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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 25, 2017 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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live from lyons, ohio. speed and tomorrow is wednesday. that is downhill for the weeken weekend. thank you for visit us at "fox & friends." until tomorrow. >> good morning. at this hour, jared kushner is on his way to capitol hill. this would be a second day of questioning. yesterday he spoke with the senate intelligence committee about russia. today it is in the house side. trey gaudi will be in that room. first, he talks inside to "america's newsroom." meanwhile, president trump with a twitter-terror against russia. the first u.s. senator to endorse him as a candidate. that is now the attorney general, jeff sessions. how will this document good morning, everybody. i am bill hemmer. how are you doing, shannon? >> shannon: we will see.
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i am shannon bream. attacking attorney general, jeff sessions saying he is taken very weak position on prosecuting leakers and hillary clinton. calling on lawmakers to come through on health care. last night, seeing if heads could roll inside his administration if they fail. >> you will get the boats. they better get them. he better get them. otherwise, they will say, you are fired. >> bill: that was in front of 47,000 boy scouts in west virginia. good morning. he was talking about secretary of health care. but what is happening with jeff sessions? >> it is becoming incredibly difficult to see how he stays on as attorney general when he continues to open mine and publicly shame him. here's the latest.
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attorney general jeff sessions is taken very weak stance on hillary clinton. where are the emails and dnc server and intel-leakers? will sessions resign that he left his senate seat four, or will president trump fire him him? he's a meeting which is how to do that. and if he follows through. here's white house press secretary, sarah huckabee sanders. >> he is i was the frustrated and the attorney general or recusing himself, but as we said that is a decision that if the president wants to make him he certainly will. he's continuing to move forward and focus on other things. that frustration truly has not gone away. i don't think it will. >> jeff sessions was here at the white house yesterday for a meeting about health care. he never met with the president. >> bill: he is not the only target this morning.
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what else is happening already? >> you have president trump being vocal on twitter, and what you are seeing, the strongest language yet that he is used to pressure senate republicans to get rid of obamacare. big day of health care after seven years of talking. we will see if republicans are willing to step up to the plate. he is publicly shaming them as well if they do not get forward on this health care bill. there's one senator that seems to be safe from the president's wrath and that is senator john mccain who is coming back to d.c. today. fresh off the brain cancer diagnosis. today, president trump called him a great american hero. >> bill: thank you kristin fisher leading our coverage on the north one. and >> shannon: on capitol hill, days after the diagnosis of brain cancer, senator john mccain could be making a dramatic return to the senate today for the key vote on whether to open debate on the
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health care bill. it all comes on the heels of president trump's repercussions for senators to vote not to do that. peter doocy is live on capitol hill tracking at all. peter, is john mccain coming back only because of the deal with health care? >> no, he he will have a full calendar once he gets back to the capital. the put out a statement late let night that said, senator mccain looks forward to returning to the senate tomorrow to continue working on important legislation including health care reform. the national defense authorization act, and new sanctions on russia, iran, and north korea. furthermore, president trump is not tweeted saying. so great that john mccain, brave american hero. thank you, john. and his vote will give leadership a lot more breathing room. much more breathing room than they had yesterday. without him, they can only afford one no vote. they can have two no votes, and
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have mike pence break a 50/50 type. >> shannon: we are gaining this minute by minute. you're taking the polls on capitol hill. does this sound like there will be enough votes just to proceed to get to the debate? >> it will be really tight, shannon. leadership is asking senators to vote to proceed on the health care bill that passed the house in may. we know this house bill is not very popular here in the upper chamber. you don't have to vote on that. adding amendments right away. senator john mccain, john grasso said to be hundreds of amendments by the time, that there could be. senator rand paul just said, he wants more of a guarantee from leadership that one of those minutes will be for a clean repeal of obamacare. he is not heard that yet. >> all i am asking for the vote anna amendment they're getting squat in this bill. conservatives are getting nothing.
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there is no promise of a clean repeal bill, if they are not going to talk to the conservatives. if we are going to be excluded from the process, conservatives do not need to participate. >> and then there is senator susan collins, who is calling now for something that nobody in leadership has mentioned. that is a big step backwards. >> if there were a motion to proceed to a resolution, sending the bills back to committee. then i would be for that approach. >> g.o.p. leadership will make the final push for this motion to proceed at a all republican senators lunch, we expect the vote sometime after that. of course, things change all the time here. >> shannon: yes they do. you track people down the hall and make them answer for. peter doocy come alive on capitol hill. >> bill: keeps it interesting. byron, good day to you. the president is pushing this. bring up the phones.
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we can agree on that, right? the president has not said publicly what he endorses. do you think that is a smart move? why? >> it is the only thing he can do now. the president is turning a pressure for republicans to do something. if you look at the president at the white house yesterday, at the boy scout event in west virginia last night, it is pushing republicans to do something. what isn't, he does not know. it could be the senate leadership who does not know. we have a vote on the bill that the senate asked to put together, where we have a vote on the obamacare repeal. they voted on in december 2015. what will be have a vote on? it is extraordinary to be at this position the morning of the votes and not really know what will be voted on. >> bill: there will be a lot of drama working today. we'll see what they do. mitch mcconnell is counting the votes.
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meanwhile, jeff sessions. it see a dead man walking, byron? >> it does not look good. i have talked to jared kushner allies they all offer the same advice that the attorney general, do not resign. if you're going to be fired, make the president to fire you. the reason they think this, because these are all conservatives. they are session allies. they think is too important for the conservative agenda at the department of justice on crime, immigration, other issues. they feel it would be a huge loss for jeff session to go, and by the way, it would also be a loss for the russia investigation, which apparently president trump believes to get at that investigation is to first get rid of jeff session. >> bill: if you look at a pattern, comey was in his crosshairs when he got fired.
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this is a very big, serious matter. and it is his decision. >> it is his decision. he can fire the attorney general anytime he chooses. it just never happens. i think this would be a very, very big deal, and the thing to remember is of course the president's adversaries go nuts. in this case, watch those jeff session allies on capitol hill, people supported him. there are two reasons. on a human level, they say, look, this was a u.s. senator who was for the first and only senator to come out and endorse donald trump, and now donald trump is doing this to him for no reason. the second is, the conservative agenda. look for them to say, this is too important. jeff session is important for the conservative agenda. it would be difficult to get
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another attorney general in the seat. spew an instant analysis as always. byron york in washington. was going on. >> shannon: health care, despite the turmoil inside the white house, what happens next. wyoming senator and doctor, john barrasso will join us later on. if you are a weirdo who loves politics and watching washington, this will be a fun afternoon. >> bill: when you think about john mccain, he was just diagnosed two weeks ago. you make a cross-country trip. it appears, that will happen. >> shannon: he talked about getting into an rv. we will see. >> bill: how and when he gets or will be to scene. congress will vote on this bill that will have top news sanctions on iran, russia, and north korea. is it destined for the first beetle? advice here in plus there is this. spilled the record and documents i have put up voluntarily will
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show that my actions were proper and occurred in the normal course of events of a very unique campaign. >> shannon: jared jared kushner son-in-law president trump back on the hill to meet with house lawmakers. congressman trey gaudi sits on the house intelligence committee. they will question him today. he is with us next. >> both based on what he said and things that were not said in his 11 page statement. for those who are not used to seeing the way investigations, this is how they are supposed to be done.
