tv Hannity FOX News August 1, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> kimberly: if you could kindly stretch your dvr so you'll never miss an episode of this, "hannity" is up next. ♪ >> many thanks to our friends in the five, welcome to "hannity" a massive breaking sty tonight from circa sarah carter, former obama national security advisor, ben rhodes is now a person of interest in the house intel committee's unmasking investigation, we'll get all the details coming up in mere moments, first, the five forces working to destroy the president trump are now kicking their efforts into overdrive, they want to bring down, delegitimizing him as commander-in-chief, laura ingraham will weigh in on that. our breaking news, the washington, d.c., swamp is waging an all-out war against the president, how is it possible for the presidents to govern when his own party is just pathetic.
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tonight's important canoes and opening monologue. ♪ a reminder, as we've been telling you now four months, five forces aligning to take down president trump. what we are now seeing in this day and age unfold is far worse than ever before. let's start with the deep state, they are the most dangerous, selectively leaking information meant to damage and hurt the presidents. the perfect example, it happened again last night. "washington post" citing an anonymous source, shocking anonymous report in the present was personally involved in a statement about his son don, jr.,'s meeting with the russian lawyer. i guess we live in a day and age where a father can't help his son one false, phony allegations are being made. this is nothing that was part of the deep estate playbook, they want to inflict the maximum amount of damage to the trump administration, that's the only beginning to this massive problem. we have leaks from the intelligence committee. they have reached out-of-control's controls
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levels, they want to hurt the president, stop his agenda, 125 weeks and 126 days? seven times greater than what we saw from the previous two administrations. it's why now the trump administration finally is taking action. the attorney general jeff sessions is expected to hold a press conference later this week on this very issue, finally i have been arguing people need to be held accountable. people broke the law. they belong in jail. it couldn't come at a better time because as we've been telling you, circa news., sarah carter has reported the fbi general counsel is under investigation for licking national security information to the media, the general counsel of the fbi. we know that james comey wrote memos on government computers, some of that classified and removed it from the fbi, had a friendly get to "the new york times." he wanted a special counsel auntie got it. the department of justice needs to find out who are these liquors, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
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on top of that, the second big force, the destroy trump media. their so-called reporting on this administration is abusively biased, it is now reached unparalleled levels. there are now completely out of touch and unhinged, look at this. a recent harvard study found more than 90% of the coverage about the president is negative, that's why he continues to collect the fake news media. earlier today he tweeted only the fake news media want me to stop using social media. only way for me to get out the truth. that's an understatement. they destroy trump press, they refuse to let up on the attacks on the president. want some examples? these are the most recent ones, take a look. >> i think that's going around and perching people, what is he doing? knocks off all his relatives when he gets scared. when you get scared of your position you start killing
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people around you. >> the white house resembling the red wedding from "game of thrones" ." >> sean: kim jong un and, that's who are going to compare the president true? we'll have a lot more on the media later in the show tonight with more examples we need to see. the next group, the democrats, they've made it very clear. they will obstruct and resist the president at every turn to matter what the issue is. if they really cared about the forgotten men and women at 50 million in property, food stamps, lowest labor participation rate although we have almost a million new jobs now. wouldn't they offer some solution to help the american people out? establishment republicans, we already saw them fail and fail miserably. they couldn't even repeal and replace obamacare, breaking a major promise. they've been making for seven years. john mccain and others like lisa lisa murkowski did last week was inexcusable. instead of working to keep their word, some of these republicans appear to be ready to throw in the towel and move onto the next
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issue. it proves that we have been saying republicans have no spine, no backbone, no willingness to fight for the american people, you don't have any identity, what do people stand for now? the never trump is, the so-called republicans they want the president to fail just so they could say i told you so. look at arizona senator jeff flake, he's releasing a new book. he goes after president trump and republicans who supported him. take a look at him selling his book. >> the party has watched the mic lost its way, we've given into nativism and protectionism. >> there are times when you have to stand up and say i'm sorry, this is wrong. >> i'm very concerned about where the party is going and the anti-immigration forever. >> conservatism has become being mean. >> sean: you've lost your way, instead of trying to sell your books, maybe you should be focusing on lowering obamacare premiums.
