tv Hannity FOX News August 30, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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hurricane harvey.y. we'll be right here at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow, if you can't take it, don't forget to set your dvrs. "hannity" is up next you're not going to want to miss that. ♪ >> sean: many thanks to our friends at "the five," welcome to "hannity," this is a fox news alert. millions of americans are struggling to deal with the devastation that is caused by hurricane harvey. the media? what are they doing? rushing to politicize a national tragedy in yet another pathetic attempt to bludgeon president trump politically. you won't believe the latest examples of what is extreme it media bias. president trump goes directly to you the american people. he's pitching his tax reform plan to give people jobs and out of poverty and on food stamps. dana rohrabacher is now saying
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julian assange is saying that there was never any trump collusion at all. the destroyed trump media will never let a crisis go to waste. they are now exploiting all the devastation and destruction caused by a harvey to launch yet another new attack against president trump. that is tonight's very importang opening monologue. while the media politicizes another tragedy president trump is leading the way on this recovery effort along with a a governor and lieutenant governor of texas. offering his full support. here's what the president said earlier today in springfield, missouri. >> the citizens of texas and the gulf coast need all the prayer,. support and resources our communities have to offer. recovery will be tough.r, i have seen the resilience of the american spirit first hand, all over this country.
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to the people of houston, we are here with you today. we are with you tomorrow and we will be with you every single day after. to restore, recover, and rebuild. >> sean: the destroy trump media, they won't focus on how hard the president and good politicians in texas are working for all of these flood victims. instead, the biased press are stealing a page from a democrats playbook and just like chicago mayor rahm emanuel once said it never let the crisis go to waste, he was talking about millions of americans are facing carnage and heartbreak caused by what may end up being the most expensive natural disaster in the history of this country. the media seemingly don't care at all.ry they are using this as an opportunity to go after the presidents. yesterday the president traveled to texas wanted to survey the damage. and offer his full support.
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of course, that's not good enough for the elite left-wing media. it never is. if he cured cancer, it wouldn't be enough. they still found a way to twist and distort what the president's trip was about. for example, the partisan press tried to great a fake news controversy over the first ladie's shoes when she went aboard marine one. how small, how petulant, how petty, how insignificant is the left in the media in this country when that's all they care about? they are failing miserably and exposing then they took things a step further. they tried to say president trump has no empathy for the victims. take a look at their new lineup of attack, they're highlighting all of the examples with our favorite sound again. watch this. >> today president trump visited texas but he forgot to bring in empathy [ding] with him. he used hurricane coverage to promote trump merchandise. >> it was very striking he
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didn't mention the number of people who died [ding] or even try to empathize with the fact that people are genuinely suffering. >> he's concerned about optics. i wish they would be concerned [ding] about people. >> i don't think you can understand the human scale of misery [ding] he's calling more attention to himself, he needs to chill far more empathy for the people [ding]el >> i was hoping he would have more empathy [ding] >> very little in terms of empathy [ding] in terms of emotion, talking directly to the people of texas. [ding] >> sean: this is beyond petty come of this to be undiscussed and, this is beyond shameful. if the president has no empathy for suffering americans, really? they were not paying attention to his campaign. that was based on helping
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americans get out of poverty, off of food stamps. the forgotten men and women in this country that need jobs. as we've been showing unite in a night out but this is what the media does. they always find a way, even during a tragedy to go after the president. try and discredit the president, delegitimize him, the first lady, his family, his advisors. anybody that likes him and is associated with him. it's why the president took to twitter this morning to fight back and put out his truth. which is obviously what people needed to see. he wrote "after witnessing firsthand the horror andnd devastation caused by hurricane harvey, my heart goes out evenre more to the great people of texas." then he wrote "after reading the false reporting, ferocious anger, it does make me wonder why. all i want to do is make america great again. texas, louisiana, we are with you today, we are with
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you tomorrow, we will be with you every single day after to restore, recover, and rebuild." this week, the line of attack is the president is heartless. let's pay attention to the shoes that his wife is wearing. last week, the president is unfit and unhinged. it never ends. this shameless agenda continues to be exposed. i think it's all going to boomerang back against them. they wanted from day one to damage with every chance they get, if they can't find it they will make up a reason. regardless of what he does. it's you, the american people who will remain suffering and guess what? it is not the out of touch,he overpaid, lazy, left-wing ideologues that are my so-called colleagues, i'm embarrassed to be associated with them in thees media. they were so wrong about the 2016 election, they don't care about the president's agenda. we told you last week about all of the items of success, they never reported on them.