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>> let me be very clear. i did not collude with russian. nor do i know of anyone else from the campaign who did so. i had no improper contacts. i have not relied on russian funds for my businesses. i have been fully transparent in providing all requested information. >> bill: that from yesterday. now down to ford son-in-law, senior advisor, jared kushner meeting with house intelligence committee members with russians. trey gaudi will be in that room. he is my guess now come alive. sir, good morning. welcome to "america's newsroom." i saw your interview with martha last night. you have additional questions.
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>> in the clip you just played, mr. jared kushner said he had no improper contacts. does not know of anyone else connected with the campaign. i'm going to take the word campaign out that statement, and asked the same question. do you know of anyone who is not officially with the campaign that had contact with the russians, it was the nature of that content connectors firsthand and secondhand. he said he had no firsthand knowledge. we will get into the secondary and tertiary contacts. >> bill: if you get satisfactory answers come it is in there or not? >> it may end for him. he is 1 of 50 or 60 we will talk to, and i'm interested in talking to them, because i've heard a lot about him. he does not say a whole lot publicly. this is our chance, and more importantly. it is a chance for democrats, who have relied on anonymous and selective quotes from classified information and prejudge the outcome.
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it is their opportunity. give the witness right in front of you. if you want to ask mr. kushner, ask him right now. >> bill: you read his 11 page explanation. you read also? >> the papers he turned over to the house last night. >> bill: if you put those together, you talk about corroborating your story. not pick your own word, not contradicting previous statements. have you found a contradiction or is he corroborated what he is said in the past? >> i have not found a contradiction. i saw some things any further explanation. he has offered an explanation for that out of his ability going to vent. it is fair to ask on the campaign of your quote, are you aware of not officially connected with the campaign. under the heading of cooperation, the meeting that donald trump, jr., had with the russian lawyer twice, jared
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kushner said, can you get me out of this meeting. that is cooperation, what he said, i did not remember the meeting. i did not want to be there, and i did not get anything out of it. >> 13 months ago. is it possible they were just naive? some say, because they have never been in a campaign before. would that be a fair explanation? >> a lack of familiarity with the particle process is an explanation. i need a better explanation, because i am in that world too. if someone invites you to a meeting, you go, because you may like the person that invited you. 30 seconds into the meeting, you say, i wish i was anywhere but here. that is what happened, i think. his brother la said, can you stop by meeting. he said yes. pretty early on he thought, i would rather be anywhere in the world than where i am right now. hey, administrative assistant, can you give me out of here? that resonates.
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>> bill: i'm curious if you're suspicious or not. you do not sound like you are. it almost sounds as if your understanding his explanation, and that is okay with you. is that a fair read? >> it is fair to this witness, but keep in mind, i have never met or talked with this witness. i will know more in four hours than now. he is one witness out of potentially 50 witnesses. the fact -- >> bill: after the conversation, you come back on tomorrow. i would really like to get your impression then. another topic. his jeff session in trouble? >> does not look right. i have not talked to him about it. the tweets are not helpful for long-term employment. that is between him and the president. >> bill: you think someone has screwed up your? someone that would have led to potential for his termination or resignation based on what we are
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trying to read between the lines, essentially? >> a couple of things, jeff session makes a right decision and recusing and i understand the presidents frustration at the decisions and actions that attorney general, jeff session did to recuse himself. that is where my focus is. the president is frustrated that he picked an attorney general but had to recuse himself. the refusal was based on the attorney general to recall some meetings. that is what the recusal is based on. it was appropriate, but i do understand the presidents frustration. i wish he had told me that string the interview for the job. maybe i would have picked someone else. that is not an unfair thing to muse about. if you want with that had been an appropriate conversation at that time? >> absolutely. is there any reason you know of that you should not take the job. are there any limitations on your ability to take the job.
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all of us who take jobs get asked that. is there anything in the background that i should know about. yes, mr. president, i met with russians during the campaign. when i was out there try to help you get elected. these conversations are always better on the front end then afterwards. again, the attorney general forgot about some of these contacts. that is what led to the recusal. >> bill: sir, thank you for your time. i hope you can come back tomorrow. i would really like to get your impressions. tri-county and washington. >> shannon: heavy rains striking dangerous floods all over the country, leading to several dramatic rescues like this one. details on that, not. disturbing information about that horrific human trafficking case out of texas but at least ten people dead after being packed into a sweltering tractor-trailer. texas congressman calls it sickening. he will join us live.
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>> it is a humanitarian crisis, and in my view, murder. when you stuff people an end it is a hundred degrees in the back of a truck people would stare. psoriasis does that. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. never give up. see me.
