tv Hannity FOX News August 10, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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water. >> dana: an easy date. it depends on the doughnut. >> mo: i want us all to be nicer on a human level. like a doughnuts is just a doughnuts. >> jesse: set your dvr, never missed an episode of "the five." "hanntiy" is next. >> many thanks to our friends on "the five," a fox news alert. another breaking news night, following three major breaking stories, a battle brewing between president trump and senator mitch mcconnell as he calls out the senate majority leader for saying his expectations are actually too high. also, president trump firing back against the destroy-trump-media. democrats over their russia hysteria and meltdown. it is a brutal takedown. and also tonight, the president issues a statement of fact, a dire warning to north korea and kim jong un that he will no longer be held hostage. the world will not be held hostage. this after the rogue regime threatens an attack on guam.
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and pyongyang, if they do not get their act together, they will face dire consequences. tonight, the options that america has to stop north korea's growing aggression, we will get to this in the breaking news opening monologue. ♪ the president continues to slam who i called the weak, spineless, sanity majority leader mitch mcconnell for saying that he has excessive expectations. take a look at the president from earlier today. >> i just wanted to get to repeal and replace done. i have been hearing repeal and replace for seven years. i said, mitch, get to work. let's get it done. they should of last one done. they lost by one vote. first thing to happen like that is a disgrace. and it should not have happened. that i can tell you. >> sean: senator, why do you not have the sense of urgency that the president has? my name today was brought up when president trump was asked if mitch mcconnell should
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infect step down? watch this. >> what do you think about him stepping down, conservative analysts including sean hannity saying that he should retire? >> well, i tell you what's but if he does not get repeal and replace done and taxes done, meaning cuts and reform, and if he does not get a very easy one to get done, infrastructure, if he does not get them done, then you can ask me that question. you can ask me the question. that means, ask me that question. >> sean: the president's comments come in response to senator mcconnell whining like a 5-year-old complaining, making excuses to his constituents in kentucky at the president's expectations are just too high to pass repeal and replace after eight months. now here's a news flash for senator mcconnell, get to work, senator. you don't seem to get that to you and your fellow republicans, you are the ones that set those excessive expectations. publicans, they are the ones that were promised over and over
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and over again for seven years that they were going to repeal and replace obamacare. like senator john mccain, he casted the deciding vote that derailed the effort to get rid of obamacare when it really mattered. not a phony vote. so if senators like mcconnell, mccain, and you can throw susan collins of maine in. lisa murkowski of alaska in. voted not to get rid of what they were supposed to get rid of. to these republicans, if you cannot get your job done, then and it's time for you to step aside. we need new people in those positions. americans are suffering every day because of this. so it is time to clean house could put leaders in charge who are going to listen and serve the american people. and while we are athletes, as the president mentioned today, time for those senators to lose their chairmanships if they are going to hold the whole party hostage. senator mcconnell wants to make excuses and whine constantly about president trump being too demanding, senator, time to retire. and if you know what else, it's
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time to drastically cut congresses vacation time. seriously? on vacation? get this in the month of august, the senate will be in session for a whopping three days. would you like a month off? i would. and the year for the senate, off for a total of 69 days. that is over three months. now most of you, including myself, watching this program, what do you think? two, three weeks of the year, maybe some long weekends. and senators like mcconnell do not show up to work for 69 days and then complain when the president is calling them out for not keeping up their promises and getting the job done. well, it is time for mitch mcconnell to get it together or go home. retire, play golf. go on a fishing trip. also tonight, president trump firing back at the destroy-trump-media and democrats who claim that he is going to have firewall bert muller, the president also slammed this rush, rush, hysteria. reporting. watch this. >> i have been reading about it
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from you people. oh, i'm going to dismiss him. no, i'm wanting them to get on with the task. but i want the senate and the house to come out with their findings. judging from the people leaving the meetings, leaks, but they leave the meetings all the time and they say, no, we have not found any collusion. there is no collusion. you know why? i don't speak to russians. >> sean: breaking news, the president defended his former campaign chair, paul manafort after we learned that the fbi executed a predawn raid of his home. because he did not follow hillary clinton's example. watch this. >> i know mr. paul manafort. i have not speak into them in a long time, but he was with a campaign for a short period of time. but i know he is a good man. i thought it was a very -- you know -- they do that very seldom. so i was surprised to see it. i was very surprised to see it. i've always known paul manafort
