tv Hannity FOX News July 31, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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never miss an episode of "the five" and then. it "hannity" is coming at you next. >> sean: many thanks to our friends on "the five." this is a fox news alert. welcome to "hannity." we are following many huge headlines tonight. another white house shakeup. anthony scarry mucci is out. president trump, and members of his administration, turning up the heat, finally, on congressional republicans after the senate failed to repeal and replace obamacare. of course, the seven year promise, and then after another north korean icbm test, the commander in chief is promising the american people to handle this growing threat from this rogue regime. republicans on the house judiciary committee, they are now finally calling for a special counsel to investigatew the mass of scandals surrounding hillary clinton, james comey,
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loretta lynch. also, an explosive new report on the obama administration loosening rules to make it easier to unmask members of congress.lo wow. all of that and also much more. breaking news on tonight's important opening monologue. all right, anthony scaramucci has resigned as the white house can medications director. general john kelly is sworn in as a new white house chief of staff. eric trump will be joining us tonight with reaction. also tonight, after last week's epic failure to repeal and replace obamacare, president trump is yes, rightly, pressuring republicans to keep to their seven year promise. to you the american people. they are desperate for the promise to be fulfilled. over the weekend, the commander in chief, he tweeted out "if a new health care bill is nott approved quickly, bailouts for insurance companies and bailouts for members of congress will end very soon." the president also added "unless the republican senators are total quitters, repeal and replace is not dead.
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demand another vote before any other bill." republicans appear to be throwing in the towel on repealing obamacare. the president is committed to holding their feet to the fire and so are we here on the show. senator john mccain, who joined the obstructionist democrats, republicans are apparently ready to give up, it is excusable. it proves we have a republican party that is not only spineless and gutless, but what do they stand for. what is their identity? they don't have one. you can keep your word and start doing your job, passing bills and keeping promises. repeal and replace obamacare, or literally, keep making excuses why you can't implement the president's agenda in your agenda. guess what will happen. you will risk losing the house
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and senate in 2018. in case you care, my message to you lazy people in washington, d.c., stop the vacations, get to work, because when you fail, it is the american people, the forgotten men and women in this country, who end up suffering. you're supposed to serve them in case you forgot you are public servants.o also tonight, america faces a growing threat in north korea. the trump administration is now vowing to take action. on friday, the rogue regime conducted yet another icbm test, which fox news has learned is the longest missile test and the history of north korea. over the weekend, the u.s. military conducted a successful antiballistic missile test that was over the pacific ocean to send a message back. earlier today in a cabinet meeting, president trump says his administration will handle north korea.ha this comes after the president called on china to step up, and do more to stop pyongyang's aggressive behavior.
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the japan prime minister is saying that they have agreed to take action against north korea which is desperately needed, and the president is now facing anga increasingly difficult ndsituation. there is no good answer to the situation, and the reason why, you will never hear this fromro the media, it goes back decades to the clinton administration. you will learn this from the media, but back in 1994, then president bill clinton and his administration, they struck a deal with kim jong un's father. north korea was in a freeze, and they would eventually end their nuclear weapons program. as a part of the deal. they would allow inspectors into their nuclear sites, but this is the important part. remember, think iran. they would also be allowed to keep their nuclear fuel rods, which could be used to make weapons for an unspecified
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number of years.ue bill clinton, he put those fears aside, gave them the money, your money, and praised this really dumb agreement which they never kept. watch this.. >> this is a good deal for the united states. north korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. south korea and our other allies will be better protected. the entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. >> sean: it wasn't a good deal for the american people, and clinton ended up aiding his words, because in 1998, north korea testfired a long-range missile. by 2006, north korea had conducted its first nuclear test, and under the obama administration, the north korean threat crew rapidly prayed hear did nothing about it either. it turned into the growing crisis that now the president is facing. no great solution. as for the fourth major story tonight, on our agenda, republicans in the house judiciary committee, they are sent a letter finally.a,
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they're calling for a special counsel to be appointed, finally, to investigate major scandals with real evidence surrounding hillary clinton, james comey, former attorney general loretta lynch. it is about time.po they did this using theiral authority of subpoena power to restore law and in the country. guess what, we need equal justice under the law. we've been telling you this for months on the program made there is a massive double standard when it comes to investigating scandals, in this case, thatve involve democrats. the republicans are in charge. these are scandals that, of course, the destroyed trumpet course, the destroyed trump establishment media, they were to routinely ignore despite massive amounts of evidence. hillary clinton, the private email server, we also know that clinton deleted 33,000 emails and acid washed her computers with bleach. and then she smashed mobile devices.
