tv Outnumbered FOX News September 19, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> julie: will see you back here in an hour. >> jon: "outnumbered" stretch right now. >> sandra: fox news alert, not holding back. president trump lowering the boom on north korea's rocket man and his first address to the united nations general assembly. warning the u.s. is prepared to destroy the rogue nation. this is "outnumbered," i'm turner smith. here today, harris faulkner, cohost of after the bell on fox business, melissa francis, read adjust and fox news contributor lisa boothe and today's #oneluckyguy, the former governor from the great state of arkansas and fox news contributor mike huckabee is here and he is outnumbered. governor, welcome back and what a great day to have you. >> governor huckabee: is a terrific day and there's little bit of news going on. an amazing speech, i thought
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from the president today. refreshing to see the president speak honestly, candidly, forcefully at the u.n. we haven't seen that in many, many years. >> sandra: let's degrade in and begin pure leaving no room for misinterpretation, president up in his first address using some of his harshest and most clear language to date of the north korean threat. announcing the rogue nation and its leader kim jong un for threatening the world with nuclear weapons. >> known north korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and listing muscles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. it is an outrage that some nations not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply, and financially support a country that perils the world. no nation on earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons.
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>> sandra: the president making it clear the u.s. has no choice but act alone if need be. >> the united states has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing, and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary. that's what the united nations is all about. that's what the united nations is for. let's see how they do. it is time for north korea to realize that the denuclearization is it's only acceptable future.
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>> sandra: governor huckabee, how does this change things? >> governor huckabee: i love the clarity of the speech. all of the forcefulness of it. i know there's going to be a lot of criticisms that donald trump's language will bring, rocket man is in a suicide mission. i love that phrase because he made it very clear that this is not a diplomat speaking. diplomats basically are insincere people speaking and a polite way when they really don't mean it and they're saying things they have no intention of doing. donald trump said things today that were not diplomatic, but it was bold, they were clear, and he probably shocked some people at the u.n., they're not used to hearing this kind of talk. i loved it and i thought it was exactly on point. he was saying to this group of people that if north korea does not learn to behave, they could potentially be annihilated because were not going to put up with it. that's a stout stuff. >> sandra: does that shock, does not bring other nations
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that are around and confronting north korea? >> melissa: a lot of that was aimed at china. they are saying clearly on behalf of the u.s. that we not agree to for this, we don't want the other outcome. we do not want total annihilation and a structure next to you. i mean it, i will do it, and also, that outcome is denuclearization saying we won't stand by and allow this to wait in the policy of strategic patience and whatever else it is been that we are now going to abide by. i think that message was to china. >> lisa: he did specifically mention that no nation would trade with north korea. that's a straight shot to china to talk about trade and talk about how they shouldn't be doing business with north korea and i do think that rocket man line was intentional. this they very sensitive, thoughtful speech so clearly that was an intentional line. ethically trying to differentiate himself from
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president obama. i think the administration right now is certainly trying to grapple with what to do with north korea and looking at things that we've done previously, look at bill clinton and the agreement with north korea. it did not work. strategic patience under president obama did not work, so i think president trump right now is looking to keep all options on the table of how do we deal with this provision? >> sandra: high praise from the couch so far. dianne feinstein had this to say after the speech. let's listen. we're going to read what she said. the whole point of the united nations to foster peace. the present user as of stage to threaten more. he used as an opportunity to present any positive actions again offering a path forward.
