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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  September 26, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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i want to congratulate her. the brand-new show. she will be the host of the new 2:00 p.m. hour here on fox news every day. we hope you remember we'll -- we areme always fair and balanc. thank you for being with us, see you back here and see you fromt. washington tomorrow night. >> dana: good evening, everyone. welcome to fox news tonight. we begin with a rare september election with major national political implications. in alabama today roy moore the former chief justice of alabama stpreme court defeated luther strange for jeff session's old senate seat according to the associated press. moore is now the heavy favorite to win the general election the fact president trump traveled to the state to personally campaign for senator strange. let's now go to fox newsr correspondent jonathan saray at roy moore's headquarters. celebratory mood. >> it is an enthusiastic crowd and they have been all night. when they got the results and heard that roy moore was the projected winner they erupted in
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applause. moore himself arrived here twowo hours ago already displaying a very confidenthe demeanor, going around the entire room shaking hands before retiring to a back room to watch the returns, returns that all night were showing him with a consistent lead over luther strange. we are expecting him to come out momentarily and deliver histh victory speech within a matter of minutes. right now supporters rallyinghi the crowd. moore represents the populist wing of the republican party. he gained notoriety in 2003 when he had a ten commandments monument installed in the state supreme court building and then refused a federal court order to remove it. that ultimately cost him his job as chief justice but he won the support of these religious conservatives who have followed him ever since, voting for him
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in race after race and this one now appears too be the charm. now, roy moore missed out on some key endorsements and yet came up with workaround solutions. for example the nra endorsed his opponent luther strange but at a recent rally roy moore pulled out a revolver and explainedlu where he stood on the second amendment. this crowd went wild. also moore did not receive the endorsement of president trump. however, several trump loyalists including sarah palin and steve bannon supported moore. now a lot of people have been portraying this election as a referendum on president trump's influence but in speaking with moore supporters, they tell us many of them tell us they still love president trump but they also love roy moore. so rather than this being a referendum on president trump,
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this may be more of a referendum on the direction of the republican party. at least here in alabama, it is the populist wing that appears to have won out, dana. >> dana: it's always fun to be at the location where the candidate wins the election. it sounds like they'll have a good celebration tonight. thank you so much, jonathan, for that report. let's go to fox news correspondent peter doocy at senator strange's campaign headquarters in birmingham. it might be more quiet where you are. >> it was really quiet a couple of minutes ago, dana, when a very subdued senator luther strange and his wife melissa stood at a podium set up on a fireplace behind me in the hotel loby to concede the election ti roy moore. he said he had already called moore and congratulated him. the big headline is that strange thanked president trump and acknowledged that the president stuck his neck out byed picking one republican over another,
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which is something that could enrage or at least upset half the party, which it does not necessarily seem to have yet in this case. he thanked the president andss political problems that the president has as a result of strange's loss, he wants to take credit for. it's all on him but that he really appreciates the president and his loyalty as a friend. he thinks that they formed a bond as newcomers in d.c. the president got there in january, strange got there in february. there are these flyers all around here that show strange and the president. that was the main part of his pitch that he was theof president's endorsed pick. but it did not go strange's way. did not go the president's way. the president said if strange lost he would come back to the state to campaign for the other guy.y. now we wait to see exactly what that looks like.
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>> dana: let me ask you one thing. it was a pretty bitter primary race leading up to tonight's results but i understand that luther strange said he would pledge his full support for roy moore and that he would help him make sure he wins the generalul election. is that what you got from tonight's remarks? >> yes. something really interesting, dana. strange mentioned that he knows there are a lot of different republicans with different allegiances and described them as swirling fashions in the alabama republican party. they just didn't swirl his way tonight but this was a fight between strange, who was cast as basically somebody who will go and take marching orders from mitch mcconnell even though he has only been there eight months versus and outsider, judge roy moore, who defies all authority over the course of his career. he is famous for not taking down a statue of the ten commandments at the state judiciary building and getting removed from the bench.
