tv Hannity FOX News August 25, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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schmitt, matt finn. "hannity" is up next with an exclusive with sheriff arpaio. keep it here on the fox news channel for all your weather updates. good night. >> sean: many thanks to all our friends on "the five." hurricane harvey has been upgraded to a category 4 storm. bearing down as we see right here on the screen. the gulf coast of texas. president trump has already signed a disaster proclamation. the full and complete support of the government. we will have live coverage all evening from the ground. also breaking news from the white house tonight. the president has in fact pardoned arizona sheriff joe arpaio. we look at the first interview and reaction over the course of the program. dr. sebastian gorka is on this program often. he has resigned from the white house. we will talk about that. steve harrigan is on the ground in corpus christi.
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the very latest on hurricane harvey. steve, wow. i hope you're being safe out there, my friend. >> we are, i am with heather lacey and chris bryant. the streets are pretty much wind tunnels. there've been gusts of wind. 140 miles an hour. the worst is yet to come in the next few hours. this is category 4 storm. there's going to be widespread destruction, large trees will be uprooted or snapped. there's going to be physical damage to buildings. especially roofs. here where i'm standing, the roof of this building has come off. behind me, metal roof is coming off. streetlight coming down. physical destruction. it's a ghost town. all the buildings are boarded up. there's no one out here. that includes first responders. the winds are so happy right now, first responders according to corpus christi police are
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setting down for the next several hours. under voluntary evacuation and others under mandatory evacuation. we have seen people here doing everything they can to prepare. some leaving and some deciding to stay. families buying plywood. people in line for bread and water, flashlights. camping gear. try to get through this anyway they can. the real danger is going to be over the next 4-5 days. we could seize 30 inches of rai. that's about a year's worth worth of rain in just a couple of days. it could be a 12-foot storm surge. while the winds and distractions will get a lot of headlines, it could be the dirty flood in the days ahead. >> sean: steve, be careful. you are actually inside, you are protected by two sides right now. but behind you, you see that these massive gusts of wind.
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my great peers that something will be flying debris will be fine. when you go out there, from your perspective, feeling the intensity, doesn't feel like it could lift you up and pick you up? >> at about 90 miles an hour, that's enough to slightly throw you off your feet. you know, 30 miles away from me, they could be having and they are having a terrible night. like rappaport. we will be able to see if the results until tomorrow morning. a lot of these places, there's one road in or out. they could lose power. it's a really difficult ahead. for a lot of people here along the texas coast. >> sean: to what extent can you tell the audience -- i've done a lot of research and i've talked to joba starting numerous times throughout the day. this is going to go inland up until 75 miles. then it's going to stop, pipit,
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turned back and literally we are talking about -- hang in there. it's really tough to watch somebody bracing themselves like that. it's going to pivot and keep raining literally for four days? the people that needed to evacuate, that they listen? >> a lot did evacuate. this has caught a lot of people by surprise. just a few days ago, it was on nothing. and then it increased in strength. so dramatically. going from category 1, 2, 3, 4. it's also been a dozen years since a major hurricane has had landfall in the u.s. before the governor over the last couple of days really warning and encouraging people to get out. the terms they are using are no joke about it. life threatening. catastrophic. not just from this dramatic wind you are saying but from the storm surge to follow.
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they've tried to warn people. you know, this is not an exact science. they've been wrong in the past. they may have underestimated this one. it's certainly a tough job for the forecasters and a tough job along the coast. this could affect 4 million people. we could see tens of thousands of people with no electric power for 3-7 days. starting tomorrow morning. i am worried what the morning after is going to look like. this is not the worst of it. i'm getting knocked down but 30 miles north, there is buildings underwater. there's buildings knocked down. still the next four or five hours, it could get even worse, sean. >> sean: are you in a place where you are protected? nothing flying in your direction can hit you? and how soon do you feel -- we are watching those gusts of wind. how soon before you have to get out of there for your own safety and security? >> one of the dangers of this,
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especially in this area, there's often one way in and one way out. we packed up twice already to seek safer ground. that's because some of the roads can flood. keep a close eye on your location. i feel pretty comfortable with this position right now. the team and vehicle are in a parking garage blocked off. we just jump out on the road to try to give you a sense of what it feels like. you know, this is what 90 miles an hour it looks like and feels like. it can knock you down and knock the building down. rockport, it's leveling entire buildings. that's what category 4 storm does. you're only seeing a fraction of it where i am standing, sean. >> sean: honestly, we are all sitting here and watching what you're going through. we are all getting nervous for your sake. we are asking maybe it's time to move out a little bit and get
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the safer ground. when you can, check in with us. if you can't, we all understand. those gusts are chilling. we appreciate you putting yourself out there like that. we really appreciate it. stay safe. joining us now, the governor of the great state of texas, greg abbott is with us. i've been watching this all day. if you've warning people. we are going to see the beginnings of it. i don't know if you can see on feedback, those winds are lifting him up off the ground. in some people stayed. do you have any idea how do people actually did not take the warnings? >> sean, we are not sure. what we do know is that so many were able to evacuate. i just returned from san antonio, texas, were busloads of evacuees are going into -- i got to shake their hand and give them a hug and learn from them what it was like that they have left just hours earlier. in corpus christi where you are seeing that damage take place.