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all the proposals that will help americans, after eight years of failed obama policies that needed never reported on. with the media cover fairly the president's tax reform pitch that he put out today? here he is saying why america desperately needs to have tax cuts and overhaul the tax system. >> i am fully committed to working with congress to get this job done. and i don't want to be disappointed by congress. first, we need a tax code that is simple, fair, and easy to understand. second, we need a competitive tax code that creates more jobs and higher wages for americans. it's time to give american workers the pay rates that they have been looking for for many, many years. the third principle for tax reform is a crucial one.
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tax relief for middle-class families. fourth and finally, we want to bring back trillions of dollars in wealth that is parked overseas. millions of struggling citizensn will be lifted from welfare to work. they will love getting up in the they will love going to their job. they will love earning a big, fat, beautiful paycheck. they will be proud again.ov i am asking everyone in this room and across the nation to join me in demanding nothing but the best for our nation. if we care for and support eachh other and love each other, then we will truly make america great again. >> sean: do you ever hear any ideas from the media? have they ever offered up ways to solve the problems of those
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americans that are in trouble or suffering or ways to make people's lives better? no, they are obsessed with tearing down the president, russia, russia, russia, prussia, russia, examining the presidents mental states, what about their trump derangement system? it's time for congress to get on board, get behind this tax plan. it will create jobs and tax legislation, look at this fox poll on the issue of passing tax reform this year. the 49% of registered voters said yes, it's important. 78% said it's unlikely to happen. that means it's time for congress to get to work. wait until we show you the polls about congress and paul ryan and mitch mcconnell tonight. they need to pay attention and compare their poll numbers to the presidents. the american people need things done. it's good for those people who are left behind. if congress can pass tax reform like ronald ragan did, it will unleash a new wave oft
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american prosperity had millions of new jobs and get millions of americans off food stamps and out of poverty and back in the labor force and a shot at the american dream. it's time to put the country first. congress, get busy. joining us now is the counsel to the president, kellyanne conway. welcome aboard. can you please tell the audienca what kind of shoes you're wearing tonight, they really want to know. >> i don't engage in such petty nonsense. >> sean: it came up on my radio show today, my staff say what shoes i wear. i didn't know i have a hole in my shoe until the day, i didn't know. this isn't funny when people are dying.g. everything they worked their whole lives for is being destroyed. and this is seriously what they want to talk about. this is not funny anymore. >> that's one backdrop, the other backdrop is north korea launching a missile against japan and invading theirr sovereignty.
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violating general of international standards. your opening segment is very you basically asked the question when will the trump detractors, naysayers, and critics particularly those in the media, the question is when will it matter? we saw that in the campaign and we see it in the presidency, he does not let them stop's agenda. today is exhibit a, he went to missouri, the heart of route 66, mainstream america. and basically said to them, we will be manual fitting fracturing jobs and coming back. you deserve a pay raise, you deserve a tax cut. the instruction page is over 240 pages long, but the instruction page. we are spending billions of hours, costing millions of jobs because of this outdated tax code.
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the tax code currently favors the rich. it favors those who can afford lobbyists, lawyers, accountants to help them figure out how to pay little to no taxes. he went to missouri today to tell the nation until the congress when they get back next week that this president is setn on reforming the tax code and giving relief to middle-class families. he went to texas yesterday, the vice president is going tomorrow. the president will be back there and possibly louisiana on saturday. he's not going to allow the people in the peanut gallery who should be spending their time connecting people with information tell them how to get diapers, pet rescue, food, medical supplies. medical care.di look at what our cabinet members are doing. they are there with thein president and the vice president instructing folks as to where they can get much-needed you've got the media obsessedhe with trying to tear down the president, i think it's not going to work.
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>> sean: let me put up another favorable opinion that came up, 44%. paul ryan got some things done in the house, good for him. more than they've done in the senate. then you look at nancy pelosi, 31%. mitch mcconnell, 20%, 18% in his own state. i'm hoping they are paying attention that the present remains twice as popular because he's doing his job and keeping his promises. i think congress needs to get on board finally. >> these are data, which were very much aware in the white house white house. why don't you throw in the mainstream media numbers as well.. somebody can call me and let me know when the president's approval rating gets as low as the media approval waiting.
