tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News September 6, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we are there fair and balanced part. thanks for being with us. see you tomorrow. everybody! >> goodbye! >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. hurricane armand is one of the strongest terms ever measured in the atlantic ocean and now it's making its way through the caribbean. south florida residents have already been ordered to evacuate, governor rick scott a ford it is warming storm is more powerful in 1992's hurricane andrew that devastated parts of that state. rick reichmuth is our chief meteorologist at fox, he's been tracking irma since the very beginning, he joins us now. what's it looking like? >> in the bahamas, i also want to show you, take a look at this, tucker. three hurricanes out there. jose out in the atlantic, that
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was going to get very close right here to the lesser antilles by saturday, the area that was just raked by this cat5 storm. kind of insult to injury right here. there's another one there in the gulf of mexico, that was going to move into mexico. that cat5 right there, irma that we are concerned about. you can cite my kind of c-2 i've all, kind of going through a replacement cycle, this is the thing that happens with these large hurricanes. the strongest of these wins just offshore. great news in puerto rico, we'd seen some hurricane force gusts but i think the worst of it is going to spare puerto rico. watch what happens throughout the day well. and we start to see the path of this change. in the short term, this direct west motion, a little bit north of west and then a hard right turn. we cannot say with any degree of certainty where that hard right turn is going to happen.
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big impacts, or deviations of this will cause a big impacts or less impacts across florida but the best guess at this point is the eastern side of florida certainly having maybe a directed, if not watching the storm go all the way up the shore. very similar to what we saw lester with eric and matthew, maybe making a second landfall somewhere around georgia or south carolina. a lot of oxygen has gone to florida the last of down a couple of days. watching this very closely as well. >> tucker: can you put this in perspective for us? how big is the storm? >> so one thing, size of storm, another thing is strength of song. as far as size is probably about a medium-sized hurricane although i think because the pressure is continuing to drop a comment we will probably see it grow in size by the time it gets towards florida. size is one thing, as of right now the strong winds extend out about 50 miles from the center, the hurricane force winds. whether hurricane force winds are isn't a huge area just yet
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but expect to see that white mount by the time he gets here. this pressure is very low and as far as the strength of those wins, they are extreme. second strongest winds everywhere in the atlantic basin. you were hearing a lot of people say the strongest ever, that is the open atlantic, that is not including the gulf and caribbean. you put that altogether and it's tight for the second strongest wins, the highest we've ever seen in the atlantic. >> tucker: thanks a lot for that. hurricane irma made landfall in the u.s. virgin islands today causing widespread damage. in advance of the storm's arrival of the territory's governor ordered the national guard to prepare for the coming catastrophe by suppressing certain constitutional rights. an executive order issued on tuesday, governor kenneth map and powered the guards seize guns and ammunition from citizens, all to maintain public order after the storm. the order echoes a similar one issued by the mayor of new orleans prior to hurricane katrina. the nra is already threatening legal action over that order.