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speech it we are learning new information about the truck driver that authority say is connected to a disturbing human trafficking and smuggling case in san antonio. his name is james matthew bradley, jr.. he is charged with knowingly smuggling undocumented immigrants. after pound and it tractor-trailer, he was driving others who are being hospitalized now. he faces up to life in prison or the death penalty if convicted. texas congressman has called it sickening. he joins us now. >> thank you for having me on. >> shannon: you read the reports that we are hearing the impact in there, trying to get
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some air, try to get the driver's attention. it sounds like a desperate situation. how in the world do stop it from happening again? >> this is example when this loss of life happens, no matter where you are, it is heartbreaking. this is an example of how drug trafficking organization, kingpin smugglers have a complete disregard for life. we need to increase the amount of intelligence on these organizations. there are 19 criminal organizations that are operating there. we need to treat them the way we treat chasing terrorists in places like iraq, afghanistan, yemen, and we had should work closer with her and mexican partners before it gets to our borders. we also need to make sure we have a smart border, where we are using technology in order to detect this kind of activity and stop it from happening. >> shannon: let's pick up on a couple of those things. one of the men tells the story
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that there is a specific drug cartel those engaged in one leg of this trip, taking $100 a people. he also talked about, corrupt local police and authorities were paid off along the way. to turn a blind eye. we talked about cooperation with mexican officials. how does that work appeared how well is that going? >> we have to remember, and i think the nationalities of the folks that were in the truck have not been identified or it public. likely from been -- unlikely from mexico. it sounded outside of mexico. we have to talk about mexico southern border, 200 miles with guatemala, and we should be working with them on helping them secure their border. every level of law enforcement from judges, prosecutors, people that run jails. we need to improve the quality and their processes and how they
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operate. in order to improve and there is a rule of law and our southern neighbor. there's a couple of organizations we do work with. the mexican navy is one of the premier organizations, where we have roots embedded and we share intelligence with. growing those kinds of organizations are important, but this also starts with making sure the dash i spent nine and a half years in the cia. i chased terrorists all over the world. stopped nuclear weapons, inserts with good intelligence. and what we are collecting in these drug trafficking organizations. >> shannon: what you want people to get out of the story? what was your reaction when you got a? sometimes people do not feel a connection. they do not care with these people suffered. how do you get through to them about how outrageous the situation as? most of them seeking a better life, doing something illegal,
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but they were given promises. they thought they would be safe. that was definitely not the case. >> i am from the south texas, and the heat is unbearable. imagine being in a metal box with no ac. if your mother or a father and the only thing you can do to improve the life of your 15-year-old daughter or son is to put them on a harrowing journey. how do we address the root causes, where these parents are making the decisions in order to send their children this way? >> shannon: is the problem here, sanctuary cities? >> people are coming here because they want to have a better life. we can fix our broken immigration system, and enforce our laws. if there is no consequence to bad behavior, that bad behavior is going to continue. we have to start by enforcing our laws come up but in 2017, we can have an immigration system
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that is based on market demands. if you can streamline that process, it is better to come here legally and illegally. >> shannon: and we salute the folks who take that process, because i can take years and years, even if you do it the right way. tribesmen, thank you for your time >> bill: congress is about to go after russia, iran, north korea. will they sign it to make ed royce is here to talk about that. it is his bill, and president trump addressing 40,000 40,000 boy scouts in west virginia. his unique message. in a moment. >> a scout is trustworthy. loyal, we can use some more loyalty. i can tell you that. for years i've trained dogs for the marines -
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>> bill: we are waiting to jared kushner to arrive at capitol hill. this is a similar scene from yesterday, where he walks down 12 steps to his house. in northwest washington, d.c. yesterday, carrying a folder. today empty-handed. makes a short drive to capitol hill. we saw this play out yesterday, four or five different cameras following him down the hallway of one of the office buildings on the senate side. we expect a similar scene in moments on the house side, where he will be met by trey gaudi and others, who met with us a moment ago. see if jared kushner delivers a comment. he waited until he was back out on the lawn to deliver that. we will follow his every movement on capitol hill. 9:34 now. >> shannon: the house ready to take up a bipartisan bill to take up sanctions against russia, iran, and north korea. at the same time reducing
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president trump's ability to edit the sanctions without the congress okay. is when the main bills he will travel back to capitol hill as john mccain's battles brain cancer. california congressman, ed royce, chairman, good to have you with us. >> good to be with you. >> shannon: can use separate fact from fiction, because there's been a lot of debate about what the bill does and does not do in regards to the president taking action to change sanctions. >> the president can negotiate to change sanctions. if he does so, and we have a good agreement with these three regimes, any one of them which have been threatening our national security and undermining global stability. i and members of my committee, will be the first ones to say, okay. let's take a second look at the sanctions. so far, we have not seen any change in his conduct. as a matter
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fact, we've seen north korea wrap it up, right. we are passing this legislation. congress is playing its role here in terms of toughening and giving diplomatic leverage. economic leverage to the administration to use against the regimes. the tube should the president under the bill. should the present want to make those changes? does the congress now have a level of approval on this legislation? >> the president can make those changes. congress would have to come in with a resolution of disapproval, which could happen. what i am sharing with you is that if we can get a change in conduct, it would be very much welcomed. at this point in time, we have a great deal of experience with whether it's a reset with russia, which did not work. whether it is outreach and concessions to north korea. that has not worked.
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with these aggressive regimes, and their dangerous actions. it is clear, we do need this additional pressure added to this equation. believe me. the sanctions are going to have very real impacts. think for minute and north korea's case. if we cut out all the hard currency going to north korea. as we did back a decade ago, we put the sanctions on north korea, is shut down their program. they did not have hard currency to go forward. we need that kind of strength and action at this point in time. we need those tools to do it. it needs to be part of the law. >> shannon: i want to play what sarah huckabee sanders had to say about this process and this measure, and i will get your reaction. >> in regards to the sanctions bill, the president has been very vocal about his support for continuing sanctions on those three countries. he has no intentions of getting rid of them. he wants to make sure we get the
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best deal for the american people, possible. congress does not have the best record on that. >> shannon: your response that congress does not have the best record in the? >> point of fact, it was previous administrations. then it lifted the sanctions on north korea, for example. a decade ago. that was not the action in the house of representatives. we actually want to enact measures that will be tougher on north korea. we are about to do that. we're about to go to the senate with the russian components was 98-2. those bipartisan agreement at this point. we need more leverage in the law, and the president needs to have these tools with this legislation. we will give the administration those tools, and we believe that out of that will come the type of results that hopefully will get these countries to back off. at least it will curtail the
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ability of these regimes to get their hands on the kind of money they need to build out international -- intercontinental ballistic systems. with north korea, iran, we have pressure on that. change the type of conduct we see on the part of russia. now putting nuclear missiles into eastern europe. we have to take action here, and we have a strong bill that will pass out with good bipartisan support, strong, republican support into the synods. we have toughened it, and hopefully the senate will take it up. >> shannon: is a veto-proof? >> it was a vote of 98-2 for their components. we strengthened it. we will send it back with the north korean component in it. i think it will be an overwhelming number of members. especially given the conduct
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recently of these regimes. >> shannon: mr. chairman, we will watch for that today. thank you very much for your time. >> bill: trouble and boy scouts and leaders and volunteers in west virginia. huge crowd there. his the eighth president to attend this national event. thanking them for their service and underlining their value. not only to the community, but their country. >> the united states has no better citizens than his boy scouts. the values, traditions, and skills you learn here will serve you throughout your lives. just as importantly, they will serve your families, your cities, and in the future and in the present, will serve your country. >> bill: big reception that appeared to novice can jeff sessions was not there.