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they were so thankful they were able to get out and they were just happy to be alive. that's what this is all about, sean. texas has been prepared for this for a week now. we have people -- we've taken all the precautions necessary. our top goal all along has been to protect as many lives as we can. to try to get through this storm without the loss of any lives. >> sean: we see the danger in all of this. i was on the radio today. don't risk your life. you may lose your house or property and it's very painful but don't lose your life. governor, you've been in touch with the lighthouse white hous. how much coordination is there? from my understanding and all the meteorologists i've been talking to all day, this is going to go 75 miles inland. it's going to stop, pivot, turn around. it is sort of stuck. it's going to be there tonight, tomorrow. sunday. tuesday. maybe longer.
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it then makes its way to galveston and up the eastern coast of texas. that's a big, big -- that's a big problem that is not going away anytime soon, sir. >> as a reporter noted -- despite what you are able to see because of all that wind, the worst problem probably will be the flooding. from feet of rain coming down. and just stacking up. we've dealt with this on several occasions across the gulf coast. it can have a dramatically horrific effect. you also asked about the coordination we've had with the white house. i got to tell you, it's been very impressive. i got a call from the president himself a couple of days ago. the health and human services secretary, home insecurity, the head of fema. also in our region.
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as he recognized earlier, the president has already granted a request for a disaster declaration. texas is already getting relief from fema to help our individuals, our citizens in communities. to help the rebuilding process. >> sean: we covered the issue of katrina. the issue of the levees was another issue. clearly mistakes are made. you feel as governor, having been in touch with the white house, as this goes on for days and days, you are confident the help and assistance, whatever needs people have will be met and be met expeditiously. >> the white house is fully engaged. very helpful. very concerned about the people of texas. we have received everything we've asked for from the white house. we are grateful of it. we are working hard day and night to make sure we take care of our fellow texans. >> sean: governor, for all the people in texas, our thoughts and prayers are with our fellow americans tonight and tomorrow
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and assess hurricane makes its way through. we pray nobody gets hurt. but he obviously dies. and that we can get help and assistance to you. thank you for being with us. also on the ground, corpus christi, texas, rob schmitt. what's going on where you are? >> hey, sean. good to hear from the governor. we are getting pummeled. as bad as we have seen it in corpus christi. right on the water in downtown corpus christi. this is not a mandatory evacuation. still a voluntary evacuation. you go out onto the water, the islands, across the bay -- they are in a mandatory evacuation. as well they should be. a punishing rain. a lot of rain and wind. the other big thing is what could be a 12-foot storm surge. if i put a lot of those areas completely underwater. that's the real danger. we've watched this storm advance over the last 36 hours.
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steve harrigan was saying this was not that big of a deal. the storm is really going to be the story because there was no system to push or pull it out of the way. it was going to sit on the houston area. that was going to be the big story. all of a sudden, we have a category 3 and category 4 later tonight. this thing became a major severe when the storm. almost out of nowhere. we were expecting tropical storm force winds. now we have winds as strong as they can come. now 130-mile-an-hour wind gusts in the middle of the storm. this is about 30 miles west of that. we didn't catch the eye quite. we are getting about 100-mile-an-hour winds. 60-70-mile-an-hour sustained. i've done many of these and every time i come out here, it gets a little bit worse. now the big question is, what does this storm do?
