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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  October 1, 2017 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> thank you to all of you! [applause] [applause] after another round of this sunday, the president lashing out at critics of the hurricane response in puerto rico tweeting about politically motivated ingrates. amid his war of words with the mayor of san juan, the rhetoric escalating just for the president visit the island. hello, welcome to america's had new quarters. >> hello, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm eric shawn. president trump also apparently contradictory the secretary of
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state rex tillerson after throwing cold water on the chances for diplomatic breakthrough with north korea. this is one day after tillerson's admission that the us is in direct contact amid rising nuclear tensions with the rogue regime. the president tweeting a negotiation conjunct on is a waste of time. christian fisher live tonight in branchburg new jersey which is near the present private golf club in bedminster. good evening, kristin. reporter: hello. excuse me, this is indeed the case of mixed messaging then president trump has drastically undercut his very own secretary of state. it could also be a case of perhaps a playing good cop, bad cop. who knows for sure the only thing that is clear is that in less than 24 hours he has seen two very different responses in terms of how the administration is moving forward in dealing with the nuclear crisis with north korea. yesterday, sector estate rex tillerson was in beijing and
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said that the us had initiated and was in direct patient with north korea about its nuclear program. he also said that they had shown zero interest in negotiating. today at president trump saying this on twitter: now, another cabinet secretary that is coming under scrutiny has already come scrutiny, as i should say, acting secretary of the apartment of homeland security on friday. he said to the administration response to the hurricane relief effort happening in puerto rico she called it a good news story that received a lot of the backlash from those folks on the ground in puerto rico but this morning the fema administrator went on "fox news sunday" to
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defend her and she said that her words in that comment in particular were simply taken out of context. >> we will not be satisfied until the situation is stabilized in the bottom line is this is the most logistically challenging event the united states has ever seen. we have been moving and pushing as fast as the situation allows. reporter: today on twitter president trump also defended his administration's response and says they have done a great job with an almost impossible situation. he blames the backlash on the fake news, politically motivated ingrates, i would assume that he's referring to the mayor of san juan and you can probably add democratic senator bernie sanders to that list at what he said this morning on another sunday show. >> speaking from his fancy golf club playing golf with his billionaire friends, attacking the mayor of san juan who is struggling to bring electricity to the island, through to the island, water to the island, gaston island, it is unspeakab
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unspeakable. reporter: president trump is at a different golf club and attending the presidents club tournament and participating in the trophies on a rainy that should be taking place any minute and will be heading back to the white house tonight on his big trip to puerto rico on tuesday. eric. eric: ten minutes from now will it lies those tweets in the presidents strategy in north korea. thank you. arthel: meanwhile, republican lawmakers making the case for their newly unveiled tax plan after the failures on healthcare. the stakes are high. the president's chief economic advisor telling fox news earlier today that they will get it done but admitting the clock is ticking and it is taking past. >> we are confident that we will get a tax bill done in this calendar year. to do that we have got to get
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out of the house relatively soon and to get out house will have to have real details. arthel: caroline has more on the republican tax plan. >> administration officials were everywhere today with the same message. this cuts corporate tax rates and taxes for the middle class. the tax policy center isn't so sure about the expense of that middle-class promise. the nonpartisan group says if your household is making between 48,086,000, the next year you will get an average cut of $660 but if you make more than $730,000 then you're set to save almost $130,000 in taxes. another goal of the plan is to simply by the tax code. it would reduce the number of brackets from seven to three or four and get rid of the minimum tax. it also estimates the plan would estimate $2.4 trillion to the deficit over ten years. administration officials dismissed the report saying it makes too many assumptions and doesn't take into account any potential economic growth spurred by the plan.
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>> if we simply look at this as being deficit neutral you will never going to get the type of tax form tax reductions that you need to get to sustain 3% economic growth. we really do believe the tax code is what is holding back the american economy. >> the director of says even if it out to the deficit it is still a good plan. that would lose at least one republican vote. >> if it looks like we are adding 1 penny to the deficit i am not going to be for it. i'm sorry. it is the greatest threat to our nation. >> a senate committee is set to pass a draft budget resolution this week. they could move on in a month. back to you. arthel: thank you, caroline. eric. eric: we have two terror investigations going on. one is overseas and one is in canada. it appears to be more attacks by radical islamic terrorist.
