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tv   Fox and Friends Saturday  FOX News  September 2, 2017 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ [national anthem] ♪ >> the people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every single step of the way. >> the president and first lady will return to texas and louisiana to meet with the storm survivors, the evacuees, the rescuers, the volunteers. >> president trump has requested nearly $8 billion in initial federal aid for hurricane harvey recovery. >> they are taking care of the people, not republicans, not democrats, everybody. americans. >> fox news alert. a new fire hat broken out at new chemical plant in crosby, texas. >> 37,000 houses in texas are like this behind me, 3 to 4 feet of flooding here. some of those houses are actually completely under
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water. >> be strong and everybody will be okay. >> when one part of america hurts, we all hurt, arm in arm, we will strive. we will endure, and we will emerge stronger than ever before. abby: in a matter of hours, president trump returns to texas getting another firsthand look at the aftermath of hurricane harvey. todd: this as evacuations are still underway for areas where the waters are still rising. clayton: griff jenkins is in houston right now and he joins us live with the very latest on this disaster. good morning, griff. >> good morning, guys. that's right. it's day 8 and evacuations continue. we're in the western party of houston just behind me. the addicks reservoir. anthey have asked for voluntary evacuation here because reservoirs are going to be, according to the army corps of engineers pumping water out of them for at least the next 15 days
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because of the amount of water in them in these neighborhoods and the immediate area of these reservoirs in western houston are subject to further flooding. and the situation is very dangerous. you can see it's mostly power out. it's verieery. the houses dark, quiet. water everywhere. this as the houston mayor sylvester turner yesterday explaining why he is telling people here to go now. >> if you are living -- if you are living in homes where there's water in your home, i'm going to ask you in the strongest of terms because the reremain in your homes the next 10 to 15 days is simply not in your best interest and neither is it in the best interest of our first responders. >> in that point on the first responders very important. the police chief acevedo
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putting incredible stress to get people who otherwise should leave because of the dangerous situation in these neighborhoods. these first responders have been at it 8 days and he said, quote, we are simply not going to be a water taxy. this as the president comes and visits houston before going to louisiana. he is going to find a city that is still trying to move from rescue mode to recovery. and in some areas, as we have seen, some homeowners returning to it they are finding their property. they are trying to recover. there is still some rescue. of course, that death toll as many at least 40. we expect that to certainly rise in grim scenes as the waters recede and we find things. in fact, just about half a block away from us, rescuers yesterday finding a body in a home there. not confirmed yet. part of the storm damage, but certainly very likely, guys. a tough scene in day eight here. abby: have you seen it all,
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griff. have you done an amazing job, thank you. clayton: among that water the concern chemicals in the water and runoff from the chemical plants. there is no need to test this water at all. it's totally contaminated. the health disaster from people we we might not know for months and months touched that water. abby: have had no choice to be in that water as the water was rise go ahead over their homes and cars. the president is going to be on the ground today, pete. i can't imagine the emotions he will have. pete: continue to invest in the fact that this is ongoing disaster. it's not just the floodwaters rising. now they recede and threats still exist. president will be heading to houston later today and going to louisiana as that storm has moved eastward. yesterday at the white house he had this to say about what it is being faced down in texas and louisiana. take a listen. >> americans have always come to the aid of their fellow countrymen. friend helping friend, national helping neighbor, stranger helping stranger. we've seen it perhaps more
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so than at any time so vividly at least during hurricane harvey. from the beginning of our nation, americans have joined together in prayer, during times of great need to ask for god's blessing and god's guidance. when we look across texas and louisiana, we see the american spirit of service embodied by countless men and women. i have watched the coast guard. thousands of lives have been saved by our great coast guard. they have done incredible work in the most vicious seas that they have seen in many, many years. pete: as the president mentioned, sunday has been declared a day of prayer for the nation. both in texas but also for the nation. abby: that's what that state is about. i heard some of the victims talking yesterday down here it is about faith and about family. that is what is getting us through. this. clayton: and staying strong. not out of the woods yet because now another possible hurricane on its way. this always seems to happen.
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oh, no, we are starting to see the rumblings of a new hurricane forming out in the atlantic. could we see hurricane irma putting its sights on the same region that just had to go through all of this. rick reichmuth was warning bus harvey and the days and weeks ahead of this. now we are starting to see hurricane irma churning in the atlantic. rick, what can you tell us about this next thing we are facing? rick: i'm going to del but that. i want to tell you real quickly about any rainfall across parts of the southeast. there had been rumblings, also, of a storm out across parts of the gulf again. not going to happen. no real rain this week across parts of the south, which is great news. it is hot and it is very humid though which is not good news for all of that debris and water sitting there. if you are wondering what's going on, why are we getting that you will activity? we are about 9 days away from the peak of hurricane season. this is when you would expect to see the worst hurricane activity. at least the most of the activity. that right there is irma. category 2 storm. forget about the category at
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this point. it's so far out to sea, we expect to see big fluctuations in this intensity wise. very strange to be seeing a hurricane that strong that far out in the atlantic. usually when that happens, these things deflect to the north and don't see them hitting land at all. this one we can't say that for sure. and in the short-term expect to see this move to the southwest, general direction toward the west. if you are in the lesser antilles you need to watch this. maybe puerto rico watch this a little bit. the baums are "the big story." this storm is going to move into much warmer water over the next couple of days that would allow it to strengthen. a lot of models seeing this getting up to a category 4, category 5 hurricane sometime in its lifetime. east coast of the u.s. i cannot tell you if it will or will not have a landfall impact. but i can't tell you it won't. macy the most important part. it would probably be next weekend, early part of the week. need to continue to watch this. todd: most people did not
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have insurance in houston. so now you have the opportunity where insurance companies are allowing coverage, binding coverage still. so if you are worried about it. abby: that quickly in 10 days? clayton: can you do it in an afternoon. if you don't have insurance for your property, flood insurance. now is the time. pete: flood insurance is not like obamacare. you can't have a preexisting condition. you can't get it after the flooding. you have to have it before. clayton: once the insurance company says we aren't writing policies until the storm passes. you are out of luck. abby: 10 days out as we saw with hurricane harvey so difficult to know where things are going to land. keep an eye on it for you. a lot of politics. pete: and controversial politics. storms and reactions happen in realtime. the washington, d.c. time line moves along none the less. there is a big decision facing this white house and this president daca. the dreamers and what is done with their status. of course, barack obama issued an executive order during his term to carve
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them out of serve policies and laws in our country to allow them to stay here. now, ten states are threatening a lawsuit against this white house saying enforce the law. they are here illegally and you have to enforce the law. it's creating a de facto deadline for this white house. as it happens, both sides weighing in and we heard from both nancy pelosi and paul ryan yesterday on what they think the president should do. here is nancy pelosi and her statement. she said deporting patriotic, courageous young men and women who are american in every way would be disastrous for our communities and our economy and our nation. that is why i'm writing to the president to ask you to meet with members of the congressional hispanic caucus and other members as soon as we return next week to discuss a comprehensive legislative solution for our country's dreamers. abby: for nancy pelosi but also on the other side paul ryan who agrees with nancy pelosi here. here is what he said in a recent interview. >> i actually don't think he should do that. these are kids who know no
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other country who were brought here by their parents and don't know another home. and so i really do believe that there needs to be a legislative solution. that's one that we're working on. and i think we want to give people peace of mind. clayton: there are a number of other individuals, companies, large corporations that came out over the past few days and issued an open letter, google, apple, facebook, twitter and a number of other companies came together and pledging support for damascusca. they said economically it would cost $460 billion from the national g.d.p. and $24 billion from social security and medicare tax contributions. their argument these people pay taxes. they are here and working. they are so actually putting money into the system. pete: the argument from the president it says he will not continue the policy. we have laws in this country. and you don't get to as an executive as barack obama did carve certain people out of laws. so i would point the finger back at nancy pelosi and paul ryan. you want to change this policy, change the law.
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there is a reason why barack obama did an executive order on this. and not -- it isn't the law of the land. because congress loves to bark, bark, bark, yip, yip, yip, talk, talk, talk. if you wan pass a law nancy pelosi and paul ryan. the buck has been passed to this president who believes in law and order who thinks the law should be passed on the books as they are. abby: this is an issue that is emotional one. we have seen the president get emotional talking about. when he is talking about children. ones that have been brought here through no fault of their own and you can't just kick them out. he talked about on the campaign trail once you get in that office as president of the united states you see the realities and you talk to these families and these children. i think it's a really difficult one. i think we have seen him struggle with this a little bit. and now punting it to congress maybe you can throw it on them to say hey, i'm following through with what i said i would do on the campaign trail but now congress is going to have to
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do something about it. clayton: thom tillis monologue on tucker carlson. he was for drafting amnesty legislation and wanted alternative to damascusca. he hasn't done anything about it he hasn't actually put forward any of these plans. is he waffling back. tucker took him to task and others last night for this. listen. >> republicans won big last fall, not simply because they weren't the party of hillary clinton but because they promised to undo key parts of barack obama's legacy. so far they haven't. but now almost 10 months in to the republican congress, top republicans on capitol hill have finally found an issue they can really rally around, preserving president obama's immigration policies. republicanrepublican have repeay shown that campaign pledges were lies. they show more affinity in many cases for president obama's policies than they do for the current president. when a bunch of republicans are crurexd in next fall's congressional elections, they will try to blame the president it might have been easier to listen to the president's voters.
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pete: you could apply that to the repeal and replace of obamacare as well. talk to me and lie to me what i are going to do and don't do it. frustration among american citizens is put americans first. do you know how many people are out of jobs. have you opioid crisis. have you crime in chicago. have you failing schools. our vets in waiting in line. yet everyone obsesses over damascus da. i get the emotional argument and should have that discussion. what about the problems of citizens in our own country dry being under served. abby: talking about the bigger picture. if you promise you are going to do something, go and frickin' do it. that's your job. clayton: speaking of vacation over, congress returns to the swamp next week with a long list of unfinished business and low approval ratings. our next guest says if republicans don't get their act together their jobs may be in jeopardy. abby: that's a good sessionway. pete: far left picked a fight with the man who may be michigan's next senator. kid rock. this morning kid rock, as he always does, fires back big
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time ♪ i was born free ♪ i was born free ♪ born free not free enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy.
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provides up to twice as much pressure relieving power, so you wake up feeling like a champion. through september 17th, save up to $500 on select adjustable sets. tempur-pedic sleep is power. pete: next week congress is back with approval ratings new low. new fox news poll showing 15%. yep that's 1-5 approve of the job congress is doing while a whopping 74% disapprove. how can congress turn those numbers around? can they at all? our next guest talks to voters every single day to find out issues important to them. mark meckler is the president of convention of states and is here now to break down those issues. mark, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. pete: one of the largest grassroots conservative organizations in the country. you are talking to voters all the time. what do they make of what congress is doing right now? >> disgust, white hot anger.
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things are different today than i have seen them in the last 8 years. today people are so angry. they are just beside themselves. they see congress doing nothing. they have see a congress trying. they are frustrated. pete: president's approval going down. is there fire or anger at the president or congress? >> when i see that in the media. i don't know who they are talking to, as i talk to the base every single day i haven't spoken with a person who is frustrated with the president. they know the president is trying. he don't give him 100 percent. they see the president trying to keep promises but they don't see congress trying to keep any of those theirs. >> first is tax reform. >> the president talked about tax reform. it's a common sense issue. if you watch the president's speech like i did and some grassroots did, nothing in there that they disagree with. they want to see it get done. frankly, the sad parted is they don't believe it's going to get done. pete: republicans have been talking about this forever if republicans can't do simplifying the tax cut and
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cutting taxes what can they do. >> 90% of people have to pay somebody to help them with taxes. that's outrageous. it shouldn't be that way. pete: we have looming shut down funding over the wall. what do the grassroots say about that? >> shut it down is what they say. we saw a government shut down previously for people had almost zero -- frustrating on folks in the military. they don't get paid. congress could fix that. carve out the bill. they are frustrated that this isn't even on the table. mcconnell davimccaves before the negotiations begin they don't like that. pete: how about the debt ceiling as that looms? >> people have come to ignore the debt ceiling because it's a fake ceiling. they never keep the debt ceiling. they always blow past it people don't believe they are going to do anything with it again, concede ago point before we get into negotiations. pete: almost recognizing washington last a spending addiction. they are probably not going to change that. >> that's true. we have been seeing it again since the beginning of the tea party movement. people paying attention to it every time they raise the
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debt ceiling. we wish they would at least use it as bargaining chip. pete: healthcare is, it dead? are they still animated about repealing and replacing obamacare? >> they are furious about that one. that's the 8 year promise. that brought republicans to power in the house and senate. they tore out nothing. what they proposed was a weak, watered down version that wasn't even repeal. pete: you have run conventions in state. what is convention of states. >> the constitution in article 5 gives us the power to go around congress, go around the president, go around the courts and restrain the power of the federal government. 72% of americans say it's too big, does too much. we do have the power to do something about that using a convention state. pete: turns out our founding fathers knew some day we might need the power. >> shocking. pete: coming up, there is a conspiracy, right? black clouds consulate hours before it closes its door.
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why the fbi now being asked to get involved. harvey may be moving on, the healthcare in texas are far from over. dr. siegel spoke with h.h. secretary tom price about the government's effort on the ground. one day a big bad wolf huffed and he puffed and blew the house down. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped the pig with homeowners insurance. he had replacement cost coverage, so his house was rebuilt, good as new. the big bad wolf now has a job on a wind farm. call geico and see how easy it is to switch and save on homeowners insurance. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis... ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors... ...we chose prolia®... help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones...
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clayton: welcome back. you see this? black smoke seen billowing out of the russian consulate hours before closing. firefighters givings the all clear. russian officials refusing to say what they were burning in the fireplace in there. by the way, the temperature yesterday in san francisco was 95 degrees. so you didn't need a fire in the fireplace. they actually had a heat advisory. it's rare in san francisco this time of the year. the russian ministry says they will ask the fbi to look into it.
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and we're learning at least 19 american diplomats stationed in cuba are suffering what u.s. officials call mysterious sonic attacks. symptoms include mild brain injuries and permanent hearing loss from several incidents dating back to december and the most recent was as early as last month. it's unclear who is behind those attacks. pete: is it unclear? clayton: yes. abby: thank you, clayton. now to a fox news alert. health and human services secretary tom price says thousands of lives were saved after the government's response to harvey. pete: dr. marc siegel had a chance to speak with the secretary and joins us now with a look at what they're doing to help victims on the ground. good morning, doctor. >> good to see you guys. when president trump called this a natural disaster a week ago and tom price basically doubled down on it that's a public health emergency that mobilized forces that brought supply lines into place. i visited dr. price down in d.c. at the operations center and he and like a
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surgeon to me. instead of triaging one patient. he was triaging services for millions of people. let's take a look. there is much concern medically about what survivors could face from injury and infection in the short-term to mold, asthma and post-traumatic stress in the long term. since declaring a public health emergency this week in texas and louisiana, health and human services secretary, dr. tom price has been mobilizing help and supplies to the region. >> it's amazing work that's being done in this room to help the people. >> the h.h.s. operation center is open 24/7 and currently tracking care provided on the ground in east texas and louisiana. everything from hospitals to shelters, to dialysis centers and whether they are open or closed. and who needs help. >> there are a lot of people who are electricity-dependent for their own health to people on dialysis or oxygen concentrators and folks have
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electric wheelchairs and no mobility about that. hhs are the ones who know who those people are down to their name and address. the only way that the local folks know who they are so that they go knock on the door and say are you all right, mrs. jones, is that we give them that name and address. >> the agency's main focus right now is keeping medical supply lines open. >> the challenge in this storm, because of the incredible flooding that has occurred is getting the resources to the individual, so the pharmaceutical supplies are available, making sure we get them to the individual. the dialysis units are available. making sure we get them to the individual. that's the challenge. it's making certain that the individual patient, the individual person who needs that assistance is hooked up with where that assistance is being provided. >> you can see on the board behind there, it tells which you dialysis centers are open. which are closed. how to divert services. how to get supplies to individual patients. that's the key. they rehearsed all of this in advance of the storm. clayton: it's amazing.
