tv Watters World FOX News September 30, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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>> thank you to all of you! [applause] >> i love you america!♪ ♪ [music] >> can you manage putting your life on the line and seeing your players, your american players disrespect the country and the flag on foreign soil? >> you are not proud that you had work done, why not? >> they can't afford him with his agenda. jesse: three giant media icons are back and making big headlines. ♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ jesse: our nation's bravest disgusted over the nfl's
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tolerance of the anthem protest. two patriots take sides. "watters world" crashes hillary clinton's book signing. it all begins right now. welcome to "watters world." i'm jesse watters. sometimes you don't even have to prove media malpractice, the media does it for you. here are two headlines in the "huffington post" just two months apart. if you judge people for how they like their steak you might be a trump supporter. by their logic the "huffington post" supports trump. then lyin' eyes by the left. the "new york times" holds him
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to be the preeminent economic thinker. krug man said under trump gdp growth won't grow by 3%. here is the headline that was just released this week. u.s. second quarter growth revised upward to 3.1% annual pace. krugman has a terrible record but he continues to be cited by the "new york times." the media forgets once you put something on the internet it stays there. cnn had this headline september 20. nfl ratings are down again this season. is it time to panic yet? six days later he writes this headline. trump says nfl ratings are way down. that's not completely true.
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pallotta, you are making a lot of mistakes. this headline from the "huffington post." white athletes still standing for the anthem are standing for white supremacist. we invited the author on to "watters world." president obama who ran and governed as earn anti-wall street crusader has been raking in millions of dollars for speeches on wall street. you would think that would be a pretty big story. no. the networks completely ignored it. president trump unveiled his tax plan this week. >> we are hear in indiana to announce our framework to deliver historic tax relief to
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the american people. jesse: the tax plan affects he single tax paying american. but nbc spent three times more coverage on "will and grace" promos. you know, senator bob menendez the new york democrat on trial tore bribery and corruption? if convicted democrats will lose that seat because chris christie gets to appoint a replacement. this could tip the scales in the senate. cnn barely covered the trial. but our buddies at news busters show stevens got plenty of attention from cnn. cnn aired 36 stories about stevens compared to 7 about
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menendez. both trials threatened to overturn party control of the senate seat and the charges against menendez is more severe. they covered the republican corruption and covered up the democratic corruption. that's what i call media malpractice. joining me with reaction is former arkansas governor mike huckabee. what did you think about that analysis? >> it is spot on. there is a double standard in this country. it's the reason donald trump is president and the mainstream media doesn't get it. when they talk about donald trump's ratings are down, his ratings are way up. but whatever ratings they are, they are four to five times the ratings of the mainstream media who right now rank with popularity somewhere between
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haveveneral disease and the zika virus. jesse: i want to get your opinion on something the former first lady michelle obama said. take a listen. jesse: none of you can hear that audio very clearly. but she basically said women who voted for donald trump voted against their own agenda and the women who voted for donald trump
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only did so because they were told to by a man supposedly. do you believe that? >> here is what i find funny. let me see if i can get this straight. michelle obama is admitting she did not vote for her own husband in 2008 when he was running against the same woman, hillary clinton. because not to vote for hillary clinton is to vote against your own voice. this kind of identity politics. it wasn't so tragic, it would be hilarious. it makes her really look so disingenuous to scold every woman who didn't vote for hillary. and they might not have voted for hillary because they just didn't trust her. it would be like saying all the white people got a vote for the white person. can you imagine the backlash that would have? and it should have.