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police say a knife wielding man killed two women at a train station in marseille, france today before they shot and killed him. just in our reports that isis says that man claims was a soldier of isis. in edmonton, alberta five people were hurt last night when police say a man drove into a police officer with a car and then jumped out of the car in the stabbed him. later, he caught a truck into pedestrians on a busy street. suspect in the case is in custody and police say they found isis material in one of those vehicles. anita vogel, live in los angeles has been tracking both of the stories. reporter: hello there eric. they are investigating both these attacks is terror incidences. both cases they were armed with knives. let's start with one in canada. it was all captured on surveillance video. take a look at this. you can see the police officer here was sent flying into the
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air when a car rammed through a barricade outside a canadian football game in edmonton. please say afterward the driver got out of the car and began attacking the police offer with a knife before fleeing on foot. a few hours later he led police on a high-speed chase in the u-haul and was intentionally trying to hit people walking by. >> the u-haul truck struck and fled the scene and was pursued by police officers towards the downtown edmonton. throughout the chase the truck deliberately attempted to hit pedestrians in crosswalks. >> when police eventually arrested the man they found isis flag in his car. this afternoon the white house put out this statement: another
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knife attack in the city of marseille outside a train station occurred. a plan wielding a knife killed two women, stabbing one woman and slitting the throats of another. he was heard shouting à la carte during the attack. he was killed by french soldiers who were already patrolling the train station. we don't know much about either a suspect at this time but eric, as you mentioned, as of late this afternoon a number of media outlets are reporting that isis is claiming response ability for that attack in france. eric, back to you. eric: it is a continuing threat. anita, thank you. i felt. arthel: o.j. simpson is now a free man. the former boss start release from a nevada prison after serving nine years for a las
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vegas armed robbery and other charges for the question of where simpson goes now is still very much up in the air. claudia is live in reno, nevada. hello, claudia. reporter: hello again. we can't confirm where o.j. simpson is or what he is going to do now that he's out of prison but reportedly he will get an iphone so we may hear about his plans directly from simpson via social media. he was released from lovelock prison at a meat media midnight event orchestrated by the officials specifically to avoid a media circus. they released a photograph of o.j. simpson signing paperwork and then a few minutes after midnight queued him to walk out of prison. >> come on out. >> he was whisked away in a black suv and hasn't been publicly seen or heard from since. originally sentenced to more than 30 years for a botched armed robbery in las vegas
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simpson was granted parole in july after serving nine years. the parole board is not allowed to consider his 1995 acquittal the killings of his ex-wife and her friend or the subsequent civil trial in which he was found liable for the debts. in a statement issued today the goldman family about pursuit simpson for the now estimated $60 million judgments he owes them adding that while they knew he would be released today it is still difficult for us to know he will be a free man again. simpson has said he wants to live a quiet life in florida but prison officials there say he still has not received the necessary paperwork to monitor his parole so at this point florida is bit of a? as is o.j. simpson's whereabouts tonight. back to you. arthel: thank you. as reported the attorney general of portis is o.j. simpson is not welcomed in the sunshine state but can she prevent him from going there. that is the question for our legal panel when they join us later in the show. eric. eric: they are demanding independence.
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800 people injured in violence with police. the vote for independence was met with brute force. coming up will talk about the damage in catalonia, spain and why authority say their officers were justified in these actions in barcelona. plus, president trump appears to contradict his own factory estate on diplomacy with north korea. he calls it a waste of time. is it? or is it part of a strategy to try to rein in conjunct on? you know how they send you money to cover repairs and... they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but... at the very end of it all, my agent... wouldn't even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy. but if i wasn't happy with my claim experience for any reason, they'd give me my money back, no questions asked. can you believe that? no. the claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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arthel: the number of people injured in scenes across catalonia, spain climbs to more than 800. prior to please violently forced their way into polling stations today to stop people from casting ballots in an independent referendum which the spanish government considers illegal. it is unclear how the votes will be counted and how many ballot boxes please confiscate. while spain's prime minister insist there was no independent vote today in the region. eric: conflicting messages from the trump administration entrepreneur. many diplomatic negotiations with kim jong-un's regime. this has happened one day after sector estate rex tillerson left that door open.
