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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  July 27, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> let me add two things. one, the democrats obviously look at this as a big win. two, if you have looked at recent polls, what the perception is about how obamacare place in all the states, there is increasing problems in the polling about getting rid of obamacare the way that they were going to do it. so, this now starts the process, and we will see how the white house weighs in on it and whether mitch mcconnell is going to move forward in a bipartisan way with democrats. we are always, it seems, one election away from solving the big problems, and there is a lot of frustration in washington on both sides of the aisle we have to look at it from the to prospectus. >> what do you think we will hear from democrats tomorrow?
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>> there will be a lot of rejoicing. person who came in and cast the motion to proceed votes that they hated, to the person that brought down the obamacare repeal. it is amazing that in a couple of old, you can turn the tide. i think there's going to be a lot of talk about what is next, what may not get talked about a lot of the problems of obamacare has in a lot of these states. some of them, there is only one provider. some of them, premiums are skyrocketed. something has to be done, and the question is when will it get done and will get done in time. stick out what you think was the measure here for it not to pass? what did lawmakers get so caught up on when it came to the skinny repeal? >> i think that chad was right. republican split. the moderates wanted, did not want medicaid cut, and conservatives were much more about getting to the raw repeal
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of obamacare and tearing it up at its roots. there was a split in the republican party and they could not get on the same page, and when the vehicle was, just passed something, it sounded a lot like nancy pelosi saying, let's just past this and we will know what is in it when it is passed. it made some of republicans who campaigned for years earlier uncomfortable. they cannot get across the finish line. >> chat are you still there for us on capitol hill? are any of these lawmakers coming out with the vibe you are getting off to this? >> obviously, the senate republicans are very sad with this process. democrats have to be very careful here not to spike the football. to say look what we did, they have to be very careful about that. there are problems with obamacare and they always talk about how they want to help people. the democrats have to be very
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careful with that narrative. they just rolled out their own policy agenda this week, and this could be an opportunity to seize the day, and say all right. we hear you, we heard you in the election last year, you did not vote for us, here is how we can do things. here's the other thing that i think is remarkable about this entire process. you kept hearing this term, budget reconciliation, which is a process where they lowered the bar, shut off filibusters from democrats and lowered it to only 50 votes to pass this in the united states senate. the minority sometimes has the control in the senate. and that is why that budget process was very important. at the end of the day, what its not democrats that blew this up, it was republicans. even after they went to all of these machinations, they lowered the bar from 60, are they going to lower it to 40? that shows you how problematic it was for republicans and never being able to bridge that policy to five.
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>> vice president pence was there for a short time. did you get a chance to talk to him? >> no. he was in and out tonight. he came up to the capital in case his vote was needed to try and break a tie. i talked with mark short, president trump's legislative director who was predicting the vote at about 12:00 or 12:30. there was a moment where vice president pentz and john mccain went to the cloakroom off the floor to have a little bit of a chat. some people wonder, maybe there was a call that was made. we don't know if that in fact took place or not. that is something that they always talk about the president being the chief within congress. that is very important to be able to persuade people, but those folks who have studied what happens to the presidential power to persuade lawmakers to go a certain way, they say it is at the end of the day you get on the phone and you crack the whip. it is the idea that you have written creatively a legislative solution that matches the contours of the people who have to vote.
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obviously, that did not happen tonight. and something else. someone who has set for years that they would never repeal and replace obamacare said that obamacare was here to stay. the former speaker of the house, john boehner. he said it repeatedly, he said it a few months ago, and so far his words remain true. >> so where do the lawmakers go from here? where do they go, literally, it is 2:00. where did they go? >> we don't know. we don't know if they will be on the defense bill. that was objected to on the floor. there are some nominations that they need to move through. there was talk that that maybe they don't even go through this extra two weeks of the recess. remember, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said that we are going to stay here in washington for a couple of days. the house is scheduled to leave town the entire month, and they would not stay around because they don't have any legislative traffic. think about the issues that they have to accomplish. none of them are satisfied right now. the house has to pass a budget. they have to move through appropriations bills.
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they have to avoid a shutdown in october. the house passed four of those 12 just a few hours ago. they have to keep the faa running. they have to deal with the debt ceiling, which is one of the most onerous issues in washington, and what is so striking about the debt issue and keeping the government open, nobody has a solution for that. when you talk about tax reform, this is one of the other things, they say you have to use the bt process, lowering the votes. that might force republicans to redouble their efforts on tax reform. to say, if we struggled on obamacare, how hard will it be on tax reform? >> were you surprised by this when you are the outcome? >> i was surprised in one sense that i think there was a growing confidence that they were there, at the precipice of the vote.