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rick perry, and others who are boy scouts. ten of them. >> shannon: i think 40,000 were there? it was quite a rally. >> bill: big rally. we are watching this on the monitor. speech of senior advisor to the president, he is expected to arrive at capitol hill any moment. today, his turn is with the house intelligence committee after speaking with the senate intel committee yesterday. what will that conversation be behind closed doors today? >> bill: president trump italian republicans, get a health care bill on his desk or else. remember, he said repeatedly. i have a pen. i am ready to sign appeared critical vote expected to happen this afternoon. will it? senior counselor to the present, kellyanne conway. 19 minutes away. first, senator john grasso. we will talk to him a senator and a doctor. next. >> president trump said, make it
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more generous. i think we have done that where's jack? he's on holiday. what do you need? i need the temperature for pipe five. ask the new guy. the new guy? jack trained him. jack's guidance would be to maintain the temperature at negative 160 degrees celsius. that doesn't sound like jack. actually, jack would say, hey mate, just cool it to minus 160 and we're set. good on ya. oh yeah. that's jack.
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>> shannon: this is a fox news alert. u.s. official confirming that the u.s. navy ship was forced to fire warning shots at an iranian warning vessel. we told that the coastal fired from a .50-caliber machine gun after a smaller boat came within 150 yards. they were told, iranian ship ignored repeated radio calls to turn away. the last time this happened was back in january. warning shots fired. will keep you updated with more info. >> any senator devotes against starting debate, you are fine with the obamacare nightmare, which is what it is. there has been enough talk, and no action. now is the time for action.
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>> bill: the president yesterday, strong warning there on the repercussions they may face if nothing is done on health care. it is today day? senator john grasso. welcome back here. will you vote today to move this bill to debate on the floor. yes or no? >> yes. i am committed to making that vote. we are working with all of the senators to do the same thing. we will have a policy lunch. senator mccain, as you know, will be back for that vote. it will be held a little after 2:00 this afternoon. motion to proceed to the house bill, to begin the debate on the senate floor in terms of repeal and replace obamacare. >> bill: you need a simple majority to do this. you said you will vote for it. will you have enough to move it forward in total? >> i believe that we will. the vice president will be here in case he has to break a tie. senator mccain is coming back. we continue to work with all of the members of the congress to get to that number. >> senator mccain is coming
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back to washington, right? >> you talk about somebody with courage and character an incredible debility. we are all excited to see her friend, john mccain. this picking on john right now, it it is harsh. this is someone you do not want to get into a fight with. he is remarkable. we are all behind him come all the way. >> bill: there was some reporting today or later in the week, can you confirmed that he will be present today after removing a blood clot? >> he will be here. that is the report we have. i have not seen them today, but i know he'll be welcomed with open arms by the entire republican conference. i'm edged by the entire synods when he walks on the floor this afternoon. >> bill: a tweet, the president says this. this will be a very interesting day for health care. the dems are obstructionists but the republicans could have big
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victory for the people. if there is a senator that does not vote to move this forward, would you argue they are essentially giving the stamp of approval on obamacare? that would block the matter at least for now, would it not? >> i am working to get all of the senators to vote to move to the debate, could we have all campaigned on repeal and replace obamacare health care law, and have a system that has affordable health care. what we have seen, skyrocketing costs, fewer choices, and an enormous cost to the the amerin people. that is what we are promoted. getting decisions out of washington. the whole thing comes down to affordable premiums for the american people so they can get the health care that they need from a doctor that they choose at lower cost. >> bill: the republican from
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wisconsin would agree, but he'd said he does not know what he is voting on. would it be on repeal or repeal and replace? there is a strong distinction that you know. in >> today is a motion to proceed on the bill that passed the house. then there can be a hundred amendments. republicans and democrats offering members for beds what it is about. that is what i did and the wyoming state senate when you put bill on the floor, and mended, then decide yes or no on that amended bill. i imagine somebody will offer an amendment to repeal the whole thing. others will offer amendments to replace parts or all of the past the house. i have amendments that will significantly lower the cost premiums by 30%. that something we need to talk about, debating openly on the floor of the united states senate, bill. >> bill: and you said it will go forward today.
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it will be an afternoon of dram drama. john barrasso, thank you for the update. we will see you when senator mccain arrives. >> shannon: we are awaiting the arrival of jared kushner on capitol hill. should be there any moment. we will take you there as soon as we see him. >> bill: tensions with north korea, they are still out there. china will be getting ready for a crisis along the border with the rogue regime. also, in the event that the united states it launches an attack. what is happening on that? we will clue you in on that, next.
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>> bill: breaking news. we go to paul manafort, one-time chair for the campaign team. judiciary committee in a statement issued a subpoena as of last night. to compel the trump campaign chair, paul manafort, to testify at a hearing on wednesday, which
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would be tomorrow. part of the statement reads the following. the chair, took out of iowa. as a democrat from california. paul manafort said he will be willing to provide a single transcribed interview to congress, which would not be available to the dictionary committee member or staff. how will that be helpful, right? 's participation in wednesday hearings. what happens now? does he appear or not? does he take the fifth? do they find a way to cooperate between now and tomorrow mornin morning? this is the question now as to what happens here. as that word comes down, jared kushner should arrive any moment for his meeting with house members. we are watching all that. 9:54. >> shannon: keeping a close eye on the north. the rogue regime may carry the may carry out another missile test. urges them not to do it.
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china has increased its military defenses along its border. greg palkot did live. not long ago. greg, what you think. could there be more defensive actions by the north? >> that is a real possibility. according to u.s. officials, shannon, who are speaking with fox news. there is activity at a launch site that has been used by north korea to launch missiles in the past. movement of a variety here indicating, maybe it is big a missile as an icbm, could be launched as early as thursday. that is the anniversary between north and south korea which halted hostilities between the two countries. as you know, shannon, new reports that china is beefing up its border with north korea just in case been more troops, surveillance, bunkers being spotted. it is our problems with the
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country, or south korea in an american excursion, may be a necessity for china to establish a border zone, buffer zone come along that area. north korea meanwhile reacting today for to some comments made by cia chief, tom pao as security council, threatening them. they said they will respond with a nuclear hammer. back to. >> shannon: greg palkot come alive in lunday. >> bill: meanwhile in washington, before arriving on capitol hill. this time, he is meeting with the house lawmakers. single counsel to the present, kellyanne conway will be our guest life. coming up with me come back. ♪ you're gonna have dizziness, nausea, and sweaty eyelids. ♪
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♪ and in certain cases chronic flatulence. ♪ no ♪ sooooo gassy girl. so gassy. if you're boyz ii men, you make anything sound good. it's what you do. if you want to save 15% percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. next! ♪ next!