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when they announced that the us had a direct line of communication with north korea. today the president treated this: that after the president earlier tweeted this: former us ambassador of the united nations echoed the president earlier when he was on americans news headquarters here the fox news channel. >> i think the president's absolutely right. it sounds me to think that the state department is still trying to win north korea. that is what secretary tillerson meant. it is a complete waste of time. it's waste of oxygen.
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eric: let's bring in a politic reporter. is the president undermined the secretary of state do you think yours is a strategy to put more pressure on kim jong-un in beijing? >> it is one of the two things. either the ministration is not on the same page in terms of what messages they are projecting or they are doing this intentionally. if this is happening intentionally we know that the north korean diplomatic's are quite confused. it's been reported that north korean diplomats have reached out to dc diplomats to see why is at the cabinet officials of trump while their messaging is not on the same page and why is that. we know that trump as was reported by axis early today that he wanted his trade representative to tell the south koreans that this guy is crazy and could pull out of the south korean tree deal at any moment.
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trump does like to project that man man theory on important policy so it seems likely that he does enjoy confusing north korea. eric: that so-called man man three work for president nixon when it comes to china obviously and would it be a good thing to use the north koreans because they would take a deep breath and stop and say wait a minute what are we doing this could be dangerous by popping off these missiles with these threats. >> absolutely. that would be the goal by this common ministration or so it appears. they think that if we can out crazy conjunct own a little bit maybe he will state and take steps back and think he doesn't have as much leeway as predicted by. get him to the table? >> i've it could potentially get them to the table. trump said recently that diplomacy is not off the table. disaster in the us week and said look, is diplomacy and option.
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he said something along the lines that we will see, why not. so. eric: he said he would be honored to meet juggle. >> exactly. he's entered i'd entertain the idea of him coming to the white house. if you take the treats by themselves they look concerning but if you look at the entire message that trump has been all over the place on what he wants with north korea. eric: what you're saying having covered the un the other week there is a different tone of between the tweets and between some of his speeches and some of what he says even though he had a very blunt speech at the united nations. off-the-cuff, it's a disparate address is a different tone? >> absolutely. there are many subjects like this were trump takes a much stronger, more brash or bombastic tone on twitter but when asked face to face he seems to be taking somewhat of a more pragmatic stance. especially when was asked about north korea diplomacy is an option. he made it seem as if it was on the table in his cabinet century
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said all talked of the promises. eric: he does have a point when he said that be nice to recommend hasn't worked in 25 years so i would work now. look, 1994 the oil for food program administration with clinton and north korea lied any of the six party talks that failed in president george w. bush took north korea off the terrorist list and that's an olive branch to them and they gave us the baseball bat. president george w. bush tried and it still didn't work. >> yeah, the fact that we're still having this conversation with north korea today means that all of the previous administrations since the korean war had not been able to make progress on this front. eric: what will it take? >> i think the trump administration is trying something different than prior administrations by trying to out provoke north korea.
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we've seen previously that more docile approaches haven't worked as attentively so maybe this is what gets to the table but i will say this. president bush was at a private dinner last week and he was asked will reunification of the korean peninsula happen in your lifetime and he said no, he did not think so. reunification of the peninsula is essentially what i personally think we need to have in order for north korea to become a more open society. eric: north korea wants to unify the principal under their control and kick us and our troops out and have us stop the military exercises. in some of this on the table earlier .-dot when i interviewed him today also said this about the talks and about some of the north korean games relentless and. >> my prediction would be if at any point north korea suddenly announces they want to sit down to talk it means they are this close to getting a deliverable nuclear weapons capability and they want to make absolutely sure they've got across the finish line while we are playing the soccer. eric: bottom line we are playing the soccer, he says. can we ever, do you think, just?