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the governor joins us now. governor, before we get to the question of your order, give us a quick update on the conditions of the virgin islands tonight. >> hurricane irma did go through the u.s. virgin islands with the most severe wins and catastrophic wins going through the st. thomas, st. john district, islands. we experienced sustained winds of at least 150 miles an hour with the costs in excess of tha that. we've had damages to our hospital, fighting stations. a good number of homes have lost their roofs. we are doing that assessment. if we are i think about 20-30-mile-an-hour winds as it makes its way out of the virgin islands so we are doing that assessment. you must really say that the federal partners of fema, the dod, the trump administration, president trump and his team have really been a true good
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partner and really helping us as we go through this event. tonight we are beginning to mobilize resources into the territory. we will have aircraft landing on the big islands, the airfield has just been cleared to take military aircraft. to position assets. priority in the st. thomas i can st. john district. shelter, nutrition, debris cleanup, hospital e back as we had catastrophic damages in hospital and security. >> tucker: we are certainly wrong for you, it's a beautiful place. why does confiscating citizens can't make this catastrophe better? >> let me say, first first of t is just a complete and correct assessment. i did not order or authorize the national guard to seize any weapons from any citizens and i do not have the power by the virgin islands law or by the constitution of the united states to seize weapons
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from citizens via the military. this order is a standing order that most generals receive. it says it empowers the general to see his arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material, it means the general, if they do not have sufficient weaponry, they would go to anyplace like a store that they could buy that stuff, meaning they have the right -- he has the authorization to spend government resources and acquired. it's different than the same example of one of the government sees his property. we don't seize property without due compensation for the property owner. >> tucker: i'm a little confused. i'm reading the order right here and it says that the general is authorized and directed to seize arms, ammunition, explosives and incendiary material. >> that may be required by military forces. it doesn't say anything in her about taking weapons from citizens -- we have no
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authority, i have no authority under the u.s. constitution virgin islands law. you can see in the order it references sections of the virgin islands code. there's no authority in there to seize any property from a citizen, particularly arms or ammunition. our national guard -- >> tucker: hold on. i'm reading it and it doesn't make any distinction at all between citizens and i don't know walls, noncitizens. >> that is exactly the point. when you mobilize the national guard the general is authorized to ensure that all of the resources that soldiers require that she has or he has authority to get them. not to go into people's homes and get them but to get them as the government acquires property in the open market. this order, this language, this law is for the mobilization of rollout of national guard units.
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>> tucker: just to be clear, i want to explain this in a way that everyone can understand. what i hear you saying is that you're national guard soldiers might not have enough guns, so they might need to seize them from god's word? is that what you're saying? >> no. under the circumstances and mobilizing the national guard, the general is authorized to do what is required to have the proper munitions and resources for the national guard. at the virgin islands national guard has an armory that has all kinds of equipment and ammunitions and arms. this order, written by me, is referencing the code of the virgin islands and as you can see in that paragraph it references almost eight different paragraphs in the virgin islands code. none of those paragraphs give any authorization for the national guard or the government to seize weapons from citizens. >> tucker: so this is seizing weapons -- because, i mean,
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again i've read this order twic twice. you're saying this gives them the authority to take weapons that the government and the current dominant virgin islands already owns from armories? >> let us assume that some circumstances came up at the national guard it needed some munition that was not with an armory. if that munition was available in any retail store, the national guard, the general would not have to go through the procurement process of the government to purchase it, she could go in there and by that right off the rack because she's doing, or he's doing what is required to retrofit the national guard. this is not about seizing anybody's personal property. >> tucker: so it's not about disarming the population. because as you know, when hurricane hugo rolled through the virgin islands in the late '80s, there was a lot of chaos and violence and law enforcement in the virgin islands were not able to cope with it and people were getting hurt.
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the federal government had to send the u.s. army down there. >> with all due respect, tucker, in 1989 when hurricane hugo went through the virgin islands, 98% of the homes and buildings on the island of st. croix lost their homes. there was never any experience of hurricanes in the u.s. virgin islands prior to that time up until 1929. police officers and law enforcement people were scrambling in terms of what they were going to do in terms of sheltering the family and all of that rain. there was disorder. but there was no seizure of any weapon. dispute i wasn't claiming there was. i wasn't claiming there was an imperative i was just saying that law enforcement was not able to protect its citizens, that's why the president sent the army in. bottom line, i just want to be clear. you are not taking anyone's guns away. >> let me be very clear, i have no authority under the virgin islands law as written and passed by the congress, nor
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the u.s. constitution, to seize weapons from anyone. nothing in this order gives any authorization to the national guard. or the general to seize weapons from any citizen. >> tucker: i appreciate that clarification. we are grateful that you told us what it means. thanks, governor. >> i've got to get back to my rescue operations. >> tucker: i bet you do, thanks for joining us tonight. mark stein is the best-selling author and a frequent guest on the show and he joins us now for reaction to all that. i don't know if you saw that segment with the governor, it's hard to know exactly what he was talking about but he seemed to say that under no circumstances with the national guard be seizing anyone's arms. >> it was a fantastically obfuscate every interview despite your best efforts. it does make the point -- by the way, if i was a resident of the u.s. virgin islands i would not be altogether reassured by that
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performance because i think as we've seen in the last couple of weeks, the difference between what happened with hurricane harvey and what happened with hurricane katrina is actually the confidence and competence of the local officials there on the ground. i would hope that when he has more pressing aspects of this phenomenon to attend to that he is slightly more clear on what his intention was and the reason for it. >> tucker: i covered hurricane katrina, i was there right after the storm and the then-mayor of that city, who i think is now in jail, confiscated the guns of citizens in the city and the police melted away the second the levees broke and there was widespread crime, some of it violent and horrible. maybe the lesson is you do need to protect yourself when a catastrophe hits. >> i think that's absolutely true.