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we had republican who felt confident. eight the democrat from illinois, she thought that at that point the republicans had the vote with vice president pentz likely casting the tie-breaking vote. again, john mccain was the deciding factor. what is so interesting is that if you look back to that speech by john mccain on the senate floor, he said essentially what he did, which was move forward to debate, but then, if the bill doesn't meet what you think it should meet, then scrap it and start over, try a bipartisan process. he almost forecast what that process was. talking to him on the phone, what does the state need. he was listening to his governor, he was listening to his gut, and he chose to vote
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how he did. conservatives will come down hard on him for that vote, saying this is a major loss. he has always been that way, campaigning as a maverick. it looked like he will do that until the very end. i think, let's listen in. >> ted cruz talking here. >> the losers tonight are the millions of americans who were her under obamacare. the millions of americans that have lost their jobs, forced into part-time work, forced into working 28 to 29 hours a week. they've had their health care cancel, lost their doctors, seen their premiums skyrocket. the six and one half million americans each year who are fined by the irs because they don't make enough money to afford health insurance. so not only do they not get health insurance, but they get a
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fine from the irs and 80% of them are earning $50,000 a year or less. nearly half are earning $25,000 a year or less. it is the single moms, the truck drivers, the steelworkers, it is the working men and women who are left behind tonight. that is unfortunate. you know, they're going to be a great many americans god who tonight feel a on iconic tonight if you stand up and say we are going to repeal obamacare, and you vote for obamacare, those are not consistent. they make and people are entirely justified in saying, a politician who told me that an vote of the other way did not tell me the truth. they lied to me. i will say also that the democratic process is a long process. in the next 24 hours in the next week, democrats will crow exultant lay.
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they will claim total victory for a collapsing and failing law that is obamacare. and the media will write story come after story come after story about how obamacare will remain even though it is failing and hurting millions of americans. but after all of the chest beating, after all of the proud victory laps of the left, i believe this congress will come back, and in time, we will honor our promises. senators are going to go home and the next few weeks. they will go home to their states. and they are going to face their constituents. they will have hard questions of people look them in the eyes and say, why did you lie to me? it's not just the senators who voted no. the senators who voted yes are going to be asked, why did you lie to me. the voters are not going to distant was. they will say, you asked promio do this and you failed. i understand the frustration and anger of of the american people. and i think the frustration and anger is going to be heard by
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members of the senate. i believe we will come back after all of the victory laps by the democrats, all of the media exultation's, we will come back and we will honor our promise. here's how we will do it. the way we get to 50, the way we get to a majority and honor our promises, we focus on lowering premiums. the key to lowering premiums is the consumer premium eminent. to give you the consumer more freedom, more choice, more competition, to help with human services agency projected that the amendment i introduced would reduce health insurance premiums by $7,000 each year on average. i would ask people at home, would a $7,000 decrease in your health insurance premiums make a difference? all of the democrats who are really happy are saying, you don't need 7,000 a year. they're happy to overcharge you. and by the way, when you're premiums go up next year, the democrats are happy for you to pay more year, after year, after
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year when you are struggling to provide for your family. that is not right, and a five years i have served in the senate, there is no issue i have fought harder on and devoted more time to then stopping the disaster that is obamacare. mark my words, i am committed to this fight as long as there is breath in my body, i will be fighting for the working men and women of this country that have been hurt by obamacare, and i believe it will be repealed. no party can remain in power by lying to the american people. and i hope and pray that our property does not try to do tha that. [indistinct] >> that is a judgment the voters of every state will have to mak make. for each and every individual politician. i think what we should do is do what we said we would do. if you are democrat, and you campaigned on keeping obamacare,
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okay fine. then the voters can expect you to do that. but if you campaigned on repealing, then the voters should expect that you will keep your word. i think republicans could keep their word, and i think we can. despite unfortunate knights, i believe it, and tonight i am filled with optimism. despite a setback, truth matters. the truth is, obamacare isn't working. it is hurting millions of americans, and the people who are getting hurt by obamacare, it is the biggest job killer in the country, hurting small businesses, it is hurting working men and women people are hurt by obamacare. you are being heard, and i believe we will in time honor our promise. and i give my word i will devote every waking moment i have two