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of course, the lawyers did turn over blackberries to the fbi, but they didn't have sim cards. the real russia collusion story, the uranium one deal, which i predict will be the biggest news to come out in the next year or two. secretary of state, she approved handing over up to 20% of americas uranium, the foundational material of nuclear weapons, to vladimir putin and the russians. all while people involved in the deal kicked back over $145 million to the clinton foundation. bill clinton doubled his speaking fees in moscow. then, james comey, testifying under oath that he had a friend leaking comments to "the new york times," some of which were classified as we are told. government information, he's not allowed to do it. that could be a crime also. he may have violated the law, and that could be a violation of the espionage act. also, he admitted before congress, yes, the former attorney general loretta lynch
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pressured him not to tell the truth, that the clinton email investigation was an investigation. she wanted to call it a matter, and he ended up listening. as for her, just days before his announcement, which let hillary off the hook, she met with bill clinton on an airport tarmac. conflict of interest? and then the antitrust dossier. the in russia that turned out not to be true. fusion gps. who was paying for the headpiece? with a tattoo? they had ties to russia, and as we have been saying for months, the evidence is overwhelming, staggering, and incontrovertible, and the justice department needs to do the right thing, appoint a special counsel, get to the bottom of all of these scandals. also, finally tonight, a stunning report, from our friend john solomon at the hill, about how former obama director of national intelligence, james clapper, made it much easier to unmask members of congress. really, and their staffers?
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that opens the floodgates for fourth amendment piracy violations. with reaction, john solomon himself. conservative commentator, monica crowley.ol he so, we have the former director of national intelligence, and we have the issue of susan rice, then we learn from your friend sara carter that the general counsel of the fbi is being investigated for also leaking intelligence information, why is this unmasking story so important? >> he goes to a very important issue, the founding fathers created the separation of powers. they said that the congress and the executive branch, and the judiciary were supposed to be independent if the executive branch could on its own begin unmasking information about neighbors of congress, it opens the door for them to spy on things that are being set about them, or things that they themselves were talking about when they are intercepted overseas. i think the standard is change.
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back in 1992, cia director for george h.w. bush, he put out a standard that made unmasking a last resort. you only unmask a member of congress if there is no others way to get foreign intelligence. james clapper, may be leading ua to the point where he issued this memo. a change to a standard of convenience. if it helps you to understand a report, you can unmask a member of congress. a privacy issue and a separation of powers issue i think. >> sean: i am hearing, and my sources are telling me, that huge names in the obama administration, we have susan rice, now we are looking into james clapper, but names that everyone will know, are going to also be revealed in the scandal. that this was widespread at the top. are you hearing that? >> yes, in fact, if you look at the rules, one of the things that he did, he widened the circle of people that could unmask a name without any written permission. it used to be the secretary of state, the vice present, then national security advisor, only five people had special access to unmask information.
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when he put out the rules in 2013, it expanded to all of the deputies and all of their advisors. i think that is going to be an interesting area for us to look at in the weeks ahead. >> sean: monica, let me ask you this. the republican party, they are not accomplish in their promises, and on i was very happy to see the president say do your job. don't quit. but they have subpoena powers, they are in charge of these committees, and only now are they finally beginning to realize that the democrats and the media want to the president to be destroyed, and that there is far more evidence of realde wrongdoing and felonies committed. only now they are getting in the game. >> six months into the fact. it looked, sean, i really believe that there are some republicans, not all, but there are some on capitol hill who art as interested as democrats and the media are in destroying donald trump.