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i think in the best circumstances it's what we have seen in texas that it's an alliance between the state and individual citizens doing what they can as with the cajun navy and so forth. that is certainly going to be true when it's out in the caribbean. we all know that if a hurricane hits the caribbean you are better off in the bahamas man in haiti when it hits. were better off in barbados than in cuba. the problem here is that that applies to u.s. jurisdictions, too. i hope the u.s. virgin islands comes close on the texas end of these things than the new orleans end of these things. >> tucker: i hope so, i was a little confused by the end of you. stay with us if you were coming hillary clinton's book is about to come out. she still blaming everyone else but herself for the defeat. we got new excerpts in the book just leaked today, looks pretty interesting actually.
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immigration activists all teaming up to denounce the decision on daca yesterday. what motivates their outrage, we talked to two supporters of daca just ahead to try and ♪ there's nothing more important than your health. so if you're on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new.
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investigation of the russians. i also think i was the victim of a very broad assumption i was going to win. it is all the storm is about guys over in macedonia who are running these fake news sites. >> tucker: i was the victim, you can sum it up in that phras phrase. hillary clinton last may laying blame everywhere except for herself for her defeat in 2016. her book length take on that campaign which is called "what happened." it's about to come out and she changed her thinking, apparently not. she'd take some responsibility for defeat apparently but later falls back on blame, of course, sexism, for unpopularity. "what makes me such a lightning rod for fury? i'm really asking, i'm at a loss." i think it's partly because i'm a woman. mark steyn has written many books that do not involve blaming others for his problems. he joins us tonight. do you feel people discriminate you because you are a man? >> i blame you, tucker.
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as far as i can see it you are about the only person that hillary clinton hasn't blamed. i don't know how. this is extraordinary to me. every hurricane from hurricane be to hurricane see including hurricane bernie, hurricane fighting, hurricane macedonia, hurricane sexism, have all just gathered to me continuously for two years. it's extraordinary to me that the democrats have not had a quiet word and say i know that you need a new book but why don't you just to hillary clinton, tips on being a grandmother, hillary clinton cookbook, anything would be better than just revisiting. it must be -- the only people it's good for, as you say she blamed the macedonian content farmers, and it must be good for macedonian tourism like new zealand after "lord of the rings" came out. there must be people booking
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vacations in macedonia right now saying i've got to see it -- it's a pilgrimage for the people who took out the most inevitable presidential candidate in history. if macedonia is fully booked i will go up to burlington, vermont, and see bernie sanders. >> tucker: she wasn't going to write deep thoughts by hillary clinton, the shortest book ever written. have you noticed how the most entitled people often see themselves as victims? this is someone for whom, who obviously didn't become the nominate on the strength of her own achievements, which were i don't know, what? wrecking libya. i don't understand why she sees herself as put upon it when i think objectively she is just the opposite. >> i think that's why people did not warm to her, because she was the entitled candidate. she felt like she was owed it for having suffered through being married to bill clinton and being in the white house for
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bill clinton. i don't think people were sexist about her and i don't think people anywhere in the developed world -- i sat through prime minister's questions in the australian parliament a couple years ago when the female prime minister juliet was being hammered by the deputy leader of the opposition, julie bishop, now the foreign minister. they were going at it, hammer and tongs, they were both women who have reached the summit of their respective parties on their own merits. what nobody liked about hillary clinton was that she was not an obvious candidate except in the sense that she felt she was entitled to be the candidate. >> tucker: thought it was a hereditary deal. i wonder going forward if you see hillary clinton as the standard-bearer for the democratic party ten years from now. is there hillary -isms. does any part of her indoor?
