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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 28, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> if they only knew what went on during the commercial. >> thanks to lawrence jones. we are back on tv tomorrow at noon eastern, thank you for joining us. "happening now" starts right no now. >> jon: we started with a fox news alert, two big issues, foreign and domestic on the burner. president trump set to meet with the chinese vice premier and his oval office at this hour as his administration wages of full-court press on tax reform with vice president mike pence at true demand deliver remarks later today in milwaukee. hello to you, welcome to the second hour of "happening now" " >> heather: we are also awaiting something big, the white house news briefing will be back as well, that starts just about an hour from now. all of this coming as congressman steve scalise makes a dramatic return to capitol hill. [applause]
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>> jon: emotion running high in the house chambers as the majority whip was greeted with thunderous applause on both sides of the isle this morning. congressman scalise returning to work there for the first time since he was shot and wounded while practicing for a charity baseball game back in june. mike emanuel is on capitol hill but we begin back in the white house on a pivotal meeting that could impact the nuclear showdown with north korea. >> this high-stakes meaning is said to happen later in this hour, we've got no read out from the white house on the substance of this meeting other than what we learned early when secretary of state tiller'snd met with the chinese vice premierarlier this morning.
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>> preparation for president trump's important visit, we will talk about the agenda for that visit and continue our agenda for a number of issues. >> certain to come up at the oval office feeding in this hour is china's recent actions to break off all banking relations with north korea. that was an unexpected surprise when it was announced last week. he said it was "something people would've thought unthinkable even to go months ago." we will let you know what happens. another news, the continued push for tax reform, vice president pence is a lead man on that today, meeting with families in michigan and later wisconsin. the chief components of the tax cut proposal are a proposal for three brackets, 12, 25 and 35%
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doubling standard deductions. 12,000 for individuals, 24,000 for couples and the lowering of taxes on small businesses to use individual tax forms and lowering of the corporate tax rate to 20%. it also includes the elimination of state and local tax deductions, that is going to be highly controversial in many high tax states such as new york an in california where a lot of highway services save a lot of money or make a lot of money from those deductions. this morning a white house chief and economic advisor address that issue, and said that in the long term it will work out for everybody. >> only the people that itemize today which are less than 25% of the families in america itemize, they are the only ones taking deductions from the state and local taxes. we are solving for the greater good of the country. what you have to look at is what we dated in its entirety. >> senator dianne feinstein said
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the elimination of state and local tax deductions is an "nonstarter" for her. so many democratic representatives come from states that our democratic states, meaning high tax states. >> jon: thanks very much. >> heather: in the meanwhile, republicans are trying to come together on tax reform after bruising and divisive battle on health care. this taking place as congressman steve scalise makes a dramatic return to the house floor, this is amazing. for the very first time since he was shot and critically wounded at a baseball practice on june 14th. mike emanuel is live on capitol hill, it was a remarkable scene. let's begin with the latest on this tax reform push. >> good afternoon, key republicans are outselling this tax reform plan, including the chairman of the ways and means committee, the tax committee of
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the house saying why it's critically important to get this done. >> we want to unleash the vast potential of this nation to tax reform, we have to start by unleashing the individual potential of every american. we have three key objectives to making such a tremendous difference for middle-class americans. >> top democrats are attacking this republican tax plan, saying it would be a deficit buster. >> this idea that the administration can pay for a 5-$7 trillion tax cut through growth is simply selling a bill of goods using fake math. >> republicans counter that their tax plan is designed to help the middle class, small businesses, expect that debate on either side of the aisle to continue in the month ahead. >> heather: disagreements eat up over tax reform, let's talk
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about this. the bipartisanship, the hearing from lawmakers, what are you hearing from the return of steve scalise today? >> i was standing here a short time ago when congressman steve scalise when walking by here on crutches. we were told he was likely to take a scooter, there has been a tremendous outpouring of emotion from both sides of the aisle after seeing the g.o.p. whip return to that house floor. >> jennifer and i have been overwhelmed and it's given us the strength to get through all of this and get to this point today. it starts with god. >> an attack on you is an attack on all. we all came to this magnificently because of your strength. today we came to theloor when you weren't here, we were all am scalise and today we are team scalise. >> a number of lawmakers told me there was not a dry eye in the house chambers three and a half months after a devastating
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shooting, steve scalise is back. >> heather: it was amazing, he said he was lying on the baseball field and he started to pray and that he is an example of prayers that are answered. thank you so much. >> jon: is the battle over tax reform starts on capitol hill, the spotlight is now shining bright on senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and his relationship with president trump. mcconnell perhaps feeling some heat after failed republican efforts to repeal and replace obamacare and of the loss of the candidate he backed, luther strange in the alabama senate primary this week. all of which has reporters asking the president if he still has confidence in the majority leader. >> do you have confidence in senator mcconnell? >> i do have confidence, yes. i do have confidence. it's not up to me, it's up to the senate. >> jon: let's talk about it with rachel, she covers capitol hill for politico. it is mitch mcconnell in trouble?