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even though these two are -- were trying to paint themselves at outsiders, it became the trump candidate versus the outside candidate. in this case the outside candidate won but he is apparently ifou everything goes according to what we've been hearing still get the support of the president and of the person who was defeated tonight, luther strange. >> dana: there is no doubt about that. thank you so much. we appreciate that. earlier today president trump was asked about his harshie criticism of nfl players who refuse to stand for the national anthem and what he is doing to help puerto rico from the devastation of hurricane maria. >> i wasn't preoccupied of the nfl. i was ashamed of what was taking it was an important moment. i don't think you can disrespect our country, our flag, our national anthem. i have plenty of time on my hands. all i do is work. we're focused on that. it doesn't take long to put out a wrong and maybe we'll get it right.
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>> dana: joining us is my former colleague karl rove. could we start with alabama and get your take on the senate race results tonight? i guess probably in the last few days looked like roy moore was going to win it. what do you w think? >> first of all, i'm in dallas today but i'll go to austin if you want me to be reporting from there. i >> dana: i love dallas, too. please stay. >> i'm a volunteer with the super pack that was supportinglu luther strange and tonight roy moore won fair and square and whooped him well. i thought luther's concession speech was really sort of classy and good for him. it is a testament to the sort of folk hero status of judge moore who for 30 years has been a fixture in alabamafo politics. twice removed as supreme court justice. first time as peter doocy
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pointed out in response to putting the ten commandments on the judicial building grounds. the other time for basically saying alabama officials shouldn't live up to the gay marriage supreme court decision and made him a very strongs figure in the religious community, in the social conservatives, christian conservatives and you see thativ tonight.t. virtually every rural county of alabama is carried by moore and by big margins. strange has supporters in huntsville in the north and birmingham in the center and runs reasonably well in the far southern state among mobile. rural people voted strongly for him. focus groups that super pack ran, interested in those focus groups people said you know what? i know he shouldn't have done it
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but glad he stood up for our faith in that way. yes, they removed him as the judge because he refused to abide by a court injunction in one case but you know what, it shows where his heart is and i want him to go to washington tonight a populist outsider who has been a fixture in politics in alabama is going to washington >> dana: i'm sure you're aware that last night steve bannon, who left the white house in august, whether he left or was fired depends on who you ask. general kellyly would say it was fired. regardless he maintains a good relationship with president trump and he campaigned last night for roy moore and on sean hannity's show takes a shot at mitch mcconnell the majority leader whose popularity is down but also at you and other people involved in helping luther strange. i wonder if you want to respond to that because it seems to me that republicans have got to figure out a way to work together going forward if president trump's agenda is actually going to get accomplished.
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>> yeah. look, he kept talking about my day of reckoning and others. that's taunting that you get in the seventh grade school yard so i won't respond to it. i think you do make a point. we saw this in the run-up to the election. president trump asked for support for luther strange, he didn't get it. i don't think that weakens him. i saw the mainstream media wasen portraying it as a test of donald trump and if luther strange lost it would be a problem for donald trump. every bit of evidence i saw was that alabama, people in alabama no matter who they supported for senate love the president and he was very popular in the state and i think people said i appreciate the president's advice but i'm gonna go for roy moore. in a way the people who opposed the president's choice are now going to have to try to ingratiate themselves with the president.
