tv Hannity FOX News October 3, 2017 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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start any minute. good night from washington. see you tomorrow. ♪ >> sean: thanks, tucker. this is a fox news alert. welcome to "hannity." we are reporting live from las vegas near the scene of the most deadly shooting in american history. we are awaiting a police news conference. we will bring it to you. also tonight, we will speak with multiple eyewitnesses, heroes, and we have reporters on the ground. in the wake of this horrific mass shooting, democrats, late-night comedians, celebrities, they are racing to politicize this national tragedy. it's beyond shameful, disturbing, we will have more that just a minute. president trump travel to puerto rico to survey the recovery efforts after the
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island was devastated by two hurricanes. geraldo rivera caught up with the president for an exclusive interview you will only see right here on "hannity." all of that and more from vegas and tonight's opening monologue. on the ground in vegas tonight, 59 people have died. 527 literally were injured. 527 people. innocent civilians. americans. after a mad man went on a rampage during a country music festival. tonight, authorities are still working to determine the motive behind us shooting. here's what we know so far about this mad man. his name is stephen paddock. according to his brother, he was a multimillionaire who was a frequent gambler. there are reports that the gunman's father was a bank robbery and was on the fbi's most wanted list. paddock extensively planned this massacre. there's also released video of the hotel room crime scene where
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you can see the gun that paddock used to carry out the deadly attack laying on the ground. 23 guns were found in the room including some that were modified in order to fire, like an automatic weapon. according to reports, paddock set up a camera inside the hotel room to film his rampage. they also set up security footage and we are asking the hotel tonight -- release this. the american people deserve to see what happened. police also say that paddock put a camera inside of a food cart that was left outside of his room in the hallway so he could see if any police were coming. also tonight, we are learning more about the shooter's girlfriend. her name, marilou danley, authorities are now saying as a person of interest. sources are telling fox news that paddock sent thousands of dollars overseas that may have been for his girlfriend. she's currently traveling in the philippines. however, it remains unclear who actually received this money.
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u.s. government sources are telling fox news that investigators have interviewed an immediate relative of stephen paddock's girlfriend. this relative described the gunman as "unstable" and said he made them feel very uncomfortable. we will have much more in the possible motive throughout this hour. democrats, liberals and the mainstream media, celebrities, late-night comedians, all predictably rushing to politicize this tragedy and predictably calling for more gun control. we will get those examples in a second. unlike them, we promised you on this show -- we care about truth and facts and victims and families and we are not peddling conspiracy theories or rushing to judgment. we are not trying to use this incident to score cheap political points. it's probably why we almost doubled our competitors in the ratings last night. the american people, you can no longer trust these people in the mainstream media. it is sad. journalism in america is dead.
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we told you liberal cnn reporter jeff sell any said the only reason the president cares about the vagus shooting is because the victims are probably his supporters. cbs had a fire one of their lawyers. why? for mocking the shooting victims and not even caring. unfortunately, things are getting much worse. before we show you these grotesque and appalling examples, and i want to watch. this ever so powerful video. this is from the concert last night. an hour before the shooting took place, 30,000 people in the crowd. my friend, friend, big & rich, they led the crowd. they honored the military. almost everyone in the crowd raising their phone, with the light and singing collectively "god bless america." watch this powerful video. ♪ god bless america ♪ my home sweet home
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♪ come on, vegas -- sing! ♪ ♪ my home sweet home >> sean: so powerful. so necessary. we all need to come together like the people in the crowd did one hour before the massacre. they want republicans or democrats, liberals or conservatives, americans singing "god bless america." i'll get back to my monologue and a second. there's a press conference going on at this hour. we want to get the latest information. we will come back to the monologue. >> i'll make it very clear to you that i need some patients from you. this investigation is a long time from being concluded. we recently went down to mandalay bay. i can tell you we are days away from processing or completing the process of that room. we are getting very close to the
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completion of the processing of the site. we have a significant amount of time left there as well. the southbound portion of las vegas boulevard is completely open. we are also working to diligently as we speak. we opened up two of the northbound lanes. the completion of the northbound lane should occur sometime this evening. so bearing in mind that the investigation is dynamic, ongoing, continuing -- i don't have a lot of answers for you yet. clearly understanding that nobody wants answers to "why?" more than the police. we want to get it right. that's why it will take time. we will take that time. there's some at best interesting reporting about how long the shooting lasted and how long it took us to get into the room. first question is how long that
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the actual shooting last? i'm prepared to give you some information on that. the first call came into our dispatch at 10:08:00 p.m. the suspect we know fired off and on for someone between 9-11 minutes. we know the suspect fired over a dozen or so volleys. we know the firing by the suspect ceased at 10:19. the first minute the police are aware of shots being fired at 10:08, and it ended at 10:19. a remarkable response by the police department. another question that came out, how long before our s.w.a.t. team entered the suspect's room? someone said 72 minutes. why so long? as i just mentioned, as the sheriff mentioned previously in the briefing, we had patrol
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officers working in another event at mandalay bay who heard the shooting and took it upon themselves to form into a team and entered the stairwell, ascending the floors and evacuating hotel guests. the s.w.a.t. team had to arrive first at mandalay bay before they could take any action. as i mentioned earlier, there was a very heroic security guard. who was shot during the search of that suspect. that security guard went up to the room, advancing towards the room when the suspect fired towards the door at the security guard and struck him. he was able to provide additional information to the police on exactly what room we were looking at. however at that time, it is important to note that the shooting had stopped. we are considering it a barricade at that point because it is no longer an active shooter. the floors had already been evacuated with the gas. the suspect was isolated and contained within a room.