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>> my read on this from talking to republicans on the hill is that mcconnell is not in any immediate jeopardy, however there is this rising anti-mcconnell fever that could be a problem in the future. technically speaking, only senate republicans can boot him fr tt leadership position. not debates, not angry house members are the president. when you talk to senate republicans on the hill, a lot of them are defending him, saying he's doing the best he can in an impossible position. the base is really ticked off, they are blaming him for the republicans failure to deliver on and obamacare repeal. he failed at spending millions of dollars to protect one of his senate colleagues who got booted from office. he's not in a good position. >> jon: the president also backed luther strange, it was not just mcconnell by himself. the president, some of the blame
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has to go back to the white house. >> a lot of people said the president probably could've done a lot more to help luther strange, if his heart was really in it. he was sort of doing it halfway, i guess. i think if you are watching, is his job going to be in jeopardy? the thing you have to watch for is when or if he becomes a problem for his members back home. a lot of people still like him in the house but the problem was that constituents were sick of him cutting deals with obama so they were oppressing these members. we are going to have to question whether we vote for you. if sene having to deal with csts who are pressing them to push back against mcconnell and it becomes an election issue, mcconnell will have to step aside. until then, the question is, was
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roy moore's victory a one-off thing or the beginning of a new trend? >> jon: it's kind of funny of funny how things turn. it was widely expected if democrats could take the senate. if mcconnell wins but he only has 62 votes, doesn't give him a lot of room to get things done without bringing democrats on board. >> he needs eight senate democrats to get anything done. he's also been able to use the fast tracking rule. which is what they try to do with the obamacare repeal and he still couldn't get it done. it's because they're republican conference right now really isn't one conference. the traditional republican and moderates are trying to get these conservatives to agree on anything is virtually impossibl
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impossible. >> jon: thanks for coming on. >> heather: the supreme court taking up the challenge that could financially cripple a democratic leaning gro which is similar to a casehey deadlocked on before. by the ruling can be very different than this time around. plus, does the g.o.p. have an identity crisis? we will talk about that and how judge roy moore's victory may be a sign of things to come and the impact it could have on the future of the party. >> together, we can make america great. we can support the president. don't let anybody in the press think that since he supported my opponent i do not support him and support his agenda. as long as it's constitutional.