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>> harris: it's interesting, we heard the word war with regard to north korea into different ways from the united nations. we saw the u.s. ambassador nikki haley use it saying we're running out of diplomatic ways to keep ourselves from getting to that point which means everything is on the table and they're now having a single or come out of the white house. i think that language is what people will listen to more than this where language because the party in charge is saying it and they mean it, as you said. i want to point out some thing at that was impressive. he made it very clear what america first means and for all of us in america, and has a different meaning than it does to the rest of the world. are we as the rest of the world going to be left out of what you do? he broke it down. it was far more inclusive, but it was very stern, his message
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on what it takes to go forward as the united body. what his expectations are, he talked about the substance. i thought there was very helpful and i thought it was very telling. >> governor huckabee: again, very appropriate because he reset the united states from the united nations and he reminded it was the place to be. the essence of what this organization was supposed to be about was very powerful because he didn't say this is what i wanted to be, he basically said this is what we agreed it would be coming to let's make it that. then he pointed out you've got rogue nations like north korea and like iran and the u.s. is not going to stand by and if they don't want to join, then go it alone and we'll go to loan if we have to. >> sandra: president trump also had hostile words for what he said is a british regime. >> it is far past time for the
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nations of the world to confront another reckless regime, one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to americans, destruction to israe israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this roo room. the iranian government with the corrupt dictatorship he had the false guise of democracy. >> sandra: the president blasting the nuclear deal around reach with his predecessor president obama calling it the worst deal ever and that he's prepared to to walk away from it. >> the iran deal is one of the worst one-sided transactions the united states has ever entered in. frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to united states and i nothing you've heard the last of it, believe me. >> sandra: when you're watching that speech, governor huckabee, there was a lot of interaction, a lot of response that you received from world
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leaders including benjamin netanyahu who after the speech said this via twitter. in over 30 years mike spears of the u.n., i've never heard a bolder and more courageous speech. >> governor huckabee: couldn't agree more. the only other time i've seen a world leader walk into that forum and speak anywhere near that level of boldness was benjamin netanyahu when he did the graphic with the bomb. we needed that kind of speech. this is not a rallying speech that he gave out in springfield, missouri. this is a speech, he walked in, he looked right in the faces of the north koreans and the iranians and the rest of the world. that's why think it was courageous. this was not a friendly room where people wanted to like him. he doesn't care if they like him. he wants them to respect the united states of america. that's what we need.
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one point, someone said he seems to be backing, i thought it was interesting that this is an organization that again and again centers around israel and benjamin netanyahu. they look like there is no delay between the two. you saw benjamin netanyahu smiling and nodding. i wonder if there people out there who think the president is anti-semitic, how they reconcile that view of him with what went on today. i'm really asking that is a serious question because you see that all over and that's one of those things, especially after charlottesville. >> harris: we've been hearing that vitamin put in has been wanting to open talks with north korea and with other people. he is not there. china didn't show up. yesterday, angela merkel didn't show up. it's interesting for who is missing and who showed up.
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right now, the world's focus on this president so i'm fascinated as we look forward to the role that he plays now and how the rest of the world will react. we'll see what they will say. does this move the needle at all, doesn't change change the game at all? >> governor huckabee: the one thing am convinced of his donald trump is not playing mother may i. he does not walk into a room and says what it be okay if you guys don't mind and if it wouldn't upset everybody if i did ask? he goes in and says this is what we're going to do, like it or lump it. i'm sorry, but there's enough of some great down inside of me that i want our president to show that level of strength. god bless him for doing that. i thought it was exactly spot on what needed to be done. >> sandra: speaking of some of the details as you are the president saying, he went on the attack on iran and it must respect the sovereign rights of its people, this is one of the very forceful things that he said when it came to that. >> lisa: it's all true. iran has been one of the largest
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state sponsors of terrorism since the 1980s and i think he's also tried to counter iran before with his trips to the gulf states and meeting with over 50 arab leaders. that was in part to try to contain iran. again, a different policy that we saw from president obama who is greeted much differently from the last time he visited saudi arabia. i think we saw president trump really trying to differentiate himself in a previous and administration, specifically in regard to north korea and also anna ran and additionally in the way he spoke, as you had mentioned in such direct and strong terms as well. >> harris: it fascinates me that he showed up and others didn't. >> sandra: much more in president trump's first speech of the u.n., his america first vision, now shared on the world stage. how that's going over with foreign leaders and his base here at home. plus some stunning comments from hillary clinton as she says she will not rule out challenging
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the results of the 2016 electio election. why that's not sitting well the some democrats at this moment or even those in the mainstream media, if you can believe that. after the show, he can join our live chat by clicking the overtime tab at or go to numbered fnc and of course, you can tweet us right now during the show. we look at them, will be there. you don't let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals... for the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. ensure, always be you.
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>> we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal where the united states gets nothing in return. as long as i hold this office, i will defend america's interests above all else. >> harris: that was president trump giving his first address to the united nations general assembly today. we already talked about how he took aim at north korea and settled out of ran, but he talked about america's accomplishments and urged every u.n. member to embrace sovereignty. >> we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal with the united states gets nothing in
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return. as long as i hold this office, i will defend america's interests above all else. >> harris: the president wrapped up that part of his address with this. >> as president of the united states, i will always put america first, just like you as the leaders of your countries will always and should always put your countries first. [applause] >> harris: earlier in the hour, that's what i was talking about. of course were doing the same thing i'm doing. >> governor huckabee: it was interesting with the little splatter of a pause. it was light. it's what you were to do.
