tv Americas News HQ FOX News August 13, 2017 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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>> reporter: he was greeted by this wrongs of people, you couldn't hear a thing that he said. every epithet in the book shouted his way along with chants of shame, shame, shame, and murderer, murderer. there was a huge police presence here. he ultimately exited to the left out through the hedges followed by state police officers, reporters, cameramen and protesters. the actual alleged murderer, james fields, remains in police custody today. we are expecting him to make a first court appearance perhaps as early as tomorrow if charlottes areville sticks to its normal proceed procedure -- procedure of those arrested on saturday. a longtime court observer told me we can expect that court appearance will be made via video because of security concerns. he will be asked if he needs a court-appointed attorney, financial information will be made about him as to his income, about his jobs to see whether he qualifies for a court-appointed
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attorney, and bond will be set. james fields' mother was tracked down by the associated press yesterday for an interview at her home. she was caught unaware at time of what her son had done. >> like i said, i don't really talk to him about his, you know, political views. i mean, he just -- so i don't really understand what the rally was about or anything. so -- >> okay. >> i just knew there was -- he did mention, is albright? what is it? >> albright. no, it's alt-right -- >> ultra conservative -- >> -- white supremacist organizations. >> i didn't know it was white supremacist. i thought it had something to do with trump. ing trump's not -- >> reporter: his victim, as you said, has been identified as heather hyer, a 32-year-old
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woman who lives in charlottesville, virginia, and the day capped off with another terrible tragedy, the crash of the virginia state police helicopter and the two pilots dead from that crash, burke bates, who would have turned 41ed today, the other victim, h.j. cullen, who was 48 years old. there's a large, impromptu memorial with flowers to heather and another just underway here at city hall in honor of the two law enforcement officers. and let me read it to you, it's touching. we grieve this tragic loss with you and blanket you with our love and prayers. we extend our sincere gratitude for your service and courage. eric, back to you. eric: just so senseless and unnecessary, doug, especially when you consider the ap as saying that fields had a fascination with adolf hitler and the nazis, and we've had to witness this as we have this weekend. doug mckelway, as always,
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thank you. julie: the white house today trying to reframe president trump's public remarks about the violence in virginia yesterday saying, of course, president trump also condemns the kkk, neo-nazis and all extremist groups. this after lawmakers on both sides of the aisle criticized the president for condemning hatred and violence, quote, on many sides while not explicitly mentioning white supremacists. kristin fisher is live from new jersey with more. hi, kristin. >> reporter: well, the white house is now explicitly condemning the white supremacists for inciting the violence in charlottesville yesterday, but this statement didn't come from president trump himself, it came from an unnamed white house official. and here's the quote. the president said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violation, bigotry and hatred, and of course that includes white supremacists, kkk, neo-nazis and all extremist
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groups. now, for his critics like republican senator cory gardner, that is a step in the right direction, but likely still not strong enough as if the saint had come from -- statement had come from president trump himself or if he had perhaps attached his name to it. listen to what the senator said just about an hour before that statement came out. >> this is not a time for vagaries, this isn't a time for innuendo or to allow room to be read between the lines. this president has done an incredible job of naming terrorism around the globe as evil, radical islamic terrorism whether it's in europe or the middle east. he has said and called it out time and time again x this president needs to do exactly that today. >> reporter: now, the president's supporters say that the media has been unfairly fixated on simply one line from his statement yesterday, the line where president trump blamed all sides instead of
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explicitly stating one side as being the primary inciter of this violence. they would prefer if president -- if the media and everybody else would take a look at all of the president's comments what he said yesterday, really this call for unity. listen to what the white house homeland security adviser said this morning. >> the president not only condemned the violence and stood is up at a time and a moment when calm was necessary and didn't dignify the names of these group ofs of people; but, rather, addressed the fundamental issue. >> reporter: now, president trump's re-election campaign is also attacking the the media today in a new ad. it accuses the press of standing in the way of the president's progress while also highlighting some of his accomplishments so far including more jobs, lower unemployment, a stronger military. but, julie, given what just happened yesterday and all the violence, a lot of his critics are already saying that the president should be focusing less on 2020 and is a little more on the unrest that is
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continuing to unfold down many charlottesville. julie? julie: kristin fisher, thank you. eric: meanwhile on this weekend, the tensions still continue with north korea. senior u.s. national security officials saying today that a military confrontation with kim jong un's regime as they say, quote, not imminent. but also they warn the possibility that a war is greater than it was a decade can ago. this after president trump and north korea have, as you know, traded some tough-talking threats, escalating the tensions. william la jeunesse joins us now live from guam which is the u.s. territory north korea has vowed to target perhaps later this month where it is now 6:08 in the morning on monday morning, a day ahead because of the international dateline. hi, william. >> reporter: well, you know, eric, the difference now is experts believe north korea has a weapon to back up their threats, and secondly, the u.s. has a president who is prepared to deny them a long-range nuclear weapon.