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this is an incredibly important point. people are saying he strained to make good on his promises, he believes the moral imperative to get health care reform done, to get tax relief to middle-class families. he is urging congress, he said today to revise themselves and rescue themselves by passing tax reform. that's the president reminding them that they stood in the way of him, pen in hand at signing into law health care reform. it got 29 million americans without health insurance right now. you got 20 million who opted out of obamacare. 6.5 million whoec they paid a penalty because they didn't want this great thing called obamacare. it's important because you have a president who remains to getting it done. were working withth governors, this is the president ready to work with the congress. they need to come to the table and get serious. our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by harvey, recovery and rebuilding will take a very long time, we are acutely aware of that.
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>> sean: maybe next time i see you i have a new pair of shoes. >> just come barefoot and we don't have to talk about it. >> sean: earlier i spoke with texas senator ted cruz. the stories of heroism and the people i have interviewed, neighbor helping neighbor has been amazing. i've got to give your governor a lot of credits. i've got to give your lieutenant governor a lot of credit. the federal response, you have 30,000 national guard troops. are you confident, this is a question i asked the governor last night in the short term, there are people that need food, water, medicine. baby formula, cots, blankets. my friends at my pillow sent a 60,000 pillows over. are you confident all of these in the short term will be there. good enough plan for those people that will be years away from getting back in their homes? >> i am, number one is the preservation of life., we've seen incredible heroes from first responders, firefighters, police officers, ems, national guardsmen, coast guardsmen, rescuing lives, the
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storm is still ongoing in east texas and louisiana. those rescue operations are underway. the next stage is going to be rebuilding, i spent this morning at the shelter at the george brown convention center helping start breakfast, helping care for people there. we had 11,000 people who had lost their homes to spend a night there last night. we are seeing churches and charities and private citizens throughout the community stepping up.p. it has been incredible, the most incredible part, officials put on the call of citizens. if you can help, step up and help. we have hundreds of ordinary men and women what a flat bottom boat, a jet ski and went out and rescued their fellow citizens. a couple of days ago i was at the emergency command center, there's an entire wall of post-its of all the people who called in and said i got a boat, i can help. hundreds upon hundreds come of death toll is horrible time, we
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lost one brave police officer, so many people risk their lives. we're going to have the resources of the state level, the local level in the federal level. the president has committed unequivocably to supported the people of texas and congress in a bipartisan way, i've had senators from both partiesrs reaching out to me saying we're going to stand with texas and texas will come through this and were going to be stronger. >> sean: i know my friends at samaritan's purse are there, i know churches all hands on deck. our thoughts and prayers, we are very sorry for all that's happened. we wish you the best. we'll continue to focus on this in the days, weeks, and months ahead. earlier this month, republican congressman dana rohrabacher went to london, he meant with julian assange face-to-face. the california lawmaker now working on arranging a meetingrs with the is it possible that russia trump
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collusion never happened? we'll find out next, in that "hannity" investigation straight ahead. ould trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere... is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors.
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jackie ibanez in new york. bettering the gulf coast right now. hours ago rising to 31, and that number is expected to climb. massive deployment of state and federal assistance responding to the crisis from the coast guard and nadi, as far away as alaska. new danger on horizon, the chemical plant in texas, seen right here from a nearby highway, risk of explosion. this plant losing electricity including the chemicals there with refrigeration, people evacuated with a 1.5-mile radius, speaking to them saying that the fire will happen, resembling a gasoline fire, will be explosive and tense in nature, the question is when? i must be poor, now back to "hannity," for the headlines log on to >> did russia give you the
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information or anybody associated with russia? >> the answer for our direction is "no."o. >> you did not get the information about the d&c? can you tell the people 1000 person you did not get it from russia or anybody associated with russia? >> we can say, we have said repeatedly over the last few months our source is not the russian government. it is not a state party. >> sean: julian assange denyingh russia had anything to do with giving wikileaks the dnc emails during the 2016 election. earlier this month republican congressman dana rohrabacher of california travel to london, he met julian assange face-to-face. the first congressman to do that. he predicted that if the american people know thehe information that julian assange has and he would be the one guy who knows the truth where it all came from, they would be
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outraged. congressman says that a meeting is being arranged between him and the president to discuss what he was told by the wikileakscu founder. bill binney, 34 year veteran is also questioning the russian hacking story, watch the spirit -- this. >> the nsa has all the fiber-optic tabs across the united states and even around the world. i knew they would know if packets were being passed around the u.s. or outside the u.s. or anywhere in the world. they could trace them and see who got them. they did that with the chinese hack that came from a building in shanghai. they can do the same thing with virtually any hack.k. i began to question that assertion that they were hacking into the dnc. >> sean: i had him on my radioas program, he said 90% certainty.