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i'm referring to establishment republican types, who are interested in torpedoing the agenda of the president, which also happens to be the republican agenda. so it is a self-destructive act, but because donald trump represents such an existential threat to the establishment on both sides, as well as to theab media and the deep state and the permanent federal bureaucracy, there are elements on all sides that are actively trying to undermine him, even if thatre means losing her grip on their own agenda, even if that means that perhaps losing the house. because trump represents such an overwhelming threat, that they are willing to destroy him and taken down. and by the way the country, by failing to repeal and replacee obamacare, by having our tax reform in a chaotic mess already -- >> sean: why aren't they keeping -- it is now eight months, and they haven't kept a single promise.
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>> it gets to a point, and i realize my point is quite controversial, but it's not just the democrats, the far left, and the media. they are out to destroy donald trump. remember, he is a very interesting kind of figure that threatens -- >> sean: they don't care if they lose, as long as they heard the president? republicans, you're saying that? >> yes. not all, obviously. but i think there are elements of the republican party that are as interested in, as a left, as democrats, as the media, and taking the president down. eptyer sident needs to deliver one thing, a booming economy. he needs the congress is help to do that. with tax reform and repealing and replace an obamacare.mi if you can't get those two. elements in, it's going to flat and the u.s. economy -- >> sean: do you think he's going to do this with the economic agenda? >> i'm not sure. it's also chaos on capitol hill. if they are really interested in serving the american people,
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they will make sure that the agenda goes forward and that the economy is one set on a growthes path.en >> sean: i agree with you, but do you believe that based on the information that you haven't shared with us yet. i know you are investigating every day, sarah carter is as well, that this whole narrative flips? because i believe it will boomerang. >> i do think there is a growing number of lawmakers beginning to ask questions that they weren'tg asking in the beginning of this controversy back in january. one of the interesting things about congress, when something hits their backyard, they always seem to take it a little more seriously than if it was just in the media. members of congress, their own privacy and separation of powers potentially at risk, and i think people are going to ask questions about this and how we get to this point. so to monica's point, i think there is another dynamic that goes on. lawmakers always worry about getting reelected themselves. they are always afraid that
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someone is going to be accused of being soft on terrorism. if you don't give the b intelligence committee all at once. i think these people will look back at 2013 and ask the important questions. >> sean: i will say this, i love our intelligence community. they risk their lives to keep us safe, and the 99.9% do such a good job, but if the tools we give them, the weapons ofo intelligence are turned on the american people, the way we are discussing here, that is a foundation of a police state. that half of a percent half of 1% that might be misusing it, that is the deep state that needs toert go. >> that would constitute the most dangerous scandal in u.s. history. >> sean: absolutely, absolutely. when we come back, dr. gorka will talk to us about how you deal with north korea. i don't think there's a good answer. also, eric trump coming up. are you done yet?
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we will handle north korea. we will be able to handle them. it will be handled. we handle everything. thank you very much. >> sean: that was the president earlier today reassuring the american people that his administration will deal with north korean aggression. now with discussion, dr. sebastian gorka. dr. gorka, i'm really becoming alarmed and concerned. it north korea may be the defining moment, much to our chagrin, of the trump administration. and from my perspective, there is no good answer. because the clintons gave north korea nuclear weapons. all of their brides did not work, all of their assurances that they would not get nuclear weapons, we would give the money not to build them. it didn't work out the way they promised. just like iran will not work out the way the obama deal was structured. >> sean, you're absolutely right. the clintons administration facilitated north korea when it comes to this issues.