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remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? is that whole thing still dragging on? no, i took some pics with the app and... filed a claim, but... you know how they send you money to cover repairs and... they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but... at the very end of it all, my agent... wouldn't even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy. but if i wasn't happy with my claim experience for any reason, they'd give me my money back, no questions asked. can you believe that? no. the claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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>> jon: new information on a legal case involving labor unions, with the supreme court now agreeing to pick up a free-speech challenge from workers who object to paying money to unions they do not support. justice is deadlocked 4-4 in a similar case last year but now with the conservative majority they could overturn four decade old supreme court ruling that allows public-sector unions to collect fees from nonmembers to cover the costs of negotiating contrasts for all employees. this could potentially cripple labor unions that represe government worrs. the latest appeal comes from illinois. >> heather: right now, concerns that the g.o.p. may be going through what could be called an identity crisis, with a rich lowry writing this. republicans have unified control of the federal government and
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state legislative seats since the 1920s. conservatives control the supreme court yet trumps attendance create an identity crisis in the party that has not been resolved. thank you both for joining us. i'll start with you, do you think there is an identity crisis and what needs to be done about it? >> i think we are in challenge. all we need to do is go back to our platform, makeup platform that is clear, passed by a majority of republican delegates, past by the rnc executive committee. we need to just stay true to that platform. every promise that was made in 2016 was not a promise just made by the president, it was a promise made by every
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republican. if we can get our act together holding the majority of the house, the senate, and controlling the white house, shame on us. we need to come together as a party. beyond that, in order to get something done in the senate beyond reconciliation we have to be able to reach across the aisle and work with democrats as well. >> heather: you referenced the senate, paul ryan had some pretty harsh words for the house, he said the senate has passed -- i am sorry, the house has passed 337 bills of the house as of this week, the challenge we have is 274 of them are still in the senate. they need to be working together between the house and the senate as well. >> they do, that is part of it. i think what's most disheartening, the fact that
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there has been so little legislative accomplishments, there's nothing major to do that even though we've talked about, republicans talked about repealing obamacare for seven years. there is not actually unified vision on how to do so. i think that's why you end up seeing anger not just again on the democratic side but also on the republican side. >> heather: to listen to paul ryan, he says how the house has passed more than obama did during his time around. >> why is it not going through to the senate? the reason why is you have two somewhat section of moderates in the senate, people who actually may not be moderate politically who are still conservatives but they are pragmatic conservatives
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who want to see things work the way they use to. you are not going have to actually get their approval on something that is passed without the input of any democrats. that is why the caucus is fractured. >> the primary in alabama, roy moore in luther strange, what is that tell you since roy moore won? >> i think it's still the year of the outsider, people are sick and tired, entrenched in washington politicians. that is the message they've been sending loud and clear. i think we only just scratched the surface. the american people, on promises made in promises cap, republicans need to deliver. we've got to start delivering. >> heather: images of the last rallies those candidates held,
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the cowboy hat with the leather vest, you talk about rights. thank you both for joining us, appreciate it. >> jon: the president pushing his tax plan saying it will jump-start the economy and bring jobs back to america. what are critics saying? plus, remembering the playboy who founded a business empire on a lifestyle, the cultural legacy hugh hefner leaves behind. >> i tried to put together a men's magazine that would reflect the views i held and it caught on immediately. the rest, they say, is history.
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>> heather: a high-stakes battle looming on capitol hill as republicans push for a tax reform but the mainstream media already taking shots at president trump's plan to cut taxes. particularly the impact it will have on the data and raising concerns that the tax planill mostly benefit the veryealthy. howard kurtz is a fox news media analyst, thank you for joining us. right away everyone is all concerned about the deficit. >> if you look at the morning papers, the media are laser focused on the trump plan for blowing up the deficit after having not particularly cared about that when the deficit exploded under barack obama. there is hypocrisy on both sides. republicans for years, the deficit was out of control and almost two they've been quiet about a plan that could cause the treasury $2 trillion.
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democrats did the same thing they were in charge except they usually bust the budget with more spending. >> heather: we don't know all of the details, the battle is yet to come. >> we have a plan right now, serving the desert and not the vegetables. politicians love to cut taxes, it's one of their favorite things to do. what the administration haven't spelled out as much tax deductions of going to take away in order to at least partially offset the cost of what would be by all accounts a very big move. with the press really has to focus on the substance of who wins and loses, rather than just the politics of whether this would be a win for the g.o.p. >> heather: you always have to have those vegetables to stay healy. "playboy" magazine founder hugh hefner woke up to the news this morning that he had died at the age of 91, a proponent of free
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speech and civil rights, the pipe smoking silk pajama man, you actually met him, right? >> i interviewed him at the playboy mansion seven years ago. he seemed like a man very happy with his life and understandably so. he also talked about how he was not a fan of the x-rated fare on the internet. it hurt society and takes the mystique away. at the same time, this guy was an absolute force whether you like him or not in changing the culture when you launch that magazine in their repressed 1950s. the irony here is that a magazine that had some good articles and interviews over the years, but basically sold photos of naked women became kind of
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passe in the age of web where just about anything is availabl available. >> heather: i think they try to do away with the for a little while but went back to it. what was he like personally, what was his personality like? >> he was very gracious and more thoughtful than you might expect. he thought more about free speech and cultural mores that i had expected. there were pictures all around of his various wives and girlfriends, he was a guy who kind of built the empire based on what he wanted it and he was very comfortable with that towards the end of his life. >> heather: i know he is set to be buried next to marilyn monroe who was first on his cover. thank you so much for joining us, appreciate it. >> jon: tensions with north korea causing concern around the world, the south korean president says his country's efforts with the international community are at the highest level ever.
