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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 28, 2017 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> jon: jeff >> president trump: and justin named it the richest person in the world, but fortune can be fleeting. >> melissa: by the end of the day, bill gates reclaimed the top spot, he can give us 10 million, and not even message. >> jon: america's news headquarters right now. >> donald trump set to speak any minute now, and as we just learned from the pentagon, north korea did in fact pass and icbm, hello, everyone, i am julie banderas, we'll talk about what that means a just a moment, president of trump's and long island today were he will be addressing law enforcement and community leaders on his new crackdown, targeting the notorious deadly violent central american gang, known as ms-13, and this comes from more provocation from north korea, as they have it testfired yet
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another ballistic missile, and it flew into space this time, meaning it went higher than that their last launch. we have fox news coverage for you today, following the president in the arctic, but we begin with lucas tomlinson live at the pentagon, with the very latest on north korea. what do we know about this launch, lucas? >> well, as you mention, the pentagon is now confirming that it is a ballistic missile, the same that was launched on july 4th, now officials say the missile was launched from an arms factory near their border with china, japanese officials say that they missile flew for 45 minutes, which would be the longest ballistic missile launch to date, north korea launched the missile at about 10:45 a.m. eastern time, a rear at night time launch for the rogue or communist regime, their time zone is 12 and a half hours ahead of the united states, the army's top officer yesterday, he
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joined others when he talked about the dangers that we face with north korea. >> a war with north korea would be terrible, however, a nuclear weapon donating in los angeles would be terrible, we are appointing it time, where choices will have to be made, one way or the other, none of these choices are particularly palatable. >> north korea normally likes to peg these tests with important dates, and this test is no different, they celebrated their 64th anniversary of the end of the korean war, it did not happen yesterday, officials tell me that because of bad weather does, it scrubbed the launch. a very concerning to velma toda today. >> julie: all right, do we know how high the missile traveled, because that is a huge difference here, highlighting the fact that it actually traveled higher than the last time that they launched. >> that's right, the highest
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heights that's the missile can travel is the most important part, officials here at the pentagon are saying that it traveled about 600 miles east, glinting in the sea of japan, what is most important as we mentioned, is the height, it it troubled into space, just like the last missile, which was launched into space, so julie, this is very concerning, especially because this north korean missile launch happen to one day after iran conducted a rocket test of its own, which was based on a north korean design. julie. >> julie: thank you very, very much. let's go now to long island. following president of trump's speech on a new federal crackdown on gang violence, the president is spent to speak momentarily. >> high, julie, right now, the acting i.c.e. director is speaking, he just started that means that we can expect the present within the next few
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minutes, it is all about targeting the ms-13 gang, this is an international gang, known for their savagery, has about 10,000 members from los angeles to houston to write here in long island. now here, the authorities have really been on the offensive, arresting some 240 members, in the last ten months, and they have been targeting them, and which we can expect from the president here is to thank them for their efforts, while also laying down a plan as to what they expect what his plan is, around the country, remember, they are from el salvador, and he was there talking about how they can have a better relationship with el salvador, many of the ms-13 gang members are from the central american country, so he is going to talk
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about bettering that's relationship with el salvador, he will also speak about speeding up deportations, he will most likely speak about the wall as well, and think the local law enforcement in this auditorium right now not only locally but nationally as he focuses on fighting ms-13, for the present, ms-13 really targets a lot of the promises that he really gave to his supporters, remember, he said that he would target the bad of hombres. and that is something that ms-13 would do. he also talks about cleaning up the gangs on the street, we spoke to the police commissioner about their efforts here locally to targets ms-13, let's take a look. >> really, the name of the game is collecting intelligence, and utilizing that intelligence to get to know in the ms-13 gang members, and then we take those
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gang members, and would target them, and we target them relentlessly, we have at our gang officers in our precinct, and we have officers assigned to our newly created firearm suppression team. >> now, when you talk to the police commissioner, he will also tell you that targeting these communities is a difficult process, you have to make sure that you also don't scare on undocumented immigrants from being witnesses, that is something that we see all the time. julie, we'll hear from the president on a now. >> >> julie: he is expected to e introduced any moment now. back to the north korean missile launch, carrying a nuclear war headed to the u.s. mainland, striking alaska, i want to bring in a retired marine colonel oliver north, a fox news military analyst, this is an urgent matter. yet again, north korea has launched another icbm, in a
