 80s to 90s including daytona beach is, gladiator and so many more. the medical examiner trying to determine the exact cause of death. no sign of foul play. john heard died at the age of
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leland: big stories coming in washington this week. how the white house will do with the massive communication shakeup, what is the new power mac look like? jared kushner, donald trump junior, paul manafort will talk to investigators behind closed doors. garrett tenney has some words about the exact timing. those people declared impossible russian interference. they call it pollution.
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let's bring interference balanced political -- berber in shark also democratic fundraiser , patrick griffin, ceo. i think with all this means we need to merge a least a couple of them. >> we should explore it. the new bipartisan group, patrick, to you first. as i travel around the country, both reporting and stuff over the past couple funds, no one seems to be talking about the russian investigation places like michigan and virginia. fewer talk about intrigue at the white house coming at the white house can't seem to get off talking about those issues and on to talking about the issues that folks in the heartland care about. health care, taxes, regulation reform. where is this huge goals and how does the white house fix that? does mr. scared but she fixed it?
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>> first of all, that's a very interesting thing. people in this country don't care about a lot of this. this is the story washington, largely driven by washington and in some ways striven by this president. if the president could ignore some of this stuff and allow his people to go forward with their message, it doesn't matter who the messenger is. anthony scaramucci has proven friday and on the sunday shows including on this network is a very capable guy. he's the antithesis of sean spicer. he's smart, clearly has the president. more than anything else come in the white house needs to be little more disciplined about this topic i donald trump elected president and more importantly the stuff that americans really care about right now. we've got all of this by driving the media's agenda and unfortunately playing a part in this.
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>> as patrick points out, the democrat kind of have a free pass because of all of what you might call the distractions the white house has been dealing with. are democrats worried that if anthony's -- anthony scaramucci says he's going to stop the leak, does that force democrats to have to deal with the issue like health care, tax reform? >> i don't think democrats are worried about scaramucci. because he has a smooth talking hedge fund buddy doesn't mean it's going to be better or frankly that the issues will change to say they haven't delivered on campaign promises. democrats are ready to talk about health care any day now but republicans keep on insisting on taking health care way for millions of americans. if they want to work in a bipartisan fashion, democrats are ready. leland: back to mr. scaramucci, you both agree he's pretty smooth talking. there were some issues if you look in his tweets, including one where he called the president a political hack.
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he was asked about that specific tweets and may be disagreeable with some of the things the president believes earlier on "fox news sunday." this is what he said. >> the president was hitting the hedge fund industry that morning on fox and rents. i'm a fighter. when he's hitting a hedge fund in this area, i am hitting back. he knows that. knows that appear to respect that about me. we were laughing about that last night. >> it seems as though the one been president does like his fighters in one way or another. the president sees himself. is that a way to get a done going forward, and the things we talked about earlier that the american people talked about. >> well, the president is a fighter and want someone around him he thinks can defend him. more importantly, what mr. scaramucci will agree is a strategic communications approach to tactical ones. getting up in front of the
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briefing room and sort of just coming to defend constantly things that aren't always incoming timing is not always a good thing. i also think more than anything else we've got a look at this in two parts. sarah huckabee sanders would be doing work on the podium. proven to be very capable that she's not someone new to politics. she's grown up with this and has been pretty good. anthony scaramucci will drive some sword of a calm strategy. i have been out this long time and without a strategy doesn't matter how smooth talking is. it's hard to get your point across. the right person will be there. the president will have confidence in that. so far if they are any indication of the capability, we are in for a very interesting time between the washington media and the trump administration. more interesting and more disciplined than we've seen in the past. leland: alchemy of got 15 seconds. is -- should this be between republicans and democrats? >> the country wants republicans
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and democrats to work together. they can't even agree on how to repeal health care. leland: will talk about a potential murder of brownstein, harbor, shrek, merrimack on the potomac and charles turner next conversation. >> that will make america great again. leland: negotiations to come. liz. elizabeth: all right, can't wait for that. another missile defense test. we will tell you when and why it is happening. >> officers of the gerald r. ford, man our ship and bring her to life. >> the u.s. fleet is one bigger but a whole lot more powerful and the uss ford. we'll take you on back to see what is inside their men and women out to sea. what's the best way to get
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leland: the u.s. coast guard and there's another test of the bad missile defense system, the one based in south korea. it comes as early as next week and the test will happen off of the island. there is a successful test earlier this month when intermediate-range missile was intercepted. the tests are sending a message to north korea which has been testing its missiles for a month. on july 42 might remember it conducted its first-ever test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, which it claims can reach anywhere in the world trade u.s. officials told fox news the north korean missile may be tested again. in south korea and in qualm hasn't been used in either place.
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>> in the headlines this week, the national defense authorization act of a $696 billion budget, 18 million more than the president asked for. the president has gone through committees and will be voted on in the near future. the two versions will have to be reconciled. turning to break it down, military analyst, jack king. i appreciate you coming on here. one of the reasons you and i were talking is that for so long you have been using the term readiness, military readiness in a lot of our conversations. we talk about conflicts here and abroad. were you pleased with the news this week? the two versions have to be reconciled but we see a lot of attention, going to bolstering our military. >> yes, this is very good news. the military is in trouble and that is the fact.
