tv Hannity FOX News September 5, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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that's why the cat escape the bad. >> dana: i said she would announce that she was pregnant with her third child. "hannity" is up next. never miss an episode of "the five." we will see you tomorrow. >> sean: thanks to all our friends on "the five." welcome to "hannity." we are following for major breaking news stories. dunning evidence that could prove that the former fbi director james comey let hillary clinton off the hook over her email server scandal. is this the proof that the fix was in from the get-go? it's now time for the attorney general jeff sessions to reopen this clinton case. president trump puts an end to the executive branch power grab, daca. also congress has 14 weeks to get his job done and start enacting president trump's attendant that you, the american
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people, voted for. also, the world on high alert after north korea test the hydrogen bomb that could be loaded onto a long-range missile. we will get into all of these stories in tonight's opening breaking news monologue. we've been telling you for over a year that former fbi director james comey and his decision not to recommend charges against hillary clinton over the email server was based solely on politics, not on evidence. now there appears to be the proof we been looking for. according to senator grassley and lindsey graham, there was a letter drafted that was exonerated clinton before she was interviewed. this is beyond disgusting, embarrassing, and beyond shameful. it's exactly why we've been telling you that there is two-tiered justice system's family in america today. one for the clintons and one for the rest of us. tonight you, the american
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people, you should be outraged. and looks like the fix was in from the get-go. enough is enough. the country deserves to know the truth and what exactly james comey was trying to do here and it's time for jeff sessions to reopen hillary clinton's email server case and investigate james comey's role in letting her go free without a real investigation. congress must investigate all of this and get to the truth. they have subpoena and investigative powers. now it's time for them to use it. before unilaterally announcing that the fbi wasn't recommending prosecuting hillary clinton, james comey laid out in painstaking detail how clinton had secret -- top-secret -- classified as special access program information on that email server. we also found out that many agencies gained access to those
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servers. here is comey being questioned by trey gowdy in detail about all the times that likened them was investigated during the email schedule. >> was not true? >> that's not true. there is a small number of portion markings on three of the documents. >> secretary clinton said i did not email any classified material on my email. there's no classified material. it was not true? >> there was classified material email. >> was not true? >> no, we found work-related emails, that were not returned. >> sean: doth the fbi director that clinton lied pretty much every step of the way but somehow without interviewing printed or other key witnesses, he was able to conclude that hillary clinton didn't write the law. it reeks of corruption and collusion. it also proves that president trump was absolutely right to fire james comey as the
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fbi director. the guy is clearly immoral and doesn't care about the rule of law and only acted in his own self interest and with his own agenda. this exoneration letter is just the beginning of what our very highly questionable, unethical and potentially criminal behaviors from the former fbi director, james comey. for starters, it looked like comey perjured himself saying he made a decision about clinton after talking to her. sorry, timeline does not fit. take a look at this. >> director, did you make the decision not to recommend criminal related charges with classified information before or after hillary clinton was interviewed by the fbi on july 2nd? >> after. if colleagues of ours believe i am lying about when i made this decision, please urge them to contact me privately so we can have a conversation about this. all i can do is tell you again, the decision was made after that because i didn't know what was going to happen in that
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interview. she may be lied in the interview. >> sean: now it looks like james comey may have lied to congress but given everything else we have learned about the former fbi director, he's a rogue agent and doesn't care about enforcing the law. otherwise this never would have happened. comey may have broken the law by drafting memos on the government computer after he met with donald trump? and then removing those documents from the fbi? and of course, also admitted before congress that he had his best friend leaked the contents of the memos to "the new york times" in the hopes that it would bring about a special counsel which in fact, it did. we can't forget about the comey testifying the former obama attorney general loretta lynch had pressured him into calling the clinton investigation and matter in public and he ended up listening and doing that. the former fbi director is also a massive hypocrite. he claims to have detailed notes and memos about private conversations that he had with
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president trump but he didn't write a single word out about his conversations with loretta lynch. here's what's important. if this country still cares about respecting the constitution, the rule of law, equal application of the law, it is time to reopen the clinton server case and investigate everything that comey prematurely exonerated hillary clinton four. comey himself needs to be held accountable for his actions but they are inexcusable and that's a very important aspect to a constitutional republic and direct republic. president trump is overturning one of president obama's massive abuses of power. he is with the president said earlier today. let's take a look. >> i have a great heart for the folks we are talking about. a great love for them. people think in terms of children but they are really young adults. i have a love for these people and hopefully, no congress will be able to help them and do it properly. i can tell you in speaking to
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members of congress, they want to be able to do something and do it right. we have no choice. we have to do something. i think it's going to work out very well and long term, it's going to be the right solution. >> sean: the left, the destroy trump establishment media, they freaked out over melania's shoes. this is because they obviously don't care about the constitution, the rule of law. what they won't tell you is that daca was in fact unconstitutional. the president is right to let congress decide on the issue of immigration laws in this country. that's how a system of checks and balances supposed to to work. the executive branch can't discern power from the legislative branch. you remember how president obama himself admitted this many, many times before every signing this executive order on daca. he admitted it was unconstitutional, for him to change immigration laws all on his own.