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statement, the pentagon and said that they can basically confirm this, what does this mean for the united states? how concerned are you? >> julie, i am very concerned, we all ought to be, look, we are praying the price for eight years of the unilateral pacifism, which he has advocated, it is a recipe for disaster. this ought to be a wake-up call for the new world disorder, we now face an existential threat, north korea and iran are tied at the hip, worse yet, russia, china, pakistan, france, india, they are all modernizing nukes, we have done nothing to modernize hours, or protect our homeland, our options are narrowing. we need to convince japanese prime minister that we will joined them i could build a joint nuclear weapons, we need to install a full way to protect
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the country, we need to tell the world that anyone doing any business whatsoever with iran and north korea can do no business of any kind with the u.s. and finally, we need our president to tell the president of china that he is running out of time. we also need to build and deploy ballistic missiles now to deploy our homeland. >> julie: writes, yesterday, the north korean foreign spokesperson read an alarming statement, should the u.s. a dare to show even the slightest sign it to remove our leadership, we will strike at the heart of the u.s. with our powerful nuclear missiles. >> i mean the chief of staff at the military has said to that's north korea's capabilities are advancing significantly faster
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than we had expected, we will have to get to that in a moment. president trump is speaking to federal, state, and local law enforcement, talking about the ms-13 gang, oliver north has in fact called it the isis of america, some background on ms-13, it is a violent street gang, responsible for a string of mass murders all over the country, born in l.a., spreading throughout the country, let's listen to the president's address the crowd. >> president trump: thank you. [cheers and applause] >> president trump: well, thank you very much, this is
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certainly being home for me, i have spent a lot of time right here, i was in queens, i would come here, this was likely luxury location for me. and i love it, i love the people here, even coming in from the airport, i sat with nikki haley who is here somewhere, where is she? investor nikki haley who is so incredible. [cheers and applause] and she has seen crowds in her left, and she says boy, those are really big crowds, crowds of people all lining the streets all the way over to here, and it is a really special place, and so when i heard about this, i said i want to do that one, but i really wanted to do it not just because of location, but because as you know, i am the big, big believer, and admirer of the people in law enforcement. okay, from day one, from day one. we love our police, we love our
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sheriffs. and we love our i.c.e. officers, and they have been working hard. [cheers and applause] thank you, they have been working hard. together, we are going to restore safety to our streets and peace to our communities, and we are going to destroy the vile criminal cartel, ms-13, and many other gangs. but ms-13 is particularly violent, they don't like shooting people because it is too quick. it is too fast. i was reading one of these animals was caught, and explaining they like to knife them and cut them and lets them die slowly because that way, it is more painful, and they enjoy watching that much more, these are animals. we are joined today by police and sheriffs from suffolk suffolk county, state police from new york and new jersey
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them. many of you, i know, immigration and customs enforcement officers, law enforcement personnel from a number of federal agencies, so we are loaded up with great people, that is what i college. and i want to just tell you all together right now, and the reason i came, this is the most important sentence to me on behalf of the american people, i want to say thank you. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] thank >> president trump: thank you. and i don't think you know how much the public respects and admires you. you are saving american lives every day, and we have your
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back, believe me, we have your backs, 100%. not like the old days. not like the old days. [cheers and applause] you know, when you want to take over, you use military equipment, they are saying you couldn't do it, you know what i said, it was my first day, you can do it. that stuff is disappearing so fast, we have none left. you guys know it's, you really know how to get to that, but that's my honor, and i tell you what, it's been put to good use. i especially want to thank i.c.e. director, tom homan, who has done an incredible job in just a short period of time, tom, get up here, i know you just spoke.
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[applause] tom is determined to rid our nation of cartels and criminals who are praying on their citizens, and i can only say to tom, keep of the great work, he is a tough guy, a tough cookie, they said that they were interviewed after that, they said he looks very nasty, he looks very mean, i said that's what i'm looking for. that's exactly what i was looking for. and for that i want to congratulate john kelly, who has done an incredible job, secretary of homeland security, incredible, one of our real stars, truly one of our stars. john kelly is one of our great stars, the border has gone down to 78%, wander past administrations, the border didn't go down, it went up, but
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if it's one down 1%, it was like this was a great thing, it is down 78%. and in fact, the southern border of mexico, we did them a big favor, believe me, and they know they are not going to get through the border to the united states. so that whole group has been incredible, led by general kell kelly. let me also express our gratitude to the members of the new york delegation here today, congressman chris collins, where's chris? oh, from the beginning, he said it trump is going to win, that's why i like him. [laughter] >> president trump: i didn't like him that much before, now i love him. [applause] >> president trump: and dan donovan, thank you, don.
