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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 31, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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chair. for all our viewers impacted by harvey, you are in our thoughts and our prayers, where rooting hard for a quick recovery for you. good night, everybody, . ♪ >> kimberly: this is a fox news alert, welcome to "hannity," and kimberly guilfoye into night at fort sean. rescuers go door-to-door and searching for harvey victims in texas. officials are getting a better understanding of the massive amounts of devastation caused by the hurricane. so far, nearly 1,000 homes have been damaged or completely destroyed. vice president mike pence was on the ground earlier today to survey the destruction firsthand. take a look. >> as the president said in his visit here earlier this week and said again yesterday, i say today. on behalf of the american people, with the leadership of president donald trump to the people of texas, we are with you today, we will be with you
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tomorrow and we will be with you every day until this great state and these great communities recover and rebuild to be even better and stronger than ever before. >> kimberly: president trump has pledged to donate a million dollars of his own money to victims of the natural disaster. tonight, growing concerns over potential of a new storm system to develop in the gulf, a report on that in just a minute. but first, great to mike trace gallagher is on the ground. >> if you look at the headlines it shows that the water is rising, and it's true there are people going back into their homes in some neighborhoods being able to assess the damage. that only tells half the story, there are a lot of neighborhoods around the houston area where the water is just now coming in, with the flooding is come again and at the rescue effort is back
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in high gear. watch. >> flooded houston neighborhood, six days after the storm. the sun is shining and the water is rising. imagine five or six days after the storm, someone comes to your house and says you have to evacuate. these are all vulnerable to the reservoirs. the water keeps flowing over, if you don't let enough water out, you have the possibility of the dam bursting and everybody gets flooded. they let enough out that only certain neighborhoods get flooded and the rescue effort ramps back up. how many rescues have you had in the past couple of days? >> me and tim him poured pullen 5060 people out. some people decide to say and they do it for a multitude of reasons. because their lives are not in danger, the rescue teams are not
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pushing them to mandatory leave. in some cases, they are going back and delivering food and water appeared too many people who decide to stay in their homes, they have no way to get in or out. these are people who just two days ago thought they had dodged a big bullet and it did not turn out that way. >> kimberly: thank you so much. let's go to steve harrigan, he's in texas tonight, steve. >> the waters are rising east of houston in this area, it's still very much an active rescue operation. throughout the day today, we saw a number of water rescues, people going out and flat bottomed boats try to save who they could, the sky was much more high-tech. blackhawk helicopters and c-130s, a mix of people going door-to-door. a number of people out in the boats are volunteers. some of those have come from far away like this man we spoke to.
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>> we had the resources to take care of this. we were fortunate, we help them in the time of need and that's what it's all about. >> he came from arkansas on his own dime, he's been rescuing people here for the past two days. people who survived the flood, evacuated early, got out on tim time. many just brought up close for a day or two, not think of the water would stay this high for this long. we've seen them come out during the day to the edge of the water here. they point down this street to their neighborhoods. some of their house is invisible underwater. back to you. >> kimberly: thank you, in orange texas tonight is rick leventhal with the latest. >> we are in orange texas just off of i ten, one of the many communities underwater. it's difficult to see because is not well-lit.