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>> they haven't at least publicly shown much trustworthiness so far and i think the ambassador is right that they are trying as hard as they can to get across the finish line with a nuclear weapon and i don't think they will come to the negotiating table so they have that in their back pocket. that will be the most powerful bargaining chip. eric: sobering words. thank you for joining us this afternoon. arthel: eric, president trump dedicates president cup golf trophy to the people of puerto rico happening moments ago. take a listen. >> thank you very much everybody. i just have to say these people in the special people they are born and they work very hard on this incredible talent and they really are very talented folks and they are people that have good hearts. i want to congratulate the internationals on being amazing
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and you played very well today by the way. [cheering and applause] on behalf of all of the peoples of texas and all the people of if you look today and see what is happening how horrible it is but we have it under great control in puerto rico and the people of florida who have suffered over this last short period of time with hurricanes i want to remember them and we are going to dedicate this trophy to all of those people that went through so much that we love a part of a great state. really, a part of our great nation. [cheering and applause] i will tell you what. i've been watching this from the beginning and i have to say our team usa, wow, did you play well exhibition point. [cheering and applause] that great putter that i've been copies his putting stroke, steve stricker, where is he was working.
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[cheering and applause] get over here. will present steve with a trophy. i want to thank everybody. this is a special group of folks, tremendous monies donated to charity by the tour every year, did you do this year 270 -- this is much less. [laughter] it sounded better the first time. 170 million, that's a lot of money. that's pretty good, right? again, to both teams, congratulations. two team usa, that was unbelievable playing. you are great champions. thank you very much everybody. [cheering and applause] arthel: that was president just moments ago at the present cup golf tournament dedicating the trophy to people of her rico. eric: that was too thick to see. well, o.j. simpson hasn't gone
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away. he is out and hopes to go to florida. there he goes out of prison after nine years. he left last night. he wants to go to the other is a friend state but attorney general says no way, don't come here we don't want you, stay away. does she have the legal right to do that for short our panel ahead. we'll have more on the enormity of this horrendous devastation in puerto rico that we have been following tell you about some of the progress that they are slowly making the desperate recovery efforts. >> this is the most logistically challenging event the united states has ever seen. we have been moving and pushing as fast as the situation allows. every day we make progress, every day we have some setbacks how do we get back to "us"? the y fills the gaps. and bridges our divides.
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puerto rico is still remains without power and water and reliable conclusions with the rest of the world. the devastation and destruction they are just overwhelming as is the recovery chance. mike tobin tonight live in san juan with the latest. reporter: hello, eric. we now have our first look at the island's neighboring puerto rico. cameramen got on a helicopter inside a tour of those islands and what we see is very similar to what we have seen on the big island read a lot of wind damage in the trees back down. the red cross tells us 150 homes were destroyed and the good news is that officials are unaware of any loss of life due to the hurricane. a resident tells us the damages are mostly superficial but the worry is is still about power in puerto rico and that is because power and clean water are all through the big island. >> the water on her power is
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coming underground from the big island so if they had no power we don't have a way to get our water and it's our main concern. reporter: the bad news is that means it could be a while to life returns to normal on those islands. yesterday we told you that 5% of the power customers were back on the grid and today according to the most latest members that hasn't moved at all. the army corps of engineers tried to lower expectations yesterday as far as when the lights would turn back on. they said it could be weeks or months in the most remote areas were talking the year. eric. eric: they need resilience and resolve. our self. arthel: was bring in doctor
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associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at northwestern university. doctor, thanks for being here. i want to talk about the civil engineering perspectives of the story. first-order business from civil engineers there. >> well, puerto rico was hit by a category five hurricane and when the hurricane of that intensity hits the buildings and bridges and structures you can expect damage. there is no question that the damage is going to happen and the problem is how do you recover and how quickly do you recover from the damage. also in if the damage is what can be expected naturally for hurricane or is there more that can be expected and in these cases there were situations where certainly manufactures supposed to have winds of those intensities did not.