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and who i supported right from the beginning, when they said he didn't have a chance at beating a pretty popular incumbent, and i saw him in a debate, i said i think this guy is going to win, but he fought a pretty popular guy, and i said i think he is going to win it, and he won pretty easily. pretty good, i am proud of you, great job. and of course, a legend, somebody who we all know very well, sort of my neighbor, as i consider him a neighbor, but he is really a great and highly respected man in washington, congressman peter king. the very respected guy. he is a respected man that's people like to ask opinions of, i do. congressman king and his colleagues now the terrible pain
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and violence ms-13 has inflicted upon this community and this country. and if you remember, just a little more than two years ago, when i came down the escalator, with melania, and i made the speech, people coming into this country, everyone said what is he talking about? and it was bedlam, remember bedlam, and then everyone said he's right, so i am honored to have brought it to everyone's attention, the suffering and the pain that we were going through, and now you can look at the numbers, it is a whole different world, and it will get better and better and better. because we have been able to start nipping it in the bud. we have nipped it in the bud, let's call it let's start nipping it in the bud. and ms-13, the cartel, they have spread through some bloodshed throughout the united states, we are getting a lot of them out of here, a big, big percentage, the
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rest of them are coming, they will be out of here quickly, right? good. [applause] >> president trump: so i asked tom on the plane, he was never in the air force one, i said how do you like it? he said a lot, i said hey, tom, let me ask you a question, how tough are these guys? ms-13. he said they are nothing compared to my guys, and that is what you need, sometimes that is what you need, right? for many years, they exploited america's weak borders and lax immigration enforcement, to bring drugs and violence to cities and towns all across the u.s., they are there right now because of weak political leadership, weak leadership, weak policing, and in many cases because the police weren't allowed to do their jobs, i have much police who are great police, who are not allowed to do their jobs because they have a pathetic mare or a mayor who doesn't know what's going on.
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[cheers and applause] >> president trump: were you applauding for someone in particular? it's that, it said. you look at what's happening, it said. but hopefully, certainly you may have a little bit longer to wai wait. but from now on, we are going to enforce our laws, protect our borders, and supports our police, like our police have never been supported before, we are going to support you like you have never been supported
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before. few communities have suffered worse at the hands of these ms-13 thugs than the people of long island, hard to believe, i grew up on long island, i didn't know about this, and then all of a sudden, this is like a new phenomenon, our hearts and our nation grieve it for the victims and their families, since it january 16, think of this, ms-13 gang members have brutally murdered 17 beautiful young lives and in this area on long island alone. think of it. they have butchered those little girls, they kidnapped, they extort, they rape, and they rob,
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they prey on children, they shouldn't be there, the beach them with clubs, they/them with machetes, and they stab them with knives. they have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful, quiet neighborhoods into bloodstained killing fields, they are animals, we cannot tolerate as a society the spelling of innocent, young, wonderful, vibrant people. sons and daughters, even husbands and wives. we cannot accept this violence one day more. we can't do it. and we are not going to do it, because you are not going to be able to do it, and we are backing you up 100%, remember
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that. 100%. [cheers and applause] >> president trump: it is the policy of this administration to dismantle, decimate, and eradicate ms-13 ads every other, and i have to say, ms-13, that's a name, that's fine, we've got a lot of others, and they were all left in here over a relatively short period of time. not during my period of time, believe me, we are getting them out. they are going to deals, and then they are going to back to their country, or they go back to their country. one by one, we are liberating our american people. can you believe i am that? we are liberating the towns. this is like in a movie, like in
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the old wild west, right? we are liberating our towns, i never thought i would be standing up you're talking about liberating the towns on long island. where i grew up. but that is what you are doing, and i can tell you, i saw some photos where tom's guys, rough guys, they are rough -- i don't want to be, i don't want to beat -- they will say that's not politically correct, you are not allowed to have rough people doing this kind of work, just like they don't want to have rich people at the head of treasury, okay? like i want a rich guy at the head of treasury, right? i want a rich guy at the head of commerce because we have been screwed so badly on trade deals, i want people who made a lot of
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money now to making a lot of money for our country, and by the way, as i was walking up, they just gave me the numbers. our numbers just came out this morning, gdp is up double from what it was in the first quarter. [cheers and applause] 2.6%. we are doing well, we are doing really well, and we took off all those restrictions, and some were statutorily stuck with for a little wild, but eventually that comes up, and we will be able to cut a long a lots moree are liberating us and the people, but i have to say, one by one, we are indeed freeing up these grades american towns and cities that are under siege from gang violence, look at
