tv Hannity FOX News August 3, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
he will have played a 33 rounds of golf versus obama 17. >> kimberly: never miss an episod >> sean: this is a fox news alert. we are following five major breaking news stories tonight. president trump wows a crowd in the west virginia and punches back on a phony russian narrative. and we'll have jim justice who joins the president on stage to announce he is switching over to the republican party. more evidence that the democrats are in array. and robert mueller expands the witch hunt in impanelling
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a grand jury. and the obama samantha how fastop and shredding your constitutional rights and the deep state targets president trump by leaking transcripts of phone calls he had with world leaders. that is all in tonight's breaking news. opening monologue. president trump got out of the dc sewer and swamp by holding a huge rally in west virginia where he slammed the democrats and the media's obsession with the media and special counsel. >> the reason why democrats only talk about the totally made up russia story, is because they have no message. no agenda and no vision. the russia story is a total
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before president trump fired up the crowd the west virginia governor jim justice announced he was leaving the democrat party and joins the republican. they have no agenda and simple to understand why those on the left have no message and no real plan and only hatred and animosity and receptment for president trump. that does not help one american citizen have a better life or better country. i will combine the other stories. the deep state strikes again and wall street reporting that robert mueller, the conflicted one impanelled a grand jury in the russia probe. if you have a doubt what i told you about the deep state in america, i want you to take a look at the washington post. they are publishing transcripts of phone calls that president trump had with the president of
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and islam. they are doing a great job. 99 percent. the unpres kented leaks and conversations with world leaders it is it shredding the united states constitution before our very eyes and when you add it up. major laws are broken by the deep state. and the deep state actors are successful in preventing the president from fulfilling his promises to you, who you voted for and what you voted for. this is the greatest challenge of our time. and i don't overstate this. and what is happening now is this, the deep state that 1- 10ths of one percent. have taken powerful tools of intelligence and they are weaponizing them. they are tools to keep you the american people safe and inflict, they are using it for political damage to stop the
president, and yes, they want to remove the president from office. now, we are learning more about the deep state actors. as of tonight we told you wall street journal reporting that mueller impanelled a washington state grand jury and the fbi is looking into finances of president trump. wait a minute. i thought it was about russia. they are looking at his family and how is this about russia? this is what i warned you about? investigative creep is beyond the pale. it was supposed to be about russian election collusion. it is so deeply corrupt. robert mueller is now carrying out a political witch hunt and mueller is close friends with james comey which could be a villes of two laws and there is much more.
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grand jurors are one sided and heavily favors government prosecutors and defense attorneys are not allowed to talk to the grand jury and prosecutors can put together any evidence they want. you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich and this can't be ignored. mueller hand picked washington d.c. to impanel a grand jury. it is it a city donald trump got four percent of the vote versus you the people and the president of the united states. and the weapons of intelligence and powerful weapons have been turned on the president and turned on you the american people. and our fourth amendment rights are trampled on. crimes are committed and no one is investigating. and our story. who are the deep state
operatives. it is the obama administration weaponized the tools of intelligence in part to target the president and his administration and his transition. this is what we refer to as we say the deep state. that is them shredding the constitution. leaking purposely and selectively to undue the election results and delegitimize the president. take a look at the headline from the washington state free beacon. ambassador power unmasked hundreds in the final years of the obama administration. it was unprecedented for an official in this position. this is the type of things we told you about and warning you about. we learned thanks to our friends sarah carter from circa news
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that former obama security man ben rhoddes. and congress is questioning other obama officials. susan rice, brennan about the unmasking and don't forget comey can be in trouble and starra carter reporting that the fbi general council, he's under investigation for leaking classified information to the press. what is going on here? and in the hills john solomon former director of national intelligence james clapper made it easier for the branch to unmask congress and the staffers. this is not in a bubble. all of hillary clinton's crime and bleaching and hammering devices we don't have a special counsel for that and uranium, 20s for of the american uranium and 145 million in kick backs. and what about the ukrainian