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speed to what we are tracking on capitol hill as the senior
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counselor to the president and his son-in-law, jared kushner is arriving where he will speak behind closed doors with the house intelligence committee. yesterday it was ascendant. today is the house. as we watch to await his arrival, where heat will speak about his contacts with russian and foreign officials, following up on that, 11 page statement, which we detailed what he did and did not know yesterday. we will see him there arriving on the house side and just moments. it looks like there he is. he will begin that conversation behind closed doors. we will not hear from him. it is not sworn or public, but he may speak afterwards like you did yesterday, giving a bit of information about his discussions with the committee members yesterday. yesterday, staffers. today, actual committee members. who will keep a close eye on that. as he is arriving on the house side, we are getting word from the senate judiciary committee. both the chairman, the g.o.p. senator. chuck grassley, and the ranking member, dianne feinstein. they have said they are's
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subpoenaing paul manafort. they want him to on the record. despite a public hearing. there is a back-and-forth. whether you produce documents put how much of an interview he would do. access to it. that plays out as we watch. a very busy morning in washington. welcome to another hour of "america's newsroom." i am shannon bream are you awak awake? >> bill: i am bill hemmer appeared to stand by. this before arriving a moment ago. katherine harris live in washington. good morning there. let's talk. >> that's right. we see a lot of activity, and we are going to turn around, because we just saw jared kushner go into a secure facility at the house intelligence committee room. where they can discuss classified information as well as classified documents. the key issue here this morning is that there are distinctions between his discussions on the senate side. this morning, he will take questions from house to many
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staffers as well as lawmakers. yes and the senate side, he did not take direct questions from senators. as you mention coming he issued an 11 page statement for the record, where he described the four cult meetings with lot of detail. here's kushner statement outside. >> i had no improper contacts. i do not rely on russian guns for my businesses. i have been fully transparent in providing all requested information. >> we saw jared kushner leave his home and walked northwest washington. 40 minute trip here to the capital. as i mentioned, he just entered the secure facility at bath house intelligence committee room. what we heard consistently from democrats is that this 11 page statement simply is not enough of an explanation. >> what was released publicly in my view was lawyerly.
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it was incomplete. extremely important that this witness to testify in public. i have a very strong inclinatio inclination, open hearings unless in some way is going to compromise sources and methods. >> what we anticipate today is that the session will last about two hours. that is what jared kushner's lawyers gave the senate side yesterday as well. the ranking democrats on the sunday talk show, this is just the first of several interviews, shannon. >> bill: that is okay. shannon is here too. let's talk about the breaking news. the judiciary committee had a subpoena for paul manafort yesterday. what can we add to that? >> here's the big picture. you have two very powerful committees on the senate side. the judiciary, which has direct oversight of the justice department and the fbi, and issues related to contacts with foreign governments.
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and then you have the senate intelligence committee, which has the big oversight role, because they are looking specifically at the intelligence and these allegations of russian meddling. who will get these witnesses. the senate intelligence committee had the public testimony with james comey, and that judiciary committee same comment that is our guy. that is the jurisdiction. the leadership of the the the t there issuing a subpoena for the former chairman, paul manafort. they cannot reach an agreement with him to avoid public testimony, and based on the statement from the senators, looks like he may be willing to give his testimony, but only to the senate intelligence committee. this is not over, while it develops a rest today. >> bill: we will see how this moves forward. katherine harris, thank you. >> shannon: along with that action on the house side where be 24 is.
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we are awaiting a critical vote on health care is the present ramps up pressure on the g.o.p. to get going. join now by kellyanne conway. i would say, the president has put a lot of push. one of his tweets say, this will be a very interesting day for health care. the dems are obstructionist. the republicans can have a great day for the people. will they? with a eating into a boat to? >> they should. the president made very clear had lunch last week with the senators. and throughout the ensuing week that a vote against the motion to proceed is really a vote for obamacare. you're keeping the law in the land in place, and six and have a million americans who fork over $3 billion in penalties to the irs last year. the 20 million lost sight of obamacare altogether. your sane families that have o worthless insurance card, because the premiums are so high, they can make the dreamy and direct payments to access it. you're telling them the current law is okay. frankly, if you do not like the
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bill, go down to the senate floor and offer amendments. have the boat-o-rama senator ted cruz did that. with his own amendment. he went by introducing an amendment and get a part of the senate floor. these senators with the exception of one, two years ago voted to repeal obamacare. the only thing that changed is that, obamacare got worse, and two, we now have a president willing to sign it into law. >> shannon: a lot of senators are saying today, there are not sure what they will vote on. senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell said it will be this afternoon, but they do not know what is paid from the tea party patriots, letter to the senator saying, the americans did not give republicans to fix obamacare. they gave republican control of government to repeal obamacare and failure is not an option. how far do you think a measure
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will go connect ken to be successful? >> it can be successful. we sure hope the senators will do what they promised their constituents for four cycles. they've been talking about this for seven long years. he is willing pen in hand to sign it in today. he would do that at they put something on his desk. look, the senate bill that was being discussed last week had a lot of features that should be very attractive to many americans to get the government away from the relationship between doctors and patients. faith to the insurance that bolted from the obamacare exchanges. this should give a lot of states with the remaining four of the 23 that have not failed. we are expanding the amount of money that you put into health savings account, and for the first time ever, allowing americans choose to pay for
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their premiums, because we for that as concerns from people. we are stabilizing the markets to go confidence to get interest back into the markets, so a 1300 counties that are expected to have one choice by 2018 will have more choices. we now have 40, what we call "bear counties" where they have to go outside their county, and they cannot go cross state lines. that is not what was promised to them. this present has not lied to the american people. he is making good on a campaign promise, and also a moral imperative to get those out of the coverage and into one they deserve. >> shannon: sarah hungry sanders says president trump is not happy with the attorney general. he's made a very public. is the president going to fire the attorney general? >> that is up to the president. it is up to him to deal with personnel throughout this administration could i'm always
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respectful of that. sarah is right. he has expressed frustration and consternation, because of his refusal has allowed, what he considers, witch hunt, a hoax. i complete nothing about russia investigation to carry forward. look at what has happened? special counsel. adam schiff, he spent more time on tv then the hearing. gathering witnesses. we have a lot of conjunction and hypotheticals being thrown out there. no delivery on the promise that we would see some systemic collusion of russian interference. the only thing that -- the only one who said that was hillary clinton, he gave her in zero credibility. everybody except chuck schumer has admitted hillary clinton loss. because of hillary clinton. they're better deal program, the day before that, chuck schumer said, you have to look in the mirror when you lose to donald trump. it is not james comey, it is not
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russia, it is you. democrats shooting at each other. offering the single-payer, unsustainable, unaffordable bernie sanders idea. they come out was single-payer and billing out insurance companies. we come up with a free market-centric plan. we all serve at the pleasure of the presidents, and the president has expresses frustration a bit. the refusal, and it was john in a way, that has allowed a lot of investigations. >> shannon: should the present fire or dismiss the attorney general. does invite more questions involving russia rather than allowing the investigation to play out? >> what we are allowing the investigations to play out, meaning, we are not interfering. what are they about? what are you doing here? nine months, you should have a baby by now. and we have nothing to show.