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the constitutional scholar, president obama. >> sometimes when i talk to immigration advocates, they wish i could just bypass congress and changed the law myself. that's not how democracy works. the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's not the case. i know some people want me to bypass congress and change the laws on my own. that's not how our system works. that's not how our democracy functions. that's not how our constitution is written. >> sean: not how our constitution is written? not how democracy works? after saying all of that, obama did it anyway. which is why president trump is 1000% right and did the right thing this morning. he did not trample over the rule of law in the constitution. the ball is rightly an congresses court. they want to change the law.
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they can go right ahead and be held accountable. that's their job. it's put up or shut up time. that means mitch o'connell and all his friends in the sun to become all the people in the house, this is exactly what they wanted. watch this. if the president follows through on his threat for executive amnesty, what you have having tools at your disposal to stop him from doing that? >> first of all, it's unconstitutional. we are already going through the court system on unconstitutional executive orders he's worked on. we would add this to the file. >> would ignore the law, reject the voice of the voters. on law-abiding immigrants, all without solving the problem. in fact, his action is more likely to make it even worse. >> sean: in addition to acting on daca and immigration, congress has a litany of other problems. like keeping the government
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funded. raising the debt ceiling. improving hurricane harvey aid. repealing and replacing obamacare before the budget reconciliation option runs out at the end of the month. for to welcome a very important. moving ahead on tax reform and tax cuts. that's important. for all you members in congress, better get your act together. yet 14 weeks to actually start passing the things he promised, the things the american people voted for. 14 weeks to keep your promises, do your job. mitch mcconnell, mr. 18% approval rating in your state, are you watching? better take down notes and pay attention because the american people are watching. these are simple things. let's take the tax code from seven brackets to three. let's cut middle class taxes. so that they will build factories and manufacturing plants in this country.
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trillions overseas, so they can hire the new workers in the best rate here in the united states. and also, building at least 300 miles of the wall and funding the entire wall and do it before the 2018 midterm elections with the american people like to say good-bye to you. energy independence. it's so important. the lifeblood of our economy. repealing and replacement of obamacare for so many americans that are suffering. it's time for congress to come together and get the job done for once. for the sense of urgency. and finally tonight, very scary situation out of north korea, the puts the entire world in jeopardy tonight. over the weekend, the rogue regime conducted its sixth nuclear test of a hydrogen bomb they claimed could fit on the end of a long-range missile. we've been seeing they've been test firing that. pyongyang is also threatening america by saying they will send "gift packages" to the u.s.