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if white people hadn't vetted for barack obama he wouldn't have been president price. if all the evangelicals had voted for knee, i might be president. but that's not the way america works. we say we are going to vote for someone we think might lead us well. that's why donald trump is president and hillary clinton will never be. jesse: she is number one on the "new york times" best sellers list. a lot of womb pen might say they didn't vote for hillary clinton because she was crooked. the president unveiled his tax proposal. in joint was good. but he's talking about raising taxes on the very wealthy. isn't that what president obama did? what's going on there, governor? >> i hope he recognizes his promise, his pledge and what
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ought to be is to lower everybody's taxes. if he leaves the taxes alone for the top, it's not going to affect their lifestyle. what they need to do in the tax legislation is not give republicans a way out to vote for serious tax reduction and tax reform. there is a way legislatively to do that. that's to vote on this ala carte and vote on each thanks piece individually. that gives republicans an excuse to not vote. jesse: that would and smart thing to do, and i don't think people in the congress right now are doing very smart things. we'll see. we'll see. thank you very much for joining me, i really appreciate it. still ahead. "watters world" went to a hillary clinton book signing to
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we even cover accessories and custom parts. we diget an early start! took the kids to soccer practice. you want me to jump that cactus? all right. aah! that lady's awesome. i don't see a possum! jesse: sunday a 25-year-old african-american immigrant from sudan stormed into a church with a largely white congregation stormed into a church and started shooting. there would have been more bloodshed but he was confronted by a 22-year-old confronted the shooter. it's eerily similar to the hill on roof situation where a white
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man went into an all black church. during first three days after the shooting the network spent 31 minutes on the anthem protest and just 8 minutes covering this church shooting. here is his take on it, joe concha. why do you think they downplayed this so much? >> race may have played a factor in this as you said. the only way you answer that question is if you reverse the situation like you mention. if a white man with a mask went into a black church and started shooting -- this is the biggest mass shooting that occurred on u.s. soil in a church since dillon roof. so if i go to the "new york times" the paper of record monday. what page was that on? you have to go to page 14 for a
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mass shooting in a church to learn about this. even if you say the anthem was dominating things, that's fine. i went to the prepares briefing, and ask sarah huckabee sanders wasn't asked one question. there was one question on puerto rico, and the dire circumstances. jesse: i love the media crushing trump for ignoring puerto rico, but msnbc left out the tennessee shooters nationality when they discussed this. an african immigrants. besides the racial angle, you have two hot-button issue in the discourse. they don't want to touch a story
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like this. it inflames passions and doesn't fit the narrative. >> i think we have been numbed by mass shootings. the fact this gunman was neutralized that someone with a gun was able to hold him until the authorities came. the narrative didn't fit deet sired script many media outlets have, and that is to divide the country. remember dillon roof. for weeks afterwards his life and backgrounds was covered. and it was discovered he had a confederate flag in his home. the medial attention was so great that confederate flags were taken out of south carolina. and the dukes of hazards was
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removed from tv. jesse: this short was obviously very troubled. he had issues with a girlfriend. there were radical facebook postings. but it's unclear about the racial motivation per se. is it because this guy didn't have obvious racial animosity as it did appear to have in the dillon roof story, maybe that's why the media isn't covering. if you look at the color scheme it, most of people would cover it on that alone if it were reversed. >> i'm sure he knew of the church he was going into. there was a mother here who was killed. she has very young kids her name is michelle crow and you barely hear a thing about it jesse: he got they are outside
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you're more than just a bathroom disease. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®.
