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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  August 19, 2017 2:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> hello everyone i am arthel neville. welcome to a brand-new hour of "americas news headquarters". >> good to see. i am in for eric. a lot of news this saturday. one week after the violence in charlottesville, thousands of people taking to the streets for dueling rallies in boston. a sign that unrest continues across the country. >> and other major staff shakeup at the white house as the president controversial strategist steve bannon becomes the latest member of the trump
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inner-circle depart. >> and authorities in spain intensifying their manhunt for the driver who plowed a man into a crowd of pedestrians. this is the investigation into the terror attack gained 16. "america's news headquarters", two hours coming up starts right now. >> we begin with authorities in boston wrapping up a news conference moments ago. after a tumultuous day calming down. after a speech rally held by conservatives that early. they must both peaceful events, we get to the deadly violence in charlottesville virginia. but some of the counter protesters are still in the street. we begin with molly live from boston covering the right-leaning free speech rally. what is the latest they are?
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>> the free speech rally roughed up early this afternoon. the speakers there were deemed hate speakers and that is why this had such a counter protest that poured out. the pushback against what many people felt would be hate feet coming from that bandstand here earlier today, the speakers and the rally ended very early. the speakers were escorted off by the boston police. they had wagons ready to take off because they were literally surrounded by the counter protesters.and vastly outnumbered. more than 10,000 people here today. many of the counter protesters held signs that said no kkk, no white supremacy, signs for peace and love. when in fact the boston rally, the free speech rally folks denied having anything to do with the kkk or white supremacy. one of the reasons they grew so much attention was because one
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of the speakers is intended to have speaking today also spoke at the unite the right valley in virginia. the speaker did not attend today's rally but there were some other controversial speakers and a large effort, a lot of black lives matter folks, organizations and activity on the web. some of these people marching across the city and ending here. right now there is still a big police presence in the city. you can see some officers here and their bikes, their moving about responding to any skirmishes that may have come up. there were a few out there today but folks had political opinions that differ from one another. the minority opinion in this case the conservative opinion. that some folks had some trump - as they were moving across the comments today. but ultimately it was largely police did make some 27 arrests but for
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the most part they were for disturbing the peace type of things and also attacking officers.we did get word that some of the elements, the boston police were ready for them and aware for just pure troublemakers.they do stay behind afterwards, throwing things at police, rocks, bodily fluids and not even that crowd has largely dispersed. so, once again returning to the area once again. >> we are very happy that is the case thank you molly. >> as molly reported, the right wing protesters were vastly outnumbered by counter protesters.we are just now started to see them dispersed after thousands of them took to the boston street to counter today's conservative rally.of course, all of this framed by the deadly violence in last weekend alt right rally.
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give us a sense if this was a common group or hole in different groups, some looking for trouble and some looking merely to have their voices heard.>> first hearing from the police commissioner, 40,000 total people on the streets today. they really fill the streets from start to finish, perhaps 39,900 were counter protesters. of the different groups it was a real mix on the streets, young people, old people, men and women, all different races, many carrying signs and enhanced, anti-nazi, anti-president trump. a largely peaceful day though. a lot of them chanting. the commissioner says there
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were three different groups on here today. there were the free-speech demonstrators, the counter demonstrators and troublemakers. the troublemakers were a small number, perhaps fewer than 100. there were some scuffles with police. police have complained about having objects thrown at them including bottles of urine. throughout the day, just 27 arrests we are told about 40,000 demonstrators. most of those were arrested for disorderly conduct some assault as well. some in the park for the major confrontation that they wanted to avoid, by keeping the two groups apart they were able to do that. >> they were able to do that, this is from the boston police twitter page, they asked
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individuals to refrain from throwing projectiles on her officers. a reasonable request. and that was a number of the rest. a lot more is going on though for sure. >> absolutely. not to politics. the president says so long to another member of his original white house team. the president is not thinking steve bannon for his time as chief strategist just one day after his departure. bridge is live from bridgewater new jersey near the president's golf club in bedminster.what is the president saying? >> it is boston, afghanistan and steve bannon. the president is spending time in his central jersey golf resort. really a private date for the president but he has been tweeting on those items we wanted to thank the boston police department complement to them and the mayor for how they are handling the situation. he also tweeted i want to
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applaud the many protesters in boston were speaking out against bigotry and hate neared our country will soon come together as one. the president began the day thinking steve bannon for his service only a few hours after he left at the white house official. days before steve bannon spoke with the american prospects, he railed mostly on us asia policy claiming united states is in an economic war with china and there are those that the administration is bending policies to financial companies. so he wants to in his words, go to war for the president on the outside and he'll be working back again at breitbart. they continue deliberations within the white house team. yesterday the president convened his national security team. they spoke about policy and afghanistan. the president tweeted about that as well this morning. he said quote - important day at camp david with our talented leaders.