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it looks like a nsa control center. one of the concerns has to be the chemicals in the water. even the package we saw woman walking through the living room not wearing waders. arsenic and lead. >> sulfa dioxide can get into your lungs. it's a big concern. these are huge problems in the floodwaters. you made a great point. people should be wearing boots. when the stuff gets into the fabrics have you got to get rid of the furniture or the clothes. abby: i'm sure there are long-term impacts people won't see symptoms for years. >> absolutely, abby, and the mold that's going to be there as the buildings deteriorate is going to cause asthma and allergies. pete: you have to cut it out. >> yes. abby: thank you. clayton: fox news alert. all eyes on another hurricane for the united states. national weather service putting out a new warning about a social media storm? rick reichmuth is tracking all of that next. pete: president trump about to announce the fate of daca.
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what advice would rachel campos duffy give the president? she joins us next. we will find out ♪ ♪ [notification tone] ♪ i love your vest. your crocheted purses have wonderful eyes.
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media. pete: who does that? the photo shows hurricane irma allegedly heading directly towards the texas, louisiana gulf coast. the national weather service says not to trust anything that does not come directly from them. clayton: or our own rick reichmuth who has been tracking this next round of hurricanes, rick. hurricane irma out in the atlantic. rick: i'm glad you brought this up. horrible thing that somebody would do that. kind of meant to scare people in texas. if you see any kind of a forecast that goes out 10 days, it did not come anywhere from the national hurricane center or from any legit meteorologist meteorologist. it's from horrible news making up some graphic. anyway, but we do have a verily jet mat storm here. houston, you are not at all in the path of this. do not worry about it. but we are watching this storm pull off to the west. we do then it will strengthen into probably a cat 4, cat 5 hurricane. here is the deal. when you go back historically the last 50 years, any storm that has passed within 50 miles of where this storm has been.
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this is where the track maybe. only three times those storms have impacted u.s. land at all. all of the time they have stayed offshore. climately probably not going to happen it's going to hit the shore. we are having a hard time with this storm, the models have been all over the place jumping from one spot to another. that's why we don't have any completely firm forecast on this. we know it will pull off toward the west. probably the lesser antilles having some impact maybe wednesday, thursday. probably though you are going to be on the good side of this storm where i'm a little bit worried is in say towards the bahamas. here would be the message across the eastern seaboard from florida to maine. this would be probably the weekend to make prep if it is going to happen. if if it does impact u.s. it would be likely be a very strong hurricane. that is if it does happen. if you are thinking maybe i want to get some food in my house want to get my gas or whatever, do it this weekend because this -- there will will be a lot less lines there will be a lot more
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availability for whatever you are trying to get the next weekend. we have enough warning on this one. not saying it's going to happen. we will let you know right here once we get a better idea. guys, this would be the good time to prep instead of a couple days before. clayton: also, call your insurance company. so many people in houston had no insurance. find out what kind of coverage have you right now. abby: thank you so much. keep a close eye on that. pete: bring in fox news contributor rachel campos-duffy. >> good morning, everybody. pete: thanks for being here. obviously a ton going on with weather and hurricanes. we are tracking that. also in washington, d.c. there is a looming hurricane with the decision on damascusca. president obama started the program provides work permits from illegal immigrants brought to this illegally as children. what's the path forward here? >> because of harvey and because we don't want to take our nation's focus off of this important problem and then have this big emotional hurricane as you
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called it if i was advising the president give it three month one time extension and then tell congress, look, send me a bill, if you give it to me before the end of that deadline, it should be a border security bill and a dreamer bill. i'll sign it because you can't solve the problem of the dreamers without dealing with the border. and we do need to deal with the dreamers. they didn't brake the law. their parents did. there are people on both sides of the border. adults, who caused this problem. it's the dysfunctional corrupt government of mexico that drove their parents to want to come over the border and frankly it's the democrats and their open border policy that incentivized their parents to come over. we have got to solve this. pete: and republicans, too. let's be honest. republicans are supporting. this paul ryan saying we need tox tend daca and shore this up. >> sure. anyone with a heart wants to solve the problem for these kids. clayton: billions of dollars at stake according to silicon valley who say this can cost the economy
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$460 billion and $24 billion out of social security and medicaid because they pay into it. what would an extension look like and what would a bill from congress look like that would actually fix this? >> a bill from congress, first of all, has to include border security. i think we just grandfather those who are in the program right now. into this dreamer act that gets them somehow either legalized and on to a path to citizenship. abby: you are a mexican american. so this is something that is personal to you. you are passionate about. >> i'm an american first, abby. abby: that is something we know with you, rachel. you were on outnumbered yesterday. all the women got pretty passionate when we talked about the optics when president trump and his wife melania wept down to corpus christi earlier in texas the media complaining about her wearing heels at one point. the fact didn't hug enough people. you went on fo you said melania america loves you, stilettos and all. don't let the hypocrites change your style. >> one of the reasons donald
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trump was electside he is authentic. we all got sick of inauthentic phony politicians. you remember seeing hillary clinton faking an african-american southern accent or, you know, try be to be just like us at chipotle. we didn't buy it. pete: republicans come to wisconsin and put on a plaid shirt. go duck hunting. >> they fake it i think what people like about trump they are authentic. she as you will that feminine woman and she got on a plane wearing heels as she should. he went in on this first visit as a ceo, managing the situation which we now know he is doing a really good job of, and i think there is a the lo of criticism about who should. i don't want a fake hug. abby: doesn't mean if he is not compassionate. clayton: i don't want a fake and i don't want a fake hug.
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even if michelle obama would have shown up like this she would have been picked up by the press. >> she showed up at a shelter to serve food wearing pricey sneakers that were outrageously expensive. i don't know if she got slammed for that or not. here's the deal. i don't think we should judge women. and the irony is that the women who are calling melania out are the same women wh were criticizing the people who were credit siding hillar -- criticizinghil. there is hypocrisy there let melania be melania, stilettos and all. she looks fabulous and making america great again fashionwise. pete: you were here from wisconsin a couple times. hillary clinton famously did not go there and lost the state. she will be there for her book tour. will you be there? >> i will say this, some people compromise national security and go to jail. others go on a book tour. she will be there. i think there is a lot of
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bernie supporters very angry at her. she better be aware. i do recommend she try the cheese kurds which are absolutely delicious. clayton: you are pregnant. or if you are not pregnant can you cheat cheese kurds, also. cheese -- puts in handcuffs for not drawing a patient's blood. >> stop. i did nothing wrong. >> detective was demanding a blood sample from unconscious patient involved in a crash. the nurse refused saying that she legally needed either a warrant, the patient's consent or the patient to be under arrest. the salt lake police have apologized and a criminal investigation is now underway. and the most charges against 18 penn state fraternity brothers involved in the death of 19-year-old timothy piazza. they have been dropped.
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those students facing involuntary manslaughter and assault charges that have could have landed them behind bars for 14 years. students are l. stand trials on lesser charges that could result in two years of jail time. two students have been dismissed. died in february fog a night of heavy drinking at a pledge event. kid rock has not officially announced is he running for senate. already forced to fight back against attacks from the left. ♪ cowboy, baby ♪ cowboy baby ♪ abby: liberal watchdog group accusing the singer of violating campaign finance laws by launching kid rock for senate website and selling merchandise. the musician responding, quote number one i have still not have announced my presidency and number two see number one and go blank yourself. kid rock polls are on the rise against michigan democrat debbie stabenow.
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pete: please, mr. kid rock, run for the senate. >> pretend to run for senate and put up a website. pete: we don't want fake hugs or fake candidacies we want senator kid rock. one of the highlights of president trump's first visits to texas. waving the lone star stated flag. >> president just held up my flag. donald trump just held up my flag. [cheers] pete: that's a happy man. that flag belongs to 15-year-old that patriotic teen will join with us a story about how he got it back. it's a little complicated. clayton: plus violent clashes like these are shocking the country. homeland security saw this coming more than a year ago, if they knew why didn't they say anything about that? a whistle blower speaking out. >> let him go. let him go.
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hey richard, check out this fresh roasted flavor. looks delicious, huh? -yeah. -and how about that aroma? -love that aroma! umph! -craveability, approved! irresistibly planters.
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the clashes coming. pete: new report 2016 during the obama administration. the fbi and homeland security warned of the growing danger. some documents even calling antifa domestic terrorists. clayton: joining us now is former department of homeland security whistleblower of author of see something, say nothing phil handwritingy. phil, nice to see you this morning. >> good morning, thank you. clayton: this new report about this warning and i will read it on your screen here. this is part of what it had to say the purpose of the investigation according to the april 2016 assessment to determine whether the u.s.-based anarchists might start committing terrorist bombings possibly at the republican and democratic conventions, that summer. do you buy this report? does this jive with what you know during your time there? >> yeah. it sounds just like what i used to do when was i active duty, investigations and assessment. that's exactly what dhs was founded to do, department of homeland security. the disconnect comes in transmitting that information to the state and local level.
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dhs is supposed to pass it down the chain of command to the local and the state level and then it's up to the law enforcement officers and structure at that level to implement the findings of the assessment of the investigation. and now that is apparently where the disconnect is. pete: is another disconnect diviewrg the obama administration we heard about potential threats from right wing extremist groups. is that intentional or was it missed during that time frame? >> >> there was a lot of familiar labors on the wrong syllable during the obama administration. that's why i called the book "see something, say nothing." that was happening quite a bit. dhs personnel like myself we were doing our job and we were creating -- putting the information together and pass it through the chain of command. but then when it got down to the local and state levels is when the disconnect would happen. and we are seeing the
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results of it now on the big screen. right out like what you are showing on your monitor right now. that's the results of inaction at either the local or the state or the federal level. clayton: you told our producers ahead of time. while you were at the department of homeland security you were to look at right wing extremist groups not left wing extremist groups. can you elaborate on that? >> my particular focus was islam and islamic groups. i didn't spend a lot of time, but we were told that the emerging threat was right wing extremists. you might recall a year or two ago there was a big emphasis on that. clayton: right. >> but very little was said about the left wing. clayton: who told you to do that? >> they come down through memos. at the time jeh johnson and before him was janet napolitano. they send memos down through, you know, internal memos. we read them on our -- in our email. and we basically either in what we call musters where
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the whole team gets together and we have a briefing in the morning. and these kind of directives and policies are passed down the chain of command until they hit the local level like i worked at the atlanta airport. and so we would have these morning musters and we would get the directives from on high from the chain of command. and implement them or be affected by them. and it was gradual incremental thing that happened over time. pete: that's how the bureaucracy works. quick last question. you said you worked on islam. was radical islamic terrorism down played? were you intentionally told not to use that or not focus on that? >> oh, i would say so. that would be an understatement. i was told to remove information from the system it wasn't just passive down playing. it was a deliberate and intentional removing of information from the system. and that still, to this very day, has not been restored. and that's one of the things that i was hoping the trump administration would address is the restoration of that information back in to the
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system to help us avoid what we're seeing on the big screen today like with antifa and other groups operating both here in america and around the world. pete: some have called this president the see something, say something president. you wrote the book see something, say nothing which is an unfortunate reality. phil haney thanks a lot for joining us. >> you are welcome. thank you. pete: our military is going bo and beyond rescuing more than 6,000 people from harvey's wrath. the commanding general of the u.s. army corps of engineers joins us from the flood zone he joins us next hour. clayton: one of the president's first visit to texas waiving texas flag. it belongs to 15-year-old patriotic teen. is he here to tell us how he managed to get it back ♪ it's america ♪ ♪ ffing from scratch.
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clayton: a fox news alert now in a matter of hours, president trump will return to texas to survey the damage and meet with some of the victims and volunteers that are responding to harvey. abby: during his visit earlier this week the president proudly waived a texas flag that belongs to a 15-year-old boy. >> he just held up my flag. >> who? >> donald trump just held up my flag. [cheers] pete: now that flag is back in the hands of that patriotic teen. joining us now is 15-year-old marcos. abby: hey, marcos. pete: people assume those moments are staged let's hold up a texas flag. can you say i had a flag and someone asked me for it tell me how the flag got in the hands of president. >> at first everyone was
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asking the whole crowd, does anybody have a texas flag so we can hold it up? does anybody have a texas flag? here i am me and my flag trying to hold up the flag. and somebody takes it from the front and starts bringing it to like the front. and the security guy, the secret service guy, sorry, he gets it and then brings it over across the road and he then -- one of the other guys tries hanging it up on the fire. clayton: the fire truck? >> the fire truck, yes, sir. but that didn't really work out. so he just ended up giving to donald trump and donald trump held up my flag. abby: that's so cool about that marcos is that picture you have seen is people all over the world have seen this photo now. it's such a powerful image. how did this feel for you being a 15-year-old boy that the president of the united states is holding the flag that you brought to this event? we saw your reaction.
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you looked so excited about it. >> i think it was insane. it was crazy. it was like a dream. like i think we should support the president throughout his run right now because he kind of needs it. clayton: how is your family doing, marcos. >> oh, they are doing pretty good right now. my family in houston, they are doing better than some people in houston right now. they have been trying to help and do their part. because they live there. pete: marco, you got the flag back and the president signed it. and so where is it going to go. >> it's going to go on my wall. it's going to stay there for the rest of my life. maybe when i'm like 90 give it to a museum for other people to enjoy it. clayton: very cool. abby: marcos, i'm sure it was a day you will never forget. good to have you on this morning. >> yes, sir. can i say something though? clayton: go ahead. go for it, quick. >> okay.