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why our next guest to says north korea is about to act out once again. press, the crisis in puerto rico getting worse by the day. supplies of food, water, and fuel cannot reach the millions of people who desperately need them in the pentagon just announced it is taking new action. >> you have these container sitting at the port, they are having trouble distributing it because they don't have a way to distribute it, they don't know where to distribute and they don't have power for the generators to protect things that need to be refrigerated like insulin.
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go to right now. >> heather: a fox news alert for you, at the request of the governor of puerto rico, president trump has made the jones act which will expedite those shipments of food and water to the devastated island. puerto rico needs trucks and fuel to get those supplies to the people who need them. the u.s. military is gearing up to help. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with more. >> the biggest change as you mentioned morning is the president has now waved to the jones act for ten days, which has required that any ships to puerto rico it be from the american mainland.
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we are told buchanan will arrive in theexfew hours. his deputy arrived yesterday to establish to headquarters, they will focused on logistics which have been stymied by mudslides and failing infrastructure. navy hospital ship set sail north of virginia, the comfort will arrive in the middle of next week. this video was shot by customs and border patrol agents sunday, they told us they hiked a half mile to this house, there are now more than 10,000 federal workers on the ground in puerto rico according to the president's homeland security advisor. as of this morning the defense department defense department had delivered fuel to nine hospitals and supportive establishments of over 100 points of distribution including
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12 puerto rico national guard armory's. u.s. army corps of engineers are providing 900 sand bags to shore up the main dam in puerto rico. one airport remains close, 5 of 6 fema priority seaports are open with restrictions. shipping containers are backing up in the port because there aren't enough trucks and drivers. the military is now providing security for those drivers, we are told. the u.s. u.s. military has alst a large generator. >> heather: the energy grid has been completely destroyed. the state of the port and hospital, if you look at the state of the porch, we are looking at 10,000 shipping containers that are sitting at that port are not able to be unloaded because of lack of trucks and drivers, there was concern the drivers didn't have security. they are going to be providing
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security for those drivers. things are backing up, that's why you are seeing this one star general going down there to try to get the logistics organized. what is happening is they just can't get things moving so even if the aid arrives, they can't get it to the people. >> heather: much more difficult dealing with an island versus texas and florida who also still need help and then you have the u.s. virgin islands. thank you so much. >> jon: of fox news alert, president trump in just a matter of minutes will be meeting with the chinese vice premier. secretary of state rex tillerson is on his way today. joining us now, former cia senior north korea analyst. the north koreans are expected to try something else, another missile launch, another nuclear explosion in the next couple wes, why
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>> they are bent on completing their nuclear program anyway but after president trump's speech in the united nations, it was an extremely personal statement. i have been watching north korea for a very long time. he reacted in a personal manner, calling trump a dotard, north korea has to act so they don't look like they are caving under u.s. pressure. i think more likely it's going to be ballistic missile test, perhaps on october 9th, the eve of the parties founding day, columbus day for us and to the 11th of the first nuclear test. i do think a provocation is coming our way. >> jon: the president has used
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a very tough language on north korea, talked about fire and fury and said he will totally wipe them off the map. are you suggesting that is not working? >> i think president trump is trying to get kim jong un to back down, that kind of language is not helping. kim jong un has made it very personal, he cannot back down. by the way, mr. trump with that kind of rhetoric, is giving a gift to e north koreans because they can display that message over and over to tell these people look, this is what we've been telling you. the united states is bent on destroying us. it's giving kim jong un a talking point. >> jon: when our president refers to him as "rocket man,"