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many decisions made including on afghanistan. we did not know what decisions were made, lots of questions as to what the afghanistan policy will be for the united states whether there will be an increase in troop levels, whether contractors will play a greater role, expect the white house to come up with that soon. to announce given at the president says not many decisions have been made. back to you.>> thank you very much. we are going back to leland now.>> we saw the president tweet about this as well.a manhunt in spain right now for the driver of the van that plowed into a crowd in barcelona on thursday afternoon.13 people died, 120 others were injured. a few hours later another vehicle attack killed one person and injured five others. in a town just south of barcelona. police the spinner also searching for and emom a group of men believed to be behind of the attacks. today's visitors at the scene
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were paying tribute to the victim. you can see the growing memorial there. benjamin is live in barcelona where it is already late saturday night. benjamin, busy area, tourist area, what is the feeling on the ground from folks there? surprise, shock, anger, where are they with emotions?>> this is an incredible area. there has been an outpouring of grief here today. there is growing security with news that the driver of the white van that plowed down is very broad on thursday is still at large and the police have not released his photo and name. he is the man asked searching for. he is a 22 year old moroccan man. they fear that he may be the man behind this series of attacks behind us many of them, in fact all of them were of this dissent. he came from a town about half
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an hour outside of the city. and this is become the epicenter of the attacker police have made arrests and also have been looking for the imam of the local mosque. they fear he is the one that radicalized the whole group. this suddenly ongoing at the moment. if searching for the driver of the van, they are searching for the imam. they believe he may be one that was blown up. by no means over but you can see the outpouring of grief where we are now. >> thank you. that is the sediment that is always so sad as you think about the victim's here. more on that in a minute. what is the latest on this manhunt for the imam, the other suspects? to think that there are more attacks possible? >> special 30s believe this cell has been completely disrupted. have not raised the -- paper the driver of the white that
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may have escaped to france. as they increase border security there, and if he has indeed glad this becomes a europewide manhunt and that is a whole another level of complication. but of course, you always come back to the victim's. a three-year-old boy among the, 73 old woman and of course an american we know has died. javid tucker. he was 42 is open california. he was here on holiday celebrating the first anniversary of his wedding. just a reminder that the attack he was indiscriminate. children, women, men, this young american. you get a real feeling of that the cities and countries are trying to come together and as you said earlier, donald trump, tweeting about this and giving his condolences. it has been difficult day and the manhunt still underway. you have a man and until he is court the city and community on
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edge. >> ben hall, thank you. arthel, no word that heidi tucker the wife of one man killed so she lost the love of her life. that is her recent quote. a lot of effects in his terror attack. >> it could have been anyone. you can relate to're with her new husband you say and go to the restroom, you go there i go get jewelry whatever you do on vacation and it is the last that you see of each other. so said and tragically we want to come including a navy ship found within seven years ago after it was lost. it played a significant role in ending world war ii. details on incredible discovery coming up. because the fallout continues over president trump's remarks on the violence in charlottesville. why some republican lawmakers to the president is wrong. that is up next. ♪
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now after 72 years at sea have been found that the uss indianapolis has finally been found led by a search team put
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together by a billionaire paul allen. the wreckage was discovered resting at the bottom of the philippine sea.indianapolis was on his way back from delivering the atomic from a little boy when it was done. it was on july 30, 1945. it sank in just 12 minutes for 300 sailors died instantly and all but 317 others would die at sea before those few survivors were spotted four days later. by the growth of a us plane on a routine patrol. back to politics now some republican lawmakers, after the president blamed both white supremacists and the counter protesters for the deadly violence in charlottesville virginia. >> we have not yet been able to demonstrate the, he has not demonstrated that he
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understands what has made this nation great and what it is today. he has got to demonstrate the characteristics of a president that understands that. >> my next guest says that the president should a failure of leadership, republican congress in scott taylor is member of the house appropriations committee and a former navy s.e.a.l. . and i want to say, last week of course was a shock to the system. i want to know how virginians are faring today and if you have spoken with heather heyer's mother. >> it is great to be here with you this afternoon. thank you for having me. i'm not spoke with her mother. virginia this is on the forefront in the news and political discourse and certainly just on the streets if you will. folks are, a visa there's a lot of emotion on both sides but i
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think the vast majority of folks in virginia certainly want to put this episode behind us. and do not want anything like this to occur in the future. there is no question about that. >> and of course you believe that the president exhibited a failure of leadership. what is it going to take on the part of the president to make this right? and when you compare his actions and his words, what do you focus on? >> leadership matters arthel. it starts at the top, there is no question about that. i do believe that as you explain what i said that is exactly what i feel. during that press conference and then this episode it does not mean it cannot be redeemed of course.i think you are hearing a lot of political rhetoric on both sides but i think as a nation we need to decide how we want to move forward. we can move forward with violence and hate and things like that. or we can come together black, white, brown, black, gay, straight and move forward and reduce tensions.
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that means everyone with a platform in the media, physicians like myself, the president, i think it is important we reduce tensions because identity, racial politics, it is not the direction we need to go. >> the president tweeted a half-hour ago and said i wonder there are many protesters speaking out against bigotry and hate some of the country will soon come together as one. and going back to one week ago, has the president been emphatic and unequivocally denounced white supremacists in the kkk, do you think this probably would've taken place today and thankfully, it was peaceful. >> might understand with their free speech riley was already in the works if you will. it was scheduled before. yes, it would have been much different today in boston as far as the sheer number of folks that were there. for the counter process and even more in the free-speech rally had things been different and then in charlottesville. and i think it is important for the leader of the free world to come out unequivocally and safe they were against the
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kkk, neo-nazis, that type of ideology. of course it has no place in america, no room in virginia or america. i like to see rhetoric on both sides, such as the present because there folks on the other side using this emotion in identity and racial politics to gain political advantage it is dangerous. it is not we should do as a nation. we should come together in a direction of unity.>> for sure. add to your point, the rally today was planned but because of last week the tragedy that unfolded, you had 40,000 people that turns out so i go here now there is free-speech. there is the right to peaceful public assembly. although today they did not identify sense. but you have the kkk marking to the streets of america that cannot become the norm normal. how does the stock?and what is the president's role? >> again, i think leadership matters starting from the top. and anyone with a platform. whether it is the media,
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politicians, leaders, celebrities, the president himself. i think it's important that the message, the rhetoric is one of unity and not divisive because shapes, racial politics, identity politics. you've seen quite frankly that have, the past week i think that is the wrong direction for leaders to take for the unity of this nation. i would call upon all of them, republicans, democrats, white, brown, gay, straight. whatever it is. that the rhetoric must be unity as opposed to the vision because if we do that you will see more protests, you will see more violence and that is not the direction we should take the country. >> can the president take the country in the rejection? >> he has the ability absolutely to change the rhetoric. as you other leaders as myself. some of the country and again, you have to decide is a nation
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which direction we want to move. i think one of unity is the best one. i think the one bringing our people together is the best one. especially in emotional times is now. >> congressman scott taylor, thank you for your words and commitment to unity and your service to the country. >> thank you for having me. >> a bombshell here in washington. had just how big is the latest white house shakeup? steve bannon now out as a chief strategist. we're going to break down the possible impact it could have on the president's agenda going forward. plus, another police officer has died after three shootings, had six offices in two states. the leaves on the investigation, reaction from those in the front lines for our safety. >> we have not experienced this in over 25 years and you know they prepare for this, we trained for it but nothing compares to what they're going
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house strategist steve bannon is credited with influencing much of the president legislative agenda.and helping him get elected. so now that he is out of the west wing, what will it mean for the president's agenda moving forward? garrett tenney is live with more in washington. >> steve bannon was viewed by a lot of conservatives as the custodian in the presence campaign promises on issues such as immigration, trade, tax reform and foreign policy print out a number of conservative groups are worried that without his views in the white house the campaign promises are in jeopardy. a letter to the president group of 19 conservative groups wrote in part while others may come and go in the white house, though sure that when steve and
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kelly and i decide you will always hear the voices of those of us that who supported you throughout thick and thin despite the efforts -- is a reference to others in the white house who do not share the president's views. and now that steve bannon is out the former debbie campaign manager said those advisors will face less resistance in pushing the president to moderate his position. some of the people inside of the administration were not with you during the campaign. and they do not agree with you on these policy positions. i think that it will continue. >> steve bannon is not giving up on the agenda for - that the president ran on. some say i will crush the opposition there is no docket about the machine at breitbart and now i'm about to go back knowing what i know and we are about to rev the machine up.