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let's look at your home state of arizona, in your state alone, they want up 116%, the highest in the nation. the never trumpers like senator flake don't seem to understand that by blocking the president's agenda, they're only harming you the american people. the president's son eric trump is on the show last night he summed it up perfectly, watch this. >> i want somebody to start fighting for him, he's the best fighter in the world, he will do a better job writing for himself, how much weight does he have to carry by himself? the dnc is in debt, the republicans are raising seven times, why wouldn't they embrace that? my father has the voice of this country, the people of this country but love him, why wouldn't they get online? it doesn't make sense. >> sean: he represents conservative principles, eric is right about that. how is it possible for the president to govern, on
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principle republicans say they support one even republicans don't have his back and they are undermining him. republicans either need to start working to help the american people pass the agenda you say you support or get out of the way. better yet, you're going to be fired and nothing is going to be able to stop that. now that we've given you the background information about exactly what's going on, exactly what the president and his administration are up against, i want to point out a massive double standard when it comes to media coverage in this country. earlier today, the white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders called off the press for not reporting massive democratic scandals, good for her. >> you guys are focused on the meeting but don, jr., had no consequence when the democrats actually colluded with a foreign government, like ukraine, the democrats linked firm fusion gps actually took money from the russian government while he created the phony dossier for
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all the russia scandal fake news, if you want to talk further about the relationship with russia, let's go further than the clintons. bill clinton was paid half a million dollars to give a speech to a russian bank and was personally thanked by vladimir putin for it, hillary clinton allowed one fifth of america's uranium reserves to be sold to a russian firm whose , and failed to repo, if you guys want to talk about having relations would you seem obsessed than doing, look no further than there. >> sean: checkmate, sarah huckabee sanders, great job today. that's exactly what the media should be covering but they don't because they are completely abusively biased, left-wing ideological hacks. they only care about advancing the anti-trump narrative. they are obsessed 24/7. they don't like i decided i want to turn the tables on them just for a minute. think of all the examples, how
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would the media react if a republican member of congress captain i.t. guy under the payroll for double billing the government and reportedly smashed his hard drives even though his lawyer denies it and it seemingly there are people unqualified for i.t. work being paid a fortune. people work at a car dealership and a mcdonald's. the press would go insane if that involves a republican, if that involved president trump or his campaign. and not debbie wasserman schultz. here's another example, how would the media react if president trump deleted 33,000 emails and then use acid wash bleach to get rid of them totally and then get rid of information in a private server and smash mobile phones with hammers. one of donald trump's lawyers turnover blackberries to the fbi that didn't have any sim cards? what good are they? how would the media have reacted
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back in january that it was a republican, and rnc operative who met with the ukrainian ambassador, at the ukrainian embassy? how they react at the attorney general, just before that person was about to make a decision about the possible crime they committed. how would the media have reacted from donald trump himself? want to talk about russia? if you give up 20% of the kickbacks to some charity or the trump organization, over $145 million, turn the tables on them, there's no doubt to the media would be in a breathless all-out frenzy. since those scandals don't evolve democrats, they don't care. that's why congress, not only are they not legislated, the need to take the lead. we gave them power, the power of subpoena, the power to investigate issues like this in
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the house judiciary committee, they are calling on a second special counsel to up points and investigation into hillary clinton, james comey, loretto lynch bridge congress has subpoena powers, you gave it to them. involved in all those scandals we talked about, make them testify about what we know. that means debbie wasserman schultz, that means letter were lynch, james comey. nationally syndicated radio host and sometimes friend, not all the time brent laura ingraham. >> i'm enjoying the last several minutes. we've got to get that viral on youtube, i'm putting that on my facebook page, that's everywher everywhere. you're totally right. the double standard is so glaring, it's actually laughable if it weren't so serious. if any of the facts which you just laid out applied to the
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democrats, applied to loretto lynch, applied to the justice department and the obama administration were applicable to donald trump, they would be calling for heads. they would be demanding multiple special prosecutors, special investigations. this is where the responsibility lies, it lies with congress. people like devon nunez were trying to do the right thing, congressman nunez who they try to sign onto the other investigation, this should be a serious inquiry into government wrongdoing. the use of our criminal justice laws to settle political differences, that also has to be examined. we know going back all the way to the irs scandal with lois lerner and that total fiasco with that the obama's were serious about intimidating the right, preventing them from speaking on key issues in fighting back in every way know