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doesn't that diminish his standing in the eyes of his own people? >> i don't think so. i think it's just giving him -- i don't think goading him in this manner is helpful. at least getting kim jong un to back down. we can take a very strong stanc stance. we can do that without using this kind of rhetoric. i would still say, it's not helpful because we are trying to get international consensus. we are trying to get the international community to put pressure on the regime, we don't want to look like the ones that are being out of line or over the top. i think that's not a good approach. >> jon: there has been progress regarding china, china has told several banks to stop
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doing deals with north korea, deals that were already underway with north korean companies are being canceled. is that kind of pressure ultimately going to result in kim jong un backing down? >> we will have to see. they've never really done enoug enough, china is doing more but i think the question is to see how much china is willing to go along this path. i think that's the key question, whether china is willing to push north korea. >> jon: the analysts say the chance of somebody making a mistake leading to a wider conflagration are growing by that minute. we thank you for your insight. >> heather: it is known as the
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oscars for government service. we are taking a look at some federal workers doing their part to make things better for americans. plus, an investigation being launched after three workers are killed in a scaffolding collapse data transmission tower. we'll tell you about the shocking tragedy fred would do anything for his daught.
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>> jon: right now, questions on what caused a deadly accident in south florida, three men were killed in miami gardens late yesterday with a scaffolding use to reach the top of a transmission tower collapsed. the victims reportedly worked for a company that builds tv antennas. a witness says the workers appeared to be near the top of the tower when the case scaffolding gave way. >> heather: here's some new information on a netflix scam to tell you about. a new scam apparently sends an email to users telling them their account has been disabled.
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the email then asks you to update your payment information. the services warning customers that this is a scam. if you receive this email, you should report it to netflix. customers who have given out their information are advised to change their netflix password. >> jon: we often hear about government officials abusing their power but that can overshadow the hard work of many federal employees. chief washington correspondent james rosen is live to look at several government individuals taking action to make things bett for americans. >> tse are recipients of awards known as the oscars for federal government service. the 2017 honorees include a pittsburgh man who was injured in biking accident but found --
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a deputy inspector general treasury help take down a massive scam of criminals posing as irs officers. two women who both work for the food and drug administration, they fast tracked fda approvals for the first artificial pancreas device, a welcome development for americans living with diabetes. the awards were handed out last night by the partnership of public service. each honoree was featured in a 92nd video and gave an acceptance speech. a college graduate and engineer in quantico interviewed 618
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fields, observing how have you bought body armor impges on their movements in missions. something the colonel says will impact every marine in the core. >> i want to thank the marines who let me tag along, who kept me alive when we were hiking through the panamanian jungle. they open the doors and gave me the feedback and let me develop the system together for them. >> really inspirational. we will have more at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. in the meantime, follow me on twitter right now. right after the segment i will tell you who the award is named for. >> jon: the partnership for public service, what exactly is that? >> it's a nonprofit, nonpartisan group based in washington devoted to trying to make government more effective.
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we see a lot of them during transition periods when they are always giving us the official stats we use for how many vacancies there are and how many have been confirmed. >> heather: hopefully no oscar moment where they announced the wrong winner. there are some new trouble at the airport to tell you about, what is behind the problem that caused the delays all over the world. we of those dails next.
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when you've been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay...
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>> jon: some new information on an arrest in colorado that could be a big break in the case of two young girls murdered earlier this year in indiana.