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urging my colleagues to tell the truth and let simply do what we did. at lower premiums and make health insurance more affordabl affordable. recognize that obamacare is a dismal failure for millions of americans. >> that was senator ted cruz from texas addressing the media. he is in the vote tonight. he saying that the senators are going to go back and talk to their constituents in their state and they're going to realize just how disappointed that they are, especially these republicans who campaigned on having a repeal of obamacare. bret baier is still on the phone with us. you heard what he's had to say on tonight. he believes they will come back and discuss this one again. >> this was a candidate for president. you can hear how many times he talked about obamacare on the
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campaign trail. the passion in his post on that issue. he's optimistic that republicans will eventually repeal it, but as time goes by, that is going to be a lot tougher. and he knows that. i think there is a growing, clear frustration and senator senator cruz's voice. he was someone that believes obamacare should be ripped up from the roots. he was not too thrilled with the process as it was going on, but he was a loyal soldier and became one of mcconnell's deputies to try and get this across the finish line. he tried to get some of the conservatives on board who were waddling at the beginning. senator cruz, i think you can be seen, laying down a predicate, a base, for another run at some point because he believes the obamacare and its different problems in states across the
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country is a powerful issue. obviously, a lot of conservatives agree with him. >> i found it interesting when he said, if you campaigned on repealing obamacare, you should feel really bad about what happened here tonight. but for those of you who stuck by what you say, good job. you told your constituents, i'm not going to repeal obamacare, i like it. but for those of you who said you were going to and you didn't, shame on you. >> remember, you have democrats that are going to run into some issues. as chad mentioned earlier, the field for 2018 for democrats in the senate is a lot tougher than it is for republicans. you have 13 democrats up for reelection in the senate from states where donald trump 180% of the counties or more. some of those democrats are going to make some tough choices about obamacare and how they talk about it. clearly they were united in standing up against repeal, but as you get moving forward and
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the problems continue to come out. they are all going to have some tough votes ahead. >> senator cruz saying eventually they will get back to this. in your opinion, i know this is just spit falling, but at what point do you think they might get back to discussing this for all the americans were hoping we would have a repeal at least sometime soon and a replacement? >> i think that is a great question. we saw some of the back and forth there as senator mcconnell was saying. the next thing up as the national defense authorization bill about the pentagon. i think senator schumer stood up and said, let's work on a bipartisan fix. i don't know the order yet. eventually, something is going to have to happen because people have state and constituents and insurance holders are going to be slipping through the cracks quickly with obamacare.
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>> i'm really interested to see what president trump has to say about this in the morning. he tweeted all day long talking about this will, and if you're just tuning in, the boat did not pass for the skinny repeal. it failed 49-51 in the senate and we have chatted with us. >> i am still here. >> we heard a lot of cheering there. i can only imagine that as the democrats happy with tonight's vote. >> right. as soon as i came out of the press gallery on the senate sid side, a couple of the spectators in the public gallery were spilling out into the hall and they were giving one another high thighs and applauding very quietly in the hall. there is decorum here in the capital, so you can't cheer and shout and rave like that. one of the most interesting things about this, think about how many times now republicans have run elections. successful elections on repealing and replacing obamacare. 2010, i got out of the house,
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2012, 2014, he got on the senate, 2016, that might have been one of the issues that propelled president trump among others. here they are, can they run this again in 2018. or will this become one of those seemingly impractical issues. kind of like abortion, where you have the pro-life groups go out, and they are able to raise money off of roe vs. wade, you have the pro-choice people the same way. and the issue never seems to move. it's an issue like tax reform. granted it is on the docket for the republicans are in the congress, to try and move something on tax reform, but at the end of the day, it is a challenging issue. there is a reason why a tax reform has not been moved since 1986. that is the fact, the case, to go out and vote to lower taxes. that is a great campaign slogan. much like repeal and replace obamacare. but it's become like one of those issues that people campaign on yet the issue never changes? >> we just heard from senator ted cruz from texas talking about how disappointed he was.