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president trump is trying to do that through sanctions, through the u.n., through china and a promise any attack on guam would trigger a u.s. military response. but today on fox news sunday, cia director mike pompeo said he expects north korea to continue developing a nuclear program and would not be surprised if they test fire another missile. but he does not believe we are on the cusp of a nuclear war. >> it's difficult to put a timeline to these things, chris. each time they test another missile or if they should conduct a nuclear weapons test, they develop expertise, they expand the envelope. and so it is probably fair to say that they are moving towards that at an ever-alarming rate. >> reporter: meanwhile, on guam the stated target of kim jong un, life goes on as normal including attending mass. 85% of the island is catholic. the archbishop asked the clergy to address the fear and anxiety this their congregation. -- in
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their congregation. those we spoke to said they find comfort in their faith even knowing north korea could strike in as little as 14 minutes. >> he tied in the sermon with her current situation, basically saying, well, if you had 14 minutes, what would you do with the rest of your life, and would you be at peace with yourself. >> there's a little anxiety, but it's interesting, it seems like the people are taking this into prayer. >> he mentioned maybe now would be the time, the opportunity to reevaluate our priorities and what's important to us most. >> reporter: the chairman of the joint chiefs is on his way to career, japan and china to improve military relations and make sure there's no miscalculation. but also, eric, he will likely underscore to the chinese that president trump is not bluffing. back to you. eric: all right, william. china is key to all this, the president about to sign an investigation into trade tomorrow. we'll see if that adds more pressure. thank you. juliesome.
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julie: fox news alert, and president trump putting military options on the table in venezuela. more than 120 people have died there in months of violent protests against socialist president maduro. well, president trump refusing to speak to the venezuelan president until, quote, democracy is restored there. this as vice president mike pence is on his way to venezuela's neighbor, colombia, today. kevin corke is following it for us from washington. hi, kevin. >> reporter: you're right, the vice president's visit to south america and, indeed can, that region, one of several stops beginning in colombia as the administration tries to bolster relations and economic ties with a number of those burgeoning economies in south america. clearly, the big story, the backdrop, the most pressing issue aside from trade, counter-narco trafficking and security is the unfolding drama in venezuela. the government in caracas has been besieged by violence, food shortages and corruption. friday the president here
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saidhead consider a number of options -- he'd consider a number of options including possible military intervention. today his national security adviser shed a bit of light on the administration's thought process. >> the president has asked us to look at what could happen next, what could happen in venezuela. we want to not only be able to cope with the current situation, but understand better how this crisis might evolve. >> we have watched in my seven months in office a continued deterioration. what i believe the president was trying to accomplish this week was to give the vns wail land people hope and opportunity to create a situation where democracy can be restored in venezuela again. >> reporter: meantime, never at a loss for words, south carolina senator lindsey graham is weighing in on this issue. he said today he's not convinced of the need for military intervention in the oil-rich south american country. >> i'm a pretty hawkish guy. i know that if we don't send more troops to afghanistan, it's going to fail, and every soldier
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in afghanistan is an insurance policy against another 9/11. i know why we have of troops in iraq and syria to train people to destroy isil, i know why we have troops this south korea and europe to protect us against threats in north korea. i have no idea why we would use military force in venezuela. >> reporter: now, as for the vice president, julie, in addition to the stop in colombia where the u.s. government has a great deal of cross-economic and security agreements, he'll also be expected to spend time in chile, argentina and panama giving a number of speeches, and certainly, we'll be watching from here in washington. more now, back to you. eric: meanwhile, we're still following the latest from iraq where two american soldiers have died during combat operations there. what we are now learning about that tragedy. julie: plus, more on the unrest in virginia with congressman tom garrett who represents the district that includes charlottesville. ♪ ♪
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today, five others injured during combat operations in the northern part of the country. an investigation is underway, but initial reports suggesting the incident was not due to enemy contact. we'll bring you more as the details come in. eric: violent chaos in charlottesville, virginia, has not -- thankfully -- been repeated today, but tensions remain high. the city, of course, has had a long and proud history for its role in the formation of our democracy. in an editorial yesterday, quote: charlottesville might seem an odd place for a white power conclave. charlottesville is a lopsideddedly liberal municipality. it gave 80% of its vote to hillary clinton, but it is precisely those characteristics that drew the hooligans of the alt-right, so so says the richmond newspaper.