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jesse: megyn kelly left fox news last year and this week she debuted her new show as part of the "today show" franchise. she continues to make headlines. one of those headlines was her interaction with jane fonda. >> i read you said you felt not proud to admit you had work done. why not? >> do we really want to talk about that? jesse: expwhrierng to break down some of these is rnc spokes one
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and. that look could kill. what do you think was going through may ganls minds when she asked senate question. >> we just heard how complimentary megyn was on her looks. but she seems offended by that question. but:america was pretty offended when you were in vote a number of on the battlefieldjesse: shey back in the day. it's a fair question, i get. maybe not the right venue to ask the question. you are a woman. tell me. can you ask that to another woman on live television? >> i think the rule is jane fonda has brought it up herself
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in the past so it's a fair question. jesse: that's good to know in case i ever need to ask anybody about that. a former fox news star reappeared on "hannity" to discuss the anthem protest. >> can you imagine putting your life on the line in afghanistan and having just some leisure time, wanting to watch a football game, and seeing your players, your american players disrespect the country and the flag on foreign soil? can you imagine how painful that was? jesse: the bill back at fox selling the book which is having very well, killing england. and put a fine point on the entire controversy, i thought. what did you think about that analysis. >> that was very well said on bill o'reilly's part. these men and women have died on
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a battlefield sow these million airs can play a game. so for bill to strike that chord and point out the foreign soil they were on when they did that was spot-on. jesse: it was great to see him back make those very, very smart analogies. also this week on "hannity." rush limbaugh who made a provocative statement about trump and the establishment. >> they can't afford it. the lid is blown. the gig is over. the joke is revealed. if scene outside were with no prior political experience can come in and fix messes people have been promised will be fixed for 30 years. how does that make them look? necessity can't allow that to happen. jesse: caylee, you are technically part of the
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establishment since you are a part of the rnc establishment. do you want to see donald trump fail? >> i get what rush limb baw -- h limbaugh is saying. our chairwoman has said consistently we have to stand behind president trump. one person won a national election, that's president trump. so we need to stand in line behind his agenda. jesse: i think there are some people in washington who do want to see president trump fail. when you are talking about repealing obamacare. the russian leak investigation. it's time to get on board. still ahead. fans burning their tickets in jersey. "watters world" ends up at a hillary clinton book signing.
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all your headlines. log on to >> respect our country and respect our flag. i think the nfl is in a box. >> i think it's disgraceful. jesse: that was president trump doubling down on his comments about nfl players for sitting out "the national anthem." outrage is hitting a new high as fans are consequenc -- are cancr
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cable subscriptions and burning team attire and tickets. >> my jersey is gone. i'm done with the nfl. >> i thought about giving away my tickets or selling them. so i will make my own sacrifice. jesse: that's pretty intense to burn your season tickets. those cost a lot of money. do you understand the fan outrage, especially veterans that are upset with the kneeling during anthem. >> we have to understand both sides. we are americans. we have to lead with empathy, this situation is just unfortunate. is this argument about the six players who were kneeling two weeks ago or about the entire league who basically stood up
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against the president after he called them sons of pitches. jesse: is that why the players were kneeling? >> i talked to several players. i'm telling you what their intentions were. when you look at these players, most of which aren't even kneeling, they are praying. this was a contentious situation. and remember these men are from neighborhoods where they are representing communities and people. so we are now as a nation telling them what they are standing for. and i don't think that's right. jesse: everybody knows you stand for the anthem to pay respect for the service members who died defending the flag. >> mr. watters you and i agree
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on that. but not everyone in america sees it the same way. jesse: it shows respect for the military and the people who died. isn't that clear? >> it's not clear to everybody. jesse: why not? >> some people feel it's a time when they want to protest during national anthem. but i don't want to take away anyone's first amendment rights in this country. jesse: i don't think anyone is taking away their right. they have a right to do that, and they also have consequences. >> there is a consequence to every action. i can tell you the majority of players in the national football league want to get back to playing football just like fans want to get back to watching it. jesse: do you think this kneeling situation will
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continue? >> let me finish. again, a lot of these men were not kneeling. they were praying. a lot of these men had their backs against the wall. they don't want to be there in that scenario. jesse: if you say they are praying and everybody else says they are kneeling, no one knows what they are protesting or what they are doing. and that's on them for being unclear. >> they aren't being unclear. >> i didn't know they were praying. >> i am telling you they were. i talked to them. and i respect your show because you have a sound mind and a balanced mind. you go to places where i haven't seen a lot of pool that look like you go. but i am asking you, show a little empathy. look at the people we are talking about. a lot of these guys are young.