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at the point the s.w.a.t. team made their decision based on what it was appropriate to enter. i want to make it clear again to you that while there was that slight delay, the suspect was no longer firing into the crowd. there was a question about the validity of the crime scene photos that somebody had leaked. i can confirm those are in fact photos from the inside of room. they are in fact photos of our suspect and as the sheriff mentioned previously, we have all opened up an internal investigation to determine the source and leaks of those photos to the public. you ask what we found in the sheriff's mark suspect's room -- the sheriff spoke about that, kim is being located. to clarify, there were two cameras located in the hallway. so that the suspect could watch as law enforcement were approaching the room. there is another camera placed
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inside the hotel room door peephole so he could see down the hallway. at this point, you had a number of questions about the weapons and the sac from the ats to my right, jill snyder will answer or provide a statement to you but not take any questions. >> good evening. i am special agent in charge, jill snyder. special agents from the san francisco field division las vegas field office responded to the shooting that occurred on sunday. additional agents from other locations within the san francisco field division as well as agents from ats los angeles, dallas, phoenix, and boston field divisions have been working on this investigation. we know you have many questions regarding the firearms in this case. there's also been a lot of unofficial information being
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recorded -- reported regarding the guns. we would like to clear up any conflicting information regarding the number of firearms and the current status of the trace information. please understand that this investigation is ongoing and they won't be taking questions at this time because we are still working through all of our investigative findings. i will give you the facts we have as of this time. currently, 47 firearms have been recovered. these firearms were recovered from three different locations. those locations consisted of the hotel room, as well as ferriday and mesquite, nevada. they were purchased in nevada, utah, california, and texas. the gunman purchased rifles, shotguns, and pistols. at this time, none of the guns recovered appear to be homemade. there were 12 bumped fire stocks in the hotel room.
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the ats firearms and ammunition technology division research is the of bump stocks. whether they mechanically alter the firearm to fire fully automatic. bumped fire stocks while simulating automatic fire do not actually alter the firearm to fire automatically, making them illegal under current federal law. it is still being determined which firearms were used in the shooting. all of the firearms have been traced. we are still awaiting results from some of the firearms that were located at the mesquite residence. as the investigation proceeds, ats will continue to conduct interviews and provide resources to the sheriff and all our local law enforcement departments.
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thank you. >> as this investigation continues on, we continue to hear stories of heroic police officers, first responders and average citizens alike. i commend all of their actions as they show immense courage in the face of extreme danger. i want to mention one of those brave people was las vegas metropolitan police officer hartfield. he was at the route 91 concert along with his wife when shots rang out. even though officer hartfield was at the concert as a civilian, he immediately took action to save lives. in that moment, he was acting as a police officer. he ultimately gave his life protecting others. officer hartfield was and 11 meet back year member of the las vegas pd and leaves behind a wife and two children.
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we are very grateful for his sacrifice. will be individual at 6:00 p.m., the park is located at 50 5250 located -- as his community has become accustomed, when we do provide information in regards to our critical incidents, we release body cam footage to you. there is a significant amount of body camera footage to go through. i will play a clip on our new very large monitor. a compilation of a number of those body worn cameras. you will see the officers were dealing with some uncooperative citizens at times but at all times, they were trying to locate the source of the gunfire as well as evacuate those
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citizens that were in the line of fire. i think the video will speak for itself. i will try to narrate a little bit for you as we try to go through. carlos, if you could play that for me. >> that wall faces mandalay bay. they are hunkered down behind that wall after an initial firing of shots. >> get down! go that way! go that way. go that way.