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they better not crowing about how they beat the president. they ought to be in there probably saying mr. president, what can we do to help advance your agenda? that will be --. >> dana: they have a lot on their i want to ask you about tomorrow. president trump will go to indiana and kick off -- spoken about tax reform before. tomorrow is the official kickoff. healthcare has failed. the effort to repeal and replace obamacare is basically done at this point. tax reform people feel a little more optimistic about. i wonder if you share that optimism. >> i'm cautiously optimistic but in part because they made such a mess of it on obamacare. that is to say that by losing on obamacare, it really crystallizes in republican's mind in congress they better get tax reform done or what will they go to the american people on? we got a good supreme court justice and backed the president
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on energy and regulatory policy. the big things that people were expecting them to do repeal and replace obamacare and reform the tax code. they -- if they can't get thepey first one done now, go work on the second one. let me remind you of one thing. they can come back and in the budget resolution create provisions that allow them to have reconciliation next year during the coming fiscal year so they have another bite at the apple on healthcare but let's get tax reform done so we have a victory.ot >> dana: you better hope it's not a poison apple when they take that bite out of it. if i could switch to the other topic. for several days we've been talking about the nfl and the president taking them on.n ap i think politically for thehe president this is probably a winner if you look at least the polls but also with his base. as this controversy goes on the left in my opinion never misses an opportunity toss overreact. take a look at sheila jackson lee earlier today on the house floor. >> which of those children's
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mothers are the son of a b, that's racism. you cannot deny it and i kneel in honor of them. i kneel in front of the flag and on this floor. i kneel in honor of the first amendment. >> dana: she wasn't the only one to do that and i do think that the sob comment was way over the line. but what do you think the left is doing here? are they playing into the president's hand? >> absolutely. look, it is entirely natural. every american when they hear the opening notes of the star-spangled banner feels an impulse to stand x look for the flag. when a flag passes us in a parade down a street it's instinct. it's an expression of our patriotism of our love of country. look, we all believe that everybody has a right to freedom of expression. so let them if they want to
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kneel, but the vast majority of americans believe it's disrespectful to that flag. that is not a symbol of america's perfection but the imperfection but the desire to make the country better. when we respect the flag, we're showing respect for the generations who have come befor us. some of whom served in the military and gave the ultimate price. some of whom did not but served our country well. maybe a big in important ways like martin luther king or important inventors, a lot of the people who served our country best are people who simply led good lives and madeth their neighbors, their friends, their communities better by being who they were. that's what we do when we salute the flag. i agree the comment on friday night was a mistake. do not swear at the people who are exercising their freedom of expression and don't call into question their parentage. it caused a lot of people to wince.eris my concern about this the president missed an opportunity. if he had used some of the
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language that he had, for example, in his u.n. speech which i thought was terrific and said we really do strive in america for the approval of history and when we salute the flag, we not only honor those who come before us but we reaffirm our commitment as a nation to make our communities and our states and our country even better in the future. that's what i would hope americans would remember whenin they think of this controversy. if he had done that rather than swearing at people. there were six nfl players the week before who took the knee. several hundred after the president made the comment wefriday. i think it was a missed opportunity. >> dana: we'll see you soon. get back to austin when you can. >> okay, friday morning. >> attorney general jeff sessions said that free speech is under attack. we'll tell you what that's all about when we come right back. crohn's disease.
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about when we come right back. >> dana: attorney general jeff sessions said that free speech is under attack. >> it is transforming into a echo chamber of political correctness. a shelter of her fragile ego. but who decides what is offensive and what is acceptabl acceptable? the university is about the search for truth. not the imposition of truth by a government center. >> dana: here is what he told tucker carlson minutes ago. >> we have too much suppression of free and open speech on college campuses today. particularly conservatives are being silenced in many ways. controversial speakers are being blocked. you have the veto by the heckler who threatens to protest and disrupt a speech so the college may withdraw the speaker's
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invitation so there won't be a disturbance. these kinds of things really threaten the entire educational system.s >> dana: here is guy benson, and charlie hurt, a fox newsis contributor as well as opinion editor for the washington times. you wrote a book called "end of discussion." i wondered if this was music to your ears today. >> it was. thank you for the plug. i will return one right at you. congratulations on the new show. i can't wait until next week at 2:00 p.m. eastern. >> dana: no end of discussion on that show. >> there will be a discussion every day. i got an advance copy ofno the speech from the attorney general's office yesterday. as i was scrolling through it i was nodding throughout. it is exactly right. his message and tone wast. correct.t. to their credit the people at georgetown let him speak and didn't shout him down. there were quiet protestors. thisis is a message that has toe
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heard and it is encouraging hearing top level government officials standing up for a bedrock american principle especially on college campuses, which ought to be hot beds of discussion and debate as opposed to monolithic thinking and silencing. >> dana: that was new today, we have had people talk about the importance of speakingie freely on campus. the president talked about it. what was different and what i noticed the attorney general said the u.s. justice department would weigh in with students who were saying that they were basically the target of not w being allowed the speak because possibly because of their conservative views. to me it was a step that governments haven't taken before. >> sure. it's high time they do take a step like that. what we're talking about is a constitutional right. this constitutional right hass been trampled from coast to coast sadly and ironically it's on college campuses.