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they haven't had the years yet. they have been paid a lot of money early on. let's give them the benefit of the doubt and listen to what they are saying. when you look at that patriot's tape, and ray lewis. they are on their knees in prayer. they love the military. think about any time there is a crisis in this country, any time we have a war, anything that happens in this country, the national football league and its players are standing there to help rally this country. we have to change the narrative to bring people back together. the flag and the anthem is not the way to do it. jesse: i agree police brutality is a major issue in this country. and i respect their rights and i respect their feelings about
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respect and justice. i think now the message has been communicated properly and "watters world" and maybe people can come together during anthem. >> can you help me do that? jesse: i will help you do that. the parent of staff sergeant confronted director spike lee about what he supports nfl players kneeling for "the national anthem." >> while north korea aims a nuclear missile at us, are these heroes that can't support our flag, are they going to be on their knees when it happens or support around veterans. >> i am just as worried about donald trump as the crazy guy in north korea. he has the nuclear code. i'm worried about that. jesse: unbelievable.
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allen west, i cannot believe spike lee. i can't believe they had a veteran up there teeing him up. he had all the opportunity to say the right thing and he says something so idiotic. what's wrong with spike? >> i don't know what's wrong with spike. but that's one of the most of delusional comments i have ever heard. but we have heard other people say the same thing. if spike lee is more concerned about president obama than he is for a person starving his own people. is he more concerned about donald trump than the president who murdered otto warmbier. his motivations are more political than based on reality.
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jesse: jack brewer and i were talking about kneeling. he said a lot of the players were kneeling in prayer. does that change at all your opinion about their motivations with regards to the kneeling? >> i'll tell you, i was listening to that interview and i was very confused. before a game the university of tennessee to this dave a minister who offered a prayer. but when it's time for the national anthem everyone is standing and they are at attention. if you are a veteran you are authorized to salute. what was so upsetting for me when i looked at the game played last week sunday in london, england. we had american players who took a knee during "the national anthem." but when "god save the queen" was played, they stood up.
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it was the british shelling if fort mchenry when francis scott key saw them shelling the flag. jesse: they are 25-year-old guys making a lot of money. do you think they even understood what was going on at that moment? do you think they got that? >> of course they don't. i would say we should take some of these young men and send them to kandahar, afghanistan. and some of these places in combat zones and forward operating bases and have them stand with those soldiers and get them to explain what the american flag means to them. when "the national anthem" is played and people are watching
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football games overseas. guess what happens? a tent or mess hall. they stand at attention and show reverence. perhaps the nfl should talk about the right protocols that should go and happen when "the national anthem" is played. jesse: all right, lieutenant colonel thank you very much for joining me, i appreciate it. jesse: still to come. hillary clinton's book signing in brooklyn got a visit from yours truly. plus, life with "playboy" icon hugh hefner as told by a former playmate and one of his legendary girlfriends. that's next. coney island has been around for a long, long time. reminds me of how geico has been saving people money
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for over 75 years. hey, big guy! come on in! let me guess your weight! win a prize! sure, why not. 12 ounces! sorry, mate. four ounces. i've been taking the stairs lately. you win, big guy. sorry, 'scuse me! oh, he looks so much more real on tv. yeah... over 75 years of savings and service. get your rate quote today.
