tv Forbes on Fox FOX News September 9, 2017 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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florida up in the panhandle it's going to be severe no which way it cuts and the fact that it's veering more to the west doesn't mean that the east is off the hook, just that they are more prepared now on the west for a direct hit than for the east. it will encompass the entire state. in fact, this thing is so big, it would cover georgia and south carolina as well. one of the largest storms let alone most powerful to hit the region. now the latest from the national hurricane center. they're not quite going to that. phil keating is in the middle of this and preparing for what could be an updated or at least a western-skewed storm. phil, that could change dynamics a little bit, but that doesn't mean that those on the east side are out of harm's way. >> very importantly accurate right there, neil. a lot of people here who did not evacuate and saw the tracking
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change and they thought they'd be great. and there will be category 4 hurricane winds and storm surge, three to six feet on the east coast and life threatening and potentially dangerous. so far this morning, the people that have come out here have been basically taking it easy and taking it lightly. of course, throughout the afternoon, we're expecting these bands of wind and heavier bands of rain to continue to impact miami-dade county. state-wide 250 shelters are opening as the governor said, 70 more to go, here in miami-dade county. we have video last night, long, long lines of people, crowds of cars surrounding the shelter centers, many closed to all n newcomers, as of last night, no more room left. back on the beach today, we have video from fox and friends and the guy who is actually battling the surf, taking a swim, even though riptides are a serious
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threat and we did talk to one woman who has crazy memories from hurricanes of the past. >> i don't think we have that sound, no problem. being see the surf is churning, getting stronger and the waves are crashing harder and this is all supposed to happen, growingly so throughout the day today. it's 25,000 households now without power or electricity in miami-dade, broward and palm beach counties. and most of the households have two or more people living there. potentially 50 to 75,000 people right now without electricity yet, but that's the florida power and light made a lot of improvements to their infrastructure in the response strategies after those devastating 2004, 2005 hurricane years so they're hoping, as are all of the floridian residents hoping, if there are power
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outages, they're not longer than just a few days because back in '05 people had no power in certain neighborhoods for weeks, if not months. neil. neil: wow, months. phil keating, thank you very, very much. be safe. folks in florida are running out of time to evacuate as phil pointed out and the broward county mayor a joining us on the phone right now. mayor, for those who are looking at this, and some are in high rises, with the back drop of phil keating, they figure theirens chas of -- their chances of high rises being destroyed are small so they feel safer in the high rises. what do you tell them? >> well, first of all, we have a storm surge that's estimated at four to six feet. we're expecting 10 to 20 inches of rain, and we have winds that are ranging from 40 to 73 miles per hour starting at 2 p.m. today, and then to increase to 74 to 100 miles per hour at 4 p.m. so, if they think that that is a
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safe thing to do while living in an evacuation zone, you know, we've done the best we can to get them out of there and we will not have emergency response at 45 miles per hour and 911 and we will not be able to help them. neil: mayor, the best thinking, sometimes tomorrow morning, this brushes by the keys and moves this way up to your neck of the woods. are people prepared for that and for the winds that surround this? because, almost everyone with whom i've chatted, including, you know, the virgin islands governor, that that is something that he didn't quite appreciate, that the wind itself and how destructive and loud it was and is. >> okay. so, first of all, what we did, we took measures to get them off the streets. so we issued a 4 p.m. curfew just now, so, 4 p.m. today no one should be on our streets.
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secondly, our shelters are currently housing almost 15,000 residents who chose to heed our warnings and evacuate. we are at this point in time we're not at capacity in our shelters. we opened two additional shelters and this wind and this rain from this storm is going to be very severe. and for anybody who feels like this is not to be taken seriously, you know, that's a huge concern for us, but for the majority of broward county listening and they're abiding by our requests. neil: i'm glad to hear that. mayor, thank you for your hard work. i'm sure it's not been an easy past few days, barbara sharief from broward county. and with us house homeland security, joining us from d.c., chairman, it seems like just a week ago we were chatting what's going on in your neck of the woods in texas and here we are in florida, and maybe jose is next. you talk about back to back to back storms in the hurricane
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season, is fema able to handle this in general or services and funding running dry, able to deal with it? >> well, fema did a fantastic job in response to my state's disaster with harvey and i think the president signing the advanced directive is helpful, we had the same scenario play out here in florida and behind me are the representatives of fema, representing all the sectors who are working with the people on the ground. with pre-positioned access after that was signed waiting out the storm. one the storm blows over, they will immediately go in and start to do search, rescue and recovery and rebuilding. so to your point, it's hard to imagine yet another hurricane of this magnitude hitting the united states. the congress, we just voted yesterday to appropriate 15.5 billion dollars for disaster
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relief fund for fema, both for harvey, but also for this hurricane irma as it hits the florida coast as we speak. neil: and even if the well would formally run dry for fema, it can spend and address and deal with funding issues later. people seem to think that the money is running out and support for fema itself, but it's able to continue to help people in fear of that. but you talked about this funding effort better than $15 billion funding effort in relief in texas and by extension, i guess, florida. 90 of your colleagues voted against it because most of them say the waiting was done and the freedom caucus, they said they didn't like it was died to an increase-- tied to the debt ceiling and set a dangerous precedent.
