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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 18, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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strawberry vodka, per seiko into a little bit 11a. >> jesse: that's it for us to. "hannity" is up next with a very special guest, host kimberly guilfoyle. take it away, k.g. >> kimberly: this is a fox news alert, a major shake-up taking place at the white house. steve bannon is out as president trump's chief strategist. welcome to this especially edition of "hannity." i am kimberly guilfoyle in for sean tonight. according to a new report, steve bannon is saying he is now ready to "go to war" against president trump's opponent, and the media, and a corporate america. john roberts. >> kimberly, good evening to you. we are just getting at this hour, a little bit of a different timeline then we had originally. it looked like john kelly was doing a review of all the positions at the white house, in particular steve bannon's and
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maybe kelly was looking at them. not the sort of person he wanted to have on the team. that may still be true. now we are learning from an actual white house official -- not sources from the outside -- hearing from the white house official that steve bannon in fact tendered his resignation to the president back on august 7th. it may be that there were discussions with john kelly back then, he was pretty much brand-new as the president's chief of staff. perhaps steve bannon when hang around or she was expected to leave at some point or may be just that bannon thought his time had come to an end and that it was time to leave. that would seem to argue against the notion that steve bannon was fired by the president today or fired by the chief of staff. if, in fact, he offered his resignation back on the seventh. here's the official take from the white house, white house chief of staff john kelly and steve bannon have mutually agreed today would be steve's last day. we are grateful for his service
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and we wish of the past. it's no question the president is going to lose a close ally, at least for steve bannon's departure. all indications are that when bannon leaves white house, he will continue to work on behalf of the president and may actually work more vigorously against a the establishment part of the party. >> kimberly: john roberts, thank you for that update. here more on steve bannon exiting the white house is ed henry. >> even though president trump was at camp david, back to new jersey to his golf club on his working vacation -- general john kelly, the new chief of staff is clearly trying again to bring some order around here. he put out a very curt statement saying there is mutual agreement between kelly and bannon. it was time for him to go. he wished him well in the
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future. i can tell you that bannon wasted absolutely no time going right to the conservative new saint breitbart. right after he left the white house, right back in the driver's seat of that news organization. there is a narrative taking hold in the mainstream media that somehow bannon is going to be waging war against president trump by using breitbart to go after the president but a source close to bannon insisted to me today that that is not true and bannon is 100% behind the president. bannon did an interview with bloomberg news saying if there's any confusion out there, let me clear it up. i'm leaving the white house and going to war for trump, against his opponents. on capitol hill. in the media. in a corporate america. later in an interview with the weekly standard, bannon says "the term presidency that we
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fought for and won is over. we still have a huge movement and we will make something of this term presidency. but that presidency is over. it will be something else and there will be all kinds of fights. and there will be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over." at least suggesting that phase of the term presidency of to make is over. they want to see an end to the power intrigued, the speculation, they want to see if the president get back on his agenda. tax such and all the rats. >> if the president is making changes to the chemistry, and they are getting a legislative agenda past, and they are moving the economy forward, i'm a congressional republican who supports our president monson wants them to be successful.
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over the last couple months, regardless of who's in the west wing with the president. >> there are a lot of people here at the white house that want to see the resident get back to that agenda, tax cuts, infrastructure. another bite of the apple with repealing and repeating obamacare. there was that book he had participated with cooperating with recently suggesting that maybe bannon had just as much as the president had to do with that big election victory over hillary clinton. the president saying on tuesday -- he beat out all of the other republicans in the primary and was the leader of this movement, and now he wants to get back aggressively to that legislative agenda. kimberly. >> kimberly: ed henry. thank you so much. 20 meme now with the reaction former presidential candidate mike huckabee. thank you so much for being with
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me. a little bit of startling news. there has been a lot of tumultuous nature in terms of what's going on with the administration. many saying tonight, steve bannon's departure really amounts to a reset. >> i'm not sure it's a reset for the white house. this is a white house that has a very specific mission to secure america's borders, to lower taxes, to give religious liberty to americans. that's the architectural plan. the fact that there's carpenters coming and going on the job site does not change the plan of construction. who comes, who goes, look, it's the president's agenda. everyone who works there including my own daughter work at the pleasure of the president. if, for any reason, he doesn't have that pleasure -- those folks will simply move on.