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arthel: what sort of taylor's specifics will be needed considering that puerto rico is an island and they are practically having to rebuild the infrastructure? >> right. there are a number of issues that play a role in a situation like this. one is building codes. many building codes in puerto rico and around the world are not really what were designing structures that have two sustained winds of category five hurricanes. these are hurricanes that we expect to return every 100 years while we typically design for currents of 50 years. now we are seeing these high-intensity hurricanes more frequently in recent years and that was the problem for many building codes and from puerto rico it was particularly an issue they studied and started to use the international building code in 2011 but many
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structures are not in compliance with that code because they were built for and structures that were built with low-quality materials and it would be a challenge to look at the damage, assess the damage and see what needs to be done to rebuild to rebuild according to the common and current knowledge that we have in structural engineering and even update to the code it's required for these type of events. arthel: how do you start from scratch, the civil engineering and how will they start from scratch with 3 million plus people living there while they are rebuilding the infrastructure, getting the buildings up to newer code from as you just put it out? >> right. this is a difficult situation and it will be very difficult and require resources and definitely what they need to do
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is first of all go to building infrastructures, roads and put in on the bridges and it was a report of a dam in the northwestern area of puerto rico that was damaged by hurricane maria and they were putting as many as 70000 people so these are things that need to be really dealt with immediately and they need to invest resources to build and rebuild the structures. then there are the millions of homes that need to be rebuilt and that is a more complicated situation because most of those families don't have resources and money to do the work that it requires to have those homes to be safe for future events of this kind. arthel: that only a big engineering puzzle to piece together. doctor, thank you so much for
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sticking with us this afternoon. >> thank you for having me. eric: meanwhile, florida's attorney general has a message to o.j. simpson. you are not welcome in the sunshine estates. here is oj being from prison. he is living in florida before his conviction on our bribery and other charges in nevada. can the ag stop oj from returning to florida for short our legal battle coming next. plus the tragic speaking of a cargo ship two years ago during a hurricane. i had, a new report of the blame for the disaster that killed everyone on board.
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a cargo ship safe during hurricane looking back in 2015 killing all 33 people on board. the report pending most of the plane of the ship's captain is saying he put misjudge the hurricane and overestimated the vessel's ability to weather the storm. eric: a new legal drama could be swirling around o.j. simpson. the former football store was released from prison in nevada overnight after serving nine years of that botched armed robbery in las vegas and over the summer you may remember of parole board granted him early release and we got nine-33 years. here is oj at the hearing making the case to get out. >> i will be no problem. i think i kept my word and i've done my time and i'd like to get back to my family and friends in believe it or not i do have some real friends but i don't think i could have represented this person and i don't think any of
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the intimate has represented this present better than i. eric: now the question is where does he go now to start according to portis ag they do not want him to return to the sunshine state. he was living there before the botched robbery and they released a statement saying: let's bring in our legal panel. both former prosecutors and now defense attorneys. robert, let me start with you. in her civil libel ability referring to the big 1995 murder case in which he was acquitted, beating a double murder rap, can does she have the legal right to borrow distance from the state. >> she does not have the legal right to unequivocally say no.
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there are two categories that oj will policy. he will be someone who is eligible on paper and someone who is discretionary and it will all depend on his contacts to the committee. lived there before hand and has two children there. it will also rely on whether there is a game plan that his legal team has put together or have put to in anticipation of his release. they will submit to nevada in nevada will submit to florida. however, he will be in nevada for a short time before anything is considered and it's usually a 45-60 day window. eric: what are the chances of him overturning the specific. >> there hasn't been a decision that's been made at this point. however, i don't think it's very likely that her decision will be able to follow through. as he said we do have, he has a familiar support system and will be able to support himself from his nfl pension in addition to screen actors guild pension and i think that honestly what she
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said was off the board. she doesn't have any legal substance that. eric: if he walks into the supermarket and you see walking into the winn-dixie, are you kidding me? there comes oj down the frozen food aisle -- >> that doesn't matter, whether he was in california, florida, nevada, people believe he's trying to go to florida to avoid having that 50 million-60 million-dollar judgment that's hanging over that ron goldman family district it's hanging over his head. the laws in florida are so friendly to o.j. simpson that his nfl pension can be touched and any properties in his name can't be touched. everyone believes he's trying to get to florida to avoid any recouping of that money. eric: there are reports that sydney and justin, 31 and 28, there in real estate in st. petersburg. we know who properties the names