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bannon told several reporters and said now he is back at the head of breitbart he is quote - going to war against anyone who opposes the president's populist national agenda whether it is the media, congress or folks within the white house. >> garrett tenney, we will be watching. leland? >> steve bannon is just the latest drop from inside the west wing and it was a big shoe when this happened. look at this photo taken inside of the oval office january 28. there is the president, the vice president. and none of those for other people worked at the white house anymore. reince priebus, sean spicer, michael flynn, steve bannon, number four to go. and let's bring in the former deputy assistant to president george w. bush. brad, good to see you. all right, is this as big of a deal as washington is making of it? >> it is! if anything is for sure in washington, service, the executive branch is an
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opportunity certainly not a career. but you have this kind of turmoil and shakeup in the white house this early in the presidency is strange. believer president that has never served in government before. we have an opportunity now with general kelly the new chief of staff to turn things around internally. >> the whole idea was that he was going to bring in a whole different group of people if you will and in the beginning of january there was all this talk about how washington would never be the same. you see the four people who he was, that he has gotten rid of. is this proof and some level that the presidents do not change washington, washington changes presidents? >> not necessary but this is true. that is the people who get you to the white house in a campaign are not necessarily the people you need when you get to the white house. and i think we need season people that know how this works to implement the president's agenda.insiders are not
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necessarily bad people they know how things work and how to get things done. the president himself is really the person who needs to guard and sell. washington policy is made of the capital but sold on the main street. the president needs to do more of that.>> is only been a great salesman for himself and his brand. this is a quote - from steve bannon and it has certainly caught a lot of attention. we still have a huge movement and will make something of this presidency.implication here that nothing has been made so far of the trump presidency. but the presidency is over. it will be something else and they will be all kinds of fights and there will be good days and bad days but the presidency is over. there is a hubris - >> that line really struck me because it is not about steve bannon or anyone that has served the president. it is about the president and the most effective white house was the one that had a team. you are in a team together, working for the president. and not every man or woman for
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themselves. >> all right, does having steve bannon or anthony scaramucci or some others that were thought to at least deal in things the way that you just talked about it was about them, not about the american people, not about the president. has the message been received inside the white house? boarding the phones still need to bring a few more times? >> there may be some other phone calls coming in but this is certainly a good start. by labor day the president has to hit the ground running. the best way to revitalize a white house staff is the summertime. we are here. but come fall, the legislative agenda needs to rock 'n' roll. he needs legislative bills under his belt in order to run in - >> appropriation, the debt ceiling, budget, tax reform, healthcare. i'm going to nominate the words ray tony award for the most
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drama. not the best drama but the most drama. i've lost track eight months in, how many people have been fired. how many have left. is it possible to put the humpty dumpty white house back together again? to do this come september? is there enough time? >> exley. as soon as labor day is over they have to do the budget, the debt ceiling and getting the legislative agenda through the close of the year. 2018, you have an entire house of representatives, would you think that they will do? they will be running for the hills if they do not have something to run on. >> would you make speaking of records that right now, 52 republican us senators - and it is really difficult to get any of them to come on television and defend this white house. much less, decide to work with them, negotiate with them, stick their neck out for something like healthcare
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reform or compromise on tax reform or the debt ceiling. >> nobody likes anything better than success. and if we start getting successes under the presidents belt, they are going to love it because it makes them look good. remember the promises the president made last year in the election are the same promises they made. all they have to do is go back and read the rnc platform. it is their platforms are not donald trump's platform. my advice to republicans is get on board. have majorities. and we have held the majority to get things done if we want to. and we should! because thomas is made must be promises kept. >> some question whether to nsn is a healthy majority. >> but in the senate it is beautiful can all hang together. you know we can get, we can do anything we want and get it passed if we hang together. >> and so far brad, it is always a pleasure. >> thank you. a second officer has died from a series of shootings in two states overnight. this comes less than 24 hours after the officer and a
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colleague were shot in central florida.during a scuffle with a suspect. they were just two of six officers attacked last night and shootings that also took place in northern florida and pennsylvania. we are live in miami with the latest. >> arthel, the manhunt for the alleged double cop killer ended dramatically last night in a bar last night with a take down on the floor for the police said they found two handguns on the man appeared to officers were shot in the street last night. one died on the spot and the other died this afternoon. officers matthew baxter and sergeant sam howard were in a neighborhood known for crime and drugs. they saw three suspicious men on the corner and approached them. police said that within seconds one of those three men shot the two cops at point blank range. as it happens up as the officers never had a chance to draw their guns. all three suspects now in
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custody. last one caught everett miller, a marine veteran recently hospitalized for psychiatric problems. >> i do not really have any other adjective other than devastating to law enforcement and heartbreaking. >> president trump responded say my thoughts and prayers are with the kissimmee police and their loved ones. we are with you. two markups were wounded and another shooting in jacksonville florida. those officers responded to a call by a suicidal man with three others in the house whose lines were in jeopardy. when they arrived the man barged outside shooting both cost of a high-powered rifle. both of them are now in stable condition. the suspect shot and killed at the scene. and in pennsylvania one third police involved shooting. the men wearing badges were targets. troopers were trying to approach a burglary suspect when the suspect pulled out a handgun shooting one trooper in the stomach and another in the - they are both going to be
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okay. the suspect was shot and was dead on the scene. >> thank you. leland? >> everyone is talking about this. where are you going to be for the eclipse? plan early. because the eclipse is sparking epic traffic jams. still ahead come with the eclipse, what is going to the nation's roads and the fourth major white house staffer, steve bannon out the door. so, what does a word by steve bannon, bannon the barbarian look like? we will talk about that when i come back. >> he is in excellent spirits and hundred percent committed to making sure the presidents agenda, the agenda for the american people succeeds. and that is what he is going to be button on-- but now on the outside.