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there's a lot of water out here, the national guards sending out boats from this location today to pull out people from homes. one bit of good news, they are using this big boat, they had to pull this out of the water because it started to recede. this particular boat is to make it now for this particular area. they are sending out zodiac's and a flat bottom boats to affect the rescues and that will continue overnight. again in earnest tomorrow morning. obviously flooding is a major issue in this region including beaumont or another major issue is the luck of running water. the main pump station and secondary pump station both inundated overnight. they lost water for 120,000 residents of the city of beaumont. that forced a hospital to then evacuate nearly 200 patients at baptist beaumont. the first 16 to be taken out were elderly patients who were taken out of a nursing home,
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they spent the night in the hospital, this morning had to get onto helicopters and be flown to another hospital where there was running water. not just people being rescued and evacuated but animals as well. we are on the north end of beaumont earlier today. firefighters were rescuing a couple of horses that had escaped their stables and round up on the front porch of a house that was engulfed in deep water. the horses were scared and trapped. the firefighters worked tirelessly to encourage the horses in one case pulling one with a rope. the other, guiding it out of that flooded neighborhood so those two horses could be brought to dry land. that neighborhood flooded today. it wasn't raining. in some parts of texas, the water was rising today, that's an ongoing concern. at the rescues will continue around the clock. >> kimberly: thank you so much, a developing situation. as texas continues to recover from hurricane harvey, a new
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storm system may be developing in the gulf. fox news weather center with more. >> the peak of hurricane season, is it in until september 12. there's still plenty of activity to be tracking, let's begin with what once was harvey. beginning to run up and we'll see nashville, eventually lexington get hit by that low pressure system. that will be arriving on saturday. if it moves that direction, not those 30, 40 inches but still significant rainfall as you look at places outside of nashville getting close to a foot of total rain. that rinse scatters off toward the east. you're looking at widespread rain. it is all going to be because of what once was hurricane harvey. there are a couple systems we are paying attention to. only a 10% chance of becoming a storm in the next five days but look at where it's at a bridge right there in the gulf of mexico. this is not a place where we want to see a rainmaker form, it could drift up the coast and get into the houston area along the
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gulf coast, let's hope that one doesn't come to fruition. one that's already been created, this is a monster moving across the atlantic. already a category three to get up to category four, some models will bring this up to a category five. still a long ways away, as you pay attention to our timing, were going to be running all the way up till tuesday and it hasn't made landfall yet. at that point it becomes a little bit indecisive. one model brings it up toward the east coast, the other taking it to southern portions of the caribbean. if this is one we're going to be watching very closely here for the next week. >> kimberly: thank you so much in the extreme weather center. joining us now for more on the recovery efforts is texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. thank you so much for being with us tonight. this is a very important story. please tell our viewers where you think that things stand right now in terms of the rescue and the recovery effort.
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>> the storm has shifted, it's moved across the state about 30. that's why you have the most current and important rescue going on in beaumont. if that's where the water is heaviest. the rescue continues in houston, it was a winch damage storm in the west. one of every ten has been displaced, there with friends and family elsewhere with got hotel space. we have security and rescue efforts going on and 500 roads that were still closed. i want to thank president trump who has been on this from before the storm hits. we've gotten tremendous cooperation and service from fema. i'll tell you what, we are texas tough. as the word from literature at one said the worst of times in the best of times, this is the worst of times for many but the
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best of times by seeing the quality of american volunteers coming from other states, the quality of the volunteerism of texans. if you saw that first responder swimming next to that horse, all these volunteers. we've had our own dunkirk flotilla to save thousands of people. ten to 15,000 people have been rescued many by our volunteers and first responders. if >> kimberly: what else do you need it tonight in your state, what is the best way to direct their efforts to provide assistance or help for those in need? >> give to red cross or samaritans purse, charities that we know are here on the ground. those are two, we need a lot of money. many of these people didn't have flood insurance, they've lost anything. the only thing they have as their backpack on their back, the kids don't have a niece and. if what is remarkable, the
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biggest disaster in the history of america, and every life is precious. right now we think it's somewhere between three dozen people have lost their lives, that is a miracle. we need prayers, we need the financial help. remember this, right now at a time when much of america was divided, they are all focused in helping, in texans, there are no republicans and democrats, or moderates or conservatives. we are one texas helping each other. texas tough, will survive, will prevail, and we will lead to show others how to take on these type of disasters as we learn from this. >> kimberly: certainly texas is truly a shining example to the rest of the country of what we can do when we come together like you said. president trump echoing the same comments and sentiments that you are sharing with our viewers tonight in terms of coming together. there are those that criticize and question the president's
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action saying he didn't show empathy enough. he should have gone down to hug at victims of the ravitch storm area. relief is so sorely needed. >> i saw the president on tuesday and had a chance to visit with him, with the governor and our two senators. i can tell you this: we all think he played it pitch-perfect. he didn't get in the way of first responders, he didn't take away from the effort. he came into corpus where things had settled a little bit, they still have issues there. he inspired the people. he came here to say i'm leaving on this issue. what i like about the president, he's a business guy. we have a problem, what do we need to get back in business, what do we need to get texas up and run again fix it? he has been all in from the declaration that came out so quick as he set about 35 seconds before the storm really hits. he and governor abbott are close together, i'm proud of our