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>> at this point, they are still trying to figure out where the rounds are coming from. [blitz bullets firing] >> everybody stay down. stay down. >> mandalay bay. >> get behind. cover. >> a couple of officers hunkered down next to a patrol vehicle on las vegas boulevard. one of our officers gets shot.
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>> get back. get back. >> get in there. >> mandalay bay. >> this video is obscured. the officers wearing the yellow reflective vest, that's what you are actually seeing. >> everybody get down, get down. get down. >> very difficult to tell but the officer is standing over another woman. [bullets firing] >> get down. get down. >> i heard him say "i have a fast on."
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>> go. this way, this way, this way. that way, that way, that way. >> before i take some questions, i understand the coroner is here now. sorry, i was looking right past you. >> thank you. i would like to stay my condolences go out to all those involved in this incident. especially the family and friends who have lost loved ones in this incident and i would like to provide some updated information on what is happening at the family assistance center, the convention center. we are fully operational all evening, all through the night and tomorrow at noon, we will make a determination with whether or not we will be open 24 hours going forward but at
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minimum, we will be open from present time to 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. we are still fully operational to answer any questions that the families may have, any friends of the families. i would also like to clarify we are not releasing property at the family assistance center. as the sheriff mentioned earlier, that's going to be released. they are developing a plan currently to release that property in the future and i am certain it will be put out there one of these press conferences. i would like to also discuss some of the numbers we have been dealing with over there, we had that question earlier. by multiple media outlets. it is estimated we have served over 1,000 family members and friends at the assistance center. we are providing all sorts of services to include bereavement services and our staff at the clark county coroner's office has been meeting with every family. i'd like to again thank them. they are an amazing group of people and they are doing
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amazing job serving everyone of these families. i think everybody except for the families would consider this a huge success at the family assistance center and rightly so. the reason the families may not is because if they are waiting one minute longer for us to provide information, it's too long. they've been very pretty patient. i appreciate that. we are doing everything we can to communicate with them and get them the information that they need. if they want to come down to the family assistance center, we are there to receive them and communicate them. if they are not able to attend, i would like to provide the number. 1-866-525-5855. we have call takers standing by. i believe that is tailored off quite a bit.
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to date, we have received over 3,000 missing persons reports. i'd like to clarify what that means people don't miss report the intent of that number or the intent of me giving you that number. that by no means means that we have 3,000 people missing. we believe that all 59 of the deceased are identified. tentatively. we are working on positively identifying the rest of them. we believe that will happen by the end of this evening. we estimate in between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. that's very normal for us to receive an excessive amount of missing persons reports. following an incident like this. by no means we have outstanding missing persons, we have very detailed -- we believe everyone involved in the incident from the decedent's standpoint is accounted for and we are awaiting to communicate that with their families.
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i am available to answer any questions that you may have. i have limited time to answer questions so i will take a few. >> reporter: [in distant question] >> yes, the majority of them did. i'm not at liberty to tell you whether all of them did die as a result of gunshot wounds, simply because i don't know at this point. >> reporter: indistinct ] indistinct question. >> i will make that public. i imagine that's not going to happen until the earliest tomorrow morning. >> reporter: what about the ones that have not been identified? have their families not heard from them? >> as i spoke earlier, we have tentatively identified them. we are working on some confirmation issues. and i am confident they will all be identified. we believe we know who every
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single one of them is. it's just a matter of confirming that. we don't have the liberty to make any mistakes. we have to get it right. we've got to get this right so we need your patience and we are going to work through the night to get that right. i am hopeful we will have all of those confirmed by the tomorrow morning and the families notified. yes, sir. >> reporter: [indistinct question] >> i don't believe so. again, i cannot confirm that right now. >> reporter: when you've completed an autopsy -- >> i will not speak to the details of the examinations at this point. excuse me? again, i'm not going to speak to any of the details at this point. primarily out of respect for the families. i hope you understand that. yes, didn't you have a question?
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>> reporter: [indistinct question] >> it's quite a lengthy process but in a nutshell, the families of the decedent's will make arrangements with the local area mortuaries and they are the folks that provide details and provide the transportation back to their home states. one last question. >> reporter: company different with locals or out-of-state -- >> we should have that by the time our list is finalized and confirmed. it does not. excuse me, could you -- i'm not understood to make sure i understood that. i want to give you accurate information. no, we have 58 dead plus the shooter for a total of 59.