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an obama administration when it so called leading from behind. that just allow that space to be filled and they were taken for a ride. that is true, but that is history, and that is all changed. you look at what we have done in just the scans six months. the present has been in office. whether it is revitalizing nato, the liberation of mosul and our iraqi partners. domestic and national security successes with regard to illegal immigration.nd this is a result oriented presidency, and we will do the same with north korea.ed please understand, there is a whole pallet of options. it's not a question of peace or war, there are a lot of things that we can do, some of them less than overt. qac the fact that this present will not allow american lives or our partner's interests to be in danger. >> sean: we have seen and we have read, this is really scary. if they can reach, new york with
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their icbm, and i know we have the ability to take these out of the sky, but i would rather they never be lost. here is the other danger, though. i worry about south korea, i worry about japan. if this guy is crazy enough, is he going to launch a nuclear war against china? not exact a happy, nor is theno president, about how china isns reacting to pyongyang. i think they need a stronger response. they have more influence in the region. this is more their regional problem and it should be ours. i don't see that answer. you take out the nuclear sites, what is he going to do next? is he going to launch a missile on seoul, korea, or japan?ng >> let's look at what this man is really going. this is calculated. every single launch is an escalation. but what is their end game? let's step back and take if fear off the table and look at the reality. remember gulliver's travels,
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that great story. america is a goliath. we are a giant. 12 nuclear aircraft carriers. we just commissioned the latest one, the uss general ford.a,t north korea, they can't even feed their own people. the fact is, they know that we are not just a superpower, we are a hyperpower. this is nothing more than blackmail.t we we will not allow ourselves, western civilization, to be blackmailed. >> sean: i think it is also a tale to be told. we can expect that bribing irann is going to result in anything different than the attempts to bribe north korea. do you think he is mentally unhinged, mentally unbalanced, or is that an act?th >> look, i don't know. i'm not a medical psychologist, or psychiatrist. what you said is very important to understand. when it comes to countries like north korea, when it comes to isis, when it comes to iran, this presidency, will say, stanm up, and call out evil when it sees it.
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when you see stalinist regimes, that maintain labor camps. when you see isis and slave markets, this is not just fundamental differences, america will have stood up to evil before. and what happens every time, wef have won. >> sean: thank you so much,ve dr. gorka. serious issues, real evil in our time. w when we come back, eric trump will join us in our studio. straight ahead. there's nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. and with their price match, i know i'm getting the best price every time. c'mon, gary! your vacation is very important.
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personally dictated a misleading statement to explain a meeting between his son and the russian lawyer last summer. that statement claimed that donald trump, jr., met with the lawyer to discuss the adoption of russian children. it was later revealed that donald, jr., had in fact arranged the meeting to obtain damaging information gathered by the kremlin about hillary clinton. former arizona sheriff is one step closer to prison. he has been found guilty of disobeying a court order to stop traffic patrols that targeted immigrants. the 85-year-old lost reelection last year because of his legal troubles, his attorneys plan to appeal the conviction. i am kelly wright, back to "hannity" ." >> we just swore in general kelly that he will do a spectacular job. i have no doubt, as chief of staff. what he has done in terms of homeland security is record shattering.of if you look at the border, you look at the tremendous results we've had, and you look at the
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spirit. >> sean: that was the president earlier today, praising his new chief of staff. general john kelly, plus, also today, the white house announced anthony's current which which she is out as white house medications director. in studio, with reaction to the shakeup, is eric trump. we always appreciate you being here. i read about, so my audiencece doesn't have to go near it, "the washington post." four days after he lost his son in afghanistan, general kelly was giving a speech saying the one thing i don't want you to mention is my son. he talked about the horrible treatment of our military. we ask him to fight bleed and die, but never mind, because it becomes a litter size. and then he says something, we are one of only 5500 american families that have suffered a death in this war. the death of my boy cannot be made to seem more tragic than others.