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and according to south korea's military, kim jong un seems to be preparing for another icbm test. this comes after the rogue regime through a missile right over japan just last week. meanwhile, the president and his administration, general mattis, they continued to turn up the heat on north korea. the president announcing earlier today that japan and south korea will be able to buy and substantially increase military equipment. the president also tweeted... last week, prior to the hydrogen bomb test, the u.s. and south korea carried out a massive show of force by conducting a simulated fly firebombing raid. there are no good solution is to dealing with north korea. and this threat, the united states and our allies carry out a preemptive strike knocking out kim jong un's nuclear strikes, we don't know
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what that will lead to. a potential all out war in the korean peninsula. literally putting millions of lives that at risk. the policy of appeasement carried out under bill clinton, back in the 1990s -- i will quote "the new york times" to make all liberals happy. the u.s. agreed to give north korea billions of dollars in energy aid over the course of a decade, all in exchange with pyongyang promising they were going to be good little government officials. and they will end their nuclear program. according to the framework of that agreement, north korea would allow inspectors on the nuclear site but it came with a very big cats. they would be allowed to keep their nuclear fuel rods. for an unspecified number of years. bill clinton brushed all those fears aside, tried to bribe them
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into being nice and praised this ridiculous deal that has brought us where we are today. watch this. to the brink. >> a good deal for the united states. north korea will freeze and dismantle its nuclear programs. south korea and our other allies will be better protected. the entire world would be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. the united states and international inspectors will carefully monitor north korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. only as it does so will north korea fully join the community of nations. >> sean: all night, as we all later found out, bill clinton got paid -- you can turn out to be completely wrong. he got played. by 1998, north korea testfired a long-range missile. in 2006, the rogue regime conducted their first nuclear test and under the obama administration, north korea threat accelerated while the president drastically cut hours strategic defense capabilities.
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this is left donald trump facing a major crisis with no good answers. the policy is of appeasement is never works when you're dealing with despots and dictators. president clinton and obama just kick the can down the road leaving it for someone else to deal with. can't wait for north korea to fully develop a nuclear arsenal that can hit major american cities. we must now accelerate president trump's plan to seriously bolster the fat and other antimissile defense systems. we also need to fast-track the technology from president reagan's defense initiative. so we have 30-40 shot to shoot down any icbm that north korea will end up firing. in other words, we need a lot of options or else millions could die. in my opinion, the u.s. needs to take out any north korea missile
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that is launched. if they put it on a pad and we don't know what's on that missile, well, we need to take that out as well. this is beyond serious. we need to let kim jong un know that these types of aggressive actions will never be tolerated. coming up tonight, newt gingrich will join us to react to our opening monologue and also tonight, retired assistant fbi director james carlstrom. she had some strong words for james comey. jay sekulow will weigh in. my one-on-one debate, a "hannity" shoot-out with jorge ramos. poligrip free. ♪
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." it reacted my monologue tonight, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. also a fox news contributor. let me start. we have a lot of issues. let me start with the revelation about james comey. the fix what's in. he knew. he had no intention of talking to the witnesses, getting the facts and coming to a conclusion. admitting we have a two-tiered justice system. how do we handle that? >> essentially, we had a talk about obstruction of justice. we found out who was obstructing. in a very fine column, the
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person who led the effort with president obama who back in april 2016 outlined the case for hillary being innocent and it's exactly the case that comey used to live. >> sean: i don't mean to interrupt you but i read mccarthy's column. i saw the quotes. obama let her off the hook, saying it didn't affect national security. did the fbi director go through this painstaking process of reminding us that he had to remind president trump that the department of justice and fbi were separate and apart from the administration? why would that not apply here? >> of course, james comey is a liar. he's in the middle of telling a lie. the lie is pro-hillary and anti-trump. that's the beginning of the whole story. >> sean: republicans as i see it have september, october,
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november, and two weeks of december to get an awful lot done. your thoughts? >> i think you're basically moving in the right direction. i would say they have to avoid shutting down the government because they are seen as the people in charge. they have to get a tax bill through. they have to cut taxes to get this economy growing. i think they should get the wall funded. they should get the dreamers taken care of. those are the minimum things. there are steps they have to take on dismantling obamacare. the system is going to unravel. my guess is to everyone's surprise, you're going to see some stuff move on health care this fall. you are right. eight months to not get it done. now a very short time. they're going to have to be productive if they are going to survive the 2018 elections. >> sean: all right, we now have a situation with north korea. they are firing missiles over islands that obviously are owned by the japanese.