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los angeles, look at what is going on in los angeles, look at chicago. what is going on, is anybody here from chicago? we have to send some of you to chicago. what is going on? i mean, do you see what's happening there? do we agree? is this something -- is this something maybe -- [cheers and applause] >> president trump: i have to tell you one chicago story, so chicago is having this unbelievable violence, people being killed, four, five, six and a weekend, and i'm saying what is going on? and when i was running, we had motorcycles, brigades take us and stuff, and one of the guys, really good, you could see a really respected police officer, he was at the head, he was the boss, and you could see he was the boss, he actually talks like
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the boss, come on, get lined up, i always take pictures with the police, he said don't do it, don't do it. other candidates didn't do it, but i was beating by 40 points, can you believe it? maybe that's why i was winning, other candidates wouldn't do it. but we are in chicago, and we had a massive motorcycle brigades, and you know, those people have to volunteer, i don't know if you know this, but from what i understand, eat they have to volunteer, i had a brigades at some times of almost 300 motorcycles, even i was impressed, i would look ahead, they had volunteers from all of these various places, but this one guy was impressive, he was a rough cookie, and a really respected guy, and he said come on, get over here, it is time to get to work, get over here, and he said he was from chicago i said what the hell is going on?
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and he said the problem can be straightened out, i said how long would it take you to straighten out this problem? he said if you gave me the authority, a couple of days. i really mean it. i said he really think so, he said a couple of days, we know all the bad ones, we know them all. he said the officers, you know all of the bad ones in your area, you know them by their names, we know them all. a couple of days. i said you've got to be kidding, this is a year and a half ago, i said give me your card. and he gave me his card. and i sent it to the mirror. i said you ought to try using this guy. guess what happened? never heard, and last week, they had another record. it's horrible. but we are just getting started. we will restore law and order on
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long island, will bring back justice to the united states, i am very happy to have gotten a great, great to justice of the united states supreme court, not only nominated, but approved, and by the way, your second amendment is safe. your second amendment is safe. i feel very good about that, wasn't looking so good for the second amendment, was it? trump doesn't win, your second amendment is gone. your second amendment would be gone. but i have a simple message today for every gang member and a criminal alien that are threatening so violently our people. we will find you, we will arrest you know, we will jell you, and we will deport you.
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[cheers and applause] and you know, we had some problems with certain countries, we still do with a couple, but we will take care of them, don't worry, every time we have a trade deficit, it is very easy, which is almost everywhere, we have traded deficits with almost every country because we had a lot of really bad and negotiators making deals with other countries, so it is almost everywhere, so that takes care of itself, but we had surgeon countries in south america where they wouldn't take the people back it, i said that's okay, no more trade. trade. all of a sudden, they started taking their people back it, it's amazing, isn't it? they use to send the former secretary of state, they would call, would you please work it so that they can take it, and they use to just tell her no, we won't take them back it, and we
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would take them back with us, every single time. we are having very little problem, are we having any problem with that right now? you better believe it, give me the names of your problem people, we will take care of it. it's unbelievable. one of the people that represented the other administration, i said why didn't you use the power of economics? sir, we think one thing has nothing to do with the other, i said really, so we will have big deficits and they want to take these criminals that came from there and should be back there, and believe me, it all matters, but they are all taking the back it, i.c.e. recently conducted at the biggest crackdown on criminal gangs in the history of our country in at just six weeks, i.c.e. and our law enforcement partners arrested nearly 1,400 suspects, and they
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seized more than 200 illegal firearms, and some beauties, and nearly 600 pounds of narcotics, the men and women of i.c.e. are turning the tide in the battle against ms-13. but we need more resources from congress, and we are getting them, congress is actually opening up and really doing a job, they should approve health care last night, but you can't have everything, boy, oh, boy, they have been working on that one for seven years, can you believe it? the swamp. but we will get it done. we are going to get it done. i said from the beginning let obamacare implode. and then do it. i turned out to be rich. let obamacare implode. [cheers and applause] right now, we have less than