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joining us is virginia republican tom garrett. congressman, welcome. earlier this afternoon jason kessler, one of the organizers, the leader of the unite the right organization, tried to speak this front of city hall in a news conference. he was cased away by a small -- chased away by a small crowd. they chanted nazi go home, murderer, you can see people in his face before he had to flee into the bushes and basically be rescued by police. what message do you see in the fact that he was drowned out and he was forced to flee? >> well, i wish he'd never shown up to begin with. you know, it's amazing, i think, that there's a lot of invective hurled around and a lot of people are being called nazis, and that waters down the value of that word, because it would appear that he actually is a nazi, that he actually does espouse views that are contrary to the very basic truths first
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muttered or written by thomas jefferson in charlottesville, ironically, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. it's mind numbing to me that there are people who believe that based on something that's beyond anyone's control that they're better somehow or that someone else might be inferior, you know? i wore uniform of this country for almost six years the defend people's rights to believe things and say things even that i don't agree with, but this is beyond the pale. it really troubles me, and i fear for our families and our future and our nation and all the good things that have been given to us, that these people have the numbers to do this and that, candidly with no offense, eric, i know it's news, that we're talking about this guy. because i think that these racist idealogues thrive on attention just like fire thrives
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on oxygen. eric: yeah. we did not air the news conference. there's controversial brewing in your district, and you met with him. why did you meet with jason kessler? you met with him in your office, you gave him the trappings of that building behind you, can you explain your meeting with jason kessler? >> sure. i was a prosecutor for almost ten years, and the operative question would be what did he know and when did he know it. if i were prosecuting somebody, that meeting took place in march. he had driven to washington and asked for a meeting with some other people. ultimately, that's what we do, we meet with people all the time. i had no idea who he was in march. i will say that i have been condemning the actions of kessler and his group in writing, on the internet at since may, so as soon as this stuff started, we condemned it. but, you know, i guess t an occupational hazard that you might end up having a fundraiser
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at the home of a convicted terror bomber or getting a kiss from a former grand wizard of the ku klux klan. i don't think president obama's a terrorist -- [inaudible] eric: well, that's decades ago. look, this guy is known in charlottesville. he was arrested before your meeting in january arrested for, you know, allegedly punching a guy and fined for that. so he was known in the community. do you fear that having met with him and these other two members of some group, the unity and security for america, it's called, to can you fear that mainstreams what -- do you fear that mainstreams what they stand for? >> oh, i do think it does. he immediately said, hey, look what we did. what i'm telling you is i didn't know who that cat was at that point in time. i know who he is now, and i don't like him any more than anybody else does -- eric: do you regret it? >> well, yeah, sure. what do you do? my time machine's broken, so i can't go back and undo it --
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eric: do you apologize for it? >> apologize for taking a meeting with a constituent? yeah, sure. again, there's nothing i can do about it. i want to condemn anyone who believes that they might be better than someone else by virtue of a character trait that they had no voice in determining. and what we ought to do is fight towards what barbara i don't knows and thomas -- barbara johns and thomas jefferson and dr. king said, and that is a more perfect union where you have the opportunity to aspire and dream and achieve unfettered by external people who would foist upon you some world view that was archaic before with it was even contemplated. i don't know how much else i can full-throatedly condemn these people, but i'll still do it. eric: to those people criticizing you, how do we as a country deal with this to try to put a rein on this, especially when the president is being criticized for not, you know, he'll say radical islamic terrorism, but he so far has not from his tweet or his words said
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white spectrum its -- >> guess what? i can't control the president either, but i've said white supremacist an awful lot. i've condemned them as vocally and vociferously as i can. it's antithetical to who we are as a people, and it is really troubling that we would move backwards, past all the sacrifices of people who came before us who bled and sweated and cried and lost loved ones in church bombings and hover risk acts like that and -- horrific acts like that and we have enough bigots who can show up in charlottesville like they did yesterday and incite hatred in a country where we have a duty to respect one another, i think the president said, and in a perfect world where we'll love one another. this is -- i mean, i'm terribly concerned with north korea, but this is an existential threat to who we are as a country. eric: as you say, this tears at the fabric of our country.