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president, i'm part of what they are doing. make no mistake, we know this is going to be a long recovery. we still have problems as the report shows, it's going to be weeks, months before everything is back to the new normal. i'm grateful for everyone, our local officials, our county judges, our mayors. you can't imagine, every day we have a briefing at 8:00 a.m. you can't imagine a long list that we have to go down. just like a beaumont. were going to have to supply water for every citizen. bottled water that has to be trucked in. if i victoria yesterday, we were shipping and bottles of water for 80,000 people. that's a massive effort to get in. et cetera menace operation. we've been through it before, nothing like this. it was the worst of times and the best of times, i'm so proud to be a texan and i'm so proud
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of all americans outside of texas who decided they wanted to be a texan. i always tell people when i give a speech, no one moved to texas, they arrive here and texas moves into them. >> kimberly: fantastic. >> they want to stay, and they do. >> kimberly: i think about it, the luxury, water. we take it for granted, clean drinking water for those who are sick. to be able to have that to be able to survive. water continuing to rise in some areas, as you say texas is strong. the president is coming back to see you. >> i understand he's coming in saturday. our prayers go out to our friends in louisiana and other states, experiencing heavy rain. it is a difficult time for so many. people have to go to their new
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normal. how do they get their benefits? all of those things to get back to life, you can buy new stuff, you can repair sheet rock and get new carpet. people are so grateful to be saved and to be alive. i was out with one of those rescue trucks in a neighborhood with high water the other day. no one knew i was on the truck, i'm helping the volunteers, they had this old army truck. a lady came up to me in a neighborhood that was pretty desolate. it was a ghost town. looking for people who wanted to get out. she recognized me, it was my oldest senate district where i used to be a senator. she said if i have known you, i would've made you dinner. i thought what a great spirit she had. ice don't you want to get on the truck with mark i don't want my cats to drown. i'm going to do the backstroke
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back to my house. that's the kind of spirit you see. >> kimberly: so many inspirational stories but >> thank you and fox for everything you have been doing, you've been putting a focus on this and we really appreciate it, we really appreciate it. >> kimberly: it's our job to do that, thank you so much for sharing these stories and giving us insight tonight. texas underwater and resilient and strong. coming up, the french satirical magazine charlie have are undee for marking hurricane harvey victims. former governor mike huckabee's next expert james comey has sims explaining to do because two senators are saying he decided to let hillary clinton off the hook before interviewing key witnesses in the email case, stay with us but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm.
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♪ >> kimberly: welcome back to "hannity," the controversial french satirical magazine charlie hebdo is in trouble depicting people drowning in hurricane harvey as.
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wearing a confederate flag and mocking him for taking aid from the federal government. joining us now with reaction is former arkansas governor and fox news contributor mike huckabee, thanks for being with us tonight. when you see these headlines and people do these type of things, why these publications print what many people feel and deem to be such offensive material? what good does it do to mock victims of hurricane harvey? >> i guess because so many people on the left just have a despicable view of other human beings. how else can you describe something like this? it's one thing to pick on politicians, government officials, i get that. all of the people in public office ask for those things. to say that people who are
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dying, they are hispanics, they are after hispanics, it's really beneath the dignity of civilized people to somehow think that that's sporting to make fun of victims in a hurricane. >> kimberly: this is the day in terms of apologies. people still imperil from drowning, as we heard from our reporters tonight. at some waters are still rising in other areas. this is far from over. >> there's no way that all of the television stations and networks reporting can give the full impact. mission they they can show anect this is a world of great human
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suffering. to treat these victims like toys, playthings, objects of their derision. it's embarrassing for the human race that there are people who claim to be educated, claim to be sophisticated and this is what that means to them. you know the good news? the good news is that people around america are bringing bottled water, they are bringing boats. they are reaching out and instead of laughing at these victims, they are out there with their arms and their legs in the water up those people get to safety. give me those folks in a day over a handful of left-wing idiots and i think that's the comfort we all get from watching the heroic work of good, decent people who are doing heroic things in the midst of great danger. >> kimberly: the cartoonist tried to defend the drawing
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saying he was just mocking the secessionist movement and it was not aimed at texans. i do think that justifies what he did? >> at least they had the good sense to pull it. they should apologize for that. it's tasteless, while people are currently this very moment rescued out of floodwaters, making fun of anybody who's in a floodwater. it's just beneath the dignity of anyone, except people who live in their nice warm bubbles, they've never faced calamity. i'll tell you something else i've never done. they've never gone out there trying to rescue the people who are in calamity. if they could get off their high horse and get down in the water and go and rescue some desperate people, it might have have a different idea about what's funny. this bill and i think about it sergeant perez putting it on the line going to work to try to save a life and he lost his.