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i know it shouldn't be that big of a deal with the flag but i think houston should -- needs a little bit more water and anything like would do clothes. at has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal womecancer as the firstptor-tt hormonal based therapy. ♪ ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. and ibrance plus letrozoleg ibrn
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go pro with crest hd. crest hd cleans and whitens my teeth to eye-popping levels. crest hd. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening. i did it, i did it, i impressed the dentist. >> to the people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every step of the way. >> the president and first lady will return to texas and louisiana to meet with the storm survivors, the evacuees, the rescuers, the volunteers. >> it's day 8 and evacuations continue. >> president trump has requested nearly $8 billion in initial federal aid for hurricane harvey recovery. >> they are taking care of the people. not republicans, not democrats, everybody, americans. >> a fox news alert. a new fire has broken out at a chemical plant in crosby, texas. >> 37,000 houses across texas are like this one behind me. three to four feet of flooding here. some of those houses are
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actually completely under water. >> i just want to tell them to be strong and everything will be okay. >> when one part of america hurts, we all hurt. arm in arm we will strive. we will endure and we will emerge stronger than ever before. ♪ abby: president trump making second trip to texas since hurricane harvey made landfall a week ago. clayton: puts down a down payment on relief plan. pete: peter doocy is where the president will be later today. good morning, peter. >> good morning, pete, abby, and clayton. we went up yesterday with the air and marine operation to survey some of the harvey damage; entire communities, especially in the port arthur and beaumont area are still inaccessible. it is going to be aening lo time before homeowners and business owners can get in to figure out how much has
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been lost and what needs to be replaced. but the president's budget director mick mulvaney is already asking speaker ryan to find $7.85 billion for the initial recovery effort. the thought is that almost all of that money, 7.4 billion would go to fema's disaster relief fund with other big checks going to the small business administration and to the affected states. speaker ryan is already tweeting that lawmakers will not delay in helping, saying, quote: as families and communities begin long recovery from hurricane harvey, house will act quickly on potus' request for emergency relief funding. majority leader mitch mcconnell added in a statement the senate is ready to act quickly to fund the relief effort as well. president trump has predicted that harvey will go down as the most expensive natural disaster in american history and later this morning he will get a second look at the damage in a week. he already went to corpus christi and austin but today's trip is going to
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take him to houston and also lake charles, louisiana area. in both states is he expected to meet with people personally affected by harvey's high water. we don't know where is he going to go and when but just that he is expected to land here in the houston area about five hours from right now. back to you. abby: great work out there. thank you, pete. clayton: one of the things that came to light out of all of this is the fact that people didn't have insurance. now they are having to turn to fema for loans and some relief which they have to pay back in order to get the flood damage fixed or house lift the up off the ground if they haven't already previously done that ripping out allth the drywall down to the mud because the mold will form. a lot of those chemicals there. at love them didn't have flood insurance. pete piatt you don't expect 1,000 year flood to happen in your year. if you are outside the flood plain you are not expecting it. clayton: that's why the president is asking for 7.9 billion-dollar down payment for relief.
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abby: can you imagine once that water is released and we can see what is in the bottom of that. that's frightening to think about. pete: that's right. that's why the president is going yet again. he has been before, corpus christi and austin. the vice president was there two days ago. the president is going today. because seeing is understanding. and believing and the trials and crib blations facing trials and tribulations: fort bend sheriff was with the president here is what he had to say? >> president trump if you are listening i have a spot on the air boat. jump on this air boat with griff and i and survey the damage here and then meet with these residents and look them in the eye and to try to reassure them because there is so much emotion going on right now. reassure them and let them know that you're going to do everything you can to eliminate the red tape in washington, the bureaucracy in washington and get these people back in their homes. abby: that is the role of the federal government when something like this happens it s. to say we are going to give you everything you need to survive and recovery from
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what have you experienced. i don't know that they are wanting a bunch of hugs. >> i don't know that that's going to make them feel better. the reason i say that is because there has been a lot of criticism over the first trip the president made to corpus christi, he did not show enough empathy. did he not wrap his arms around enough people hugs. i was on social media which is not where you should go to find things. clayton: or ever. abby: i showed him hucking people during hurricane sandy and empathy and compassion. you know what? i'm not sure if i were down there in houston and i had lost everything i had my home that i would want a hug right now. i think i would want to know that they are providing every amount of funding they can give me to make my life better. clayton: that's a good point. i think about the federal government's role it's to defend and protect the people of the united states, right? when we spend, maybe it's going to get me in trouble, i don't care. $700 billion on defense in this country, that's our budget every year for defense, defend defending us against foreign enemies, now
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asking for $7 billion to help the people of houston, which has been now like wind off the map? not a tall order. you spend that on an airplane for crying out loud. pete: see if washington can get out of the way. it's a no brainer. i don't want a hugger in chief at this moment. i apt coordinator, a director, a leader, someone who has had experience building things and coordinating. vice president pence is a former governor. rick perry former governor. these are guys that have run states, working with greg abbott a governor make things happen. by all accounts, this has been a very, very successful response in an impossible situation. yet, as corey lewandowski pointed out recently, no matter what happens the president is going to have his haters. take a listen. >> this will never fit their narrative. they are so distraught that the president is actually taking care of the people in texas and louisiana. they didn't want him to be successful. what he has done and what his team has done is they have given all the resources necessary to the state of texas and louisiana. any help that they have asked for, they have
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received. and unfortunately, that doesn't fit the left's liberal agenda of saying this administration was going to fail. unfortunately, they have succeeded. they are taking care of the people. not republicans, not democrats, everybody. americans. abby: we focus so much on the optics, i think the media does. and we lose track of what actually matters the most. what the reality is you remember the first foreign trip the president made overseas to saudi arabia and other places, how many articles i read about the fact that he wasn't holding melania's hand. i'm like why are we not reading articles about actual policy going on on this trip? it seems to happen time and time. is he going down to houston today and eventually louisiana. clayton: this sells magazines. front cover of people magazine. abby: inquire. there should be a difference between enquirer and mainstream media. clayton: rick and i are big subscribers of enquirer and all of those. alien baby found.
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lead's go to rick for a look at the forecast. rick: do you subscribe to that or just buy it. clayton: i look forward to every month. hurricane irma? what in the world is this now? rick: we are about at the peak of hurricane season september 10th. this should be of our activity is. statistically speaking that's the case. a really strong storm for being that far out in the atlantic. we don't normally see that that has our eyes popping a little bit. storms always are moving from east to west. they always want to pull to the north. they have this thing called the bermuda high. area of high pressure to the north. that keeps on blocking this storm from moving towards the north like it would like to do. a little weakness in that high which is kind of a low area of low pressure that comes in and counter acts that. whether or not that happens or when that happens, determines how this storm pulls off toward the north. statistically, also, we would think these storms would stay out to sea and don't impact the u.s. but our models have not been able to get a very good handle of it.
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so in the short-term. short-term meaning next five days pulls off toward the west. i think probably moving to the north of the lesser antilles. that yellow cone there is the official cone from the national hurricane center. then what happens is what we are not really sure of yet. we will probably have a better idea i would say by monday or tuesday of what exactly get that cone narrowed down. dostles it go towards the southeast, say towards florida or in to the carolinas or go out to sea. and hopefully it goes out to sea. but i will tell you we are probably maybe 7 to 10 days away, if it impacted the u.s. so we have plenty of time to watch it. it also means plenty of time to prepare. this would be probably the good weekend to do so across parts of the east coast. guys? abby: thank you, as clayton keeps preminding us time to get insurance. clayton: some of the insurance companies reopened binding coverage on wednesday of this week. wednesday, thursday. that means florida, up in south carolina, georgia, and so forth. don't it if you don't already have it. pete: use finger crossed
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approach hook right out to sea. clayton: that's what at love people do sadly. let's talk about daca deferred action for youth who lived in the united states when their parents were illegal immigrants who came here. this has been a contentious issue since 2012 when it was put in place under president obama. whether or not this program that was set to expire should be extended. a lot of people calling on president, silicone valley, google, facebook, apple and others saying stic extend the order and others say stick to your pledge and secure the borders. abby: very strongly against. on the other side of that paul ryan is agreeing with nancy pelosi. here is what he said the president should do. >> i actually don't think he should do that these are kids who know no other country, who were brought here by their parents and don't know another home. and so i really do believe that there needs to be a legislative solution, that's one that we are working on. and i think we want to give people peace of mind.
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pete: i don't know. i think i speak for a lot of people when you say when nancy pelosi and paul ryan agree be skeptical. i am as a grassroots conservative you look at that and say what does that really mean? and who are you punting to and blaming as a result? so now president trump is the bad guy because he is stopping a policy that was illegally executed which many believe it was on executive order that carved out of a law that existed? if you want these folks to stay which a lot of people do an emphatically believe they should stay, they are americans by every extent, except for the fact they were brought here i will legally, then pass a law in congress. do your job. clayton: to be fair, we don't know the president is going to end this. pete: we don't. good point. clayton: tuesday we will hear from the white house what they will do with this. rachel campos said look, i think the president should give a three month extension and say to congress come up with a law makes this permanent, fixes it and ties it to border security somehow. congress get on the path and actually do this.
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pete: that's such a great point. why are you coming out in front of your own president. paul ryan you are a republican r. donald trump r. let him make a decision and then draw conclusions from that. if you are on a team, i don't know, maybe cheer for the team? abby: the president has been emotional about when it comes to daca and dealing with children that are already in this country and what you do for them and what you means spraghtd families. interesting to see what the president does want to do with damascusca. wait and see what the president has to say before moving forward. we have been asking you about. this your comments have been pouring in about congress and basically they promised a lot of things, don't follow through with them. we have had emails pouring. in both sides of congress are now boasting of making a congressional solution to damascusca. are you kidding me? congress has not delivered a meaningful solution to anything in 12 years. pete: very fair point. archie tweeted daca, congress, how about american kids living in poverty, hungry, need clothing, school assistance, defend them. that's a point tucker carlson made on his program last night.
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what about americans first? out of jobs, opioid crisis, crime, failing schools, vets can't get into a v.a. facility in a timely obsessing t kids who are god bless him but here illegally and we a v. a law. feels like a double standard oftentimes. people react to that reflection why a lot of people went to president trump in the first place when he said i'm going to uphold the law as written. abby: we will see what he does. pete: it's g send us your comments at military answering the calls in texas rescuing more than 6,000 people from harvey's wrath. the commanding general from the u.s. army corps of engineers joins us from the flood zone. he joins us next. abby: heroes all over houston this week doing amazing things. meet a police officer who battled the storm while battling stage 4 cancer. the inspiring story. you don't want to miss this. that's coming up. ♪ ♪
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pete: as texas picks up the pieces in the aftermath of hurricane harvey which is still ongoing. rescuers stepping up to the plate rescuing 6,000 people and providing much needed relief. clayton: lieutenant general tom just returned from relief efforts there in texas. he joins us with the latest. nice to see you, general. >> good to be here. i got in six hours ago from houston. the first thing i want to say as soon as i landed in houston i went down to one of the neighborhoods and i saw the devastation down there. i was absolutely amazed by the commitment of what the texans are doing to take care of themselves and continue to take care of each other. we have seen it on tv every single day. when you talk to the local people down there it really resonates but texas has always done a great job. right now there a lot of requirements out there. we can talk about any one of
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them. the department of defense halls continued to step up to be able to handle those thing thing is if texas needs more help we are ready to push more help hip n. pete: we stalked about the levees are they going to hold? you are literally in charge of those levees and making calls about what is to be done. any surprises to come there and anything people should be aware of. >> no, no. i saw your 6:00 segment this morning. bottom line they are great big elm did i bathtubs. we have people watching the reservoirs still in flooding flooded houses. watching people below the researches in flooded houses. this is a very delegate balance. how do would he be able to keep the water in the reservoirs and make sure we aren't affectioning the people downstream. we have to continue to drain the reservoirs. clayton: this is a big issue and one been coming to light about houston's preparedness for this. we know in florida they have storm doors so to speak. the protection, the way thosd low lying areas won't get flooded as badly because
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of this infrastructure. houston doesn't have that infrastructure. they are dealing with this. what do we need to put in place going forward so that this doesn't happen again? >> so these were designed over seven years ago. this is the question we never envisioned i don't think as a country although the growth we would have in the country. i think what we continue to look at is how can we adaptively manage the cities we have. continue to look forward into the future. can't just react to what happened today. continue to be able to predict what the future is going to be. i think the other main thing i want to talk about not only what we are doing in the army corps of engineers but what the whole army is doing. 16,000 people down there supporting dod. the main thing is trucks and equipment are going to come and go. if there was a message i would want to send your viewers tonight is the absolute commitment of the dod. we have a meeting at 5:00 in the pentagon. i was in there five days this week. there is five four-star generals in there. 13 three-stars. every day our chief of staff of our army is asking what can we do to continue to anticipate the future problem? how can our soldiers be able to continue to help the state of texas and react.
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we are doing the same thing along with the rest of the marines the navy, the air force to be able to work side by side. when president trump needs us to be able to go in, we need to be able to ready to go to predict what the army has got to do. pete: a room with five 4-star generals. >> not only do we have 185,000 soldiers all around the world, we are trying to figure out how to deal with the problem in north korea. dealing with iraq and afghanistan and worried about what is going to happen in russia. ment commitment of our leadership right now in the army as well as in dod is to take care of the people in texas next. we have the definite and capacity to be able to do that. pete: have you fired me up. amen. god bless we have men like you and others at the ready to not just deal with the threats overseas as you said but to come back home and make sure the good part-time of texas are taken care of. clayton: thank goodness you are in charge. todd, we appreciate you joining thus morning and taking time out. we will let you get back to the job at hand. >> we're glad to be here. clayton: coming up on the show, just hours from now president trump will head back to texas. will harvey be a turning
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point for his presidency in a divided country. pete: we have a bipartisan panel here to discuss next. here they are. ♪ ♪ ound new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. have you any wool?eep, no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. everything stolen was replaced. and the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online.
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new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. pete: welcome back. time for news by the numbers. first, $500. that's how much honda owners may get from the takata airbag settlement. the company forced to make worldwide recalls after airbags exploded killing, unfortunately, at least 16 people. next, $300,000. that's how much grant money has been awarded to two pennsylvania state university professors to help build technology to serve as a fake news detect dedivckedetector.$9 billion. how much the economy could
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save each year if kids slept. in according to the new study the extra sleep would help kids learn better and drowsy teens will get into fewer car crashes. enter excuses from every teen everywhere. abby, down to you. abby: i think we need that advice, too. now to a fox news alert just hours from now president trump is heading back to texas and then louisiana to visit the devastation left by hurricane harvey. so how can he use this trip to help heal the nation? we are joined now by a bipartisan panel of 8 to discuss. i'm so grateful to have you all here. i mean, it's an important day. 9 president is now going back to the most devastating part that was hit in texas and houston. let me start with you. how do you think the president's response has been so far? >> first and foremost, i think he made a very wise decision in declaring sunday, tomorrow, the national day of prayer for those affected by the hurricane and then also for the national recovery effort. i think that, you know, he has to continue to show compassion.
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this calling tomorrow a national day of prayer is actually showing them that the country is united behind them. we are behind you and pray for you. we are there for you. he needs to keep focus, not get sidetracked. i think that the studies are showing that 80% of the hurricane i don't want to call them victims bud those affected by the hurricane, 80% have flood insurance. they are going to be looking for the federal government for federal aid and fema dollars. and you know what in the president is a dealmaker. he needs to put those strategies into practice and he needs to really try and make sure and demanded that the left and the right will start to compromise so the country can move forward and be united. abby: how many of you agree with that the national day of prayer called for tomorrow how many of you think that's an important way to bring this country together? >> i do. abby: everyone. pretty much everyone. >> can i respond to that. >> abby: go ahead. >> prayer is absolutely necessary. i believe it's very important. but i also subscribe to the adage that faith without works is dead. that prayer has got to be
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followed up with action. my concern is that this president has been a very deviable individual and my hope is that he can get over that and he can bring the country together because this is a crisis. this is a disaster. at the end of the day we are all americans. we have got to put politics aside. stop the talk about i' m going to give a million dollars. what are we going to do as americans and how can we get the government there to do the job to help texas. abby: some of the people what comes to decks what brings us together and helps us rebuild is our faith. and is our family. we were talking about this in the green room. you said this is something really important to you. >> no. absolutely. i do agree with darryl that, you know, faith without works is empty. but i also think that if we take god out of the picture we are so much less effective. i think the president can challenge us to come together like a multiface, multiethnic, multiparty effort. we are one party this is our moment. we can come together to solve this problem.