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how. the republicans, there are always playing the genteel game of politics. the democrats are out for blood. they are out for political bloo blood. i think you pointed out, a lot of republicans don't want donald trump to succeed a lot of them don't like his policies. you heard from jeff flake, he represents not just himself and john mccain, he represents a significant chamber of commerce wing of the republican party, on immigration, trade and going onto the interventionist foreign policy of george w. bush which some people might disagree with as well. >> sean: how do they get away with smashing to smithereens hard drives? how did they get a away with deleting emails, how did they get away with acid wash, did you ever take a hammer to a blackberry or an iphone? how do you get away with sending the fbi devices without sim
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cards? why do i think i would spend eternity in jail and you have to bring me a cake with a file? >> they don't have officials that their justice department to rush to recuse themselves, everybody knows i love jeff sessions but i understand why donald trump is not happy about that. that didn't set off a chain reaction that's really ended up creating this whole special counsel nightmare for trump in the first place. republicans play the safe, gentlemanly game of politics. i keep saying this, they agree with the democrats on a lot of these key issues and they don't agree with donald trump on a lot of key issues, they're not willing to fight for him. >> sean: they lie to us. >> what's that question ? >> sean: they lie to voters in 2010, 2014, 2016. >> they don't like that
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donald trump called them up for doing that in 2016. you pointed this out numerous times, donald trump one without the consultants, all the candidates in election after election, people talk about talk radio on fox news is a problem, they're all consultants who trump never needed. he went on his own political instincts which was 95% excellence. his own wit and wisdom and pragmatism and tweeted in social media, he used all of it to battle them basically by itself anti-one. he crushed them and they never got over it. the day after the election they began plotting. >> sean: when we come back, will devote an entire segment to the breaking major news story from sarah carter, ben rose obama aid now a person of interest in the congress, unmasking investigation.
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in the house intel committee's investigation into unmasking. we continue now with laura ingraham. i wanted to hold this for its own unique segment, it's susan rice. we have the article about james clapper, then we have the article about ben rhodes, more leaks. seven times the amount of leaks than the previous two administrations, unless people go to jail for the felonies they're committing, were never going to see the end of this, i'm not saying anyone's guilty but it's got to be gone to the bottom of. >> section seven 702 could havn the back door that has been used for this unmasking. if it was done, in any way for political motives without going to the proper channels, this is a felony. you can't do this for political purposes. that happens in a police state,
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that doesn't happen in the united states of america. last time i checked we weren't a police state and you're not supposed to be able to spy on your political enemies, you're supposed to defeat them at the ballot box. ben rhodes of the national security advisor and others are going to have to answer these questions. i know he met with the senate intelligence committee last week. we don't know if the issue of unmasking was probed in depth. i certainly hope that susan rice is finally going to be willing to speak to these committees. as we know, she has refused to testify. she will not testify. why? >> sean: she's going to have to testify. you said something that is so very important and pete hofstra use the term he's concerned. i want to get your response. we give our intelligence
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community these brave men and women protecting us from isis, china, russia, iran, all of our enemies. we give them these powerful tools and 99% of intel people risk their lives and deserve credit, we don't know their names they work so hard. if those powerful tools are turned on the american people and the intel is leaked like general flynn, we have a police state, one-tenth of 1%, this is a real clear danger for americans. >> people like rand paul and others have long since argued against the foreign intelligence surveillance act. i understand that all of these neoconservatives and others say we need this and we can't stop attacks. the problem is we have bad actors inside our own government. if you have bad actors inside your own government who are willing to spy on innocent americans and then unmask their name for political purposes, then where not he was a gift for
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terrorists, where using it to overturn an election or to prevent an electoral victory, they feared there was some possibility of happening. that's what seems to have happening. they were trolling for information. if i was a betting person, i would bet that one of these characters maybe it was rhodes, maybe it was rice thought maybe let's see what they're doing. let's see what these characters are up to. let's see what they're up to. they went on some type of fishing expedition, someone should be going to jail. the justice department ought to be taking it very seriously because this is becoming a deep state dictatorship if we don't curb these abuses and show people that the rule of law will be enforced. >> sean: i hope people are hearing us, this is really important, my prediction is other top obama people will also
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be found -- not the intelligence community, the top people. laura ingraham, great analysis. you won't believe what vile things are being spewed by the mainstream media about the president. we have that and a big announcement tonight, straight ahead , the people, are tired of being surprised with extra monthly fees. we want hd. and every box and dvr. all included. because we don't like surprises. yeah. like changing up the celebrity at the end to someone more handsome. and talented. really. and british. switch from cable to directv. get an all included package for $25 a month. and for a limited time, get a $100 reward card. call 1-800-directv. (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? (grunts of effort)