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how do you feel about that? >> well, i'm not going to get tied down in political nuances. i mean, look, i've got a lot of people hurting in my state and i've been in their homes and i've seen the homes flooded and gutted. we have people who died from that hurricane. i'm interested in helping those people out first and foremost and saving lives and helping people rebuild their lives and i'm also worried about florida as we speak and what's going to happen to them in the next 48 hours so i think my state takes the primacy over that argument and i think that saving lives in florida will take primacy as well. so, you know, that's -- people debate things like that in washington and they have every right to do so and i don't judge that, but i know i voted in good conscience to help save the people of my state and the state of florida. neil: i guess they're saying-- you're right, we don't want to belabor political points, but overwhelmingly had, regardless,
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attaching it to the debt ceiling seems an odd thing to do. >> the fact of the matter it, mick mulvaney, the omb director a member of the freedom caucus, when i talked to him, he said we cannot fund this disaster relief funding without raising the debt ceiling. so, you couldn't do both without the other. i mean, you couldn't-- >> and talk about a budget director mick mulvaney and former freedom caucus member. you have mentioned as homeland securi security, regardless whether you get that job, or someone else gets that job, given these storms and the navy, this could be a one-off after a dozen years of relative quiet, that disaster relief or disaster preparation should be factored in much more than it presently is at homeland
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security? >> oh, fema is a large-- the department of homeland security does, i think that people forgot about that, we've been fortunate, we haven't had these kind of hurricanes in many years. noaa, and the guys-- noaa and the administration pre digited this is-- predicted this would be a very busy hurricane season and fema was prepared for this. i think it's one of the most important missions that the department has, not just manmade disasters from terrorists, but also natural disasters that we're seeing taking place in my state in florida. neil: all right, michael mccaul, be safe, be well. >> same to you, neil. neil: in and around not only texas, but florida as well. well, you remember the former fema director michael brown when he was on with me, giving a
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warning and advice to the president of the united states, and this was at the time of harvey, don't let harvey be your katrina. he quickly survived, that this president did not let that happen and he is just determined to offer the same advice when it comes to this particular hurricane and the one behind it and maybe the one behind that. do not let this be your katrina. what started as a passion to make something original... ...has grown into an enterprise.
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#1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 to support heart health. qunol, the better coq10. >> all right, the president will hold a meeting at camp david, that's where he is. no doubt hurricane relief will be on the schedule. he's got a number of issues to deal with here, including aid and who defected in each and every state and hurricane irma, and a lot on his plate. the former fema director michael brown was giving the president high marks for how he was juggling the above. how is he doing? good to see you, michael, by the
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way. >> good to see you. i'm not only jealous, but actually excited about seeing this response. this is a textbook example of federalism and how state and local governments do what they should do. i've heard governor scott talk about having evacuation zones so you're not trying to move 7, 8, 9 million people out at once, you're trying to move people out methodically from the most dangerous place first and then the second, third and fourth place. he didn't impose the contraflow on interstate i-95 until they were able to move supplies into the affected area and now contraflow. >> david: contraflow, explain. you're an encyclopedia. people can go on lanes normally the other way. you're right he saved that for emergency relief, gas, supplies, food getting in. >> right and turned that on. and then of the you hear governor scott talking about
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today, they're using public transportation, they're using buses and other things for people who may not have been able to get out, or for whatever, you know, bizarre reason decided not to get out, but now had a change of heart. so, we're seeing the classic example of state and local government leadership doing what they are supposed to do in these impending storms and fema cannot the first responder, but being those that can come in and help supplement state and local government. i've got to tell you, this is-- put aside for a moment the severity of the storm and you guys will talk about it all day long and i think that's appropriate, but take one moment and realize here is government at all levels, state, local and federal, doing what we expect them to do and doing it in the proper road. i want to yell hallelujah for governor scott to do it in the textbook manner we expect. neil: and you're closer to the
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response in analyzing it than i'll ever be. from the president on down, there does seem to be an aversion to finger pointing even when a knee jerk reaction might be mistaken or you might have people second guessing, oh, the storm was going to be on the east coast, and now it's on the west coast, who botched that? there's none of that. there's unpredictable nature of natural disasters and otherwise. they will be that later. whether you're a republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, is a big sweeping change. >> i think that sweeping change is, people have learned from katrina, you do all of the finger pointing when the storm's happening, that takes away from the response. so if you cut that kind of stuff out and actually do your job, and actually be a mayor, actually be a governor, and do what you're supposed to do, that enables the federal government
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to then marshal their resources and they're not trying to pick up or clean up the mess that the state and local governments left. once again, the guy that took this stuff during hurricane katrina, i want to stand up and give a standing ovation to governor scott, and brock long and president trump and say you guys are doing this exactly the right way and thank you, as an american citizen. neil: good for you. you know what i noticed and i think if you can avoid the finger pointing is when you can see cooperation of the parties and maybe there's something in the water and we'll see more of that. i know there are people who will be cynical of that in watching it work. but you, i distinctly remember, in katrina, a democratic mayor, vying for attention against a republican governor and mismatched. in the case of florida, i've been speaking with democratic mayors and republican mayors and republican governor, and neighboring democratic