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if you've seen the projected path, it looks so funny because it goes on to the mainland and then adjust parts and it starts to back up. it goes back out in the ocean. make it a little stronger. a little moisture. it could even slide up into louisiana. and all the while, it's just dumping inundating rain. this entire time. just dumping rain. and it's raining for four or five days. if they're going to get rain like this, that's how you get feet of rain. it's an unimaginable amount of water when you really think about how much that could be and what that can do. we are in south texas. they are used to rain. they had some terrible floods last year. these people know how to handle this kind of a storm. it's hot, it is sticky. it reads on most every day. they get big-time storms down here. like south florida.
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we are just continuing to get hit with the sideways rain. i can see how much -- they just staying. it's like getting hit with sand. we were standing there in to get kind of comfortable and then a gust comes by at 100 miles an hour. knocks you off your feet. you are not ready for it. sean. >> sean: let me ask you, maybe you could describe for our audience. we've been to you and steve. you can see the wins nearly pull you off the ground. can you describe that sensation? we see locking down your legs and literally bracing yourself. to what extent? you said this was not the first time you've been in this environment. our great fear for you is that there's going to be flying debris. to what extent to see see that happening now? >> that's what we've got to watch out for. that's what we are trying to be careful for.
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i'm looking at all the palm trees. the fronds are coming off. i did not see any coconuts on them. you'd have to worry about something like that hitting you in the head. that would not be fun. there is debris coming off. we saw what looked like a directv satellite dish file off the top of the building. it does landed on the highway. i saw someone run after it. i assume it came off because of the wind. this was back when we were only seeing 50-mile-an-hour winds. if it was behind me, corpus christi is not a terribly big city. a couple high-rises. we've seen things play off, loose debris or whatever. a lot of palm tree junk flying off. we just lost our late and i don't know why. i'm now in the dark. we will send it back to you. >> sean: we will take it back. you and steve harrigan. you've not lost your sense of humor. it lights back on.
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you haven't lost her sense of humor. you've earned -- let's go to matt finn. on the ground. what's going on there? it looks a little calm her. >> we are about 150 miles east of where rob and steve are in corpus christi. much more calm here but is changing by the minute. it kind of calms down. it seems like on the ground we are starting to experience the outer bands of the hurricane. there are a lot of small coastal towns. it looks like a ghost town. everyone has either evacuated or they are sitting inside of their home here in blessing, texas. some decided to hunker down but there is a mandatory evacuation in this county. the last bus left at 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. if you are still here, you are
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unfortunately on your own. this is considered ground zero. some of the strongest forces of the hurricane will hit this area. tonight the national weather service is saying 10-15-50. 10-15-50 inches of rain. unprecedented amounts of range. rain. uncharted territory. there's already already power outages. if you did stay, you could be without power for days on end. that could potentially be the poorest part for anyone who decides to stick this thing out. cell phones have been going off with tornado warnings. some of them were forecasted. a dangerous situation here. we are keeping our eye on the storm. not nearly as bad as where steve is but the wins are picking up, sean. >> sean: we will be following throughout the night. we will get back to you. the chief forecaster.