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we request k. get to know the people behind the politics. once we get through this tragedy, we will be able to work together. we have some more compassion. then we can move forward to solve other issues really dividing the country. abby: boy do we need this now. go ahead. >> i agree with my co-panelist. however, my concern is that president trump comes down to houston and he does politicize this. if he politicizes this, as he has done with many of the other issues that have come before him. abby: did he politicize corpus christi, do you think? >> in a way he did, in fact he did as he stood there having his meeting, he was touting how many people were in the crowd and what a great crowd it was. i felt like he was still campaigning. that's a concern to me. the president needs to unify. the president does not need to be divisive. i think if he goes there and talks about the size of the crowd and how much money he is giving and, again, that 1-million-dollar contribution that we have all now heard about, to me, sounds like grandiose. sounds like he is
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grandstanding. and i believe in order for the country to heal and for houston to heal, he needs to concentrate on getting everyone together to help save the people that need the help. get money to the people that need the help because people have lost their lives. people have lost their homes and without him unifying, he is going to make this about donald trump. abby: not everyone agrees with that the president is who he is. that's the person we voted into office. is he not the type that's going to give hugs. is he going to offer solutions and that's what we are wanting. how do you think he did. >> i think that's the case. i think is he doing a fine job. is he doing a stellar job actually in showing leadership right now. sea very unique personality. i think we have come to accept how he is. abby: has the media accepted that? >> no. i don't think there is. abby: search sort of giggling at that. that's an obvious one. >> i don't think there is much this president can do right in certain people's eyes. is he never going to shine
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to some people. i'm looking at him right now and seeing great leadership from this president. i'm seeing great delegates. i think he is doing a stellar job and really what it's going to come down to is six months from now when the cameras leave houston, when they leave louisiana. when we see that these people who are left homeless, and what's going to happen in the next six to 12 months. be aable what do you think? that's a great point, do you think six months from now when the cameras go off can we stay united. >> i'm a psychotherapist. one of the things i dealt with i was here during 9/11. treated a lot of families and people treated by 9/11. this kind of national tragedy brings that up for me. and i think you make a great point, right? in six months will people still -- will they be rebuilding their lives? will they feel safe? will they feel like they can still rely on help that's coming in. will people be out there supporting them still? that's a wonderful pointed that she made. i also think it would be
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really amazing if the president given the fact i'm a more ever a liberal voice on fox if he calls on living presidents and we saw a display of those who have led us through these kind of tragedies before come forward and he accepts counsel from them. i think that would be a wonderful -- abby: quickly, we have one minute left. i know you want to get on, this rebecca but how we come together as a nation. >> first, i'm thrilled he gave a million dollars. let me build. we want trump to open his heart but also tell us as a nation we can make a new beginning. these dark floodwaters we have seen some bright and beautiful things. tell us about that, president trump. let us all make a new beginning here. >> abby, the truth is this president is uniquely qualified to rise in this particular moment. i just returned from houston myself. and i have seen the despair and devastation in these families' lives. and he needs -- they need an opportunity to affect him
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personally on their turf. we need this president to put on his hard hat. we need -- we call upon him as the president. abby: if anyone has experience is he a legendary developer. >> legendary developer. >> abby: i have loved you all. thank you for being with us and your voices. really appreciate that a new bombshell in the hillary clinton email scandal. did james comey plan to clear her before the email investigation was even complete? while college football kicks off. the teams are honoring those hit by hurricane harvey. on our plaza this morning they will tell us how they are helping out ♪ i was born free ♪ i was born free ♪ ars, with continued use, twice a day, every day. restasis multidose helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation
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...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. also in liners. pete: more updates on the weather we have had and weather potentially to come as well, rick? rick: we haven't talked about this at all. rick: san francisco hit 107 degrees. the west is baking and we haven't talked about it. clayton: 60 degrees. rick: summer of the coldest, back to irma. this is a really strong lurk out across parts of the atlantic and the place where you generally wouldn't have a strong hurricane yet. in fact in fact, the waters aren't all that warm here but we do. here we have it it's going to continue to pull off towards the west. it's going to have some expwraction maybe towards the knowledge part of the lesser antilles. watch that puerto rico be
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watching. this what happens after that is what we are concerned about and what we don't really know at this point. i will tell you every time our models are run they have been bouncing all over the place when. when that happens we don't really have any confidence. i will tell you this. today they are in a little bit better agreement that the eastern seaboard isn't out of the woods with this. so, that's kind of the message here. the storm will continue to pull that way. we think it will be a very strong storm. all indications are that right now it's been going between category 2 and a category 3. it will likely strengthen a lot more as it gets in towards, say, the bahamas region. because of water is a lot warmer there. and so the message is if you are on the eastern seaboard. we can't rule this out. so now would be the time to easily fill up your cupboards if you want. get gas, all of those things that you need to do across the eastern seaboard and obviously as we figure out a little bit more on, this we will let you know. abby, send it back to you. abby: always be prepared no matter what happens. thank you so much.
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following the headlines this morning. intense gun battle all caught on camera in broad daylight between mexican police and drug cartel. watch this. [speaking spanish] abby: that is mexican police body cam footage showing the moments that convoy is ambushed in mexico. not clear if any of those officers were killed. it is official. antifa has now been classified as a domestic terror group by the department of homeland security. [shouting] [bleep] abby: according to a report obtained by politico. the feds have been investigating antifa for more than a year before the deadly violence in charlottesville. phil haney spoke with us earlier about the obama administration dropping the ball. policing this group. livable. >> dhs personnel like myself, we were doing our
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job. and we were creating the -- putting the information together and passing it through the chain of command. but then when it got down to the local and state levels, when the disconnect would happen. abby: wow. the report claims some members are on terror watch lists and have gone overseas to fight with groups in turkey. also this: the federal judge denying special treatment for senator bob menendez new jersey democrat corruption trial so he would be able to attend key senate votes. the judge's briefing reading in part menendez is entitled to no more or no less difference than any other defendant. the trial begins on wednesday. if menendez is convicted and leaves congress governor christie would name his replacement meaning that the g.o.p. could pick up a crucial vogt in the senate. keep a close eye on that one. houston police officer is battling much more than dangerous flooding after hurricane harvey. norbert is battling stage 4 colon cancer that was not going to slow him down when
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duty calls. helped rescue 1,000 people in those floodwaters. is he receiving chemotherapy in a hospital in tulsa. what an incredible man he is it's football season kicking off this season. fans nationwide are celebrating favorite schools with college colors today. that is where we find clayton and pete. pete: that's right. one of the week's biggest games is tomorrow in los angeles between texas a&m, the aggies and the ucla bruins. clayton: tomorrow's game is more -- on the field. also the unit the teams are showing to help the victims of hurricane harvey. joining us are representatives from both schools a.m. yale leader and caitlin hack worth. nice to see all of you this morning. >> nice to see you too. clayton: normally battling on the field. everything that's happened in texas has brought the best out in people, right? >> yes. absolutely. we are so grateful to people who have helped respond and proud of the people of texas a&m jumped in boats. professors who offered ex'per tease to fema and
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others to -- it's been a tough week. clayton: cooper, especially for your family as well, right? >> it has been. moo my brother keller was trying to get back for the first dave of class as a freshman. he couldn't get out of the neighborhood by vehicle. hef to wade through waist high to knee high water to be able to get to dry land to get back up to texas a&m. clay. pete: caitlin, what is this game going to mean to you. >> this game is bringing everyone together to support texas. we are all feeling sad about what is happening. ucla is taking effort and promoting and working by having everyone donate to the american red heart association $10 or more. ucla athletics is giving people two free tickets september football game against hawaii if you donate $10 or more. clayton: college colors day. pete: i don't think clayton has played football nor should he. what is college colors day? >> this is the 13th college
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colors day started by img our partners. it's meant to be about unity. this year theme is united we stand. boy that hit home this week with everybody. i mean, just walking around the streets yesterday here in new york. people seeing us in our gear came up, hugged us. i mean, just the response has been terrific. we know this is just one week on. this is a marathon that's going to require a lot of support and we appreciate you guys highlighting that. pete: cooper, you mentioned your title is a yeller. i need to know what this is. clayton: i thought that was your title? pete: that is also my title. correct. you are holding a helmet, too. tell us about that. >> a yell leader at texas a&m. charged with leading the student body call the 12th man. football game a bunch of pass backs we do we get the crowd in unison as we do yells. this time of year is pretty special because the sticker right here when the coach saw the devastation, he said we have got to do something. he actually had 40 players whose families were impacted by hurricane harvey. and so he came one this idea
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of a sticker. and his associate director of equipment matt watson said hey, can i get that printed up. so the coolest thing about it though we are kicking it off with football this weekend. so many people have been devastated by hurricane harvey. for that we want to say we are sorry for loss of life, loss of property. but we're standing with you. one of the coolest things about this weekend is ucla has offered to put it on their helmet. joining us and backs us through this time is awesome. pete: we will go to commercial break right now but would you lead us up with a cheer by chance? >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. u, c, l, a ♪ ucla fight, fight, fight. >> there you go. clayton: what about texas. can we get some yell here? >> 1, 2, 3.
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remain here. in fact, i will just pan you over here, david, if you can this is some of the danger. this is a sign warning underground cable. this is still 8 days later a very raw scene. so i think, you know, it's worth pointing out as the president comes and visits today, he should know that as they move from rescue to recovery the dangers are not over. guys? clayton: all right. griff jenkins live for us this morning in west houston with the very latest there. abby? pete? abby: thank you, clayton. remember when former director james comey let hillary clinton off the hook in the email investigation? pete: well now two republican senators are claiming that comey was ready to clear clinton before the investigation was over. even drafting an exoneration statement months beforehand. here to weigh in is the president of judicial watch tom fitton. >> good morning. pete: here is a letter grassley and graham sent to the fbi and they pointed this out. it says it appears in early april or may of 2016
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mr. comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating secretary clinton. that was long before fbi agents finished their work. to your average american, this looks like a system that is rigged to let her off the hook no matter what. >> exactly. it was written before he had interviewed or the fbi in the justice department had interviewed hillary clinton and 16 other witnesses, including her it aides. her chief of staff, virtually any one of importance in the investigation. and explains why a lot of those folks got those controversial immunity agreements because it was a sham investigation. i mean, when we indications that it was a sham investigation because the fbi was allowing them to destroy records, destroy computers. the fbi was promising to destroy evidence. and now we know why. you know, what's interesting, we asked for records about the fbi investigation. we still haven't received these records. why are we finding out about it now? and it tells us that president trump was more right than he knew,
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probably, and we know at the time to have fired james comey as fbi director. if i were the president -- guilty. abby: i was going to ask you about that very point. the number one job as attorney general is to be partial and to be fair and to make sure you have all the evidence you need before making any sort of judgment or assessment. does that give more credence to what the president did in ultimately firing him? >> it certainly does. it raises questions as to what comey was up to at the fbi. working hard to protect hillary clinton while evidently the fbi was surveying the trump team and making president trump's life miserable to this day. in terms of the russia investigation. i guarantee you that the fbi agents working for special counsel muriel aren't laboring under the impression that muriel has already rejudged the issue. i can guarantee you muriel is not operating like comey. and i'm not suggesting that muriel wire the investigation, but it shows you that there was very
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different treatment between -- for mrs. clinton and president trump back last year. pete: something he has sensed for a long time. tom fitton of judicial watch. we appreciate it more "fox & friends" on the other side. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere... is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day.
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cray clay a fox news alert now. rescue efforts and recovery people stranded by hurricane harvey and as high waters spread lieu texas and louisiana. authorities bracing for fraud ready to cash in on harvey's destruction. middle district for louisiana and executive director for the national center of disaster fraud he joins us now. corey, has this already started? >> it has. and it is really outrageous that it is already starting. we are not even done with the rescue efforts. of course, that's the department of justice's
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number one priority right now is to rescue those in harm's way, understanding that over 40 people have already perished. unfortunately the fraudsters haven't exercised that same degree of empathy. and they have already begun. we have already seen over 50 different complaints come into our center, which is located in baton rouge, louisiana. clayton: what type of fraud are we talking about? >> we expect the volume to be significant. and the kind of complaints we are getting are impersonations of different charities, including the red cross and other charities. impersonation of government employees from fema and other places as well as program fraud. clayton: is this happening by phone calls or are there sort of scam emails going to people? how is this unfolding? >> really, unfortunately, it's all of the above, clayton. a lot of times these are internet-based and so if people do get emails soliciting donations, we would encourage them, number one, not to respond to the email. but, number two, not to click on any links or
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attachments that may come with email because that's how you might get malware and viruses and that's somehow the cyber criminals come into your backyard. clayton: night not be an attempt to defraud but it may be an attempt to get access to personal data information, credit cards for other reasons. your recommendation then, corey, to go to actual web sites if you want to donate to the red cross literally go to url bar type in red, right? >> that's exactly right. it's likes anything else. if you know a representative tillable group that is out there that is soliciting and that you can go to directly, that's where you ought to go. clayton: great. all right corey, amundson thank you for joining us this morning. sad we have to be talking about this but we appreciate the work you are doing. >> thank you so much. clayton: talk about odd couple paul ryan and nancy pelosi are on the same team. they are urging president trump to keep the daca program. davidavid bossie is here to
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react to that next.
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>> president trump making his second trip to sex as hurricane harvey made landfall more than a week ago. >> people affected by hurricane harvey, we are with you every step of the way. >> communities especially in the port arthur and beaumont area are still unache seeingth s says cybil. >> it's day 8 and evacuations continue. >> i saw the devastation down there. i was absolutely amazed by the commitment of what the texans are doing to take care of themselves. continuing to take care of each other. >> president trump has requested nearly $8 billion in initial federal aid for hurricane harvey recovery. >> they are taking care of the people, not republicans, not democrats, everybody. american. >> 37,000 houses across texas are like this one behind me, 3 to 4 feet of flooding here. but some of those houses are actually completely underwater. >> i just want to tell them to be strong and everybody
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will be okay. >> when one part of america hurts. we all hurt. arm in arm, we will strive. we will endure, and we will emerge stronger than ever before. abby: all right. let's get right to that fox news alert. president trump making his second trip to texas hurricane harvey made landfall more than a week ago. pete. clayton: this as he puts pressure on congress for $8 billion in down payment relief fund. pete: peter doocy is down in texas where the president will be later today. good morning, peter. >> good morning. it's also up to congress to figure out how to fund the harvey relief from the side. the president wants the first payment to be just high of $8 billion. almost all of that money would go to fema and their disaster relief fund with several hundred million also going to the small business administration. but, there is a catch. the white house budget director is already saying
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if congress does not raise the debt limit by the end of this month, it's going to interrupt federal agents as they try to help harvey victims. sounds like speaker ryan already gets the message. has he tweeted that he will do his part posting last night, quote: as families and communities begin long recovery from hurricane harvey, house will act quickly on potus' request for emergency relief funding. to show you how truly enormous the cleanup is expected to be the white house is asking for $7.8 billion but accuweather is predicting the damages could be about $190 billion. more than katrina and sandy combined. later on this morning, president trump will meet for the first time with harvey victims. air force one is set to land here in texas in about four hours. we do expect him to be in the houston area before making a stop in lake charles, louisiana on his way home. and this second visit comes as the national weather service warns that part of the houston area are going to have high water until
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further notice. they are having a hard time predicting when the water will recede in certain neighborhoods because they do not know how much more water they are going to have to release from dams in certain areas. back to you. abby: it's going to be a long road ahead. peter doocy live for us. thank you so much, peter. clayton: this is bit of empathy test right now some are calling it for the president. we want to bring in president of citizens united, fox news contributor david bossie. good to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. clayton: this all started with lbj, going down texas. going down there in the dark of night where we had massive damage there in the 1960's. people didn't know the president standing there. it was the dark. he had to put a flashlight on his face and say i'm your president and i'm here to help you. people started crying. they couldn't believe the president of the united states was standing there with a flashlight on his face he is there. there is precedence for this. did the president pass the so-called empathy test this past week. >> first of all the president has incredible history of doing.