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got scarmuccied. >> you actually impel yourself. that is charles discussing the latest major staff shakeup at the white house as steve bannon joins a long list in a relatively short time, chief of staff reince priebus isil, michael flynn is gone in less than a month, the press secretary sean spicer has been released and munication director anthony scaramucci was given his walking papers after just 10 days!gemina we have -- let's start with steve bannon. how radioactive is he now and
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what are the weapons, how will he use them, holy target and then talk about the immediate as well as residual impact of his backlash. >> i think in terms of targets arthel i think the conventional wisdom is a little wrong here for the conventional wisdom is that the president should be worried about what steve bannon does me on second actually think it's more people like paul ryan in mitch mcconnell who should be worried because there has for a very long time been in anger among the conservative grassroots of the washington establishment. particularly republican establishment. anything steve bannon understands that what you think is good at channeling it and get it amplifying if he does i think there should be concern on that side. >> so you're saying that bannon is going to go after the establishment and will continue that type yourself to that point i ask you, how will that affect the president because he
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is on the board him in the first place? >> actually, there are a couple of points you can one that with steve bannon on the white house it could be that the president adopts somewhat more orthodox line but of course if steve bannon were to go after the kind of people that we were just speaking about, that presumably would complicate the efforts by the president to get his legislative agenda through congress. your other guests who you have artie mentioned there are difficulties as is in that regard so it could be problematic. >> here the question. just because he is out of the white house, will his counsel and relationship with the president be over all that continue? >> i don't think it will be over. and i think it is a really good point that you raise because in the president's orbit there are all sorts of people have supposedly been exiled or removed from the staff and they are still there as informal
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advisors. that is the case going back to people who advised or were with him for the run for the presidency. so the idea that your official -- it is not true and i do not see the one that will be true for mr. bannon. >> compared to the others recently fired, steve bannon could probably be considered a loan both compared to the others. how does chief of staff general kelly block political blows by steve bannon on the administration, establishment insurer of inside the white house. for the troops and forge a united front? >> i think he has already been doing the second list of things that you suggested. i think he is bringing some greater degree of professionalism and coherence to the inner workings of the white house. how he prevents steve bannon from taking shots at him, is a much more complicated and
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difficult question as we know, steve bannon was and has returned to breitbart and is very effective technique for taking shots if he wishes to do so. >> said in the meantime you highlighting complexities and what he will do next and how he might attack establishment party and then there is the president. what are you and cite sources saying on how mr. trump will pivot from here? >> predicting what mr. trump does is always a little bit of a fools errand. the suggestion is that with steve bannon gone other people who are ideologically allied with steve bannon might also lose and this could become somewhat more vague conventional presidency. i think that the president trump knows he won the white house as an outsider. he did because he wasn't going
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to do the things that have been typically done in washington. so presumably does not want to lose that outsider or rebel image by going along completely orthodox traffic. >> can he do that is to work with congress he - to get things done. people want everything on track. >> the approval rating has gone about 239 percent. we have seen more and more republican lawmakers come out in opposition to him. particularly in the wake of his comments of charlottesville. i think relations between the president and congress are at a low and right now. but the question is whether the president can lose his fortunes in whether he wishes to do so. whether he wishes to put the leg work into those relationships. >> niall stanage, a pleasure to talk to you. >> always a pleasure.
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>> and take a minute and relax for think about if you are one of the millions of americans who will descend on cities all along the solar eclipse path in the hopes of getting a great view. and then there are all of the locals who do not want you to descend. we'll talk about that. plus, how much of the phenomenon will be actually able to see. the weather will play a huge role in that. we will check out cloud cover for the great eclipse just ahead. >> kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing really. >> you can see this in nature. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food.
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already canceled classes for monday as millions of americans are getting ready for the total eclipse. to sweep across the united states, the first time it will happen in 99 years.most hotels in the path are sold out ahead of monday's event and major traffic jams expected across the path of the eclipse. >> a letter other states are
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handling it like a hurricane event. whether it anticipate a lot of people going on the roads and for extended periods of time. monday after it happened that is when everybody leaves present do not have to be back home until tuesday they're trying to get home on monday. >> alright so that is the traffic. earlier some preparations for the eclipse parties just like hurricane parties. the total eclipse will start in oregon just after 10:00 a.m. local time. then it will cross the us diagonally before ending in south carolina, a little before 3:00 p.m. eastern time. perfect day drinking time. >> absolutely! any excuse. i just emailed you a link of glasses. >> you want some as cool as these? >> they are very close we have good taste the two of us. >> there's only one problem with these.i'm glad you're reading the next thing because you cannot see the prompter with these on. >> i will take it from here. i'm getting told to get to
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weather! >> the glasses are always stylish for the question is do you need them and jeannie the umbrella? this is your redline. it is very difficult to give you a cloud cover forecast a couple of days out exactly where the cloud cover will be but we will be tracking pop-up showers in the midwest across the southeast. we are seeing in the pacific northwest looking pretty good. we will be talking about pop-up showers throughout the areas so there are going to be spots that are hit or miss some major cities along the path. we're looking at partly cloudy conditions in nashville. that is the biggest city but folks will maybe be dealing with cloud cover off and on. >> either way get the glasses. >> we will see in the next hour. we will be back.