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>> reporter: [indistinct question] >> this is the last question but i don't know. it will be announced through one of the press conferences. during today -- that's all the questions i'm going to take. report back to plan on changing that number? >> we have confirmed 59 dead in our office. yes. 58 plus the shooter for a total of 59. that is confirmed. okay? thank you very much, undersheriff. >> you are welcome. >> sean: as a just saw, police wrapping up the news conference. they did release somebody cam footage and we will analyze that. we are really rocking it as we speak. here's what they told us in the press or come the suspect fired 12 bursts. alaska between nine and 11 minutes and had devices attached to the 12 separate to allow those guns to fire like
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automatic weapons, they were altered. the government had two cameras in the hallway and wanted the people. they are saying they recovered 38 weapons from three separate locations. this is exactly what is happening. as we get more details, we will bring it to you. i just played as we were going to break how one hour before this all took place, big and rich were on stage. they had everybody in the crowd, almost 30,000 people. singing god bless america. you saw within literally hours the left politicizing this event before any facts were known. let me start with the late-night comedians for example. they were lining up at the chance to exploit this incident for political purposes when what they should have been doing is what we plead to you earlier in the program. watch this. >> congress can be heroes by doing literally anything,
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universal background checks. or come up with a better answer. and enforce obama the executive order. or better answer. reinstate the assault weapons ban or come up with a better answer. anything but nothing. doing nothing is cowardice. >> with someone with an ear -- we tapped phones, invoke travel bands, build walls, take every possible precaution to make sure it does not happen again but when an american buys a gun and kills other americans, there's nothing we can do about that. and second amendment i guess. our forefathers wanted us to have ak-47s. >> we see to do everything to avoid talking about guns. i've never been to a country where people are as afraid to speak about guns. >> how has every developed country to a better job by preventing these attacks? we can't be surprised that gun
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crime will always occur where there is such a wide availability of guns. >> to congress, are there no steps we can take as a nation to prevent gun violence? >> >> sean: this is beyond shameful, calling for things like gun control less than 24 hours after something like this happens. while people are grieving and victims are still in the hospital. before we have any and all facts, it's utterly disgraceful. mothers and fathers and hospitals hoping and praying their children who are literally fighting for their lives are going to be okay. really? late-night host, you can't put aside your radical left-wing policies? you are often so wrong about the issue. it's sad. we have celebrities taking to twitter. they make their cheap political points. lena dunham for example. oh, no way not to publicize this tragedy. it's about gender and race as well as access to guns, considering it's random. it's comforting and dangerous.
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lady gaga, the great political. philosopher she is. prayers are important but paul ryan and real donald trump, blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. she writes gun control, act. lady gaga, where you went all the violence in chicago was happening? gg. is it worth all these lives? this needs to stop. sophia bush tweeting dear donald, f you. sincerely, america. vanessa milano. they can kill on a mass scale? here is the hypocrisy, celebrities are out of touch. they are also carrying on victims and their families. instead of trying to score cheap political points against the president and advancing their left-wing ideology?
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by the way, here is the hypocrisy. they want to disarm all of us. all of you, the american people, preventing you to have the right to protect yourself and your families. how many of them live in expensive multi-million-dollar gated communities? how many of them have armed security any time they leave their house? the attacks on these celebrities shouldn't surprise anybody. look what "saturday night live" said about president trump this weekend. >> all really donald, you -- it's not that complicated, man. if you just did this for white people twice. do the same thing. go tell melania to put on her flood heels. get some bottled water, some food, some extra atlanta falcons super bowl teachers and write them a check with our money, you cheap cracker. >> sean: you have to wonder, with ever say that about barack and michelle? here's hillary clinton also lashing out in her effort to
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exploit what happened. watch her. >> this is nothing but pure unadulterated greed cultivated by people who want to sell as many guns as they can to engage in a falsity with fear and rhetoric about why everyone has to have guns. the evidence is so clear that guns do not keep you safer. >> sean: no, read john locke. more guns, less crime. she waited a whopping nine hours. she's just bitter and angry and frankly, an ex-presidential candidate. disgraceful. other cats are following this example. so predictable. watch this. >> i know these are harsh words but i believe it in my heart. there's an unintentional endorsement that gets sent to these mass murderers one after
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slaughter after slaughter, congress does nothing. >> in the face of tens of thousands of gun deaths every year, too many republicans in congress have tried to enact a dream agenda of the nra and gun lobby. >> evil attacked las vegas. but we can do something about it. we can say enough is enough. we are saying enough to the evasion and the euphemism. they can take those euphemisms and stuff them. >> we have to ask ourselves the same question again. is there nothing that we can do? no law? nothing that we can do? >> sean: do you want to know what pathetic looks like? look at these tweets. after orlando, i will not be joining my colleagues in a moment of silence on the house floor that just becomes an excuse for inaction. now is not a moment for silence.