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34 veteran, nsa, it was not russia. some news outlets are also reporting that a former u.s. spie doubting the the russian hacking narrative. why some u.s. ex-spies don't buy the story, even the liberal nation order to report, raises big questions about last year's dnc hack. "the washington times" did the same thing, joining us now, california congressman dana rohrabacher. it is true if there's one person on earth that would know the source of this, wouldn't it be julian assange of wikileaks? isn't it true that they have never been wrong in 11 years? >> i don't know if they've never been wrong but i know that he is the ultimate source. >> sean: they've never been proven wrong. >> the thing that he released was honest and truthful.l. some of the things he's released i will have to admit to
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you i would've preferred him not releasing. i thought it was wrong but you take a balance of what's happened, he is disclosed massive amounts of information. of which the government has been keeping secret from us. i think it's a good thing that american people have transparency in their government. >> sean: i've interviewed him four times on radio and one time on tv, i asked him numerous times would you ever release anything that would put people in the field, innocent people in harm's way? he swore he would not. are you convinced that's true? i can't think of an instance, can you? >> when you say whether or not someone is intentionally doingng that, i certainly don't believe he would intentionally put americans or military people at risk. some of the things have come out. it's not only embarrassing but perhaps it's something that would have been best handled behind the scenes. our government and all governments around the world have tried to hide massive
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amounts of information about what they are to them their own people. i think what we have in wikileaks is an exposure -- >> sean: i don't mean to interrupt, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, three times, five times, allegedly, julian assange at 16 hacked into the dod. hacked into nasa. he's 45. at what point is it america's fault that we have not built cybersecurity to prevent that from happening? do we blame our own government for its failure? >> i just have to say that i don't think our government should have as many secrets as they have. keeping information from us. >> sean: they're not doing their job. we should be unpatentable after 35 years. >> we should be unpatentable but
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we also should make sure information that doesn't serve to be secret should be available to the american people, in that, he's doing a great service. >> sean: he would be the one person that knows where this information came from. do you believe that this russia collusion narrative will be proven false and do believe he holds the key? >> the answer is absolutely yes, this idea this unrelenting sinister story about how trump colluded with the russians in order to steal the election is a total con job. it's a fraud, it's masking a power grab. what they are doing is they are trying to undermine the ability of the person, to assume the power and authority and
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appointments that the president of the united states is given from the voters. >> sean: it is possible that the media has led to the american people, the democrats have lied to the american people for nearly a year and they disrupted the flow of information in this country. for nearly a year. what is the percentage certainty that it has all been a lie? >> in terms of what i believe, looking into this i think it's about 99%. it's a total lie. of course you have these people who politicize our intelligence agencies. o the obama appointees who jump into here into this giving credence to a total fraudulent analysis of what happened. this was not something where russia with trump, they are stealing the elections. >> sean: doesn't robert t
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mueller then need to talk to julian assange? doesn't he need to look at the evidence or attempt to get the evidence, to secure about the truth. >> these people haven't even looked at hillary clinton's collusion with the russians where they put tens of dollars. the clinton foundation, unbelievable. then they want to find out that someone with president trump actually talk in some ways? i've had a lot of people who have attacked me, i am the chairman of the committee that oversees our relations with russia. it is my job. >> sean: you have a specific message for the president of the united states. in this environment, is it going to be hard to tell it privately? dana rohrabacher is sending back messages from julian assange. is that going to be possible, and if not will you go public
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with what you know and obviously he wants to be left alone and go to ecuador is what i would imagine. t >> i think that's probably it. i think the president of the united states needs to hear with the details are a meeting between myself and thd president is being arranged. the purpose is to alert the american people to the truth. >> sean: if he has the truth that will blow this lie out of the water and 99% certainty, does he deserve immunity if he reveals the truth to the american people? >> if the truth is revealed to the american people, this is a game changer in this unrelentine hostile attack by the media and this power grab by the left wing. if he helps thwart that, he deserves a reward. >> sean: dana rohrabacher will have you back next week.