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>> i think the opposite. i think that's where they attack on bernie sanders is not going to work for her. whatever you feel about it, the democrats are trending in a bernie-like direction, that's where the enthusiasm is. i think there's absolutely no doubt in that respect that the party is moving left and hillary has no ideological or philosophical worldview that's going to outlast her candidacy. that was true from the vet. the african pain. she calls him out the bernie, the one whose promising everybody a free pony, whatever you feel about that, bernie sanders is with the democrats are headed and they will barely remember they hillary candidacy. >> tucker: at the date point, that's exactly right. i want my pony. thank you as always. >> satellite, tucker! >> tucker: saddle up, giddy up up! much of the republican establishment all in an uproar
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over the presidents suspension of daca. we will talk to to supporters of that program and have brit hume break down the political situation. situation. we will be right when this bell rings... situation. we will be right starts a chain reaction... ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business, from the largest financial markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyber-attacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures.
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tap one little bumper and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. >> tucker: big swabs of american media and corporate elite have condemned the administration's announcement yesterday suspending daca. they really hated. president obama's program providing work permits to illegal aliens who arrived in this country as minors. some of the strongest backlash
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is intact, microsoft has already announced it will fight as hard as possible to block the deportation of illegal immigrants hired at the expense of american citizens because of course microsoft is now its own country. what drives all this anger ang? the editor in of reason, the libertarian publication. welcome to you both. catherine, since you are a libertarian, let me ask a philosophical question, do we have an obligation to put the interest of american citizens ahead of the interests of immigrants? >> no, i don't think so. in particular -- -- >> tucker: american citizens don't give priority? >> i don't think those things were in conflict. and it's fair to ask the question though. in general if you don't think that american citizens ought to get meaningful priority over aliens. >> i don't know if this means to say meaningful priority over aliens. american citizens benefit when people come here come over here and raise families here. it is absolutely the case that
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these dreamers in particular are going to add to our economy, add to our culture, make america a better place. >> tucker: none of that is necessarily true. those are massive assumptions that in some cases are true in some cases are false. if you could determine in a specific case if there's one job and you have a choice between someone who came here illegally and someone who was an american citizen, wouldn't automatically go for the american citizen? >> you could ask similarly do i feel favor protectionist policies. is it more important for the chapter beer. >> tucker: i vehemently disagree with you i want the viewers to know what your position is on that. there are a ton of unemployed americans. i think we could all agree a lot more of them ought to be working than art. why would we be issuing any work permits to anybody from outside the country until those people have jobs? >> i think i have more faith in
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the american people maybe in folks who think they need a hand up or a special place at the front of the line. i think americans are exceptional. i think we produce exceptional people who can compete with folks that are coming into the country. >> tucker: they are unemployed right now is what i'm saying. i thought liberals were care about that. >> some folks obviously -- what is to say we should favor people were unemployed over people who currently have a job. i think that you get to a place when we are trying to create classes of people that when we permit that to happen that ultimately swings away from our favor. >> tucker: it's really simple. we have a lot of people around the world who want to come here and work in the united states for a bunch of different reasons. we also have a bunch of american citizens who were born here who do not have jobs, were not working. that's bad. why would we get any work permits to people from other countries while we still have americans who aren't working, i don't understand? >> i think in this case we already done it.