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when i think of college i think of a place where a youngster is supposed to go and grow and learn andun be challenged and be threatened with new ideas and be forced the make arguments against ideas that they disagree with. and sometimes even forced to make arguments that they don't even agree with in order to hone their skills of being able to make arguments in a free society. and yet at all of these -- the most premier college campuses around the country we have the exact opposite. the infantalization of these campuses where this is just snuffed out to the point where guy is commending the georgetown people for orderly allowing them to speak. it's terrifying and i think about thomas jefferson and what he must -- >> dana: if he could see us now.
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>> why it mattered to them is not because they cared about the higher education but about self-governance and knew you count have self-governance without higher education and intelligent informed people. >> dana: what's interesting to me too, guy. for years that was talked about in sort of the small places like the washington times, national review, weekly standard. now this is being talked about everywhere. partly that is social media but also is the problem so much worse? >> it does feel like it's getting worse.ti we talk about private w institutions. they have a right to do whatever they want on this front. administrations across the board should stand up for first amendment rights. when it's a government school, a public institution, i think there is a government interest to make sure that fundamental constitutional liberties of citizens are protected and where a school which are agents of the government in the cases of
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public schools, if they're unwilling or unable to do so i think the government has an interest to step in on some level, not micromanage and not get too involved but to say thit isn't right. one example briefly i would give, dana. it's not just the shouting down and the rioting that we've seen in berkeley, it is colleges charging conservative groups much more exorbitant fees for security that they don't charge to other groups. >> dana: not only that. i got a call last night from a young woman, a college associate here at fox news. she is amazing. i won't name the college she goes to now. it's a prominent journalism school. they had set up an interview with a prominent political figure coming to campus. she went to her advisor, the professor, said this basically asked for guidance and advice and he got to know her a littlee bit and he found out she had
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worked at fox news and he lostto it, told her she would have to go somewhere else for help. that everybody worked at fox should be incarcerated. she called me and said what should i do? i'm sure your parents are not veryco happy. i encouraged her to see the dean. you are a parent of several children. what would you have her do? >> i would make a huge stink about it. i would do everything i could to encourage her to make a big stink about it. this is not just a good idea, the federal government has a responsibility to protect our -- it's one of the few things they have to do to protect our first amendment rights and when i look around and see all the stupid silly arguments we're having in this country today i can't helpr but think if those stupid silly arguments aren't kind of an offshoot of all of these people who went to these safe space colleges and actually really came out believing that oh, you aren't allowed the think that or
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say that. i'm right about everything and everyone else be damned. >> this professor said everyone who works here should be incarcerated? >> dana: apparently i told her she should go to the dean but i also told her to do the interview she had set up and knock their socks off. guy and charlie, thank you so much. up next a stunning new poll about free speech. stay with us. hi. so i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight... four weeks without the car. okay, yep. good night. with accident forgiveness, your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it.