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meeting, destroy trump media by democrat and weak republicans has led us to where we are today. i have warned you every night. deep state leaking causing hysteria is real. media induced hysteria is real. and that resulted in mueller's hiring and he's out for blood and republicans are not doing anything. you the american people are losing as a result of this sewer and swamp of dc. and as of now, tonight, sadly i have to say, the advantage goes to the deep state and establishment media advantage goes to corrupt democrat and huge loss for equal justice under the law and a constitutional republic and americans in povertiet and on food stamps out of work and the american people who voted for
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this president and a huge loss for the constitution that we love. and this is the reaction. sarah carter and gregg jarret. gregg, let me go to what you wrote me something today. i added it to the monologue. i give fuel on the show. let me remind you about grand jurors and the ham sandwich. tell them why it is so dangerous. >> there is one other nation in the world that emps the grand jury and why it is libberia. it is a undemocratic farce. and the defense is never there to cross examine witnesses and challenge the evidence. prosecutors spoon feed only incriminating evidence and nothing esculpatory and
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undemocratic as you can get and it is even worse here because robert mueller impanelled a washington d.c. jury where president trump got a mere 11000. i dare say there is not a single person on the grand jury that likes donald trump and so it is doubly unfair. >> i would love to have a prosecutor going after me. only four percent of the people like you and the rest hate your gut and vote against you. sarah carter, before i get to the specifics of what mcmaster. it is inexplicable to me. before i get to that. am i right about the threat that the deep state and the leaks that caused the special counsel and the leak and hysteria of the media caused us to be where we are and we are facing a clash of
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the deep state versus the american people and president. >> there is enormous concern with the fourth amendment being shattered. a lot of the leaks, right. and the unmasking that took place of americans, coinicides with the leaks that were coming out in the media. that's what is discovered by the house intelligence. it expanded to ben rhoeds and former national security advisor to president obama and samantha power with a story in the free beacon. this was unheard of before and never happened in our republic. what were they looking at? and a lot of people don't realize this. out of all of the reports that were viewed and viewed by the house intelligence and u.s. intelligence officials. they told me according to what they have seen, only the obama
officials wrote a simple need to know national security but they didn't file paper work filed by the analyst. >> sean: how does the ambassador to the u.n., samantha power, how does she unmask hundreds of trump officials? how is that possible in and what rationale can that happen. you say 320 percent increase maskingly in the election cycle and sen times more than the last two administrations and we see the selective leaks and the impact and narrative in the country and scandals of evidence are ignored, sara. >> john solomon and i disclosed that the. 2011, obama administration loosened the rules so much so that people within his administration were able to do this without having to file the
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that is obstruction of justice. those documents were under subpeona and quid pro quo pay to play. there is sufficient and abundance evidence to reopen that investigation. but you have to do it with a special counsel with the house judiciary committee is demanding of the department of the justice. go back to the tell of jeff sessions, he recued himself from anything related to hillary clinton. it has to be a special counsel. >> gregg and sarah, stay with us after the break. don't miss jay sekelow with a reaction to robert mueller impanelling a grand jury. with an unlimited mileage warranty on your certified pre-owned mercedes-benz,
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president on the iran and deal. ? >> in is a concern, according to the sources in the west wing and intelligence community, hr mcmasters is completely at odds with president on the iran deal. there is concern within the intelligence community and west wing that he's moving people out that would give reason or cause like derek harvey and others, ezra cohen. moving them out. people that would stand with the president's policy on iran. what is more concerning. >> sean: aren't they also involved. i know two of the people and interviewed one person and talked to another. wouldn't they will helping to expose the deep state? >> yes, you are right, sean and they are looking into the deep state. there are fears that people in the bureaucracy that are pushing
out the leak and working toward the president's policy. >> sean: is mcmaster one? it is inexplicable that decision? >> they believe he is allowing this to happen. that he is pushing this forred and that is it a huge concern and you have to ask yourself. even if susan rice is given this you know, what is a courtesy from mcmaster she is under investigation and she can continue to get classifyified information. >> sean: makings no sense and i would like an explanation from the white house on that. gregg, my experience is what we are seeing. starting with russia and now finances and then to obstruction and maybe then three years later like scooter libby on a perjury