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i'm thinking wow, what an amazing human being. >> he is an amazing human being. an incredible guy. i've got to know him, he is tough, disciplined, it's incredible. he will operate that place so incredibly well, and listen, my father has so many great people by his side. the whole cabinet, he has one of the most impressive cabinets there, but in terms of organization, you can give it to a military guy, i think is goino to do an incredible job for the trump administration. >> sean: i was watching her father, i was tweeting all weekend, and i agree with your dad. there are either total quitters in the senate, or repeal and replace is not i i this is august, your father has been in office since the 20th of january, and i'm a registered conservative, but i mostly vote republican. i'm like, what is wrong these people? >> look at the weight he has to carry. look at the weight, and look at the good things that are happening. the media doesn't want to talk about it, you talk about it. you think they would get on the bandwagon. we have a stock market that is 100 points, 22,000, already a record. he has broken 30 records in the
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last three or four months. it is just skyrocketing. you look at oil prices, how good that is. you look at infrastructure, all of the pipelines and things that are going in, you look at the military, what he's doing. the va, and what he's doing. tax reform, which he obvious he wants to get done, which would be incredible for the country. you look at building in america, so many incredible things are l being done, and all they want to focus on is russia and there scandal, and i guarantee you if you want the mainstream media, the only thing they're going to talk about is anthony for the next two weeks. whatever it is. but they won't talk about the stock market, they won't talk about people's 4o1 kays, they won't talk about -- >> sean: regulation gone. the promises kept. >> this country is $4 trillion richer with my father in the first six months. where is that? >> sean: the republicans, not only, they ran on repeal and replace.
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as your father said, you guys have made this promise for seven years. i have a pen in hand, i'm ready to sign.n. not only that, they have allowed this phony russian narrative to go out for so long, but yet, we we've got the ukraine collusion, uranium one, we got the email server scandal, which we know laws were broken, you've got james comey leaking, the general counsel is leaking, loretta lynch, they're not even using the power of subpoena to investigate what i truly see as real evidence, real crimes. >> sean, my father said it. he said it a couple of weeks ago and i tweet. am i going to have to carry this whole weight on my shoulders? when there are some of the people in my own party going to start protecting me? i am an outsider, i am looking in on the white house, i'm running our company, but i want someone to start fighting for him. he is the best fighter in the world. will do a better job finding for himself and all of them will do fighting for
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him, but how much weight does he have to carry by himself. how can a party that is doing sf much better than the democrats, if you look at how much more c money the republicans are raising the complete shambles that the dnc is in. the dnc is in debt. the republicans are raising seven times on a monthly basis than the dnc. why wouldn't they embrace that? my father has the voice of this country. the people of this country love him. why wouldn't they get online. it doesn't make sense especially --s >> sean: the problem is politics, eric. you want to do well, get reelected, how about you build the wall -- >> especially for fundamentally broken system. obamacare has gone down the tubes. f it is a bankrupt system.he it is going to be subsidized. insurance companies want nothing to do withth it. the best doctors aren't arguing it. premiums have gone up hundred%, 200%. it's breaking.'s and by the way, this goes for democrats as well, you me to tell me that there isn't a single democrat on the opposite side of the isle that doesn't
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see a single problem with obamacare.d i see this all the time, they would rather see my father failed into this country succeed. >> sean: i have identified five enemies against her father. like the deep state, there have been more essential leaks against your father, then you obvious you have democrats, they hate him, they don't want him to have one success. and i think your comment is relevant and appropriate. then you have the media, which focuses on intrigue on russia. then you have weak republicans, john mccain had published promises, but that's a lot of forces ganging up against one guy. is that the whole swamp? >> it is the whole swamp, but he is tougher than all of them. he is tougher than all five of those groups.