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it doesn't mean the presidency is in any way jeopardized. >> kimberly: newt gingrich is being quoted that companies to make some major changes to his presidency. if you agree? >> generally kelly is a great addition. to focus on the message. let me be honest, i think the president needs to focus on getting tax reform done. border security and the trade deals. not let himself get taken away and caught up with responding to every media's light. the truth is, kimberly, i don't care what he says. the media is never going to like him. they are never going to give him a fair shake. he needs to just get some deep woods all over himself. adults want at the mosquitoes. they are not going to get any better, ever. they are just not.
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forget these guys. >> kimberly: what about the timing of this? mr. bannon resigned two weeks ago and then of course we know what we've been covering, a lot in the news at charlottesville and the aftermath. criticism of the president about the timing and when he spoke out on it. to think that you have any connection about the departure of mr. bannon and the events that transpired in charlottesville? the answer for me is i don't know. inside baseball stuff. i don't know that it matters, though. the fact is steve bannon is going to be gone. i think think you will still se president. he is something i haven't heard anyone talk about. bad publicity for donald trump. one group of people that has stuck with him absolutely? his faith council. the people who surround him from the evangelical community. we're very instrumental in his election. they have not wavered. they had not in any way stumbled. i think you should step back and take a look and realize that he has some real key supporters who
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are good and decent people for sticking with him because they do believe that he represents for them the protection of religious liberty and also an agenda that helps to get america back on track. that ought to be something that maybe the mainstream media could maybe pick up on. that would be delusional to think they might actually get the story right. >> kimberly: you brought up a great point here indeed. there were constituencies and a pivotal one for the president during his campaign. they have remained steadfast in their support in their faith in him. governor huckabee, thank you for joining us tonight. here dealt with more reaction, david bossi. thank you for being with us tonight. this is probably a little bit of difficult news for you to hear. you have a close relationship with steve bannon. were you able to speak to him today and get your thoughts about what transpired?
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>> kimberly, thank you for having me. i spoke to steve a couple of times today. he's in great spirits. he's completely 100% committed to helping president trump get his conservative populist agenda congress and to enact those promises that president trump made on the campaign trail. those that steve bannon was keeping track of inside the white house, on a daily basis and trying to stay true to those conservative principles. i think steve, whether he's inside the white house or outside, he is going to continue to do just that. >> kimberly: what about this push poll inside the white house between the populist agenda and those that were perceived as globalists? typically there's this discussion about a battle currently between steve bannon and h.r. mcmaster and perhaps
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even john kelly? >> look, the inside baseball -- the inside battles that were going on are over now. with steve's departure from the white house, no general kelly, now the chief of staff, he will continue to create his staff that will be reportable to him and accountable to him. i think that's what general kelly came in to do. he has been very surgical in trying to put together the staff he believes will work for him. one of the things they have to do is make sure that they are staying true to the trump agenda. as long as they do that, they will succeed. the inside baseball games are going to continue. i will say one thing, steve came into the campaign and the campaign was incredibly in a tough spot. steve helped write that ship.
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he was not part of a problem there. i think he gets a lot of bad press for being a disruptor when he's a disruptor of the establishment. not of people he's working with. >> kimberly: do you think the past news cycle about what has transpired in charlottesville, the book -- the devil's bargain -- perhaps a recent article where steve bannon is quoted, does not have anything to do with putting fuel on the ? >> i really don't, kimberly, what i know happened is that he did tender his resignation to general kelly back in the seventh or the ninth. >> kimberly: so when kelly came in. >> that's right. to give the general the opportunity to have a clean slate. they decided that earlier this week was going to be steve's last day but they put that off because of charlottesville. they put it off because they didn't want to have a bigger
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disruption during some chaotic days. this is a friday afternoon. it's just a good as anyone. >> kimberly: we remember back when this all started, back in january, steve bannon was planning on serving and being there basically through labor day to get the president started, to help with the president's agenda and get him in a secure spot. it was never his intention to be a career politician or stay in the administration. >> yeah, i have worked with steve for about 12 years now. he has never come across for one minute on this a staffer to me. he was someone dedicated to this president and will continue to be dedicated to this president, his conservative reform agenda.