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we've shown them that we can take these missiles out of the sky. now they got there first nuclear test. or the second but it's been a long time since they tested them. what should we do next? i think the only solution is firing missiles out of the sky or off the launch pad? >> i think we have to adopt a new doctrine, the mutually destructive option doesn't work with these people. they operate off of the logic very different than ours. i think we have to say we are not prepared to risk losing an american city. we don't have to preempt them, we don't have to start a war but any missile that is launched that has not been expected by the american government and is not certified by us do not have a nuclear weapon on it will be automatically killed as it starts to rise. we need a system between lasers
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or hypersonic missiles. we can kill them on the way up. gillett and we already have a system of killing all the way down. we need a layered defense and calmly start executing that. tell them, say look, we don't want to start a war. we are not risking an american city because we have no trust in kim jong un. >> sean: thoughts well said. at that point, there is no good solutions. let me go to daca again. this from the beginning, even president obama admitted it was unconstitutional. he then usurped the authority and power of congress, now giving congress to deal with that issue. they have an additional six months. is this an issue where constitutionally, when we talk about coequal branches of government and enumerated powers, isn't this something that must be done if we want the rule of law to work in this country? >> sure.
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i thought president trump, i know he worked on this for several weeks. he was trying to find a way to honor the constitution and have compassion. i think he came up with a solution that was totally legitimate. clearly it's illegal but there's a practical reality. something like 700 or 690,000 people in the system. about 70,000 still being processed. we are not going to cut them off. the compassion will not allow us to cut them off but that means congress in the next six months has to do his job. i think everybody who's upset she called their cemetery and house number and get them to pass the application of daca into loss we can both have -- i think it's totally phony for liberals to complain about president trump with kept his wt over backwards to help the dreamers and who today wants to
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get and express how committed he is to help these people. >> sean: mr. speaker, appreciated as always. mr. comey has a lot to explain. did he break the law? jay sekulow. and jorge ramos and one-on-one, the "hannity" debate segment. that's later tonight. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve
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in other news tonight, president trump now says he will revisit the daca program if congress fails to act to come up with a alternative. congress now has six months to legalize it. earlier today, the president said he was facing the daca program out. i am jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity." for all of your headlines, hung onto >> although there is evidence of a potential violation of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> sean: that was then fbi director james comey back in 2016 announcing that they would not recommend charges for hillary clinton. a decision that is now under new scrutiny after two u.s. senators have revealed that comey drafted a statement clearing clinton
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will before the investigation was over. now on the phone, retired assistant fbi director james calls from and jay sekulow. if you haven't concluded the investigation, how is it possible, they haven't even interviewed the person involved. how do you start drafting what comey was drafting, which was her exoneration? >> well, it was clear to me but i think it's clear to everyone now. basically, he's been carrying water for the clinton folks. obama. everybody. the whole thing was a farce. as soon as you know there's no grand jury and you can't have testimony, you can't compel, you can get records, you can't take computers for searching or do any of that stuff, it's a farce. the whole thing was a farce from
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the beginning. fbi agents don't like to be part of farces. >> sean: jay sekulow, let me ask from your standpoint. i think this is so important especially in light of the special counsel, which was james comey's goal after he leaked his memos to "the new york times" which may in and of itself have been illegal. and other issues he is involved. 33,000 the lead and subpoenaed acid washed. bleached. destruction of information on blackberries and iphones. why do i think i would be calling you if i did any one of these things because i would be in jail for distracting obstrue and violating the law? >> james comey had a predetermined outcome about how this was going. he said the information that the two senators said very clearly, the information they were already writing up. exoneration.
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before 16 witnesses were interviewed before the target of the matter, as james comey was told to call it. what james kallstrom said was right. it's really been a fraud on the american people. this whole scenario of james comey, his statements before congress. we are not only incorrect that the matter of fact but i think it puts him at a material legal jeopardy. >> sean: jay, does this open up the opportunity that the attorney general should get to the truth considering i think this reveals that the fix was in for hillary and james comey was fine with it? >> i think james comey needs to be the subject of an investigation here. look at the evidence. this information is damaging, to say the least. it puts the whole investigation or whatever you want to call what was going on there -- a sideshow, it puts the whole
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matter into perspective. it was never intended to be an investigation in the first place and james comey was part of that. >> sean: james kallstrom -- >> y russian investigation, that's all to sidetrack the president so he can't have his appointments. he can't deal with anything else. it's all comey playing act two of a farce. >> sean: last quick question. i've interviewed julian assange. he said it was not russia. i've interviewed him five times. now dana roebuck or believes him. does robert mueller, james kallstrom, have an obligation to talk to the one guy on this earth that would know for sure if the dnc emails did not come from russia? >> meal i should never the special counsel.