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nothing to show but wasting taxpayer dollars, embarrass and harass private citizens. we saw jared kushner yesterday. very clearly make a statement. he gave over two hours behind closed doors. look like paul manafort will be compelled to testify. >> shannon: what do you say to that being subpoenaed, paul manafort. >> at they need information from him or anyone else connected to the campaign, it is their right to do so. we have buried very transparent. i was the campaign manager for the winning campaign. he never handed me a file and said, look at this. we never discussed. it was never -- nobody ever approached us. we are talking to people in michigan and minnesota. we were not talking to people in moscow. for me as a campaign manager. i'd look no further than hillary clinton to get negative information about hillary clinton. she was a treasure trove.
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>> shannon: your victorious over her, and all the work when many had counted you all about. >> we talked about a america. they talked about russia. i would take america over russian talk any day. >> shannon: thank you for your time. >> bill: back on capitol hill, house speaker paul ryan to take questions at the weekly news conference is now underway. he will take questions in a moment on things like health care, russia. we will take you there live when that begins. standby. >> shannon: deadly encounter for three american soldiers in jordan last fall. now, we are seen their dramatic video. >> bill: unbelievable stuff. charlie gard's parents spending last moments after the legal battle to keep them alive. >> this is about a sweet, gorgeous, innocent little boy those born with a rare disease. hit a real, genuine chance at
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life, and a family who loves him very dearly, and that is why let's take a look at some numbers:
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>> jeff session has been loyal all the way through. you can make a good case he should never have recused himself. there's a lot of good in jeff session, and i think it would be a big mistake for the president to in any way to anything to move forward with him.
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>> shannon: newt gingrich praising jeff session saying it would be a big mistake to replace the attorney general. this is as the president took several jabs on twitter. new york congresswoman, director of the border. a fox news contributor. i want to go over some reaction we heard from g.o.p. senator, lindsey graham saying, present comes tweets should pursue is highly in the appropriate it should be up about facts and long, rather than motivation. congressmen coming to your response. >> there is no political motivation needed to understand that there were a lot of questions, legitimate questions around the actions of hillary clinton when she was secretary of state. which was the democratic candidate for president. i think what president trump is endeavoring to do is to provide proportion and perspective. here there's been all this focus
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on what has been an absolute fruitless witch hunt about the trump campaign suspicious, to date, with the russians. meanwhile, there's real evidence that hillary clinton and her associates did some things that were very questionable, and actually harmful to national security, potentially. >> shannon: congressman, those investigations are underway, we may not know. it's not like the doj will make anything public all the time. what you make about the fact that we have kellyanne conway a minute ago, and she said, one of the problems at the president had is that the attorney general did not consult with him before making that decision to recuse. with that have been an appropriate conversation in your opinion? >> let's face it. the russia thing continues to percolate. how would jeff session know where his vulnerabilities would be on that. at that point.
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having said that, i think the president is right about the applicable dimensions of the attorney general for probe. i think it has been unfounded that russia somehow is politically interfering with the election. i do not believe that happened. it is going into financial issues that this shows the problem with special prosecutors to begin with. let's go back to what lindsey graham said. i think what he said is correct. the president has to be careful about making statements that put him into the purview of what is truly the work of the justice department. he has to be careful in doing that. i think lindsey graham gave him some friendly advice there. >> congresswoman, do you think the president risks it
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backfiring. does it then as jared jeff kely said, where he may? >> attorney general jeff session has not meant any harm to the president's agenda to what the american people have elected the president to do. he has been a loyal associate of the president, but he made a mistake in accusing himself we have a little breaking news. >> shannon: i think you both for your time. >> bill: there will be news. paul ryan talking russia, sanctions, talking health care. listen. >> -- the president said attorney general investigating clinton, you think the department of justice and spend more time investigating her? >> what we are focused on is doing our jobs. now with the department of
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justice is always not doing. we are getting a legislative agenda to pass. in the president and the administration to move this agenda forward which we all collectively promised to do. we are not focused on micro managing the doj. [inaudible] >> the majority of our conversations, but as you saw, it did not have a majority on the floor. the tension is current. with respect to these four bells, we have consensus for these four bills. we do not have full consistence on the other eight bells. that is what we are working towards. we have had substantial progress. the appropriators have been working with the whip to get the rest of the members on board,
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and we anticipate building support for the rest of our built going into september. right now, we have consensus on these four bills. we have consistence on funding a military, construction, funding our veterans, and funding the border wall. the physical barrier we need on the border. will come more later coming to progress. >> this year with the appropriations bill, which is usually the reverse of how it happens. there's a lot of precedent in unusual ways things have been done. you think those necessary to go to these policies -- >> a budget resolution is not an hr meeting. the budget legislation resoluta
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law. a budget in and of itself does not do that. where consistence has been reached in the budget committee, which came out with the unanimous republican vote is on these appropriation numbers. we have reached consistence coe budget committee, with respect to the arms forces meeting. we found him outside, consensus of these appropriation numbers. and that is our budget committee pit whether or not one comes before the other is kind of an academic exercise, because you do not need a budget to pass appropriations. that is a totally different issue. we will move both simultaneously, anything at the end today, will get both son-in-law. not in the least. i think the budget committee, and dined by, the ones who got everyone to talk to each other. if you were not for diana black in the budget committee, we would not have the kind of consensus that we have come at bringing these four bills to
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floor today. stu and house speaker, paul ryan series of questions there about what is going on the jose prayer one of them were about the fate of jeff session. he said, i'm not here to micromanage her to be focused on the justice department. one is that future of jeff sessions at what happens with paul manafort took that i will get to in a moment. and also what happens with health care and the vote in the senate. factors contributed to talk about all that, rich, good morning. on a day that is chock-full, re red? the stockings are stopped. the chair of the judiciary committee issued the subpoena last evening and put out a statement last hour. peter doocy caught up with him on the hill a moment ago. >> we want paul manafort to come like we wanted donald trump, jr., and others that we will call in. if he feels he can't can come s
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willing. there are things you do. there is a subpoena. >> bill: he is not happy. what is happening between now and tomorrow which is the schedule according to chuck grassley. >> between paul manafort and the committee might continue, but this is a sign that they are broken down for now. the committee really wants to hear from him. hear from him in the public. bill, i've been a skeptic of any grand conspiracy about russia collusion, but if there's anyone who you would suspect to be part of shady dealings with russia, it would be paul manafort, because he has that background of working for pro-putin forces in the ukraine. >> bill: at the moment, we do not know how it will turn out. the other thing we do not know is what happens with jeff session. let me repeat a tweet. i read up the screen here: .