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>> i think there is a huge gap in the first amendment. people are always talking about the first amendment and don't realize it doesn't apply to employers. you can gon out and say you're from trump or you're for hillary and your employer can say you're fired. it's a huge gap. today with social media what's happening is employers are kind of pressured into firing people and when you see 85% say you should not be fired for your political views. >> dana: there is controversy about president trump callingng for the nfl managers the fire anybody who was kneeling for the national anthem. did that go too far or would people agree with that? >> there is one poll that came out so far. it's a reuters poll that 57 or 58% think you shouldn't be fired from the nfl but about the same number say they should stand. so it's a stand-off on thiss58 thing. trump went a little too far in saying fire them when he should
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have just stuck to the ground that people believe. >> dana: we used to work together for a hot minute. let me ask you how would youth advise the country or the nfl to get past this? what do they need to do? important they try to solve this in the next few days? >> the first thing the commissioner should do is call the president. he probably had a good relationship. he should have tried to explain we have to balance the players and the fans and the country. and i think now they have to look for solutions. he has to get to the white house, trump has to get to the field. the country can't take more division like this. whether the president is right or not, the country doesn't want division. >> dana: i love the idea the president should go to a game this weekend and they can all stand together and the country can feel good again and watch football. are the democrats overreacting to the president on this? >> i don't think they're overreacting. he laid down a gauntlet and they picked it up. that's what he expected.
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in a world of division the surprising thing is about 80 -- or more thanng 80% supported the president coming to an agreement with the democrats. they want to see bipartisanship. when you throw down something like this, everybody goes to their corner. i think probably trump helped moore when he kind of threw down this kind of divisive item. >> dana: when you say everyone goes to their corner. the right is feeling good about itself in some cases but i read in the "washington post" the left groups are raking in the cash. they don't even know how to spend all this money. >> let's justng say polarization benefits both sides. that's the whole point of it. >> dana:s it doesn't benefit -- >> i think the center and also people who want bipartisanship have a role, too. i think everybody now is going to get involved. >> dana: your wife is being g vindicated on the no labels. people have said that in thew past. you saw polls saying people want
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bipartisanship. i have to ask you this. former vice president joe biden is starting to get out there a little bit more. going the start aa daily podcas. it will be his favorite news articles of the day. is he gearing up to run in 2020? >> i saw him speak recent to a group of executives. he had a measured message. he was ready. he is a couple of years older than trump but i thought he was fit and ready to go. so i would not be surprised at all if he is at least thinking about it and making sure he is well positioned. >> dana: if biden is thinking about that, will he be able to prevent the democratic party from going so far left to the bernie sandersom wing of the party? >> that's his challenge. biden will say i can get the working class voters back. >> dana: the trump voters. >> i can get them back. they voted for obama. they'll vote for me. i'm your ticket out. if you go to bernie sanders orme elizabeth warren you'll be too far to the left and you'll lose. he is probably right.
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>> dana: good luck on the roll-out of the poll in the morning. coming up president trump's new threat of military action against north korea with the rogue state now reportedly bulking up its defenses. we'll be back in a moment. no, i'm scheduling time to go to the bank to get a mortgage. ugh, you're using a vacation day to go to the bank? i know, right? just go to lendingtree dot com. get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free.
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north korean menace. >> we're totally prepar >> dana: president trump doubling down on his assertion the military option is on the table when it comes to the north korean menace. >> we're totally prepared for the second option, not a preferred option, but if we take that option, it will be devastating, i can tell you that, devastating for north korea. that's called the military option.mi if we have to take it, we will. north korea is a situation that should have been handled 25 years ago, 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago and 5 years ago and it could have been handled much more easily.. various administrations, many administrations which left me a mess but i'll fix the mess. >> dana: the parents of otto warmbier, after being imprisoned in north korea shared their son's ordeal this morning. >> north korea is not a victim.