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this it was almost one year ago this week that attorney general of louisiana jeff landry called and told the president that baton rouge, louisiana was having historic flooding. and the president and the vice president mike pence were on the ground in baton rouge helping people, donating money personally to the flood relief a year ago. this is not the first time that the president has gone to these types of disaster areas. it is heart breaking and heart wrenching and to be honest with you, you know, lake charles, which is being affected right now, is just down the road on i 10 from baton rouge, which was flooded last year. so, these folks down there are hardy. they are resilient. it is incredible for us to witness americans coming together in houston all over texas to help each other not the government, but their
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neighbors. pete: if the federal government is coming to help you out. do you want a hugger and chief and someone to cry with you or a leader who is going to organize and manage things? listen, the fake news media is going to go after this president for whatever he does no matter what. is he going to look to go down there today and say, you know, i feel your pain or is he going to go down there and say i'm in charge and we are going to deliver what we said we are going to charge. >> first of all the president is a builder, right? that's his entire life. so he is looking at rebuilding houston and these devastated areas through a builder's eyes. he is somebody who has met deadlines, beat deadlines and come in under budget. over on projects across the world. and so he is going to demand that his leadership team at fema and other federal agencies, whether it's the army corps of engineers or local agencies do their best for the american people on a budget. and that's why he is going to go for this $8 billion upfront and he is going to
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see what else needs to be done over time. it's going to take some time. i have got to tell you, it is incredible to watch homeland security advisor tom bossert, who has done an amazing job i job and the fema director do what i consider the unmanageable, just take it on and do an incredible job for this president and for the american people. abby: this is where an administration is really put to the test. when you have a natural disaster like this how well prepared they are and what their response is and how they handle it when they are on the ground. unfortunately though, david, when you watch the mainstream media, you don't hear these stories as much. you are not hearing about the federal aid coming through. they are focused on the optics. what shoes melania trump is wearing and how many hugs the president gives out. regardless of what political side you affiliate with, there is a frustration. they are not really getting the straight story here. they are really focused on things that don't impact them. >> and that's one of the problems with the mainstream media has is that they have lost touch with the american
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people. they have lost the trust of the american people. and so that's why the president on a daily basis calls it fake news because they focus on things that the american media -- when you are being flooded in texas, you don't care and to be quite honest i find it offensive that they want to talk about, you know, whether it's the first lady's apparel or what the president -- how many people the president is hugging. this is ridiculous. let's get to the issues of rebuilding those people who were devastated, their homes, their businesses in texas immediately. and stay focused on what needs to be done. and the president is not going to lose focus on these people. clayton: let's talk about the deferred action for childhood arrivals also known as daca. the president facing court action from 10 states right now if he doesn't roll this 2012 law back which would allow the children of illegal immigrants to stay and work in the united
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states. pete: executive order not law. executive order. is he going to let this expire. >> that's right. it's not a legislative issue that the president is trying to deal with it is -- what i consider an overreach by former president obama through executive order just signing in to an executive order that allowed everyone here in 2012 to stay that were under age. clayton: david now he may be facing a legislative battle. it isn't a law. there are many in coming including republicans saying look, let's turn this in to law. >> well, that will be -- that's capitol hill's, one, responsibility and they can do that if they choose. if the house and senate leadership decide to fix this problem legislatively, that is their right. but that doesn't mean that the ten states attorneys general who are threatening lawsuits who overturn daca aren't correct in the law
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because the executive order is, in my opinion, a broad overreach. so i think that the president is going to try and figure out what is the best course for the children, who were brought here, quite honestly, you know, through no fault of their own. and that's what the president understands. but i'm not going to get ahead of what the president's decision is. i don't know what his decision is i can tell you that he believes that immigration and the immigration laws need to be need to be upheld. we want a strong immigration process. he also wants to take care of children and and whether they are the children of houston being flooded or these folks i think pete pited david, you are north going to gets ahead of the president but paul ryan is here is what he had to say. >> i don't think he should actually do that these are kids who know no other country who were brought here by their patience and don't know another home. so i really do believe that
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there needs to be a legislative solution. that's one we are working on. i think we want to give people peace of mind. pete: what if congress decided to act on this but not fund a border wall? what would you say about that. >> well, that would be a mistake. you know, congress is continuing to kick the can down the road on all sorts of problems. you know, i am frustrated as i think the american people are by the lack of action. you know, republicans were elected to the majorities in the house and the senate. and over the years and then finally, to the white house, so that we could bring change to the broken status quo that is washington, d.c. all we have been getting for the last six or 8 months is you have high expectations, mr. president, and we don't move that fast. i think that's one of the reasons that the president is frustrated with capitol hill. is he a guy that came to washington, was elected on the mantel of change, that we are going to get our
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fiscal house in order. we have a 20 trillion-dollar debt. and this president has come in through deregulation and optimism, put forward a million new jobs. you know, the lowest unemployment rate in 16 or 18 years, the dow is at historic highs. we need to have the economy take off and we need tax reform and tax relief to do that. and what we're seeing out of congress is more of the shrugging shoulders and more of the same. i think we need to have the strong leadership coming out of the white house so that we keep our eye on our fiscal ball so, that we don't go off this cliff. abby: that's spot on. let's hope we can press the reset button and maybe, maybe get something done. david, good to have you with us. >> thank you. abby: turning now to other head lines we are following. starting with a fox news alert. one of our nation's heroes has been declared dead. the pentagon has named missing 31-year-old staff
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sergeant lopez victim of black hawk army helicopter crash. he enlisted in 2006 and member of elite night stalker's unit. he was never found after the crash while off the coach of yemen. that's just heart-breaking. james mattis is headed to capitol hill next week where he will huddle with congress about the next war strategy in afghanistan. the defense secretary is expected to brief lawmakers on sending reinforcements to fight the taliban along with working out a military budget. this as the president's plan, which includes a boost in military spending may get stuck in congress. no surprise there. also this. president trump making tomorrow an official national day of prayer for the victims of hurricane harvey. in the oval office after the president signed the declaration, dallas pastor robert jeffreys leading a prayer and calling it, quote an honor. >> i'm grateful we have a president who believes in the power of prayer and even though he is the most powerful person in the world, he is not too proud
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to bow his head in the oval office. >> president trump saying this proclamation calls on all faiths to unite and pray for the state of texas. >> i think everyone can agree this is a time when we can all come together. pete: i would think so at least around prayer. the sun is coming up in houston, many parts of the city are still under water. new flooding nightmare is just beginning. we are live on the ground with that next. clayton: plus volunteers lifting spirits at one shelter. this gospel singer will join us live straight ahead. ♪ we want to see your kingdom reign ♪ sing it again. >>♪
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pete: we are back with a fox news alert. it's been over a week since harvey made landfall. texans are are facing brand new evacuation orders. clayton: asked to leave their home due to flooding dangers. abby: heart breaking news, matt. what are you hearing? >> well, like you guys just said. we are essentially heading into day 8 of search and rescues here. for this report we get to stand stand on dry land and sun is out. many people think this is over. it really just isn't. yesterday we spent the day with fema going door to door in an area south of houston. we watched people who were still inside of their homes with water. we rescued or they rescued multiple pets from front porches who were stranded in high heat and humidity, these animals looked like they were just ready to die abandoned. yesterday a mayor tweeting out a new evacuation request here in houston for areas south of interstate 10 asking anybody who has home -- who already has water in their home to
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please leave. the storm has moved on and sun is shining here. this is still a dire situation. i just spoke with fema a short while ago. they say the area that we are in, which is wharton and brazoria county called the bathtub of texas. low lying. all the water of houston is flowing there. fema is going to be paying a lot of attention to that area today. sending rescue crews down there today. going door to door again trying to save lives. we spoke to a captain from the los angeles police department who is a commander here with fema. take a listen to him describing the situation here right now. >> it's definitely in the over. even though we have had sunny skies the last three days and water subsided. there are still areas that we're being assigned to. water up to the chest. four or five feet level. we're going in there with these large trucks. we are going in there in our rescue boats. we're going in there in waders and dry suits.
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right now fema is in daily morning meeting. we have been talking with them after their morning meeting and they give us the briefing on what the latest is we will be talking with the commanders in a short while. we will update you guys. right here in houston, the mayor saying the army corps of engineers continues to release water from the reservoirs in this area that are spilling over and they are going to continue to do that for 15 at as. so our understanding is as long as water is being released from these reservoirs, there are going to be people who are still in potential of new flooding in their homes. back to you guys in new york. clayton: thanks, matt. if any drop of water from this, like a toxic soup right now. gasoline and all sorts of chemicals. one drop of it touches your couch, it's not salvageable. have you got to throw it out. pete: we had a guy on this week who said four inches might as well be two feet. it doesn't matter.
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abby: how contaminated it is volunteers lifting spirits at one shelter. she is going to join us live and lift all of ours. ♪ we want to see your kingdom ♪ we want to see your kingdom. ♪ take it up ♪ king jesus ♪
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ah, dinner.
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throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh? hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. ♪ clayton: welcome back. quick headlines for you. a years' long tradition for one high school coming to a screeching halt. students in maryland are being banned from wearing native american headdresses to sporting events because some say it's offensive. however a petition to keep the school's tradition alive currently has more signatures on it than the ones to end it. and pressure mounting against a major league baseball team. the owner of the cleveland indians could soon drop the
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mascot known as chief wahoo after a year's fight with the league. paul dollan is admitting the team and league will, quote, come to some understanding relatively soon end quote. abby: thank you, clayton. pete: political correctness is everywhere, gentlemen. including not worth mentioning. tweet caught our eye on august 29th. tweet came out from linda sansour. antianti- -- donate to the #harvey relief fund with a link to a place where can you donate. if you go to the landing page, it looks legitimate like you are giving to hurricane relief. turns out, however, this money is actually going to her political pac, which is called the texas organize, project education fund which helps raise money for community organizing and electing candidates and everything else. clayton: so it's totally -- the tweet was about
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hurricane harvey assistance. pete: correct. abby: everyone wants to donate on and find ways to help. there have been a lot of problems with this. you click on a link and going to a place you think can help people suffering there in texas and houston and ends up being a fraud. ends up for being their own political or economic gain. this is actually one of the struggles with social media. >> you have got to be very careful at the link you click on and read exactly where it's going. pete: this is as bad as it gets. political exploitation of a hurricane where people are hurting. i mean, think about what you have to think about. let's take this, tweet about it, fund raise off of it so that we can advance a political cause. this the same woman who said we should commit jihad against president trump see said it peacefully uses those words. personification of that fakeness. i support moderate view but support the muslim brotherhood. you don't want to see these types of things. clayton: seen this before in politics creating t shirts and things in website in order to take advantage of
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and exploit certain situations. pete: we will check in to see if she has has said anything since. abby: we wanted to highlight whether it's her tweet or anyone trying to find fraud. pete: great social media caught it first. we didn't catch it first. social media caught storm and tweeted and we have a big story here. abby: rescues are happening in houston as floodwaters are still rising there in parts of texas. griff jenkins is helping one family to evacuate. we will bring that to you live next. clayton: plus nearly 80% of harvey's victims do not have flood insurance. so what do they do next? will they ever be able to get insurance? bob massi is here with advice for all homeowners, even if you don't live in the houston area. you need to listen to that next. pete: good stuff. first a volunteer lifting spirits at one shelter. she joins us live next. take a listen. ♪ we want to see your kingdom ♪ we want to see your kingdom ♪ sing it again ♪ king jesus, you're amazing
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iugh... nothing fits.. you're just bloated from gas. i can see it and i know you feel it. take gas-x®, the #1 gas relief brand. it relieves pressure and bloating fast! so you can wear whatever you want. abby: rick reichmuth is following yet another potential hurricane that could come hitting the coast. we're not sure, yet, rick. it's about 10 at as at out. you say you have to be prepared for anything. lines this weekend supplies are there than if you wait until next weekend and everything is going to be crazy, if it gets to that. so, here's the deal. this right here looks like a mess. this is all of the storms that have crossed anywhere
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within 50 miles of that point of where you are that is right now. and this is the last 170 years or. so take a look. only three of those storms storms have hit the u.s. climatologically based on where this storm is we like those odds. that said the storm is kind of a different storm. storm where it is. we don't see hurricanes that strong in the atlantic: get somewhere in the vicinity of the bahamas, maybe turks and caicos around seven days from now. here's the problem. once it gets into that area the water is really, really warm. a lot of models are indicating it could be a category 4, category 5 storm maybe out here. what impact it has on the eastern seaboard we cannot say at this point. what can i tell you is we can't rule it out. models certainly indicating that the east coast is in play. we have a lot of time to track it. we will keep telling you about it here. be prepared but don't freak out just yet, guys.
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clayton: did you use the word climatologically? rick: can i i have to do it slow there to make sure to get all those syllables out. abby: hurricane harvey left despair but one beautiful voice. >> ♪ we want to see your kingdom ♪ sing it again ♪ say king jesus ♪ you're amazing pete: we just played you 12 seconds. the video is 21 minutes long. it has been viewed now over 18 million times. joining us now is that hurricane harvey volunteer and gospel singer victoria white. thank you for joining us this morning. >> absolutely. thank you all for having me. pete: i know in that room you were there to inspire those in that room. now you have inspired an entire nation. how are you feeling about -- let's just step back, first. why did you decide to step
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up and sing in the first place? >> we just wanted to be able to inspire people. we had been donating items, clothing, food, and things like that. we really did want to get our hands dirty and be boots on the ground. a lot of the volunteer stations were at capacity for those types of volunteers. we said well, what else do we have to offer? we just thought let's use our voices. clayton: moms putting their babies to bed on little inflatable air mattresses that they could find there, pack and plays. thank goodness they are safe and dry and folks like you are helping them at these shelters. what's been the most inspiring things have you seen at these shelters? >> i think that the most inspiring thing that i have seen is people united. and you know, they were all united by tragedy and disaster in that moment. but i think that everyone also has been united by hope and joy in spite of this storm. pete: what do they need?
