tv The Five FOX News September 29, 2017 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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ben stein, the capitalist code is the book. tells it like it is. he's his own man but very rich. he can afford to be. >> i'm not very, very rich. >> neil: you are. tom price is out of there. "the five" is now. >> hello, everybody. i am jesse watters along with camp illegal foil, juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld. this is "the five." this is a fox news alert. health and human services secretary tom price has resigned. this comes after he faced a lot of criticism for his use of taxpayer money for private flights. for more on this, we bring in chief white house correspondent john roberts. >> jesse, good afternoon. we saw that the writing was on the wall a few days ago when the
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president was asked about this talking across the south lawn after talking to the press on his way to the helicopter as he was traveling to indianapolis for his first tax reform speech. the president was asked, "are you going to fire tom price?" he paused for a second, turned over his shoulder and said "we will see." he had this look that i am angry at this person, and the look said "you bet "you betcha" ." it was clear he was very angry and upset over what price had that done in terms of taking those charter flights. now the figure, i believe, is up over a million dollars for the cost of the flight. he says it's out of keeping with the tone and tenor of the trump administration. we are trying to save taxpayer's money, not spend more. when he said, "are you going to fire tom price," they had an
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announcement later today. that typically means it's a done deal, just have not been made public yet. we found out from press secretary sarah sanders. don't know if you talked about this with her or not, she said that secretary price actually offered his resignation earlier this morning and the president excepted it, so it's just a matter of getting the medications team together to make the official announcement this afternoon. when the president said this afternoon, we'll make an announcement, he already made the decision. >> john, thank you very much. i guess, "we will see" is code for "you're fired." >> you betcha. >> kimberly, we talked about this the other day. if catherine's ability has had done this, we would be very critical. >> so be fair. the bottom line is, i agree with the president. he made a promise to really drain the swamp and reform washington, d.c., and politics as we know it. therefore, when you see a
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situation like this which at least suggests there was an abuse, these charter flights shouldn't have been taken, there is too much largess and waste of taxpayer money, i'm right up that alley in that lane. i think that is 100% true, if they are criticism, it was improper. obviously the president would be upset with something like this. i mean, wouldn't you? tom price offering resignation was the right thing to do. the president accepted it. that is that. let that be a lesson learned. >> they will probably criticize anyway. i think when you put the phrase "private jet" and "politician" in the same sentence, never good, one. never good for either party. >> no. to pick up on what kimberly said, i think there's a lot of pressure at this president at this moment given that he just submitted a tax plan that -- people on the democratic side are arguing it benefits the rich. he has people on his team and it looks like they are just living like, you know, the high and
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mighty and they don't really care. not in touch with the grassroots. the other thing to say here is i think the failure of the obamacare repeal did not help tom price with president trump. >> writes. >> he was on thin ice in that regard. the final point i make, jesse, there's a lot of talks around regard that at the private session with donors, the president was highly critical again of jeff sessions, his attorney general. that does not seem to be a happy relationship. >> hopefully he doesn't say "we'll see" about jeff sessions. >> or "he's a good man." [laughter] >> did tom price say, "this is why i said this?" >> he tried. he also said he would replay the federal government for his portion of the flight. basically it got out of control. when a cabinet secretary embarrasses the president, it becomes the story and you are
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off a ledge later failure you know, tom price is probably right to submit the resignation. i would add one other thing. it wasn't fake news. political, the -- politico, the reporters track this down. i would not say that they were proud, brought a scalp, but this is what happens in washington when you have reporters get outs on the white house briefing room, stop focusing on everything the president is tweeting, and look at what's happening across the federal government, you might find stories like this. >> hopefully they do not run too many stories like this. gutfeld, you understand the allure of not going through lines. >> how ironic his name is price and that's what he paid for costing americans millions. we will be right back. >> i want to... there is a bright side for tom price on this. count this as a relief that this is how you lost your job as a politician. this is not a career killer.