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governors, and everyone seems to be the same page, that party label matters little and saving people matters more. i think that's refreshing and should be an obvious approach, but it's very real. >> i think that's an incredible insight and i think that people need to recognize that. and let me add one nuance to that. irrespective of the parties, they're doing their jobs, so the mayors, whether it's a democrat or a republican, they're doing what they're supposed to do and i think that's why me, my by background, sitting here watching this, i want to say to all governors and all mayors across the country, watch this, pay attention, this is how you do it. neil: yeah, because your constituents, remember, playing political games and finger pointing and i think your case proves it only takes you so far and backfires on the people doing it. you've got to go, but one thing
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that struck me in talking to homeland security, chief mccaul, the way it works into homeland security going forward because obviously this could be a generational event, all of the storms backed up like laguardia, but they're so focused on terrorism as we should be in this country, but maybe not as much as natural disaster terror so we have to sort of reprioritize. what do you think? >> you're preaching the choir on this one. i always believed that you should have an all-hazards approach to disasters, whether they're manmade or natural. they're going to have both. what congress needs to do is step up to the plate and realize that fema has two buckets of money. they have their daily operational money just to do their day-to-day business, and then you have the disaster relief money, which is the money that goes to state and local governments to rebuild infrastructure, to help individuals. and what congress ought to do is
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get off their rear ends and understand that the disaster relief fund ought to be fully funded. i would argue, 20, $25 billion on an ongoing basis and if that means putting in-- let's say we only spend, 20-- or $5 billion in one fiscal year there's 20 in there and still put another 25 in, and start a rainy day fund. we put reserves aside, why don't we do that for the disaster relief fund? congress, pay attention and do it. neil: that's a good idea. i'm going to take that as my idea and not credit you. >> have at it. neil: thank you very, very much. let's say you're not in the path of this thing is, a lot of people aren't. you're still going to play for it at the pump. >> usa -- we are usaa members for life. 's list for free. which means everyone has access
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long gas lines, they're going to see in florida and in texas, that's one of the gas rich states in the country, but there's an up-tick in gas prices that hasn't come back that much. this is a look where we're averaging today. a national average, regular unleaded gasoline. and so, up 32 cents around august 25th, right before harvey. and now, the futures market has been on a different beat. a look at what could happen and those prices seemed to be subsiding on the belief that eventually this panic will ease and prices will ease. gas buddy dan teague on that. the fact that the averaging that we showed triple-a and others provided, that they've not gone down markedly, what are they telling you? >> that's a little bit of resistance. refineries have not gone back on
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at last check four of the refineries have gone back on, but the other ten are in stages, but a two, three-week process reminding themselves in places like beaumont and port arthur, there is still a little bit of flooding left and things just haven't gone back to normal. we saw the aortic artery, if you will, going from texas to the mid atlantic, southeast and of course, the northeast, that all-important market has been strained somewhat and of course, with the distribution of gasoline, spare barrels, if you will, tankers were sent down into south florida, that left what was a bit of a pinch in the system diverted to one particular important emergency cause in the wake of hurricane irma. so it's going to leave prices pretty much where they are. my colleague and i, patrick,
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keep looking at this every few moments, there's a likelihood you might see a penny drop here or there, the national. >> a month to month up 32 cents a gallon in many states and we're likely to see potential and what we're trying to address through our gas tracker and app which provides people an accurate idea when and where they can find gasoline and they're trying to move out of the harm's way with respect to irma. neil: i'm told in florida stations or at or nearly out of gas. even if i want to evacuate, i can't. >> yeah, i think what we've tried to do here, is doohan and the two fellas working at the gasoline side are actually working with the emergency management right there in florida as we speak. they are producing information, working in collaboration with governor scott to ensure that
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stations which have fuel are clearly marked people, simply have to use the gas buddy app, or use on the website, if they happened to have a computer, hgt pch hg hgtp-- and gives them an idea of the nearest gas station, moving northwest or northeast, they can find gas stations open as opposed to driving on fumes, trying to find that all-important gas station to get out of wherever it is. some people will have stayed, but a lot of people are on the roads and many people used this. we saw over 350,000 download yesterday on the app which was startling. but it does demonstrate the extent to which coordination with emergency officials seems to be having the despired effect of getting people out. neil: all right. thank you very, very much. >> my pleasure. neil: these are typical
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phenomena in my natural disaster, as i've been saying on fox business and we report on this as well, some of the p predictable plays that people have in markets or some call it the freakout plays that people panic and sell. the typical are insurers or reinsurers, and guys like the renaissance and universal and heritage, all of those down high single digits if not double digits since harvey. also, anything having to do with the grouping industry, caribbean and carnival down 7 to 9% since all of this ensued and you typically have those that benefit at times, like the-- those where you're going to see a lot of people go to stock up on goods, like home depot, like wal-mart, like lowe's. all of those, and their stocks up double digits. that's what happens when people panic. it's predictable and it's always the case and it's happening
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