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>> >> i think that the biggest need at this time is continued donations. food and clothing and things of that nature are still very helpful at this time. money is really what's going to be able to continue to sustain people. even after they leave shelters and things of that nature. so i say to everyone if you can -- if you can give, it doesn't matter the amount, big or small, that's really helpful to be able to donate. abby: vic to i can't, you are a beautiful person. girl, have you got some pipes. i mean, listening to your voice, it is unbelievable. i grew up attempting to sing and listening to you. pete: abby is a good singer, too. where did your voice come from? have you been singing all your life. >> yes, ma'am, i have been. abby: can you take us out singing something that you love? >> absolutely i can. abby: go ahead, victoria ♪ i am persuaded ♪ lord, to love you
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♪ i have been changed ♪ just to bless your name ♪ i am constrained ♪ by this great gospel ♪ forever to worship thee ♪ abby: oh my gosh. that was unbelievable. pete: amen. abby: that gave me chills victoria white. thank you so much for being with us. clayton: sounded amazing over skype. >> i appreciate it. god bless. clayton: thank you for everything you are doing down there. pete: i do. chills full body. awesome. there is another fox news alert. rescue efforts happening now as flood waters continue to rise. clayton: griff jenkins is helping one family evacuate.
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griff, what are you seeing there? >> that's right. the mayor encouraging folks near the addicks reservoir in the western part of houston to evacuate. tom richardson has come in his own boat. tom, what's going on. tell me. >> well, it's really critical out here. you know, we are trying to get in to salvage as many things as we can i have a two story home. we're being told we are not going to be able to get back in for weeks which is just insane. we are trying to be out here to salvage what we can and really tell our story. we are really concerned with what happened in the city. obviously with some people in the city were flooded by the rain. but our story is different. we didn't get flooded by the rain. we got flooded by the reservoirs being let out. i understand that was necessary to prevent further destruction. but i think they knew our city was going to flood. they said at the press conference they sacrificed our neighborhood. they sacrificed our neighborhood which is so disheartening and we think they knew it was going to happen. we think they knew when they
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let the water out the whole area was going to flood and they never issued an evacuation. there were so many people that could have gotten out on their cars with so many belongings if they just given us an hour, two hours' notice. we think we heard yesterday there was a fatality in our neighborhood. so they could have prevented somebody's life from being lost, which is really tragic. we want answers from the city. we want to know why they didn't tell us to get out of the neighborhood when we still had time. because obviously now we don't have time. there is three feet of water in my home. the moisture is getting upstairs. we think it's going to destroy everything. everything that we had. thankfully we got out safe. but i have a dog. i have a 6-month-old baby we got evacuated on a canoe by a great neighbor. so many people in the neighborhood have been so helpful. we got evacuated in the pouring rain. it's really just tragic in this neighborhood. we feel like we are the forgotten neighborhood in this. >> tom, what do you need right now? this is a tough situation you are in right now. what do you need? >> we need people to come help the evacuate the contents that we can still
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salvage out of our homes. yesterday they stopped letting people. in it looks like they are letting people in now. police are doing a great job of monitoring the area to not let people in that don't belong and looting. i appreciate them doing that you can see we are on a paddle boat which is not ideal, the current is pretty strong out here. i would encourage people to come out to be safe. we need more boats with motors. people that can help evacuate what we still can. there is still some contents that we can get out. we need more help and thoughts and prayers of everybody. i know the whole city of houston is going through something similar. i know it's just really hard for everybody out there. >> tol tom, the president is coming down today. he will surely be watching. this what does the president need to know. what can he do for you. >> give us as many resources and boats to get out here. put some pressure on the city to help us understand when is the water going to go down. we have been told weeks, possibly months. but no real answers. we just want answers. when can we get back into our homes and salvage what's
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left? >> and did you get your dog out? >> dog and baby are out. like i said, we got evacuated by a national on a canoe. we were able to go to our dear friend patrick's house, which is a few blocks away. we were there for a night. you know, we have been at a new home every single night. that house lost power. we went to another house out in katie with friends. now we are at my wife's father's home in conroe. we are safe now. everybody in my family is safe which we are so thankful for. now we are trying to focus on getting as many things as we can. >> so everyone watching has context. how big of a area. how big is this what is happening right here? >> all of them. they said on the news conference last night that they're expecting thousands of homes in the buffalo bayou area were flooded as a result of the reservoir. so we are in thorn wood which is in energy corridor area. i don't know there is several hundred homes in my neighborhood that are completely flooded. some of the two story homes they are saying that water is on the second story.
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so that gist you an idea of how much water is still in here and it's staying here. it's not really leaving. it's continuing to destroy our neighborhood. so, yeah, we think thousands and thousands of homes are being impacted right now. >> there is actually, according to officials, some 136,000 structures they think has been damaged in this area since this all began 8 days ago clearly in talking with tom that number may go up as has the death toll, at least 40. and as he is telling me maybe another, in his neighborhood. we are going to stick with tom and try to follow his attempt to evacuate his home and bring it to you as quick as we can guys? clayton: who is on tamara for you. >> dave williams my extraordinary cameraman. doing unbelievable job and faced a lot of treacherous situations. we are in this boat with high currents trying to follow tom and he has been absolutely dynamic. his name is dave williams. i will never forget him in
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this situation. clayton: dave, if i can ask you, we would love to see for our audience maybe get context turn the camera around a little bit without putting yourself in danger. >> sure, we are in a canoe. dave, they want to get some sense for what it is. we are going to put you into an early morning sunlight. but, you know, it's just as treacherous as it gets. abby: griff, is that just a neighborhood? is that underneath that water is that just, you know, kind of the road? >> that's right. we are in -- we are literally in the middle of an intersection turkey creek and memorial drive. and just, i guess to what would be my left, which is due north is the addicks reservoir and the flooding there. some people getting and trying to walk in this. the challenge is that the flow from the river, you know, the army corps of engineers has escalated from
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their original 4,000 cubic feet per second being released south into the waterways upwards to 8,000 and targeting even a goal of 12,000. that is an enormous amount of water trying to get out. flowing down the street and creating new current. that's why it's treacherous to be in a boat or even walking in this stuff. pete: can you see that current, yeah. >> once you go under you can exhaust yourself and that's how people drown. clayton: being in a canoe with a 50-pound camera on your your shoulder. abby: amazing work out there, griff, thank you. all right, well, still ahead, first lady melania trump will head back to texas this morning. i think they leave around 9:00 a.m. we will get there 12:20 in houston. she will be traveling, of course, with her husband president trump. and the mainstream media, the focus of their last visit was, of course, on her shoes and how many people he hugged. so what are they going to focus on this time? taya kyle is fired up about this. she will join us live. clayton: plus, 80% of
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harvey's victims do not have flood insurance. what options do they have now? bob massi is here with advice for all homeowners. another hurricane is on the way, hurricane irma. do you have insurance to protect you? ♪ day 13. if only this were as easy as saving $600 when you switch to progressive. winds stirring. too treacherous for a selfie. [ camera shutter clicks ] sure, i've taken discounts to new heights with safe driver and paperless billing. but the prize at the top is worth every last breath. here we go. [ grunts ] got 'em. ahh. wait a minute. whole wheat waffles? [ crying ] why!
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clayton: rebuilding begins many could be in real financial trouble. insurance experts now estimating that 80% of those in the storm's path did not have flood insurance. so what do these homeowners do next? joining me now is fox news legal analyst and host of the show property man bob massi. bob, nice to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. clayton: let's talk about the folks that don't have insurance or unclear about what type of insurance they may have, specifically in the path of harvey. we will talk about the rest of the country in a moment. should they contact fema. >> sure. clayton: what do they get when they call them?
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>> practically speaking, you see the guy that you just had on that's obviously devastated, yes, at some point and i know fema, clayton, has been very proactive to make themselves available. have you got to give contact to fema and give them information so that they are able to help to you whatever extent they can. i think what's going to be shocking to most people, clayton, with other responsibilities, is that a lot of the help they are going to get is going to be in a way of a short-term loan or a low interest loan. a lot of people say whoa, wait a second. some of this we have to pay back. the answer is, yes. depending upon the circumstances. contact fema, give them your information so they know who you are and the necessary information, social security number, whatever they ask you for so that a claim can be open if you will to be able to help yourself. clayton: so much here to unpack, bob. >> yeah, there is. clayton: you say contacting the creditors. so your credit card company. why would you want to do that? >> well, first of all, let's
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think about this. we have these people who have been displaced. there still is mortgage payments on your home. there is still credit card bills that have to be paid. there is still utilities that have to be paid. so the question -- i mean, the last thing these people are thinking about are these type of things, clayton, but at some point, reality is going to hit. here is going to be the question. what and how cooperative are these creditors going to be in these circumstances because no matter what fema does or anything else, that's not going to be enough to pay the bills. as a matter of fact, whatever help do you get, could be another loan you have to pay for the loan that that you are getting from other entities if you will. so it's important when you are able, to contact your lender and creditors, let them know you are a victim of this travesty and let's see what these lenders do. and i must tell you as much as i don't like to see the federal government involved
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in a lot of things, clayton, for me, as a citizen, it just seems like this is where the government needs to step in and bridge this type of money to help people to make these payments without the repayment of a loan as long as it's documented. clayton: when can you spend $2 billion on an airplane, the federal government can step in and try to help citizens here. >> and other countries. clayton: so, for those folks who have insurance, start by processing your claims right away. get on the phone with your insurer and let them know. how do you document the damage. at this point just taking photos, i guess, but unless you already took pictures of this stuff ahead of time, maybe you got a painting or television, how do you account for that stuff? >> biggest problem that we all have as homeowners, when was the last time somebody videotaped the contents of their house: in this case it wouldn't matter it's probably gone unless it's downloaded on something that was preserved. try to remember what your possessions are. the travesty in what these people are going through emotionally, clayton, many
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times they can't remember those type of things. what kind of paintings. they will remember the heirlooms of the family, of course. but the bottom line you document as best as you can it's a he said, she said. that's what the homeowner has to do. all of us have to be detailed whenever have you a home with contents. try to videotape and save these things. very, very tough situation. clayton: bob, i would love to have you back on the show tomorrow. i don't know what your schedule is. >> i'm here. clayton: have producers have you back people now facing hurricane irma now barreling up the coast. what do people need to put in place for insurance to protect themselves further up the road? bob, thanks for being on the show. watch the show property man airs friday at 8:30 p.m. on fbmn. hopefully see you tomorrow. we know some people. call you. first lady melania trump will head back to texas this morning alongside president trump will the mainstream media focus on the visit or focus on something else like her shoes? taya kyle on that story next. have you seen these powerful
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pictures? 100 officers praying together before volunteering in houston. president trump calling them heroes. the chief of police joins us before heading to houston. that's next hour ♪ my wish for you ♪ the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. this inot this john smith.smith. or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it's this john smith. who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. at humana, we take a personal approach to your health,
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to provide care that's just as unique as you are. no matter what your name is.
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abby: welcome back. 5 minutes now to the top of the hour. the president and first lady heading back to texas today. while they are focused on we lilding after harvey, many in the media blasted president trump last week with headlines like this. stilettos and the white house's failure to understand optics. what was melania thinking about hurricane harvey stilettos? what about news rather than substance. wife of late navy seal chris
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kyle, taya kyle. good to have you. >> thanks for having me. abby: hearts and prayer goes out to everyone in texas they are trying to recover and move forward from everything they have been dealing with what's your response off the top here. i know you saw the headlines about melania trump's heals hees that was wearing at one point. lost focus of what matters to people the most. >> i was actually stunned by it. it took me a second to get my emotions in check. i was almost speechless i thought of a few things simultaneously. one is i always felt like truth matters, right? i feel like sometimes in our culture we are getting into this thing where smoke and mirrors are supposed to matter more and we should care more about covering up the truth of things than just being who we are. donald and melania trump have money. that's okay with me. i just want them to do their job. right? that's number one. i don't need smoke and mirrors to make the optics look better to. me optics say come on, at least try to fool the people.
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secondly, noble down there and anybody in the crisis backing me up on this, nobody cares when you are in a crisis who is wearing what. nobody cares what photographs of people hugging are out there. what you care about is do you have a generator? is your dog safe? are you going to make it through tomorrow? those are the things you care about. abby: on her way there now with her husband are they going to focus on the optics or what they're actually doing on the ground there quickly taya before we let you go. >> i'm not sure what they care about but my hope is, yeah, they focus on doing the job. i don't care what shoes think are in. i hope nobody cares what shoes i'm wearing today while i'm doing this, either. abby: great point. thank you for being with us this morning. really good to see you. all right. the president just days away from announcing his decision on the fate of dockca. dan bongino says he will be glad to see that program go. he is going to join us next on that. and president trump and the first lady set to board marine one at any moment now at 9:00 a.m. we are watching it closely ahead of their second visit
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to texas. we will be heading to texas and louisiana. we will bring you that live when we get it. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ ...
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president trump making his second trip to texas as hurricane harvey made landfall more than a week ago. >> president trump: to the people affected by hurricane harvey we are with you every single step of the way. >> the president is working at rebuilding houston and the devastated areas through a builder's eye. >> the entire community in the port arthur and beaumont area are still in as accessible. >> it's day eight and evacuations continue. >> i saw the devastation down there and i was amazed by the commitment of what the texans are doing to take care of themselves. >> president trump has requested nearly $8 billion in initial federal aid for hurricane harvey recover are. >> they're taking care of the people not republicans, not democrats, everybody.