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you weren't found in bed with a horse. you are going to think, "how did you lose your job?" "i flew private." that sucks. i like private. it's not the worst thing. i don't think most americans still don't know who he is. i don't even know who he is. what day is it? >> it's friday! [laughter] >> president trump has the finger on the pulse of his voters. this is the exact thing he said would not happen in washington on his watch. i think he understands his fate. >> there is another story like this bubbling with the va secretary who apparently was taking flights at taxpayer expense to go watch wimbledon. >> the movie? >> the tennis court in london. >> oh, okay. that's never good. to another top story. a week ago today, president trump sparked a fire storm with his suggesting that players who do not stand for the national anthem should be fired. players are now standing. progress on the field last night
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in green bay. every player on both the packers and the bears stood with locked arms during the national anthem last night. perhaps the nfl is realizing the protests are bad for business. packers fans appear to largely ignore the team's request to link arms during the anthem. lots of folks holding signs in support of the flag instead. more and teams may be back on their feet this weekend as well. the steelers will be, according to this player. >> i promise you one thing for this week, we will all be standing out there for the national anthem. trust me. we respect our flag, respect our military. i do care about the flag. this team will stand up. >> we talked about this last night. we said the tide is turning, kimberly. i think there is evidence we were right. >> absolutely. it feels right to be here at "the five." >> [laughs] >> it's great. it's friday. "the five." 7 minutes in, we are getting it all right. one, will bring them along for
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the ride. we are able to get a positive outcome, we are going the right direction. do i wish this never happened? of course. however, it seems they were able to do some quick work behind the scenes that this didn't continue to escalate into a big public nightmare. ultimately, this was going to affect the team owners, the players, et cetera, you were seeing a difference in terms of viewership. it really can have a bad impact over all. you want to respect the players and their rights to express themselves about their personal opinions or they want to stand for something, like for social injustice, but at the same time you want them to do the job they were paid to do, so find a way to work it out. so far, they are standing and i hope we can move forward for the country. >> i hope we can too. >> hand over your hearts. >> that's right. going in that direction, it looks like, and a lot of teams are asking all the players to stand up in unison. do you think that is a good
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thing? >> i don't have any objection to them. i never thought -- i thought it confused the message. let me just say this. what you are seeing the man standing locking arms and they've asked the fans to lock arms, i'm not sure many of them did, but they asked. it's an attempt to call attention to what they see as an injustice, which is the way black people are treated by cops. so they are trying still to make the statement. what strikes me, having written about civil rights history. if you go back to dr. king. dr. king, when he was in jail in birmingham, he wrote this. he said, "there are people more devoted to order than injustice who prefer a negative piece, which is the absence of tension, to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice." it's like, so the players aren't kneeling, weak win. boy, i think that is tone-deaf. >> have we not had a discussion
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about police brutality? this is what originally the whole protest movement was about? >> we have. it's interesting, talking to governor huckabee last night, he's signed on with this group of conservatives who are for terminal justice reform. there is a bipartisan effort that could actually get done, to a directives attorney general to say let's work on this, get this done. if i think the country saw there was policy movement in washington, d.c., on this and it was bipartisan, which people have said they wanted, everybody could get back to watching football. >> greg, what do you think? >> i think this is something that got out of hand. it's like when i try to fix a stain on my shirt, you just keep rubbing it and rubbing it and that's what happens. this thing was something that everyone everyone had to start rubbing -- "i will fix it, i will help it," the stain got bigger and bigger and bigger -- >> i hate when that happens. >> people who engage in this
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type of protest who introduced politics into sports gets upset when other people get upset. that's the risk. if people did not get angry, then you're protests had no risks, that means nothing. everybody got something out of this. i mean, the protesters can say, hey, we raised awareness, even though we are probably incorrect on the statistics. if you took the time and read the statistics about police brutality, and you might come away changing her mind. but we want to get into that here because that takes a lot of time and it's far more, you know, the medicaments into mental, emotional, to take a stand in front of people and introducing into a public event. but the problem is people get mad. you have to accept that. that's the risk you took. >> a lot of people didn't get mad. next, how the far left saying president trump is now hurting children. a wild story ahead. morning on the beach was so peaceful.
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hey you've gotta see this. cno.n. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. >> we all love dr. seuss. who didn't grow up reading one of his books like "cat in the hat," "green eggs and ham."