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>> good evening online from american news news headquarters i'm checking up on yes in new york. christopher wray is the new director of the fbi, president trump's nominee was confirmed by a vote of 92-5. all five no votes coming from democrats. a former high-ranking justice department official under george w. bush, he filled the position left vacant after james comey was fired by president trump and over russin
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interference in the 2016 election. a lieutenant was reported missing from the uss 's death scene right around 9:00, the shs searched multiple times without avail, i'm jackie ibanez now bak to "hannity," for all your headlines go to >> sean: welcome back to "hannity" as i discussed in my opening monologue, the destroyed trump media is one of the five forces trying to take down this president and stop his agenda. don't take my word for it, here is a small, tiny, sampling of this week's media coverage of the administration. if were not even halfway through the week, take a look. >> do you think he has damaged the credibility of the office of the presidency quotes mark >> what the regularity of the nightly news, president trump is
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throwing bodies out of the white house at a rate that matches the russian revolution. i think going around and perching people, just like kim jong un in. he knocks off relatives when he gets scared, we don't do that in this country, we fire them. he seems to know how to fire. >> the white house resembling red wedding from the "game of thrones" print >> it's been dishonesty. >> he knew the election of a black president had started an ugly racial animus among some people, a small subset. he knew a way to get directly to them. >> sean: here with reaction, joe concha, fox news contributor mercedes schlapp. we have real hammers breaking devices, no sim cards, debbie wasserman schultz's case, uranium one, james comey, than the general counsel of the fbi, now unmasking with ben rhodes our big story tonight, that's all they still talk about.
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>> after the election we heard a lot about soul-searching that many media members said they were going to do because everybody got the election wrong. the reason why they did as they stayed in their ivory towers in washington and new york and didn't go out and get a true pulse of the country which focused on the economy, trade, immigration, foreign policy, those sorts of topics that people in wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan voted on. we continue to see after the fact after the soul-searching was supposed to be done, the same kind of coverage around palace intrigue and more importantly the provocative, negative personal attacks on the president like you just showed in that montage it's all part of this i really want to say something provocative so i get root stomach retweeted and get a guest spot on colbert.
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>> sean: guest spot on colbert? that's how low? there's a really serious issue here. all of those scandals i mentioned, it takes me too long to name them. now ben rhodes? now unmasking on top of susan rice on top of the clapper story last week with mark this is huge. >> obviously the mainstream media is not necessarily wanting to focus on these very big issues associated with the obama administration as we know with the unmasking of trump campaign officials, whether it be samantha powers or susan rice rated i think there's something that's happening here. we can call it celebrity media if you want to talk about that way, you have these individuals out there in the media it's not about fairness or objectivity, it's about doing what they can to continue to beat that drum on the president and this idea of
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impeaching the president. the president being dishonest, everything that's negative associate to the president. the american people are becoming normal. they get the joke. they understand there is too much negative media coverage against this president and i think at the end they look at this and say you guys are spinning yourselves in circles here while what we need to talk about are the kitchen table issues that matter, unemployment is the lowest we've seen in 15 years, our gdp is at 2.6% this past quarter. our stock market is at an all-time high. those are the stories that should be covered. >> sean: they're never going to talk about those. joe concha, does this ever end or is it going to be one way from now on and they are all going to be sheep in the media? >> one way from now on, i think there's no question about that. i want to compliment tom brokaw who said today of all people, 77
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years old but he's retired he still does from reported, he he went to wyoming, he said that they blame us in the media "they don't feel any connection between what they do and how they live their lives and are not entirely wrong because a look at these shows doing analysis and commentary and they don't see anyone who looks like them or lives their lives that they do. "it took a 77-year-old retired journalist to showed journalist how they should be doing their jobs. >> sean: the media talked about the white house chaos, there's a media cast is happening. they are completely focused on themselves and trying to figure out a way to destroy this president. >> sean: well said, both of you. coming up a republican congressman is now saying mueller needs to go and i have a special announcement feeling good in slim fit? that's cool. looking fabulous in my little black dress? that's cool.
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♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity," the house judiciary committee member congressman trent franks is now calling for robert mueller to resign as a special counsel because of his friendship with former fbi director james comey. in a press release, he said bob mueller isn't clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged russian ties. those who work under them have been tested he and jim comey possess a close friendship and they have delivered on the record statement if you sing praise one another.