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he was saying, after a couple of weeks, democrats have a chance to high five and be excited about it, they will come back and they will talk about this at some point. i asked the same question to bret baier. at what point do you think they will get back to discussing repeal and replace of obamacare? >> as i set out earlier, there is a much two items that they had to do. keep the government open, by the end of september, raise the debt ceiling, probably by the end of september, so that probably take some time right there. they will probably not get back to this until the fall. there will be some saying, let's get out this obama character, let's get onto talks reform and try to knock some thing out on that as soon as we possibly can. the other thing i should point out, sometimes bills have to fail in order to pass. i have seen that happen over and over again. once something doesn't fail, it rejuvenates the forces, and people say, let's figure out an actual solution here. the sheer drama of tonight's
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vote. that first vote was held up for more than an hour i can think of two points in the past 24 years i have been covering congress. one was in 2003, a vote in the house of representatives that started at 3:00 in the morning and ended just before six that morning on a prescription drug benefit. the longest bow ever held in the house of representatives. it was a tied vote, it went on forever and ever, and then you had the failed tarp vote. during the financial collapse of late 2008. the vote failed in the house of resented us, and the dow jones industrial average lost 777 points in synchronicity with the votes. that is a perfect example of a bill failing before it passed. it obvious we had to pass later where the country's economy was going to be in the tank. this had that level of drama to it here tonight. >> i have to say, you must be an awfully patient man. your wife must love you a lot to
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sit around and be able to wait like this. you've been there all day, closely following this. we have been receiving email after email from you following what's going on there. at one point, you said they brought cots end. do they actually use those clots, or is that just for all the fanfare? >> this is one of the great pieces of my political theater. one of the sound stages of the world. those cuts are and almost never slept in. had they actually gone to this vote-a-rama, where they would be taking roll call vote after roll call vote, there is not time for senator to go out to their offices and sleep on a cot. i have never seen anyone on my 24 years here at sleep on a cot. i've seen them curled up in chairs, on couches, in the cloakroom, and the speakers lobby, never in a cot. it is a prop. >> it is a really funny prop. funny to see that rolled in there. what happens if they miss their
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vote? i was noticing that called senator after senator after senator, are they all in there at the same time, what happens if they miss their vote. >> they call the rule after alphabetically. they don't have an electronic system where they vote by card, like they do in the house of representatives. sometimes there are senators that miss votes. on a boat like this, they had 100% attendance. this is why it was critical for john mccain to come back. you do have people who miss votes. it happens, there have been times where they have a fly in day, late on a monday afternoon where senators are flying in from the west coast or wherever, and they don't start those votes until 5:30 in the afternoon, and sometimes, they will have bad weather here in washington, d.c., and they will hold the votes open until 6:30 or 7:00, because they want those
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senators there. and they will call ahead, their offices will comb to the cloakroom and say, senator so and so won't make it, hold before open. there was a key vote some years ago or senator brown of ohio, his mother had died, and he was a key vote, they have the votes to pass a bill, and he came from ohio, and they held the vote open for eight hours in the united states senate just so he could make about. >> let's talk about this for a minute. math is always an affair on capitol hill. as you mentioned, john mccain came in on tuesday after brain cancer surgery, and he voted yes then on the bill there. not tonight, he was one of the three that voted no. >> this was a situation that john mccain has been consistent on for years. some years ago, there was a question about a bill, i don't remember what it was, and he said, i might vote no on the bill, but i always vote on the
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procedural vote. a lot of senators will do that. they won't block things, they won't be dilatory in that sense. this is consistent with how john mccain has operated before. as i always say, you cannot change the congressional physics and the mathematics. people say, of course they will come up with something, they will come up with a bill. but if they are not going to vote yes, they are not going to vote no, it is never going to move. the math is utterly critical here on capitol hill, and if you don't have the votes, you don't have the votes. that is why they used the special process which lowered the bar, turned off filibusters from 60 votes to move it down to 51, they could not get that. they had to do the same thing just to confirm your courses. there has never been a supreme court justice nominee filibuster. that was going to happen here. the democrats have the votes, and so this was where the republicans introduced what we called the nuclear option where they lowered the filibuster bar
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via via president. had they not changed the math, the physics, they never would have been able to confirm your courses to the high court. >> i can only imagine i senator john mccain is going to have a lot of answering to do to republicans tomorrow as we now know that he was one of the three that voted no. i want to read something democratic minority leader nancy pelosi said "the american people a spoken loud and clear about the higher cross and monstrous cruelty of child care. now, congressman finally pivoted to the long-overdue bipartisan work to update and improve the affordable care act and to continue to lower american health care costs." what you make of all that? >> he said if you can get republican scoot dial back on repeal and replace, or mantra they uttered since 2010.