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i guess as we speak, it's no hitting the coast. we had a category 3, a category 4. how bad to look, joe? >> the reliance on computer models, they are exactly right. a lot of the models for not picking up on how bad it was going to be. what we were using were samples from the past. hurricane celia, for those that live in the corpus christi area, 1970. it went from a category 1 to a category 4 in 4 hours. camille, and infamous hurricane, it went from a tropical depression to cat 5 in 36 hours. get ready, this is going to be a real bad situation. it's coming ashore right now. while sean is on the air. this town of rockport, i will be curious to see how much damage
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will be done there. i don't mean that in a nasty way. i'm just saying, it looks to me like rockport is going to be ground zero for the worst this storm can deliver as far as wind goes. i would not be surprised -- i am watching some of the monitors. if we see some 150-mile-an-hour gusts. ranchers pass, they had a gust to 161. this storm is hitting in an area where i'm sure the governor, he would tell you about some of the texas hurricane lawyer. ed, a famous port was destroyed back in the 1800s by two major hurricanes back-to-back. that's why galveston and houston became the big port on the gulf coast. where is hitting is almost legendary as far as storms go. we just haven't seen them over the past 20-30 years of this
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particular area. fortunately, sean, this is about the only bright spot, it's hitting in an area that is less populated as far as a direct hit goes. you get corpus christi in the southwest, houston and galveston in northeast. as you've been mentioning -- >> sean: i don't want to interrupt but important information. only because you've been on my radio program for an hour and a half the last three days, you've been writing me about this storm for over a week. this is important. you told me earlier today, this storm is going to push 75 miles inland. it's going to kind of stop. maybe beyond that. then it's going to make a turn. and then it's going to keep pounding rain. it's going to happen tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night, sunday, sunday night, monday, monday night, into tuesday. how far does it go and what does it mean for the people that are directly hit and let's go up the eastern coast of texas and tell everybody that's in harm's way
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here. what's going to happen? >> is going to be about 25, 35 miles southwest of victoria. then it's going to turn southward and be very close to corpus christi late in the day sunday. just to the northwest. monday, it's back out over the water to the northeast of corpus christi. when it gets out there, you have to start dealing with the situation as far as where it will move. if it turns northeast into texas, it's still a major problem. a tropical storm with tremendous rains. the big fear i've had, it will try to move northeastward, become a very strong hurricane again and be close to the galveston area. sometime tuesday night or wednesday. we have two parts of this storm. when the storm makes landfall, it's going to be doing a loop and weakening it all this heavy rain will be going off.
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it will still spread out towards the houston area. the storm weakens over the next three days. then back out in the gulf of mexico. >> sean: was steve harrigan, just to be very clear here -- if we could put up the map one more time -- we are talking about corpus christi to galveston houston. it's going to be there all the way through tuesday. back into the gulf. it gathers more strength and comes back on shore. you are dealing with basically a week -- really, really long period of time. go ahead. >> it is a siege but it will be weakening over the next 72 hours. the wind will be as big a problem. the one problem you do have, i'm not try to panic anybody in houston or galveston. what i am worried about is if this thing comes all the way back at you. even if it's 40-50-
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40-50-60-mile-an-hour tropical storm, and the trees take all that water come on the gets wet, start knocking trees down left and right on people's houses. you have half the wind, doing the same amount of damage as far as that goes. there's no question about the amount of rain that could come from this. it is not because it's a freak hurricane with a lot of moisture. it's just very slow moving and trapped. that's the problem. >> sean: i'm going to go to my colleague steve harrigan. we saw the gusts of wind. we've already seen 180-mile-per-hour gusts. he's literally knockdown, how dangerous is it for him? should he be moving inland in your opinion? his safety is our priority. >> corpus -- the storm is off the coast.
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northeast of corpus now. you could get these down bursts, or you are funneling and what might be a 60-70-mile-an-hour wind. it could be 100-105-mile-an-hour winds. if you are not prepared, that will knock you over. it is the entire ball of wax. everything can come out you and you don't know where it's coming from. the town that i think it's a really going to get hit very badly is rockport. if we have people at rockport, it will be interesting to see what they are reporting. >> sean: joe, we will be back to you. i go back to steve harrigan now. earlier in the program, the gusts of wind were massive. nearly lifting him off his feet. you are still in the same location. what we are hearing from joe and others is it's literally getting worse every five minute interval. do you feel it even stronger
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than it was when we went to at the top of the show 24 minutes ago? >> there are some sharp goss. no structural damage but there have been gusts along the coast. 118 miles an hour. there have been extreme warnings. basically, you have to shelter in those areas as if you had a tornado. even though you are inland, you could be facing tornado like winds. there parts along the coast, i heard you mentioned rockport. that's a town that was under mandatory evacuation like so many towns in low-lying areas along the coast. actually the mayor of rockport
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said those that were disobeying that order to write their social security numbers on their arm. thus a level of fear -- that's what we are hearing out of officials throughout this storm. life-threatening and potentially catastrophic. it's going to take a while to actually see how bad it is about 30 miles to my north. according to people we have spoken to here, who have relatives there, they say it's underwater. it's going to be unbelievable to see what we see over the next 24 hours. >> sean: i want to go back to a question i was asking you earlier, steve. we are watching these gusts of wind. we see you bracing. even with your legs like that, it almost looks like it's about to lift you off your feet. what is that sensation like? when do you feel the need to get out of there? >> i feel like it's not that bad right now.
