tv The Five FOX News September 14, 2017 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and rudeness. prepare for our friends over at "the five," they are next. have a great night. his musical ♪ >> on jesse watters along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 9:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ >> did you know hillary clinton has a new book out? the field presidential candidate is embarking on a massive promotional campaign for her memoir of the 2016 election. she is again blaming everything from james coming to the russians to sexism for her loss and she is again condemning the so-called deplorable's for president trump's triumphs. >> is willing to -- let's not
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forget, islamaphobic, domestic politics. homophobic politics, sexist politics. he hit every single area of resentment and grievance that people were feeling and his racism, which was endemic to his campaign, wasn't subtle at all. >> she is also refusing to accept the blame for being on the wrong end of the biggest political upset in decades. >> when it comes to the self-inflicted wounds, when you look at the list of them, you go through them in the book, did you make enough mistakes yourself to lose the election without any of the other things you talk about? >> i will say no, matt. i don't think that will surprise you. >> kimberly, remember when president obama said hillary, you are likable enough. apparently he was wrong about that too. >> don't make me feel softer, sorry for her.
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here's what's interesting, she's actually doing a better job of promoting this book and being far more fascinating and interesting than she ever was as a presidential candidate. certainly god bless because she was the first female to run like she did, the whole deal. give her credit and props for that but now it's all of a sudden hillary actually is someone that everybody is talking about, the contents of the book. she is being pretty forthright and pretty transparent talking about everything and all the reasons why and how the whole list of everybody that's wrong for a poorly advised her, who is responsible, the 32 reasons why she lost. the election. obviously she's mad and broke up with matt lauer, i don't know. no love lost there. >> they had such a good thing going. i feel like she's not in touch with reality, hillary clinton and you feel bad for but that's probably why she lost the election. >> why do you think she's not in touch with reality? >> she is blaming everything
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under the sun except her performance. >> i think her performance as part of it i really still think it wasn't a great campaign and she wasn't a great candidate, that's not to say the reason she lost. she is in the book and in the book, she's been been quite specific about the impact of comey's decision just days before the election to restart this investigation, its impact on women voters in philadelphia suburbs. she's not making up the numbers, those are analytics by other people, she took a steep drop once comey came back and introduced the idea that this investigation, this email stuff, is never going to stop. >> treated with emails on a private server. >> you know what -- the counter of this, interestingly is that it was us, that fox and fox business who focused so heavily on the emails. but it wasn't the swing voters and it was in the democrats won over 2. i don't know if you can blame it but she feels like there was
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unnecessary attention to what otherwise would have been a small -- >> anyway, dana, how would you like to respond to juan williams? >> it made me think of an anecdote that donna brazile told about philadelphia suburb suburban women in the year 2000. neck and neck, al gore and bush, al gore can't pull ahead of president bush in that area and they think that could be a real problem for us because pennsylvania was one of the possible states that president bush didn't end up winning but when they do the focus group a week before the election they ask the basic question, who would you rather go to prom with, george w. bush or al gore? and they said george w. bush because i would have a lot more fun and it would be great and she said that that's when she thought that there would probably lose. it was that likability factor. mark stein on tucker carlson's show had a really good point, the media did cover the email,
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partly because they were forced into it but "the new york times" did break the story. also, she is so protectable and president trump was not. human nature is to go and look for something that is new and interesting and so president trump benefited from that. the other thing she doesn't do in the book is admit that just a small bit of effort in wisconsin and michigan and, what's the other one? pennsylvania that that could eventually turn things around for her. certainly in wisconsin. >> don't you think you might >> she was asked what should you have gone to wisconsin, she said we campaign there, she sent tim kane and her husband there. >> tim kane doesn't drive the boat. great. when you see hillary out there, and she's doing a great job promoting this book, it kind of reminds everybody, i believe, why they didn't want her as president, because she is not -- >> nobody has made more off losing that weight watchers.