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we will be willing to work with them. >> it will probably help them to have the joe donnelly's from indiana, north dakota, missouri, these are prominent senators to be voting against portions of obamacare. there was a vote on the senate floor yesterday afternoon now, where the republican senator from montana, placing a pair amendment on the floor. daring democrats to support it. well, most of the democrats voted president, meaning you arg you present, meaning you are voting that you are there, but you're not going either way. others voted no, because it helped him get on the record and say, we are not for a single pair, that doesn't work in their states.
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they are not liberal senators like massachusetts or bernie sanders, who might like that. this backfired on the republicans, trying to force that vote. >> politics, so fun. >> i'm shocked! there is gambling in the casino! >> what? nancy pelosi went on to say "the collapse of child care is a tribute to the power of the american people to organize, mobilize, and make their voices heard. as ever, democrats extend a hand of friendship to our republican colleagues to join us in forging constructive progress to improve working families health care." they are extending a hand of friendship. is that hell is going to work? >> chuck schumer has been on the record. the senate is a little more of a genial place. they get along, and schumer has long been on the record there.
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nancy pelosi doesn't have many moderate democrats anymore. one of the things that they had, one of the reasons the democrats have the house back in 2006 and 2008, they had these blue dog democrats. moderate democrats, role ohio and rural iowa, minnesota. republicans basically took all of those seats. now, if you look at the democratic caucus, it is very urban, it is very liberal, it is very coastal. not many people in the middle of the country. so they people who might be willing to work with conservative republicans, they don't exist in the house of representatives right now. so there is going to be cooperation, i would expect it to be more in the senate and not so much in house. >> i was wondering we were going to hear from the president, and we have not heard from the president and a tweet, this is what he had to say. 2 minutes ago. he said "three republicans and 48 democrats let the american people down. as i said from the beginning, let obamacare implode then deal.
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watch." >> that is going to be a big question there. what the president is trying to do, because democrats will turn around and say, wait a minute, if you had come to us, i talked earlier about republic and center saying they should've had governors done of the white house. wait a minute, if all you do is -- the democrats and you never have them down to talk about it in a polity substantive way, and get people who could probably work with you, they might be able to get somewhere. and so, if this is to crash and burn, and if the republicans have all three branches of government, the three key levers, the house, the senate, the white house, and then blame this on the democrats, that is probably not going it on. >> >> i think it is a sign of
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the dysfunction of the republican party in general. we have not fulfilled the promise that republican congressmen have given us. in public and senate, who want to take different approaches to obamacare end of greater pronouncement of that. they been with senators, so we have a lot of work to do to fix obama kirk because, let's not kid ourselves, the problem still exists, but the senate has made it very clear through mitch mcconnell that they are ready to move on and do some thing else >> you could tell that he was very distraught there on the senate floor saying this was not what he hoped for. not what americans deserved after seven years of failed obamacare. he says it is time, time to act now, we had senator ted cruz from texas, he spoke shortly after this happened and he said, give it a couple of weeks or so, after democrats, are done
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pounding the chest, and being excited about what happened here with the skinny repeal amendment, not going through, he says, he believes that senators and lawmakers are going to come back together, circle around the wagon, and they are going to start discussing this again. this is what they told their constituents they would do. specifically, he said, for those of you who campaigned on talking about getting rid of obamacare and now you are not standing by what you said, shame on you. and for those of you who said, i think obamacare is great, we will continue on with it, good for you. but he really let people have it, saying this is not what you told your constituents you were going to do. >> the american people in 2016 said they were tired of politicians promising and under delivering after every election cycle. the real reality here is that we don't have that much time left to actually get something done. the 2018 premiums are going to come out in late october, and we are going to see them go up for
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all of these obamacare markets. remember last year with arizona being close to 125% increase. for democrats to just close your eyes and hope that won't happen is pure fantasy. at the same time, we are not going to be willing as a legislative body to take up health care again and obamacare because it is an election year and look how contentious it was at a time when it should have been very easy for the g.o.p. to make a layup of repealing and replacing the bill. the heritage action network is out with a statement tonight that is very angry at republicans and it is hinting that they might even back far right challengers to senators who were not able to get this done. even republicans whom i have voted yes and did not help leadership carry this over the. >> what would you say to americans who are at home and voted for the senators who said they were going to repeal and replace obamacare, and they are
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upset about the vote tonight tonight. what can we do as viewers, as voters in our homes, what can you do moving forward? >> you need to call your representatives in your senators. be they republican or democrat and say to them, i voted for this to get fixed. i don't want this to hurt people, i wanted to help people, and i wanted to stop jacking up the cost of my health care, and to stop hurting for small businesses the same time. and, you have to make them less impaired democrats were very smart and that they did organize early and hard against this. they flooded everyone and every republican senator. one of the big problems of the republicans have out of the gate when it was the house bill and in the senate bill, we were always on the defensive, saying, it's on this. we lobbed the narrative battle to the democrats. it was a narrative of, it will kill people if we were fielders. when that was in the case.