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6,000 enforcement and removal officers, this is not enough to protect the nation of more than 320 million people. it is essential that the congress finds another 10,000 i.c.e. officers, so we are asking for that, so that we can eliminate ms-13 and move out to the criminal cartels from our country, we are getting them out anyway, but we would like to get them out a lot faster, and when you see these towns, and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just hear them thrown in rough, i said please don't be too nice. like when you guys put somebody in the car, and you are protecting their head, you know? the way you put their head like that, like don't hit their head, and they just killed somebody, i said you can take the hand away, okay? [cheers and applause]
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it's essential that congress fund hundreds more federal immigration will judges and prosecutors, and we need them quickly, quickly. we are going to dismantle these deadly networks, and i have to tell you, you know the laws are so horrendously stacked against us because for years and years, they have been made to protect the criminal, totally made to protect the criminal, not the officers, you do something wrong, you are in more jeopardy than they are, these laws are stacked against you, we are changing those laws, but in the meantime, we need judges for the simplest things, things that you should be able to do without a judge, but you have to have those judges quickly, and in the meantime, we are trying to change the laws, we are also working with chairman bob on a series of enforcements, he is a terrific guy to keep our country
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safe from crime and terrorism, and in particular radical islamic terrorism. [applause] >> president trump: a term never uttered by past administrations. never uttered, did anybody ever hear that term, i don't think s so. you heard it from me, that includes cracking down on sanctuary cities that defy federal law, she will do views over stays release it dangerous criminals back into the u.s., that is what's happening, they are releasing them, so many deaths where they release some back into the community, and they know it is going to end that way, that is the sad thing, they know it is going to in that way. we are ending those. we have to secure -- thank you.
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i spoke to parents, incredible parents. i got to know so many parents of children that were so horribly killed, burned to death, beaten to death, just of the worst kind of death you can ever -- stuffed in barrels, and to the person that did it was a release, and you look at the file, and there was letter after letter after letter of people begging them not to let this animal back into society, that's this would happen, it would happen quickly, it wasn't even like it would happen over a long period of time, and they were saying it would happen quickly, it is total violence, totally violent person, you cannot let this person out, they lets the person out, and sometimes, it would happen like on the first day. and then you have to talk to the parents and a hold of the parents and hug them and they
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are crying -- i mean it crying, their lives are destroyed, and nobody thinks about those people. they don't think about those people. they are devastated. but we are ending so much of that, we are ending hopefully all of that. the laws are tough, the laws are stacked against us, but we are ending at. [applause] >> president trump: so we are going to secure our border against illegal entry, and we will build the wall, that i can tell you. in fact, last night, it was approved, 1.6 billion for phase one of the ball, , wall, and we are going to build it, the wall is vital, and vital is a tool
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for ending the humanitarian disaster really brought on by drug smugglers and new words that we haven't heard it too muh before, human traffickers, this is a term that has been going on from the beginning of time, and they say it is worse now than it ever was, you go back 1,000 years, when you think of human trafficking, you go back 500 years, 200 years, human trafficking, they say, think of it, what they do, human trafficking is worse now, may be than it has ever been in the history of this world. we need a wall, we also need to stop the drugs because i am a very good builder, you people know that better than most because you live in the area, that's why i'm here. to build a good wall. no, we are going to build a real
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wall, we are going to build a wall that works, the wall is going to have a huge impact, the wall is almost a -- it could be one of the main reasons that you have to have it, it is an additional tool to stop the inflow of drugs into our countr country. the previous administration enacted an open door policy to illegal immigrants from central america, will come, come in, please, please, as a result, ms-13 surged into the country. and they scoured and just absolutely destroyed so much in front of them. new arrivals came in, and they were all made recruits of each other. and they fought with each other. and then they fought outside of each other, and it got worse and worse, and we are going to turn that back. in these three years before he took office, more than 150,000 unaccompanied alien minors arrived at the border and were
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released all throughout our country into the united states communities, and a tremendous monetary cost to taxpayers, and also a great cost to life and safety. nearly 4,000 from this wave were released into suffolk at county, congratulations. including seven who are now indicted for murder. you know about that. in washington, d.c., at least 42 alien minors from the border surge have been recently implicated in ms-13 related violence, including 19 charged in killings or attempted killings. say, what happened to the old days, when people came into this country, they worked, and they
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worked, and they had families, and they pay taxes, and they did all sorts of things, and their families got stronger, and they were closely net, we don't see that, failure to enforce our immigration laws had predictable results. drugs, gangs, and violence. but that is all changing now. under the trump administration, america is once more a nation of laws, and once again, a nation that stands up for our law enforcement officers. [cheers and applause] we will defend our country, protect our communities, and