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to be a very decent man. he is like a lot of other people probably making consulting fees from all over the place. who knows? but i thought that was very tough stuff. >> sean: more on all of this later in the program, but the stop top story the president is not backing down in the nuclear standoff with north korea. after pyongyang said that the threat to attack guam, called the fire and fury comments a load of nonsense. the president responding with a very language and a promise for kim jong un. take a look. >> for people that are questioning the statement, was it too tough? maybe it wasn't tough enough. they've been doing this to our country for a long time, for many years. it's about time that somebody stuck up for the people of this country and for the people of other countries. so if anything, maybe that statement was not tough enough. they what they have been getting away with is a tragedy. and it cannot be allowed. the people of our country are
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saying, our allies are saying, and i will tell you this, north korea better get their act together, or they are going to be in trouble like few nations ever have been in trouble in this world. >> sean: how refreshing, especially compared to obama and former resident clinton that allowed this to happen. the president did also warned north korea about the opposed plan to fire missiles near guam. watch this. >> i read about this where in guam by august 15th, let's see what he does with warm. if he does something in guam, it will be an event the likes of which nobody has seen before what will happen in north korea. it is a statement. it has nothing to do with dare. it is a statement pretty is not going to go around threatening guam or the united states. and he is not going to threaten japan. he is not going to threaten south korea. that is not a day or as you say, that is a statement, a fact.
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>> sean: let's show you exactly what north korea is threatening against guam. a top military general put out a statement last night saying that the rogue regime is drawing up a plan, due to be completed by mid-august which calls for north korea to launch four missiles into the waters off the coast of guam. earlier today the president also address the policies of appeasement and capitulation that were carried out and championed by democrats the last 25 years when it comes to north korea. we all learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it, right? former obama national security advisor susan rice running an op-ed for "the new york times" saying that america may need to could tolerate a nuclear armed north korea at the way the u.s. did with the soviet union. it was 1994, the clinton administration. they cut a deal with kim jong un's father, kim jong il. giving north korea $4 billion in energy aid in exchange for the
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promise that the rogue regime would freeze and eventually and its nuclear weapons program. bill clinton said this was a good deal for the american people. take a look. >> this is a good deal for the united states. north korea will freeze, and to then dismantle the nuclear program. south korea and the other allies will be better protected. the entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. >> sean: predictably the deal turned into a complete and utter disaster. a direct reason why we are in the situation we are in on the edge some of the world being on edge tonight with north korea. earlier today, the president called out to president clinton's foolish mistakes. watch list. >> we will always consider negotiations, but they have been negotiating for 25 years, look at clinton. he folded on the negotiations. he was weak and ineffective. >> sean: the president is clearly not going to repeat the policies of appeasement of the past. as we have been saying on the program for years and years and
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for the past couple of nights, there are really no great solutions when it comes to north korea. last night on the show, however, the deputy assistant to the president dr. sebastian gorka said, perhaps there are. take a look. >> there are numerous scenarios that do not involve the use of force or some kind of conflagration on the peninsula. it means we do not discuss them on television that can incapacitate a regime's military. >> sean: and earlier this week on the program, newt gingrich gave a brilliant assessment of how to deal with the north korean threats by building a strategic defense system that president reagan proposed. that gives us what, ten, 20, 30 -- an icbm is headed to the united states instead of one or two shots as getting it out with the fad missile system. joining us now, fox news, general analyst, general jack
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keane. i've been saying on the air, no real good solutions by the listening to the president today. and i do think that the president could be any stronger. the likes of which we have never seen. and maybe what he said the first day was not even strong enough. this is a statement, effect. not a dare. this will happen, what are your thoughts? >> absolutely. the president is totally fed up now that he has a taxi and what the last 25 years have been like with the kim dynasty. he knows full well that his predecessors through policies of negotiation, diplomacy, appeasement, and accommodation have brought to the kim dynasty to the point now where they are nuclear rising icbms that threaten the american people. it has frustrated him, he is fed up with it. he is clearly sending a signal to the leader that i do tend to it deter you. i have the capability to destroy you, and i have the intent to do it. i'm not going to permit you to