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americans. >> everything will be okay. >> president trump: when one part of america hurts we all hurt. arm in arm we will strive. we will endure, and we will emerge stronger than ever before . >> clayton: let's get to the fox news alert now president trump and first lady set to board marine one at any moment ahead of their second visit to texas we'll bring you that live when that happens. >> abby: this as he puts pressure on congress for nearly $8 billion as a down payment for relief in texas. >> pete: peter doocy will be live later today. good morning. >> reporter: that almost $8 billion the white house is asking for is considered emergency funding they're calling it a down payment that would be used for continued life saving missions, help for housing for people without blood insurance and the loans to small businesses whose bottom lines are facted by the high water. these details were sent out late
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last night by the white house budget director to the speaker of the house paul ryan and includes a reminder if lawmakers decide not to raise the debt ceiling for any reason political or otherwise there's an interruption in federal assistance for harvey victims coming at a critical time in texas because the debt limit will be reached at the end of this month. the speaker has been saying there won't be a default and he tweeted last night, as families and communities begin long recovery from hurricane harvey, house will act quickly on request for emergency relief funding. president trump has predicted that harvey will go down as the most expensive natural disaster in american history and he's about to get his second look at the damage this week. on tuesday, he went to corpus cristi and austin for an update about rescue efforts and today, a little more than three hours, air force one will land in the houston area where the commander-in-chief is expected to meet with people whose lives have been most impacted by the historic high water is also expected to visit a relief
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center for harvey victims here and then from texas the president and the first lady are going to head to the lake charles, louisiana area. another place that was very hard hit by harvey a few days ago. back to you. >> abby: peter doocy, thank you so much for that. >> clayton: let's bring in former nypd officer hosting a podcast renegade republican dan bongino. the logistics of these types of trips has to be a bit of a nightmare. where do you sit down is the infrastructure safe enough for the president is he going to get in the way of people doing rescue efforts, take us through some of that. >> yeah, these are really tough. i mean the terrain features, right? things you wouldn't think about on a normal presidential advance like are there downed power lines? that's not the kind of thing on a trip to say downtown baltimore to whatever a woman's shelter you'd have to think about, right downed power lines here is another thing. access to a level one trauma hospital. that's a must for any secret service agent god forbid on the
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trip there's a medical emergency and you have to take the president to a hospital. where is the hospital? is the hospital up and running? is it accessible by car? motorcade routes are they shut off are the bridges even stable? these are really really complicated trips and you're right the logistics is a big hangup. >> reporter: unfortunately you have some of the media and critics of the president focused so much on the optics. optics of course matter in important trips but not focused nearly as much on rebuilding the state of texas, rebuilding houston, getting it to a place where they can continue on living their lives. we had david bosey on earlier in the show and he said president trump is not focused on the optics. he's focused on that rebuilding. here is what he said. >> the president is a builder right? that's his entire life so he's looking at rebuilding houston and these devastated areas through a builder's eye. he is going to demand that his leadership team at fema and other federal agencies whether it's the army corps of engineers or local agencies do their best
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for the american people on a budget and the president is not going to lose focus on these people. >> abby: it's interesting the president has got a different background than we've seen with other presidents. he's a business guy, he understands the impact not just what they're dealing with with flooding and all of the personal things they're going through but also the economic impact. you'll think about a place like houston that's been such a hub recently for oil and chemical and for energy you name it. seems like he's the type of guy that will understand that. >> yeah, you know this is a particularly infuriating story. i mean the media is focused on the optics. they're full of crap. what about the optics of a national mainstream liberal far left bias anti-trump media that during a biblical level tragedy in texas is focused more on melania trump's footwear. i mean this is absolutely absurd folks listen, i get it no tragedy is going to have a seamless response, but let's be honest compared to katrina where
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there were a ton of lives lost, we had the loss of life although tragic has been relatively slim compared to that. the federal response although again not seamless has been pretty good. the local response and the state response again, not seamless pretty good and what are they focused on? what's on melania trump's feet as she boards air force one? if this doesn't speak to the moral vacuum in our media today nothing does. this why nobody takes them seriously any more. they're nothing but a bunch of journalists. >> pete: dan another angle of this is what texas has shown america, the value here, the resilience there. if you would, speak to what we've seen, being able to get a glimpse of with the way texas and houston responded this. >> yeah, you know i sent out a sentiment the other day that i absolutely meant. i'm a floridian now, i've been marylander and new yorker and i totally get" now why texans are so proud of their state. i mean it gets you teary eyed watching their sense of self-
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reliance. thank god there's been a good government response pete but let's be honest. these are texans out there and people from adjoining states helping texans out on those boats rescuing pets, rescuing people. i mean this is just i get it now why when you go to texas people are so proud of their state. you know, you deserve a major patton the back and a big collective american hug from all of us. what you've done for yourselves under i mean unimaginable conditions is incredibly admirable and you get a big salute from me and the rest of us. just amazing. >> pete: it's worth remembering it used to be its own country. >> clayton: well we all know the pledge of allegiance to america. texans know the texas pledge. they say their own pledge to texas. >> well now everybody knows why, right? >> pete: that's right. >> clayton: dan we want to get your take on daca. the deferred action for childhood arrivals and those folks, those kids who were here because their parents were here illegally, under no fault of
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their own they're here and they've been living and working in many respects. silicon valley this week sent an open letter apple, facebook, google a lot of major companies said keep this in place otherwise it will cost the economy billions of dollars and billions of dollars out of medicaid and social security because they pay into it. the president under pressure to continue this program. what do you think is going to happen? >> well listen, that flag we have means something. that flag stands for the rule of law and there's absolutely no reason why we should be creating a special carve out to the rule of law for a group of people. this is that's not what the rule of law is. the whole essence of the rule of law which is what that flag we have stands for means that everybody is subjected to it. daca was an unfair program. it's an unconstitutional program barack obama himself, guys acknowledged that he could not do this and then subsequently did it. i'm not making it up. you all can see it on youtube when he was asked about his
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powers to do this. he said he couldn't do it and went and did it anyway. it is an illegal program that has to mean something and it is claims by the way of using discretion are nonsense. you can't exempt an entire class of people from the rule of law and one more thing. you know, spare me liberals the lectures on compassion, spare me we are the most compassionate country on earth. if you were to do what you did in the united states and come here illegally at at any any other country in the world you'd be getting a kick in the butt out of that country the next day we take in millions, millions of people over the course of decade s into this great country. we support them, we do not let them fail, and we give them every avenue to succeed so spare me the lectures on compassion. >> clayton: and you know dan it was an executive action unconstitutional yet congress could change the law if you want you'll see nancy pelosi and paul ryan a dangerous combination when they come together and yet we still want repeal and replace obamacare and get tax reform done. do you think this is something congress should take up if they
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are so excited about it? >> bingo, you just nailed it. i saw a tweet from jeff blake a republican senator from arizona who said we need to take immediate action to protect the kids. really? senator flake where was the immediate action on tax cuts? where is the immediate action right now on harvey? where is the immediate action on obamacare? you know, it's amazing how they prioritize things. we have people who i get it. that are going to be hard cases but who are not american citizens and when they're impact we have to take immediate action but when american citizens are impacted by the devastating effects obamacare we have a major storm where is the pressing need then? i mean, this is just in credible the priorities of republicans up on the hill. i'm telling you any republican that votes for this to institute daca legislatively good luck in the primary on that one. i don't think it's going to work out well for you. >> abby: we'll see where this goes good to have you on. >> pete: we want to take a shot of the south lawn, this is joint
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base andrews now because the president has already left the white house waiting marine one to land there at joint base andrews for the president and first lady boarding air force one to head back to houston, texas where they will look at and try to assess more of the damage. meanwhile, it's the headlines. >> abby: we'll bring that to you now to other headlines we're following we are now learning at least 19 american diplomats stationed in cuba are suffering from what u.s. officials call mysterous attacks symptoms include mild brain injuries and permanent hearing loss from several incidents dating back to december and the most recent was as early as last month. still unclear who was behind those attacks but cuba has denied any involvement. and president trump announcing his picks for the nation's new drug czar and for the top boss at nasa. pennsylvania congressman tom mar ino has been nominated to to lead the office of national drug control policy while oklahoma congressman will lead nasa. both congress men still need senate approval.
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gas prices speaking this labor day weekend in the wake of hurricane harvey the storm knock ing out refineries along the texas gulf coast that feed much of the u.s.. the national average for a gallon of regular gas is now $ 2.56, a $0.20 increase in just one week. experts say that number could go up as well to $2.75 a gallon by the end of this weekend. and jj watt continues to break barriers in his fundraiser for hurricane victims. the houston texans defensive end surpassed the $16 million mark. >> i've said so many times before but the worst times bring out the best in people and we're seeing that in abundance right now so thank you, please keep sharing please keep donating. >> abby: that is amazing. so watt started the fundraiser last week the initial goal of raising $200,000. good for him. >> clayton: check the salaries he only makes 10.5 million and he's now raised more than his own salary. pretty cool. >> clayton: coming on the show president trump and first lady
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melania trump set to depart joint base andrews ahead of their second visit to texas. we will bring that to you live when it happens. >> pete: plus have you seen these powerful pictures here 100 officers praying together before volunteering in houston? president trump rightly calls them heros and the chief of police joins us in houston, that's next. ♪ every long lost dream, led me to where you are, others who broke my heart--♪ victoza® may help you lose some weight. non-insulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. (announcer) victoza® is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and is not for people with type 1 diabetes
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>> abby: welcome back so this powerful image taking the internet by storm 100 fort worth police officers praying together before volunteering in houston. >> clayton: president trump tweeting out the photo calling those brave men and women heros. joining us is fort worth chief of police dr. joel fitzgerald. chief thanks for joining us we really appreciate it you said the houston chief of police contacted you directly asking for help. your response was not only to do
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that but also to kneel in prayer first? >> that's true good morning pete , abbey. it started out with a request that was answered because i reached out to him. i asked if he needed any help he and mike merkel, the chief of corpus cristi and i got back with him on sunday and he asked for 100 officers and we wasted no time in accommodating his request. >> abby: you know i think the biggest story everything houston and texas has faced dr. fitzgerald is how the community has come together and helped rebuild many suffering themselves and they say you know what? my neighbor is worse off than i am i have to go there and help save them. what sorts of things have you seen now that you've been on the ground seeing it firsthand? >> well i can tell you that nothing makes us more apolitical than a natural disaster and it's pulled not only our police department and community together but communities all
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throughout texas. our officers are selfless. we know that. they know what they sign up for, but going down and seeing things that they've seen, doing the things they've done, assisting these houston officers who are fatigued and tired is something that they will never forget and it's par for the course for what we do but when you see citizens doing what they're doing the cajun navy and other people going into help rescue folks those are powerful images and it was really cool that the president acknowledged the power of what we had leaving here in the city of fort worth and going and being accepted in the houston metropolitan area. >> pete: you mentioned those powerful images but that photo in the bottom right of our screen now is an incredibly powerful image and you go out and risk your lives on be half of your community every day you're going to houston as well and the president has declared a national day of prayer tomorrow. what is it about prayer? why is that a preface for you and your officers before you step out? >> we have a group of pastors
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from many different faiths that support this police department and you know, they weren't asked to be there. they come into our department to see our folks off and to wish them the very best and you know, prayer is powerful. we know that and sometimes not accepted everywhere, but what we felt was that it was appropriate to bring those folks in and to allow them to have a few minutes to really say what they meant from their hearts about the sacrifices our guys are making to go down there for a week, two weeks, three weeks at a time and it was accepted and it was well in braced by our folks. >> abby: we have a live camera on joint base andrews waiting for president trump and his wife melania to fly to houston and then louisiana. as a chief police officer, chief of police city of fort worth, texas talk to us about the importance of the president physically being on the ground there in houston. how does that boost the morale, not just to the police officers but everyone that has been
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surfing the past seven days? >> that's very powerful. we have a president now that obviously wants to be apart of the effort down in houston, wants to see it for himself, i heard earlier interviews about he being a builder and i think he's going to bring a unique set of skills to the problem in houston and to be able to assess things differently. it does promote a sense of pride in our country. it promotes the sort of sense of service and leadership that we need in this time and as i mentioned earlier, it makes us a political. this isn't a time to worry about whether we're blue or red or whatever. it's a time to all pitch in in the spirit of what we're doing in texas and solve a problem. >> clayton: texas taught a lot of us a lot of things dr. joel fitzgerald chief of police at fort worth headed to houston thank you for your time and service. >> abby: thank you for all you do. >> i want to again thank every one of the individuals down there especially from my department but from other departments around this region that are piling down into the
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city of houston to assist on a very very tragic situation. >> abby: it's a great point to make thank you so much for being with us. we're keeping a close eye on the president and his wife as they are heading there to joint base andrews to take off for houston we'll bring that to you live straight ahead. growing up, we were german. we danced in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn't finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we're not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip.
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>> pete: we're back this morning here is a live look at joint base andrews with air force one ready to take off. >> clayton: president trump is heading to texas for the second time since the hurricane and this morning where he will be joined by the first lady and they're going to meet with victims of hurricane harvey. >> abby: the president and first lady are set to arrive any moment we'll of course bring that to you as soon as they get there. meanwhile donations are pouring in from across the country for disaster relief in texas but they come with a warning from law enforcement. beware of fake charities
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>> clayton: so how can you make sure your money gets to those in need and not some russian hacker curt the cyber guy joins us now with all these fake websites e-mails pouring into people so you say look when you get an e-mail from someone and it looks like it's from the red cross. that's happening. >> history tells us everything. after katrina 4600 fake websites went up, looked completely real and people got suckered right into them. there were two guys arrested who created a fake all vision army site and in a period of 48 hours collected $60,000 and that money of course did not go to the victims. it went instead into their pockets but they got busted for it. many people did not get busted so be on the look out right now. >> abby: what should they look out for? >> number one, we get we're on social media. we get e-mails from friends and you go wow i have to click that it's so compelling but the fact is don't click from an e-mail at this moment when it relates to a
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charity. always just type in it. why don't you want to do that? well because it could look very real but it may not be. >> clayton: so change one letter or something and link to a different website? >> oh, they add a name to it, yeah. >> pete: so you get an e-mail from a friend or what you think is a friend. >> or family. >> pete: and it looks like it's a red cross e-mail, click here to donate. don't do it. delete the e-mail, instead go to red, the website, type it in yourself go to chrome and launch it and go there yourself and make a donation. >> bingo and never ever ever send cash or there's some cash calls going on right now even from friends who have been suckered into some scam. don't send cash and then watch out for these kind of copycat charities out there that look legitimate, they may have been setup in a hasty way or you know there are people that actually name websites that look like charities after all of the hurricanes in a gamble that one will be big and end up like
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hurricane harvey? >> clayton: be' very already bought it. >> you may look at the history and say that's around and legitimate. it's not so double check all of that and then when it comes to e-mail arriving to you also, what we're seeing is that people are sending around very compelling flood photos that look like oh, my gosh, that neighborhood or that poor dog or poor family. well, inside that image could be a virus or it could be malware. >> abby: we want to tell our audience we're waiting for the president to arrive at joint base andrews. they have taken off from the white house heading over to joint base andrews to go on air force one. i do want to point out that its been reported melania trump is wearing snakeskin stilettos so i just want to warn people before that ends up being the top story of the day. >> clayton: wall to wall everyone. >> abby: we'll bring that to you as soon as they get there. >> pete: this website address point and it's pouring down rain there as well so let's talk about the url bar that's what it's called at the top the address bar this is very
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important, because one letter could be different. make sure you look at that url bar right to see if red cross has two r's in it or something? >> look very carefully at the web address and the tail end of the address so we know all about dot com, and dot net and dot other things and a bone aphid non-profit will have .org, and look for that and i'll have all of these tips online if you if you go to the facebook page or fox & friends we'll have it all there for you so you have great ways to use your money, great ways to connect with real families. we all want to help and we just don't want to fall victims. >> abby: it sounds like you have to be more proactive. you got to actually go to the website you know is doing the good like red cross. >> just run it through a check. >> clayton: you've also got some information, phone numbers folks can call to check on this and report fraud as well. >> if you see this we need to know about it. you've got to alert the authorities so natural center for disaster fraud hot line is 866-720-5621 the texas attorney general really is on this and is
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going down not just on the gas pumps but gouging but when you see this they want to follow the online criminal acts as well. >> abby: really helpful curt thank you so much. everyone wants to help out right now. >> clayton: coming up on the show new flood fears this morning in houston. more evacuations happening as floodwaters continue to rise. we are live on the ground there, next. >> pete: we continue to cover the president as he moves from marine one to air force one we'll bring it to you soon. [radio alarm] ♪ julie is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor- positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ♪
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>> abby: we're waiting right now live joint base andrews for the president and first lady melania to board air force one they're flying first to houston and then ultimately to louisiana to get a sense of the destruction there but to meet with the victims the survivors and to give them some relief on how we will move forward. >> pete: as our white house producer reported they left the white house as they walked out the first lady was wearing snakeskin stilettos and a knee- length army tan dress and the fake news media will obsess about that all day but what i love about it is they're like you know what? we don't care. she's going to wear what she wants. it's great fashion and she will wear it and part of it is if you'll make a big deal of it we'll do it anyway. >> abby: if you ever wear snakeskin anyway clayton it's going to texas whether it's stilettos or cowboy boots you wear snakeskin. >> clayton: meanwhile more evacuations happening now near houston as floodwaters continue to rise. >> abby: our own griff jenkins is live with the latest you have seen it all what are you hearing this morning?