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you look at the media, the media has gone to shambles. they would rather focus on russia and rather focus on the nonsense stories than real news that people care about. that is the sad thing for the country, sad thing for democracy. it's a sad thing for the morality of this country. it the media these days, it's no longer who has the most journalistic integrity, who puts out the most meaningful stories and how it affects people, it is who can publish the most sensational story that gets the most clicks on twitter or facebook, and it is really become a race to the bottom. >> sean: eric, good to see you. thanks for stopping by. coming up on this busy breaking news night, the trump administration is not backing down on the battle to repeal and replace obamacare. republicans, grow up and keep your promise. former governor, mike huckabee's in studio. up next. cup
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when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." republican lawmakers in the senate, they failed to repeal and replace obamacare after seven long years of promises. but the president, he is not giving up. instead, he is continuing to put pressure on congress to make good on the promise of repeal and replace. and replace it with something that actually works. joining us now with reaction, as well as the shakeup in the white house, former arkansas governor mike huckabee. governor, one thing that was missing in my mind, i've read
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patient power, and ever since, i believed in ira account, health savings accounts for people. i've been interviewing this guy from wichita, about health care cooperatives. $50 a month, unlimited care, total access to your doctor 24/7. not one time last week when the republicans were wetting toilet paper and throwing it against the wall with their ridiculous ideas did any of these create a free market solutions. why? >> because washington thinks that they have to come up with a plan that is one-size-fits-all. the truth is, one size will mess up all. that is the problem whether it's obamacare or even with the republicans in the senate tried to do. the smart play, read the constitution. discover the fact that nobody in washington has responsibility to provide health care for everybody. send this back to the states, where it belongs. i guarantee you, sean, that there is a big difference
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between health care delivery in massachusetts, where charlie baker is governor, and mississippi where bill bryan's governor. but there is one thing in common, both of those guys woulv design a plan that would work for their demographic, there's constituencies, and it would be 100 times better than washington but here's the point, sean. the problem with washington is not that they are trying things that are too big, they are s trying things that are too small. do something big. go constitutional. send it back to the states. i guarantee you it could work better and it would come to innovations like you'd mentioned. >> sean: i'm not the biggest c s fan on lindsey graham and john but lindsey graham is involved in the very idea of block granting money to states, and if california wants to go single-payer, let them pay for. so, do you support this as may be the final solution, where you can get people like john mccain back on board? >> i would like toai believe tht
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they would be on board for the simple reason that they are going to be hard pressed to sayy no, we are not for that. we don't believe the people ino our home state have good sense to do it, sean, as long as washington is really run by the donor class and by the lobbyist, and everybody and every piece of legislation gets a carve out for their particular special interest, we are never going to see anything happen that turns out well. what you mention, the kind of innovations, can only happen when there is a kind of freedom and liberty that's left when we do this in a constitutional manner. >> sean: governor, i see the president, he goes out and speaks to these huge crowds, has amazing rallies, and you see the reaction of people. right now, i look at the republican party without an identity. they are not saying build a wall, they can't even get a seven-year promise fulfilled ant get their act together or not. we see very specific ideas from the president on energy, on the radical islam, on building borders, the president's economic plan, middle-class tax
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cuts, corporate cuts, or appropriation for multinational corporations. where is the republican party, free-market, capitalism, look less government, more freedom. were all these discussions within that party. what do they stand for at this point? >> it is hard to say. f we have seen in this last total disaster after all these years of voting to repeal obamacare, some of the very same senators that voted to repeal it then voted to keep it, and thenso republicans, i've heard people say, we are worried that republicans may lose the house in the senate, i am less worried that the republicans will lose the house and the senate, what i really like to see is some different republicans keep the house and senate, but at least go there with some republican attitude and really have a goal to shake things up. >> sean: does mcconnell need to go? >> i'm frustrated.
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i think a lot of those guys need to go, and i like a lot of them personally. but, look, it's one of the reasons i am for term limits. the longer they stay, the more they are at tax for the institutions of the elitist insider scam of washington, and the less they are attached to the passions of the people they need to be serving. >> sean: we will stay on them, we will hold them accountable, governor, great to see you. thank you, when we come back,to g.o.p. lawmakers on the house judiciary committee, finally, we have been talking about this for two months, they are talking about calling for a second special counsel to be named to investigate loretta lynch, james comey, and yes, hillary clinton. larry elder, gregg jarrett, next. larry elder, gregg jarrett, next
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." as we mentioned in tonight's opening monologue, republicans on the house judiciary committee, sent a letter to the doj requesting that they appoinn a second special counsel to investigate loretta lynch, jamer comey, and hillary clinton. joining us now, larry elder, gregg jarrett. you know i've been on this for weeks. there's nothing with russia, but
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yet, ukraine, uranium one, hillary's emails, james comey, loretta lynch, it's about time. finally. >> yes, and the judiciary e committee wants a special counsel to look into two dozen different questions that are all very serious and could be for example, as you point out, was hillary clinton enriching herself by conferring benefits to a foreign government, in particular what about fusion gps. why was the fbi relying so heavily on this antitrust dossier that was done at the behest of the clinton supporter? why were they willing to pay $50,000?at >> sean: james comey was going to pay that. you are an attorney. i want to know where that money came from. c i want to know if that money could have been laundered. $145 million is a lot of money. >> these are, of course, very legitimate questions.