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melania trump sent books to each state. she had a surprising letter from a liberal who refused to accept the gift. the woman criticized the trump and ministrations -- calling the illustrations, steeped in racist propaganda. interestingly, this same librarian wasn't opposed to the beloved children's author way back in 2015, two long years ago, when she was dressed as a dr. seuss character. hmm. no, you can't make it up. there it is right there. what do you make of this? >> obviously i feel like she was trying to get attention. and then people like this librarian seemed to hate the right to so much or hate fox news and they make it so easy for us to say how ridiculous you are. first of all, yes, dr. seuss, everyone pretty much agrees,
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first ladies are off limits when you are giving away books. accept the book and move on. >> i think she's making a fixed point here. fake outrage about dr. seuss, clearly she was digging it. who else would dress up like that? that's one costume i don't have. >> is he a doctor, for real? i never looked if he was a real doctor. there is a historian, rachel maddow, is dr. seuss an actual doctor? do you remember when librarians weren't self-righteous left-wing jackasses? they were little old ladies, but they were very stern. >> laura bush was a librarian. >> all they would do is shush you. by the way, the library is the only place where the first member doesn't apply. you actually cannot speak. the liberals have to start looking at their party or their group, their ideology because now it's all nuts in the new get -- all nuts and no nougat.
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let's not forget who read the cat and i had to to children. it was michelle obama and she read this and it was no problem, but now it is a problem? i don't know. >> ted cruz on the senate for... >> michelle obama said he's a better comparison. [laughter] >> bipartisan love. >> i actually had a thought. >> sound to the tape to your people at home. >> control room, can you make greg happy? >> we don't want any more acclimation point >> what a freak... [laughter] let's go to jesse. too soon. >> they should do the cat in the make america great again in the hat. what are the racial overtones of "green eggs and ham?" how is that racial propaganda? green? juan, do you have any ideas?
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you can't make this stuff up... >> that is high. >> do you want me to explain to you... just so the audience understands because greg said everybody on the left is pulling a new -- it's too easy to slam back what's going on at the right at the moment. but let me just say to honestly answer your question, she things that "the cat in the hat" is like a minstrel and it's based on white people performing in black face is what she said. >> why didn't she bring it up when michelle obama redneck it. >> no. the whole behavior... >> you are just going to have to use your imagination. >> i loved the book, read it to my children, read it to my grandchildren. in fact, my grandchildren like "tom and jerry," and their dad, who is white, has told me, you
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know, they get a warning now on tom and jerry -- >> because it's too violent? they are a couple? >> what's wrong with you? >> i'm fishing here! >> what am i doing on the show? >> why are they upset with "tom and jerry?" >> it's violent and also racial stuff. you know, i was a big fan of "little rascals." you talk about racial stuff? little rascals has racial stuff. >> in case you throw away your iphone and calendar and you were, what day of the week is it, it's friday on "the five." it's crazy town. i don't even know. let must be serious. >> i just told you. i don't have problem with that, but i was trying to respond to jesse in an honest way about the substance. >> how did that work out? >> i'm just saying. this is what the woman thinks. you can dismiss her or you can say, what are you talking about? >> i don't think that's what it's about. i don't think it's about the actual book at all.
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i thought the fact that dr. seuss had done some editorial cartooning about the japanese in world war ii that was considered racist propaganda. am i wrong? >> not what she said. she said the book should have been sent to a poor school rather to her school. >> because melania trump gave the book. not because there is racial overtones. that was a ruse. >> oh, okay. i just want to give people -- >> can we get the picture of the librarian in the outfit? >> so this -- she's dressed... why which addresses that russian mark >> wait a second. did you hear the whole opening of this segment? >> let me just say. president obama gave -- i hate to say this in front of greg, but gave dr. ted seuss gazelle a
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presidential award for having written "the cat in the hat." >> i think we need to leave it there. >> are there any books besides "cat in the hat" and "green eggs and ham?" "horton hears a who"... let's keep going? >> on a serious note, my hometown, puerto rico completely devastated. the situation there and could get much worse. next, we are going to hear from president trump on his strategy to give aid to a struggling audience -- struggling island. every six months i'm accident-free. and i don't share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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only from allstate. briathe customer app willw if be live monday. can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? brian, i just had a quick question. brian? brian... legacy technology can handcuff any company. but "yes" is here. you're saying the new app will go live monday?! yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes.