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he's got a conflict of interest a mile wide. he and comey our bodies. i mean, it's just preposterous that the attorney general, the point of the special counsel and appointed mueller, it's just outrageous. should he be investigated? yes. >> by the way, i think the department of justice, in relation to james comey, the department of justice -- the department of justice needs to find out if they can do the appropriate investigation with the grand jury with the leaking of a conversation that james comey have at the president of the united states. i would start with that and work backwards to the fact that he privet determined the outcome with the other investigations. let's start with the leak from the president of the united states. a statement that james comey had with the president of the united states. he leaked to a friend of his to leak to the press.
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inexcusable. that should be investigated. >> sean: important things. we will stay on it. no one else in the media apparently will touch it. it when we come back, president trump's plan to end daca. my one-on-one debate with jorge ramos. debate shoot out, next. you did that? we did that. really. we analyzed millions of articles and reports. we can identify threats 50% faster. you can do that? we can do that. then do that. can we do that? we can do that. can we do that? if they knew just howers rich they were.ed the average american home value has increased $40,000 over the last 5 years. but many don't know you can access that money without refinancing or selling your home. with a home equity loan, you can pull cash out of your house for anything you need-
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i have a love for these people and hopefully congress will be able to help them and do it properly. >> sean: that was president trump talking about his plan to rescind daca, program implemented by obama without congressional approval. it extends privileges to illegal immigrants before their 16th birthday. a constitutional solution to daca what will come to an end in six months. joining us now, the anchor of america on fusion. jorge ramos. we expect people in this country to play by the rules. those who cut the line will not be unfairly rewarded. and for the time being, you will be able to stay in this country without fear of deportation and get right with the law. that's what the law is. do you have any problem with what the president said? >> i do. i have many problems with what
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the president said. you cannot start with the president. he said he loves the dreamers. he also said dreamers should be very worried. guess what happened? immediately after he said that, he basically is throwing them out of this country. i do understand they are here illegally. they came here when they were babies, when they were children. to no fault of their own. you have kids, sean. i have kids. many times, they are not responsible for the things that we do. the most important responsibility we have as parents and as citizens is to take care of our children. >> sean: we can't take care of the world's children. jorge, you have a warm heart. i admire that. >> you help a lot of people. a lot of immigrants. i do know that. >> sean: i want the best for people. i want other countries to step up and do their job.
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the worst treatment of immigrants is from mexico. honduras, nicaragua, el salvador. you are treated horribly. i'm sure you also agree with me. we are a nation of laws and we have a constitution. president obama, i played his own words. he didn't believe constitutionally he had the authority to usurp the power of congress but he did it anyway. what president trump is doing is well comey at eight months, congress. i'm going to give you six more months and if you want -- we can't usurp the constitution. >> who's going to take care of them? they are already here. they came here when they were very young. 800,000 of them. >> jorge, your beef is with congress. >> someone has to take care of them. it's our responsibility to do
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that. what president trump did -- >> sean: what i read you earlier bus from obama. what i read you at beginning of this segment -- obama said you can apply to stay temporarily. now president trump, rightly so, is following coequal branches of government. he sang the congress, do your job. i'm giving you more time. >> he's not protecting the dreamers. they are americans, as trump's children. exactly the same. the only difference is they don't have a paper -- >> sean: jorge, you cannot ask that the united states burns at constitution and stops all over it in the process of doing what you want. you have to understand that we are a nation of laws. >> we are talking about children who are already here. >> sean: i understand but they are here illegally. >> they are here illegally.