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why should anybody be astonished by what he said today and what barack obama has said at the same podium time and time again when he apologized for america, admitted all of our sins and said we've done terrible things and we're so sorry we've done those things. i thought this was the president of the united states acting like the president of the united states and not someone who was coming into beg forgiveness for who we are. >> sandra: president obama's last address at the u.n., he admitted there were problems with a collision of cultures. >> harris: he's in charge of women's issues at the united nations. that's a country that needs some management, putting it lightly in terms of what people would say about it with regard to women's issues. they wanted us to the table and
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with the president is saying is we are paying for much more than any other country. i receded the table will look different and this is why. >> melissa: he added it's different than what we've been doing. i like the beginning of his ending on an inclusive note because it started with no stone left unturned. he stopped there and called out each member who is doing things that they shouldn't and he showed them on camera. it was really something and he was very tough. when he got to the end, he said i hope we can embrace our duties and respect others. like you said, it was tough and strong, but it was let's actually do what we said we were supposed to do when we came together and let's stand up for all people and be honest and tough and truthful about what's really going on here.
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it didn't have that edge of your terrible and we are great. >> harris: ed wasn't parental in that sense. it's almost politically reminiscent of what the president jested on daca and other issues with the democrats. he has his own plan when he says he's willing to reach across the aisle, whatever it is, role dial, political aisle. >> lisa: as long as there is a shared common interests involved which is what he demonstrated. i like at the beginning when he was talking about here all the things we can achieve, hear the things we can achieve in the world whether it's technology, jobs or capitalism, building people up, bringing people out of poverty. we can't do that if we allow these rogue regimes to continue on their way. i like the contrast of the two futures that we could set up if we want to work together with these common interests or not.
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there's been a lot of myths about the president saying that president trump couldn't rely on his advisors, that has not been true. you look at some and like nikki haley who's been a strong leader at the u.n. or someone like secretary mattis. he's demonstrate a that's not true either. >> harris: we had some reporting yesterday everything comes with the risk. are there any hot coals? >> sandra: he lived up to the expectations on the hype that the white house was making of the speech. before the speech, the white house officials said they will not appeal to a model of bureaucracy. as melissa said, he left no stone unturned. we're going to have to see how the world reacts to this because we are still minutes after the
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speech. >> harris: we move on. investigators wiretapped paul manafort before and after the 2016 presidential election. what does it mean for the russian investigation? and hillary clinton is racking up her critique of the presidential race. now saying she won't rule out contesting the results, what to make of that. she wants to look at the election results. we are coming right back. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass,
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including a period when men afford was not to talk to president trump. meantime, robert mueller's team told men afford they plan to indict him after agents raided his home in july. paul manafort has become the focus of recent investigations into alleged efforts toward mr. trump. another question of how does this change things? >> governor huckabee: first of all, i think it's fascinating that cnn who made such a sport of donald trump that he is being wiretapped. when a clown he was, what an idiot he was. now they're the ones breaking the story that he was in fact wiretapped, but he doesn't make the connection to their own diet which is amazing to me. they don't come out and say we thought something, we were wrong. by gosh, there were wiretaps.
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there are two comes of wiretaps. if it's a pfizer wiretapped, then none of what was gathered can be used against paul manafort in a criminal case. if it was an article three wiretapped and had to go before a judge, then it could be, but the question is, why do they engage in that wiretapped? a lot of people have their eyes glaze over. let me say to one of our viewers, this matters to you. if your government can just decide to tap into your phones because you played a political role with somebody in the government, i'm sorry, that scares the me. >> harris: they went back for more. they were extended onto the campaign and even after the election, so if they weren't getting what they were looking
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for before, what are they looking for? >> lisa: anger problem these leaks period. we have all these questions and concerns of institutions and then you have robert mueller who was supposed to be independent, who was supposed to give americans comfort that this isn't going to be a partisan investigation, that we can julie believe whatever the outcome it and determinations that he's come to them. then you have leaks like this that come forward and considering the fact that we don't know about what's going o on. people have collectively donated six to $5,000 to democrats recently hiring another attorney that has given to democrats. when you have this coupled with that, at least two distrust and
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questions of is this truly independent or not? >> melissa: you can see rationalization for why you be listening into his phone calls. maybe there was a reason to see who he might be talking to, but what worries me is will never know for sure about what information there was. was information shared? we can stand there and justify, i don't think we'll ever really know who got the benefit of whatever information was heard on their and that's where i think the real problem would be. >> sandra: all i know is that governor huckabee said it scares him and that scares me. >> governor huckabee: ethic federal government wants come get you, they'll find a way and i might not be that they didn't get what they went after, but there are enough standard on the books. even if they can't get you for
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something the truly big, they can say we went to put your husband under indictment unless you copped to a plea and if you do, then this is all going to go away. there are people who have been bankrupted, their reputations ruined and ended up running, but they were finished. the federal government is using our tax dollars to come after you and you have to use your own dollars to fight them off. >> lisa: stunning new comments coming from hillary clinton about legitimacy of the 20 exceed election. listen to this exchange and npr. >> would you rule out questioning the legitimacy of this election that the russian interference in the election is even deeper than we know now question rick >> no, i would no not. i wouldn't relent out. >> lisa: clarifying a seaman, secretary clinton saying the results election over, but we have to know what happened.