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she beat weight watchers, the washington generals, the cubs. she's like the back of an old stamp, she's better and she can't get the job done. i can't be nice. >> still sticky though? >> i can't be nice to her after hearing what you just did. the thing she just said, the deplorable's all over again. she just dismissed an entire group of people as a racist, islamaphobic. her slogan should go i'm with her to i'm withered. her book tour is essentially think this is what you get, more of may. this is your punishment because you didn't vote for me, maybe she will go to wisconsin and she can sell books there, she can go to wisconsin. she's like a reverse ice cream truck. nobody is running out to chase her, they are all climbing behind the windows and they staring at the blinders. i just find it very depressing and sad. >> that's the thing, she says listen i have something else to tell you and another reason why.
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>> this is kind of interesting but after listening to that weird, stilted, manufactured in front of it weird background of her unloading this litany of race card, islamaphobic card, homophobic, who needs it? who need to? this is not good for the country, this is why she lost, shut up and go away. >> wait a second, so in other words, if she calls out trump and says trump played -- what you said was kind of interesting to me, she said no other republican, he was the leading republican because of the republicans would not play the race card, wouldn't go after the mexicans and homophobic and islamaphobic. if you were saying that didn't happen, she shouldn't mention i it? >> she can't come up with one example of homophobia. the guy was for gay marriage before obama was. she is exactly like michael scott of the office. remember michael scott, oblivious to the flaws that are
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on display for everybody when he walked through the office he thinks he's got it made in everybody's going oh, my god, he so resistible. she is so resistible but she has -- her entire life is a blind spot. the man she chose in her life from bill clinton to keeping wiener around, her friend. if these are massive mistakes that she refused to acknowledge. when you see it like this, go away. >> that makes tim keynes -- >> she wrote his career too, to be honest. unless he's back up for monica. >> i want to get kimberly's reaction because hillary is at it again on cnn saying this about the inauguration. >> right in the book about how really strange it was to sit there and to listen to the kind of speech that was so divisive,
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the rhetoric was hot, i call it a cry from the white nationalist got. instead of taking a moment to say, you know what, i want to reach out and be the president for everybody, he didn't win the popular vote, he squeaked through the electoral college. he had a chance to really begin to fill the role and that didn't happen that day. >> kimberly, she's not trying to unite the country obviously, she still trying to divide by saying he's a white nationalist and playing on white nationalist peers. that's not usually what someone does when it was a presidential election. the kind of achieve an older statement status, she's not achieving that. >> pretty unprecedented. never seen anybody else behave in this fashion, have you? >> out never. you didn't see 41 behave this way. al gore is a little climate freak -- but it's very true, if anybody is deplorable it's her behavior and conduct. i really think so, i don't think it's setting a good example, see
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should be dignified and say okay it did not work out, i tried very hard and i don't know if she think she's ingratiating herself by being divisive like this and actually just really perpetuating a false narrative by trying to say that the president is a white nationalist. we were all there for that, we were there for his inaugural address and i didn't hear it like that. i think it's too much of a far stretch, she loses credibility by trying to tell us what to think and change actually the narrative. >> i think a lot of people did hear that. it's not just mrs. clinton. if you talk about her being blind, i wonder if you could almost say it in reverse, somehow donald trump said some pretty incendiary things and some people might say that's the great disruptor and we want to change. lots of people want to change but change the pace, laying on resentment and grievances, to me that the blindness too. >> make america great again, she was talk about all of america
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and she chose to chop it up into pieces. the only means white america. he doesn't mean you, this is a guy that worked in new york for years, he worked with every kind of person. he doesn't care about who you sleep with or what you look like, only if you can help him. >> unless you are in his pageants. >> she wanted to beat the first. and she is the first, the first presidential candidate to lose an election and write a blame-all. she is a historical first. congratulations! >> i love the whine-all. >> it's either a whine-all or a blame-all. >> coming up president had >> coming up president had dinn
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why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> last week president trump surprised many observers when he made a major spending deal with top democrats, congressional leaders. nancy pelosi in the house and chuck schumer in the senate. tonight mr. trump dined with them, his new friends, as the president refers to schumer and pelosi. for details on what happened, we could to bring in greg's best friend, national correspondent ed henry. >> make it quick.