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>> this is two days in a row now. allow speculations or whether not jeff session it will hold onto his job or not. it's a dead man walking? >> this is something we have never seen in the history of american government. an american president publicly attacking and belittling his own attorney general, who three months ago all of us would've said was the main and foremost, foundational trump-loyalist. he is a first senator to endorse president trump. he is attempting to humiliate jeff session into resigning and if that does not work, he will fire him. >> bill: wow. trey gaudi last hour says, it does not look good when i asked him the same question. topic number three. michael rubio said this three days ago. on screen for our viewers. i read here. we're not trying to get rid of the health care law. we are trying to replace it with something better. getting rid of it is pretty straightforward. replacing it with something
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better is a significant undertaking, but it needs to be done. all right. with that, what do they do? vote today or not? >> this is a reversal from where i would have been two or three days ago, they will probably get the boat to proceed on the debate over the health care bill. that in its of itself is a major victory. last week it seemed they were a dead end, it could not get to the floor. it looks like that will happen. john mccain would not be flying cross-country, battling a serious illness if they couldn't. after that, who knows. i do not think a bill to just repeal obamacare will pass. i doubt the current version will pass. they will get to the floor, and work it, in a very unpredictable wild way. >> bill: at the get to the floor, they have a chance. with the seven years on repeal. >> you have no chance unless you get it to the floor.
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that very well may happen, and once you are on the floor, there will be a lot of momentum to do something. somehow to get to the next step in the process, which would be to get anything with the conference committee of the house. >> bill: mitch mcconnell has made it clear. if you do not allow us to move on it, essentially endorsed obamacare. that is the case he has been making for days now. as we get to crunch time. rich, thank you. rich lowry here in the studio. >> shannon: security footage the moment a jordanian soldier killed three u.s. soldiers at an air base, even as a yellow him to stop shooting. the family of little charlie gard makes a very difficult and heartbreaking decision. nigel joins us from london, nex next. >> our son is an absolute warrior. we could not be prouder of him, and we will miss him terribly. his heart and soul may soon be
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gone, but his spirit will live on an eternity.
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liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind
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when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> shannon: newly released surveillance video showing the moment the jordanian shoulder killed three u.s. military trainers last year as they approached an air base jordan saying, it was a last-second mistake, new videos is painting a new scenario. nigel kinder from her midwest b. >> that clearly contradicts about what happened last november. the jordanian military initially said, the americans failed to stop a checkpoint, and that's -- but the video shows the american truck stopping and then the jordanian government opening fire, killing matthew lewellen and staff sergeant kevin mcenroe, and staff sergeant james moriarty. six minute long video that has
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no sound, you can clearly see the american soldiers coming under attack, and then trying to defend themselves and hiding behind security barriers. this was not a split-second misunderstanding, as originally told. air force sergeant marik al-tuwayha was sentenced to life in prison. protests in jordan, particularly among his tribal supporters, and they are a big tribe that supports the king there. they appear that the video released to try to defuse the protests and prevent marik al-tuwayha from becoming a martyr in jordan. the pentagon has not said much about this other than to say, jordan is a keen ally in the region. u.s. troops continue to operate there. clearly, there were some really big concerns about the overall relationship. this was covered up at the very beginning. the video now coming out, showing a very different explanation than the ones that were given initially. >> shannon: conor powell, thank you for the update.
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>> are poor boy is left to lie in hospital for months without any treatment while lengthy court battles have been fought. had he been viewed by independent experts, and had he been given the treatment soon enough, he would've had the potential to be a normal, healthy, little boy. >> bill: we feel for those parents in england, parents of charlie gard. they do not want to bring their terminate -- this after yesterday's announcement. they want to end the legal battle. nigel farage and a fox news contributor, nigel, hello to you from london. i want to clean up a few things for it does a who went, and this man has an incredible reputation. he determined that the brain damage was too far gone. and that charlie gard had no chance at regaining some of a
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normal life, growing muscle tissue in his body. now the government and the hospital is super ticked off because they believe the american doctor was giving them parents false hope. the parents as you heard, said a less valuable time. as a baseline here, and a very tender and difficult to go through. however, the reality is now, they will lose their boy in less than a year's time. is there false to be here, or is the reality that the boys tradition was too tough to be treated? >> die two issues. the medical issues first. i am not qualified as you are not. the latest can that shows serious brain deterioration was revealed and courts last friday without the parents even having been told about it before. what it shows is that little
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charlie's condition had deteriorated while this court battle was going on. you cannot blame chris and connie, the parents, and they are very good, nice, decent people. you cannot blame them, because for the rest of their lives they will say, had we sent little charlie to the usa, seven months ago when we wanted to, perhaps things would be different. no doubt medically, even though i am not a doctor, those months that went by lead to further deterioration, and that is what dr. michio hirano said. >> bill: tough stuff. >> horrible. here's the bigger question. a far bigger question is even for charlie gard, who will not make his first birthday. even bigger then the pain of those parents they are lovely people. the state in this country said, you are not allowed to take your
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country to the usa to try this revolutionary treatment that may or may not work. the state. surely the parents to decide the ultimate fate of the child. parents of sound mind are not the state. even today, even when we pass the last moment, the hospital in the state are saying to these poor parents, no, no, charlie cannot die at home. he has to die in our hospital. this raises some very big libertarian questions about the rights of parents against the state. i have to tell you. i am disgusted at the way these parents have been treated. >> bill: the judge said, that is absurd to think that charlie was the prisoner of the national health service. is it absurd to think that? >> no it is not. no, absolutely not. from every moment. in seven months ago.
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when they wanted to send the little boy to america for a new revolutionary treatment. let's face appeared medical pace moves a different speed in different parts of the world. we saw president trump wishing charlie gard well. we heard the pulp, wishing little charlie well, and that medical and political establishment, a traditional establishment in england claimed that he can i go to america. even today, they are told they are not allowed to take the little diene of boy home to be with them. i think the judge is wrong on this. i really do. >> bill: we heard another comment. and again, we are not doctors. we are trying to figure out the best practices here. here's what the hospital said. months ahead, they'll be giving careful thought to what they learned from this bruising court case, that might enrich the care provided to this most vulnerable
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patients and families. it is hope to those that like the professor, provide the opinions to sustain charlie's parents in the litigation may also find much upon which to reflect. >> i am sorry. grand ormand street, which is a hospital in london. premier hospital for london. has done. it has a big reputation, great work over the years. i have supported some charity events for them. i am sorry. in this case, they said, our medical knowledge says it is at the end the line. if that little boy was not going to suffer by going to america, and if his parents had one less chance that a revolutionary new treatment, for them to literally put up the chances to deny that choice to the parents and ultimately to the child enough to come out and effectively
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start rubbishing dr. hirano. this is not the way we should be behaving. >> bill: help us understand here in the u.s. why they would not be allowed to pursue another treatment in another hospital with other doctors in another country? >> i will speculate and say, it is because, grand ormand street would say, this is a great child hospital here. if they send a child overseas to get another form of treatment that works, that might reflect badly on them. there was a case four years ago a little kid, who had a brain cancer. his parents wanted him to go to prague for a revolutionary new treatment. the doctors here said would not work. the boy went, it worked, and he
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is now cancer free. he is at school. and his parents had in fact been imprisoned for daring go against the establishment. that treatment will now be available to england next year. science moves at different speeds. what you have seen here is a classic case of the british establishment closing ranks and saying, we know what is best. doctors at any level don't always know what is best. america is hardly a third world country, and little charlie should have gone there. the saddest thing of all in this is that chris and connie, to their graves will never know what might've happened, however unrealistic and may be, whatever happened to it charlie gard if he had not gone to dr. hirano seven months ago. my heart weeps for them. >> bill: nigel farage, thank you for your time. i am out of time for now.