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the senate, 27-nothing pushed the bill out of committee at a $40 billion above the president's budget. that means not a single democrat on that committee to include elizabeth warren voted against it. john mccain had not taken ill, they would've voted on not as soon as he comes back having spoken over the phone. he's as crazy as ever, by the way, full of energy. he wants to get the bill before the senate. elizabeth: this is like you said, almost 20 million more in the house and the same with the senate. where did this change come from? >> is just a recognition. they had one committee meeting after the other bringing the chiefs then, other people in the lower ranks and they understand that half of the airplanes we have, regardless of what service it is and were cannibalizing airplanes to keep the ones up.
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that is a death spiral on its own. in the united states army, they only had 356. every service chief has told the congress this year that if we were in the high-end war against a great power like russia or china, the united states could be at risk of losing not war. >> a sort of brings me to my next question and certainly we don't need to get into the nuances because those developments within what actually get to the president's desk, but our lawmakers focus on the right thing, looking out what is appropriated and this is what we need in case there's a conflict with our biggest threat did not include with your opinion russia, china and the cybersecurity. >> one has to take place. we need to put money into operation meat and account so we can train properly, that money
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has to be in there and it is. then we have to give future readiness, which is fighting new equipment. that is future readiness. the five ships, for example. missile defense as well. that is got to be there. let's be frank to where viewers understand the reason you can get a vote of 27 to nothing out of the senate armed services committee because there's something in for the senators. you can go into the defense budget and why are they spending $15 million? it looks nonsensical. >> or something in there for everybody. >> those are small items. the big items come in the growth of the services they have to get bigger and stronger. we need readiness, future modernization. >> which appreciate to reconcile and hoping we'll have you back. appreciate it.
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leland: visit the newly commissioned uss gerald ford aircraft carrier had to see. it is the start of what the navy calls the shakedown of a 12.9 billion-dollar ship to see if all that went bang technology will actually work. i went on deck with the officers and sailors to see just what the challenge is and what is accepted they are looking for. >> the flight deck of the uss gerald ford is about five acres. 1092 feet in length. a big part of this carrier is a redesign of what they call the tower back there with a lot more space in the flight deck that means they can part a lot more airplanes. nobody better to talk about that and what they call demanding boss who is the head of the air department here. thanks for being with us. be not thanks for having me. >> you've served on two different carriers. how much better is it then
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everything else? >> it's a lot better with more real estate of the island. more room to move the aircraft around to make more flexibility and more efficient inner air operation. trading more flexibility, more authorities. one thing i want to talk about. everyone's been talking about the catapult system. come monday you'll actually be launching airplanes off of here. what makes the catapult so special and will it work? >> it is special because it's electromagnetic you no longer driven by steam and basically below the flight back, and run by a series of minor to pull it down the flight back to where it will launch the aircraft. it's been proven to work on what you called that loads, basically the system itself has proven it can do that.
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that is not going to know the difference. they would be a lot of work. leland: ukiah set out to sea on monday, right? give me a sense. what are you excited for? were you nervous about? >> leader next week we'll be launching for the first time. that's basically it, doing it for the first time in proving that everything will work along with the events. that hasn't been tested as well as the e-mails, up until now because we can't have simulated things planned on it. leland: that the thing that makes the airplane stuff on the deck. each of those is connect did to the gear, which is a completely different system. they haven't hydraulic engine for hours, the main topping forest is a water twister. that's a completely redesigned this time as well. leland: the planes they have in the flight deck right now they had to bring on for the
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commissioning. in the next couple days, they'll be landing aircraft and shooting them off in a carrier. richard mendez, one of the men in charge of that. 182 sailors working for you. how different is this carrier come a new carrier for you and your men for everything else? >> there is a lot of new technology on this carrier that a lot of sailors have the next. we've definitely worked with the equipment here, but we haven't put it into practical use. >> you've been on the ship for two years. the commission today for the rest of us. what have you been doing for two years? >> for two years we've been working on the ship and helping them learn the systems come with teaching junior sailors how to operate on board a carrier. >> you had out, set sail for the first time come this week.
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what is that going to be like? >> definitely going to be different. that is going to be interesting and exciting and we'll get to put everything we worked on for two years and put it into practical use. reporter: pretty exciting. >> very exciting. elizabeth: whetted an exciting day yesterday. leland: very exciting. aircraft carriers are uniquely american. everyone we talked to look at the carrier and then just thought themselves, while, how proud you must be to walk up and say this and realize that banner set on top made in the u.s.a. is pretty humbling. elizabeth: that's incredible. good job. leland: thank you. elizabeth: coming up after the break, john mccain's daughter. we will show you.
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elizabeth: a little more than a week after doctors removed a malignant tumor from his brain comes a sweet glimpse of arizona senator john mccain from his daughter meghan. amazing hike with my dad this morning, thank you for all your best wishes. as you know, the 80-year-old chairman of the senate armed services committee is recuperating at his home in arizona, but he is calling congressional colleagues, even warning his sparring partners he will be back soon. we heard that from general jack keane. he is as fiery as ever, ready to get back to work. so i think we're going to see him shortly. leland: that is a warning i would heed.
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it was said that this is a man who survived the hanoi hilton. i think he's got a long time ahead. we look forward to having him back here in washington. thanks for being with us. ♪ ♪ chris: i'm chris wallace. a shake-up inside the white house. six months in, where does the trump agenda stand, and will it be overwhelmed by the russia investigation? ♪ ♪ >> i think we're going to get the health care done. i also think we're going to get tax reform done. and whatever else is on the president's agenda, we're going to work very, very hard, very studiously here to make it happen. chris: we'll discuss the president's plans and his ongoing relationship with the media with the new white house communications director, anthony scaramucci. then, special counsel robert mueller expands his investigation, looking into possible russian ties to trump businesses as the president criticizes his attorney genera
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