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leland vittert and for eric shawn. these hours, brand-new hour, very busy hour of "america's news headquarters". good to see you arthel. >> good to see you i am arthel neville. a week after the violence in charlottesville thousands of people taking to the streets of boston for dueling rallies showing that unrest continues across the country. >> another major staff checkup at the white house. the president's controversial
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street chief strategist steve bannon becomes the latest of the inner circle to depart. authorities in spain intensifying the manhunt of a dry that plowed a van transits a driver that plowed a van into a group of people. >> thousands flooded the streets in boston, protesters, counter protesters and now things are calming down a little bit. many of the counter protesters opposing as described a free-speech rally held by conservatives. that ended early today peaceful events, a week after deadly violence in charlottesville virginia. some of the counter protesters are still in the streets. some of them shall we say, having some words with the police. team coverage, steve harrigan live from roxbury community college covering counter protests. a much larger group. we are live and boston commons first. we had this right-leaning
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free-speech rally plans molly. how big was it and how long did it last? >> it was a very small rally in comparison to those that came to the other rally. while they deny affiliation with white supremacy or kkk they acknowledge their initial invitation was a controversial speaker. that the city felt was hateful. which is why we have such a large counterpart has been most of those folks, there is an element that remains here on the boston street. if you take a look across the sea of people these are the folks that the police were ready for. these are the troublemakers that the anticipated mangled and with some of the groups that sincerely wanted to counter protest. your sincerely wanted to be a part of the free-speech rally. this is a group that has been getting the faces of the police officers here in the streets of
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boston today. boston police said that they had rocks thrown at them, bodily fluids, as well as bottles, we actually witnessed in the last hour or so about one block off of the common, a police officer still responding to skirmishes and scuffles, so the element remains on the street right now. earlier today, i had a chance to get an idea of how high the tensions were. people opposing political views, and of course those that were right-leaning were far outnumbered by the counter protesters. the counter protesters gather, we have video some of them trying to leave being surrounded by the counter can see how high they ran. we went to mute the audio so that we could not hear some of the cursing. a lot of that out there and a lot of passionate feelings. some pretty aggressive movements made by the counter protesters. on those walking through wearing a trump flag or having
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some sort of pro presidents gear on. it was an interesting afternoon. many people were impassioned try did their messages out you know we are in the streets still seems some folks, the police are still out here ensuring that there is no further violence. >> alright molly on the streets of boston, thank you. arthel has more. >> i do. that thousands of counter protesters dispersing after reports that some people stumbled with armed officers trying to maintain order. steve is live with this part of the story. what is going on there steve? >> there were some real concerns before the protester there could be a run in between two different groups on the right and on the left. the numbers really show it was a different story. the counter protesters largely on the left, dwarfed any free-speech protests on the right. the numbers pretty remarkable. more than 40,000 people. that is according to police
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officials, marches counter protesters.fewer than 100 on the other side. basically you can fit one side in a room and the others and took up 15 city blocks. they marched today about three hours, two miles from urban roxbury down to the boston common. there were concerns that they could have a run in with the other side. police have been very careful throughout this to try and keep the two sides apart. using sometimes garbage trucks as barricades as well as barrel barricades to keep the place. about 27 people arrested overall. most of those for disorderly conduct.some assaults, some urine and bottles thrown at police. police officials talking about the protesters, counter protesters and a much smaller group of troublemakers. some of those were in rusted as book of the goal was to keep two sides apart. the mayor said we did not want another charlottesville here and largely he could see that with his officer today. >> a job well done by the boston police no doubt. thank you steve.
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now with leland on more politics. >> and a lot of colleges. the president comes back from his two week summer vacation this weekend. when he arrives at the white house, there will be one less senior staffer there. the president is now thinking steve bannon for his time as chief strategist one day after his official departure.where live from bridgewater new jersey near the president golf club. >> hello leland. the president is fairly active on twitter today. hear from central new jersey closed his golf resort. in bedminster new jersey. he is tweeting about boston, about the protest on going there. he complements the boston police department, the mayor of boston and also he said quote - our great country has been divided for decades. sometimes you need to practice in order to heal and we will heal and be stronger than ever before. he also said the protesters began advanced bigotry and
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hate, different from the combat of press conference we saw earlier this week in new york at the president began to divide thinking steve bannon over twitter for his service. only a few hours after the white house announced his departure. steve bannon will not try to influence the trump white house from the outside at breitbart where he says he plans to go to work for the president. earlier this week steve bannon warned of an economic war china criticized the administration strategy of north korea and asia. he wanted to -- internal foreign policy deliberations continue without steve bannon. the president yes it can mean the national security team as camp david discussing strategies in afghanistan. the president tweeted on that also today.tweeting quite important days spent at camp david with our very county generals and military leaders been many decisions made. including on afghanistan. the white house has yet to offer specifics for the white house has had to operate timeline of when we might hear from what this strategy will be
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and if there will be an increase in troops, it contractors will play a greater role, military personnel, the white house will only say that we will hear about all of that when the time is appropriate. >> alright, more on that dispersing on the steve bannon shakeup throughout the show. thank you rich. arthel? >> we take your brother know where the intense manhunt continues in spain for the driver of a van that plowed into a crowd in barcelona. the attack thursday killing 13 people and injuring about 120 others. a few hours later, another vehicle attacked killing one person and injuring five others in in another town. meanwhile in spain they are searching for a imam believed to have radicalized the group of men behind the attacks. benjamin hall is live in barcelona. it is just after midnight there, what is the feeling like on the ground?>> good evening
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arthel. the last couple of days we have seen an outpouring of grief. people up and down the boulevard leaving flowers, lighting candles. but today was a change, we signed real increase in security. that is because the manhunt is no longer over. they thought that they had arrested and killed the manager of the white van down this boulevard on thursday but it is not the case. they say he is still at large. now they have released a picture of him. his name is younes abouyaaqoub, he is 22-year-olds and a moroccan. they feel he is the main director behind this attack. so very much the man still on over here.he came from a small village about an hour outside of barcelona. this small town is now becoming the epicenter of this attack if you will.they fear that this where it was planned and they think that the imam of the mosque is a source. they fear he was one of the people that radicalized this group. they also think you might be the person who died in the bomb
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explosion on wednesday. but the main story tonight is that this leader if you will, is still on the run. police are looking for him now. >> still on the run, benjamin hall, what is the latest on the manhunt? any further details for us? >> initially they put up roadblocks around barcelona, were looking for him around here. but we now know that they have extended down and there is a here at the moment he may have crossed into france. so security has been hiked up there. we know that one terrorist rented a car, they are desperately looking and if he has managed to escape to france it is a europewide is a real fear that people will not be able to get back to their normal lives.of course we have to keep remembering the victim's. amount bid dead assembly? will they become a three-year-old boy, from italy, france and many countries around the world.