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>> reporter: abbey, clayton and pete, we are sitting in the west part of houston, just below the addicks reservoir that over spilled and the mayor yesterday telling the residents here that if you haven't gotten out you should go. it's a volunteer evacuation not mandatory but look at the damage here. clearly, these folks had to get out. the situation is dangerous with these currents and we talked with the resident just in the last hour as we've headed out on a small boat. >> abby: griff, we want to jump -- >> the president is coming up. >> abby: want to jump in marine one you can see landing at joint base andrews with the president and his wife melania trump as they board of course air force one heading to houston. >> clayton: and as you see these images on our screen about the president coming back to houston what are you hearing from the residents. i don't mean to be blunt? do they care, are they inspired by it what does it mean for the folks still stuck, trapped trying to get stuff out of their
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houses? >> reporter: well that certainly depends on who you ask here because john richardson we talked to in the last hour has come to get his things out after evacuating yesterday. tensions are high. it's day eight. he's furious. he just texted me he said thanks for having me on to talk but please tell them again "we need more help and we need answers why we're sacrificed without being told to leave" and i think what he would like was for the president to bring the attention , command the attention of the authorities here to realize that there are a lot of people particularly like this neighborhood. this neighborhood has never flooded and these residents feel that they need support right now to get their things out to get their plan together because they did not intend to be flooded like this and again, this flooding you're looking at now these images with mailboxes under water, houses up, three, four, five feet high, they have the problem they didn't have in the immediate aftermath. this is largely because the reservoir is just a block or two behind us and the discharge the
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army corps of engineers had to deliver is flooding this neighborhood. crutch griff you raise a really important point as we watch marine one and air force one and the president and first lady are exiting quickly here and board ing the plane but you mentioned the difference between those who are in a natural flood floodplain and those so far out they never expected to be in a situation like this. do you get different reactions based on folks that have seen flooding before and those that never expected it to happen? >> reporter: that's exactly right. i mean some of the neighborhoods particularly in communities south of here along the brazos river where we were yesterday, that is flooded at historic proportions. last year on memorial day in 2015 it flooded on tax day and so you know, they knew when they saw this prediction coming they said well we better get out and i talked to some of the residents who said well this might have been the third strike the straw that finally makes them leave although many of them invested in their small businesses and what not there, however these folks and in some
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other communities, they've never seen it and now they have to make serious hard decisions where do they go, do they sell their house? >> abby: griff you've been on the ground there for seven days now and you saw it from the very beginning and now you see the aftermath and some places the water is still rising. when the president gets down there on the ground with his wife, and sees the devastation, sees the amount of water that are there, the contaminated water and sees the people, many of them are never going to be able to go back to their home that had everything in it that they live for. what do you think is going to go through the president's mind as he gets there physically on the ground and gets a better sense of what so many of the people there have been dealing with? >> reporter: well this is just my observation but i found that part of why those rallies that i've been there are so passionate is that the president this president in particular has a capacity for empathy that is quite obvious and i think that he is going to be sticking with people who aren't just going
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through one difficult event in their life or one difficult hurricane and they're all bad but this one in this case this water according to the flood control folks according to many of these areas will plan to be under water. they said four to five weeks, so when the president connects with people who have never seen this stuff who are flooded until october i think it's going to probably be able to process that and take it in. >> clayton: there is the president coming off marine one right now you can see the video from shortly before as the president was leaving from the white house on the south lawn to board marine one so here are the marines outside marine one and the president about to deplane on his way to air force one on his way to houston and it's reported he was asking questions that were shouted from the press pool but he only said thank you and continued to walk along. >> abby: this is a long day for them. they get back at i think 9:30 back home tonight a long day and an emotional day but such an important one, griff as you were talking about earlier, the people there in houston and parts of texas that have seen their homes have seen their
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belongings completely destroyed, i mean they're not necessarily wanting a bunch of hugs now. they're wanting relief, assistance from the federal government. they're wanting to know that the president and his administration are doing everything possible to help them survive and to help them move forward as you can see the president there right now. griff go ahead. >> reporter: that's exactly right. when he came originally to see the area in corpus cristi that was sort of an immediate aftermath sort of survey but what he's going to get now is a real feel up close and personal for the tensions and the raw nerves and the desperation in many cases that set in in people that really don't have a plan and aren't getting the answers in the case of the last resident whose in here right now trying to dig through his house to salvage anything he can. he's going to get the real feel for what these people are going through and i think as commander-in-chief, he's going to feel the need to rise to the
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occasion to help them because in the case of that last president z dent as you heard him he's upset with the officials here because he felt sacrificed in this area and i'm sure even those that do live in those floodplains they as well certainly hit with something that has never happened in history. even the brazos river where we were 55 plus feet cresting of river? absolutely putting communities under water. >> clayton: griff we're watching the president boarding air force one he and the first lady about to depart for houston. but there is so many questions. we had bob massey on the show earlier this morning to wrap our heads around the insurance questions and calling fema to try to get assistance. there are so many pieces to this story, griff, as you know being there. so many of the people that i'm sure you've talked to didn't have insurance, are now having to rely on calling fema to get some sort of a small loan which will have to be paid back of course. it's a short-term loan but there's other huge problems which is that where are you going to find contractors to actually rebuild these homes?
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they were already a shortage before the storm even hit. they were already they didn't have enough contractors to even stand up to the demand for housing that was growing in that area as it was. there's no place for these contractors to sleep. where are they going to come from? is the federal government going to bust in contractors from some government agency to help rebuild homes? >> reporter: that's right if i can just add to that do you not know when it will come from just yet. we're far. we're still in some places in a rescue and evacuation mode not a recovery mode and these people in this neighborhood have no mailboxes. look at that mailbox. you can't come get your mail. you have to file a claim and fill out paperwork and in the case of those that don't have flood insurance i don't even know where you begin because there is no form to fill out with fema if you don't have the flood insurance. they're going to have to make that decision that will involve a significant level of bureaucracy in tough decisions that need to be made in quite a
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rap it fashion. >> pete: griff that's a great point and clayton a great question because it does come down ultimately to logistics and you want people that have been in these types of situations before, can think about the consequences and indiana tended consequences as we watch the stairs pull away from air force one, we saw the president and first lady board the plane and he turned around and waived and looked like in his hand he had a red usa hat probably what he will be wearing today so looks like the wheels will be up shortly headed to houston. >> clayton: that mailbox because it's also a point bob massey made earlier on the show. mortgage invoices are still going to arrive in the mail. like just because the flood happened doesn't mean that wells fargo or bank of america or whatever you have your mortgage through, you still own the property you still have to pay on it but now maybe you don't even have a house any more so what happens if you don't have flood insurance you're paying a mortgage you don't have the property? >> reporter: that's right if i could just jump in and that wonderful cameraman dave william s i've been praising will yell at me but i'll try this anyway. the house behind us has a lockbox on it.
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is it possible, dave without tilting us and putting us in danger just bear with us guys because i wanted to show you to give you some sense of this and i know he's not happy with me but look at that. >> abby: wow. >> reporter: do you see that that is a lockbox. >> reporter: this house is for sale. >> clayton: that's for sale. >> pete: oh, boy. >> reporter: it is under water we had latched on to and you know, this is a nice neighborhood. so i don't know what these people do. >> pete: a nice neighborhood not a floodplain area that's where the contingencies come into plane. >> abby: as you're sitting there griff on a canoe so people get a sense of why the camera is a little rocky you can barely bounce in a canoe without a 50- pound camera on your shoulder but i can't help but think about the image of air force one now fly together houston and what they've been through the past seven days and you think of the role of the president of the united states. when you campaign to be president you talk about so many issues you're passionate about but ultimately of all of the hats that you wear as president the most important one you wear
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is protecting the people that you serve and being there in the times they need it most and i can't think of a more important time than right now and what texas has been going through, to be there on the ground now as president this is something he's never experienced before because he's not coming in as a local politician. he's a businessman $ could also be helpful in this situation but coming in this for the very first time. i'm sure as i said a long and emotional day. >> clayton: it's a great point because it's not just a plane but of course a flying command center so work will be done. meetings will be held, phone calls will be made, continued coordination but voters vote for a president based on a set of beliefs they have and what that he or she are running on but they don't know what's coming for those next four to eight years so a big part of the vote is do i want that person at the helm when crisis happens? and i think part of why they like president trump, a lot of people voted for him republican or democrat is he was a leader decisive spoke truth, he was willing to take controversial stances or difficult ones in
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moments is a lot of what you look for. come down here don't sugar coat it shoot straight with me about what you're seeing and tell me how we can get it done outside of political ideology you aren't republicans or democrats this will cost us money but let's be smart and efficient and make sure the dollars are spent wise ly. a lot of people saying this is 160 to $190 billion storm. why are we only spending 8 billion upfront? a great explanation. start with what you need in emergency sense, see how well its spent how it works where you need more and appropriate more as is necessary. those are the types of business approaches that the president has tried to take. >> clayton: we had earlier on the show general semini, whose in charge of the army corps of engineers in charge of the reservoirs down there and he said look we're in a stage right now where i don't know how many billions of tons of debris that they now have to haul away like that's the job right now. the recovery, the rescue, getting all that toxic debris out of houston first and then deciding are we going to rebuild in certain neighborhoods that
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have been hit by flooding three consecutive years now. he said look we can't build those large storm surge cement barricades that they have in florida because we've just built too many homes up to those areas and now it's a question of well can we tear those neighborhoods down, does the federal government step in and do that? we don't know but that's why houston has these problems they have 70 year old storm systems in place. florida has updated storm systems that's why even low lying areas of florida are protected in hurricanes and they don't experience the flooding that you have here. >> abby: griff i want to bring you back in here. you can't help but think about the people that you've been sitting the past week with getting to know and getting a better sense of all they have been dealing with. the news cycle moves on the president goes back and starts dealing with congress on other things. that is why what he says today, griff is so important because the people in houston, the people in texas that will never get their homes back to the way they were or much of their life, they will be dealing with this for months and months if not
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years to come. so what he says today has a huge impact on them. >> reporter: it is and it comes at a time you know we've talked about all of the challenges logistically and the houses and people affected but emotionally as a city, in the eighth day of this devastating storm, we are also water is receding in many places, we're bracing for much grimmer news with more bodies that are surely going to turn up so the emotional and psychological toil on this city is going to deep en and not only is he going to need to strike a tone with a message that really drives home that he's with them and that he adds strength to their resilience and they have been unbelievably resilient you've seen the volunteers turning up from all over but it's going to come at a time they have tougher news to bear.
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>> pete: here is air force one taking off heading to where you are right now in houston. the people that you talk to, are they planning to rebuild after multiple floods in recent years, are they planning on moving? >> reporter: that's a fantastic question. i've asked almost every person i've talked to and i haven't had a single one not tell me i don't know. >> abby: wow. >> reporter: it's that hard. >> abby: griff you think about i mean the thousands of people that left after hurricane katrina, right? they left and they moved to houston and many of them never left houston. saying it's a great place to live and now just years later they're dealing with this yet again. >> reporter: that's right, and you know, i remember katrina having been there for fox news raid year for quite a number of days and it is comparing the two now and looking back the fact this is the fourth largest city in america, you really see it because of such a larger population, the larger area that
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is hit. >> pete: griff we just had the shot of air force one and ultimate symbol of american leadership and power taking off and then we cut to griff jenkins in a canoe in the middle of a flood. the stark reality of how much is at stake, how difficult it's going to be. how important, griff just briefly you talked to a fort bend county sheriff we played it earlier in the show and says mr. president i want you on my air boat out in that. how important do you think it is the president get out into those floodwaters or do you think it's sufficient to sort of stay further away and make sure the recovery and relief efforts are not impeded at all? >> reporter: well i can tell you that fort bend county sheriff troy nails really wants the president to come out because he wants to show them up close. he wants the people that are trying to hold on. they want them to see him out among them because again, the solutions here are not going to be a giant federal band aid. it has to come from the federal government but it has to involve
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local leaders and i think that's one of the main messages that sheriff nails wants to drive home and the only way you have those conversations is to get out and connect directly. you can't do it from 30,000 feet >> abby: that is well said griff jenkins live on the ground for us all week long griff thank you so much for your reporting this morning you've just been fantastic. as we said air force one just took off there from joint base andrews now in the aaron its way to houston, will land some time between 12 and 1:00 p.m. eastern time so we will bring that to you right here at fox news when it happens. we are going to continue to cover this. we have a panel talking about how important the president's visit there is on the ground in houston. we're going to bring that to you right after the break. (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy.
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>> clayton: welcome back.
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well just moments ago president trump departing for flood ravaged texas that's him leaving marine one as he moves over to air force one. the question is will the mainstream media finally be satisfied or the so-called mainstream media be satisfied with the president's actions? joining me now on our panel is fox news contributor tammy bruce , new york city councilman joe borelli, and former ohio state senate minority leader capri cafarro. >> good morning. >> pete: you joined us in this ship watching the president and first lady board the plane. first of all your overall reaction to how important and the gravity of today? >> well i think all of this is important. i think the president has been pitch perfect on this. there seems to be really no disagreement in that regard and part of of course the president 's role is to be optimistic, to be an encourager, to be somebody who makes sure that everybody knows that we've got their back. the president this is what he does. first lady is well-liked she's
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been hitting exactly every right mark but it's not difficult for them. i think we all are hitting the right marks. this is natural. this is what americans do, and i think that this was a test for the president. first major disaster, right? requiring his personal involvement getting down there and it's working. we also have to recall though of course he's working on getting more money, he's telling congress we want almost 15 billion now, and yet we also have irma possibly coming up. so there's a variety of issues. >> pete: some people he's taken some criticism for not being emotional enough with more hugs, less strong talk what do you think the people of texas are looking for here? >> i can tell you this i have firsthand experience. my community staten island very heavily republican area was hit very hard by sandy. barack obama came a few weeks after the hurricane and he was inspiring. people were honored to meet him. it was appreciated and sympathetic and genuine. the media covered it like that and if those same news cameras are focusing on melania's shoes or arguing he should have went
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here and not there, shame on them shame on them. >> pete: great point capri, speaking of shoes we have a quick split screen of melania the first time they went to texas and now today wearing snakeskin still stilettos which a lot of people will say i'll wear whatever i want. >> look i am totally guilty of wearing pretty much exclusively high heels and i've got a lot of slack for doing parades in heels but then again i'm also five feet tall. i say this is not about shoes. this is not about clothes. this is about making sure that our nation comes together and delivers for the people of texas forget the dress code. that's not what this is about. >> pete: you're a democrat not making those accusations. why are some others in the liberal media doing it? >> because it's a sexy story and they are trying to place president trump and the first lady as people that are disconnected with the regular people and that it's not appropriate but then do you know what? if you wore a combat suit--
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>> pete: we're about to be disconnected so thank you all, we've got to go. parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪
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wherwhere we always welcome you, that's texas.exas. where we always find a way, that's texas. ♪
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>> pete: thank you for joining us or four hours of fox & friends. we will continue tomorrow. >> abby: have a good saturday, everybody. >> president trump on his way to storm ravaged areas, as harvey victims start cleaning up the mess from that monster storm. and while the water may be receding, costs are still mounting and energy prices speaking. now, some predicting harvey's wrath will hit the entire economy. how bad could it get? hi, everybody i'm daga mcdowell. this week, gary b. smith, jonas ferris, john layfield, and adrian elrod. welcome to everybody. john? you are a texan and you say this isn't just a gulf coast event. we will all fail


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