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do harm to the american people. he wants to get inside kim's head and make certain that he clearly understands that. and that the policies of the past are flat over. that's what this is about. >> sean: general, i know that mutually assured destruction worked with the cold war. are we dealing with somebody who is capable of understanding being incinerated that many would die? and this is the danger as we just played to bill clinton. oh, this is a good deal for the american people. it was not a good deal for the american people. just like they are deal, is not good for the american people. what is it about this inability of some on the left to understand that you cannot negotiate and bribe these rogue regimes and dictators that they do not keep their word? >> yes, the cold war is very instructive to us. it was very successful in using deterrence against the soviet union. and to have effective
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deterrence, sean, two things you have to have. you have to have number one, really good military capability. your adversaries have to understand that that capability is there. and we have that. number two, your adversary has to understand that you intend to use it. he has to believe that. that there is political will and commitment to use that force if necessary. the soviet union understood that clearly. they understood it very dramatically when president reagan was president. what we have had recently is appeasement, accommodation. and that is what has generated -- i think it is a rational decision on kim's part nuclear's icbms come up with the american people at risk that the united states would never do regime change, which he is paranoid about. that is a actual strategy, had a rational, rational. his bellicose anguish and verbosity. and saying that he is going to destroy the american people,
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that's kind of language is unacceptable. stillness question, general. we appreciate your insight. on a scale of 1-10, how dangerous is the situation for the united states and the world tonight? >> well, it is a dangerous situation. let me just say it in my own words, i do not believe we are going to war with north korea. i think that this president will keep us out of that war because the chinese are believing that this president is sincere about what he intends to do to protect the american people. and the chinese at the end of the day, while they have been gaming us for years and playing the president a little bit. step one, and it is only step one was the u.n. resolution that the chinese fact. there's more to be done on their part prior to the president -- >> sean: is this a 7, and a train? i'm not trying to pin you down -- >> i don't play that game. i'm saying no war. there will be no war. the american people can relax. >> sean: i don't know about
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relaxing. this is pretty bad. general, good to see her. her now with more reaction, former senior intelligence officer, tony shaffer, fox news contributor michael waltz is with us. let me begin with you, how dangerous is this and is this now coming to a head? >> it is as dangerous as ever by the fact that we have allowed this to linger since 1954. and the fact is this, the biggest danger to actual arm's conduct is a miscalculation. general keane just laid out the essence of what we are facing now. we have to actually go about doing what we have to to find a way to convince the north koreans that the idea of appeasement of buying you off is going to end. the current problem goes back to 1984, october of '94 when we went to herd the that president clinton put us in. we knew back then that they had five nuclear weapons, the
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premise of the concept was flawed from day one. and only gotten worse. we do have options to try to take action against the north koreans. we have special operations options. we have been on the books from sea '90s. we have done effective things against the iranians using advanced technology. cyber operations. that is another option. and the last one we have is to make a show that shooting your missiles will be completely affected list by the fact that we have the agent systems off the coast. so the president does have some options short of going to war to show that we mean business. >> sean: let me ask you as we now move forward here, and i keep saying that there is no good options, because we allowed him to get to this point. and that being the case, if we have to take military action even though we had a coalition of china, and russia, let's say israel, western european allies, taking other nuclear sites. he has nukes. is there a risk of nuclear
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fallout? risk that he can fire at guam, south korea, seoul, china, japan before we actually kick the sights out? is that a real worry and concern? worst-case scenario, how many dead are we talking about? >> their trump card for her lack of a better turn the kim jong un has is his artillery. thousands of pieces and the market that are aimed at soul, a city of 25 million plus people. so imagine artillery raining down on a city like manhattan. i'm not confident, what this would look like is essentially our stealth capability, the cyber, the electronic warfare going in early to take down the air defenses so that we then have the follow-on bombers that could get in and get to the missile site and get hopefully him and his control structure. but while that is happening, keep in mind that they dug these things in for 50 years in the
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sides of mountains and bunker complexes. while that is going to take a little bit of time, artillery and rockets could be raining down on seoul. that's the big -- >> sean: but that they would fire, they have the ability to know that there is an attack that is imminent, correct? >> well, that it's right. we could get in and get a lot of their nuclear capability and the missile site before a lot of that occurs, but enough is going to occur that it is going to cause collateral civilian casualties. but the point is that getting back to talks which is what a lot of people are saying that we need to kind of simmered down and get back to negotiation is going to allow his military capability to mature even further. >> sean: thank you both for being with us. busy breaking news night. we will have more on the escalating tensions with north korea, john bolton is next. and much more tonight. straight ahead.