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800,000 kids who only know this country, who have these work authorizations and we are about taking them away. you want to talk about what drives my anger. >> tucker: where talking about continuing it. no one disputes, it's a tough question. i don't want to oversimplify. >> tucker: i know that you are a caring person. >> tucker: i actually care about americans more than i care about illegal aliens. it makes me pro-american and i don't understand why nobody seems to care. the idea that the more immigrants we have, the better off we are. if that's true then why isn't california richer? california is poor than it was 40 years ago when it was totally overwhelmed by immigration. >> surely you know that the only thing happening in california in the last decades was not immigration. when you think about -- >> tucker: because of immigration. it swung the legislature to the left. >> we are talking about mostly mexicans, right? 80% mexican. where talking about safe 500,000
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mexicans, lower rates of incarceration, higher rates of education. they contribute, they are a typical dreamer. >> tucker: that's not true. that's not true. >> have to have a high school education to qualify for the program. >> where talk about daca here. >> tucker: that's totally false. >> where talking about the dreamers here. there is an absolute very, very clear situation here in which these people are the kind of immigrants that even people like you who are essentially restriction nests should like. i've already been assimilated. >> tucker: some are not individuals. people are nervous because of chain immigration. you let one person and all of those relatives, too. that's a real thing. what's an appropriate level of immigration into this country, how many people should we let in? >> come crazy but i believe in the american ideal that we are a place for people who are downtrodden, abused can come --
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>> tucker: so everybody wants to come? what's the limit? >> we have systems that are broken, an asylum system. we need to focus on fixing those things. >> tucker: how many should we let in? it's not a hard question. like how many? we could get to a billion people by the end of the century really easily. >> if we had a billion people in america america would be unstoppable. that would be amazing. >> think about driving force -- think about the economy. >> tucker: you noticed that our economy has become less impressive over the last 40 years. the main thing that has happened is the mask change due to immigration. you don't see the connection. >> do you think it's even remotely, possibly true that a bunch of people who came here, brought by their parents, median age six years old cornell 22 years old and have jobs that pay, i don't know, $18 an hour, that's the problem with america? >> i don't think that's the problem. i think our broader immigration service doesn't serve american
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citizens. we are out of time. thank you. planned parenthood -- even date and weighed in daca because every left-wing organization must express the same views on everything. the president asked why and why statement. "here at planned parenthood we firmly believe that every person has the right to live. [laughs] apparently the batteries and planned parenthood's irony detectors failed. brit hume joins us now. i think this actually is its complicated question, what to do with all these people but i don't think there is a complicated debate in process. i see a lot more outrage and screaming and yelling and name-calling. when we have a real debate? >> first of all, i take your point about planned parenthood talk about everyone having a right to live. >> tucker: pretty wonderful. >> pretty hard not to choke on that. beyond that, what strikes me besides the melodrama, if you look at it for longer than just
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a few seconds to realize a couple of things. one is, of course, that this dreaded event is not going to happen. if it ever does come another six months, which means congress has time to legislate this if it will. at the president opens a huge trapdoor in the whole thing what he said yesterday that if congress doesn't act he's prepared to revisit the issue. it's pretty clear that he doesn't want to do this. he felt for whatever reason, not least probably the fact that daca's constitutionality is deeply suspect, that he needed to draw a line. it seemed clear to me that if congress does not act that he's not going to do this. he's not going to go forward with it, he will delay. built into what he proposed anyway, the potential for delay in individual cases and so on. my guess tonight is that none of these 800,000 or so will ever be deported. >> tucker: i would bet my car on that. more broadly, and it's still