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in these deadly floodwaters. this is it so much of a crisis tonight, just a disaster that the whole country needs to come together to help these people that are suffering. i want to thank you for your time, always a pleasure. >> thank you. >> kimberly: coming up, according to two senators, former fbi director james comey decided to exonerate hillary clinton in her email investigation before the bureau interviewed key witnesses in the case. was the fix end? at jay sekulow ari fleischer way in next. ll so small, ll so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. love you too, dad. ( ♪ ) ♪ i will love you in... dad, dad, your tie! ( ♪ )
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♪ >> although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> kimberly: and that was then fbi director james comey announcing back in july of 2016 that the bureau would not recommend charges for
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hillary clinton, a bombshell new discovery from two u.s. senators is casting doubt as to whether he was taking investigation into intense misconduct seriously. senators chuck grassley and lindsay graham alleged that he dropped a statement. long before fbi agents finish their work, according to senators, the statement was drafted before hillary clinton was even interviewed. joining us now with reaction where the shocking new revelations from the american center of law and justice, president trump's attorney, jay sekulow and fox news contributo contributor, former white house and press secretary ari fleischer. this was a huge story, quite a bombshell. it's one of that many people were talking about during the campaign. now we're seeing the story have some legs to it. begin with you, do you feel that there is a violation?
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>> i think there's something more serious. it was a fraud on the american people. you've got james comey with emails going back and forth or he's drafting three months where they interview 60 witnesses. including the target of the investigation, exoneration. it's a letter before they entered with the witnesses. you've got to ask yourself really what's going on here? james comey had the nerve to testify under oath that he had to come forward last july to make his statement, because the whole process where loretta lynch met with president clinton on the tarmac, cast out on the scope and nature of the investigation and the integrity of the department of justice. here's the fact. evidently he artie made up his mind three months before the investigation is underway. this whole thing was a fraud of
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the american people. it >> kimberly: it's beyond conduct unconscionable, interfering with the system of justice as we know it. the investigation was predetermined. that's why people are outraged and upset. really keying in on this particular story tonight. i'm going to go to ari and ask him. is there any reasonable excuse for drafting a statement like this early on? see if you can come up with one. >> i have tremendous respect for the fbi, i have the deepest thoughts of the integrity of the institution. this is a check in my belief in the integrity of the institutio institution. what we are hearing is if this is true, that investigation, the most high-profile important thing that the fbi is doing was a sham. the only excuse i could think of it i hope this is true is that he also had a similar statement that he was good to bring criminal charges. perhaps he was being diligent, i think if that was the case, the investigators would have found
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documentation for that as well. they only founded for the exoneration. >> kimberly: that would've been the best way for them to exonerate to say let's play this down a second bridge we actually prepared to in the event, the outcome depending what it was. if they don't have the evidence to substantiate that and he has always said i am meticulous about it, i take notes, i type things up. wouldn't there be some kind of record or notation to back that up? >> of course. if there is also something else here. if there's testimony senate committee were the individuals including the singular domestic senior counsel said that this ig forward document. there's going to be in exoneration. you've litigated cases for a long time as well. who in the world would draft the document three months before
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when this interviews are complete including the subject and target of the investigation, some of the key individuals involved a question mark 16 or 17 witnesses not interviewed. that's what i'm saying. this goes to the heart of a false statement that was made by james comey, when he went and made that whole statement in front of national tv where he lists out the charges of guilt, nevertheless no prosecutor would charge it. it takes another thing. she didn't bother to recuse herself after she had the meeting but that should have been the department of justice making this decision, not james comey. if the fact that he got away with that is inexcusable. >> kimberly: he did get away with it at the time. >> deputy fbi director andy mccabe has explained this too. it shakes her faith in the bureau, everything the american people have to believe the fbi. when he came out with that finding against hillary, i
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didn't like it but i accepted it through the you have to accept what law enforcement tells you or our society breaks down. comey has a lot of explaining to do. the american people have a right to hear it and they need to be held to the fire. >> kimberly: you're absolutely right. they deserve justice in this case. i think you're right about that because we saw shades of this being highly problematic as you said, he'd stepped over the bounce in terms of his role. head of the fbi and became judge and jury. no reasonable prosecutor -- that is not your job. that undermines the credibility of the investigation right ther there. >> no reasonable fbi director whatever link the conversation he had with the president of the united states, no reasonable fbi director would do that too. >> kimberly: quick final comment, what should he do?