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what we represent, the values of the united states of america upon which this country was founded on. >> look, i've been in contact with governor mcauliffe, we need to reach across the aisle, we need to stand up, and we need to say that 99.99% of americans of all political stripes have no place, no place more those who think based on an external character trait beyond one's control that they're better than someone else. that is exactly who we are not supposed to be, that is exactly what dr. king railed against and ultimately died for. and this isn't a republican issue, this isn't a democrat issue, this is an america issue. the sad, tragic thing is that the fifth district of virginia and charlottesville in particular are amazing places, and we should be colored by the acts of people such as this is unfortunate. i'm going to keep on fighting. this is a fight worth having, because it's really over the very essence of who we are. mark: and in keeping, finally, with that shut, you met kessler,
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shook his hand, what is your message to him right now? >> go away. i mean, certainly, you know, he has a right to speak and all that, but i am telling you right now looking into the camera at that person should he be watching, that you fail to grasp what this country is meant to be. this is a land where all people of all creeds can come together and find, i hope, a common, agreeable purpose; that is, that we all have a right to aspire and succeed and that we all have a right to do so so free of the nasty, nefarious acts of others. and you're not, you're not part of the solution, partner, you're part of the problem. and i don't know anyone who would support him, and i can't condemn it in any more vociferous terms. you know, i know who i am, and i know who we are supposed to be as a nation -- mark: and don't -- >> and somebody has to stand up and say it. eric: i know you meant partner in a very general way, not specifically.
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>> yeah, whatever. if people want to take me out of context, they're going to anyway. again, i know to who this country's meant to be, and he's not it. eric: that is the message from congressman tom garrett who represents a city under some trouble, and we feel for your city, your constituents and what has been happening this weekend. congressman, thank you for coming on -- >> pray for the victims of the violence, thank you. eric: of course. julie. >> julie: we're following the aftermath of the violence in charlottesville where more than a dozen people were rushed to the hospital, some in critical condition. we have the latest on their conditions coming up in a live report next. plus -- erik, the u.s -- mark: the u.s. is weighing its options in dealing with the threat from north korea. what can happen, how do we stop them, and can we put enough pressure on kim jong un so he doesn't do something he one day may regret? >> i'm really concerned, because i don't know where this goes in terms of a peaceful resolution.
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julie: hostile rhetoric between the u.s. and north korea only heightening long-running tensions. earlier this morning, in fact, national security adviser h.r. mcmaster addressed the issue and stressed that the rogue regime is not just our problem. >> the president, through his engagement with world leaders, with our allies, our great allies japan and south korea but also china v recognized three fundamental things. this isn't just a u.s. problem, this is a world problem. the second is that china has real influence to be able to cope with this. and the third, and this is most important, that the goal, the common goal that we have to pursue is denuclearization of the korean peninsula. julie: joining us to discuss is texas republican congressman will herd, a member of the overnight committee.