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ari fleischer from judicial watch, tom fitton, i don't even think this is the most egregious side of this. i don't like that he hired hillary clinton's attorney who worked under the clinton foundation, will put up all the donors, political donations from mueller's team that went to democrats, as we put that up on the screen. you have been able to identify a very specific statutes and laws as you explain them, 45.2 disqualification statute, why don't we put them up on the screen and you can explain them in what they mean? >> it means that if you have a personal relationship with somebody substantially involved in the case, you shall not serve as special counsel. it goes on to explain what a personal relationship is. it's a friendship that is viewed
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as likely to induce partiality. you might as well put a picture of mueller and comey together next of the statute. they are at the definition of a disqualifying concert, conflict of interest. if congressman franks is calling on mueller to resign. i spoke to them a short time ago and he said there's other members of the judiciary committee who feel the same way and the congressman is avowing unofficial lobbying effort to convince others to come out and call for the resignation of robert mueller. >> sean: ari fleischer, i think this is only one of a small part but there's a bigger part here. you look at classified information leaked by james comey to cause the appointment of a special counsel, it ends up being his close friend. there's talk that they coordinated before he testified before the senate intel committee. that relationship goes further and further. what is your reaction? should he recuse himself and get out of the way?
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>> i don't think we know what the extent of the friendship is, if there is a statute involved and they are in violation of the statute and the deputy attorney general who has jurisdiction has got to look at that. i don't accept that i know the definition because some people in the press has speculated that their friends. there are varying degrees of friendship. for republicans in the bigger picture here, i think the best thing they could have happened to donald trump is have bob moeller look at all the facts and exonerate him. you can replace the person of the top but the investigation won't go away. nothing makes the investigation go away. i see no example example or evf collusion i would like robert mueller to be the one who says that critics be what you can't be comfortable and i know you're a fair minded individual but you can't be comfortable with the people he's putting around him. you can't have a clinton lawyer, obama donors, democratic donors. where are the republicans on
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this? one person with ethical problems in terms of intimidation tactics the way i interpret it as handling of past cases. >> i've said this before and i tweeted it today that they were donors, that's a problem. i think he made a mistake and bringing them on board he should've brought neutral people on board. if this investigation goes anywhere beyond the investigation into collusion and to donald trump and his campaign worked with russia to hack the dnc to disseminate the emails, i would be the first want to cry foul if they go after jared's taxes and i will come hard to most people. if the investigation is only on collusion i do have faith that bob moeller will lead an independent investigation. >> sean: you saw this in the bush years. use are what they did to scooter libby. he saw how close they got to karl rove. if you the investigative creek. this is a real problem with all special councils, let's get tom
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fitton. >> i think the problem for mueller isn't so much his analysis of the conflicts of interest, did he go to the process of the department of justice? he could have these conflicts but they could be potentially waived under the regulations and that would've been under rod rosenstein. what did he do when asked about entity go through the process of evaluating whether mr. comey or mueller are conflicted? his appointment is subject to scrutiny or skepticism as a result of comey's misconduct and leaking those documents to get a special counsel appointed. he's got to be asking questions about how he was put in there and asking questions presumably of the witness that he's using mr. mueller about whether he did anything wrong. it's not so much about investigating president trump in collusion is investigating comey in the circumstances of mr. mueller's employment. i don't see how he can do it.
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it's about time for the justice department to get this investigation back under control. you can have a special counsel but not a rogue prosecutor like mueller seems to be. >> sean: you can't get another control it's not just speech was a conflict of interest, it's rod rosenstein. he is both prosecutor and witness in this particular case. he authored the memo telling the president to fire jim comey, how can he be fair and impartial and evaluate the impartiality of robert mueller? both men should step aside. >> sean: when we come back, why are republicans -- they're not only not getting things done legislatively, they're not using subpoena powers. we have equal justice under the law, our panel continues. drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™,
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♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity," former dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz is under increasing pressure to answer questions about a former i.t. aide arrested for bank fraud, a watchdog group foundation for accountability and civic trust has filed a complaint with the office of congressional ethics. questioning why she kept paying at the age after he was barred from the house computer system. remember the double billing issue?