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i remember katrina. >> sean: [laughs] you are making me laugh. it's not that bad, i'm merely flying away. you have not lost your sense of humor. oh, my goodness. >> in katrina, you could try to lean forward. and you could not fall down. here, this is about 80-90. i'm not seeing trees snap or large pieces of buildings fall off. it just diffuse shingles. if you see this, though, imagine, if you think this is bad, 30 miles to my north? that's where buildings are crumbling. that's the real, you know, those are the people i am worried about right now. i can walk 5 feet into a parking garage and be fine. there are 4 million people affected by this storm.
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it's all along the coast. elderly, people with health issues. people that did not get out, they are in real danger. we will have to get to them fast over the next 48 hours. >> sean: you are talking about the seriousness of this. i've been urging people all day and yesterday. they are going to be needing help. the president is involved. i want you to know, we are all friends here -- when you just said to us all, this is nothing in the new nearly got blown over, we are all saying that's nothing? from our end, it looks like -- >> i don't want to minimize it. it certainly is something. things could happen. but i don't feel like it's at the level of katrina where i'm standing. if we could get to rockport tomorrow, we would see the devastation. this is dramatic but you know, we've been in worse.
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>> sean: all right, steve. i know i speak for everybody -- the fact that you can talk about well, it's not as strong as katrina or this hurricane that i've been -- it speaks volumes. it speaks volumes about who you are. you said you could run 5 feet and you would be underground and in safety. he has my next question. you talk about 30 miles north of you, there are buildings crumbling. we were talking about real debris that's flying. is that the cut off point for you? we've got to cut and run here because something -- a shingle from a hard rooftop could obviously be flying against you or a tree limb. it gets serious at some point. >> these things are always physical challenges. to stay calm, and technical challenges. our cameraman to get a shot and keep the signal up, that's a challenge as well.
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you have to be, you take a level of risk in this job. there is excitement that goes along with it. it's an attempt to show people what is going on. we might get knocked over or get moved around. it's a real feeling of what these wins feel like. if i'm experienced, i've been in katrina. what if you are 75 years old on a walker, in bed on oxygen? in your power is tonight? that's the person who is afraid. >> sean: steve harrigan, we will give you a little break and come back to you as long as you feel it is safe on your part. it does help the audience. i think it's very educational. get back inside where it is safe. we will go back to you later in
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the program. thank you for your hard work. thank you for the hot thumbs-up and telling jokes. you are giving us a thumbs up and telling jokes. amazing. when we come back, hurricane harvey hitting the coast of texas. sheriff arpaio was part and a couple hours ago by president trump. he will respond next on this program. it's whooping cough. every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. theto me than my vacation.tant so when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy to find what i want.
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your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a once-daily pill. ask about xeljanz xr. >> sean: fox news alert. hurricane harvey is now category 4 storm bearing down as we speak on the texas coast. expected to make landfall any second. major breaking news, president trump has in fact pardoned former arizona sheriff joe arpaio. he was convicted of criminal contempt, only. we will show steve harrigan on the ground in texas tonight. this was moments ago. on the phone joining us, his first interview, former
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maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio. sheriff, i am relieved for you. you are 85 years old. you have dedicated your entire life to public service. you came under fire for obeying what are the laws of the land. i applaud the president for what he did tonight. it was the right thing to do. and he was going to do it the other night but how did it feel tonight? >> great. i love that president. he supports law enforcement. i am very humble. if you recall a couple years ago, i supported him. i said publicly, pardon or no pardon, i will be with him till the end. i'm going to do a news conference early next week and get to the bottom of this. the judicial system and politics, i'm not going down without defending myself. until all those people that don't like what i've done --
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>> after all those years of public service, that now here you are, facing a potential year in jail. you know, i've known you for many, many years. i know when you stood up -- you said these are the laws of the land. i'm a law enforcement officer. i'm sworn to uphold the laws of the land. others that also swore to uphold the laws of the land, they are not doing it but i'm going to do it anyway. isn't that the root of the troubles for you? >> yeah, after all these years, law enforcement around the world, here i am at a bench table because they wanted to do everything to get rid of these people? i will discuss that more next week. it's my wife's birthday. spaghetti and meatballs for you. 60 years of marriage and our birthday. this is a good present for her too. believe me. >> sean: i believe it.