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>> we have to rebuild. again, if you look at it, the electric is gone, the road is gone, if telecommunications is gone. it's all gone. the real question is what's going to happen later. it's a tough situation. puerto rico was flattened. and a big decision comes to what we are going to do. but i am there to help. >> kimberly, president trump is going to go there on tuesday. in the meantime, he has appointed a three star general, general buchanan, who was to go down there and assess the situation so they can figure out what kind of aid they need. if they have water needs, medical needs, food needs. they also need a way to get all the aid they are to the people, because the dams are breaking come of roads are washed out. >> it's really a dire situation. i'm really happy the president is going on tuesday. it's the right move. it will mean a lot to the people of puerto rico that they are not forgotten. despite the fact there are so many natural disasters and
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strategies that have been occurring lately in the united states, always the first to lend a helping hand. it's important we take care of our own here as well. like you mentioned, dana, a huge problem in terms of a lack of inner infrastructure set up to hand these things out, to disseminate the information supplies, materials, roads, materials, proper transportation. and the medical situation like i've been talking about with the chief of our medical team dr. manny alvarez who was one of the first to go down there to offer help and assistance for the medical crisis. we know chemotherapy brought out by the singer pit bull so they can continue their treatment. can you imagine that that they evacuate people that they can
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get their treatment. that's how much real need, substantive need there is in puerto rico. something that is not going to be fixed very quickly. i think it's very important, it's going to require a military operation. >> he's already said they are going to need more military personnel and in fact, jesse, new york state and new jersey, both governors are sending national guard trying to help as well. >> that's great. it's always the military that comes in during these crises because they are the best equipped institutions to handle something like this. no one can deal with the logistics of bringing in generators, bringing in water, coordinating the situation on an island, you know, surrounded by the ocean. it's just so hard to do. if anybody can do it, it's the u.s. military. they are going to have to rebuild this island and it's going to take years because it also provides a lot of opportunity. there is going to be a lot of investment in puerto rico, i believe, and a lot of celebrities. i know j.lo, pitbull have raised awareness. i think a lot of awareness needs to be raised.
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not first in their minds like florida and texas, puerto rico is a little bit different. >> mark cuban gave his plane. >> u.s. citizens are there. it needs our help and it's good that we do these stories on the show. >> juan, the mayor today said "save us from dying." the situation is thus that the local population has been overwhelmed and they need a lot more help. >> there is a clinical dimension to the story. you hesitate to bring it up. it is the subtext of what we are discussing. the prime thing is the suffering, potential loss of life, half of hospitals in puerto rico out of service. half of the island, no running water. talk about the retirement homes, senior citizen -- they have no air conditioning. we know what happened in florida in that kind situation. it's become political because you have especially on the left people saying that the president is not performing here. we know what happened when there was chrism down in louisiana and
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how it got quickly into a racial conversation. all of that is present in this consideration. then you have the acting homeland security secretary saying that this is a good news story because so many people are making an effort as you just heard from jesse and kimberly. in fact, the number of corporations, including cruise lines and others, the dallas mavericks, everyone, getting involved. but she said it was a good news story. the san juan mayor said this is not a good news story, people are dying. she said, you know, the president had called san juan and she said, thank you, mr. president, but there are 77 other town still underwater. at that point, it's like how much can you do and is the president, in fact, not responding in the way that they should be to help america? >> i think all of that can come later and there are questions -- vehicle i can address that. you look at the media on the other networks towards puerto rico is absolutely
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shameful. if this is indeed somehow trump's responsibility, look at the two impeccable responses to the previous disasters. if you are just looking at experience and you are saying, this is what happened here and this is what happened here, this is different. what is the variable clicks ? it's the same man. you have to consider is the area that is different. that it is an island. it is a location. it takes longer for ships to get there. that is not trump's fault. number two, infrastructure. this is not like a u.s. state. they are u.s. citizens, but the infrastructure pales in comparison. this place was a mess. we know it's a mess. it's been a victim of 20 years of corruption. the... you've got to go back. there were two examples of excellent response. this one is slower. the inclination to blame trump is because he is trump. to bring up race and say he's not doing enough because they are puerto ricans.
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that is just b.s. you've got two perfect examples of a perfect response to two disasters. this one is different. why? the variables are location and infrastructure. how simple is that you understand? they don't want to understand for the media doesn't want to understand it because they do this as a way to tar trump. >> everybody wants to go back to katrina. it was oprah winfrey who apologized to president trump. she said, i don't realize how bad the local response was. location -- it's also the strength of the storm. it was a gigantic storm that hit them at high tide right over the island, the eye went over it so nothing was spared. the good news is the general is on the ground, the general is going to go on tuesday and people trying to get the resources in there and we are going to do as much as we can. next up, delta airlines and their new idea that will drive me nuts. we will tell you what it is nex next. [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney.
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nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk!