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>> is not their fault, sean. >> sean: i admire you. but you're missing the main point. we can't burn the constitution just to do what jorge ramos wants. we have to do it legally. >> absolutely but we can change the law. president reagan did it in 1986. >> sean: understood. >> my real concern -- >> sean: we should build a wall so people don't come in illegally again. >> i don't think a wall would help. immigrants come with or without a visa. >> sean: i have to go. >> i know you have to go. president trump: mexican immigrants rapists and wanted to build the wall. >> sean: you cannot -- you cannot get away without on my show. no, you did not call -- jorge,
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i'm not going to let you get away with that. he never called all immigrants rapists. there have been illegals that have raped and murdered, sir. excuse me, mothers and fathers have lost their kids, jorge. to illegal immigrants who don't respect our laws. >> i would talk to them too. i'm really sorry for what they went through. they should be leaving that -- however, the vast majority of immigrants are not rapists or criminals. it's just so few. >> sean: so many crimes committed by illegal status and a seven year period. >> immigrants are less likely to be criminals than those here in the united states. >> sean: you don't care about the 642,000 -- i do understand >> you portrayed everyone as
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criminals. it's not fair. >> sean: i've got to go. all right. i really disagree. thank you for being with us. when we come back, we have much more straight ahead "hannity" investigation into the out-of-control antifa violence. monica crowley and now retired sheriff david clark will have reaction. when heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. take the zantac it challenge. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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>> sean: looked back to "hannity." we have new information about the violent leftist group, antifa or antifa. viewed by the fox news channel. the fbi and department of homeland security wrote that the anarchist extremists and antifa groups were the primary instigators of violence of public rallies and even some democrats like nancy pelosi are even beginning to slowly come out against this group. joining us now, former milwaukee county sheriff, senior advisor for america first action. sheriff david clarke. and monica crowley. sheriff, i will begin with you. it also goes back to this whole issue in charlottesville. i don't like any of these racist
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waist to back white supremacist bigots like anyone else. i just despise them. there's another side that wanted to get engaged in a fight with them and punch them. at the president came under fire for acknowledging those few people. >> what an opportunity i've been given on behalf of america first action. there something sinister about the department of homeland security withholding this information in the obama administration. that would have been president obama and secretary jay johnson. something sleepily about covering for this group that has been involved in violence. they've been involved in injuries but some of these incidents. it also speaks to the credibility. president trump has made it very clear that there is a new sheriff in town and things are going to change as it comes to the rule of law.
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>> the left has been at war with this country for decades. with american values, the free market system. this is not anything new but antifa takes it to a whole other level. the other thing to keep in mind, sean, fascism and nazism were inherently of the left. they were a phenomenon of the left. nazism was national. these movements, all the files that you are seeing, they are dressing it up as antifascist but actually the fast system is on the left. i think the american people need to understand that it's all been rebranded over many decades but what we are seeing here is radicalism, fascism of the left. it's incredibly destabilizing to this republic. that's why we have to take it on wherever we see it. >> sean: sheriff, if you cover your face, it's a pretty good indication that you are going to something to cause trouble.
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>> no doubt about that. we've also seen these idiots at places like ferguson. we saw them in baltimore. berkeley several times. the same people that change up their antics a little bit. i will go back to the fact that people in the government during the obama administration knew about this, and law enforcement were not given the information early on and we might have been able to change the fate of this. >> sean: thank you very much. we are just out of time. you're going to continue this investigation on this program, into antifa throughout the entire week. up next, the final word about some good work with good people in light of the devastation. in texas. straight ahead.
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prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." in light of all that is happened in houston and texas, trump supporters, really good people including a reporting artist jones and villa, they've been on
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the ground in houston helping victims and raising money for hurricane harvey. tonight we have the final word from them and the good work they are doing. >> here's tonight's final words. >> texas is coming together, no matter the color, decrease, the religion. everyone is uniting. it really showed us how america should be uniting at this time. >> that's right, tonight we want to tell you we need more efforts and more help over there. the hurricane harvey damage has been catastrophic but the people spirits are strong. strong immunity, we saw all colors, all creeds coming together under one flag, the american flag. tonight we went to america rem, america we are texas wrong and please do everything you can to donate, help and send your press to texas. that's been tonight's final wor word. >> sean: in spite of all the devastation it really does at times bring the goodness and greatness out of the american people. we see not for the people, our friends and neighbors in texas. that's all the time we have left this evening, as always
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thank you for being with us. we promise we will never be the establishment destroy trump media. we will be fair and balanced and give you the other side. we will see you back here . ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the administration today said it will suspend daca, president obama's program that grants special work permits and amnesty from deportation to illegal immigrants who arrived in this country as minors. you might think the move would set off a national debate about immigration, the pros, cons, how much of it we will need going forward, but no. instead the educated classes became completely hysterical lecturing the rest of us about the racism of the middle of the country. watch this. >> we can think about the policc issues, this is really red meat, it's really speaking to a kind of deep-seated cultural anxiety about the changingat
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