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it is a time for action. really, congressman? you are that petty. that bitterly partisan that you cannot even bow your head and honor those that died and those that are fighting for their lives in hospitals? you are pathetic. he wasn't alone. democratic congresswoman catherine clark also refusing to honor victims with a simple moment of silence. these liberals, these people on the left are so blinded by their hatred by their president, the second amendment, they can't even focus on what is important. just like these celebrities, democratic politicians are massive hypocrites when it comes to guns. don't they have their own armed police force just to keep them safe? most americans don't have that and like a lot of celebrities and all these late-night hosts that have paid their millions of dollars, you want to have a debate? that's fine. facts aren't on your side. take a look at this headline.
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gun control in europe is almost total. it hasn't stopped mass shooting attacks like las vegas. and in europe at some of the strictest gun control laws on the planet yet there are still mass shootings there. by the way, the left are always morally outraged over these mass shootings but do you even remember them talking about the out-of-control violence, the unprecedented violence in chicago when barack obama was president? let's look at the videotaped statistics. during the obama presidency, there were over 3900 murderers in his adopted hometown. did you hear anything from the left, the late-night comedians, lady gaga, the genius that she is? or what about the more than 18,000 people shot in chicago? just during the last six years of obama's presidency? did anybody on the left, all these people out there, did any of them go to chicago to try to help those people being shot? we listed their names on this
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show. take a look at the side of your screen. we will show you the victims of this shooting in vegas throughout the hour. this is the only thing that matters right now. honoring those victims. supporting their families. praying for their recovery. that should be the main focus of the moment. now is not the time to make cheap political points, to divide the country and push your cheap political agenda and try to use the tragedy to further a bitter partisan agenda. how about the country can come together like they did an hour before this terrible shooting and nearly 30,000 people with their cell phones in the air, lights bright as the lights can see. singing "god bless america." joining us now, bob lewis is with us. pop's daughter was at the concert sunday night. he rushed down to the shooting seem to find her. also with us, iraq war veteran, attending the festival on sunday
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night when the gunman opened fire. also joining us, his son nick shot in the chest. currently in icu at the hospital. nick's friend, he is also with us. he was at the concert with nick. he helped save nick's life. we are also joined by russell, who was at the concert and taking pictures after the shootings started. how are you doing, how is your son doing? >> we were able to take the breathing tube out this afternoon. he is sitting up and speaking a little bit. he had about two and a half surgery sunday night. doing much better. >> sean: you said because he was such a big strong kid that his muscle helped save his life? >> the surgeon said he's not used to operating on someone with pecks like his. >> sean: data make you a little proud. will there be any lasting injury? >> fortunately, no.
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when he came to today -- >> sean: by the way, thank god. >> we do. tremendous support. his main concern -- he was a little upset when he heard that he's getting a lot of national attention because he is a hockey coach here at unlv. >> sean: he is a hockey coach? i played it growing up. i'm a big fan. >> he's been getting a lot of attention. he was really upset because there are 59 people that died. and he says i didn't do anything. my brother save me, billy saved me. he said it's really difficult. all the people in the hospital, it's been totally amazing. >> sean: billy, you are his best friend. if you are a hero and a paramedic, right? >> no, my brother anthony that was with us. >> sean: okay. but you helped him. you helped save your buddy's life. that's got to make you feel good for the rest of your life. >> we are grateful that he's hearing that we were there with him. >> sean: your daughter was there. you hear about this.
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he served on the police force for how long? >> 27 years. 20 of them on the s.w.a.t. team. >> sean: you know how dangerous the situation is. >> she called me. she was at the intersection. with mandalay bay. she calls me screaming petrified. she says dad, the police are making me get down and i hear firecrackers. she said it sounded like firecrackers and i'm hearing the rapid-fire of an automatic weapon. i'm like emily, that is not firecrackers. can you see anything? she said i'm literally in a dog pile of people. a police car just pulled up to block where they believe the shots were coming from. she said i can't get across the street. i said okay, stay down. >> sean: let me guess -- dad went running. >> i was in flip out, shorts and a t-shirt. i did not grab keys. i was so terrified. >> sean: you went and got your gun? >> i jumped back in the car and i cut down here.
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the whole time i am on the phone with her telling her what to do and she is running. i'm telling her i need to know which way you are running. but she's yelling out landmarks. she said i just passed away sis. hayden street. the street we are on, just doesn't go through. she said i'm running to a building that says video i'm running like a unit like a lunatic get down. it took me 53 minutes to get to her. >> sean: scary. >> the nice thing was as she was running, the gunfire was lessening. i could hear it weakening. >> sean: : coming you served in iraq. i >> i got back on september 7t. >> sean: you do it immediately. >> it sounded like fireworks but at the same time, i had heard those sounds before. it was surreal.