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it was just changing who had access to health coverage and also stopping to make people having to buy it if they didn't want it. so, we need to better organize them whatever bills we come up with the future, we need to highlight how it is good in a positive impact and take the narrative away from democrats that it is somehow harming people. >> all right right, thank you so much. >> i have it right here my iphone. what struck me in the statement here is that he said, he was concerned that this bill was kind of a shell. there was not a lot there that would actually help the health care system. i will just redo the statement.
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"this so-called skinny repeal and mimic the senate voted on today would not accomplish any of the goals here. it would have repealed some of obamacare is most burdensome provisions, but it really didn't do much." he also said he wasn't assured by the statement of the speaker of the house that this so-called skinny repealed would become law and that they would actually go to a conference committee where they would work out the differences between a house passed bill and a senate passed bill. that's when i talk about how the senate just needs to pass something. that is not a great legislate of strategy, where you're saying just passed something so we can go to congress. that is a long legislative process. you have to then get something in the conference committee, that has to go back to the house, and the senate, and they both have to pass, then, only then, can i go to the president to sign. that is a long way to go. this idea of just going to conference, it does not guarantee that things can be a compost either. you have to have something that you stood for, something that
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has a little meat on the bone. >> can you quickly go over the skinny bill? >> it got rid of the medical device tax. a tax that republicans and even a lot of democrats wanted to get rid of for a long time. they got rid of the individual mandate, the requirement that people had to purchase insurance or they had to pay a penalty. it also got rid of the employer mandate, this is the idea that if you are a company or business that has so many employees, you have to provide insurance for your employees. there was another provision that was tucked into this bill but i thought was very interesting, and it was designed to maine and alaska. they represent rural states were sometimes you have to travel 40, 50, sometimes a hundred miles or more for treatment.
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it called for money that dealt with community health centers. that was something to court their votes, and it just wasn't enough at the end of the day. >> are you talking to any of these lawmakers as they come out? are you there where you can conceive and block out? >> no. there've been a couple of them come by. the democrat from massachusetts walked by a few moments ago. we are actually on the house side of the capital. there are some who do go out this way, but most of them went out the other direction here. a couple of my colleagues were outside trying to talk to them. the obvious we heard from senator cruz. when i left the senate chamber, everyone was still in the chamber because i wanted to hear what was next. they wanted to see what was next, were they going to continue, on with the vote-a-rama. what was the plan. everyone kind of sat in the senate chamber. usually, people hit-and-run. they come in, they might even called her name in the back of the chamber, they set with a thumbs-up or thumbs down and they leave. they go back to the heart center office building across the
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street or they go back to a committee hearing. here, everyone was pretty much sitting in the chamber or having conversations and the back of the room. nobody left because everyone wanted to see how this went down. this is going to be one of the most consequential votes of this congress and it is going to be about that people remember for a long, long time. even if they had some point manage to repeal and replace with on >> definitely. speaking of, john mccain he didn't want mesa's vote. he's one of the three that cast his vote for note today. we heard some cheering going on when i was talking to bret baier loader earlier. did you at all hear what that was about? obviously, we could tell it was probably the democrats rejoicing in what happen, but did you specifically hear what they had said to cause lecturing? >> there was a small group of demonstrators outside. we have seen some pretty big demonstrations are on capitol hill over the past month or so. there was one day a couple of
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days ago where they arrested 90 or so people protesting on capitol hill. big protest almost every day at mitch mcconnell's office. there was a pretty big protest in the senate chamber on tuesday afternoon when they were starting the vote on the motion to proceed. this was to call up the health care bill, and once in a while you have a demonstrator or two and the sergeant of arms and u.s. capitol police remove those persons. there were so many people demonstrating enchanting, kill the bill, don't kill us. it took them about three or 4 minutes, they just did not have the personnel. these were not violent protesters, they expected to get arrested if they're going to do that, but that took a while. there has been a lot of local opposition, people exercising their first amendment rights here in the halls of congress,