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they are terrorists. they purposely and intentionally injured otto. >> dana: joining us with reaction from washington is gillian turner, former national security staffer during bush and obama. i thought it was courageous of the warmbiers to come forward to describe that. their pain is so raw and real and it helps people understand the kind of rogue leaders, the hideousness that is kim jong-un. what do you make of them coming forward? does it help galvanize support for president trump's pretty harsh rhetoric even though you think he has gone a little too far? >> i think it does.. it was a heartbreaking, gut wrenching interview to watch this morning on "fox & friends." but at the same time it was, like you said, incredibly important for the american people too hear this. i think we don't get many glimpses inside north korea period, especially inside thee regime and the way that it treats people they consider to be enemies of the state. this was a firsthand account, a glimpse inside that horror emi .
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it was incredibly moving. i think it will galvanize support for president trump. >> dana: president trump at every point has been trying to either answer questions or to make a comment and i think what he is trying to do is to make sure that kim jong un is listening to him and getting ito directly.nt from your experience, i can imagine you would expect that there are lots of different many koun indications taking place from the cia, defense department, state department and the president andfe possibly others including china. how do you think that sort of coordination is going and where do you think it's headed next? >> it seems like every day for virtually the last month or so the tension in terms of the rhetorical stuff has escalated on a daily basis. most of that has been the provocations of kim jong-un and then president trump has been responding to that. he is right.
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he took great care to point that out today if his press conference. he said look, they are issuing statements and we're responding. we're not generating this stuff. he has a point, right? i think he is operating on this fundamental not to go all pop psychology on you but i think he is operating on the fundamental principle, right, that bullies should be responded to with bullying and that threats ofof force should be responded too with threats of force because he is so frustrated at the way i guess previous administrations responded to this he is trying something else. i have some hope and i hope for the country's sake that it ultimately is more effective rather than it's quite risky. >> dana: he is not dealing with north korea in a vacuum and also the decision of the iran deal by october 15th under the law that president trump is again faced with this does he certify iran is in compliance or not and the consequences of that. i think this is a big calculation when it comes to north korea. what do you think? >> probably. you know the europeans in the
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last few weeks have really put the pressure on president trump when it comes to getting together some kind of a coalition, whether it looks like the six-party talks, whatever, you know, to negotiate on north korea. it is something that people lik- german chancellor merkel and the french have really been pressing president trump pretty hard on. he faces the stark choice of is he going to have the united states be a party to this if some kind of formal negotiation breaks out in the next few months? that will be really hard decision for him to make. >> dana: we'll be watching for that and i'm sure we'll talk to you more. thank you so much. straight ahead we head live to alabama for an update on tonight's big senate race. don't go away. straight ahead we head live to alabama for an update on tonight's big se sarah is a fifth-grade teacher. when it comes to molding young minds, nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident.
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>> dana: as we reported at the top of the hour, roy moore has >> dana: as we reported at the top of the hour, roy moore has won the alabama senate republican primary over senator luther strange. here is what judge moore said moments ago. >> together we can make america great and we can support the president. don't let anybody in the press think that because he supported my opponent that i do not support him. and support his agenda. [applause] as long as it's constitutional, as long as it advances our society, our culture, our country, i will be
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>> dana: let's bring in john mccormack along with aaron mcfight, white house correspondent for the independent journal review. i'm soes glad you joined us. tonight. feels like this election cycle never ends. john, tonight we expected this, i guess, in the last few days that roy moore would be able to win. it seems like luther strange just said great concession speech. over to you, sir.n. >> a win for the polling industry. the polls were showingng significant size win for roy moore. that's what he got. you hear a lot among pundits saying it would be a big loss for donald trump to go down there and campaign and not pull through for his candidate. i don't think that's the case. >> dana: doesn't seem like it. >> both candidates falling over
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themselves who liked donald trump and who could help donald trump get the job done in washington, d.c. it would have been a big win foo the president but i don't think it was a big problem thatwa roy moore ended up winning for the president. >> dana: it was interesting to see how the voters there in alabama overwhelmingly who support the president didn't see there was any problem with choosing to vote for the opponent roy moore over luther strange because they thought that regardless, they'll support the president. i don't know if that could actually happen in any other state. >> right. look, steve bannon made this a lot about mitch mcconnell. i thought some of the mosta startling toxic language that steve bannon used on monday night was basically saying of mitch mcconnell and other republican leaders to the voterd in alabama, they think you are a pack of morons, a bunch of raoubs. i think you'll see more of that from bannon in republican primaries next year. i would point out, too. this won't affect the math inim the senate. think about what happens in colorado today.