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♪ >> sean: last week the country learned that dr. sebastian gorka was no longer working for the white house. he still vows to work as hard as he can to push through the president's agenda and to drain the d.c. swamp. joining is now the man himself, author of the best-selling book defeating. i was surprised and a little bit shocked at this happening. you told me that you believedt you could help push the president's agenda better from the outside, tell us what happened. >> what everybody understands i think your viewers and the fox followers' last year on novembev the eighth, it really was an insurgency.
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it wasn't the establishment that one, it was in the g.o.p., it was a new york mobile, a tycoon of real estate with his merry band of scrappy insurgents that won the election against all odds, crushed 16 competitors,, defeated a woman who spent $700 million. when the inauguration happens, this small band of merry men and a couple of women enter the white house and it's a hostile takeover. a classic hostile takeover. >> sean: most people wouldn't understand this. i looked at some of the remarks, you talked about the bureaucrats, policymakers, we see congress, weak and pathetic, spineless, visionless, i don't like they have an identity anymore. you're saying he's battlings people within the white house, what does that mean? who are these bureaucrats? obama holdovers? >> it's not just obama holdovers. i'm not going to fuel the palace intrigue because i was the brunt of that as well as anybody else
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on the side of the megatrain. one of your fox colleagues summed it up very well. they were talking about my boss steve bannon leaving, whatever you think of him, he would not have been at home in the clinton white house. we have people in the white house who not only would have been at home in a clinton white house, they probably would have been cabinet members. that's the reality when a small band of people go against the swamp. i decided after the afghan speech by the president, thesp best thing i can do to support his agenda is to come out of government service and use all the tools available to a private citizen. i assured the president on saturday after i resigned that i am -- he asked me to support him and i said i'm going to support you 100% from the outside. it's about the long game.m >> sean: i know you mean that, and i will say this.
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i've never seen a president have to deal with a leak a day from within his own government. conversations with presidents and prime ministers. if they don't stop that leaking, the unmasking come of the surveillance at all the, shenanigans, espionage actoi violations, it's going tor be problematic for the entire country. >> the unmasking is the big story, steve, stay tuned.. >> sean: did you say steve? or sean? >> sean. stay tuned. >> sean: thank you, dr. gorka, we will have you on often. files about the disturbanceen scandal, why? we have the reason, it will shock you. and brand-new fox news contributor tomi lahren, geraldo rivera way in the straight ahead. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. try super poligrip free.
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dale! oh, hey, rob. what's with the minivan? it's not mine. i don't -- dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat? oh! is this one of your motorcycling friends? hey, chin up there, dale. lots of bikers also drive cars. in fact, you can save big if you bundle them both with progressive. i'd like that. great. whoo. you've got soft hands. he uses my moisturizer. see you, dale. bye, rob.
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but i needed help - help with my insurance - and that's what naic provides. they have resources to help you and your family make the best decision and they'll help you to keep moving forward. just like me! >> this is a fox news alert, i'm jackie ibanez in new york. facing challengers as the flood waters from tropical storm harvey, a big pass -- >> it is devastating, the damag damage. waking up in the morning, and a house full of water. a crying baby. you don't know what to do. i did not expect any of this to happen at all. we just need help.
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>> so heartbreaking, rising temperatures a new hurdle for the rescue crews that have been working around the clock, the 911 operators overwhelmed by thousands of calls for help. harvey blamed for six -- 31 deaths, but that number is expected to climb. i am jackie ibanez, now back to "hannity" ." >> sean: the fbi's used on the freedom of information act request to release files whether investigation into hillary clinton's private email server,o the reason is beyond bizarre. and i don't believe it. the letter from the fbi to the lawyer who put out the foia request said you have not sufficiently demonstrated the public interest exposure outweighs personal privacy interest of the subject. tomi is new to fox, you're a 50 year tv veteran.
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i'm going to go to her first all the time. >> i would hope so. >> sean: welcome aboard the fox news channel and our audience is very familiar with you, you've been on a ton of times before. how would this not be in our best interest?t? it's in everybody's best interest to get the truth, right? >> of course it is, the funny part of this whole thing is that her privacy trumps our right to know. when you use a private email on a private server, your privacy rights are out the window when the secretary of state of the america. you don't have privacy anymore. i personally would like to know. >> sean: you're a lawyer, subpoenaed emails. let's say i deleted 33,000 subpoenaed emails. let's say i took a hammer to my blackberries and iphones to make sure they don't' exist.