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>> i'm looking forward to dinner with greg very soon in new york. >> never happened. >> it will happen. this just broke out moments ago. the president having dinner with the democratic leaders, an official here tells me he attended a couple moments ago, they are calling it a constructive working dinner, we would expect them to say that after a dinner like this, two interesting points worth highlighting. what they actually discussed, an official told me they talked about tax reform, daca and trying to find a law to quantify all of that. and border security, that's an important point for the president because he wants republicans on the health and know that he's pushing still for the wall and more border security in addition to daca in the trade and infrastructure, other priorities of the president. second point to make is that also attending in addition to the president and these democratic leaders, gary cohen in the white house chief of staff. at that the president was bringing some top officials to try and get some business done.
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earlier today at the president had some rank-and-file democrats and republicans in, one of them, josh got hammered as the cochair of the problem solvers problem solvers caucus. he told these lawmakers that he had tried it one week early in the administration working only with republicans for the most part. now it's going to try something new, reaching across the aisle. the president said when reporters pressed him about republicans being skeptical about these meetings with democrats, they shouldn't worry. watch. >> i'm a conservative and i will tell you i'm not skeptical and i think that if we can do things in a bipartisan manner that will be great. it might not work out, in which case we will try and do it without. >> the president went on to say he's hoping to get a bipartisan tax reform deal. he said that could include major tax cuts for the middle class and for corporations but said he would be willing to increase taxes on the rich, something that may have been a bit of a
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surprise, although tonight white house officials are scrambling to sort of clarify that the president doesn't want to increase taxes for the rich, he may want to close some loopholes that will effectively raise taxes on the rich but he doesn't want to raise rates on the rich. if there's a lot of detail still to be worked out. >> thank you, we will make sure to make reservations for you and great the next time you're in town. if i don't know where you want to take him downtown. >> nowhere. >> i'm for this. having a bipartisan meeting and in fact that's really the only way to get things done. president obama didn't have to do it because he had such big majorities will be pushed through obamacare and we all know how that turned out. late in his presidency president obama tried to do some dinners with some of the republicans it was just really frankly too late. i think this is actually pretty constructive. might not work out, but at least up to try. josh is part of something called the problem solvers caucus, well named. >> i love it. i think this is a good approach.
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it doesn't bother me at all, doesn't make me feel insecure. i say this is something who's used to doing business and you a deal done. let's go get together, see what we can find some common points of interest, and agreement, and go through exactly what our plan is and see what we can concur. if there's things we disagree about then we can go over that and try to negotiate it. i think this is a smart approach. he hasn't been able to get his own party to do what he's asked them to do. he's trying gotten to the choice to reach across the table to get a few of the votes that he need needs. it's also boxing the democrats and from a strategy perspective because they can't say that he wasn't trying to be bipartisan, he wasn't trying to be reasonable or listen to their interests or their concerns. from their constituents, if you want to make america great again not just republican americans to reach across the aisle.