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>> he should demand to hear what happened. this is serious, it gets him under corporate we must trust the fbi, he needs to outage. >> kimberly: the hard working men and women of the fbi put it on the line every day to serve this country, they deserve better than that. thank you so much. hillary clinton has released dates for her book tour and a big surprise, she is charging top dollar for a vip tickets, were going to explain just how much. were going to get reaction from charlie hurt and larry elder. lieutenant colonel allen west joins us later tonight, stay with us. you know who likes to be
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charge. >> i want to be able to afford it. at least she found wisconsin, she was able to find the upper midwest. >> kimberly: gentlemen, when you lose wisconsin, you lose morning joe like that and they're poking fun at you in wisconsin, you know you're in trouble. joining is now a fox news contributor charlie hurt and richard fowler, radio talk show host larry elder. 3,000 canadian dollars for a vip ticket. she could get the people to show up to vote but they had to pay i guess, i don't know. >> she probably will get people to show up and hear her. it's so amazing to sit back and think about what an extraordinary politician her husband was and what a terrible politician she is. the idea that she is this a tone-deaf and the name of the book is what happened? this is what happens.
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the idea that she would go out there and not realize the optics that all of this would look for her, this is what happened, this is why she lost. >> kimberly: she is not just emptying the pockets of americans, she wants to bleed canada dry. >> she is not charging the 200,000 that she charges wall street. i think it's probably cheaper to wait for the movie. i'm a big fan of presidential memoirs, even memoirs of defeated candidates, you learn a lot. walter mondale in 1984 loss to 40 states to one. he calls george mcgovern who had lost 12 years earlier and said when does this stop hurting? mcgovern said i'll let you know if this happens. one of the most stinging defeats in presidential history. she had the money, she had the endorsements. the dnc had the thumb on the skills for her. she was supposed to win this thing prayed for her to reflect
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why she lost i think it's fascinating. i'm looking forward to reading her book. >> kimberly: what you make of this, i'm all for free market in capitalism. you go hillary and head over to canada and go around the u.s. i think she's trying to pick up some votes for the next time around, this is not over yet. >> i don't think she's running again but i think larry is buying a book. i'm pretty sure he might pay for a $3,000 $3,000 vip ticket in . and there you have it, he's getting a vip tickets maybe, just maybe, charlie might go see her at the wonder theater here in washington. she might make $4,000 right here on this panel. there you go. bear with her. >> may be the obama's would take time shopping from property in martha's vineyard, 12 to $15 a
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pop. >> kimberly: you see how he worked at in? i've got something else for you right now. there you go, equal opportunity. >> maybe donald trump would buy a ticket too. >> we know he's given a million dollars to harvey eight in houston. he's got the money sitting around. >> took us to go around. >> let me ask you this. do you think were going to hear yet another excuse for why it was fabricated? >> the stupid states that she made, immediately followed by more stupid mistakes which i don't really understand. i tell you what i don't think were going to find. i don't think were going to find any genuine soul-searching as to what went wrong and how democrats have completely lost any real message that appeals to
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this working-class voters. until i know you want to find the answers to this. until there is that real genuine soul-searching. i think democrats are going to be in trouble. >> i don't know but that we haven't read the book yet. one xers talked about how she should have handled donald trump when he hovered around her. here's a tough lady, she accused donald trump of being a sexual predator but she didn't want to tell them to back off. she's not strong, tough woman i thought it was fascinating and very revealing. >> kimberly: especially the audio version of that was sort of creepy. >> i tend to agree with the point he just made. there are moments i thought were i wanted to see this here and you're to hear me roar katie perry hillary stand up to the bully and she didn't stand up. if i want to hear more about that particular part of the book. we have to see whether or not she talked about what democrats need to do moving forward.