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police arresting daniel nations in el paso colorado this week. the indiana state police department is now investigating nations, a registered sex offender for potential murderers. the girls disappeared from a hiking trail back in february, their bodies were found the next day. investigators released this grainy surveillance image of the man they believe murdered the girls, it was shot by liberty german on her phone before she was killed. a sketch of the same suspect provided greater details of his face, other people on the hiking trail also saw him that day. right now, nations is facing a charge of weapons possession with additional charges still pending. >> heather: amazing that she was able to think that quickly. we have some new information on another story we were following, flight delays and long lines at
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airports all across the globe. gerri willis' life for us with those details. >> a global computer glitch affecting systems at 100 airports across the world today, causing thousands of travelers to be delayed. reagan airport in washington, d.c., johannesburg, zurich. the glitch was related to software used by almost 100 110 airlines. the outage began early on thursday of the leaving passengers waiting in long lines waiting to check in for their flights. th cpany that provides that software confirmed it was experiencing a network issue that caused the disruption, that according to telegraph. after a few hours officials said their systems were back up and
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running it after the momentary glitch, they said everything was settling down. >> heather: that was then, what about now? what's to keep it from happening again? >> i don't think there's anything that really keeps this. there are a lot of systems, a lot of technology, it could happen at any time again. >> heather: thank you very much, appreciate it. >> jon: we are awaiting the white house news briefing set to start about 30 minutes from now, that's always entertaining. plus, what cap happens when a hungry donkey feasts his eyes on a flashy sports car. the final 30 next.
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remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? is that whole thing still dragging on? no, i took some pics with the app and... filed a claim, but... you know how they send you money to cover repairs and... they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but... at the very end of it all, my agent... wouldn't even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy. but if i wasn't happy with my claim experience for any reason, they'd give me my money back, no questions asked. can you believe that? no. the claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. >> jon: some news in this fox news alert about one of america's favorite actresses, julia louis dreyfus tweeted a photo and this statement, she writes "one in eight women get
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breast cancer today i am one. the good news is i have the most glorious group of supportive and caring family and friends in fantastic insurance for my union. the bad news is not all women are so lucky so let's fight all cancers and make universal health care a reality." known to fans through her work on seinfeld and veep and other programs announcing she has breast cancer. >> heather: we wish her well. new video as one of our producers caught health and human services secretary tom price and asked him about the controversy over his use of private planes at taxpayer expense. >> we're going to work through this. i think we've still got the confidence of the president. >> heather: we will have more on that story as we continue to
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get it. >> jon: we mentioned earlier in the day that hugh hefner passed away. they are laying flowers at his star on the hollywood walk of fame right now, these are life pictures out of hollywood. remembering the man who changed popular culture forever whether you like what he did or not. you have to admit he was a forest, died this morning at the age of 91. people are marking it with their flowers and other contributions there. on the hollywood walk of fame. >> heather: we talked to how we earlier, he had met him and interviewed him, he was very quiet and personable, said to be buried next to marilyn monroe who was the first person on the cover of "playboy" when he started it. >> jon: also this, we want to take you to washington, the daily briefing at the white house expected to begin about 30 minutes from now.
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reporters are going to have plenty of questions about tax reform, that's the big item of the day but also president trump's assertions that he still has the votes or now has the votes to get health care reform passed. the repeal and replacement of obamacare. you will certainly want to hear what sara sanders has to say about that. >> heather: wondering exactly how that would happen, saying possibly rand pa could come on board, possibly john mccain as well, lisa murkowski, lisa murkowski and mccain had a problem with the process of it. we will see. >> jon: don't hold your breath breath. in the final 30, a hungry donke donkey. took a few bites out of a mclaren sports car, causing thousands of dollars of damage. >> heather: that's a switch. now the donkey has landed its owner in court to settle the damages. the culprit right there, police suggests he may have been taking
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mistaking that car for a giant carrot. it caused $6,000 in damages. >> jon: the car was parked next to the donkey's enclosure. the man could have picked a better parking spot. that does it for us today, "america's news headquarters" starts >> sandra: awaiting the start of the white house press briefing on this very busy day in washington. hello, everyone. i'm sandra smith. we expect fresh white house reaction on tax reform, healthcare and aid for hurricane ravaged puerto rico. we have live fox news coverage for you. john roberts standing by at the white house. we begin with mike emanuel who is currently live on capitol hill. mike, the framework is public now, so where do lawmakers go from here on tax reform? >> reporter: well, sandra, house speaker paul ryan is among those out selling this tax proposal, saying it will help those who deserve it. >> our plan


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