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i talked to a guy on my left. he dropped. i looked at him. i was like are you all right? and he said i just got shot in the leg. it i was like yep, that is a bullet hole. put a finger on it. everybody dropped on the second volley. once the ball he ended, i was trying to cover and once we started clearing out the areas, we started doing some hasty triage to make sure people were all right. one of my friends, olivia is a nurse. she followed me around. we were verifying whether people were breathing or not. then doctors, medics, numerous people were helping out. it wasn't just me. >> sean: you were able to help. >> roger, i was -- >> sean: i can't tell you are in the military. roger. >> i will continue --
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>> sean: thank you for your service. if you were able to help save lives. >> we tried. we definitely tried. tons of other people that were doing the same thing i was doing. >> sean: russell, you were there. if you taking videos. what were you thinking as you are watching the horror unfold? >> i saw people dropping. we were in the vip tent closest to the shooter when i heard the first three rounds. i started shooting video. i was shooting video at the concert. it was the last song. >> sean: right back here. >> yes. it took us 15 minutes to get out of the tent right behind you. running one way. and running the other way. >> sean: you are a hero. you got out safely. hoping other people. thank god you were there for your buddy. i'm glad your daughter is all right and we are still praying
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for your son, the unlv hockey coach. you've gotta be proud of him too. >> everyone. >> sean: absolutely. >> las vegas metro police department. >> sean: i've met so many. amazing. >> all the other people here. it looked like a war zone. triage everywhere. some new people helping, yelling. cars were being loaded up. it was fantastic. i'm conflicted by being here. i'm fortunate -- so many other people were hurt. i've been in this city for 27 years as a police officer. >> sean: you represent them. we are going to get back to the video in a second. we saw that and heard the scanner. the cops say we are going to have a breach. the guy they are preaching has a machine gun. >> those officers... >> sean: everyone else's scattering and they are running to save lives. >> absolutely. >> sean: thank you for 27 years of service. guys, thank you. thank you for joining us. moments ago, the authorities had
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this press conference right here in vegas. which did shed new light on the gunman. his name is stephen paddock and used this to carry out his heinous crime. >> currently, 47 firearms have been recovered. these firearms were from three different locations. they consisted of the hotel room, as well as mesquite and verdi, nevada. they were purchased in nevada, utah, california, and texas. he purchased rifles, shotguns, and pistols. at this time, none of the guns recovered appear to be homemade. there were 12 bonfire stocks identified in the hotel room. >> sean: joining us now, adam housley. a reporter for the vegas review journal. i always see on satellite -- i
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don't get to see you. you have really good news you're breaking. >> we know the woman that they have been looking for -- i'm told she's going to be landing in los angeles tonight. they brought her back. no direct flight from the philippines to vegas. from malaysia but not from the philippines. you assume she will be on a flight from los angeles to here on i assume the same night. >> sean: you also spent time in the neighborhood where this guy was. what can you tell us? >> yeah, sean. in this neighborhood, the shooter was basically a ghost. no one would really interact with him. he ate at taco bell and played at the casinos but -- >> sean: millionaire, played a lot. >> definitely wealthy. it lived in a very nice neighborhood in mesquite. 55 and up community that is still growing. but wasn't very flashy. not a lot of furniture outside. just a single chair in his
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backyard. >> sean: did he talk to neighbors a lot? >> no, neither did his companion. >> sean: there some story here, guys. >> it's interesting. we talk to people at the hotel. he is known. some of the workers were shocked when they saw his face. he was known as a big gambler. he stayed into different cabana. i'm told from people in the casino where they send the guys or gals, the high rollers, they knew who he was he was. >> sean: maybe that's how he got all the guns in the room. >> there are thousands of people coming in with bags every day. if he was here for four days, he could have brought into a day. >> sean: good point. but they did know him? >> yes. >> sean: let's go back to the girl from. obviously she's not a person of interest. she's going to land in los angeles tonight. good reporting on your part. we got this money -- they wouldn't answer at the press
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conference. there is some story. i've been seeing pictures online. i am very wary about what i'm saying. i'm reading at a lot of different things out here. that he had been to the philippines with her. i'm sure you've seen the same photos online but we have not confirmed it. >> there is a lot going to the neighborhood, maybe this is the only woman that had any kind of insight with him. that's what everyone wants to know. >> sean: a little bit of insight from the other relative that was uncomfortable. i guess that was her brother? the relative but said he wasn't comparable just being around him. >> that would point to some problems with this individual. for me it was interesting. talking to folks at the hotel. deep in getting a lot of phone calls from people blaming them for not stopping it. it's tough for a hotel. with that magnitude, that many people going through? this guy could have easily done this without anybody noticing anything. he was a quiet guy, the employees say.