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and in american that was 42 years old from california. he came here to celebrate his first wedding anniversary with his wife. he said -- is just terrible. on the street cc people gathering, trying to yell at the great puritan until the driver of the van plowed down the van is caught, the feelings that he will not be able to get to normal until then. >> never forget the victim's. benjamin, thank you very much live in barcelona. leland? >> moving on to a precarious position. this is not what you want to come back to. several cars dangling over the edge of a parking garage. i had, how they got there and what happened next. plus, what will the departure of the president 's chief strategist mean for mr. trump's agenda? we will break that down when we come back. you don't let anything
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here are other headlines where following today. at least 23 people are dead and dozens others injured after a passenger train derailed in
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north india. no word yet on what caused at least eight cars to go off the rail. several vehicles left dangling. look at this. over the edge of a parking garage in central england after a wall collapsed overnight. no one was hurt and no vehicles were damaged. and about 600 oregon residents in a prime location to view monday's solar eclipse ordered to evacuate because of a fast-growing wildfire. chris based challenging windy conditions as they battle the flames. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> the president's controversial chief strategist steve bannon is gone and with his departure, there are new questions about how the president will get his agenda done and his message out. the former house speaker newt gingrich saying that the president needs to take stock. >> he is taking a good first step bringing in general kelly but he needs to think about
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what has not worked. when you do not get done in the 35 percent of its approval, and have people in your own party, shooting at you and then conclude that everything is going fine. >> susan is a cheap congressional correspondent for the washington examiner. always nice to see you ma'am. >> hello. >> the big picture, steve bannon is gone but newt gingrich of all people, is now coming out telling the president he needs to take stock and saying you have to reevaluate things. that is huge! >> and he does. we spoke with lawmakers before they left for august recess about the very issue. a lot of them talked about being happy with general kelly on board. feeling it will bring structure but we also know that the president does what he wants. and so for general kelly has not been able to rein in the twitter feed. but this past week being a good
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example. >> speaking of general kelly we have a picture of general kelly. to put up and this is from today's press conference. he does not look happy. what is the mood that you are hearing about inside the white house? has he sort of given up what does he say i can still make a difference? where is his head? >> well donald trump is the outsider president and has a base that communicates with him and a lot of them agree with him. the problem though is everybody else be the people that are not in the small percentage of supporters and also everyone on capitol hill. he needs the behind him if he is going to get the agenda accomplished. >> steve bannon is going back essentially to the base. he's going to take over breitbart, he says i'm going to war. he said very specifically is going to war for president trump against his enemies. it brings up a serious question, because a lot of folks inside the white house do not share steve bannon's world view. there are times that the president has not acted on
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steve bannon's worldview.what happens when steve bannon's worldview and the white house policy conflict? >> your breitbart which is his pulpit he will be up to get the message out there and other parts of the media. i think that donald trump's big problem beyond that is just waiting in his agenda finished and he can make all the voters that voted republican happy about that. and he needs to think like a president. working with congress. i mean people capitol hill i talked about not willing to follow him because they are not sure what kind of president he is in we have certainly heard him during the healthcare debate. i think if he was a strong leader and there was such controversy around him all the time he could've probably pulled off the obamacare repeal and replacement. -- tax reform, all the things that he needs really did key people. >> not want to follow me say in some ways they are actively undermining them.
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this is from a republican from nebraska. he posted a manifesto if you will about race and charlottesville in america. this is from his facebook page. this seems to be a major gap on race issues between two types of republicans. among more churchgoers there is -- that has been my repeated experience this week. put the race issue to the side for one second. you now have a number of republican senators sort of actively undermining the president anyway. and of the 52 republican senators, it is difficult at best to get any of them to come on television and speak out in support of the president. >> i believe this is actually donald trump's biggest problem is president right now. he needs the senate behind him, you have john mccain, and
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senator - a little ambiguous debited. he needs everybody behind him because of this majority needed to get the stuff across the finish line as president. and they are not willing to follow him as they were, other republican presidents than he hasn't been the leader that they really need. >> bring this full circle for us quickly. jim jordan, mark meadows, the freedom caucus guys, they really felt that they had a serious advocate in steve bannon. so when they could talk to, someone who understood them. who do they talk you now because the president needs them on board? >> they talk to "fox news sunday" personally quite a bit. they tell me that. that's why i do not think - quest can he do that with every congressman and senator to get them on board? >> no, mike pence has been a great liaison. even with the departure of ben donald trump will be trump. we watch as twitter feeds, we
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hear what he says come he is clearly trying to strike a balance priest to the general kelly influence already i read do not think that there is a question he is going to really change his personality. we have already seen that since he started running for president. in my view he will have the line of communication with the freedom caucus, with the base and that is not going away. >> it may not be going away for the question is can i get a lot of communication with the people you talked about? people need - quest he has not yet. >> susan we appreciate your insight as well. it was good seeing you. >> thank you very much. a massive manhunt now underway for the man that carried out the deadly van attack in spain. the latest on the investigation and the lessons that we can learn here in the united states met another terror attack in york involving descartes. thus, when university making a statement amid the ongoing debate about confederate
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house strategist, steve bannon is said to have helped shape much of the president's legislative that he has become the latest in a long line of aides to exit the west wing, what will his departure mean for the president's policy goals moving forward? garrett tenney is live in washington with more on that. garrett we spoke with susan riccio earlier. among many things something that was top of steve bannon's mind was immigration. >> yes immigration is a number of issues that steve bannon really was the torchbearer on in the administration in terms of the president's national populist views on the world. there's a lot of concerns among conservatives now that
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his departing, they saw him as a manager of the presidents worldviews and the public they had an ally in the west wing that would fight for the changes that the president campaigned on. now that he is gone, and number conservative groups say they are concerned that others in the white house will push the president to take more moderate positions on issues such as trade, immigration and tax reform. in a letter to the president as a group of 19 conservative groups wrote in part saying, it is important that those who have been your staunchest supporters no that they are not being drowned out by the swamp which due to his nature seeks to - bennett himself told the weekly standard that establishment republicans in congress along with some of the president's other advisors many call west wing democrats are to blame for blocking the campaign agenda. and now that steve bannon is back running breitbart news, his allies say he will be able to do more to pressure