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touchdown! together: sports! >> delta airlines is about to offer free in-flight text messaging to their customers as part of a strategy that will give them "something they've been asking for," which is good for you, gregory. except they have to deny you those little booze bottles. i've seen you on twitter. >> [laughs] >> when i've heard about this, i wonder how dana perino would react? >> i'm fine with people texting as long as everyone turns every noise off on their phone. >> she hates it. >> nothing worse when you land, people turn on their phones, it's like, ding ding ding. speaker that irritates her
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you have your phone on. >> my phone is always on do not disturb. i'm not getting the frosty freeze left and right. >> but here is my problem. >> my mom has a train. it goes choo choo. it drives me crazy. >> now she's in trouble. this is just the start. pretty soon and you are going to have cell phone calls, that's really going to be a problem. >> there is going to have to be a quiet bar or something. i am like, "oh, no, you didn't." >> i don't think you will know what you are talking about. the quiet car. >> on a train. there is a place where there is no talking, no eating, no socializing. >> on the train, there is no talking. >> no talking. >> jesse, do you buy wi-fi on
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airplanes? >> they are expensive, juan. [laughter] >> but it's expensive. the head of delta said, you know what, the problem is we are going to have to make it less expensive to make it more available. it's like if you never say to the boss, jesse is out of touch -- >> that was my time i unwound, watch movies. no, obviously you need to text in the air. you've got to talk to your family. you've got to talk to the boss, the employees. >> you've got to talk to your dad when he's looking for you. >> he needs to get in touch with you. that's fine. i'm not sure what particularly dana is worried about it. you must have audio sensitivity problems. >> i a very good years. vehicle greg, you are the deciding vote among the justices tonight. >> i've said this before, it's a bad idea to mix alcohol into medication. especially on a high altitude.
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high altitude has a bigger -- when you're drinking, so certain bad idea start feeling they are good ideas. >> you take medicine too. >> no, i'm talking about altitude. >> you are fine. anxiety. my gosh, take my sock off. >> he's giving you the i. >> i don't like it. >> you don't like it? >> no, i don't like it. >> the court has ruled. your chance to ask questions up ahead. facebook friday. when in unfamiliar waters, hundreds of miles from base-- all that training and discipline pay off , and you find out what your team is really made of... i win! nuh uh, i win! and these exotic waters? all thanks to rewards from my navy federal flagship credit card. hey mom, watch this! looks like we're all winning this weekend.
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>> that's the music from the chase scene from "the "planet of the apes"." the original, the only one. before we begin, a reminder that next week, you get to select the music on the show. so send us your song choices, #welcomebackthe5. i hate saying hashtag. >> do you say pound? >> that's what it originally was.
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say "pound." from paul i. what was the best quality you got from your parents? kimberly? >> loyalty. >> very good. >> hard work too. >> jesse? >> not their politics... >> [laughs] that's the best quality! not their politics! [laughs] they are very liberal? >> yes. >> i think professors... >> they are educators. >> interesting. how about you, dana, what is your best quality? so many... >> my dad's work ethic. from my mom... she was very bighearted and does a lot with refugee resettlement. that had a big impact. >> it's your selflessness. >> have you taken any syrian refugees? >> empathetic, charitable. that makes sense with so many organizations. >> what about you, juan? >> my mom was pretty tenacious. people talk about asian tiger
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moms, i had a black tiger mom. i mean, she was... really, she was tough. i love her. i think she loves me, of course. >> i'm sure she did! a juan, of course she did. [laughter] >> but my dad was kind of a tough guy. i am not a tough guy like that. i always wanted to be like him, so i hope i'm like him. >> of the best quality i got was brute, physical strength. i can bench press a semi. my mom was incredibly strong. she was a lineman. kcl -- what is your favorite flavor of chips? >> salt and vinegar. >> really? interesting. wow. that's kind of sour, bitter. what about you, juan? >> that was such an answer. kind of better. i like regular old salty potato chips -- >> like lay's?