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recuse himself and rosen stein to recruise themselves and no one is limiting either one of them and it is it part of the frustration that you can feel when the president addresses the issue. >> sean: thank you both. we are going to stay all over this. they have to investigate hillary. they have to investigate ukraine and debbie wasserman schultz, seriously? when are they going to be put in jail. they are violating the law. when we come back jay sekulow reacts to the empanelling of a grand jury and newt gingrich weighs in and more. a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy. gets it. and with their price match, i know i'm getting the best price every time. visit
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fabrication. what the prosecutors should be looking at is hillary clinton's 33000 deleted e-mail. i just hope the final determination is a truly honest one which is what the millions of people who give us our big win in november deserve and what all americans who want a better future. want and deserve. >> sean: president trump on fire in a rally in west virginia and joining us with reaction is the president's attorney and jay sekulow. your general impression about the news today and help me out about investigative creep and what was the mission of the special counsel? >> let me start with the mission of the special counsel is specific. i am holding the mandate. it is to investigate allegations
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regarding the russian government's effort to interfere with the 2016 election and any coordination with russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of the president. if these stories are circulated and bloomberg did it three weeks & the idea they are investigating real estate. that is not in the man date and our view is very clear that the special counsel's office have to stay in the man date and if it is not. there are venues and methods you imagine it with the deputy attorney general and there are ways to do that. and people talk about mission creep. >> sean: do we know who subpeona and what does it mean for the investigation going forward? >> we don't know who is subpeona
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because it is it done by grand jury deliberations are in secret. >> sean: did you say secret. >> yeah, right. yeah. >> sean: good luck with that? >> yeah, right. that's the way it is supposed to be and the idea that it is empanelled grand jury and set up for this, there is no evidence of this. grand jurors sit in washington d.c. and major metro politan areas and are constantly in session. all of that is normal in the investigation and there is a lot of media hype about this. what is normal a grand jury is utilized to get witness tell or documents it doesn't mean that anybody appeared to ask for anything. they are issued on behalf of the grand jury and the special counsel's and clerk of the
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court. there is it no evidence that exists of robert mueller or people within his office going before a grand jury with anything right now. >> sean: we started off with the russian collusion story and ignore ucraniam one and unmasking leaks and the list is so long. let me guess. they moved if finances even though rosenstein sent a leader that the president had a right to fire comey. >> i want to be clear on this. the right to -- james comey acknowledged that he served at the pleasure of the president. that's not something that james comey created. that is article two of the constitution.
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>> sean: and now in finances and the fact that donald trump sold a property to a russian a leark in 2008 and made a profit because the russians and even though the democrats didn't know and couldn't believe it that he would run for president and win. >> that would be beyond the man date that is in existence for the special counsel, they cannot reach those. by the way, think about that for a moment. the idea that somebody in 2008 that bought a piece of property from real estate developer donald trump and where remember johnny carson who car knacked. ten years he would be presidented. that is it so far out you can't
allow it to happen. >> sean: we see investigative creep and conflicted special counsel. it is it not something you can comment on, i have watched these things go on and on. have they contacted information from the washington and talk about? >> i would defer that to the white house special counsel ty cobb. with the grand jury information today, we have no reason to believe that the president is under investigation here. that's where it is right now. >> sean: how long does it go on? >> look, sean, how long the ultimate investigation goes on only investigators will know that. but the two issues that the president, that by terminating james comey is obstruction of justice. i don't think it goes on that
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[applause] and i am proud to stand before you and celebrate the hard- working people who are the absolute back bone of america. thank you. >> sean: that was president trump firing up the crowd in west virginia. he is ten we thinks on the new york best seller list and understanding trump. newt gingrich. all. noise and deep state leaks and when did we ever see conversations ever become public like this and all of to noise created what mueller did and hiring all democrat and even clintson's attorney. andin am saying the goal to stop the president's agenda is
working and this is a real threat. and i think it is real, thoughts? >> it is very real. it has been all along the the mueller threat is more deadly because he has the ability to indict and negotiate and let some people off if they will testify against other people. i regard mueller as the deep state at the worse and this is a whole case that we have seen in the justice department being out of control. and that worries me a lot. on the other hand you watch the governor of west virginia and think that trump somehow makes progress every week and getting things done. and he's beginning to move toward a tax cut bill that is histor and i can gotten more judges approved than obama and obama had a democratic