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and then i send the fbi other devices with no sim cards. i hire you to protect me. what's the first thing you're going to do? b probably give me a cake with a a file in it because i'm good to need it? not even you could get me out of that. >> i would do that and much more for before i get into the substance of your question, welcome, i although i have is to disagree with many of her political positions, i think she has intelligence, reasonable, she's got more importantly to me and you, true grit. welcome aboard. in terms of the substance of her answer and your obvious concerns. i think this is a disaster for republicans to get anywhere near this stuff. it's already destroyed the career of jason chaffetz. the a promising candidate adding for great things, i think he's an afterthought.e they were made fools of the
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emails. >> sean: you don't believe in equal justice under the law. you want a two-tier justice system.ju i go to jail and she gets off the hook. tomi would go to jail too. >> if she was going to go to jail, she would've gone to jail in the summer of 2016 when he announced there was nothing criminal there. enough already. >> sean: you go after geraldo, take him on. >> i have some friends that spent a few hours in benghazi who would really like to know what was in those emails and like to know why she deleted them. saying the public doesn't have the right to know, that's a load of crap. how about we make a deal, how about when the mainstream media stops countering russia, and i think of going to stay on it. >> with all due modesty, i was
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on who was killed in benghazi, i know the turf pretty well, i don't take a backseat to anyone when it comes to that regard. russia is another big yawn. this is a guy to check out as a possible polluter. a guy who works for debbie wasserman schultz. there is fertile grounds for investigation. moving forward, forget about history and sordid history, political history. go forward. what is the d&c hiding? >> sean: who gets to delete s emails that are subpoenaed? geraldolcome aboard, you're good to have your hands full. she's going after you. my job got so easy. when we come back in with a caller exclusively reporting debbie wasserman schultz who had been indicted by a grand jury still has an account that is active on a house computer system. the reporter breaking that story. next
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statements. tonight the daily caller is it i reporting exclusively, debbie wasserman schultz is i.d. staffer still has an active account. how is that possible? joining us now, the one reporter in this country who actually sees this for the news that is, daily caller investigative reporter luke rosiak. let me get this straight, this is a guy who had family members who worked and got fired at mcdonald's. another one worked at a car dealership. double billing, they knew it for a year, she kept him working. broken government hard drives in his garage. and he still has an active account, really? >> he's been accused of fraud throughout his life, all kinds of red flags. he's been indicted, the cops are all over them, this whole time he's got this second email address.
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this crazy email address. this is a backdoor into the house system. even with all the attentionkd on him, even with the fbi all over this.ll all of the case. he's got a backdoor which is something that hackers do. they get a backdoor. authorities banned him from the network, they say this guy is a danger from congress, it's been active the whole time up until yesterday. >> how is it possibly have more government hard drives busted up? why did she keep them on question market do you believe the story that this is about i didn't want to racial profile somebody? >> all you have to do is pull up the civil lawsuits that these guys have been in. they've been accused of fraud by muslim neighbors and relatives, their own stepmom says they extorted her. these guys, there's every indication they would do anything for money. when you talk to people who do
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-- knew them in real life, that's what four or five of them have said. then you have democrats who have been talking for the last year about how serious hacking is. they are told by the police at the guy is a criminal suspect. debbie wasserman schultz, what you think about how remarkable this is. she says the fbi framed him. that's quite an accusation to make against law enforcement in this country. >> sean: we will continue to follow the story, were not going to let this go. the fact the media doesn't report on this, congratulations, keep on, we'll have your back on when we come back, more "hannity" right after this ow keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
10:56 pm
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11:00 pm
we are not the establishment media. see you back here tomorrow nigh night. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the city of houston is still coping with massive flooding at this hour in the aftermath of hurricane harvey. it's awful. waters are finally receding. more than 20 have been confirmed killed so far. rescue missions throughout the stay so many people and nursing homes are evacuated from flood waters. we'll have updates throughout the hour. meanwhile, america is waking up to the menace of antifa. the left wing agitators that fight against oppression by violent oppressing those that oppose them. this weekend that the got violent and ass
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