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this is why donald trump is upset. there was no special counsel in the mid-90s when hundreds of thousands of dollars were i illegally donated to the dnc.. the dnc gave back the money. the fbi investigated, very well respected, said that if there is any reason for special counsel, it is here. janet reno refused to do it. go down the list, you could talk about fast and furious. the with irs and the lowest learner. we haven't gone to the bottom of that. as far as i know, he's the only sitting ag to be found in contempt of congress. the list goes on and on. >> sean: we know debbie wasserman shultz's i.t. guy, we know that there were hard drives smashed, what is it with democrats and bleach bit acid washing, taking hammers to iphones and blackberries, and destroying hard drives and getting away with that?
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i would be in jail and calling both of you to bail me out. >> in a rational world, this sounds like an episode of jason bourne. you catch the i.t. guy when he is trying to leave the country when his wife had left earlier with money. a bunch of family members on at exorbitant prices.nt and then debbie wasserman shultz kept him. is he blackmailing her? is he one of the sources for wikileaks? we don't know. it seems that the people on thek other channel would be interested in this if this were a republican in trouble and as opposed to debbie wasserman shultz.e >> sean: take any of theses scandals, take out dnc, and put in rnc, you acid wash and bleach bit hard drives, delete 33,000 emails. >> sean: well, a special i'm thinking, i'm paying you a lot of money for the next three years of my life to get me out of what is the impossible.
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>> well, a special >> well, a special counsel should have been appointed about one year ago after james comey decided not to prosecute hillary clinton, and the committee wants to know, and a special prosecutor to investigate, how in the world could you determine that she didn't violate the espionage act? how is that you determine that she wasn't enriching herself by na using her office and paying her husband and her foundation benefits from russia and banks? >> sean: why isn't the republican party using their power of subpoena? i know they are not using their power to legislate and keep promises. but you would think they would use their investigative authority, the fact that they run these committees, and they allow the narrative to be russia, russia. >> now the judiciary is ready to do that. not just with a special investigator, they have launched their own. that means subpoenas, let's call hillary clinton, james comey, loretta lynch. susan rice, they also want to look into unmasking. >> sean: there are going to be top obama names involved in
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unmasking. i got a roll. always good to see you. when we come back, i'm so sorry to my friends with all the g breaking news last week, we did not give them the final words that they deserve. our friends are back with the final word tonight. give them ts that they deserve. our friends are back with the final word ♪ no, please, please, oh!
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." our friends, the republican duo, diamond and silk, they are back to get the final word tonight. i apologize for last week. take a look. >> hey, sean. here is our final word for tonight. well, it looks like that d.c. swap is starting to smell. we the american people can smell it from a mile away. sometimes, it's hard to drain the swamp when you have rats clogging the pipes. when you have snakes bringing
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the rats, and then, sean, you've got hillary clinton running around here clueless. she even wrote a book about it called "what happened?" >> what happened? >> hillary. what happened? you happened. and you didn't know how to make it happen. and the american people just so happen to wake up and saw that nothing was happening with you. every time you try to convince everyone that it was going to happen, the american people made sure it didn't happen. >> that's right. >> so we don't need you running around asking what happened, or were writing a book aboutg what happened, because it's time for you to get with the program. we already have a president that's making it happen, and his name is donald j. trump! >> they are the funniest, i love them, and they will be back again later this week.
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unfortunately, that's all the time we have this evening. remember the show will always be fair and balanced. we are not the left wing destroyed trump establishment media. thanks for being with us. see you back here tomorrow nigh night. >> tucker: good evening, and welcome, it was a short run, but none of us will ever forget it, anthony scaramucci is gone a mere ten days after he arrived, after trashing reince priebus in a now famous interview with the new yorker, his abrupt fall was ordered by the new chief of staff, john kelly, the goal was ending chaos in the white house, it became clear that kelly is in charge from here on out, white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders had this to say to dave about what just happened.
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