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puts the safety of the american people first. and i am doing that with law enforcement, and we are doing that with trade, and we are doing that with so much else. it is called america first, it is called an expression i am sure you have never heard of, make america great again. has anybody heard that? have you heard that? that is my promise to each of you. that is the oath i took as president. and that is my sacred pledge to the american people. thank you, everyone here today, you are really special, special americans. and thinking in particular to the great police, sheriffs, and
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i.c.e. officers, you are doing a spectacular job, the country loves you, the country respects you, you don't hear it, but believe me, they respect you as much as they respect anything there is to respect about our countries, you are spectacular people. because of the danger of your job, which people also understand fully, i leave you with the following, thank you, and may god bless you may god bless the united states of america. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much. ♪ >> julie: and there you have a
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very warm applause for the president of the united states, but donald trump was speaking to law enforcement here in long island, new york, the topic here is a ms-13 gangs, of course, many other issues at the white house is currently battling, let's bring in colonel north, oliver north rejoins me, we were speaking north korea a moment ago, we do want to talk now about the police member's message to gang members and criminal aliens, threatening our people, he says i have a simple message for every gang member and criminal alien threatening our people, we will find you, we will arrest you, we will jail you, and we will deport you. ms-13, you compare them to isis in america. >> it is, julie, i thought it was a spot on speech. several things about it, ms-13 is the isis, the al qaeda, the
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tele- band of the western hemisphere, it is a brutal, vicious organization, they torture, behead, murder, extort, terrorize, and they raise money the same way as isis, through robberies, drugs, and ransoms, the only difference is that isis kills to die, and ms-13 lives two, and we cannot fight this alone, arbeiter our border is t secure, dea narcotics operations, and expedited extradition, into the thing he is talking about, which is very, very important, i thought it was spot on. >> julie: you, i am glad that you mentioned jeff sessions, because his trip to el salvador sort of brings us back to why president trumbo pegs him as the attorney general, because these two were unified on the front 25 ms-13, they together vowed to devastate ms-13, and both of them in fact to blame obama era
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immigration policy for its thriving. they have to get back together behind the scenes and maybe try to mend the feud that has been going on between the two. >> julie, thank god i don't have to worry about politics, i watch that the way that jeff sessions was received in el salvador, i spent a lot of time down there back in the 80s, and you watch the affection that they had for him, knowing where he was coming from, and counting on him to carry the load for the department of justice, which there is a lot of folks there at that briefing today that the president just gave, that was spot on for what we need to be able to do, and i hope that's between you and me, i hope that jeff sessions is here to make it happen. >> julie: i believe that is his goal, and we will have to see how it goes, but i agree, strong speech today, strong message, ms-13 must be eradicated. thank you very much,
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oliver north, for taking the time to hang out with us during the president's speech. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> julie: 's big story we are watching with north korea test firing yet another icbm missile and a daring the u.s. to respond, for more on all of this, let's bring in republican congressman steve king, thank you very much for talking to us. this is extremely worrisome for many reasons, it is not the first time that north korea has launched a ballistic missile, capable of reaching the united states, but today, we are talking a lot about the height, the altitude, in which this missile was launched, and the threat it poses on the united states, what should president trump's response be? >> boy, that is a good question, where this thing sits right now, as you are seeing the acceleration of the north korean nuclear endeavor, not only are they experiencing as far as muscles go, they are starting to send us the signal that they will soon be able to reach the united states or perhaps can reach the united states, but
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they are sending a message into her throat, and at some point, something has got to happen, and it needs to happen before there is a nuclear warhead heading over towards the united states or japan or anywhere else for that matter, so i am going to leave that strategy to our department and to be president, but a regime change in north korea, if they could push that hard, perhaps there is a way to avoid to some kinetic activity, which seems to be just around around the corner. >> julie: a regime change is exactly what needs to happen, indeed, sanctions as well, we know that north korea, iran, they are facing sanctions, but when the foreign ministry spokesperson comes out yesterday and basically dares the u.s., and basically says and starts and they will strike in the heart of u.s. with their powerful nuclear hammer, should the u.s. a deer to show even the