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republicans to back the president. >> i think steve is going to be now a major voice from the outside. really with taking the handcuffs off that really kind of bound him inside the white house. and did not allow him to work as he wanted or would like to when you are in the confines of a federal job. >> steve bannon also to the weekly standard he believes there is a flood of conventional republicans pushing back against the president's agenda and he planned to use his platform at breitbart to turn the present is based against them.>> garrett tenney in washington, more on this certainly tomorrow, thank you. >> thank you very much. while there is an international manhunt underway for the 22-year-old moroccan man, younes abouyaaqoub, suspected of plowing through a crowd with event. that and then a second attack killing at least 14 people and injuring more than 120 others
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combined. we have the former assistant director of the fbi in new york with us and the former chief executive for the fbi in new york, miami and denver. thank you for being here this afternoon. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> it is a horrible story but we start with all of the questions that remain. what does this say about the sophistication, the amount of coordination and wedges the investigation stands now? the information that investigators are working with and ultimately, hoping to uncover. >> this is so much more than just the simple running of a car into a card of people. this was actually a cell that had been guided by somebody from the outside. the only light at the end of the tunnel is the preparation for this horrendous act is the fact that the canisters, they were destined for two of those trucks. to cause more carnage than was
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actually caused by running down, not to be de minimis of the fact that over 100 people were hurt and 14 dead. but it would have been a whole lot worse had they been able to get the canisters in there. it goes back to really making the bombers, the easiest thing in the world happens with every single bomb maker sooner or later they have - not the least of which was the bombing of the world trade center 93. after the bombing of the trade center he went to manila and made some more bombs to further his plot. which is blowing 12 airliners on the side. >> of course you have such a broad scope of all of this, the terror attacks in the history. i want to focus on what happened here in spain. as he said of course the
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bombing part of it, that would have been worse. meanwhile renting a van and organizing is what they did. it appears to be a new tactic. authorities, want to know if they are focusing perhaps on rental car places. how can intel agencies and law enforcement, tactical units on the ground make public places more secure apart from erecting barriers and you know what is the new strategy here? >> the new strategy is to try and infiltrate most of these groups with human intelligence. that is really the way that you are going to get at this. setting up physical barriers such as we have any, that is one way of doing it but the bottom line is you to prevent these things by going after the individuals for trying to set the bombs off or take the weapon of choice, the motor
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vehicle and running down people. this one seems to be a little more complicated than it seems to have been a cell that we need to continue to peel the onion and find out who directed these people. they did not just call this out of their hat or out of thin air. somebody directed them to do this and it has to be found out as well in addition of course to the one fugitive in this case. >> absolutely. meanwhile you have people that watch this, people with crazy minds in think this is a good idea. and we witnessed in charlottesville, the same scenario a car used as a weapon. how to the domestic intel agencies process what has happened in europe and abroad and use this as a study guide and how do you minimize the possibility of that happening here? >> it is extremely, extremely
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difficult to get in front of each and every one of these things. as he said, illiterate charlottesville, out of the clear blue skies someone gets in the car and drive down and do something ridiculous like that for whatever reasons they might have. we have to get in front of the individuals who are going to do this. we have to get the intelligence and this is not the easiest thing in the world. i think there's a lot better cooperation between intelligence and law enforcement agencies, not just in the united states with the world. as evidenced by the fact that the cia did have some information said to be spanish authorities on this bombing. but it is not the easiest thing to do and it is going to be very complicated and i am afraid that while we do not want to accept this as a standard practice, and for that we were going to see more of them until this energy ends. >> with that in mind, what
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advice, or suggestions you have for american people? >> as i said, we have increased intelligence networks together and agencies working together but there is no substitute for the millions of eyes and ears of americans watching the streets. i recall the days where people did not want to say anything to anybody that they didn't say anything, they didn't care about it. new york has changed that all dynamic. it is now, if you see something, say something. and many people do this and more people have to do those things. it is not childish, it is not inane, if you see something, bring it to the attention of law enforcement authorities. it might deem to be nothing to you. but it might be a piece of the puzzle that law enforcement needs. really the public is a part of the key to this solution. >> former assistant director of
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the fbi in new york, bill thank you very much sir. >> my pleasure. >> the violence in charlottesville, giving rise to a heated debate over monuments across america for many today cancels against white supremacist group to another protest have ended by tearing down confederate statues. brian in the new york newsroom with both sides of this debate. hello brian. >> we are watching protest today in houston, new orleans, dallas as well. yet another reminder that the debate over confederate monuments and stuck to his has no really become the genesis for much of larger debate nationwide about race, free speech and has under the nation's history. in memphis, the university of tennessee students and others are protesting, demanding the statues be pulled from a park at the center essay. some climbing the monuments
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attempting to cover it with a cloth and this morning, duke university removed a carved limestone statute of confederate general robert e lee from the entrance of the university chapel. the statue was vandalized on wednesday and in a letter the duke president said in part, quote - i took this course of action to protect duke chapel. to ensure that the vital safety of students and community members who worship there and above all, to express the deep and abiding values of our university. the removal also presents an opportunity for us to learn and heal. just yesterday the mayor charlottesville virginia is, charlottesville virginia said he wants the statute of confederate robert e lee removed immediately. early this year the mayor had voted to keep the monument but now he wants it taken away after violence last week which led to the death of heather heyer. the mayor sing apart quote, we can and must respond by denying the nazis and the kkk and the
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so-called alt right the twisted toad and they secured at least 90 minutes have removed confederate monuments is big about to chances to dozen more coming. and the new poll shows 52 percent of americans are for keeping confederate monuments in place.27 percent that they are for removing them and 11 percent are unsure. the president tweeting this week saying removing the quote - beautiful statues is quote - foolish and many people agree with him in the sense of where do you end up? who is next? george washington, etc. where do you draw the line? that is the debate happening all over the country. >> a debate as you point out all of the country brian, thank you. also arthel, a debate in washington. nancy pelosi now saying this week that she wants to have all confederate statues, anywhere in the capital, removed.
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both are signing onto that as well. >> we generally have not heard the last of this debate. and meanwhile as you well know lee lynn, the president's latest comments on the violence in charlottesville. that leads to a major setback to his relationship with the american business community. now another billionaire investor announcing that he will no longer advise the president. the question is, how do big businesses come to these political decisions? we will talk about that next. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at what are all these different topped & loaded meals?