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thank you very much for coming on, congressman, to talk about this, and this is a growing problem. >> sure. julie: you know, you just heard, you know, of course north korea isn't just our problem, it's south korea's problem, it's japan's problem, it's china's problem, and the list goes on. but who's going to step up first? >> it's a great question, and we all have to work together. i think one thing that hasn't been focused on enough is that the fact that china and russia agreed to sanctions at the u.n. security council. nine months ago this was unthinkable that they would do this. you know, the fact that ambassador haley and the president are building an international coalition. but there's a major question that we all have to figure out an answer to. what, you know, kim jong un, his main goal, his primary motivation is staying in power. and he believes that having an intercontinental nuclear missile is his path to power. how do we get him to think that if we heads -- if he gets those
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weapons, that's going to destabilize the regime? i wish i had an answer to that, but we need to make sure that china continues to recognize that north korea is a bigger problem to them than a u.s., south korea and japan alliance. julie: many lawmakers have called for an enforcement of the new sanctions which the united nations security council just voted to impose, and those restrictions include curbing north korea's international trade in an attempt -- attempt -- to make it difficult for the country to pay for its expansive military. but is that enough without a stronger or stance from china? will that be good enough? >> it's going in the right direction, but it is unlikely not enough. congress, a couple of weeks ago, passed additional sanctions on north korea as well, and those were signed into law. 90% of north korea's economy comes through china. north korea is taking advantage of chinese business laws to
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import materials and things they need for their nuclear program. so china could do more, and we have to make sure we use diplomacy, we use our interconnected economies in order to get china to do more to tighten up and make north korea even more cut off from the rest of the world. julie: when you talk about diplomacy, are you talking about with china? north korea has never known what the meaning of the word even means. >> no, diplomacy -- julie: -- doesn't seem possible with north korea. >> no, diplomacy with china. julie: okay. so we need to work with our allies, obviously. >> absolutely. and we need japan and south korea, you know? those that have been to that region understand the cultural differences between those two countries. we need -- julie: right. >> they can improve intelligence sharing amongst themselves. that's going to help us. and that's one area or that we should be focused on as well.
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and if kim jong un does test another missile, we need to be prepared to shot to it downful. julie: -- to shoot it down. julie: until president trump came out and used words a lot of people have criticized him for including china's president, xi jinping, on friday basically saying that the u.s. military was, quote, locked and loaded, warning north korean leader kim jong un that he would, quote, regret it fast if he endangered the u.s. or its allies. that didn't go over well in china, and they want president trump to use a cooler head. but when you're dealing with kim jong un, it seems that rhetoric is all this guy knows. it's almost like fighting words with words, but words are not going to necessarily resolve all of this, and rhetoric is only going to increase tensions. so then where do we go next? >> well, julie, i learned one thing as an -- i was an undercover officer in the cia for nine and a half years, and i learned something simple: be
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nice with nice guys and tough with tough guys. we also saw the chinese premier talking about how they would respond if the north koreans used their weapons first, and we also -- we focus a lot on what the president said, but we should also be looking at what secretary tillerson is saying about -- julie: no imminent threat. >> -- our end goal with, absolutely. and saying we don't want to see a regime change, we just want to see a denuclearized peninsula. julie: okay. all right, texas republican congressman will hurd, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. julie: eric. eric: well, julie, we have an update now from the hospital in charlottesville, virginia, on those patients stemming from the tragedy that happened in that city yesterday. all told, 20 people were rushed to the emergency room after that car, as we know, plowed into the group of counter-protesters who were demonstrating the white nationalist rally. one of the 20, heather hiier,
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she was 32 years old, she was struck by that car, police say, in the intersection and was killed -- heyer. ten others are still at the hospital receiving treatment at this hour, some, we're told, have been released. ellison barber is live at the university of virginia medical complex with more on the remaining parts' conditions. hi, ellison. >> reporter: eric, that's right, there are still ten people being treated at hospital, but we are told by officials that all ten are now listed as in good condition. in all, the university of virginia medical center treated, as you said, 20 people who were injured after a car plowed into a crowd of people rallying against the white supremacist groups holding rallies of their own to the protest the removal of a statue honoring confederate general robert e. lee. witnesses described the injured group to fox news as anti-white nationalists, anti-fascist counter-protesters. hospital officials have now discharged nine people.