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and someone who will continue to help him and be a very powerful force from the outside. >> kimberly: he won't expect anything in terms of criticism? bannon, who was a very powerful adversary and also a very powerful ally when he's on your side, will not become adversarial with the president and using breitbart to make attacks from the outside? >> i completely agree that's hogwash. that's never going to happen. steve bannon is an honorable soldier. in our effort. somebody who is -- as i said, lift up the president's agenda. if he has policy disagreements with people inside the white house, where he was handcuffed while he was inside the white house, it's a different ball game. he may not have the same handcuffs as it relates to individuals inside the white house, who he doesn't believe carries the president's
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agenda wholeheartedly. >> kimberly: you have my full attention. good to have you here tonight. coming up, more reaction to tonight's breaking news. steve bannon is out as white house chief strategist. that and much more on the special edition of "hannity" as we continued. d 6 is greater tha. flonase changes everything.
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we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> good evening and live from america's news headquarters, i am jackie ibanez in new york. at the trump administration is reviewing options for a strategy to fight the war in afghanistan. so far, no decision has been made. friday, president donald trump and his top national security aides meant to discuss a broader security plan. back in july, top national security officials push for a modest increase in about 3000-5,000 additional soldiers. the criminal case against roman polanski. the author winning director pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage girl and then fled the country.
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a 40 long saga. the judge ruled that polanski must be in court. i am jackie ibanez. now, back to "hannity." >> kimberly: >> he's a friend o. but mr. bana came on very late. you know that. i went through 17 senators, governors, and i won the primaries. mr. bannon came on much later than that. he's not a racist. he is a good man. i can tell you that. he is a good person. he actually gets a very unfair press in that regard. but we will see what happens with mr. bannon. >> kimberly: welcome back to "hannity." that was president trump earlier this week calling steve bannon a friend. sara carter was circuit news spoke with bannon earlier this morning. she is reporting that dannon resigned from his white house post about two weeks ago. sara joined the is now along wh
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charlie hurd. how did this all play out and wanted to hear about why he does resigned? >> he offered his resignation two weeks ago. and he always said and told me that that from the beginning he never planned on being at the white house more than eight months to a year. august 14th was the year mark for him. he was ready to move on. he's at a point where he can. we have seen this big turnover at the white house. a restructuring people within the white house. general kelly is there now. he's taking the home. this was a way for mr. bannon to move on with what she would like to do. and give that space so kelly can do what he needs to do. >> kimberly: did you call him this morning or did he phone you? >> i did. i contacted him directly. the rumors were swirling around
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i wanted to know what was going on. i just asked him straight up, or these rumors true? can we talk? he very frankly told me yes,'s sara, that's correct. i gave my resignation. all the stories that he was fired or pushed out, i actually heard from sources that the president was trying to figure out a way to keep him on board. both of them have come to this realization that this was probably what he needed to do. it's interesting to hear all the rumors. i wanted to talk to the people directly. fortunately, mr. bannon was able to talk to me. >> kimberly: is he going to make that letter of resignation public that he resigned two weeks ago? we haven't had any white house sources up until this point confirming that confirming that. >> that's right. i'm hoping so. i don't think he's going to do that just yet. but i do think he will make that letter available in the near
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future. i don't think he's the kind of man that will do things quietly. he will definitely come forward and let people know what he's doing. >> kimberly: charlie, i will bring you in. they were bumpy, tumultuous times with reince priebus, bannon, the mercer very strongly backed steve bannon to secure and maintain his tenure in the white house. that's a very strong alliance but going forward, do think it's one that will be positive and supportive to the president and his administration? >> oh, without a doubt it will absolutely be supported. donald trump did not arrive at these political positions on a lark. it steve bannon didn't arrive at his political position on a lark. it's been in their best interest to continue pushing for it. steve bannon has a lot to be proud of today. he helped get donald trump elected. before that, he gave tremendous voice to millions of americans