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because things will happen to them like they never thought possible. >> sean: that was president trump earlier today earlier today typically meant delivering another stern warning to north korea and kim jong un. here now, fox news contributor, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n., john bolton is with us. after really a number of presidents and the policy of appeasement, the worse in this place was bill clinton. into the worst on a around was barack obama. but saying, sorry, this is a statement of fact, not a dare, and this means something. how is that a game changer considering north korea thinks that they can roll for another $50 billion of free money and not keep their word? >> chart, after 25 years of failed policies, you cannot count on north korea obeying because of their astute insight that the leadership in america has changed. clear statements from the
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president are important. two elements here. one that if there is an attack from north korea on guam, that is american soil. the citizens of guam are american citizens. and you don't want to think about what the retaliation would be. that is clear, stating that it is important so that there is no misunderstanding. the second issue is whether or not the president should strike preemptively. i think on that score, there is a legitimate debate. but people have to ask themselves whether they are prepared to see north korea with a deliverable nuclear weapons as far as the eye can see. i'm not willing to tolerate that risk. >> sean: i tend to agree with you, but i also shuddered to think of the human carnage that is involved here. the best scenario would be, oh, kim jong un gets the message, he grows up, he stops saber rattling, and firing missiles, and inspecting what he is doing. but we both know that that is not going to happen. short of that, is there anything
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you can think of militarily that we will be able to do that would shut down their ability to launch the weapons? >> number one, one diplomatic option. we talked about it before, persuading china to help us reunify the peninsula. if that diplomatic option is absent, a fairy range of military options, that is why it is important for the american people to make the decision. are you prepared to live with a nuclear north korea, or are you not? susan rice argues today, she is perfectly prepared to live with a nuclear weapons. she and many people like her argued for 25 years, we can talk the north out of nuclear weapons. so their track record to leave something to be desired. obviously nobody wants to see carnage on the korean peninsula. nobody wants to see the americans they are in peril or the people in south korea or japan. but let's be clear, who is ultimately imperil here if north korea has deliverable nuclear weapons and i might say iran at the same time, the
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people in jeopardy are the citizens of the united states. >> sean: the last question then i asked general keane on a scale of 1-10, how dangerous is this? >> i think it is very dangerous. our days an analogy to the cuban missile crisis. i don't think that we really have confidence. we know what kim jong un and his generals will decide. that's one of the reasons why if there is going to be military action it ought to be sooner rather than later. this situation does not get better for the united states over time. a continuously gets worse and more dangerous. >> sean: and millions could potentially die? >> yes, american citizens. >> sean: thank you ambassador, trailing times. president trump fires back after senator mcconnell says he has excessive expectations. really? seven and a half years, lou dobbs is here next. ♪ diesel generators,
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>> live from america news headquarters, i'm marianne rafferty. outlining the role in the conflict between the united states and north korea. according to the chinese newspaper china would stay neutral if north korea launches an attack that threatens the united states. but if america strikes first and tries to overthrow the north government, china would stop them. china is north korea's most important ally. the country has expressed frustration with pyongyang's missile tests, as well as a behavior from the united states pay to louisiana's governor declaring a state of emergency for new orleans after the water pumping system malfunction. heavy rains over the weekend causing some serious flooding and more is in the forecast. the pump failure means the city's ability to drain storm water has diminished. i'm marianne rafferty, now back to "hanntiy" ." ♪ >> i just want to get to repeal
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and replace done. i've been hearing repeal and replace for seven years paradise had, mitch. get to work and let's get it done. they should of had this last one done. they lost by one vote for a thing like that to happen is a disgrace. and frankly, it should not have happened. that i can tell you. >> sean: that was president trump earlier today calling out the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell urging him to keep his promise after seven and a half long years to repeal and replace obamacare. this after mcconnell said that president trump had excessive expectations. the president has vowed to drain and sewer, the swarm, the sea that includes republicans that have no urgency, cannot keep up, get nothing done. is it time for senator mcconnell tovar attire and make way for new leadership that does have a sense of urgency and a desire to move? with reaction, fox news business anchor, lou dobbs, congrats on your great ratings.