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certainly better than what you could have been facing. if he had ended up in your own jail, you would have pink underwear and a bologna sandwich that cost $0.50. >> federal. i could play bocce. three meals a day. it would have been all right. >> sean: three and a cot. give us a headline about the abuse of the judiciary system. >> first of all, you are a great journalist. but i'm going to discuss all that with my lawyer. i think people will be shocked. they won't believe a certain news media, trying to destroy me all these years. we will see and try to get the message out on tuesday. >> sean: sheriff, our best to you and your wife. thank you for all the years of service. i'm relieved for you and your wife.
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the president of the right thing. no question about it. i'm sure he will take heat but he is a man of conviction as we've all learned. he's not going to be compliant to what people him to be. i think that's why people admire him so much. all my prayers. all the best. we will talk soon. >> thank you, sean, sean. >> sean: we will get back to steve harrigan. that was moments ago, nearly getting blown over. we want to get a quick reaction to this breaking news. michelle malkin. she's the host of her own show. good to see you. before we get back to texas, he did uphold the law of the land. and that he did it, as did the governor at the time. they did it in face of tremendous pressure and opposition. not to enforce the laws. you want to change laws, change them. not enforcing them, it shouldn't be an option for anybody, correct? >> exactly right.
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an overzealous open borders persecution and prosecution. people need to remember the context here. you had obama administration officials with open borders as their motto, as their agenda, as their end goal. we had people john morton at i.c.e. and thomas perez, the open borders maryland activists who did everything for advocate, driver's license for illegal immigrants. providing guidance for evading our law enforcement officers. illegal aliens. casa de maryland. these were the ideologues that were populating the deferment of homeland security. of course they went after joe arpaio. he was doing the job the obama administration officials refused to do.
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>> sean: michelle, the most amazing thing -- i don't really watch all these fake cable networks because they are so bad. it's open season on conservatives. open season on the president. open season -- oh, republicans are weak, they deserve 80% of the criticism. in fairness, the things they are saying, the lies they are reporting, the life that they spend, i've never seen anything like it in my life. they are attacking joe arpaio for enforcing the laws of the land. when really, we should have been critical of the justice department and a president at the time -- then obama, who literally did not enforce the laws of the land. i've been through the border 12 times as you know. from san diego to the rio grande grande. i've been on all of them. we look at the steve harrigan.
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i've got to say -- i've seen tunnels dug from mexico. the amazing thing is, 640,000 crimes in a seven year period were committed in texas when i sat there security briefing with rick perry. how do we allow that to happen and nobody gets outraged? >> yeah, exactly. these open border collaborators, on the left or right, it's not just the identity politics, the ideologues on the left. it's the u.s. chamber of commerce. many of the big business ties who are in collusion to make sure our borders are as loose and open as possible. it's understanding that alliance that the key to defeating it. president trump, more than any other republican in this -- at that level, is willing to call them both out. >> sean: we appreciate you being with us. our thoughts and prayers to all the people at texas. will be come back, he is right there in the middle of it all.
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we get back to stephen just a second. we will give him a five minute break. he's literally being lifted off his feet. he says oh, this is nothing. a lot of our reporters are incredibly brave. we will get back to steve when we come back. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. when itrust the brandtburn, doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. and all day, all night protection. when it comes to heartburn, trust nexium 24hr.
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dr. sebastian gorka is out of the white house. he will be on this program on monday night. we will find out what went on. he told me earlier tonight in a conversation that he feels he can better serve the president in what he is fit planning to do going forward. i will not reveal. i will let him explain. we go back to corpus christi. on the ground, steve harrigan is with us. listen, we are all praying for you tonight and all the people in texas getting hit with this storm. when he said to us earlier, a big gust of wind nearly lifting you off your feet. clearly, this nothing, i've been through worse than this? is it getting worse as a speak and what you mean by worse? it looks pretty devastating to us watching you. >> as far as devastation goes right now, we are seeing small bits of roof come off.
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some stop signs and stop lights coming down. the rain has picked up as well. they spent about 8 inches of it so far. the real story of this storm, if they get 30 inches of rain, that could cause a lot of destruction. there are right now extreme wind warnings along parts of the coast. the eye of the storm. gusts of 130 miles an hour or more. under evacuation. you have to hope, places like rockport -- people did actually leave town. you hope. >> sean: steve, go back inside.