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early, the president is not turning out to be as tough on immigration of a lot of his critics beard and supporters hoped. >> that's right. i think you would like to get something for his willingness to go along with the signing of a bill that would make daca legal. maybe he would like to get some wall funding or other measures to toughen up our border enforcement. that sounds like the shape of the kind of compromise that used to be common in washington. >> tucker: is that even possible now? >> you think it would be, on paper it looks like it should be. but in this pluralized atmosphere in which we are operating nobody wants to give . he could maybe make a deal with some democrats located on these budgetary matters in the hurricane relief funding and the debt limit, which is a short term real which is being looked at which was just reached today, looked at kind of like an outright win for nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, the
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democratic leaders in the two houses. that used to be the kind of thing that went on all the time but in recent years it's been less likely the case. i think it's anybody's guess. i still think that even if they can't make a deal that he will yield on this, that he will not go forward. >> tucker: a lot of hysteria has been wasted. i think you're right. >> this is typical of the pattern with the trim coverage. it is the job of journalists to show the american people want this president really is like and all about. straightforward reporting will do the job. journalists seem not content with that. there comments at "the washington post" and elsewhere that might essentially the same post over and over again reminding us about trumps personal characteristics, even some more going along with him have long recognized. i think the job is basically done and they can't let it alone. >> tucker: think it would he was like when he voted for him. i haven't not read that paper here and i'm never reading it
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again. the latest work for "the washington post," thank you. get a job, don't use drugs, those are values that used to define america. they are still values to follow, why is a professor being threatened for saying it out loud? plus, and update, an important one on black lives matter and its response to hurricane harvey in houston. in houston. an amazing story, stay
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in houston. an amazing story, stay they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. >> tucker: amy wax of the university of pennsylvania and larry alexander of the university of california in san diego at la jolla. both law professors, they just released an essay in which they say america is "paying the price for the breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture." all cultures are not equal, they wrote. bourgeois values which promote hardware, patriotism and
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responsible child-rearing are conducive for the success in modern environment. what is, antisocial habits prevalent among working-class whites, the antiwhite culture of inner-city blacks. those don't work, the authors say. now they are being threatened for saying that. larry alexander joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. >> thank you for having me, tucker. let me make one correction in the intro. i don't teach at the university of california in san diego, i teach at the university of san diego. >> tucker: ust! >> at the law school. we have a law school, they don't. >> tucker: good for you. okay, professor at the university of san diego. did i mischaracterize the point of your paper? >> our point was essentially as you represented it.
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my fear when we wrote this was the people were just going to shrug and say that is so obvious, he really didn't need to say it, it's just sober now, as you noted that hasn't been the reaction from all corners. >> tucker: what has the reaction been? >> interest income at the reaction at university of pennsylvania professor wax teaches has been extraordinary. she was condemned by some of her colleagues not because they took issue with any particular thing that we said in the op-ed, she was just condemned for essentially saying what we said. there were no allegations that anything we said was incorrect. next we went in other words, truth in the academy is no longer a defense, is that the point? >> that's true.
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because what's more important is to signal that you are on the side of the good guys, even if that means denying something that is true. it's a matter of are you in the in group or the outgroup. >> tucker: if you have academics knowingly denying things they know are true, isn't that the definition of corruption? >> yes, unfortunately it is. almost every person who took umbrage at what we said in the academy actually practices the very virtues we were asked only in the piece. they teach their kids this. they don't teach their kids the opposite of what we've prescribed. >> tucker: that's exactly right. i live in a neighborhood full of liberals who don't get divorced and go to bed at 10:00 p.m., whose kids are obedient.