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how many months number one in all of business? >> i believe it is 19 months. >> sean: i'm sorry credit is really a failure. >> you are lighting it up. >> sean: here's what i want to ask you. because he did do a good job with nucor's edge. if it is an excessive expectation that they cannot get that done into nine months into the presidency. i have no more patients, republicans are so disappointed, so discourage, and i'm a registered conservative, so angry at their lack of urgency, because americans are suffering. >> they are suffering, this election was about to the forgotten man and woman that president trump brought back to the forefront of public policy. or at least we thought so. but as you watch, mitch mcconnell. it is very clear, he needs a snuff box up near his nose as he condescends and patronized as the president of the united states with his excessive
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ambition. his hard work. his work ethic that has never been seen before in washington, d.c. aunt mitch mcconnell holds forth saying his expectations are just too great. and the american people just must stay in place. >> sean: can i just say that i don't know anybody that has as much time off as these people, so little as they did in the senate. and then even the little skinny repeal bill. of the little skinny repeal bill which was nothing that we wanted or was promised. >> when you look at what mcconnell has done, what ryan has done, the republican party is in crisis and does not even know it. this party is led by people maintaining the status quo. this election, president trump is an office to get rid of the old ways and bring in the new. to disrupt and to if you will, discomfort all of the people who are willing to sit on their
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hands with their sinecures in the senate in the house instead of working for a living and representing the people that do work for a living. >> sean: with all that said, so much good news, over a million jobs created, 9000 people in the workforce. obama regulations gone. the lowest number of people on food stamps and seven years. and you people can't -- and i heard the present didn't come urgency and frustration. this is not how the real world works. not how carpenters, electricians -- -- >> and some of these jobs are back. people said that he could not do it in the first term let alone the six months of the presidency. he is doing exactly that. >> sean: we have tapes of all the times that mcconnell and mccain promised again and again and again. repeal and replace credit is so frustrating. good to see you. thank you for being here. we come back, one on one. hannity versus lanny davis about why the left, why do they always get a free pass? why does his friend hilary get
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dmg, lanny davis. i quote him often. he wrote a book that i really like. i mention this when i was in washington. "tell the truth, tell it all, tell it early, tell it to yourself." i'm going to hound you politically hard despite of our friendship. you are so loyal to your friends, i admire your strength, your fight, your loyalty. your belief system. i like loyalty. i think it is a great quality of people. i know you are a passionate person on the left. it is real for you. like conservative terrorism is real for me. your book is a great road map for people in trouble." it all the time even though i do not like you. i'm kidding. but here's my question. if i deleted 33,000 subpoenaed emails, if i did it, sean hannity did it, if sean hannity then took bleach pit and acid washed the hard drives that had -- the emails
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were on and a mom and pop bathroom closet, mishandling classified information, if i had somebody i know smash devices that were under subpoena? if i had somebody that that guy asked for my devices and i sent them devices without sim cards, why do i think that i will be calling you from jail after my mug shot was posted, and i would be saying, lanny, can you help me out? >> thank you for your compliments and your criticisms. i still love you even though we are mostly wrong. >> sean: no, you don't. you're just lying to people. >> you are mostly wrong. i forgive you. but one what you just said. the fbi thoroughly, the fbi for one year thoroughly investigated every single allegation he just made, and found that there was no reason to prosecute hillary clinton. at the one-year investigation, a unanimous view of the