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>> chassis, it does strengthen the hand of some of the republicans in the house and the senate were not part of the freedom caucus group because it basically says president trump is willing to make a deal so you are not going to get your hard-line point of view. >> it's true, i think he is dining with the democrats because he makes a better dinner guest. chuck and nancy over mitch and paul? trump likes nancy, she's glamorous, she's funny. a lot in common with truck, there from new york. think maybe that's one the reasons. i think he's doing this because he couldn't govern with partisan majorities in the house. republicans in the house and senate, they shouldn't be upset by this. they gave birth to this. if they had passed repeal and replace it would have been governing with partisan majorities, that would've been already on by late july to tax reform. that would've been fine but he pivoted out of it and he's now going to be like the prime minister where you try to forge these kinds of bipartisan governing coalitions and see if that works. the media is not used to this
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because it hasn't been done for quite some time. bush 41 reach across the aisle, bill clinton triangulated, reagan. >> 43 absolutely did it. that's a lack tax cuts and no child left behind. >> all the tax reform packages, bush tax cuts, reagan tax cuts, all bipartisan. daca is going to need bipartisan support. infrastructure will need bipartisan support. it will be funny when the media has direct these headlines like three months ago trump was hitler. now the democrats are having dinner with hitler. we will find out. >> i disagree with jesse. dinner with pelosi and schumer, it's amazing -- donald trump doesn't drink, for that dinner i would have to be wasted. if i would start drinking at noon. having dinner with those two would be like being trapped between two tvs, one with a commercial cars for kids and the other one with a commercial cars for kids. they are both playing the same
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commercial the same time. this could go on a couple directions, it could go a compromise and ends in result. or it could go a lot like arnold schwarzenegger in california where this is a guy who was elected to clean up the mess in sacramento and the mess cleaned him up. he couldn't change the political culture. >> he thought he could. >> the gridlock, the budgetary crisis, they couldn't pass anything because they need two-thirds for a budget. what you could end up having is a fairly liberal republican. >> we heard about republican perspective but what are the democrats think of this new outreach? >> the question is what do democratic politicians and obviously pelosi and schumer are there, they are willing to engage. if you are asking about the democratic base i think they would only go so far. remember, if you're looking at the agenda talking about things like tax cuts, and i think they have a different idea of a tax cut, you heard ed henry talk about maybe raising taxes,
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finding a way to raise taxes on the rich, dissatisfied. then you start looking at immigration, the wall and the like an item to the democrats able to work with him. what strikes me to get back to the republican side of it, to me trump is more popular than any other republican at this moment. if his numbers are great but he is more popular than mcconnell, more popular than ryan and talk radio, conservative talk radio is playing his song, beating up on the congressman, blaming them for the fact there has been no legislative accomplishment so far. the question is, is trump now further separating himself from mcconnell and ryan and may be there a third party in america's future? i never thought it possible but withdrawn. >> you could also end up with liberal republicans as well. we will see how it goes. i had, some celebrities got political, imagine that. that report is next. ♪
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>> the stars came out to raise money for hurricane relief and if you of course brought their opinion on climate change, which is great. i always go to musical artists for my science. >> anyone who believes that there is no such thing as global warming must be blind or unintelligent. lord, please save us all. >> save us all indeed. if you agree with him you are either blind dumb. okay. anyway, that is not divisive at all. i know what you're thinking, what does beyonce have to say? >> the effects of climate change are playing out around the world every day. just this past week we've seen devastation from a monsoon in india, and 8.1 earthquake in mexico and multiple catastrophic
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hurricanes. irma alone has left a trail of death and destruction from the caribbean to florida to the southern united states. we have to be prepared for what comes next. >> there you have it, climate change caused the earthquake in mexico. does this political stuff and a telethon bug you? maybe, but it really shouldn't given that they rated $44 million. listening to a few misguided sentiments from native millionaires seems a bargain. calling viewers dumb is pretty arrogant. stars know that being in a telethon creates a shield that allows you to lecture safely. still, if they want to wag a finger it is still $44 million, that's a mountain of dough. i can think one night of chiding by people. regardless of politics, everyone should do their part, we've all given and we have asked others to do so and many have pitched in, including sister margaret chainsaw.
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[chainsaw noises] >> it looks lm but she lent a hand and a chainsaw and without pummeling the public with their politics. that's what i call a good habit. >> cute, clever little play on words. >> it was a terrible play on words. the beautiful little interview that sandra smith did with sister margaret from miami who found this chainsaw in the school where she worked. >> the chainsaw was sitting in the closet at the school, it wasn't helping anybody so i went in, pulled it out and just did what i could declare that road and to help other people out. people were driving by taking pictures and telling me thank you and as i was doing it i was just praying for other people, people that lost their homes and everything, they really had it bad.
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>> i don't think i would be doing that because i would know how to turn on the chainsaw. >> she seemed to really know how to handle that, i'm curious about her upbringing. i don't think it's easy. >> that has is a heavy -- >> given what the democrats did to the cabinet nominees for judiciary, i would suggest that they consider somebody like this, a dogma obviously strongly lives in her because she got out there to help people. can i say something about the celebrity's? >> yes! >> okay, if everybody were to admit that we have a problem with global warming, meaning that humans are exacerbating it, what then, what are they willing to do? where is that advocacy because they never get beyond just chaining people and not changing their own behavior. >> they are not going to give up the blame. >> they won't have to. rich people are not going to have to do it. >> they all on my flu private jets to get to the telethon. >> j.j. watt, he raised.