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who had been left out of the political process for a very long time. steve bannon i know remains completely committed to that agenda, which is now the trump agenda. i don't think we are going to steve bannon do anything but put his shoulder to the wheel. and steve bannon inside the white house -- he is not an establishment guy. he's not an insider guy. he is best when he's a barbarian at the gate. and he's leading an army of crusaders try to get something done. that's where he's passed. in a lot of ways, doing what we are going to see him do over the next few years, i think he will prove to be tremendously effective. as effective as he was before he joined the trump campaign. >> kimberly: he has successively been able to be successful on a number of different inventors besides politics. what about the fact that there was sort of this push pull and this battle within the
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white house with populist versu? a lot of discussion in the press about the battle between steve bannon and h.r. mcmaster? >> i don't think just because steve bannon believes that that wing is going to lose. donald trump believes these things because he believes them. he knows that they are right and whether it is climate change or international trade or illegal immigration or fighting terrorism, all of these things -- he has not budged about what his commitments were to the voters. so what, steve bannon departs. i don't think that means donald trump is going to renege on any of those things. i think he will remain every bit as committed as if steve bannon never left. >> kimberly: sara, there was a discussion that the president was upset about the book coming out. steve bannon and the article
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that came out. some of the comments there. when you look at this and frame it in the lens of what has happened in terms of the arguments and what has been going forward in this country about white supremacy and nationalist, do think any of that emotional rhetoric and not charged environment had anything to do to hasten the departure of bannon? >> i would only guess if i said that. i haven't had a chance to speak with the president about that. it could have played a role. i think the bigger issue within the white house was this kind of ideological break that people had, as far as the iran deal. that was huge. mcmaster and bannon but china was another big issue. that's why he talked to american prospect and gave that very stunning interview. andrew member he contacted them,
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they did not contact him. he gave up the information. a lot of the issues are really policy and ideology. how do we move forward with foreign policy, national policy? that remains to be seen. i think president trump is going to keep a very watchful eye on what goes on in the white house and see how these policies evolve. the iran deal -- i think it will be interesting to see whether he reauthorized is that and whether mcmaster can put him in that direction and what secretary of state rex rex tillerson will d. >> kimberly: always a pleasure. the left and liberals in the mainstream media are losing their collective mind over president trump's response to charlottesville. lieutenant colonel allen west will have reaction next on the special edition of "hannity." int
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>> kimberly: welcome back to this especially edition of "hannity." at the left continues its crusade to take down president trump. former bryce hesitant all gore is calling for president trump to resign and some members of the mainstream media are also trying to gin up outrage and are making things a lot worse. here's a few of the latest examples. >> i am an optimist. i have never been as discouraged as i have been been this week about our country. >> we are at a low point of american history. >> well, that was bad. >> well, i am worried about what's coming. >> that was probably worse. >> it's a pretty low point. >> we are going to take down every monument that pays tribute to a racist. we should probably take down every building with the name trump on it. >> kimberly: yesterday, cnn's wolf blitzer question whether the barcelona terrorists were a copycat of what happened in charlottesville. watch this.
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>> they will be question about copycats. about what happened in barcelona was at all a copycat version of what happened in charlottesville, virginia. even though they may be different characters and have different political ambitions. they used the same killing device. a vehicle going at high speed into a large group of pedestrians. >> kimberly: joining us now with reaction, lieutenant colonel allen west. lieutenant colonel west, you wrote that you found it rather odd that some people were trying to blame president trump for what happened in charlottesville. why do you feel that way? >> good to be with you, kimberly. what i find very interesting as everything now has to come back to white supremacists. everything now has to be about racism. as listening to some of the clips you are playing. a low point for me during the obama administration, when we knew we had a president, secretary of state international
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security advisor that had abandoned americans to die during an islamic terrorist attack in then they lied about it. nothing was ever done. no one ever remembers those poor americans lost their lives in the family members who were shot. when i think of wolf blitzer. obviously he's quite delusional and has not been around for quite some time. the terrorists have been using this vehicular attack, the stereo style attack going back to bastille day in nice, france. the christmas market. what we have seen happen in england. everything has to be about what their message du jour's. everyone is a neo-nazi or clans member if they don't along along with their agenda. you maxine waters and other members of the democratic party -- they still fight for planned parenthood, a well-known white supremacist. >> kimberly: unbelievable, really.