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investigation and agents that led the investigation. not just mr. comey, so i could quarrel with your statement of what you said whether they are true or not -- but it is determination. >> sean: okay, you can rely on that. but what i am arguing here is if you delete subpoenaed emails and you acid wash the hard drive and you smash devices, i know you have heard me, but i like to repeat myself. not to me is obstruction of justice. if the law is clear about mismanaging top-secret information and deleting such pride both of which comey said she did. >> or just for your audience to know that i do not accept the factual accuracy -- >> sean: that is called truth. >> but i will quote james comey who i have a great deal of disrespect for as doing something completely contrary to the justice department policy because he thought he gets away with it it and violating policies when he said in his
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october 20th, letter. so i've no admiration for mr. comey. i have a good deal of criticism. but he conducted a one year investigation on each of the topics you raised the 33 men's house and you mention our personal nonstate department-related emails that were deleted which everyone in washington who has personal emails would agree, not the subf a subpoena of the state department official business, classified information. that is the answer. >> sean: i know my audience is watching and they are saying 33,000 deleted emails, you cannot put top-secret information on a mom and pop shop bathroom closet in the server there. we have been told 99.9% by foreign and diligence agencies got that top-secret special access information. my audience is listening, this is what they are thinking. he is a nice guy, how does he believe this? because he knows that there is
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not equal justice under the law coming into that when you talk about discretion, sometimes there is political consideration, what i am arguing to you, the clintons always get the political considerations, and the rest of us, we'd get thrown in jail, and paul manafort's mistake is he did not delete all the emails. and acid wash them like hillary, he should have done that, right? >> we can disagree over whether the fbi is in the tank for democrats or not, but the fbi reached all conclusions opposite of your inferences. from where i sit. all in the eye of the beholder. i see bogus scandals to which the clintons had been subjected to that never lead to anything $70 million later, tax dollars coming up with nothing on whitewater. so i see the opposite. but that is not unusual for you, sean. has to be when i heard there was an indictment on whitewater. >> saying i heard that without
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citing the source and stating a fact, i cannot argue with. because it is speculative. but i know that the fbi took a year -- >> sean: lanny, this is why when your liberal friends -- this is why when your liberal friends come after me for -- >> i defend you. >> sean: this is why i'm going to hire you. because -- >> i really do defend the first amendment rights that you have as well as i have. >> sean: i can only say that the statute of limitations have now torn out pretty rainy and one is even a bigger problem. >> let's talk about the next program. i can do that as well. >> sean: all right, lanny. to see where we don't like each other? so obvious pride when we come back, liberals, men members of the destroy-trump-media seem even more scared of the rhetoric than they are of kim jong un. we will check in with dr. gino lowden and jessica tarlov about
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trump hate next. ♪ award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this august visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. this august visit your local volvo dealer trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief.
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kim jong un. really? watch this. >> it just does not help when our allies in the countries in the region cannot tell whether it is donald trump or kim jong un who is a crazier one. >> i used to have a huge pile folder of all the crazy colorful things that the north koreans would say in the name said they would call the american president. so president trump sounds like a north korean leader more than an american leader. >> if you read a paragraph in the beginning of the newspaper that said this, a bellicose, threatening, emotionally immature, insecure leader david x, a year ago where do you have thought the president of the united states was a person, or what you have thought the head of north korea was that person? >> sean: fox news contributor jessica tarlov, and psychology political radio host dr. gina loudon. i will not even ask jessica, because he would never do this, you never would? >> compare him to kim jong un, no. i would say a lot of things, that is going too far.