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>> 30 million. >> without the carbon footprint of the concert. having said that, i can't complain because you raised 44 million bucks, i will take whatever you say, right? >> i would love to see you in a hat. i think it would be so cute. >> you have a little bit of a weird man crush on him, i've noticed. >> what about me? >> oh, my god. anyway, what i was trying to say before was i think when i watched these folks i just am grateful for what they did, as you point out, it's a lot of money and they did it in an hour, it was like all day labor day. i will say that when you hear stevie wonder, when you hear beyonce say this, i don't think they know what they're talking about, i think they are basically just saying what they
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think -- there seems to be a lot of crazy stuff going on the weather. when i hear scott pruitt say it's insensitive, darling, insensitive to bring up climate change, i'm thinking wow, are you trying to avoid reality? you are not willing to have a discussion and you are afraid of it and you are in charge of things like -- >> i think that's unfair. >> a debate! >> i think when he said that he was talking about in the immediate aftermath while people are still needing rescue. >> he saying let's not talk about it. in other words, at the moment when there should be a heightened public awareness to this issue he is saying shut it down. >> no. at that very moment when people were being rescued it wasn't the right time. he has also called for a red team exercise that no one else was willing to do. >> wait a second, we have a nun out there, so many people raising money, didn't stop --
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>> leave the nonout of this. >> having been educated and partially raised by none for over a decade, god bless them. none do it better. that is the perfect example. that's america at its best and we can have all the discussion we want. >> did beyonce say that global warming causes earthquakes? did i wear that correctly? >> traumatic reply. >> just want to make sure everybody understands that. >> that flexing tectonic and global warming out of the same thing. wait until you see my one more thing about the telethon. >> there you go. >> when we return allegations that former fbi director james comey committed a crime, stay with us
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>> yesterday's tara huckabee sanders made headlines when she suggested the justice department should consider prosecuting james comey. >> the memos that he leaked were created on fbi computer while he was the director. he claims they were private property but they clearly follow the protocol of an official fbi document. licking memos on a sensitive case violates -- leaking memos. >> hillary clinton isn't happy with mr. comey. >> he was fired for the wrong reasons. he should not have been fired for russia. he should have been disciplined whether or not fired, that's not for me to say but he should have been disciplined for the way he
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behaved on the email investigation. >> besides the fact that we were commenting during the break about she looks good. she is still sporting a frown about comey. >> everyone is mad about comey. i think the white house has a real benefit by saying earlier today sarah huckabee sanders said this is not the president's role. this is the justice department's role. they have surrogates or they have ways, outside counsel to be able to comment on those types of things. if all those points have been made contemporaneously with the fiery, it would hold more water. right now i think it looks thin because it's in reaction to the bannon interview and she's being asked about in the briefing room. they have somewhat of good stuff going on at the white house right now that i think there's ways to not talk about it. he doesn't always work in your favor. the justice department has come the conclusion under the trump
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administration that lois lerner was not culpable. there wasn't evidence to bring a case against her. keep it out of the white house and let outside counsel handle it. >> hillary is still very passionate about what happened and seems quite upset with james comey. deservedly so. both sides not happy with him but it's interesting to me that the democrats don't want to say okay, that was the right thing for president trump to do. >> don't trust tall people. right, dana? comey is very tall. they see things differently. i don't know what he's doing up there. when comey's letter came out, i said it was far more destructive than saying he would prosecute her over the emails because he basically said she was irresponsible, incompetent and possibly dangerous because --
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and then he says but we are not going to do anything about it. i kind of have to defend her. what sanders said is we should look. "look" doesn't mean "act." it's like a movie on cinemax. i could look at that. check the ratings. >> it is "love actually" marathon weekend. >> i wouldn't miss that for the world. >> this comey thing is permeating on both sides. >> okay, hillary lost pennsylvania by 44,000 votes. she lost wisconsin by 23,000 votes. michigan, 11,000 votes. those were blue states she was opposed to win. look at iowa, she lost by 150,000 votes. this wasn't close. this wasn't enough for this comey thing at the end with