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's vehicle they make great potato chips. not bad either. i like pringles. old bay if you are on the -- >> they aren't going to send us anything for you. if someone sends a something free, that's why we are doing this. >> i like cape cod. sour cream and onion. >> wow. how is that for you? [laughter] >> do you know what? mint flavored chips would solve that problem. you eat the chips, but they taste like mint, so your breath smells minty fresh. >> good thing you are tall so we don't have to... pardon? >> chips? >> i eat them all. really do love salt and vinegar chips. that was a strong choice. i like the nacho the -- the fritos, but i tell you, if i've got the right salt and
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guacamole, i like a nice, clean corn tortilla chip. >> my favorite chip flavor is potato. you can't trick me. by having a flavored chips, i know you are to that thing. >> i like veggie chips. >> like sour cream and onion, i know you aren't really sour cream or onion, when you are a check for the flavoring. don't try to trick me. you are a potato! a potato flavored chips, thank you very much. raw potatoes, sometimes in the back weeping quietly. peggy... this is amazing. i'm going to go to you, jesse, first. if you could be an insect, what would you be? >> cockroach. [laughter] they survived the nuclear holocaust. >> what about you, kimberly? this is a great question. what kind of insect would you b
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be. >> what would i be... black widow? >> can i leave now? >> i'm running over to jesse's side. >> we point out, all of our ex-husband's are still alive. >> come all of mine? i thought you said "all of ours." you say you are, i say our. potato chip, po-tato chip. >> don't ants have crazy strength? >> yes. >> yeah, baby. [laughter] >> you'd be a great ladybug. i don't know. i guess i would like to be a snail because i always like being home. >> [laughs] >> i got my home. and i don't like to move
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thing. dana? >> jesse, it's your lucky day. the first having jasper on the e show. jasper, america's dog, here on "the five." are you ready? do we have the thing? >> not anymore. >> number one. >> dana's corny joke of the day. what do my dog and my phone have in common? >> what? >> they both have caller i.d. >> oh... >> [laughs] >> how does a dog stop a tv sho show? >> he presses "paws" ." >> last one. what do you call a dog that meditates? >> um... >> a werewolf. >> that was a stretch. >> like...
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>> namaste. >> got it. that was great. and we will save it for one more thing. >> greg gutfeld i believe is next. >> saturday, it's a great show. you are going to recognize some of these people. i don't know who that is on the left -- dana perino, kimberly guilfoyle. >> this is going to be the highest rated show. >> a potbellied pig that had been on the loose for a while. amazing, this has finally been nabbed by police in virginia. the pig had become a familiar sight in the twin hickory subdivision with thank you, sean, for adding that fact. police caught the pig tuesday morning after it briefly held up traffic. the pig is likely a pet that escaped. think the owner still hasn't come forward. there you go. swine. >> you didn't do sean 'works justice.
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>> kimberly gulf oil. >> thank you so much, jesse. last night, dana and i had a pleasure of a fantastic event, the women at fox news channel network mixer. super interesting for there is harris faulkner, the moderator -- >> great job. >> you saw the other picture of women here in leadership, the head of digital content development and executive producer. and director of recruitment. i'm giving their names. nicole campa, director of news bureau. she is puerto rican herself, nice things to say about puerto rico. our colleague shannon bream there. >> it was great. >> lots of young women very excited to be there. >> very inspirational. >> i was not invited. >> megan albano. that was fabulous.
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a lot more where that came from. >> we will invite you next time, greg. >> men were invited and attende attended. the head of hr was there. >> wow. sounds like a party i was not invited to. so hillary had a book signing the other day in brooklyn. let me show you how that goes. >> what happened? >> i don't know. can i tell you what happened? trump crushed her. >> i disagree with that. >> what do you think happened? >> sexism caused it. >> the russians hacked our elections. >> did the russians tell hilary not the campaign in wisconsin? >> i know, i know, i know... >> and a lot of cooking hillary fans out there. a lot of books wrapped around the block. >> you are really tall. or her fans are really small. >> we also have hef's ex-girlfriend there, mike huckabee...
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>> it's going to be on a great saturday night. >> all right. so on a serious note here, a moment at the air force academy. the head of the air force academy, lieutenant general reacted to racial slurs written outside the dorm rooms of black cadets, which included the use of the and word -- n word. he gathered every cadet at the academy and delivered this message. >> if you demean someone in any way, then you need to get out. and if you can't treat someone from another race or a different color skin with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. the power of that diversity comes together and makes us that much more powerful. >> i just thought, given the
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tone of the discussion in the country about race, the nfl, charlottesville, wow. you understand why the military does so well. >> never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" up next. >> bret: this is a fox news alert. i am bret baier. in washington. tom price has resigned as president trump's health and human services secretary. as a member of the candidate, price is the highest ranking official to resign or be fired in an administration that has seen a lot of turnover in just eight months. the news came about an hour after the president said he would decide price's future sometime tonight, and he still wasn't happy with price's answers. price is on fire with his use of private flights for government and personal business. price was not the only cabinet member who apparently has been flying high on taxpayer funds. tonight, and your policy at the white house is in the
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