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>> sean, i got it. there's only one road an end one road out. that's the real danger. when the wind -- first responders will come out. it's obvious why. >> sean: are you okay? >> we are getting the worst of it right now from this side of the storm. the weaker side of the hurricane. imagine north of the eye, what they are feeling. what we could see, with a category 4. physical destruction. this along with the flooding. you can imagine what we could be looking at over the next 24 hours. we are seeing small objects.
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i think -- obviously, it has picked up considerably in the last half-hour here. in corpus christi. this is about the largest population center in the area, about 300,000 people here. they are used to storms and they talk about storms. but this storm was deceptive. you know, you really get the sense of the inaccuracy of hurricane forecasting without pointing any fingers. it could be a huge hurricane. then they are frustrated when it does not happen. this time, it might have been the reverse. this was a very minor storm. out in the water into get strong so quickly. and now, man, this is a big storm and i hope people don't
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lose interest after the drama when the high winds are gone. we see how these people are doing. back to you. >> sean: i want to remind people that the president has offered all federal assistance. on its way. as a matter of fact, he approved a declaration proclamation. when we came on the air, 49 minutes ago, these gusts that are now constant were only occasional. now it's picked up dramatically in just a short period of time. you are even acknowledging the big difference here. i've asked you this before, when you pick up and move on so that you don't get hit with debris? steve has the ability to walk 5 feet into an underground garage to safety. he knows he can do that at any time. we feel a little bit of comfort but we always worry about -- whatever's flying in the air, steve. you have to worry about that.
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this thing is picking up as much as it has. >> i think we are in a pretty good spot. it's dramatic wind but the buildings are still standing. the large trees are still standing. i don't think it's a panic mode at this point here. but the category 4 stay teaneck storm. what you're seeing here, it has magnified a great deal. sean, back to you. >> sean: what to do with the rest of the night? i know we will have continuing coverage. will you move to a little bit of a safer area from this point? will you stay there for a little while? i think i just saw something fly behind you. >> yes, mainly tiles from the
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building behind me. we moved to get away from those tiles. >> sean: are the asphalt tiles? or hard? >> they are not hard. >> sean: wow. move back inside, steve. we appreciate your coverage. this shows people -- that don't get out of the way when they are told to evacuate. this is how bad it gets. it's not even the worst. steve, get back to safety. thank you for your courage. my friend, we really appreciate it. unbelievable and very scary. our thoughts and prayers. here is my reaction, joe b. we've been friends for so many years. if you are a crazy weather guy. so is your father and so it's your son who i love dearly. i love your family. you chase storms.
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i'm looking at the smile on your face. you know the feeling of what steve is living through. i know that exhilarate you but for the average person, that's pretty chilling if they don't evacuate right now. >> i don't go through that stuff anymore. not with two kids and a wife. i have a problem sometimes but that -- he goes out and he's chasing storms. forward the emails. when i talked in the emails, forward them to steve. so he knows there are some people watching for these. >> sean: you were telling me all week it was going to be bad. in this day and age, we tend to rely too much on computer modeling. they are great tools but they don't have the answers. i can't tell if the
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instrumentation has been blown away because the wind has dropped off to 8 miles an hour. which would mean they are in the eye. past texas, a wind gust to 130. in the past hour. maybe 50 miles north of where steve is on the other side of corpus christi bay. that tells you what's going on on that side. i'm sorry, go on. >> sean: we have to roll. thank you, joe. you've been great on wendy radio and tv. steve harrigan has been a total and complete rock star. amazing tonight. stay with the fox news channel. more coverage of hurricane harvey, straight ahead. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. itthe power of nexium 24hr protection
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dr. sebastian gorka will be here on this program on monday night. stay with the fox news channel tonight. all weekend long. continuing breaking news of the hurricane. our prayers for everybody out there. we will see you back on monday. >> good evening, 11:00 p.m. on the east coast. at 10:00 p.m. in corpus christi, texas. you are looking live as hurricane harvey, a massive category 4 storm bears down on the lone star state. literally do do to make landfal any minute now. fox news has a live team coverage. we will take you to the area where the eye of the big storm has been hitting hard for several hours. update on harvey's path and what we should expect in the next few hours. fox news meteorologist joining us now. >> this is the eye of that storm.
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