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how did they get back at the spunk that her husband had in the 90s. does she talk about that in the book? also i don't know if charlie is right that were looking for a message, a recent fox news poll said that 56% of the americans think donald trump is ripping the country apart. maybe the message is there somewhere. >> that has absolute nothing to do with the lack of message for democrats. >> it says that trumps messages and working. >> kimberly: they don't have a candidate or anybody to run with right now. >> they don't have a set of priorities. >> neither do the republicans at this time. donald trump was their nominee, he became the nominee because the republicans never had a message and all the establish meant candidates left a message. he ran over them because of tha that. every party has their storming a norm again were going through that right now print >> the left
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platform the democrats had was the one that barack obama provided. we know the democrats have lost over a thousand seats based on that platform. >> kimberly: wasn't a good candidate, he was a good candidate he was a good public speaker. he showed up in the places that hillary clinton did it. let that be the lesson. >> he was the only one who could went on that platform. >> he gave us the work economic recovery since 1949. >> kimberly: larry is going to give a shot in. >> donald trump is benefiting from the economic policy today. the reason why the stock market is high, the reason why were single this job comes back is eight years of economic growth. >> kimberly: all of you guys make a lot of money, so go buy some of the tickets and report back to us about hillary. coming up, with antifa violence
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spiraling out of control, newt gingrich is calling on the media to condemn the radical leftist group. lieutenant colonel allen west is here with reaction, stay with us or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424.
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>> kimberly: in light of several instances of it antifa a
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protest and violence, today newt gingrich is a new op-ed out asking this important question. why doesn't the media condemn left-wing violence courts mark joining us now with reaction, fox news contributor, lieutenant colonel allen west. thanks for being here tonight. this is something that really has sparked debates. we have seen the reaction too many things now over the past few weeks and the reaction has been a little bit silent on some of the violence by these hate groups like antifa, newt gingrich said why want the media condemn the left-wing violence? >> it's a pleasure to be with you, let's have a little history lesson here. it's the democrat party that gave us our very first domestic terrorist group, they were hoods and covered our faces. now the democrat party is doing it again with a group that is not wearing white but they are wearing black. still they are wearing hoods. they are up their faces. the same mantra continues on. the use of coercion, intimidation and violence to promote their ideological agend
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agenda. i think it's shameful that you have the liberal progressive media that refuses to call this out, and you also have individuals out there trying to make it seem as though antifa are some type of vigilantes, trying to work against those people being neo-nazis and white supremacists. i'm waiting to see antifa protest against planned parenthood clinics because it was started by a white supremacist. >> you look at the core valley and the message what they stand for and they hide with covers over their head, massachusetts, don't want their identity revealed all while they are acting out, committing illegal crimes. committing crimes of violence and hate. let's talk a little bit about nancy pelosi. she actually did come out to denounce the movement, your thoughts.
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>> she's the only one so far, i haven't heard anything from barbara lee, from adam schiff, or even diane feinstein of california. they've been at this since the inauguration day. just now were hearing some from nancy pelosi. what pelosi is concerned about, she wants to win back the house. she does not want to see the democrats be tied to this group. she is standing out there all by herself. where's bernie sanders? wears elizabeth warren, where's cory booker at all of these individuals. if chuck schumer coming out and saying we reject, we renounce this organization and its continued violence. if this is a domestic terrorist group and this is a group that is subversive in its nation and its actions against honest citizens. >> kimberly: they should have courage. these elected officials to speak out and not be hypocritical. they should call it as it is, they are domestic terrorist him group. lieutenant colonel, always a pleasure to have you here tonight on hannity.
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coming up, more "hannity" after the break, stay with us. attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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>> kimberly: that's all the time we have left this evening but you can catch me on the rest of the crew, be sure to follow me at kimberly guilfoyle. before we go, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of texas and louisiana tonight. they have indeed a long road ahead for the recovery and it will take time, but they've already shown that they have been resilient and we have witnessed tremendous acts of courage and kindness. we want to thank you for being with us tonight for this important show. have a great night. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." southeast texas remains a dangerous place at this hour despite the fact hurricane harvey has moved on. a chemical plant in crosby, texas, is racked with explosions and fires after a critical refrigeration system failed in the storm. a hospital in beaumont has been forced to evacuate its patients to protect them from flooding. elsewhere in the state, recovery efforts are underway. vice president mike pence stop by for a while to help out. america may have to brace for another storm, though, on the horizon as hurricane irma, gaining strength at this hour in the atlantic, possibly headed for the united states. not expected to do so, we'll be tracking it, keeping you updated on the ongoing situation in texas.


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