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we'll speak again. speak to u.s. navy ship fires warning shots at an iranian vessel in the persian gulf. what provoked us, happen, we're getting more details, in general jack keane is about to talk about it. and then, there's this -- >> just when you think think ye it all, you come across a truck losing dough all over the freeway. >> bill: that is what happens when he gets to darn hot out
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>> shannon: this is a fox news alert. u.s. offense can official that they fired warning shots against an iranian vessel somewhere in the persian gulf. we are told that the coastal ship fired from a .50-caliber machine gun after a smaller iranian patrol boat came within a hundred 50 yards. they were told ahead of this, the iranian ship ignored
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repeated radio calls to back up. general jack keane is chairman for the study of war and a fox news motor and this is the running pattern. ever since the nuclear deal was held in july of 2015, the thought was that i run after that we joined the community of nations. and behave normally. that is quite the contrary as we know. this is the second publication since president trump has assumed power. as the president of the united states. what this is about, shana, demonstrating to the gulf states, iran , they are the dominant power in the region. they intend to exercise their will in the region. that is what this is about. >> shannon: at the bigger picture, the houses expected to vote on a sanction specter that would include iran as well as russia and north korea. how effective can this be for a run at this point? >> these sanctions are really
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critical. we know for a fact that they had impact on iran in the past. and despite the nuclear deal which most people are opposed to, the fact is, iran's behavior is very assertive and aggressive. we intend to sanctioned that behavior. as we are doing with north korea and also with russia. a lot of the sanctions i be looked at now, they are added to what sanctions have already been there, because of russia's meddling in the election. >> shannon: russia is involved, north korea, three threats. let's talk about syria and what role iran now playing there. there's been so much focus on what russia is doing, but is iran key to having a long-term resolution that? >> our audience should know, iran drives the war in syria. they have been doing that for a number of years. their generals on the ground. as a matter of fact, several of them have been killed.
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they drive the ground war, and they direct the air war in syria to include the russia's participation in it. not that russia conduct independent operations. they do. iranians have a strategy, and where they are on the strategy. they have solidified western syria. in terms of favorable to the regime, except for at that and then promises and down in the southwestern part. that is all now pro regime consolidated power. aside is not going anywhere. he has been shared. that is a reality we had the face. however, what iran strategy now is as we are trying to defeat isis in the eastern part of syria, iran does not want the united states and its coalition forces to undo influences there. they want to go to eastern syria under the guise of the cease-fire, that we just had with the russians. they went eastern syria, iran, and we should not commit that to happen. we should not rollback western
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syria. they do not have to get eastern syria. that does not seem to be the administration's unequivocal policy. they do not seem to recognize that if they do not contain iran and eastern syria, they get the land bridge through syria, lebanon, and up encroaches on israel's security. it endangers the other arab nations, that borders on syria and lebanon. >> shannon: we know that there are folks on both side of the hill better calling for more clear policy and strategy regards to syria. hopefully that's coming from the white house very soon. general keene, thank you for. speed of 10 minutes before the hour. we'll get you to "happening now" in a minute here. unsafe right to work on the train by the transit system, they will not release video of several alleged violent crimes. we will take you there and let you know what is happening with
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>> ahead on "happening now." president trump to twitter attacks his own >> shannon: . plus it's on the hall with the russians it is not even close to the end of the story. we are also on the health care watch. key procedural votes for repeal or repeal and replace bill. it is all ahead "happening now." >> bill: jon scott. the west coast, the violence on trains in san francisco. the bay area rapid transit known as bart, under scrutiny after refusing to release video of teenagers beating writers and
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stealing. more on the story. what is up, william? >> that's why some states are putting political credits over public safety. gangs of young men are salting writers over the past months. they got on, you get off. >> and 911 call in oakland. >> he robbed them, and then ran off the train. >> they invaded our car, beat and robbed a number of us. >> they capture the incident. >> and something on board happens, they had video of you. >> the individuals they saw on board were repeat offenders. they knew who these people were. >> get they refuse to release the videos. >> when it involves a juvenile's, the department makes the determination if there is not a public interest and sending that information out. >> that is not the whole story.
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>> i had uncovered a memo that indicated they may want to withhold releasing video for fear of creating racial stereotyping. >> that internal memo such releasing would unfairly characterize writers of color, sweeping generalizations and media reports and i levels of racial determination. speeder some of the ways people steal things, salt people on the train. >> assault, robbery, and rape on the train is high. >> i do not feel safe. for people like myself, young women, it is concerning. >> they say it is not race, but they know someone's age, 18, 17, 16, so the public remains unaware. bill, they are assuming bart to
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get the video of the attack release. you comment anytime you want. >> shannon: just do not call us late for dinner. the president is ramping up attacks on attorney general. can jeff session weathered the storm or whether the president continue attacking? will go to the white house.
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>> bill: a highway somewhere in washington state, we go. the heat causing dough inside the semi to overflow and spill out onto the road. crews cleaned up the mess and everybody's okay. >> shannon: here's my question, i want to know what kind of dough it is. you can buy the premium cookie dough, i could have gotten involved with that. i don't know if it's strictly for bread.
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>> bill: it was hot in there. >> shannon: it was very hot, and delicious. >> bill: at the very yeast we should find out. >> shannon: i'm pretty you on to bashan for that >> jon: fox news alert and president trump sharpening attacks on his own attorney general amid reports might fire jeff sessions do not stop there. raising fears that could set off a constitutional crisis. good morning to you, jon scott. >> melissa: a melissa francis. the president calling him be delivered -- he said he took a weak position at the justice department peered at "the washington post" reports, the president may fire sessions and make a new appointment of an attorney general in august. sir huckabee sanders weighing in on "fox & friends" this morning. speak out your ans


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