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when you look at the facts and historical records, it tells quite a different tale. into dovetail on your comments, you have a lot of these jihad inspired magazines -- talking about a terrorist playbook of what you need to do. that's been widely distributed in terms of using vehicles to commit acts of terror. this isn't something that just fell out of the terror lap. >> yeah, you're absolutely right. this has been something going on for quite some time. you've never heard anyone from the left come out and condemn islamic supremacy. when you look at the terror attacks that have happened in the united states of america, fort hood, it still classified as workplace violence. the president of the united states of america never said anything about the chattanooga attack killed five of our marines. when you look at orlando or san bernardino, there is no acceptance that this was an
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islamic attack or extremist attack. it was about gun control. i find it deplorable, the denial. it doesn't fit with their ideological agenda or talking points, they won't say talk about it. >> kimberly: to get your quick comment about the departure of steve bannon, what impact does it have on president trump's administration? what will remain to be seen in the next 30-60 days, what will be mr. bannon's actions? will he quite strongly for the administration of the outside or will he take a different approach? that will let us know under the terms of what he was separated. >> kimberly: excellent. lieutenant colonel allen. thank you so much. coming up, the controversy over confederate monuments is heating up as liberals call for the removal of more statues. we are joined next on the
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>> good evening and live from america's news headquarters, and jackie yvonne has in new york. a nationwide manhunt that is underway in spain for at least one suspect wanted in yesterday's terror attack. 14 people were killed in the attack in barcelona and candles, spain. police killed five suspects in a shoot-out yesterday and captured
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two others. police say they were members of the catalonian based terror cell. one american who died in the barcelona attack has been identified as jared tucker of california. president trump tweeting tonight he has signed house bill number 873. that will allow the global war on terror memorial foundation to establish a memorial on federal land in the district of columbia. the memorial will commemorate members of the armed forces in the war against global terrorism. i am jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity." >> kimberly: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." in the wake of the violence in charlottesville, several u.s. cities have begun removing confederate statues and symbols. maryland has now removed statute of the man who wrote the dred scott decision. the jefferson davis memorial was literally tarred and authored. it joining us now, james harris
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and fox news contributor, doug schoen. and executive director of turning point usa, charlie kirk. thank you for joining me tonight on this explosive issue that continues to grip the nation. james, i will get with you. president trump said the issue of confederate statues and monuments should be an issue that is best left to the states into the cities. do you agree? >> yes, i do agree. i spent ten years as a high school history teacher. i talked to my students about the good, bad, and ugly of history. there are lessons in this. i look at what is happening across the nation, confederate monuments -- the horror, the important lessons that are being lost and the opportunities to avoid the mistakes that were being made in the past. >> kimberly: you said president trump ticketed an oval office address to ring the american folks together. what should he say about
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oval office address? >> he needs to say kimberly, that we are one nation, one people. we are not democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives. we need to get past the symbolic issues, however wrenching. talk about tax reform, health care. we need, in short, to talk about the real problems and challenges overseas. like iran and north korea. we can't get mired down in talking about confederate monuments. i think we should leave it to localities. i don't like them but the larger issue is who we are as a people and how we move forward. not symbolic politics. >> kimberly: doug, there's been some pulling on that. at 60% of americans believe that the confederate monuments should stay. is it a losing issue for the democrats and yet you also say that the president should redirect and talk about other issues instead of focusing on
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it? >> i would say it's a losing issue for everyone. i respect southerners in the majority of americans who don't want to get rid of them. on the other hand, they are symbols of racism and oppression. i don't really think they have a place. the larger issue is to focus on our real problems that we face now. our adversaries here, at home, and to not do it steve bannon is going to do. go to war. come together. >> kimberly: come together. the more a message of unification, charlie, then divisiveness. in trying to tear monuments down in the country apart. >> i agree with doug. i think it's a time for unification. it's best left to the states and localities. unfortunately, it's an issue that will make it bigger. left-wing activists will not rest until every inveterate statue or name is removed from everywhere. there has to be a decision that's made. one last point on this, i think
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there is this implicit or explicit war on the south. we have to take a step back. 40% of the act of u.s. military is from a collection of 11 states. those are south of the mason-dixon line. there's a war on everything southern. it's wrong. i'm not going to disagree that these monuments are not symbols of racism. some are. some are just remembering the valor and bravery of the people that put forth their lives and their time to a cause they found noble. i will say unfortunately this issues going to get bigger. i wish we were talking about infrastructure and jobs and taxes. this is it an issue that the left wants to talk about. >> kimberly: james. >> the left is trying to destroy our culture to try to destroy our nation. we need to be very careful about sitting in judgment of the past. the future's going to sit in judgment of us. we are literally enslaving our kids with hundreds -- trillions of dollars of debt. we have our inner cities, they are blowing up.