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and take for example the debbie wasserman schultz scandal that victim offed pakistani and stole from the house. and we have no idea how much information they got. and involves 37 different democrats and not just involve one. this is a world where the new's media was covering scandal it would be page one and it reads like a novel. >> sean: but we are like a voice in the wilderness. >> we are voices to rally the country and the reason we get attacked because from the stand point of the left. when you and i and others like us and rush, for example, celebrating his 30th anniversary. think about the impact you and rush have had on radio and changed america and by
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testifying the truth and building an audience that familiars the narrative and understands what is going on. >> sean: we are going to take a break. i specificallyment to get into all of the issues in the deep state. more with newt gingrich straight ahead. constipated? trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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>> washington is full of people who are only looking out for themselves. you know it better than most. i didn't come to washington for me. i came to washington for all of you. that i can tell you. [applause] >> sean: that was the president at a rally in west virginia. welcome back to hannity. we are with the former speaker house. newt gingrich. how did we get here if not for the deep state. 126 leaks.
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and the media echo chamber and weak republicans who do nothing but sit on their handleds and not use subpeona power. susan samantha power and susan rice. and ben hroddes. and clapper and comey and now the general counsel of the fbi, all of these people involved in leaking intelligence and unmasking people. have you ever seen that? have you ever seen a prime minister's conversation with the president leaked like this? >> no, you are right. the administrative deep state and news media allies are all determined to try to destroy donald trump. it is a straightforward fight. and i recommend to everyone sidney powell's book licensed to lie about the justice department that goes in detail over with
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senator stephen and eron case in texas how deeply corrupt the justice department is. the susan rice case is unbelievable. and the ambassador to the united nations was worse than susan rice and there is case after case after case. and the story today or yesterday, when more of uman aberdeen's e-mails came out. a million to clinton foundation, we need to take care of them. how can you not indict them for plain outright corruption. >> robert mueller is involved in investigative creep and hired the attorneys. and where are the investigations to the matters i keep talking about every night? >> i think some movement in the house and senate judary
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committees. i think the republicans should be dramatically more aggressive in taking it on. and for one thing, they ought to be subpeona to expose all of the financing of the clinton foundation to allow us to find the flow of foreign money and we'll be stunned how much foreign money was financing the clinton and their activities and i look at the effort to distort what the trump family has done. and then the open public record done by bill and hillary clinton and tla allies did is a double standard. >> sean: how concerned are you that this gets to the president and his family. >> i am concerned that mueller will get somebody because he brought in so many head haunters and so vicious and left wing that they will find somebody for
something. i don't think they get to the president. it will be a running brawl for a while and the congress ought to be asking what is the basis for what mueller is doing. and how can he expand and why are people frightened with the pure power of the government and ultimately and crash. it is it sick about the system as it currently works. >> mr. speaker thank you for being with us. and we appreciate it. and we come back. and conservative, diamond and silk back to give the final word, straight ahead. i make it easy to save $600 on car insurance,
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it's extremely important to have financial partners such as citi® who believe in that same vision. this area is now a destination. there's people that come out here for entertainment. there's people that come out here to raise families. and before the stadium was built it wasn't like that at all. i wouldn't trade playing in my hometown for anything. >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." my friends are back, diamond and silk have the final word on president trump and his rallies. >> hey, here's our final word.
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we absolutely love how our president is bypassing the media in these organizations and taking his message directly to the people. that's we the american people. he's done a phenomenal job, stock market boom. the economy is growing. we absolutely love it. we know these snowflakes and the left, they try to sneak into the rally to disrupt in order to obstruct the president's messag message. the more they hate, the more our president will educate. so that we can all elevate and all of us can make this country great. again. now, sean, that's our final word for tonight. back to you, sean. >> sean: wouldn't it be great to make america great? all of this, we will have more
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