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anyone in america can question the integrity of democracy and feel the same way as women got there, but we're not. that's not sitting well at some democrats or harass and even some of the mainstream media is saying she could referring to her own party. watch. >> she was asked whether she could rule it out and i think it's fair she didn't relent out saying it's a bigger challenge for democrats because she's going to be out there a lot with this book to her, she had every right to write the book and every right to be out there, but it really distract from democrats trained to rebuild the party, trying to be out there with a message, trying to pump up the economy and health care because people are going to be talking about her in the election. >> there's a question about letting the leaders speak. she's a very powerful woman. it does mean less attention for
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al franken and cory booker's of the party. >> lisa: i have to get your thoughts on this. >> harris: one person is talking, you can't get out an entire message for party. it's on she's talking with the white house, that's ridiculous. what happened really does need a question behind it for her. every day it's a new reason why she didn't win. how's the book tour coming question i get she selling a lot of books? >> lisa: i've had a question for you, governor. before we were talking about paul manafort, we mentioned, there's been a lot of discussion on institutions and americans not having faith and you see the democratic party repeat elite talk about undermining trust in the electoral process. then she goes and says something like that where she calls with the abolishment of the electoral
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college. does that not undermine americans faith in the system? >> governor huckabee: it totally does. if you can change the rules of the middle of the game, you don't have a game. if you want to change the rules, you change before the game begins. once the game begins, you can change the rules. i think there's one solution to this, as to have a big banquet in washington, let republican sponsor and pay for it and they can award her a participation trophy and that way she would feel much better. everybody get the trophy. >> melissa: i support governor huckabee's idea. i think it's a great idea, i don't think it will be that helpful because she wants to be in charge, but i don't know. i think this is going to go on and on and i do think it takes from the democrats trying to rebuild. i think it fires up those same
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arguments fl flat, the idea that we got more electoral votes, but you may get more yards in a football game, used in a win because it's not based on yards, it's based on something else. >> harris: she wants the election, she keeps reminding us of the 99 reasons why, she blames everybody. >> lisa: it we've seen deep divides the democratic party, but on another divide, immigration activists shutting down the nancy pelosi news conference over her efforts to work with president trump. >> you don't know what you're talking about. >> lisa: how worried should pelosi be? stay tuned.
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join today for free. >> melissa: activists shutting down nancy pelosi over her willingness to work with president trump to pass immigration reform. at her own news conference yesterday that, this happened. watch. >> do you want to hear an answer or do you want to shout? [crowd chanting] >> do you want to listen or do you want to shout? you have to stop it now, just stop it now. let's stop it now. [crowd chanting you are a liar] >> you are not helping the cause. if you don't want to listen, you have to go. >> melissa: take that one end.
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she insists she's doing her best to protect the rights of dreamers in the u.s. >> we believe that our emigrant community makes america more american and may want copperheads of immigration. we would rather have that than one piece of it, but we don't have that opportunity. they made it clear they don't want the dream act and that's an area of disagreement we have in terms of tactics. [laughter] >> harris: now i know what a major legislature looks like. she's big time. >> governor huckabee: i was watching this and i thought this is looking like a schoolteacher who has complete a lost control of her classroom. i guess she was completely
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stunned that these people who are supposedly her pals have turned on her. that's gotta hurt. >> lisa: there is a sense of irony here because nancy pelosi has a tendon resistance realities, have encouraged resistance to president trump and here she is getting resisted and she's encouraged illegality, lawlessness and here she is, the recipient of all of that. i think it also underscores the problems of a democratic party. president trump can't rely on the democratic party if he wants to get something done because as we've seen these activists, there's going to be a real deep divide. >> sandra: i think that's the fourth time i've watched that and we all feel really uncomfortable and we are concerned for her safety because they get really close. there was an opportunity there
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for her, let's turn the cameras off, let's step away, let's sit down and talk. do you have a better solution? >> governor huckabee: i always believe that when things are escalating, i've been heckled my been there. you don't want to escalate it, you want to de-escalate it. when the crowd is getting angry and getting louder, you get softer. your soft voice is what will cause things to calm down. >> harris: the california attorney general is defending the dreamers. he's saying they're stressed so he's looking that as they put that angst and stress at the podium. i'm confused about what the democratic message is on daca, do they know? they're stressed out because maybe they're hearing one thing from their leaders and their doing another thing. maybe it's on the democrats.