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ten, again, are still being treated but are many good condition. that is a major improvement from last night when five were listed in critical condition, four in soars. one -- four in serious. one person died after the crash, her name was heather heyer, she was 32 years old. she lived here in charlottesville. at some point she worked at a restaurant just a couple of blocks away from where i'm standing right now. there's a small memorial for her at that restaurant outside with flowers, a photo and some notes and a place more others to leave notes if they would like to. the restaurant is closed today but under a photo of heather heyer propped in the window, someone wrote, quote: she was so incredibly caring and passionate toward those around her. she lived and died standing up for what she believed in and will be forever remembered for fighting to presentation and evil she saw around her. police arrested and charged 20-year-old james a. fields jr.
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in connection with the crash. he's charged with second-degree murder, malicious wounding and hit and run. about a couple of hours ago, there was a press conference that was spent expected to be held by some of the organizers, the main organizer of the white nationalist rally set to take place this weekend. around that time officials at the university of virginia medical center told us they were on somewhat of a lockdown, closing the main road where most people would access the emergency room only allowing emergency voces and vehicles -- vehicles and vehicles carrying patient into the area. we saw that same thing happen yesterday as well. eric? eric: thankfully, no more incidences reported today. thanks very much, ellison. julie? julie: violence in charlottesville and president trump's response to it drawing strong reactions across the political spectrum. what lawmakers are saying today. healthy... oh! farm-raised chicken! that's good chicken. hm!? here come the accents. blueberries and pumpkin. wow. and spinach! that was my favorite bite so far. (avo) new beneful grain free.
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trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and young adults. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. julie: the deadly violence in charlottesville becoming the
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latest flashpoint in the nation's political debate. president trump taking heat for his initial reaction in which he condemned violence by, quote, many sides without necessarily focusing explicitly on white supremacists. well, the white house has since clarified his condemnation including that he meant to say white supremacists, but some lawmakers even in his own party want the president to make the point loud and clear. >> this president has done an incredible job of naming terrorism around the globe as evil. radical islamic terrorism, whether it's in europe or the middle east, he has said and called it out time and time again, and this president needs to do exactly that today, call this white supremacism, this white nationalism evil and let the country and the world hear it. it needs to come from the oval office, and this white house needs to do it today. julie: kimberly atkins is a columnist for thes boston herald. three times in total, by the way, since his initial statement
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which he made in a news conference yesterday, the white house has clarified what the president meant in his statement which was prepared. is so he did a speech, he used many sides. then last night white house official passed along a saint on background to one of our -- a statement on background to one of our producers in washington regarding what potus was referring to when he said "on many sides." this is what we're told. the president was condemning hatred, bigotry and violence from all sources and all sides, once again using all as opposed to many. there was violence between protesters and counter-protesters today. the white house has come out and now specifically used the term supremacist, white supremacists, kkk, neo-nazi groups. is that going to to be enough? >> well, i think what is happening here and why we're seeing so many people sort of express their disappointment at least at the what the president said yesterday is that it was a missed moment. he had a moment yesterday to say clearly and without
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equivocation, condemn -- that he condemns white supremacy, neo-nazis and hateful groups, and he missed that moment by sort of ad libbing that from many sides. it made it seem as if he was creating some sort of false equivalent, and that made people really uncomfortable. look, republicans are trying to the best they can not only to condemn this because they find be it repugnant, but they don't want these people to be seen as an aspect of the republican party. you see people like senator gardner and others saying, no -- julie: especially when we have people like david duke who is, you know, a leader of hate groups is associated himself with the president on twitter, directly tweeting the president and, in fact, attacking the president. so he is getting attacked on both sides which clearly shows he's not, you know, anywhere near associating himself with david duke. but he purposely did leave his name out. that's something that the president doesn't always do when he is angered by somebody, he likes to point them out.