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the racially charged violence in charlottesville this week leading him to disband two presidential ceos advisory panels. as eight of the ceos quit and protest and now in an unrelated move a billionaire saying he will no longer advise the
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president. all of this talking about the businessman term president and his relationship with the business community.gary, nice to see you as always. >> pleasure, thank you. >> six months changes a lot and it used to be that the president would tweet about lockheed martin and the f 35 and the seal was over the white house and say, mr. president how to make a deal? now the president makes statements about social issues and for ceos say, thanks but no thanks mr. president. we are out. >> i think what you simply had here, he is, the ceos are accountable to their board, they are accountable to their employees and accountable to the consumers and i think that there was a lot of pressure in the last week or so and then the momentum. you had one leave then two then three, then you had a conference call with five of them and they all said goodbye. that is where you see all of
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the dominoes fall. i must tell you, this is a big one because he was a very good friend in you mentioned this is definitely related. this has everything to do with what we've been seeing over the last week and for me, watching the markets and the economy is not the greatest thing because i loved watching all of the ceos with donald trump at the table and now it doesn't look like that will happen. >> all right in their supporters were trump and there was a so that the fatcat ceos don't want to talk to him. he doesn't need their advice. and frankly, he is going to make america great again despite them. >> these are the best and brightest people in the world. the heads of ibm and merck. you name it, it is important. it is important to the psyche of the economy and the markets and again, as i was watching the last six months or so jeff of this argument streamline government which is music to my ears. now that is all gone and i think what you saw this week, partially in the market getting hit, was a little bit of loss
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of confidence here. i'm hoping that things quiet down and slowly but surely they do come back to the table because it is vitally important that we get smart people with a very smart president getting the job done as we move forward. >> is there a chance of there's more going on behind the scenes that we know we the ceos belonged that they need to take a stand publicly but behind the scenes, if the president calls, there is a real risk if you are not taking it. >> i would suggest time heals wounds. and donald trump went after the merck ceo. he has got to stop that. that is number one. because of the close-knit family, all of these years we put down one, the others get upset. they worry about it happening to them. so we need to get some mended fences here going forward but leave no doubt, if donald trump does call them apologizes and as we get further away from what we have seen the last week and cooler heads prevail, i think they will get back to the
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table and get some things done. at least hopefully. >> there been a lot of people over the past year that are set by their phone to wait for donald trump to call and apologize and there's the waiting period so these ceos may have a while on that. but i go back to this point before. so what? so often these advisory councils, you look at them and everyone sits around and says yes we need to make every mortgage we need to do this and that. everybody agrees. but to your point, at the bottom did not fall out of the market certainly on friday after all of this happen. in fact the market went up when steve bannon got his walking papers. >> the end of the world is not here because of all of his been under saying if there is positive when you have bright people involved in the decision-making. if the administration can get things done, meaning the tax reform, spending reform in government which is completely out of hand and so many of
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these other things. some things like regulatory reform. if all that happens we will not even be talking about this in six months because the economy will be three percent plus, unemployment will continue to get lower and jobs will be plentiful. hopefully that does occur. again, i look for everything positive and i hope things move forward better than what we saw in the last week. >> the way the news cycle is gone we probably will not be talking about this in three days but it is true. i is - i appreciate your insight. all the best. >> senator john mccain reaching an early milestone in his fight against cancer. the latest update on his treatment. also, a series of shootings into states leaving at least two police officers dead. a live report coming up.
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♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. this august visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. >> arizona senator john mccain
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completing the first round of his cancer treatment this is from twitter. -- joe lieberman, mccain tweeting three amigos together again. mccain announces brain cancer diagnosis back in mid july.
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>> a second officer has died of a series of shootings into states overnight. this less than 24 hours after the officer and a colleague were shot in central florida during a scuffle with a suspect. they were just two of six officers attacked last night and shootings that also took place in northern florida and pennsylvania. we are live in miami with more. >> a devastating tragedy just south of orlando and kissimmee florida. two dead officers leaving behind two widows and now five children without a father. the two officers shot dead in the street hours after sunset. one died on the spot in the other this afternoon. officers matthew baxter and sergeant sam were in a neighborhood known for drugs. this agreement on a corner in a person.they say one of the three shut the jukebox at point-blank range. the chief says it happened so fast they never drew their
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guns. all three suspects are now in custody. the last caught, 45 harold everett miller, a marine veteran, recently hospitalized for psychiatric problems. the manhunt for the alleged calculator ended dramatically inside of a bar just before midnight. police say he had a nine millimeters handgun and revolver on him. >> i do not really have any other adjective other than devastating to law enforcement and heartbreaking. >> the president responded via twitter quote - my thoughts and prayers are with the kissimmee police and their loved ones. we are with you. two more cops wended in another shooting injectable. they responded to a call of a suicidal man paid when they arrived he barged outside shooting bug with a high-powered was in critical condition, both are now in stable condition. the suspect died at the scene. and pennsylvania to state troopers approached a burglary suspect.
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they said the suspect pulled out a gun shooting one trooper in the stomach the other in the hand. he will be okay and that ended when they were able to successfully shoot and kill that suspect on the property. >> thank you phil. >> up next, the eclipse tourism boom and the traffic nightmare is creating. surprise! (vo) living with ammonia odor? not a pretty picture. (vo) luckily, tidy cats lightweight with new ammonia blocker tackles tough odor, even ammonia. so long stankface! (vo) ammonia like that? there's a tidy cats for that.
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arthel: so are you ready for the big celestial event on monday? i know you are, mr. vittert. got your special glasses? solar eclipse glasses, for sure, and your sun-gazing spot reserved if you're heading -- he couldn't wait until the end. you hook cool. just keep them on, they're working. if you're headed toward the path of dealty, it might -- totality, it might get a little crowded. leland: more than seven million sun gazers from overseas will come to the u.s. for the event including this guy who bought his ticket two years ago. >> actually, first ten seconds, take the couple of photos. [laughter] then spend 20 seconds looking around, another 10 seconds thinking about what the animals are doing, because animals go quiet, bats come out to fly. arthel: hey, leland --
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leland: wow. arthel: you're supposed the read this, but put on the glasses. do not go out without those special glasses, even only the partial, you can't do it. regular sunglasses will not cut it. >> more racially charged protests a week after the horrific events in charlottesville. the demonstrations largely ending on a positive note. i'm kelly wright in for kelly banderas, you are watching " the fox report." a handful of protests are taking place across the country, the biggest in boston. despite some tense moments between officers and protesters, the city is praising all parties involved after a massive, mostly peaceful counter-protest in response to what was billed as a freedom of speech rally organized by conservatives. police arrested more than two dozen people out of the estimated 40,000 that took to the streets. mayor marty walsh exprein


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