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sometimes going a little too far where they get arrested. that is by design. and sometimes just having their say, and there was a small group of protesters out on the plaza between the senate and the supreme court for most of the night. >> i am guessing you'll probably have some more protesters now this did not pass. where do we go from >> there will have a procedural bill on nomination. a defense bill is up in the air here. one wonders how long they will drift into august and that was the original plan. one of the reasons john mccain came back was they wanted to do the defense bill, but a lot of senators will probably go home. the other question is what happens with the house of representatives. the house is going to be in tomorrow, they have to approve the intelligence authorization bill. there was a note sent by kevin
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mccarthy, the majority leader, asking house members to have their travel plans be flexible. just in case they have to entertain something about the senate might pass and move it over to the house. if they thought they could move something expeditiously. you asked whether going to go. members of the most part, and august are going to be home. we will have sound meetings, and they're going to be having interactions with constituents. this is where you have to see where the public is. the public demonstrated that some of the report support for obamacare was representative. some of these obamacare exchanges are not failing. there is no death spiral.
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there might be some republican senators that might be greeted, certainly the ones that voted no tonight, with open arms to say he did the right thing. some others will say, we got your message, maybe they will flip positions here. and maybe democrats. the other thing to watch for is the hard right. it is if president trump unleashes people on these three senators, their primary challenges i could come up. one of the things that republicans have been very careful in trying to do in this cycle is recruit good candidates or crudely standing candidates. the standing senators up for reelection. one of the reasons they did not get control of the senate in 2012 for in 2010, the republicans nominated candidates who were too far to the right. in delaware, which should have been a long trip see if the republicans that never happen. the.
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nevada missouri, that did not work out. indiana, so if they get candidates because they are upset at how the the senators , and they nominate candidates were unelectable, that could be a big problem. if you look at the playing field, it is tilted toward the republicans. they have to be very careful not to screw this up in this election cycle, and some of that will be starting right now during the campaign. we just august is going to get this thing up here, shakespeare wrote about beware the ides of march. on capitol hill, beware the ides of august. we didn't have much stuff has been august last year. do they think they can get a deal. do they hear so much that they
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think okay we'll come back and maybe move the deal strange things happen in august. i would not rule any of it out. were not even to august yet. >> i have to laugh when you say nothing strange happened in august last year. i think the campaign was pretty strange. >> in terms of capitol hill. a few years ago, we even had an earthquake here in august. that was pretty remarkable. >> while you have jinxed us now. if you like something is going to happen in august. how long have you been there on capitol hill tonight? you've been there for a very long time. >> i came in a little later than i usually do. i came here at about 11:30 in the morning, and my wife brought provisions around 9:00. i had a good lunch and a good snack, and i knew we might be
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here until 6:00 in the morning for the vote-a-rama, she was very good. she came down with a couple of sandwiches, a jug of coffee, so we are well fortified here. >> well at least you are well fed and you got some drinks there. we really appreciate it. we are going to go for a little bit on the board. no course which is not anything to put our hat on. for we have not done faster congress. >> you're right. there is a means to be done. for him, i was wondering.
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we heard from on twitter, go figure. three republicans and 48 democrats let the people down. as i said in the beginning, let obamacare employed. >> i understand what the president is saying. we have to remember, democrats builders. and they have not shown a real willingness to work with the public has to fix this. it is their meds, but we are the ones that the clean it i think the president should extend and all olive branch and show that washington can work together. democrats, republicans are not always right, and democrats are always wrong.
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>> so while letting it flow may not be the answer, is there a chance it might just implode? if we can't get democrats and republicans to see eye to eye on this, where do we go? >> let's look at the fact. last year in 2016, 7% of all counties in the united states had one or no insurers that provided obamacare. now, and 2017, but is now 33%. i don't even want to know what it will be in 2018, but it will likely be higher because more and more insurers are pulling out of the obamacare exchanges. it does not work for them, doesn't work for the people who are trying to get the insurance, and it is just not working. while democrats say, it is a great idea, you can give them that, but it's not well executed, and it's not working, so you don't keep throwing money at the problem, which is how democrats feel we should do this. i think it is time to have a very serious discussion about the future of this.