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anthony weiner didn't tip the scales. this wasn't bush v gore, not a razor-thin election. this was an electoral landslide. i'm not in the popular vote but out of charlie. he could say if it wasn't for nbc licking the access hollywood tape or if it wasn't for comey not indicting hillary. you can play the blame game on both sides. >> i think there's a story hidden here, and the story is i see sarah huckabee sanders, i see the president. i think people are reacting to the idea that robert mueller is asking for white house staff to come in. he's going after spicer and reince priebus and getting them. i think the pressure is building inside the white house they want to divert attention and they
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want to focus on jim comey. if the justice department thought he had somehow violated the law, jim comey would've been dragged in, indicted by now. >> maybe not. maybe the justice department is looking at h. >> i think at this point, it's after it's after-the-fact. what i see is this kind of aggressive focus on comey shouls the president. don't look at me. look over here. >> watch jesse. >> he is tall. >> tall versus short. bernie sanders wants free health care for all but there's a catch. a catch. we will tell you about it
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being the only major country on earth not to guarantee healthcare to all american people. our job is to lead the world ordinary healthcare. not to be watching that position evolve over time, where at first it had pretty much limited partisan support where you mostly saw liberals, democrats focused on it, but it seems to be gaining broader appeal. i think this is a very predi predictable thing we're seeing on the part of democrats. a lot of people want it. they're also adopting this idea
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and they're this post office list of people who are supporting because i think they feel in order to garner that support to be the next presidential candidate, they're going to have to be for single payer to carve out that support. >>i want to echo it. she said, "if americans wanted single-payer healthcare, sanders would have been president." >>a lot of people supported bernie, some of the same policies. >>that is true, but i don't think there's an appetite for it in this country. the problem is you can't pay for it. even if you raise taxes to 50% on the wealthiest people, you still can't come close. so i love to the democrats are running so far left on this issue. i think that's fantastic. let them do that and let the
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>>nuh-uh. for real? >> oh, it's fake. >>not fake. not fake. $3,000 engagement ring down in the mud. >>all right, it's all good. they still love each other. >>who cares? move on. >>so sherry willis is finally cancer free. and now she's doing an amazing job of raising awareness for the need of women to have mammograms and raising money for the cause. a budge of us chipped in. and dana perino. if you would like to make a donation, go to -- let me just
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say from dana and kimberly and me, you're an inspiration. >>oh, i wanted to show you -- this is her bracelet. >>we love her. i'm so happy to have her back. she's so chic. i love her. on to a sort of interesting and half-naked one. some hunky first responders getting a lot of attention from the ladies. prompting many comments. i feel faint. i feel safer just looking at the picture. they love how millions of women
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are going crazy over their husband. by the way, he's single, ladies. and, greg, just to let you know. but don't call 911 and request these specific individuals. >>podcast. dave ruben has a great podcast. it's really good. now it's time for -- i haven't done one of these in a while. all right. dude with the man bun who brings in multiple water bottles the and puts them at each workout station so it looks like you're working out at each one and no one else can use it. i am onto you, and i've been doing stuff to that water. you better stop.
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it's not just your gym, you jerk! >> road rage over here. >>i had one about the hurricane. blake shelton and a a a a a a . >> bret: "special report" starts at the u.s. treasury department. we are coming to you from the diplomatic room. in a moment, i will speak with secretary stephen the notion about tax reform and other issues. first, the other stories making headlines today. authorities in florida say eight patients at a sweltering hollywood nursing home died in the aftermath of hurricane irma. police chief says the depths appeared to be heat related. air conditioning not working there. more than 100 people evacuated from the facility. elsewhere more families are returning to damaged or destroyed homes. we will go live to florida shortly. university of
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