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we continue with gregg jarrett, ari fleischer, and tom fitton. as i look at that, the media ignores this and she kept this guy after she knew he was double billing? why would she possibly do that? >> it's worse in the media ignoring it, many of the leading newspapers have mocked those looking into it. it is fishy, it is odd, if you're indicted for bank fraud, members of congress don't want you on your staff. wasserman schultz did the opposite. i do want this to be looked into, i think it will be looked into and we need to find out. what more is there to this, how far to the tentacles reach? >> sean: gregg jarrett, you're an attorney and i know if i smashed hard drives and i deleted subpoenaed emails and i bleach the server in the computers, all the things they have done, why do i think i'd be in jail and paid a lot of money?
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>> her behavior is inherently suspicious. what did she know? why would she use taxpayer money to keep this guy on the payroll, he was banned from using congressional computer equipmen equipment. sensitive government information on on the government intelligence committee and the judiciary committee, she needs to be very careful here that she isn't looking at aiding and abetting criminal behavior. not only that, she was caught on tape appearing to threaten a law enforcement official who seized her computer. she was demanding it to be returned or there will be consequences. that could be obstruction. >> sean: wow. to make him of these runs so deep, where's the republican party? where is the party that has the power of subpoena? i say russia is a nonissue, there's been no evidence and that's all the media talks abou
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about. ukrainian trying to influence our election, meeting with the nc operatives, information passed on to the dnc. hillary's campaign. you've got comey, loretta lynch, republicans seem impotence. they don't use their investigative powers print >> it's a decision not to pursue these inquiries. it's a decision, a political decision in the case of the brothers, they don't need to worry about these administratio administration, this is an administrative inquiry they can give to the committee or other committees on the hill, figure out what is going on with these taxpayer-funded employees at congress who are evidently committing crimes while on the government dime. who continue to work there despite strong suspicion of criminal activity. why aren't there hearings into the conduct of debbie wasserman schultz? i don't understand why republicans are refusing to ask questions of their colleagues on the hill here.
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they're relying on the media to do investigations like "the daily caller." we did foia to the administration, independent people outside of government who are doing hard core investigations here >> sean: last question, there's a mountain of evidence on these issues. no evidence on russia, that's all we care about is russia. thoughts. >> there's something fundamentally unfair and imbalanced when you investigate the winner of a presidential election but not the loser. hillary clinton doesn't get a get out of jail free card simply because she lost a presidential election. now you've got the house judiciary committee asking for a special counsel to investigate hillary clinton, james comey, loretta lynch, samantha power, susan rice, there may be a lot more there than meets the eye at
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first blush. >> sean: thank you all for being with us, appreciate it. when we come back, i have a big announcement that i want to share with you, that's straight ahead, that's really big, big. nf helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. flonase sensimist. ♪ tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade.
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." do you agree with trent frank? should robert mueller resign? let us know what you think. big announcement about the movie i am executive producing. i've been working on it for a number of years. it's called "let there be light." out october 27. very proud of this project, to be a small part of it. >> i am coming. keep your pants on.
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either they have a doorman around here anyway? >> you are drunk. >> can't pull the wool over your eyes. >> the basic test of christianity. >> don't tell me about the love and compassion of your so-called god. if you felt like sacrificing his only begotten son, that's his business. he should have blood he well kept his hands off of mine. >> what do you think it does to take the death of their brother and use it as part of your carnival act? >> it pays the bills. >> daddy. >> clinically dead in the ambulance 4 minutes. it's a miracle. >> i saw davey. i wanted to put my arms around him. >> you have the best scientific explanation. it hasn't brought you any
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comfort. would you consider consulting a different source? >> he is holding out his hand to you. all you've got to do take it. >> jesus gets whacked. >> i've never heard it put that way. >> follow me. the ain't brain surgery. >> god always answers prayers. we just don't always understand the answers. ♪ i don't want to lose you. ♪ >> my first question, are you ready for the amount of heat that will be coming your way with this? >> sean: don't worry. i don't have a big role in the
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movie but i'm proud of the project. kevin and sam and others were phenomenal. as we get closer to october 27, i will let you know more. thank you for being with us. we are not the establishment media, always fair and balanced. see you tomorrow night. >> tucker: well, good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the united states may be losing a star from its flag for the first time ever. that is what activists in the state of california want. ever since the election of president trump, the campaignme for calexit, the succession ofof for calexit, the succession of california to become an independent country, has been gaining steam while the rest of us have been talking about russia. well, now supporters for that plan believe that they are closm to breaking way. they are pushing for a 2018 ballot referendum that would declare california no longer an inseparable part of the united states. and would order the governor to negotiate for greater autonomy up to and including national independence as a country. if c
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