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>> governor huckabee: what donald trump did was say this is not a matter i can take care of. rather than me ended immediately, you got six months. it is time for you to do your job. nancy pelosi is in that body to do her job. if she can't do it, that she needs to admit i'm not a great legislator after all. >> melissa: the irony is that she was doing her job and she said she was helping them. she was helping them because she's going to the person in charge making a deal. they came out and they said that they won. there were meeting headway. i think she was right and i understand how worried and fearful they are.
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>> lisa: they have a right to be mad because the whole way she got elected, what did they do? they went with obamacare instea instead. now these individuals -- >> harris: the one thing she and schumer have delivered is moving this down the road in a fashion that doesn't leave the big question of what are we going to do with the country? in that way, they are doing their jobs. she missed an opportunity to sit
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down, put away the spotlight and really connect with human being human beings. >> melissa: >> melissa: as tense with north korea and iran, president trump says he wants a military parade on the fourth of july. he will be the first of his kind and more of a court of a century. is this a good idea? y alka-selt heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. i can't wait for her to have that college experience that i had. the classes, the friends, the independence.
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♪ >> harris: jets flying overhead, we had that one image of america, we may have a new one. president trump says he wants to post a military parade in the streets of washington on the fourth of july to show off american strength. he says he got the idea from washington. >> one of my early calls -- we are thinking about a fourth of july on pennsylvania avenue and having a
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parade to show our military strength. >> harris: if that happens, it will be the first military parade in more than 25 years in the united states. governor, would you thing about this? >> governor huckabee: alava good parade in the fourth of july is a perfect day to do it. it would be a great opportunity not because were showing off military strength, i think we know we've got a great military. he would be a great opportunity to think the military and to allow them to be able to do something that is not combat related. they give a standing ovation to the men and women of the armed forces. >> harris: and other countries do it, i think of north korea and that's part of their posturing right now. >> melissa: when he sang a show of strength, immediately those images come to you.
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it would be a beautiful thing to show strength immediately, but it would trigger people over the country. >> lisa: with what you said, it would be held president trump envision this going down and what this parade will look like. i think we do these joint military exercises with south korea and a korean peninsula or only drop the mother of all bombs in afghanistan or when we -- it sends a powerful message the rest of the world that we are a mighty nation and our military is the strongest. >> harris: if they're going to raise the pay on the day of the parade for a military, i'm all for that. >> melissa: we go back two
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days before he took the oath of office and he was talking about how we were building up our military and how they may come arching on pennsylvania avenue. he's been talking about this for quite some time. following through on it is going to be a different thing. we'll see. >> governor huckabee: i would love to see this follow a big boost of conference. and to say, announce a pay raise, we are indebted to the people who serve in uniform. every day i get to breathe free air, i do it because of people who are in uniform and whatever we do, it needs to be, and i said it before, a standing ovation, hug around the neck for
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people who keep us free. >> lisa: we've seen what it does for a generation when they don't receive that praise. it's important to remember the way these troops are treated so we make sure we never treat our soldiers and our veterans that way ever ever again. >> melissa: it could be a morale boost and bringing the respect and attention. >> harris: i was born and raised on military bases and there were times when we would not bring out the equipment, but bring out our soldiers and those officers who serve like my dad and give them praise for something other than a homecoming for more, a celebration of what they bring. as we go to a commercial break, can we take a look at all the
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>> i can't believe it's over. >> we are going to keep it right here, you can find us on facebook as well. thank you so much for joining us, "happening now" starts right now. >> jon: president trump mincing no words in his first-ever address to the united nations general assembly, mocking north korea's leader kim jong un as a rocket man, bowing total destruction of his regime as he keeps pursuing nuclear weapons. hello and welcome to the second half hour of "happening now," very interesting day. >> julie: the president speaking for nearly an hour, calling on the u.n. to live up to its charter, urging member nations to act in their own self-interest but also to unite when it comes to the threat of nations like north korea. >> rogue regimes representative of this body n
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