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>> are you surprised by what happened here in the naomi. >> i was sad about 10:00, i thought there was to pass. 51-48. when senator mccain came to the chamber and he had, you could read the body language and how he was interacting with other republicans. and interacting with other democrats. he was having a conversation with chuck schumer, and chuck schumer started smiling and threw his arm around him, and then later, he is having a conversation with a senate g.o.p. leader, i believe it was john cornyn, and he quickly flashed a thumbs down. that's when you knew that there is something going on. and i think republican sets of that that you saw mike pence, onto the floor and try and convince senator mccain to change his vote in the republicans realize that was a lost cause. senator murkowski, but i think
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she was also upset with how the white house handled her in the past and a half. apparently threatened her to deny resources for the state of alaska. unfortunately what the art realizes that senator mcconnell's share of the energy and national resources committee which supervises and allocates all of the funds for interior. so she wasn't exactly the one she wanted to mess with >> to release a statement for john mccain. why the same yet one of the three to do that and then make an appearance after brain cancer surgery, coming on tuesday, still has a scar there on his side. just a real trooper to come in and do this. because every. this is what he had to say. he just voted on today will not accomplish those goals. while the amendment may have
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repealed obamacare is most burdensome regulations, it offers no regulations to repair our health care system and provide quality health care to our citizens." do you agree with that? >> i don't think the skinny repeal got down to the nitty-gritty. i was hoping we will come up with something better than which we had. something that eliminated state lines and allowed cms to activate things and proven to lower costs and improve quality of colors, coverage. i think we need to go back to the drawing board there. one thing i will say about john mccain, i know a lot of republicans are disappointed with him, but i hope that many democrats, when the motion to
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proceed was being voted on, many democrats came out and said, we hope john mccain dies, and he should die soon. he deserves that brain cancer. i hope they will apologize, because they are celebrating him as a hero right now and saying, we still stick by what we said. >> yeah, that is nasty. he has been a trooper through all of this. we have senator ted cruz who spoke after this vote. he said he believes at some point everyone will come together, lawmakers look on her and they will discuss this. , giving their high fives and being excited about what they were able to do there, he believes that senators will go back to their constituents and they will have to face the american people. the seminary they told they were you. so you can have you deserved. you're not going to do.
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he is saying that come back, do you think so, and how long do you think that will take? >> i think. >> they need to keep the pressure on republicans. we are going to end up having to activate our grassroots to also go out and counter that. at the same time i think the real trigger for this is going to be in late october when the new obamacare premium come out and americans see sticker shock at massive, double digit, maybe even triple digit increase of how much there would have to pay for their insurance premiums. i added a window because of the 2018 midterm elections is going
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to be november and december of this year. maybe it will go into january or february, but by the time march and april rolled around, you're going to see legislation grind to a halt, especially major legislation, because every member of the house is going to want to get reelected and not do anything to rock the boat. a third of the senate is going to be in the same position as well. >> all right, we have about 20 seconds here. what would you say to american voters here at home. >> you need to call your representative and your senator and tell them whether you support what they have done or disagree with what they have done. even if they are democrat. i live in new york which is a pretty democratic state, but i still make sure to make my voice heard because they are supposed to represent all of us. >> all right, we'll take a break once again the bill has failed or the senate. it's a serious blow to the g.o.p. and present tromso agenda. we'll take a quick break and will be right back.
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>> nco dedicated to the health of providers. tonight, and where to go from here? >> to quote while ronald reagat i was getting late, and if it's getting to 1964, tonight it proved, it is like that as well. government agencies are one thing in for the sick to have eternal life for government programs. that is what my take away take away is. once something as big as obamacare is put in place, all
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of the different comments of the republicans for the last seven years, in the end, fell on deaf ears. trying to claw back what really was, people called obamacare, the affordable care act, but it was a massive expansion of a government entitlement program for medicaid and the sponsored government, taxpayer sponsored exchanges. and as we saw tonight. >> what does this mean for them? we have lawmakers who decided her fate right here right now, and the politicians we thought would have the best interest at hand, turned out to me, they did not. they let americans down. now, what does the health care system look like for americans? who are paying more than they wa


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