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millions of people -- what will the peak in the about us when we erect monuments to ourselves? you have to be very, very careful about sitting in judgment of the past. these monuments are very important. the important lessons. democrats can learn from generally, after he was defeated by the union, he said i will try to work with them to have some type of guerrilla warfare. these are important lessons. >> kimberly: doug, real quick. >> heartfelt sentiments but dead wrong to me. we come together and put the past behind us. we study it but we don't relitigate it. we don't leave monuments to slavery and oppression. we need constructive action on health care, job creation, adversaries overseas. that's what it is important and what the president should focus on. >> kimberly: the nationwide debate continues. gentlemen, thank you for being
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with me. coming up, will president trump -- he joins us next. at that and much more on the specially edition of "hannity" " . i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage,
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>> kimberly: welcome back to this especially edition of "hannity." president trump is making ms. over the possibility of pardoning former arizona sheriff who was found guilty of criminal contempt last month. in a recent exclusive interview, president trump told our colleague gregg jarrett that he was -- he has done a lot in the fight of illegal immigration. his great american patriot and i hate to see what has happened to him. in an interview with npr, he said he would be honored if president trump does decided to grant him a pardon. herewith reaction is gregg jarrett. congratulations on getting that interview with the president. a lot of people talking about because of the upcoming trip. what do you think the outcome of that is going to be in the likely likelihood of him issuing a pardon? >> when the president speaks at the veteran memorial coliseum, a huge menu, he may take the opportunity then, in front of a
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very friendly crowd to pardon sheriff joe arpaio. he really was very moved by the circumstances of this misdemeanor conviction. he felt it was unfair, his political prosecution that began in the obama administration's department of justice. i looked at a lot of the record on that conviction. it's very questionable. arpaio said look, i followed the advice of my employer at the time. who did not provide me with all of the restrictions contained in the order. i looked at the order itself, it was ambiguous. if you had put this case in front of a jury, and it probably should be in front of a jury, since jail time is the penalty -- he would have been acquitted. i'm pretty sure. i think the president will probably go ahead and pardon arpaio. again, it's a misdemeanor.
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we are talking about small potatoes. >> kimberly: may be at this event where you said it's warm welcoming, a constituency that would be in favor -- >> the president has a real connection with arizona. he made seven visits there. it was the first big venue with the cheering crowd that helped launch his candidacy for president. and it's true, he only one back by 3.5% over hillary clinton but arizonans really do like donald trump. representative franks who hardly endorses a pardon is going to be there. he has a lot of fans and i think this may be the time he pardon's arpaio. >> kimberly: would there be political fallout from that? some have said oh, no, poor joe arpaio. in light, on the aftermath of charlottesville in the racial tensions and what has been boiling over, when you put those
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two in the juxtaposition of them both, is the timing not as favorable? >> it will be for his many critics and liberal media, it doesn't matter what the president does. they will always criticize him. i think he realizes that. it's not like -- compared to the last president, president obama, who commuted the sentence of chelsea manning. who stole 750,000 documents. leaked them, did damage to national security and the military. you compare it to that criminal misdemeanor? that's minor compared to what obama did in commuting the sentence of chelsea manning. >> kimberly: i agree with you. i don't think the president is going to be moved by what the liberals are mainstream media thinks about what decision he makes might make. >> the president did feel that
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arpaio was not treated fairly by this court system. and he's done so much. the president said he has stopped a lot of crime and saved lives. and is there anybody in local law enforcement who has done more to halt illegal immigration fan sheriff joe? the president answered his own question and said absolutely not. >> kimberly: wow. that's excellent. he spoke to the man directly. you know his personal thoughts. gregg, always great to see her. coming up, more of the especially edition of "hannity" after the break. i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do.
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it's a miracle. i can walk again. go back to your room, susan lucci. >> kimberly: welcome back to "hannity." unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. sean is back on monday. we hope you have a great weekend. ♪
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>> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." senior white house advisor steve bannon got canned today. after losing an internal power struggle that had been raging for months. like his now former boss, bannon was a material figure in a business that prizes predictability. to steal cliches from a hundred different cop movies, he was a loose cannon who didn't play by the rules. bannon fanned fruitless controversy with unwise remarks, he specialized in making enemies.s. the white house will be a much more placid place now that he is gone. the question is, will it be a better place? let's put it this way.y. bannon was one of the relatively few senior staff in the white house who wouldn't feel at


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