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they knew him. a lot of employees -- certain employees did not recognize him right away. some were at the concert. >> sean: in the age and they have social media, granted he's in a different generation -- you can get something about somebody. it's like he's a ghost. this guy. i think there's a bigger story we're going to find out. guys, good to see you. i don't get to see you much. thank you for your good reporting. next time -- no tie. we are outside. geraldo rivera was on the ground in puerto rico covering the devastation for over a week. just a few hours ago, he caught up with president trump while he was touring the damage for an exclusive interview he will only see tonight, right here on "hannity." watch this and we will come back to vegas. >> president of the united states. thank you for coming. i'm sorry you are seeing the island under the circumstances. many people fear because of the awful tragedy in vegas he would be diverted.
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you came anyway. why? >> special people -- i know many people from puerto rico, i come from a place called new york and i love the puerto rican people. i know the island very well. i've been here many times. we have to help. we've done a fantastic job. it was a very tough one. an a+ in texas. an a+ in florida. and we may have done our best work here but it hasn't been appreciated but actually if you see over the last couple of days, people are seeing what we've done. the runways are open. the ships are pouring in. a lot of things are happening. it's great. >> on the note of not being appreciated, i know the mayor of san juan -- she's a probable democratic candidate for governor in 2020. she did not applaud. welcome to the bitter partisan politics of puerto rico. we've been blamed from everything the kids dying -- >> i don't know with the mayor but she was very, very nice at the beginning. she says it's incredible what happened and all of a sudden she
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went a little bit on the nasty side. and i guess she's running for office and it turns out i was right. isn't that a shock? your current governor, he is been amazing. your congresswoman has been absolutely amazing and the people, i met your state senators and lots of other people. virtually every mayor has been so thankful. the job we've done. it's the job of the navy and army and air force and marines. the whole thing. the u.s. coast guard, what they've done, the lives they have saved -- the people are really very thankful. >> to historic storms battered -- they wiped out a power grid that was already indicated. poorly maintained. corruptly managed. what do you do? is the marshall plan rebuilding, we see a truck plan to rebuild this poor island? >> we are going to help the people. a lot of people and a lot of
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debt, somebody and that before the hurricanes hit. they had a power plan that didn't work before the hurricane. we are going to help them. we are going to get it back feet. i'm very proud of the fact that if you look at one statistic, 16 deaths. that's a lot of dust. but 16 -- if you look at katrina, they had in the thousands. this was a storm, the likes of which nobody has ever seen. we had fema before the storm even came. they were on the island before the first storm. they got hit by two hurricanes. we are very proud of the job we've done. now we will have to try to get them back, the power is slowly getting on. the roads are open. the runways are open. these people that you've met today, the first responders, these are incredible people. >> i totally agree. it's been so -- the message to the puerto rican people, to what extent do you commit to help
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this battered place? >> we are going to work something out. they owe a lot of money to your friends on wall street. we will have to wipe that out. it's going to have to be, you can say good-bye to that. i don't know if it's goldman sachs but whoever it is, you can wave good-bye to that. the debt was massive on the island. >> my aunt ellie doesn't care about that. she wants some help -- she wants to hear from you. >> we are going to help the people out. we are going to get the electric going again. it was a complete wipeout. it was a lot of very valuable equipment. it was equipment in bad shape but we are going to put it in good shape. >> i really appreciate it. >> you been a great friend. thank you. >> sean: live with more on this exclusive interview with the president in puerto rico, geraldo rivera. geraldo, here's my main question for you, 15,000 people on the ground between the military and fema and only government
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workers. food, water, medicine, supplies. the navy with they are. we got top military commanders from afghanistan and iraq. pretty unbelievable stuff. do you like my hairdo? and the attack by only one mayor got picked up by everybody and it wasn't true. what did the president say about that? >> he obviously is hurt by that. i have to add one melancholy note, sean. we heard minutes before we went on air that the official death toll has risen from 16 to 34? 34. i would like people to understand is blame hurricane maria for those deaths. don't blame president trump. he really is trying. it's frustrating, the endeavor. the supply chain in puerto rico, its 1,000 miles away. it's a very difficult and logistically challenging operation and you are dealing
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with a dysfunctional government that really gave bad information to fema to begin with. the power plants are not damaged. it's the power lines that are down. i think we will get this done. the president going there was really important. >> sean: geraldo, i really proud of you. we were on the ground for seven or eight days? i promised i will match with whatever you've made -- i'm sorry, i was watching you, i am proud of you. i will match you a dollar for. samaritan purse, whatever you like. done. congratulations on the exclusive with the president. we appreciate it. joining us now live on the ground in vegas, three friends of mine. kia jones was on the stage one hour before with big and rich before the massacre. bob massi and conservative