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even people in his own party, on twitter he does not reserve his real feelings for anybody. so why didn't he do it yesterday? >> you're absolutely right. the president has the ability to, with precision, launch attacks against people, everyone from hillary clinton -- julie: he has no problem calling anyone out. >> you're absolutely right. and think that was another problem. this is reminiscent of the campaign, when then-candidate trump seemed to be too slow to the trigger to physically condemn david -- fully condemn david duke -- julie: at the time, he claimed he didn't even know who he was. >> he claimed he didn't. the republicans want everybody to speak with one voice on this, a clear condemnation saying that this is not welcome in america and certainly not welcome in their party. julie: so it may not be good enough for some of those members of the gop who had harsh criticism for the president. perhaps a white house statement will help. the problem is it didn't come directly from the president, it came from officials. so what i think is a lot of
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people would like to hear the president himself on this. orrin hatch, my brother didn't give his life fighting hitler for nazi ideals the go unchallenged here at home. and senator marco rubio tweeted very important for the mission to hear potus describe events in charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by white supremacists. what needs to happen here the satisfy lawmakers. i mean, what will lawmakers be content with? does the president now need to issue a fourth statement? >> i don't know if any more written statements are going to change anything. i think the next time we see the president speak publicly, he's going to have to do a better job in saying that there is no equivocation there, that he clearly, clearly is speaking directly to this group, and that may allay some of the fears -- julie: he also needs the gop on his side. he's got a lot of legislative issues, health care, tax reform and midterms are around the corn,er so not a time for the
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gop to be the in a twitter battle with their president. anyway, nonetheless, thank you very much. we really appreciate you coming on today. >> my pleasure. julie: eric. eric: well, till to come, charlottesville now trying to put the pieces bag together. -- back together. how people across the country are today showing their sport. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. to to me he's, well, dad.son pro golfer. so when his joint pain from psoriatic arthritis got really bad, it scared me. and what could that pain mean? joint pain could mean joint damage.
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eric: people across the country are expressing their sympathy for the victims of the charlottesville rally. san francisco was one of the many cities across the country who held a vigil last night. will carr is live from our los angeles bureau with a look. >> reporter: peaceful demonstrations i cross the country last night in more than a hundred cities that includes los angeles where dozens marched in front of lapd headquarters chanting no justice, no peace, stop white terrorists in sl darety with charlottes -- solidarity with charlottesville. >> this is showing that we are with them in spirit and that we are standing right next to them as brothers and sisters. >> for us, we want to show that here in los angeles we do not stand for this hate and violence that stems from, quite frankly, white supremacy. >> reporter: rallies also took place in new york, atlanta, chicago and many other cities
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where we saw marches, candlelight vigils and sit-in demonstrations. in oakland protesters took it a step further, swarming interstate 580, they shut it down for 15-20 minutes, setting off fireworks in the process. nobody was arrested, many of the rallies planned by the nonprofit group invisible guy which according to its web site as has a mission to resist the trump agenda. eric. julie: and that's going to do it for this hour. we've got one more? mark: we've got another one -- eric: we're back in one hour. julie: he's been keeping track of my schedule. you guys are very busy on sunday. arthel is enjoying a nice vacation, i hope? eric: yes, exactly. see how hard we work? julie: i'm going to be taking some vacation. we've been it would we're allowed to stretch, so don't think we're making the show about us, but i am taking some
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time off after this weekend. eric: where are you going? >> just labor day, a little family vaca. eric: we'll have more news at 6 p.m., but "please ya buzz is -- media buzz" is next. we will see you foulkes in about an hour. thank you for spending time with us. when you get on the airline, they say you have lots of choices when you fly. i always feel you have choices to watch the media, and we thank you for spending some of your sunday with us here at the fox news channel. julie: we'll see you this one hour. eric: take care. ♪ ♪ i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. g new cars. you're smart. you already knew that.
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designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skin's natural balance. for a free sample, call 1-877-get-tena. maria: we'll see you next week. howie: our "buzzfeed" from los angeles this sunday. a violent protest by white nationalists in charlottesville plays out before the media. many denouncing the president for failing to call out white supremacists and neo-nazis by name. >> we condemn this display of bigotry and violence on many side. howie: does this give the fringe group too
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