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you're more than just a bathroom disease.. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs
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or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®. talk to your doctor today. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. jesse: the pipe smoke pajama wearing playboy hugh hefner passed away this week at the age of 91. some say he was responsible for the sexual revolution. but others say he was just a guy
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who loved sex. joining me with their opinion is former girlfriend and former playmate of the year in 2014, kennedy summers. your interaction with mr. hefner was what? >> hef was always very professional. very kind be very polite. i met him after he was married. i met his wife. there was never anything but business between us. jesse: was he involved in the photo shoots and the production. >> he was involved. he take the photos himself. he went through the shoots and decides which ones go in the magazine. he was the one who decided whether you become a playmate. jesse: ways that process like to become a "playboy" playmate. >> i sent my photos on line and
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they flew me to l.a. for a test shoot and the "playboy" shoot and playmate of the year shoot. jesse: isabella, you dated hef for a while. were you living at the mansion? >> i dated hef for two years and lived at the mansion almost 2 years. jesse: were there other girls, too. >> it was the famous era of the 7 girls. jesse: why was it seven girlfriends at once. was that for every day of the week? >> no, i think it just happened to be the lucky 7 it was his lucky number. i think it brought him a lot of
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p.r. and hef was a p.r. machine. it gots go -- it got him a lot f attention. >> how did that work when 7 girlfriends were in the house. was there a schedule, was there date night? i know he liked his routine. was that awkward? >> he's have much a creature of habit. there was seven of us and hef. we were one happy family. everything we did we did as a group. we all went out to dinner and went out dancing. jesse: there was no down side to being one of hef's girlfriends? >> of course there are it's a complicated relationship. there was a lot of drama among the girls and cattiness and jealousy. it happens in a relationship with two, can you imagine 7?
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geoff no, i cannot imagine 7. katie, looking back at hugh's life from your perspective, how do you think he will be remembered? >> i'm shire won't be forgotten. he was so much more than just a human being. he did so much for civil rights and sexual liberties. he was such scene outspoken man and his legacy will live on longer than i will live on. jesse: you are play nate 2014. it must open doors for you professionally. >> it's been very good formica rear. jesse: what was hef like as a person, if you can tell the audience you knew him closely. >> i think most of people know him as an icon, activist, revolutionary. he was also a very gaition man.
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my mom arrived to visit me and she remembered him very fondly. he was have much a gentleman to every lady he ever met regardless of age. and just a very kinds hearted man. jesse: isabella, kennedy, thank you very much. i'm sure hugh hefner's legacy will always endure. "watters world" hung out with crooked hillary fans at a brooklyn book signing. brooklyn book signing. that's my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldn't spend time with my grandson. now depend fit-flex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. go to - get a coupon and try them for yourself.
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number one on the "new york times" best sellers list. what happened? >> i don't know what happened. >> i don't know. >> my god, i don't know. jesse: i don't think hillary knows either. >> we don't have all the facts yet. >> can i tell you what happened? trump crushed her. >> i disagree with that. jesse: what do you think happened? >> unfortunately there is a thing called the select early to college. >> the russians hacked our elections. jesse: did the russians tell hillary not to campaign in wisconsin? do you think hillary is a strong leader? >> yes, i voted for her. jesse: than why hasn't she taken responsibilities for her loss? >> i haven't read the book yet.
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>> she is low energy. she'll go home, she'll take a nap for four or five hours. no naps for trump, no naps. jesse: are you still with her. >> i'm else with you. jesse: do you consider trump your president? >> he is the president of the:united states at the current time. >> i'm not saying he's not my president, i'm just look for peace and progress. jesse: can you say one nice thing about president obama. >> no. jesse: can you be say one nice thing about president obama? >> no. >> he's good at convincing people of things. whatever he wants he goes for it. jesse: kind of like me. >> i don't know you from anybody. you didn't tell me your name jess i'm watters and this is my world. >> it's also my world. jesse: oh, excuse me.
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i got a lot of hate mail. stay with us. [♪ hey, man. oh! nice man cave! nacho? [ train whistle blows ] what?! -stop it! -mm-hmm. we've been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. this bar is legit. and now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. i can get used to this. it might take a minute. -swing and a miss! -slam dunk! touchdown! together: sports!
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have to stands. judge jeanine: hours away from football sunday. what will the so-called justice million airs on the nfl side shine do? ed the super bowl champ joins me live with his take on the gridiron madness. a wake-up call for the gop. >> yes, i'm an outsider, but i'm part of the establishment. judge jeanine: i'll tell you why roy moore's primarily win is sending a clear message to the republican establishment and they better take notice.
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