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commentator niger innis. we also this video. this is one hour and 10 minutes. we won't play it but -- they played it earlier. i put it on everything a person, kaya, in this crowd. every light. look at this. 30,000 people. >> that's the take away, sean. we were united in that moment. millions of americans can see that we were completely united. not divided and this is the final moment -- loved ones that lost people that night, hold on to the fact that they saying god bless america. it was an honor to do that. 100%. >> sean: i think big & rich are friends with everybody. they really are. bob, niger, you guys have been
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both longtime friends. you know everybody. >> i've been here 44 years. i'm so proud about the way the city has been coming together. ironically how that song was played and then we have to face this. do what they have to do, we have great leaders. people like you to come here and show how great it is in until this story. >> sean: people don't know, it is right here. >> i've been in that casino 100 times. there's a pub called the foundation room. it's a fabulous casino and when i look at those windows, all it does up at a lump in your throat. this maniac. >> sean: you always try to put yourself in this position -- niger, i've known your father before he passed away. god bless him. such a hero to me. all those years, we did these dinners together. martin luther king martin luther king dinners. >> we were both in new york on september 11th. totally different atmosphere. the unity is the same.
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the unity among us, here in nevada. it is the same. i was going to applaud dena titus. a total contrast, the congresswoman of this district. total contrast from what hillary clinton and some of the other folks are doing. good move on her part to be responsible and a real leader. >> sean: your children are in the hospital, hanging onto life. on your knees crying and praying that they will survive this thing. you see what might have been -- you are on stage watching this. it just breaks your heart. >> it's heartbreaking. look behind us. there is a gate that's been broken because people were trying to get out. i mean, it was mayhem. complete mayhem. >> i was talking to this police officer. broken window and blood. and up here where there are these big reservoirs, this gentleman -- they're actually
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bullet bullet holes. trying to blow things up. that's how bad it was. >> sean: you have not slept. you are having trouble dealing with this. >> i am. in waves. guilt, sadness, anger. this is my hometown. we knew an attack was imminent. they had made it abundantly clear eventually something is going to happen. we have to now come together, do not allow this to affect us. 3800 plus law enforcement is working on the ground. this is a time where we have to be so thankful for our first responders. >> sean: i can't believe, niger. it is like this guy is a ghost. this was premeditated. >> absolutely. it was planned. no, no, no. this guy had been thinking about doing this for a long time and
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look, i don't want to add to the speculation in the social media conspiracy theories but i do not believe this was spontaneous. this was planned for a long time. i was just talking to somebody -- there is a church behind us. a christian church. i don't think the target that he had planned, the time he had planned to do this is an accident. this was a purposeful attack. >> those rooms get sold out. they were all sold out. weeks in advance. to get that exact vantage point? come on. >> this guy had to visit the place many times -- you can request a suite. i've got to believe he requested that sweet. speculation. sean, it is right -- god forbid it's a perfect vantage point to accomplish what you did. this is irrelevant what i'm going to say but i always say to myself with these rooms comped? was he of the gambler? >> sean: big gamblers get their rooms comped. >> i'm not saying mandalay bay did -- i'm just saying, these
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come to my mind. was this a comped room because he was in gambler? >> sean: you are an attorney. if see people lost a lot of money. >> and made a lot of money. >> sean: is this a normal reaction? >> of course not. 47 guns in three locations. >> 28 in his room. >> 20 in his room. >> sean, you wrote a wonderful book. "deliver us from evil. all the speculation, he was mentally ill -- this is evil. an attack on good, innocent people. >> innocent people. >> we saw a lot of good that night with first responders. >> sean: this is vegas right here. three great people. we are praying for your city. >> god bless you. >> sean: thank you. that's all the time we have left. as always, thank you for being with us. we will not be like the
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destroy-trump-media and politicized things. we will be live from las vegas tomorrow night. the president will be here with first responders. "fox news tonight" continues with brian kilmeade next. one this is fox news tonight, some stunning details are emerging about stephen paddock, the 64-year-old responsible for killing 60 people, for more details let's go out to trace gallagher working the story, doing the best he can to keep up with all the breaking news. trace, update us if you would. >> we got out of that news conference, it was fascinating. started off giving us a timeline of the actual shooting, the gunman fired between nine and 1e
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