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that was mike coffman, the republican moderate congressman running for governor calling for tom -- to do battle over the soul of the republican party. interesting the see if mcconnell and others do more of what mike coffman did trying to battle back from the language steve bannon is using. it is unclear to see what steve bannon wants other than to use tear down the establishment. >> dana: i'm from colorado. i hadn't heard that. before i let you go on this particular topic, do you think that, john, that what we're looking at for the nrsc is a problem tonight when you look at the fact there is a split among the republican party or can it keep the good map it has for 2018? >> this problem has been there for a long time. there has been this populist conservative backlash going on
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since 2010. the same backlash that gave usus people like marco rubio and tedc cruz and mike lee and like todd aiken who are big fobs and caused big problems. christine o'donnell. judge moore definitely seems to be more like a christine o'donnell. whether it will drag down other senate candidates i don't know. the president will take up all the oxygen in the room and whatever outlandish things roy moore says. >> dana: i think roy moore will win this election in alabama. stay right there. we'll be back with more with john and erin right after this. ♪ (cheering)
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nice man cave! man. oh! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports! >> dana: welcome back. we continue our discussion with >> dana: welcome back. we continue our discussion with john mccormick and erin
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mcpike. the birth of the tax reform effort which happens tomorrow. why do they seem so optimistic tax reform is going to have a better fate than health care. >> they have been working behind the scenes to come up with some kind of compromise. i've been hearing that foror months, that they are further along and they continued to be further along than peopleng realize. obviously speaker ryan has beenn saying a lot about that. on health care, we did hear lindsey graham say they are going to come back to that agaia after tax reform. maybe they get to it in a budget process next year as well. >> dana: even if they don't fully repeal and replace obamacare, there are fixes that have to be done. and there's regular order of business. tax reform, they say it hasn't been done in 30 years. i feel like it could get done. what do you think? >> there are two different things underat consideration. bipartisan bailouts, maybe you
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don't want to call it that. >> dana: take it for me, they don't want to call it that. i have scars from 2008. >> the other option would be to include health care, something like this graham-cassidy plan, block grant most of the obamacare funds back to the states. tax reform is very difficult for the advocates of this last-ditch obamacare plan that failed, they say listen, john mccain ando o lisa murkowski, they were opposed because of process. if we can keep the process going, may be able work. this is a long, long, long, long shot. i don't think there is much hope. >> dana: what do you expect to hear from the president tomorrow? >> i think it's a big question. he has not said a whole lot about this. we were expecting plans to come out from theat administration on tax reform months and months and months ago.
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treasury secretary said he wanted it done by august. the administration has been a little bit mum on this. anything that had us put more pressure on this announcement to talk about whatever numbers he wants to get out of the plan. >> dana: do you think the plrepublicans are going to set aside what had been something they had used for years, that the budget needs to be revenue neutral they want to get this tax reform bill done. >> it's going to lose revenue over the short term. there will be tax cuts that will have to be renewed at the end of ten years. i think they want to get a win. i think after the failure of health care, they look back at these last nine months and think man, we need some accomplishment to go back to voters and say you elected us for a reason. >> dana: thank you so much. that's all the time we have for tonight. thank you for watching.
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i am dana perino. we're going to be back here tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. eastern. good night, everybody. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the battle over nfl players and the national anthem continues. over the past couple of days an array of media figures and political elites have demonstrated why they are often called talking heads rather than thinking heads as they repeatedly argued that the president's attacks on those millionaire athlete protesters were both scary and bigoted. watch. >> he came proverbially as close as


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