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slightest sign of attempted to remove our supreme leadership, those are strong words and not to be immense, and this is a regime which we do not want to start an all out war with. let's just talk about this icbm missile, its capability to reach the united states. and how is it that's the chief of staff of the army, saying that they have advanced capabilities faster than we had anticipated, so are we not subduing the proper research, do we not have the proper eyes and ears they are on the ground in south korea and our military to properly monitor how fast they have managed to increase their production? >> well, julie, i think that requires a greater level of intelligence than i have had access to recently, and probably more if i could speak about it. it concerns me too that they have stripped our observations
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and have that capability. i would like to send this message to north korea, and that is this, that one president trump ordered that the missile be dropped on the mountain in afghanistan, the last area was twice the diameter of hiroshima or nagasaki, so that is three times the damage, and it is nonnuclear, so i think they should be thinking about the capabilities of the united states, or delivering to the united states, and it would be far more massive than it north korea could deliver, but i don't want to send a taunt over to them, i say instead, that the north korean people are not going to get information to rise up, so the best thing that can happen is for china to understands that there is a lot at risk it is time for them to intervene, and hopefully our master to china can convey that message. >> julie: thank you very much, will have to leave it there,
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sir, thank you very much for taking time in this busy week for you, thank you, republican efforts to undo obamacare have a field, so is compromise in the cards on capitol hill? that is the question we are going to debate to that with the panel, coming up in a moment the citi® double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy and 1% as you pay. double means double.
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recently in the senate. first, let's just go ahead and throw up the tweets that president it trump had quit up, he is leaving, i believe, right now, that is what we are showing, on long island, he just gave a speech, but basically, a lot of people were anticipating, boy, which until he hears about this when he wakes up in the morning, oh, he was up, at 3:00 in the morning like everybody, and he tweeted the republicans all the democrats let the american people down, watch. let's talk about why senator senator mccain did not to like the "skinny repeal" health care bill. >> well, it was clear that he didn't trust that the house would not just pass the "skinny repeal" bill, there were a lot of senators who had that concern, including i think lindsay graham, but those were sways for most of them, but for john mccain, he was not going to trust that to happen, and i think the prospect of 15 million
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people losing their health care, costs going up 20%, if that's bill once there, it would have been devastating, i think that senator lindsey graham called it a catastrophe, a joker, a sham of a bill. so i think mccain that just couldn't get past all of that. do you to my stomach >> julie: do you believe that there were a lot who had voted for it and are now breathing a sigh of relief, what did john mccain do last night essentially, speak all right, i think it shows that they are not serious about repeg obamacare, it shows that they ld it to the american people for nearly a decade about their intentions, and they pretended that they were serious about it, when in fact, they were not, and i understand that john mccain's point, that's a lot of the discussion surrounding this bill were in secret, and it excluded a lot of individuals who should be included, in a drafting such an
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important policy, but at the same time, i am not convinced that his reason for doing so was fundamentally conservative, in the sense that you know, sorry -- i think we also need to talk about the cbo and the number that are frankly just been cooked, the number of 15 to 16 million people, those are largely at -- >> julie: cbo report, 20% increase in cost, they also predicted some 15 million people would be without health insurance, but regarding your comments about republicans not being serious about repeal and replace, i mean that's not true, for seven years, they have wanted to, the problem is into the question is who is at fault? did mitch mcconnell not properly sell it, john mccain basically said this that this is not to giving or living up to the promise to repeal and replace, and such people deserve affordable health care, joe, can
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they fix aca? >> yeah, they can, they can do things to improve it. >> julie: all right, we've got to go. i'm sorry, we're out of time. joe and bree, thank you very much, shep is next. i totally could've - no! switching to allstate is worth it. finding the best hotel price is now a safe bet. because tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites - so you save up to 30% on the hotel you want. lock it in. tripadvisor.
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>> shepard: it's noon on the west coast. 3:00 in d.c. president trump lashed out at members of his own party for sinking the gop healthcare nonplan. some republicans are vowing not to give up and top democrats are saying let's work together. we're live on capitol hill with all the fall-out. president trump's new communications chief is not apologizing for his x-rated tirade against the chief of staff and top strategist. is another shakeup in the works? we're live at what the "new york post" calls survivor white house. the attorney general jeff sessions tells fox news he's not going anywhere if it's up to him. senators from both parties team up to protect the special counsel running the russia


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