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are in, could it be his name or could they transfer to his name if he does for a contract. >> they are under the children's same. there has been some issue with speculation as to whether or not the actual funds came from o.j. simpson. there may be some kind of an issue if some of the funds to his children were perhaps they're not barred under the homestead exemption anymore. eric: in terms of sections you can't have drugs or pot and does he have an equal bracelet -- >> it's all discretionary. you have to check in with parole officer and what have potentially have a curfew, drug and alcohol testing and he could not communicate with other known felons and sometimes they prevent you from going to bars and gentleman establishment but he was looking at living into this pre- social media. if he walks into a social market, people will be snapping pictures and parole officers will be watching him like a ha
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hawk. eric: it's a whole new world. >> he has always been under the eye of public scrutiny. whether it was nfl or whether or not he was an actor so i think that is something that he is used to but if you want to believe his statement from his parole hearing we should be able to give him a chance and that is part of the present rehabilitation process. eric: you know i don't want to be forgotten and should never be forgotten but ron goldman and nicole brown simpson and the wonderful goldman family. they've issued the statement that says: man, i cover the whole trial in los angeles. it stays with you and that is
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the message, domestic violence, murder and protecting the victims in our society. i think. >> absolutely. the goldman family will never let anyone forget and rightfully so. they had gone to great lakes to make sure that people don't forget that he was found civilly responsible and that a jury said that he was responsible for their deaths and awarded them that sum of money and by sticking in the collective and continuing to try to collect it it keeps their memory alive. eric: stephanie, you expect they will continue to do that. >> absolutely. as they should, they believe that he is and was found civilly liable for the wrongful death of nicole and ronald goldman from existing. they actually should. however, the homestead exemption act it is known that he can buy properties and can buy real estate property and there's an exorbitant amount of value to
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whatever property he can get so it will be significantly difficult for them to do so. eric: there are those who say he has served his time has paid his debt to society, so to speak. thank you. i felt. arthel: politics and sports lighting again this week as some nfl players take any during the national anthem. coming up how players across the legal address the up roar today. i was playing golf days ago...
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investment management services from td ameritrade. five we remember a followed hero. he was a world war ii veteran who was awarded the bronze star after parachuting behind enemy lines at normandy on d-day. malarkey's experience of fighting the nazis were later made into the acclaimed miniseries on hbo, the band of brothers. did you see that? here is a clip. >> sorry to bother you so early. >> come in. >> action. actually, sergeant malecki. >> he was wanted by the memories of his friends in congress that he lost in combat. they are making the other brothers help him come to terms
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of those memories. donald malarkey was 96 years old. arthel: in a presidential demand is despite as some nfl players across the league deal is protest once again during the national anthem. others remain standing but demonstrated in other ways all of this just hours after president trump took to twitter urging letters to stand during the star-spangled banner. brian's live at the latest. reporter: less than an hour ago we just saw the strongest protest so far by an nfl team today. half of the san francisco 49ers, 30 players, kneeling during the national anthem. they didn't keep their hands on their heart though and most players today about the nfl actually stood. there were some individuals who dealt but this is by far the largest show of defiance. they released a statement on twitter from players, coaches and staff and owners insane in vote and part our gesture was an
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intentional effort to demonstrate that. we love this great country and have tremendous respect for our military and veterans who have sacrificed so much for our right to express ourselves freely. in baltimore today the ravens in the pittsburgh steelers briefly took on the before the national anthem to the sound of loud music coming from the baltimore crowd. both teams then stood during the anthem and across the pond in london the miami dolphins played the new orleans saints. the dolphins stood except for three players who kneeled. all three men stood for the rendition of god save the queen. the saints nil for the anthem and stood during its. six members of the buffalo bills now during the playing of anthem
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while in another game the cleveland browns had at least nine players stand but raised their fist during the playing of the star-spangled banner. president trump treated last night about how important he thought it was for players to stand during the anthem. earlier today running back marchand lynch from the oakland raiders walked into the stadium walked wearing and everybody clburst trump t-shirt. this is not going away anytime soon. arthel: brian, thank you very much. we we'll be right back. switching to allstate is worth it.
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arthel: new york city's landscape getting a makeover after demolition destroyed the
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bridge. it connected brooklyn or queens for 80 years before he came crashing down today. eric: the bridge was named after thaddeus he was a polish volunteer who was a general in our american revolutionary war. how about that. that's it for us. have a good night. >> president trump going on a twitter clinic slamming critics and appears to undercut his own secretary state on north korea. i'm rick leventhal and you're watching the "fox report". president trump firing off nearly two dozen tweets this weekend. many of them were directed at the mayor of san juan who said the administration was killing the people of puerto rico with inefficiency the president vigorously defending his hurricane relief efforts there and moments ago we took the time to acknowledge a storm victims in puerto rico as well as on the us mainland. he presented the hurricane -- >> we have it under


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