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why do you think this was so offensive and? you are describing the lives if they lead, why would they be outreach? >> there may be three hypotheses for why some people don't do well in the country. one is they just black and native talent and ability, another is their behavior is not conducive to doing well and the third is that there are structural impediments to their doing well. it's just orthodoxy now in some corners in the academy and outside the academy for that matter that it's the latter that has to be true, it's not the first to tell mike to go. what we are saying is no, that's not the case. >> tucker: and orthodoxy is always the enemy of toothed tell my truth. we are out of time, i appreciate
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>> tucker: you may have seen this on social media, they marched for michael brown in ferguson, missouri, they rioted for freddie gray and baltimore, maryland, they promoted the murder of police officers in minnesota. black lives matter is launching its biggest demonstration yet. thousands of activists on the march towards houston for their planning to fight heavy volunteer assistance to the thousands of black lives devastated by hurricane harvey. footage right here of the march
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in progress. there is, pretty inspiring. we will keep following this breaking story as it continues. as we told you before on the show and documented pretty conclusively, the southern poverty law center is a progressive active activist group like hundreds of others but for some reason the media have anointed them the national arbiter for what is or what is not a hate group, which is a shame since they are totally fake and dishonest. now 47 conservative leaders and organizations have released a letter calling on the media to stop citing the southern poverty law center and its fake data calling it discredited and defamatory. tony perkins of the president of the family resource council, once the victim of a terrorist attack by the rhetoric. he joins us tonight. thanks for joining us tonight. if i'm not misunderstanding that you are attempting to convince media to stop taking this fake group seriously, correct? >> in part. we're putting me on notice that
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if you're going to take them on, liberal activist organization that acts as a pitfall for the left. no offense to pitfalls out ther there, they are endangering the lives of people by putting up this information from the southern law center which has no basis in fact. >> tucker: to call someone i hate group is to lump them in with nazis and crazy people and violent people, truly scary people. >> that's what they did for the first two decades of their hate list. two years into the obama administration when it was open season on christian organizations that were opposing obama administration, that's when they started adding christian groups to their list and they started popping up in 2010 when president obama unleashed his hostility towards religion and the secretary of state hillary clinton was taking the same agenda overseas. >> tucker: you would think that any normal reporter, the matter how liberal, looking
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through the list of hate groups, so-called hate groups, some of them are clearly hateful and crazy and then they get to the family research council and say i may not agree with our agenda but they are not a hate group. why does nobody at, say cnn "the washington post," think this is overreached. it's not a hate group, it's a christian group. >> it's acquired thinking. there's a bigger agenda behind this. the former spokesman for the southern poverty law center, mark, he made very clear, he said we don't have any objective criteria here. this is not based on criminality or violence. "we are trying to wreck the groups, we are trying to destroy the groups." this is, again the last pitbull going after those who oppose the agenda. the media needs to be put on record knowing that that's what's behind the splc. >> tucker: it's just so dishonest. it's like treating media matters like a legitimate media analysis
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group, which the press also did until they were called on it repeatedly. have you had any response from media organizations to your letter? >> not really. the conservative groups, conservative media that understands what the splc is up to, yes, they are publishing it. others not so much. here's the thing, tucker. they now know they have no excuse when there's another attack like we saw against republicans, the congressman or the attack on the frc five years ago, the media has become complacent in this violence was inspired by the southern law center. i hate that garbage. tony, thank you so much. if you want to have a good time go watch the goonies, but a start from that movie, martha plimpton says abortion in seattle can be a great time too. she actually said that. we will show you the
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>> tucker: the goonies is a light family movie made in the simpler times before politics affects us liberally in every american light. one actress in the movie was martha plimpton. she is now grown up. she was in a pro-abortion rally in seattle. yes, they do exist. at the rally, plimpton said this. >> i had my first abortion at the seattle planned parenthood. yay! notice i said first. i said first and i don't want seattle, i don't want you guys to feel insecure. it was my best one. [laughter] >> tucker: a lot of things you could say about that. it's gross and disturbing distt
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above all, it's troubling. tune in every night at 8:00 to the sworn enemy of smugnes lying, pomposity and groupthink. >> jesse: hello, everybody. i am jesse watters. along with kennedy, juan williams, greg gutfeld and dana perino. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is "the five." this is a fox news weather alert. hurricane irma, the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the atlantic, currently wreaking havoc in the caribbean, with the storm forecasted to hit the united states mainland in the coming days. we are monitoring the storm and will have a full update later in the hour. now for our top story. yesterday, we told you about president trump's announcem
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