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>> sean: if a conservative did this, oh, there will be calls for boycotts, firings, and oh, my gosh, barack obama, bill clinton, that's what they were, appeasers to a rogue dictator, there will be a backlash. no backlash against this media? >> no, no backlash against the media, probably no reprisals on these individuals who would take these crazy stands. talk about who is crazy. they are more concerned, sean, about the power in their own lives and jobs and on the left than they are about to lives of american people. >> okay, the rhetoric about the comparisons to kim jong un, it is a stretch too far. but there are republicans who are opposed to the rhetoric that donald trump used. i know you're going to say john mccain is not a republican anymore because of what you did about the health care bill, but he is a republican. a former chief of staff coming out and saying that he is more concerned about the rhetoric that came from donald trump then
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he is about a nuclear rise north korea. >> by jessica, those people got the president elected that are tired of the party. >> but you are saying it is all about the liberals fitted is not about the liberals. >> i am saying that it is the establishment and not about partisan politics. >> sean: jessica, will you agree that i played, i am the only one -- no one in the media, not that i watch every show, or any show, to be on a i'm too busy working. would you agree when bill clinton went before the people of this country and said, it's good for the american people, and you are not going to get nuclear weapons -- he failed because he was an appeaser. he failed because he believed he could bribe kim jong il into being good. >> i don't think anybody on the left or the rights would say that we do not have a failed policy towards north korea -- >> sean: bill clinton failed this country. that's why we are here tonight. >> we have to move on from that.
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what did george bush do? nothing. what about george bush? >> i would agree that it is failed policy over a decade that led us to where it was. >> sean: it was clinton that gave him the money and let him keep the rods. >> and obama that led to it all grow up under his administration. >> sean: are we going to look in a few years at a ran and 150 billion obama gave the mullahs and we are in the same position and said, bribery could work. >> the way that people are treating the president, how are they going to explain if there is a mishap based on the rhetoric that they are putting out there? >> sean: final question, is it possible at this point in time that we can learn the lesson that's bribing rogue dictatorships does not work with obama into the mullahs and clinton in the north koreans? >> saying that the deal is
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actually a force, they are playing by the rules, those are trump officials. donald trump says all sorts of things. but remember -- >> sean: what does that have to do with my question? did we learn that appeasement does not work? >> but with the north koreans, you are talking about the iranians. >> until they fire a nuclear weapon until you decide that appeasement does not work, they called reagan crazy and reagan took out russia's power without firing a shot. >> sean: when we come back, a very special guests, the final word, straight ahead. ♪ keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. ♪ >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." singer, songwriter, and trump supporters here to deliver the final word. she wore a make america great again dressed to the grammys.
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tonight, she will explain why she supports the president. you get the final word. >> here is today's final word. why do i love president trump so much? first of all, we finally have a warrior in the white house. he is not afraid to say what he means and mean what he says. he says he's going to deliver jobs, he delivers jobs. he says we will increase security, we increase security. he upholds the constitution and protects religious freedom. people don't understand how easy it is to be misaligned and looked over when you have a president who doesn't care about your needs. but in america, we have so much freedom because donald trump is in the white house. our commander in chief is not only a warrior in the white house, but he is a lying and the white house. and i, for one, feel better about being an american. that has been today's final word. i am joy villa. >> sean: by the way, i've become a big fan of her music. you can enjoy it and get it on youtube or whatever fine records and cds are sold. that is all the time we have
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left for this evening. as always, thanks for being with us. we will never be part of the establishment, destroy trump media. we appreciate your support. we'll be here tomorrow night. ♪ >> >> mark: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i am mark steyn, filling in for tucker while he vacations with his family. president trump's address aggressive rhetoric toward north korea, vowing fire and fire and fury if kim jong un's regime goes too far, was bashed by many people in washington. if they hope to change the president's behavior, they clearly don't understand him. today, trump said his only regret was that he may not have been tough enough. >>gh frankly, the people that we questioning that statement, wasn't too tough? may ba
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